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Polynesian from Honolulu, Hawaii • Page 1

Honolulu, Hawaii
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ESs "Vif Ai a' v- a I Vol. XII. ljo IJoluucstnn, Ib Official Journal of the Hawaiian Government, is published weekly at Honolulu, Oahu, H. CHARLES GORDON HOPKINS, EDITOR BUSINESS CARDS. S.

HOFFMEYEB. COMMISSION Dealer in Skip Chandlery and General chaadiae. LAHAIXA, MAUI. H.I. Mer 19-tf Jae.WIL.OH.

BOLLES CO. Commission Merchants, ship Chandlers and General Agents, La Maui, II. I. Sliips furniiheJ witn -i hls. Vlialer's Bills wanted on the V.

A. and Europe. Stoiigi. 14-tt C. A.

II. F. POOR. SHIPPING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Hoaolnla, Oahu, SaailwM Island. VVoalfiw' UilU wanted.

ALLEN At Commission Merchants. Dealers ia Ship Chandlery, Hawaiian Produce, brarrai Corner tf U'leeu and kaaiiuaianu Honolulu, Oahu. II: I 11-tf A. P. EVERETT COMIVIISSIOI IVT HCHAIJT.

HONOLULU. S. I. M-if tuaicN, c.t.iiiHor. ALDRICH bishop.

Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise. Hoaolnla, Oaha. S. I. liltoJ Produce bougut and sold.

Agent fur toe aale of tbe itr.iJuctJ of tbe l.ibue ClTiaCJ Dealers in CHJTard'o Wines and Liquors, JJuildin, foot Kaahanaan street. 4i-Jy FREDERIC OGUE.N, Importer aud general Commission Merchant, Honolulu. Otac. Ha.wa.iiax Islands. Wasted Kill of Kichaa.t oa EaUad, i'raace, and the United State.

tL.Ueney adraaced veaoela boa ad froua lai port to Sydney, or ether parte of the trIaa toaoaaro. lit A RICHARDSON, Dealer in Ship Chandlerr, Hawaiian Pro dace, and General Merchandise, Caraer of 4.aeea aad atreeta, Honolulu, Uaha. 11. i. M-tt li.

F. SNOW, Importer Dealer in General lloaolala, Oatta, llawauaa Islands. Bins ot LicUauge on toreiu countries w.utoU. tf UOitEKT C. JAN ION.

Merchant and C'ommion Agent, Honolulu, Oahu. II. 1. J5-tf 11. VL'KFELU At General Commission Agents and Ship Chandlers, Hoaolalu.

O.thn. II. I. 35-lf J. C.

SPALDING, Commission Merchant and Importer, lljaUla.Uaaa, II. I. HTioieJ, bill ol ca.tnge on tbe C. a. and Europe.

Con-nii troia abroad praoiptly atlraded to. Gland ptodjee ol all Eiad taken ia iACuauge tor ileal. aupoac, C. P. SAMSING Dealers in China Goods, Honolulu.

Oahu, II. I. Oa kiad a I for sale, ajfr, 1 ea and Coffee VINCENT GitEMEK, Importer Commission Merchant. Xuuann Street, Hoaolulu. J.

J. l'niiiri, Proprietor, Bordeaux. Ageut, iionolnlu CilAltLES UKEWEK, Commtsniou Merchant, Boot ou, I. S. fj-leferto Kuii, Asithus 4t Co.

and R. Vf. C. ISItEU Elt 2J, General Commission Merchant. Honolulu.

Oaha. S. I. Mjhv advaaced tavoratiie term lor Bill of Exchange on las Cua-d states, England, or France. -35-tf TIIOS.

SPENCER, Snip Chandler and Commission Merchant. Hoaolula, Oaha. S. 1. iaip (applied wnn retresiiineut, provision, etc.

at tbe notice, oa reasonable terms. Whiiiii bills SMOI. COOKS. CASTLE COOKE, I-nporteis and Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia General Merchandise, Ai ild taad, Corner of King and School atreetc, aear the iaree tone Cburch. ATo, at tbe Store formerly occupied by C.

H. Nicholson, in King Su, opposite tbe Seamen' Chapel. 35-tf aaatsio. mt iiotu. ICOUINSON nilODES, Importers, and Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Liqnors, Cigars, t-t kecpiug a large aad well aorted itock oftba bent quality at itie lowest possible price, and for tbi purposi Mr Rhodes will remain ia aa Francisco for a coniiderabia period to select, with hi well known good Una aid judgment, tbe best that market affords, previous to l.i visiting EngUnd to make permanent arrang-uaenis tor future ccit.

c. aiLCHiu, ovtT.aaiirtat. MiiLOIIERS C3itnision Merchant and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu. Oaha. S.

1. dtor, corner of Kaauumaau arad Mercliaat st. Money advanced on favorable terms for H'balet' Bill on the United tate aad Europe. 35-tf i. ro NiilT.

c.tH. unci. V.ia HOLT HEUCK, General Commission Merchants. Hoaolula, Oaha. S.

I. 35-tf W. -V. LADD, IMPORTER AND DEALER I HARDWARE, Fort Street, Hoaolala. pTmich EL, Ucelerin General Mercnanuise.

Hoaolala. Oaha. S. I. Si.tie corner ol Auuaauand Marine H.

Ct LICI. a. clans. CLARK, (vpjrters aud Commission Merchants, Kiax Hoaolala. Oaha.

S. 1. 35-tf J. WORTH, Dler in General Merchandise, Halo, Hawaii. ffcass'iaplied with Recruits at the shortest notice, oareasos-aUleterma.

Bill of waate t''5 Sr KRCLL. CDCiEO X0LL. KKULI. MLL, Importers aal Coaiaiisioa Merchants. Kaihasaaaa Mafceo Aalhoa'a Block.

18 -CilT J. C. SCLUOffS. R. COADV Skl Chandlers A Commission Merchants, Ilaaolaln.

