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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 1

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


MR. rVTTtO-CONVEItTIBLK POND BIIX 0T FORK TlIK HFAUINO OF AN OLD A8 KELLVY'S UKITKNANT? nts Biuenon i pon rounoat ubb a um OCRAT1C 1AL.M-.NO ACTION ON THIS MUMBO Bli I- int manum to mr trim-vim Dec. ciirr? ney wai preiiiilateil upon tlio IIoiiso to-day without the slightest warum? and apparently without any pre? vious knowledge that it ivas coniineup on UM part but Mr. Dawes avid Mr. Killey.

Most lic'itns supposed thero would be a caucus before tiic- ilangiiii) ia was dflled with, ami thal an attempt woald to upon some line of policy, or no policy, f.rthe pood of the party; but Mr Kelley was burning with impatience to pre? sent anew the beauties and miraculous properties of his bind sol eme. and Mr, Dawes was willing to gratify Um. When Um morning hour bnaioem had been finished. Mr. Dims niovetl to go into Commit? tee of ibe Vi'li.

io on tin- c-ilendar, anil Hie House agreed lo the motion. A little ay down the cal? dar lay Kelley'? bill, weighted with an adverso re? pot fToni the Committee on and Currency. The superincumbent business was speedily laid aside and UM lui rr.n In d. The rulos pavo it in charge to Mr. Maynard, but Mr.

Kell, protested that his child should not be pul to ti tu se with a per? son who mt ni to strangle It, ud Maynard tamed the lull ovt to Ita purent. Once in oat of the floor, Mr. Kelley made the tie has so oft? mad before within the last two v. ins in support of the iutro-convertibility scheme. thoroughly 1 ad he dial OBBOd tbeaohject in his ifiis spec? lies that there was littlonew 14? cay.

but the elections and the message had lent a in li latereat to arerytbing eooaoeted with tho flirr? ney qacatiitn. and the House accord? da patient bearing te his eames! preat ntation of his eastern of kiad of paper for another as the long-sought panacea foi all the illa that aOlict th'? bnsineaa if the country, and the aura guarantee of perpetnai i roeprrity. Mr. followed ns lieateaaai Dy time the eream li id been pretty weD taken i if tho tapio, hat the listened eagerly, boping to hi ar pointed or witty ullusion to Hie reao-t of the recent election in Maaeachnwtta. In this they win- not diaap pointed.

What the Gcn sral aakl about the 8.GS ptea was obi and 6tale, sepi bia eamful disclaimer of any intention to in llato the cuirency as tho result of tho pi-v lago of the meaanre but in conclusion, after ionio patbetie for holding nnpopnlar newe, and a reference to political not the Milv thing worth haviitr, he brought down the expectant House by a witty reference to the con gratalaUoni of tboae who thought politics a bid thing to he la, and the rejoteiagi of those who thought him a bad fellow to bo in politics, and con i by cona bimaelf that he ihoold stay at home in very good company. Mr. Garfield, in reply to both Kelley arid Butler, made a bli? but mark ably vigorous proteat atrainat tho whole line of thought and doctrine inv Iv. 1 in to hill and in the ai of Ita -supporters. Tho bill ho de? nounced as franght with meaaareleaa evils to both Government and peopl ciaUy to tho work iag claaa s.

Mr. Dawes cam la with a azbortaUtm on the hard money le, m.d Mr. Coi eloaed the de tin-day hy deprecation the diaoaasioaaa incunaeqneotial, beeanM the bul, ii it paaaed the House, could no1 pass! I "If itdid, i lent would Teto it, and you know turning to tho Republicans. InstanUy Kelley and Dawe? were on points ol order. Mr, Cox had saul want? to, bat be waa unkind to make an a -mark before be down lying party.

Cari enough Mr. i marched ovei and snook bands witb Mr. oz after Ibis. If the party dies it is d4 i iba! be i to dance al the wake, No actiiiu was taken oa the bul, and it will eome np aiMiii v. i into Committee.

'i i ivas laai s. .1 Mr. Kelley will not he ao onwiao aa to a vote on ii before the chilling efiecta of the Preat-? b1, wet blanke! l-nvc worn off PROHIBITION OF MEMBERS Ol' CONGRESS FROM PROSECUTING LA1M8. raaaAGB oi mr. beck, bill hy roi 01 6BMATOB AM? 01 Bl i 4 in i-ii v.

BUTlKB'a in in mi: i.vitiiv'.i i monty Iii it to tuf. bUlof Mr. Beck hibiting members of Congram tram proeetuting elaiaaaagaiiMtthe Government was preoented ti? day in tin- Boase, arid, it BM I with a littJe opposition from Butler aad ethers, it waa promptlj pa beiog the third time it 1ms paaaed the Boneo. Beck briefly explained the iii for the bill, calling attention to the coarse of 8 mater CoaUiag the N't w-Tork Central Baili i ami to the ailinn of Gea. Butler ia the Fanagat priae The following otlii ial ii rd Hu how ninth intt-rc Gen.

Hull? of tho bill for the payment ol the Farragut priae i aaesi k'i OvncB, i Banana (oi aroa nu Durran olcbbu. 5 (,. al. agt. Hlno Metropolis et al.

Uni. So. Ail), docket Court. (a iatH ol a.ut Kt'i-t- al R. I) Mu 00 Oik, if crui ii an I 75 (to Msrsbal io Bl I bl N.

WON Auditor Leeoti. oo An.itr.i rsT.J Dumnt.Q li W.Paloe i.bjo oo 1.1!.. iifii Praetor, h. P. Batter, J.

H. Ar-hloii, Wtlsuu.60352 oo 16 Une copy. K. j. Mugs.

Clerk, Ry R. J. Asaiotaut Clerk. lu 151. a lu mutter ot tin? bounty duli, Kirratf'it anti otlu-r mirt nea ot the kg the of tbe I of tbe costs decreta by the Dtstftel of tbe of Columbia are us follows buW ou Bills of Beening Star tor u.em.

Bills ol Morning chronicle for PaM Proctor foi -soo oo urlutrators. 00 Pi .1 Com lu mon i r. 2iw oo Pani Coori Ooottalatsloaer R. Mutsey. ne oo 1'ald reporter, M.

