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The Evening Telegraph from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 8

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MAttMft THE PAIL1 EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, PUT DAY, OOTOBBR 1, 1809. MUSICAL AWP nitAMATlC. The CUT Amusement. f'uRHNiTT Tom Taylor's comedy of Our AT a will be performed this cveainK.wltt. iriw mSl iichanl." This play had a remarkable suo-I Li when it iu first pro.Vuc.vt Hi thin country.

At Arch rect Theatre.with John 8. Clarke a "Ana Treiichanl It ran for over one hundred nirhts, and i i Messrs Whentley A Clarke In a lawsuit si UiTO Keem! who Calmed the exclusive rht perform lu Welre not certain whether the has been settled yet, as It had a fashion of Its appearance in the courts Just when Everybody hid thought that it was a 1 IrfanKe.l to the satisfaction of all parties. Tils leaa squabble was a mannlilcent advertisement for the play while It was havlnpf a run, and unt 1 the davsof The Mack Crook and Hmnptg lhtm)ty It was fAinnus for having Iecn performed consecutively for iireater number of tiUfhts than any piece ever brought out in this country. The comedy, however, tons merits of Its own whlta have fflveu It a permanent position on the staire, Mid when well acted It is very entertaining; performance. Besides Miss Keeno, the- cast this eveninp; will Include Messrs.

Bowers, Sheridan, Jack, Otis, Wallace, McNulty, t'ostello, J)rew, and Nale; Mesdamcs Creese, Carr, Laurens, Anderson, Porter, and I'rice. Honclciinlt's drama of Hunted Down Is announced us In preparation. At thk Mr. Booth will have a benefit this evening, and will appear as In comedy of Much Ado A bout Xothiug. At the matinee to-morrow the same bill will be repeated.

To-morrow evening The Merchant of Venice will be performed. At thk A Kin the drama of Formosa, will be represented this evening. At thk Acaokmy pp Mrsic allaee opera of HarituiM will be performed on Monday by the Parcpa-Itosa EiiRllsh opera troupe. On Tuesday l.a Sonnambula will bo ptven, and on Wednesday The Puritan Dawjhtrr. Scats for the tirst six nights can now be procured at the Academy and at Trump- tub Eleventh strkkt Horsg the minstrels will (Jive an attractive entertainment this evening, combluing a great number of umuslng IVThk Gkeat EfttorEAN Cinct will open for brief season on Monday next on street, between Race and Vine.

This show combines an Immense variety of attractions, and a (treat number of lirst-class performers, trained animals, etc. Thk Avokuai.k si'FK urns as Our readers should remember the concert to be Klvcn to-niomw ulier-noon at Musical Fund Hall for the bencllt of the Avon.lale sull'crers by the Junior Society and the Uermauiu orchestra. Tho following programme will be presented: Overture, "Dcr Frelschuelz," 0. M. eber; Wer nle seiu llrod In Thnenen ass, Zimmerman; Kuneral March, Chopin; Chor, with Orchestral Accompaniment, Mendelsohn Ilarthold7, Aricle, Daughter of Air, finale, E.

Bach; Hoilimiuf, II. Mohr; Meditation, J. S. Bach; Die Geiateischlaulit, K. Kreteh-nier.

A first-class entertainment may be expected, and we hope that our citizens will contribute to make the utlair a brilliant success. The N. Y. Tribune Bays: "A remarkable spectacle is about to be presented at the Grand Opera louse. The Temjiext will be revived there next Monrtav, with the scenery that was prepared for it under Mr.

Tayleure's direction, and Miss Lucille Western will perform as To make the occasion still more extraordinary, one of the Thompson btirlcsiiue women. Miss Lisa Weber a person who lias made herseir very oileiisive on the New York statie will appear as If Reddy tho Blacksmith could be Induced to undertake the chances of seeing a perfectly symmetrical performance of Shakespeare's beautiful drama WOUI'I, We imUKlUU, UU IIUIMJ1W1. J.Cl US I1XTT have a .4 Midsummer' Xiuht Dream revived, with Mr. Forrest as 'Puck' uud Mr. Lelllngwetl as till INTULLIUU.HC 13 THE riSTlCS.

An Exhibition of the "Jlnnly Art" nt Vnlilna Ion Hall TcNliuionial to the I'iikIIIhIs O'Hiild- win nnd Uenrilon A Kecking AMoemblage of he Nasties. Washington Hall, at tho corner of Eltrhlh and Snrinir Garden streets, has become lamous. The triumph of its renown sounds rar and near. Its murky walls and straight-lined windows look upon various and stmnilar spectacles. Upon its benches.

at times, sit the advocates of "universal peace" the Biembers of the Peace Society met In friendly tea-nnrtv? its floors vield and lift to the "tripping of the light fantastic toe its ceiling echoes the cadence or prayer and hymn; the painted pictures on its walls the nomination of Democratic oillce seekers; aud at irregular intervals, to wind up a Hit the Items or which have not all been enumerated, the plugs. knucks, aud rowdies of the town crowd its door- Ways ail.l Strip Upon US piillioi ill lo mm uc nunimnloil In 11 turn or so With the gloves. There were these latter last night. To them was devoted the Hail from 0 M. till midnight, lu lorce, too, were they present, In no contemptible feathering so far as numbers ure concerned, do the.v allow themselves to participate.

Aud what took them there 7 Unon the dead walls, fences, am bill-boards around the city, have you not notl-Jcd few past days a giant poster, announcing Mat "A HrUllll I esillllOllllll Jicucui. 1'J iiuu utvui- wiu and Patsy Keardon" hud arranged, aud furnishing the time and place for the "little mill?" Well, this poster was the herald to the exhibition which came oh" at Washington Hall lust evening. Of course, the brace of beauties whose names were black-lettered upon It were present. They came to pocket the "dough'' kneaded by the lienelit. From the east, west, north, and south of the town; from the alleys, bflua courts, and dark lots from the rut-pits, cock-pits, ami "dives mm every place imputable and questionable came also their admirers to pat their brawn, and toss hats anil touacco quids in air as they "gave and took" In the "set-to." The hall was absolutely jammed.

