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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • Page 2

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BCKTE Ban, and iomiaiuilcation I BIRR. PROPRIEJORS. bonia- addrMMd to liUnded "Wlloiol CHARtl 8ETH Re lutlican Cmnly I Convert ion. (jbR)MBEGA Thur tO DO! Altor Trca; mo other uod. B.M irate, uonal anoih Uiai aqdidate tor Go emor in (UlfcRate, for sw cast in adc Inff fttA.

QD( mj. -4 al 5 publication ol an Ladd'a "opening 1 attracted to tbat masterly effort a 1 nJ of attentio arc I folks wbat "boi i courl Co Meat a i the overnor: CKROBIE GPBHAM. CONQltK3a: of Portland. t8 A. Bangor Belfast.

THOhMB NEL toil DINOLBT iMIcanlYOti: rcby nol MILLIKEN tOth iij ipr every flft QQ fcnty-flve delegaws HN L. "CC11.BB, w. WHI F. BESNE R.VM EDOC W. DRAKK M.

-S. EJfTABBOO: js tlonfof the National Banks one ol the greatest financial evlla! that' conld come open Plaittei in Commelr- May 24J1878. stand fiflly In accord with Ibe Greenback party, and I feel that a ected I baye only to follopr my conTictlonf of right HALL, BUNCO 8, )N Day cf Auguit FflDOb- alee ID Nex 8 'uoi jersfand to tranBtctanj' iu.1 less come before tne i.i sch 0117, toj ii and plantation oJeiJclc Very pretty. But Plaieted slanti by those who frorit, and wb)o to-day bear Ihe marl(8 made by rebelbuUels on tbejr bodes? A lew tacts shall answer. Tbe ink In re- cotding tbe oath be took when entering qn tbcTdatiesof his great offlceilwnajbardlv dry! before, with oaths and IbrealJenlnjiS, be made war upoo.Msjor Hodse, a soldier who not only, went to the fronVbut one who bears on bis body scars made by rebel bullets.

Though 'shattered In health, bleeding at Ihe lungs, weak a id unable to volea cast lor tbe IStO, on, fraction of twei lion to said flftv or pla each to' tea aa aforesaid a id Jose 1 niy i Comn ICtee. i liPPSECli' XDI ELiijOEBCJ. tbe entire far eiccediffg'tfcatof amoi no Of attentio lar eitt-'euius tH the patleat little of irr-lljort- tri mcmbei of bU own here i be as ml ch puzzled as common piDg to find out wbat Dr. at, whs policy be favored, or ne a talking for, and tbe t-gan" to do iim tbejscanl of oven a reference! to bis soeecb. uzge'st to contetn sorary tbat ii 1 certainly publish the address! with ltd Congressional can lldate openec at ion campaign.

Toiag, another of the Comme 'itea, also made a pofferful's i evening, a word of tinted by our Fusion Ifj tbe troujble? Is at Ifortland? di igr ssman Diogley iniroduded Into on Mon lay, a bj 1 (wbicli 'was ed to the Co place tb Ate'(20 per Wayi duty 'he necessity lor a laws. was po ited out recentlyj in a lettci Mm Capt. loutelle of Bango(r, tp he 1 Senators from, which it appeared imported ba; was classed ia eraled iiat of manufactured art cles, ibort 8gD, when tbe United States (tonrl pay," gW duty ol 20 per until a tinief 8gD, wben tbe United States i deck edf that it is ai i unmanufactured duct, and therefore only 30 liable to pay a ol ioTported from assaoH ameodmentf kill it pud ot lactica'oT the vddld probab to pa ts apy bill at putot time, these Sioo, have 'Mr. porjc that iduty (1 probab over til Mil by a stri --Er. WHIG I i apt.

rVms.b calls ryF mention tb tbD Ihe fact that Se'creta- Capt, tbattjic Mam ciors eecb dbas ontcmpi rary "Too Hot 1 ent.) coofemplat by hay snch ada. Tbe bill won d'be at once rep rted and paffipd, if it WE re not thafact that the very tarll designs tract Oei Democra; reader bii late tbe CDI Decembdr. despatch as been! tbe Coi imittce blll'wlt pro- an- to takij; up islalion.l As Impossible thejses- nay 8. ebow romptly the Wliole significant to jVVays and (leans Committee di party vote, the tbe restoration of 'harlee A. the Ban tbe as forward ed.a.

letter to the Maine 'Senators itt.wJilcbhe "forcibly and deadly 3r yields' to ly as a of 20 reductiOD judicial 1 opinion clus- 'non-ennnocrated, ujn- dutiable at 10 per cent. 1 as bithen Bntelle callE attCDtion to tbe the duty is a lagciculturlal interests, (a'sks and Eeprcaentativea festoratiob ot Ihe 20 per 'cen papt. BouteJle estimates the-vrilte year's Maiht tay crop to i a lion Britii Ofth( --Tbi of'Cu Iduty duty on hay Mri Hurlbnt, of bdfore tbe I and our cure duty, of tli fifteen Co eighteen) millions of dollars, cjr an inprease of 25 per cent, over years ago. He estimates the bay crop ai itbe coont.ry to be torth more tbao thie icotton Crop, one-half the cereal crop, fou Itiniea tbe potato crip and eight times tb Wbicco crop, pertinently suggest tbat Maine farmers should have as sur aa the lanulactnrers of Mass! chosetts and tbe ron furnaces of Pent sylvaiia. Capt.

