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The Nashville Daily Union from Nashville, Tennessee • Page 2

Nashville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

pStrilltqluiOT. sishvilli mo PRIXriSB rCBLISIIEBS. PATCRD A.Y, rEBP.l'AEY 17, The Meetni; on the Vtli rcbroarr. A considerable number, probably a xaajarity, of the counties of th State, kave already appointed delegates to the meeting called for the 22d inst, in tliis city. Others will, doubtless, make appointments in time.

The resolutions adopted at the various public meetings have generally been in pood tute, showing a sincere desire, on the part of the people, to co-operate in tbe support of the Presi dent of the United States, in his efforts to carry out his olicy of reorganization, and to restore tile States lately in insurrection to their proper relations with the Federal Government Union men, whose records are without a stain, Union men who hare been regarded as disposed to be too lenient with rebels, copperheads, pardoned rebels, rebel sympathizers, and indeed all classes of citisens, except ultra radicals who. like the Pharisee, make pretensions to superior holiness, have participated in ibese meetings, which may, therefore, be taken as faj representations of public sentiment. If the delegates, when they meet here next Thursday, reflect the wishes of those who appointed them, the meeting can scarcely fail to be productive of good. Notwithstanding the attempt which have been made to misrepresent the objects of the meeting, and to make it appear that it was gotten up in the interests of men partially, if cot wholly, disloyal, we are gratified to be able to state, upon what is regarded as good authority, that Prrtidnt John-son auKots, with muck inUrut, itt action lie is familiar with the people of Tennessee, and wiih the motives and influences which are at work in our Slate, and, although others may have been deceived, he has not lie desires the catidid utterance of opinion and sentiment, on the part of the masses, and will respect, if he cannot yield, to what they demand. Every man in Tennessee has bad fair opportunities to render himself familiar wiib the policy of President Johnson.

There is no room to misunderstand it When, therefore, the people, in general convention, approve and pledge themselves to support it, the country may rely upon their sincerity and honor. Tbe Father of Filibuster Walker. Special CorTaspondeoc of tb Preee. StvVoil, Feb. 11, 16.

Xot long ago so elderly geol etusQ, evidently in reduced nrcxatnsiaDcea, was ooeerved standing at the door ol on oi thraues by on woo bad known him in luruacr days, lie gave nif rams ts bmitn, or something of that kind. '1 he persou wbo observed him asked him if thai really faia name, as he bad one upon a time met with a (etitlewan very like hiiu in Na.hville. '1 uoor-keeper wept, and acknowle ged that he wu living under a lirtiuoue batne. had in former days, before ti. rebellion, occupied a high position a a business man io NaahvnU, and was surrounded bj affluent relative and friends, when Ibe rebellion broke out ruin wss precipitated bim, and because he determined to aland ty tha I'nion bis rich relatives abandoned and be etibisboui and travelled North, lie became so far reduced sa to be obi iged lo kt-cp tbe do of a theatre tor fouror tiva dol.ars week.

The inecd who bad recognised him rocured passage for htm as far as Louisville, on bis way to Jiaehville, wLiiher he said he would go and affront his leiativos. hod applied to tbe President, but be refused to aid him by giving hitaaoy appointment. Tee unfortunate old mau was Mr. Walker, the talberofthe -grey-eyed man of destiny," wb perished as a filibuster Mm' yearn aro. We tod the above precious morctau in the Philadelphia Press of the 12th.

It is not neceesary for the information of this community to state that it is fla in everv particular. Mr. Walker is at PKrfent residing in Louisville, I Xj haviag changed hm residence that he might be near and eDjoy the society of hia only remaining cniia, a aaugn ter, married and living in that city, lie has not been reduced to penury, nor abandoned by his rich relationa" On the contrary, be is in affluent circumstance, loved and honored by his relatives, and a host of warm friends. Instead of nxling or receiving benefits, bt ablsand willing to bestow thera, and no appeal to his generosity and kindness of bea't, on behalf of a worthy charity, is uiade in vain. One of the bjecta of the writer of the above fiction was, probably, to deepen the prejudices against the people of Tennessee, wbo have been much, of late, denounced as persecutors of Union ina- Another was to give the President an underhanded hit for re-fusing to do womething a worthy Union Irian a poor refugee." But the writer made a grave mistake.

lie was tboughtlees enough to give a name and location, and thus furnished the lueansof exHure. OJiers are shrewder. The Frcedmen's ISnreaa Bill. This bill, which has passed both Houses of Congress, is now in the hands of the President A Cabinet meeting consider it, has been held. letter lrotn Washington state that the President made sundry objections to it, on constitutional grounds, and was sustained by Messrs.

reward, Me-Cullocb and Welles. The remainder of the Cabinet, with the exception of Mr. Dennis an (who was in doubt) disagreed. The letter adds "The President left no doubt of bis intention to the If the President's ob- iections, as stated, are based on constitu- tinnal crouods, he cannot do otherwise than veto the bill, however much he may belie" in the present necessity of aome such law. It is useless, however, to speculate upon th.

matter. The question will be decided in a few days. Tbe Found Table, in a recent number ssys "ll difficult forecast th future. The prospect is, however, that President Johnson, supported by the Conservatives of all shades, will, in the end, succeed in bringing about a restored Union. Th power which has been concentrated in the Executive Murine tbe war by the direct action of the iremista in Congress, may now be uej against them, as it was designed to agaitst their opponent.

It is a notable circumstance, too, that all the leading miliary men, such as Generals Grant, Sherman, Thomas, Sheridan and other' ho are held in esteem by the popl. uti the policy of the vecutiv and look with alarm upon tbe extreme views which prevail in Conrresa Already the course of the radicals has alienated from them nearly KeptoclatiTe from the border f'-Lateav Iepen uPn it if they force president to an open warfare, and hecboo to accept the issue, they vUl eons out second best This result is too certain to admit of a doubt" Washington LMtch says it is not eerl that the amendment of the Constitution the subject of representation, which ha passed the House, will get through the Senate by th nectwaary two-third majority. Mr. Baxner oppose it The more politic of the Tennessee ultras profess to derive comfort from President Johnson's speech to the Virginians. They do not wish to break with him openly, and, therefore, distort the meaning of his plain language.

The PitUburg Gazette doe not belong to this class. It talks out loud, defiant and denunciatory, rivalling in this respect the Nashville ultra who declares "Johnson is the head of the aeceah party." In its issue of the 12th, it says the President in his late speech to the Virginia delegation dropped the mask and avowed his hostility to the spirit and purposes of the Republican majority in Congress, and announced his determination to put them down as completely as the rebel were put down in the South;" that loyal men can- no longer doubt his intentions; that he' ha ihiften hi garb and taken his stand with the leaders of the rebellion, and that be will henceforth act with them in accordance with the vigor and boldness which are conspicuous attribute of his organization." Again, it says "We do not siiegs that the President designs to resort to military or mob violence, either to suppress Congress or mold it to his purpose: but his language conveys a clear threat of coercion, and is susceptible of no other rational interpretation, lie puts the men, whetber in Congress or not. who do not coincide with hia policy, in tbe same category aa the rebels. He emphasizes tha fact the Southern rebels or d-sunionisls have been put down, and declares tbat now taa same must be done to those whom he denominates Northern disunionists; that la, the loyal men wbo do sot consent to bis schemes foe restoring tbe revolted States to their old positions aa members of the I'd ion. These words do not become a President, ibey suit only the lips of a Dictator." T5e Chicago Tribune, from which we haae heretofore quoted, breaks out anew on the Virginia speech.

It says "Mr. Johnson thus supplies, by bis own exemplification, a most terrible weapon fur the arguments of tbose who utterly deny the safety or expediency of reinvesting those Southerners with political rigbU, whose inveterate and unconquerable prejudices obviously disqualify them lor the proper exercise of the solemn duties devolving upon legislators in a free State civilization. "The President's recent superciliousness towsrtl hie fellow-eititeneof Airicas descent was also too naturally fo, lowed by bia still rcoredisgusting obsequiousness toward their and his former Virginia masters. In one case tne President lurgeis tbat be is called upon to redrew the lilc-long wrongs of deeply injured citizens, and in the other that he is uound to vindicate the majesty of tbe law and to puunh rebellion and treason. Mr.

Jobnsou was all frowns to the wronged, and all smiles to the wrongdoers, la addressing the negroes, he. invoked all the terrors of carnage to repudiate their legitimate claims to lioerty; and in confronting tbe Virginians be exhausts tbe resources of internets snd apology in order to condone for thoir at the President of the United States mildly calls their iniernsl tresaon, after having made at the outset of his peroration doe peniience and contrition for venturing to reier at ail this trifling error in the preseuce of sucb a venerable and imposing deputation of tha old F. F. Vs. Hay, lo confirm still mo.e irretrievably tbe Southerners and copperheads in the blessed 'errors' of ther wars, the President declares a war of extermination against the extremists in tne North; tbat la lossy, against the ma-ars of tbe people, who begin to apprehend, to their on-utterable dismay, that, as far the present chief ol the nation is concerns, the lives and i res su res absorbed by the war, were not only wasted in vain, but that he is doing all in his power to unsheath tince more tbe Pamocles-aword of tbe irrepressible conflict, and lo fasten upon anotbtr generation all the woes, peril and agonies of another civil war." The Gazette and the Tribune have thrown policy to the winds.

