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The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune from Chillicothe, Missouri • Page 2

Chillicothe, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CHILLICOTHE CONSTITUTION, FEB. "9 1907. Destroys Hair Germs Falling hair is caused by germs at the roots of the hair. Dan- druff is caused by germs on the scalp. Auer's Hair Vigor NEW IMPB ED FORMULA quickly destroys all these germs, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, stops falling hair.

The New Kind Does not change the color the hair J. C. AYER CO Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Girta Growing girls need care, advice and medicine, especially on reaching the age of puberty. A mother's tender care and words of caution will -often accomplish wonders.

As for medicine, a gentle, safe and reliable" of'Gardui, It will prevent and pain, regulate; the I the a valuable medicine for growing girls. -It tided thousands over a critical period, and ed years. Of rsuffering. It never- harm and is sure to do good. A relief or cure, fdr all female disorders in girls At every druggist's in $1.00 Try it.

WINE OF Tbe draicless'remedytor the teller of tho suffering la winning lavpr with- Jug People. information see OvoiVGunb'y A West, -llySnip OHILLICOTHE, MO. Examlnaiiion FRKJB. Phones: 1 Office PhelpsSOS: Beauehamp 352. lartner intormacior Dr.T.B.Phelps Dr.

Lavina to 3 2 A 1 to 5 P. M. Visitinir hours by appointment. J. OJBlce: Banfe ot OhlHlcothe bldg.

Tolepfcone 370. Dr. Chas. A. Wolfe, Osteopathic Physician i i a i i i SPECIALIST.


Oculist and Catarrh Specialist 11 Limits hls'practlce and'JDiseases of Eye, Ear, Hose, Throat, And the correction of Krrors fraction- Scientific Fitting of 1 1 Bnoterloscoplc arid -Blood examlna-. tkms made for are, MAN MEDICINE FREE You -eau now obtain a large t-ee pttclcaKe ot Man KANSAS CiTY GRAIN Kansas City, Feb. 8-- Close -Wheat-- May 72Mo July 73c; eptember Cash No. 2 hard No. 3 No.

red No 3, Corn-- May July 42o; 2 mixed b. No. 2 Vo. 3 Oats-- No. 2 white o.

2 Ovrea of l.ung Tiouble. "It is now eleven years since I ad a narrow escape from con- umption," writes O. Floyd, a eading business man of Kershaw, 3. C. "I had run down in weight a 135 pounds, and coughing was onstant, both by day and night.

finally I began taking Dr. King's STew Discovery, and continued this or about six months, when my ough and Jung trouble were en- rely gone and I was restored to my normalj weight, 170 pounds." housands of persons ore healed very year. Guaranteed at N. J. wetland Drug Company, 50o and.

1.00. Trial bottle tree. i 718 St. OhllUcothe. Mo.

lij; Bos. 3S5. --free on' i-e Medicine thousands upon thousands iueh. Man- Medicine care "you; restore you "to full strength Man Medicine enreS'vital vous debility: 'early decay, dlscouTagrtx mauhood; blood brainfag, backache proscatifcls, kidney and bladder trouble nervousness; can yourself at -home by. Man Medicine, u'ud.

fciie full-size. IoJlarpackag: will be delivered to you free, plain wrappei full directions Tbe lull size dollar-Trackage free, anyJciiidjlioreceipts: no promises; no pa 'pers to Jls free. AIV'WQ want to know you are no scndiugtfor it out of.idle curiosity, but tlia you -want to become, you strontr, natxxralself Man Medi cine wlU.dO;Wliatiyou-want Your natue will; you do Is Co get. it-. send iff ree every discouraged 'In DR.

W. H. PERRY, Homeopath and 2 Wallbrunn building. Residence 1S42 west Cal houn St. SSl's-'resl-: dence bhpne.

S93. All-calls in and" countrv answered, 'promptly or'night. B. JC. GRACE, Physician and Surgeon.

Kooms 3, 4- and 5, Wall- DPunn building. Phonest. Office 308: 399. J. E.

CALL AWAY, M. An Chronic' Ailment. Cisease. Eve, Ear. Nose and Throat criven special attention.

Ofifice in Walbrunn Bld'K Office Phone 57; Residence 11. to Eai Imcl Uuttrt tax-ets5 JOSEPH THOMPSON DEAD Mr. Tliompson died at" Phoenix Tue'sdaiy. mght. He travel ed out of St.

