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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 ZT a ifcv 3 I 2 THE WORLD a WEDNESDAY EVENING DECEMBER 2 1903 0 I I st tiERYTHINC NOW OLSRYODELL 0 Governor After Two COnferences with Senator Platt vl Announces There IsNo Real son for Discord Rumors 4 1 IWT THE EASY BOSS WAS TREATED COOLLY I Complete ShakeUp of City Leaders Is Assured and This A Means that Odell Has His Grip on the 0 Machine To hear Gov Odell tell It ho and Sell itc Platt hae burled the hatchet and uv rythin Is serene He lays that I1cy haw joined hamls for the good the party And that an agreement lies cea reached that Is MtIf tory to all bl statement wa made by the Coy tHsiifernoon after he had cdn trttd at Imirth with tho Senator at IIeht In the Fifth At elide Hotel i 1ol ieorrt Dunn Chairman ot the State Commlttoc was at tho table lull o3klltlle part In the dLicueilon After WtS wua over Senator Tlntt went to his room twhUe the Ooyomnr und Cote Dunn wilt to Republican headquarters tersTttM The luncheon conference was the sec i cndof the day The flu was held he tweea the Senator and the Governor nt brahfast Senator PJatt went to hU ftJOI eaying that be would give out i tement bore that would clear up kr fcYMTthlDe but he changed his mind ift getting down town and announced lhathe would moet the Governor at the uui Avenue at noon Con Greeting to 1lntl It Waa1 oclock When the Senator UuH Into Itrpubllcan Headquarters In Mie Fifth Avenue Ho appeared to be suffering verJy from rheumatism rv hen he entered tho room Got Odell eoa talking In whlsponr to a man no Jbody icemed to know nnd CoL Dunn fip i slUlnJt at Jilt window looking out trthjj sloppy pavement I Senator Platt stood In tho mlddio of ttli room Col Dunn hurried to hlu aide and fhook hands Gav Odell uroso leisurely walked across tho room and marked i jg tAm you cola Not very replied Senator Patt I Ij Im late thoufrh 4 NojWnKiqrthcr was saJd Coy Odoll to turned h1 iik on the Senator nnil rr Jet futned ills Beat ami hl whlpertsl ooiHremUon iiiji the etranser Col I i7 unn walked to tho window anil 1oakea out ot tho sloppy pavement er1ator latt atooj looking around for Oroinibly half a minute and then hob Wea to the elevator Ho jot off at the vtflut landing and en Into the dining 70001 whereto was jojncd later by tho GoTernorand Cot Dunn rx Bftvrj tljlnji Loel Hn HHJI 1 After luncheon Coy Odoll said MI dftave had two oinfcrctiers with Sent lI fjjtir Plait And Chairman PDIUI and we IF Vliave arrived alu cimolaslon thHt Is Jp liillifactory to 611 There Is no reason 1 tpr apy friction reports Wo ae on Mho contrary actuated by a ojnunon Mles for party succcsi and Incrcnsi IlJ1th1 and propose unitedly to work to i 1 tend lvi Senator Hlatt rcited hi Ills room this aft rnopt Qov Odtjl received a number of local district lend TS most or whom have already culled 4 him at Albany Among those who I nero called to talk to him this after roOn weri Leaders Vlndolph llcnkel Qlatpln Mason Alderman Parsons vtoirch and Pcgmm Norton Gnu 4 dard Wnn Bruce who had arranged 105CO to hInton last Monday and gfe aiocDougal Hawkes Dock Commls BlQnfr alsu called A wl IM reorganization of the local machine Is looked for It Is ex a jeetcd that Mr Bruce will set out and I i tbit many dIstrict leaders nil bo In Ct formed that they cannot hope to atana T10r reelection at the primaries tMOUNI MORRIS MAY v4LOSE ITS OLD BELL Pq JThe famous old li eti towcr In Mount Morris Park may nottoll again For half a century It has sounded alarms if tire and It his tolled the death of famous men and ncn Never once baa 1 i Jt fallea in Its purpose But Ji9 Tire partmcnt can no FoIger ny to maintain this veteran bell an psLzic4 tq day of usefuinesst say iA tho JI aa3 of the department and It rH1tgO the way ot all LhliiRs which fall iN keep apaqe tvlth civilization Tbe Par Deprtment has been old 4 that Lho bell is too expensive to the A Plro Department arid in urn the Board 