Bnutelle also calls alter tbo fact ttiat our vicinity to tb provinces i enders tbe adjnstmer an imperative EBocklon Free Prcaa. Secretary ol tbe Treasury of tb, states bavlt Instructed that In oonformity with a re- ccisioa of tbe U. S. Circuit Court, of orthern District of New Tork, tlie will hereafter be ten per cent. instei ol twenty ier cent, aa hitherto, Hon.

Boutelh, of Bangor, hug' 'ad- idressfedan urgent I itter, to benatorj and Hate, requestln them to nod their In- llaencc to restore tl torber duty. Phlla lelpbla Press i ie B'orW, was a wit- i -T imittefe investigalliog tbe-S onth America! policy, and has etnce been persistent In argiot that tbe Inte posit od of the Lan eao-fclalm prarerileu the icrjess ot our jrotiations In and Peru letter Mr. Trescott, which tnlilished yes rday, uadly Interferes ieory.and Mr. Trej- oott'f atatementa nnassallahle. atatei tljat from tht icginnlng ito tbe end of ou negotiations rith the South American sllteerenu tl Landreaii claim was nevei orjce mention 1 either to tbe'Chilian or Pi Ooveijjmente, and Treacott'a not bajve pending diplomatic lo the degieeu" log Krtant.

iwn i led er Tetr InttretU not only tbewa jtbe neb of Mr. Bl ifgoUatton, ibat r--m-r--a Watt tl of all Mr. -Blalnt'j jiuiemenU bis policy. leading Greenback- IIJ to be'a candidate ucviu CD MI uv caooioaie or sulklDg In fall ot nal. SJmieW.

bag Achlltoi Perry bytbi tight beelf what'i mat. The Greenbac one one. I stooli ICTC I.VU* doctrine toffat- conslder anrllhlla- prodp( te. order to represent in Greenback State Contenttot PL1I3TH) AMD TBB HE! TO THZ TBOIT. corrcspo nailwrltes tb about tbe me risked their 1 ident of the Kei it paper as Portland Adi eraser bas some who vent (o tl front apd vcs In defence If.

PlakUfl at Bangor, .1 WHO WEIT I If idebeo biog to sav their conn drfe's Gor. wentlo tbe DleeUIJJfg do borJ quite dependent 1 a llv irge fatbily ng, Pjaisted forced him our, cf a position he had ablj tilled, and put in his 1 place his minor a mere Next, we Ond him strlWog at MejJr Myrick, ateknowledied by al Uo be as good a solditr aa ever I went to tbe front from Maine. 1 you find birr overriding tbe ConslitutiooJramplinx upoi the opioion of the. court In 1 an assault 01 Coll Spjiulding, Reporter cf Decisions If tbeCoiirtsof our St4te. Col.

Spauldioij was ftont, Iwoun'ded there, beaf upon Ilia perion marks ol valor as doe MnjoriHooee. PlaUted not only'Steks j. drive this brave man, from his position violation ol law, but refuses, to pay him labor performed In tbe discharge bis I duties, (Bid unties bavpig been pcr- forinod by Col. Spanlding the entlje satisfaction of ibe all pevple of our State, it Plaisted. 1 Tbe Governor in this casef put tbb Stafe in'thc unenviable, position of being 4 violator it? own contract, made under its great Seal.

Tbe contract was made, it remains in full force and virtue to-day; in i was annulled or abridged 1 sp.says ibe prcfac Court'of our State. a a tbei Reporter of Decisions soall ba pa quarterly. Now I. submit, tol the bone it men of Maine ot'all nr Governor in bis persecution of tt brayc man, bavipg anjoaih toses. that tbe laws and Contracts of the State a faithfully executed', is not gut ty of a viola tion of tbatloatb" in refusing to pay Col.