Joseph for ha company was well "-known here. The was bropght Amity for burial. Purity is our watch i Iscting only the choicest herbs an and roots irnown to pharmacists No spirits or drugs HoiUsier'srRocky JVIbuiitaitt' Te is purity itself. 35 cents, Tea Tablets. Swetland Drug Com-- RESTS JEROME PUTS A CHECK TO HER TESTIMONY Declared Stanford; 1 White's Character Should Mol; ta Further Defamsd-rCouri Adjourns Kansas Ireamery EaB oity- Produce.

City, Feb. 8-- Butter 31e; packing; rom the Jaraesport Gazette, Homer L. Faulkner, Jamesport's 'oland China hog man, held hia semi-annual sale under a arge'tent in the feed yard ot Mc- llung's livery barn 'he sale was a success in every ray and met Mr. Faulkner's ex- eetatione in every respect: The surprised anguine, The 'hotels and restau- ants were taxed to meet the de- nands made upon them. The top hog of the sale, No.

3, iy Meddler, went to E. Axline, ak Grove, for The average price was $5i per head. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup ontaining Honey and Tar is specially appropriate for child- en' no opiates or poisons of any haracter, conforms to the Nation- .1 Pure Food and Drug Law. June 0, 1906. For Croup, WhVoping 'ough, etc.

It expels Coughs and iojds by gently moving the jowela. Guaranteed. SoldbyjN. Swetland Drug Co. PROF: MARCOU DENIES IT ALL Boston, Feb.

8-- Prof. Philip B. Marcou, until recently connected with Harvard university, 'but at reaent retired, has filed answer to he suit against by Annie tfanley 'of Boston, a negro woman which she alleges that he prom- sed and failed to' marry her, for hich she asks $25,000 damages. rof. Marcou'a answer is a general leniaVof all the, facts as set forth -the plaintiff's declaration.

Jrandeis, Dunbar ft Nutter appear for the defendant and Dewey Allon for the plaintiff When'you cold it is we! be very careful about using anything that will cause constipation. Be particularly careful about preparations containing opiates. Use LAXATIVE HONEY TAR, which stops cough and ino ves the bowels Sold by Clark's Pharmacy. OUTBREAK IN ARGENTINE New York, Fe b. 8-- A Buenos Ayers dispatch, published here reports a revolutionary outbreak occurred in San Argentine Republic, yesterday in which the revolutionitts were after five hours' fighting Twenty men aiei reported kiilec and many wounded, while numerous houses were burned and.

pth era sacked. Two days treatment free. Ring' Dyspepsia Tablets for impairec digestion, impure bireath, perfec assimilation -of. food, increase! 'Do fail to "aval yburselfplithe above offer; Swetlah'd Drug Co. MODERN RESIDENCE For two story 7 room house, good twio block frorn square.

Inquire 'atI Grace' Lumber Yard. I 30ntf Hay tor sale in any quantities B. J. Meek. $9 per ton.

dtf Possesses wonderful power ove the human removing from your system 1 Hollistei's Rock Mountain Tea does. 35 cents; Te or Tablets. Swetland Drug Co. Good for the boujftiv removes th cold, thJBcaiisft of the cough. That the work of KENNEDY'S LAX A -HONEY and TAR-- th original' laxative cough syrup Contains no opiates.

Sold Always keep a bottle of I. HARPER whiskey in sight. Gob fcp look at ancl good to taste; an what's more; a. benefit to Vyou health. Sold by M.

Higging New York, Feb. 8--Mrs. Evelyn 'haw was temporarily taken from hevwitness 'staiid this afternoon theimurdtir trial of her husband arry K. Thaw, for killing SUn- ord She had been on the all morning. This afternoon, upon resuming Mrs.

Thaw testified that ne day in White's stuclio, Jack asked if she She replied she. did arrymbve arry him. otknow, Mr. Jerome objected shortly af- erward to further "defamation eibg'throwri upon the dead, who aye no chance to answer." rMr. Delmaa had asked Mrs.

'haw if Thaw had told her: the atebf other gij-ls at the hands of lia man, White. Then Mr. Jerme objected. Mrs. however, hat she told Harry K.

Thaw that le a fats similar hers through White. Mr. Delmas said he had no de- re to besmirch the name of the ead. Be was iotrodubing tetters Thaw to corroborate the ques- on. Kilzgerald said he thought urther competent evidence as to haw's insanity should be iritro- uoed before further lestimony long today's line was Court then adjourneduntil Mbn- ayv The most sensational part of trs.

