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Arizona Weekly Citizen from Tucson, Arizona • Page 3

Tucson, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'i 5 I 1 1 weekly Citizen. N1AY. JAXCAK1 ai. 1888 Local Intelligence. lias a wl yard, i rmai in 1'hcnix.

an Jtad honses scarce. ci" complain of dull times. wall is lieinf raised higher. iicrJics are lieinc; market is reported dull, Pa ti' week i-it uo birth were an tweuty-two in the TV J. ll- iv.

aerijae 19 oajut a dozen esses are beinf made for tieht. are holding a lluali hand on at present. and Pro, by uuited. xT-rent powder agencies report improving. talk of organizta-; a Meth- i' Stiuth.

chuck holes be tilled with ii-stf ud of mud. effieers are enforcing the law sitrvt obstructions. warr-iuta are discounted all the to fitteen per cent. i Copper Company pay per cord for wood. li.rani Stevens, for ho past aev- i is couruleociii.

in the valley and mowed 'Le mountains lust night. report the roads pood in leudini from the city. Kiuiiergnrteu nchool oh Congress is wtil attended by the little ones. of the coyote can be heard irtKS of the eity every night. W.Story has been appointed i'uuiic in and for l'inib county.

sdid to be a prospect of Xew u-uirlung l'uosun with coal for Trade is laid out on a us toes turned tip to the dm t' It Hores has seaured the lie Sun Fire Insurance Com present rate of fillinjf up the ue lot the job will soon be com' Mr. C. Iw Wore, whoso assaying office is at 10G Camp street, gives the following instructions to parties ae-idim; sample of oro by mail, which aro good, ami should in all case- le etnctly adhered to: ui ju wuuui; ruuipies uy mail wrap vucm uii iu paper noxes or snots se curely, and put no writing inside of the lockage. Mark your name or initials ou tho outside. If a package contains more thau one sample, number them with figures, and in a teparate letter or postal card give instructions as to what metulsyoti wish each number assaed for.

Write name, and address plainly. Send money by Postoffioe order or istered letter." Parties wishing to check hi got a portion of the pulverized sample Tor two months after the assav iu made. When submitted to any relwbro assaj er, if the "check" does not" conform with the original assay he will pay all charges of having check assay made and charge nothing for his work. In other words, he guarantees results corrnnt in all cases, and uses the aa-ne earn on each assay as ho would if he was buying or sGlliDg the ore. Duplicate certificate fnrnisliiwl his records free of charge.

Ho will not give one party the result of another's assay, except when the iwiriv lenrinftlm or sends a written order. "See advert- isomont else here. Ited Hock. CmzEs: Tho minus in this section are looking very well at present. The St.

Louis owned bv the Mnrs. Stent and Koger boys, has a shaft down about one hundred feet with a tunnel run to tap it near the bottom. Prom the shaft about two hundred tons of good oro have been taken. The ore i worth on an average about eighty lars per ton. There are at leat riv- hundred tons tit like quality oro iu sight.

The Kolida mine near bv. ownnl hv Frenchmen is alo showing uj Mexico papers report the i tlie decrease in that Ter- i' Davis has been appointed territorial prison commis- I H. Goodwin has been appointed 51-tiLt agent of Welti), Fargo Jr Co. at "i aies. il.

lileason is engaged in complet tae brick work on Leopaldo Carrillo's Zx g. SLeriff Clairbourne of Line busmen passing lively in to'uuel A. A. Bean is reported Her speedy recovery is to be for. -e i formed in Tucson last night tny night previous duiiufj the Te has declared war on -the men.

They are reported to be tti.s nay. "i A. A. Porter, now in San Fran- his health was when last heard uvaleouiug. iaeson Lodge of Hoyal Arch Ma- 3 reported to be steadily increas- vV haj been appointed and l.u government iij-eut at the aX i 'iver Indian agency.

be more tree planting done i irsun. Wlien once tairly started tnve well and grow rapidly. Saoford has twelve carpenters vtJ ou his new building. It will DipleteJ iu less than a month. brvps are reported to have len Price against In- Aft'tjt WiUeoi at San Carlos.

A. D. btis Co. are making i mi (or ttie building of au ex- Iambi yard near the depot. ri-6 lurking in the Tucson and utt: districts oomplaic of the rich iuj stoieu tiom their mine dumps.

si-s holding iinted notice) to in- direelious of passenger trains rouvenionce at the depot. -r. gardener has been employed purpose of cultivating i the Courthouse grounds. L. Mnsic, of Greatorville, is in "ij IL- cnutemplates a trip to the i i Vol iu which he is large- res'rX Mi'itsa jnte factor, a smelter, ii Mra uf Trade, a water pipe that tturtatid a good man' i k'3 tUt i-he is not likely to get Marshal llottuer has sold his reai- L'-e on tiic corner of Fifth avenue and atU street for five hundred dollars i Mrs.

Eunice G. Clark biing the -'it -fire tlionsaml dollars, ten per is the amount for which the copper miues on the Gila passed roll. the old Santa Catanna 1 M. Frae, a passenger bound west lia.l lus p.ket pickedof a gold i 'ini cuain and also of a silver -Tiiii asleep in tho passenger. i ii- both watch3 is eeut sale Don Sanford sold head of cattle at an vaias of twenty-three dollars 'J He still has about eight i horses and cattle on hand.

a.U.' Uaell has been confined to bis fi tea days with a very severe nt- ieumatism. He is, howevor, this morning, and will soon be to attend to business as nsuaL Jl--e. Vosbur' and Cline have nt their mines near Calabasas about tons of picked ore that will on dVtrace work one hundred and U' dollars per ton. They pur- eiiip it away for reduction. that Mr.

J.J. Hamburg, Vei'f Wm. Zeokeudorrs business onLtemplntea the removal of their gimds into the bnilding tdcate by Mr. Leo Goldschmidt. i "jre will then ba improved on one among the finest build- the street.

suteea thousand dollar' worth "ids voted by the city have been I -1 and turned over to the Treasurer il. It is understood that pro- aiv to be eilleil for them. They, ire thirty-two in number of eve hundred dollars each. ew ater company has oeen organ- Messrs. Johu Haynes, Chas.

J'ii iod Jno. S. Carr as iirincipals. "P.t S. is to consist of S500.000, di- '-'o 100,000 shares.

The pro- '-s thp sciieme purpose to bring ui the Santa Catalina moun- some finely. Iu this district there are rnanv claims, among them may be noted the Meadow Valley in nhieh myself atu terested. We have one shut ilmn hundred feet, another twentj fret and still another of ti with ore in a 1 of them that will run from to fiv linn. dred dollars per ton. To any one caring to purchase mines.

1 mis district oilers good opportunities, mat are noi common to other places. ws win nave a boom and then properties will rate higher. It will be impossible to ke still much longer. Our mines have -rit and are located advantageously fm cheap working. Hut little mine jumping has been done of late, maMiiueh as the miners have kept their assessment work pretlv well up.

There is iwover, a party here wiih plenty of cap-, il. but instead of buiing and paying legitimated for what he gets, he huugs around and jump, poor miners' claims whenever portunity offers. More Anon. Mixes. The Park Thealrf.

The Patfc TheatTo stiH'holds its proud po-iition a first el place of ment, aim nightlv presents to full houses a galnii of taleut not to be equaled iu any theatre between St. Louis and Sun Francisco. Much credit is due to the proprietor, T. P. Patterson and manager J.

Bignon for their supplying a long felt want in Tucson a well regulated place of tainment. Morton and Cossidv in Wr lii-hbm. ing changes anddeutschland specialities arecopieu ny many, but excelled by none. Misses Mallei Perl. F.lf.minr Hendcr.

son, Kittie Xorton and Fanny Healey loriiiB quariette in thoir snecml lines of acting seldom seen in metrrnolitnn cities. alter as a neat song and danoe artist luis ueiinl on the can stage. Biguou and Brewster must lie seen to lie fuliy appreciated iu their srtrn8l of Xeirro donn South iu Dix- i Ovations of fjiplauso nightly greet tho appearance of actor on the stage, which speaks well for tho ing and cultivated tnste of the play iro- lug people of Tucson. A Grutin of Conner Prosierllo. Among the desirable Conner uro-irr.

ties in tho Santa Ititas are tho Leader, the Exchange Xo. 2-and the Flying Dutchman. On tho Leader CO feet of woik his been done on the vein, which ered bad in any man's mine. The Tucson District. The whereabouts of the Tucson trict is unknown to many from the fact that so little is heard of its important mines.