The 'square-heads" wedged themselves Into the smallest possible compass, piled upon the beaches aud window-sills, and blocked the very doorways. Not one Id the room but either smoked or chewed. The floor ran slippery with expectorated nastlness. Not one in the room but "cussed." The very air palpitated with oaths. Not one in the room bul talked.

The place was a Bedlam a worse. Like apples in a dung heap, a few a very few lolks of respectable mien were hemmed Inhere ami there. Curiosity, we imagine, aud a desire to "see life" had attracted these to the place. An approach, as near as possible, had the.v endeavored to the "make-up" of roughs, unci lu some Instances had they admirably succeeded, one old chap we noticed present tiger team a in vtoae, suns himself lu the windows of a club house, waxes his moustache, and indulges in the costliest of perfumes. Would his wife recognize him He pulled out a clay pipe, set his arms akimbo, twisted his nose towards his left ear, trod recklessly on his neighbor's toes, got out his ye" with easy frraee, and spat In the coat-tail pocket of the mail next before him.

Hadn't we penetrated his disguise we'd have shied away from him us a dog from tin-pull attachment, lint he was only a type of the other respectables present. Of all the crowd each had to pay an entrance fee iirty cents lor admission, a dollar for a reserved seat. Thcv who invested the latter Hum were far In the minority. The great muss wouldn't stand such a tax, but nevertheless insisted on pushing towards the front, until the reserved seats were lost among the "common." The Mogul oi the exhibition the Major-domo was a fellow familiarly called by the audience "Oyster I'pon him devolved the duty of arranging things, procuring champions tu "toe the chalk," providing sponges, buckets, and gloves, introducing the contestants, getting oil" little jokes, keeping everybody In a good humor, and in tlue everything else. Twas not the ilrst time he hail Oillclated in such a capacity, and he bore his part well.

There was considerable delay alter the doors had been opened and the hall tilled, before anybody lu the guise or a "iightlsi" appeared on the siage. As Oyster Jack announced, this was owing to the reason thut the parties uumed ou the placurds had not put in an appearance. Tho room growing im-putlent, and making boisterous and ungentle calls Jack jumped from the stage, and in lieu others seized a couple of individuals about the nrst he reached in the crowd and pulled them Intoa small room boxed iir from the platform. Thence they shortly Issued, stripped to the waist, and after liaving shaken hands to the names of MoUnimgan and Uigley, got to work. For some live minutes they pitched into each other heroically, to the delight of the spectators and the reddening or their own noses.

They issued from the Irav with faces like beets. They were succeeded by nameless ot hers, uud for two hours the performance was unchanged iie continual appearance ufid disappearance of men In couples, who went through divers passages with the gloves. Imagined themselves bow iole pugilists, and smiled grimly when they elicited any applause by their play. Everybody had grown tired, uud a general murmer growing anger at the nonappearance of the heroes of the time was beginning to make itself heard, when at length ('Baldwin aud Keardon steppud upon tho boards. U'he former, the "Irish Ulaut," as ho Is called, Is a mighty man Indeed, about six feet nine Inches la perpendicular, and broad in proportion.

His movements, however, are heavy and slow, and in the Judgment of the majority of the critical lookers-on, his boxing was by no means scientific. lie aud his went through a few passes with the -s, when the fare- ended, and tho crowd ske- As Miey Issued from the door Into the street, of what they termed "A POLITICAL. The movement In the Eighth Legislative district. now represented by James V. Htokes, has at last cul minated in a can for a meeting oi tnose who are op posed to Stokes, and in favor of nominating an Inde pendent candidate, ne can is lor ine inmost men of both the Hcpubllcan nnd Democratic parties.

The mretlng will be held to-inorrow night at Friendship nan, on i tie souinwest uorner oi rweiuu and noert streets. There wns a mammoth Republican meeting last night at Fortieth street and Lancaster avenue. Mr. w. caitell presided, Keller, christian KnrnsR, and others made speeches.

A number of the minions of the Democracy, encouraged by the recent operations oX attempted to create a disturbance. The 'an vassers will sit to-morrow to add names, nnd on Monthly to strike oil'. The Court of CoiuiiH'nl 1'ieas yesterday directed that the Canvassers should tnnke their returns on Monday night as quickly an possible, so that the City Commissioners can Issuo the revised list of voters at least five days berorc tho election. on 1 uesdny evening next the I'nlon Leairue hold a grand mass meeting in front of the League House, on Broad street. It will be a gala occasion.

The meeting win tie addressed by eminent gentlemen from this and other (States. The Invlnclbles make their last tnrnont, of tho ct jnpalgn to-night, when they will attend tho mass meeting at avenug and asiilngton street. member should be in Hue, in compliance with order No. (jvere. Will the policemen again assist their Demo cratic friends In nttacking this club, composed, as It is, young gentlemen of respectability? The Kenubllcan citizens or tne Ktglith ward ill hold a meeting to-night at the Schuylkill Hose house.

Governor Pollock, Hon. Charles (iibbous, lion. Charles O'Neill, and others will deliver addresses. 'l o-nignt there win be a meeting of the Irish Re publican Association at No. IMuft Market street.

Speeches will be delivered by Messrs. McWllliams. Sniythe, and Grace. here will tie a grand rally to-night of the Re publicans of the Second ward at Jell'erson avenue and ashington street. Eminent, speakers will be on hand.

The Keystoners again announce that thnv will parade. To-night is the time llxed. This Is likely, as on the three several previous occasions, to end in a lizzie. The Naturalization Committees of both narties are hard tit work, so that the applicants for citizenship may be properly registered before to-mono night. New lim.iimi of tub Academy or Nati-iiu.

