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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TME EVKMIIf 0 WOELD, TXURIDAY, AUOU1T It. till." 4 Jf 1 Italian Ihtf antta1 Oerlll ') It-twitr Italian aeiialenta. nh na liaeat waoiaw. fwiKtit awl tiMnyinf ae Italian ftM ai rlaie nai a.Heafe' the aanawaro.a In thai 'yawns' ven. Ikun4 Awatrnin lawn an arUanaf.

BET'L Or TMt riMTNt WHICH HD TO AtU Of CITV. Tlx 4irtiM ahlrh 14 ralrtUia tf lrlna lj th Itallane in (It folllrif aUtemaoll lit War OHM "In allaak Ihm an Auf I In Ihn Menfatoan iun, aralnat III" and HI. aa4 of lUrra, We stunned a tiy iful tnwur aufke lbr. Ukllir HI prlamiHe, liul llta ader-aary had irel talnlund Iraodln i)Umill Immbe which Ili.dJ, ffiMK ff rluufle of ra. lull uuf lluuw ilitaie-1 Hi cai'tuinl lima.

Ilravy maa of th main) lli Made riiunler.tlMk lo Ihair own lrrnch. ARTILLERY ATTACKS THI IN-TlftK. AUSTRIAN FRONT. "On Auc. I lha at Hilary ounad lha enemy's whole frmrt with object of distracting hla alliilloo an1 ruin lha range acrur4tely On lha mornliiB of Auk, our ballerina upennl llm liiiiillJtlifotialy nn tha rocky Itarrlrr which from Hnhollno lo Cavarlo defend the laomo and Oorlda lo th wail.

And against llnnlo Han Mlehele, which forma lha tiorthrrn edge of lha (Inrlrlan Carao, The artillery aclloii of Iho day, lotj and caiafully worked out. repr anitad a perfect eiample of roncaa-(rated fire nRiilnst fortlflad llnra. "Thank to our aviators nnd to the nbaervatlnri of hnltnry offlcrri, th poaltlona of lha enemy had all bean marked off clearly on tarRet mapa, and rangee for tha eatenslon and leghtlienlng of flro had been ealcuta-lid with the greatest nlcnty. Thu at the appointed time a veritable tern-prat of shells fell In a wholly unimpeded irmnner on tha positions of the nemy, demolishing vrylhlng ayatemnllrAlly. "lufantry column then advanced with cuitomary daah, well aupported by a curtain of firs of our artillery, and carried the entlra formidable Habotlno rampart, the point which forms the bate of the Qorlala brldra.

head. On the height which cover the city to tho woat they alormed the do-feniea of Oalavta and at the aummll Hill J06, which command Oroffca-bur. On the plalh they drove In a defenalre line between the southern border of Todirora and the laonio. Thoy alao attacked on the right bank of the rtTer far 8alnt Andre. VICTORY MOAN BY THE CAI-Til RE OF tAN MICHKLC.

On the eouthern border ot the Carao U.S. MARINE A BIG SUCCESS IN NEW YORK Cit Ptaf SMken Are FltcklH to this Great Ttbacc by IT'S A REMARKABLE VALUE Cn.vL.ra iM nut nlu tobacco through out te city declare they hate Jouml tha blfgett-value snok In U. a. Marin Cut Hug. lln tn a vear affo U.

R. Marine was tutu known In New York, although immeaieiy popular cbewber lor many years. Then II waa piaceu on im marc mu i ltd a UK I EvldenUy SBiOiers war airapiy wan- ktg lor a dUfertni ct piui ioimjcoo. Tky bouf ht U. 8.

MarlM lor a try- out. They have kept oa buying It. And to-cUy U. a. oiann sweeping ta town 11 Marine Is made of choice Hurley Ml out aiTer, lasimess aau au oaauow.

U. B. Marina is w. os.oa., among cut plug tobacco. uei a paca.

QonQQ lEvery Niqhf For Constipation RANDRETIi 3 Seife uvd Sure fllggl! Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indisestion. Onopackago oroves it 25cat all drucrrists. (Ill laat ferta' arlltle VtrtUed la Tbe World wUl titled at The World'e Iuftnu4 tlon Bureau, fulllier Bullilng treade, Vark flowi WorWa Upiawr Oflle, eeM tict ilSth Ht. nA aUoadwarj M'orld'L Harlem Otflca, IBS Wet lMth and Wort' ttrooklyB Offlca, sua WMiuag Ion St ureujt Tor uh da lbs f.iioMinr the priatlan eiTcrtUcsmti 1 alrtHif Hma mi lha af Ha Mtf4t M4 IK MfcalimMa Ul. Iithf iba Han MarWt' I'lbali in M-lan -WH a fr.