A. til 00 Paid Clerk R. J. 61 76 l'-anl i A. lil te 47 -8S Faid Cairn F.

lloilady. 70 00 Paid Auditor La 100 True Al-tl. D. C. Atust U.

J. Meigt. Clerk, by L. F. Williams.

Assiatant CI.T?I. (ko Butler being Troctor in cases, it will bo hereceivod nearly from the prize caw alluded to. uo doubt sufficient coinpen aaiiouforhiaservici-s a member of Congress in obtaining the passage of the bill in qucbtion, UnOfl PACIFIC RAILROAD. aVNM'AL KKI'DRTOir MIK OUVKHSMENT DIRrafTORS? BATISKACTORT CONDITION OF h.r. 1AINING 70 IT? 8TKt UlUU KSIIMATK? OB ITS WAMI TO THB OOCNTBY.

IST TO Tilt rjtlllt'll. I Dec. Hon. James Wilson VMlay filed witb the Secretary of the Interior tbe annual report of tbe Government directors of the Union ifio Railroad. The road-bed.

bridges, and lu short everything pertaining to the struc? ture of the road, are found to be in the very best order. The directors approve the decision of vi tOOMm tO IttACOl lands heretofore 1.1 from tlio road the dcci-ion of a former Si. Tlio directors that tlio timo Ima arrived winn Um local in? terest of tlio Territories through which Hie road runs demanded thai all ( in ngari to titles to linds should Im quiet? il, and tlio cllK't of has Leen most lient tidal. Gnat is laid upon Um of looaUssd muna-cmont the road, tlio dire? tors holding that all.oflieers has lag in liaria-o the various branches business pertaining to the operations of the road should re? side npon the line when they can beoonM entirely familiar with the mimerous local interests which go lo prodnoobnslntaa foi Um roadi Tim directors cx press Um opinion that as yoi Um has never passed a just judgment upon tim PseiBs Whcn its fniisti ii? bellin tho comple? tion wa? the great objltot in view, and tlio wen not very ciitieis? d.

At that ifagtl of the enterprise tho coun? try was entirely lenient in its jmli'iiieiic na to the metlioils used to accomplish tlio Of late its judgment hue been lutiaednpon tlio disclosures of the Credit Mohiher Investigation, and like tim wa- exaggerated and unjust. The directors then Jpiocctd to discuss the question di the Gov? ernment iinally becoming fully reimbursed for all moneys expended on a. count of tho road. Tho directors believe that even without localized man? agement, in ens', matters proceed as at present ami without any futuro incresss of Government transportation, still the minent at the end of years will find itself fully reimbursed for all ex? incurred on account of tim road by tim live per cent which it will re. together with what is withheld under tue existing lam and tim percentage Bnved on transportation.

This estimate based upon the report furnished to the directors from the War and l'ost-Ol'iico Departments, gil ing tho auiouut of business which these two Depart? ments baie had over the line of tho mad. and the e.tim.ito m.ido docs not take Into consideration any menSSS in the annual amount of Government transportation or any saving in tho management of Indian atiairs. CU1-BENT TOPICS AT THE CAPITAL. r.EI'ia.sLNTATlVi; WELLS DECLINES TO HE A CANi-lI-ATi: POB THE BPEAKBRSHIP. Washington.

Till Oder, c. fi, IST4 EfSSttM Wella of Missonti, wtiohos prominently mentioned in connec? tion with tho Spcakership of the Congress, says ho is fully awaro of his want of capacity for that position, and that bo is fool enough to expect such honors. He thinks the few that have expressed bim have bess fuided uioio by personal considerations than by any ides that he was the most available or popnlar man. He bo has no desire for tim efflee, sod that if be were (ted he could not servo. Tins ho feels at liberty say, although as a relierai he does not feel upon to a thing before it baa been offered bim.

Ho even sics tbai If bowen candidate he could not i.e. ive otc. so satis lii is he that bo would not good pretiding offit cr. A OF SENTIMENT 021 THE ARKANSAS CASE the seaaion of tim Senate TiOiuhiican cnu custhis afternoon Arkansas nti.l Loaialana affaire wero only incidentally referred to, it Ing ei idi ni that a formal diaenasioo of them would show a ssh.o and irreconcilable dill.renco of opinion. In the case, the friends of Smith have Ik en I ing Congressional union, and thoso of Garland operating against it.

Several prominent Ben? ton saj if the Senate attempt intermeddle I with tl.o of tl.ev will bsOOBSS as much eonfused sa the parties to tbe Guberna "i-? ale in that blute. ideethevdo not boss Congreaaional action could lu di bt a Stato alread.v peaceful, and they fail to perceive any nason for! terfering in Arkansas, v. ben tbe ndition Loni being a scandn ter, ha. tailed to secan Congressional action? Ex-G Baxt? arrived ben to-night. ABOLITIOE OF OJ'FK ES HY AlTKO BILLS.

Iti! the intention of some the leaden on mocretic side of theHonse to urge the adoption of an amended rule winch will make a euri' ction of appropnstion billa in order ao fir as to ide thal of the civil government may ho abolished, oi the compensation of their reduced or sel naide, in order that the civil establishment may be cut down in its of expenditures. Secretary Bristow expresses the belief that the annual (ix penses of bM department may ho eonsiderabljr to dneed, but under the tit rules no ollico can be abolished, or tho payment of its oeenpaal reduced by amendments to tim propriatjon it being that snell amend? ments an in the natnn fif new legislation. Iii seiitative Holman will oller the resolution. PBOFOtEO rCBTHEB INQUIRY AS TO PACIFIC MAU. APPA1BS.

At the last of Congress the paaaed a resolution directing the Ways anti Ifeau. Commit? tee to bogia au inquiry into the of the I t-citic Hail Steamship Company in the doubling l.s* Congress of theil snbsidr. After a few sessions bad been held in sea et. and before the close of the restigaUontbs Inquiry fell tbrongb, and tbe teati BBOny was never given to the public by the Commit? tee, Po much bas since, been said of the aflblrs of the Company in New-York business ein les and fal thenewspanerathal the Wavsand Means Commit? tee il.irik thatthev ill lmi io discharge their duty ii the inquiry is not continued? A meeting of the Committee therefore, held to-morrow to de? cide what course be taken. The ssilm are said to be ready, and the Investigation may proceed atoned NEWSPArrP.

