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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 25

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a ilol ilollata lata latanet net netftc ftc ftcter ter terma ma maek ek ekand and andth th tha a of ofon on onOFY OFY OFYark ark arkand and anddo do doght ght ghtlag lag lagcow cow cowrd rd rdfly4 fly4 fly4ted ted tedOne One Oneta ta taa a Mid Middo do doder der derbut but butIon Ion Ionno no nonnc nnc nncuee uee ueelip lip lipOwn Own Ownand and andmt mt mttry try tryt hf hfling ling Ing IngIu Iu Iurat rat ratat at athe he be1 be1ul ul ulnec nec necan an I Imit mit mitan an mat matokJ okJ okJa a a di diurt urt urtor or ortersj tersj tersjIt 1 1A It ItII II IIotc otc otcthe the theiua iua iuaIng Ing bear bearIouI IouI ter terusi usi Junif unif unifflu flu flufor for forIn In Intr tr trCe Ce Ceaye aye ayeed ed A I 4 1 I I It I 40 40I I THE 1 SUNASUNDA A 0 DJjCEMBfeIjS CJJltBEn 1903 3SL 1 IiL IiLh JII Jl r6 0 1 DONT DO YOUR FRIENDS FINDS BETTING BETTINGInstances 8ETINfl BETTINGb BETTINGInstances I i iI I Instances of the Queer fueer Luck of the Racetracks a etrack I 1 itlNOTONi IrnTPr Io Do 8 6The The leader IClder of orhl i ibus i1II bus hl 1II procession IlrOC8O of trolloy trlay cars ar Ixjund und for forth forthtrack th the the1IIIilgR 1 It 1IIIilgR iniiiigs track came to a 0 grinding halt th thother Ihl Ihlelhr tbthr other thr aftonioon Ircnlon with wih nlxiut IbOll two miles I le I stll stllto 111 tII to 150 gc The power pwer had hld temporarily talporlrlr givei giveiout ghln ghlnou out ou The To halt citmo about aholt quarter Iualfr uartnr of ni niknur 11 11hnur illriIir knur riIir before bfor post tim for rol tin first frRI race raceWell IC ICWel raC raCVeIl Well Wel theyre thor all 11 dogs In the tlrnt 11111 race racewintd rlCI rlCI1Ill rac racI wintd 1Ill I to be tho tho tl1 oplnidii 011101 01111 iou or 1 thn Ih liii regular regullrl regullrlld egulu ritid 1 itid nd ld others othorl who wnro WI shivering hlvlrlg In the thl opei opeiiats Upl Upl1lls ptl ptliats iats 1lls of the stranded Itrmlrll front 11011 cur ar and w1 lbe be 0 dough In hn iiad id by iii missing JI IefIIg lllg itf It ItIhatn I Ihatn hat ii all 01 a It right rllhl Ion 10 ut put Plt In II a worrta worrtaliicldng Yorrl worrlt1o 1 1Ildog liicldng Ildog 1o I lag man mn who sal 1 ru I biitldled hlddlld I UK Id td up lp in 1 the Iht lie roil roilpai 111 rtui i pai 11 a with wi II his hi ovpruoat tiollar llr drawn drwn drawnht alwu alwuI Ibout IbouthlIlrf I hi hlIlrf 1iira nr but nllthn ni Ihn wimo MI Id Il I Ilka lll 1 to have han ltatfEtv ffew ffw few of you ou fellows reloU give gI Io tno I tn your rOlr names numrK ant antjiddrisses 1111 1111IlirTPH flflddrfteN jiddrisses IlirTPH nt thatand hat Inl iind li ho hf nervously nlrolHlr pullet pulletoui oui 011 ot a I notebook not hook and Iml Illci iticiI iticiITIt mncil mncilThe The Thl TIt men 10n In tho sainn Rln mint H1 at with tho worriec worriecDiking wore woreklng worrlek Diking klng In chap rcgnrtleil lYglldd him li Im curioimly clrlollly Cu rioIlNiy bit bitukl hiI hiIhIIOlllllg I IiitI ukl hIIOlllllg hIIOlllllgMid nothing nothingXisaki nothingflalLl Xisaki Mid the i man with the Ihl he notebook ant antpencil 011 011pli ni nipui4tl pencil pli his hl face foto wearing wrlrlg a wan and all froxoi froxoigrin fl04U fl04Urio fioeigrin grin rio Im not a bug hlg neither 111111 t1tIi am al I sleuthin sleuthinfor eleuthil eleuthilrn for rn nvldenco ldllc agaiimt Iglll the Ijooklea hookle Yoi Yoiwont Yotwnnt 01 wont 01 1m I Rtandlmt Illn tartdln for any 1m pinch by glvlnf glvlnfrne girIiinil nil 11 vour motinler mOlaer and Ind hangouts hangoutsi haugouhHit i lint Hit lI itsthi Itf It thl 1114 way WiY ny Ive I got anot another anolhlr br mani manirnonry lanl lanlmOi snanTIlnflP rnonry mOi TIlnflP in my IY clothes to lx bet on the Ihefrft first race raceHnf rCt rCtIf racelI Hnf If lI pretty Plt nifty nlry nift lawyer In toyrn toVI tovti and I nd lu luroiildnt hI hIlIIIIllnI ltIIiRI roiildnt lIIIIllnI tIIiRI make illfll the Ih track today toda us lS usual usuallx 1111 lx ciiii tiiae bos ho got Iol court clrt case caseThl ef Thl 11114 11 morning morling somebody IlobOly handed hanld him tub thiiTotnesR thlRnlwM tubTnns TotnesR nlwM plug A couple COIIJ16 of hours ugo Igo go hfpaused hf hopsd hpasd paused psd mo 11 a I century rnturynot note and Imdt told ld me meto 10 10I IH IHin to I spraddle pmdlll the hit hundred hundrd bones lJnel across alrOS the theIxxirtl thohoard tlisbolrl hoard on Totnew Toln I wouldnt give gheent givefnls Krdils rdils ent for Tot TOtfl lies nlI myeelf 1t but he may cop copnl Cp CpR cupAt nl that thutiiit hatnd thatml ml thnrr not ot a 1 chance in life Iro of my myUIIIK mv myai 1 ai UIIIK i11 ig thn tim track lrk for the Ihl first frst race 8c ScI i I imt lnt to II lx II protected prolctfl Ive 11 been en there there110IV thereI 110IV I 1 I re reThis rcI This I hl writ wri writer wrier is II a pretty prtty good goo friend friendof of inlnn Ilnand iitIi and hes got ot no reason rellon tosuppos tosupposIhiil t8UPPI 111 I Ihiil Im I iii highbinder or second Icoml story storymiv Itmy Itmym1 etrym2 miv m1 Hut this llt is 11 racing rchll business bUIlnes aud that tbtitin t1m in 1m I i it I different ifer lt Tho fItt most of un 11 aa aaflwp uvi uvisupftt uO supftt flwp It I Father Kelly Kel if wo gave gv him hi a araiing aIlllg aatflK Illlg raiing commission eommlAion to perform prorm and afte afterHIP aftethr aftetlt tlt HIP thiiiR Ihlnr had hop hoppet ed 1 through trough ho came taxuoback camebank eal bank bek to us I ii with wih a drawn drn mouth and a Istrv Istrvof story storyof of how he missed tire tif I guess gUe1 you ducka duckaunderstand dUlks duekflIIII1 understand understandTuny 111 IIII1 r4ttI tuld nd nddlii Tuny 11 diii dl They wore all al smiling mlng reml remlnlsxititly rml rmlni8ltly reminis nlsxititly ni8ltly nis cut ly before bfor he had hld finished fnlhed his hlt explana explanat exlna exlnationund tionund ion und the four rOlr of them in inhltwlngly inhltwlnglyIa his hIaeeatwlllingly hIaeeatwlllinglygato seat willingly willinglygave gave Ia 1 him their thei names nlellnd and addresses addrsses which whichIIB whlh whlhhn whichus IIB wrotn rl4 in his hi notebook nolebk with wth considerable considerablerir ofsldemhlo ofsldemhloN ran Tlie outcome oUIcme proved proe his wisdom iol The Thnfouling The1llnp TheIding fouling 1llnp trolley troley car cr didnt make the track trackuntil tack tackllll tracktititil until llll after the first frlt races raos numbers numbel1 had hadbean hd hdhef1 hadheen bean hef1 hung out out Tho lo top number nuber was a that thatff thaLff thatf ff ff Toilless Totnl which annexed Innex the race ro with withi ih kt i lo I against alaln8t his hil chance chancehe chanc i 1 he lawyers lawer delayed dAlaye commissioner ommillone had hadnil hd hadall 1 1fl nil fl four rOlr of the Ihl men whoea wh0e narn names nme he had liadtaken hadtiktitwo taken takentwo two or them well known knoW racing racingmen nlo nlomen raclagmr I men at A his office of on the following tol wiDg morning morningsaid morlJg morlJgirt morningict irt ict said the thllawer lawyer good go nattiredly nattiredlyVcn ntrel nathredlywhn whn Vcn Ws friend frillr turned InrnP turned up with wit the tberourwlt thefour four wit wltnewsw witto i newsw 1 tn bU h1 day in reaching the Ihp track trackN tnck 1 at nil 1111l ntoiMury ntoiMuryi IIf i hhuhlt Ihuhit niiy le rotall rot aU right was wastlw wastlw washit tlw hit oixmnisiiloners reply but iit nil the le same samefid eazneold eId hut I IIillinn I fid Id man 111 I fiH fll whole wholl choIefew few better bete that tlt the thesiluntinn thejIthttjtifl siluntinn Iillinn i j4 frarnrd frarl ip just ut II it in inThat I ilj8t That 11 fellow fllol had 1J hii 1 head hed ou straight stri ht all allKiisirn alI alIFmlr allnotigh i 1 Kiisirn enough Inoulh remarked rIrke ono 010 of the rac racing mcIn riLCIng i ing In men ln on coining mrlnj away cj from the lawyers lawyersoffice laverl lawyersoffice I Iofk I office ofk But Bil he hE made his hu mistake rlitake in no norpting ao aoptn noepting rpting ptn I friends rrpndA belting hetlng money mone in the thefir thefr1 thefir fir fr1 place plae Xo real wise cove ce Is willing wlln wilIin in inthese InII IntIe these II tIe days dnYI to tuko Ilkn upon IponhlmRelr himself the re responsibility reI resonildIity I sponsibility ronsihilr of attending atendlnj to another Inotho mans mansgambling mns mansgHnIbIing 1 1IRmhlo gambling IRmhlo Ive been hlel so ro 6 badly bldl jarred Jure at atthv atthit i itlnl I III i I thv fort Ior of thing IMnr that now I wouldnt wouldntplace tpliic place II I two 110 dollar dolar bet on al I sure IIC thing ting 100 100lo WOIn 0 lo 0 1 shot hot for my brst pal pn I if ho IH It was WDI laid Illd up upIn lp lpIn upIn In a I hospital hopial with wih Ith a I i fractured fracture prop propFur propFlr propFor Fur Flr instnnce In tlnr my ciBarmnn uglMIIln In Harlem HarlemiH Hrlem iJI iH 11 never 10vor get jlt ovnr OVOI bolloving Imelng Im afink fink fnk and ands aId aIdR arda bnllothnad lulotlunrl Ono Oll day during the last lastMorrin IRIIonil lsitMotrirt Morrin Ionil Park meeting 10potlll I pulled pulM my gasolene gasoleneKinscart KaAolonAjhu gesolenegIiiiart Kinscart jhu nrt up ul In front froll of 01 his i1t shop to stake stakemviclf Itlkl Itlklm stakemyacif mviclf cl to Bonio OIO smoke smoktyI smokeITo RmulI ITo 1 I Ic brought lol ht my lY box of cigars dlarR out to the thepuff thl thlpuf thepuff puff puf wagon WB on and 111 nfter nCer Id stufffd Rtuler my pockets pocketsfie pckotl fie handed hondll inn IE hi his picks for the six ranett ranettKTiuvled I ricesttrnlcd KTiuvled ra dl on a bit hi of paper pplrald and a toncasn toncasniifiiv lono tencaseIi wanted to parlay the Xpaper Xpaperon iifiiv 1 Ii tI He wantld me P1118 on Oi his hi six Ilx selections selectionsI flleclols flleclolsI I I told him that that he must mUft mean leal Bud and andiwi old oldn nitdnjt iwi me 10 end I loaned Ianfl hack In II the hlssdrosky hlssdroskyBin hIAlk hIAlkBII BII siil Bin np npto spent pelt aholt about tn Ihll tidinites In explalnlll explaIning explaIningto to II him why wh Id cutout elt t1I 011 out frivolling frhollnJwlth frivoIiingwlth with other otheriwiplnn othpr10npr otherpls iwiplnn pls money nt 01 racetracks IIlrltkl Ho I said that thatI thlt I as hi 10npr only chance ehnt chancethat that he didnt dldll knOw knbwof kno of 1 anybody 11brJI 01 else INC going golnJ out to Morris Iorrl Park Parkthai PorkthaI Parkthtt thai aftornoon irurloon But Blt I had to draw drw myself myselfup mRelrup up UI to 1 my Ii full rul seated ete height all 01 the same sameAll Ilne IlneAlor aetnaAll All of those tho six picks of his hi won WOI some someof 11 of I Alor thmn h1 nt ot any alY old oli odd odt Ho got busy busywith bURYI busyvtIi with a pencil and pad that that evening evenln after afterhed afterh afUrhRl I hed 1 seen pn pnci the results llt8 pd and figured evenlnl gurd It put putthat out outthat outthat that mv refusal Ifusl to take his hii sawbuok swbuok arid atdbt atdbtIt bet betit betIt it for IV him on the parlay prlay system ly tem had hadoost coat cst him himH himrund round rund ono hundred hundr and thirtynine thlrnlne million milliondollars milon milondoHarf milliondollars dollars doHarf and some 8me odd cents centsI ont I saw IW that lie regarded rgred me as a shine shineand ane aneBll ahincsad and Bll that there ther was no way of squaring squaringIt aurDg aurDgIt It with wih him and so I I had ba to hunt hut a new newtobacconist newtorclmlet newtohcM1Ilst tobacconist he wasnt alnt even civil to me meafter mealer meaftcr after aler torclmlet Id lost lo him all 11 of those millions millionsio 111on8 1 8 io that if youvo ouv got friends frendR thoughtless thoughtlessenough thoughtell thoughtellenough thoughtlessenough enough to ask 8k you to do their thelrhors heirhorse horse betting bettingfor bttng bttngro bettingfor for ro them youro our liable lable to 1 get gt It coming cming and andning Ind IndOng andKoing ning SSt ningA Ong A friend of mine minean mie an old timer tmer at the thegame Lbegare theatne game gare atne was Wil driving drivng his hil fast pacer out outfrl outfrom outfromhtcago from fromChicago Chicago Chl htcago go to the old Roby traoka troko few fe years yearsgo yearago yearaago ago go He had in his kick a 0 11000 11 note notehieh noO notehei hieh a chum hlm of his hil a big