lha11iH4 Imihw an4 lerkli ll'irl U.ala afur a 4tale aKuaala aioraiH all 'ba drfHa.a mm IIHI af4 I.I4 out thara' avalnal WI mneantraM arilH.rx Dla rapvlalat furlitia rnuliUf aafka Auairtan Infantry i.f tl.r lateral lla i( ll.a liariru UldarL.ail llnr ar-t ht ita PHiiqurat ii Motile Habetlnn and Monta fan Mli4tle, II ritaloa. la lake lha lafhr furita4 ly the I.eJfMa tmn.orllaia If lo tha weal of lha rlly Tl.a Ullla ahJ tlowad Inoaaaanlly for Ihrte ilaya, Tha rround futllflad almticly and aupporiad by a graal nuinUr of llnea of dafrnaa thluwn up by lha adraraary cluaa la OorUla, an Important rantrt which rendered II aiubboru realalance and en- u.aka vUUut Inch by Inch, and at the roet of tnerou aarrlflcoa, our Infantry, with lha admirable eu oi-rallon til our arllllary, con'iuarad flrat the craatand than the oulhaaalnni alopaa of the halfhla and alormed lonumarahla lrrnit)na, cradually driving thn dn faiidara baforn thian, iiotwlthatandln lejirMlnl rounter.atlncka, "Ae reiult of all theao contlnu ou effort, all the bright on the right hank of tha laonio, formlnir the bridgehead of tlorlila. and Monte Han illehete, on Ih left bunk, wnro ruptured and aacuraly held by tha Italian. The lino of thn laonio tin. low Tolmlno waa anured to them, and their gun, dominating (lorUIn, drova out Ih nmy lurking amnnit thn rulna.

Thin uninterrupted three, day tight rover with glory tha troop of the Third Army, commanded by the Duke of Anita." I ITALIANS HAVE LONQ CLAIMED Q0RI2IA AS THEIR OWN. The taking of (lorlilu 1 ronaldernd of Importation moro for thn moral effect at bom and abroad than for any direct military value. Thn city occuplo a point of botom land, of whtoh Babotlno and Ron Mlchnlo nre giant aontlnala. It in one ot tho more Important of tli cltlen which thn ltallana havo long claimed part ot their heritage. Thn ntrugglo for poeaon ot Han Mlohele, Habotlno and otner Im portant point wu attended by the unumal hardahlp peculiar to war- far on thl front The dlaputed re gion contain many cavern in which the Auetrlana concealed thnmaalvu and tbolr cannon.

The advancing Italian found evidence of herolo rn-latancn, thean place being filled with wounded Auatrlan. In om in. ntanca the number of the wounded In theao oaverna waa ao great that It win Imnuulhlo for Auatrlan artll. lerymen to continue the operation of ineir gun. Italian artillery waa able to llenen gun nn uo in tlieae poaltlona, with tne am or iweniy-rour ainaibi nai.

loon, each of which carriea four irnu ot exploalve. Ily day and night thean balloon were operated In the moat daring manner. They warn attacked frequently by Auatrlan aeroplane, which wero driven off either by Itnllnn nnroDlanen or bv tha ninn mounted on the dirigible. The ItMinna niao uiieu tneir dirigiiiin to Imraaa the Auatrinnn aerenaing norma, in which connection they did moat effeotlv work. SECOND FIRE IN WEEK EMPTIES GIRLS' HOME Investigation Befiin to Fix Respon slblllty for Two Blazes In Presbyterian Institution.

There waa a fir thl morning, the aeoond since loat rrldoy, on the top noor or tn liom for zoung airla. a prsibytarlan Institution at No. II Bast Elevanth Street, and the Fir Marshal mMnm Investigation. He ba. Mlat of th, Inmat of lh, hom8 know mor about th nr lh, tMt Th, Jamage tcday was restricted lo the loss of two mattresses.

A little I alorni and Engln No, Tt, cam from West Twtlftlt Btret befor th fir aprad. Ther wr about Hftr children in hom, a wera marcnw, of hoU Th WM dormitory, which la now not la use. WOMAN, ALONE IN FLAT, IS BORNEO TO DEATH Flames From Stove Set Fire to Her Dress as She Cooks Her Dinner. Mrs. Mnry Lynch, sevonty-six yearn old, lived alone In a thrca-room tint on tllu second nuor of No.

203 blrnil I'orty-fourth Htreet. Hho waa cook-Ing her dinner at noon to-day when tho flames from her stove set fire to her droas. Hho ran acroamlng out Into the hall. Neighbors tried to help her. hut her clothes wero entirely consumed and alio dlod utmost Instantly.