POSTAOS. Tim portion of the recent Poat-Offlce re--nlations for the prepayment of on newaoapers and penodicals relativo to country papers, baa been modified as follows: Newspapers, without regard to the frequency of issue, one copy to each subseribei actually for tho timo being residing in the county whei. the same are printed, arc entitled to Cres of postage through the mails; but the rate of post? age on Um same, excepting wi lieu deposited In a litter ollico foi delivery by theoffies or its carriers, shall be uniform at one tent each. Weeklies wnen sent thronsh the mails to, di hs ered In letter-earner's office in Um county When printed, shall be wi ighed In hulk and subjected to a jM.stage of two cents pound, lo be pi? at tho mailing ollie, by special si A SWEEPUra OLUTIO.T OF IM-UIltY. Senat or l'avis of West Virginia introdu; ed a reso? lution to-day asking the President to submit to Um Senate a complete list of defaulting offieSffS of tim Government, the amount of their Indebtedness, the length of time (lunn? which it has existed, and the names of their sureties aim, tim claims made opon the Government for land hy various railroads, and vs hat claims have been granted.

Mr. Davis expresses his determination to call this bill np at atieailvdav, and to continue doing so until he gets the informa? tion desired. In cons he seems t-o be par? ticularly desirous of kaveeticet-ng ti the railroads, and to whether anv ot tim iii are ieceivniK land grants of douhtlul legality. A GRIEVANCE TUE U.MTEO -TATE- MAU Bil ALS. The Attorney General has prepared a bill which he forwarded to the House Judiciary Commit? tee, providing for tho restoration of the mileage rates to United Marshals.

A Com in it te? of Marshals called on (Jen. Hutler and other members of the Judiciary Cominiitee so-day and urged prompt action. It seems that the Marshals receive but $3u0 a year as salary, and that in all em ment casen only their traveling expenses are paid, thus making compensation very meaner and tive. The protision of tim bill of hint was weie particularly inteuded for otlieers receiving a SsaasSMHMS monthly or yearly compensation. Sit ALI.El.KIlCADL-rnIUl'.l'I'OItUNn.

Mr. John J'. Ilrudy, a mein her of Um ircinia I.egl-la! um in tin- lobby Ol Ilollit? to-day, a letter addxeasod to the t-ueaker. ia Which he charged Hint Representative Stowell, from the IVth Histrirt, sohl a cadefship recently for and that the cadet, whose nan.o is Behool craft, in now iii the Naval Academy. The letter de? mands an investigation, and names as witnesses a dooen namban of the Vinriiiia Legislature, the Sreretaiv of the Navy, 1'harhs B.

Porter, one Webber, a Washington elaim-agent. ami sei eral other 1 he letter was intended to he Banded the Speaker to-day, HU. DF.CHRE WAR AGAINST I'Osi'MASTKU JEWELL. One of the most pin rilo ami characteristic move? ments of this session is the attempt on the part of the carpet-baggers, headed by Spencer BBdFhma gaa, to organize lor tho defeat of the confirmation of Postmaster-General Jewell. Mr.

Jewell's only oflense is that he has made an attempt to reform the Government eervtee ia Texas by tho removal of nome of the Flanagan and now threat i ns to do the same tot Alabama. Bpeaaaf asearen ins fricada to-day that Beoator Cam-ana would uso lus iulliif nee cnuliimatioii. BBDUCED COST OF REVENUE The Secretary of tho Tinisary has taken the Initiative in giving personal examination the steps taken for a further reduction in tho expens? of ooUeetiBg the ravenac from eaotoow, ami is mak? ing a thorough examination of llio fono employed and the a'-tuul duties discharged hy all persons in the Customs service-, it already appears that there will he a eaving ander the contemplated of probably 9500,000 lo the e-peueeoof collecting the customs roveuucb during tho current fisial THB DISTRICT SAFE BUBGIJLBT CASH. II TI 4 OK THE DTCISIOX AS TO T1IK II.I.MiAI. (HVliVcri li OK Till! GUANO Jl'ItV Willi II FRAMKI) TUB IIIHH IMBBTB MB lUl.Pl.B i una ins rosnioN.

Washington, Doe. the Criminal Court Mr. Davlilgr, counsel fur llairnigtoii, atsfeod to ivitlnlraw tbt plea? in abatement, tiled in behalf of bis fu.rit, ni, ii io im. Hie Court far aa early trial. Raddle ri iu.irlteil tuai be Was instructed by the? Atior aey-Oeaeral to say, in view of the fact that the Superior Court of the District of GolenMa bas decided lhat lato Onad iry waa an illegal bodv as a Grind J.irv, tie retarded the liidlt-tun nts as iiulllili or the Indictment an a niill'tv, ead he did act prepon to c.iuso farther action to be

ii up tt.eso Indi? tiWMits, au.I that so far hs tin' cases ure to he robard? I dependent upon those In aii'l rsatlag apoa them, the case la at au end. Mr. Kid.Ho flintier lhat kia duties In connection willi now riiil, lue lliotetij sas rai revoked in? sppotatonat. Mr. Davidgc What tion do you propoCC to 11 lo Mr, I kave nothing in the world to eseepi to go qutetly out of court.

Tbls paper cods my appolotment. I am fuse-toe Turre ig no possible action thal I can luke. Aftrr SOSBC further conversation between the Orari ami counsel, it was thought keel te postpone actioa tin to-morrow. WASHINGTON NOTER. tu.

sday, Deo. Iba paatal telegraph acbeiaa raino before tbe Senate te in a in vv form. Weat introduced k1 I authorising Postmsster Qeneral to have ei asti li ati egrapb line from Wuhlnirton to Bostdb, via Balli? nun. Pbilsdelphia, New-York, sod llartford, be kii.ivvii as iii? "United Bl ties Qovernineoi Trlerrapk Lilli-," 1.) Io op, to all al lilli, nu I itr. lilli? matter Isto benndet Hu' Pu tmaaler and ino ratee are lo he regolated huh? io iav uri Ti l-er I IUUI ni Will he the re ItC -i iiiiiii nt le airy OBI The iii-11 iii 11.v the Hoon tina session waa a measure ia tbe direction of economy offered tooday fcp Mr. from tbe Banklna aad Cnrrency I minni I' cbsnaes the law in rt'i itiou to tbe eompeni ill mi anil silos Hi in fit li iiro. in lion nt. apltal til tbe ad of S3 it iiiili-aui-, liaiiliH Io pay tbs Tin? fault In the 1 IS UO niall v. i 'ni ii I iii i--o all Hi" way from Ws burton tin to v' lui un) bank Is vv lu. ii duelled to examine.