expressman exprlmn In InCkago inChicago nChicago Chicago Ckago had passed ftBROd to him him to bet bt on old oldRlfl oldRife oldRifle Rlfl Rife Rifle In II the first pe race raceWhen rC raceWhen frt When Whln he was Wil lult htI way woy to the Robytrack Roby Robyrack Rby Rbytrlk rack trlk his hil paoer got away Iway from frm him in a ahy 0 ashy I Ishy shy hy over a I por piece plpc of flying flylngpaper lng paper took the theIron te teIrn theiron Iron Irn In his molars 0mrl and went ppr off or crer Gyr the thepralrin theprairie I prairie rlrn at at a 200 2 flat ft scamper lampr or something somethingpreity smetHing smetHingnlt sornethinpretty pretty nlt close cloe to it My friend frend waa Wa tossed tossedInto ted tosee toseelato I road and andthe andthe Into tho Ilo some mo scrub Brb brush brfh near ra I the horse horol went wpnt on until unti the cart It turned turnedover tumll turnedOEr I over Ofr when he pulled up up1y My Ir friend picked puled himself hlmel up lp and caught caughtJoe cught eauhtthe 1 1the Joe the horse horl The le picke trap trp was Wos a wreck wrck He Heet let letIt ietit I It lie 10 and Ind took tok the hone hoJ half hal a mile mie uroAti up the theloaI I Ito roAti to a roadhouse radhous barn barnHe birtifle to He was fooling around lrund brn brnHe the back bck yard yardof yardof Wil roolng yr of the lhl madhouse roadhoul after aftr oefliug flug to the horses horsesqzr horse hor88 hor88qr sIstnrn qr qzr whln when ho bcked backed Into anunprt6te anunproteoted anunproteotedca Istnrn that was being dug It I was a neat neatbackfnll 101 neathackftil backfnll bkfrll of about 1 but Oi bIng twenty twont feet but he lit litjn lt lthi liton jn on hi shoes IhOI and Ind went to the shoulders shouldersMU Mouldr shouldershalf MU half 1 In mud mid and half hai In yellow elo water waterAll waterAll All 1 of this I think thnk portends prlnd he coclly cocllycalled cocllyotlletl cly clycled called cled hack to the excited excied roadhouse rohOUA man manho mn mnho manwho who ho hopped around arwld the edgtjof Nlg of the tll cistern cisternUat cltem cltemhat cisternthat hlppd that hat Rifle Hle is going to get vhere hem Katie Katiewore Kte Ktebom Katiewore wore the yoke yke But say sr sa first IIIt thing of all allton al allbefore bom before rom tkinK taking In any steps wbat whatevor to PI pry prytue tue out 0 hor here Ind send dow down a bucket hitched hltchen hitchedto tt ttout ton to string will 1 ll you youTho roukTho youThu as eked skodTho kTho Tho Id roadhouse radhouR keeper kfpr did a as he le waseked was wasskod Was The man mn in i the cistern ciKteM who ho was 88 unin uninjured uln jured JUd wriggled wrggled tlO around lrund when tho bucket bucketlet buret burett bucketVs Vs let down to him and dropped drp something somethingJnU somethinIt methinRthe It JnU the bucket that lookexfillke lokM lke a small smallPull II ama amainp inp of sCllptrs sculptora we wet cly clyul clay 0p Pull ul away awy Jake he said Id to the th th roadI road roadroae rd rdI bota roae man Thats a a a 11000 1000 note not in i the theS theb2Otsttha mn Tt 110 te teuta I I bnalcsttoat uta thing thiK that loolu Ik like piece pe oflumber of lumber Jioksspruceguin lels prlCglr I mean luCnn Now Nowyou Xowou Nowyou otumlJr you ou let soinn 111 of your our hired lfl men attend tgetting 10 10gtlng hettlrIg getting gtlng mi 1 out JiL tlt of hero hfro und RII you hitrh hlrh un UII UIIHlo uI uItIe r77 r1 ij rth for fortho fo fot Hlo tIe rOltelt fnstest lP to vouw gnt makn nolI Rohy th tho h4t liNt JII ruit Ilio lnt ii I its I It 11 ti in the I he horsw honIyoli1 I terse youve you ye go gotwenty Iot IottWtjlty gotejity twenty tWtjlty mlnutosiuid IIIUI iiiitiuta aud get gt thai Jioixulnwi Jioixulnwion 110X iflO cown dnwt dnwton on 11 Rifle HIt ltif1 to win winNo winXoohlw winNo No Xoohlw ohaw now lo 0 as I tell ttl you ou Iii Ilinofmy 11 Iiinot I not Ill I tI It In uii weukl weuklund wtsklaJci nofmy lotlydougl iii dough or 01 le keep II my 1 wloklt und not nu lie ordering oltlni you YOI pmwid 10111 this Ihll WIY WIYI wny wnyos iy iyf aJII os I IWOI wyoure tH tHJake nJakt I IJake Jake Jakt the the he roadhonsn Rdhoul nniii 111 a I good ft feiIoi feiIoiand llo lloand and a 1 friend frir1 of all al Dm Ih horsemen Ilrelll wan wat Ii Iislilky II iiii I ii sulky I I and teuring fur ltAiY lloby Hol to tl got Kit Hit HitI 1 liiilMttJ Inl 1 I Ai tkiyi 1 Ri i i I IInter SIIMK thrceiiiiiitite thrceiiiiiititelater lMttJ llt Let down 01 oit Rl little jU just tuuIIIUtIH tuuIIIUtIHIntol Inter Intol A cOuplH rupl of bartendors hlrtirl pulled pul 1 in infriend il IiifrIeii friend rrlt11 out olt of 01 the tl oUtfrn ttrl and Ind ntuktxl taktl him himto hll iiiiito to a change thlnll of togs gM He If warmed wlrllt1 hlinfte hlinfteIwforH hlm8lf hlm8lflfor hiinsiiIbefore before lfor tint I fire fr and un waited altll for Jake Jlk to golback gel RoLhacl gelItacic back with his hi hacl wih report reportJake ipnitJakegotbnck Jake Jallt Jakegotbnck got 101 buck 1pI1 an hour alter ar4r hed started startedHH ittartedHehad torle HH Hehad had liilssexl the first Ir ruc 111 rue by 1 Just a face faceu kittens lelell a whisker hliker on oil thn th wire Irl Jake Jakehad Jakohad Jakchad had flammed ohunfed iutothti lutotn betting t11 ring bawling liwlng btiwllsigilao Who ho vnntH YUltM vim Im tousau tOUHI on 01 rug Rlfln Ril to thf thfbookmakers th thbofemlklrl tlwboolcrnaker bookmakers bofemlklrl just jUIt as the thl flag tl had hld dropped droppedand drop droppedand tand and old ok Jlifle was I already all alrtad i fowixiping hU hUfield hil hitflelil field fel with wih JII 10 to 1 IlglLnMt ngiUnst his hit chance1hte chance chanceThe CIIIIc The 111 bookie hookll of course tlrl laughed illlhl at him himRifle himRf himRifle Rifle Rf had hldhCnt beat his field fld the width of the theBadi theBd tho13fli Badi Bd 13fli Lands LandsNow Lnd Lndowlo Landslow Now low owlo to show hion you ou the lie unnasonableneni unnasonableneniof InanIIJlenl Hor of some RIO nten ntln who wh ask their friends to do dotheir dotheir dotheir Iher rrlldl their horse hor1 belting beltng for them tlm In II tplt JI ofall of oran ofall all of the thl liednvllment BedllhleIL through thrugh which that thatbet Ihalfrlnd thatfriend friend or mint mine pflln paietci In his tlor elTort 10 get that thatt thathi bet hi down for the thf niicugo express tXIJrp8 Pr man 101 In Inspite II iiispite spite Ipil of everybody olprbodv knowing klwJnghol how now htd 1J1 ltfPiI ltfPiIlunipeil een eendumped dumped cumpd 11 In hn runaway nuwa and then thtl I nick hltk hltkItole hackietied nickheeled heeled Itole hy himself hlmMfI Into a deep hole 1010 In II tha thaground thl thuground ground In 11 spite spilt too of II Juke the road roadI roadhail roadllOtI4 I house hail llOtI4 mans mun voluble statement and the thesupporting theIpprlln thempportlng supporting Ipprlln leslUiionv leallmolr test bitoiiv uf the I hI lie booUtiiRkerx booUtiiRkerxwho bolURklrl hoohtziskeriwho who wto had hndNn seen the Ih wild wid eyed eyl fake Tlkellanult Tlkellanulthlto ratapult ratapultinto atapultInto into the thl ilng hIl waving oln his hi soggy Kg 11000 101 1001 bill billand bi billand and begging that ii be taken lal I on Rifle Riflein Rife Rif1 Rif1In in the thl facoorall fal face ofaI ofall this II theexpnssinannover theexpnssinannoverforgave th the eXpl exjnitM matt IOer neterforgave forgave my friend frlfnd for that MPW lOflt 01 lose loseout 10 10out losetilit out on Hide Rlfp an nJ ho railed llpd Ithlt UHo I Ho HI JrOhldl1 proteride to take Inkl the tle story 10f gooi gooinaturpdly goollatl good goodnaturedly naturpdly latl It but hiI in the Ih heart hlan of him ho no wan wanwhere wasconvinced I lonvlle convinced Iht thnt he hail at the 2X oX 8Df some somewhitre where hI or another arid ard he II leam carrr hat mean meanaiid meanatel I Iaill aiid aill life unworthy 11Orlhr grouch gruch with him throilgh throilghlife thrOlg thrriuiglslife lfe lifeAnd And the quick and constant cnshlt shifting Ihlrilg ofbettng of ofbet 01bltlg bet bltlg bettng ting odds is anot anothrr lirr thing thig Iithgtiit hat is Il almos almosViound alloB aItuosbound i ihOlnd bound hOlnd when whll a suspicious ftsplclolR mans Inn8101Pj inanmorey money is isbeingput I Il ishetrigpiit beingput iTglt down by proxy tr give ie him uIhance I atance Ihance eal to worlc up a sort tJck of holdout IJold sore yoroness IOO soreness I IneA ness neA against a linHt oll his hll IJ obliging ohgllg friend jitid com commibsloner canirnitaiogier mmlblolel mibsloner mlblolel Its I all al nonsense to lne my ttoit ttoitno hat hatno hatI I no eqoart man suspects lon6llE friend fi whom whomono hom homhe lionihe EtJlt I he haaoer et Jnto reason IUIpcI8 to eupposo ono is suture suturetoo 111 autaretoo I II I too That lat may mvhold hold in 8Uppl all al of ofthootheu ofthootheurolationshipe thoother thootherrelationships hu othel I Irel relationships rel tlonlhipl of life le but it doesnt dOl8lt go lu luracing hiTelg Inracmg racing Telg Only Onr lost summer at at Hheopsh Hhlohl h4heopsliead id Uny Unya 1IY I Ia a friend rrln of mine as Iwhltfand white and abovebonrd abovebonrda Ibovobn1 I a man mn as al ever tVI laced lCd his hll own shoes Ihoes Jot Jothimself gothimself got gothlmst himself hlmst into a mean mea hash halh in his hl frantic rrnto effort effortto etor effortto I Ito to get down dow another anothpr mans manl money moue on a ahorse ahorse i horse hors whose hoB hoee price prlc was al being blnj chopped every everytime 61er everytime time tlml the bookies bkie took ok a I fresh frlh chopp grip gip on thel thepencils thelpncll thelpencIls I pencils pencilsHe I pncll 91e He Je hadnt thoroughly thorughl learned lern his hll1tte hll1ttele8n little littlemans littleleSMoil le8n leSMoil as a to the imbecdity imbit of heltllK betting anothermans another I Imanl mans manl coin rll on 01 a racetrack rctrc and so when wltena hen hena a friend one morning passed Idm 500 500and 00 00and and ad asked ked on him morg to paste it I pl on a long 10lg hm priced pricedgood prC pricedgood I good thing thllg that had pte been bn smeared fmel upfor upfora Ipror Iprora up for fora a killing kilng he rolshly foolishly took tok the money moneyThere moner1her moneyThere There 1her ought to be at least INt 00 O0to to 1 against againitthe aat againstthe the trick his hi4 friend trfmd told him but any anyhow ay ayhoW anyhow how hoW dont you YOI take worse Wr than ta 90 3 to 1 1If 1I 1If If I you cant cat get ge tae that ttat dont bet bt the the coin coinbut coinbut coinbut but bring it back backWell Uck UckWel bckWell Well Wel this goodnatured commissioner commissionerfor celnml loner lonerfor for a friend wa Wil wea gonaure alert Aer and ad waiting waitn for fo the thebetting theltlng thebetting betting ltlng on al that raceto rato open but there the worn worna er era a lot of other olhlr ones wise wile to th the trick trl who whowere whowere whowere were doing the same Rae thing They Thpy were werestanding wereltndlng werestanding standing ltndlng right ht in front of the big bookies bookiesstools bookl8 bookIesstools stools 11018 waiting wnlmg for the first frt line lne of figures figuresto fgurM to be slapped slappe up upWhwinek lp I Whwinek Wh IIlt and Llchtensteln LlhteDteln opened tIm tbehorse tImhorse horse horo ion 1 to 1 and that of course ourelswhat open is what whatthe whatthe the rfrc rt of I the th ring made it My friend friendwith frlpld friendwith I with wih ttie le fc00 0 of proxy rnK money monoyln In i hIs hil effort effortto efort effortto to edge edse hie way WIV up I to a stool to get fPt Bomd Bomddf lom lomr RomdOr df this thlt accidentally accdentaly trod tro on another anotherstnicglers anoUIrftngplr anotheratigiers stnicglers com comhe cornlie ftngplr Up got a onl onlUp plle paste on the jw for ll that ad adhf and andhe he hf got right back bn with one Ol to 10thI the wind windand windand and an uppercut Thenthe htlthe two twowent wbnt at atn atn ata clinch clnch lJJerct A pair pai of Pinks swooped upon uponthem uponthorn them our 011 seconds Hllnds later and ad It was WW the theproceacion Ihl theproeeazion proceacion to the jato Itrto for the pair pIiI of them themiMy themt themMy JrocPlon My friend knew oho one of the Pinks PinksGive PinksGive Give us UI chance ehRn to getapata getft gttn pals pal bundle bundledown bundleoOla bundledown down oOla he whispered whllPelec to tho Pink Pltk and then thenIll ten tenIl thenIll Ill nudge to to the I ho gate