Thaw's testiihoy came when he testified that Stanford White ried to' renew his acquaintance with- her alter her marriage to K. Thaw. She said she told er husband a'nd he was very an- Mrs. Thaw told of going to Abe Hummel'a oilioe with Stanford White. The lawyer put in a paper a lot of stutS about my being car- by Harry Thaw against my will and a lot of.

stuffi that was pt true, I started to interrupt, but would not let me. I signed ab- olutely nothing in Mr. Hummel's fflce," said testified that she signed a aper in the Madison Square en building which White said ra's of no significance and tLat the aper was after burned in Hummel's She said that White ried in vain many times to have er come to see him alone 1 "He cried and said I -was not-a uman being," she said. with Mrs. Thaw still stand, was 'taken at 2:42 o'clock.

Delmas was keenly alive to ev- ry situation again It is hrough-his fngenuifcy thatthe story going before the Evelyn sbit is not telling the tragic de- iails of her betrayal direct; she is Riyiog.the jaTy.the things that she old Harry Thaw, and which the say drove him mad. SuHerers who say ttiey have tried iverthing without b'enefit are the! people we ai'e looking for. We want them to know from glad experience that Ely's Cream Balm will cure Cold in the Head, Hay and the most advanced and obstinate forms of Naeal This remedy.acts directly on the nfiamed seosiative membranes. Uleaneing, soothing and healing. One trial will convince you of its lealing power.

Price 50c. All druggists 01 mailed by Ely 56 Warren New York. Itcu on human cured in SOj mliintea by SANtTARTZLoTioN. This never atla. N4J.

wetland I Tune Go ASSASSINATED A GOVERNOR. androvsky, igbyernor of was shot and killed by an "unknown terrorist as he was leaving the theatre last night. In his attempt to escape the assassin killed an assistant chief of police and policeman, and wounded the manager of the theatre; He then shot himself, afterwards dying in a hospital. Alexandroysky was well'the chief commissioner of the Red Cross society relief work during the war with Japan. "WTiae uounsel.

tfae South, want to give some valuable advice to those who suffer with lame back and kidney trouble," says Blankenship, of Beck, Tenn. "I have pioved to an absolute certainly that Electric Bitters will positively cure this distressing condition. The first bottle gaye me great relief and after taking a faw more bottles, I was completely cured; so completely that it becomes a pleasure to recommend this great remedy." Sold under at N. J. Swntland Drug Company.

Price 50c. WRECK ON MISSOURI PACIFIC. Jefferson Feb. persons were injured in a head-on collision between a passenger and a freight train on the river route branch of the Missouri Pacific today, three miles from here. AH will recover.

Both engines were wrecked and the baggage car was telescoped. Several freight cars were smashed. COLONEL WARDER'S LAST DAft WERE LONELY ITuneral Ssrvicea 'From tlia Home Judge-W. C. Samuel at 1:30 Sunday Afternoon of Sow to Cure 'To enjoy freedom from chilblains," writes 'John Kemp, East Otisfield, "I apply Buoklin's Arnica Salve.

Have also used it for salt rheum with excellent results." Guaranteed to cure fever sores, indolent ulcers, piles, burns, wounds, frost bites and skin diseases. 25c at N. J. Swetland Drug Company. WERE RUNAWAY BOYS.

The police picked up two runaway boys on the streets, Saturday morning, and after a severe questioning the boys admittedthoy had run away from their homes in Omaha last December and were now returning home. They had been all over, the east and seemed willing to return to their parents. They left for Omaha before noon. Tbe Kilfht 'Name, Mr. August Sherpe, the popular oversaer of the poor, at Fort Madison, says: King's New Life Pills are rightly named; they act more agreeably, do more good and make one feel better than any other laxative." Guaranteed to cure biliousness and constipation.

25c at N. J. Swetland Drug Company. BOILERMAKERS ON A STRIKE Bloomington, 111., Feb. strike of all the boiler makers and helpers of the Chicago Alton railway, numbering 200, began today.

Not satisfied with an increase of.two cents an hour, made to all departments January 1, the strikers demand three cents additional. Roy Clark left Saturday for Cansas City where he will spend, Sunday with friends. ManZan Pile Remedy put upi convenient, collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the rem- idv may be applied at the very seat of the trouble, relieving imost instantly bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Satisfaction or money refunded. Sold by N.