Spauldlng, Ibe sum agreed wbcn be entered upon tbe duties of his office? I Dr. Tbonpsoo, of Dover. Is another who went tc tbe front to carelfor the bl-k and'wounded, whom tbejGoveroor has sought to dr ve from a posici thei entire sa of the eoplc. Gallagher is another soldier 1 front lorn the Goveroc war upon, a id driven from a duties of wb en, from bis no )man cot Id so well perft whose removal the State is ha jary loss. This is tbe way stands by Ib men who went td Ibe frodt Strikes them! down every cbaWe be gelt Under what obligations Is aijyj soldier of Maine to bin Wentwor Republican, connected cy Ifs nntrne.

fertl he Alls to vbo went io has position, tbe rm, and -by le to pectin- iq Governor Tbe disap )earance of: tbe iodepende Republican novement in tb i arms of leading Deoiocrdtof Cumber ai d. count sbowa that be whole rumor wi tjf graphical en or. Tbe indcpei di no Dem cratic move oaent, however, ic( ms to be feebly supported. One or two, Rf publicans reported to in tbe movemei say i that it is all news (o them 1 of Kitlery, a the rumor th this indepeade Considering that: paign has ba rdly begun the ination Inclusion Ananias appears to JoHrn tonally Mr. Stephens will doubtless overnor Seorgia, he 'il ceive the unlied suppdit of thl iow rise lo Maijk he was nt Democija- tbe can- electt Democrs one of i party.

'Tbe tfaeon influent ai papers In tbe iSiatt!) uses to indotse bis nomination. It 'the miserable platform is beneath co and consists of a lot of state ph about Teflerspn and ai idds: ''Takiig into 1 consideration al: the means and aj pliances by which Mr Stephen's nomiiat'on was brought about, not oansicer it of binding force up( anyJDemcfecri inside or outside co ventioa. for oarselyes anol ea( member of tl party tbat be shall gove: nis action in his emergency according the dictates Tils own judgment and co science. In.vjow of tbe past record of Stephens, beland his Iriends ahnot tal valid objection to thjs position. i i i The Boston Globe's corrcs londents a Uaine bid fair to outdo in re me i- dacity all pr( vious efforts io tb it fine.wbi a campaign pays secures for il I sjippose il upon tbe paper prefer smart! to pending.

Perbi pa'this it advertises tbelpapcr, ai momentary att al; it does not reai it espouses bir to suppose Uiat efs to honesty ai ord Monitor. not OD upon tic tbe peopl id falsehot Dr. A. dorse, of Camdetj, S. tb describes tbe Wounds Inflicted upon Mnjkr Blair when el was shot in cold-blood Tames L.

Hale: "I eaa'mloelj tbe dea'd body of Majo L. W. R. Blair and found five gun-shot wot mds. though only! three shots were fired.

Two of.Hie snots passec through the thef two shots mating a wo and of entrance and a wound ofeiiL Tbe shot lodged in (he body. The wonnds were as follows: wound was through Ihe heart, the flfih rib being fractured; aioiher was the lower lobe ottbe rgbtlnng, tbeelgljth rib being Iractnred; ai lOther was throuih the stomach atothei was nnder tbe fftbt ehonlder tie In theT left aldel Major Blair ras unarmed wbijh thus shot down by his cowardly assallatit. THE rbicb crops, agooc all oni CKOIJS, The Cincinnati Commercial ot (he bek antbo -Itlea on tbe says tbe latt week has i nade certain corn trap. It will be uffictebt for oeedi and ISave millioiB upon mU bosb els for export. The wheat Is saved rod is glorloni, and will be io lack of potatbes this buckwheat will be Ptsturage was rjevk more luxnrli nt and cattle and ebeep ate thriving.

England, according to the LlverppLl bay and wheat crapstre partial lailaret, tbe other crops are mors promUlnj. bau look exceedingly well, and barley above the lavtnge. Eoit crops, owing to nperabnndant mouitur t. vrtth great i- lurage Is wbkuntlil afte math assumed. ReporU fr im Virginia dwcribetheBo bona lo Itmbralteed state; Tbe proL peet was dl beirUolog enotJgh.Jor tliett before the.refusal of tbe BUtf Commltl to call ivention to Dominate a cant l- date for Con The ore j.

to do. tbat (eemi to taken a confj nlon of defeat, and tbe pro pect of rtlljlng tbe party at the polls I tlon of sballi umbe even RheoJ of the 1-radetolly. Knot priteetlon of onr farm bat oipe'Dly adrocatea tbeaboll- 'all duly oo foreign lumber I We JelW glad Hotel lldh of Pails, eorers and If th decora lio el for toleral ly propri pay. The men of Maine on that Issnfl. ns wi several altb i Qoe i a fonr ci muniai ntur son Ma to goto the farmers afld Vllle Ibe new which has jhet been ded- an 19,000 square tains 368 ttjparato apart- oslimatos are not at fault It $5,000,000.

The interior probably not be complet- joars. The exterior, Is a ul cdpy of tbe famous edl- fter an existence of nearly les, was destroyed by the Com- 24J1871. SoinB-one has prppflsed patting an electric Hi bl of "candle power on the obsen story at tbe tumml't of MountWash- Ibe Idei being thus to provide an artiflellil attrai for which tbe hotel tors of the region. would gladly Goverimeot Is now building In Delaw ire a i iron steamship lor Ib a siiecik use of ie Fieh CommlssioD. It 9200odo, to be named tbe 1 months.

