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The Cleveland Leader and Morning Herald from Cleveland, Ohio • Page 2

Cleveland, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CORNING- -LEADER. THI'KHDAT MIIUKIMli II Hi) 1 HAH. A) -J PuSl.lsllSD t. YV 8 A 0 0., no. M4, taoicAN ii'iLDiifot.

iiTinoi rr. NOriCB TU MAIL. BUVSCKlUEltd. Th data at the fn4 the atria; ea hlh your earn pilatei, mMtl tt tint tekn your tustrription tapir. Vain tbaa renewed II will be 'Um rauilt kafer that eats, If jaa wild the pp otlaned.

fLir AND ORNAMENTAL PH1NTINU. C7 Plain amlOraamsutal Printing of avary Saaertellea teaes tha Prtatlaf Bstakllakaiaet of tbe Immitr Oftlre, sa Ilia lafast traur 'Tad and moatraatd ataaja araaaat, lntda bast it) la, on ahm aotloe, and at raeeoaabla ralaa. Particular aitsntioa paid to blank work. Krary daaertpll.B Blank Book. Ladsara, Joan.

la Sale Boik. Raeslvinc Books, ar. Reaablleaa Mallenal t'ea veatlaa. The National Republiean Committee have appointed June 1 3th, I860, tha time. And the alty of Chicago as Ihe place, for holding the Republican National Convention to nominate caoJiJates for President and Vic Preaident of the Coiled Statea.

John Copeland and the Virginia Authorities. WASHINGTON, D. Dec. 19, 1859. Kditoi IitADia In the Near Tork Herald of the 18ib, I find the following "There ia a sienificint fact connected with the execntione, which illuitratea the real extent at evnmalhv exiaiinir for the ncoro.

about whom all this vile fanaticism ia raging foa whoa waller we are told, the Harper terry treason waa conceived and eonaurnmated aiiJ that ia, that while the mortal remains of the two white coi 'icte have been claimed by their friendf, the bodies of the two unfortunate free negroes, bare no friends at Ibe North to claim them and lay them decently in mother earth They will be buried under the ahadow of the gibbet upon which they die." Thia, like the uiual atatemcnta of that paper. ia false. The relatives and frienda of John Copeland in Ohio, hare made the moat earned effort to aecare hie body for Chriatian burial bat without effect. Governor Wiee wai telegraphed by the Mayor of Oberlio, A. N.

Beecher, and received for answer that the body would be delivered by Gen. Taliaferro to any wain citizen. Mr. Boeder then telegraphed a gentleman here, king him whether be would go to Charleatown and tee that the body waa placed in charge of the Express Company, or get aome one to go, The gentleman replied affirmatively, and at once secured the aervicea of the correspondent of one of the strongest pro-alavery papers i Kentucky. Tin correspondent, who ia Bouthcra and strongly pro slavery in aenti' ment, waa farniaaaaj with the order from tli gentleman in question, and also with a letta frem the Hon.

Mr. Boteler, who represents the Charleatown diatrict, which waa furnished at the requestor the Hon. II. G. Blake.

On hi arrival at Charleatown he was ushered into tb presence of Gen. Taliaferro, but on presenting his letters, waa put under arrest and kept tor twelve hours, when he was permitted to return to Washington. The next morning the papen stated that the body of Copeland was, or would R. Iho special correspondent of the Cmoinnati Gazette, who waa present at the execution of Green and Copeland aays "They were allow ed to remain in the ground but a few momenta, when they were taken up and eonveyed to Vt inchesler for dissection." Some time previoua to the execution, the colored citizena ot Philadelphia held a public meeting, and in the most respectful and earn eat language petitioned Gov. Wise lor bodies of Copeland and Green for decent in norma it.

It is thia petition Gov. Wise prob ably alluded, when ho replied to the requestor the Mayor of Oberlin, that the body of Copeland would be delivered to any wuut citizen. This promise waa not only brokon by the Virginia autboritiea, but the a hits agent sent ly the Oberlin relatives and irienJe of Copeland to obtain hia body, was put undtr arrest and ktlifor twelve hours Meanwhile the Virginia hyena robbed the graves of both the colored martyrs, and dissected them with cannibal ferocity. Such disregard of an official pledge, auch birbaroua outrage of the decencies of common humanity, are the legitimate fruils the degrading and beatbeuiah institution, fitly described aa the "sum of all villainies." African sivages better deaerve the name of Christiana R. Cool Weather in the West and North-West.

The West baa got tbe atart of the East in severe weather thia winter most decidedly. Hone of the Eastern papers report very severe old in that aection, and do not brag of good sleighing. On ths other hand ths Western and KortU Western journal report both in full luxury. In St. Louis the cold ha been intenso and the sleighing fine.

At Waverly, Deo. 6th, the mercury fell 12 degrees below zero, and continued below for aome days. At o-kuk, Iowa, the mercury was below zero, and ths Mississippi frozen over. At Council Bluffs the mercury stood 18 degrees below xcro on the 7th, and Stewart who arrived at Fort Biley on ths 7th, from his camp on Pawnee Fork, had some thiity of his men badly frost bit tan.

Capt. S. had hie face badly scanned by frost. The sleighing at Chicago i passable, and the barque Sunabiue which arrived on the l'Jlh from Buffalo with cargo of railroad iron, reported the ice six inches thick in the Straits. Tha schooner Badger State got froie in, and will have to winter in the Strait.

Very Late from the Mines. News of Deo. Hh stales that the cold weather ha effectually wound up ut door mining operation for tbe year. A lew are still working in drift and tunnels getting out dust for next Spring washing. At Gregory's mines the two steam quartz mills are (on night and day, and produce large returns of gold.

Some 1300 miners will winter at tbe mines, working as the weather permite. AU the later account from tbe Pike Peak mining region are very flittering, labor yielding rich returns. Many miner the pat full averaged from ISO, to .30 ud $40 per day. Over a million of dollars in dust haa been eent away from the mines, and with the improvements in mining and extracting ths gold next season, look for a very handsome California yield this side of the Kocky ountaina. A very Urge emigration may be looked for to Jef feraoa Territory, exceeding the rush of laat Spring in tha aggregate.

The great forwarding concern of Buaaell Co at Leavenworth, will make auengeinente to transport some 70,000 persona early ia tbe season. The Mortara Child. By tha laat foreign arrival, it ia slated that the father of the young Mortars, of Romaa ee. lebrity, is in Paii. His errand ia to petition the European Uongreaa, not yel In to intercede for the release of his child.

lis is a man of gentlemanly manner and appearance, atill youug, and with aa air of much ealia deferral- nation ilia wifa waa recently confined of an-, other child at Bologna, whither MorUia had withdrawn altar the breakiog outof the revolutionary movement, lest sorus release should be made to take this ishuit from him While at Borne he states that be was never allowed to aaa) hie hoy except in ths presence of priests, who told bios that "hi, only hop of reeovering hi child was ia becoming a aoavert buuaall The Mortara Child. The Burial of Edwin Coppic. HANOVER, Dec. 19, 1859. EniToa or th Lbapsh Yesterday I at tended the fnneral of Ehw'n Corric at friends ttinir, near 'Whihery'e Mill.