2 nOC Aldermen have been asked to act 5fhe ceoplo of Mount Morris Part dont want to Jose the old bell They want It crpetuated Jk4Jl standing as a i rkg1ng mombry of old tfmea They too lllao oni lnK to ay to the Uiard Aldermen at a publicmeetlnir 1 I h1lH 1 i tld nc Friday when oek5t glorIes or the old bell will bo axi ts plpaent merjs discussed ACHMENT IN STOCK SUIT i MrCet Writ Atrnlnut Mnnrlco VIePiUr for tiBlII loi Dickey fa th Special Term of mlJ1P 9uJ1 pJOPktrnIBlUed an tr ln iaurlcu 1her 0 ThtmIi1 un vcu papwj hadox iueIn IDPllaolloc bi 1r rltrHrtl Jt Mr pn6Im rf or 11I1ttr4lOOO qtter 111 tl1J1t 1 Jjl va1U 011 fcii i fi WENT ON TRIPI WITH MURPHY Now His StepDaughter Stenographer to Corporatio Counsel Must Stand Trial for Absence Without Leave RIVES SUSPICIOUS OF DOCTORS CERTIFICATE 1 I Tammany Leader at Time of Marriage Urged Miss Graham to Resign but Preferring Active Work She Refused MIss Mabel Qraham stepdaughter of Charles Murphy leader of Tammany Hall was to have been tried to iuv on a charge of absence without leave from the odlce of Corporation Countel lllvei Mini Pfahamfl mother In the wife It the Tammany leader and since 1S93 the young wQman has been employed 1UIa 1 stenographer In the offlcs of IherCor poration Counsch When Mr Morph married hor mother he urjrod the yottm woman to resign 6ut nlio declined tell Injf her ntcpfatlier that her duties were ongenlal and that hue preferred to have some nctlVj employment When 3ln Murphy vent wtOi hto wife to Hoi Sprinji Va a few weeks aeo Mia Graham ustawl for a leave of ab senv saving that eihe was nothi rood health but permission It Is said wa tpfuced She went to the Springs however wllh her mother and Mr Murphy and as a result chirgvi were preferred against her T4ie hearing was to have been had today but Corporation Counsel Itlve received doctors certificate saying hat Miss Graham was too 111 appear Ho nrtJournM the coio until a Oay to he settled on next week When Wen Mr fives said iytI there Ui a MIa Graham employed as a st noijrajlur In this ortlct but whether shin is a stepdaughter of Charles Murphy I do not know nor do I core fiho went ttway without notifying this oince After she Iud gone a certificate was sent to me sojHnir that she was Iii and while she may have been III and needed a reel 1 lo not be lexe she was a rick us tho doctor claimed she wa Thn whole matter however Is not ft orloua cnv She simply violated a rote oeWe office and for that reason 1 ordered a hoirlng so that she might offer nn explanation Tali procedure would have followed In the case of any other employee of this office under the same circumstances DURAND AT WHITE HOUSE htuseyelt 1 Knrmaltjr Receive tile Now nrltUIi Ambamailnr WASHINGTON Pee 2SIr Henry Mortimer Durand Ui successor of air Michael Henry Herbert the Ambasss dor of Great Britain to tho United Staler was received formally by Irov denfncusevelt at the Whltft House this itternoon MCARIHY WALKING DfLGATf GUilTY Partner of Sam Parks In HQI ing Up Contraotors Convioted of Extortion by Jury Before Recorder Goff Tho Jury In the case of Tim McCarthy brought In a vcrJIot of guilty tills afternoon SlqCarthy was walking delegate I for the Ilousesmlths and Drld lenten Union and tho right hand man of Sam i I Park Ho was indicted and tried for I extortion I According to the testimony McCarthy nvnt to the LobelAndrews Construction COil contractors for the Womans Hotel and Uomnnded f300 for calling off a strike The money was paid Sam Parka was also mixed up In the xtor lon The testimony was all In yesterday and the crtso of the prosecution was outlined The defense argued today The jury wall cut ur hour and took five ballots On motion of McCarthys counsel no was remanded until Frldnv for en cnic A motion for a new trial wa refused Barn Parks McCarthys partner Is a ready In Sing Sing He i In the hos pital dangcroutly 111 and 1t14 not thought that he nlll remain alive to enO out his term BOSTON CABMEN STRIKE