Klikm'KS. The dilapidated building of the Academy or Natural Sciences, on Broad street, be-low Clies- ntii, id is continently expected will soon disappear, as the clllccrs or that institution hve been Tor some time actively nt work in arranging the architectural details for their new structure. This is a matter or no small labor, as the complex needs of the various scientific departments have been by no means easy to harmonize. The question or the site has not yet been positively determined, as one of the libera! contributors to the building fuud has offered a valuable lot on Walnut street. The drawings of the new Academy by Mr.

J. II. Wlndruni have been designed for It to front upon the purchased ground opposite Logan Square. This proposed structure will have a frontage of 1bO feet on Kacc street uud 00 feet on Nineteenth slreet. It will all'ord three times the accommodation of tho present building on Broad street.

It will have a basement, and rise to the height of two stories above. The lower storv, to be circled by one gallery, 111 serve as tae library of the institution; the upper, to be circled by two galleries, will be the museum. The library will be on bv feet. The space below the gallery will bo divided Into llfteen or twenty smad rooms lor the purpose of study, the remainder of tne ground floor being occupied by apartments for artists and the dilators, rooms for the society's publications. There will also be a printing office and bookbindery on this Moor, together with every appliance for stud v.

As mentioned, the second floor, with its galleries, will hold the museum. will be excellently well lighted by tall windows reaching from the floor to the ceiling up past all the galleries without a break. Of these windows there will be forty. Complete and spacious, however, as the new structure will be, It Is only designed to serve as a wing to the main building to be erected at some future time, when the needs and the resources of the society will warrant the A fac-ioiiic of it will be built, when, the curators themselves don't know, at the corner or Cherry and Nineteenth streets. Between these two will rise the liinin edifice, which we can well believe will be no shame to the architecture or the citv when llnislicd.

Tiiekmometkii'ai, and BAKOMKt.tticAi The following table, compiled from the weather record kept ni tne rennsvivuuui uospitai, win niiiicare tne maximum of the thermometer and baromoter during each day oi tne iiionui oi nepiciuucr: Mnr.o Tin I iiioih, W'ttttii-r. 1 61 Clsar. 'J ti" Cluiir; afternnon clomlv. It 71'n Clear. 4 70 Clear.

74 Clear. 0 S4 Clear in morning; clmd, aft'ini'imi. 7 Ki Clenay at times. Clondy; dear afternoon. 70 Cltwr.

10 08 imi.lj II Too Clear 70 Clear. Clear. 70 Clear. 15 70 Cloudy. IK Clomlv.

17 75 Cloudy, with drizzling rain. 71 1ft Cloudy. JO st Clear. 21 87 Clear.

7:1 Cloudy. Zi i Cloudy; elearcJ up at 4 P. M. 21 70 Cloudy. si Partially dear.

20 74 Heavy ruin in aiterno3n. 27 Clear. 2S 01 Clear. 2j" 07 Clear. 71 Clear.

The New Masonic A Bimi.pinu Fund to he Cheated. A building association has been formed in the Masonic fraternity, which has for its object the raising of funds to aid In the erection of the magnificent temple now in the course of construction at liroad and Filbert streets. It Is provided by the by-laws of the association that each member shall pay one dollar per month for each share of stock, until payments, Interest, shall amount to tioo per share, when each member is entitled to a certlllcute of stock for fiooof the uew Masonic loan, bearing 7 ii-iupcr cent. Interest for each share. It Is carefully calculated that it will require six years and a tiair to entitle each shareholder to a certlllcute In the new Masonic 7 3-lu loan for Hut.

The officers all serve ithout salary, and the meetings will be held rent free at Masonic Hall. The following officers have been elected to serve for the present year, anv of whom will cheerfully Informal Ion President, Kobert Clark; Vlce-'resideut, Joseph II. Livingston; Treasurer, X. C. Musselliuau becrctary, Price I.

Patton: Assistant Secretary, William J. Kelly; Trustees, George W. Wood, Frauds Funk, Thomas Hrowu; Directors, J. Alexander Simpson, It. ii.

Salter, John S. Ileiss, Daniel Kaird, Charles II. Kingston, S. Warner Young, William Hradley, Jacob I.oudeuslagcr. Ai.i.EdKi) Heavy UoniiEitv.

John and F.mmit Loveft, Francis Fisher, Maggie Carr, and Auuie Smith have been arrested on a charge or larceny. It seems that Charles Thome, ol Do.vlestown, arrived in the city yesterday about noon, and In the course of a walk fell in with Maggie Carr, who conducted nlm to l.ovett's house, No. lollT Sergeant slreet. He rtiere remained until some time in the night. lie was found in the street verv drunk by Policeman alter 12 o'clock, when he said that he had lost tr.pi In greenbacks, a gold watch and chain uud six KngiisU sovereigns.

McConnell went into the house and round the watch and chum on Magle Carr, but failed to discover anv mom-v. This morning Thorne appeared before Alderman Jones uud swore out a warrant, on which Lieutenant tincke with a detail ol men, arrested the above people all or whom have been held far a further hearing. Police Akhksts. The police during the month of September made quite a number of arrests. The prisoners were divided among the several districts as follows: Iilt ii t.

First Thirteenth Second Fourteenth Third ii-2 Fifteenth Fourth 101 Sixteenth Fifth 412 Seventeenth aofi kiiXth 101 pi'ventli Urt-t Keserve 07 Klghth 121 Delaware Harbor 10 Ninth UN Schuvlkill Harbor Tenia 240 Chesnut Hill 14 Flcventu 14:1 lleggar Detectives 14 Twelllh 1 11) Anothkk Oiii'KK to 111K Police Force The flgure-heuil of the Police Department, by direction of the Mayor this morning, gave notice to the lieutenants that the police lorcemost ubstalu from all interference at the registry which takes place tomorrow, uud in the ensuing election, and that their duties must beconlined to the preservation of the public peace and the arrest or parties who violate Jhvutf anine. This order the Mayor says Is impera- Au Ai.t.EoKiiOiTKAdEot'S John Thayer liwl mi-'. years or ag. in vwsiai woods, iK'ur Oermantown, and yesterday, on her charge tihit he had attempted to violate her person, he was arrested, aud after a hearing before Alderman lUouias, was held lu fum bad to auswer Biilpino STATfSTtcs The following permits were issued from oillce of the Building Inspectors durlog September: Dwellings: Icehouses Fonr-story. VMlloef Thrcc-storv .9:10 Sheds Shops Stables Two-story '27 Total Ivi floller-house 1 Churches Coach-house 1 Dye-house 1 Factories Green-houses Stores 9 Alterations and 93 Total for month fill) During th month fl VA tlano-nrniia hulldlnffS lor chimneys were ordered to Wo taken down, and also nix wooden building CRrSttED TO PRATTT.