Oaha. S. I. applied with refresbmeats, provisiotis, tec, at ina snon-en notice, oa reasonable terms. X.

Wanted, wkala rs' bills oa the V. or Europe, for which moucy will adraaced oa favorable lerma. 35-tf RICE St Auction and Commission Merchants. Hoaolala. Oaha.

S. I. Cuicis, FELD1IEIM Ac Porters aad Commission Merchants, iaeai ot Hoaolala. Oaha. S.

I. 36tf II Chandler and Dealer in General 31 r-- chandise. Byroa'o Bay. Halo, Hawaii. appliei with geaerai Roeruits, Wood.fcc.attbe ihort-" notice, aad aaost raasonable tenos ifi exchaare for or goods adapted to tbe market.

Wanted, Whaler's illioa the I'aited States or Europe, tor which money tU he adraacod oa favorable terms. N. B. Storage 3 or 4 0 barrels take at castontary rate--35-tl fiiwiiiaa Steam Fbnring Cornpanj. A.

G. TIIURSTOX, Manager. Hoaolala Pae, Baeea JMA. WM. WEBSTER, Land Atrent to nis Majesty.

a tfcelKiuz'e Cardra. Beritaaia BUSINESS CARDS. WILSON FAIRBANK Jk tnglish. French and wh GI-SS WARE. holesale Agents tor the sale of PURE MEDICLXAL prepared ia Vacuo.

Agent for all the Dooular Patent M.a;,;,,. BV" Honolulu, S. our authorized Agent 21-lf GILIAXA Ship Chandlers and General Agents. Eahaiaa, Mnai, S. I.

Shiptiupphed with.RrcaiiT,Sioa4o,and 36- E. O. HAT. T. Hardware and (icneral jlcrcliaiidist, riTV smnp.

Corner of Fort and King streets, Honolulu, Haw. 9 tf Islands. S. no MUI. 4.

THCMTOIf. RUGGLES Drag Store and Dispensary, art atreet opposite Globe Hotel. Open at all bourn of the day i rescripuoqs careiuuy compounded. 2titf DR. L.

C. BROV French Physician and Surgeon, LATE OF ORRROV. til gave sratattouo Consulialione at hi office a ererr memiai from nine eierea rtoctt, A. M. 1-ly CIIAS.

F. GUILLOU, LATE SURCEOX I MTED STATES XAVV Consular Phyeaciaa to Sick American Sea- Office corner of Kaahumanu and Queen Streets, up stairs liesutence, at the mansion of ii. Pitman, corner Berefania and Aiahea sts. Respectfully offers bis prol-ssion! service to fam ine, to tne -liippinr, and to strangers cenerallv. Medical and snrgtcai aavice in Luclisb, t'renrb, )Sranib.

and Italian. omce hour, from 11 A AI. to 2 and from 4 to 5 P. 41 tf JAMES OMJRIF.JV, Snrgeon and Physician. Offlee in Fort t.

3 doora below the lelSt. and opposite the Store of K. ii. Dari.

JCJ- Particular attention paid to Cfaroi.ic dineasas. 12-tf DR. Ch. Fr. Physician and Surgeon.

Hoaolula. Oahu, S. 1. Office Xuuanu street, lour doors above King Mrert. 3a-tf G.

P. JUDD, 31. Physician and Snrgeon, Hoaolala. Ouhu. S.

I. Office corner of Fort and Merchant street, office open frum A. M. to 4 P. E.

HOFFMANN. Physician and Snrgeon, Office in the New Store, Corurr of Knahu-muau and tuiTU MaUee Ambon's Uloe. Open day and nibt. tl 11 PAUL C. DUCORRON, Attorney at Law, Coaieynacrr and Accountant.

Corner of Merchant aud Foit-rtreeu. Honolulu. 24-Cui JOSEPH I OLD, Attorney at Law. Office Kaahanaanu Street, II noluIn, Oahn. J.

E. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney at Law. OUice ia the Court House. 45-tf 31. C.

MONSARRAT, tictiotteer, Ilonol ulu, O.ihu. s. I. -tf-tr G. D.

I L.MAN Auctioneer, Lah Mtiui. s. I. ti i a 4-tf FLORENS ST.U'ESHOUsT, Agent for the rriura Board of I'ndrrwritera. THE I'NUEH NED bavin-been appointed Asent for tbe Bremen lioard of I'uderw riters.

begs to inform Hie commercial pui) iciu peiieral. tliatali averMgeclaiuisapniiist tlic saiJ oeciirri. in or about this Ki-dnin, ill be v- itieil by Imn. Master of Bre-' meu vessel- euterin: this or any other port of tbe Hawaiian Islands, in di-lre or average, ar- requested to apply to tbe sduie at Hit ir earliet convenience. FLOItEXS STAPE HORST.

Honolulu, 1st Juh IS 'A. Sly Oliice Nuuanu Street Kltl'LL MOLL, Agents of the Hamburg and Lnbeck l'n derwriters, Honolulu. Oahn. S. I.

I3-tf DANIEL SULLIVAN, ARCHITECT, Office at Mr. Hampbrry'a Reaidence, Garden Would respectfully announce to the citizen of Honolulu, that be is prepared to furuisb Drawings and Specifications, and superintend the erection of public or private Buildings. He g'uri itee that all work in bis ore shall be done in a satisfactory manner, according to established principle ol taste, calculated to secure convenience and beauty, and to those which science ha proved necessary for stability. 15-ni CIIAS. II.

BUTLER, Conner. Honolulu. Oahu, S. I. Th nnder.iened will continue to earn' on tbe business of Cmoerinr.

in a.11 It branches, ai the old stand, for merlv occunied bv Swain Butler. Particular atten tion "given to Ga--f in; hy tiitnter. JChas. H. Butler would inf bis friend and the public, that he will be at his shop to give prompt and immediate attention to all their orders, tie would also invite them to call and ex unine his large stock of Barrels, Tubs, tc.