with you YOI I dont dontwnnt dontwrtflt Il wnnt nucgo the thl fellow rlrm to give me the scream Roreit ifthat if ifthat that Ihat loni lonl one 011 wins winsTho wInsTha Tho PInkerton Plnlltrlon man was wnl decent cecnt about aboutU and and glancing about to see II If his ubiqui ubiquitous ubiquitous ubiqultoue tous chlof that everywhere 6erywher Robert Rbert man manwas manIR puanwas was IR ruhborine and Ilrl nun finding fnding for a I wonder wonderthat wonderIhat wonderthat that rUhbernF ho wasnt wisn waen I he let my friend slip Rlp up to toAVlieelocks 10WhelockR toWheelockq AVlieelocks WhelockR book to take a peek at the theprices theprCP theprices prices pricesThn pricesS prCP Thn rh ht good thinglnul Ihll hld already been bn whit whittled whitfled hi fled down to 10 to I and ald that of course courseout counmIceorlng courseaccording 1 Ill Iceorlng according to the Intrlcton inHtrllction 1E1 let my frleli frlelioul iriend iriendout out so 10 far rlr as aKeltlng getting the other mans mlnl WOO WOOdown 500 500tOWn down was Wil concerned COlclrd Hut he liked lked the thething thehlnK thething thing so much himself that ho got ot down downSO 500 500 of orlll 10 his own money 10ney in two books on al the thetrick theI thetrick trick SO at the thl 10 to I figure fgur and he took it itall Itni Iteli I all straight straightThen ni Then Thfl he put himself hhlelr into 1110 the hands handsof bandof of the Pinkerton Plnkerol mun to be conducted conductedwith conducted1th onducto with wih 1th the touchV tOUII chap ciIa with wih the thl corn eor to the thogate theale thugate gate ale for fighting fghtng according accurdlnj to the rule ruleThey rle rleTher ruleThey They both bought new np badgl badge and came cameright caml cameright right back of course COUIt and my friend rrlod was wasback wasback wasback back rllhl In Inlmetofethpgo tnimetose bacl timetoseflthegood thegood thing go through throughWell throughwith with a I little littleS littleWell 111 Well Wel tte tteWel a lot of knockers knocker saw him cash cashlug cah cahhig cashing lug In hlstfOOOburidlo urdlo after therace and andten andthe andthey the they magnified hl8ao the Ilze sIze or the wad about aboutten aboutten ten itlm I te tlmee My 1 friend returned reture the thl MOO MOOto SO 500 500to to the other nian ni nian and explained xplalne to him himthe himhow himhow how It happene happened that he hill had faied failed to mlke mlkeLhe make makethe the bet betIt btIdldntgo betIt It Idldntgo didntgo of course coure The Thf knockers knockerstold knOkPr knockerstold told the he other otblr man lan how they had seen Ipen my myfriend mrrtndcas1hln mytrIendcashiin friend rrtndcas1hln trIendcashiin cashlnfein a roll rol big bil AH nf a mountain mountainhotel mounlalnhotII mountainhotelhxdtiulit hotel hotII hotelhxdtiulit h04ult edquilt and nd the he other man lielleves liellevestothe 111TM 111TMtothe lslieestothe tothe present prsent rtlnute that my friend frend got gotdown RotdO1 gotdown I down dO1 the ISOOatraight theSBtralgbt at 100 10 to 1 and Ind drilled drilledhim rhilli rhillihim dtihiidlilmout i lilmout him out of a pat 50000Up 50000 50000Up Up to this Ihll bend lnd IO Into the stretch Ive Ivebeen 11 Ivebeen been ben talking about abut the Inadvlsahlllty Inadvlsahllltyto Inadvleabll Inadvleabllt to put plt it kin In that mild mld way ayof of betting bettnj money moneyon moneypn moneypn on pn a racetrack for other men But ac accepting 01 01c accepting cepting awomansnioney to bet bL on a horse horserace horlt horsersoewellr race rsoewellr tlawOmAnsmony well wll for fo thepinhead tht thepinheadthathI plnfa thatll tbatl consent consentto consentto onslnt onslntW to do that the Uiegre greenjUokot green ilokot ckot for the tl conk conkchateau conkchateu conkchateau chateu chateau and nd let lethlm him beglad that tht he gets getsout gPtl gPtlout getsout out of it tliat easy easyBIT euylilT yBIT BIT nr 131 A MOUNTAIN MOV MOVMUhan LlOVMiahap OI OIIIhILP I MUhan That Sent eut IL I Vaterftito llt lto Binohrr BinohrrT to a PuMar trir militate militatefrom fail ltllte ltllte1rontAtChicago ItotePron from 1rontAtChicago the Chicago Otirtniclt OtirtnicltFor 7rAa1reFor clt For 01 the firstMi8 flra tI11le In tile history of the Pteur PIII PIIIt PuteUi teur ut Institute Inltltutei1 a patient Is bintr bein treated for forthe forthe forthe the bite of a mcUntaln IDal laln lion lI It Is not un uncommon IInoomnltn unoomntflii common to find patient bitten by clog clogthought dogsthoughtto OIr OIrthollihtto thollihtto thought to beoubltl rabid and ioniC persons have havebon havebOfn havebeen bon cared for that li lIirebeen vebeen bitten blttenhy by horses horseiind horKSRnd horsesnd Rnd nd wolves but thin cue i Ie a riorcJly noTch to DrjuorIo Dr DrJiuorio DrJ Jiuorio JiuorioAaron juorIoAaron llor1o llor1olIron Aaron lIron Hurlnil lIarl lI a rancher r3lJ llc living seven KVCIImiles 5P1mill sevenmiles miles from llaniuh II PB Paso so ullnl IIIIY uiIt Col Colin 01 01III olIi in Ii tho victim About hout tlire I tir hr wecki ago IIB was wasawakened WllswakenlCi wasdwakened awakened one stormy night by lI the tI rri crta of ofbi ofhie ofhis his bi dog He 1 arose hastily Inntil atiii III donned mwd his hlnLlothes hiliclotl hisilothies clotl Llothes to lnv InYtttlillll stlgate but before lie wan wanable IIR IIRble ivasibis able ble to get out of the he house hou ho heard MH cut We WebllIow tie tiebellow tiebellow bellow In terror and pain After lighting lightinghis Ihrhlhuhis ilgiutliughIs his lantern he made his hi way IfR Tn out of the door doorand doorand doorand and sought the dog which whs In the rent rrnrof rtnror rentDf of the noun hou fighting for It lie life At I the thenight III IIII the4tght I night 1ht of thtt lighted lantern the th lionwhich lionwhichbad 1I0lIIhlohhQd bad attacked alnl the dog upranir at llnrtsifll llnrtsiflland IIl1rt iiiirtziland tII tIInnd and before ho could defend himself fattened fattenedIts Its tooth In his iil thigh IIH struck IItru the bean beanell branIth beanwith with Ith hl81Rnllrn file lantern and the light wont lJn out hart Jlarl7ell harteil 7ell ell staggered to the door of the hOIl house as tile tilelion tuelion lion slIlklld a away 1 In the du d3kaeas d3kaeasHe kne kneHe He thought nothing of the bite for several llenraldas severalday das day when he began to feel iLl I Slnoe hi hiarrival bla blaarrIval arrIval hll haa ha oonllnutd tlilm toimprove rOTedUid sad Upeete uipecti peete to return home with within a few dsp aT I iur UST A FEW POINTS P0 iN iNLi Li ON BOOK SELLING SELLINiAn SELLINGAn An Art in Which Theres Ther MThan More MoreI MorI I Than Appears on the Surface Surfaceto to the New Ne Drummer DrummerThe The thing that the new hook boom boomneeds boollltr boollltrcdS loonleneeds needs cdS first of all to liuve impressed tipo tipohismindsaid upon uponhili upol118 hismindsaid hili mind said the experienced man fl flthefiction or ortle cthe thefiction the fIction inihlisliliijhouse lUIHhlll ho bonito lso to the iriu iriuabout 1111111 1111111taUouL inn innabout taUouL about to make his hl drat trip on the roa roaIs road roadIII roat1s Is tliat tie 1 owner owittur nHr of a booj boo shop shopthe othe or orthe the head ofa or 0 book emporium In a bli blidepartment 1 117 117departmn 1 1departnierut department store Isnt the whole tliintIn tiling tilingIn IhlnltIn In almost Rltnl every other Him of tnide th thI Ihdrumlllur fitdruinntjr I Iruininur only onl noed to a middle Utihi up to th thbuyer tho tholur ii iibuyer buyer The hook drummer if ho want wantto wllntlltQ wantto to lie miecQMful lIlC lrul has got 10 0 i get et III rll rllwith rlKhL rlKhLwith rigitwith with the yholf hotuutfIL outfit The ollers IItlIo an anmore ILrolIoe artuio more uio Important to him than thu buyera buyeraYoull ifllytr4Yott1l Youll 0111 link hook buyers upon vhoiiyoull vhoii ThollOU1I vhtoiiyoull youll OU1I bo able to unloadplug unload plug bythe IIY I ty thl hue whole wholeHalt wholesale hol holHaltt Halt plugs as you ou ought to know an annoaccount If IfIIOlwnOIUIL artuOxoiint noaccount nonsellers nOIlHtIIIJIIIhlil not istiiers hut youll yni 01l1 ill on onhurt 0111 0111hllrl oiulhurt hurt yourself younllltdoln doing that and got the Ih front frontglare frcrtgnru yII glare II gnru the th next tlmo you ou shot up If roll yoidont rolldnt youdpnt dont put yourself on ollermH terms with the Ii lie selleri selleriIn styiierlit 111111 111111III In every shop you make makeThere makThprl uiuakeTfurre There Id nothing nothln to he Ruined by IJ greiiH greiiHhvg glelllIlIg greuslug lug a complaisant comp1alc lint buyer Into Inking i ithousand IL ILIhoullalHl itltotiatid thousand copied of a hopples plug If yoi 3Oidont yoidont ou oudOIlt dont also get the t1 th sellers so well ell Incllnet Incllnettoward IlIcllnpdt inclinettoward toward ward you thai they thl will boost the plug plUfwith pluglltb pIuswith with all allUlIlr their might justas a favor ml to you youeven youeven ou ouen even en If they ley know knoI the plug In I somethinf somethinfawful lIomelhlllIIwful soniethiinawful awful and perfectly 1erf ctlr Impossible fromovrrj fromovrrjpoint frornerrpoint froincvrrvolnt point of view viewIf viewIf iI iIrr If yon 011 ilont ho do thin and on your nex nextrip lIext nextrip trip find fllldthOfo those thousand dead lad ones Htil Htilwarping IItlilwnrplng stilwarping warping oA or the tue counter cou ltir the buyer Is isgoiii isgoiiito going golnjto goingto to regardyou rplatd Oll at only about two degree degreeremoved degrleremo1 degreeremoved removed from a agr green ell goods man or a gobbrick gob goltbrick HohlIrIck brick purVeyor putveyor whereas If the Hellers 11I11 have haveby hnthy haveby by harriSrork hard Work got rid rh of oven a hundret hundretof hundrldof of the ropier pies he in hJlkrlr likely to imagine thai thaithe Ihalthe thiefthe the book I II moving along all right par partlcularly laltlcularb ar articulariy tlcularly If hewell dlsposcdsellers clipollcdK lIers repor reporto rfportto reporlto to him that hat Its having a astpad steady sale saleI I didnt have ao anybody to tell me tlili tliliwhen UIIHwhen thiiwhetu when I first started out selling books 01 01the 1111 1111the oithe the road The result was that t1 at for the flrsi flrsietxioontha fllIltlxloontha flrsistxtoontha etxioontha or HO I got In had to such ai aiextent nn nnextent atextent extent that I came perilously close to loainp loainpout losltlltout losiru losiruout out as book boo Drummer Id been on thit thitroad th throad throad road In Inoller otJer urea und lIIcli and I was foolish entugl entuglto to supposo that the drummers procedur procedurin procedtiii in cither llnwi Jln ine wo was going oln to fit the bool boolbusiness hookbu boolbuelnese business businessId bu inel inelId SId Id walk IVI into a big department ci store storeand BIortand stortand and haughtily lghtf1 ask a gum gum chewing sales salesgirl salesairi alesSill girl at a bool counter for the head oltbci ol ortl ofthe the tl department Id pay no jUtentioi jUtentioito 4tentloll 4tentlollto tentiot tentiotto to tho Kr girl nt all but when she directed directedma ma to the main guy Id begin to work ork my mywinning 111 111Innlnlt rnwinning winning ways on him Supposing Id IdTract Idwant Idwant want to get Xo 2 order out of him for foione forone forcne one of the books on my listMis list HatMII listM1se Mis Tooloo the head of the book bookdepartment bookdepartment bookdepartment department would olld say to the girl Withwhom witheluoni with withwhom whom Id been heet cheuty che Jt in asking I1Jkln forthe fortheboss for the thoOII theot4 boss OII hows that tt I Bared by an Onion Onionboon Onionbolt been going lately latol latolltotten Morten1 the girl would reply pawing pawingmo pll illf i mo a victorious gleam out of tho corner cornerof cornerof of her eye yc Cnu give It away awa awaAnd I And shed cut cu me out of an order for formaybe formaybe I Imaybe maybe 500 copies copiesAnything Anything doing with The Punk PunkCigar PuniclRar PanIcigar I Cigar lRar the head of the department would wouldnsk woutijiask oult tn ask her naming naillin another allot her book ok for which I Iwanted Iwant Iwanted want wanted a No 2 order orderThey orderTher orderT1ue They T1ue wont take em with gold dollarsfor dollars dollalllfor dollarsfor for soov ROonnt nrs the th gill gh I would reply and Id Idbe Idbt Idbe be shredded out of another ordor And Andthaia AIIIIthats Andhatn thaia the way it would go