Boom lions having arisen to whether a tax sim? ilar to Hut! Imposed on Biate banks eoold he legullj upon i ti a of act lal ladebledaess kyaoy mining or otbei corporatl and individuals, i pi it luks 'iiiii i. inkers, naior handler i ii a bill in tin- Senate to tim lo amend Hie vat tous acts i amendments eoaeernias Ibis ntsttcr, so Hat bo Isa hall be 1 pos? I upon such renlocati's uni lhere be clear sod positive proof that titty um Intouded to ctree? late oi to ne need mon- y. 'lo d.y the Court of Cniomi-Floticrs of the Alabama was 0C4 upi? in upon the quatloa ol presumptiveallegiance Involved In ease l-J, and upon the on of tbt? ebsra-rtor of damages Involved sr, Tbese Questions came np on demurrers entered by counsel fur the United Huies. latter guee? lion ts Involving i ii mi? preferred fur loss la'' i. Milling from e.jtiiouro julaoucrs on ml UM Tin' Bepablican Benalorswere in caucus two kean Ibis afternoon, aad agreed apon the aeaetliatlea of Um standing commlttoM for the preaeal session, it Is understood thal no important ebaagea wete aidde, iiu.l Hint tinTo will no ebano in I be edfoftM nato.

Ho other importan! kuslurn w-as Irans? acted, a free Interchange ol tonllment In re? paid portions of work of iho psvwnt sssstoa tot a i nie tin? vexed Omaha bridge qaeettea By compelling tbe IJlllDU It iliro.i I le lu tin- lis e.i I ern terminus nt Cmintil was repotted to the Rowe today from the r.u-in Bailees i Committee. Mi 11 li ii supports! it in some ron irks not tut in lu tin- galil s. Mi- roanse ait ko i ii ss aa at temp: io forestal! lbs decision o' um eottrte. Tee morning boar expired kefoN a vote was reacbed. Tin BapteaM Court Of the District of Columbia hal lag decided that the jury liupum lo.l In the lu-o of I lu? sala baratan waa Illegally ebeeea, Mr.

Edwards lo-dai innoitin ed a bill Into tin- antborUing ibe Bu 11, ti.e Court to cana I iii.iv. by I from lb( nain. posited pei sous for Juron until Fob, l. 1SW, toe iigiii of cb.iiii-.iig now exlsttag of pi i Beaatoi Btocktoa took his sent in the Renate Channel to-day, ami was heartily eeegrstalatod by his ii nulle agres on Hie result of tin a J- eli I tioii.

Mr. ktoii denies tbe report of lu? withdi iwal fli.lll the ft- I al.Va?-, lall.t OU thl) lill) li be Is eni rt-iy conhji ni of etlon. Tno Housi? to-dav, al tlio of Tytu-r, a mt-niiic-r of the Committee on erdend te ka printed the opinion of the Atmraey-Gea? eral, addressed io lb? Fostmaster-GeneraL ibe Willi Hie Pacific Mull Compan) i still ob igatoi on the Department. The design of llermun Faber of Philadelphia, for the life saving medal, has boon accepted by the Director of the Mint, with tbe spproval Of tho crrtary of Hie Tu usury. None of designs for Um Metis modal acre regarded us uppiupriatu lor tbo purpose, and wero uti rejected.

The l'rcsldent will observo the same business hour? this Winter as last, devoting the morning, fiuiu 10 to o'clock, to Beaaton aad Benenatattvee, and reeelvtaa by cull fn.ui l'juntil 'l o'clock on eeek uf(? except? ing Cabin? and It is reported on the bes! authority tbut the President, at the suggestion of Secretary Fish, amendeil bis mes Baaa morning by omitting some of the slrjug rxpresaious It coutuined ou the Cuauu question. The total of Granges in the Uulted States or. tbo 1st of Dei-ember wus 21,572. The number ol illangi duriug i wus nut. I'o lus ordered au tixti liston of iho railway service on the Kansas Midland Railroad from Tupeku to Kansas Cllv, to commence Jan.

1. lue Keport of Prnret Iinji Second Tagr KING KALAKAUA'8 JOURNEY Ciieyksnk, VV. Dec. Majesty the King of llio Sandwich Islands wat tuet ut Ltraiulo City Hilt morning by Gov. J.

A. Campbell, the lion. J. M. Carey, and Col.

T. II. Stauton, who aocoinpauied tbe pin i to this city. On arriving here the Hing gave a in the oarlors of tho Railroad Hotel, where a htrire tiuniDer of ladies and were presentad to Ills Majesty. (j vi tu t.

Ni i Der. s. King Kaluksu? and party will srrivi) here lo from tbe West. Tim city uuthorT iirs, win, Geo. Ord und Htaff, by Invitstlon, will uieet na miles out.

Miel a salute will be fired ou Unir ai here. Tbo Klug will proccod tmUil via liurliiiftou, Iowa. FINANCIAL San Francisco, Doe. argument in tbo maller of tim' lion of the United Stales District Court In lb? of the Oermsn bondholders of ttis California ide Kailroad Coiupany will probably be i.i.le.I but (be decision Will be reserved. Ban Francisco, Dec.

excitement over tbe report-ad new developments In lit? California Mine Is and tbe stock Is selling at Tbs l'on tolKistsd and otbsr an ita? Cotasiovk Lode sUare ia toe edvaaee. FOttBIgN NEWS. tarty muries in iii mt. ron a coalition ok ti i right am? lift IN THE A8SKMI1I.Y FOIt A r.NI?)N OP TIIK KXTRKMK AND MoDKItATK IIH.IIT AOALNM TIIK 0OWST1-UT10WAt 1111.1.1. I'ahis, Tuesilny, 1) 8,1174.