Tennessee ultras are afraid to take that step yet a while. But they will do it yet; and then "hark from the tombs a doleful sound What though some of them were picked up in the gutters and given position, and the means of firing by Mr. Johnson. What though some of them have lined their pockets with gold, through his influence! They think the ultra Stevens rrd is to him, and they will forsake their former patron and friend I Laow the man at tha head of affair at Washington, and all ws have to do is to tmat him. Exercise forbearance and patri otism and give the President our hearty and aarnett support We certainly have a bright prospecl beiore us.

Thus spoke General Sherman, in a recent speech, but he is only an honest soldier; a distinguished one, it is true, but what does he know about governmental affairs? Thad Stevens and Charles Sumner can teach him something; if he will consent to be taught First, they can convince him that he does not -'know the man at the head of affairs at Washington," but that they do; that he can't be trusted; and that the prospect before us is not bright And, then, they can satisfy him that all will remain dark and forbidding unleas they have their way. Mr. Grimes, of Iowa, presented to the United Stapas Senate, on the 14th inst a petition from Messrs. Cooper, Stokes, Maynard, and others, representatives elect from the State of Tennessee, setting forth the facts connected with the reorganization of the State, and asking that the present Slate Oov ernment be recognized as the proper Government of the State; entitled to the same immunities and prerogatives as it was endowed with by virtue of the act of June, 1706, and until her rela tions with the general Government were disturbed by the treasonable conduct of some of her citizens. The petition waa referred to the Com mittee of Fifteen.

The New York World ha been re newine it acquaintance with the figures of the last Presidential election It ha discovered that, notwithstanding the apparent Waterloo defeat of Mc Clellan, thirty-three thousand vote, properly distributed, would have secured his election. Fortunately for the rountrv, he did riot get them. The i World brings up the reminiscence to revive the hopes of the Democracy, and to cause them to cling together for future action. Thj National Union Party ought to take warning from it, and so conduct themselves as to in crease rather than diminish their strength. Because, there is an over whelming majority in Congress now against the Democracy, that is no res.

aos) why the future should be forgot ten, and the party pushed on to sure destruction. President Johnson is wise and discreet If his advice prevails, the party will be safe. It is reported from Washington that Gen. Grant ha expressed a determina tion to squelch all treasonable newspa pers in the South. Why confine him self lo a section The influence of such papers as th Ksrhmond Examiner is local and very limited, whilst that of th Metropolitan Record, V.

News, and Pay Book is extensive. The North ern traitors do the most harm. Th leading photographer of th country are assembling in Washington to su-ge cn Congress a reduction of the tax on Lbir work. hope they will succeed. Th is too high, and is injuring the bcuinee.

A lower tax would produce more revenue. E'0riujt BwBct The bridge span-King the Uolaton river at KnoxvtUe was bought at th government sale, on Monday, by Enox county tor JO. A nominal rate of toil will soon be established, for th purpoa of itcprorin and keeping it in repair. A. lakviilln." I aiM larva at iXtQta, Ga.

I EI LaiT MGnrs II1IL Ssw To sx, Feb. IS. This morning fics. Coolbaugh, wbo waa arrested about a week sgo in bt Louu en arbargeof Laving defrauded Mr. Stebbins, proprietor of the Cortland fctreet House, cf for board, wines, aid borrowed money, wss brought before uatice Dowlivg (or examination.

After the of ths affidavit by the clerk, tne prisoner wss commuted lor examination, 'the case was set tor next Saturday. Julia G. Trier, widow of the late President Tyler, appeared as applicant, vs. IHvid L. Gardiner, respondent, in th general term of the Supreme Court this morning.

Tbe case is sn appeal from the decision ol the Surrogate of county, before whom the will of the mother of Mrs. Tyler was entered for probate. The will was contested by David L. Gardiner, brother of Mrs. on the ground that it ass mads under influence exercised over her by atra.

Tyler. The Surrogate set aside ths will, and Mrs. Tyler is cow appealing from his decision. The average speed of the Winooski, during trial waa twelve knots or fourteen statute mi) per hour, and tbat of the Algonquin was nine and a half knots or eleven statute mill per hour. l'eb.

li. Among the items in ths post-oQice appropriation bill reported to-day are lor steamship services to liraatLj for auch service between San Freneisco, Japan, and China, for overland transportation between Atchison and Falsom and transportation to Califor-nis, The bill also author izes the Postmaster General to employ sailing vessels for mail transpoitation to any foreign port, the compensation not to exceed the sea passegs accruing on the mails so conveyed. Mr. Romero has received official news from Eipaso up to the 20th cf January. Tbe French hsd made no further attempt to move on Klpaso, and tbe Mexican army was about taking tbe initiative spainst the city ol Chihuabua, ccupied by the ranch forces.

The published protest of Gen. Urtogo is not regarded aa suthentic. Hon. J. Minor Bolts was before ths Committee on Reconstruction to-day.

II- K. Holland, of the suppressed Kichmcnd Examiner, was at the President's house this morning, endeavoring to obtain permission to resume the publication of his paper. Ricrmosd, V. Feb. li.

Gov. Pierpont sent a communication to tbe Legislature three judges of the Court of Appeals, and fifteen Circuit Judges. The nominations are generally approved by the conservative members of the Legislature, but a decided opposition to one or two tinea waa anticipated in tbe Committee on Courts the House. Tbe delegstion to whom waa referred the resolution, requesting Srnstor I nderwood to resign, report I a substitute to day declaring that his efferts to procure the overthrow of the Stale government was wholly inconsistent with tbe duties of his position, and meri the umiualifiad reprobation of the General Assrmbiy. No action.

Nsw l'oax, Feb. li. The details of the newa by the steamship Bremen contain the following: The cattle disease bas increase! in England. The police believe that Stevens is concealed ia city or vicinity snd they say h.a ultimate escape is impossible. The Hoyai Engineers are engaged in examining Ui dafeuses of Spike Island, Cork.

Additional details of ths Jsmaics sur-reader had reached England but no new faction bad been elected. Tbe new Governor baa arrived. Ths Le-gitlaiure bud taken sction which vir ually threw the whole management of atfaira upon the Gjvernment. The London Times aaya it nity then be taken for granted that tte Trench occupation will snonly cease, snd says it would be a good thing if the year 13f.6 should see both tbe Iloinan and the Mexican territory evacua.ed, and this is not improbable. The London Herald says one erlect of ths Fenian movement ia ths stoppage of nearly sit emigration from the disatfocted portion of Irelabd.

Tbe Journal du Havre reporla that six battalions of the Legion Eluneerz of the Freuch army will remain in Mexico after the majority of the corps shsll have quitted tbe country, they having been lent to Maximilian lor six yesrs from lb02. In one of his letters, addressed to Marquis de Moutbolon, published in the yellow buck, Ironyn de l'liuys ssys: Now that there is a ieg-ular Government in Mexico the legitimate object of our mission will be attained. Vt'e are endeavoring while aalisfying our interests and our dignity to make arrangements which w.ll euable us to consider the mission of our srmv in Mexico as terminated. In the sitting of the Berlin Chamber of Deputies, on January ZVtb, I onnt Uismart stated ths Government wuuld take no part in tbe discussion upon liaugnburn cneition the indemnity to Austria not having been taken from the public treasury. The Czar has addressed a letter to the CoTtrnor of Warsaw, promulgating cduca tional measures in Poland.

Superior and eiemenary schools sre to be established lor roles, oreeif.sQi ttussians, snd a aeperate school for Germans and Li thuanauda. All the scholars will be taught Polish snd Russian history and languages. Naw Yobl, reb. li. rreparations are be ing made lor the reception of Gen.

Grant in this city iodi time next week. A proces sion on Broadway is proposed. Damages to the amount of $2,800 were re covered in court tnis suernoon against me Hudson Hirer Railroad Company by Mr. McDonald for injuriea received by aileged negligence on the part of ths company's emplcveea. A dispatch from Washington says the publication of the Richmond Examiner was discontinued indeuuitclv.

llie recent at tack ol that paper upon tbe Government and thn othcers of ihe United Suites army stationed at Richmond, is supposed to be tbe rearou which compelled Gn. Terry to issue tbe order. Xsw Yoks, Eeb. IS. The Post's special ssys: Ths l'rendent has sot yet aigned tbe Ereedman a Bureau bill.

It is understood the subject will be considered at the next Cabinet meeting. The Commercial's special save John Minor Bolls bas been examined by the Re-flTiatrurtion Committee to-dav. H. K. Pollard has had an interview with the President to endeavor to get permission to publish the Richmond Examiner again.