4 piirifu Yfllir HniUPQ ruMIJ nUIMBi loin in the "Clean Ud" camnaion by dmntecting all cellar, closeti, yards and other suspicious places. after the rubbish has been removed. 5 latt's hlorides The OdfojrlejTA Sold Everywherei iTwBskes, Qk.ud Pts Italian trwi taHur4 Ua RUSSIANS TAKE ANOTHER TOWN ON WAY TO LEMBERG HiKliI Niiir (if LcUhii Army Aruun.1 Slanlslau lo (he North. MAY CUT OI'l! nOTHMW I'drocrad Predicts the liarh Fall of StaiiNnu, Haltc and IxmbcTfr Aug 10, way atatlon of Kryplln, only thre mllea eaat of Hlanlalau, ho ten rap. turwt by Ih advancing Ituanlan army, It wo officially announced 14- day Kryplln Ii railway atatlon on tha rlrht bank of th river IllatrtU.

Karller linortlrlal dtepatrhna had fe trtnd that the Ituailari wet np proochlng thn river. Thn Auatrn. Herman, In falling bark upon HtnnUInu, blew up thn railway bridge ovar th lllatrltia and aro preparing for a eland on tha left bank of thn river. Iluaalan troop have elrd control of a railway at a point twelve nillei northeaat of Htahlalau and the mouth of the Zlota Upa Itlver. Th announcement Indicate that Oan.

Letchltaky, Itavlng th capture of HtanUlau lo th centra and Inft wing of hi troop, I attempting to throw fore aoroi th Zlota Lip and drive on agalnat Lemherg on th north bank of tha Dnleater. Thl manoeuvre would enable him to drive th Auatrlan from the atrongty fortified Italic bridgehead, but lgh- ten mile from hi advanood pol tlon, by flank attack and caua th Austrian to retlr toward Lambirg, Th War Offlc predicted the early fall of Btnnletnu, Hallo and Lembcrg, with the enforced retirement of the army ot den. von Dothmer, now hard prd from both tho north and outh. Two railroad, It waa pointed out. II behind the von Bothmtr troop.

But for th Una of retreat th Tu tonlo force would find dlfflculty la getting out ot th pookt Into Whloh th converging Ruiiloa line ar forolntc them. Oolng further than before In thlr claim, th Huailan aapert to-day Inalatad th Qarmana and Austrian would be compelled to fall book to th lin of th Vistula Hitherto th lln ot th Bug had ba th limit of optlmlitio predlotlon. BERLIN REPORTS DEFEAT OF RUSSIANS ALONG STOKHOD LINE. HRrtLIN, Aug. 10 (via Ileavy attnek hav beon made by the Hussions at various point along th Btokhod line, In Volhynla east of Kovel, th War Offlc announood today.

All th Russian advances were repulsed with heavy lossss, it I declared. In Qallela, outheat of nrody, new engagomeni were aeveioping tni morning, add the statement, which suys: "From or neia Aiarsnai von Hlndenburfc Bouth of Smorgon ther has been lively firing and patrol activity. Itopcatcd Russian attaok wero sanguinarily repulsed on th Btrumen, near Dubcioie, and on the Klokhod, near Lublenon, Beresycto, Brno-lary-Bearca and Wltonles. Noar Zareota we made, two officer ana 110 men prisoner oa a result of counter-nttacka. Operation by small enemy dotochmcnta and nn attempted surprise attack on thn Htokhod salient enst ot Kovol wero unsuccessful.

"Bouth ot Zalocse new battle developed early Jhl morning." LEAPS 42 STORIES FROM TOWER OF SINGER BUILDING (Continued from First Page.) llcall came from Now York Hospital but the police, realising the victim was beyond aid, had nlready mads ar rangementa for taking tho body to tho Greenwich Htreet police station. There the pockets revealed the letter and momornnda disclosing his Identity LOWER BROADWAY 18 8TIRPED BY SUICIDE. Stenographers and clerks working In tho buildings on tho opposite Mil ot llrondwuy worn among those suw llm Illght of Clohliiiiin'H body through the air and thorn wits Rreat excitement In nil tho structurvu In tho neighborhood for sonio time after Iho ooily nnd ueen carried iiway. Tho suporlntondcnt of tho Hlnger Building said it was tho llrst suloldo that had occurred lu that atruotur. in uddltlon to tho lotter from thn Montlfloro Homo and tho dead man's will, thuro was also found In hlx pockets llter.ituro which ahowed ho had been IntrrcHtlnir hlniNPlf In C'hrlstluu Hclunce.