Christian tblrrMist. rosldltig nt No. 1844 North Front street, was crushed to death this morning bv belnir can irht between a car riage which he had been driving and a cart. Coro ner uiiuiein was notiued to hold an Inquest. FTllE This momlng.

Shortly after 11 otlock. a plight fire broke out In tho dwelling-house, No. 122S Temple street. It originated from the playing with matches by children. Damage trilling.

CAMDEN POLITICS. The County Kepnbllcnn Convention -Addronse vy 1'irflM'N. ri'ClliiKliiiVMcn and Hellle. At 2 o'clock vesterdav afternoon the lienubilcan County Convention was held at tho Court House In Camden, the Hon. Oeorge W.

N. Custls presiding. The following tlckn was placed In nomination, the nomination for State Senator having been made by acclamation: For state Senatcor Hon. Edward llettle, the present incumbent. For bheriil Kandall Morgan, the present incumbent.

For Coroners Robert S. Bender, of the First: John K. Shaw, of the Second, aud Dr. M. Llway, of the Third districts.

Senntor Itottle'n Speech. In his address before the convention accepting the nomination tendered him, Mr. llettlo said: Much has been said of late about a certain mysterious and dreadful thing that abides among us, under whose baleful Influence, like that of the fabled I pas tree, all that Is pure and good and true pines mid withers away. That mythical horror, that dire chimera, has been called the King I The fences and bare walls ol the city have been eloquent with appeals, sometimes fierce, and sometimes pitiful, lor its destruction and downfall. What It Is exactly, where located, what deeds of dreadful import it has done, 1 know not.

Now, Mr. President, if the King means a small and despicable number of laalcohleuts, mischief-makers, aud disorgauizers, vho ure ready and illing for personal malice, disappointed ambition, or reasons yet, morevenal and use a professed and cheap Republicanism to stab their parly, who are its enemies while apparently of lis own household, who are ready to strike hands with Its foes in a vain and futile attempt to disorganize and defeat it, if thut be the Ring, and 1 know no other, then in the name of all that is loyal aud good and true, I say from my inmost soul, down with the Ring. Hut, the Jliiig means good men and true, who have never wavered, never faltered, but have kept brave Ktep shoulder to shoulder, whether In defeat or victory, who ure Republicans from principle, who love their party aud its glorious creed of law. order, progress, and the largest liberty for all Cod's creatures, who have never wandered after Btrange gods or betrayed their trust, who stand faithful sentinels upon the watclitower, who have ever given of their time, their means, and the best, ellbrts of their intellect to promote the success or their party and secure Its triumph, under whatever standard-hearer, it that be the Ring, then I say also, with equal emphuHs, up with the ring and' down with the traitors. Let that Ring include in its ample circumference all that is good, loyal, and true, all that the party holds of liillh, honor, and unfaltering allegiance.

This Ring. Mr. President, is the Republican party, strong In Its devotion, delermiued and resolute of heart, and presenting 1111 unbroken front to open enemies and boiling conventions. Then, sir, from that King, us ever, will proceed no uncertain sound, no envious grumblings, no clamor or disappointed ambition or petty malice, but. the clear ring of loyal, hearty, active eii'ort the sure forerunner of victory.

So much for the Ring-. 1'x-SW'iuitor I'r. Speech. The Hon. Frederick T.

ex-l 'iiited States Senator, also delivered an eloquent address, in the course of which he thus referred -to the administration and tho President: Another reason for the successful Issue of this election Is that I want to see the party firmly supporting our illustrious President. Now 1 know there are sonic lean souls In this world, and they are very lean Indeed, who look without, on tho President. They look upon the personal attentions which every man in the country ought to rejoice to render linn, us a sinister craving alter his patronage, and it is represented in the Democratic papers in that light. During the war his patriotism animated his sound judgment, showed him the priceless value ot this nation to us, to future generations, to the worlL; and his iron will became steel and his courage became sublime, and the command wax, March on! March on: I believe It in the sight of lu'aven to be my duty, and I take the responsibility. (Applause.) A few more patriot regiments enrolled in death their names among the martyrs of liberty, and that Rebel host was broken and destroyed, and ho called on the Republicans thus: There Is a huge Kobel iirmy which threatens thcdcstructiouoruiycountry i will crush it uud the country will be saved.

Fearful, terribly fearful was the execution of that resolve, lie saw the galluutyouih of this country, with the dew of life's morning on their brow, laid in ghastly lines at iiik leei, and ine Jt. oei uosi was unbroken, undismayed. That was the crisis of the war; that was the crisis of the civil liberty of the world; it was whether the sublime proclamation of Abraham Lincoln wjis to bring honor or reproach upon man-, kind. Then, then, he was great Any other man i would have hesitated, would have faltered, i wmld have said, 1 dare not make a greater facrllice, in the sight of heaven I dare not let the 1 army recede. 1 Mr.

Frclinghiiysen spoke In a most eloquent strain for about three-quarters of an hour. HIE NEW I VOIt BKiXKV ill Alt EV. 1 The following extracts show tho state of the New York money market yesterday 1 From the Herald. "1 tic marked chance in tho nsnect of affairs tn duv was tho veneral subject, of discussion and ooniriatulatioii. That the worst is passed is fervently hoped by the treat majority: but there are runny who yet slinks tueir load, and prophesy further danger.