Missouri's Compliments to Kentucky, Missouri ha reason to thank Kentucky. The latter has just been hold ing elections in some of her senatorial districts, and has elected none but cop perheads or rebel sympathizers. As Missouri is radically loyal, it may not at first glance be apparent on what ground Kentucky has thus been doing her a favor, nevertheless Missouri bas occasion to return Kentucky thanks for what she has done. Tbe ground of ber obligation is this: the two states are rival candidates lor nortnern immi gration, Northern capital and North ern enterprise. Naturally their claims are nearly equal, bo tar as sou, cli mate and mineral are concerned both present the strongest inducements to men of th North and East, whose desire is for new locations.

All other things being equal, the two State would, therefore, alike attract and about evenly divide the wealth for which they are applicants. In view of the fact just stated, it is easy to understand tne advantage which Kentucky has conferred upon Missouri in the election referred to. As Northern men desire to go where they will meet with sympathizers and mends, and aboveall else with loyal supporters of th Government, it is apparent tbat Iven tucky's course contrasted with that cf uaouri, is calculated to turn tbe whole tide of immigration upon the soil of the latter. Missouri ha likewise re cently been holding some special elections, and instead of promoting men who hsv been hostile to the Govern ment and advocate of the barbarism of slavery, she has selected unflinching Kaidoals, and ah has no disposition to vary ber policy tor some time to come. So is too sagacioaa, in this matter, to follow tn Kentucky footsteps.

The opposite policy, she finds, is paying her too welL She, therefore, must thank Kentucky for her practical disinterestedness, in view of its material benefits, if it is attributable to neighborly regard, and none the less for her folly, if it is attributable to political biindneaa. Kentucky is the older State, and in that sense might be called the superior by birthright Her course of dealing with her junior. Missouri, is not unlike th conduct of Ksau, who sold his privilege for a mess of potlag, and carrying th comparison a lailo further-Kentucky seems to have been satisfied with a very indifferent mess of garbage, but Jacob never, that we heard of, wasted any vain regrets over the simplicity oi' hi misguided brother. Sl ZVmecnit. Ex-Oot.

HcJden, of X. has rrsum- i tha aviitorial oontrol of tha Kaleigh Standard. Enreltprs and Writlig Papers, A.t Vbolele, txrrl. Ha TV OR A and 117 William fj aw', Nw.lora, Kavaicp Manutscturnm. in.

ciud 3jvry atvlcof auo.ary Jaoan, Lilr, Ot. Caal. pay Irrtul and Portfolio kavauopK. ataeau, awnuf nr ti lmil Uamaoa W.lls nttna bt immm Ar Price net wnn aunulMsit k. i.

4. Dsmars ars lai-edloeaj ana aumu: avsas, sooaa, 4V Ad. IlanlaLs Sales of Government Goods Tftff. wssa atAocBoa ass Pp.n.aal by iliJ bnlaU-Lsj A C.l ana 0u stassi. TLN'SESSLE SEN' ATE.

FrtiDiT, Feb. 16, 1360. Ths Senate met at 9 a. m. Mr.

Cate innoduced Senate Bill No. 224, To amend 74Sof tbe Cede of Tennessee, and make additional exceptions thereto. Pased hrotreeding. Tbe same introduced Senate Bill No. 325, To amend and exu-ud the law of oaths of olfice, (litis li, Article 2, Section 7j2 of the Cole.) This hill provides that, iu addition to the oaths conlrtioed la Section 7i2 of ths Code, each and every person elected or ap pointed to office in tiie State, before presuming, after the psaage ol this so, to upon the duties ol suid cilice, shall snd subscribe to tbe oath: That he baa never voluntarily borne arms, in the late reljellion, again't the Cn'ted nor bas he ever given aid or comfort said rebellion.

And it is hereby made perjury to take tbia oath falsely, and sbull be pun'ished therefor as prescribed in tbe Code, i'assed first reading. Senate bal So I''i, to win. up snd fettle the buaini-ss of the Bank of Tennessee, wss taken up on House amendments. Tbe smendiuents wsre concurred in, ayes 14, noes 4. House joint-reolution No.

197, authorizing the ir.rvernor to spMiul an agent to taks charge of the bsoks oi the branch Bank of Tnusssee at Athens, and convey them to Athena for the purpose of aiding A. Blis and the attorney tor the said branch in the prosecution of certain suits in favor of said branch, and return the same to the proper custodian in Nashville, was concurred in. Mr. (it-liter introduced Senate bill No. 328 to ameud an act passed January 14, ls66, to eatab.ish a svstein of internal improvements, posed February 21, lsi2.

It provides for issuing to the Cincinnati, Cumberland Gap and Charleston Railroad bonds of the Bute to tne amount ol (lot). uuu, similar in every respect to the bonds issued under tbe act Ibis is intended to amend. Passed first reading. Benato 11 No. 181 to provide for the collection of debts due the Tennessee Hospital for the Insane.

Passed third reading. Adjourned to 9 a.m. lo-xnorrjw. EOCfE OF REPRKSENTAT1VE3. Friday, Feb.

16. The House wa-i called to order, at the usual hour, Mr. Speaker Heiskeil in the chair. The nnnuies of yesterday were read and approvei. COHBECTIOX.

Mr. William utated that an error had occurred in tho reported proceedings of the House. He had been represented aa offering tbe amendment cutting on" colored persona from the benefits of the soldiers bounty bill. He. had voted against it.

ibc author of the amendment was Mr. Willi. II. STEELS. Mr.

Steele appeared iu his seat, snd was sllowed io record bis vote sgatnet the bsnk bij, and slso against the franchise bill; and also to sign the protest against tbe former. (Protest published yesterday.) FSAKCBISI BILL. The franchise bill was taken up on its tbird reading. Mr, Steelo took tbe floor in opposition to the bill. Adjourned till 2 p.

m. Mr. Steele conc'udci hia speech, al half I past two. Mr. Eiliott followed, on theisms side.

He contended that the bill ought to be called an act to legislate certain gentlemen their seats perpetually. Mr. Kiulston followed in favor of the bill, and cal'ed the previous question. Mr. Hood moved to adjourn.

Tbe vote was then taken on the previous question, and it was carried. Mr. Garner called for the reading of the bill. Objected tn. The vote waa then taken on the bill, with the following result: Aves.

Messrs. Anderson. Arnell, Black man, Carter, Clingan, Donaldson, Doughty, Dowdy, Duggan, Fuson, Gilmer, Grove, Griminrtt, Hudson, Hale, Inman. Jones, of Claiborne, Jones, of Greene, Kcrrhival, Mason, Maxwell, McXair, Melton, Mullins, Murcbv. or man.

Porter, Puckett, Kaut sum. K' pera, bmilh, of Obion. Hnodderly l' nderwood, Waters, of Wilson, Waters, of Madison, Walker, of liliea, elsh, vincs, Woodcock, and Xoes. Bdker, Coward, Lliiott, Garner, Jsrvn, Moss, Dimmerly, Smith, of Hards- man, Mleirald, and Speaker Heiskeil. 10 Ko quorum.

Mr. i'uggan said that some members were present, sud did not vote. Mr. Garner said that tbe doors hsd been elated, which could cot be done, unlets when was required. Mr.

t-iieaker Heiskeil: Tbe dosrs mut be opened. Mr. Mullins: I countermand that motion. Mr. Garrett aaid that it was by closed 1oors that the rebels hi carried out their vile poiicv.

He opposed it. A call of the Huuae showed fiftv-four members present. Mr. Garrett moved to adjourn. Los ayes 10, noes 45.

Klill so quorum, home discussion here arose, when Mr. Haulston moved call of the iloute, which showed Iri members present. Adjourned till 10 o'clock a. A new theory of Ihe Gulf Stream has been promulgated by the Iter.

Charles W. DenUou: The main points of the paper are, first, that the idea of this current of water being caused by the power oi the tide winds piling the waters up in sucb a manner as to drive them into the Gulf of Mexico, and thence into the Atlantic Ocean, is wholly untenable, as well as that of the high temperature of the water bemg derived from the heat of the tropical sun second, that the peculiar chemical constituents of the water, which impart to it its character istic color, cannot be accounted for upon any hitherto promulgated facts: and thirdly, that the sedges, which are also a marked characteristic, are not the products of any known soil. To account for all these features, and also for the original source of supply of the current itself, it is maintained that it originates in the Mediterranean and ad- acen tse aa The remarkable fact is em ployed to force this idea, that for long ages a current of water has set in through the Straits oi Gibraltar, without any cot' responding outer current having ever been discovered, and that without some outlet for the accumulating waters the shores of this island sea, likewise of the Caspian and Dead Seas, would be con tinually overflowed. The inward current is stated to be of three miles an hour, just that of the Gulf Stream, and the inl erence is drawn that the one is the commencement of the other, the intervening track being great caverns of the earth, commencing near Vesuvius and Etna, whence the water derives its beat. Ihese cav erns are supposed to be similar to tbat of the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, wheaoe the chemical ingredients of the water are obtained, being such as are found in no other quarter of the globe.

