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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 2

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEW YORK Ai a tejar? rat Whig Matt Oonpmtkrn lo Secretary Oetrotier Ac et fy ree uee on tlct It Ui eonalat ot oo? Iselegete iJtatrlei ia lb? Hute, to ebotwa by Mm Whig voter? of turh IMMrtci in tucb manner fi Coaaty direct. Wtart compelled by 'he pressure errerai to erotrdout Prof. Basb's Haply iritV alatoti rertatnly appear thtt eren or lo We hare ttncereiy desired to bt bul New? atusf Aare preference Backten-? vary. Mr. Secretary Buchanan aa will be eeen in an other coturno, bas made a large bid lor Southern eupport in tbe next Loco Foco National Convention large tbat we are confident be would never have bave it bad th? death of gilee Writ-fit been known to biro before he tbue com.nutted him aelf.

Himself averring that the People af the country weit of the Rio Orando are deeply hostile to Slavery, be still inaiata on opening a door for forcing; opon them that Slavery in that region would diegrece and dea-rade a large portion of ita prevent froe inhabitant? declarea that we mutt cornpromiee iwij their ritrht to be ahiaided from thie oppreeeive end abominable Liberty. Principle, Humanity are all vago? abstractions, bat Slavery is a reality, and mast be respected accordingly. It demands a foil share of the territory to be acquired from Mexico and Mr. Buchanan minting tbat our cooceeeion will do Slavery no practical good, while it will give lie tooarchenehed axiomeof government and de grade oe in the eyea of Christendom, etili inaiate that tnntf concede to eave tbe Union or retlier, the Democratic party from ditruption and ruin It it always that tbe North roust concede awsy pnn ciple, booor, coneiatency, everything but who over heard of a cooceeeion from tbat epirit of air greeeive Slavery whit I. pretends to speak tor the Sootb? Mr.

Buchanan attempt to run a parallel be? tween the hy the Missouri Corn? promiee end the preeeot ieeue tail? utterly in the vitel point. Slavery already tJuled prarticelly in Mieeourt and legally in all the territory by as in the parchsee of Louisiana? had so exiat ed for many years prior to the trintler nf those re giooa tons, What the North demanded io lili was not merely the excloaion of Slavery from a re gion hitherto Free, but its abolition in a iliatntt where it bad long bec-? sanctioned by law. That question was compromised aa stated but now we are asked to legehxe the introduction ami citait liehaeeutof Humen Slavery in an unlimited region from which it bee Ion-' einer been extirpated Can it be that the North will flimlion thit a tion? Twice heve the b'rei; St.te*?the time premeditation, and again after mature eon ami that they would consent to No More Slave Territory. If they stive wsy now, ought they not in common decency tn re aolv? never avain to make a aland uoainit any lie mend of the Slave Power, BeaTfel or a Mr Buchaitati, that ero ar. acquire ten.I.

IJ 1 I the quettion when he talk? ni leaving the matter open to be determined by toe People ol the new territory itself. The practical question Shall the code of Freedom or that of Slavery pre- vs'l t'oerei prior to euch ileenioii hy the People? I Give the excluiion af Slevery until the People. in adopting their Sute ihall deter? mine to adopt and legalize Slavery then vp ahaJt bava little fesr that Hle.ery will ilita.ii, foothold thereafter. But, let the line of tl Mueouii Com promiae be over territory hitherto Free end it will thenceforth be held, as heretofore with riverii to our own unor? ganised territory eouth of PF1 it)' that Claven, hat been legalized there until tin? People dai abolish It. and slaveholders, overeeera.

their un.ler?tra|iper? all eort? will pour into new trrritory with their alienee all opposition by Ljnth protest il neceeeary wil! control tho Judiciary and niui.i!e the Preti. arni tre aliali have off four new Slave Statee knocking for ad min mu into the Union, talking of their Vex teil it; bis. Legal Property. Ac end with the BPMb South threatening the Dit eolation of tbe 1'rtion anlete they are admitted There ia but oae honest and riphteoua way oi treating thie point, and that ie to meet it fairly at the thraahold. If we compromieo away our right to confine Slavery within ita preaent limite, we make ourselves partners to the shame and guilt of it? extension, and provide lor our own ptitmhroent.

-very inch that we concede to Slavery, however -rntly, will be graapad and wielded by it. aa we bave already aten with renani to Texae There IB boaor and aafety only iu tbat avoidance of dan ger which meet? it ball way. tho oi John Adam? it ha? been ob- aerved ttal a Federal tat turned Jacobin is the most and datis-eroaa of all poeeible Whan tbe conepirator? under Ty lerl'ortbe Annexe- tioa of Texas needed some one to bresk to and varnieh for Nortnemere their deteetabie Secretary Wiikins. a Pennsylvania Federaltat died 1 over in the tab of Jackeouiaro, waa th? choeen organ. Now another eld of like etamp It pat forward from Mr Polk a Cabinet lor a We should net care tor what be has beets, bat for his Inceseaot harping; on hie De? gtoriooa Democracy ol Old Berks' Tbe Democracy ot tbe Union, the Democratic Key-Stone.

Northern Democrats Dsaaetrscy, tu. tic. Doea tbe man supptwe even aoti School and noe reading electora of Berks Coaaty jo ignorant ae not to know that be grew op a wa-t to Coogreti a Fed. ral and eiguad a Circular la after he became a Jacfcjtoman entreating the of hte State to raily every vote in favor ot the Federal candidate for Does he auppoae they never beard of Fourth ot July Orattuo at Lae dettoancing Democracy and the weak or wit kf Adeaioietratk-a of James Medi In tee (t.e of notoriou? be expect aey mau to believe tbat he ie in any vital toass Democrat becaaoe te went to for Jackeon with atoat of tb? leading Federalists of Peon aylvama What principle or meaaure has he ra aiacu tbe his Jacksociam that be foreattrty Who? did he ever pretend to ohange hie opinion on any great quettion of pub? lic le not bio bannie about Democracy a impudent aad impotent attempt to blind the public hie groaa t-etray- ot Northttru Free prtu ciplea for Soetti-rrn to make hioi Praaataati' Who will t-? daoaived by it Taaratet 4 Uaad Sea Wail coa 8 of ButUm, baa opened at No 1 Mont gooeery place, near nu for the ot aupplyin-; Teacbera. of either eex Bad any repaired to tk-Boola.