Thn polleo declined to iiiako known tho content ot the will without Kttlnir permission from the coroner, hut It was learned that the document wns writ ten on two MlieetH of foolscap paper, wuh dated at Ul 1'aso, 10, iv anil wnii unNiKncii, It wuh alu lumSiuil Unit nno of It provlslous was that hi slstor waa to 'sasasa MRS. ELINOR HOYT rwcelve, 100. A bank book of tho olumbla Hank, No. 507 I'lffli Avenue, showlnir a anmll tmlunco, wns also found In (loldmnn clothes. WROTE TO POLICE OF INTENT TO KILL HIMSELF.

Two hour before Ooldman ended his Ufa a lotter was received at I'ollco leadauartcr from Jilm addrnaiod to -The Chief of Police of New York" and announcing hla suicidal Intontlon. Ho mentioned savorai roiattve in thn letter and dolectlvea wero sent out to co-operate with them In a search for th man. They were looking for him when word came to I'ollce Headquarters ot his death. In th letter uoldman ald had been employed a an Insurance solicitor by the Mutual Life Insuranro Company, but had been compelled to give up work because of a chronic lllne, asthma. II asked forgive-ne for th troubl hla aulcld would cause, and told tne pone to communicate with Cohen, Ooldman A wholeaale clothier, at Broadway and Fourth Htreet.

Ho also rcauestea mat tn aiorns- town. N. J. police be notified, a ha hd lived In Morrlstown, and he asked that hi Property b- given to hi on, Denjamln Ooldman. ot the Paclflo Lamp Company, on West Forty-sec ond Street Benjamin Ooldman waa out of town, but the police communicated with Mr.

Ooldman ot Cohen, Ooldman A Co. and teamed that he waa a distant relative of th man and that no also had re ceived a letter In which Ooldman said hi waa going to jump rrom some nmn building. A general alarm was sen: out for the man Immedlaetly upon the receipt of the lotter. Ooldman' lotter to the police prompted tho posting of watcher at tn wooiworin, in Bingor, taiy in- vestlng. EqultAbl- Late, Municipal ana Metropolitan ouuaings, ana a few other tall atructurcs.

He ott- wltted the watch posted at the Singer Itulldlng by Just a tew minutes, wa said. A Ooldman lived in tne roamusn home, No. 632 Knot Fourteenth Strcot, with hla son Ucrtjamm nnu tne miter's wife and child. He came from California about a year ago. For twenty year he had been an acute ufferer with asthma and soon after hla arrival In tma city had gon to Mt.

Blnal and IlelUvu Hospitals for treatment for thl aliment and ev-ral complication. But he refusod to remain long ror treatment ana on day walked out ot Dellevue and went for a tnrouKn mo rwuin. lie returned to laiDusn two weens ago. ills son tnon torn nun mey wero colnc to White t.iiko. tn Hum van County for tho aumcr.

and nsked him to accompany them. This ho re fusod tn no, saying inixi no am not want to be eternally hampered. A hotel In New York would utt him, he anld, during thedr absence. Ho. on tne nrt or mis month ne left Flatbutfh when his son and dnuKhtor-tn-law went awny, and tho neighbor had not seen htm since.

FORT ERIE RESULTS. FinST ItAC R15- -I'urae fCOO: two yrar-olda: selling: five furlonin. orlano. (lAiuaeri. airaignt m.70, place IK.IO, anow i.iu.

iirni: uratl-tuilr, 105 (Alexander), place nhow aeeonn: niaapy on in, iun (Martin)! show 7,30. third. Time 1.07 S-5, (lirrv llrlln. MlV Itock. Meeloirne L'onimonaia, wcuoum miu wion alio ran.


Tho entrlea for to-morrow's races nro as follow: KI1WT UACB V' mildij fl; ami a half rurlon.i. Nuu'itl llmp.l, 111 nana. IN nub MtMl, Htl, tt: i.anw. 114: ill 1141 Coilrump limy. lilt IM 111 i IImj.

11 It Mlir llii.r. ill: mint. llll lluulia I'lilUm, 114: Klbo. 114; Tlr. ilrtrt.

114; Mmirrt 111! nmaka, 114 Ilruilo. k. ill: ll)nn. 114: 114 11.11 llhir-r 111, lllt.nlun. llll Jlrtruritr.