BOSTON Dec Demanding shorter hours and a uniform schedule of nay cRbmen employed by the Iloaton Cab Company to the number of about and hundred went on strike today Later ojhor cabmen atllllated with the Cab rT era Union also utoDDed work Xne trlke caused much inconvenIence the rnllwav station The Boston cabmen were influeuccd Is Mild to present their demand by tho recent successful utrlko of the New tbrIC drver SHIPPING NEWS I ALMANAC FOIl TODAY Sun rim TOJlBun Alt 4Ul1 1121 TUB TIDES I I lliKh Vater lAw Watr AI AM PM RandJ look 11121131 JtU 112 OovernorsIllId Ift2 C46 I OO I Hell Oats Ferry 725 780 137 I I li onT OF1UCW YORK I i ARR1VBD Palatla Genoa Arapahoe Jscksom Ills Cilia dt Napoli rNaple Mexlcg Havana Tlomo VnirtK Iamixa ptmtrau Tiller emarsrs INCOMING BTEAJIBHJP8 8 DUB TODAY Marualbo Pence AinaMstnit PUL HcnendACarbadoj Alrttm uatton Kt Dorado UalvtitonAmwthiM JackaonvtMa Rhein lircmtn ilbtrlan aiaatovr 7 Ucntuern Dunkirk Svi i OUTGOING STCAM HIPS SAILED TODAY CdrIc X4v4r11001 4wYalc I Cnlllu r1w fletrans Iil ilamIlOndNOIhOk rIrI liermUdL 1 Core Yeuro1d fur Mo Ma Ul CMi4iCllinAt Mir Druilalp for ort 1 i HUT WHERE CHICAGO BOY BANDITS PLANNED THEIR ROBBERIES VAN DINE AND THE MOTHER OF OTTO BAUER WHOM HE SHOT I I YIIJFflltdjanfl lll 9 THOUSANDS CAUGHT INN CRUSH ON BIG BRIDGE 4 Accident to Machinery on Worst Day of the I YearOauses Bad Delay Traffic On tha worst day In night months there WTLS a blockade on the Brooklyn Bridge this morning It began about 730 flclock and kept up until perhaps 00001 persons were UU at business The trolleys crossing the bridge were so packed thAt ft wes Impossible for any oni of the pnsMngera itbe Elevated rains to got a fooling on them hardly a hand hold on the re platform They nora BO overloaded that a block was almost catifed on the trolley tracks rite light OTOW which was lolling coated the wooden promenade of the Bridge to that It was a feat to walk acrojs to Jfaw York In anything like taxi time Where it usually takes about quarter of nn hour to walk jt this morning it was nearer a halt hour for vary one wiho had the misfortune to bean rood passenger Xtuny women lipped and fell especially at 4 tower pprooches where the Iron steps were thIckly covered with Ice The block was caused by a break In the cable machinery just outside the Brooklyn htds It took twentyfive men threequarters ot an hour to reP Ur It PerhapK one of the worst features of ho blockade on viewed by thoM sufferIng from wa the fact that tho Dn Company made a good many dollar out of It Every morning at least lOOiX rxraons cross the bridge by paying a hreecent fare nt the Brooklyn entrance tot a ride on the local brlJg trains This morning their lloxeu were accept ed by the choppers and they were permitted to huddle on the platforms tiltih they realised that they must walk WOMAN SQUATTER FORCED TO MOVE I Last of the Old Harlem Settlers Gives Way to the Northward Match of the Big Apartment House When Mr Mary Wets eighty year ofd move from her little shanty on the northwest corner of Ninetyeighth street and Madison avenue tonight almost tllll last trace of the pioneer pquat ters of Harlem iwlll have been effaced Mrs Wels Jiaa boon a squatter for fifty year and for thirty years she has occupied the little Madison avenue hut that is being torn down to make WII if ft big apartment house that Jeff seam Levy the owner of the proper will ereet on the site The tearing down of the shanty began yesterday but under orders from Mr Levy the workmen left one room standing over today Ih order that the aged woman mlht take her time In moving her belonging to the homo of her sitter Mr Blum at Third avenue and Ninetyeighth street Mrs Wels told an Evening World reporter today hat she accepted the In wltablv Ip tnovlnjc from her little home The march of profro she sold would Ond no barrier In her opposition llr Levy had been a kind friend to her and she willingly accepted his nutIC that ha ijrould have to move Mrs