aad f-jvluvs at any part ol Um arad Two I KeaWti ar? of tBe nenwa. reOltttiue. qeaU. BeaOoM aad reacWra, aa? enothar ol wuAias to eepl-oy la wBatover part ol Uw country wttL Um alte rrtralraa. Taa taaat.

memt ba eyciftc and be left on Ila at Aaaaey wUl be rv.Utered Bt bala ia expweUJ Irom each party (atrvwe by the Agvocy. al Mm ol UM Aral quartet plan ia werVly recvmaaeoded by Mana Everett. l'-lrvy Meoow. H-al etmat, mm other muomi trteads of FJocalL b. and hope will attract the atMetioe ol all ia Uw aad aapectally ol thoae who wuh to etaploy be Mr W'Mt ooatb will vi ta kaayy Circular? to all who mutua farther aK as to aw pWt aad Oar thanks are dee to Mesara Daania and Cfojas lor Boato? parea.

The oaesber deaths in the Emigrant at BltMtiw- oe rrtotxy wae aa iv- of l-awa Coba aad Wer? Tbe opeo etroggle for the Annexation of Taxai was by a of quiet, apparently an premeditated feelers, intended at once to influence, and to eound public aentiment And yet the Feo pie, though aeaaooably warned hy a paWisbed man ifeato from Sf-eere Adame. C. Morgan, and other faithful Members of Congreaa. never really beard nor believed that Annexation was serioaely contera plated in influential quarters nnul the intrigue waa ripe for ooasummation. The eame sort of feelers, and mainly through the aame are now thrown out with regard to the Annexation of Coba The chap who gravely proposed it in tbe Senate of the Union is very amali pattern of a Statesman, bat he is not the sin simpleton be hte been supposed.

We are now told in one jiomal that it anxioas to he annexed to the United her people a'e discasemg and greatly deaire tbat the Umoa could well afford to pay largely for so neb an acquitting. Another journal takes up the strain and prof-ate? entire willinirneee thet Cabe remain ie bat then England the identical Texas bagbear, is on the point of acquiring Cuba, and that muet be reeieted by oa, even if needfal by the word Hear tbe Cou rur if Emparer It will eor.eedecJ. we thet teere do not say. tbouitb we do io. ep prebend.

with retire proPabiiuy tbit at torne not dittact time a quarrel may out brtweeD ObboI Krltain end Ibe lr.n-d ruin which wi lead to war. No one wbo lie? toe fnrliuf of in It country end uo deeatande tbe impulee? of tbe popular heart we tbiok. entertain a eerloue doubt tbat there 1o tbe Arnerlc.n boeom a and widely extended of Injury from the coatueaely beeped upon our country by Britiib and and tbe nf lotoleot tuperiority In our regard by tbat arro? gaci people We a eettied conviction, wben we My that? excited tbe military of country ia by tbe war wita confident In tbe prowess of her arms wer witb England in a clearly national would be welcomed t.y .11 th? etirnn- blood of the Re? public. thtt a rail io tueh a wer wi.uld into the fi-ld hoet ee hee never before lieen mereheled und? the American beim? eeger fur th? with fooOSOO worthy of their iteri on where postHoaoo ar.d climate not their un? equal. OOaoaM, but letal wertere.

L'Hikloa tbeo. ae we do. witb regret but yet with eertain upon the proliability of wer with we ere most onwil'irg her te quiring a foothold in tne of Meaico th? poe sreeioo of would give her And we heve the entire rorivletion that eny attempt on her pert to erquire tbat colony, would furnub the clearly nail nal (rri.utid ot quarrel, which would unite tbe people ol tbe I uiled in opposition to ber ptejool Here a (air average specimen Ae reati.oa s'iveii lor wholeeale throat catting. There ie iiot a efiBilow of pretvnee that, eo long as Pesce ie maiiitaiiifd. the poeaeteion u( Cuba by England would be at all detriments! to our interests.

On the contrary, we presume it would be easy to de monatrate that tbe treneferin queetion would treat ly increaae the pruductiveneeo of Cuba and aug? ment our traile trade fee more benefi? cent than thrice the eerac amount to our trade with Korope. But it xtpmnOle that vtp may at go to war with writer? and having epokeri diaparsginely of ne. trki her a. lore, half pay ofleeia end other travt-1 try cany their headt rather high in patting tliro'ifli our eountry for whi? arrosant' or wo are bound to givo her a whaling' TI.e oular beert ia ready for tin? would bo certain pour forth of mattet fact. the timber lor one Brigadier General volunteered alraeriy.

Bo, tin n. it Kurland aliali acquire Cuba, howi-ivr honorably. Oqaitebly, and with the free concurrence of all pertica, the? aimplo lar't will fumieti "the clearly National g-nund of quarrel which ie to redden the Atlantic with the blood of two mighty Natum? of kindred origin, character, and relitriou if were to to war with Emrland on any euch pretext, there ia not a shadow of probability that we nulli t'uba from her or rompe! Vr to bet hold it. Vfry probably, al? ft headrod thousand waiting I'liimr. da milIfone ot proparty ead incurring en itumesturahit? National niaki Peace witii'tit Coba ia the Treety.