gOImOClclnB knocking all alllecauaa allowntho down owntho tho line and empty order nnICA jllllt jlllltbecaW18 Justjecause I becaW18 lecauaa at flrrtI ft first waent wean wise enough enoul to per perive PflrCIIe perelve CIIe elve ive th the absolute necessity of making a hit hitpith hl hlllh hiltwith pith llh the folks who actually moot the Ih CUll CUH9mere cus9mers i t9merR 9mere and sell the books booksThen booksTheui I ITheil Then in time I got wine and then I got gotirdere gotorders gotTtICrs orders so 0 fat that the firm was In a con coninual e1ntlnual conmush mush scrap with the binders because thn titeook thnooks I bookll ooks ftniv WI behind time t1f1 I acquired the thombit I theabit ho hohabit habit of sweeping In and doing doln the hpnpot hpnpotemovlng nnet nnetremoving i irAmolnjC removing act to the nulesgirls before Id Idvecthlnk I Idvehiink vecthlnk of asking asklnF askln for tho head squeeze squeezeDoyou MqlleeZpYDoOIl squeezeDoyoui I Doyou know kno Id say to a likely IIkl look looltng lookIng I Ing ng nalcsgirl 1c iirl Ive been trying to think thinkravelling thinkravelling I Itrflyelling ravelling about nl uuI on the tll trains lately Jalll of ofvhom orwhom ofwhom whom I was reminded by that description descriptionn In our book A Womans 01llUII6 Crowning Glory Glorymd Glor Glorand GIorymd I md now Ive got it its II you ou and none other otherMember IIthelIlemb othorMernher Member Ilemb how tho author dwells upon the thobrown thetoft i i110ft 110ft war mal masses leR of lhp chestnut lnut hiliI the deep I brown eyes eyesAnd eIII eIIIAnd eyesAnd And so on Oh there Isnt anything like that one for bunlrrfl bu hI only onl you ou want to tol tohe to tolie he lie dead certain that you ou can get away alw with withIt Ith IthIt I It and thaI tho girl wont ont think that th you youire youire 01 01are ire stringing her Few of elll will 111 think thinkthat thinkhat that though and its money in the he bank bankfor bRllltror bankrot I for the book drummer like wheat in tho thobarn thobani thtouartt barn for the farmer to get a top 10lllalpllgirl 10lllalpllgirlto salesgirl salesgirlo to imagining that she beam any a 11 kind of ofresemblance ofretCmbIRne ofesomblance resemblance to a heroine in a book bookHeres hookHerH bookHeres Heres something that everybodys everybodysnlking everybodysalking 1 nlking about and going golll wild over shell shellmy shellmy hplIr my of the thu most veritable rilahle ping phi on your lid li listI 10 0 I tho large trlbo nbc of women hooK buyers buyerswho burelllwllo Luuiyerutrite who have IIR the habit of relying upon the thelaleHgirls thlaltHgirlB theuaiet4girle laleHgirls opinion to the exclusion of all allther allother allther ther verdict rdlel in pmchaning their rending readingthatter rendingrilat rendingiuatter rilat thatter thatterThe iuatterThe er erThl The men who soil 11 1 books In I flue bo stores lire lireiURt lirejll tureust jll iURt ust as easy to pet around and Its just as asleedful Ofneedrul asiesdfui leedful to get their good gnuv tt as it is to tojnlist toenUIt totnllst jnlist the th good will of the bow bowI I dont see how you find limn to read readem tendfun I IA A em 111 aU ay a you say to the th male book salesman salesmanWhyyou salesnuajiWhiyyou i Whyyou WhI OU know more about the Iho ha contents contentsjf cOlllelllor jf thin hooks on my list listthaui than rdo do myself myselfjust IIIVMlfI nuysnifjust I just overheard you talking lalkln with ltf thai thaiftomun thaIolllan thaIaoinan ftomun about The Junketers JUllkpt Journey Journeyind JOUMIA JOUMIAIInd end Ill II swear you mentioned things that IIloltit I Ilidut Idldnt lidut know the book contained A fellow fellowffho fellowwho fellowirho who goes goe to such pains to bo 4 able to talk talknith In talkwith II IIwith with so much intelligence to customers customersiboul cuetomersab customersibout ab iboul uL the books hes he selling is bound to get gethero getthere gethero hero sooner of later laterOr laterOr laterOr Or something like that Of course you youmve youhaye youtave haye mve to tol8 be able to tell at a glance how big bl bla bigI a 1 I sweet boluV hoh theyll swallow hut at that thatfoull 11111youll th trouhl foull find It surprising how susceptible susceptibleuilespeople I1lfj1pttbledell cusceptiblealeepeople uilespeople dell ople ofvhoth ot hoth sexesin tho hook busU busUThat hUIlIneAA husiwits i wits IIIfI 10the gentle connerlno Ianguag IanguagThat Ianguageflint That books he book ok pretty deep for most of ofemeh ofem oferneh emeh em eh I la Isitid said 6nc Cm6 bncetoadapperlittle toadapper to a dllpptr little lilt II sales salesache foiIIICImnn salesnan nan with Jlh nutfrplnk hair InIndr mUll tintsache mUlltaoh taoh ache andlargef antI large jaby aby aJ blue eyes Shoots Shootsivnr Shootsvnr ivnr their beads irbit maybe Well 111 thats thatsill thatHall all ill the moro mOlflreMcnt reason why wh you ou want ant to take taket tak IL home and readmit It read ditltI itits its away awn above tho thoiverage thoaprag thinuverags iverage taste butyoull but youl understand and andave nn nnInjoy andnjoy Injoy II Help Ilf Iitlve It you ou an aUl autograph autographopyand lllaph lllaphcopyand copyand I dug Inlh my 6111np10 CaM and andg andtnxe tnxe ave him a copy oop of otfe od ore of the Ih deadest plugs plugsover plllgflJ plugsever over handled with the Ih authors name namenscrihed namenscrihed 1 1nowrlhed nscrihed on a flyleaf flyleafTho ftylAarTIle flyleafThe TIle fluffy flulIyllalred haired little salesman took tookhe lookthe tookhe the he Mob home with lth him jhiat hat evening and anditnyed andRtaypd andttnyed itnyed up upnntll until 3 oclock illlh the morning In Inlinltth tolnishu oinish inish It and the next day he was referring referringo to it to every eIr customer ho braced a ali a apowerful apowerrul aowerful powerful owerful thing Ihlnltnd sad bur tremendously tremendouslystrong trcmtndou trsmendoutslvutrong lr lrIllrong strong and impressiveauthor exhibits a anil atl aten tl ten lluwlpdgn or Ihe hiller workings of ofhohuman lie hohuman human 11111111 and HO em IIntll by night nightrnll nightnil rnll nil the highhenpod stuck of HIP plug was wasi as asmere i mere shadow of what it had been at ntjpenlng atoptning atpening jpenlng time and the head of tho dopart dopartnent dopartneat neat was wn constrained IIJw trlllncl to give RII me rn an order orderor for or ROO iXt more copies copiesThat eopkiTiiat That nutogrdpli nlllnl laplt coj copy Klioine by the theniiv Ih IhI theRtv niiv I is 1tI a great curd I IlLnd and youll ol1lI ho fixed out outvith out1th vith 1111 ploiuy 1 1111 of them tI I iii Im in Vor at wont nt to 0 oIto plant planttion pllllt1t11n tion Ito in it the 11t 1k hauu 111 I i a mil tat of all iii I tho II iIc likely lih ly sit IIIIII il bs bsoile sopl opl oile llfJ 9 you Ou iir up I and uich get 111 aloinj alongd idi uf ufjhf JfrI cfihu rI jhf ihu owners owifI oviiP Es of book tthopi uhi ii it or Urn I li ficad of ofjook orhouk ofook jook dipirlmoiitM dpar rlllllt Iii i it ar a re not no iimiMinbli it to tohe tothl tolee thl he uulogiiipli uUlugl1plllnpr copy lily tiiMtmtnl UK flit Ih tiules tiulesolkK ituftsotiks UIIMfulk fulk olkK as 11 youll IIIIJl find out outA Olltbun outA A bo bun ilonman in store who has hoajlrmted hl18plllnletl haslnntel jlrmted on a Klmlf ut home a book with 1lh the themthort thlIIlIlhorlI thintilt mthort tilt hots natiip tiuri yrawled in It in going to toi6wt toIr totoo Ir i6wt too ot that lIt book till the I hI cows como home horne1 1011111 10 mattel 11 If Its 1 the worst swash and drivel drivelhui drheIIUI iine iinehut hut ever found Its way wa into electrotype electrotype1retty electrotypeIrett 1 1retty lrpt nigh the entire first edit editIons ions of a ai at 11 i of bixhii jiJlI1Ii tliHt lire II Slit it out nowadays nowadaysir 11 ir ire autogrntih aHI rllThloJ1 copies The authors gon gonTfilly soh sohtrrlh getiS Tfilly in liv Imvo IlfI I in nui I lie tlmo I I tue tlian anything a filer filerind elsetud I 1 1HU HU ind tlity tll thutvecpeiloiice oxperionce expcl iJJlIe a hectic fluuh of otdellghit otdellghitvhen delight delightvhen lIght lIghtwhl whl vhen tliey Ilill thuy ar are a ll1d by their publihers pubhfshi rs to toill tolit I Ilt ill down In a corner of the office and Crib Scrible Crible rlb rlbhlelhelr hlelhelr le their namfis on the front flyleaf of ofiOO I 300 00 or 400 copies And when youve got gotn gotalt 11400 alt 400 bookseller each fixed out With Withan withLb an Lb autograph copy rainmaking for fora boo book I I on jour Jourl list lIst llt that book bookgolnlt going to com compretty oome oomeI1etty oomtpretty pretty oloso oloteto to getting Iltothe Into the second seoondo seoondothird dQr dQrIhlrd othird third editionanyhow edItion anyhow no matter rho rhoJninflll hot hotpainful hopaInfil painful Jninflll tho stuff MtutflJftwoon betweenthe1 between the covemma covemmaand covers m4Y m4YapP ma mauiappotu uiappotu apP I to 11 In Its effect upon the 1eoUhY 1eoUhYnnd hueahth hueahthand and normal mind mindDont mindJont mIndIont Dont overlook the window drawer 01 oithe 01the or orthe the hook llsplaycrin Inlhe in the depivtment depVtmentDtore depVtmentDtorei store storeTheyre storeriueyr i Theyre fhEOrnlniport Important nt pCoJl10 oplo to tho book hO drum drummer drumutter utter The window witld windowdrisser owdltAAlr drwsser of ail 1 ahook hook ookBhop ookBhopif Shot KhopIr ShotIf if ho admires the thecutof cut of your yourjlb jib and tin tinsot till thuiset sot ot of your staysl is in a position ltlon to tl tlthings do dothlngFJ do dothings I things for the books II on your OUI list lI that wll wllbw wllbe 111 I IlItO bw curreuoy currellcy in your our clothing He can taki takia take takea takia a couple cfJ plA of hundred copies of a book nn nnbull 011d 011dbuild api apibuild build pyramids or Norths Nonh Arks or ntockadoi ntockadoiof of em in the lie IlCft wet window of the plant plantandha plintand Plantandhe andha and can exhibit your onr posU l108 tII thai thaithe thattll thathe the tll man whizzing by on a trolley car can can1not canhot not fail to see ce them I IWIlen IWitenseverni lWlien I Wlien Witenseverni nevernl hundred copies otabooh otabooharo ofa book boolnro bookIIr nro IIr stacked ui lip In hook dlllllerl alerB how shovrwimlbw showwinelti howindh wimlbw indh with wll itti II the IK IJOfI poters ters nrtlstlcnlly Rrtl art1stIcnhlydrpe art1stIcnhlydrpearotutni tlcllIdraJf tlcllIdraJfarlllllld drapec drapecaround around at tutu sides icies and it tid buck I that boot bookII bed bedis 1 is II going to sell in tho town In which th thdisplay the thedispla thidisplay display Is maden matter If It I III th thlfworlt thlfworltplll this worst worsinluMtor worstplaster plaster plll tal of purls counterfeit that was eye eyeturned ever11IrncI evetturotncl turned out of mould 1he nibberini rubberthlwtiestrlttts nibberiniIMHlestrlaiiH IMHlestrlaiiH 1 41trljlIf1lLrO are bound to intuit to the con conuluslon oonI ootuuluslotu I uluslon that a book that is made somuol somuolof so mud mudoftiut5t of oftiut5t muiit IIIUl of course be worth reading I 18 18kn Iviknowit vi viknown I known kn wlI Hint editions of flvn thousandcopiet thousandcopietto thoul8n5boplM thoul8n5boplMto to hi 1w sold liku Ilk hot cakes on the strength strengtlof rtrtnAthIJr of tn tnty ty window liflilays when the eon ooiitentn eontnflts I tentn of the hit hook werent worth the rn rnthe ralt raltthe rathe the paper wan WII inude cif cifStand lit litStand ofStenui Stand In with Ith the window indo dre dr draater draaterIell i rTell Tell him that ultr 1IIt having having had Illrltt Illrlttgood pretty prettyanythingIn prett prettgood good viev IIV nil th thteway IIlIr rrOIll from Hol Hobokeit ukflll to tCF4eI tCF4eILoke RR I ILllk Lllk Oil yotir 0111 10J last lour you haCnt lI sect sectanythIng tn tnanythingllI anythingIn anythIng hi book boo I window dressing drP Klng ilia iliaoomeH that thatrJOlIIlR thuatofltLt oomeH ofltLt within four days of approacliiili approacliiilihis his hI work or something equally subtle sit aiudelicate aurl aurltlelltate sitdelicate delicate and If IIP doesnt star linn of th thbooks WI WIhoqk thehocks books on your our lint the next time hut over overhauls overhaull overhiauulit hauls his window lien 1 never jMHidlw jMHidlwprintwl leddleprintod Jlddledprinted printed wares warrsln in my life lifeHainn lifeHUIIA lifeMaine Maine way with tlieman the mllli who haschargi haschargiof hOIl hargo ohargcof hargoor of displaying