J. Shetland Drug Co. H. C. Snively of Hamilton was a Saturday business visitor in the city.

Woman loves a clear, rosy complexion. Burdock Blood Bitteis purifies the blood, clears the skin, restores ruddy, sound health. OLD LAliNURV METHODS Are stiil in'mse by. some Laundries. Not so'here.

We.have adopted all new methods proven. success. us your tiiuen and let jis pcova 'to you what good Laundry work i GOOD WORK, QUICK1WORK, And prompt delivery ii ed to each and every. assur- custoinev. MATHEWS LftUNQRY.

Funeral services, for the late George W. Warder, who died at Kansas City Friday, will take place from the home of his stepfather, Judge W. C. Samuel, East Jackson street, Sunday afternoon at 1:80. Brief services will be in charge of Mr.

N. Crutcher and burial will be made at Edgewood cemetery. The body of Mr. Warder vpill arrive here at noon Sunday. It" will be accompanied by his daughter, Miss Virginia Warder, and his sister-iri-law.

Miss Cornie MoWilliams. The Kansas City Star says of Colonel Warder's death: Several days ago Dr. C. Hardin, received a telephone message in his office from Colonel George W. Warder.

"I'm too weak today to come to see you, doctor," Colonel Warder said. "I'm afraid you'll to come see Nothing serious, I guess, just run down a little more than usual." For more than two years Dr. Hardin had been treating Colonel Warder periodically for anaemia, a disease of the blood. He had known for some time that the health of his patient was gradually but surely reaching a break that would prove fatalj and so when he received the summons he hurried to answer it. In a very small room, scantily furnished, in an office building at 902 Main street, Colonel Warder had bis living quarters.

There, too, was his law office. A bed, a cot, a desk and several chairs constituted the furnishing. "It was not a comfortable place for a man to live," said Dr. Hardin this morning. "He was quite alone there, you know.

I ioand him in a very dangerous conaition. I tried to tell him how sick he was out he laughed at my fears. For two daye he lay there, constantly growing weaker, but through it all maintaining a cheerful disposi- and the assurance that he would recover. At last I tried to warn him that the end was near and urged him to prepare his affairs. But the colonel would not listen and it was only after long argument that I induced him to allow hirii'self to be moved to a hospital." Day before yesterday Colonel Warder was taken to the Women's and Children's hospital Eleventh street and Troost avenue Fardin called several other physicians to assist him in the case.

But their efforts were of no avail. Early this morning Colonel Warder died. His blood, Dr. Hardia said, had become so impoverished that it was a wonder he had not died sooner. Give me the girl with ravishing eyes, And sweet red lips; She is better than mansions of stone, Or temples of brick, For joy and pleasure there will be.

If she takes Rocky Mountain Tea. Swetland Drug Co. A Woman's Gratitude "For more than a year I had been s. completely; broken down. I had not slept but two or three hours any, night for weeks." I had such awful misery in my head, and oh, I.was so 'irritable.

I could not depend upon my judge- ment, memory was failing. I realized that I was. losing my mind, and I thought the grave, or worse, the asylum, would be my doom. My doctor said my case was beyond the reach of medicine. I went to a.

druggist anjl told him my condition. He recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine; he was pretty sure it help me, so I bought a bottle. That night I took a table, spoonful, and fell asleep in a few. minutes, the first rest I had in weeks, and oh, I' will never forget.

that sweet sleep while I live. I have continued taking it, and sleep like a baby, and gain rapidly." MRS. VIOLA BARKER, Orange, Texas. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that first bottle will benefit.

If It falls, refund your money. Miles Medical Elkhart, Ind HUMPHREYS' Vefeerbxary Specifics cnre if llm-sos Cattle; Sheep, Dogs, HagS And Dmitry by noting directly on the stCK 71SIB vitliout loss of time. A. FEV KU.MUiuVliJm'. 1 ConiWHtlnhfl, Tnb Fever.

Millt Fever. Injuring TtlllOAT. upcr. oU, nfluenza, Inflamei G. E.

I BOUGHS, ColdM. K3 fiiingM, F. F. BHJyaelifi, CORES Diarrhea; Dyatntery. G.G.

MISCARRIAGE. tf Xnii Grense, Farev. Ermptloof. CUBES iludiaeati.on, Slomach fet COc. each Stable' Case, Tea ft At sent prepaid oil receipt of price.