That it has many and rich mines- tho knowing ones all concede with advantages for cheap working ond to none. They, as a rule, aro easy of access with sufficient wood and water for all necessary purposes. Group of three known as tho Albany, Baltimore and Mohawk mines owned by Messrs. C. H.

Vosbuig and Harrison Clme, are regarded by exjierts with as much fnvor as au on that slone of tlie Patagonia mountains. The ledge of the Albany crops iip clean and bold along us entire lengtu, anu is between walls about four and a half feet wide and is strongly mineralized throughout. Its workings cunsibt of a tnotity-five foot uneol the prime features of the mine is that it yields pay oro from the Burfaco down, a portion of it known as the "twelve inch streak" being almost solid galena. The yield in leal as turned on assay certificate of E. L.

Wet- more, is il per cent, with a value in hdverof Si5.12. About seventeen tons of tho bct ore has been stolen from tho dump. lho Baltimore mine has a Iedire tween walls of about eight feet, is rich in prtaiKjue. lead and grey carlwnates. Four asuais bv Mr.

Wetmore of ptcimen8 taken from various parts of the ledge, and at different depths, were as here given, S91, $97, S157, Sil2, a chowing that would hardly be consul- ARIZONA'S SOLOXS. Brief. Bioraslilral of the Members of theTiu-lftb AastniMy. A i.r Men That Iur Crnllt Territory. runs into th- hill nearly flat.

Tho work is all iu ore, and at the bottom, or end, isinan me body from six to eight feet tbiost. Tlie ore aws from SC per cent down, aud ooosivts of carbonate, red ide, black oxide aud uatiie copper, with conxiderable irou in parts of the ledge. There is about 150 tons of ore out on the duiup. The Exchauge Xo. 2 has 120 feet of work.

Tlie bjttum is in about four feet of ore. Tho Fivimr Dutchman lina aiinfi down twenty feet, wiih aliout eight inches of red oxi.le aud native copper in the bottom. Thete nrortertii-s am cated between the Omega ard the lumbia Copper Camp, about two miles mm the latter. velopmanta consist of three shaito, varying in depth from seven to ten feet, and a tuunel eighty feet long, which, when completed, is calculated to strike the main ledge at a depth of about twenty feet below the bottom of the deepest shaft In tho course of the nel, thich hr.s twenty feet more to run, several rich streaks have been cut through. Ihe Baltimore adjoins that of the Plomosa, a patented mine owned by L.

M.Jacobs. Wi Messrs. Voeburgh nna wine, v. Li. Campbell, of Cala nasas, is also interested.

The Mohawk is a strouu iron canned ledge of free milling ore, somo twelve leet in thickness, with an assay value of $5.01 gold and S30L57 silver. A streak of about fifteen iucbes in width averages of the fort ante owners of nmn.1 the amouut given all through. Consid ertien, is in the city. ering the rich ore and strength of lede I the mine, if properly opeued, has every TIte'etr Lnmher Yard. 'evidence of being one of great value Messrs.

A. D. Otis the Pioneer lumber merchant of this city, aro mak- j'J ng preparatioov for conducting tho iness on an extensive scale. Hitborto their yard has been attached to their place of business on Pennington street. The yard from the beginning was judged too small, but not until tho ent season did the pressure of business force them iuto lamer quarters.

The new yard. -10 'x2KV feet satiare. is situated near the railroad, between the risidence of Col. ISeau and the ware- room of W. B.

Hooper A- aud is ing rapidly filled up with the best of Eastern lumber, which, by carpenters and users of lumber in general, is sidered to be harder and moro durable than that of California growth. Ihe company purpose furnish luni ber of any kind ueedtd, fill all orders large or small, of any thapo and size to suit the purchaser. Ollice and stables have already been constructed. Tho hiipply of lumber ou nand is now large and is in size being augmented by tho daily arrival of several carloads. ers, millmen and builders will find it to their itnerest to examine the lumber iu question before purchasing elewhere.

Tho group is located on tho rmge aliout midway between Calabasat and Line City witn a good natural toad ruumng er way. The claims are not contiguous but are so situated as to form a strong group lor any company iu ueing auie to secure mem. O.Tlcial Itecoros. LOCATION NOTICES. LI Dorado, Ajo district, Jannarv 10.

II Bojer, Boyer. Goodenottgh, Greaterville district, January 1, Sebastian Banmann. Jestie and Jessie Helvetia district, December 12, S2, Johu Bader. Black Rock mill site, iu Silver Kanre mountains, December It2, it merman, (J Jlilliken, Porter. Black Rock, Silver Bell range of mountains, December 4, JSS2, merman, Milliken, Porter.

Cleopatra. Mountain Snrincs district. January 15. It Kit. Frank Paterson.

Julien Racice. Chrysonalis. Arivaea district. Jan Rollins. Branch Mint Silver.

Arivaea district. Jan 5, jllins. Conception. Anvsca district, Jan 15, Rollins, Ramon Carrillo. Dixie, Empire district, Jan 1, TP Bk- laud.

Orient, Tucson district. Ian 10. Rout Key, Gamier, Monre. Geo Osborn, Tucson district, Jan 1, Gamier. Articles of incorporation of the Santa Catalina copier copany.

Appointment of Hessel as general agent of the Safety Xitro company of California. Power of attorney from 31 Kirk- patrict to Don Picket, to sell the San Jose mine, on the Sonora line. Little Charley, Deer. Old Hat trict, Jan 5, Francis A Druke. Good Fortune.

Romano, Tyndall trict, 1, Solon Allts. Oakland, Xeva, Patagonia district. Jan 1, Deo Malcom, Rice, Benedict. Bank Xote, Greaterville district, Anderson. American Lagle, Santa Catal un Jits, Jan 1.W11 Bixley.

Telephone, Santa Catalina ills, tUe khh1 ueope of tbat tovrn Tucson, Jan. lDth, 18S3. Editor Citizen: Recently you produced iu the Dailt Citizen a notice of the Sample mine tak -n from the Xew York Evening Xews, and intimated that farther information upon that property would lie acceptable. The Sample mine is situated in the an Pedro mining distiict about six miles southwest from the junction of the San Pedro river with tho Gila, It was located in June 1876, and work has been prosecuted upon it since then from time to time. The development ronsittn of one shaft 4xGx23 feet; one shaft feet all on tho ledge.

It is a true fissure vein of unknown width carrying over seven feet of solid free milling silver aud gold bearing ores, creasing with the depth, the average assays being over hundred dollars per ton. The mine is owned by residents of tlual aud 1'irua counties, who are developing it at their own expense and tbinkiug it good enough to keep, and having nothing to sell, have kept on the even tenor of their way in silent in- dusirioei development of their property, aud 1 write you this item uotasan advertisement, but simply in response to your quest, lours ttnly, h. A gang of roughs to be from Ari xona, are infesting Angeles to the Geo. Hearst, of San Francisco, one of the best known and most successful mining men of the coast is in tho city. Mr.

Hearst is prominent Democrat and chief owner of the leading Derao- i cratic paper in California, tho San Tran Cisco Examiner, "and his name is quently mentioned iu connection with the V. S. Senatorsbip from that State. If a Democrat must represent nia in me senate we Enow oi no man whom interest and acquaintance would make moro friendly to Arizona than Mr. llearrl.

Mr. Joseph Sresovicb 1ms received and is now offering for sale at ndvautaj-eous terms, a car load of fiuo Eastern apples, also a Urge invoice of fresh bananas together with about three hundred pounds of Italian chestnuts, every" one ot which is sound and sweet. A car load of potatoes, said to be as fine as ever came to a Tucson market, will arrive not later than Monday. Buyers are advised to reserve their orders pending their rival. Dr.

It. F. Burgess, as previously nounced, has returned to taken rooms at the Palaco where he will be pleased to meet his old patrons and friends together with as many new ones as may lie pleased to favor him with a call. The Doctor is a skillful dentist, fact well known to many of our citizens who have reasons for appreciating good work. Arthur K.

Brewer, whose assay "ii Congress street, opposite i. A- 'a banK, is lied-raing quite ''if-clist. On Sunday last he a We to the Sahuarito Station, '-e mil had lunch and then Ii iTing made the round trip of uitles in about five und a half -neir li.ulding of Don Sanford, on of Meyer and Pennington be one story in bight, and tea thousand dollars. On 'n it will have a front hundred and nineteen feet. a piJp deiith on Meyer street of Negotiations are in progress nutting up of a similar building 1' nt faciog the Court plaza.

ulj then give it the same front- 'J le ason Pennington street, krtr ono hundred and Ralston. II Bixler. Lettie A. Lucky Spring, Cayote trict, Dr Lybord one-sixth, Culver one-sixth, II Campbell, one-sixth, Glascott one-fourth, Al Baunrd, one- fourth. Joha, Palmetto district, Jan 1, A White, Atkinson.

