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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 6

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VENEZUELA. i i Caracas, Oft It, IV Otigmreu are very happy to-day. They have beard of the defeat of one part of the Federal faeOon, under the command of Linares, who baa aercr laid down anna since he took them up, in March, to sustain the cause of the then 1'r- dent, Gen. Monagas. One would suppose, under aheae ein umstaares, that be would be considered an Mooaguero, but we club all parties together here, and pretend we think them all Federalists, that being the most proniiueut faction at present, although the head of the Federalists, Gen.

Falcon, distinctly announced in his proclamation last year, given in conjunction with Gen. Koto, that having aided tbe revolution to overthrow Monagas, he cer ttainly could not join any attempt to reinstate hi in ha power. I do not, however, consider it by any aoeans a logical conclusion, for to aid in overthrow? ing a man in power one year is by no means a guar? anty in Venezuela that the same person may not aid with equal vigor in reinstating him the vided those in high places prove ungrateful in the snean time, aud do not give him tbe prefermeut he Bnt to return to facts. Linares has been de? feated, leaving two hundred men dead upon the among them his best officer, and second in 1, Perex, beside twenty others, as reported. The Government lost fifty men killed and one hun? dred wounded.

Four hundred men are thus prob? ably lost to a country which is sc? thinly peopled that every one taken from it is a national ca tunity! This if in only one engagement, while there are combats taking place every fifteen days. It is still more lamentable to see the want of reflection of these Venezuelans. The sate party is full of rejoicing at the fact that an many enemies have fallen. Tbe other, equally mnu-idtad look on the case only as so many men lost to their party. Neither one or the other reflects; that in point of fact both are equally losers, for it as no many working hands taken from the necessary labors of a country which cannot progress, because at wants people to cultivate its rich lowlands, aud the healthy, invigorating regions which form the picturesque table lands of its mountains.

There has come news from Gen. Brito, also, who hi in the province of Aptin, who writes of seven en? gagements, all successful; he talks of ubiindant supplies conveyed to him by the steamers, and plenty of arms; but somehow, though all thes on the Government side are very and all goes well with them and badly with the faction, still the faction exists, and makes head against all those Government heroes. There is no charity left in Venezuela. Each party tells the most preposterous tale- of the outrages committed by the other upon its ene soies. The charges brought by Conatitutionalists against Federalists are precisely the same as those brought by Federalists against Constitutionalists, and charity induces me rather to give credit to tlx Venezuelans for telling untruths than to believe them capable of the terrible acts of rapine, revenge, and slaughter of hieb they accuseeuch other.

Bo aides, from what has come under my own observa? tion of the war, no very utrocious deeds have been perpetrated by either least nothing WOTM than always happens a place occupied by an ill disciplined, ill-paid soldiery. Business is very dull, of course. Kven tht ol.l. -f and strongest houses cannot procure cargoes foi ttMir vessels. Coffee has Dot begun to come in vet.

The cocoa districts are mostly in confusion, and no Crops have been taken windward dis? tricts at least, which were long in the power of the Though it has been said for a mouth past that they are occupied by the Governtn nt troops, still no person, not iu Government employ, ran obtain a passport to those parts, and the atMaV fnuniration ith them is infrequent and uncertain. Bides must be scarce, also, for beef is too dear to ke eaten in large quantities, aud the pour an- suffer? ing miserably, for uo men except the very aged are left to work. In my next I will give ou news of the tial election, Inch is brewing, and souse sketch, perhaps, of the candidates. CANADA. Cot-reepondeuce of The N.

Y. Tribune. Nov. 14, 1859. Tbe long-talkcd-of "Parliamentary Opposition assembled at Toronto the 9th, and discussed the affairs of the would-be nation until the 12th at 1 p.

in. They adopted six resolutions, the main one as follows i. StmMttd. Tbst, In the opinion of this assembly, the bert practicable remedy for the svils now encountered in the Soest of to be foand in the formation of two or more local to which be couiuiilied the control ol gtU lustier, of a local or aectioaul chai sctet, and general liovern snoot charged with stKh matters are necessarily conimou to Both of the Province." However, prior to breaking up, there arose a discussion on whether it should not be a pure and aimple" dissolution of the existing union between Upper and Lower Canada, to hich discussion the Canada Opposition Convention respouds iu the following terms: We sinat not, however, fort et that we ronld not, if we would, seven to the ttste of things eifsttng anterior to the Union. Al? though but little progress hat been made in consolidating by a futii of the leading element! comprising our population, or by mm saairnilaiion of their or institutions, an ruormous public debt, for which the whole province is lialile, haa been tests ana represented by public works, the rmmsans prop? erty of, and equally neceiaarv to both sections.

11a. in: and common an equitable division -f the latte wMb tbe aaaeut of the former, would be difficult, if not aa it feasible achievement. Tbe old dirtic uliy of fairly apportionii the Customs revenue between the two would install lj be revived in an aggravated form, proportionate to the MS more complicated commercial relations developed since the tlaioti. That some basis ol opponiouiiM-nt would have to he astahUlhi in ike event ol a dts.o.uiiuu, is manifest, because the and lucouvtiaencc attending separate Stysajue km two Provinces, so related geographically ant commercially, sad. it may be added, by reason of their common connection wka tbe Mother Country, polit ally, would not be long toler? ated by either.

"Bat, apait altogether from the objections of a practical ni? ters to a dissolution purt and timplt, of the existing Union Oajtweea Upper aud Lower snadiv have been merely glanced at. there are v.liirh, in the cstinittien of tho.e who would look beyond tbe aud would I our in-ti tations with reierei to the future dvatiuy of SST oonslrt. suit Sjbs Importal part they believe she is to puy in the or this ut. i i li peeiei v. Thus, the main plank in the new I'pper Canada Piattoiiii is decidedly objected toby Lower Canada, and Dually tbe general tone ol both would appear to rather strengthen than weaken the remedy al? ready proposed in Wni.