1 he for a coalition of the Bight Sod Left Cent? in the Assembly is makins proirress. Mueh dependa on the election of a President of tim Left Center at the canrrt which is to be held to-ttiorrosv. The friends of eootttloa support If, ChrlstopbM, and tlmso oppoaaJ have Bade M. Corne their candidate. It is probable that, to prevent a division of the Left f.

ni. mi ti.n question of policy, a third candidate, M. Vautrain, will bo nominated. Meanwhile, nego? tiation? are going on for the union of r.xli.'tie ami Moderate Bight, in opposition to the Constitu? tional hills. Till: CONM.iiVATIVFiS OF QBEAT BRITAIN.

a ah to TiiK rnoiiAiii.i-: UtAM-fl in D-Ht-JDU (-JIIO-LD BBOOMS I.OMioy, Tuesday, Doo. London ITioliI pagys Montera of wau hela on It asn-rted that It wns fur fruin halag liarniotiloiiH. Tue quentlnii was StssatasS of a to the Premiership, in cupe ill bcalll) oblige Mr. Disraeli to telire, mel tho Eirl ol Dertf toty niul.irity. Tim ladleatloaa wcro that tho Dako of Ita hmond or tho Marquis of Salisbury would Sa Hie haieo of the so-called reaction.irr winir of tho ptrtv, Tl.ero was alto itii.iiifc?ti-il nt tiio aiaettog difference of on one of the reclash-Mleal billa.

CONFLICTING FAUTIFS IN SPAIN. DON CAllU.S NKtioTIATIVr. WITH FX-QI'EKS ISA bfu.a MARSHA-. tian lol nu carlisi DMtnt-tBcnow. Pasta, rassdap, o.e.8,1171.

There is a rano, that Don Carlos in nsgo MettBg with Ike Ka bella. It l8 ti Serrano's pisa unprcsMncc theSoeorcetloa lo occupy tin. emiru line ef tue Pynneea frontier, aaS, taklad tlio Caritate la the rear, Urivo lu tossui.l tl.o army of Oea. 1U.ND4VB, Dec. B- FichtliiR lia? a jong on at Oy.trzun sjernlagi lbs Irlos srss ki this sfternooa.

Tossdaj, C. It Is saul the la tim C'aiiitit caini? ure leen taten ead MTeral leeSen an In aesotiatMa wits Ki uti nt rouiidt willi a eton? an. nt it ISSSMyMN i' to the Ciijserhuictit for ii.iilinry parpOSCS THF, AFFAIR. AN Bl iri.l MUM' I.Xl'l.lTKI). Tu? Dee.

1874. Tim Minister of Foreign Affaira banded to Mr. United States Mlalater, a lu re gar to 1I11 Vlriniiiu?) qircblion, on Prid.iy. Au auncablo settleaMQt ia expected. PBOSFECTa OP THF WHEAT CROP IN EUROPE.

lussdap, Pec 8, mi. lite Mark Lane In ii? review of tlio bnedatnfft nat kel Mjn weather througlKMt Europe tbe patt week haa been wlntrjr. Many of the Buaeiaa parts ai -i v.i.i so until Spring. Tlio European wheat narben San asea Sna, and tbe te rally la placea a of one it rein ned. it is thought that the.

lowest rates al ir ive i.e. paened. Tao weather evorpwben ia tavefaMc for tho noss KECIFBOCITT WITH CANADA. OP TUB I.OAI'H OP TRAPS AT hr. pt.

i hon to tiik PBt-Poaan mBATT? DISCUSaiOM IS ill- UAUlAX CilA.Mii;.it ol' OOM Ml It? Ft. John-, N. Deo. Board of Trade a. Id their animal neetlng laat srenluc Tin ni Ci.iiit.i.ti 1 ibnttte 1 a nport on reciprocity.

Ti.i-y think iho pioputid truly reQUlri ilr'iiiioi). Ti.ey waa! mtastlnt tr.nto with too ami a clearer degul? linn of tim lateaded to be sxehaaged. They thin ia thee treats will he Injurious thronsh then, to the tarnen and lamber -n. They object sliding acalo of duties, and leaf the datlei ahaadeaed ssaii lead te ezoeasln dntlee on the tnporta? They also abject Canada blndlag herself to a fenign to execute, witinu a lim.ted tune Modlag lo nutii.tial coiiiiiliciition-, iitni that United state? ihoold sbeoluiel gear utitee the of American snell ead the Hudson Btver, The report wal bo dtaoaseed St future BMetlBg. Halifax, Dee.

Atnei tiiiRof the Chamber of Oenneneof tblaeiljrwas held afternoon for the of lastraettag its Niluan J. Blatas tod Robert Dook, es to the the Chamber nicht a nt the BWettUg of the li Bomrdol Trade. Tue Beelpreeltjr treaty wmt under di? ruatlon, end ronnred of BUdineSeale referred to appnvtagtf? lot uo Seetalre acu-u waa tilla, U. FOBEIGH NDTF.S. Paris? Dec.

bsnking-honse of Roths 1 hat adraaeed reals io tue nt of -pam. MlLlOX, Dec. Hulton, D.miin loa, election trial plaea to-dap. lbs election was the rea nt, i). li.

Cbtsboln to pop Iii -1 Um IS pros. 11 tilted caas of Ottawa, has been re ceivi-? litro that the A. W.iii.t to Ku he c. ead tim hetweea Kiiti-h alnnhta ami tit" Doiu.ninu have he'i.

anaaged. St. Dec. violent storm ina mi'ii hero l.iHl ni imicli The nine feet abuve water tnark, partially iu mu; tim lower pactisas of the A lares san her of tho poecer elaieee wen driven from their hotiaee. Over pereime Iteee? i.y ii.

1 1 Millee, uuii 1 1 kiiciH'iiK were opened to euppli the Tho water 14 tailing -1 i Id letter to The london Times the Key. A. JtiliiiHou, crctary of MinniiiK. eoatra the at.tem* tit that tl.o iiifiillil.ility was not reirulaily pfOSMlsStld by the V.i'iean Conn. il.