The re opening of the Gold seemed to be the tnrninir n.iint and matter Uavo rapidly mended ever hince. The nme go far lias been in Blocks. lis demoralization has not extended beyond Wall street. HiiHiness was at a bUnd-still among the exporting merchunts for a few days, until sonieihiiitf near a definite quotation for gold could be had. But, us will bo seen ly our reiMirts elsewhere, the dry goods market is fairly active and buoyant, lu the kIooui which prevailed yesterday a repetition of was looked for this winter.

The panic which has inst visited us was, more properly, like that ot 1M, whicli was ccnlined to slocks. Ho far tlu present cri is has not trona beyond the speculative elements nt Wull street. The failures are of stock houses only. l.ockwood A bankers as they wore originally, owo their fate to an excessive venture In the stock market. The crash, great, as it lias been, has involved no strictly commercial house, aud will impair none except where the raeiuliors were tired of the slow prolitsof li'KitinmtH trade, and had sought to histeu their ultluence by operations in Wall street.

No inor failiilesof any kind are reported to day, the dead lock in the Gold llaiikund inability to mako elcaranses throwing a veil over the real standing of many firms connected with last I-'riday's doings, innocently or otherwise, and keeping thein si ill ntloat. The ill fortune which has Uiely presided over the destinies of Wall street tceuis to he appeused with the immolation of Lockwood A Co- As to Uie relation of the liabilities and assets of this firm nothing was made public to-day. 'ihn otHce IB still in charge of the assignee, who transacted whatever business required attention. It is said that, the crediting, who embrace many wealthy Western capitalists, will bold a Hireling al an early day to discuss a proposition to subscribe a pro rata sum, in nil about a million of dollars, to enable the firm to resume business. This step issuggnstud as the moat economical one.

The winding up of the affairs ol the linn would entail a great waste of I he asset which remain to be divided, und a consequent la mar loss to tho creditors, while resumption would afford a reasonable chance lor payment in lull, and place the house again in active operation. Much sympathy is ejprcssed for the tailureof Messrs. Locktvood and no voice is heard in exultation over their fa'l. Thby were forced to auo-cumb to a disastrous chain of circumstances, but met tho libit honorably. "The members of the (fold Kxchange met this morning and decided to make their clearances with each other by pairing best they could, ami then formally opened the rootn for dealings in gold at nineteen miuutus past 111, oraflor a suspension of nearly week.

The opening price was from which there was an udTimee to I'M, when the market became heuvy and the price declined at o'clock to All loau trumsuctiona were at tlat by mutual consent. "Foreign xchnngo wns without change in rates, till) market beina will very dull. oininerclal paper is as yet hardly susceptible of quotation. '(iovernment bonds felt the inspiring ertee's of the generally belter feeling on 'Change, and steadily improved up to the close ofJmsmeis1 VKDmxo and' "engagement 'kings, If krat tine gold. QUALITY WAK-HANI A full assortment of sizes always ou hand.

KAHIt A BKOTHKH, Makers, 8 21wrmv No. 334 OHKHNUT Street, below! ourth WEDDING INVTaYiLNsIeNGIUVED IN the newest and beat manner. LOU id Stationer and Fngraver, No. lusa UHKSJsUT Htrtiet. LOST.

OST, ON Tl'KHDA LAST, A BLACK MOHAK! HBKASTFIN. The Under will bliHrnlly rewin-rtuj Hj, WU)t Wo W. J'KtCN'I'U Nil IN 1U I THIRD EDITION DOEZE3TXC ArrAXEU How Smith Gould are Settling Up The Gold and Bond Quotations Fast Time by the Juniata Police Oifenses. from jvmr roiiK. llnnMiilth, Gnuld A-I'o.

Are Clenrlnn I'p. Special Datch to 1'he livening TelfjrapH. Nkw Yohk, Oct. 1 It Is rcllablv reported that Pnilth. (iould.

Martin A t'o. are giving due-bills for thn other half of the gold, tho total sum being six millions, one half of which they receive and pay for. The other three millions they accept by giving due-bills for the between 135 and 100. Despatch to The Evening TeU'uraph. Nkw Yohk, Oct.

1. Money easier at Ogol.l, ami currency. Governments decided strong, with an advance of all round. Stocks strong and buoyant, with an advaune on the whole list, caiiHe.l by tho the heavy shfcyintcrcst. The gold market Is quiet at The only demand being for customs und milliter business.

Foreign exchange, as unual ou Fridays, Is firm the rates are Kit) '4 for 60 days aud kin for tdiort sight, Whnt Hnvrri I he Itnnk. It Is said that the citv funds were transferred from the llroadway Hank to the Tenth National on the day of the run on the latter Institution, and that the transtcr was all that saved the bank. Hales of (Said. At the Government sale of to-day, the aggregate of bids were at rates ranging from 1'20 to lim-lT. The awards have not yet.

been liuide, but It is thought the limit will be from 120 to SO. New York Niock New Yoiik, Oct. 1. Money, 7 per In gold. Gold, lsu'.

Five-twenties, lsfi'A coupon, 119; do. lsc-t, lit); do. lstis. new, HT'fl: do. Ih07, do.

)him, 117; HMOs, 1 Vir ginia os, new, Miy, Mririnia ss'. canton com pany, Cumberland preferred, 29; New York Cen tral, l.avi,; Heading, tiu.ison itivcr, 103; Michigan Central, 'Michigan Southern, Minols Central, 141; Cleveland nnd l'ittsburg. 94. Chicago and Hock Island, 108 I'lttsburg and Fort Wayne, 1S44 Western I nloti Telegraph, ao.i. New York I'rodnee Nkw Yohk, Oct.

1 Cotton steady and unchanged Sou bales sold at 27 Vc. Flour dull and without decided chanpe btils. sold. Wheat quiet sales of ito.noii bushels winter red. 1 Corn heavy; bushels sold; mixed Western, oats firmer; bushels sold at Ceef quiet, l'ork firm; new mess, JHI-St).