Gait (the present Inspec? tor-General) scheme of a confederation extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific, until which time I believe that no important change will take place in the relation of the two Provinces. These views were decidedly expressed iu a communication over a year since to you ou Canadian attaint, and these discuss ions tend to hasten the time. Parliament will meet in January next at Quebec. The Government, however, open the tenders and award the contract for the Parliamentary Build afi at Ottawa on the 1Mb inst. (to-morrow), and ex press their determination to complete the same for the following or next session at farthest.

There are three American contractors tendering for tbe job, and several Canadian, in all say 10 or 12 tenders, for the entire buildings, embracing about 1,300 feet frontage. Snow fell here on Saturday afternoon, the P2th, in sufficient quantity to bring out the sleighs, but in the evening turned to rain, and continued till Sun? day night, when it again froze up. I may nie noon from Quebec. w. H.

M. CLEAR-GRIT RF.KORMKl.s Tbe followiug are the resolutions adopted by tbe Convention of Clear-Grit recently held in Upper Canada: Mastissd. Thai the existing Legislative Union of Upper and Canada has failed to mille the of pro saeSeta. resulted luabeav public debt, burdensome taxation, tr-et svlitiral i I it i. Orssjsi throtirb dtSerstice of origin.

csa BO longer be continued with asl eeairable as It wccld be. while the thai keal Legulalion should not mt yet this reined, for rtriot eoattltutionaJ rtmjliBU os tbe of Kiecutlve in te ifisaihn. elhrr wye Id set alone remedy tbe unser wbteb tba country mow Tbst without enlsrtag ec the of other assembly of opinion that tbe which aStTcurl? obUining i. of lbs.Lows, to afsosralVaisa of aU Us Britith Nvrth Ameiieaa that mfMV? eoafiderslloo a remedy for prevent eaila.

t. That, to IM opinion of this aeeemblr. the beet practicable remedy foi the etil? new eneoouterad to the Oovern meut of Canada. to be fouoJ in tbe formation of two or more lern) to whirh 'hall bo committed the control of all n.attera of a local or aertional character; and a IJeaeral (iov eruruent, rharped wttu each malten aa are neceaaanly ooiuuMin to both section, of tbe Pro'lnee. B.

1 hat. while the detailt of the cbancet rropoeed tbe last reaolutioo are necessarily subject for future arraxureuiciit, yet the assembly it imperative to declare that rtoOeneral lioaernnieiit would tojy an adawlii. li is u-t based ou prin. vf representation by popu lallen. The Toronto Cvlonttt the following as the re of examination of the list of mcmb with a view of ascertaining how far it represeaed Clear Grit of Upper Canada; "There apjiear to Im; under five hundred in all, of which twenty-one are members of the and the elective of the Cpjier, House.

There an- nine electoral out of twelve entirely unrepresented, so far aa the legislative Council is con? cerned; aiicl fortv-two constituencies out of sixty-four in the legislative Assembly. the le-gislative present Western divisions; all tbe M. I'. likewise represent divisions, except Mattice of Stonnont, Cook of and Macdonaid of Glengary, who, with Clark of Northumtierland, and short ol Peterborough, are the only parliamentary representatives the entire country netWOM Isiwer Canada and Toronto. The Press nas but one repre? sentative east of Kingston, and seven in all east of Toronto.

So nnn-h for the ex-ojfu-m members. Of the elective delegates, there are bnt twenty-three from municipalities east of Kingston, and from thence to Toronto. The whole of the remaining 37 delegates (or thereabouts) arc from municipalities to the west and north of Toronto including the city delegates.) Of the western counties, several ar almost entirely unrepresented. Grey sends hut thre delegates; Simcoe. not many more.

Of the forty-tw of Upper Canada, twenty-one are either en? tirely unrepresented, or so slightly as to he not worth notice. Of the entire Parliamentary Opposition, count ing Hi are absent, of whom Mi-Kellar, Koxs, Powell, and Hartman) would jirobably act in concert with the Convention, while one other Wall bridgej sujiports it but partially. Tbe remaining if I. S. McDonald, Patrick Hogan, Buchanan, Merritt, hirhiiid, liiggar, and Hell) have either opposed taken no part in favor of the Convention.

Gut of roemU-rs for Cppcr Canada, about two-fifths only are kit milled with this movement. Out of 'tii members at Parliament representing the western section of I'pjser Canada, 17 are directly opposed to the Convention, and in its favor. Thus it appears, taking the propor? tions in any way in which tficy can he contrasted, and supposing the Convention to lie absolutely unanimous within itself, still it is in a minority on every view of the case. The utmost that can be claimed for it is that it represents the feelings of one-half the extreme wertein constituencies. Tbe oilier half, with the whole of the eastern constituencies, making three fourths of Cpjier Canada, are diametrically adverse to it from tirst to Jast." LATER FROM NORTHERN MEXICO.

TBE LATE OUTBBKAK AT victoria. From The Seie-Ort'atti fieayune. -Vor. 10. Hy tl i' Maat OaTsTsf Peter Mowcll.

Capl. Waters, ar? rived vesterdav from Tampico, we have advices from that direct lo the 1901 ult. Tut at wti in-jng La Retorma arrived out on the 14th, and, from tbe notice in the I'riumn, seems to have given general satisfaction. The principal subject of political excitement at Tam? pico, when the Mowell left, was the "outbreak," or at Victoria City, ot which we had brief mention by the last steamer from the Rio Grande. A thousand rumors were iu circula? tion, but they leave us as much in the dark as before us to the iuiiiire and origin of the movement: the more so that the I'ruma saw fit al the last moment to sam? plers its own account, because, as it avers, "some dates arc wanting;" but really, wo suspect, because the Gnvt-rnmcnl wished to bush the mutter up.

