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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


10,250 H' KaUrad at the Post-Office at Hew York ee second-class ssH tr-nnANOii ovticksi Ht.v H'' WORLD UPTOWN OKKCE-1207 BaoiDWAV, be- H1 twen 31et and New York, FlTLftW t. HAllLEM-News Department! ISO Eabt it. adtertleemente at V37 EaaT 115TU ST. PHILADELPHIA, H' LxtwtB BtitLDiNU, 112 Booth it. WASHING.

HH TON-010 14th TH XXjXDON OFF10E-32 Cocxarua TruraLoaR rj- TJ H' THE CIRCULATION OF The Evening World Hi FRIDAY, AUG. 23, Bi WAS PIUtOIBF.LY I I 348,010 copies. jH fiat area on days when there is no IB mventot extrtordinnry public interest lH 7ifJC XVKNINQ WORLD sella a tew HI' JEH I copies. For instance, its circulation on I 70,370 Copies. Hh jH WH03EBABY iaFBETriEST7 JIH Tins Evenino Would likes tbo childrou, HB iHvJ nd baa done its Lost to be Rood to them.

It Ufl found out what proud mother had the most children. Now to sco what mother has the BB Db nicest Bm fffBl So to-day wo offer some prizes for (ho Bm fBj prettiest toddlers, under two years old. You BB" iBb may b11 nUout mothers, in another BB kBh column. We know you all think yours is BB BBMi prettiest. BB BBl Lot us see if you are right.

H' jH A OBIOAQO. BBC Tlie guit witu vrhich Jonas OanujoK Hv I'H threatens certain attorneys in the Cromn BB, BBai CMe" ls CAactlatect to send a chill up the hack BBt BBU wy Wta who over thought of tho BB Bfll 'World's Fair being held in Chicago. Oabl. BBu flBJ' bom owner of the oottago wheo BBjf Cbonih was murdarod. He fitted it up BB.

HB ttwc the tragedy as a museum, to BBf-' aB T'ew ghautly ouriositios of which BBu UK adlaitted tte Chicago puhlio at a fixed BBL BBff Pria The civilized Chicagoan, BBfj BBj who upon a warm day was too lazy to kill BBjP aBU' ouy 0De cou1 Oahlson's curiosity shop BB2' BBfli and. for a nominal sum, feast his morbid soul BBEt lffiBU and satisfy his cravlui for gore, by an hour's BBs? friendly communion witli tho lifo-stains BBj 'Bflf which the murdered Cbonin in his death BB' BBl agony left upon tho walls, BK BBl Ttlj 1 America and the nineteenth BBC' tSBtl century. But, then, it's Chicago. BBR jpBB ue nttorneyB entered this Chicago salon BBfi' -kIH and took away pleceB of the blood-stained BB, 'jB wall, to be used in evidence. Now, Caul.

Bflp I gBBl son's occupation's gone, and he is going to BflL EjBM vae ue lwy era ior 5, 000 damages. BBt PBW 'es' B'Te Chicago her way. Bend tho BBlri IJBbJ World's Fair there; the mercenaries of the BBf. 'SaBH Windy City will have bull-baitings and ex- BBj''; 'jaBH ecutions of martyrs, daily; put heads upon BBJ'' BBj Jhlbition, though they be not crowned ones; BBf' f'VB and, in fact, givo such a show as never was BHLi ft'lB BC0U Lero. A.

World's Chamber of Horrors BBfl cI'IB wmH bsuntol and interestiug. fVJ WCEBHHI BB iBbI President Ben has "gone and dono it." BBS? fH The question is, now, whether, having lout BHR) his consent to-the oushne of Tannkb, he can BR- find any other and more retired place in the BBkv i. BBB enjoyment of which that worthy's feelings BBK-'T r- HsbbB mtty 8otked- 'a a a a ca3e BBk BflBB deTll and deep sea to-day as it was yester BBai' ffifH day. But the "devil" side of the proposition BbW KS tUe weightier. BBk RtiBi There are two dangers to Benjamin, first Bm I I KM the Grand Army vote, and then horrible BBJk 1 ii9 thought! that tongue of Tanner's.

Ben BBK 1 Irsi knows what that vote can do, and as for that BHE IniB "(tongue, its name has gone out! through BhsV llvl "le ttTx ttni clatter to the ends BBk WM. thereof. BHn Corporal should get tired of holding LVaK fi Vp tor everybody's lashings, BB ho eoula te1 No- perish the Bfl 8j tB thought 1 In some way other this mouth BmJ i Bal unit be filIed aud uo 1 Jun wil1 ljo t0 's HB or too rich for the purpose. BmJ fffisl xoor Bem SB fluuB HB i IfH A WIHTEB OF WISDOM. BIB lilB Tbe 1'terarJ' wave, generated by the 400 at BWJ i VWm Newport, in intervals of lawn tennis and aris.

BBS' tocratio languor, is about to whelm Man- Bh9! hattan. Henceforth, though probably not -t llfffl forever, learning is the fad. and the habili- JHHiai LS mH mcni ot tbe elite' ioT oue wiutor at least, will HBBBBJKW take its tone from long hair, neglige cravats HBBBj eyeglasses and an air of erudition. For once HBBBBBBhV in the code of the New York ton knowledge BBJpPpiBBBBJ is going to be power. The philosopher and -'TBf bl Btofl are in' daPPef JuJe '8 cnne BBflSaMBsWbPT 'e Ut.