South Carolina, iucson distriet, 1, A White, Atkinson. Atkinson. Palmetto district, 1, Atkinson, Loggie, A Vhue. Anzoua Limited, lucson distriet, 1. AS White, MAKe-r.

Xorth Oirclina. 'Alabama, Oeorgia, Tucson district, Jan 1, A White, Atkinson. DEEDS. Trinidad Romero do Culistro to Jose Silva lot 1 iu block Tuoson, bio.

Robt Fraser to Handy a 1-10 in- cretin the Silver Crown mine, Papngo district. S50. Biiler and Ralston to Xewcomb a interest in the Blue Jay mine, nukuown district to. Culver to A Barnard a 1 0 terest in Copper Beauty, Lottie Flora anil the Luckv Spring miaes, also 14" interest in Copper Beauty mill site, Ca- babi district. U3CF.LLANBODS.

On Xov 5th. 1SS2 at the residence ot Doua R.ta in the town of Arivaea, Pima county, Arizona Territory, at the hour of seven o'clock p. married. Miss Carmen Bustaraante to Refugio alen- suoln, br A' Rollins, Justice of the Peace. Bond and oath ot Geo Story as Xotary public in and for Pima county.

with Marcns Katz and Hamburg as snnties in the sum of five hundred tas each. Affidavit of Kit Carson for tho pose ot registration. Affidavit ot assessment work on tlia Esmeralda mine, Mvers district, for 1SS2 by PT Do ling. Appointment and oath James Jamison, as Deputy Sheriff in and for Pima county. Bivins to the Ajo Mining trict and Development Compauy, the following described mines located on the eastern slope ot the Sauta Rita mountains.

Surprise, Mansfield. Bragg. Oriental, Star, Lillian, Charley and Pacific, also the following mines in the Silver Boll mining distriet. Riordsu, Best Cochise, Hermosa, Xorth Carolina, Wisner, Solid Muldoou, Evening Star, Grand Central, Altn, Lucky Cuss and Iron Clad, $10. The uhs are said to be some fifteen in number.

On their way up they com mittod various depredations, robbing anil Iteating that were unable to offer reeistauee. On arriving in Los Angeles they begau work by standing tip and robbing citizens in the very heart of the town, but their little games were mot wi'h M-decided a resistance that by midnight about half of them bad found their way into the jug, and the police officers were at last accounts, making strenuous efforts to bottle the Itttlanoe. A young kid aged about fifteen gave the gang the away. i Some months ago mention was made of a prospecting expedition having start ed (or the upper waters of the Yukon river, Alaska, under the load of Edward SchiefiVlin, a veteran miner. tion is now received that fifteen hundred miles up the Yukon, at the confluence ot the lauauab river, rich and extensive grv deposits were discovered, avcr- aifiur a dollar aud a half to the pan.

The country is difficult of access, the ukon being closed br ice until next June, while the trip overland from ka is as had as a Siberian journey. A good cigar is a joy inexpressible to an old smoker, and the older the smoker tlie greater the joy, and the smoker on this oorttsiou is competent to judge of the eiceileuce of two brands of cigars he has had the pleasure ot sampling. one naieii comes from Tepic, ou the Pacil.n ooast, i-tate of Jalisco, the other from Tuxtla, State'of Vera Cruz, Atlan- lantir coast. The tobacco is not only of excellent quality, but the make can hardly be suriiassed. Thanks for the above samples are due to Mr.

Antonio V. Lomeli, Mexican Consul at this place. The Jlexioan Government are en- couracing the manufacturing ot jute from Maguey plant hy tho liberal offer of lor eaoii such jute mill in sic- cesMful operation. They foresee in such manufactures a new and important branch of industry, lint will bring in great wealth to individual town and State. On the plains contiguous to- Tneson the Maguey grows in great pro fusion.

Enterprise only is needed to turn it into money. An item has been going the ronnds of the pre to the effect that Prof. Geo. A. Treadwell lias been appointed to report in the Total Wreck on a proposition to sell tbat bonanza to English parties for 000,000.

This is news to the Total Wreck owners Ttie mine ii worth tho price The damsels living on is not un. have, by the recent order of the ouneil. Jer SQon lieen put to considerable inconventoooe mDiered. and expenso, inasmuch as tney are no longer allowed to solioit custom irom T. their open doors, but must keep them wT0, closed under penalty of arrest aud fine.

To comely with the law and nt the same tjme make the situation as advantageous to them as possible, a nnmber of them have had Venetian blinds hung as screen doors. Ii is nn ill wind that blows uo one ood. If the maids were pnt to a little xpenseit fnrnisbed work to a halt dozen carpenters. Messrs. Vosburg i Cline recently cated an abandoned iron mine in the Patagoninns.

At tho time that La Xo- ria was fionrishincr the miue in ouefi- i tion supplied the smelter nt tbat place with nux, some three hundred and uity tons having lieen mined ami hauled there for that purpose. The dtstauee from the mine to Lh Xmaisaboat forty miles by the road, Iwt the ore was rich and justified the expense of hauling. Tho owaers have twenty toDs of ore on the dump which they purpose to sell for flux. Commercial says: that Mr. W.

W. Creigbtoo. a well known newspaperman, was the victim of two epileptic fits terday, in one of which lie cut his head. The second one occurred late theatter- uoon. He was csreftilly attended to and cared for by Dr.

0me." Wanted -A young man who is a petent aswiyer and Inxikkeeper, also a fair mineralogist and understands the development ot mines, would like a position as either of the above with some ojmpauy or business house, or to superintend the development of mining properties; wages no object. Inquire at this office or at Prof. Rickard's Assay ofhee for information. jUDCtWlt Smil! pox ha a jain broken out in the town, two eases being taken to the pest hmc this mrwoing; possibly they came frem Xew Mexico. Xo alarm whatever nded be entertained if due precaution be takes.

The first issue of the "Arizona Ad vance," a weekly paper published at Y'uma by C. L. St. Ormond, reached the Citizen office this morning. Its edito rial and local pages are well filled with good and pungent reading matter, lating to the interest of Y'uma county and to the Territory Bt large.

'The second annual ballot the hood of Locomotive Firemen will be given in the banquet ballot the Maeonic building on tho seventh of February next, a not supper will be served in the Cosmopolitan hotel. Mr. Moroncy, the genial and popular proprietor, guarantees that it will bo equal to the occasion and will do credit to the hotel and to tliu getters up of tho ball. ALPKED ALLEN. Hon.

Alfred Allen, aged 31, was born in 'London, Englund. In 1MG, when about twenty years of age, ho emigrated to the United States and settled in Xe York, where following the occupation contractor aud builder, he resided till ISo'J, when he removed to California and shortly afterwards from thence Oregon. His last move was to this Te ritory where he arrived iu April 1875 and settled in Proscott during tho same year. In politics he is a Republican nud may justly be regarded as an influential man. His election to the present House of Representatives was accorded him by a handsome majority.

CHARLES A ntA.NKLIN. Hon. Chos. A. Franklin, of Apache, is a native ot Indiana, but fur the post twentv years has bum resident of tuis Territory.

Ho was born iu 1813 and has seen much of the ups nud downs of life. ior several years he was in the govern ment employ and served scuut under Uenerals Whealou, Alexander, Stoce man and Crook. He has traveled lhe de- through the Indian country on foot and prospect atone and has ttken more chances and had mure nnriow escapes from the murderous Apaches than perhaps any other man in Arizona. He drove bull teams across the plains in 1SG2 from rortufcavenworth to Santa Jbe. A year later ho repeated his trip.

He has traveled extensively through the differ ent Statts of the Union, also in Mexico. In IbiO henna appointed District torney of ApacLo countv and afterward was elected Prolate Jiulge, in which eapdcity ho served rather more than two years. On the fourth ot last Xbvember he was elected from Anache county as member of the Twelfth Legislature in which he is now serving. w. a.

nowz. Hon. W. A. Rowe.

of the present Speaker of the House, is a ba- tivu of Maine, but removing to Boston was employed in an importing drygoods house. From Boston he wout to rado, and during, the four years while there was engaired iu mii.iug. From Colorado he weut to California, where he counted one amoug the many that saw the bottom of their pile on stocks. Xjcaviug Ualilorma bo weut to Oregon, where ho did a large jobbing business iu groceries, grain and produce, but selling out in 1S75 he came to Arizona and en- gaged in merchandizing in Prescott. As his business increased he bniuched into tho different mining districts.