Krorn this and a comparison of the stuleinenis lielore us it would appear that "the so called, were heljs-d to their liberty by the opposing party; that they fjfperwnrd became and, haying opposed In their depredations, linallv organized them? selves into an armed band and i.edtxl to lav friend and foe alike under contribution. Several neighboring villages hud been visited by Them and plundered, be? sah- Victoria City; and at last accounts they were making their way to the more thickly inhabited towns of tbe North. Whatever, however, was the nature of the affair, it seems to have .1 considerable alarm at Tampico. All the troops disposable there, ami on the sea const, were immediately sent up under the command of Col. (iaiza, and at last accounts were encamped in the vicinity of Victoria, where they were to await fur? ther instructions.

Subsequently a park of artillery and a company of invalids from the hospital were upas reelilorc'ements, from all which it would ar that the atlair was one of more than ordinary ur? gency. In an order of the day, announcing the defection of Vidaurri, Gen. Degollado siij The reactionists have alieady raised the cry of joy at the rebellion of the of the North? believing that it will result in confusion in our ranks. But in this they ill hud themselves mistaken. Vidaurri defection will only purity the national cause, while his full will prove a terrible lesson to traitors." The campaign proper, however, would seem to make no progress.

The headquarters of the Lilseruls was still at Sun Luis Potosi; no advauco had been made, nor do we hcur of any movement of importance what? ever. FROM PHILADELPHIA. TWY. PAT! OP HKOWS? THE UU'IIANAS VICTORY MM AM) MONRY? IDLK V.l. POfJ IU I'll TION.

From Oar Own Corespondent. Nov. 11, I860, Gov. Wise has numerous friends in tins city. I do not mean political supporters, because cveuta have not yet taken a shape to require them to show their hands.

But ho has personal friends, with whom he be in correspondence, some of whom, I learn, profess to be able to foresee his action in ti tnlit of Brown and hia companions. It is al? ii gi that the pressure on the Governor, from every quarter of the South, demanding that the priseners be hai.ged, is fierce and unexampled, and that even ii he were to commute Brown's sentence, this pressure is so strong that he ill find himself constrained to jield to it. It would sec in that slaveholding vengeance can be gratified with nothing short of death to all the misguided prisoners. It may be that jrolitical calculation is to be mingled the decision. Brown has so far been treated as a truiiip card in the of the Democracy, and that card will undoubtedly be played with a determination lo win.

But many persons be? lieve that Gov. Wise, no matter how erratic and impulsive he may be, will not be forced by any pressure, whether Iroiu the North or South, to do any act which he docs not believe right and proper under the circumstances. Of all others, he per? haps the very man to form a fair and generous esti? mate of the antecedent conduct and present merits of jHHir Brown. What an opportunity he now has to signalize himself as occupying the loftiest posi? tion among humane und noble men. The prisoner is an old man, hose life, in the common run, can? not be protracted many years.

If he is a danger? ous fanatic to the South, he can be put out of harm's waj within a prison for the brief remainder of his life. Such a commutation might exasfterate a por? tion the South, but they would in time acquiesce iu it. The North would look upon it not as a con? cession extorted either by policy or fear, but as a magnanimous tender of the olive branch. The opinion here is almost universal that the sparing of Brown's life and the permitting him to end his days iu prison would not only insure to him punishment enough, but that an effort that end would place Gov. Wise in a higher position than he baa ever occupied in public estimation.

Vet it must be con that all tlve indications point the other way. It is conceded that the Buchanan office-holders here have bought their way through into a majority IMegatee to the Convention hich is to choose 1 to Charleston. All this ith an eye to put Buchanan hiiuself on tbe track for a second tenn. Kvery art of official hope and terror was exhausted to secure this result, the Post-Office, and Navy-Yard, turning out, with impudence, their crowds of to override the rank and file. Even the Mint has been degraded to the same low part san obitvt.

to Gen. Jackson's time, this institution was kept untaiated by this form of corruption, but since then it has undergone tbe fate of every other public trust which has fallen under rule. It is now degraded to a headquarters of the ni-s-t ultra parti saaahip. All ita from down fn watchmen, artire in their to insure the office-holders a triumph. It ia now crowded with employees, more being in it than can he use? fully employed, yet any number of outsiders were promised bertha as the reward of success.

Thus ever, public institution becomes prostituted into an engine tor tbe perpetuation of the power of the Sham nomocracy. Vet this trifling success in tbe V-tnn programme a meager equivalent for the renewed and stunning overthrow they have just reeeixed in New-York and New-Jersey. Those re? sults were not written down as part ol their philoso? phy. Brow raid in Virginia not turned up the trump if wa? expected to be. and the party now belrin to suspect they have nin that matter into the ground.

As the past campaign has covered all their battle-grounds with broken hopes, so the future looms up as gloomily to them as it gloriously to ns. The heirs of Stephen Girard, ever si nee his death, not satisfied ith the legacies given to them under tbe will, have sought to recover from the city cer? tain portions of the property bequeathed to '1 hey did succeed in obtaining one or two verdicts for inconsiderable portions. It appears that they are still on the watch, lor they have now filed a biil in equity, taking ground that the consolidated city has no right to hold in trust the vanou? bequest" made by Girant. The old eity has, but not the new one with its enlarged boundaries, and thereupon depends another long and costly litigation. There is no liveliness, no wholesome activity in our money market.

There is plenty of capital, but not the right kind of demand tor it. As trade Mag? nates, so money becomes sltnzirish. People are more afraid of stocks than formerly, and are beginning to get ever tbe horror of the banks which struck tin in two years ago. As to railroads, they gee that but tew ol tin in recover, and so generally let them slide. Put the banks huve nearly all got up to the old notch, and have just made fair dividends, though less than in last.

The coal are down, though coal has gone up within a fortnight, and the rtory is that there will be a short supply, even with a million tuns more brought to market than a year ago. There is certainly more money to lend on mortgage than has been known for years. Prune mortgages are salable at par, yet there are others just as good, but less known, which can be bought at ten per cent off. The note brokers find their occupation almost gone. The bulk of tbe paper that would sell in the street is taken by the hanks.