The far this hardly be intimateli Nt-t an inori- in exposure t' seees ahi'irdity ami autcidal madnesaof the IS war lor We Bight aa rationally mako war France fir her retention of A'ttiere. No such war can ever he loniil upon the menean rxcept the novel provees ni into it hy mere Executive hat without Intenti.s- to the public will or even taking the eenee of Whether England has any such purpose as is her mrt do not know, nor is it at all mate rial. Heartiiy would we end would mil liona of the American People at any change in the aovereignty of Cuba which would eneure the epeedy extirpation of Human Bondage therein, and add one more eo the evidencee exiat Hig of tie pafftet aa'iety and auual beaefioeaoe af Emancipation even in climes mure ferviti than that oi our Southern and among a population wherein lia' claiB preponderates in arati?) unknown even un the Lower Mieiiiiippi. But whether llioee who rejoice or iboee who at the onward march of Freedom shell bear ewey in oar National it wni he equally impossible to this L'tiion into War Cuba teir nieani And let tlioae who attempt it by iiaik well to their reipoaeibility The of Support your otrn (iovernment. Oat Country wright or wrong.

not to ecreen oiarpere end wilful fomentera of Irom the demands ot outraged Humanity and Constitution Death af Mloa riffht ontirtned. A TeU-u-raphic tne trom Al? bany etetee that the death Mr armed by en Extra of the I which state? that he wai iu the Post Wee when he waa attacked with apoplexy. Melici. wit luitantlv called in. aud all that could be done.

it? done He becerree well enough to walk borne, and there he wee put to bed. bat Boon expired. Ef Ho BlXIWORM iate 1 Crmiaii eiottrr ol Paleo will, we learn, artend tb? NewYork Agricult I air and Show at Sarai? a lb? ot Ute seal la caute of kwaI bu not abated. The result? ot bit cat elp-sriaor-ts lo tesi tbe merits ot cooked and uncooked food, and tha value ot certain eropa for fodder are highly He hu now It? aO ecree ol Corn growing on one tann. which will i exceed buehela aima Cum, 11.

whoae death in Edinburgh we briefly noticed yeitcrtiey. wee a yooafar brother ol George Combe, tbe celebrated pere nceogtot. eo well known in thii country by hu eeeanMe wriCDg? and hie int-iUgeel liberal bavok oa tbe L'ni tett RtatoA pubPthrd In IM IV Andn-w Comb? writings on Physiology end kladred subjects pined through number ot edittoae to ton City, aad have bee? eminently oeatul well ee able end popu'ar. For The Tribuna TW Krec i elicer. The law author the iiabuihmant of a Free Acaaetay tn thta Cuy contain? trvrra, aangerou? pro which certainly nuit hive eeceped the obee'v? City The Hoard ot FdaeetlAi? by the act have the and privilege? of ettrptareito? to eeabto it to lake and bold, eoe end re aad by luit or acuoo to entorce the pertorm 1 aay contract Ac la tact ihn Hoard mad-? a dan foaa rttrporaOtw.

lu It goee into will be eoormoue The coueeel. or attorney. aay Mbo-at of ead the tooa Ac wtu Be eouM ep by thoueeadA It therelore quite pro eamtuolim to thto Board wee the very man who drew the bui. bai wa cannot that had tuture to hi? DtSTatiTivs Fia? fire occurred la aa e-eee-ty UM. by whiek upwaru iw-aiy taatiliaa wer? boaaaioaa.

TtM tira took la the vary haart ol tbe ctiy. al tO? cortMrvaf Trtaoma atti eiltegvoa aad twin, la cwtec ot oaslwat ta? Boeeww twalee taein war? wooden teoemecta la a giwauy eoalltlu-. fit-we wrr? tret eewa io betrat farte ta rear ol a baker la et ta than i aa eo? ali UV? bui-iag? ali thoM la a-waat aad ali thoee in wer? Urei? the eUyed by tb? brick Boa-, ot 2 BoMce of A tea hoae? oeee W-, The the fi-Meal. In recent notice of the Ezpmt tot occuion that ah of them stogisi Eel rawrs Urn Iy. and moet of them atiempt lief In the CbrUUin reltgiotv arge the Gate ataifr (wo mm have -tgbt bert )wob and Kar Wright down I pen de tun Ciabi'a -Kiaxlty In r.

ptj to thii. we itated tr I an Church was thorn agi. it iee A tt 44 and that every aociety now exuttng ti. any wbere else, ao fsraa we have knowledge emphatically Christian Ecowray. Zoar.

Et There are lee who are members of Clubo that talk in favor of Commaniem. but every offurt at Communism he? been uniformly Christian tnd of the fe ed or Orthodox How much better they are on this account Dot re in the stand? to the ran? ts Ye'that piper return? tiarje on Saturday in I t.rma: Th? eise? v.ry that th? RrW disctpl-? la Act? ikni ai jiiai ae ktoa new to the w. rid would make ter btmielf leogb outright be true that the first aad ata BB at uree rioriiee what th- of tb? I Tl? Tnbvn, cit-ni? I r-c-mmenda work w- red tb? commencement hi thit century rncial sct'rae? ew seems, it ia only At 1 has been ce Vd ind by Tkt Trxbtine in pinieu tr to under the osoies of taOQOtBttoa, 1 hun? dred oiher burning nimoi Thit on fntloritm by Irving to identify It trtb Founerttm.1i i too tolte, bowov.r. not to be reboktd Tbuithe Ex'i'eii, chued out at OM bota, run? i in at another. chatten away about tbe not being Fonnentet, though we had ever said they were was its own chosen term, orde- I and Fanny Wright of wrom th I heei.

and thefblRMI certainly ia a Coiamuiiitt. while neither ever was or pretended tc a Fourier. trarj It is by this dorici to an tho ExpMM keep coantensnee and on wo repeat it 11 and tile to Commirbitin. proclaiming; tbat Community I Property the crave ot Liberty True, tlioy admit nan. I.I.U1I et bj Communists.

bat their plasm I iHeTn arc i-i They Id tbal baaaraaf at materni weaith matad by hii own labor, or batTBaatbad to his Iboaawho bare I latrly acquired it. They bold that he who can by etrer.gth, or skill, or aeoompliili or eani in one dsy much as ten common men a right to oi product, and that individual ambition or acquis under prop. liona. with ten, ral comfort we'll They tfttt with Coinniunitti in affirmim; that the State. each oi Edacatioa antb ample Sost thai la terward Upiorturnty to Lahor bat, wbUe Qua? n.uiiiit? afirat tl i rd hare oi tba Il raaintaia that a aaaa wbo -a rkbai ri-'ht to t-at What Associationict? a ar ..1 for a fair hau? and ai Lab if 'Allieti Bble I'Tiaiu-t of Induitry geai with l.i l'otti I el til II -W not expect the Raprcoat butt? clamici aa Ui hn plea oi Iniiuitrial Doancacic Aseo.