He started the first store nt Peck, Tip Top, ulture and other leading camtis. lie backed miners and prospectors in their adventurous trips, and finally drifted into the working aud handling of mines throughout the counties ot Yavapai. Mojave and Y'uma counties I'HABLES TtTLOK. Hon. Charles Taylor was born in Oneida county, X'ow York in 1K11.

Ho was ono of the famous Walker party who came to this section iu 1S03 aud iu those early days oxDeiiouced raanv "moving accidents by flood and field." tie ls now by occupation a ranchero. e. coirror.D. Hon. E.

B. Gilford, of Pima county. was born in Albany countv. Xew York. and is uow 12 years old.

He came to California in 1R59 and to Arizona in 1S77. It iill be remembered that Mr. Gifford wa9 member ot the Eleventh Legislative Assemblv. He was elected to the present Assembly by a very some vote. DOUGLAS RNTDEIL Hou.

Douglas Suydii. of Pima, is a native of Michigan and 11 years ot age. He is a graduate of Eastman College, at Poughkeepsie, York, seived iu the Union army during the war. He has lived on this coast since 1607. He is intelligent and active and will make a useful memlier.

He is encacod in chandising in Line City. Grande to California; resigned in 1809. Since that time he has been en -aped in farming, stock raising and mercantile business in Xew xico and Arizona. He now resides in Cochise county. JAMES F.

DFNCAN. Hon. James F. Duncan was bom Phildelnhia. Pennsylvania.

June 15tl 1S3U. He is a blacksmith by trade. Enlisted in the Forty-Sixth Regiment Pennsylvania oluntrers, at the early stage of t-e war as a private, became a veteran bv ro-enlistmint, was promoted Commissary Sergeant Decotnber 1S62, to Quaitermnster Sergeant in March ISM and afterwards to Lieutouaut Co. same regiment and served until the close of the war. After tho war, he for short while was engaged iu the mer rantile business, than became engaged in the oil producing business in Pennsyl vauia for a uumber ot years, operating nrmciDslIv along the Allegheny river.

Uisnosing of all interest there in 1S79 he emigrated to Arizona, arriving at Tomlwtone, in Ocloberof the same year. He moved to Warren's camp, iu Mule mnnntaii's. known now as Lisbe. in Xovemirer and has been located there ever since that time. ADOLl'H SOLOMON.

Hou. Adolpli Solomon, of Graham county, is a German by birth, aud is thirty-onu years or age. lie became a resident of Arizona inlSu, and is now engaged in the hosiiMMs ot general chandise and forwaiding. He also baa numerous mining interests. J.

1'. HOLCOltl'. Hon. J. P.

Holromb is from the good State of Xorth Carolina, where be was born in 1S11C He has been in Arizona for mauy years, having lived in 1'heuix since 1S.7J, and is a prosperous farmer. I LASCELLS. lion. J. P.

Luscelle. of Mohavr, was born iu 1XH and came to Arizona about thirteen y-ars ago. He ia now engaged lumbering in the Hualnpni moan- tains. WILLIA1I ORAVXS. Hou.

William Graves, ot Gila, is a native of San Luis Obispo, California, and was born in 1851. He has been tted nt Globe for the past two years, ami has succeeded fiuely as a lawyer. His father is -imminent lawyer of San raucisou, Cal. He is a Democrat in politics. S.

r. WEBB. Hon. S. F.

Webb, of Maricopa, was born iu California in lsoo. lie has been iu this Territory about five yeans and '8 successful farmer aud Htocknusr. lie resides in Phenix. j. h.

fawcbtt. Hon. J. H. Fnwcett was born in St.

Clairville. Belmont county, Obr, in 1822, consequently is now about L0 years of age. In Indo he moved to lowa and later ou from thence to Illinois where for tlie past twenty-five years lie baa made his home. For twenty years he held an important position in the Ameri- an Lx press Company, then as now iterating in the West. For the past wo years he lias been general manager ot the Arivaea Mill and pany.

His large experience in im- ortant affairs lias well titled him for his present position as representative the growing interests of tins county. polities he is as he litis been through re an earnest but not higotml lie- nbltcnn. K. i no BIN. Three wagons ot wood, ono schooner and two trails, to which was attacked ten mules, stuck on the Congress street crossing to-day.

After a due amount of Spanish adjectives that are generally used for qualifying mules, together with a generous donation ot blacksunke whip, they succeeded in getting out. Tickets to the Firemen's ball cost but two dollars and a half, supper included. They can be purchased from any of tlie members of tho lodge also at the drug Mtoros of Dr. lorba and Dr. red leisl' man.

Any one knowing the whereabouts of J. L. Leach will confer a favor by ing his address to this othce. lie has lieen reported sick and his friends aro anxious to ascertain his whereabouts. The town is at present being overmn with unfortunates.

As a rule they art- entire strangers claiming to be en route from the East to California. Sixteen thousand dollars worth of nine per cent, interest bearing city bonds are advertised for sale elsowtiere. Xews Items. An expert gang of blackmailers are at work in Boston. Ex-Representative Orth left all his property to his wife.

Boston gaslight is furnished ers for ZiJSO per thousand feet, so says the Transcript. The pay otthe trackmen on the Ulster and Delaware railroad has been duced from Sl.S5to Sl.lOa day. Mayor Low, of Brooklyn, recommends that in f-iture the paving of the streets ot that city shall be done with granite blocks. The Canada Xorthwest Lnnd ny started last July with the Duko of Manchester as chairman. The Duke, put merely as a bait, has slipped out of tho chair, leaving the shares, with 315 paid, at 3.75 discount.

A Portland papor tells a story of a wealthy, but very parsimonious Maine man who, two or three dayB before his death, awoke in the evening, and, ing to the watcher at the bedside, asked: "How much do they give you a night?" Two dollars ajd a half," was the reply. "Well, you needn't come any more; I can't stand any such sum as that," and he didn t. There is occasionally an outcropping of Kukluxism in Georgia, even at this late day. One night last week a party of four men. disguised with false or 11 COLLCSJ.

Hon. X. McC ilium was born in da, county ot Prescott. iu 1SI5, resided some time in Colorado, and lnoved to Arizona on tho 14th ot February, 1S70; has devoted his time mostly to stock raising. He is well Known throughout Yavapai eonnty as a man of sterling tegrity.

w. H. SAVAOB Hon. H. Savage, of Cochise, is a native of Ireland and was born in 1SI1.

He enlisted in the UoiUd States service in 1SIU and served eleven years, seven of which were passed iu this Territory. In Isib he studied law and was admitted to practice iu California. He returned to Arizona iu 1SS0 and has since resided in the town of Bisbee. He ih a man of recognized ability Lud influence. Ii.

BBOWN. Hon. IL C. Brown, of Pirns, one of tho proprietors of the Arizona Daily and cekly Citizen, whs bora in Rushvilie, Indiana, in 1S1L For the greater riod ot his life he has been identified with journalism. He came to Arizona iu 1S71 and since that time has been connected with this paper.

At the Xo- veraber election ho received the second largest number of votes of any man on tlw ticket. In ho is a can, as may be known wherever the fluence of the Citizen is felt. MOVE WICKS. Hon. Moye Wicks, of Pima, is a tive of Mississippi, and twenty-seven years of age.

He came to the Pacific coast soon after leaviug college and has been engaged in active practice of tbo law, since attaiuiug his majority. Ho is well known in this community. He is nn earnest and intlnentiBt member and is evidently auimated by a sincere de- Mro to be of service to the county and to tho people at luge. Ue is theoretically tlie most ultra of Democrats, bnt cally ho is friendly to all good and all proper measures. Mr.

Wicks is well versed in tho literature oi several languages and is a person of scholastic, cultivation aud fiu ability. I. E. WA1IDWELL. Hon.

D. K. Ward ell was born Xo- vember 18, 1823. in the District of lumbia, which is now Alexandria county, Virginia. At twelve years of ago he went to the military school at South Hampton, Virginia; at sixteen he was a volunteer in the Mexican war, served as Corporal, First Sergeant aud Second Lieutenant iu the teers.

Colonel Hull and Hnght manding; returned to Alexandria county. Virginia, in 1S49; was elected to the irgima Legislature in lsol and served two years: in March, Ioja was ed sto ekeeper in the Boston Custom House; in lSw he was transtened to the Xavy Yard as store keeper; April 15, ISol. he raised a comi any iu Boston for the war; arrived at Washington April l'Jth. was attached to lucrum Aiassa. cbusetts, aud assigaed to drill and cipline; commauded the Fifth chusetts in the firs: Bull Run fight; in Julv, 1S6T.

he was commanded by the Secretary of War to raise an ent regiment. By the request of Oo'o- nel Henrv Wilson he took charge of the Twenty-second Massachusetts teers, and commauded the same through the seven day UUut under Hon. E. L. Gobiu, ot Yavapai, is a native of Maryland, having lieen horn iu Bnltimore in 1837.