Vet there is: an under? current ol deep shaving always going mi. Let the money articles of the dailies say what they may, money can be loaned on prime collaterals at It' to Pi percent. The worst leuture of this phase of ia.r rowing is that it is done to bridge over old gaps, atul is not the offspring of new and remunerative! business. A lending oiierutor in eity railroads has been forced to under a large decUne in heavy amounts of those stocks. There has been a perfect furor to build those roads and in the stocks, and they hate not been long sjsaih in operation to test their reliability as investments.

In relation to the discredited bonds of the Catawissa Koad, a plan of reorganization bus I.ti agreed on which will prevent all litigation and much loss. But the breaking down of this concern has had a most disheartening influence on all railroad securities which are not known, by long trial, to be absolutely good. A sqund of destitute children picked up from the highways and were last vviek sent off by humane hands to good homes in the West. There is no employment for such here. I MM those in better circumstances, who have friends, find it dif? ficult to get anything to do.

The fact is, we are overdone with workers now turned to idlers. Young men quit their larms and crowd into the city, sure of good wages, but getting none. Mere they drawl away whole years of merely oceusionul occupation, mnny tiiiieH getting into debt as "II as into nnd crowding the already over-crowded avenues of industry. There are thousands now of all occupa? tions doing nothing. Try to get a smart boy into a store, a counting-house, or a workshop, and you will be everywhere met with the reply (hut they would rather di-eharge band than take one on.

There seems to be no more use fur the wants them. The pnjMTs contain advertisements offering as high as for a situation, as if the old English system of requiring a premium with an ap? prentice were fastening itself on us. In the malst of this lack of employment, the sufferers seem struck with blindness as to its cause. No one em? ploys them, because almost everything but what we eat is manufactured abroad. British Free trade gluts us with cloth and iron whose production at home would make a city now idle the hive of con? stant industry.

Every machine-shop aud factory feel- and complains of this unnatural condition of things. Vet if is curious to note that, hile local industry is dull with us, the commerce of the city is very flourishing. Last month, the arrivals coast? wise were while the year before, for the same month, they wen' only a gain of nearly fifty per rent, and this, too, under a gn at fulling off of coal shipments. It has been said that the annals of the short and simple, but they are sometimes a curious study Among the long-established benevolences of this city is the Fuel Savings Society, tunned for the sole purpose ol receiving from poor folks their dimes and hall dimes, when tin have them to spare, to belaid out in purchasing fuel at wholesale rates, which they receive during the Winter. The good thist hing has done for arly thirty ears is marvel? ous.

A cent a day buys one tun of Coal; cents for It weeks entities the depositor to half a tun, und I'j cents to a whole tun. 'I hose able to buy their ow fuel an- not allowed as depOfJfatl. mir will any larger than received atone tune, nor more than in any one month, nor more than the price of three tuns in one season. It is for the poor exclusively and HI of them used it last year, depositing 189, and of prime coal. The families of the depositors numbered men.

women, and childnui. Of these were washerwomen. 42sewing in various other It may well be doubted if the same amount of money could be handled, ithout cost, as this is, and do half as much real good. A stinging rebuke to Pittsburgh repudiation was we, admiiH-r. ied by our Board, in their refusal to the passenger railroads of that city la kg enrolled on their stock list.

The bad faith of Pittsburgh in relation to her railroad bonds was the cause mi the reln-al. THE HE XT SENATOR FROM OHIO. Tu Ikt l.iitor of MM X. Y. Tribunt Sik: I see by Tin Tin hi nk ol Thursday that you assume it us a "fixed tact" that Gov.

Chase is to be the successor of Mr. Pugh in the I'nifi States Senate. It may be that you are right; but I desire to say a few things upon subject before the final vote is taken. It i' ditficnlj for a citizen of another State to under? stand the precise relation in Gov. ('base stands toward the great mass of the Republican voters of Ohio.

Ow ing mainly to tbe conrse pursued by bis special frienle in the Ohio Legislature in the session sf which resulted in his election to the United States Senate, there as no man in ihe State who was held in such utter detestation and abhorrence bv the whole Whig party of the State as Salmon P. Chase. And of Republican voters now in the Slate, aJ least 15U.00U were Whigs. Owing to this met, the nomination of Mr. ('hare for Governor in was re? garded by many as an exceedingly hazardous ex? periment.

But tbe had been so com? pletely annihilated in tbe election of 1854, that it was supposed impossible to defeat any nomination the Re publican Convention might make. Besides, there was a streng desire to have an indorse? ment bv the people ef the State of Mr. Chase's course on the Kansas-Nebraska bill, which was almost unani? mously approved by the people of all parties. It is also true that many Republicans were willing to elect Mr. ('base Governor for the purpose of sbow mir the South that the people of Ohio would sustain tbe most extreme Anti-Slavery views rather than submit to tbe outrageous breach of faith embodied in the repeal of the Missouri Compromise.

After a hard-fonght contest, (Jov. t'base was elected bv a majoritv of 15,751 'The residue of the Republican Stale ticket was elected by upward of votes. Twenty-four thousand two hundred an votes for Governor were thrown awa, upon All? Tnu.ble. by men who indorsed every syllable of the Republican platform, and would voted tor almost any other candidate for Governor ttuu coiid tavt beta placed on the Itvpubiiean ticket. Judge Swan had earned the Stale the year by over 80,000 major? ity.

And there can he no reasonable doubt, if he had been nominated for Governor instead of Governor Chane, tbe Republican ticket wonld have had a major (i In the Republican ticket was elected by a ma? jority of aO.OOf? ii.OOO being throve away upon an American ticket. In lKi7, Gov. Chase was again nominated, and after a bitter entert waa elected by a majority of 1,503 the residue of the State ticket having about Ott majority, and the electjng a large majority in both branches of the Legislature. Again I 9 I were thrown away upon a third ram', for Governor. This partial defeat taught the the neces? sity of ridding themselves et the iruputa'ion of fanati and extravagance, which was fast -linking them into a minorin.