BBBBMm BBBBBBBf- BBK flHBB In pity pause and fancy the depletion of BBK HVaH Sny mtter tkat thls Winter will witness. BBBf of Bbowk-Sequabd was a HB fc IVBt" providential insurance. HbW SBaif BBBJBe 7 HBBBB1 MK I BBl1 THE vnu2Ia QE0UND3. BMTi, Hal' TU dlldloclc lu tho Iollco Board was a for- bVP tanote episode so far as Police Capts. Mc BBM IB aiATjouLXH and Oabpenteb, of the First and nVBr Fourth precincts, were concerned.

PerhapB Hft BBsY these officers have not closed their res to tho Hl existenoe of gambling-houses in their respec BBJnBBBf Uve dlstxiets any more than have other cap. BBBBBBBBBn BBBBJBbL BBBBBBBBBay-'''' tains in the city; perhaps Iheyhavo bsen no more deserving of punishment than others; but that does not vindicate them, and it is a pity that if they had been neglectful ot duty their acquittal should be brought about upon the grounds of any personal feeling whatever towards their aeouser Wbiinst or any one etse. IB HOT HIB TURN YET. Undor what code of procedure is it that Sheriff Flack, who is on the defensive, oc cuscd of a nasty wrong against the publlo and against the courts, finds himself called upon to suggest the summoning of witnesses to tostlfy in tho motter beforo tho Grand Jury? Is that tho placo for tho presentation of a defense Or has the publlo been misled all along And is it Mrs. Flack that is upon trial for hor character? She would, perhaps, bo as safe in submitting to such investigation as would her potent and unprincipled bus-bsnd, but now is not the time nor the Grand Jury room tho place (or it.

It is a good thing that no testimony was takon from Dr. Thomas, tho Flack family physician, yesterday. Tho mnro completely tho Distrlct-Attornoy's office reprobates any assumption upon tbe pert of Sheriff Flaok of managerial function in the investigation of this mutter the more apt will the publlo be to trust the honesty of spirit with which that Investigation is conducted. Flack, keep your flngors out of this pie. You may havo a chnnco tutor on to summon witnesses.

Senator Gbadx has filod complaint against tho oxcossivo faros charged by tbe New York and New Haven rood between the city and tho Wostchostcr raco track. This Is a locnl grievance, but there aro roads with termini in this vicinity whoso general rates ought in justice to be overhauled. Jouif Burns, of London, seems to havo prickod tho American worklugman in a sore spot when ho said; "Damn your pity; givo us your bob." Tho continuance of tho long striko has required something more snbstsn-tlol than talk, but that has bocu American Labor's sole contribution. Good for tho City of Now York. Sho lowered her rocord on a trip which the stormy weather forcod the other racers to make slowly.

That's the right sort. It's an uphill fight that teals quality. Good for tho Mayor 1" IIo's an officer of gumption and a private citizen ot spirit. Yesterday bo enriched the Washington Memorial Arch Fund by a gift of $100. FANCIES.

Howling swells Couer Island breakers. This ia a Tanner who hii (treat deal of 'bark" on hand. Here's a warning to those who rvH to umbrellas. The one Mr. Rmiyon, of l'lslnfleld, was carrying yeaterday touohod an electrio wire and conduoted the current to Mr.

lluuyon, who wai knocked senseless. Mrs. Cleveland shot a biff buok at Folllnsbee's pond in tho North Woods last week. His royal tags doubtlena appreciated the compliment. Mr.

Harris Cohen has entered a protest against Baxter street being changed to Harry Howard street. Mr. P. T. Baruum will talk religion to the Connecticut Unlversallats at Stamford next week.

Is this in place of a great escape of wild animals Mr. Uarnum is alwayi interesting. They have weird ways in tho West. At Hop- ktusville, Ind. James Lemon wanted William Brill to pay his car fare, and when ho would not put him off the train.

In return Brill shot Lemon dead. Dear Kate: By this mall I advauce To you tho remnant of ray panto. Tticro'a Juat the walat band and one leg, Which you'll accept with love, I beg. It may be when you tlnd the rent They'll make your brother Tim a veat. Tho ulireiU I scud am very alight.

Your pa's dog got the rest lant night. Omaha nuria. Hero's a nut for the temperance folks to crack: A Georgia lady la eighty-seven years old and has never taken a drink of water. A mtgarlne writer says dragon-flics In a room will deatruy moiquitoe. We are now waitlmc to hear tbut tarantulas in a room will cauturo the dragon-file, and that rattletnakea will drive out tarantulas.

The occupant, of the houae can desert their beds and aleepou tho roof. AorrU-tovrn lleratd, Only 280,000,000 more cigarettes smoked thl 1 year than last Probably the amall boy waa choked off through pity for the arithmetlclaua. Captain Bonner, of Washington, caught one of tho Urgent blocks of ice of the season, and imheddod in its atomach waa a plain gold ring. Bomehow there seeraa aomcthlng wrong about this paragraph. Shouldn't ice have bsen spelt f-i-s-h The Yellowstone ueysers are in a mighty state of agitation.