Bathing Tubs, Ice, made to order. 28 if C. II. MARSHALL, Cooper, Honolulu, Oahn, S. Has removed hi shop to tbe yard ia rear ol the store lormeriy occupied bv Punchard it and would respeciiuny inform the publ that he i now prepare.l to execute any orders in tbe cooperage line, at ihe shortest notice and oa the nxwt reasonable term.

Tubs, shower baths, and work of every descriptioi made to tf W. R. CI TIIBERT. Agent for the SMpment of Foreign Seamen. Office on Knahninnnn Direct! rpntr te itere ef J.

Spai4ie, Hating conioAied ith the Sbi ping Law passed by the last Legi-lat ire. reiat nc to the shipment of Foreign Stamen. W. R. Cutlibert is now prepared to transact all the necessary business connected with his office, and ihit hv strict attention to his he i I merit the patronage of the Floating Public.

z0-tf C. II. LEW ERS, Carnenter and Lumber Merchant, Fort Street, Hoaolala. GEORGE G. HOWE, LUIYZBER MERCHANT, i- i r--mw neen nnd Xnnaaa Sla.

the Paachard Pretaioeo. 43 tf S. JOHNSON, noose Carpenter, Ac, Saeresser to C. H. Lewero.

Work 8hop on tb premisea djoining the Hotel All order pni rtuallv attended to and jobbii done on rea-oanbie I terms. Plans and speoncatioM drawn order. FISCHER JURGLNS, r.Ki.nt Makers and French Polisher, Hotel St, oppooite Goveraaaeat 43-6m STUART it It A II Cabinet Makers and Tnrnere, Hoaolala. Oaha, S. 1.

gy- Sacceasois to It- A. O. 1VOOO, OB uue C. A. TANER, cm M.irrr.

Ilonolola, Oaha, S. I. e. an- in- Tnn. ljuti.

a-v ptnr diockb. aad ever thing appertaining to the trade. Orders 8ATIDGE MAY, t0ittwa GROCERS, COrrEE iiUAox- And rrOTisioB JTr Street, near tW Btl- 18-6m TT H. PRENDEKUASl. Agent oa Steam atiiw on Merctant over Kee HONOLULU, H.

BUSINESS CARDS. J. II. WOOD. Bootand Shoe Manufacturer, Shoe and Lea ther Dealer.

Honolulu. S. I- Attbe BrickShee Store, corner pi Fort and Merchaatt.35-t Commercial Restaurant and Billiard Saloon. LAIIAINA, MALI, 20 BY B. C.


I. Merchandise ot every description disposed of at tbe highest market price. 16 if McCOLGAN CAMPBELL. MERC II A IX TAILORS, 'Fort opposite Bay Horse Hotel. 9tf C.

II. NIC HOLMN, Merchant Tailor. Establishment opposite Seamen's Chapel, Honolulu. Oahn, H. I.

large assortment of Itfoaiicloilis, Casaimeres and Linen Urilliugs, constantly ior sale. Garment made at abort notice, in latest f.tliioiuUMf I COXTIXl'ES his old business at tbe aew store ia Makee' new fire proof building next door above Dr. Huff nan's Dru: Store on Kaabumanu street. Chronometi Rated by observations the tun and stars with a transit instrument accrately adjusted to the Meridian of Honolulu. Particular, attention given to fine watch repairing.

Sextant and Quadrant glasses silvered and adjusted Chans and instruments constantly on hand and for sale. Ilnnolul'i, Nor. 17th, 1.V2. 28 tf G. LAXGE, Watch Maker aad Jeweller, Oppusile Iiluii Hotel, Fort St.

Honolulu. 9 tf. P. EMM ERT Lithographer. PORTRAIT I rivate Residences bill-beads, Circulars.

Labels, Business, Show, aud luting Card? neatly Litlioeraobed and Knzraved. Portraits and Landscapes painted in Oil or Water-Colors. All orders neiitiy ana promptly evecuted. Caranaves' Building, ovei Vincent Crenier, Nuanu Honolulu. i'J-K H.

STANGENWALD, UOVOLILE DAGIERREAX GALLERY, King street, opposite the Globe Hotel. 47 Pictarea taken ia any weather. tf CHS. BREIXI.G, Hakcr, Corner of MaunnUen and Hotel afreet. Iio 1 a tm 5- XOTICE-Best Fresh Bread, 12 avss for one

T. MO lilt. t. auiisin j. JlOSSMAX SON, Bakers, Grocers and Dealers in Dry Goods.

Nnnaan St Honolulu. Oahn. S. I. 35-tf II.

F. HARDER. Butcher and Sanage Honolulu. Unhn. S.

I. Would respectfully inform the Re-idents and Ship Masters that tbey can be supplied itb the best Beef, Pork and Mutton at his the Rose Cottage Market, nearly opposite the I eihel, at tbe very lowrt price Families, Hotels and Boarding Hou-escan be supplied at any time of day itb tbe best Sans iges, Pork 4 c. Ve-8els supplied ith Ci'rned Beef aud Live Stock on tbe shortest Jan. I. Ij5.

35-tf E. HE Manufacturer of Sixla Water and Syrups, At Commercial Hotel, Nnnanu St. tf 12 II' ONOLULU BREWERY MALT BEER. The undersiprned having established a Itn w- ery in Honolulu, rort opposite trie jrencn Hotel, are now prepared to supply families, hotels, boarding houV? and bar rooms, in kegs or in bottles. All orders will be punctually attended to.

Cap- ains aud passengers will be accommodated at tne hortest notice. 25-tf J. J. BISCTIOFF Co. PACIFIC COIIPA.W, R.

(I. XOVES. President. CiU T1IK 'I'll A XSI'ORTATIOX of Freight. Small Parcel and Letters to and from the At lantic States also throughout California.