Hence the Republican Convention of put Peck at tbe head of the ticket. He resided ut I to County, the extreme southern, and eoii portion of the State. He had never acted with the Republican party, Gov. Corwin now for the time enlisted in the Republican party, and everted himself manfully in support of the ticket. The whole ticket was elected by over majority, and three Republican Mem? bers of Congress gained.

The Republican State Couvia-ion of IM met upon the heels of 'he rescue trials at leveland atid the ha 1-eas cot pus that grew "ii of them. The West em Reserve came to tue on ention in a blaze of ex? citement against Judge Swan, and demanded fhe nom? ination ot a candidate pledged to the of the power of Congress to mm any Fugitive Modi rate and ronsiilernte again prevailed, and 1 laridnlate tor Supreme Judge was nominated who vans known to concur in opinion Judge Swan on the Slave law. Mr. Dennison, the nom ine for Governor, was an old Whig with conservative antecedents, and no objectionable to any portion of the Republican party. Jio third In ki was nominated, and all the elements Of oppo-itmu united in support of the Republican ticket.

The I of fanaticism and resistance to the laws ot the Cnited States were reiterated through the press, and from fhe stump, and recent declarations ot Mr. Giddings. and the antecedents of Mr. Chase, were i. to in Mipport of the 1 harge.

This whs met hv Me-s-s. Corwin, Schenck, Stanton. and others, by a ilen al responsibility of the Re? publican party tor the antecedents or declarations of anv man. And it is undeniable thai the Republicans owe their success in many of the Counties and Senutonal Dii tricts in the Central and Southern counties to the con? servative position a-suuied by tli is ciass of politicians. The Senatorial Districts 1 oinpoe? I of tl cocu'i.

I oi Montgonu and Prcble, Hutler and Warren, Dela? ware and Licking, and Perry. Rose and Highland. Stalk and Carroll, and Stiofo. Jackson, Ac. that were carried by Democracy two ats ago when GoV.Ch.-i-, Was the head ot the ticket, have now undeniably been carried by the publicans, through the influence of conservative men.

The same may lie said of many of the counties in the election of Representatives, Ii as Montgomery. Highland, Si ioto, Bolmont, Marion, Seneca, Ac. The Republican State ticket is again elected by a mujoritv o( some 18.IHH) or 'JO. COO on a vote, and Very linle effort except in the contested Sena? torial and Representative With these facts and this historv before us, the um sin arises, I- wisdom for the Republican party ol Ohio ngain to put its supremacy in peril by putting Mr. Chase in tbe ad, admitting him to be the proper representative and exponent of its objects and purposes I am not aware that Mr.

Chase has said or done anything since tbe organization of the Repnblicuu party, that every Republican in Ohio would not r. diall'y approve. I lielu-v 'he principles and the honor of the partv would be entirely safe in his But it is insisted by the Democracy, and claimed by some Republicans wlio outdit to know better, that the Re? publican party is merelv a continuance of the old Liberty party of 1H4I ami the Kree-Soil party of 1MB, 3lr. Giddings says, in Tht ula ftnrl'naf, that these conservatives be iolerated for the present, because they are neeesrary to fuke cure of tbe bag? Kvcrvthing that is said or which gives cuneni to this i.lea. t- ruls to paralyze and prostrate the Republican partv ot Ohio, ami ti the whole North W.

t. I can conceive of nothing that would go so far to strengthen this idea, as the election of Mr. base to the Si aata, Thk Titim sv advocated the only sensible and trne philosophy on this subject. 'no jot or tittle ot your plattorm or principles, but encounter no uoiioccm sary prejudice in the sele? tion of your candidate. Be sure that you have a man in whose integrity and fidelity to your principles mi cim confide, und then the fewer prejudices he bus to encounter and overcome the better.

As to the personal claims of Gov. Chase, or any body else, I utteih repudiate fheiu wholly niiwoithy of a moment ou-nlenttion. There is it very portion Of the Republicans of South? ern and Central I Hi 10 who are in favor of the election of Gov. Corwin to the Senate. But to this, it is said that he has not been long enough identified with tbe Republican party to test bis fidelity to its principle-.

And tin re is certainly tone in ibis objection. But there are other gentlemen in Ohio beside Gov. Chase and Gov. Corwin, who are constitutionally eligible to that office, who stand midway between the ernes, that are much lietter representatives of the spirit and purposes of the party than cither of them. Tbe of this city, and especially The Com mcrinil, demands the immediate election of Gov.

He can tolerate no delay. Would like to have an extra session called next week, for the special piliposc ol electing ('base Senator. In's is precisely the thing that ought not to be done. If GoV. base is to be tie- longer it is delay ed the better.

Mr. Pugh's term expires on the 3d of M.ii'h. I. 'I be first regular session of the Senate thereafter ill meet on the tirst Monday of Decemlier A. D.

UKL If Federal 11 usus hj completed prior to the tobi election in 1X111, there will lie an extra session of the legislature for the 1 1 of making the Congressiotial And if not, other exigencies will probably require an extra session. There is, therefore, no necessity for IIn? election of a Senator prior to the Presidential election. And as Gov. Chase is i aief.Int.- n.i President, und may eleeted to (hut office, the Legislature may be ompeil, ,1 to look elsewhere tor a Senator. But, whoever may be elected President, there is no doubt but many things will transpire during the eventful Presidential yea, which is approaching that may materially influence the choice of a Senator from Ohio.

It is impossible to tell, in advance, what precise complexion the i anvass is to assume. lu-ther the Republican candidate is to tu- Sewnrd, or Chase, or tu. or a Republican I'resident is ought to elect a S-nator from Ohio who would have 1 nemii to uui-h. and ho would and harmonize with the Administra? tion, and give it a warm aud cordial supjiort. And whethert hase, Corwin, or Delano, would liest do this, cannot be known until alter the election.

