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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 10

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AUGUST 4, 1914. 10 TUESDAY EVENING. OAKLAND TRIBUNE 4 UC30LE FiOLY jo 'K El MP Waist Special Marquisette crepe and voile waists; $1.25 value now. 49c. Sale Manhattan Shirts Buy four shirts In this sale for less than the usual price of three.

OD Car. Ntrkst sua 4th St. San Francisco Oakland THE "SHOE-FLY" Sale is rapidly exterminating our superb stock of Summer Footwear. Everybody and his baby is joining the buzzing throngs at the Royal Shoe Company, and each one finds some unbelievable Shoe-Value which appeals to his fancy. A JEW OF THE SUMMER SHOES WE WILL MAKE FLY.

OUT AT Priced Boys' Calf School Blucher Ladies White Duck covered, low broad heels, $2.50 Mary Jane Sfl.45 War; Neutral Ground; Ireland Stops Round; Bail Must Be Found liana Brink, a German, through and through, and war declared, was valiant 'too, and fared him forth when full of beer to seek the French who're here, wherefore he Ml into the toils of the police and all his spoil, with him also, are now in jail, awaitins $50 baU. He met a man named G. La-roux, a Frenchman, patriotic, too, and filled, so the police declare, with potent old Vin Ordinaire, and when the two began to spout of -war a nd how it unuld come out, a demonstration then took lace; first blood was on the Frenchman's face. When powers fight on neutral ground they usually complete one round, and then are stopped by rules of war, wtuch happened hese, for- soon there bore upon the scene Policeman Ryan, who stopped the fray, and now a fine awaits the twain in Oakland's courts, or jail will stop their warlike sports. Brand New Fall Suits Children's Tan Scuffer Shape Button Shoes Sizes 5 to 8 8Vi to 12 $1.35 Boys' Scouting Shoes, in Grar Buck 9 tt43 mrr $1.00 Ladies English Spats, in white, fawn and all shades of gray; $2 to $2.50 values Equal to anything you have ever seen at $25 and $30 at this season of the year-variety unlimited and a value unprecedented Men's $3 to $4 Shoes, SO.

45 All newest styles leathers I We Give S. H. Green Stamps Free With Every Purchase. $14.75 They are garments which at one glance you would recognize to be .1 itoi worth almost double price we are asking Washington at 13th STORE: 786 MARKET OPPOSITE TH ST. Final Closing Out of Women's Dresses Three Marveloosly Low Prices Look! WELCOMED KM-'.

and Sacramento Will Hold Big Rallies inem. i ney inciuae me newest weaves of serge and worsted hairline stripe effects that are new and Shepherd plaids that. are very desirable. Solid colors also in blue, black and gray and sizes ranging from 16 to 42. $25, $30 and $35 Values Last Call 6.75 9.75 $12.75 AGENTS FOR BISTER BROWN, "EDUCATOR" nd FTjA-MATR SHOES FOR BOYS, GIRLS and CHTLDREX.

RKASONABLK "RICES. KNOWLAND "KM-. Cities of Stockton Three' hundred residents of Viaalla lait night applauded Congressman Jo H. Knowland, Republican candidate for the office of United States Senator to the cho when he reviewed the story of Ms fight to retain In the Panama Canal act tha no tolls clause for vessels flying the American flag engaged In coastwise traffic. His vivisection of the Democratic tariff law was a masterly presentation of the facts and the familiarity ha displayed wiyi the conditions Imposed In that measure such as to attract the most favorable comment at the hands of his auditors.

Congressman Knowland waa at his best at this meeting and all his remarks were direct and to the point. Every sentence was explicit in every statemnt direct and comprehensive and at the-conclusion of his remarks it waa the Judgment, of all that Congressman Knowland had made one of the most striking addresses of tha campaign. His utterances were an inspiration, his explanations succinct and from start to completion of his address he was roundly cheered. Following tha meeting Congressman Knowland -was complimented, personally by men aft1 women of the audience who thanked him for his visit and tha enlightening address, The VlsaUa meeting was another reflection of tha sentiment Congressman Knowland has. found since he left Oakland last Wednesday which was so vividly shown when he spoke to an audience of 1206 persons at Fresno last Saturday night.

Mr. Knowland's tour of the San Joaquin Valley has been one of the, remarkable successes of his campaign. At' every place he has visited sentiment In his favor has been practically universal and his opponent appears to be practically unknown. His audiences have, been surprisingly good and all his 'meetings intensely Interesting and enthusiastic. TWO MIQHTY RALLIES.