Humphreys' Itcdlcino Cor. William Streets, New JIOK 3IAII.ED FREE. HAIR NATURALLY ABUNDANT. When It Free of Dandruff, It Kair preparations and dandruff cures; as a rule, are sticky or irritating affairs that do no earlhly good. Hair, when not diseased, grows naturally, luxuriantly.

DanaruriT Is the cause oC nine-tenths oC all hair troulole, ancl dandrult is caused by a scrm. The cure dandruff 5s to kiJl the germ; "and; so far, the only hair preparation tliat will positively destroy the-grerm is Kewbro's Herpiclde-- absolutely Imrmless, free Irom grease; sediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs. Ic allays "itching-, instantly; makes hair glossy and soft as silk. "Destroy the cause, you -remove tfce effect." Bold by leading druggists. Send lOc.

in. stamps for sample to The Hcrpfcide Co-, Detroit, Mich. Two sizes 50 cents ant Seymour Wigely, Special- Agent A BEAUTIFUL FACE Send slamp tar and TeBlimrataltrf remcdr that clears Che Complexion. Remomf'Skiu Impcrlectiom. Matcj Kcw Biood and Hyoutskc BEAUTYSKIN results arc juarftjotcea 91 moaty.nt CHICHESTER CHEMICAL Madison Place, PMbidelpiila.

Pa. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE Far Sale--Two mares, both in foal. N. W. Vosburg, 1207 Cooper street.

6fd6t PURE CANDY We were making PURE CANDY before Pure Food thooght of 'We buy only High Grade 'material from the manufacturers, and use WO adld- 'teration in' converting the raw material into a finished product. FARRINGTON. FOR house on West Polk street; water-works, fruit trees, large yard. Inquire at this office. IdU FUNERAL OF SUSIE KEEHEY The funeral of Susie Keeney, who died at St.

Mary's hospital Friday afternoon of typhoid-pneumonia, was held from the Meinershagen Undertaking parlors Saturday afternoon at three o'clock. Burial was made in the Catholic cemetery northeast of the city. Miss Susie had been living in Kansas City and returned to Chillicothe about two weeks ago when she was taken dojwn with pneumonia. She was immediately sent to the hospital where she had since been confined. Besides her father Thos.Keeaey edby two and Rose.

She was 18 jears old. The CONSTITUTION Friday evening through mistaken information, gave Miss Keeney's name as Maggie. A NOTRE DAME LADY. I wll 1 Hencl i 1'nH inatrucLioii.s snmv of simple: pivpomtJoii for thy cure of rjoucoi'dicjoa. Clcoration, DlgpUieijmencs, F.alliwtf ol' rhi' Womb, Scunt-y or- Palntwl or Growths, Hot Flashes, Desire t.o i i the Spine, "Pfiln in Mm Bnelc, ml all oulicr em niu sytnlini? To mothers ot SLill'Qi'injz iliLUMhterM 't will tixpluin fi fciitc- ccivsi'ul Ftome i i if you decide continue it wilt i cost ubcmt J2 cent cure.

other 1 fere iff of Is all I If you are lii- Jincl teli youi snfTorlng friends of It. Address, 3Irs. M. Summers, Box '13ame, Frank Scarlett of Chula lUsiueES Yiaitor here 1 LOST AN1 FOTJITD.

08 t. Lion head stick pin, diamond set. Finder please return to CONSTITUTION office. Liberal reward. f6d6fc WAITED Wanted Large.nrst-clase house of -twenty-fire years standing, manufacturing staple line of goods in constant daily use, wants good man to manage branch wholesale business.

Salary per year and all expenses, payable monthly. Also extra commissions which should amount to more than the salary. Applicant must furnish good references and cash, which is satisfactorily secured. Address PRESIDENT, 612 South 6th St. Louis, Clerk and Assessor.

his can. W. ffl i clldacy lot clurfc autl oC Obillieoths township, siib- Ject to tiie actlon.of tlic Deiuocratit; UllflAtTT" Jtunounces'lils candi- tl. I Oacy for clei-fc ami assessor ot (JJiMiicothe township, subject to tiho autlon of party. UIJLDH authorises the aniiovmce- U.

Wflllu inentof bis-ciinciKlacy for clovk and nasessor of OMlHcothe township, subjecb to tho act km of Ueinoertitic IflUU 1 A I the an- uUilfl U. A i nouncement of hts candidacy for clerk and assessor ol OhLllico- the township, Miibjecc to clie'ncLJou of XJcmoci'iitic party. iNEWSPA'FERr.

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