200 and ltd be bealni 27 ready In 'about louf will Length, or ill from him'I on draug it a POO' I tEER EXTRACTS Fine Im ported Clner Ale LOWB8T Plfl OB9 by Robinion, Ajpolthecary, No Cor. Grail te Block. Thiii 28 Muses'! Hats at Cost! ----AT Main St. Botto OTSIl j. i julj? eet 6 Inches; of tbe co'Jntijrm tbe (tre; Bsirdl Sisuperi tbe V( tiono PHIPJ ItBG A VI ashlngtin says: Tbe or iition of the of Venus bals loogjdel fa Silndi Com 11 chiefs HDilot of tb Very, Edwli Sorve Newc Alma; er, it cbang hold.ilGI fcelTji inljbes; burthen, 800 tons.

Aporlg tbe eela 11,0 vessel lor its pui and elf lit first imi be'il colltctio Passed sel, whjcb appliances fitting the pose vtlll'be a deep-sea liles of wire One nt services of Ihe Alba- DEporlation to London ich will represent this Fish Exposition next Istant-Englneer G. W. Dfcr ding tbe construction of A Si nre of i Coi be under tbe direc- er Balrd. IE TBAISIT OF iilver mrties to observe the December 6, 1 'ij ID consequence of to complete the The Civil.Appropriation bill, ssion fans, however, selected the if parties and tbe stations at wblcb obser atioos are to be made. Of the sla- lioas In the Southern hemisphere two will id comfort outh Ai lenca.

one io South A fried Zealand. The southern- tbe South American stations ia 10 be at 'or't San Cruz, on tbe east coast of Patag in of soqcb latUujde. Tbe poutb American station will be ut other' Santii in Ctili or at some Interior. The exact locations ot tions Cape Colony have i ot been but will despond upon itberjpi obabilltles aa learned by tbe ere aflei have four i U. S.

1 sor Lew servat iry, Al Smith, for ac; for As ic. parti possib in tbe cipal tations i four num an Act New Meiico. and Ei barge and Pi ofessor' tbe Coalst Surrey, be established bylEuropean this part pflihe 'world are ny, ati Hartford, Con- Sbuth- The stations Cover fol nectic Franc obe Great iments ows: it, anT Britain a and one at Llec and IU (net wl Mr. olbt in the (he slaw Zealand their arrival. Tbe eeb selected to take Chirac arties: Lieutenant S.

W. for Santa Cruz, Patago iia; Voss, of the Dudley iany, for Santiago, of the United States Coast aw Zealand; Professors leal nob, erioieodent of tbe bf Cape of Good Hope. a have cot yet come ioxeth- tbat there may be some ie arraogements. Tbe prin- tbe Uuited Stircca. will be ier, namely, Gedur Keys, nio, Texas, and Fort Thorn It is expected (Uat they will Professors Harkness of the Naval (Observatory, THE 111 be rom Ibe heordei ng tbe 8 FJori 3a, on Be one tb'e a i i were Berpk upon tbehellol Englubond at 1 Alaitinque, one in Texas; at In tbe irbidoes.

The i will depend chiefly is their strong pbot tgraphs taken at the kmly ones which Ebe Germans depend and the 'French and lgians upon raoi )BAL terJadt nois, and bis viclnitj AID KISCELLAIEOnS. Governor Haminon, of Illi- family are visiting Boston It is eai'ultbst President Arthur and Cab- 11 visit the nveil T.i position. Henrv been Amorj estate, so mich tus Lolwe at severa ban Wednesday tb it truttl In the re i Francisco at thb close ol G. Crowell, of Boston, has trustee of the Francia over there has been roversy, ii) place of Augus- igned. The estate Is valued Ihonsajnd dollais.

ciieral, Brewster stated wajs not a grain ol ts tbat be contemplated a triptoiEnglana. Ho was perfectly satisfied with bis prefect position and bad no desire'or inteptlon to change It foe Epgllgh 8T. AIIDREW'8 LODGE. XVBJVIfta, Jnlf 38. There will bo a Staled Meeting ot Su 'Lodge, Ko.

8J au.l A. AY EVENING, at ataaoW Hull, a dock. I rcn arc mvitcd to att I Go Flams Pencife Gold At MaoDfatiturcr'e Prices. I I ALSO-Pens; of All Kinds) Repaired AtttxurestPrloce. ViMliiii Cards, I All Ibe IJIew aiimmer Wjritfcen TVjltjhout Extra Charsre.