Nature ia trying, maybe, with up-hurled rocks and showers ot stones to frighten Judgo Bookataver Into coming home. Bells are ringing In college buildings al over tho country, to call the students back to their labors, and drug clerks hae accordingly begun mixing liniment. Yes, the football season ia here once moro. GASTRONOMIC NOVELTIES. Individual Ice creams represent roses, dahlias, asters, carnations and marigold.

At tached to the frozen tlower is the natural stem and a leaf or two. Forms of this soit may be had for a dozen. There Is nothing prettier for a tea table than a rose bowl of cut ciyatal with a capacity for eighteen or twenty blosaouis. Violet bowls mado of oxidized or repousse silver are as beautiful aa they are noiel. One or two lozenges of wiutorgreen placed on tho doyly of a finger-bowl is an Innovation superior to mint extract, lemon, and the mouth cup.

Tho idea is to remove the sweet taite of dessert from the mouth. At all the swell spreads for brainy and cosmo politau women Turkish cigaiettcs are brought to table with the coffee. In the chandelier a rose is suspended, aud with this injunction on the conventional guedta the moro progressive ladies niav smoke. Fill half a canteloupe with rum or maraschino punch, lemon Ice or chocolate Ice cream, and you havo a delicious dessert dish. The fried hominy for the table of Miue.

La Mode if dipped in beaten egg and cooked like a croquette. "THE FAIRIES' WELL." There are many bright incidents in "Tbe Fairies' Well, now running at the Fourteenth Street Theatre aud described by a fond and superlative programme as a new and exceedingly beautiful Irish drama in four acts." Br means of this play Carroll Johnson, the ex-minstrel, makes his debut" as an Irish comedian, and accomplishes this result very creditably, It may at once bo said. The entertaining features in "The Falrlos' Well" are In the shape of daures.songs and pleas-lug sconlc effects, but the play itself ia singularly wesk even for a specimen of tho nmmetlan, Hcanlanciquo comedies. A few of tho dlreat conventional characters are scattered through it; thero Is the nsusl villain, and tho old, old complications, In which vice and virtue work themselves Into the accepted positions. Why must the plays bo Invariably fashioned from tho same old material? There is surely something new under the dramatic sun, and what a fortune there Is in store for the man who discovers It.

l'eoplo will accept plays like "Tho Fairies' Well in a half-hearted way. became mey iiiubi take that or nothing. But in a good, original play, free fiom tho whiskers of tradition, Carroll Johnson might hae made a big hit. litis a clever Irish comedian. He can sing, which all Irish comedians can't do; and he ran likewise act.

"Tho Fairies' Well" Is founded with moro or less Intelligibility upon tho following legend: If maid would her fiitni t- husband kee On All Hallow E'en, 'tween twelve and throe. Let hi-i go alone. If the moon la bright. And look In the well on Condon's might from which a bettor playmight haxo bciiimado. Mr.

Johnson was supported by a very clover little lsdy. Miss Daisy Temple, who Is extremely graceful and pervading. Mias Fannie Oaborin-was also commendable. Charlea Frew and Alfred Fiemout did good work In thankless roles. Alan Bale.

ATHLETES IN REPOSE. Jsmes B. Mitchell, who la hspplest when toss-ing about Mi-pound woightn, and who has no uso for a hammer unless it woUha sixteen pounds, hails from tho Emerald Isle. Ho has only been In America one year. 1 t.

1.. Thero Is notmng slow aiioiit a. ji. urorno, fact he can givo tho best of them a brush at tho half mile. Ho wcais eyeglasses and koops them 011 in his contests.

Ho looks more HUo a youthful minister than a hardened athlcto when ar-rayed In his street clothes. Malcolm W. l'ord. who would rather tako part in an all-around athletic contest than t-at, Ih vciy modest about his athletic prowess. His muscle Is ntlll bigger than his head in spite or tho fact that ho not long ago won tho amateur athlete all-around championship of America.

W. 0. l)ohm. who thinks that to run a quaitor mllo at breakneck speed Is about as pleasant a paatiuio aa this world affords and is only norry that owing to hlsspeod the pleasme Is so Meeting, won his spurs as a studout of Princeton College. Bohm is llUely to capture any running championships within and Including the mile.

Ho ia very popular with his friends, as his sunny nature deserves. Teoplo who see T. P. Conucff, pet namo "Tommy for tho first time, aro surprised at his extremely youthlul appearance. "Tommy" ls probably tho fastest flvo or ten mile amateur runner in America, aud yot ho has the nerve to look like a babe of flltcen.

His faco la boylah and uniformly wears a pleasant expression. His hair is light colorod, his eycH of tho smiling vsricty. He is of short stature, and when his superb muscular development Is hidden by citizen's dross, no one would suspect the brawn and muscle it conceals. POLITICAL PERSONALS. There was an Aldermanic chorus of "Whcro did von iret that hat:" when Alderman Cowlo appearod at the City Hall yesterday.

This burst of harmony was evoVed by a shiny black tile perched on the tiah-dealer's iron gray locks. Tho Bteckler Association will attend the funeral of Congressman B. B. Cox in a body. Bo will the Tammany Boclety and the Manhattan Club.

"About those political race horses," said Alderman Divver yesterday. "I think my namesake one to be proud of. He has won six of eight races he started in." Ex-Deputy Collector of City llevenue Win. C. Toweu has recovered into the city treasury the 41.PU0 which Comptroller Myers charged him with appropriating to his own use.