JoencA Cor- ai uncle of bis living near there, left here last Wednesday for Charleatown to procure his body, baring received a telegraph despatch the day before to do so, from ths Virginia authori ties. He, with one er two other frienda, returned last SaturJay to this place with tha body on the evening Express, when notice was given that the burial would take pla-e next day at 9 cloak. Before their return it waa expected lat the body would be taken to Iowa, but for reasons aatisfactorv to bis friends it waa decided to burr him here. The time waa very short, but the word waa rapidly circulated through the neighborhood, nd a larger funeral I waa never at. It ia said that riot less than 3,000 persona cim to look at the victim of Virginia's revenge and malice, during the few hours from morning till the burial took place.

Of course there would have been a much larger attendance had a longer time been allowed. I heard several say to day that they would hate attended if they had known it. Cornc'a friends are members of the Society of Friend, sod of course the funeral waa conducted ac cording to their rulea. A Very deep feeling appeared to pervade among the people, and a great deal of interest to hear of the doing during the last houia of Cornc'a life; and I have not the leaat doubt but every anti-Slavery man and woman left the ground with a deeper hatred of the vile syatem of American Slavery. I thought of Jefferson's word that he "trembled for his couutry when he reflected that God had no kttributes that could take the aide of the oppressor;" and well may we tremble, for Ho will not enffcr hi creatures, een the humble African to be always oppressed, and to my mind circumstances indicate that the day of retribution ia fast hastening npon ua.

Hut to return to the funeral. All could not tain admittance into the house to see tha corpse. It was taken into the vaid and placed on a table, and aa each one came to the aide of tbe collin they appeared to linger over it with more than usual interest and aynipatny.noiwunstano-ing the disfiguration of the face, caused by the mode of death. Tha feeling produced on one waa very differ ent, from tbe teeling in looking upon one dying from natural causea. In looking on mm 1 thought, Oh! if he only hsd succeeded in bis ellVrt to escape the ninlit before his execution.

Uia friends made a strong eltort before the Virginia L'eislature to have hia aentence com muted to imurisoument, and nearly succeeded, there beina a tie vote in the Lower House anu ouly three or four votes against him in the lamer. Ihev thought it would nave neen granted, had not the letter to Mrs. Brown been iiTOduewd and road belore tne nnal vote was ia ken. They aay that at the last Gov. Wise ex- bibitej a oret deal ot sympathy for Uoppic, and used his influence with the Legislature to have his sentence commuted.

I was told at tha funeral that he aaid if he had the power be would send bim home to his mother. But after declaring they should he hung and acting as he haa, his sympathy at the eleventh hour is D. Funeral of John E. Cook. a of The funeral of Capt.

Cook took place at Brooklyn on the 20th, from the residence Mr. 8 L. Harris. The services were conducted by the Rev. Mr.

Caldicolt of the Lee avenue Dutch Reformed Church, end at the grave in Cyprca Hills Cemetery by the Rev. Wni. 11 Johoaun. Of the body the day previous ths Tribune says: Owing to the length of time that elapsed between tbe decease and the time the body waa delivered into tbe charge of Dr. Holmee, tbe pioceas of embalming baa been somewhat dim cult, and consequently the appearance of the remains is not so natural aa it would otherwise have been.

Last evening the body waa placed in an erect position, in urdur allow tb injo ted fluid to settle in the veine and arteries, aa to give to Ihe face a more natural appearance. The swelling has entirely disappeared from the neck and face, and tbe decomposition which had set in baa been checked. Tbe remaina will not be enshrouded until this morning, when they will be placed in the collin, inclosed in while merino robe with a aatiu cord about the waist, and a black neckerchief about the neck. Yesterday afternoon the father, sisters and wife of the deceased were permitted to view the remain. His wife removed the breast pin and a nnuiature of their child from about his neck, which she had placed there a few days previous to hia execution.

She ia but IS yems of ago, and haa an infant four mooths old. She is from Hirper's Ferry, Va where she wae married about 17 months since. She, aa well aa the other relative, was ovrrwhelmni with sorrow, and it was some moments before they auiiiciently recovered to be enabled to leave the body. The refusal of tbe Consistories of the Lee avenue and Fourth Reformed Dutch lhurchea to permit the service to be held in their edifices has given rise to the expression of much feeling, and many of the frienda of the deceased inlar that thia refusal ia made from fear of censure on tbe part ot some of the nienihers of their oongregationa, in allowing Christian burial to the remaina Selling a Free Man into Slavery. Slavery at ed men aa well as those who wear cofllea by virtae of State lawa.

Frank Mitchell, ltom Columbus, Ohio well known in that city the State Journal aays to be a free man, hia brother engaged aa porter at Ihe Goodala Uonse alio attesting Frank's freedom is advertised by the Sheriff of St. Louis county, Missouri, to be sold as a slave at auction at the door of the Court House, on the 30th day of January, 1860, under the laws of Missouri in such cass made and provided Mitchell, 33 years of age, it aeeina from the advertisement of tha Sheriff has been lying in a Missouri jail ever sines the 0th of October, 1850, on the heinous cbargo of being suspected as a "runaway alave," though ha haa protested that "he is from Columbus, Ohio, and that ha is a free man." No owner ha appeared for bim though the Sheriff haa duly in a little more than a month benre Ihe unfortunate and maltreated Mitchell ie to be sold into life slavery for eoete and jail keeping! Such lawa and humanity would ahame Alger-ines. Our State government ought to protect the humblest inhabitant of the commonwealth, and Ihe people and authorities st Columbus should, and we trust will, take immediate steps to secure the liberty of the falsely and oruelly imprisoned Mitchell. The John Brown Fund. Mr.

Hyatt has publiahaj a gratifying statement of the answer of the people to his appeal for a fund fur the benefit ol John Brown's family. The net proceeds of the first month were the handsome amount of which he proposes to pay over at once to Mrs. John Brown, North Elba. Two thouaand and fifty-three Pholographe of tbe Hero Martyr were sold duiiog the month. The Holidays.