A simi uiairy i I given of the ptOSSSlHaSS wlileh taak pi I lu a the pnpeslttOB was sahnitted, ami Ifr. Jobasoa states suth lill lie i. ii Hi.hi teni their acut. IfO-TnUtiX, Dec.

full text of tlio jii.iaa'UK-iit lu the Oatberd cass arrived here. Tan dtclslea of I'rivy Council onler? that the inn wli.a? af Catho liea si ha receive ccclcolasllcul uni usually lutern-d: BSSaas con-M'cruttal itrouu.l. It Ia ttate.l the ure ot the -nu deelare i.i.* nnwIUlapneM to inter the reantaeof Qalbordla leaeeented afrouud. a uuiiiilHiiiua will iMt by tim Superior C'aiurt, in aeeorSaaea with the ia imneni rendered, win, ii will ni nuco maillera to a und compel a l.nuiui of cane. DARING HANK 1WHHKKY Nashville, Dec.

disptteft from Carititli, A iiiul roi.bery waa hero at La?) p. m. veaier.lay. Four weil mounted meo rodo un to tho Te-linnii Ii ink. Two rciuiiliiul mit-Lie.

Tho two who weut iiiat-'t'-al the Hufe which Taj lor refused, upon they tittil with knives, and com? pelled to MuhtDtt. They took over id currency and un mueh more In wutches Mr. Tay? lor wa? not bailly hurt. A colored mau was lu the bank milking a et the time, and wa? not per? muted to leave until the i re tiled. Tiley ware lu the hank 15 mluutcs.

Those who absolved the bank cloned h.iii|i.,,, .1 Mr. Taylor bad kodo to diuucr. The bank li lo au out-of-thc-wuy and much oo ic? '1 by tbe The had been lurking utxiul the town ami counts- lot two They m-vn ni at they doparted, and at full i lu tin? di? rection of the Tenncaave Uiver. Tho She ntl, with a poiee, bat lu A GENTE.NARY MtETINO OP BAPTIST TER-. Philadelphia, Dec.

cenU-uary lb, Philadelphia of liaiptlit Min Utera wat held wornluit at Church, Weat Philadelphia. A ballot took placo for Prcaidrut, to aerve theeaaeiagpear, reeoluoa me e.oiee of the it n. Cook-? of Botnoebarg Cbareb. The rres Ideal "bet timk Ills se it alni li.nie a A Hunk Ina ikeOnnfennoe honor conferred. Rev.

David Sperierrread a lin.u'r-1 of tin: lilslorv o( the I'lilluilelpliiai II TBB RIOT. PREPAB ATKINS TO REPEL ATTACK. THE ClfUBBB All. isi.i'.ii Ali.vis TBB COtOBKD rids QffHaiT W.vtciii.d TO PBBVBM'J l.YN.IIINO?ItF.S|C,MAT|4.N OK gH-JUTf 0BO6B1 MII.ITAItY OIlDT.liS l.Ssl'l.l?. Dec.

is this morning thattbonegroca will renew the attach the city to-day. 1 lu? all utid'T arms, und have in en largely inMaftaixiil Croa adjoining towna, rompantes havo lieon sent to tho country well armed ami equipped. Tbe pi; oner, captured ycs tcrtlay wat? li to pit tent, ly lit hill-. The negro len yeeeerdey ia oat i mat oil at about Oui' white v. as killed and two wounded? Croaby in still nadar guard.

The whites hold th antln ity. excitement shoot Hie Court-houaa waa intonsa this morning, hut (ho eoaaaaandcnof tin? rariona eompaniea natorad Quat, andtheltvM of Peter Croaby and otli'-r prisoners are safe. d.s. to AtUntant? (J. narai aad acomaailtee of dtieone, bnt in eoart-room to-day to di i ida upon the to puisne.

lu a private latelY-SW betWeaa Packer, and Crosby, tbo lifter ezproaaed adesiio to tei.tli-i a.s Slierill'. Gun. Packer pre? pared tim roalgnalinn. to tako clioet immediately, which Croaby signed, and Packer signing aa Witnesses, and the document now in tho poaaenioo Packer. Almut MJ prisoners are now in jail.

Similis from the country report all quiet for miles around, and hnaiaan gradually beiag manned. Col. John D. of tim l.t Cavalry li wimont, Waneii County bUie Militia, has issued the follow? ing orders: aiitliis, Coritr ici. Ornrrul Ordrr So.

commanders of organized ronpaaii or Wama County sslhtla will report ut ouce fordn'vto Col, ivm. French, itb ximenr, Wama n.ililri, ho has been plaeod In coiniuand, and whoso onlers will bo obeyed. Uv arder of John D. Baird, Colonel 4th Regiment Cavalry, como ainllug, ji.iiN j. Tamar, Awtstaal Adfatant OeoeraL Thil ordet received by Col.

l'reucii, when bo leaned the illowing! Haanooavraaa, mi Bania ant warrhv coi-ntt) Al lilt; Coi UOOata, Dec. 1 C4. i Speeitl Order So. a' eordanco with General Older No. 1, I HUH Comm nul of the military force-i la this county.

llngottcen of companies will ra port at ouco to tlieoe keedqearten for orders. Ey outer of ii.i.iAU French, Colonel. W. A. FAincn, Adjutant.

mi: LOUISIANA CANVASS. TBB OhME OB Tit" RBTUBIvniO rxPO'ED? OF Titi: CONSKKVATIVK PABMBS LAID PB0TK8T, AND TIIK BBPCBUCAB PABI8BES BI-NT oN CITITAIISG TBOUBLB. NeW-Oblbans, Dee. game of the Bi mu. i.g Board is now pretty well understood.

Hon thirty days kava elapsed sineo do elect.on and yet only lix or seven pari-slics havo been nturned and promulgated. Of the rest, Dearly all the Connrvatlve parlshn ara proteatt I ead etlll uncounted. Ibeyan to be kept tia tor tin ii decision. Tbe object of tbi? tion of conservative parishes boci very c1" irly im ih in nts Tbe Conservative Committee ii alt squarely, makkag protosn only actual fraud w11 and coull lie Whilo IIWBsdlealSbave made f. nu.ti profest-sin many in- ino (or no VisiblenaSQB xccjit that the result wus unfavor? able to Til-? ronseqnenee Is that, whereas four i live Bepnbl! ibu an a-ii future iiclion, more than half the CuuseriMtlio in th.

h.tve in en i rotmtod aad sn at in erve. a turning that the count continues at it keen going on tins tar, and that the urns aro preserved, it io peri i ibis for the ut. tthln a week or t. daj I i promulgate tho unmolested parishes, tbns giving riuoruin for tho Legislature with a BepubUcau nul lilly, the coutested parishes, nearly all Connrvatlve, could be kept under discussion ii ly or handed over for decision to a radical paruna Legislature, is evidently the game of the Returning Board as toe events ol toe past few days have snpiy demonstrated, and wnen it is developed a unie more, it Instil ibly inn trouble. Ki Hogg is evidently bent on pre ipitattog this trouble, iii? iles in the Carroll Pariah no shows? Carr is one of the few Republican p.uishei under protect.