Corpl. Tanner's cheeky circular-letter to O. A. B. men, published lu The Eveninu Would last Winter, Hhould havo wanted l'lcxtdent Harrison against the blatant BrooUnitu.

In that letter he announced that ho was certain to bo appointed and that tho ex-soldieis would be well cared for by him. As predicted lu Tim Evkninu World, ex-Judge A. B. Tappen and John F. Cairoll have been appointed aucce.sors to Sheriff Flack, the foi-mer as Grand Bachcni of Tammany and the latter as leader of the Twentieth District Wig.

wamltes. Ex-Cougressmsn Tim Campbell declaros that he will not aupport Senator Grady for re-election In tho Sixth district. Grady has no residence in the district, he asserts. Blnco Assemblyman Charley Baxton.of Wayne County, attended the recent llepublican lovo- feast at the Fifth Acnuo Hotel ho ia said to havo discontinued tho practice of addressing his mirrored reflection as "Mr Speaker." OFF THE STACh. Francis Wilson Is a very domesticated little man and has never at any time In his belonged to the class of barroom comedians.

He has a wife and two childien, aud lives just as though he were not a stage institution, Bol Smith Hussell on the street looks like some mild, attable old fiomiural regions, whom the coulldeuce man would love to gull. Mr. ltuisell talks pleasautly and never taya that he baa made "a big hit." "Aunt" Louisa Eldridge is a very volutin oid lady, aud everything dramatic that is worth knowing she accoids a place in the vast ator house of her mind. "Aunt" Louisa is very practical and mattei-of-tact. MUs Minnie Dupree, who has such a blrdy, chiipy little voice as Susan in "Held by the Enemy," is Just as birdy and chirpy off the stage.

Bhe Is a charming little lady to speak with unassummg aud noii-egotisticaL WORLDLINGS. IhelatoMr. Cox was the best iufnrmod man and tho most accomplished acholar iu the lower house of Congress. The Qnecn of Greece Is a blonde, with brown hair, regular featuies and a beautiful neck and shoulders. Shu dresses very simply, except on state occanlons, and often goes about Athena without eeu a maid to attend her.

Fifteen of the tweuty-fivo mayors who hae governed Chicago havo been natives of the State of Now York. John I. Blair, the New Jersey railroad mag. nate, is thu only member living of the original Board of Directors of the Delsw are, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. The opening of this lino was his first achlsvemsut in railroad manipulation.

FOR PRETTY RARIES. The Evening World Opens a New Prize Contest. Three Awards to Be Made (or tbe Three Best-Looking Infants. They Must Bo Under Two Years Old to Compete. A Golden Doublo Knjjlo to tlio IJcst- Looklng, a Golden Kiiglo to the Next Ucst.

Looking nnd 11 Flvo- Doiuir itoiu X-1CVU Ul tho Third. TiikEvf.nino World found out who was tho proudest mother iu tho metropolis iu its own fashion. It found that 2C0 metropolitan mothers rejoiced In tho affection of from cloven to fifteen childrou each, and that their joy nnd lovo was in just proportion to tho number of tholr childrou. Now The Evening World wants to find tho sweetest, cutest mid most cuunms baby in its bailiwick, uud it knows no better vuy tlmu to inalto it wortli the while of nil the llttlo loves of tho metropolis to como forward uud discloso themselves. 'Ihcrcforo The Evenino World offers a prlzo of a golden doublo onglo to tho prettiest llttlo darling who has not yot patbed its second birthday.

Every mother knows that hor baby Is just too Bwoet for uuythiug mid is quite suro that thero is no other baby in tho laud to compaio with hor bnby. but as thero aro decn-os of beauty easily niurhcn in 11m uve ui rami Impartial prizo of 11 gold eaglo will bo given to next to 1 ho prettiest buby.uud oh baby thnt has only two superiors for beauty hi this big metropolis is dosorvinc of romeuitirmico.a third prizo of SSgold pieco will bo given to tho babo who ranks third in tho 01 dor of beauty. Now. then, mothers of tho metropolis- of New York. Brooklyn, Long Islnud City, City mid llobolten, como forward with tho priceless geius which brighten your homes.

Wo must lmvo tlio phutograph of every llttlo darlinp who has not jet passed into the third year of its prattling, bothering babyhood. Send thuui lu to The Evenino Would Tho little snub-nosed bit of hummiitv that only sucks its thumb, aud tho great-eyed yomigstci just learning to steady itself on its soft, pink and white pincushion feet: the roly-poly, pudgy baby with an insane desiro to swallow its too, nud tho baby that bus cot beyond Agoo, ogoo and is just sweetly lisping Pa-pn and Mu-iua, Bring them forward, fond mothers Horn! In tholr pictures. Pictuies ns they lio asleep iu mother's arms, or us thoy stare, big t-vt'd, in a vuin effort to boo tho birdio us it comes out of tho cuiuorn; pictures of habits in costly gowns, aud pictures of babies in no gowns at all: pictures of just their own round and dimpled little seUos as they como out of the bath; crying pictures, laughing pictures, sleoping pictutes, waking pictures; but pictures of sweet babies who ought to win tho prize. Aloug with tbo picture mother should send namo, pupu'B namo and occupation. mumma'H maiden numo aud 1 ho ago of all threo, their nationality ond rorldeuce.