Oregon and the Pacific Coast generally. of ail kind will be promptly attended to at ary of the points mentioned. KICE Agents. Honolulu, April 16th, 1355 50-tf WILLS. FARGO COS EXPRESS FOR UNITED STATES AND EUROPE- Merchandise and Specie transported to nil parts of the World.

44-tf It. :0 D' A Agent COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. TIIE undersigned havinc; purchase I the lareand commodious Store lately occupied by Ii. Pitman, at the Port of Kawaihae, Hawaii, and also the Premises formerly occupied by Macy Louzada. of the same place, are now prepared to furnish Shipping touching at the above named Port for supplies, with any thing that may required, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms that supplies can be obtained at any other Port at the Sandwich Islands.

Constantly on hand a good supply of Hawaiian Beef. GEO RUE MACY, JAMES A. LAW. Kawaihae, February 26. ISoo.

41-tf MUSLINS SILKS LAWNS, OR SALE bv the Agent ol the Hudson Bay Company, the following choice assortment of Fancv Goods, Mull Muslin, Book Muslin, Swiss Book Muslin, Jacconet, Victoria Lawns, Muslin Dresses, Lawn Handkerchiefs. Muslin Sleeves. Guipure eeves. Limerick sleeves, Honiton Sleeves, Lace Capes, Shot Silk. Check and F'igured Silk.

Tortoise Shell Combs, Real Thread Lace. Honolulu, July, 1S55. 11-tf inr 1 WKTISTF.R'S LIVERY STABLES. iTJle Beretania street, adjoining the Commercial Hotel The above establishment is provided with superior Saddle and Carriage Horses, to be let by the hour, day or week Horses taken on xavery, anu tne best of grooming, food and attention furnished. The services of a competant Veterinarian Farrier, are en2 "aed, and the proprietor invites those ho are fond of equestrian exercises to try his Horses and judge lorthf mselve.

Ladiesand Gentleman wishing their horses sent to their residences, will please notify the hour and equipment, either at the above establishment or at the Commercial Hotel. ii. Al. wills lii k. LIVERY STABLE.

rBlHE subscriber would respectfully inform bis friends and the public that he still continues the business at the old stand in Mauna Kea opposite the residence of the late Capt. Maughn, where the best of saddle horses for ladies or gentlemen can be procured. C7" Horses to let by the month, week or day. Thanking the public for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon this establishment, and assuring them that no exertions on his part shall be spared, a continuance of their fayors is respectfully FRANK P. MANINI.

BOSTON AND Sandwich Islands FIRST CLASS SHIPS ILL BE DISPATCHED REGULARLY from BOSTON for HONOLULU, in the months September, Dnember, March and Afay, or E5T For Freight or Parage, apply to Ij-tf B. F. SNOW, Honolula, or to SXNEY A. PLERCEM, Com'l Wharf, Boston DECEMBER 1, 1855. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A.

P. EVERETT, "VFFERS FOR SALE, ex. "Ocean Pearl" and other late arrivals, to close consignments, the following assortment of Merchandise, "selected expressly for this market II ry Caoods, Ac. Bales Ticking, do. Denims, do.

Stripes, do. blue and scarlet Twilled Flannel, cases Blue Drillings, do. striped Drillings, do. bleached Jeans, do. Deer-brook Sheetings, do.

bleached Cotton Flannel, do. Barnsley Drillings, do. Brown Holland, do. assorted Prints, do. Fancy Lawns, do.

Pantaloon Drillings, do. blue and white Cotton Thread, do. Choppas, do. Cotton Hdkfs, Cout's Spool Cotton, blue and black Broadcloth, Cassimeres, Fancy Satinetts, Satin Lastings, Fancy Check Lastings, Lyonese Cloth, Elastic Coating, blch'd Linen, Black Velvtt, Yellow and White Flannel, colored Covers, 10 anl 14 Linen Shirtings. CLOTHING.

Blue llibbed Satinet Pants, Cadet Mixed do do Fancy do. Drab do. Black Union do, Linen Drill do. Denim Pants, Denim Frocks, black Beaver Beefing Jackets, Petersham do. Pilot do.

Monkey Jackets, Striped Shirts, Duck Pants, Flannel Shirts. Silks, Ribbons, Trimmings, Ac. Pes. black Gros de IChine Silks, do. 33 inch wide Black Silks, do.

Changeable Silks, do. Satin du Cliien Silks, do. Plaid Silks, do. Brocade Silks, do. Oil Silk, do.

black Taffeta KiLbons, ass'd widths, do. Black Satin do. do. 1 carton Smyrna Edgings, assorted widths, assorted colored Velvet Ribbons, Biac Velvet Ribbons, various widths. Fancy Velvet KiLbons, Black Silk Crajats, Lile Thread Gloves, Linen Hdkfs, Agate Buttons.

Blankets, Hosiery, Aic. 10i and 114 superior Swiss Blankets, Striped Merino Undershirts, Hair Women's White Cottou Hose; Men's Grey Cotton Men's Striped Cotton Hose, Virginia Iloe, Braces, be, Groceries, Preserves, Half bbls Beans, cases Champagne Cider, Smoking Tobacco, Finecut Tobacco, sacks Ahr.onds, Super Carbonate Soda, mats Cassia, chests Pouehong Tea, 1 bale Corks, Fancv Soaps, 1 bag Black Pep-i Sardines, boxes Starch, Smyrna Kaisins, Chocolate, assorted Conlectionary, 1 bale First Quality Hops, 1S54; cases retined Lard, in tins. Assorted and Mixed Pickles, gal. jars and Gherkins, Onions, Cauliflower, Walnut, Red Cabbage, Walnut Ketchup, Toniata Ketchup, Capers, Lemon Syrup, Strawberry Syrup. Raspberry Syrup, Ginger Syrup, Pineapple Syrup, Blackberry Syrup, SarapariUa Syrup, ass'd Pie Fruits, Ground Ginger aud Cassia in i lb.

bottles, Allspice, assorted Herbs, Essences Ixmon and Peppermint. Extract of Vanillt, Rose and Lemon, Cayenne Pepper, Peppcrsauce, Rose Water, Paoli Vinegar, Saleratus in i lii. bottles, White Wine Vinegar, Preserved Psaches, in 2 lb. tins. do.