This idea is enforced by a number of well known facts of a geological, chemi cal and horticultural nature, which must, when given to the world, excite a large degree of interest, and perhaps discussion. The Whaling Fleet la the Pacific. Tha Pacific (Honolulu) Commercial Advertiser of December 9, states that notwithstanding the operations of the fleet were so much aatnaerd br the ti- ratical raid of the cihenandoah among it in June, there is a better average to present than last year. The aggregate oi ou ana cone taaea is as lollows: AT HAW11AS ULAITOa Bhls Oil. ISsBon.

Forty Arctic Whalers Kieioa Ocbotsa a.JJ tissue at aaa raanctsco. SilB Arctic Whaiera. s.sro ir4.S00 I.USO 671, mo This give to the 56 Arctic Teasels aa average of 004 barrels of oil and 9,922 pounds of bone. Last rear tbe Arctic Beet averaged only 405 barrels of oil aod 6 SIS pounds of bone. 1 he 1 1 Uchotsk vessels this rear have an average ot SI2 barrels of oil and pounds of bone, against bar rels of oil and 12,150 pounds of bone in i3t-f.

The whole fleet of sixtv-seven wea sel average Una year tss barrels of oil and 10,017 pounds of bone. Taking iukj view uie a.ea prices or oil and bone in ew Bedford whale oil tl 70 and whalebone 12 2j), the result cf sirrsvv-ir-r'K I he news of tbe arrival of tlia Kh nanaoao in England, had not reached uwuu.u.u, uu miDT cop ecuirea wera I u'. uri isie. gl fiflfl PKRTKiR! want airenai VAUUU rywiwr to sli oar n. staciuns.

rniMsfs k.aas. Inacr and upper feed. aarmnt.dSv.ywra. Ahov.rnl. ary or larre corrvnisaaoas paid.

To ustv machitiwa wd ia Ui I n.ied hum lor less than Ho, wrucs i cajrc a uo and ovuw cnv anacnia'. ar KTnnrt On-oUr a. Addnws, or call upon a oiark, t-j. "aw I OMUmlH aod GOLD PN DEPOT, 72 North Cherry Strest! E. arbox.

For Kent. I WILL mrtor leaaa fjr term of years, any farm 2 from AasnTiMa. oa tnertnoy White Pile. The lawee csa purcnane at lees toaa value nir arming uleaaila, strxK of heirs, eattie, homes sod '1 be place is ia g.od condition for gardenia, bavins; bad tnoac of the lead pi joined ths tal sail eil imnured- Apclj at inv once, bo. north Cherry street, SaMit jie, lennaaeee.


FLATTERY, M. FROM New Gorier City, PRACTICAL PHTSICIAI FOB CHRONIC DISEASES. THE GREAT Traveler, Oculist, Aurist Lung Physician, AMD Ladies' Doctor or THE AGE, Who bas ClrcamnaTlgatcd tbe Globe, E43 ARRIVED AT THE mini house, Nashville, FOR i LIMITED PERIOD TO CXRI THE SICEZ. The Lame Walk, the Blind See. Twenty Year's Experlene e.

Chronic Diseases furtd. Acnle Paia Instant Reliei il, Consumption Cured. No Poisons Given. No Mercury Used. LL CURES Mr.

V. ferlt-a last fourteen years has bees enpa- sed traveiins ia the practical treatment ol all wed- Hl and surgical diseases of Kurope, the ratted ntstes, AnsirKi send lheeoutneaaridan4Wren lands, Br tish Colutnhut and Vancoarar'a Island, anu dunna wntcn time ne has had Thousands of p-tteois tuvier bis medical snpervt and by rureful and pract cal attention to all acute and chronra diseases of a special, surgical, aad freneml ostare, (havine; discovered tbe true pbyioloKieal sad pathological character of all di ease by nncroMoi ii cal and oiner minute rawearr-n es) oi been i io restore ths enfeebled, debilitated and eunstitution to a elate of eneriry. bealtn and happiness, and as it were to re vive tne sink lacuibe of the brain and ner vona system to a new exi.tence, and renovate life wit a all lie natural enocomit.nt eniovmenta. 'I'nerelore tbe commonly called 'iDcurbeen are psrt.cularlv invited to ami tbsmsetree of tb a rare opportunitv to recover tneir neaitn. in eouse.iueiice oi tne aeep seated aaa in many rnftianoee lust i.reianice existing in tne minis ol mans against all trsfehrig, advertising physicians aou Dr.

Y. wi presence to. and operate on all such wno eonauit and crtargs nothing umes ne pnomia aii mat ia promised. All who have -toctored nil they are tired and are nn oetier, aneuic can at once on vr. eiat.

urv, and have tbe cause of their disease removed. do hsve consumption, uroncmtie and Tnroat rli ease should apply to Dr. whose cure of thae complaint, is baaed oa recent discoveries ia pbyaiology of respiration, and which bears the closest ph losophical examination. All affcbl with Chrome diseases wblfih hate barrifd the Queries and exhausted the medical skill of the racultr ol surgeons, should applv to Dr. Dlmtery, ahose marveiously eucceaaiul treatment oi an enactions is owing to nis medical oiscovem msde br rrncroscopicai.

and other minute research es during fouiteeu travel, ana twenty yean' Tk" Dr Flauenr. wrvo has had twnir ym iip-nf uoe ww-asa in this cls8 of dii-M and braocn ol hiiprbfesaioo. aad inert? trf guarantMe every cure. 411 vounff mtn intured in umj and in ad irora th11ctjf a abuse, with 'ta concomitant sTtnp. mp fluon S4 psju in ta neao, morbid aou poo-dwT and araioa to aouietTa inabiiilr to enucearr t-ate ihf mmory and itiuulect, an 1 disqualified Cor tn TunoD duliw or Hie, wnoee eonntaancwi aod dpMt the el Scte of taa: nombte and deaiauns Tvce, snoum eontmt Vr.

Flattery bafor 11 is too Ute aU sutTer'nK with stricture ao'i rult of quark remediM, sbonid avail tbmles of lr. Flattery's new method, by which the mot malignant tonus of this diste 1 eared in from one to two wee, and w.thout the tort a re to oatjenta. aii or tide eeroBdarr trmi-ioms Hneomaiisa and Brouaiorrhoea, wooae nrou tesaperAmenri baring bn dtroyed by ral nf rlae trap-catch penuT pubiicaiioca aed awalUwine mrcDrT until they aa waiving barometera, aad bave finally been Tn up aa uieurab.e, by an aootuinaoie set or Hiit-trttte and non-trraluAtsa of medicine, should sets: thesurpnei skill of lr. lattery tn these preTaJent and wo'atoi 111s. AU who are barr and thus deoriTed of connu bial bhsa and pwenral happiDeae, should take the SdTioe oc lit laiury at once.

All wboee circumstance and phyaical coadirioo wui not aomit 01 onpim, shorn Joonsuit ir. Flat tery, snd not too Uie, procure his sal and incal lalie preentur. AH wboM Tee and ear are diaMuied and have had the minfonane of bom tensed and drat- rf-d, conauit Lr. Flattery without tail, as be is a laorouKR ocu'im aaa auriK. AU woo summer shouid procure Dr.

mwIt laTswnivu wr cure of au impediments. Ail suOern frarn Derrous ronDlalnta. female af. lecuons, snin disisaaa oeart, stomach and liver complaints, di anises of tbe bowels, ardaeva, Mad- oer, piles, rupture, ulcers, scurvy, tumors, aoaaked acne, cancera, Panama and mountain lever, eryai p. elns, should sutler no longer, but night, way sroceed to Dr.

Fisttery for his new tnatment. All students and physicians of limited experience bavins a deir to leans Dr. Flatterv's reneraliv successful method of cure, will jpve bm a call at hie rooms, where be wui instruct them individually All pa jenta at a distance eaa be cured at home by eoneuitiBK Dr. Flattery, hr kmer. Matins, their name, see, occupation, time taken ill.

constitution. nnmoerof trealmeata submitted to. of I iiaw aoa ijmpiomi expenenreo and tnoae exist rog. He will then send medicines with directions to core any oisnsse. tOi4 3Insonlo lln.ll.

KELLYandLEOS'S MINSTRELS! For One eet Only, I Commencing Monday IvfD'g, Feb. 12. From thoir Ardc.y of Mnmr, GSurtto, to lboir ACAdcrT cr mnsio. uncinnvt. tm tk0-nMn of Uiaminltj im tb ViK, FOUB COMEDIANS, Trlit, WUllami, LEON, tbe Wonderful, tb irreatawt Daasens ia area.

KELLY, lb Prince of Lent Comedian, and Bal. ld BWIMW. BROCKWat. BrrrLKR. WHTTON uimsuri, tne crest tuiniet.

the rrenl UorotMt Ptnvar. T. tn hast IsfWet piaysr in to country. POME BHArtKH So. aad a hoaa il surer.

iioora open at 7 commence at o'clock. Admisaioai U) eenta. prrnrrnil sas 1st' csuts. cvta oan on aw-iuwu mBl to ana. to D.m I IS US FIRST HiTIOKiL NASHVILLE, TENN.