Web remembers Harlem as a lldcrncM when ihe settled there In a line elianty fifty years ago She was married tfticmr wt forty years ago her btuband was killed on the track of the New York Contml Since then she baa 1 lived nlore Jn her little hut Wehnrd lloarr the last of the Harlem cruattera and thoonly squatting neighbor Of Mrs Wels said today that the I old lady had had two hukbandi Who were both killed by the railroad I M3ho wa al close ta a muftr ealJ Mr ihuas md the only tttertainm at she ever gave to tier nejghbora Was wake for tier huspnd nearly forty YMri ago Yes I think she Is rich think she muat have as much as 11009 DRESSER WONT TESTIFY Decline to Oho Detail boat Die posItion of Certain 9ecnrllr I When Ull hearing la LM bankruptcy proceedings against Daniel Le Roy Dresser wee resumed today before tuilty Dwclfr the referee Mr Dresser wa atkad boUt the disposition msde of BiG bottle received by him from JoHnW Younrpt te JJolted States Shipbuilding Company Mr DreaCr ldtn bond were deposited aalI ouMty for a loan which haa Nno 9tfl dnee ahtl hat he hal aI yeorlldere Uie bonds QJI 1011 Yeusigsand not fttttt disposal Wtha CreditOr Ue refused 10AIIIer other duejtions aM 14 emalter AI referred Judge Holt i 1 to get to their lo tlnattoni nnywhcrn near on time There was no refunding of tickets nor were Iranjfers IssdeJ The snowstorm also caused much trouble on the Manhattan elevated roads The troublo wan ascribed to poor contact on the third roll took more than an hour to make the run from One Hundred and Twentyfifth street to South Ferry The muchher aided pew rail brushes whloh were thought be golngtp obviate the troubles of last winter were not worth two centsapparently Any way they didnt got the trains through In halt the time they should have made The snow which came down like a white mantle on the city brought any thing but joy to the nearta of thousands of poor people who are forced to earn their bread In tho open sir Following aa It did the advance In the price of coal the mow left no doubt In the minds of the poor regarding the reality of Inter Down on the east side the huckster drew their carts wourlly through the now cursing the cold ai they shlv Iced Wanfaced ithlnlyclad children tried to get warm by running about and throwing snowballs at Caen other but their rhiilis of pleasure were fainthearted at best For once the weather man nearly struck right His forecast yesterday culled for snow tqday but he hadnt nerve enough to stick to It and this morning his report called far rain The annual offer of the Contra Park Casino of magnum of champagne to the llrst visitor In sleCtrlis of the see onJnado ull roads lead to the Casino Alfred Qlolton with a pntr of chestnut to a high cutter was that first I claimant A minute later his wife drove up In another cutler and also claimed prize I Hobert EthYl and 8 Harris came In cutters Mr Harris behind his Bpeed way favorite Kate All opened wins on the house fASHION PLATt SEEKS BIG JOB I Larry Gaughran Who Servei Term on Blackwells Island Wants to Be Commissioner of Corrections The ground upon which TArry Gaughran bf Brooklyn seeks to be appointed Commlmloncr ot Corrections is unique He wants tho Job because he once sere 1 term a BlaekweAlii Island Oaughran has been haunting Tammany Hall so persistently that It tl become necessary to employ a special guard to keep him away from Charles Murphy He lives In Brooklyn and appears tQ have means Ho ays he Is the fashion plate of Columbia street and changes his clothes from three to live tIme I day I the morning he explained at Tammany Hall to4a1 I start In with 0 sack suit And i high hat Later on 1 chance to a Prince Albert and after 1 hAve worn my high hat with my Print Albert awftll I put on my derby Then I wear a cutaway coat and a alpine hat and In the evening I iy wear my Tuxedo Who Is batter qualified than I to be Commissioner of Corrections Not a man name I have seen mentioned for the place has over