Liberty with Order, try aad ramaruty ol Int. en with ltnnviduaiitv el Poooaai enria tba adeaotaira? of Coaiaantaai tad laolation aad avoiding thadieadvantaitea iiatiie aokaown to Si maniata, Cao tins I.elici from lindi .11:111 011 ibi- I'm? i'? at iirviii trtat: I ot V'Ur kn.d .1 in lli-ir L1 il the hteiaat I ti e. privi that ll tr? I Barato tafg 1 aa pateta 0., art'l n-riter llBB? I rrj ti t.beerve the gtortoas l'etri ol "Old are huckllns on l.letr armor, and pre? paring tor the sootast It Is loag any "tinto hat invjlv-d important for the llemocricy ot th" ei the proe-hlnit tle-tloB lot i'? nntylverie may probably adaoey oi DaoBMSaay ot the 1 t. come our H-mtcralic r-tCren BtfeOt the CLt-it with itti Ibe field a tri. I he bee regalerly Dominan 1 ty tbe lierty.

he detest? il th? stn nipt will te to explain ihe declaim, of tl tbaa try admlttiag tbai tt. Wi the ass irity tlur codi.late BbO 1 pereoMlly ttiea emiDet.U) ft? .1 for ibe dutte? that in. otBoa, aaatae thr II. mocrati give way. there greet daost-r that the ari'li m.y lint: In tbteeoateet, rmpbeticel ly.

he that not t. tgalael ae I do el. ur Ij I u.t attty I pub r1 rtt eod thru ai ihr h. ur inarch Ihey in BtaBM. Our lai.ce oiiift.t to be ou the (ieri.

Uutil tbe un ment it victory the of In one of ila nl reor-atly revived and Urr.tra? cut eiutitry. Tbe party oi the Patea to uret tr- in time tor tbe norm. Tbetr tecunty in ibe hour of danger ttarjir time honored A (acred regard lor the ConantuOon for the v-d* ot the tb? immovable oa which the party rrat I bee trom the in I I pr-rtrd Ui epprove tr tn. wr Ui they value tbe Ini'O. ai I il bieeeiiic-? whieh aaUfully f.

Ir by tar ot tbe on wber- that inatrumerit aat Slavery filili lather? h. tuia estrwmt nt with lh-ir brethren the -outb BB 1 It tbe ot run.M pally IU the pr.otit l-roeraiuev to r.ocrl BbIbBBO coi pac Tt b) tt auuu'i It bave trreeied naturai and doce lo the il.v-t A'ter ultien? mttft by Mr Jed-raou. when con part ot it about to fa? tied loto tbe end lu ut pr tbriBBtaed me uttoa ot tied by tbe men ol ttw laet other ira por tent eui bave been io Coder Ihe Beassi forevrr probi' iafl pati of tels paralWl iBeqaaotto? wsa lei'a? drcid-d by ibe peop.e. irete In the admUelon il la tbe their ed ihr eaene rule end in uiy opinion. tbe harmony ot tbe -tate? aod evea the tecurity ut Ibe l'aloe Iteelf.

thattfea line of the Muwourl ccun br extend to any new territory which We mat acquire trom Untai 1 entertain the asna? even if it were cwrteta thai thi? would oecottv? a serious practical lion Hu: it eaa be that considered, meet be to el who have attentively rxemiD.d the eutjascl K-itlter tb? Boil the climate nor the productions ot thai pjrtioo ot Cottatela uih of Jri oVg X) ladead of any of it. irta ot aoutb. le adapted to aleve and. beeide every lactina be tberr rdod to Ibe? elav? to from but maater. pro petty would be utter.y laeecur? ia any part forai? Il ta Impossible, ttvretore.

thai ma of tb? emteranu to that porno? it tbe territory solata of 36 dtf min which rnporaed of our teoow-cifct-n? the Middle and Weaatea tri I ever withtn te limita la regard Hew Mexico. Mit ot Bio i tbe qu-wOoo befo -ready by tb? ed aaieeto? of lato ike fbvud we acquire terntury beyond the Kio il-aode. aadeettof to ettll iaa probaba? that a ni) ot IB? peuple of tbat roaioe eBBBtl M.vrry Tbe are? Ibe ia a large prt. rum, a euiorted aod motg them lb? negro aot eoclaily belong to de? graded race Th? to. sot otta of prartieai tm lu booeatty latest.di d.

eaa prodaee to aHiaal? tfce people ot portion? of tbe lato? trou? otaat. to excise aec tlonel aad to dtoxraet ead poa eibiy tteauvy te? rVetocratte party, ua tea aacaad-acy ol waste? pnaeipto? aad awtttw depiaSa I army bswteve. tee succeea of oar grip of aatt loi aU la tne world, i acatar to pat ibe? oa rat-ore ta? moot raptlble ol Od Berk? I. t-wasota, beg Imvi to cdtar yoa tbe folio TV adef-oct ia ved ta? I'waa from Iu eateawtot toaavt.w aes baser JtMEB aad crta-ta? tatm. ka.

ha. Dllf ATC-fi ro? teibttwi BY MAGNETIC-TELEGRAPH Later fracn tot. Gen. Kearney and sen ved et St. Louie on were left at to enne down in the next boat Gen.

California June accompanied by diechenred Uirmon all CM Fremont, under arrest, ieft about retime and traveled a short distance in Gen. Kearney rear Gen. Kearney arrived at Fort Leavenworth on the tti makm? the trip in the ehort opere of Hi daya. conunf by the South Fsss He had many obetaclea to eticoonter. the mountain? beine very deep The Indian? were quiet ehowmg no boetility whatever.

All the emurrant traine who met. tnd Major Cook And Jada-e Bry ant of the party that they were I finely When G-n Ketrney ieft ia everything -able and in a proaperon? con Mu'-r. wa? let in command there. The Amencan waa off ihe Celif.irnia coast. got me Corn Biddle three war.

tbe Portt roouth. Warren and Dale, iioreihip Lexing-tnn. I to leavein a few day? indred men The the troop? were divided into parti? and stationed at the different poet? the Ne frote the Artnv-IeBter freni Richmo-d IMI Wt ber? no NewOrleen? paper? of the at ot tbe -pt the Commemal Times It contain? nothing later, althoogh there had been an arrival from the with new? to the th ryeiiow has later Yucatan. A plot having tor it? the ibittata waa firtanately a number of inh? maeaarred in white and n. ait I with were rourdor-i at Tapie.