Designated Depository financial If cut of UnifedStatss. Capital BtOCt paid la $250,000 kn.nlna AP rnai a en aaa ev.lrvu CKTVES rvpoaita and mavea CWledfoas oa aa au ami ess js poiots is ta baita ataia. Gold, Silver, aad Vararreat Moaey, Bont.t aad Sold. I RECTO R8 1 Hoaxes H. Baaaraoa, ICaaa.

rasaoaa, A Bajiroan, Jaa. Ovinia, H. Iian, Burat L. Joaaa. AS OGDH, Caabiar.

A. S. AF0BD Pnatdent. R. 4.

JAM ISO Asst. Oashiar. bltSm To Let, ArTR-MEHKO ROCM oa Coil strsst. swar th knar, with er without board. Address trasa," f.uBosst.

-telHI B. Car. ECOIZEZi, REAL ESTATE AGEXT, PURCHASES AND CELLS REAL ES-sUta, Coileota Rants, Leaaa Dwellings, Farms, Gardens, Lota, Storehouses, tto And girea prompt attention to tbe perfecting of Negotiations. REFERENCES. State, County, and Nashville Ulj Members of the two Branches of tne Saahvilla City Legiataaum.

Editors and Publishers of Haahvills City Dady Fsv Para- Poet Mauler, Nashville, Tennessee. OIBre mmi Resldeaee). corner of Capitol avea- oe and Pars sirret, opoowte eaai (mat of tbe Male Capitol, IN ain villa. Far Xtent, Orn'ATEO in Can-oil rocatr, MiMiavppi, ia lh Taaow tUej, a torn mil trotu levroiiwa. co- Uuaisg mxmu 800 or 1000 Acres, free from overflow, od in th heart of th ft oast Couon Krowmg rvKio ta lb douih.

land hM bwrfotore ytatl from oo lo oa and a halt als of OcOoa to tb acre. The plac tn good eoocU-uoa. and offara peculiar be oa cod Te rn eat to tbe market, and in try respect, amiable lor rauMiig a noe crop at couon. Te pereoae having the neeotwary capital at thetr tbta plaatatKm otlara great uidutMineaia. Kent ai per acre, appiv II.

HCUVEL. No. 214. FiR BALK Acres good Garden Land; Brick ctoae of t.o rooms and kitchen; emoko booae. Withia forty steps ot the bouse oae of tne oest spout springs ta tne eountr.

two saues iron Nashville, oa the Vatican Pike, between Mr. Mc Femn and Mr. Jk rui fa. Price one ball case, oaianoe in one year. Appiy lo H.

G. HCOVEU No- 216. IjF small Frame Boose, lot S3iT0, on Jackaoo street, uortb ot tbe Corporation hpriaa nee J. No. 220.

IX) ft RENT Five rooms in tbird story, southwest corner Ceoar and Cherry street, for two yara from Jaauary 1st, 1B66, at Stoo per annum, and SOou bonus. Tbeae rooms are well located tor burliness ottcea, and cbeaper Ibaa anv we kaow oi areragisg su per moa.n sx eactu No. 221, TJtOR BALK-ros Acres of Land, e' miles from A tneoewaoeevoei minea. Sfanoneonnlv. aith good improvement.

Saw Mill in ranninc or der; the eanaral outlines and descrintion at which will be given. Price 1 per acre nasb, halaoee maa veara. wui aicnsag kr city or country fiufaarvj. No. 222.

TIOR flALR, or IXOHANGB FOR SABHVILLK a- ciTt PROPER it, It sl ban v. IikL. proper ty as follow. A two story Frame Room ia pertect repair, newly painted, oa second hank of tbe Ohio river is mil view of it, near tbe loot oi the PaMa 10 rooms, presses, cupboard-, panirv. cellar and eislcrn nnder the house, citable oeder erouad.

UxM. Wood shed, Ac, Ac. House stands feet back from one street aad 40 let from the other. Lot is on the comer, Soil 60, with rear fencing-. Also two cot taa ee, of three rooms each, oa lot wun rear lesce etstern to eaca noose.

ana weu tor now. Ail vatned at eizun. No. 223. EOR SAIaS-JiV; fMt on North Front street, Mrt Kds, mxK nor of and dKMDinc Bndg xret.

kbows iam jtnrK end are ion iousa Drooenv. mbractnff tha ToII-Houm and lane UTwirv Hubt, It will tw sold aa a who. la lota. No root ibr orar per auum. No.

225. F-R BALKA amaJl Tvm at 33 Am, on the Brick Chnrcb Piae, 3 oi'lea north of NanbTili. wen unproTM. rame notue of tiirae rooms, at-toe, hail and kitehett. Two pnngm, fiae Tounc or- jn beginniag lo bear.

ap. a dim. ntniML UtUITxal. ftn1 TtilimaL sail WAll encioeed. per acre; one-half cash, balauo in on year, given January 1st, No.

226. TIOR Ril.R Bcbool Cah, in food ordar. with a aiagle bamess. Price lo. No.

229. "POR SALK-SO, to, ar fcet front en North unerrv street, tun leec dco. next north or the Ootnmerciel Hotel. This ia a central business to. ea'ity.

Pnce S2J0 par foot. One-half casta, balance i ana a years interest ana uen. No. 232. JjtOR SALE One of Cbicksnng's Fins Pianos.

No. 234. FOR RENT A new Frame Hocas of 3 rooms, is North Nashville, Mar Ibe residence) of Mr. r. at.

t-aesinam, race ajuv per ananm. No. 235. TJvOR RJENT Fifteen Acres of good Land, at first iwia. as uaiiam rixs.

No. 236. FIB SALK-4SS (set, earner Viae aad streets, opposne the rasldewcs of Mrs. 1 SHtenlPo k. Price axo per fas.

Arjoesei Cnio K-Pre- I a nne raiiiaaen. apotlor No. 247 For Sale, rTtHAT VALDABLK BRICK DwTtl.r.rNn No; I 36 Cedar atrsa. long known as Ihe It. Mama Prorwrty, well lusted a-r stores ofaoea, or, tot hct, almost any active bnnneaa, bsuig oa tbe area tbcona-htara to th Stabs Caoitol.

Pweiw Ooan Bouae, and very eenumlry tocaud. Capaluna nnr van era umaasouas. ijmn .31 luu. ftca. Sl.aoo.

JUM, cash; bmaace, oa aad tw years. No. 263. fiPRrK09-13S Acraa, on. arrmJU Frame Bti.ldirt of to roorM: I karstmonavi THRKK BULPHUR BFRINw a bit.

Red. and Black: Twa Pmason hmiiii. On ctstora oe tbe bill i a3 jt front lb Bases Vista tb eanr plat at abont sooar. Os tb i3 acrs ar found bill, elm, bowsr, rsoaas, rocks ia bold relief, arerime. Aaa.

and a romantic dnv. This nicwraeqn Watrtn( I Plan, ia BoaasnsioB of tb re; tit man, can be made ui. ok. an-arpis immm. na.ul a Nm.iw aa.

am; owiy mue troni in city, at aaatly I 1 KM BO OOUDt D. fore many mreths will be acoaaaibt by StreM Bail, road. Pno 18,600, oa ay karma. Addiv to B. U.

rVaO, Baal tl AxetU. No. 264. TBSALF-OrjesndsrisafstcprBRrcK HOrBB, "OOW Cbrry bMrwst. tth Bvont nna eaot.

rnra -t oe ou a No. 265. FOR PALl-BRJCK DWKXl.Usa of 4 loosns, atialna room, kitchan taut ZiZZL "rwst, next aeatb of dwllia cash aic a 1 and 1 jean. No. 256.

FR BALK FRAMK HOOHJ is tit sood rooow.lot 60vim ti. hi ihwu.ii.iu. anPiSe. PnosSsoa Si.ioOoa.b nsjnnc ia os year inlrX aod liao. niv as t.

vs. sC0 Baal Xntata Asrssat. 0cad ranKraac. risim ParV saraas rk. itol Avnusoppoaiwaaatlrosiof dtaa Capaoi.

For any of to sbov i k. BXAL aWTATR AGZYT. al? JlZri net wrr aiua. GOVERNMENT SALES XARG OF Government Properly. ASSIST ANT QUARTER AST-HP'S 0 FIE, 1 lawi.

I WILL cSf for sale, cammeneioi; oa ihe, liuh day of Feonury, ImJJ, at trie Ij. 8. erantlin bnopa ia tne my of tiathviLe, a large amoost of (jrovornoieot consisting pia asfciiswii: of Transportation. tt Army Wagons. Ii4) Transfer a agon, i-i Amoaiancea, Tajo-Hofas Wsoas, ro Carta, fit Prays.

471 Bets Wbeol Bono Eirara. ai Lead Wheel Male -Sit Cart Harneee, Filth. Bearing. Rnatanii Chai.a Jnk. Bucks, fiouble and eiol Tree.