Went to Colorado iu 1S54, resided there for five years and then weut to Xttvada whero be engaged in mining. Twelve years ago lie came to this Territory and has been engaged in mining mostly ever since. CHAS. a. 11ANIAL1 Hon.

Charles A. Randall, ot Yavapai, was born in Connecticut in 1852 and came to this city about four years ago. Ho resides in Pretoott, is a merchant, dealing in Imrdware, lsrots and shoes. W. DOUllIXOTOX.

Hon. J. W. Dor ring ton of Yuma, is a native of Xew York, uueil 3S. Has ro- sidod in Y'uma, since 1S6V, and is now serving his third torin in the Territorial Legislature, he having been elected to the Fifth, Eleventh and Twelfth semblies.

Although iu politics he a Republican he our his recent election to the uon drawing of arty lines. liOBEirr CONN ELL. XntlTp Home or the Polato. In the Time ot the 30th ultimo is published a communication from Hon. John D.

Caton, which seems to have been copied from tho Farmer's Review, -le speaks of Mr. Forsyth, of St. Louis, having found wild potatoes in tho Rocky mountains, north of the line uf Xow Mexico. Mr. Forsyth's statement may be true, but I doubt it.

My reason for doubting the statement is that the mate is not adapted to preserving the po'atu through the wiuter season. Mr. Caton also states that "about lb50 be was tliimii mine potatoes near Lisbou, Kendall count, which lie was ussured were grown from wild tatoes found in the Rocky mountains, wet of Tucson, orought by volunteers on their return from the Mexican campaigD." lbe a 'Hive statement, 1 have no doubt is correct except Mr. Caton's geography is a little mixed, Tucson iieing 250 miles west of the Rocky lnonutainhi, as two or three species of wild potatoes are known to grow in all of the high mountain ranges in Arizona and Sonora, Mexico I myself have found tne wild potato on the east side ot the Santa Catarina mountains, twenty miles north east of Tucson; on the east side of tbeSantn Rita mountains, four miles south ot Greaterville, on Tom Gardner's ranch, and ou the wtrst side of the Patuiroum mounta'ns. fifteen miles southeast ot Cnlabasas, all in Pima ty.

Arizona Territory. Prof. Lemmon. of Cahforuia. reimrts having found wild potatoes in the Huachiicn mountains, have lieen informed by 3Iexican citizens tbat they alx-und in the Cauonter and San Jose ui-untuins.

Mexico. I hibited both vims anil i'tatie" whuh I obtained ou Mr. Gardner's ranch in August last to Mr. Thomas Gardner, Gen. Fiorve and Jefferson Moore, who live on Mr.

Gardner's ranch, and at the same time and place to Mrs. E. X. Fisii aud Mrs. Orcur Buckalew aud my wife, a.11 of whom are citizens of Tuohod, 'aud can testify to the fact of my finding wild potatoes on Gardener's ranch.

I am thus particnlar in my ments because there seems to be doubt in the minds of some well-informed jb- servers as to where the native home of the potato is. But there need be no further doubt on this question. na is the unlive home of the potato. The dim de of Arizona seems especi ally adapted to the perpetuation of the potato plant, lhe atmosphere is very- dry at all tinio. We have two rainy seasons, the brat in January and rebrn ary.

ami the second in July ami August. The wild potatoes sprout up soon after tlie ram begins to fall in July and the new potatoes ct and mature in August anil September. There is not enough moisture cause tlie bulbs to rot duriDg the first rainy season in ry and Feb'uary, neither is there any cold weather to freeze them. They grow along the little valley at an levation of from six to seven thousand feet, eon- sequently the weather is not sufficiently warm to start them in March, and after that time, until the second rainy season bejiins July, there is not sufficient ruoioture in the ground to sprout them or cause them to grow. They grow near or old logs where the earth is looee; the vines are the exact part ot their civilized cousin, and tlie potatoes set in the same wa.

ami the tops 1 il Him aud little Imlbn grow on them tLje same as need to grow on the tops of all potato vines some thirty or forty years ago. Tho nam: les I pro- eared varied in size from a marble to lkj im'hea in length by 1 inch in diameter. -S. A. Manlove in Cbieago Times.

lnrm.t. Brevities. A la-no exetM is tbo apology ot a one- legged man for not arriving on time. A memlier of the school board said in his remarks: "Well, children, yon spoil and yon reads well, but tou hain't sot still." A letter dire-tcd "-to the most bonent man in Syracuse," has been kicking around that town six weeks in search of an owner. Del.

Free Pres-v It is the unmarried joker who makes the most fun of women. The married man keep within reiLsonaMo liounds on account of his religion home training. A lawyer only fifteen years ohl has beeu admitted to the liar in Georgia. As be bus not yet grown a lieanl his bare- faoadoee will vie with hit du-play of cheek. According to some astronomers we are now --within the temporal radius of the Medicines.

IFRIf, 400 STREET, LiLDIU, San Francisco CONTISUB6 TO SEAT Muiolh- tf HoEuopatar ary furra ft Special at Oj. oi. Dlsauo without mrenr Ll! aaismudnu-. DK. Lit CC I.NV1C10U.V10R a and prmaasct ears weakassj.

Narro-uond rn EbUly.LcstMaaocd.Tiu. CO ftamUoa. and all the trnM-1 ti" mi it of abated Btn-. -r rr jonthfal iUw. H- flt JI.IOO for a raw (lortakea aad fall reaMm thoueaBd fur: ured of Seolnal i th aboTo diiMm i evtnu'uuiMM Mil.

I tea, 'ach ti t- -if. DK. i i Vl.HlftAtOK.. -ithr Innenre or hottlm ia irmtlon. Simcn.

fioni the butly 2 was dn mii i tt medteal to contiua. the a atfrcta tb vital orj a eaam a-- -aapuoa. Diatntu. Brtgbfj Clwaar. taaulty.

rtf. Szewor. aea-uie. AImm Miijtrttloa, Spaa! an.i -h above fatal tl -sHmw obatrm ami n-ci-MO 5tof lifsol 1 meat. Osrei aaaraaicei.

Dk-si-- A-nito uriaarr nrsaa. kuhwjw, liter ler a uialtr. Tbo ma njr ennila use ppacuilv Tnroo: ew r. r. xottuc rxxr.

HP llulllr ml Itrv iu iliow tb smodatfol -f-oerxi. of L.reairt Imicwrntor mM-wu wot State vmjoom. war-. ii PKKSUItti c-ti 'tie muire-r -ie- TE3T tl't BJiCY Alff i H.kira. OB.

ut! HMi vomer Mai ioiui l-n Mia Maeue traC. 0 trts. vi- f-tk. r-a -u Jft- nil 3 it PI I 1 1S50. RiHKI: a 127 First Street.

San Frariisoo, BUILDERS OF MINING MACHINERY. VUnt tw OtM tun! $Lvr i. the lntt mad nwt improTd nAxt)my ti HtKfw fr bwwastl fr etc. W-klar J-tri Sradtme Fraacw for iver. mti wl ci urtft.

with new aihl imtorTiBt nr.prt tui n- Knur to mjt ocKer make. Vt) iQpiBK Maeiunerr. CMor tliit'ijf t'anuuvt. We uller fmr cvUKneni the bw rwlj. wf jean extenac in tint special Iioe -if wt-ik, hth piviMiml to fnraikvft the npru- crVaraeter A Xuiuk andltettactiaD Jiaeiune: jpenor in c'tiKM and rumraetino tha sy uther nutka.

At tb krves; po-MtibJ pn- We abn cuQlmet liver, ic ctmanl-e rv rn.r us ot the Miudit State ami lerrifirtw. K- saTee eirea cm application, a-rivi circular DEBli.lTV. CORB QUAlL'iVrKKP. Ir. r.

ttWi n-Mw-i. fur gfttwiiL Dfoaneaa. iidnuxju. -T'-m Hwnbufca. NaaMI Dpi iiinn.

Low lmiwicr. q- innilli-e sM as-, rjaie-i elf all' or im ufciie tu auiway. dew) am! lc'Jk Uaa enre meat tatia. Eaaa I ox eui.t..M uce month' trw (1 a bas. or ax 'yt Uk t'niied Statax euam; aasl by Bail urn pnea.