114 MU'IIMI ltCK--Tti AlUlvalrr; lor unwanl! atr.ulcha. hamllrau alvut nillM. Ilhnmp. ISO: lUint am. ifJi hjma.i, iai ai-ve, Arcn U.t t-i-i Tlllllll llOK-ror lliuta, nra in liall furliuuca. llmM IOC Ma ll.1i, III: uo: Mann, WhimM. (hio too, I nllH1, llll. iiuiim. 1(01 UMi! (Mi.uuuma. liTt nu 1 17 1 Wiiltiwr Pell, llll, K.

t.i... 11M1 VtlVhTft UACB rot thw-JMroVl. and ti; ol.u anl iiimawi nnnst miia, Anan, in 14U1 I'liaruau. Mianwli. 110: 131 i baa ril lll IIAI I rvr up.

w.rdi hali.lK'alK alu tllr John JIin it I.I U-'li -) 13t Wr Wllllain Joimmu, HW! iiauura, iv.ii run 'i Hi. II.i.vmi 11U Hurt liu Ill iiia. itm 1V4 Hl(ii IS in, V'ni MHKliK-a, nn, wixtIi ll.vl'l. IW I ir.r.iMi4.1a and nnl. i 11H: limn lif.i Tjiaii, llii lllln.1 lli'i Him (h.1 in.1: TliMHTan-, vi muian num i.

i ll.twln.. It'll llrlamav. ill1 1IV4. CtloiiK-r, IDs; J. lurdoek( IIih ivntara, lie.

Aivrtotloa alloaauca daimtJ, Track (tat. a gagagagagagaHu k.ajkJ! V.1 vamwift Aki KVtfINC HICHIORN-WYLIE. HIS STUDIO WORK, SAYS IMPRESARIO 1 i Kosina Van Dyke's Charges False and Malicious, Asscrls Hageman. Franklin Taylor, a attorney for Richard Hageman, a musical director In th Metropolitan Opera House, to day told Justice. Tlcrncy, In opposing a motion for alimony mado by Itoslna Hageman, who 4s aulng for ncpara.

tlon, that iingcman'a work a a tonoher of well-to-do pupil had been Injured by tho notoriety of the suit. "In fact," aald Mr. Taylor, "I am submitting an affidavit to the effect that hi tudto work ha been ruined by the false and malicious Charges mndo nualnst him." Hageman says his wife sanR In Metropolitan Opera House rolea dur Ing tho season and also at concerts. With repird to a statement that ho did not have enouffh monoy to buy clothing, Hageman' affidavit ays: "I recently received a bill for 800 for clothing she ha purchased. Surety she ought to have enough clothing out of that to lBt a long time, "My wife says sho Is now living as tho guest of hor brother.

Sho no lects to mention that her brother owes mo botweon 500 and $800. Under the clroumstances It Is little enough for him to entertain hi alstcr during tho summer If she 1 extravagant that tho $100 a month I a msendlng her I not enough for her aupport." Mr. Hageman, who Is known a Ttoslna Van Dyko, alleged her hu band received T00 for two weegs service In tho Metropolitan last May. Haceman declares ne reccivoa dui SCOO and adds: It was a godsend, as I was heav ily In debt and had many proastng domands. My alary at the Metro politan wa reaucea ana i am uaavuy in aeoi now.

"I also reDotlvly refer to th al legation In previous affidavits showing that the suit I without merit and la simply a malicious aucmpi uy an inaanaiv jealous woman to ruin my character and professional career." Justice Tierney roserveu.aecision. NONE OF $800,000 FOR HIM Harrogate Approvrs Will Cut In Off Hatband. Charltablo Instltutlona will receive $40,000 under a decree signed to-day by Burrogatn Cohalan In connection with the t'Htalo ot airs. i.isaie nasi Inira Holme, valued at mora, tnan 1800.000. Llcceatcr Holme, Her Iiua bund, wan cut off.

Tho Burrogate has approved an ac nnntlne filed by Edwin C. nai or Rvrncuae and has ordered a dlstrlbu tlon of a balanco of more than tS00, 000 among the helra. The executor ordered tu Py ,000 noli lo thn New York 1'ounann Sling llonpltal. the Society ventlon ot Cruelty to Anl- for tho Tre dustry nnd Ixu Angeles County Hoa piiai, taumiiiii" SARATOGA RESULTS. ritiST riACK three-year-old and up! claiming purse all to the winner; lx furlonga.

Itoyallst, 10G IMlllKJ. 11 uvrn h-iu lu urai, nn Delivery. 112 (l.yke). 10 to 1. to I and 2 to 1, second; Charmeuse, HH (Troxieri.

i. iu i mm iu a. imru. Time r. J-o.

lli'laluu Trooper, Dr. Oremer, Drlrr. Faraway, Jiy noniiie. ienna. OJala.

l'harouh. l'liimoae, Hay Oakwood unti wuuiinn rf.u ni. i mi. BKCON'l) HACK For malilena; three-year-old and upward: ateeplecliane, with ieoo oJJeJ; about two mllea, Water-town, 1W (Hnioot), 9 tn 1, out and out. flrat; Stonawood.