BANGOR NEWS CO. 7 Hammond St. AUCTION rnoct and, sa trlqDii I LINER ie Blockaf UUliutrj Oooda In store will be by auction, Mtlnnlng I at, 'ml 10 jl. itlnning ijjlll Uaenltre lot IBdlipoaed ol yerr lateat and Jllib good, olltno metropolilaa apnng good, olftbi metropolitan apnni ramer and Inolndta elennt Htuf. and nntrlmmed; i.

lacaai (BiblxnK U1 pli 0 Plnahea, and ev vattfty of Sauna, for tflm JrtJffl i Ha lett, Afiifl Davis TBlUMPKiNTI prlte al tbe New England Fair la. oomRBtlUon with Uk but IB the world. PontlTely A1J partlei wanting a jMetly konldeaU aid tbe an- parity and power of lone and IMMUiBtnnieaU. Deajantnew MU Orwt Indoeemeau looaah BANG vc orougb man tberailwa rucr, Tbe ul for i SOU 1 ISAIA maylO KATI bardB of Bo IS! t. Including onv and pnrcbaBcd ugs cheap.

by lie bottle- or down cheap. Also, tori and 28 land-Sewed -i Walking Shoes and Newport MAIN STREET. Havioglosaedtho AND I ARINE RAILWAY AND SHIPYARD Ibo service or Masler-baildbr, rn, I am DOW prepared to hapl oul ela in ihtf ebortcflt timo an Fbii veesela not wiebin most togo icfl on have ofto of the beet bea6 be kept pnpplfed wilh all kinds ol IncluO HEJtN K. S--ETSON. Lake HDIN IRON WeU-kuown rcsor oil i tourist, is bood tablej lylot Tbe most re inline tin iit th aine.

The i ond neral eprin hotel, an nrut.ful moujntiii urd rriago joes. I Tbe Bwifeoi running ie Iron me, on II be al pro snvillc on om Banner, me for dtnn drcse, tbe Kioeo Iloueu. ty of (ho a good Hotel, WORKS. of ibe sportsman, now open for Ibe te." the Spring (lie house has ged. thorohnnly route 3er ihe managoment ly routed ot nd game, beet ol Uou to ibe wants ieta can btr) elied opon.

IB irful era, conata ure ilry air igoiwe the deb in tbe SUte onite altbioBt reaort ihe "HatahJlD" tly OD Iraugbt rcBta and ilitated, while the oncle and he rapid Btreotna Bportemcn. Beat of Dab- facllftlee. Haddle and to be bad at all Worke Railway, "be completed io ly In pt4mber. Uritil that special and take patiec ir. For informa JuljSi (Com copy) of moinmg train igeia through In on about roomr OAPEN, lui Iron Works.

AMPAICN and WEEKLY CI Courier. WHIG AND COURIER irnlshed, posllage paid date of tb receipt or In each caieunlll, and the Jssae next follow ate eleclloijiJii Seplem- IURIER ilshed fir (he same Centg. 10 AND COUBIEB, Bangor, Me. Northporl. AtPa BOSS mmoDco tho flea port on 8ATUB- ibd Wharf at 4 at CA.

anil til Septembor IB! SpfiCIAL NOTICE. Steamer Queen City Will leave Bai A a 4 Eeto ItY 4 a THE irtles 0 lillT Wt tl ent to tl eir address, or IO ce JulylS its per week not to you ML STVII ing Out pmer, cab mn MEM' co. EVERY SAT 5 A. and Cas amvintr in Bai Manager. Town Dur- iBve the COTO ostage paid and lost busin nay prove a bcnoi covering ace: time.

IB ver to your famHy SIXtt' er Merrill, endUsKeag Blocfc BANGOI- TlL( Jv SUMMER OVEF rid eij'lrely i the bett silk, made by Ibe tomoDB Ir coittitorfl. cloiHing IB euperlor lo any other ar Orders to the ONE-I CJLOTHING EXXTDTJI RANGO WE Ml .11 01 Line of Ladies' FINTE LAtDIE I jl FJL ANNEL! In Blue Also BE COLO NO I HAVE of tlic BiulBon Ri pleaec'l to confer tho coming For Sale, 1 Two good located. In jolyll Eastern i Bang Railway. and Bucksport. ve Buckepc Arrive in Bang Leave Bangor-- Airivc in Bucks The 000 A.

M. portlanive IJ west. A. M. Ttuckeport as line, junclS A i GOOD MB llN.

i i JiCcatione tbat go to make up the rcsolation to get hie llic tolid Bum--and then to keep iuni for Stock- PLAN offered by GONNE TICUT LIFE INS. or a hundred a good business nbiired for a go insured--may tiolilcr. By the THt a roan can have often (10) years y24 In Half enciiWrJUufusU Maxy H. Walker Hampden 1 bnftt'3 C) Temple and A Jii BuchBport, BVtb, Mr. Walter War dwell, botb Ma i Steamer Kftta 8cb Abncr BnRor and Ba Sob'Abby Tba to It A 3 Co tcb Orny Bag 8ob Ptudonco.