Lead and Check Linex, Collars, Undies, Wagon and Riding daddies, Toole ol all kinds, inelnJine B-ilrsmiths, Car-etiwa, Wbeelwrertia, llarnane Materr, jaacnin-lats, Ti soars and Farriers Tuol. BllscelIaneoaa Article, eVM Lbs. Wrought Scrap Iron, Cast Fet Lumber, assorted, 1 Steam Engine, -Hore power, a lb-ijo-se power, I (n rignii power. II Est "Vales (Fairbanks') 5 tea. Also Decks, Tables, Chairs, Benches, Lanterns, Broome, Paulina, Rope, Ac ate.

This sale eooipriwe articles of alrrcat every kind know a the Quarter master's iMpartrorol, and mil be one of the largest sales UiH nae eier takes place at tnia Depot. ftie io commence at 10 o'clock, a.m oa Feb. into, and eoauaue daiy untd the propsrtv ia all disposed of. 1 arms cash Sot ernment funds. By order of A.

R. Eddy, 3 ChwfQ Tof Taan. K. B. R1KK.

fpb-td Capt Bit. Maj. and A. M. SALE OF Grist and Saw Mi Hi and Quartermaster's Stores.

Omcs Assistant QrniTraausTTs, U. 8. I Feo. 7, lSui. I WILL sell at pub! Am'hnn, oo FR1DAT, Feb.

lUb. lSn. atSo'cirrlr. a.m ull tiilla and Sbmg MschiDes, (with apparwnanrea flereto) at thia PoM, belonKir.g to the toiled -talMi. nna.r,i-l.iA i.

ol UIH.S Furniture, inuvponaaioa. buwiutioat Caua ana hifc hea ronnture, Ac it scn.uuieoi tne sun property and localioo of mm. aau ooiBme eiacniMM- or) Trrms caab, ia a tumta. 1 HOS. CARI.ILK.

fsblo-td Br-ret M. and A. vl. M. Extensive Sale OF GOV'T ROLLING STOCK MILITARY DIWI8ION OF THK TKKNES9KX.

vaiav OrrH-a, U.S. MlLITA.T R.ll,.... Nuhvnle, Jan Ktb, 1MS. TIT ILL bs sold at Puhiie Auction, at MernDh tbe following deacnOed HoiUng eua-k, lonawja-we. 7rn fwur uKumuiiT, ungnes.

nve re kangw, (time old and dismantle-i. one rvDni,) uj Dnieeo oox ana (j aine fiat Cars, more or ess are tset gauge. Hm Time and Place. (1) One LocomotiTe Knne. Sre Imi isnt, la tbe ditch on tbe line of the saneippi' central miuuw, wciir uiioh or ui oi umna Jiiucuou.

At TannsMM. VttinmAv Cs.lvnis.s-sT Mth, will be Bold the foliowmis- ki.ll. (HVM LoCOOkOtire Kon ml Lmin A RrsBth (18) JCurhteaa if Unrws DUIiQsSraa. IliUut (I Brwtr. T.

sV Worfca, buildera. ft tD Nimrvmni Qmi.h LNsiiue-rm. tl) uoe lorwnotira Tki i.r Two buadrwd Hat and Box Cart, (more or Same Tina and Ulace. Lorotnotive EoffinAi. tiBaMniMaaiii HJra aod KuDQitur (wwtsira i -tr iBn ,91 rinmm i Eopn9t tuiasrTicbif.

o) Fife ep-uw, 1M feet Mrfa. Traaa Bndffe. () 1 wo apaaa hndg. 60 feet fmch. IMI hUdrl alid (hirl thr Mn-h svrtri 8d elans Cat titooe, compnin iuuodal.on ol Round auussj, Will also be BOld.

On attar mtintinnawl risttA stl Mmphs aad -h th balance of Miiitarr Miirua.1 rropertr nuxwinuu oixliituitwii of su that nalee will oornmnce at earb olerw at 10 nVlrtrL- a.m.. and oontmue until all tn nmnsnv i r- Terms of Hale. CftMh. tn OOTllimnt ftlnd: or hsn nn wKtaaaa4 by Kailroad Conpni, 00 fredit it diirvl) of not unf-saias wo yean, is monthly mUU m-JBta mwrwi at rat 01 7 3 10 ter cent. per aanaoi, Secured br oond, Aattsfiteiorr to the tmdiiis3uv ior aouu in amount ui uim nroor ty jwrntaascvj ruii aearnpuonf- of the i' ntrc- can be obtaind a.

IN ash- we, irns, i. J. CKILLY. janlO lo Itrb19 BTt Mai. 4 A.

U. b. A. Auction Sale of Gat Property AT Chattanoogt, Tennessee. WILL sail at Public Auction on SATURDAY.

A reimsarv Mth. ie. at 11 o'clock, tii. bhip Yard, including- building. Machinery, Loin.

orr wagons and appnrteoances tnerelo. Also, at the same lime, the Kin Btern.Whael Steam ritooe Wiver," in a-od condition, length uitMuiu ara-i, ucput Of noid leet, reitia- lerad si lona. A schedule of Ibe Drrertv nertainin. to th. mwrri ciaa aw.

aa tnia omcs. Terms Cut in U.B Funds. Bv order of brevet Col. John wr.ntM at v. i.

lsin.j.taKl.iLh. fcW Ids Brevet M-ior and A H. AUOTIOA SALE OF Condemned Tentage, Cloliiiog, WTLL eynoae for aale at Public Auction oa jl nwuii, zoinoi renroary, 1st, at clock, at Warebousea Noa. 4T, iJ and Houlh Colleg. CoDdemned TentafrA weigbinc Bw.

And immadiatelv after, at tha Wa.houa. in km ill. an sum. vw wool eianaate, 13 Hsthets, 311 ereatCoata, iiJ Px-ka, mouses, lin Mesa Pans, Ml ut. Uniform Conta.

KA1 Kaapsacka, 611 Bhovew, xtav.raacks, wl huadae. SbS Axes aad Handles. a lot of Condemned Boots, Booieea, Trowsen, Crawsra, vaiw, Diurien, SXJ. The above arttclea are eoadamnnrl anrf ath.m to he Sold. Terms caah la UnrtnimMl nn.l.

-nA ilia property to be taken iinmediaie poeseastos of au parsnasnr, aos payment mads at time of Bv order of Bvt. Mai. Aen ImmIm Q. M. D.

T. THOMAS 1. Clx7 Brt Mai. and A. O.

m. Auction Sale OF Goyernment Property. I WILL offer for sale at Government Pnntins Bouse, flo. IT goulh Vine street. Nun.ilu eommenciBS on February aitnl USS, at 10 o'ciocs, a.m a large stock of PRIMTINO MATERIAL, Stationery.

accH ice Consisting ia pan of Prensss, stone. Stands, Racks. BtKlts, Furaitara, Ruling aad Cuuing Machioeal tte whole comp iarag the material of a First Clsia Job Printing OnVe, and in good condition. Also a large stork of Note, Letter, dsn lum. Folio Post, Medium, Fiat Can u.

Royal Wrung Paper, Card Boarda, Ac. This at tbe largeat and most deal rani. ac.k oflnrod is thn market, I in good condition, and offers a rare opportunity lo sun hawra. Terms Oash in Government Funds. rVopartv as be 1 amoved bv bdwium.

"-By order of ntsj. traa. J. 1 iMnaidsoa. Chief Q.

H. Atil. Inv. Tans. A W.

WILLS. Brt, Mai, aad A. y. M. azSd J.

Sax -a. MSB BROKERS, CoUege Street, a DEALERS IN COLD SILVER, AND 111 Rinds raccrreBt fands. We will pay for most of the Un-current Fundi, from 1 io 5 cents more per Dollar, than any other Quotation in the Cry novsaim MAYOR'S OF PICK, I KassrniAa, Tunu, Lwc. ti, lx4. PBOPERTT sestrt on ColW aad Market suaata.

Sulauau tb boner aod Broad ssssst. ar hatwoy aoussd coasuuet new stone er brick rmvsnenla, er raax tn old na wherever it is rsooirad. a ncornarv snth tb specificationn ana gradua wnichwiil be turmaned bv to City Kbit nr oa appitonboB. Ba-d wora mud be eomrxMrnced WHaus aaa days woes Una oat, sad a nia to eompisciii, or th city oeotnait snib narvat a-T to aasD, aad tc sxpana wui ctinxgwd to to sropartv pwaata. w.

svatt, aavwa, xuror. PENDLETON Wbohsale and Rstall DRUGGISTS No. 19 South side Public Sqoare, VASKVILXX, JJAVE ALWAYS O.N HA-l A LASS 3 srOCE Drags, i ihe raff a al very low Cjturei. OILS. Hats Unseats Oil, hiis Teeners' Oil.

Coal on. 6 Cssior Oil, Lard Oil, IMrpsntine, 'oraie low, by 1 bsreet KW1M PKNt'LEJOX PAINTS, SO Kegs White Lead, Lba, Am. Yellow Oiire, Suoo French Voilow t-nre, Ijii Cnreme lintea, drv moiL ltu lellow, drr, luo moil. Ail kisds of Paint and Ps-nt hr.k-hM. For aale ty a it i A VARN1SHKS.