Arrangements have been completed for two great Knowland rallies In Stockton and Sacramento this week. The Stockton UPSTAIRS Take Elevator 0 ne ay Sale Corner BAN FRANCISCO i I I the sk for LIONEL SURPRISES "I wan concerned about my cousin, Lionel his financial affairs, you know. I didn't see how he was going to get through the, summer and keep his self-respect In the rusty suit that had been his stand-by for months. "But," I declare, if he didn't com blooming out yesterday In the clev- -erest suit I've seen this season, Is where Lionel bought his suit that splendid store that sells clothes on CREDIT. He pRld just J2J2.50.

And he told me confidentially FR ENDS Any Woman's Spring (tC CA Suit in Stock at A sufficient variety to make this a very attractive ijem. And variety applies to size as well as to style. At least see them. Stodebaker Automobile Free Save your coupons perhaps you will be the winner of this superb, new 1915 touring car. Silk and crepe dresses a host of pretty styles which the end of the season ha3 brought down to half and less than half their former prices Women's Coats, vals.

to $12.50, marked to clear at $4.95. gathering will be held in the Tosemlte theater Friday evening and the Sacramento meeting will be In tha Clunle theater Saturday evening. Mrs. Knowland, who has been assisting her husband during his will be one of the Breakers with her husband. Preceding his meeting at VIsalla last night Mr.

Knowland visited Sanger. Sel-ma, Parller. Reedly, Dlnuba and Orosl, during the day where he met the leading Republicans of each place and was as sured of support of an overwhelming character in each community. Today he Is on hit way to Hanford, stopping at smaller towns en route for brief ad-I dresses or consultations, closing the day with an address at Hanford this evening where he Is assured of a large gathering, the entire town being ready to-extend him a cordial greeting. The present San Joaquin Valley tour will end at Bakers-, field Thursday night, where Mrs.

Know-I land will Jotn him Thursday mornlngr Thursday afternoon Mrs. Knowland will ha the guest at a reception tendered by Mrs. Dorothy Smith Mason' and In the evening will address a meeting In front of the city hall at which Mr. Knowland will be-the principal speaker. At midnight they will depart for Stockton and Sacramento.

a The Joseph R. Knowland Booster Club has been formed In the Halght street district of Ban Francisco with the following executive committee: J. Oore, Thomas Cronin, Frank Kass, Fred Zlver, James Dolan. Joseph Nyland, Louis Lazarus and Robert Trash. The officers are T.

F. Dolan, president; H. T. Lauston, vice president: J. Dolan, secretary, and Charles Hughes, sergeant-at-arms.

Captain Frederick's headquarters Is directing attention to the fact that the Republican aspirant for governor la receiving support at the hands of labor organizations, the latest being the Bricklayers' Social Club of San Francisco, of 1324 CLAY STREET to $1.25 50c to $7.50 $1.95 former prices to fo $0.0 $3.75 to $40.00 $6.75 to $50.00 cut Shoes Sizes 9 to 13 Solid Double Stamps Till 1 P. M. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR DR. A. REED'S CUSHION SOLE SHOES.


Eaton, vice president, and W. teddy, secretary. This organization recently passed a strong resolution favoring the candidacy of Captain FrederlcksT and pledging every member to work for his election by personally Interviewing each member of his union and such other members of the union through the state as may be possible. The club has decided to meet each Thursday evening between now and the primary election for the purpose of furthering his cndldacy. Afro-American councils at Sacramento, Stockton and Oakland have endorsed Captain Fredericks, according to communications received at his headquarters, these being supplemented with letters of a personal character stating that In the northern cities where the councilsihave acted the leading colored churches have also taken a stand In behalf of the candidate, the support of pastors and congregations having been pledged In recog nition of th uniform fairness with which Fredericks has handled all problems Involving the African race.

It is related that this action Is ta be followed by a similar endorsement on the part of the colored organizations of the whole state. Attention Is directed to the fact that three of the Republican candidates for governor are, rather have been military men. There Is Captain Fredericks who served in the Seventh California during the Spanish-American, war, having been promoted to adjutant of the regiment before his term of service ended. Colonel W. C.

Ralston, formerly a member of the governoor's staff, and F. C. Keesling, who was a major in the National Guard of this state during a long term of service. Keesling headquarters In the MacDon-ough building In Oakland are keeping In touch with their candidate who Is doing a whirlwind stunt in the south, having started yesterday, on a trip which Includes fifty-three speeches. His itinerary for today Included a speech at Monrovia at 9:15 this morning, at Glendora at 11, at Claremont at noon, Pomona at 1:30, Lordsburg 2:30, San Dlmas at 3:15 Covlna at 3:45, with a night meeting to follow.

Wednesday he will hold six meetings and Thursday ten. Keesling Is accompanied by a fife and drum corps and It Is related that has good sized meetings In all towns he Is visiting. Edward White, Democratic candidate for governor, who has been through Napa and Sonoma valleys, Is In Alameda county today looking after his Interests. Mr. White reports that wherever he litis been he has been assured of hearty support.