Damsons, do Preserved Pears, Quinces, Green Gages, pineapple. Mackerel, Codfish, Lobster, Clams, Green Peas. COO gallons Spirits Turpentine. Boxes Brown ext. Soap, 20, 48 and 7o lb.

boxes. Casts Pilot and Medium Bread. Half bbls. Family Clear Toik. Bbls.

Pork Shoulders. Hardware, Cutlery, ic. Cast steel and iron Shovels, cast steel handled Axes, Broad Axes, Kettles, Countor Scales, Chalk Lines, Screw Drivers, Aiken's Brad Awls, plated Trysquaies, pocket Taj Mr asures, brass Screw Rings. Cheese Tasters, powder Flasks, chalk line Reels with prickers. Fish Lines, Wood Saws, Razor Strops, Jewsharps, table Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Razors, Scissors, Butchers' Knives Steels, 1 PL 1 1 I.

assoneu anears, orass uuiis siui acy wnx', i ar i-i i and Sail Needles, lhimbles. Corkscrews, Spoke- es, i.anu uiu uum "iujj. Lanterns ass'd. Chopping Knives, Mortice Guages, Match Sates, Fish Hoks, iron and brass Wire. Tor- meniors.

iox Scrapers, store uoor locks Locks, Padlocks, Mvirtice LocUs. llim Locks, in- Icks. Hickorv Mallets, Meat aud Chest Rack rdrol Hooks, brass screw Hooks, Punches, Mule Chains, bri Auger Handles, Shoe jht Aggers, brass But- tons, 1 1 a. tcr Chains, Sr.catns I oi. emus ivi.

jiuj 'J abltsj oons Tinned iron Tea and Table- ich Vises, Ox Bow Pins, square Spring ar.d Rat Iras, Britannia spoons. Bene Bolts. Chest Handle: A.uuers. Bitts. common GimMets.

IlandculiV eopj er lacks, brass Screws a-soiieu, oou Kasps, nan rounu anu uasiara iu, Pit Saw files, laper lues, liastin spoons. Hammers, Douglass Pumps, bri-ht Hooks and Eyes. Firmer Chisels, cabin Doer Hooks, bright Wrenches, Curtain Fixtures, Coilce Mills, brnss Dog Collars, brass and iron Wire Sieves, spring Balances, F'amily Grindstones, Corkstops, Hand Bells, Te.tpots, Ladles, assorted Tacks, cross cut Saws, Ccrhn Screws, brass Curtain lUngs, Sail Twine, SVipnrj. SrTa'jers. Xeedlcs.

assorted Drawing Knives, Oil Stones, Cloak Pins, socket Chisels, Mounted Palms, steeL-platc Hoes likes. 77-V PLATE AXD HEET IKOy. 8-4 OIL CLOTH CARPETISU. SUPERIOR. CHuviwnrr, Lamp.

Solar Lamps, hanging Solar Lamps, reading Lamps, Britta. Cofiee and Teas, solar icks and Shades, De-ennters, wine Bottles, uhina Vases, Finger Bowls, Goblets, Paper Shades, Spoon Holders, Colognes, solar Cliimneys, Pedestal Caiidiestic's, Pri of Glasses, Butters and covers. Decklights, Tumblers, I Sugars and covers, etc. Sfaliourry. Copying and writing Ink, Slate and Lead Pencils, Pass Books.

Writing Books with copies. Letter and Foois Cap Faptr, assorted qualities, Note Paper, Ink Stands, Drawing Pencils, Steel Pens and Pen Holders, Waters, Envelopes, Biil Paper, Scaling wax, playing Cards, large and small wrapping paper Brushes, etc. Paint Brushes, assorted; hce brushes, scrub, tooth, nail, dust, shavmg and varnish Brushes, assorted ivory and dressing Combs, side Combs, Ma- i son I'aste tsiacKing. e.c, eic. HATS Palm-Leal' and l-eghom.

Saddlery, fee. Men's Saddles complete with two girth straps, girths, brass spurs, assorted, web girthing, hide whips, fancy riding whips, etc. Wooden Ware. Hickory axe handles, corn mills, ox yokes complete, Sehoolslates. assorted sizes, Looking Glasses, card and box matches.

Crockery Ware. Sir. Whi-e plates, 1-4 soups, edged trirflers 1-4 soups, C. C. Chambers, ewers and basins, Porter mugs, etc Assortment of Carpenters' Planet, etc.

8-tf Cooking Moves. -Pi KEEN MOUNTAIN STATE STOVES, and Jt Ready Baker Stoves, Nos. I and 2, with Fix tures, 4c. for Wood or Coal. F'or sale bv 1855 4-tf A.

P. EVERETT. Sujtcrior Vhctcing Tobacco. LSI RLCbl LD from San Francisco per a- QCEKO, 29 Cases J. Thomas, superior "Diadem Tobacco.

For sale by A. 1 EVEBETT. Uonolulu, June 9, 1S55. 5-tf COOLIES ERSONS desirous of getting Coolie Laborers are requested to call at the OlSce of the under signed. These Coolies, with a little teaching, make very good washmen, gardeners, house servants and laborers, and it would be advisable for those who are in jant of such, to engage them immediately.

April 4, 1855. 48-tf B. F. SNOW. JFOX, BAKER ASD GROCER, Nuuanu between Hotel and Chaplain Honolulu, respectfully informs his friends aud the public generally, that he constantly has on hand a well selected stock of Groceries, best Flour in barrels and 1-4 bags, best Fresh Butter, Cheese, Ham, Rice, Preserves in tins, etc, etc, all of which, he offers for sale cheap.