117 (Wolke, to 10. nut and nut, second: Otto Floto, 147 (I'Vimeaay). tnnk wrong courae, wns illfiinnlirii'il for third. Tlmo 4.2t. Northwood also ran.

Lost rider, UN Mm CLAIMED BY BERLIN, British anJ lu (. Iradlctory Reports, Say Troops Advanced. MVIII IM An. IS litli Mrltlati and Krenna attacka on thr Hocnni front as annuuhird In an official atatamrnt from tha War Of- fir (hla afltlli'-in following la lha last of day's port from lha llrilln War Otflrai "Arllllary flshUng Utwrrn th Anrrr and lha Hntiune la cutitinu-tng with great Inunalty llrltlih attrmpla at attack naar llaamtln-U-ptlt ware auppretasd by our fire, Tlie number ot unwoiinded Ililllsh prisoners that hav fallal Into our hands tlnr Aug. I has Incrrasad to II olDcars and 100 men, "Ikilween Kaurepas and th Homme, eight atubborn I'ranch attack during th afternoon and (light failed.

"On the right bnk of the Meua (Verdun front) no Infantry activity la reported apart from minor hand engagement. "in nn nermi ngni nnu iiuuuku anti-aircraft gunfire, two enemy aeroplane were shot down south of Ilspnum and one south of I.lllle, unn near Iens and olio near Hanrburg, In Iirralne." To-day's oltlclal statement any that on the Italknn front there Is nothing Important to report I'AItlH, Aug. 10. Despite fog nnd rain, I'rench troops made further progress In tho allies' Bom mo offensive list night, advancing In the region north of the Hom Wood, Following la tho test of to-day's statement by tho War Office: "North of tho River flomme French troops last night maCe progress In the country to the north of Hem wood, Increasing at the sumo time to 100 the number of prisoner mado yestorday ln this region. Furthermore Vo captured lx mnchlne guns.

Tho operation wero hindered by the rain and fog. "South ot th River Bomm a German reconnoitring party whloh waa endeavoring to reach our lines by means ot flaming liquids, was dispersed by our fire at a point to th west of Ver-mandovllUrs. "On the right bank ot the Itlver Meuse thcro has been Intermittent bombardment In the region ot Floury, 'Vaux and Obapltr. "In the Vogea a mirprl attack on tho part of the enemy, preceded by a botnbardmont, upon a salient of our lines to the northwest of Altklrch wan without success and resulted in losses to the assailants." LONDON, Aug. 10.

Further prog. rca northwest of Totleres, whore the Australians yesterday penetrated Oer man trenches 200 yards on a 600 yard front, waa reported by Oen. Halg this afternoon. The Australians havo gained all local objectives, which are rapidly being consolidated. Following Is the text of to-djy' re port of tho Urltlsh War Office: "Last night wa generally quiet along our front, except for heavy hostllo shelling ot our line southeast of Trone Wood.

Northwert of Fotloro we made further progress, gaining all our local objective whloh are now being consolidated. Seventy-two prisoner were taken. "Bouth ot Arraa we raided a sap of tho enamy anil Inflicted several casualties. A similar attempt by the enemy against our trenche northwest ot Hullucha met with no success. "The enemy exploded a ralno outh ot Loos with no effect." Cloalaa; Quotation.

Wirt, fmm rMiu. Bln. low. laat. oai Alaau ooia Am.

Ap. 74H UMt vu Oar CO1 oi Can ot Ill Am. In Co Am. LocouwUT 7Sa Am. Km, a 1 Km, a lit.

m. T. A T. litQH Am, a.iH AoaeouJa a r. iimh T.

a H. V. if. Ha 7jS nan. tm llulla a Hutorloc (tntral nanadian iv L'liM.

a Mt. P. Clilno liD.ex...., I'ol. Fudl a lnn. flu Pma.

1,. invert a tin I tel. Hid. toi, vvi. tlrrat ll lnairatnn inter, DIM.