We waiantee 'i: wiil any With each order rWT.l ry a ix hMie. aeeemaaaMri with nte.ioilmu. "ol i he parrbaeer oar written turn if tbalnaliamt iiofcot eit-r i.r--. ifoanuiteea MMMdMaly bf -Vo 1. F.

YOKB.a. aoawaior to I H. "Ti-re i una' i uaet, loams. Wt olnale an.) Retatl Dnwrut. Order 'j i at mralar urim.

(Jreat THh jYctr Tc-Dtty. tm the Hon. Ihibert Counell was born inMon- Iwntfnl and dsstructive power of the roe county, ArkauMis, August US, lHlfi. Is itot nor His father was oueot the first ho tilers Com. Adv.

of tho State, arriving therein 1S20. Jerseymeii arenjidbecaiu.e the "Lily" Roliert was raised on a farm aud edii- didn't isit their little State, and one of cated in the subscription schools of his the oldest inhabitants faid theotherday, native State, as there were no free i "Anyhow, compared to our malaria, she's schools there iu those days, lie oame no great shakes." X. T. Com.Adv to Arizona iu ion ami iuw loimneu hid inti. business of farming, mining and taer- chandining.

At present he is engaged in the wholesale liquor bu-iti. sa in cott, aud has a braueh eatablishmMt on the line ot the A. P. Ho has tilled the oiKce of ci ty of Prescott r- -'vine general satisfaet fore coming t- i-i lived in Illinois local ofih-e' vouiirli aoout tbe tnetlinm lze, --nth a frank, open countenance and a genial and wiu- uing manner. He ii one of tbe moat active raemlwrs of tne v- ioiea- tion.

He is a tUorougli and can Ik) relied Uon to advocate and port nil uienMires cf general ifooil to tbe whole people. A- JOHN KLLIS. Hon. John P'llis, of Yavapai eouuty, is ono of the HawayHniper-. He is an Ohioan, aud was born iu 1S16.

He moved to this Territory about fifteen years ago, and is Iargel enganed in miuing afTairs. He rerved in tbe Union army during the late war. Is a ltepub- lican, nud sound ou all issue- tbat affect the interests of this Tenitory or the conntry at large. J. W.

ANDEKSON. Hon. J. V. Anderson, of Pinal, is a native of North Carolina, tnd was born iu 182C.

"He is the noblest Roman of them all." His ability is un-notioned, aud his integrity is as unswerving as that of any man in the laud, lho Judge is one ot those characters so rare in I public life at the present day an adorn- ment to any position in wliieh be may be placed. Although a rigid Democrat, is above party prejudice. Hy profession be is a lawyer, bnt is now moro larly engaged in mining and other classes of general busim. THE CHAFkAIN. P.ev.

V. S. Tntitt, the Chaplain of tho House, is a cultivated gentleman and a faithful Minister of the church South. Mr. Truitt is a tall young Kentuckian with nothing ot tbe Pharisee about his make-up.

Uo is eloqnent and earnest. Long may be wave. ctt Kallrnjil lnturporatisn. The San Kr.incwco anil Colorado IJiv- er Railroad Company luts filnd articles of incorporation. The road tbe com- I any proposes to build will run from Antonio, Alameda eotiutr, to the tersection ot the thirty-tifth parallel of north latitude and the Colorado River, a distance GT'I miles.

The Directors are A. E. Davis. A. Grove.

Charles Iverson. that a married man ImmI paid over 0MI blackmail rather than have his wife know that 1m had written an actreis two love letter, wliH'h was silly, as he could hare told her tho same time he gave her a VW necklace, and it. would havo been nil right. Ex. The first Spanish woman ou whom the Jegree'ofH.

D. haslxjeu etmferreil is rta-d be a "strikingly lieautifnl woman with liqn ilark eyes, gulden hair ami a eomplexioii like tbe petals ot a tea-rose." Dear! Dt-ar We feelj awfnlly ImiL Will sOBMhody pleaeo seisl for tbat lightful doctori-X. Y. Com. Adv.

to Justices of Peace. In order to meet the great demand for blanks tied in Justices' Courts, tbe CmzKN job ollice lias had prepared tbe following, wbwh are in compliance with the Arizona Code, and have the same put tip iu packages: Criminal Action 20 Complaint, inal, 20 Warrant of Arrests, 2t Subpieua, 20 Commitment. Civil Action -SOSninmons, 20 Com- pluint o- Claim and Delivery of al Property, 20 Undertaking on Claim I aud Delivery of Personal Property, 20 t. ing on Attnchmebt, 20 Writs of ment, 'D Executions, 20 ment, II) Acknowledgment with Wife, 211 Mining Location, In Pence Bonds, 10 stipulations on Appe d. Packages ill be sent V.

O. D. to any part of the Territory: S- per pai-kago, or by maiL Finest white and red flannel wear iu town Mt Loweus'eiii A Co. Headaehn in moat oases proceeds from a torpd liver ami imparities of the stomnch. It can invariably lie enred hy taking Simmons Liver liegiilator.

Let ail who sutler, remember that sk-k ami nervous lievulaclies can Is prerented by taking a dosxt as soon as their tom- indicate tbe coming of an -ttlack "Simmons Liver Regnlator is a very valnaWe remedv for dypelsi- sick bAafl-tcbe. piles and sneh like diseases. S. W. Holt.

PresHlentS.W R. R. of Ga." Ipiillrallon ril for a l'atrat Lroii-ni Hlaic I'tot-M. Ii. S.

LBD imct Tocaan. Ariaona. 31. tn-3. 13 HEKtKY Hi: 1.

Waim 3iniDif 7 ii- tf. H. t'ii4k. wuoi- io4 iucw lut- Aruuua, has tin hmi tor a auent for l-Oi linear feet mbn or tM-anna- iculd aiUi ui- face itn-QDl MO feel witkb. aitaatcd ta tK.

Uni HUaeo MiBiat; Uwtnet. Coontj ot Pima aac I em lory or aad ibnaia natiiit bj lie aoieeaixl ntSeial plat oa ale la -Juaatfeaaa a. saHl leit baaar a bUaaa. to. rlemaaMir at the ieitiai anlHaw al at the r-ei ih-iaim.

MberetheDtMieeof leatwa lI ata Mae iM-rt-4x4 -arMi aie. 4', amtz. i teet in ik, irioand. a eiobnit uf ij I.iah, trk-tt "i No. I' f-.

hleer-l Muaouent 1 rt IU nr. Ubun 31 esmee nnroiee 1 'Sit U1 r-ii-k aiarlml M. 1," trim 'I deiM's 1 uoaatea fen (Ileum. Ibeote 24 u-gn sumi nte- anfeetto eoroerof toa oine ooetzxt Li-cb- -Kioare. -t feet loatf l-et in the itmn.i it a monaneat of Mace 1 fee- huh.

marbe.1 -e. 11 1 bears 8 hi dam l.i auaale feet to the k. curanr of claim to uo oak LMwt Iv4 inebee Miuare. feet loac. feet in lie aroaad a men- aaient iet at-rii.

ai.i No. 111." Tbeoep 24 decree 'i iaal-a -TOI ee--. to th- ceater of the end claiai. to aa oak pur-i icrbe Mioare. feet 2 'if ta the ami is a iaaBBWt of etunetZi, feet blab, aad ouv bed -Uo IV Tbeaoe daicrea SO annate StO feet to tbe r- cotpor of turn to aa eak poet 1x4 men- Maare.

ie loac 1 el in tat- around in a inunanwnt of voaia Vi feet blab, an-taxaibeti Ibeuee deaxeee lumiaatee loufeet the rorner ot the elaua. to a ptne root ttxl inebee oiare. i feet loua 1B a auwameat ot Hones 2ig leec aii-. N. i and ihesce 24 tteure-e ju niaatee fret i- the (daee of baaiaatng-.

Mamietie renatioa. 12 decnea 31 niloct- eoulalntatt l-3acrer. The 4teatwKi of tluenuneie reforded Iterorder'a office of Fun i t'onatj, Ituok C. Mecorda of Muae. pewea ISS the 4uinia elauaaule are tlie omen, of t'omautbtiv atiuintf cl.n in.

Jtnr aad all pereonn ctaimina1 adverae an rrtioa ot bomI Leopani anaiaic elatai or or- faoe aroaad. are le-nu-eil to piaaatit tnvu adteree claims in thte iilSee donna tne daye period of pabltratioB bereof. or tbov wi.i barre.1 bxTinaeof Uie pretanona of theet.itt.!.-. Ht-MtV it i hereby urdare-' tbat the fomcoiuK of appliration for patent be pnnlithad for pwKKlof ton noMOHiw week in the CrnzN. a weekli neeiepaper paMuitieil a Mm.