Party imi been let aitdo and the Yacatacoei were uni: Si. Neit? fioul the Hur? A hurricane ptiied ov-r on amarli demet-e the country end di cattle but bu wai lemoliahed, and peny ei were 1 KILtLBLrWA. A M. The teiearaph i 'tihurirh and Cleveland Lake The fra the death of Levi North a bun, in vi. I Aug ter yr.t???? aro re? al lait Week.

re have la any I re i. A lot ol VVf. I- hi I 1 at ma.i? 1 itt rat? wiib? tit coi Whisk? comn were ra" HiLkt nr IS; 1 rtk. 4) 23 ra Peno Si.T** Acquimi ol rrntt-ataor tlri'lintorlt. CABI.IBT.? I v' have j'ist romo rendered a verdict ol ta 1 1 The bear vt li )W Vali ks a b'Jtiti.

1 in ver) tea ta ohoet of Wheel im? innrn re juot: i'1 at r. turala. nu. llf? Il w.irtb 4.1 Ui 44 et? Buibel. end Kyo Klour t- 3 06 Whilky tH L.

In boli Htri hik iiittiiiifiithe.1 divine wa? in town rirat irte w. eg. and at th- al? a few r-tna-k. v.ning tMtoegb de.ign? re pertic.ulirlf tur? be 10 the eoatoidoa amr? ahogroaalaw? aooftdeaoo (he the tim. I rhsp? it Wa? th.t a lllide'.

The I nowevei a I WiitfHLT body of Mi? a cii.g man lnu-rred barial eroood Weiter tiu tne preconi m-nitn tho eel pialo 1 I eel, wa. atMjut rty rod? Irin tr- orlai It tbat the btidv w.i dumi? red within day or its tne had gr.wn ut. the wbicb waa inaJ? uu MM torca by tbe On t.rther rumination, near to the Bere the ct-fflo wa? (ouod was discovered where in? was rayed in the (ire sod l.o. it tt V. uvenee tb? where wa? found tu it? or final removal.

the were prode Irlaht- aed Bod tt il Prov A a wee die in between R'ewn wbarre? Untici. pu! lu t.on and atu-r a nuro-r of iii'f-etuel iboU Mr had the good I to pi.nt ball in his nen tne bug? animal turned over nti bl? nac? csptive t'ter derehie later he wai th? wharf, ant auead to twelve it it in water, and perhap? to be counted lor by the recent in Cwaaa? Hiver Mercery. Tueediy. alendar BNM Law CorBT-ln ib Jodr? -Beai Brani toa young man ui- r'reach Panade tb? oapt-n in ttve Mene, Curt, tor batirry I but committed o-at morn lag oy one o7tea7oUot a. kdmarmr-a.

-fore Judg? Uakley oo Jiecbarge demanded. Tee bearng BOOS eea JafeG-r-W. a. liated brought up and hte reto-- ment rlimed on tbe ground The 10 be dfehtrg-d on hi. pay in? return of bouniy.

A e. brtkoMWho epp.led Mt atti herg- as vtrtea monduj? him. -either ntr friends bad tb. Two -en. having uuimeo! by Judge of tb? anu-arteg tbey bad wblto la attoa la oae Uve 1 they were glad Ui htm.

ae to? would get drunk whenever opportaalty Corar of Cewwoa PLaAj-rvefura Jadge Tk? aew 1er? yeterday. ani a Jury was empeaoetod. Two omy were Uaec aad tha Court to ttus of toaaa for the September tarea ataet be oa tortor? 1. anderno? of Court, te tiowly recover. wiu be able to tb? MM term.

Tb? wboto duty of tbe (ham ber. ut Court ha. bee? saeS-aad by OmUj tkr ta? ta? bol tteaihoT odtoal dattao of will aol to the lawaader wbk-h ki? atoeuoe toub placa nani ibe butbyta-SUeectioaottb? aracto ta? to lo (or alita? that body et a-wmag flip-mbcr. will proSatoly bla lo Iba ettaatt-f tolt by tb? of Cktrnt Je-tea Joaee to tb? auyreaai Court raasn ea Bret lena of teda ta? aew will ctj-uweeea at tbe CUT HaB o- M-C? and Harleee. Tara? dey Balote JatpUaadt Tbe Coart edCtatif Oyec ead Terete-? wtB eowroae tt? beair? Jadf.EiwWeoatbetatrd Mottd.y tow.

1 Werbaaaa esw lo protwaO om Widanday la Bt ap to tb? toaf oa tbe Pare for Ibe aee ol tbe Coart Tbey will probably aa mm tbe Ut BaTitakae te tha noma of tbe Board of A-armtra aad otber tptte-eaai tb? oa-a be i (or TTT i A Plia LivjBt-? Thoae who OB Waft al O' If they ttv? aay ayea. eoo object? enough -n 1MB tr-'? met covered wah all the todicaoone of defradetloo and For three, ell whom behil hu aot made tbeir nodtcam of pity There claee of welldreeeed eod well. fed pwreone. who treqaeot Broedwiy. whom nobody to bcetow but In hot ooondiyt er? We meen tb? liveried eervente.

who no doubt ell in the employment of reepectoble thit here ihoroagfa aeder standiag of what ti whet. Well, thro, we ihonid I ke to ow it Is not bed to take moa wbea the tberaotaeter Is not lece then rig ihem oat ia thick eloee buttoned the ebio with MO or two heavy eepee epteee perbepe and tb-n tot them to tae't or foal el coeeh door or oo Iti box! To our spprehensi such pntcwdure. -trea-n as it otey be io the bett ere Is J. wnrigat mruminity. ind soring yest-rJiy r.l lattenee? of It we resolved write 'bis for tcrvsru ir, 1'very.