I'H'JT l.IJlti v.U.j M.I, Motor pf laml Coniwr aij SorfnU A Wmitrn 1324 I. Ltiarai 'w N. V. A. I1 iini.

ui. nn Har I'on. Hr. Htesl llradtni 1H RtUSjiy.V.'.'.'. wn 7 II ft, Ktrl pT, Cod U'almah Wttwh pf A.

at all'Mtl IH IK U4 Wil mhw ITU in 4 Dt MJ4 M'4 3 B3 5 1 It 113 113! l.toll Ktt fin 11KH4 Utt '4 iii mi I 124 TiH 4S a I mm w- him B-4 ig 1 si: vtssi or ll.iloan I'atiuKum, TON -Jill 4H aii 'aimaoianw it, "uva 7f I 1 Taunl Htl Tfun, lMT I a ill" ti II 017 1 it W.4 3 wi I M. M.U AH a 1 II T0U4 atwa am, 1 1 WHAUM TANGLED ROMANCE ty I'alr, Uhoc Double lilopcmcnl ed In StilciJe and Dlvorc, Arc Married. in. wiium mna a iiniinn inn raua4 on itra.n to commit sulrl.U, rtaultad In two elomeiit by the prln. rlpals, whlla Ixith wtra atlll married, and whlrh Dually led lha man In lha raaa throush th dlton court to th altar, waa unravalled In lloaton Mon.

ay, when ilia. Kllnoralluyt llldihorn wa married lo Horace Wyll Th nam a did not reach th pulillo until to-day, romlna as the climax a carle of aonsatlonal Incidents that ban In 1(10 whan Mm, lllch horn, th wife of Philip H. Illrhhorn. nd on of tha moat prominent m. Iron In Washington society, elona.l with Wylle, twenty year her senior, nd fled In France.

Hhn left behlni her llttln hoy, ahotit one year fl: Wylle deserted hi wife and four children. Wyll had known the woman who Is now his wife, hnftiro she was married to Philip Illrhhorn, sou if tho late Philip H. lllchliorn, chief nnvnl con. tructor ot tho United Mates Navy Ha was a friend of tho family and had aeon her ftrow from childhood to ho one of the helles In cnpital society. After her mnrrliiKO ho hocamn a fro-(iirnt caller at tho Hlchborn homo and their friendship ripened into af fection.

On Dec. 1S, 1010, Wylla vanished with Mrs. Hlchborn, leaving a note In which he told ot their elopement. Moth Mrs. Wylle and Mr.

Hlchborn wero prostrated and a world-wide search startod for tho missing; pslr. They eluded all searchers and reached Paris, continuing to live thero until their Identity became known. In the summer of 1911 they returned to Washington and It wa hinted that a doublo reconciliation would follow. Than the case took a strange turn. Mrs.

Hlchborn, not sure that Wyllo'a love wa entirely her own, proposed that he return to ht wife for six months. Should he find at the end of that time that his heart was truo to tho first woman, they were to remain parted. For the aake of hr children Mrs. Wylle accepted, and for sit months Mrs. Hlchborn did not see tho man for whom the had given up all.

Out promptly on tho last day ot tho trial period Wylle relinquished his homo and again fled with Mrs. Hlch born. They went abroad and were report ed as living In many cities, loltomg in tho rtlvlcra, in Italy and Pari Mr. Hlchborn started suit for divorce, hut just beforo It camo to trial ho shot and killed himself on March 27, 191S. in a tragio note no 101a now ni health had broken under tho strain and Intimated that ho feared his mind was falling.

Mrs. Wylle resolutely refralnel from beginning an action, clinging to her husband's namo for the sake ot their four children, ono of whom Is now a young man and Yale graduate, Bo Wyllo and Mrs. Hlchborn lived on In tholr odd relationship, shielding themselves from prying eye In out of tho way places. But after six yoars ot waiting Mr, Wylle folt that her vigil was hopolcs and began stilt. She was granted a divorce two weeks ago In Washing ton, and tbe marriage ot Wyll and Mrs.

Hlchborn In Boston on Monday furnishes another chapter In the story. Mrs. Hicnnorn ana wylle were married at i ole'ock in tho afternoon in a private parlor at Hotel Touratne, by John H. Ij. Noyes of the Boston City neglstry, a Justice of the peace, The oouple remained In Boston until Tuesday, nnd then left, saying they wero going to Now York.

On Aug. 3 Ma Wylle appeared In the Boston City rtejrlstry nnd filed his intention to marry Mrs. lllch born. He gave his ago i.s forty-slx, his occupation "lawyer," nnd hi resldenco as tho New Wlllard Hotel Special for Friday. August 11th.

COLONIAL. rVII.UB A crei na.lrrlr lilrmliU romDi f-nmblnatlon Cbacolata tuilKe. ufT ALSO OFFER: OLD FASHION, COCOANDT uilN HOM Tha clii'Ueal t'erlon Mlitedileil, Coroaiiu LAS rli-lieat 1 re ueli U.n lloo TVeani are rr.nonalhla for the loutliaome rarelleiifa of Iheaa nrrla. rrraenled III tlireo ciiraVraat. nd l.