Chrialmaa and New Year Day fall this season on Sundiy. The usual custom in such eises is to keep the next dsy, Mondsy, as Holiday, and presume thia will generally be done Dow. Custom seems to sanction thia course, and Monday ia more convenient for observance tbaa Saturday. Till Taoora at CHiaiKeTOM. A portion tu Virginia, army left Charleatown the next day altar tbe execution on the Ifllb, but si btepWees and Uazlitt are aull confined ia ths Charleetowa jail, a fore of about 409 strong me cow (hooter will bs kept thee lr several waakslongsr.

warafca-anrocs. aforwie vtraa! awralrrar, Slave Auction in Richmond. so a Mr. Ltwu, of the Akron Besson, mad trip to Richmond to lay tb uhjet of Joba Btewn'e insanity I afore Gov. Wise.

Tbe Governor declared Blown sane from hie own observation of the man, end would take no steps uodir the lawi of the Slate to test question by a jury. The nu-neroue affidavit presented bf Mr. Chilton, counsel of Capt Brown, ere of no more coneequenoe with Ihe foregi ne concluaion Governor of Virginia so niuch blank 14 er. iae id decreed death and was inexorable. Tue editor of the Beaoon hai improved trip by making on Virginia." In taking the cars at A'exandria for Richmond, Conductor requested the white travelers to into a forward oar, lemarking "We are going to hav a parcel of srrt-uilr in this car, and on don't want to be mixed up with servants." Tbe Ohioan did not hurry fjiward so rapidly to preclude a sight of tbe "servant." je: There were fifteen In all, including tea eleven adults of both aeiea, and four ot children, some near maturity, and the youngret, of perhaps three or lour years, 111 tiieaimaoi one of the men.

Thia child waa a mulatto the rest seemingly of unmixed blood, but hav ing the brown or Madagascar comp exion, rather than the jet black of the Weelern Uoaat of Africa They were all comlortably clad, femalee even tidily, and their appearance indicated no want of cire on the part of the master or miatrers. Having aoanned them attention, I went, as requested, into another ear. At the Capital of Virginia the next day L. dropped into Ihe alave mart of Messrs. Pul-lam Belts, who sdvertiaed that "IS likely negroes will bs sold this day at 10 o'elock Ths "Auction Room" was distant but quarter of a mil from the Capitol and Capital Square, ornamented with tbe alatuea of Washington, Jefferson, Pstrick Henry, and others, who, when liviug, proclaimed Liberty to man.

Their language then used, would to-day ostracise ihem from the Old Dominion, with tar leathers on their backs and halters around necks. Such ia Virginia degeneracy Mr. Lawie thus describes the present traflic of the Slave-breeding old Commonwealth: Entering the large room I eaw at once identical tilteen whom I had seen in thocars Alexandria the previous eveninir. They were in a coiner of the room, at the aide of the auctioneer's platform. The sale was commencing.

A black girl, so tar as one might guess aged stood upon the stage, with the auctioneer.while his colored servant atood upon the floor, to ahow the girl and holding her hand occasionally per haps tr ateidy her. Her limbs were examined with about as much delicacy as a horse buyer would use in his trade. Her hands, arms teeth were looked at and her neck. "Show the auctioneer and it was done. tlcven hundred Eleven hundred and ten- Eleven twenty thirty filly seventy five iiiirhty ninety twelve hundred Uoinir Ooing! Once! Twice Gone The girl sold lor $1,200.

There was perhaps seventy, or eighty persons in front of the auctioneer's stand. It waa with them a scene evidently too frequent occurrence to excite thought omution, unless as to prices and the stale of market, dot on the part of tbe slaves oould discover any tracea ol acute etnotions except tuat tne oldest man ol the group (perhaps, ol coursa I did nut auk, the lather of the justiold, and of "Sue' who now cornea ihi block) cried bitterly thoi gh not aloud The reit wore a painful dejected look, but were no tears or abrieka. The little mulatto child, atands and looks on with childish wonder Very little conception has bs of the meaning this Ths gill whsn sold was conducted through door in the rear of tha room; and "Sue'' called to the platform: not unlike the first appearance, tnough a little stouter framed uiore robust, but whether younger or older cjuM not guesa. After a thorough scrutiny like th it before described, the bidding at SI300, I do nut know precisely the price at wli'JIi Ihe aecond one waa aold, aa my attention at niomont waa drawn oUowhere, but 1 b'luveit wae 1370. My eurioaity was satisfied; could not well stay to see the rest and the one aold Tbe prices, a I tbuught, were high; but Virginia is a stock growing slaves are the staple crop; the qualities in jo nt of view, govern the price.

Brutal indeed must tbe man, nnused to si his, have been, who could look upon group of negroes snd conjecture the probable relations among them, uf parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, without feelings hardly to be repressed, dangerous to utter here. An hour or two afterwards I passed tbe lion room; the sale was over. State Board of Equalization. a a Tbe valuation of JclTeron count; returned at S3 1,75 per acre was increased 8 per cent, acre Knox county returned at (21,73 waa creased 8 per Madison county returned at $21,05 waa passed a appraised Mahoning unty returned at (25,47 waa reduced 6 Medina county returned at (17,12 acre waa increased 25 per cent and county returned at (14,47 per acre, was reduced 10 per cent. Attempted Escape of Cook and Coppic.

a pf of Messrs. Cook and Coppic, after the failure their attempt to escape frem the Charleatown jail, drew up the following atatement, which waa handed to tho correspondent of the Haiti. more American for publication. He aays "it written in a beautiful atylo of poomanship, and ia a curiosity coming from a man who in a few hours to suffer death." CauRLKSTowN, Friday, Dec. 16, 1859.

Having been called upon to make a statement in regard to the ways and meant our breaking jail, we have agreed to do from a sense ot our duty to the Sheriff ol county, and jailor and jail-guard. We do wish that any one abould be uujuatly censured on our account. Tbe prinoipal implement with which opened a passage through the wall of the was a liurlow knife and a aorew wbioh we out of tbe bedstead. Tbe knife waa borrowed lioiu one of tbe jail guards to cut a lemon villi. We did nut return it to him.

He no idea of any intention ou our part to break out; deitlier did the Sheriff's jailor nor any the guard have any knowledge of our plans. We received no aid from any person or pe ton whateer. We had, at we supposed, moved all the brick exaapt the laat tier, aeveral day ago, but on the evening previoua to breaking out, we found our miataka in regard that matter. We had intended to go out the evening that my aister and brother in-law were here, but I knew it would throw reflection on theio, and we post pone it bull urged Coppie to go and I would remain, but lie relua ed. We then eonoluded to wsit.

I got a knife blade from Hlnelde Green, with that made some teeth in tb Barlow with which we sawed off our ihackles. had Ihem all off the night previoua to eur ting out. Coppic went out first ami I followed We then got up on the wall when 1 waa discovered, and shot at The guard outside wall immediately came up to tbe wall We saw there was no chanee to eeeape, aa it waa discovered that we had broken walked In deliberately and gave ourselves up to the Sheriff, Capt. Avis, and the guard. There waa no person or persons aided aa in our escape.