Ia tb? first plsc? then, adaettrteg rery general to be very uaefu'. nui and thing 1-? of r-g-n noble lirth eieeed icgiy pr. per th? speci-V 1c the iummer mia ti bi? ft an 1 if any men menni eervaet let him droieed taitebly In gold lece big uttons and el! other tntigxla An ovorenat of tbe tenne a chsrecter le not nf In cold weather. Hotvan forbid that wrvant tn Mvory auch a garment for Hoe of n'-ed. bat gentlemen panie end thit la livery ere made ef like other mortal? end tbat in them nature molatly uocomfortebly tbcagb silently revolt? el en overcoat tn the dog dey? Bat ini gentlemen perbiriy.ur MME of live.

rice consists t-loiy In these overcost? which make lucb en in partane ditplay. If that ha the yiu are tn be blamed. Better thit your Di'iiii-i appear In thi? 11 with ycu? them more completely. A few night? les? tt Opera a bottle ot wine tho el dinner, little a in your pocket tn enme other my might pr Je y.ur with binda? tody or other voit menti ed Ubi! hm part n. profeee much ecqueintence with heraldic mitten, at which we tike lervants tn livery to be brineb.

bu! we casant feel tbst rev, ne? BWattOB that we do fir full blown wheo them we did yes while we gn-ve tblnk mut. muti tt kind imuiiag the pub? lic it bu own exponie. la ward tbe thing n.t thi? one it proteund'y bri. nantly reipoctoble, one li lincholy and pcripirlng. the othor It rtdlculoui.

Kr ili tnree we urge our plea (or servant? in livery. end bog that their ovrreosts miy be taken oil until cold weather ftp" Um weather or the past fortnight bai perfectly de ind with nighti piet? lovers to delight tn wo bit of ih but night ye.te'Jay like Kdcn tir as th? air In 1. of th? enr Autumn th? country Dar Cuy friend? tb? ro a rento far nal fined weather of tb? wh la sod tho proap et la now filr for a tbe umr. They iniy g-atlty Iheir I friaad who li Haying at the write? the! trat tain ut Oca ity wm never moro grand than BOW. Th? icen, in p'iro It bow mignirtcont.

etpeciilly at and after rrutl lx? IT -t J'Hioe lately went on to BM ton ha Mr? ir'Ins-' an I country air for a Witt? in that pi ol un nth a un lit? of the Puritar-i On 1 III. why th? hor it take to mpply nn l'y We that the Fofatga ilvar do not giro tn the Deteh Ur ur own 1lo? r. an vening p-tp inmlblng rvnttr ind Du tti'LTT the CMieiSB .1 'NX YmTvRHAT sstarday the Chin lineo by way ol took a too tl.elr to BtBSrt tatOXtesOsd upon tli-y r.rr. C.ft end d-miindett pay. The Captein ae cordtmiy brouiht UeGoasejeaos ti and pre? to off Witti trem The mooey wa? divi Jed lib? pnp-r portion? eech wet required to liga a receipt forra aa th? condition of tinkering hi? Thit ini repten I them with the fund? Tbelr o.

xt to fell down la tort of hyitern? and StbsTWtSB a diiturb.oce on tbe ir two win ra up-oarioui were then lateoead the BbbMbo Boobs hy ta- upon whleh the reaaaiadef tel tiece-a- quirt Tbey are now all oo botrd the; veaael la a ot cours thrlr ex? it- Thi fst fill ll learn thai the aho wl'h tit? a lab. tl fi ll eu (y and laid to i. ail toot tod daughter? livin? io (iuytboro. Nova BooM? Paperi of that may do a eed eervlee by noticing tbe event Chiki'H or thi A-mi fice lo Fourteenth it netr tv-nue now neir'y IWebed. It bui.l of grey upon lot fe aod will of e-ct from IODO perenne Ur baa BBOBoead from tbe congregstiin.

It Ie expected thet tbe burcb will be opened for religione in tbe of Opkra Sjmititmbtila wes oven better than Mir at evening, Vita ell wee perfect as usuai, wooder tbat the ty ntsort to theae per? formmee? T-i heer tbe efoyt dinorrt ol Italian mutic la i-e uld aay Were rnough todriw lo tou! i.ia ol hearing en ave Bight we have Pariai Safi which, thoagh lo tblok.Bg aot equal Verdi or il Ulti beanti fai Tedesco end stag to it fy Mr will re pen hie Academy Ir instractloe to Peoraaaehlp Brpt cai! the attention olthoee from chronic dtoeaeee well ot ell who wish to try the YVeter Cute to the edvsrtl seen ent 11 Mr? love la another eoi um Wm? will WoenthsCtAtt to Chtoeee Juok galop can do ao by calling upon Holt Jr the eeterprtotag pablleher of IM Fai? tea two door? from Broadway. PoLti Benson colored) win yeeter arrrtled by officer uf tbe Chieft (See, oe of steeling .5 yard? et druggrU. He wa? detained for yeater Jiy arraated charged with MM? w. rth 7 frocn Pecaard Pier I locked Banville was dty by Croce? uf the Lower Ponce Couru tie comp.k-nt et argine bla with procurine witneeeee iweer feleely on mil peadtog mine catrame (. ourv Held tor ea-miaenon-The liaalwaf was burgtortoue ly entered ou und? eight by torelxg the with jimmy end r.bned ut aoaj wsech end chela 3 beery foras, silver table spoons sad to eeeh.

The thlet brown horse spring cart sttached be.oeging tu tir Carpeotrr corner of Twenty was stoien aboat 3 o'clock dsy morning, the coraer of Bowary and Ihird-et Bo erreat ha? yet mede. yea ihr house ut laiton st. apua tb? body of Eluabath active uf lretood St) who wee humad to de alb la the tre al the corear of and Weeeia eu oigbt Tac inetmai wiia her hoebeod. occapted la the apper atory. end Me Ire to the lower part ol the oooee with her body aot Otea toaad.

were eedoce-td by too aaf xe they eoald eeeepe- Verdaet Hhoohl.lB AKFAUU. The Charter Convention reeame? ita labors to-mwrrow al i dock. Dartog the reeoae tne venous Coeaouiaere beve baca gema? ready to bd eettve. there ere not tuede eetoach lo pabUeh the prtxaodtop of the Coavaatiaa la all tba to CP A mi men left the rteey Yard yeaterd.y for Norfolk W.irtht Of mi- I A chorad men named Peyton Haya fonnerly la Teaoea rxemlnalloo r'ridey before Juetlce Down le? for tying up hie wife who wae formerly la North raroilna. end upon ber bare eight lasbeewitk rope ead.