I Bbls. Oipsl Varaisn, I Bit Jsuan Varnish, a i .7 one barrel Iac Iyuir. For sals low, by Oi A I iOi bLRT ON. 1 Pol, Alcohol, 8 perrw.i. pr-rct-nt.

M'biskv. rinuiJV. 1 HciiM.isVa,, Pure Tort, Madeira, and Starry im, EWls A rLi)LETi. BUTKHH, Praka b.aara, Hull Ceuroo Hosl4tlr's Stomach Kuorhave'a Bohand Bionaid a (rvrmnn For sal low, by f. UN a Pfcj.X.Lri 1 ort.

BUNUHIrW. Kegs 80.1a, 1 fchl Biueaton. 1 Cask Macaooy Snuff 1 Cudnear Bhla Kpaom Salta, HlO Lbs MiimiI, A MaJ.ler, Cream Tartar. J0 Lba brad Inuiiro, PnmKvne, 4 Brjla Ooppenu, Flour Muiphnr, For sale low, by EWIS PhNDUtUN. Tennessee and Cam be rland OIL AM) MIXIXU COHPIXY tT Special Act.

of tno of tAury SHARKIIOLDKIU KXKMPT FROM ALL PER-ALNAL LIABILITY. Capital St Divided m(o 30,000 Shsres of JO each. 700 sb ires, or st.Vi,M nave iwea spproprMtd aa worn-lug pital, lor the dtivvl.ipcmcnl ol tho property ol the Company. A smiled amount onlv of the stock thus wrpro-pjit ssd has been placed in the baodi. cf the of the company to r- s-ii.

ai iw-r hitrt and as the ato-li has all I wen isii-it, i meat of property, it ia not therefore. rsi'i, pay-iiiuae to auy utwirv aiaicmment. Urrica: No. is.1... rhm box H7, MbVlUc, 'ieou.

DIRECTORS. r. ofTena. WW. C.

Bl'NTa, c. i. nsurEMBorae, of N.T. dklasm. aaiirH.

ul Minu. A. 4. WSLLS, Ot MlCh. a.

a. OFFICERS. PrtUnl, X. fj. HAS FORD, Pree't lat Kalional Bank, I'aw AwadVnf, A.

G. WELLn. HtLTctary, V. H. COI.Tll.N.

C. Bl'MS. Mining SuptrmtiKtml.C. Tlie pronertv ofthe i. hold ihu-rfati in the coiiuhe (VOverton, hite, ja, kaOB, and arrcn, in the htate oi 1 neetce, amounting in the awrftaie to over emht thousand r-i.

Tlie menibershio of the 4 of Directoro conipnse men of ouaintxa exurrmnc. and reputation, and of a tnomunri and ai--quaintitwe with th oil minfa ol P.nnsvlv una, 1 he Mining IMipenntenilent via oee ol trie hrxt ex- -u. "id ui trial ami siruck Ilia the Heqoeniboarg well, and to wh'iJn in. cii in'rr- rnt nowink ou well in 11m, nmntr, l. we-e verv larirelv mj.l.1.

i. w.niu?,.,Wil, men is tneir iuua-it ThlS ComUIUlV Will lf.iM rv-trtinn. ki vains- private parties ur coin pan.ia, for imhidiati i chance for tma ia to obta, u. win munytj rMnuoenuive iarsn made known on application. mo nt srscuLAToaa will si tsi.tid wits raVUriefiAa nf 1..1., i atree.

Nnahvilk. "nui 1 he Secrelarv, F. H. Colton. iii bv return nuul wneu tra mo w.d cruru-t.

ordw. Oct, tr-tf. Proposals for Fresh Baef. OFntE CCMlvTisSARY OK sirrmiSTENCi Feb. oin.

ISui. OEALED PROr-ijsALS will b. revived at tb's a wiucTs until tzo'CiUPtf suUOMdM and drawing supply Dom ror an monttia (or lees time s. tiie March tat, ls In Beet to be of g-jod aud wholesome qua ilr and wqual pmpomoBi. ol lore and bind! ild kld'r ow to be i thsfattle aiamrhlred under tlie contract shall cm off at th.

joint, and tn breaM trimmed down. The aoanli. oi uie lore-diiarttri shall be cut off from thrw. to join; and ol tbe hind quarter from an lo ioui TV. or boclc to ia sm qtunbbcs and at such times and ai.

Commissary or oitf compeieolwutriorilv AU bids mui be accowpsn.ed bv two susrsaiee Th respoursbililvof ine KuarsDl mual oe t'v tn omcial ol the Clerk of th nnrM District Court, orol tb Cmud mu Tlli Hnua af lh. Dm, m.ii -1 Ore, ol ti member of thTnrn, ta "aU- A bond wt'b irood and -ti. required tor thelulrlllmentoi in. il oa r-aymeol to be made soch tunda aa that Stale mar lurniah. Dm ted FORM OP OCASASTEE: TO- do hereby naruu.

Jo But of miuu to contract ia accordance witn 71 his propoaiuon, ana that should kin terms of accepted will at one ntr au prupotjttiua ib accordance therewith. aiXO conua This acarante must app Th uaderaiinisd iZ to each h.r. and ail bids, ngnt lo rejwt any Proposals to he marl, domed. ir- ipticate and to be en- lo tb undersuravd at Mar ud addressed feblO-Tt J- P- LANODtKN. Msj.

and 0. 8. V. Look to Vour Interests SOO J1000 per Month; Greater. Dlscorerr of (be kse YOUR OWN HOMES, lb-rJ Jr "nnn with other buaineas.

Little or nocaoita) Duainea. Little or orabi. pi" 1'Kbt, and hoe- "Jl with exiual sucoesa. Mnnv m.n pas a. Jr Pamctiiars addraes, wnn one dollar.

nuiwT new tn amm fsb7 dawtm Louisville, by. QGTS, SHOES AND LEATHER No. 11 Dey Street, W. T. Alexi3 Bragg Wesson or ni otaft iiTAiiniiA rtm or ALEXIS BttlGBi W1R2E5, wwousaxs esAans ni Aloota.

Hhoe. and Iesavtheiw. bf Io invit tb srteoton of porehsaeri to their Koicauiu aaapiea aii secuoas ot tb and whi-h iny otter at th Iowm marat opma auaniicD paid lo orders. ALKXT3 AMiRKW WK8B0.V Sfrbll For Sale, rEerthsMirt lrlw-arm to th vrjBtrr, in o-wTwory once, with io roornei, kmc gxi aas SMIiQla.a oousw ana sWltaD. gKMlm! gOCK WV, laVTS WVO, WWI wrtVIOahSsvV waniK 17 awarswa.

n( nuw, pan of wiK-n im urm rm fwr-iea Uad. nsoti -nta ehoc frail trw, A is um for brica T-vid, wriu, of wr, mad tul oonta tnm for frntut vootl. Th aud C. Rilroatd parnij by wm of tb pic. iram vhtrb mntxi eaiTd tor bamtnc an-k.

Th proprtv oiitwd (Verponauoo, ud ihT9torm fxmmifi from cor po nation toasat. A good spnafr i a. ftxnixiM ibm propmnj. 7rrn tr or W.MATT tHKoWN A cJo. S.


Wanted. TT two yoGiaj W0m of x-jmna w-l nmd XJ as TaiT, nauavCKm-) at fiur L'brt-1 or An Iron Wrwif, M-wwffr-r mtvi Hnok-Kew-n-r. Trtrv ca tw or tof-l rr- rr.n.ifofja, to nmrwrtmr snd AMr--ji Mii'r mud Petroleum Barrels. P)R BALK Two tr ot Barr. Ma-rtuerr of tb mosji.

hour ov yd IaaOMai wtuvfe CAtaa iHit is ooojKa ia urj dsvy. i tora oil tuu timrrt a ilar 10 W. L. Al1C If i 1 I CELEBRATED I I AND I MA RlS 'j rQKE SHIRTSj ash GENT'S mni-G GOODS, 28 Clierrv iStroot I'NION. dc6 tf GENERAL RAILROAD TICKET iSO FREIGHT OFFICE Omnibus Iiinc, ()PPu6IT ST.

Cl.01'0 HOTEL, Cor. i harch hammer ttneis. TICKETS OW SALE For all principal points, via Nash- ville and Chattanooga Kailroad. To all principal points North and North-West via and Xorth-Weetern Kailroad to JoLiibOUTiUe, Cairo and St Louis CONNKCTl.NU At Cairo for Chicago and all interme diate Mations; At St Louis with Hannibal and St Jo, North Missouri and racitic Kail Kottds for all points North and Xorlu-West Tra'oi let.vt Chuttnnooam dfitat t.m. for OtrUUDookra nnd point iru.h.

First Class Steamers, whrjif the trr conven t-ncr hnw ht-a mula ror ioe inw ot mi non-xuf, No dirit' no at Tbr- II of v-itrn irio tun fn-t th Offir proper nou wi. ts promi'tiT to 'Ftiriatf wui tor ib ur part of ihe city. C. JACKSON, PKOPKIKTOR. do-It tl I II.