Tnie ie true, so us God. (Signed,) Joiirt K. Cool. Edwin Corno. L'MroaTAxiTa Mr.

Uartman Ward, who en the North Birise Road in ferrv. within a few weeks met with qaita a chapter aeciuente. Mia mile girl, ageu seven years, from a bugty and broke one of her anas. weeks age air. W.

had his collar bone broken, and one week ago to day hiadwalliur house bulged Ihe ground, with most of his funitur and clothing. Tbe fire occurred about I o'clock the afternoon, when the family were all eent, and is aupposed to hsve originaied from defect in Ihe etove pipe, lie bad no insurance. Hit aeisbbort with a most comniendsbl liberality, immediately raised a purae of aixty lara and presented it to bim, and are alae lumbar and ether materials to enable lo raliuua at enee. rauunMt AB9trt4rl MARRIED, Oetna lllb li.w-nf N. at Tail anu PIUOMt TVKNB.H, Uiu.

Huron I'd. im h. rt fi'ARKa. of and Mm fcKM. of kielnn I DIED.

In Mvsilloo, ra.r bto af, I uslrlila. I'llh. Ttl-'ovrt Ftr, In the 33d tALf.D CAM BY, lotni.iljol ptuia. New Advertisements. a go He or five the lib THR KXCKLiSIOK COAL OIL ML'RNICR Hi fsi.

omi wf la Um Mrktt Tb lor br or bp a Mi MAHIO RTRtffT AFKW MOKK LKFT. (m' 'in Utcfnu, rf Hrifnt fMfT $1 Jit pWfdaW. tat tt1-vt lit oi tmftF, like fr." "1 ii fivti'mi'iun 01 Bv or wi -t rtfc mor 11 lfa ci ua awn Bouun ttrrmta. Mailt Oj Mail a.Tr btr. UnAHSHAW STIKRI bVS A K.

PU SUA NT to th ctramitod a wrtto; VahJI vrmti. fr- Conn wfCommitn t( ufuhitrt c. uib ui jt piiisji pin ttil tr "It- HC llnllavr-rtnili deft 10 tlirortfil, I rfirml-ir otllc tnr i. ih 4o uf tfir (un lloiiAe tcurnt-r tr Smi plfttn rrtrli) tn th ri! in hmJ oun'v on thBUdUR ol Jam ofn 1U. the tullowiai tli -Krri'wU an i tonrtu -nt to vjit: Kit- a) ft id to nth vf Parma, con ivy of Cuynhota Ohio, Biivwia pais ui l.

at li Hi mi (. tmau Tiat. ralUd. bi nit! all tit ti.iil Ltit Nn tw.i....t. iiif a (- on tti m'utii pitrl liit-fi con-ri( bf mul ii mi rwr mail io mi juuo luuirriDi Uf Wurra i' J'tnl, tnj ium ml tin tie iuu'h, of ttt antl wni itii.

fttid nn thv ft vtb 1r I mo tr. rj driwn p-tratt-l with mil liu frutn tu throiub paid Lot tin. auJ ar I' litth from 'ft -it hi in cint i 1n rei ImmI mnrtnf hpic i luM ft lfd tKrsriirvCf Miiitt hn tuna arraaut 11111, inr but aubjtct ii avgast nisjiiwuj aftppr iru a wm mi. 1. L.

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TovBoVw. PhHilrfinV Rmli ami T.i vn f-ior-ry in ettmit a i SOTS GIRLS- mi in, in vr uf- JUVENJLBS I 1 CHILDRES'S ttHHV'i kookh Bv PRESENTS JUVENILES! JUVENlLBSt JUVENILE! iinr. r. I Mlllli KS, eoli HV HDWilTS TA1.RM. ul, r' ot rli tuil Ho'ir, vol bl'uit' jWaoronm y'o i Rullo kit; bb iti Juvftinin Rritles; rtlr Opljci' S'Ttfa; jUiiRi SknM l.ibrnry; ludi rt' Jiii(tnii Lb nrj; Vminc Poni' Li ran llIM Sun) ftttU -lOTlfa- PRESENT for JUVENILES! JUVENILES tn tkt INsrth Hid! Must ud JUVENILES for Good JUVENILES! i I imtv Ua tl Mil )' li ar: od rhiiu nOwn i I in tli Villry: a I ami.

Ia Ik i mi' i.cdvjct; il.mitiira Hmtr BihiK; rim rl ml Tni Wuauii' Mnmii-'i Jsw- Wi 1 ati'i Wiiy: Kri K-iinle; Hurl' miIi n' Tfawaliatiil Aivuturvi: fliiv' Own B'1: Wll Ba-uh, WtU Doue: rtit Pear tMiular iter; Pltfcut Hrfhi, iml Boon. INGHAM fc BIUOU. fair of to the not jail took had of re our to on and knile, We get the and jail, jail who help re-sides has. of fell Two was ab a dol healing bim A LARGE AND FULL VARIETY INOIUM fc BA10. CHEAT S.lFsi: DRY GK)ODS! 25 to 60 Per Cent.

REDUCTION IN PRICES! TN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR -L IMMIMK 1'lTlt. ,7 ao a.11 at likaraliliujuau 48 e.000 till, twat of Filuta at auj 0 1.0) ria. baat.ialilr Wool Plaid alaa.tusa. I.OiO rda aaw aljrlv Da Laiaaa aa radaoad pric (II Panama Faaoa Silka al aa. a Hleli Fanrf Mlkaal Ba.

'S" SO Ulecoa qua Uf Morreua, Sa to Si. itl id 00 do P.iuladWawlDaLalua.alJa.toj,. rd. loaks, Cloaks I Tas naxeal atrlas, lo ka rl anl WITHOUT SEUAHD ITO COST Shawls, Shawls. ka aiaat ba aold, aud will 0IIF AP WHITE GOODS la at ai.

Sanaa, al tha lawaal iirl. aa. 1000 YARDS CASSIMERE3, At a iraal radacUo. 1000 YARDS CLOTHS, tBaV CHSA. ZEPHYR W0P8TED GOODS.

t. IfllUfc. oUleaaaal Mulrlanraat ky i aTaa LtWIS 4l EASTO K. Ucantiful Pictures, OF DYcry Description ron HOLIDAY CilFTJ AT SARGKANT'8, 213 PUPERTOR ST. (FUBS, FIT IIS.