Then buo may add anything sho wishes like some little story of baby's smart sayings or doings. Only do not write more than 200 words, because tho Judgo would get tired reading them, perhaps. Jl COlirsu nil. iiiiiiuip.iuiioiu hear from ut least 60.000 habies. 'Ihere aro ubout that number of babies who ore not more thnn two years old iu the tivo cities of tho metropolis, aud any mother who fails to I sond lu her claim of course iidmils that her baby is not pretty onough to couut, nud what mother is thero so blind to the charms ot her own baby as that? ,1,1, And of course If there are two babies of equal beauty who excel all tho othors, tlio first prize will goto that one whose claim was filed ut this office first.

First Prize .4 tfoJuVn Double Eagle (20) to ttie jirettiett baby umlvr two yiari in AV10 1 '01 A-, Vrooklyn, Jern-y City, tioboktn or Luuj island City. Second Prize A (lolkn Eagle ($10) to mil to the firttlktt baby in the Jke cities of this me. trvvolls. Third Prize A Fiee-Dollar Gold piece to the melropolltan baby who has but Uco suptnors in point of baby charms. conditions.

llabies to he eligible for this contest must be tiro years old or iess. 1 picture of any baby entering in this com. petition must be sent to The Evenino World, together with the name and occupation of the fatlur the full maiden name of the mother and their residence the jull name of the baby and the dates cfbuth of baby ami its father and mother. Aho the name of some resjotisibleper. son who tall touch for the truth of the stuttment.

Letter's accompanying an entrance tnust not exceed 200 icor i frng(A and written on one side of the only. If mere are two or more pretty babies pretty that the Judge is unable to decide belwteu them then the prize shall go to the one of these babies whose picture was first received. PEBBLES FOR BONBONS. A Ilad Hot Itnlaeil Sail Ilnvoc Willi Ills Sister' llnnbonnlrrt- It ox. The bouboniiiero box is a part of tbo Summer resort girl's regular equipment this yeur, says tho Philadelphia Press.

A Philadelphia girl was recently victimized by a heaitloss brother lu this fasbion It was ut a mouutaiu resort. Tho party that sat in rue of tho dark corners of tbo hotel porch included the Philadelphia girl, a member of tho Germautowu Cricket Club, a clerk in a Philadelphia National bunk, tho middle-aged pastor of a Philadelphia Baptist Church and the wicked brother. The Philadelphia girl passed her bonbon-lliero box with the usual iuVitutiou to tho 'duel brother, who sat ou her right. Tho brother deftly tmusforrod to tho box a hand-fill of small nud carefully selected pebbles taken that morning from a brook with malice prepense, nt the same time emptying tbe toothsjtue little confections into his other hand under the coer of tho darkness. He thou pretended to "help himself," aud passed the box to the cricket athlete, who piomptlr bit one of tho pohbles, but kept a straight faco nud passed the box right nlong.

The bank clerk put threo stouos in his mouth aud discovered tho hoax, but, Spartan like, concealed the pebbles ana passed the box to the clergyman. Tho miulHidr had artificial teeth, nnd tho dose was too much for him. Ho gagged aud if moved tho stoues, and then everybody but tbe l'hiladelphlu girl tittered. The bauk clerk, the uud tho clergyman nro still wondering whether tho Philadelphia girl is much given to that sort of joking. l'reparrd for tbe Worst.

If row "Hello, Baxton, bow's your rich old uncle Oh, he's as well us could bo expected under the circumstances," What's the matter with him?" "Wall, he's dead." MORE MONEY FORT HE BABIES CHAKITABLE FRIENDS 8END PROCEEDS OF FAIRS AND ENTERTAINMENTS. An eminently successful fair lu aid of Tmt Evenino World Sick Baby Fund was held at tho residence of J. Blan, 89 Illchmond avenue. Port Itlclunond. S.

last Saturday. Tlio people, approclutiug tho worthy object in viow, catno forward nobly mid contributed thoir shnro in suppoit of the sick babies. Tbe sum of 52.05 was realized Irom tho -nlo of tho nrticlos, which woro mostly donations from tho citizeps of Port lUchmond, Tlie succors of tho fair was duo largely to tho untiring offnits of (he Bian children and many Port liichmond young misses who managed the inrious tables, and Miss Emma Cohu, of Brooklyn, who assisted at tho fancy tablo. Tho stationery counter, containing until ilminn.l ttv W. T.nmnll lirolhor, of 51 Fulton street, New York City, was presided over by Horace Blan.

In addition to tho mercantile) part of ilia affair, the musical proframmo was arranged and well carried out by tho participants. Mr. Joseph Wingobnch, of New York, rendered soveral selections from Mills aud Beethoven. Mr. Jnuios Lauo, of West Brighton, performed on several instiumcuts, including the ortlioluirp.xvlophoue and ocarina.

Liszt's llisoli'tto" was rendered by Miss Leontino Blau. Miss Clain Brandois rendered sovoral vocal Bolcctiotis. Master Horace Blan, aged twolvo, displayed his musical ability on lh flute, nud Miss ltosy Blan. aged ten, played Meiutolssohu's "Goudelied" upou tho piauo. Dnnciug follow od tho entertainment.