nerved a term on Blackwells Island I know just what they need over there and Im th man to give I to them Qaughran because ho changes liii clothe so often i afraid that Air Murphy nifty not know him every time ho meet htm Consequently has tad his photograph taken in the nude and has sent copy the Tammany leader Now says Mr Oaughran sagely no matter what I toave on me hell know me GOELET SUED FOR DAMAGES Outcome of an Automobile Crash I at Cambrldveport SMdal to Th Kvtnln World BOSON J8ult for tlOOM was entered against nobert Qoelot of New York today by William Alderson of Cambrlftgeport who aaserti that he was run down and injure on the day of tho HarvardYale football game by 11 Ooelejtsautomoblle I Wa shall charge uld1 PJerec his attorney that Mr Goelft was ncgll gent for my cUral on the Filth side at the r4fd Observing the law In every restpect He was simply run Into by Mr QotteLUI was in no Way resporzibho tor the wlllnno Jt CI rate CBreia pile helter Wind dliur or MMral fttlinr Pile Your drynliit wU isSued Prl I s4 Z2hrilthcT tathilaeiira mner1 if i 1 Jo1er 01 lo ucar I TURKISH HORRORS WRECKED MIND Young Greek a Raving Maniac in This City After Witnessing the Recent Butcheries in Macedonia Iaraghlll AugujtJgrato I young Greek who returned to this country ten days ago after a ain search In Macedonia for his sweetheart Is raving in Ilcllcvuo of Blood bloodl 1 can BOO It every where His friends MY that hln mental col apso is due to nothing elSe than the rightful sights in the fur off country whIch has been turned Into a shanihieshjy thc Turks I Is possible that the fears hat the rhedra whom ho calls for every now and then wan a victim of the out rages lie saw in Macedonia and they have aided greatly In bringing him to his prcaont pitiable condition Hn Is piiable Cllllllon es capod to America after niuuli difficulty Angustlgratn wnMeniplojpd In llor Ists at No JUS Sixth avenue nnd It was i there that he suddenly became iiuane It had been noticed hill that he wai moro for many days but no one suspected what was going on In UN mlml until the thread of reason snapped nnd he began nnl beJn his cries of blood nnd sought to smash everUlilng ho could lay his han 1 sml ONLY ONE WITNESS AGAINST MSWffNfY Former Assistant Commissioner of Immigration Charged with Abstracting Government Papers from Ellis Island Hearing In the charges against former Assistant Commissioner of Immigration Cdnard iP McSwqcney was continued today In tho Federal Building before United Stores Commissioner Shields McSweenoy ls charged with having abstracted certain Government papers from Bills Island and Is bring prosecuted by Assistant United States Dls trlolAttornev Baldwin and Edward Van Ingen counsel to Commissioner of ImmigratIon Williams Mr McSweeney Is represented by Col William A Qarton of Boston where ho now resides and Wtre hn become uclho In politics A Bhcrman the correspondence clerk at Bills Island identified 1 pic tuio alleged In the complaint to be 0 BCene which I Is claimed was found in a letter box uat Ellis Island In which were some of Mr Mcflweoneys private oapers He then was excused and the Government announced Its case closed Abram Kose of counsel for Mrt Mc 6wcnC made a formal motion to dismiss tho complaint contending that none of the allegations had been established but this was denied George II Haitch of the legal firm of Oerg I Untc Hatch iMcCook wascalled a the first cok tlO witness for the defense Ho detailed a vtiu he bad made In company wtth Mr Robinson an Ullis Island oMclol to a ntoroge warehouso In Onoaiiinarcd and Twentyrinh street where Mr Mc Sweeney had a room packed with house ro pke hold furniture They found no Cavern met Copumiissioner of Immigration FlWhlo was next called lie said Mc swetney toad a lot of onal property at the Island because his household had Seen broken up Tie goods worn therewith hU permission UNIFORMS FOR BELLEVUE FORBELLEVUE AH Employee VH1 tii1ear In Tbcm ToMorroW The doctor