FURS! K. STAIR Sc CO. IUt Jatf rtcfirnl by tTtt ltrr ndJitma IIUCI Of a i i ii s' FANCY FURS! EXPESSLY FOR TUE 1I0LIDA YS. Ttislr Slack of CniLDREN'S FURS, la vtry iKinttle Alaa, GENTS' FUR COLLARS, GENTS' FUR GLOVES, BUFFALO AND SLEIGH ROBES. All of wye THEY WILL SELL AT LIVVEK PEffiES Thau aii? oihor UMitirmnt In tU dir.

tfcr'M CHINA AND num plated am. A FINE ASSORTMENT FOR THE il HOUUAYS, fur aala hr fi-ll A li FII.NKK. IllinoT at. It li JC NOT TO FORGET, THAT OVIl CHRISTMAS GOODS! Cf kieat klrlfi, tu- cow MrrlTint, AND ARE TO BE SOLD! C0WLES CO. IIOLIDVY VUKSliXTSt An Importation of ELEGANT PARIAN GOOD Ezrettly for the Itolfari, it oue-balf ItMs lUiu luriaar irtct Urffl Kad tttcsk of tL FINEST SILVER PLATED WARE, OOUrBUlNO TEA SET3, CAKE BASKETS, CASTOBS.

FBU1T KNIVES. FORKS, HPOON3, io. An naifvalatl uajr'nhsat at Fancy Gilt China, alien as ASIuS, CoH'KtS, TOY SET 1, MATCH BOXk'i ABU STANDS, KNICK-KNACKS', DOLL HEADS, ac. dc 3' 4 a. I Is ft- 1 -5 CHRISTMAS STORY, tBT THEODORE PAHKER.

THE TWO CHRISTMAS CELE A. UKATIONAPric. otutu, 40 ceuta; fill txtru, usu'aj. juit puuninau riy Kl'Fi: IE1GH10.V HI BiWITOrf. POB.

THE HOLIDAYS. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF ft 13 II TOYS, ron THE LIT TLB ONES, AT JOilN BCllitIXK'3. AlaoA Kilt vrialv nl nnNVvrTtnNVail'l FANIIV AHTICI.tM 60 IlEJAini I NEW BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS! IN THE LATEST DEMONS. Jual ouaoadl aud oowoAsiad al TATLOB, GKISW0LD 4 Ausiignee's Sale, On Saturday, Deo. Slit.

18S9. 'PHE UNDERSIGNED, ASSIGNEE ot AJtha at ftlaUr.n rjt, will Nllil lliir itr, N. a7k Vimrt ICfc U4U. CllfciiLm( pavrt.uf 1 CLOTHS, CaSSlXERKS AND VESTING, Overcoats. Jlaslness Rack anil lia'f Pack Coats, Kino lllack Dross Coata.

I'auts, Vcsti Hoys' Jacketa, Ac, Ac Alao, a aoaaplata atock of CENTS' FUKNISIIINQ GOODS, A lot of 1 AIL OK SHIMMING, STORE TUu mottiy 1 tu tooil fitrr. 1' IM solll I lulB lO Bull LurcliaaeiaBt liasatlaara airak rivfiiuiifinri wjiuitiiaia rial, tu cuuiniear i eio'K A -H 'l'ruit tUsUa tauwa on dn nf sile HJS.OaM U. GATlTr. Awit fTeinirii. limey lit i Solf-G'enorating Gas Light HAS COME! A ND MAY BE SEEN DAY AND ia.

M1UH1' ai Mrara. Chlk ta 'a Markla Kloia, 170 8CFERI0R STREET, A fair ttlal will satiaA aav oi a Ihnt Una NKW ia iar untapar ajM aa uriniaul aa ma Cual Uas kna oa lo ba ioba Tha auhMTiibar aina ui-rriixkrd tha akova aiiant fio- lh flainol la oroua id lo Uiapoaa al Cviiuly Miabts toait araaod fora clrralar Addr. MP M1SI.C. daoTOFS Unin.lin.UadO TVJEW ROOKS AND PERIOD! A. a t.Jia.awA Kolaatia klasBsaaa jf Kaick'ibjekar Haroar'a Maaasla alloa's Dollar alMlkla Ilall'ajoaualef Haaltk Air Hra: awl till la' Oar AlaasiM lor Jaa, Hslpar'a iios 11 aatra'd T.ot'doa Nawa.

Itlaatralad Naaafika Wiina laal a W.ak I'la a Paaok a jaat mlad or A.a,ii a. Alati. iba Naw Idic Lvar Laatia nioairice. w.frni a. uiaHnmaiw, aa lala araaa, a4 aAl ana ai ataaj ya a aui Ujiin.aa.

Vosaalasr BAWtce a SB1 smafeafil ka.iwlwil la. 1 If hi Amusements. 0 tka a Utl it ACADEMY OF MUSIC. A ISA II u.v U' r.i.. AIaVHaH.

RnjmpitPt of if Clt hratcA COOPER OPERA TROUPE FOIt ONH IVFMt OM.T. ComprlKlng Biventceo Talented Artiste. tolo Violinist ao.t MoMinr .11 O. txioraa, Lata lullltui (jkia. a isiui la I ANNIE MILKER, Trima Donna.

MISBH. PAYNE WH. BOWLm, MH. AlNaLI- COOK." AsalKnl h' Mm Dvaatvona, Meid n.l M.aara. KTikl.

HKIUOS. tUQUa.1, Plaaiat HERB MULLKIt. Thnreday BvenlBR, Decs Zttt 18B, Will be prsaaiitcd Oraa Or rrauf IGRItI4. i Ailaiin Cl'tlitiK Itviua KtMi OroKO SIANNIIC Mil NPR. "lifn II.

Ha'na. Mis t.mltl. i Mr 'lir. air Bualar. Mr.

Luuk. D. a snrl rnnfltr rl irn cti; Ualtary, 16ci. lioxea iwiu 11 1 tu til. tV It caw ml ri ePirpi1 wirji lr ito Fair it ml festival.

A AIR AND FFSTIVAL.PJj saV TT llitf llfi mnwiimw vi wis "i jva-av i trii' tutu, wuu full a' Harp i' tny.AUl ieJJ TKEMONT HALL, Oa TuesOar, December 27th, 18i9. A ar iut Had Ui alts d. Th llav A. t'raiiks will sa prtsant and adlroa the au- raAdmt'BnraTKW rENTS da-30 Aorefalhers' Iay. SPECIAL INVITATION 3 Hit lloflur tbo Mayor ami cr tww mid red olhar nil ui OKSIArV U.

DODO Wiil racaiva a COMl'LIMKNTABt BENEFIT la C1IAPIN HALL. Thursday Evcninf, December 1S50, tFoiaMUtra' Da, ADT-irar-nir i Ilia Laodinf of tha TICKETS, 25 CENTS, i t.s (iff mt Joai Stacfjy'f, and tha Mmin Stort of OtBlaa aOuUt. Dtiori odd nt Cflnc.rt to onuraence tt 7H rtyFor rmrtirnturp p'ogrmmme. dp'iOteWl I'cto Ingland festival rpilE SONS AND DAUGHTERS I new MiIU'l IHU HI s.s...- at ihfL.tiiii.Tol tlil Fill. una hr a faaiiTnL atibii On ThuraJay Evening, December S2nd, 1859, Tho N.