A PLEASANT TIME PROMISED. llnrlem Tnlent Will tilve nil Hntertaln- inrnt for the SlrU Ilnlilpa. A musical and Htetary entertainment will bo given at Brady's Dancing School Hall. 133 West Ono Hundred and Twenty-fifth street. on Huuuay evening, nepi.

22, ior uio ucuum, of Tun Evenino World's Sick Babies' Fund. Miss Eugenia Sherman nud Miss Huttio Hciischol lmvo born working very diligently for tho past two months arranging an elaborate programrao for tho occasion, and those who attend will spend an cnjoynblo ovoning and at tho saiuo tuiio can appreciato tho fact that nil tho receipts from the salo of tickets will bo devotod ta as uoblo nud useful! a charity as tho Sick Babies' Fund. Miss Etigcuio Sherman, who is well known in Harlem as a soprano singer, will participate in tho programme nud will bo nssistod by number of prominent pianists, violinists, singers and elocutiouists. Accepted Willi Thanks. to Ikt Fitllnr nf TU t.ttnlhq World: Wo hope you will accept tho iucloscd mite, $1.28.

tho proceeds of 11 fair for tho benefit ot the sick babies, held by a few llttlo girls residing iu West Ono Hundred and Twenty-third street, whom wo represent as committee. Wo Know that you havo announced tho closing of the fund, but us wo had mado arrangements for our fair beforo the announcement was mado wo decided to enny it through, trusting that our little contribution would bo uccopted, our chief regret bciug that it is so small. Wo think that you havo dono uoblo work In bringing, iu such a practical wav, relief to tho children of tho poor, anil for having dono so wo dosiro to sav that wo will always cherish kindly feelings for The Evenino World. Mauie IIowi.ett. Mary Class.

Laura Class. M.uiaiE Strain. C'ollrrtt-J train Friend. To llr Fihtnr of tlit i.iif"i HorU; Inclosed please find M.75, which we havo collected from our neighbors in aid of tho Sick Babies' Fund. S.

B. and B. BABY FUND CONTRIBUTIONS. Already acknowledged $0,407.00 l'oit liichmond entertainment H. 11.

and II. 1." Onu Hundred and Twenty-tbild stieutlair STOLEN RHYMES. The I In ml of Irnte. Hn walked bosido her on tho sands. His face seemed full of dtep emotion, Tho while sliu said tho usual things That pi ople say about the ocean.

But ucarci to his heart some theme She had not touched on seemed to nestle, For when she pointed to a star Ho thought sho meant a far-off vessel. Long had she felt his love her oh 11. Now time and scene combined to offer An opportunity mo-t meet. If he his heal inclined to plotter. Poor man! this was his dearest hope-Alas, that fate's power thus- should mock HI He had a cold, aud could not tlnd A haudkeichlef iu any pocket.

is. H. in Judge. A New to a Slimmer Flirtation. 11a innt hpr nt thu mountains.

A maiden young and fair, Aud, forming her acquaintance. Ho flirted with her there. Thev roamed tho hills tot-ether, Thev waudeied through tho vale, And thero to hei he whispeied Love's sweet and tender tale. The maiden did not chide, him, She did not say him nay, But said she'd give an answer To him some luture day. He met her in the city.

This maiden young and fair; Did she receive his greeting With cold and haughty staro? Did she attempt to pass him. His outstretched hand Ignore, And say, I do not think, sir, Wo ever met before 7 Oli, no; she smiled upon him, Her hand she let him press, Itcapnnded to his greeting With words of friendliness. Tho maiden knew ho loved her. And lovo tho youth did "he; The salesgirl and tho baiber Will shoitly wedded be. Boston Courier.

Tnlt- of nil An Esquimau sat on a chunk of ice, lu the land of the Northern Pole; He oiackid his heels aud he whistled twice At a sight that alaimed his soul. For 11 siranccr came over tho fields of snow, At a spteil that was fearful, quite; His cheeks wcro pallid and thin with woe And the frost on his beard was white. "Oh, lulthcc, panic, "cried tho Esquimau, "Ft 0111 whence do jou come so fast?" I conic from a land weary leagues below This 1 1 aim with itsstoimand blast. I como fiom land in tho far off South, Aud 1'vo tiavtlled ten thousand miles Since last the sun like a beaming mouth Tinned loono 011 the taith his smiles. "I'vo clambered tho mountains, on laglng stieaniH Full oft' I've bten heaved and tossed: I umpired a game for two baseball teams-Alas) Aud tho home club lost." A'ebraska State JournaU mm- Ir you want to relUf lb dlsca of lattbtna without risk, a Its Uovzll's Tkihwu Cokdial.

SSa, CHINESE BOYCOTT. No. 17 Mott Street Tabooed by New York Oity Celestials. Solomn Proclamation from tho City Hall in Mott Street. Landlord White's Wronj; on Wins Wo Ulng's Company to Be Avenged.