N. B. Best Fresh Bread, 12 Loayes for One Dollar. Hot Mince, Cranberry, Gooseberry, Apple and Banana Pies, dally 8-rJm iaa-an-annnaana-Ma-naannannnnnnnn GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ilLDIUCH BISHOP.

HAVE NOW ON HAND, or to arrive per ships "John Gilpin" and "Cato," tbe following Merchandise Dry Good. Cases fancy printed Lawns, do. figured Canary Frinta, do. blue and green do. Merrimack blue do.

do. pink do. pink orange green aud blue check do. asst. Col'd da of various styles, do.

pink Frocks." do Suffolk, Excelsior. Denims, do. Ticking, Blue Drills, Blue Cotton, Bleached Jeans, white and blue Pant, cords. fancy striped pant. Jeans.

Bales brown Drills, brown Sheeting and Shirting Stripes, Cases bleached Sheeting 8-4, and fine Shirting 4-4, Irish Linen, Linen Drills and Duck, asst. Blankets, superior blue and scarlet twilled Flannels, black Mohair and Orleans Lustres, white Marseilles Vesting, Seersucker Coating, white and blue Cotton Thread, white, brown and black Linen Thread, black and colored Sewing Silk, Saddler's Sewing Silk, black Shoe Lacings. Clothing. Black and blue Satinet Pants, fancy black and fancy Cassimere and Doeskin Pants, white Linen drill Pants, fancy do. and checked do Cashmarett sack Coats, blue, black and drab Reefing Jackets, fancy Satin and Merino ts, red, blue, striped and fancy Woolen Shirts, white and striped Woolen Drawers, Undershirts, white Shirt, linen bosoms and coiais ol various and etyles, Regatta Shirts, Hickory Denim Pants and Frocks.white andi'aucy cotton p'nts.

Saddlery. Hogskin Saddles of vatious styles, do. f.tucy seat, do. common with bridles ic, complete, asst Bridles and Martingales, worsted and cotton Girths, plated and grey Stirrup Irons, Pelham and snafSe Bits, Curb Chain-, Carriage Whips, Riding Whips, Rawhdies, Iron, Sleel c. Round, flat and square Iron, Hat, round octagon and square Cast Steel, Nuts and Washers.

4 square 3-8 1- 7-8 anl 7-16 inch, do'six square 1-2 5-3 3-4 and 7-8 inch, Eng. Boiler Iron.Lead Pipe 1-2, 1 and 1 1-4 inch, Hardware. Zinc, Nails, Spikes, Boat and Timber Nails. Zinc le Grindstones and fixtures, Family Oilstones, Bristol Bricks, Ox, Trace, Halter and Dcg Chains, Augers, Bits, Gimblets, Scythes and Snaths, Sickles, Planter's Hoes, Garden Hoes and Rakes, Bow Pins, Door Rollers, Iron and Brass Screws and Butts asst. Knives and Forks, Ivory handled Carvers, Forks and Steels, Butcher and Sheath Knives, asst.

Pocket Knives, Scissors, Sheep Shears, Door, Chest, Till, Drawer and Cupboard Locks, Padlocks, Bolts, Latches, Cupboard Catches, Lai.ip-hooks, Footscrapers, Nail Uamincrs, Shoemakers Findings, Axes, Hunt's and Ohio handled Broad Axe and Shingling Hatchets, Adzes, asst. Files, Greaves" and Stubbs Handsaws, Wood-saws, Drawing Knives, Try Squares, Ivory and Boxwood Rules, Chopping Knives, Coach Wrenches, Corkscrews, Ink Erasers, Firmer ChL-els, Enamelled andtin'd Sauce Pans, Fry Pans, Kettles, Pots, Gridirons, Tormentors, Ladies, Spoons. Pump Chain, asst. Planes, Spring Balances, Seives, Cow and Sheep Bells, Ship Scrapers. Sheathes, Belts and Palms, Hardware Baptr.

Brass head Nails. Deepsea Lines. Hand Lines. Chalk Fish do Cotton and llemp sail Iwme, Mates, Curtain lungs, copper lacks, jachet i.ump, ivory acu uotn uumu, di.i- annia vuuee i i uis, uu. uj Auxmis, u.

JJUJi liuctiia, uu. le and Tea Spoons, Stand and Swing Lamps, do. iame and i ea Spoons, do. Pitchers, do. Castors, Yankee Corn Sheliers, Rat Traps, Shovels, Spades, Crowbars, Picks, Cotfee 1 1 "II 11.

I Mills, rins, -eeaies, inimoies, uuriiuu truis, uut-tons, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Paint. Whitewash, i Horse and Shoe Currv Combs, Cut lacks, Liack- i.0 pc, Tni. wn lnsr. Jiackinir Cocts, iio: JS-al raper, ink, j'11" 4' 1 Wooden Ware. I lingham Pails.

Boxes. dashboards. Clothes l'ins. Rolling Bins. Proofs, I.U!h uroolliSt xe, Hoe, Auger, Hatchet and Chis- Handles, Ox Bows, Bench Straws, Caac and i Woxl seat Chairs, ic, ASSORI.MLM Vt W.kl.

Crochcry and Glass Ware. line grutil.U UieaKiasi, uniiicr atiu ui izes S.jups, Tureens, Nappies, PI I ueis. Dishes and Pitchers. Toilet sets. Bo1 White Ktanite bieaktast, dinner and tea set--, at.

atten cr tiisiie-. i rhambers. Glass Butter dislics. Cifiee. leas.

howls. Mulasses Ju Srnne nr.v att-r J.irs. and cut ana p.itin Defan.rrs. Tumblers und Lamp shades. Water bottle.

Sail cellars. Lamp chimneys. Solar lamps asst. Cand.e-atieks with cut and plain Shades. ast Lju-terns, Castors, Flower pots.

A.c. l'rertt. I'acklea Wc. Pints, quarts and halt galls. IVkles.