oni employees of the ncllevu HoFpJtal nippenrvtoroorrow for the nest tim the now uniforms ordered some time ngo by Superintendent William Mabon The asslahiht superb tcndent the supervising entrfneer nnd the resident physicians will appear Co Coats collarlcis doublebreivstod lIolcoal olnrle vests and blue nerge or White duik trousera 115 they prefer The uniform truer with a blue cloth clip I with a soH crown and drooping Sort 1hit menVbcra of the hgusobtaft dSoiheciirlfS will wear white otto dltclisnlt with a fourbutton breaatedt dI eo nnu a bluoraipj ter lcrk nnd useistantatwilhi var la toetttd tlttnBDl fourbutton Icn hHI vest end trouper Jroatchilli TthimteflUrU will atsoereue wktte 4WW il FIANCEE OF DOT 1BANDITSUPPRESSED r8 Police of Chicago Force Her to Leave a Museum Where She Has Been on Exhibition and Had Been Blocking the Street CHICAGO Dec 2 Interest In the boy bantlltvi who were captured several dym ago after fierce near Mill illation Lao Pouacy lndi 1lt tho same height a when they were brought back to this city In charge of a largo guard of detectives Mamie Dunne taonlno of Van Dine ono of the bandits has bOSIi forced to IMVVC a dime museum where she has Tjt i on exhibition As she left the streets were crowded with people who had nOt boon nble to set Inside the mu seum while she whie was thee Mayor Harrlnon forced the girl to leave tho musucm by writing a letter to the proprietor oalllnif upon him to common cease to decency exhibit her In the name of Gujtave QM the only one of tho six ax car barn bnndlts who when arraigned In count pleaded guilty engaged a lawyer today and prepared no change the 1 ohane Dion to one at not guilty t10 I Is not probable therefore taht an will tiled ns soon as was expected exete IIot tho gang have legal rcpre ntn thes nov Jnf Ibancllts will It Is thought all plead hereditary Insanity SLASHED JIRL TOOK ACID Jcaloimj Pro I t1 Jinn to Try tltinlrr nnil Kill Illniirlf Special to The Evening World NHW IIAATfiN Dec 2A mrfn believed to io Thomas McCabe or Kane entered the boardfnghouso at No Ill Crow street this afternoon and fatally fatly stamed HnttleGllmore thirty years old one of the hoarders with razor Then he went to another room and took darbnllc acid which oiused his ideathln a few minutes McCabe Is Bold I to have been jealous The police arrived I lust in time to prevent tho woman bleeding to death In the house LEFT 1000000 ALL MADf IN SODA Will of John Dwight First Manufacturer of Bicarbonate in This Country Gives Children Equal Shares John Dwight tho tIt manufacturer of bicarbonate of soda In tills country and President of the Church Dwight Com pony amassed a million dollars In that business ais disclosed by bin will ned today by lila eldest son Mclatlah Everett DwlKht Ho lived at No 31 Mount Morris Park West where he died Nov 5 at the age of edghtyfour years The wjll it the old merchant disposes of 90 of real estate and JMOOOO personal estate His etock In 0ie Church Dwight Company founded by him and his brothcrlnlaw Dr Austin Church In IRlfi ho divides between his son Mela tlah lile daughter Anna wlfa of Rev Theodore A LetfgeM of West Brighton 1 and the three children Of hlf deceased i daughter wife Ot Alexander 1 Ketohum Notes Elvon by his other son John Dwight to him aggregating J242000 he bcquuathes to hUm and directs mo the real estate and resluuu of the personalty bo divided onions his children and thoso or his deceased daughter Icjatlah Dwight and his brothers InJiw A Katohum and William I WiUker are named as executors and trustee trusteesS JUST RUN ACROSS Some People Ate Ltcfcy Some people make an Intelligent i study of food and get on tho right track pure food others aro lucky enough to stumble upon tho right way out of the difficulty Just as a Philadelphia young woman dfd lsa She says I had suffered terribly from nervous indigestion everything Bcomod todisagree with mo and I son tho point of starvation when ono day I happened to run acrosa