Tho heathen Chluco is in the boycotting business. Ever sluco he first manifested his desiro to lcavo tho Flowery Empire and come to HJow York, tho laud of tho flea nnd the homo of the slavo, ho has been rapidly acquiring tho wavs and habits of New Yorkers aud ls now just as flip us they make 'cm. Ho has virtually monopolized tho laundry business, ho bus a comer ou opium joints, hu dabblos iu teas nnd groceries, imports mid does a thriving business in Chlneso notions and plnys poker liko sin. Ho has oven learned to smoke cigarettes. But uow ho has como to tho front quiotlv, but boldly, and effectually demonstrated his nbilitv and fitness to bo clusied as an American citizen.

He lins oigani7cd boycott. Outside tho Jo-s House, or City Hall, at 10 Mott street, to-day nre posted two notices, written in tho pnio Mongolian and npunr-cntiy devoid of oil mtanlng to Euglish-speak-iu people. John P. White, who owns tho premises nc. oss the way nt 17 Mott street, thought so when he first saw them.

Just nt present he is takiug the groatcst possible interest in tho hieroglyphics, and tho lrnson is thuswisu: Prior to March lust Mr. Wbitu's premises wero occupiod bv on old structure, which ho routed to tlio Wing Wo Hiug Companv, Chinese Mr. Whito informed tho f-tiiiimiiv of liis ilntdrn to down tlio old huiidiug nud build new ono and tbo Wlug Wo Hiug Company at ouco oskr-d for his ligurt'H lor quaituis in thu uow structure. Mr. Whito gnvo them tbo rates of rental, tho Company ogiod to think it ovor.

and tho result that no ugrccim nt wns reached. Mr. Whito had a liuo double, fivo-story building ou his hands A Chinese Company iu Philadelphia wanted tbo lower part and ho let them havo it. Shortly nftcr Mr. Whito rented tho rooms in the upper storicB to other Chinamen.

After a fow days tho Chmauicu who had rented rooms and paid for them called ou Mr. Whito nnd demandod the return of their money. This state of affairs continued until Mr. Whito soon tia I nothing to look a.t except big, empty building that positively refused to prove a source of revenue to him. He became alarmed end flow to Hughes Jfc Campbell, tho lawyers, ot 322 Broadway.

The linn ut onco started out on still hunt and unearthed 11 genuine, full-fledged boycott on Mr. White bv his Coleitial friends. Tho innocent. looking notices on tho Joss House wero found to be the orders for tho boycott, nud it is said that thoy wero posted there bv order of tho Long-Si-Lee-Toug Society, of 'which Deputy Sheriff Tom Lee is the President nnd Leo Son. tho nllcgod former superintendent of pipe-hitting establishment at 11 Mott strcut, is tho Vico-Prosident.

The Celestial Knights ot Labor hold their mcotings nt 1M Mutt stieot. Justice Hognu refused to grant a warrant for the arrest of Wing Wo lling, ouo of tbe ul It giul conspirators, yesterday, and to-day Mr. White's lawyers will inuko an attempt to bring tho matter to tho attention of the Grand July. the boycott goes merrily on, much to tho discomfiture of Mr. White, who declares that ho is almost ru.lied mid has had to mortgage his pit-inises to obtu'n money.

An Evenino Would lepor'tr, who speaks, reads and writes Chinese fluently, insuocted tho notices to-day. Ho found that the oue posted first warns all Chinamen not to rent tho building, as Wing Wo Wing and others have the right of occupation to surfneo mid second floors of the store nt 17 Mott street. The notice is given iu order to prevent future disputes. Tho second notice is like unto the first, only considerably more so. All Cbiutso countrymen nre "urged to thin three times before takiug onv decisive stops, aud warned tlint great disputes nlwnys come from small begiuuiugs.

KD1T0RMAHN IN THE TOILS. DR. HAMILTON CAUSES HIS ARREST FOR CRIMINAL LIBEL. Editor Eugene I). Mann, of Tuwn Topltv, is on tho rack, charged by Dr.

Allan MuLanu Hamilton with criminal libel. Mr. Mann was arrested last evening at his, 4-J0 Tifth avenue, aud lodged lu tho Tombs, tho Gland Jnry having indicted him "between the Flack matter. Tho alleged libel is contained in this paragraph, published Sept. during the heat of the ltobi-rt Hay Hamilton aflair: l'lilllp Hamilton, Ray Hsintltnn'.

urtiat-uncle. wlill. apparently a moilf I o( jrot ity In bis domestic lite, was louotl upon III. death tub.iv left two widow, and tuo dUtitict broods cht'dren. Tills at Uio tlmu lias the particular nfiisitlon of tbeilay, Allan AIcLanu Hamilton, tbe celebrated physician, i a sou of this Philip Hamilton, and another was an officer of the SaltatittteenthCivlry, who met his death In an Iu-Ian akUmlsli lu 1874 ltegarduig the allcced libel he says: "Ire- .1.1..

1. .1... niemoer sumi'luniK uuiiik yriuieu huuui inn Hamilton family, but what it was I don't recall." He has letaiucd Howe A Hummel as counsel. Dr. Hamilton was at Newport when bo tlist saw tho paiauiaph.

He says: "The paragraph is utterly uutiuo and without tho slightest foundation. My father was as puro a man as ever jived. This story aftectH mo and my family. It is a brutal attack, especially on account of tho unfortunate notoriety of a member of the family at that time. At first I thought of lotting the manor pass unnoticed as many others traduced by this sheet have done.