provided aod tn tbe bleeding At tbe rtqueet of hte wile though be pleeded guilty, saetaace wa? The public the '-ity are to be re- opened the vacation being over Jjsti.e wa? yesterday severely attacked by apopleary Hi? it doubtful who oo Saa.fav was erytBC near Re? Mr Jeeobnt rhurcb Her? the Kxtra th? ar-ivaJ of tbe from Eng. lend of tee of tb? church. aad -earri-d before a JastJee for pun? ishment, w-d by crowd. TO thi man named who near the wa? arreet-d R.tter et hour on Hay Bifht for ini clin? a me 1b'urte? apon hi? eoe. a lad Be It appear? ihat prfeoe er hid tome dllpute th in towerta? en earthen bow' at her head.

died tB? Oteoded bl w. hut the mtset'e (truck tuli in Ihe lace of the lad aVv? mentioned, cutting 1er-? of the en4 of hu noee the! it raere'y bung ty the cartil t' the powrr tr rltcted gaah upon cheek. Tbe men wu et the time StttniD? A davor two eince ss Peter man. fifteen year? of age. of William ef the "th Ward, tn th? employmeat of Mr.

Cohb milkmaa, wee emp'oyed tn prpcurln- twill at the ditti: ery of J. A I'rw. tt Fat! Brooklyn, he accldeatally topped the vet coetalntag lb? boiling liquid and ey tcelded. KIiliiobt Fat named Ralph Mr fMwtrd of Pr.ipeet wb? veeterdey m. mici ktl hy a tall on board an tee lying atone ot the Brooklyn wharvet.

ed, Bi-r Heaver ttiwnehip. Pa. on the Mr tsi-ph Uaa eaad ye.r? de ceased entered th? armv ot the et lb? afe of 17 y-ar? sailed in the Jrreev 'Ine end wm ia of the i-porta- II? HITI Bt en I tekinf tf th? at Trent at the I'owps-n? end tbeaurrender of we? BBS with the Hrtlieb in ork tor filtern m.nth? DIED: At Alaria the iatt.fl BAM wife of Rev A Ittthop and ot 0 Km The of the fejnily a'e requested to a.tmd her fun-ral tble 4 o'ctoek, from her late reel dene with ul lerther inflation 11? nday of rem'ttent fever. WICK lOsl year ol hi? age. II end a-'i'ltinteneee.

and thoennf the family ere rcipefttu' attent ht? tun. ral without terther inviiatlori. thi? el halt pad clock precisely, at hl? Ute rvwidere? H.mtlton tt ee remein? wtll oe takeo to Middletowu Point. for interment tin the morntn? ot the Wth Intt II IM! th- Nd o' hi? i.e. Hi? Mend? and .1 aobtd to attend hi? funerei on We.lreedey efter on at hit residence.

llnter-st. On Monday etter end ee Ver ll'aeee TS? f-t? dl and t.tnly ar? rcepaet hi? lete VV ru ilepteni'ver I t. o'eioeh With u' larth-r invfttl Oa Friday htst tv ol hi? lather, Maaer. Pa J-. of the thi? city.

In MB year mi At Hi.e,' Dbs Kvtk irtt a II BtSB dnifhter of Ib? Ule Ahaalom Peter? ot ate. aadai K.DWARD IU wtr.l W. tnd Jane l'elisir 1 month? 11 dtyi. Editors of The Trih Qmn I building itesmhoet tor eonie month? patt. on which I.

nearly completed en new p'ltii'p'e, calculated ha rpn.i anJ oa in. lake nr river I with rail attention of (lai Ma l'ubile to tbe above feet? who ar? Int tied In. capable oi. judginr th? metit? every improvement over other tarar? propellimi ientlem.n who wi'l take the ir an ar, I tr J. where tbe lu i- et, to it es ike it Uinnekrd.

i nril. rsKMii -un capt aewia I 11- liiaurxr? u. MwMbta per pulrniblng thank? to th.t ventured to iheir s.t -y arraofaeoaat board that have en o.rly opp irtuiiiiy Ting lu open court. to Wiiat thro k'Ote of the nl endured by at the haul? of and bis ffle, re. by order.

th-y allege, ot loo edin.nntntioo ot (be rvrnpeny it tho proper time it will he unequivocally proved that tho a'g'ied by Ciptailf J'Weph eore-'i rev-r ciuter Datata I on th? M'Mouri under deep -a ltd pu'luhed ihat will entirely dt'arin It at power ti Invali t.l?? my 04 fact? glv.n In the Courier A re? oi ino ant. your one Jlont JOHN KKWAN. 47 F.iltoe-et. re pereti for levsne Upon prepi'ition. at in? Muteiim, a.

their heard Their well performed and th? Orphean Fen. Kenne arm.rig htl.nd raoerb a een be taen a M. 111? tu it? at tbe ue i.t. ellobi; it? i Unsmese Autumn. 1-47.

fatknmfoe Gentlemen Hau. will be tatroduod oo Fridey. I. Tkt Blmdt Btamtr Beta ere now manufacturing will embrace Important I prove-menu perfected by oe. and to quality Bod of etyte w'll be unequaled by any hereto fore ottered.

They wiil be readily duttoguiabed by the cap which when agitated by Ue air become detached iato delicate aed graceful feataro ober? ecUrUtto of the cboicet quality of genalne Beaver. Aator Ang 41. tf KALI. PASmO- BAT WABNOChia wl.i m'a day tnuodue? lia ft? a of tT3. parr earn, reduction from our will wed? oo remaining oa of (au?) WtttNoCKa, toi Broadway.

PALL BTVL I li (fa? Osata, tit Broadway, Bl Peale Char eh, It now preparad to furaleb wlih ine of Hal with The im wart ta-at ha any aa? tha tent ib? end of iboee wbo to fot.ow ibalr owa -im iaeuad oteoatplytag ibe durtauti of faohl OB? OI. NI Broe-way. VeaurxUy montiog ae'vral Silver Bpooa? wer? from 71 It tbeagkt tbey were ttoiaa, by raiting the baeeeent window, tb? liaving been left ia inch au ex f-e-U -Er root. Cotn-, i. adtat siatawa? im matUtm, ttmttf nhmtttnt tat math ht uaiaektd ky ahme tat; ar little, xx -atnical and da reble Lock tve saved dollar? worth ot taiTY we.l ooDveiuatsce will d.