Jib. bottles ground Cassi t. Pimento, Ginger, Cloves and 1 Pernor, alb. tins Sane an 1 summer Sauce, Tomato and Mushroon Catsup. Capers, true Lemon Svrup.

2 lb. ting asst. Meats, Oysters. I lams, Salmon, Listers, preserved rears, uo. reai nes, Damson Marmalade, Peach do.

Apple do. Currant i Jellv. Cranberry Jam. Raspberry do. Green Peas ami Corn.

1 lb. tins Cianberrv Raspberry do. and Green Com, Sardines, salad Oil, Soy, Currie Powder, Groceries. Bids, and 1 bis. rushed Sugar, Lost Suuar, Carolina Uco, China do.

Chee-e, Lsri, Adamantine Candles, Saleratus. Pepper. Pimento, Ca-ia, Nut-mp 's. (Jioves. Mustard.

Ginger. Table Sa'-t. No. 1 brown, white, Chemicul Ollv aud Castile Soap, fancv do. Tobacco in large and small boxes, Si.uif, kits No.

1 Mackerel, Crackers, Split Pea. Brooms, Wrapping paper. Tea in large and small boxes. Hiwaiian Sugar. Syrup, Ccffce, Arrow root.

Pulu, aud Salt, Jtc. Paints. Ofls hite Lend, hite no Paint. Paint, Lampblack, Chrome treeu, ne yellow. French yellow, Venetian red, Red lead, boiled Oil and spts.

Turpentine ir. 5 call, tans, Window glass, 8xi0, 10x12, 12x14, and 12x17. Corn. Bailey, Oats, bbls, Salmon, Masts Booms. Boiestanned Goat skins.

Sole Leather, ic, ic. su. Honolulu, August 20th, 165- l-T ROBINSON Ac RHODUS, IMPORTER and WHOLESALE DEALERS IN iriHt-J, Spirits and Cigars, HAVE on hand a large and well selected stock, which they are enabled to offer to private families and the Trade generally, oa very favorable terms. Marteli's Pale Brandy, ia hhds. Do Dark do do Otard, Dupuy in bbls.

Hollands Gin, in 1 doz cases. Duff Gordon sherry, very fine, do Topaz, do, straw color, do Golden do do Madeira, do Champagne, lleidaick and other brands, do. Laiitte Claret, do. St. Julien Claret da.

Old Port Wine do Cherry Brandy, genuine. Cherry Bounce. Sauterne. Scotch Monongahela, Brandy. Marietta's Ale and Porter.

Bryant Davis' Ale. Barclay's London Stout. Baird's Ale. All in cases of 1 do, each. Ten-gallon kegs of Brandy, Rum nd Whisky, in bond, for ships' stores.

14-tf. uttr. CONSTANTLY ON ILND. and for sale, TOR-BERT'S BEEF.packed in Rock Salt, in packages of 65 lbs. for family use, and in barrels of 200 lbs.

for ships. Warranted to be ound and of the best quality. For sale by JAMES MAKEE. Assignee. 11-tf or T.

W. EVERETT. a BUTTER, HIDES ax.d TALLOW, for sale. Apply to. 16-tf, ROBERT JANION.

GENERAL MERCHANDISE. BOOT AND AND SHOE HANUF ACTOR. Y. PEATT respectfully announces tcr the citizens of Honolulu and public enerauy, that he has opened busi ness tor the sale ana manufacture. of Boots and Shoes of cverv description.

iat door above Mr. Love's bakery, Nuuantt street. Having a thorough practical knowledge of his business, obtained through miny years experieru: he can insure a good fitting arti Je." A single trial io respectfully solicited to convince. N. B.

All ordtw punctually attenteJ to. Repair neatly executed. 10-6m KAMAA HOU. Lr-KK JOMX GILrt.N.and lj SHOE STOHK s.ihi mucb enlarged his store, and voice of, now Cer to 1 PER JO'IV tor sale at ti BRICK ibscriler having very ftanhb recalled a trii i- e. his customer aad ihs nub- lie the I arrest assortment of TsTO.W boou and sboc ever in ibis market.

N. B. Lout and Shoes made and repaired as nuI. l-tf J. WCXjn.

II. II.u hlVM o. HAVE JUST RECEIVED from Boston, per Am. ship "John Giipin," the fulloir.g which they offer for sale, viz Bales Manchester Denims, do Sheeting, do blue and bro. Drillings and Cottons, do MLlioid Ticking, cases bleached Cases Kip Brogar.s, Vatent Lasting Shoes, Native Women's Shoei, Cases blue and white Sewing Cotton.

uo superior L. B. and Fancy Bostn do Saddles and Bridles, complete. Cans Boiled Linseed Oil and Spt. of Turj cntine, Tins Black Paint, kegs White Lead, tins Green Paint, do Prussian Blue, ilo Chrome Yellow, Cases Foolscap.

Letter and Wrapping Paper, Writing Ink. hales Mops, 1S-54; hf brls Dril Apple, Brls Cider Vinegar, cans Cheese, in tins; Bent's Water and Soda Cracker, in tins, Pickles in qt bottles. Mustard in i lb bottles. Black Pepper, do, Saleratus, loaf Sugar, crushed do. Hams, Painted 1 ucs.

Solar and glass Lamps, solar Shades, chimneys and wicking. 1 aim Leaf ilat. sailors lin Pans, Cocoa handle Butcher Knives, rolls of sheet Lead. Ass'd cut Tacks, kegs cut Nails, 4, 6, 3, 10, Cases patent elf-heating charcoal Irons, Bovis, chemical olive and cocoa Soap, ic. Stf 7EW GOODS FUR SALE BY HARRIS FITCH.