8cb Govcimor, 8eh Onward, Soh Jeeeia Ben Sch Giitiojlla Steamer Feno 'Steamer Cimb Barkcntine Me Slew an Ce iBrif Ellen Ma Ayer A Co 'fich Fred wall ahACo I IfichMargie.t; Co Princeton A Co (eld 231 h) Mary PC man; Webster A gch Minnie Cb Stanford Orono 1 Pa 6cb BOSTON. I Ai a a a Llbbv. Bang NEW YORK. Calcutta 123 day I ASTORIA. A Efclwin Reed.

Gi French. Fcrnand liken', Roberts. JDBLAWAOB ehlp Florid PORTLAND. adelpbia. roi iSld from MODI PJummer, Valt from Vlotoi Advantd Tbe Oil BeBerr wltb heated plaU tbe free cJrculU the oil .8 inpoee TbB oombuetio Steak B.

Cbopa, perfection. Hoi ttced, more than It'can be p)ac table, moved up kept aa cool as 1 Breakfast can tbat a uro can summer tbe kltQ RiEFR W. XIac jaly28 I LAJU All tbose hayln lUledefiieed an W. A. Jonngon's die I am reo walk npon all tb postal and goods Jn.yS8 2i bonded of Bel ut debt ar, a E.

CHiPHM Squire and areBellBigat 1 Dei Sawyer Dexter and Other Rf IOHT AND DARK CC IOE, I PKIClls, able Cloths in Suits D. wrti fLLEN OB THE Mext Thirty Days yrom Immense StocL Youths' Boys'" and Children's c.t i a i i clnatvely ifor See our line i IDGB, -BtUMM, Al prices Thatf Defy LUarUequc.Lto all Loll examine Ibia ocjUr goods. They nave MAII White, Old Col 3 KENDUSKEAi En 3m GL( Bo( it fcEDU TbeywIUalwatlH PRICES. ilancc of Lbelr stock of BOYS' Shoes, brelljis, English oomllcte in all its branch' SUMMER WEAI OF GOODS, ips, Trunks, Values, Um- id American Hosiery, 'I a i OB, NOS. AND 19 fXCHANCE STREET (Near European and4(0rth American R.

R. Detint EN THE AGENCY Jce Elevator and Bhoiikl be th any one ID tend Ing to uee C- lor iiiHord broe. ID BreJwcr, pleasantly 0. L. DOWNS, i I Urewer.

1882. A.M. A P.iM. .....000 10.00 6M 7.10 11.15 ....7.36 200 7.15 5.00 P. M.

trame from or to conned wilh LrainB feast 7.1 "i M. trains froln Ban- trains Irono ibe West. CONNECTIONS )y for Penobscot, Blue bill, 1 Rlleworlb. L. L.

premiums returned at the end 13 tbe coat of in mi ranee. N. FAIRBANKS, Gcocral Agent, Bangor, Me, 2Jd. by Rev. A.

6. tartlett of SwjinVilJe and Mis 7 25th. at the of th. ev. C.

1. Deucoji Jucol a ETClol by EevJ William For- Bloke and Miss Florence E. Verona." ne Journal. 9DAV, July 27. AUR VED.

IJoucr, BOB ton coal to rbor HiLtchmga tb, 1 oatoD, Jolso BOB(( lloljokcn.coa il to He Orrington Wimcrpoi LEAliEL). ardour, Bar Harbor diia, Ncyv Orleua. jpntnmiDge. New York, FW Smith. New York.T JStcw- ver.New HfiTcii, Jaa 1 Walker ion, Fall JUver, Ayer eon.

Pendlcian, Chcleca, Gil- itnby Gray, PorllanO, Hopkins ft c7Bcarepori i TIC ship BcllCi Morse. achra uracc, Alley, and Prefl- 25lli. ship Sam Sboflcld, Dall. bored in Baker's Bay Htb.bark re, for Liverpool. Ar 24tb, Bcbr Flora Condon.

Cld2M, achr Fannio A Mil- York. HEAK WATER, Peaed Out, Cortis from rhiiadolphia foi Foslina, Fbilbrojok, Pbll June 9, baifa Ada Gray eo. VI, Jcly il, bark Oil Petlen es of the Acorn I Stove. I la so iaolatod from contact protected on all aides by of air, ibt tbe overheating of i BO In this Slove, tbat can bo broiled on it to i allfcbleat odoror taste I broiled over any) Bie. within toach of the Ironing ttowu ataire, and ibe klichen larlor.

ado ready in the eamo time ndled In a Ci)al Stove, apdf In i la not oret healed. See tl Stove and A Oar Jtg vt or for'-Tpir rrowMalft the to city TtK SKai Olon 3NT3E BAR i EXCHANGE FQJR COST. OF FIFE COSTOI-MADE CLOTH from Belfast HAI ywill make an escw- Ibo ahorleet POBBI! ib time, AT PRICES SO i bnypra-i OUfi EBTi RUSHMENT 19 NOTEP RIHICBD fli-at-claes mil lotB( atylcfl of BOTi FIGURES ae at the eecnt time. CALL AN! Waterman's Sign of the Han. jutyll jOW that will florpriso the beet JFOLOW PUICE3, but and MEN'S CLOTHING at Bucti JB CONVINCED, iss Clotting H(use, 75 and 77 Exchange Street, Bnncor.