Iho Connrvativea had no ticket there, as the Republicans wen ovi'i'vvlu'lmiiu'ly hi the majority; kal there were two BatUcal tick its, one tllogg-Packard and otUir the colorctl, Ga the Kcltofg tn-k. a man earned Woka was adida te for sheiitT uni the otiicr a colored nun named Hinton, tho latter tho regalar noun neo of the Con vent ion, and iho former a caadldate pat np ead mu in- ra karda This belog the situation.toe Carroll P-ariak easelsstUI and radviae? nn-iit, the voto nut iho result not knowu. Kellogg but Betarday Issaed a eommlntoa as sheriff to bis eeodldate, Hteke, und tins, aotwlthoteadiag it is well eadentood tnat Bleks wm keetea ami Burton, toe colored maa, elected. It v. ill bo readily sunn from tele that the crisis la approaeaing, and may ut any uioiiit npoa 'lae Con.servativea anaaymg little ol' nolbaug, bit they prop RAILWAY IS IE RESTS.

Till' NORTHERN COTRAL RAILROlD COMPANY. BALTHfOBB, Dee. adjourned Bteetiag of Iho stockliold? rs of the Nortbern Railroad Company was beld hero to tlay, to recelvo the report of tho committee of five appointed at tho meeting In April with full power to examlue Into tbo ulfalrs of the Company, an-1 to licentiate with tbe Pennsylvania Rall mad Company In rt tard to tho leaso of tho Nord ni Central Bead to the Road, or a guarautee of du ldends, or other arrangement satisfactory to tho shareholders, an I also tho purpose of electing directors of tho Northeru Central Bead. Two long reports were submitted, ii'-itiier of which was tinned by a maj of the Coat miine. After considerable reports were laid upon the table until the next meeting, in February nest The foil' winif Board of Directors wus elected 8.

M. Miociuikei, Ballimore Gc trae Small, Rainmore 8. Fi lion, Phil -i i tV. M.n lim Wtstar Moi ria, Philadelphia; Thomas A. Scott, Phtladel? plua; M.

B. bier. Baltimore B. Oppeub? liner, Baltltnot. M.

H. Baltimore li. P. Paila? di ilpili i J-N. Hutchinson, Philadelphia, and J.

C. Bul litt, Philadelphia. Ata meeting-beb? Knight Thomas A. Boot! was President of tbe Northern Central, ami A. J.

Cassait, Manager of toe Pennsylvania Rou 1. was cboseu director vice Scott. nOPOtlD NEW RAILWAY FACILITIES AT PORT LAND. Portland, Dec. a meeting of the City Government last evening the Commtttoo on Wharf Facilities matte a report recommending the pur cbuse of Gull's Wharf at a cost of ise.OOO lo gold, for the use of the Grand Trunk Railway In Its ocean trstflo.

It will cost $50,000 to put Hie wharf In shape. Tbe Grand Trunk Railway Couipauy agreed to pur. i. tan tbe propi-rty from His city, and also to build Immediately au elevator ami Tbo Company furthermore ta, in ike Portland the point for Maine and portions ol Nuwllampshirc, Vermont, and With lins end ni view Hie Company have made a discrimination lu in- tariff rales favor of Porlland. FATAL RA I LEO A ACCIDENT.

Trickek, Dec. morning, as a bound freight train was side tracking for a west? bound passenger train st Unca, tho frelcbt train broke In two, snd the pusseuger train a ne eraali against Hie broken part. The Sebeen ead one emigrant car of tbo train wen? completely demollabed. Two pel son? were instantly killed, und two nlbers probably fatally Injured. Coudurior who a p.i??-ug^r on the freight train, was thrown An feet the embank? ment and intumd.

(gillie a number of persona sie It le supposai thal they were throw Into tbo river and drowned, as Iba i car was thrown down tin? int. On of tin? killed Is I. ebie tullen of tin eily. ouo ou a i 1 the I Hain WM sail. THE SCANDAT.


iMP.TiciT.sns ritiiiAni.v TO TIE OHMOtRD? THE HIM- AI.Itl'ADV rill.l'AItEI)? POSS-BU i.S'SII I MKSr OK THR TKIAL OM ni to UtRllRW- it TUB Tl'ItVI IK TO COM I'M TE IT. evening JndgsMeOas, oa of Tliomas SVearman, eonnsol for Henry ffsri Beeehei in tbe Tiltoa nvil unit, an order tim plalatUPs eoons 1 to elmsv canne on Thursday next why tliev iboold nut furnish a hill of particu? lars of the times and piases at windi they charge adultery between Mr. Beeches sad lira. Tiltoa? A Ft.iy of pre? venting Jndge from going on with the trial dosvn for yesterday? 1 boo long ami fixed upon Mon? day nazi SS the of trial? if ordered, the bill particnlan will befurnluhed, ami while Improbable it Ls tint tho may pcoeood UM iiosv lixe.l. 'I Moulton may be tried to-day in the United States Court? hut this too is not an ia ol wnti some nervous cuuiplaint.