(tv? a carpenter a tri) to nut. alila tt. Alas, Araw Peaking More? Puarra, Ac at QB" Tbero oat w.y of oae of tha aewtpaper the rly wbeei by whleh toostve po war of aad moaey Ibe mia by ia kept going Palater Agency will pat bu-ases ia eaottoa. He B-r-tkiaery ready to ll safely too. at he ie the acerad iMd of beat papera ol the eoaatry Bn.inm To OuLO Pew? er.her, p.

J-? poiaatd O-li Pens, of their own manefactur. a ly oa head, together wtU Moae of every oMav any eoto Three pee? era el. erlectod by eoe beat lodge? of tha Ato? Ootd aed atvar and PeweU Ceeee. at reduced price? CLARK. 8ROTHFH A CO 33 Joha of Biaaag op man DuaoiiD Poi-rtr (1 lo Co 71 Cedar et (up eutn aad try.

de'phla are oow eeltleg 'wholeeeto Md rvWff, PeM tower tnen aay other booee to tke Wade now offer the celrbretod Coograee Pea aad 50 ooly they are equal la qualtty to th. el CeBaro- A Co h.v? frmn from 75 (VBtt upward, end Iht geaatee rj ley (so stamped) Pen. with etlver Cese ooly. Oold Peoe repaired aed KlCHBLIKV" UtAWO-p PoniTt.l are oot ooly the bat peni ta the end ere eold for fi only, with pettetl They are eold excluelvely by Wat- a Wi'iieae-et one door below Weilet end 1 Faltoect together with variety of otk and retail, no th? bett term? pen? It 13 per cent redaction Other pee? 50. eold II 50 end eleowber? Pre? r.

Kmporlum fi in country where gentlemer f.ret quality French celt boote, mede lo equa) to mid ta Rroedway or other to I' Hoe calf eewed boote for 50, other store? for 15 Boots. gatwre on bend and made to order la the itary and eoto boots mede to order ir tt cotice U'iieh aad area'! profits Is thi? 11 th meet e-raer ni laiton aod poetle llera! 1 'fr RlCS-l I To firTATtoaraaa. Hocasianaas Ac AUDt? A PI elwet will thoa? eerve on ttoitdty noi? lg it! mm in eatoeeive aseort-wat of fcr'igo aod my tlnnery fancy tWihsi, every virVty quill? sknet I tnd lak Stands Liter n. to paper wafer? m. uiticel drewtog aed lead peeeli? p.

back? gammon eoameltod rtrdi Mmodty at i binders'' oolored Hoeeta red le. Also, binders masito. Also, rallsg's manufacture endtcit. ting machine, ttnrrli patent Mg P.tiM PatAJS htei pertoea who er? in went Cocking tT mitral the brtl Stove tu th? inarkil or1 coal. lati relirved.if the toothache if they ill i'.

I MPI lava veo? Ha itaa ai. near the MaaseM lelling th? vert lee ratet dreee boew at 0t leeead aeaMty Ae It OB? iltiier? ly for Al BO JOOOO, 4 Ann are wirrknwd to g'v? ofve aeall the valuable work? lie ha? pu l.vot U) It nil? ha? eiirt and rei eraptive ami mat trau.u iiiiii.i? h.t? era Iks St? itreliaUuj sad that l. TV? rapidity rtt hrt ntult.tude t.f ettrala? tut i nvi.i.Kv sail "taaaar Per In? eure? of rontiimplun cougha, throat th? Bref through the ne? of Mr akemen'l PeaasB Mixture read and af the trS reepeeuMlity oo ptre. h. Thi ty lisraei urrurraai liiaiCeos -ami are Sally receiving t.

lite the ha Nurth. Baetbi Uik. I litd t-ied not dy in the country I bed eist, been to faydi.ett I ttrlu UM? iati? Indeed, the much ea eee. that I dt chaiiced pa bottle ef Wlttil'i Bi HI Bl and I stasa? Th. tnd vicinity, tat I mat tt my duty to let it be know.

Ill Ml? PVtaiCl agenta far that alee el tt Rad Baeottway, end by g-aa-ft over wuh pre I wkstn if they 1 I Sold oaly at Will you merry, sad gel led) luur jour lurtun- 'nut. it cen be made tt be yellow, di TbuaaaaAt bate been made thu? wit. Pbe 5 1 I rde grateful rain I fui, dur? lui? It a. TlMIMEKt IMI HUM Far Mates tf eet Fourth IfoaD.r. I Tne Stock market cooUnoea to be Norartek atd Harlem, but ober ere It caaeraJly admitted tha both ptetaiy ia lhaeoatrol of cliqua? -ea be point tbey Htrl-un went to 70 to day.

by tbe of ihe report of tb? Director? It net worth over ii Tbe mera end fair demand Treaeury New York ere la good demand, with 1 l'I LfTertog Th? Exchange market ia oneettled. end mml rather active inquiry tb? have ot the leading drawer? now refeee to drew cent and Bo well known bilie can bed btto? Remitter? are ceatloas about names st.J Aretetoee ere difficult of eale. France ere absut the specie potot, and motan to teed Silver by the act! packet of mm Dollara are Oulldere Hum Iu there ia but little The tm aal ara ae belote, but hear of ao (ef emente. Fur Hoatoo Il.OuO batbeJe Cora Mtettt eta. The financial new? by the eeetB? It bed liuto or no epoe Well a la were aoBoaaeed (tiled wore not ihoeo to produce mach efft-ct here.

We ere ladepoed-nt of Greet Beitela, anaactoliy. lh-? been ta former year? large emoaats ef capitel were employed here, and il east aetrous revaUioa tn th? moeey BBtrket cotild wiib Private lettera by the large leilure io Ine Cora Uade. aot aewapepere. some Malt, end Indeed has emoag bmadttaa? thu eid? t'oea the eortlaned declino ie Oraat I ter ee we ceo leora ihrre wBl be cairy 'a Baaattng Ijieei end lutlsatsfloM The Breedatutte market? havo not by tM advtceepet eaeply lofletoot to svelato pries? aeul to? cow? larger Own tbey have bien oi Tba receipt? oo Long laiand I AMMtwUl ha.

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