EciraUiuid Kbtlhporl to Bat Harbor and ng at AJ Xortliporl bl Irrfvioa at JEAr Harbor at noon. Will Bar IlanboritO P. Mi relurDfnK-hyimoofa- Unetting at Nortlipott 1L (MAN This Extract make sjmmer i In us ing ID the blood aftc' 1 digestive organs, me lea and opiTce. healing to the blood. Ian i the Held; aa ibe men can do aze, for the reason tl much loqucncli nor does it the 9 easily prepared.

oqt conTCtuent, moet cstOSI Stoye ever seen in this ncrcaaihg demand fr iBMENclHVOffi, Di Ear T. aunt pncci. Itcmci ur stock of other Uclft83 Btojvc TcLurning tt it iWbile Per ibcr these fire a) I rrantj them olesnlc pn prov 'Our jStock is Complete Pick I argo NORrCJN 14 Cutti 1'iimn age ai one of tbfc moBt dchci It is relVOBtilng and over-wotk, stimulating caning tho appetite, an ihp tablet), instead of arc expensive, and. It 18 Nature's own eti ivery farmer ahould-hav trework by using (he be at they do not have to an ol oUier have a laogufd leellog gallons of CALDffELf No. 2 MILL gallons SAtn BT---- Hain Street, KITS DS, Dutch Red Marked Cha I AT S.

NICKERSON'S 121 Exchange Street, apr CARR AGES Largest and I est Selected Sto we ever to the public, both tntm. nd 16 Ce ICp FOR ANSE i Mes te co -TrSf Jaly, iseuod Conntr am In N. tlon of the 2Mb FRDAV, JULY 28. LEMON, If 8TBAWB BRY SnERBElT of SE. Celebrated UTflRYj ral Street.

a lull l)ne of SES, is: ail Dflste DEPOSITORY. I ffHITHB! road St. TOO Mm MINGS. Therefore we MTJS't 6dl them off at some pi Hlll have a large or Ibe ftcaeob, stock of the moat attric bo sold at remarkably ricos to close oat ou Summer stock. LHMCN SHEE'BET.

7 Ken tnakeag Bridge. enger nraon lA'INE. Jnly 27tgA. J). (1882.

eiocux. D.188S, a. of iho at on the twonty.Blzth arrant in Insolrency lirt of loflolvenoy Tor agalnatlhe estate of iome.1 of ngor In tbe Cofanty of idgedlto bain lhaolvcnt Dobtpr.on liebtor, ihlch petition waa Bled JulffA.i D. 1888, toiwlilca clalrnB iano be compnted; That a corn in 8 heurs or F. A.

any d( bla I to 'or by aald ATTENTION: and aaeqaea that an a ir Bmall comnilB- day ua will npon me. Send lie retaovHloi i onno money uua. Caat onea that da rive nta In 4 laleat 35 Plokertog Sqwte. C. W.

COFFIN, On ibe'dny city. Icqiiire july26 Neider Snawl Foil nd. irnum'g Cin i IB odlcc I Selte From tlie village Prus 21 froraf Frankfo Uie-Main Water is rcf Water es from 3 miles i t-on- The lastc of tl tic aaUl6b effct No odor except that ot ohfccrved. PUT UP IN JUGS ONLY Beware of loitUtiona these a'lvtrt fn bottles. ANTHONY OKCI1H 51 Warren St.

Y. C. A. KICHARi: i Boston. ARAWARREjN.Agt,, ate.

I an happy to amn ra Cement wlOi 9t unce alien- PHIU1' BHIOG8 of BostodJ formerly of this city, who may no" be found ai tbe above address, aily, iu connection with our real attend to trie i ami the public. 'An increased patr invited. calls ptomptly an- and ulglit. AFTti; MIDNIGHT 13 Hudson or Bangor Exchange WM. MANN, SPECIAL BARGAIN ii dr Slippers, Odd lota of aizefi and I HA: widthn Belling for iesa PIUCU.

on Most Godjds IT THIRTY DAYS. Oolncr Cheap Jiednced Prlc FOR THE NE Canvas Good Close Oat. Hammocks aft Reduced Pricei Bloc. Buff and Bn price 76 ceal0. A Lbl of Children si; regnlai Coi i Solvent wVranted to re oney refboded.