1 Atiil if any man doubts Gov. Corwin fidelity to the principles of the Republican party, the eventful ses-iori of ongrese which is approaching will settle that ones- tiou. Give him an opportunity; to prove his faith by 1 his works." But I object to tne election of a Senator re tbe Presidential election, uiiiujIv because it can? not fail to operate disastrously upon fhe Republican party of Ohio in the Presidential campaign. It Gov. is 1 lec'ed.

they will b. paralysed hv the withering influence of farmlical anti -clients and associations. speeches madi twenty years ago, in of negro suffrage and negro, ijiiah' will be paraded in glaring capitals in every Democratic per, and read from every stump in the State, to show that the Republican is merely laboring for the I elevation of the negro, instead ol th." free white labor? ing men of the country. This was tbe whole capital and stock in trade of the Democracy during the recent I submit, therefore, that it is not wisdom to furnish the Democracy with ammunition for this great gun ot by the otOfldoa of Gov. to ihe Senate be? fore the Presidential election.

If it is to leu done, let it postponed bevoud the of November, lStJO. Ii. AN A CVME SOME BYES. To tht Fdi'rar of Tht V.

Y. Tribomt. Sir: I rind many people in the prairie regions afflicted with sore eyes. In tbe case of climafed a sore on the eyelids, matures, and in some instances spreads, so as to cause total blindness for days or even weeks. For the benefit of persons so afflicted.

1 desire to tay that they will wash their with salt water several a day, they will find a speedy aad certain cure. Washing in salt water will lee found beneficial to weak eyes; and well may be kept in order by opening them every morning in sah water and keeping them in the solution a few aaa l-. Joit.v B. Wood. Latrrtoet.

4, A little plant is found upon fhe prairies of Texas, the compass dower. which, under all eircom stances of cKmate, of weather, ram. frost, or sunshine, invariably turns its leaves and flower toward the North, thus an unerrmg guide to ths trav? eler, who, artssided by needle, to explore JtH JOHlt BROWN'S INVASICiC. ef The S. T.

Tribene. Saturday p. Not. 12, BW. of inttMM At a clock this afternoon Jewett and Hort, tbe former artist for Frank halte paper, tbe latter junior counsel of John Brown, departed tine town for a more northern and happier sphere.

Their last mo? ments wen-, alas! not tranquil. A ungeriuK suspu ion had Ung preyed apon them, and although in certain moments hopes were entertained t'fiat the result would net prove fatal to their residence here, yet the disorder guthered strength, and after a aeries of violent spasms, a began yesterday and continued in irregular suc? cession for twenty-four hours, causing greai public anxiety, tbe crisis came, and the destiny of Messrs. Jewett and Hoyt was decided. The victims bad all along appeared singularly blind to danger, and even up to the solemn anuoaucement of their impending fate were perfectly unconscious of their precarious position. When informed that their Charlestown life was about to terminate, they mauif'ested a careless un? concern, which found expression iu winks and furtive t-miles, revolting to the in-tincts of their advisers.

Such evidence of hardened impenitencecheck ed what? ever flow of sympathy their might have riven rise to, and they were sternly admonished make preparations for the end of their visit, which cm i um soon after. 1 saw what remained of them bo. no away in a hack of lauen al aspect. The painful was witnessed by the entire population of harlestown. Various sentiments appropriate to the occasion were uttered.

Not a soldier but discharged Ins farewell shot of reproachful remark. The Colonel in charge tightened the bow-knot in which his hair is tied over his forehead, und breathed murmurs of satis? faction at the peitieful manner of the exodus. The hotel negroes clinked the little legacies which had been bestowed them by the departed, and Id.1 tin ir retreating shadows. All fell that it was. perhaps.

I well over, and the clouds of constraint were lifted from Cliarlestown. Af.or this, a descent to narration of plain facts ill probably be in order. The circumstances of this expulsion are to me very ludicrous, although I cannot but feel a deep remorse when I consider that tin gentlemen have Ix-cii made to bear, in a measure, the nalty of my atrocious misdeeds, each of them hav? ing supjvosed? Mr. Jewett in particular- to be the corr.Hi*>ndent of Tin: ftUMtt. Moth.

however, have had other attached to th. m. Mr. Hoyt was understood to have the entire spirit of Northern Abolitionism concentrated within him. and was stispecttd of various for the de livery of some of the Mr.

Jewett was ab solutelv believed by many to be the incendiai-y who tired Col. Lucas's wheat stack. From the arrival of Col. Lucas in town, I think, the extreme and active bitterness of feeling against the visitors may be dated. I member that the Colonel rode breathlessly up to the front of the Carter House, aud, us soon us his voice, which he had outridden, overtook him.

began to deliver an (nation of great weight, so far us i ness of denunciation wus concerned. Wbiledescribing the individual who had been seen in suspicious proximity to his stack, his eye fell upon Mr. Jewett. He dismounted, walket! up, laid his hand upon Mr. Jewett shoulder, and pro? claimed that the resemblance between hiui and the prowler was most extraonlinary, in form, in fea? ture, and in garments.

Mr. Jewett did not seem to l-c ore with gratitude at this bit of compliment. The people of Charlestown. however, who are wholly given up to haired of all Northern visitors, immediately set their spleen at work, and revolved malignant plans. Colonel Lucas gave the correct turn to tbeir ideas by declaring aloud that too much tolerance had shown the strangers round ubont, and that he hoped, 1 for his that something would be done to get rid of them.

The public mind of Charlestown being in tbe condition of a sawder magazine, and needing only some such spark of incitement, went off at once, with a i. at deal of noise. A discussion held, unorgan? ized and irregular, to be sure, but sufficiently effective, lor this morning, the Mayor of the town, Thomas W. Green, issued the following proclamation: Wktrtat, It i- deemed prudent und right, by the Town Coun? cil of Charleatovt n. that there not be longer permitted to or county any it ranger who cannot gives sari.factory account of hiuiseit; now, therefore, Thomas C.