LBWfS ii GO Imw I'll urc hand UcLrniurrSirnis Nashville, Tennessee, IN hi Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumerr, Flnr Toilet Articles, Dyrstaffs, Paints, 01 TarDUhea, Window Glass, Putty. OARDIH SLDS, Finrsl DranJs Cigars and Tobacco, Wines and Liquors, Very flue for Medicinal Purposes. Ta rE warrant all tbe ahov articles to I Frah and Pure, anil will moid at th lowtwt I rKt ratvtv mnt th atuntioa ol our ol Vi omn aad th puolra. aud rcuuMi at om. 'aa narni natiaa of our nlock and price Mora ilia- I Kiua loot purenaaoa.

Th Pnacript'oB Pprtrniit will on Jr th pw-ifti poDtroi of a tDoroueti Lhinirta and war- ran' aii pi n-icnpnoa to in ti va rsii7 mcripuitaMa, ata.1 tXHir. uay orutit, UlA Mu Art Gallery. fl, HUGHES SALTSMAN (Formerly Hl-SHE8 BROS. Proprietors, Corner College and I nloa at. NASHVILLE, TENN.

rrHIIS GALLERY, lone snd (svombly known i ia etui noiir th. rail ti.l ol on ol th. paruwrs. Mr. Hnirri mg recently returwl from lxindon.

Pan, and other cifea in Europe, wuh all lh recent iTOproro-oi. in. riMitoerai'iiie tn. ar. in ms-stant ih narliiaj in bin.

thai shall nrM.Tor 10 he the or, to introduce vry hwj i tlarmseivea. Life Sis, in Oil Cabinet Size, InJIa Ink Or Oil. rHOTOiiHAPIIS, Cartes de Visit. OPAL or PEARL RE, New stvle. AMER0TTPK3, AJao.

The Double Photograph, Or twr Dosilions of the same necaon cram, of all l-ria and rlnnrrtr.ti..n. a -1 i.l sail a. can oe pun linssd sMUmri. rap.fri!y solicits liberal of palms. a- Ail wor warrant! to ne hratiaaa, and ea sefieldT cond PuKrC 8aJ of Low Rrvaa'a Mar-auiceet A t.ltioa coma ort oo l'a Cre- i at km jr.ocit.ry 14, at It clock 1, A hi.

d.SL-oQQi to partial pav-rif aii r.i, J.LlR.n,llKi WN SV IO '4 I For Rent, TH AT 3tor ea IS eotiwr of th B- inr and 1 aa Hi Coccun. vajL-e. ur a-rni. cai os t.fcj Bfj'K! a co fM3 if SA and XJ Co, To the Voters of David- son County. IV ara TitHi to u.

tita J. H. Farrar, 8 ati Lt-patw. a Xrnitivm at f-arrar KJ e. tar ijfwT, titstae ntn, MmIvI, flt-u-a, li uiai: esw.n.-O' to uao saftuasi to tM al thTwavaj arf i.nMl cn THurdaT.

Imt tlT ltxru)r ouwmrti da? Cvaarsa. iri-Tj fafvffi 'ttpisM', Um oaf non. -o ciUlc-t Jl oo Ibm dJ oi tr'-oB. un -iia, ifwtJf )-uri mT a tsM. on iruu dwy.

I tsu-w wuo bat vrt ea CHEP.8T 8TRS8rBltTWK. CF.OARa a -fvaw. (T-aor llenry Kxmi lui t.auUi-ra ar. on- 'la'Kra. LasT Nlt.HT OS- MISS CIIARI.OTTE TIIOvlPso.

SdtUfJay Evenin; Will he preenid KAST LYN.Nlt, Iadv Isahel ladaut Vine, No afterpiece wub KAbT LTSM. -N SaTI-RDAY ATF-iiJiOON, i. 1 A MsUass, -M-Cbarmtt. Thom sppenr aa Amry, a BaMSwT Almi.n focenu. ChMnu Theciwrming Comediarn Mm xUTB AirsSins or Tl.a.l3rl 0 ana iu at to open at to Irlcs of Adrulsia.

ITwaa Crcle and Parqaett. aood Tier Pnral boxes Academy of Music. (MTE NkvTTBIATF.K I C0WKB OF f.NlQW AND grMM Kkt mt W.9HR1VERA0O. 1 tth.tiag.. at oi rr.

This Mad Templa wfffJe aodieav. Dramii, Opt rs, Farrp, Finlomlnifs, it Borlfsqaw, fero KccfntrlcltlM, wjmnaatie 'errormaooM, Son, Danrea, EYtrythina MomI, Cha; and Amusl-j. SCALaK OF PRICKS Lowr Hots-, 9 m. 0i tim etriUwVf ADtl lyrsasM iVawsl. A GRAND MATlN-a-K Sunnjside Concert Hall.

C0LL0XADE BflLMXG o. 4 CsilT Strict. I J- w- KWAWOTT, i Prrjanaurr. Complst Hxsccesaa. Crowds bv hianiv rawwaetahl audaMicss i Af'" ar 5-ciirI.

Ul" Kthiowc "Plavo, diir the bf lMomT dart and anj'M I I.sTabiVn 8 a ton o'clock. wn.Poora ooen at at Th ht of Ra.r, preuv t-ly wsiLar. alwav, niidaicV Broad wayjarieties. Corner of Cherry aod Broad Strtw. P.

OHAPTN A CO vi rion. I Pi. leltti StiDir Siaa Masarar LaWderot has tslullnvus lJuiphua Qrrst of thui New T.mple of AmuasriisK VI VK NEW FACES I First appearancol MR. CHA3. FRANi Tie renowned Haliai mm- i-suialChaxacirn.

tUiora of thnld r. M. Wl Tooi fiiioa, tn iiiab Oimediau At the Rtnr. Farcea, Biiriasiief, new acta, Songs, iMnces, N.w bonus, Dances, Cboruanas and Ballcia. Monday Evavinf THat MAtllO PIMM.

11 rhl. and w-Il ehortlv he roJii.j Tony t.alo saauoi Irtama eauu The) i.ipm OK, IRK1JOIU BUA1.L BK FKKK. Benoutal and atteviuv ws UTfii'a A draori Malirkevrvrtiir.l.. i to pen al I cla-k. Doors oDen aa 7 nvi.i uiock, pnciaeiy.

Bcals ee Cm S6 cu Coioraal hi, Z1 1 Great Opening Flts! Fur, Children's Fun' COM PI. mi STOCK! eoutHT XAKi.Tr LOW ittAl lK GOOMf JtfiAL fliKJSar tjt'ALT AT GEEES A GHm'S, 3 OOLLEGB 8T8IIT. sTrmr atir stock was bonoto r. i priovi srawtiy baaow prassut ftxunat. I.

nanirM. Lnf iloi. 14A w. sovran, e-iiotrtslij, 7tn. WW.

a. aaa" Lnu I. bchuNLl't Uty. H. TDOPIIIS CO.

XJ. s. Claim Agents, Corner Cbrrry and CfdarStmtv (I nTAISa.) Nashvillo, Tennessee a a ar prepared to coilwrt Chlias against tile (OTrr.a.tJ Far Projifrty token by thr Army, Formal JL Informal Toucher) BOUJTTIE. AEEKA2S OF PAY A.ND PE3iS10 aav Prarara sVMtlwjwe sW tsir wtifc fs1 aaraas sv rwamaaioa to Boo. Ricbnid Otialatiy, eovaraar Stat, of li Uoa.

lnd L. Lrn, Jodir. rlupram Coon, 1 Hoa. Win, Q. Brownlow, iiovnrvor of TanueV boa.

Jan. P. Broamiow, Aaj.Oa.btai"" Boa. M. M.

Hrm, Maahvili. Hoa. Wm. Knthatunl Batur. Boa.

Jo. C. tiuild, ManoviUa, Boa. Jobs Hnah Smith, Haaavtll. P.

W. Matey, wihviU, ataanr. Morns a dtrauoa, ilasbvUl. tswava. Evan, a MnWivlUa, itimrod Portaw, Cuioxsma, Taua.

meats St Attention Capitalist Iron Works for THK Hlockeo' twr havmr no diravtsvl, taa nt will orlcr aaid property lor am, at a. ou th Srat Tuuauy ia Apnl next, in aaa. sold al Kin. sal baspr ttmt Jar. priy ncatM so ni

us dof lb art Iriit- aWlnawa. serf ot Una. a mo.uua. am. af mrminil land, aad tn a vaiunni.losa'' eoepw and iron in.

a' IHZnu to te m. trt filta-w- Ol A.ilSUt tata 'OttaT -n7- rm of ir- ta.Miiwt, baiaat OAl-aara, iaa4, auj to wort h-ii4f a-r-t timiTuyva, rumrn Wora otf ntorm taMux mmd a to- Mnmsutut-mr batax crpttM. wiraar hw 0 ol war, as4arnias4 ih- won' iaUitr i rav HawOr ua uj. I ramu-it)s. HMtnuUOQ IB OsSUtJ CM rrort M- 1 u.

Hu, B-sm.

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