1.QX 29C (4 ARCLAV JTMBT Cloaaa p.m.iBal.lU p.m. COKTLANDT STIIBET Cloaaa XI P. m. Pally PARK BOWANAB8AU 8T. Cloata 11 p.m.

lHat.l 1.80p.m. 400 DROOME STRCST Cloaaa Bat. p. m. JS CAttT 2Jt3 6TRBBT Cioaai w.

472 FULTON BKLVN. Oloa.a 11. SO p. m. Dallr.

1ZS9 ROADWAY, UTOOKlVn vi 11 EAST 420 STREET, Bat. 6th The aDcclfled walaht Includaa tha contalnar In aach caaa. in ir.MiiMu.ii yi, ir at irfei uwi. i. ai A' Uai' rttft t-f I hp larnl i N.i 4-) i -mi rxirrr4 III law Wi'i-ia laaane 4f Ih Iiikm Mi.

V)a ii. 1 1., ( aa ilaimJ allhval Waa tvt I llm Am.nlr lot isilli Hiilraaa MI i ITV a I' lan Pm i a hi. I a hfMi-aier ot thl 1 1, l. i'n ''-r tha Traaii rftnlM' elMtMM. a la l' ata4 aiiiii-ilr Hfi'iM wha a ra rt Our dmrtfc fur Ham Ghtm la kliMilutt'ly llm Mine wlirtH rr iiri Krilinl ly nn Oeulitt in privaln iirucllce, or by one of our Orulul (uUo Registered I'liyaiciuii).

The iliffrrfiit-p iirlwtrn two inrthoils. however. tfctK Thr Oculiit S11 private prae tier will clmrKo ou from mM ft lo for tho cxuiniDatioa uloiic, whilr, din to our Enor9 iiioiih Volutin' of IniMiicM, weV 11. 1 al OriiiiVCs without extra ami to you. rutificil patrons are your iiHsurancc of antisfactory nhihses for gfj.00 or more.

naar Av. Mt naar t.anol Aa. Meat 125lh Waal 34IU HI tat. Sth a till Aa, 4 43 Polombua Ava, bat siat a sua Bla. Tn naar John 81, 1405 Ht.

cat. mum isiat lotn near Willouckbr. ItrooMia. 4S3 Fu.Un ii a Urookua. 6R3 IlroM Ht Km to II.

.1.11. Nawark. Duify's in Camp is a blessing. The need of this dependable tonic stimulant often arises. Chnnge of water, climate nnd mode of life brings about indispositions one least expects.

It 1 In just such emergencies that the value of Duffy's, pure Malt proves its Invariable worth. A tabla- spooniui in water gives to tne side in a readily assimilable form all the noutiihtng and tonic properties from barley and other grains, which are great strength-giving foods. Duffy's has always been the traveler's safeguard an efficacious remedy for chills, fevers, colds, dysentery, diarrhoea and summer Ills. A bottle or wo in yo ur grip wil 1 make It handy for you to "Get Dufcty un4 Keep Well." At family wine stores, licensed druggists' and grocers'. If they can't supply you write us.

Useful household booklet free. tim DM Mm wiittrr Mmt, n. t. DIED. HART.

MAHT CT.ATIA. wtaow of Pat. rick Hart, and Jaarly belovtd mothar of Varonlca Hart. Funtral on Saturday, Am, 12, at from hir lata No, B77 WaahliiKlon tlitnca to It, Vtrnnlca'a Church. Ulirlatophar at.

It la kindly rcqueaU'U that no (towera ba aunt. 75 -MaMMaai 7 ajur-anoujla rimfertloii. iirrarntlna a ill. Hweet tinii -a a ma aiiuorra ol aciiulna imU ilrllalit, I jC T'OUNII HON ffra Special for Friday, Aut.ust llth. fOVr.lllll) UaiBlr bun at ralrrmr liro.luifd a aunrrli lilrnillnit of Klnrt lalirurnla llonrr, lonlrcllourr a Buaar anil it mnllry of u.ty rhuuiird ilollahtfullr lliiiiM-i-ii Manila, and hlmnlirrrt, land n.

"'ir. I'rtmium rvililUin 34c aoo4a. EXxJlA HrKI 1 AL. ruu.Mi IKIX 208 snnanuj.w P. m.i Hat.

10 o. m. 147 NASSAU STRE1T a au p.m.ivai 10 2M WEST 125TH STRBKf w.o.. i 13p.m. S3 WEST S4TH STREBT Cloaa.

7 p. Sat. 10 m. 14STH ST. 30 AV.

tfoaaa 11.8UP. m. Hal. II 7 MARKET Newark, Cloaaa 11,80 p.m.sSat.ll p.m. Cloaaa 11,30 P.

m. oaiuraay is and Madlion Cloaaa 1 A. at, Daily. I.

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