K. Sorictv will mntin Atuicr II Parlor at it t-upixir hiU li uu tii libm at ytm- k. 1... i r.ll.miiia Miauui! rl. in.

i um ui, tj I)r L. LlUla A tn oar, 8. M. llarlcw, I p.Midlalu.., Kiiumaii. Huu l).

Ptimar, Win S'dwaroa, If -l'ultle. K. I) i.ii", HU.ides. Alao, ul llie olllua of hr Anelrr. ns hlaur.

Jr t.UAAU MiaUl'IiHAUK AND FANCY DRESS BALL rriTE MONTE CR1STO ASSOCIA HON will biv a Urn ml Aliiiqucratdu ita luocy AT ATIIENIUM HALL, I.tte Uray't Armory. On MonJay Evening, December 20th, 1859, ryRtch prrson vill rti ol Uip.H lo uamutlc registot tliirniaf or -nifriiin 1111. No pm nt will be run. red uy mo iiiniif meat to kcui re ilu guenis rSTTirkst cso Im Lroonred lufurd HriTWtnl i tl n( I lie K. KX'irCM 1 1(U0 wikIuul' -arr aim will uIwm leave ihclraU nt I'm aliiiv I.

In, -na bf. but HI hi ill I ii us wisnn-f io tirocnr riFTuaivcii mo cv.ii- in 1J r. Bvr UtiJuit, 19 WiUua atrt, or at Uic lljlimi ids niKiu 1 1 iuu uuik 'ticket- tlui. bdim tiDf Ueiit uU Ltd 8tctator iicketii 111JC ttluMJ ANNUAL lroinenaIe Coucert, iFORJHE HKNEFIT of ALEUT nsk (l i PIY will brt i iMJ.rhn. MA II n.uu i.V L.MaNo, JA MH.

lkVll. 1 UK OKI IlrjoTKA ronMln of WPHTV-HrE Pk- FOhMfcRH, Will li URrll ill dirt -U irf VaK tiL l- iik KsVNeiMJ Win iiutmiuticifa iiv ni ni. iullou Tli Klm.r will lf umlt-r lt KMiert.1 dircrti-ii ui WiLL 1AM ILiD, tuai lea ui tli lotlutviuK Jour F. 1 mi, H. UlMalkt).

A. iUl'MvOH, James Geivsiiaw. frF fart, JmiMniL' tiitui tu iu mill Latdie. 11. Thf t' lull tn Company rctf''iiillv intllei) he pi on iln ci'Ctitinn.

'J be iTiviar-Y oulu rn tvl if an 'ii to thfl rhariL-irr mil Mirem oi their (orun oiu eit. fli ifii- in tli en ry tlin will dr to ulnLut io ilia tfiij ymeot ul tl; puriy. QUADRILLE BAND. T. li.

WcAFER'S QUADPILLE BAND wilt fumuU Music lur Fu'jiic AntiDbile urn! Vu-tatu I'uriie r- (Hi'an lfi lBi SniiBca it romir of Frtiikfort. ot In ilir ba1-! mm. ton corn hank anil Mf rrhnnti llauk, wni receive piumpl tUlouliuu. 'ill Iluntls Hcigii Anchor, Alitiy CHAND kOITH HEA ILLUSTRATED OX 8000 FEET OF CANVAS THE SPLENDID A 1 COPPERED and t.piK'r-l'tli.lii.'U wi.ata:no KI.IZAUk.lll STAHBl'l Williams, on nuii.lir, Will ami tVKHV KVkN'MU THU WLEKaad Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons Prom k.r tn Minima AT THE MELODEON. at o'rlnnk i a Hi1 erei.lnc nnrt 3 fur artnrnouii exh ilrtiinn Frs.K-, iiiulutllm; Mti ii lira ol tht titulceat kiiiU, ijc CtiiUtn 11 10c.

niaicrs i-an bi nrdrrtu al 9 clocl morbiuc and evi in u' tin in-. el See Prurmir mm C. F. VOWI.KR ilecii It ID Maiiu-iTi Washinston Engine Co. No.

9 WILL HOLD THEIR 7TH NUAl. HALL at SAM OKD'S HALL, On Piiday Eve December 23d, 1859, Tli fuciaila of lb Fiff men are leiuectfiillr Invllctl all nil. tlH.ii Mntile wM i'i itiM far lugoo lu kiltuJaur ftr riciieio si i9 upper sum Ujl UNAi.Kt:. J. i' to a Tl'BT rt, A.

MAUt'lKC, 4 J. bAd.Nbl, 1 N.M IjV, AMU) A i. Bi HP ti. noTvM: 6J.4w Y0UX3 MEN'S CIlUl-llAX ASSOCIATION. THE LECTUUETOaMMITTEE tak 1 Krta plua.ure in ur Hit) tluii fliaHiiA.

Ataflltlvl l.UA I 111 III (I'l Ml' 111 i Jin 11 hTOCK I'OS. riiiibji uUia. )-v. A L. SlUNK.

HuiUo Hi WM, II ivMl.liU nrmkl b. IS. Y. lr C. HKNHY.l' L.k UKO iTUtlS.

Lm, rlNeYort Ami olhnia wIionm iiemivin mill mun It Tick l.t.t tli ma u. rtf tnaCauraai i 1 Miiuiti' um leinnn anu l.auy, ajf (tni it-man an i i.Hut Jw. Tliure Will fitlil 1, luriik la Inn Ci una si I ked litNT lie i'f tit Leo.ura runiunitim kit ui ikBiu si uas uwa sr. V. HIlOnKS, I' IMiKHiiL.1., kANk LI.

LION i Lroltira KLEVKxTu AiNM'iL UoTisK ol lECfl'ttES BEFORE TnE CLEVELAND livhak i aa.ui iar al tka ACADEMY OF Tha I.artma Coimjiitt'a hava of raaorti' ttia Itilluavius; llal uf ilutm' naked uraaalur Ik. auaauu oi iajv au Ha T. UTAHR If ISO Pnalon. klaaa. IIKOHUK VANlik NHOKK.

Hi.v. II VT- II IS.NowVorl. (IkM'k ullt I.MHIIOI1, ull Pa. Ilimii iiKl i'l Mr v.nk Hr. J.

I Hill. M). liu i Savhp 1. LM l'llKK N. l.nrj,kin, ilaas.