THE COURT orr io sac ass fin CAI.I.INO OF THE PARS-, RRW AI'SB OP DSXAT The annotine. mont that tho Tilfon-Ib lier civil suit was to bo called tho City I Ids ti yesterday morninit eau an earls it henni, of the in the halls of the CoUt-bonsO. Many per had colleeted an hour before tint set for the opening of fio alfliDuph it I ii Intimated in tim best iofonaed newapapen that tho ciio would probably co for iho day, and jio'tihly for tim term. Hy tim hour of 10 o'clock a. when pro.

lu ho begun, the halls wcio tilled, largely ss ii ii jurors summoned to try the BOSS, ami a numil? of tho bax of the city, 'i be BTOWd WSS not BttUSU in cli.irac ter, if in proportions tho usual number of iillei? who infest places daily and tim unusual num? ber of jurors summoned foi in it. A ma? jority of the fraternity of Brooklyn Mid a iVew-Tovklawyen wen In stteodsnee. About omi half the jurors suintuoneil anssvered theil names, were a.lmitt'?1 into court. When tin-calling of tho list Losan, at lo o'clo. k.

there i standing room left witina the and tl.o ulj in cham? bers and hull out.ido wero iin.oi.i?oria?ly crowded. JadgsNeilson promptly the o'clock, is a for promptitude "leco ruui. Ho in for an hour, nth minni to some minor bnsinsss, but at IO prcci-nlv entered the Court-room and took his s. at on the nch. At timo Gen.

Tracy, John P. Bill, Thomas Miear man, and John K. Porter of Ifr ami ex-Judgo Morris and BofSC Pi vr of counsel were present. Ex-Judge Fullerton, ofTUton. 1, carno in a little later, Mr.

Tilton had some ditliciil'y in setting Into the room, having late? and had to puah his way through the He finally reached a etrnapienous place front of his oounsel, when be s.u thrungli the argument, apparently unmoved by ft? that all eyes wow bent on him, but to the meaalng of tho aritnineut. Mr. did not mike his pearanoe. Promptly on Hie opening of the Com Um Clerk, Francis on, began, as the cn tomalwayshi svln-ii a i for trial at a apt i iueddayand hour, to call the jury. they answered to tbeir names they wen ordered to seats in the jury-Wx, where they wen sworn hy ead then retired to fireplace to others? lu way about 100had been sworn ont ol 60S called, when Judos that ii wasawasts of lime tocontinnea Tbe counsel i the defense however, on going mr, and the tedious bum-drum bustuesewas continued awhile, uniil tlie dufenae wearied of It, and finally cons nted to stop ii.

Then foi lowed the loi i given belo? in fulLaftei svlii, ii an mu men plaoe.and ti" ease weal oser until Honda? antime I'lio tim argument Mwh) the bill ot por? I ticnlan ihouldnot be furnished, will he ard ba? ton Jndge Met'ie. it ia genet ill? underatnod that Judge Mc Cue belie es in of Mr. it conceded i. lltai be would grant the bill, as be may now do entioo. Assucbadeci Ion not revi wablebytbo General Tem, Tilt-m'a lawyenwill ii.

ii Me their bill, long since the ti, ti will lo all likelihood proceed on Monday, THE LEGAL BTBUOGLE FOE DELAY. A STA? OP I'lllM'll SI.I -li Sill" KX C-UXOBS HhlWKIN lill: Kal I H-BOSS OP ck: kin'. i sin; ui inn's OOOXSEt? Promptly at 10 o'clock morning fudge Vetlson eaten ItbeCttyCourt-i i i Itbseass of Tinoilar" Tillen agaiBit il Ward Beecherwsa called. Mi-. Mila- ti.

tbe Clerk, las piml of jurors mmu-ftoed tr.s the id preen i for tomo time Judge Kei 'ii kail ii tin? by sumesttai that time nlabt Se laradbp peetpontug tns call until i'. sva? decided wuii tho case, ile m1 I JudgeIfclleen 1 wlStl to MP lo the i that Sarina c.min ta I before Hicy all mum lo. I would lim to Snow whether wutt lu tim. iiianiic! until the whale formal rall la sen plete.l hellier ssoni.l tate their tune to make mag lucaeetlon now that denude la I will proceed svirli the .11 if that la Mr. Will ti t.ike 1 joui luloriu us? ai iidire nt least; I think Mr.

Mall (the lusse pages slips (.. iBtalaiag samee larore) yat. Mr. nany hare yiM got over new 1 Mr. Uiso koI about in tbal td-tiorliood.

Jiuliio been iwon. Mr. Ti'itcj? 1 will wait soar Ifonor. The caliim. of the ss-an then latiuaed far soido mluutcs without liiei.t? ut u.iittiv oa' uotke, until Mr.

Triicy. for the utSerrapt kS. Mr. your lion That. Ir any disposition ii to be mads of thies iw let.

it ss.mid ia a re at relief to the larymeu ho dava already beca ass um. that it A the? eau no for tho das. and wo think Itweiltonaew the uy your Honor a fe? inoiti.tit.* aga? JudKO doubt who hare ii win require to be i teased, mo that I Uti ik bad -ot? ter iiulcar) you are to it tile cane lil 111. Mr. on our itde.

Mr. no itaiily to try the now alwaye hare boen, aud de.iro to ko ou for Meena. A STAY OF Mr. anbaut the', Hie C'otirt of AfpMlS haying rerrr-ed the order reftuung ut a of particu? lars, aud bavluit united tills court to ita fair dtacretiou In the we bare to ihe holdlnix Special Term, and obtained fro'u bun an order to show cause, tvturnrbls ou thandy, al in ti.o a In na time. Tin? the day Unit we cold Ox.

tinonee Of the at'seiice of Mr. Ei art-, who ti to me yestcntay that lie tiar-ltr expected to t.e bach btrfore Thursd-y uiornirt-, sud we wished to contu him ou tho opinion of tbe Court of of which svo have only area an unauthorized and unofficial copy it. the papers all the counsel even have uut aeen that. Uto eba MU. of course, that the case oanuotgo ou al Ihe BfMOal and wo desire to have reaaouabie fact tlio older to sb-w canst) provides that It should Ik? at MOM reasonable time befare the trial of the that tbe lull of particular? 1 be tumished.

we aa mais to ko on as early as possible after obUmlu. tbo bi.l of particulars. Judge vi? yo? any day to snirgestt Mr. auxmst someday we am not particular as to the day. Wt? eauut-t.

of courte, tottiaourselves absolutely to on. very mucU would depend ou the made of this motion whether there is unv from It, or whether the bill of particulars is explicit. Mr. Morrls-The implication was formerly made befon your Honor, and arguments bare been heard ou bulb sides all the facts and circumstances relattnc to th? application If tue oounael desire ti ejrty dlsuosl lion of a don't see w.y It mi. at not ti? StopeeeaeCben no? without any delay.

guuey. will rrcvllnt. that 1 pjhta.

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