CURTIS, 2 Kend aekeag Bi WC TICB Vessel Own rs Captaii 5. OAKEB SON hereby intern 17 repairing ndo, td (tiara aaa dock In Braver, to do all ndaof Ik I odbleekf i i loplMci iBykoelwol toreanlklDg. JUST REG A-cargo first Turls's Ii For sale Wholesale rx HO JoljG NEW Wehavo an season's Garden Teas. Tbcae i ings of tbe yooug leavee and FINEST FORMOSA AN that come io thl a country- really fine leaved arawillini will do well to try these, aa the Very Best Teas Tea ibe ur-; real. 7 i JAPAN T08 wh pay a portcd.

hite. Neufchatel Kloc for picnics and esi CHAS. JuljS' Cheese, first NtllOBal Bank of A mtetlDE of tbe StockboU tlooal Bank or Bangor. UaiDc, BaakiDg Booma of aald Bank, 7lb day of AQ.QBI next, at 10 arpoM ol adopting Ac: analog AaaooJ.Uon. lo ext i and for other pc FL 12tb, 18(0, amd lo give 1 Bangor.

July Slat, 188J. (C FAIJl! Corinth 'Will begin Augntt 9tb, 1192, MOTfimbcr 3d. pnnclp' 1 TtJuori. iDA- rLBTCHKK, 'Mite M. B.

HktHBWB, copy) Ij BY TEI.EC Hrncii nor EH ol Cbifo. BOSTON, Julyi Ington deefptchjsa 1 appears to Ibe ttic i Industriously p'llt i ultio: i. 5 Ci.Cul Hie Kui i not past few days tnai will carry tbcifc-gc Include the Go I men. Murch i ed as yet in predicting Fusion but bi tbe succesa of ibe Fusio Hir statements do not received by from, plaine, feet organization of the earnest determmaition to Tbty-are higblv gorancea and wl alter the part in tl.c Ponfi-xsu, Greonliick Count land to-day, abetli, chnirmar. pieiect out.

'ft tog ticket was no Gordon; Portia Gorham; a Aittl DeCosttr Cbarles I Deeds--Isaac D. County lerlacd; Com Peering; Lucili nominations w'ei adopted at Baiij; go in lbS2, niij courii umatcj I i -Ii Cutnbi i i i 1 nnidt ir, May OLD OitcriA-'iiit, of tbe Faith i bright with a- reirosli i' tbrougb tlie (rccS i Tbe first lasting one hour, B. Scott, of BD were preEcnt. perience mee Clianes Culli; to 10 A. Ylork, ledH in erjuacle ut '2 there was a Central pi.

meeting led by Capt. lur, Funi. 'ElBa a reading. Ttasre to o'clock by Kcv. Lowell; .1 inijiisttro i in Biddelordjlabernad tu 'CtinR.

in -acca by Kev. Mr. P. chir preaching ut 30. lr.

force, to pjijsiciaut nage is re- qcupe- 1 I i Jl oltrclj, 4J5 or.s. w.ib ard ol J. omaiandviJ )eer Isk. op, of Marq'ic urgcon ot resent at i 1 tie. MIL next ilajne avulry ASSOC.I 6th.

E.OBB IIV JillDEFORU, mtVuil'dinga of Uivn were burned to. i I jausc, a defective l.KWISTOH. Jami'S Uonojli stired ia iheiiTs will tbt A i A i louse and i burned jcsrc iiired for Jlj.0 amendmends was nbn-popc priation Dill Tbe quest! Mr. Camtioi with inscrutt legislutic regard to ibt ed tbe njoijo eucb leg slaL 6t00d il UISCU wduld be it fined to a cb A lonz commended sale of old doprccatedjo vicious el relilned lie; votiog aua legislation 'I'll eon nel of tr entered sideration; ot a comm tbe next ses ed was not Islation on navy a ref After furtbi. the mil tee, with features of Adjournc A bill pa Collector Mr.

Kaason on Waya an bill recent! readju 20 per ce Comrnltteb on Ways an by a party The tfcoa rcscrvauqri ka tee oo 1'Ate amend tbje tigbts, and of Ibe Com the Scntlie In cxtradl amendmfc right of purposes Ballway'C and Cbjcl flome deb Mr. Wl -Affairs Co olutlon ca Etrnctlont 1 to tha ext Alexsndr I asking ifl eiilo duty und f- iami aald session ukex) th: docamen wa rilijBr OSS. i ns ay. I. 1.

'Hcor S'. the rret 15 ta nfi to ing'Djr iavv- Mr. won sod discu intttee ate oc ic iavi' .1 bs and lers, ji'Dts a Mild t.l the b' i an mailer i i siift; on to rt On. lOttier i apj oied a debate to tb Instru eceral ed fix. Custom of low otrod tlag the c.

ad the Meao. )te. biH fo )f Mr. me ts, call uiute it nuuc )ill regi DO Tbe ay for i tbe St unpariy a saw am iriilctee, Up be co ire to Adm under rmatlo bad theJB 16 CO Dfotm the ire COOtl soorden.

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