AYLOK. New York. HKNHV h.tOM) New Vo k. TUa coiirik will i tii)'it ul IWtjIi I.rti'tiirHti fh auhjoci ud iiiu lor otUar ivitui, will duly rvf" Tjolifto vdsnlMT tit rntlenan, 6ila.i ana im iaiiii- on it i mpniChnii, FoTfuK ai th rv R. umi, nt th Bok auu Uiiaicttioftt.

aimI by lli i)nci th Amo litinn. M. CHAP1N, PO A ll-l'AK, 9 -M IT 11. r.immt KG8'S TtELEir FAIR AND SUPPER. TIIE ANNUAL FAIR rLS9 A aud BUfl-KM lur tjia ba a.

ui ik kluaa a kaiwl acta nl ka U.IJ al National Bail, oa IU evening of tb S2i Dee. Lust, Vrlaaat af Iu Saeiat; an lavba tv at land. oik -aaa M'rumea, FOR PHAKf PKAKE AND HIS KlllVNDH." flu hand am, ta la a ana vartatr wX stUs sad h. bat auan. at- AauaAMl Markla Blark tb Hiil-siior I m-A of IM4 For Sale or Rent.

A US fi I Vi ou 6 a iTiTiXr? inrn-ri i n'lrta, riif aii liri UtMUil, II TfUlea iHn jniri' nl It'll i rirl I iOR 1U0NT-A VEIlY K81hA- Hl.K lIOLSKnn Imw tiP-trri HiiiUn.i c- ui t-r i unti'ttur il. ti in ro niilfivj ret'txir, ronlann rt tn-. fm mim Hinr. ml llllliai III fl at tKl ftlHUt It WiiJ baa raoid ar uim uf ear. at raiuiii 'n "Hi'iyio r.

runw, Of. I i rotiT of Pnrf th st hi f3rOU KK'NT IJOLK No. 65, in BnrkBi.k, Sftnffc tliftt. Pu Hmua liu it-du fV6 JUiNT-uFFlUW ROOiMH IN luar-i OA o. luq nr of MmhV trk.

i 1 Superior at. FOR Jl KNT- The Convsnient IlanailllasT 1, 1 nl s'-usn mi i iu in iiirrn fi ii-vtj i utjiv I'll ill r'l. i Ktnm. WuiMl.n.iiiaat unil baiaa mm promt Tarn ti. .1 i CJIlKlbllAW MAltTI i-i.

Ontario Ml. IfOU RKNT TVVt) FINE" ROOMS 1. fll fc 70) in i ror nf 'tn'th fc Vanntilt' nirtet. Sid Ifufina w. tild botuiti.h'e ftr II orS'iitt ri'inu.

Anplr toFmiin a PuinH nrin Ctiaa. lTorU iii ili iii miwi" Alc ins dfMmbl imrrlMi jipfT oft-Pin MUick URua T'lKT Ol'TTtlNTlNl MATEHlALS foralabrA I II 'GE, nt AO to 1 0 Um Uaa uiuir n'lnca. ii.rrjifr. urn in Vkrifnnrn No. 1 Btirlnr hu 'cm t'oinmn huifa kirin I eaila fnf fnnr fMarrs ViKiinr Kitiii, aa H.e'-iiHit mi, raVbour (rina ni.

in jl- luo ill. mini, K'biiil HI of d'lTrren' Uilrktiw of bi.a roltinm ru'a, mrmtit lenrh. A'Weriiin riilen. VU a onrra. ii nr 30 lit Hrimi-r, brifo 1 iir lb.

rtlr- rn, nfw On duubi kiAuu; Mtgi tUmi, 4tirrttapfi oflii' ton, tJecKS General Notices. OfFiClk Ills CLR ALk.Mi, MBt ft I.Vf r.Navl. Hi I.IIIHD CdMPANT, Clrie.ui.a, ly, lefr0. riiHE ANNUAL MEETING OF TnR A t.srkhiil.i-ii) of tht Coiciinnr for Mm oltcth ot IH- toil ni i (if ii at 1 1 i tli -fi or im Cui. iiy thu ci'v, on WtilnBt'n.

Jniiitnrv ilih. l(t0 TrM.Blir lbioKa in th ii i of Vcw York tni rit'veiand tvill bt- iiic4 Jamu.rv 1st to 11 lb OhD. 11. KU.SI.LL., dec Jii. t.RIUDLE, COLLECTING Clteni irn r- e.

'o'ii rnoni raids, witi lriwii-il piiid dTor.wi'h fl lelitv mid 0irarti niFFa TO lifo. flMcmi, tq hath M'TThat Bank a'ayit tiro m. tfq Ita f. Wti lotiti, M. D.

A. he tin ril fc I'n t'. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. DTAFT IaN AaVOUNTS TO SUIT from $5 npw -rtle, on Fnclimd and Prrnifi, and on ail 11' iiiik ii'til a oi i.t-rmitiiv. On K'ai.

uri. Bm-tin, Vinii.t, I. i b.itT!. llienien. lStutiait.

MmpiIu'-h nd lr''r'ie. V-n bv n.rP II ATS ANN. Tniti-ii kt iii i. nif PaTKM OKI'ICK AU KMC OP-poi'o W-odnll IIoiisp. n'-- ircet, fievelnnd, O.

NOTICE IS GIVEN Toihetori(ltiiitM of i do Vt. (Mlr Klieet (Jn-val ki'i'l rmi tliot nti liWa ni' nt i tn prr re-nt of tl siiK-k tulkrrn'ti. to taitl t'oneatiT fa rrou red lo Im pi id to i hi icim'irrr liu rtt, at tli ffi nj tho miViT la te rily Cifvoh.m) on or be fur the 7 iluv ol Jii-uiirv, lne a m. fin. i'o ni 0 nt.

on or uflma the 10 hdiy ot Matcii, it; nnd f.uuifirr iiiii'liutui uf Uu fir cent on or before th" lii'K itnv o( IWay, ltOQ. xjuiuroi tne uoiruvti AJiitJv ura PTIFN'T To the liadics. EMBROIDERY 8TAMPIN n- inai eiiJ a new la jpft'T o' Pierce cte-btutvd 1-. I in iloiy Man 1 am in tu pfti pnt-tern df Bin fur ilk vt Kn urli inl.n i-'r-t in a ui.crior mnunT anil ai i'u rt uoticn, a auita ur in.i to call uid ezuiiniiu mv patterns. Mum ed OuoUoi tvery for iile vho'ctale or tnit.

it kit LEU hvAMPS HsTipf refielT'd theency ffum Mr I en am to luru lluutpa aun iv ui i inn tur r'i unci' a. For a detcriptiud of tHia naw tr see Cat i Ladf't Bout tu. I lmrt. AlTENTlTiN, LAJLilhS Brown's Hygienic HMIli ABOVE, IN Til LINE OP JL IrVniT'i-gr ia tln iJfi! uift rrnut Fiiprrr-r in-veulioti the eiiiil thu la tT'-ring 1 to th 'hl't. nr' cinfnlfnt itn' Tm ti i nf.

o-nifort, rtnil htaUh of lliri wn rt r. It in alt luMH'OiM-es e.rjr nrtH-m ul tli kud in; nlid Whi li i'i-Uni'lu Ik lift ami i-itir tl.e pfiMn, it t- Hurst mnimriiy. l.itfvcirl) i'ytr ami a arr 8iir hui im t-n, mi it tuas it. ill no withnut one. M- nu'Biunrin) am) tai.i 'y uu hatxl, al whuies.l uud at ourrouiualu Puat OHice II irk.