the books In the book depart department dlpartInenL departItient ment of a department store Aocordltn Aocordltnto AoordltitO to tO how hit liken you ou hell stow litO thn hook bookion hookHun hookon on your yourlistaway our listaway 1111t Rwa back In the dark corners oornenwhere oornoOlh cornerswhere where rt1 the cash girls buzz by on their way wajto woyto wayto to the lunchroom or hell heIIpush push thern tHIM to toth tctht HIM th front like Ilk the tht chocolate eclairs in iquick i iirunklc I Iqllick quick lunch plant Ci PO that the thu hook custonirs cus customcrs tomcrs wont tx able to turn around with without withonl without out knocking one of tho stacks tack down And Andan AnclaK Andas an I repeat with books theres strength It Itnumbers In Iiiiuuttiuhertu numbers Tim stocked up hook Is almost almoaalways alll1oltula almostalways always ula a Holler HollerThf 1IClIplTh sellerThe The Th ad men too are a usefulpeople Ufru1peoplefortho foi foitho fotthin tho book druminer to stroke softly lI rt1y Thejcan They The Thecan Theycian can make your ollr new III books stand out olltln In their thefidnllv theirdnih theirdaily daily storied like Ilk arc Br lights on a rainy night nlghlor nightor or they the can smudgo and cover coerthemoyer coerthemoyerIlk them over ovuilike overhike like Ilk the banked fires of a hoveto mono mano1war monoWill mano manoaL war aL warAfter After you luive hn covered all the rest ol olthn of oftho ofthe the plant in this his way 8 why if you have any anytitan anjtlmo an antime time to spare you ou con if you choose allowthe allow I1I10wthehollll allowflue the thehollll Iwssorthe hiose orthe head of the depart dtpnrlmolltlo dtpnrlmolltloRUppo departmeruttcsuppose ment 1c 1csuppose suppose RUppo that you OllOnHldor consider hint quite 1 goo gooution good KoodrplIo goodfellow rplIo fellow on points Tluitli the war the situ situutlon ltu ltuullon ution Is roverso4 reeIllN1In in thobook tim book buslneiw buslneiwDont busitieseeDont lDout Dont go on record with Ith strong epic opinions oplnlotiI epicions ions about rooks yourself ollJRelr and dont knock knoclother knockothpr knockother other publlahers books Publishers Puhlh 1eMl quit quitfriHUiently quite quitefnquantl quiltsfrequently frequently soil copyrights to each other othenqwttdays 0t othernqwadays Cr Crafler nqwttdays after tho first bloom of a book boolhas bookba bookhas has worn off and and if you you knock you on are areliablo arelinWo nn nnliable liable to find yourself OUIIIeIt a little later on oncompelled on onCOlilpcllecl oncompelled compelled to do dothl1 the best est you can with a book boolon bookon on 01110111 your own list that you knocked to astandstill 4 4standstill a aKtaneIBtll1 standstill when hpn It was on some other fel fellows fellows lows list listWhen listluetu When hen you strike opinionated litry litrybuyers lItrybuOI litrybuyentof buyers buyentof of books that express themselves In Interras Intcnns Intenns terras of scorn of certain rtaln books on your hit lletagrro hitagreo agrro with Jlh 11m with ith certain gent gentlyput I put little littlelfIeralon littlexeeervatlotis lfIeralon Then Ihlyl1 give tl thin eho book bookit kI 11 chance maybe But If you ou try to argue argueit argileIt it it out with them theyll slap tho book thuy thuydont thll thlldOIlt thiuydont dont like on the tencent remnant counter counterand lOunterand counterand and that settles fietllellitt it itAc ItAs Ac for tho hue rest books arc the hll Bam as assoup assoul I soup What you ou want th orders oreltrslullWn ullWn 4 III IflROXlJtR ttOn CK lK SPEECH SPEECHA I IA A ample or the tbelIaInwhleh Way IL In Which the Golden GoldenKnjoy Guideslnjo I Knjoy Their leisure lltureAmong 1A1WtAmt leisureAmong Among Amt ng the upperten of guldedora In Inthe Inthe I the Adlronducki it seemo to be coneidernH coneidernHthe neideredthe the proper thing to feign a certain oortalnam amount amounthf unt I Ihe hf dignified deafness sineas In the same arae way wayIt wayit It is thought to be Improper hn ro to admit any anytruth anytroth anytruth I truth directly lUr6Ctl or to make a concession concessionwithout concessionwIthout nlfMionwlhoul without much parley parleyFor pal lay layFor i iFOI For example her is I a conversation conversationthat I that occurred between two well ellll8oned ellll8onedKuldtI seasoned aeMonndguides seasonedguides guides who wore seated behind the writer writerlu wiItern lu a wagon making its way 0 through a car certain eertaln cartam tain tam valley of tile Adlrondacks It ran ranMomethinc ransonuethlitg I Momethinc like thte hi often oftenwith with wit long pauses pausesfor pausesfar for the chewing of tobacco tobaccoS tobaccoFlrMt tOta0e0First I First guide Good season for potatoes potatoNScnnd potatoesSocond Scnnd cond guide JuldcUelgh guideflelghuFtibt Heigh HeighFirst First guide loudPrGood louder Good season lIea for po poatoesl potaloMI pointone atoesl taloMISooond intone intoneSecond atoeslSecond I Second guide Iuldcies Yes Long pau pall oc ocupied occllpied cutpied upied in cliewtng Aint many man apples appleshis appleshis this his your vonrFirst yourFiist Mr MrFl I First Fl iL guide gulcleHelgh uiIcteHelghtSecond Heigh HeighSecond Second guide guldoAint Aint many apples thin thinear thl thllflar thisrear I lflar ear rearFirst earFirst I First guide guideDo Do you callate tc put an anddition anuddition I Iaddil addil ddition ion onto vour barn barnSecond barnMncond jlId Second lId guide guideIoigh guideIoighFirst Heigh HeighFirst Jloigh11rt First guideBe gtuldaBeyoui you Oll go golition gob coin to put an nd ndlear ndIltion Iddltion lition onto your barn barnFirst harnHelond barnSecond Second fuIcie uildaI I presume likely IPal188 fPauseJhear I Ilen lear you Oll re puttlnR a wing Inp onto your yourlOUSl1 yourtuouise I hOIlfil tuouiseFirst lOUSl1 lOUSl1First First guldoHeigh guldoHeighretiy guidoHeighCOlllt I Scrotal COlllt guldpHenr your our wing going up uprnt I Ipr pr rnt retiy st stiucly khdy when Im to home homeFirst homeFIIIiI homeFirst First guldu guideUIIII Um Lumbers pretty high highhose highhse hose 9 day dayHocond da daHecond dayc4Hocond I Hocond guide gllideHelgh gllideHelghFllIit Heigh HeighSecond First guidnSa lumbers pretty high hughhOW now hOWSecomi I nowHecondltuldlSoHhuy Second HecondltuldlSoHhuy guide guideSos Sos hay worse than ever everFirst eorerFIOt everFirst First guide Height HoighSecond HolghSecond HeightSecond Second guide guldeEurythlngs guldeEveryththgsblamed Everythings blamed high highlenr hlKhHpar highlear lear youvo ouo bought some timber laud laudomiiwhero handionuewhere alldHOI1lfhere HOI1lfhereFir ionuewhereFirst omiiwhero omiiwheroFirst First Fir 1 guldfHolRh guldfHolRhSecond gilldpHIIrhHonrl gttitlnHeiphSocouioh Second gtildo lIuldllIllr Hear youve bought some somemid sotneturud ollleIlIlId midFirst mid First guide pointing See that flatironm flatiron 011 Il thu mounting mountingSecond mountingSt moitnticigSecond Second St cond guide guIdeFirst Heigh HeighFirst HIIRhFirst First guide juldeI I say thats it IMuch Much ges gesieulatlon gesticulation gesicuiatlon1 ticulationSecond ieulatlon ieulatlonSecond icuiatlon1Second Second guide KuldeFamlly Family well wellFirst wellFirst ell ellFllllt First guide guldAHligh guldAHlighRecond guldeIleighiSecond Hnigh HnighSecond Second euldftFamlly well wellFifHtguide wellFhHtgulde wellFirst FifHtguide First guideYes Yes Wifos Vi Irel got the neural neuraliy neuraly iy pretty bad and Pas rhcuniatlr keep keepurn keepstIm him urn in bed quite some some5 some5Your Your wife wirealooklng wirealooklngwell wifes looking lookingveil lookingorpil well wellSel veil veilSecond Second Sel nd guide guldEOHelgh guldEOHelghFirfltg guideHoighFirst Heigh HeighFirst First Firfltg guide guideSay ldeSay Sny your wifes looking lookingrell lookln looklnwell lookingwell well rellSecond Second Bukl guld6She She will when hAn her new neweeth neWtelth newenthu eeth comes I lost a cow this summer summerFirst lIummerFirM summerFirst First guide guldpHelgh guldpHelghHeconclltuldeIJQetaco guideItolghiSecond Heigh HeighSecond Second HeconclltuldeIJQetaco guide Lost liostacow a cow I IRJlY say Every Everyhing Rver Rverthing Everyhlng thing comes high this Ihl year Guidlngs Guidlngsbit Guldlngben ben good though IhoughtllllL thoughfirst tllllL guIdeHeigh guicheHelghiSecond Second lIidoy guidings hen good goodJo goodFirst Jo First rlt guideBen uideBen a bit too good oodROme oodROmetlmtll slines some sometImes lines Them hllII Boston 1I0 ton mounting mountFng people peoplelikn peoplelike like to have killed me meHttt meIInt mehInt Httt guide with a chuckle chllckleHplgh chllckleHplghHclond chuckleHeighthCdThh Heigh HeighKcronu Kcronu guide KllicleThm Them blamed Indian Club Clubillmliers Clubclltllllfl ChubIinibnrs illmliers was 111 thick as flies that day on the theipper theupper upper pond Had every Iwpr guide boy and andiclper andhclptlIn andIueihwt hclptlIn iclper in tbo place out hauling them There Therevan ThereWIU Therewas van no Heigh this thl time hut a silence silenceich IIlIenterich silencerich rich rich with thought thoughtFirst thoughtFirst thonghtIFirst First guido gulcll11 I was down to the Forks Forksrhaf Forbthu Forksbta rhaf bta week lucas 1 missed It ItSecond Itloeoll1 itScouiol Second gujde gujdeHelght gujdeHelghtlirst Holgh HolghVirst Virst guide guldGut Guess I missed It ItSoixmd itoicond Soixmd guideUm guide UmI tIm 1 Had your luck iuokwith luckwith luckwith with you IOU that time They IThe both laugh laughFirst laughl118t laughlhirst I First gulch gukhl 111111 I presume rosumelIoll likely likelyStfoncf likelySietinut Stfoncf tt ml RUldo guldoJhun Uldo Iho hl ladies all wore wllcgloves wllcglovesIwd gloves glovesind glovesrid ind rid carried arr l1 purals One nt of thorn kep ki kp5iuyiitg pn jinying inying hllt It me Say ay carting youre ourt run runiliifj ruinruing ruing onto one ul fIr it them ruolcs IOU dont dontnincl dOIlLmind dontmind mind my III tolling 1 l1Ing you von do you lTh IThbulh liltey lilteyiotit yKith Kith laugh iJlinlly iJlinllyKlist tJIlnl tJIlnlFItHt piicnliyIFit Klist Fit st 1lliduf11II1t Uidti Some on 5th ni ctUm Urn Marcy Marcyhivrtl h1arcyI 1 I hivrtl hivrtlSucond hterilSecond lurclol1Il Second ol1Il guide guticleHoighi guticleHoighiFirtl Uoigh UoighKii UllohFI Kii FI Firtl RUltlo juldonI Hoeitl 1 they Ihll olim Marcy Maixiylowti Marcyliwd I lowti they thl get et on onSecond ItnH4 enSecond I Ithpm Second H4 cond jlldeTher guide They got on some on onTbore ciiiteni thpm thpmfllre There wan 0 a chuckling and a shuffling shufflingif or if feet th Ju Mi a long nilonce broken at inter interals Interals als 01 by tho drivers confidential ronfldtnt 1 remarks remarkso to his hi utoriue nornmB III a few minut utinuites the party partycached part partrtRcllCcI partyeaclied cached than village and the lie store The Thewo Th Thto Thewo to wo guides alighted IIlIghl one to enter the store storerith stortithe stoiwhe the he exterior of wluch which was beIng trtateu trtateuwith treated treatedrith with rith a coat of violet colored paint by the thewner Lbeoter theuwner wner himself the other to tramp leisurely leisurelyp leisure leisureup up a side road There were no nogood goodbyes goodbyesnd 00dbYeIIalld byee byeeoud alld nd the thr last remarks were wereFeed ere ereFoetl jHdghif Feed FoetlBelgb FeedHeigh Hdghif Belgb Yes feed 1I ri CASSAJON DOES DOESAN DOESiv1 iv1 1 AN ACT OF MERCY MERCYA A French Bankers Experience Wit Witan With Withan Witian an Absconding Cashier CashierFrom CuhlerFrom CashierFrom From London LondonOn I On opening his mail Cassnjon the he banker bankeof bankerof of the firm of Cassajon A Co Bordeaui Bordeauifound Bordeatufound found 10 will a letter from his most mo Importan ImportanLondon InlpottantLondon ImportanLondon London correspondent Mr Mackonnonpresident Mackonnon Mackonllollfesldent Mackonsotijrestdent president of the bank of Maokonnon Iaokon on Co Con ho house two of tremendous credit and infiueno infiuenowith InflU lnfluenwith 9 9with with which hloh he had held business relation relationfor rlationsfor relationfor for many years yearsThis yearllThis yearsThis This letter read as follows followsMoxsniun rolloW8loNstlnn followsMONittIttHu Moxsniun AND HONORED ConifEsposDKNt ConifEsposDKNtWe CORItt PIISIJENT PIISIJENTWe We hurt come to you to beg that you ou will dus do dou dus us a favor Our cashier In whom we haTe hnvnlwayn haTeI1l1rll11 hia hiaS nlwayn hud the greatest