Lard quiet; si earn-rcndeied, Whisky llrm at II'IIMIHC FROM WASHINGTON Police OlfcnNCS. Drxpatch to the Associated 1'rcin. Washington, Oct. 1, The Hoard of Police Com-mliners has dismissed a white private, charged with insubordination, which consisted in his rclusu1. to servo with a colored colleague on the force, (iood lie pori or the .1 11.

The following was to-day received at the Navy Department: L'. 8. Jiniata. LlsiiON, Portugal, Sept. 10.

1S09. Hod. G. M. Itobcson, Secretary of the Sir: I have the honor to Inform you that after a lair run 01 twenty-one nays irom rtew 1 or, we made the light on Cape Koc, the rock of Llsoou, and next morning entered the Tagus with light airs, nnd anchored off the city at 2 P.

M. I found here the t'abUe. Commander J. G. Walker, the Richmond having sailed three (lavs before our arrival, and the Guam but one duv previous.

I am happy to be able to Inform the Department that, considered as a sailing vessel, the Is a success, and that she has falsified every iiniavoraoie pioiuuuou iuauo 01 nor. She is an excellent sea boar, steers weil, is steady and easy in her motion, lays-to well, would scud with saretv, and stanas wen 110 to nor canvas. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. 8. Luce, Commanding.

FROM Tll SOUTH. Jtcvcnno 1'Yandn. IU1.TIM0KE, Oct. 1 Inthel'nited States District Court yesterday, .101111 Jtammeismau, ou trial lor condiictincr a brewery and neglecting to makj proper entries, was found guilty and lined 5un, and sen tenced to an Imprisonment 01 one Political WIcklilTe To lully Hliu.l. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.

Baltimore, Oct. 1. The Republication nomina tions last night for city council are amongst the strongest and most responsible men in our city, em bracing such (PJ General Shocniakc, of Adams" Ex nress. and others. There are encouraging hour that many of them will oe elected, as the Democracy is demoralized.

The building committee of the new City Hall have determined not to resign and contest the action of Citv Council as illeual and unconstitutional. Kx-Governor Wickliile, of Kentucky, is now here, dangerously 111, auu tetany 11111111. l'ci-aonnl. Dkthoit, Oct. 1.

General Walbridge, President of the raciiic Kauroa.i commission, passed through here to-dny on the way to rsew lorK. The Baltimore Produce market. Baltimore, Oct. 1 Cotton dull and nominally 27 27jjj'c. Flour very quiet at yesterday's quotations for each grade.

Wheat heavy prime to choice red, ji-4(ii-42. corn unsteady; white nominally thus 111111 at Mdi.Gtic. itye, l-ioirf l-is, Mess Pork quiet at Bacon llrm; rib sides clear 2lc. shoulders, I7l4'c. hams, 25c.

Lard quiet at Whisky quiet atl-2ii. ftock Quotations by Olcndlnnlng, Davis Co. York house the following N. Y. Central 173 N.

Y. and Eric 34 1 Ph. and ltea, R. gav Teleaxaph '1 P. Itl.

report through their New Pitt, Ft. Way. eh. at PaoltloM.8 031, Western I'nlon Tele. 88 Toledo Wabash It.

M'i Mil. and St Paul R. 0 OS'i Adams Express. 51 4 Wells, Fargo 17)tf Gold liill Mlch. S.

and N. R. Vi Cle. and Pitt. R.

91 Chi. and N. W. 7o Chi. and N.W.

64 Chi. and R. R. 10s- PHLADFLPIIIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Reported by De Haven A No.

40 S. Third street. BETWEEN BOARDS. J'-'OO City 6s, New.c.loo, not) sh Read JMiOO Leh new bs. 1 HOd do.

Cp.4.1. 04 iill sh CA A R. J200O ra Cp Cs.Tues 911 SF.COM) BOARD. Seonocity 8s, Hsh Mlnelilll 8.M1110 lis Lu. 81 10 sh ho.

0 sh Cum Am R.I20;.; 20(1 do Is. 'jl sli Peuna 40 37 fi2 47 10 09 IMiIIadelpIiia Trade Jteport. Friday, Oct. 1. There Is very little demaud for Flour for shipment, but a steady inquiry from tho home consumer.

Sales of ltoo oarrels, including superfine at extras at Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota extra family at 16-Mkij 7-75, the latter rate for choice; Pennsylvania do. do. at (f.Vfi.i7-ft; Ohio do. do at lU-fociJ and fancy brands at tsirf.10, according to quality. Rye Flour sells at per barrel 60 barrels sold at the latter rate.

There Is but little change to notice In the Wheat market, and prices favor buyers. Sales of Western, Pennsylvania, and Delaware red at the lalter rate for choice. Rye is unchanged, coo bushels Western sold at 81-10. Corn Is inactive. Sales of yellow at Jl-14; aud Western mixed ut jl-osin 111s.

Oats are unchanged. Sales of 4000 bushels Pennsylvania and Western, part at 00,.. and part 011 secret terms. Nothing doing In Malt two bushels New York Barley sold at Jl -30; aud looo bushels four rowed Canada do. at fl'M).

Whisky Is (Inner. We quote at 11-20 per gallon. olTMTand gin at AucfranC To Druggists and Others. Will be sold at tho Auction Uoute of ivi. tiioivtas sons, Noe.

139 and 141 OTJTII FOURTH On Thursday Morning, Oct. 7, A.T ia TWELVE 5-GAL'LON tEMIJOHKS Private Stock Old Holland Gin. Thii GIN is warrant p0ri yery 0idi aB(1 import by private fc-eqilwui for U1, 0WB Dee. 1 fwiwlt FOURTH EDITION uiisninoTou. The Public Debt Statement A De crease of Over Seven Millions-Foreign and Domestic Steel Cliques The Sabine Hoax Naval Orders and Assignments.

FROM WdSnUVOTON. A Ilrl.lae Arrows the Olilo. Special De)atch to Tlx Evening Telegraph. Washington, Oct. 1 (lenerai Moorneai, ot i-eim- sylvania, with several steamboat men irom i itn-biirp, aririved here to-day, to ro before the Board Engineers of the War Department, who have been to make a repwt ou the bridge aaross the Ohio river.