11RMTI RE PER DRO.MO. Sets cottage lurniturel beautifully dowered.) French bedsteads, set F'rench Bureaus with marble tops, nests Wardrobes, dress Bureaus (turned.) plain cottage Bureaus, oval card Tables, teaPovs, mahogany Sofas, mahogany Divans, cottage Bedsteads, mapln parlor Chairs, maple do do, carved, carved waJsut Chairs, carved oak dining Chairs, American Chairs with cushions, square Stools. lhe above will be sold cheap for cash. BOATS. Whitehall row Boats I copper fastened,) 14 fact smack Boats, 17 foot yawl Boau, 17 foot cantrs boaid Boats.

LUMBER AXD COAL. White oak Plank, white oak Timber, yellow PIn flooring (grooved and tor.ued) tons Lackawana Coal. PROVISIONS. Casks ship Bread, bbls. Prune Pork.

bbls. Mesa Teef Philadelphia,) half Ibis, dried Apples (extra.) Lasteru Beans, bb Eastern Hams, casks extra I 10 cnc kiou- DOis. llour I sunlit damaged, lor sale 'litl cneap 1 SUNDRIES. Manila hemp Cordage, cases yellow Metal, Shea thing, sheets copper siieatuing, lioxes Aromatie Virginia Tobacco, case diadem Tobacco twist, (a first rate article.) yellow metal Nails, boat metal i Nails, iron Sp'kes. All the above goods are in first rate order and will be sold chea: to close the consignment.

3-tr X. (... otler tlr saleawell selectel as- scrtment of NEW GOODS just received per 'Fsasces I'auiee." consisting in part as follows: Ley Goods. Boles of French Lswns, bales of Scotch-ginghams, litest styles, coses black alpacca, case black Gros de Rhine, mourning prints, case9 dotted Swiss dresses, case figured table oil cloth, blick crape. larce sues, pocket handierchicCj, linen catrbrio preset hanOkei-caieLs, taLie covers, Mack leathers, Mac it silk, and cotton gloves, and itf 'ta ribbons, plain i iss muslin, iiumi cui.

Clotuixg. Superior Lhiek and fancy cassiaicre pant, black drab pants, mens white duck pants, black i fTi-V- rt. 1 i rr mai-lnrk iviita lin nw: ivtu ti va Wiwft dv uii im vo uv uuvnr duc. coats, white and bull vcst5, pnot Jackets, extra fine Lite shirts, merino and Cuttcn undershirts and drawers, etc. Hats.

atest style riding Hats, Panama hats. Leg" horn its, Kossuth lints, ginfed hats. Suoes. Cases sewed Cingress goiters, do. laatTnir I gviters, do.

enamelled ties, do. calf brojms, de. heavy and light lii brr.guroj. siwiu Svuuuic ii ivana Ggsrj. 4-tf WA1ALIA I' ALLS KAUAI.

TIE UNDERSIGNED begs to inform his frisua and the public that he is now ready to accom i modate or ten boirders at his Mansion on the a alls Estate, in saca a manner as cannot fail to prove arrec ble and satistactory. The air and surrounding tcetitry aie unsurpassed ia any part of the Islands. 1 1 Wailua Tails, ithin a few hundred yaidsof ti.e houi-e, hare always been justly re- i he Mansion if-elt is acioua and airv, command ing a mot extensive view of the surrounding scenery. Immediately adjoining ii a gardea cf flowers, vegetallcs, comprising every variety th country affords. Fruits are also abundant ia the propec season.

But few places, it is believed, can combine so many circumstances to please the eye, gratify thw taste, promote the comfort and invigorate the health The Wailua Marion is situated about four miles from the ort of Nawiliw ili, and is easily accessible. Board and Iojgiag at sr.oderate rate. a more particular description of the Wailua I Fall Estate, the undersigned is ermitted to refer to lion. D. L.

Grc-, U. S. Ccmmissioner, Capt. S. Sterreu, U.

S. Col. H. Prendergast, Cyrua W. Jones Co I'lrcns Stapenhorst.

Capt. ID. P. Penhailow, and Lliarl llotfschlaeger, Esq. Z-ti DUNCAN McBRlDE.

jLuraun SALE- DEii 1GNED having reeived, per late arrivals, a fresh stock of Lumber, offers the samo for sale, low for cash, viz 1 in. planed, tongued and grooved and beveled Am. Pine Boards, tor Cottage uniform length, 1 ia. planed Pice Boards, different qualities. 1 in.

do clear, 1 1-4, 1 1-2. 1 3-4, 2 2 1-4 and 2 1-2 in. clear Pice Dimensions; Plank, 5-8 in. i Ianei Boards for Sheathing, 1, 1 1-4, and 1 3-S hard pine Boards for I 1-4 in. planed, ti.tjued and grooved hard Piae Floor BMrds, 1 in.

Baltic Boards, 2 and 3 ia. Oregon Plsnk, i's3, 3x3, 3x4, 8x5, 3x5, 4x4. 4x5, 4xrL-Sx9 JdUt 2x3 Joist ia long lengths, auiiabla for fence Kai, Spruce Clapboarda, Am. Cedar shaved Shingles, California reJ wcoi do. 1, 4 1-2 and 4x9 in.

hard pine Flank. Cor ShTpa Waterways aad Bails. ALSO PICKETS Spruce and clear pine Pickets, WINDOW SASH SxlO, Sxl2. 9x13. 19x12, 10x14, BLINL'3 9x13; 10x14, with fastenings.

DOORS ft 6x2 ft 6, 1 1-8 ui 6xS 2x3, I i-2 I thick, 7 ft x3 ft, 1 3-4 in 2 ft 10 by 6 10, in. do. GLASS Crystal Glass, 11x17. 10x13, 10x17. b.

The above lumoer wiu oe fold at lowest market rates, aad in lots to suit purchasers. CUAS. BREWER 2d-HotioTuI April 24, 1S55. 51-tf r- ia i vn unv i vji oai-t oi!) n'-'i best ol eastern inane French Ca.fskin Shoes, do. do.

Lasting Gaiters, Cu. do. lute airM, iinon ooscnr.3,"ma(le for this mtUi, 1 Co..

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