confidence hu hue em embezzled embezzled antbeazieci bezzled to the amount of 400000 tranclie frnnos frnnosHe rrancHe He IIHS Iis lalted In the Taplln piin deMlnntlo deMlnntloUordentix de destlnuutioiHordenOx tlnRtlon Uordentix UordentixWill HordeRuxWill HordenOx1ll Will 1ll you ou have liter the kindness to seek Ie his III IIIqualnlance ticquslntanue clUHlntunuo lUHlntunuo without awakening hU di distrutel distrutelget ll tru trust let Bet et possession of the drafts with which he hu huab hliM hliMIIbeconde liiiubscoiuled IIbeconde ab coiided and choose your own lionsthrough lions lionsthrough hOllsothrouBh through which to negotiate thnin When Whethey Whenthe hei heithey they the lire In your poiumilon kindly kind kindly rcturi rcturithem relilathetu them to UN UNAlthough ilKlthoIlBIl itsltltouugli Although he Is to blame we will retur returthem returithem them to our own funds to avoid stands ncandnimcl IIrRnciRIIIntl standsantI antI will 11 follow follo him no further furtherThis rurtherThis furtherThus This imfortuntate fellow has a wife am amfive and andthe anifive five children lie hues nerved us II lionCBtly honl tI fo fotwentynve for fortwenlfho fotwetitttve twentynve years eIlU You ou are tnvremit I tnremit I remit to him hlnSOOOO himOOOO tim timio000 SOOOO francs and yon will pledse IIIe cover hi hishame hlll hlllshllme htishante shame that none may mil know him himWith himWith himILth With all kind regards Ac AcAn tcn cAn An exact description of the he criminal crirninacashier eriminncashier criminalcaKhier cashier was given givenM 1 Caseajon was extremely flattcrec flattcrecby flattoredby fiattereby by this confidential mission Blon with which whlclhe whichhe whiche he was wa honored and he resolved re olved that hi hiwould he hewould hiouhh would ouhh perform It In a manner worthy othe or orIho nthin the high opinion his correspondent had ol olhim or orhim ol1dm him himTherefore Therefore he awaited the arrival of th thJapan the theJapan hi hiJapan Japan with great impatience impatienceThe The vessel V9 fe1 made its entry into the pot porof port portof potof of Bordeaux about oclock of a beautlfumorning beautiful beautifulmorning beautifumorning morning Camajon Csssajonmlngled mingled with withutbeloung withutbeloungcr5 the loung loungore ore upon the wharf harr and watched the lint liniof 1neor lintof of passengers on the gangway He easll easllrecognized en easilrecognized lly llyrecog1llzed recognized the cashier and walked nt lib libside his hisside hiside side sideThe The thief dressed like a gentleman omeans omeans of ofmeans means went to one of the best hotels hotelsCasaajon hotdeCa8 hotelsCusujon Casaajon Ca8 followed him The cashier on ongaged pngaged engaged gaged a room and wont to the dining room roonfor roomror monfor for luncheon Caaeajon did tilt same thing thingami thingand thinganti and took a neat besido him himHe hinuIre He did not need to be introduced Introdu for fora foratablet at attabl at attable tablet dhote cih h6te te one becomes acquainted easily easilyTherefore easll easlllhererolt easilyTherefore Therefore he entered into conversation conversationYou You have come to travel I ra1 I In Franco Francoho Franre1hI ho asked askedYes askedYes askedYes Yes I wish Ish to see France FranceAh FranceAll FrancaAlt Ah you are happy in being able tc tctravel to totravel tctravel travel replied the banker Travelllnf Travelllnfhas fravellngbas Traveillnhas has always been one of my dreams but butunhappily bJlt bJltunhappily butunhappily unhappily business bu lnees holds me in Bordeaux Bordeaux1An BordeauxAN BordeauxAre An you a merchant merchantBanker mer cnerehantBanker hant hant8nnker Banker of the firm Cassajon ft Co atyour at alyour atrour your service serviceHow II ereIceHow rlcn rlcnHow How fortunate I I wish ish to find a bankei bankeito ban er erto to negotiate eono drafts of mine mineThU mine4Thiii This is a coincidence said Cassajon CaseajonMy CassajonM CassajonMy My house one of the best in Bordeaux Bordeauiand Bordeauxand Bordeatiaand and I take great pleasure in putting ll itat llat It Itat at your disposal disposalIt dl IQMI IQMIIt It is turning tumlnKoutall out all right raid the banker bankeito to himself hlm lf I shall get him himI himant I want ant to cash the notes the cashiei cashieiwont lIIIIhlerwent cashierwont wont on onThat onThat onThsL That if i easy IJnouJhwhat nough what amount amountFor400000 amountFor amountForLOOOoofranc For400000 For ForLOOOoofranc 00000 francs Can An01I you do dolt doltEaelly It ItEasily ItEaell Easily Eaell After luncheon we will go te tehe 10thIMI tothe thIMI thIMIJ he elate eatuI I am delighted del hted to haw met you Let et ui uito 1111go uso go to immediately IlIIn edlatllY for 1 am in a hurry hurryIt It is a fact thought the th banker thatthievea that thathieves thatthieves thieves are not alwnyn clever cleverThey clelrnlP cleverfliey They nlP left the oufe1 al the Englishman fol folowinp ro ro10llIjt fotlowing lowing without distrust distrustTho dlelrustThll distrustThe The bunker brought brcu ht him into his hi private privateifflco prh pehatefilct lc lcofficI ifflco and offered him hIm a chair wlich Uch the theashler tbewshler theiisuir ashler took tookWould teokWould ok okWnulll Would you ou give me the notfll not ijald anlilCa ijaldTflsMJn 11111CM1j CM1j Ca TflsMJn TflsMJnThe set ti tiThe I IThp The Englishman nP llshm8n took the drafts draf from his hisocketbook hispochtbooj hisocketbooc pochtbooj ocketbook and gave RO them up Cassajon Ca8lajonorlfled Cassajonrerifled Caesajonerified rerifled them They The were in II fact for a aurn aHIIIII aiunfl HIIIII urn of 400000 francs francsHe franCAHe francsHe He put tint tho draftn into his hl strong box boxevolvor bOilIIhut boxhut IIhut hut thin drawer or his desk and nd pulllnK aevoler a arelolvor evolvor from his pocket he held it to tho thoace thoface thoace face ace of the cashier cashierMonsieur cashierloMlrjUr cashierMonaleur Monsieur he said you are a thief thiefTho thierThe thiefThe The Englishman Fngll hma made a gesture of aston astonishment lJtonIshm4nt astonshiment ishment ishmentI I knov kno that you are replied Cassaion CassaionIt CassajonIt It is lifeless le to deny it ILYou You are the cashier cashierf cn hlpr hlpror or uf my lilT honored correspondent corrl polldpntJI In London Londonif or if the firm Mackenson Inl klnlon A Co They fhe have havedvlned haTIIdlsfl1 haveedrIstJ dvlned me of your arrival from their theirloncription thehdOllrlptonI thtelrioeucripthortI loncription I recognized you and I followed followedon rollowrdrOil rOil on iou ou know tho rest restTlie rjtThe restrite The Englishman En liphmnll tried to rise but the thetanker thehlLnler theanker tanker covered him with wlthltl his revolver revolvorIf revolverIfou If Ifou you 01l tsilic one stop 501 I will kill you youIB youlatin OU OUB IB latin fiuici fiuiciI I am lost murmured the th Englishman EnglishmanInking EnlI Englishmanliullng hman hmanttlnlulK Inking back into his chair chairTho chairTho chairThe Tho banker rejoiced III bin triumph triumphAll triumphAll All resistance rc Itl1ncfl will be useless elffs lie said saidat saidaL saidat at the Inset movement I call and will have haveou haeyou haremu you ou arrested arrestedI Irre tod todI I am loot I am lost moaned the cashier cashierMy cnshllrtv cashierMv My tv poor wife my dear children childrenHow ohlldrenHOII childrenhow How was II it possible for you the father fatherif fRthrrof of if a family rllmll so to forget your our duty asked askedassajon I asked1assajon Ipd IpdCaR CaR assajon assajonI ajon ajonI I put up money on the lie races ra 1I and I placed phaceduer3tluiiig placedivery llacerteverthlng everthlng ivery thing 011 the Daughter of the North Xorthmare NorthL orth 1 mare that tho I stole It all aUlwa aUlwaIt away awayIt awayIt It is you ou who have stolen the drafts of ofour oryour ofrout your our directors directorsI I 11081 lost my head headA A cashier should neer bet said CAS CASajon Cassalon Ciiiajon salon ajon sententlously SI I am a wretch I would like to kill killnyself killmllelf killnyseif mllelf nyself Olve me the revolver revolverNo revolverbNo bNo No not here Your lUT directors have havetven haegiTen have1ven giTen tven me instructions for your disposal disposalI I submit to them in advance advanceOut advanCIIOul advanceOut Out of regard to your your our children and to torour toTour torour rour past pa1nake IIenICIIII the they do not wish Ish tonaks to toinake nake a aThanks scandal andal nor will thot tho prosecute proRCcutCThankR prosecuteThanks Thanks for my poor wife groaned tho thohlef thothlAr thehulnf hlef hlefBy By a generosity that you ou will 11 appre appreiate appreelate appredate elate date the flrm of Mackenson it Co has hasnstructed hilAinslrucled luasnstruicted nstructed mo to remit to you 00000 francs francsto 110 to that you ou may begin again elsewherehat elsewhere elsewherethat t11tewherlthat that you you may ma bo a letter man and become becomejncfl belOmoncfl becomeInca Inca more honest honestI I will 111 remain honest I swear to you youaid youaid 011 011BIIld BIIld aid the th cashier moved to tears tearsI I hold you to it said the hit bunker bllnkercollnt bllnkercollntIng conni conning Ing ng the fifty fiCt fiftynotea notes 1000 l000franosanch francs each These TheseIB Thp fhp hp IB gave to the absconder IIb condlr who put them In Inlis Inhis Inlie his pocket and ruin left expressing again and andigain andaKaln andgaiti igain his thanks thanksThe IhankRfhe thanksThe The banker satisfied in his mind an to tohe tothA tohe thA he way In which hlch he had acquitted him himielf himfIllr 1dmelf elf of his task wrote rotp ns follows to his hisMKMRH hilidlllIt hislient4 dlllIt dlllIt1fKaR lient4Masses Masses 1fKaR MACHFNHON MMPIF so 4 Co I have hl conortiied con conormtKl conIorliled ormtKl in every eer point to your ollr Instructions Instructionsontnilied Inetrllctlolillontnlnld intutruicthonsontatneci ontnilied in your our honored favor 1 XTHH XTHHisppy uhnPII as hnPII isppy 1511 In mnkiric the nuqunliitnlice of rour rouribseonding TOllr1I1J routrbstondltig 1I1J ibseonding Ionrllnr tianhltr on oh lli the mine III day 110 as hl hilt hilttrivel IH IHirriviil irriviil who hO without a it tiout arty RII mlvtriikl caniii caniiio 10 my III oltlrti on lo ncirollnte the lirnftt rllft which whichle whllhhI utiteiia hI le a hail Htolmi from you youI youI 011 011I I fuereri hprevltli iii rfiirn ruu I til lt to I yon 11 tli thts drafts and andn lindIlIlIccllrllIltf IlIlIccllrllIltf accordant I with 0 tl your you lIlIr it clwlrc uIeul re I lutve irlven irlvenlie lriP1iIIII iii ust utie IIII lie wretch wret cli VJOOD 001111111111 rrinrn ti iIM which uII kb 1 liavt ha I Vt erej rtOIII1 ill I ted tedit lin 011 in it your Ullr accoiiul nerOIl Vitur our uunvronitr lIunfr I fI sieiniii sieiniiio Iu make lIIuk good CuO liiiiirifsluii 11I1Ir luli on his hi NOII 11 lie liehank Iilthank4 tiehank thank4 hank ypii you 011 for thnfukeof the uk utke or 1 hlx wirnnnd wlf Clllt ilill ilillIrfiiiiinl 1111IlrllIlIlId ifuIlren IlrllIlIlId Irfiiiiinl ren tutiul heliHH hI hall pruiiilscil IJrutlll cIIO tn itetoipip necomean act hont hotuet hotuettail tnun tmlln nun taillercutlt nunPermit Permit inn to say 51 to you 011 my In honorrd honorrdnrrrspomlonti honoretiorreipooiflflt5 honorfdlOrrfRpnruAnt nrrrspomlonti thai thu your ellr gennroalty iflIntn II ou Oultut tit titot tJtnot not ot to tx ImltntoU rItOOmIlPnlrll oomTien llii osuhlerH osuhlerHrho pallhlprHllho csaiileruirho rho stiil eenis to inv bail balllxurnoit balllxurnoitH example exampleBy oxrrn Vie VieB By the return mall the banker 1 received receivedhe th he following reply replyMo rep repMO replyMocsiLtH I Mo MocsiLtH sitfH AXD HOXOHBD CorRKspovntxx CorRKspovntxxou Conn SlClxnl rYou You ou Imvo been the victim of a hold 1I Ktmrpur Ktmrpurmr tuunrpijrlilt hRrpolllIr llIr mr cu cubltr hifr how ha not absconded he Is I always alwayst lit his lilaoo and enjoys out lull confidence confidencele He le has neither wife nor child hlle The drafts draftsrlikh dtllftlwhIch draftshdch whIch Wfl return tlln to you OU are fors forgorl forgeries rle an to tohe totbe toe tbe he 60000 francs that you han have taken the thebertr tileliberty tht thtbertr liberty bertr of remitting to this sharper you youD youan 011 011OIID OIID an find nothing worse than In putting It Itpon Itupon ItDon upon Don your own aucount accountAfter aucountAfter After this thu brilliant