Ntocl. A ili'letrfttlon nt Imoorl.ers of foreign Steel Is ex pected here to-morrow, to answer'the alleptationi muiie tn tiir- eri'tnrv the Treasury a few days aifo by a delegation of domestic steel manufau- facturcrs. The Cnbinet Meeting to-day wns nttended by all the Srcreiarles, except isii anil creswell, oom oi wuom suwuv num the city. (Ucorire II. Ht.inrt, who spoke at the opening of the Young Mcn'd Christian Association Hall last nbfht, this morulti'r.

JU. S. Is entitled to the credit of christening the new hall Public Debt Statement. Dftpatch to the Associated Yw. Wasiiinhton.

Oct. 1 The following Is a re anitit- latlou of the public debt statement for September; PHUT HKAIUNU COIN INTEREST. fi per cent bonds 0 per cent, bonds l.sutj.iUi.GJ. Interest 1 12,13,00 33 PBHT r.EAKINO IM'EREhT IN LAWFUL MONEY, 8 per ceNt'lcatcs fso.ius.ooicfll Navy Pension fund 0i) Interest Debt, on which Interest has ccUHeil since inntnritv Interest, 02 DEBT HEARING NO 1NTKKKST. Demand and Legal-tender notes I'ostal and fractional currency BB.iHii.vtiv&o tiold certificates of deposit Total Total amount outstanding Interest 14 t.oM.OUT Total debt, principal aud interest Coin in'ireasuiy Currency Sinking fund in I'niled States coin interest bonds, and accrued iutcrcst thereon Other States coin Interest bonds purchased, aud accrued interest thereon Total Debt less cash in Treasury Decrease during the past month.

Decrease since March 1, lsoii. flOj Naval Orders. Wabttinoton. Oct. 1.

Passed Assistant Surgeon Charles S. Green, who was recently tried by court- martial, and in whose case a general oruer was yes terday Issued irom the Navy Department, has been ordered to duty on board (lie uueu mates Bieam shin Gettysburg. Commander S. L. Brcese Is detached from tho command of the Cyane and placed on waiting order Lieutenant Commander Nathaniel Green is detached from the Albany and granted sick leave.

Lieutenant commander J. Crittenden Watson is irom special duty at and ordered to the Albany, i lie following are detached irom cue and placed ou waiting orders: Lieutenant Commander I'iersou, Al aster William Watts Surgeon II, C. Nelson, Assistant Surgeon M. C. Dreiinan.

Detached from the Sluncdon'an aud ordered to duty at the Naval Hospital at Norfolk Lieut. Commander 8. II. Baker and Lieut. W.

W. Mead. Assistant Surgeon F. K. Ilartzelt is detached from the Savannah and placed ou waiting order; Lieut.

Thomas P. Wilson from the Savannah and ordered to the Naval Academy Paymaster Torbert from tho Savannah and ordered to settle accounts; Lieut. Commander William C. Wise, from tho Dale, and directed to hold himself in readiness for duty on board the Miantonomnh; Master Gibson Is York navy yard; Mastsr Wawhburno Maynard Is ordered to the Bemlnole. Thnt Terrible Hoax.

A letter dated Lisbon, Sept. 11, received to-day from one of the crew of the Sabine, hailing from this city, states that not only is the story of the miuitiv entirely without foundation, but that there was never the least trouble or disturbance on board that hhip, and tho crew are satistlc.l and contented with their oillcers, and are treated as well as ou any other vessel. FROM EUROPE. The New Tea Crop. By the Anglo-American London, Oct.

1. Tho ship Thermopylae, bringing the ilrst consignment of the new tea crop, arrived at this port from China late yesterday, She made the ruu irom Anjer, Java, lu sixty-four days. The (eriiian Diet. Dresden, Oct. 1.

Tho King yesterday opened the sessions of the Diet with a speech, wherein he said lie had always endeavored to further the development of the Confederacy on the basis of tho Federal Constitution. He should continue to uso his influence to preserve the bonds of friendship be. ween the States of the Bund, and In this respect should act in complete unison with his Federal allies. This Afternoon's Quolntion. Paris, Oct.

1 The Bourse opened Arm. Bontss, TH.40C. Havre, Oct. 1 Cotton opened Hat at on the spot and lsuf. afloat FROM CANADA.

Pi 1 nee Arthur's Movement. simcoe, Ontario, Oct. 1 Prince Arthur and tho whole of the party accompanying him readied Hveise at half past seven o'clock this morning. The Prince slept ou board the steamer, apartments having been lifted up expressly for him. The party had two days of line sunny weather and fair sport, 'having bagged nearly 400 ducks.

They hud a splendid time and returned in excellent health. They breakfasted at Simcoe at o'clock this morning. Amount of Coal transported on the Philadelphia and Beading liailroad during week eudlugThursday, Sept. 30, IsO'J: Cirt. From St.

Clair 12 From Port Carbon 0s From Pottsvllle 4.479 oft From Schuylkill Haven os From Auburn 00 From Port Clinton 11,141 17 From HarrlHburg and Dauphin 19 From Allcntowu und Atburtis 24 ut Anthracite Coal for week it Bituminous Coal from llarrisburg and Dauphin for week 9.2S8 la Total for week paying freight 10 Coal for Company's use 8,101 is Total all kinds for week 1 14 Previously this year 8,00. 0t Total To Thursday, Oct. 1, los 2.07ti,2l. 07 EDUCATIONAL. Fur ail.tiliohtil (Until ine the hieide Itne: Til HI (1 IT I KBIT norm kkthLkiikm, pa.

PRKPAR A'l'OKY CLASS. -In respoiuu to many ohci-tatioiw, Oils ha I'txn opimed for tliuo who diir to ho liitod fur entrance iuto the nvxt regular vlutw. 10 1 1m AP''lyitlKNTtY COPPER. LL President. KST CHESNUT STKKET INSTITUTE for Young LudioH.

No. till K8NIJT Wrest. MIES K. T. 11KQWW, mnmpiii.