II. V. JiitOWN fc CO. Chitnn Falls, Ohio, Kept Ttioe who hae tnken ihe iilertT of Aounorrlt Irr ihlt arttH, wl 1 ma U'-tt tin) w.ll b- I ace for th lama. II.

B. fcCU. Musical. A. HVKON CI1A6U, Teacher of Vocal ar.d Instrumental Music, 4 TiTTrTT I A rrrrr'V XI.

A JX I IL I 1 1 LaI i ion ti the rti uvfitliMi u' th vuic. i dltUtltttlua on 1 hts ilnnnr CsfAd lla at braimrd'aiid Dui.k'i Mutic it ore. IMIII-ICRX WAM11iNJTOaN 1UIAS8 aSU -TUINTl HAM) will i li tirt n. Mi ituiy I'lircilna, t)rdra 2) fit fllllLT U( tlitt fullowinar uitl rsvnatKiaa tnui.edlatu AUton's, No St'Hunk at CaiUuAu'D ibO pioiipfli-t KutbNr'a, 312 Kt'i-o an at. C.

McKlNXl- Y., r-No Onf-l-n Oysters. Oyster lit i not C. MALTJiV'S (late Holt Mhl by a CLLllliATKU OYa'iLlU Will KCUI veil niit.v Frr ra hu t'ar)Uvhm ut In up can. 1(4 war nuil tl or no a Ala hKALKD fiY-TFPR, t.OB-STh Its t'tlet Sarutnei kept coa-t 'ir Iv on timid, Bdtitii'iro rk inj Princ-i Shell 0lera it r.A(."vs, (i.

I the hrrl THAI K' LLMOXs ami HUKI, by the box. w. iui Auni' iepO No. 3 9Su.oil tkiiMiL II. A.

8, OR HAM ARE THE 9J Bvl Aiceuta iur ll. iwUl'iaicd UatcU, Masvii ft C' KaUiniore are dMlw freb uriteia frnm 11, abnva Huua. anJ ar. fullr l-r. duaai.

in ilia it city tivv a iuelit am nllir hmt.n W. nlaii iupilinil Willi ilia fiQO.t k'Alll 1IAVKN PLAN IS. Pa- OY US ami ri.AMSKr liu bairn" in tka shall. am 1' ,1. II A.

I1IAV, 14 Smur Confectionary Establishment a kV rooms. TOIIN BCllRINK. No 241 tJt3 K.iiipii )r'rcot ni all uui-a jtW to fntnifh i Wiif.itira. rt i a Wi'h a I va rNH TIOM If it! t'iBOpply'hi tiade with thin BIOAt IO in 'iiiii'l prirt'B. OyMteia liocolntot Cntrro and Tea Pf3rril t-p lii etfetlent tyle, Cuii'ii'M, Kiv, Toys, Wouiioi.

Hnizilnute, PmcneO Fiuils. Jw.llte, Ciffur. tJlo: 6r ttit-B Johu Qn'nn't c'V rated draft, or th dime n. in ep'i LAKEKKIE PAIJK C-OMI'ANlT Manina! urt-riof Pit I AN I) UOtllf APE 11 am ii' pitrpirfd tu bin ply a' urtlei aaujiur quai tty ot Pupei, and on taruiab lr.nm N. V.

TTI OR Arrnt J''el nnV ii JAMES 11. 0 1ELL," BRASS FOUNDER, A ND MANUFACTURER of BRASS all. WORK of T-ry dierip inn. No "a I'nlnu ru-t a few lioiu Sinfii-if fcirrel, t'lpvelti l) ia j.rr, parni tonriush al! kind nl wink umI or, or On, and all Ihf mlirlia iiM ta ihe Plum Hit Hu mm. llatir P.

Ui a n'i kind- sic il pa icd Uniaa Kluff done Uaiiii, aud Ida W-ik ol sit kn d. -putt ml a C'liinu, hTiITi7 TIIAVE JUST OrENEO A LARGE X. and general ai-aiTtnii iit it rtn i Pla ClllNA UWBil. Ir ooi i nuu. vvhiun wilt bo mi1J hrni ti' A b.

OAR 'IN FR, Bo 4 -0 Mi. rrli'r nt Calvin j. cuiihTtt. iikni QOMSTOCK NEWBERRY, PKODl'CE AND C03IBISIOS SlERCDhTS, AO ItlO MHR II f.V TRFK T. CIrvetnnil, QURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Curfd ITaius and Dried Bcr fatk, BACON, LAHU, Lul H.i.Hf IN AC.

RtFKBKNC.S. T. HANDT, Fr.a tlinum'tcln' tlaik.r'a.'J. n. MLl, ILL, L. Cu. haa kl CCIHKfrMfV Tfcfi fuM.r P.laM ml. Ilavenna. I. II lllll CO To'fnn um a fn ni n-i I nrf? KYK FLOUR 31 A DE FROM SE-LKClkU M11ITE Ul lint wolrb, IM'TIH It tt NEinK''IIY.

Clicien Kiandg FAMILY H.1I.IB, la'ra, Inai a.laftiril 1. ima. Is Uwal, iq.i in iuym ffr" nvfiHT. 'OHAKKSPEAilhi T'RTENDS," KJ JTiaiu.U vary aellv4i i1 ana lew ai kAHU LA NTS, JU Sal srior it. rpiIE JENNY LIXD TASSE PAR.

JL TuU for I ram ne Phttraphj, ma adntid. A hat a aataui-iuiaui all i-. jual rerjived bAHtitvAM. LOOKING GLlFSES OF EVERY iMauiu hay-a liusa ia 1div .1 SASfiEANT'f, 0 IL PAINTINGS AND ENfiRAV- IMUH A auocili l(lnuninM txLititi at ANi't-AlNT'd k'lu Aittallxy. I THAMES OF EVERY DESCRIP.

llt'N i-n bottU and aiada tuot Jnr i kAHiavANT jll Ul.iUti4 J5 yMI, TT? NO RAVIN (Til ARE IVKN A awar at nMWKAnj AjriikiiAiUxtmki ftM Mf iji- r- i in im ii ni ii um in mtm win.

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