piece pi of work CMU CMUm Cuunt1rec1 Ctasau retired from tra basins ln I The Mad Elephant of New NewJers Jefset JefsetJt Yt irl irG 1 1II Jt STORY BY riiEi 7IEsWJvs JIrf 1 1b3lW 4 4WS b3lW WS ANIMAL MAN 1 1 1 I II Ae a care sir lr EII Esthenawstlcstdevl EsthenawstlcstdevlI the nawfltlelt devil devilI dcviI I ever see thats wot is sir and ed tea teayour tfllr tfllryour teayour your and to pieces in a mlmito sir sirThe sirThe lrI lrIThe The second mate of the rusty rllet high bowed bowediron boedIron bowediron iron tramp Bucrania fresh from India Indiaproved Indlnproecl Indiaproved proved his faith by his works He gavi gavithe gaviflue vo voth the th nasty devil a wide berth berthTho IltrthTho berthThe Tho nasty devil replied to hi his repronche reproncheby reprOnclll1Ihy by trying frantically to break the iron bard bardFalling lIrFalling barsFailing Falling he lay Ia on his side flld and ripped a athe at attll athe the tll wooden wood back of his cage And all tin tintime tho tholimo tbtime time he screamed RlraIl1Nland and roaredPooty roared roarodPooty roaredPool Pooty Pool fIne tiger dat salil the Kwlsi Kwlsianimal HwlHRallimal Swisaninaul animal man He had just clambero clamberoaboard clnmbforollaboard clartuberouaboard aboard to look over the cargo of beasti beasticonsigned 1III btasticonsigned tll tllcoIIIIllnld consigned to his old man Pooty finttiger fint tlnotiger fituitiger tiger yosl Nice boy nice boy Soooo SooooHow SooooHow 0000 0000How How you like dat heyAnti hey heyAnd heyAnd And with Ith the words wordlllie lie stooped and thnisi thnisihis thnlthiM thrushis his arm into the dark cage cageThe emKeThe cageThe The little second mate jumped forwart forwartwith rorwardwith forwariwith with yell ell of warning wanlln But ho stoppetshort utoppeshort lopped loppedIIhort short In amazement so profound thiit hint IK IKstuttered I IIItutterod hutstuttered stuttered over his swearing swearingThe swearingThe wearingThe The Swiss animal animal11111n man was rubbing UK UKtigers 11111tiger tintigers tigers furry white belly and the tiger was wasn WRRlying waslying lying on hl his back with ith hili hti legs Ur up In tO chic nil ajrclaws nilcIWR airclaws claws sheathed tail waving ana deep purr purnof purr purrof purrof of delight rumbling from his vast interior interiorr InlfllorXo interiorNow 4ii i i ui uibensl Xo Now this tiger was a IunKlemllltht IunKlemlllthtbeaMl bensl and he had been shipiwd hipped iiipi1 ctralgli ctralglifrom ttruulghilfrom tralghlfrom from from tho trap to the coast lOl8tllI and straight tral hl trait fronthe 110111the traitthe the coast to America And from thin day dnjon dlron dayon on which tho woven basketcagc of bam bamboo hmttuboo boo surrounded him until the day of tin tinships IhHhlpM tinships ships arrival at her New York pier mhuman 110hUll1ln nohuinait human being had approached him withou withoupayingfor wllhoutpa withioutipayingfor payingfor pa lngfor it itConsequently itloiisisuiietutly iIlOIlHtJCllIllItlY Consequently when hn the animals wert wertoff weIllorrtbo veaoff off orrtbo tho ship hlp the Swiss animal animollllllll man was le leto led ledto iccto to a corner in a sailors iiloi tavern near tin tinpier Ihlpier thispier pier and crossexamined crossexaminedUill crossrxllmllllCilII Uill eli In1 III hi i 111 i i tic lt rt know what you yoiwent youiltlll yourartt went to 0 know Imo Viiimiils iliac Is it ill like iinythlni iinythlnielan utnyt Ii liii liiidee elan dee You ou1 got to ci kuuv rn rut and when you yoiknow youknow 011 011klll know klll CIII den dey de dont joelder you nc ncmort nilmolf ittmore more mortY molfYfG Yes but how did renl buoy Kno that rOil yououilci yoicould rOilOulll could pt wt that fitrango tiger that you fine hainever hRdnevcr finenever never sect HIf bcioiv l1tI I and that had uli never beet beeitouched btfntOll beettoutchial touched tOll hld baton bafowHow b3foJlHen batonILiv How I knov 110 ilut you aint going to bid bidmo bilomo Iitimc mo or hit me lucy I itnov 101 dat dont I IAnd IAnd FAnd And I aint never strn you 01 before nuclei neidcrhey neidclhey nucleihey hey I been do animal busircv twenty twentytwo twciutytwo wcntyto two years ears and I aint never sftn 11 a hens beasyet benRtrft hensycL yet dat a msn couldnt handle if ho Unowec Unowechow Imowpdhow Ititowechowexcept how howexcept xcopl once on And dst heat tue tueAnd IfAud ru ruAnd And the Swiss viss nnlrnfl nnlrnrIITll1n innn hunched intthe int intthe Intthe the story IItor of the mad 11 I phunt of New NewJersey XwJeraco NewJcrscv Jersey JeracoIn In the hI IwRinning thrniaritlephontwasr thrniaritlephontwasrmad till tend dttianL phl nt wallnl wallnlmad wasntmad mad nt ell Ho was aR living quietly on tin tinanirnil IliAonlmL tinanirot anirnil I farm in It Now Xr Jersey erov vhem tin tinSWJKI IhlSWNI tbSwLuuui SWJKI aiilmtl mans roll rontu II 11 I I titan min 11 loneps pops 11 Jls hii hiipeciliar hlA hlAcdlol liiipeer peciliar peer cdlol lint mcrcbandlso tll it ii is ciIlei lld forHe for formoney rorHfl Hfl waR II hlg elepl1lmt and worth much muchlUone mitchmoney money lUone to the Ih ordeni were that extra goo goocarj tOad tOadcar OO OOcera car must mu lIE i taken of him himEvery himEven himEvery Every day dll lie was led out and fustewc fustewcby fUftendhr fustenecby by a greatchain I greet lIot tllill to treo on the tarn farn1The rlLrnTho tarnThe The chain was long enough to give bin binconsiderable himcon considerable con lderahl1J scope scopeNow f1et1ptNcw scopeNow Now ono evening there was all a party rty nthe III IIIthe cithe the village near the wild animal farm farmand fnrmoml farm farmanti and the employees of tho Iwicit ls nt storagt storagtpUff Itorn storagipiece er1n1P pUff went to it In such hurry that thpgot thp Ihoorgct thoyforgot r1n1P forgot to lead the elephant Indoor Thai Thillnight Thainight night It snowed and wham the emploYI1 I Igot i igot got hack they the found that the theclrphant CIfphant Lcd bee1gon LcdgOI licegou gon ind indTho 1T trdTiun cI cIThe The elephant had trampled tho snow Into intra Intoa mt mta a circular path about the thotrC tree Every tim tlnvhe Umhe timhe he clrcularJath finished flnlhe a crasiy craz rush around the circu circuho elrclhetllmCd cirokho ho hetllmCd turned at the tree and drove his heat heaciagainst hl heatagainst dagalnsl against it itNow iIow itNot Now ow he was down on his knees bury burying burying ing his tusks around its roots and striving strivingto Btrivi nil nilto to haul it out of the ground Again hti htirose hurose bcrose rose on his hind legs left and laid his whole wholeweight wholoelght uchmoleoweight weight elght against agalu the chain chainTho IIlalllI chainthe I the hA animal animalllwn men tried every scheme they theycould the thecould thuecould could bink of if to calm him It was almost almostnoon almoltnoon almostnoon noon th the next day when the men acknowledged acknowl acknowledged acknowledged edged themselves beaten beatenand beatpnThp beatenfhn Thp IIIlId elephnllt was III still III learlngarollnd learlngarollndanll tearing around aroundanui and around his endless leM circle The 1 lie tren trenwas treowat trenwas was giving way wa slowly hut surely Not uman alIIall ILtitan man had managed to pans a chain around aroundhim aroundhim aroundhuttui him himA A telephone tell phone message brought flit ownerfrom owner ownerfrom ownerrrom from New York in tho early tlrl afternoon afternoonAfter IIfternOOIlUIer afternoonAfter After looking one moment at the frantic franticmountain fmntlcl1Iounlaln franticmuuountaln mountain he telephoned to New York ork to toono 10anD toone ono of the famous fa 1110 1111 elephant experts of thn thncountry thncountrr thicieouiutr country eouiutr The elephant export demanded demandeda a full list of symptoms and then thllIanwld thllIanwldItqrrlldh answered answeredIliirriedly unsvertdiiirrIeo1ly Iliirriedly that be was too busy busyTho The old ld man hunt hUfjtld led to New XI en York ork III inxrson iiiiorsott 111111011 xrson There near nlnrth the Madison Sqtmarthittlii Squuro SquuroCanton Canton is is barroom patronized by a queer IImcrlot queerlot iieer iieerlot lot ot customers cu tlll1llrM They fh aro lion lionl minors minorselephant rnlnnllielo rumorsolejihatit elephant elo ptJllllt men and andull nil sorts of experts txJ1I rl III tho thowild th thuwild wild nniiiuil nUlllllllllll nUlllllllllllIt ntui ttuil line lineIt lineIt It required some hours to I induce any IIn of ofthem ofIhpm ofthem them to wonder out to wildest Now Jersey Jerseyto JtnII1 Jerseyto to subdue a mod elephant but at last thnt thntof thn thnof of them went wentThey wentThey They gut then none tio too soon AH hands handsat hatithitt at the farm farm were preparing to hunt cover coverThe coverflue The treo was olmust out of th thet ground groundWithout groitutiVlthouit Without wasting time in parley the thethree lit litt three elephant men armed themselves themselvesOne One took nn elephant goad Another Anotherselected Anotherselected selected a sapling The third grabbed a atwolined atwof twolined twof med pitchfork pitchforkThe pitcthfcirkrho The routs of tin tree were showing above aboveground abovoground ground on tine cult Bang went the lit wipllnp wipllnpstraight uuuplln uuupllnstraight straight down on the big bulging forehead foreheadThe foiehtoaclhme The elephant shook his head and charged chargedDig clutrgedDig Dig went the goad deep Into his flank flankdriven flankdriveti driven with a force tlwt made the wielder wielderof of the weapon grunt The elephant turned turnedquick turnedquick quick as a flash and rushed the length of ofhis ofhis his chain chainBut chainBut But ho recoiled with a scream The Thopitohfork Thepitchfork pitchfork man had begun Jab jabI jabIjab jah jahjab jab straight into the sensitive trunk went wentthe wentthe the two tines tinesSquealing tinesSquealing Squealing shrlekingscrcamlng trumpet trumpeting trumpeting ing the elephant stood still for a moment momentbut momenthut but only for a moment Then he coiled coiledhis coiledhis his trunk between his tusks to protect it itand itand and made another daub He nearly got gotlllli gutthe the lllli IIUIII nuun whit Wlljl the I lie i goad inii uiuv Only a bittuding bittudingblow muuiiiK muuiiiKblow blow from tho sapling waved his foe foeDusk foeDusk Dusk came and black night canto and andstill antistill still the men fought the lit beast They knew knewthat knewthat that now it meant probable loss of human humanlift hunmatulife lift and certain destruction of valuable valuableproperty valetahileIirper property Iirper If they gave the bruin chance chanceto to tear at tho tlu weakened tree for PWII tit a amoment atnoinemit moment momentSo tnoinemitSo So steadily continually cent Inuaily they ham hammered haitiinered mered stabbed aitd clubbed thin mon monster monster ster Other employees took a hand and andfor andfor for three hours a steady rain of blows foil foilon lolloh on oh flue elephant elephantthe the poor mail brave old oldboaxt oldbeast beast whosobbed who sobbed at last but still would wouldnot wouldtulut not yield yieldAt yieldAt At last long after midnight a new and andmighty andraighit mighty hunt took a turn at the sapling saplingand saplingend and with a terrific blow he brought the thebeast thiebeast beast to his knees In another moment momentIIB IIB was up again as plucky as over But IlutIn ButIn In that moment a chain was no naused ed nround nroundhis oraunditis his hind log and ItHother itsou liar end enclwas was fastened fastenedlo lo I ot a stake st iuke driven deep In the lie earth beyon lhis llila his reach reachTry reachlry Try as they I lucy would the bensl was not notlo mitI lo I I rmight aumgi it napping again and a ccl no morn mornrliains itlo in inhuaiiis rliains could bo I Mfuml iibout him Bo Bountil SoLI until LI rut I i dnwu clii ii tin1 I It wKlclnis circle I around aroundurn urn Ft tOt ornund ii iflhi ti leaping lei i lug in i ii nail delivcnnn delivcnnnblow oieiier tfl4 tfl4ttktu blow or out whenever urhie cue ver tho lie elephant eltl th nt began beganlo it lo 0 tear ifl iimw limit at it the ii Ire IreSoon I ISnhI Soon niter I dnvn help raino cit tim ju list hi it i I he heniik liedk niik of time I I tao It I cume in tho I to i thu hup i i if iwti iwtirnine iw iwitii rnine itii tied elfiihiinls iittluti 01 14 wMit In pecinl I car carrom citeloin rom ircns i rotis train tel it that I was showing hiow it nimn nimninilw a time timenuns nuns nwiiv nwiivThe