Oresa, Mayor of Charlesto'wn, do hrrehy proclaim and make I nov. that sll such strangers most immediately leuve the town or tonntv, aud if they iu not. any member of tbe Town Coun? cil. I he Town Sergeant, Col. Davis, Lawson Holts, K.

M. Xs'jiiith, Wells .1. Hawks, are requested to make it thalr special I fo bring such strangers before the Mayor or some eel the to be dealt with according to law; and the authorities of Harper's Kerry. Bolivar, Mhephsrdstown. or Mid dlsway.

and all other authorities In the county are hereby re? quested to take liks 12. 1849. THOMAS OaUtttf, Mayor of Charlestswa. Thus fortilied and encouraged, the would have it that Messrs. Sennott, Jewett, and Hoyt must leave the neighborhood.

Deputations waited them, and so informed them. They at first doubted, and one of them sought the Colonel in command to ascertain particulars. Col. Davis thought they had all better go. Everybody mistrusted Mr.

Hoyt, he said, and as for Mr. Jewett, it was settled that he was Thb Tmnf.m correspondent, and the most dangerous man in town, as he had been seen drawing military plans on numerous occasions. Mr. Hoyt professed willingness to depart, and Mr. Jewett did not feel called upon to to invite destruction by so they immediately collected their baggage, and at I o'clock started off for i Harper's Ferry.

Their landlord bade them a kind farewell, and said he was sorry he could uo longer shelter them, but surely they could not expect him to Iwat unmoved the prospect of having all his smashed on their account. Mr. Sennott refused to go, and did not go: but whether he will be permitted to choose for himself in this mutter is a doubtful question. I suppose it will next be determined here that Ac is Thi: TitiBiNK tai; tt'. since the withdrawal of Hoy and Jewttt fails to interrupt the cor? respondence.

1 trust not, for he is workiug well to gain whatever may be legally secured for the prisoners, and to collect tbe scattered fragments of Brown's property, which the family of the prisoner will need. it may be worth while to say that any such step would hardly accomplish the desired end. Thi Titim will remain at Charlestown, will cleave to it, will still invoke the hospitalities of its community, and will never forsake it, until the whirlwind of excitement which now agi- i tates it shall subside, leaving no opportunities for tbe i exercise of his functions, and the flat stagnation of its cut-tomary life shall have again folded its inhabitants in the dreary desolation from which no journalist can extract profit or satisfaction. When the carriage which conveyed away Messrs. Hoy and Jewett bad disappeared in distant dust, a i load seemed to have been lifted from tbe of the town.

A partial cheerfulness diffused itself around. Tbe of the rattled quite merrly. The knowledge tlia: Mr. Sennott remained, dampened in some degree, the general satisfaction, but on tbe hole, the turning away of two very dangt men was enough of a trinmph to crow over for one day. Gradually the conversation on this subject passed away, and tbe now universal topic of the show, the execnticn, was taken up.

The people are delighted with tbe prepared arrangements for tbeir eu tertainment on the 16th of December. They hope that the time of Brown's execution may be deferred until that day, in order that heir great hunger for vengeance may be at one gnlp. They want a full five-act tragedy. First two acts in the morning, when the negroes Copelajtd and Green are to be strangled; oecoud two in tbe after? noon, altera mitable intermission for tbe imagination to feast upon the recollection of what has passed aad tbe anticipation of what is to come? when Cook and Coppic are to yield their Lves. Finally, at a later hour, for fifth act, and for crowning climax, they demand that Brown shall expire before them, tbe curtain of night to fall upon the old death and the lights of the firmament to guide the retiring foot stepo of tbe vast audience.

It is a pretty octette worthy of Yirgima, I think. iff lullt nr ooosf behalf. It in rviile nt that a strong effort, in which pol Heal irflnrnce will be nurd, ie to he ruade to obtain mer. ook. one tbe Harper 's Ferry 74? Washington I'nian publishes the whole of the lion.

J. W. Yorbees's appeal to the Jury and the lead of the counsel ia styling tbe prisoner a miser? able Imjv," "the boy prisoner," "youthful client, elf. Mfj twenty-five American. MOVEMENTS OK MARINKS.

the western train of the Baltimore and Qbio BaSTlond Company brought from Harpers Ferry 11 grant and twenty Cnited Sta'ee marines, who been on dutv at that place for the last three or eeks, Kadi man, in addition to musket and side arms displayed one of the long which the had provided for the imrpose of arming the blacks the 'Id Dominion, and they passed along from tbe Camden station to their temporary quarters were followed by crowds of persons. I Baltimore Ataenesn. Uta. LETTER FROM DR. G.

HoWE. Tbe following letter is published by Dr. Howe in the Boston It will be seen that lie denies all knowledge of Cook, lieutenant, who, in his) hinted at Dr. Howe's direct complicity Brown. Tbe particular statement of Cook was that weapons had been given to Brown bv Dr.

Howe, some time previous to the invasion. NOV. II Rumor has mingled mv name with the events at Harp i Ferrv. So long us rested on such al-surdi ties as letters written to me Col. Forbes, or others, was idle for notice.

But when complicity is dis? tinctly charged by one of the parties engaged, my ti beseech me to define my positiion; and I nt. the I divest myself of What, in i might ba consideretl an honor, and i undeserved ones. As regards Mr. Cook, to the best of my knowledge und bebet. 1 never saw him; never corresponded with bun; never even heard of him nut il since the outbreak at Harper's Ferry.

That event wits unforeseen and ted by me; nor all my previous kuowl of John Brown enable me to reconcile it with his characteristic prudence, and his reluctance to shed blood, or excite servile insurrection. It is still, to me, a mvstery. and a marvel. As to the heroic man who planned and led that forlorn hope, my with him in former times' were such as no one ought to be afraid or ashamed to avow. If ever ray testimony to high qualities um be of use to him or his.

it shall be forthcoming at the fitting time and plaee. But neither this uor any other testimony shall be extorted for unrighteous purpivses, if 1 can help it. There are among the statutes of our I'nion certain apoiis, concealed, are the of the cat. in velvet paw. which are seemingly harmless, but art) allv deadly instruments, bv which we of the North may forced to unhold and defend the barbarous sys? tem of Human Slavery.