TO RENT. TO LET FURNISHED IIOUSK, NO 171.1 Walnut afreet, replete with every rnnvnnlonoa una iiiruii.iiv. auuu tw a. Aral iu i.u. A l.nU 111 I Ifl 1111:1 til WALMJ'l1 Btrvet.

lv 1 FIFTH EDITION THE LATE ST rJEWS. Crime in New England Strike ct "Women Pantaloon-makers -The New York markets. FROM JVEJV ENGLAND. Cut In Twnln. Dnpatch to The Evening Telegraph.

Boston, Oct, 1. Joseph Mclntire, a citizen of Marbnro, and dolmr, business In Boston, was run over -on the Boston, Clinton, and Fitchburg Hnad this morning, and his body cut In twain. He attempted to leave the car while it was in motion. Mtnbbed lx Tlinr. Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.

Portland, Oct. 1 Thomas Dnnsler, of this city, was stabbed In Bedford, on Wednesday evening, six titles, by a former mistress of his, named Mary Hartford. The cause wns Jealousy. Htrllte of Women. Boston.

Oct, 1. The Indlcat'ons are that the contemplated sttike of women pnntalnon-makcrs in this city for more p.iy will bo nnnccensary, as a large number of employ lug tailors have acceded to their demands. FROM NE jFlVRK. Financial Aflitlrn. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.

Nkw Yohk, Oct. 1 8 mo P. The s. verat markets continue steady, with fair business. There Is nothing of Importance transpiring worthy of men.

tlon In the street, and the omces of bankers aud brokers remain quiet. No more Injunctions are expected, although many llil(tiilions will take that is an after 'consideration, and not for the moment. The award of gold made to-day was 011 an average of lvo-no. At an election held to-day at the National Stock Exchange, Mr. A.

1,. Marc? was declared elected as President, and Isadore Yalen'lne as Vice-President. Hrayy ISobbrry. The National Bank of Norwa'k, was entered by burglar last right, aud robbed of half a million, mostly In scciirltios. The bank does not suslhln, any loss as the stolen seeuilttes belonged to.

outside parties, who had deposited them In tho bank for safe keeping. ISnnMnfr. Affairs. The merchants of New Yotk have requested the associated banks to clear gold for them, and the banks will nb doubt rcceivo their proposition favorably. The Lake Shore Road Is paying interest due on tho Erie and Bull'alo branch to-day.

POLITIOAL. UNION LEAGUE REPUBLICAN Grand Mass Meeting By the Apathy of Good Men Bad Men Triumph. The friends of our present National and Stats Administration, favorable to tho re-election of the PA-TKIOTIC and EFFICIENT GEARY as OOVEHSOR, and of the LEARN BD and IMPARTIAL WILLIAMS as JUDGE of the SUPREME COURT who desire to secure a fair expression of the PCBI.1U WILL, and INTELLIGENT and HONEST MEN to otllce will meet in GRAND MASS MEETING IN FRONT OF TIIE UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, ON BROAD STREET, ON TUESDAY EVENIN0, October 5, AT O'CLOCK, To present the CLAIMS of the CANDIDATES of the REPUBLICAN PARTY, and to take measures to SECURE their TRIUMPHANT ELECTION. The friends of a PROTECTIVE TARIFF, of a WISE SYSTEM of FINANCE, of a SOUND and CONVENIENT CURRENCY, of the HONEST PAYMENT of the PUBLIC DEBT, and of FREEDOM in EVERY LAND and for ALL PEOPLE, are invited to attend. PI1ILADELPIIIANS I let us not be apathetic when PUBLIC DUTY calls.

"BY THE APATHY OF GOOD MEN BAD JIKN T1UUMPH." Tho MEMORY or the TOILS, the TRIALS, the through which Ol lt COUNTRY lately passed GRATITUDE to the NOBLE SOLDIERS who SAVED our UNION every MANLY aud PATRIOTIC FEELING DEMANDS that GOOD CITIZENS Should ATTEND to PUBLIC AFFAIRS. The following distinguished men will address the meeting: HON. WILLIAM STRONG. GEN. JOHN M.

THAYER, United Stales Senator from Nebraska. HON. CHARLES GIBBONS. HON. GI.ENNI W.

SCOF1KLJ), Of VN aiTen. HON. GEORGE LEAR, of Bucks. HON. A.I.

HERR, of Dauphin. HON. THOMAS M. MARSHALL, of Allegheny. HOM.




EI.l.EV. p) 1 4t A It Y'S 8 I llVV. Air Jinks." I'm Governor "llnim" of the Keystono Slate. Kor lobby joba 1 nit up luta: I luuve tLu people to thuir fate, For I urn Governor Geary. Oh! I'm thn favorito ot the Ring, '1'be jolly Ulna, the jolly Hin, I'm KiiiK of tho liinif, I'm Ring of tho Uiujx, For I am Governor Geary.

The Pardon billa in hanto I aign, I care not for the Judge's" wliino. (Ohl won't 1 tiike hi coat oft tine j. VVIkju i am OriVurnnr Geary). Yes, I'm the lavoritu of the Ring, The jolly King, the jolly King, I'm the King, I'm King of the King, For 1 am Governor Geary. go for "Coal Oil Bob Evani bill, cure I lor the poople'a will The oil men will not till my till, Though I am Governor Goary.

Oil! I'm he favorite of the Ring, The jolly King, the jolly Ring, I in King the King, I'm king of the l'or I am Governor Geary. 1 leave the boy who fold and paste, And aign their little bill in liable, Nor patter long about the waate, For I am Governor Geary. Oh! I'm the favorite of the King, The jolly Kim, the Jolly King, I'm King of the King, I'm Kin of the Rinjj, cur 1 am Governor Geary. pHARLES P. MILLER WILL OPEN HIS KJ now Restaurant, cornor KIXTKKNT1I and PAR RISU Street.

SATURDAY KVKNING, Oct. 3, when Tu Uvpei H' all lam fueudil, i igc luuvU. IV I ill, rr.

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