tiwiivIlie The old odd niati hud tommunicatod noinnutn icats I ijth ijthh ji jitie tie propiiotora i tot pts and they titer had made him him an anirter itmiitler irter of Loo th for the lie elephnnt BS hn Hir od odtwaitn ouiI twaitn I saua hrmting chanco Thin circus nieu nieuffa ciucupro pro lend lame slnts slntslo ottx ottx1ondeioiirtly 1ondeioiirtly lo ridi tli I ic two WI iug ig ninpha iophant iophantiwung iii swutug iwung up tho ho mud for two wo mil IulJitl tn Um Umoiimal I tin tinninual oiimal farmand farm atid majestically thor marched marchedip ip to their squealing brother Mia frenzy frenzyTOS fretuyens TOS incroa Increased ed by their appearance but buthey butthey hey didnt pay the slightest attention to toita totie tie rage rageSlowly Slowly they backed up to him one on onI oni I i i ieach each skis Ha Hothrtlsfc thtrift at thiemvlcf themvlet6uslr themvlet6uslrwith imly imlywith with hU tusksw tusks but they squeezed rvhim rvhimtight hulnu ttlglittu tight tlglittu or mid tighter betw etuuuemi en them UM UlLiu UlLiucould hi hicould could move illO no molt moltaround ittortQiiicki Qiiicki thin tlrciis huen slipped chains chainsturoumfud around the mud rloplmnt toiL shackled shackledhis ebMOkledhils his legs ogs togethpr wilhshort chains Then ThenI mt 1 1they they I cast off the IxinUs that Judd bold hlm hiito hiitorca tp tptroo troo rca and stoke and at thin word the clrciw clrciwelephants elrmteliihtniuts elephants marched off diagglhg their theircatJtlvn rcaptive captive with them themlie I 4 1 1lid lie objootefl with evorj11 kind of ofsound vwiund vwiundUnit sj Unit oUpluint liin Iung4tatnprodiitw Hcjin JHtiiluw but the thetwo i mtwo two big bc beasts iists dragged mm uiini on tn Every Everything tj thtingwent thing went wull for a qttnrt Hiiirter binnlle binnlleThen cunU cunUihlOii Then sui1d6nlvho Midd mulv lht craRy clupnantrnada clupnantrnadan c1tuptienf made Jj Jja bolt which fortvd bIN captoTflalmoBtroff captoTflalmoBtrofftheir captOTFalm sttt stttthueii their feet Jn the strnggla the lie three colos colossal txtloesal sal croatMnis crouuti4nusuuf half stumbled ttittthLod half felagainat felagainata a frame hoiisn jiwt olVtho lYt hQ road roadThen rqtudliten Then thorn thi ro was no more cntirehiouuiu hfiurto Timbers Timbersfurniture Timherfurnituc furniture iM ekphants were mixed on ontho ccilie tho lie ground grountiTho vThe The 1 lwoctrciis wov ruiis olnphantsooon oiophanttusooityuggiod oiophanttusooityuggiodto trugglucl truggluclto to tJieljfiK npiin icginhiut tint the mad elapTwnV elapTwnVI if ifi4hepIuiely I ab i4hepIuiely oluf ly rnfUwed to stir Hii fltStRA WHS unhiirt unhiirtbut ci cihut but tin onianofrliie wottdiiotrbteRenewtui WRenewed Renewed bt btntttugi atiiiH anti proddlngswera proddlngsweravain 7 7vain vain jVfl i4ter rnn au hour oflnlxjr Ilin tie olr olrmen oirci oircitimen men gttyothoworfj gt tp th thtircJmrgtunnci thtircJmrgtunncioft ir charge And Andoff off they wont dragging thn captive along alongthn alOn alOnhue thn hue road rotuliKirsl roadFirst First howHM drugged along onhle side sidethentin sideI I thentin hinliaclc No owluewas hffwau rolled rohieclothttti over overthen then he ito went wnisn lute a niildhol Ovor Ovoruntl hierclcii untl througJuiverythiiiK iirotii lttierythuiug hnwejit a mighty ti ii iiliving living swearing swearingproteetinig protesting hurdle giving gTvinRthat fr fhat that hat Vow Jersey roftd ith scrapfiig an anit nutit it lunvr hud before or since rIt 4 4It It wits IIKM long loilgpccli pull end nliard oneBut oneButthn I Ithe the circus animals wart re big and liupaa liupaasiv sin i 4 1 I 1t 4 4fhuny They riHioned hot ii io to the furious nblfw nblfwof of thin fallen nor norclkI dW they theycondecehd condescend eVen eVento vun vunto to peer behind them Calmly irresistibly irresistiblyhoy irresistiblythey they dragged him with cloud of New NewJersey I IJersey Jersey soil oil and dirty BUOW hpverjng aver avertho 4 4thin thin cavalcade its if nn army of 10000 mon monwere I Iuvein were marching on vt tWithi With 11 final rushtliey drugged him like llkon ij bag of meal Op fl thus Inclined plane tpth tpthitiiai ear earand iui Jand and thenr thenrThey thieit I ITIity They stopped all over him They fell felon on onhim I Ihim him him with their mighty knOes Fliey flte piodded pioddedi I Ibunt i bunt with their 1u 1iisku ki 1h rhby ItickKl him himand hitutand and butted him i ilii ir irIn In leu less than flftpen minutes the mail mailelephant nutIleplunni elephant whom awhol nIghtp fligittpFabhThg fligittpFabhThganti i tabWnB tabWnBanil anti clubbing had not HiibdiiraL suibolue4utterejl uttere Iii IiilorigHlrowii Si Silongclpu lorigHlrowii ii plnlfi vi1 squea squeal llK6a like a fhous fhousaridton bouts I Iandtutu aridton pig whoso tall isMepped Is stepped ch Ky Kya a freight frtlglitcat car carIn 11 In a tiiwi tho ulruiiH men worerjn ere the ho hocur ii iiuur cur ami aid cast the chains chrtiasoffso off HO tlmtjhe tIuttJhebeate1u beaten beatenbcsst Ii bcsst could rise They tiud roccigtlJ roccigtlJthn rnqoujtliL jflue flue elephantine eieph ntimin slgtinl ot surrender surrenderNow surrenderNow Now I tell you said the HWNiahinal HWNiahinalman man dat hut was dn finn 1 wa wasb otr atwfiut Buitt lliet lbet bet you we ve did good tings for tint elephant elephantand elephantand and dn circus he got a good bargain hnrgaiiicuLf out of ofdo tdo do old man manDut 1t Dut licking dat we aridde and de oderefepfianls oderefepfianlsgive fgive give him him by Chriptopher ifmfide hint do dobest best nlephanl In da ol country Hes in dat datcircus dutciretis circus now lu andhos xo ij good dot dci let da dachildren tiechlidreiu children rid ride on him hum all de time timeHis timncIIIM His keeper tell inn dnt ho alnt never nevershowpd nevershowed showed bad Is4npet etnp since dot dntdn day Whas Whasyou Vohtayotc you link of dat heyf heyfMKKTIXtl hey heyMMT1Nb MKKTIXtl TtlK Fnff PUMI1N1 1lFtiT 1lFtiTV 1 1t Word ird a Handihske a Purairiirh Jn JnYour nonr Your onr Homo IeWithPapr Ney Simper nil its A1frri AJ Qvfr4 Qvfr4from I IPrnur from lhrHiitchtnnn Kan CiuuNeta fitit fititEvery 1 1Every Every do lay the tb ile ibcaIitchiei tiitriies ninounce that thatthe thattti the tti Hon Mr Promjnrnt Knhsaii of IvansSKwnsesforlocl IvansSK Eanatiswnsnscorieil wnsesforlocl to tc the White Hoilsa by Senator Benntbrniiink Senatorflunk niiink or fonBrpsainJin Sonndso and nlit nlitthe itittthe the President oIhia ci cithis this Item means to to most of th the Eansfff EansfffreaderB Kfl5 a areaders readers thafthft that the llcui iloi Mr Kananmi Kananmimnltted nw wsf Umilled milled to the Pirhllfjits uf ut1te ro under utnderJ ho hoguidance lunutidanco guidance or unit out or our HtatesnieniBnd stateusutuen and that thatthero thatthuero thero hn WIIM iiviii tiirar a good seat find findtogether itnoltogether together with thtt tfi Jrr lrrtdent ilent unit the Senator Senatoror en tor toror or Connrp Congres4mtitI rti lii dlsriissed tht thfl weather weatherthn weathert thn hn Iaiiiiinii tutii amutut i a Iho i Ii priie or hogs anil anilprolmtily a nd ndprohunltii prolmtily ttif tue luilltUul hell I itll I jituilion sit iit I in Ii i KniisnH KniisnHHut Kit ii ci it Hut 13 at Isnt is ii thm tic way ifl Tim rnitH qriS I that thattheiiroinlmintcitlziii tie tthe theiiroinlmintcitlziii the lurnhicltlvflt ltizmi of ICiintl iit micottipanij micottipanijt nnirAnl rt rtby by Ills ii Is Senator ictti or or Loimrciwman ouu grtsslia Ii ItHlliiUilino ItHlliiUilinoin tiil hi IL Jliii Jliiilii in tin ii niiterunm ci of thn tiu Inviilcnts I rtslulcn I a ollloo olllooahoiit ottichiIi ahoiit Ii touit in I I oclorkin iclork ii i Ioniiiany totli ma Ii with a I Ii hunared hunaredor humnd rtsi rtsior or morn UlitluuiilsliPd it imicut 1st ed citftiid from other otherStntcH 01 let lett4tiits StntcH acionipunlfMl 13 inelr hint JStnator or orConKrcsdniin tic 3 ConKrcsdniin anil utootl first on one fi ftsui Hanil yiititl anil then I on thf Ii oilier ot I cc until ii nt I I about ii hflti It i I oclock oclockThen I Ihiiui Then lilIt iil dour oi oincul iiiil and it iuui Mr i HooHovili HooHovilifHino itociseuelisitu fHino situ iii lottklnc like a iinin who loud a jol jolahead iot 4 ahead ho warfln uuut I Ii hurn hi rrt to 0 fInish HoRimnner HoRimnnernt itegintit cat nt ono entl tul iif tlni linn thin President ropidly ropidlyworkisl 4 4tvrktl workisl hl hits wny townnl Mr lr Iniiiihient Kan Kanan luuiusuit suit an who WH nirniliif over In III lui4 liiliUljilM liiliUljilMwhat titititlIui i iwtiuit what he it uu uoiid itluI siiy ui tO tii Irtthldent and andwhin 1 ut I 1 1suliuiutitti whin 8iiiti suliuiutitti tlon lii i vnnlil nmkiii to thn thniniiilnit tti 0 0tuiiuttt iniiilnit tuiiuttt thi ttu I lareriiiiicnt veriiiiiiit Wtien Iii tliIrfrtlclnnt I IIrtsidiiit Irfrtlclnnt wiiiie 10 cc ilr Ir I Knnsan lit eio ciu him himan iitiilit an lit INhlbltlon nt the fniiuins white tooth toothand teet Ii Iiii and ii ii nt ii tin Lii Stiiiilur Stiiti I it tir Cult otitrrthninnii rrtsuilnml haiil haiilMr aaltI Mr I KIIIISIII Ii utp si I I tlu Ii I 1rrMiliiit wnlil JiMlluhltMl JiMlluhltMllo I lIlghii etI etIt lo 0 ineii you tiut wltlL uti th I lie tit itttont tttoii I on it tbe I lie lnnd i Ii I Itutu tutu nnd with itii a iviirm irrti crtti i of the thu right haiul haiulrenrhlni tiitiultpiutuiiig renrhlni nt thn tii snnn tlnm with Ills left ttlie tt tti tlie i hit next man a pniinliiHiit Nil tbmisktu tbmisktureileutiiig iitJctJn Jinil Jinilrtiieuthiir rtiieuthiir tn tt him JMIuuteu to intit you youWIIIIP Yolutsittuin WIIIIP Hiilli nnd Winit mwnt The rt PrrtliliMit PrrtliliMith I nl it I tilt IK1 third niiin lita ti acid out of lienriH lip rIet lnfor lnforMr tl tltc Mr tc lvnn ii tu an ci rt rets his breuth I rca tit ami ceiUIos itlull tel thai thaiIt liii I It is all ii i i over iintl Ii iil Mr Koowvclt wlllnot ill tiot havn havnthe hi Vi i iI the I tit tiencflt of tin I lie luformntlon I ii lorina I ott that I lint liorwllv liorwllvIIIIKllI lie tin I I vtIlt IIIIKllI tIlt gui to I a llHVP llHVPThat liii ye yeThai That Is the Itt wn ivuit thin PrnmllWilKifrt Pronilnehi wifethuis wifethuiswho hJiX hJiXwho who KO lo a ishttigtont shin don niert rite Preoldent PreoldentLEGTRIG PrositisuitELEcYRio ELEcYRio LEGTRIG BELT BELTSENT i iSENT SENT FREE FREETo I ITo To all Men who Write to the lleldel lleldelberg i iberg berg flcdlcallnstltuto Hcdical Institute St PaulLust Paul Paulu Lust amid your name and address plainly written and andthey sn sntlietwlul they tlietwlul will tend their great greatElectroCheniio ElectroChemlo Belf Belfwilheat Reit ReitWithOSone wilheat WithOSone one cent ol cost lo you ou lilt yours ourt for tho thoatklng A AitWeg atklng Noteien neceiuryto lendpoitageitimp send poetsgestamp GOOOALLLii IIFLr4N THOfiLt jard1xtetng ard1xtetng away ttbol1intt tbol1intt of ttettra llecnlsisemtABehis llecnlsisemtABehistOtureCo tOtureCo ri1nivrraau tcrrwcsndcrtutcrtr tcrrwcsndcrtutcrtr1OT 1OT Jai urctltuerCaltlo7 IeI5iIii IeI5iIiir rtii IiSlStUii fljleJlaIIiea 1ttC 1ttCskr skr Il utvqcir and andF4 F4 Li ic1ir etirta Hhiumatitm HhiumatitmCiuCl CiuCl tzn fiacto iaYrjl thauAan Varico uialtcJdicji IrcniieLleerSioruach 4 4itli itli VittM ctisai Walassi Lost Ne I Ifrrs frrs rftsii it mivy tAker ailtua llmMj Itis it ts worth from fromJtoPisorarppo trctiI I JtoPisorarppo i ti cult dive It II i rfrtO Anay atnnlutrlr atnnlutrlruu atenliitutt uu br 19 maser FppciuJiattnBU 5 i atrnU tho thoce who whouod wiiiitttJ itttJ uod tie cia qrcat ctirellro art electricity electricitySUmBErjEICHTEEN electrIcItySJFFEREDEIGIITEEN SUmBErjEICHTEEN YEAfiSCUREO AT LAST WSTfiy LASTouste4 ouste4 tiipt Ttttll txmp I ti i trut snrart iUl fl fl5TM 5TM fiy tY Irjntilni I pjflhI Ik I li itsdiriJu Ur lnvlnmy 117 txckuvl txckuvlafr ru It in ttut I iil1 en I rr tnT I iuit I sa ii55i it I whit I tok I Min Minti I ic afr gtf ucil troChCTnl troChCTnljl I ti tlollnJrl tlollnJrli tt IT iriICh jl IrHitul tritulatouiii tritulatouiiii i i i I i ritihipriij i i rr Jtrncrosiiini Jtrncrosiiinii vim i ill uinanl uinanlIsvours ui a ii iiEME EME tie ltclt tonntcenutoi tnaitit tnaititI I Isvours iur to beep forever with without wIthitll out the payment of one cent Ho wrlto today toivfir for the tbnUcaitt Jrcat BlcctrnChcmio Belt Fret Meet Meetlion Menlion lion ttls paper Address Dent 103 103HEIDELBERG tr trHEIDELBERQ HEIDELBERG MEDICAL INSTITUTE INSTITUTEFifth I ft ftjy Fifth and Robert St 11 PAUL HUH jy jyt A.

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