a demonstration of Ppstum Food Coffoo at ono of the tig stores here Ccro took a cample home I I acamploome and a sample 9 QrapeNuto aa well andtlicro tiled them again and found they agreed with me perfectly For nionths I made thorn my main diet and ad the result I am restored to my former perfect health and can eat everything 4 ntt canelt Whc4 I spoke to my phyalclan phlidan about OropoNutaho said lf a most cpllcnt food Nameglv0n Ppatmn Oo BattlaCrtjeJ fj ayn ii Tber a reason 1 Li jyJkf0r tho famous1 Jlttlo bopki 7httjad to WBllytUe Jn thrav etb Postu a4 I I i MYSTfRIOUSMANIAC DIES IN HOSPITAL I Williams Who Was Found in BoardingHouse and At tacrJerJIIurse bctTmbtb Paresls pelatives Wealthy WD Williams nfty years old who give his addrcas No 40J East Twen tythird street ditd In the Insane want of Bcllevuo Hospital io day from paresis Wllliama wa taken thereon New 2t front a boardtnsfhouso at No 112 But Twenty eventti street He ha been found sltthig In a char on tho third dear by a nurse cmplo ed in tho house Tho nurseasked him who he was and what he wanted and Ute man sprang at her Sho rushed screaming to tho street and summoned Patrolman Harrington of Ills East Twentysecond street station Harrington bad io get the help of two Ire policemen before Williams could taken to the hospital How lie ever got Into the housu 1 mystery Rter When Inquiries were mado at the Twentythird street address which Wlll Iams gave as his hone a mechanical engineer nan 1a Walter Freoman who lived there and he knew WJMtainH One day Freeman said Wlllams told hlh had lost IOPI In copper and wax ruined Wllllnmn had his mall sent to the Putnam Homo under the name of Horace Mann He ha a sister In Sidney 0 who Is married to a wealthy poatofflco ofllcla there Wllllamx wait very well dressed when taken to the hospital and had besides 1 gold watch and chain JIM In bills Ill sister lias bn notified cvf hIs 111 notto death 0 TOPASS DIVIDENDS ON STEEL COMMON Announcement was made on Wall treet this afternoon that no more dividends will be paid on common stock of the United States Steel Corporation iftcr the dividend of 2 percent to bo psidDec for from tno and onehalf to three years This statement while not made 01 all come ftom an of tidal source The next dividend of 2 per cent Is cut lrhal from the original dividend ot 4 per cent which waa the rata of iltcrcst expected when the stock was inrown upon the market IVie determination to stop tho payment of dividends on the common stock Is duo to the promoters Uio tru i ncraiec the working cash capital of tho corporation from 110 present figures 1070 0000 to 2XOOJO000 Passing ho common stock dividend will save UQ r0XX a yea on the 4 per cent ddvldml xisls bsis i 1yaaviog this dividend cutting tho waxes of workmen and doing away with highsalaried officers It I expected be Urn made vlni of J70OX000 1 year will BOY DIES HYDROPHOBIA FROM H1 Arthur Doherty Only Nine Years jl Old Was Bitten by Three Dogs with Whom He Had Tried to Make Friends I Arthur Doherty nine years old died today the Long Island College Hospital from what the doctors believe to bo a genufne eOi hydrophobia During the few hours he had been In the hospital he had been kept continuously I under the Influence of chlorpform the doctors saying there was no hoprf i of savins Ms life and that the anaes the tic world afford him a comparatively easy death Bitten three times by dogs In tho last 1 erg weeks the boy last night developed I I all the symptoms of rabies In his homo at No SI First street Brooklyn Us fought with his parents frothed at the mouth and snapped nnd bit at them during the spasms which seemed to lend him almost uuperhurain strength I llnil to Uliul Illin could do Doctor were called but they Docor he nothing except bind him so that nChlnl Before daylight he could harm no one l1yll was sent to the hospItal of dogs Arthur had been a great lover 1 mongrel curl and all other kinds Ho but what He tried to seldom saw