But as a citizen, 1 reel it my duty to prosecute this publication, which is a monaco to the ninials of the community. "1 believe in a free prcsa and the mentorship of Ameiicau journalism, but blackening tho fair name of the dead and the living is a disgrace to our fice institutions, I have started the crusade which should end in wiping out this style of publication, HE HAD TRAVELLED. Dut lie Putil a Ilnckinnu Fifty Cents to TnUe Illm Arroas the Street. A young man with a great deal of hat nnd a small amount of gripsack, says the Detroit Eree Press, came into the Third streot depot on a train the other day, and walking through to tho hackstand he said to the driver of a vehicle I want to go the Wayne Hotel," "Yes, sir." Tho ordiuauce gives you 60 cents. "It does." Hero's your money.

I'vo travelled a bit, I have, and I know what's what. Don't try any gum games on me," No, sir right in." Tho stranger entered tho hack, tho driver drnvo across tho stieet mid got down and opened the door, an I as tho stranger saw bow he had fooled himself ho looked us Hat as chalk nud inuttored: "Yes I see just acrosB the street. I've tiavelled, I have, but I guess I was on tho wrong train, filliley (Jets Four Yenrs. Bernhard (lildey, a former agent for the Society for the Prevention of Crime, has four years in State prison to serve for extorting monoy fiom Mrs. Nelllo Ansen, of no Chrystit stmt.

Judge UildtrsUere sentenoedhun. THE FUMY MEN'S FOIBLES JOKES CONCOCTED BY HUMORISTS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. Should Bee the Other Day. re lift. 1 James, you have bcon fighting.

I can tell it by the look in your eye." Yes, but, mother, you should seo the look In the other boy's eyo. Ills Curiosity Arouacal. lVom JYi.) "What's that train, mister?" bo asked aa 0 an express shot past tho station. ''( That's tho famous Cannon -t "Gosh I I'd liko to seo tbe cannon what firod it." Calling a Spnile a Shovel. IVom Jim.

a Walter What'll you havo. sir 5 Smith Plate of warm bash. (Shouting): "Plntoof BrowuingalaAmella 4 In the Theological Class. 1 ton Light. Profcr sor Cau any of you toll mo to what class young llov.

Huwke belongs? Facetious Student can. Profpannr. "What class. Mr. Why, to tho birds of pray, I suppose." Insulted.

Irom Wt.i Well, Charley, did tho editor take your poom?" No, ho got off a lot of stuff about motre nnd ono thiug and another, nud I just tell you that if bo expects to buy poetry by tho metro or yard cither ho belter tacklo some other feller." Too Muddy far Fldo. U'rom A Little EUio Oh, toko mo up, mamma. It's so muddy. Mamma Walk across, that's a good girl. Mamma has all she can do to carry poor Fido.

A Hard Itequest. ri Tim. Llttlo Elsio (who with tho romnlndcr of hsr family is dining at tho Veneers) After dinner. Mr. Veneer, will you show mo the skeleton Mr.

Veneer What skoleton. my dear Why, tho ono ma says you havo in th closot The I.eaal of Two Evils. from Lift. Tommy I'm going to tell ma you pushed me overboard. I Llttlo Johnnie You'd better not.

Tommy Slio'll lick mo if I say I fell over. Little Johnnio That's what you'd better tell her. If you put tho blame on mo I'll lick vou. and I'll hurt you more than your mother will. Up Ilnd s-een One.

From lh Bottim fourf.r. Speaking of cowards," said Cally to Bally, I ue er yet saw a man wholly with-couiage," I have." "Who was ho?" Tho husband of tho landlady of my boarding-house." A Prlzo Caleb. i mm Hf. Mrs. Prudent But do you think he's a good catch? Miss Eager Well, I should rather think ho is He's tho captain of a baseball club aud gets 5.000 a season for standing behind the bat.

A Dlflirrnt Tray Full. U'raM Lf. George," remarked Mrs. Jackbigh to her husband, "who is this Sam Taylor I heard you aud Major Johnson talking about Is he a good waiter A good waiter, my dear? What do you mean "Why. I heard yon tell the Major that down at the club tho othor night Sam Taylor came in with a tray and dropped his pile, aud I thought he must have been very careless." And then George gazed out of ths window with a far-away look in his eyes.

A Mean Aitvanlna. itoin Ih Botton Couiitr. Why are you so bitter towards her, Carrie?" Well, vou Eeo, she beard that Harry was going to propose to me, and she spoke to ma about it and asked if I thought he Intendad. to do so." Yt'B." I wanted to make her think that I didn't car anything about proposal, so I said that if he did propose be would find himself In tho soup." "YeB." Sbo went and told him what I said, and he proposed to her and she accepted him on the spot." So it's you that's in tbo soup, then I guess so." Feet Off aa Well. Country Visitor (after reading notice) Hands off!" Well, I should say thoy wut an' legs nn' head off, too.

I wonder who th durued is, anyhow! Do Riot Neglect That tired feellns, impure blood, dlitraas after eatln pains In the back, headache or stuillar affections, tttl eo-n powerful disease obtains a firm foothold andra-coferr Is difficult, perbaps Impoeslble. Take Hood's Hataaparllla, tbe defender of health. In time to banUh ah bad feelings aud restore you to perfect conditio Hood's Sariaparllla has peoullar oorattra powers, aa4 eeaomplUbea suras where other preparatloas tail..

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