For instance, a shonc-t Judge in the remotest South, or in fur-off California, mat, upon the affidavit Off any white person that Mut testimony of any citizen of Massachusetts i- wanted rt a criminal suit, send Marshal, who may hail i itizen before the Judge, and among strangers, to for his appearance in coin, or be commit? ted to jail. Cpon the stand, such of opinion may bo drawn from him will murk him for an Abolitionist, and turn bim out of' the Court House to the tender mercies of a people, once called chivalrons and gener? ous, but among whom the love of fair play seems rapidlv dying out. Such martynlom might be coveied by some, if any high purpose were to gained by it; but it is especial? ly undesirable when tbe testimony is not sought with en and righteous, but with false and revengeful pur? pose. I am told by high legal authority that Xassacbiisettit is so trammeled by the bonds of the Union, that, an matter- now stund, "she cannot, or dare not protect her Irani such forcible extradition; and that each protect himself as he liest may. Cpon that bint I shall act; preferring to forego anything rattier than the right to Iree thought and free epeceh.

Youn faithfully, tv HOWR. SOUTHERN PROTIST AGAINST THE VIR? GINIA VIEW ok HARPER! PERRY. From The ilottU Ktoisttr. We re publish elsewhere a remarkable article from The Richmond Enquirer. We do so iu order to place upon record our unqualified, earnest, indignant pro? test not only against the of the writer, bat against the toue and spirit of the article.

We are un illing that such a rracrnly outcry shall go before tha Northern public without at least one voice of dissent from the South. It was disgraceful enough that tho inroud of twenty-two wretched border marauders should cow a town of ucouplo of thousand inhabitants. smarted under the ignominy, but could find exten? uating in the paralysing effects of a panic originating in surprise and utter ignorance the extent of tbe danger. Then it was a bitter pill to swallow, that tlov. Wise should praise (if, indeed, wo may truef the report of own organ) his citizen sol? diery for not having shown the white feather while on their way to take a snitf of gunpowder.

But now, for a Southern paper to go before the world with what tho world ill consider a cowardly confession, and what we denounce an unmitigated' falsehood, is more than we can bear. Tbe burden of The Enquirer's is, that tho institution of Slavery requires the assistance of tho General Govereiment, that it lifts no stdf-sustaiuiag power, and that to repose in peace and security wo must needs trust to the arms of our beloved brethren, the factory hands and mechanics of the North. Protection (meaning Federal iiniiootiuaj of Slavery i donmnded by the blow! of slaughtered citizens, ana the traitorons Southerner that dares denv the right, is even more criminal than the o'f the tuar leotftWI jail." We profese to love the South withal ardent heart's devotion, and we feel in this moment that we love it as The Enquirer is incapable of loving it; yet wi the above sentiment as unworthy sf Virginia, recreant to Southern dignity, and intuiting in atmtmtrm honor. We, in Alabama, and in theo'hsr Soiithwe-tern States, have more slaves than over they hud in the negro-breeding bonier States; and not oouy an toMj OOOHaotOOa to take care of them and keep them iu subjection, bnt to furnish to Virjfinia, if she cannot deal ith hers, arms as steady andriftes as true as The will be likely to tret from ibe Feden.l fit and the Northern Slates. We never expect to need such aid, and would soora to ask for it.

I f)ie worst enemies; of the 'hft most frantic of trcidom-shriekers at the invented a calumny more injurious to us than this novel plea of Gov. Wise organ of tho insecurity of Slavery for want of Federal protection Has The Enquirer forgotten how, in the trying days of the Revolution, the Carolina planters left their homes and families under the charge of faithful tbe negroeo planted the crops while the masters fought their asm cause lias The Enquirer forgotten how few" Virginia slaves availed themselves of the royal Gover? nor few sought refuge on Lead Dunmore's ships Have the timcsehanged since then, or has The Enquirer also forgotten the more recsst occurrence, which is so frequently iu text, and whtw not a solitary slave joined the invaders, and tbe list i in was a negro faithful to his trust We are hearfil? steh of this unmanly whintng, thit er pi ng Like a spanked baby over grtetamttt. We have hemp enough grown tho South forsl slave rebels and their white instigators; we have ruVt and bullets enough to protect our wives and children, and we should Ding buck as an insult an offer of For eral nrefeetion, were it made. True dignity ittif latea by the undue importance given thit mittrmm raid of a few frantic fanatics; if should have classed with a Bultimore riot or a shw heinous crime, to be but not one iraply-sf a frightful danger to the Smth. Yet Southern in calling it an insurrection; persist in sposkftt of it in a quaking voice aud trembling tones, as thsgp the whole social fabric of the South were but a rine of powder, which awaited the slighter an irretrievable explosion.

And inch, tttdeed, xmprettion mott induttriautlu produced abroad, ir en among the timid sentit of our own net ton, tt ttUy, craven any irhtre, unuorthy of Southern men. The facts upon which The pvedkfttsjjj nonsensical effusion, are untrue in sad tbeir allegation intrinsically absurd. According own showing the slaves might run away from der counties, ycf tkep da not. The real of Abolitionizing of Virginia, which is a is the high price of slaves. How many in are suffi.

a-ntly devetflfjr our labor system to refuse the for a the tooth-West can afford to pay them, when hire a white laborer in his place for $12 a the additional advantage of discharging him or when there is not work enough Lot The and its wordy patron who waxes so over the immorality of the slave-trade, put that in their pipes and staoke it. Like the from fbeir opium puffs, they may perhaps bvion, oblivion of the real of the is more slaves and not Federal pttttectiou tut ie tally able to protect ithout Northern President has at last received a Genealogical Bible. Tbe generous and I was the House of tbe Mdbodfet Church, South..

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