a dog atlo IIIW doss either hal a etron petit But tho dooS antipathy to Arthur or he leeted Ungrateful animals on which to lavIsh Ils imlotul anIms usually turned and affection for they snapped at him the teeth In One of them burled his lt burlt A week laur boys leg six weeks ago the arm aml a another doc bit him on Irm anOlhcrdD week before Thanksgiving the third beore his do leaped to his face lacerating cheek aul tore the eye nockct lilt with nnitclmll lint wounds were carufuUy cauterized All these wounlIl rruly Al thes there woUld terlzcd and the do tON sold WOtl bo no dansert Thanksgiving Day Arthur lncr and thur went to MO 0 bajcball game was accidentally hit on tho head with a bat Ho was taken home unconscIous and when was revived showed symptoms of hydrophobia The doc ttirs think that the water which was dished In his face to revive him brought on tho rabies But he was soon over It Since then he has remained in bed under the care of doctors Last night however he uiritn became violent and spasms fol loved each other quickly At the hospital the boy was strapped to an Iron col so that no could not mote and was then placed under the influence of chloroform The doctors Infl said lie could live only a few hours and that It would bo a mercy to keep I him under tho Influence of tho an aesthetic until ho died i i Dont Poison Baby ORTY YEARS AOO almost every mother thought her child must have FORT or laudanum make it Beep These drugs will produce deep and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce tho SLEEP FROM WHICH THERE I NO WAKING Many are tho children who IOM have boon killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric laudanum and morphine each of which Is a nato product of opium Drugguta are prohibited from aching either of tho narcotics named children at all ort anybody without labelling thorn poison The definition of narcotic I is A medicine which rtlievea pain and produces sleep but which in poison otis doses produces stupor coma convulsions and death Tho and smell of modlclnea containing opium are disguised and sold under tho names of Drops I Cordials Soothing Syrups et You should not permit any medicine bo given to your children without you or your physician know of what it Is composed OASTORIA DOES NOT QONTAIN NARCOTICS if it bears the signature of Chas Fletcher Genuine Cnstorla always bear the signature of i44 I FRANKFIELDCO1 Jewelers and Importers Suggest as a most appropriate Christmas Gift 4 achoice their latest productions in SOLID 14Kt GOLD JEWELRY Good Taste Exclusive Designs Superior Workmanship and Moderate Prices are the inducements offered to the purchasers oi these inexpensive holiday presents Send for our illustrated catalogue Gold Jewelry 52 West 14th Street Near SIxttiAyed 1 I CANDY SPECIAL VOll WEONU OAY ONLY AnKortert Fruit mid Wut ButerI cup lao Chocolate Cream Peppermint i flb 18o 81HoiAt roil TilUHSIfAY ONLY Blackberry Fralt Ilonbonnlli 100 Chocolate Cuvereil Molasses Hatter Chip lii 1D 64 BARCLAY ST Con WEST fl WAY Z9CORTLNT1 Cliurchci 8unilnyScUool Fair and liiMKutlon auppllea at pc clnl prices TTT fliT rtcltl dliciic guar I I I I I I satied in care Trice spe I 1L1 UILJ WJiQflhilCII4O0W Lauct1ry WhtFirnii II bum tr AI1hI Osals UII1Li4II3rCOhlar afitieeffacrsitMentetah LungrxJIl lAiIEaw tcs 117 1 tIintsi rijEi ng 1 CuruC1IOn a 3 rceLd 3O a 2Sa DIED UrtOOAN On Nov 30 MARQARET BROGAN beloved daughter of the late Ctthcrlue and Mlchnel Drown Funeral from her UU resident 230 Eaa 40th it on Thursday at 130 1 Interment Calvary POIKUAN On Tuesday Dec 1 1003 JAB Dvm COLEMAN beloved husbands Ellen Funeral from late rfildenct 105 ddth it on Friday 4th Init at 0 SO A PIA Mi thence loSt Vincent rrrs Church Lexington ar 66th twlr amas reqvlejn rrllt offered I aaper abut copy fl I i ot qlae I T4uii ntrr DAliREaU I MRLY month to nnd month out la New orlt Clty clrtulatloa Th ra ci Uf3thIrPftP 4 4 frg.

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