Pttna rottaty. Anxnna. HKNKf COTSJJ-1-, Ctk.m ftr. poMiaatioa. Jaaaarr a.

tt-ta. la a neter-biliac nn areoae Krhanteit i tal rtemmal Wtalsr-. tS-iiiiiaaiinibin. UUSi VAJiHOOii. Imt-.

c. ci. FataivsiK. Fn'. rr.

wrataaa-Ht ab tt.e m- di-rte MAbaaa. t-', es exrey- meiurer reoie cch kren Mnaorv.LAiautaila.i'.uo An pra-oa to Dtnnee i Nmrea in the Head thi rt-at '-vnnir anolrerT-U in tae arine, an.l mi-nj- -r ilH-eiieer tbat laad to taeaaity and I'ath. VI.NTIK Trill arm to forfeit Fit i-. t-vil iHjIhvm for a aae of tb-e kind the fCeiur.iilTe ixmler bie epecial r. will not cara, or foran.t'iiittf ir.i'nnM foaad iu it.

UK. "rtlN Tl hv PriTate Dtaeaeea -e-efnil- -ti-4--i' ire- -mt-aitatioa free. Toom-octi und adTioe inchrehair aaal-few ut e. xe. Ji-X'.

r-nre of the Vital R. i-ieiatire. 3Jt-hot. 'le. nr four ttmee tbe oaMthj.

jtHLitO: em ta upon receipt of prise or (. IX. -n-nre fmci uhi MTerioa, aad pnrcte if by A K. 3a. D.

tl Krara Stmc. baa Fraaetaao. i'aL 8AM ft. i- KtrrTLI- mrt: andicatton letter etnrti irmptonje. eex an.1 sc-.

ly eonlilualial HIVTie-s KM.T Mea-ae re'ienm rarea all "riada a Kdaaraad Ke-t ic t'omplaia-a, ficiataiaiea. Bleat, faeorrwta. Korietle hj all ilnimWtfj. $1 a bottle. ix tile f.

MINTIH'S Ditndelion 111- ar th- heet arttchfcapeet ljiepioaBd in the market. For iwle bil ail -I- S500 REWARD. WIU. VKt THE ADoVr K. an? raee of Lirer t'oaiplalB.

.1 tnrk Kmlarhe, ladwennoa. -metis t-netiveneea we cawaia ar-t wtth table LiTer Pill wbaa the tnetuau an- oompbed with. Thef are poralr Tirautahle neear nut to Htie HHU-tMOoe. saaar t-n Lree buxee. euotauw Pilla.

eanta. ale by all di-naxtete. Bawu ot roantr ami aaiaa aia mfiii lii 1 1 by JOKt i. WEST tlA. -The Pill HV HI ni! W.

Vadwoa -4 reel. a trial paekaaee ent by ojatl prepaid on reeetbi a three rt ataaap. J.y. TOKR.See to TS o. t'onsno.

Tu-- -t Wboieealo and retail ma-1 at reenlar pneee. il. ri'1 rot JVw To-ilaii. Xntice of 1'iirffitiire. rpHK CDKR8UiXIl) BOUOHT ONE f.V- dindd hat id the no-ileil Ckaaiteon miae.

which i the lir-t eastern ex eaioB ot the mine. Miere dietnrt. I-iavt coaaty, and ha- done ooe hnndred ibIart' worth of work on the tne for the y-ar -2. aeeonliBr to Ihe law of theeo inlrj. He ralle qmhi th-owner of Ipiillciilluii o.

I for to 4'omniodore Iffiiliis t'lalaa f. S.KitDirmc-t.Tui-e-3. A. i JT' l-v-J. VOT1CE IS MKKtBY liltfcN THAT UH-.

Warm Minuut Compaay. by II. aseat. wbowo poetoftire adorcae ie 'I'-ie-m 1'ima county. Artaona.

faa thie day hi ail it- ptieatkoB for a patent far ISuO linear feet of i onunodere mine -r vets, beannjr and gebi with aorfare aiiaind aw feet widtik, ettaaud in im lilanro Miuas Ihetm- Coao.y of Puna and 'ierntary of Arix.ii.-i. aad miae.ed by tbe ftald aotaaaad othcia platoa blein ihui office aa Imtnet, Lot vi. II bein aa foilmre. u- wtt: rtaKtaniae at tbe intti moment, wber" noUra of I nation eaa tact-o. ut a pine poat It lacher.

feet lone ta a monument of iM. n-- aad Btarked U. M. Xo. whetue V.

S. 1 eral Mnaameat u. 2. Urn Blonci tnet.beate St deer in minutee V. 'j-eif--i r- vk mark-d O.

A. 1, 41 desreee ti atiantea tl feet itiruni. Ibeaev 21 dtareee Klmmntee 1. i fe. i Nt comer of claim toa pint- pout 4x2 incne-.

1 feet took in a atoonment ot atocee. and i- T. No. 11 Tbeare 4 ilaxmii 44 vo fTet tie- corner of tlie an oak t-i-t tsi inchee.

feet loau. ami "t'. i. 111. Tie-ore 'Jl ileal sn m.nn 3 t-: the center of the "i end of claim, in si.

ntHt 4x1 inches, 1' feel tonr. ta moacmen. etuaee. aad marawi -C. M.

o. TMnceS-'t oec-rees 90 nunat-e Sil ft the corner of Ihe claim, to an oak unet 4x4 ncbea I1, feel lomr. in a aaaieBt at stone- and matked t'. No. 1 brace al aemiee 14 onaatea ISOU feat the hE eoreer of claim, toa piaapaat tx2iaotie.

I't la-t I Man. la a moaanteat of atorMa. an-t marked T. X. No.

Tl:" atrfi I hence 31 iteaiaat 3 atinalee SUV. tbe laee of b-i- llaaaetie Tarialin 1- dear ae "ll laimnaa I L-oaiata-Btt- 3t.ea aciea. 1 be lucauva of ihia mine ia recurded ta th- llecTir-ier'e ottice of Pinta canary. n- Hookn Ji aad of Itosorui- of Miaea, at paKe oaal I iop -tlel.

Th ie the applicant, aa owner uf lho Lopanf Kin-, lot No. tV Any and all persona claiming ad niwaiyagy pr- tMei of -aid I- msjHdore auso or sorfeeaTound are rejmred to pre teat their leim-ae rial me this etBe-dar mttbr mtyihiya parjodaf pohti- catHm bareaf or they t.u1 be barrari by rirtu- or tne nraTiewaa ot tne etasnte. HrlNBK i ll'3l-8. Bearaaer. It is hereby ordereii that the fonaxaaa anuce tf application for be pnhjiehed for the lensji tea rmMcatire weeks in tbeAnaaaa Citi- zea.

a weekly newspaper pahletbed at Tacaoa. Pima county. AnxtMia. HKNRY ror.SINS. Recjeter First pa bli ration.

Janaary -1. Ir. BEFORE AND AFTER Appi--ii arc tint on 30 T3 MIR DULY, YOUNG 8R OLr, f. Ln or N.i.k rwirt ui- lfftiTTw 1 1 Al'fi-Vi-i c. tt n-MKi-v-r nrL" ar 1 at UUli ill-wOT-rT at vtte tr-sf--aJfath mTAIC BEL? :0..

rlAiSSHALL, Ml Thl-. I -ctk-r-fftlRaf IE-i-l-r mmcI Sim TOM mllV tPKttl. nH.t r- I. 'i -IC-il '(Ti ha! r. aio PrHt-.

trrrW4. 'tn. Jul- t.h.w.ti l'-itj. r-n -c-t r.i- l-Ovt OF MANKOOU. ia tui IU wmpHrmtitni.

mt fr mt I mncbmtmd nutwi nt th Nn. Brain, 5V. 1 turn. I'rte'tuctiTe Ora-ui-. -1 It tlBpi ttp-, wnn.t itaun upoa tw ystrm.

pi vtu4 di4tbt-tiliig skil tlw orMM. etr nin-t tt-a-ly. It Mr ut li A0DtB 03iiL I ft Mffrrlatc ttum IftH- nil fmrnthM wr rtrr-ri. prj. if mm mmh a4 prrf4Uiiinl IB TeCHi battle or 4- tilm in ca with 'i 1 iluMtMM tTwr-.

tm nt Hrtue naimiTmtmm to nny ntkire-n on -vtpr rnr. If. I bmi mm DR. C. D.

SALFIELD, IIS Kearney Nt ressl. rraaclarat, tat. Uatan-tauoae atrarti-r aarlrafaf. by Ml tar or at ofice rRKK. Far tbe aawaaatt of Be-, nenta.

nd in oewer to isaere pesfeet serrery. I have Unted a iri rte ad-lreea. amir wbieaeJI I-rkvi are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE, Batae-r-1 to show its ment. will be Mat ta amj one applying by latter, statins hie ja.pu.

a and ace. I'ontmani ationa atnetly eon-taatial. "A ir Vr I "th-r Mr Her-, nr tleeewbomubt ururKB v. i irmar sim i. i.

uocreii. cla.el nndr him. lr. iay. KltniB Caital stock 520,000,000, ot wliiob SI.OiJO.- 000 lias liean eubscribetl.

Alta nia. Oddities unJcr pasteboard faces, and with coata turned At the end of e5eu davp, in July, IfcO'J, irwiilfi out. trentto the cabin of a negro he was ordered Ry General Pope, coai- tt Li in. I nanieaoam umipi, near nana ms ue xmu uj Orloans l'ios-rune. I1D11 lIJKUlvUru um, iuuuiu ui I IU11 1U lilU I.

v.ocu- children out in tha -roods, where they I lngton; wns ordered to roport to the Governor of Jla-sacunsetts; organized the Thirty-eichth Alassachusetti- and returned with that regiment to Baltimore; was ordered to join Emo- ry'n division; proceeded to Xew Orleans in command tu me rirai xiniraite ot Emorv's Division: at the ussault on rort "Hudson ho was badly wounded; whs ordered asumstoti to report to General Jlartindale as Iuspector eral and Chief of fataff; was relieved by request f-um that duty; was ordered to Xew Hampshire with the Thirteenth Veteran H-erve Corps, as military com mander of tbe state and draft vous to enforce the draft; remained there sixteen months, and then returned to Washington; was ordeel to report to A Yankee lias luventcd a machine to I General Emory, commander of the make clove out of basswood; which will Xineteenth Corp, which was sent to rodnr the1 nrice of the article so mate-1 upzort Sheridan In July, 1SG6. he riallv that it is estimated the yonnr- man I resigned from the Veteran Reserve who goes out between acta will save at stayed all night. The man and his ily refused to live upon the place any longer. almost incredible instance of lost identity is brought to light in a letter written by a woman in Jlis- souri. to a grooerin Detroit.

She married and moved away, and now, on account of the death or removal of all the persons she knew yras ago, she is unable to prove by documentary evidence or ing witnesses' that sue is the person whom she claims to De. and wnoxn sue doubtless really is. An interest in nn estate hingen upon her success at self- identification'. Dead men tell no tales. The ary-writers do tbat tervice for them.

Xever count your chicken before it is It yon want to make a red-hetuled emu love you, speak ot him a a sandy-eom- plexiouud gentleman. llottoti script. Tbe shop-keepers wbo do not succeed ar tlKiae wbo make np in price what tntr lack in politeness. Xew Orleans Pioayuue. A marriage notice in tho Klraira vertiser tops off iu this way: "Xo cards, no cake, no flowers, no presents and no body's business." Xecessity is the mother of Invention; Laziness is the father of Xiicessity; so Lazincs is the grand parent of tion.

Lowell Citizen. Young men you may "tarn overs new leaf;" that's very eatily dtme- But you can't tear oat the old on. Burlington Hawkeye. Speak gently to yonr servant girls. verily sne nan trie power to ram yoa by least 850 a year.

Xorristown Herald. prof-wtr in 'beCababt Minis Dl- tnft, rSja Coaaty. Arizona. lueak-d by D. A.

rssairo, i. r. in, or by Heaird aad CotweU, as by Tjrtae of aa areea-eat with Mid D. A. Baaird 1 Shell Ciatss aoee-Kslr mlsrest tn u.

Corps, and commanded tbe United States letting the water run and ths gas burn elifsldii kf general impection of custoxas from the I far Into tha night Lowell Citizen. jjjtwtf liar, within ntnetrilais frusi this dte. ibe half of 'he asessaeni work, amounting nf ilollara ami cosr of arlrer rs. inc. and by fading to i-aj.

his isr heir intereef the mine oald He forfetteil to me PRKPR. RICK. Xyers Ui-trtet. Jiaaary 7. lSra.

jell tm Summons. THK JCSTITfS OOKT. IN AJ.1) VOK Preriac. No. (me.

Ihma eonnty. Territory of Pi lee. Uoldsehmidt. slatatiff. ti H.

KieeaL defeadmat. Bsfore A. 31. Hrarc J. 1.

Demaad. Tbe Tem'ory at Ansoaa tends crectiae ta II. C. Kie-sL oeiaadaat. Toa are hereby saraaiflBe.1 and reoatred tn appar before me at ay otBce.

in Precinct No 1. eoanty of Puna. Territory ot Arizona on tke 3d day of Msjch. A. D.

1-x. at hi o'clock A. x. to answer the complaint of tbe a bore named plaintiff. whonVmandeof yoatbar yoa are indebted to him in ihe -ia of wo Han- died aad Forty-eicht 'i Dwlbut.

fer soo.Is sold hy pleintlrl to -isfadaat aad tbe rant of fnmitnro from pbuatiC by defend- ant- Aad if yoa fad tn appear aad aad answer ea-d complaint aa herein required, the pbuntitl will at jodjm-ot aaainst yoaasilemaadeilaBd for tbe eoets of rata salt. linen oader my haad Uus lnh day of Jaan- It ary A. P. jtlWSt A. Hi: tun Janice ef the Peace.

NOTICE q-HE PUBLIC AHK herbry notified ant to parcbase aay portsna of any miaiBr V.lire of FeraHlure. MufWiAN URTUUKCIsADtlNir oader aim are hereby notiaed thai we 'are xpended one hundred dollara in labor aril imprme me nte opon the r. 1 ampo mining riaim. situated in the Pstaaoaia Minue lrutnct. esaiaty.

i.T-aad recorded prd JU. paae ifs. order to tola mud premiee-i der the prorwtoae of section 2324 lieetwod i ntee of tbe L' tilted State-, buac tha amoant i. inured to bald the same for year endiiu' eemberStst. mHC.

Aad if. wtthia niaety after tat aotioeby pabliratioB. you fail to eontnbate oor -MoportMO of sail, peselttare as co-owner, with coat mt line u-easeat. your iatareat ia tbe said claim will rome the property of the eohembers. under wi' I eecuoaiaK.

tear jsropanu aof eavt I txn is dollars. CH H. OACCHES. jeaiai H. ItKXamrlt, Swaaiiiiav.


A Positive Cure Witneat Uedieuiee. AsXAN'S SOLUBLE MKUICATIlU BOlOlr--. fatented OrloW aV (Jaeboz No. will euro ear rasa in faardar; or be ohunUBa at e. 2 will rase the net iiaalias' i eaae.

ao your special uetascn ad request at taidprs- wattar ef bow laac itTsadiac tmet. Aail if yoa fail to appear and SonaamaaedW of aahsbt. or eeraplsint. as ber in rclred. Ibe phuana sandalwood, thet are eartari to proti'e take aansaet i ou ae demaadeil ma by naati iiyiiai, tm car i a.

of the saojr at h- fer the cslsof ihiassnt. I Price, il 50L S4d bl .1 dnis-tata, or saaiipd Giran nader ay hand this 1Mb any of Jatta- aa receipt of price. ary, A. U. 13S.

A. J. BHAGO. I lor circular. r.XBo-:I,2 BiailW-t Jnsneaof thePtace.

J. ALLAX CO. Jc-K ttreet New tn Tut jcsrrincfi oukt. ix axd rv i 1. Prenact No.

Oae. Pirn Territory of I JiLn 8. Carr. Wn-. II.

Hooter. Carter Tens. T. K. Nichols aad T.

P. Pattanaa, cempoaue the firm mt Ompaar. nlauv 1 una. Henry CXte il. rlrasir.

J. P. Uemand. yju. be Terrttorr of Aninna and aumiiiii to i llranr lie natanriant.

laa are hereto aaimoned and re inlred to appear before me a my uflice. in fe town of Taceoa and eonnty -f 1'ima. oa tt ad oay of 3Sareh. A. l.

tsKi. at alack t. t4, answer the ooreplaiat of tl- abore named piaintitfs. wh famaad of 100 'oeusesi v. tneei Uitb you are i in the earn of T' ree Hasdrwt wa es aad merr hao- ae seta ami to you by pia i Hi 4 i 5i i i i.

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