Senator John B. Curtln, Democratic canaldate for governor, reached Los Angeles yesterday on his trip through the southland and tonight will deliver an address at Long Beach. Curtin's supporters declare he Is making great gains In the section south of Tehachapi. If. D.

Loveland of the state board of railroad commissioners, and F. II. Blood-good of thestate board of control will hold a meeting at Tuba City today on behalf of Governor Johnson. They will wind up the week at Bedding, speaking at smaller towns during the next three days. King Klubs are being organized in San Francisco and elsewhere as an offset to the "Curtln Clubs" and "AH for Hall" clubs formed by two other Democratic aspirants for the gubernatorial nomination.

King left last night for a trip south of Tehachapi for the purpose of completing his organization In tha south. Ills secretary has been there lor several days mak Ing prellml nary- arrangements. W. C. Ralston, Republican candidate for governor, will address a.

rally in Ills behalf at the Rose room ln-4he Fran clsMotel tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. Senator John B. Curtln, Democratic aspirant for governor, will speak at River, side Thursday evening, where he expects to have one of the largest meetings of his southern campaign, imminent Democrats who favor his candidacy have made arrangements for the gathering and at Its conclusion a "Curtln Club" will be formed to aid his candidacy. District Attorney W. II.

L. Hynes was given a warm reception at the meeting celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of tha U. P. E. C.

at San Lorenzo Park, where many hundreds were in attendance. Hynes is receiving new endorse ments dully and his friends expect that he will be elected at the primaries. He is slated to speak at a number of organisations this week and will extend his campaign to the rural districts. C. F.

Horner, Incumbent and candidate for re-eluutton assessor, is scheduled to address the LounUry Workers of Oaa-land Friday and a large meeting at Pleasanton Saturday. Horner has been endorsed by a large number of organizations throughout the county as well as Individuals. Horner spoke before the Toan(rMen's-epubHnin Cltth-iit--BlTltst ley last Saturday night, his speech, being well received. Sheriff Barest la managing county Sri 2R Also rL" (Si. jail In such a manner as to save the county a large sum.

as Is demonstrated by his report for the year ending with July. With his personal supervision the county prisoners as well as the federal have been well fed and the figures show that during the year Barnet netted for Alameda county a profit of $3.726.18. over all expenses. The report follows: Money received from United States government for feeding federal prisoners, expenses', $2,183.74. Profit turned In- to county treasurer, $2 194.26.

Received by sheriff for feeding county prisoners, expenses, $4,296.33, bala nee returned to county treasurer, $1,632,921 Total returned to treasurer, $3,726.18. W. W. Cribblns, Republican candidate for the assembly In the thlrty-slxtjfts-trlct, was one of the speakers at the meeting of the Alameda County Women's Republican Club at the Hotel Oakland and distinct hit In his twelve I minute address on Republican reconstnic- tlon of government, beng frequently Interrupted with applause, i Edgar V. Keith, candidate for supervisor In the second district comprising Eden township and that part of Oakland east of Thirtieth avenue, Is making a vigorous campaign for election and reports great successes.

He states he Is more than gratified with the unsolicited support that is coming to him from quarters entirely unexpected. I Members of th Women's Democratic "Write-in" Club, the organization that proposes to nominate a straight Democratic ticket by w-ltlng in names on the primary ballots where no candidate except Progressives- and Republicans appear, has Instituted a novel campaign for raining funds. Each of the 200,000 Democrats of. the state will be asked to send a dime and a two cent postage stamp to aid this cause. If any surplus remains It will be turned over to the state central committee for campaign expenses.

A roll of honor of contributors will be kept. "Don't forget," sail A. L. Shlnn, candidate for lieutenant-governor on the Republican ticket, addressing the meeting of the Alameda County Women's Republican Club at the Hotel Oakland, "to vote for a straight Republican candidate for governor; a man who has been true to his party principles and has not gone off after false political gods." Whereupon Mrs. Helen K.

Williams, also Republican candidate for the same position, arose and said: "Don't forget that there Is a woman running for the same office on the Republican ticket. Stand Hf the women." Then everybody laughed and shook hands. Charles D. Swan, president of one of the largest banking Institutions In Stanislaus county, candidate for the straight Republican nomination for state treasurer, reports to' his campaign headquarters "that his tour of the -Kan Joaquin valley was a highly successful one. Henry C.

Petray, principal of the Grant School of Oakland has completed arrangements for a number of rallies to be held In various sections of Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda within the next two weeks, to further his candidacy for the office of County Superintendent of Schools. Petray who has been at the head of thp foremost schools of the county Llvermore, Hayward and Oakland for the last twenty years and who served six years as a member of the County Board of Educatton, has the" endorsement of many educators of note In the East Bay Cities. Appreciating Petray's ability, as an educator, he elected v'ca president of the California State Teachers' Association In 1901. When Philip M. Walsh, Republican candidate for representative from the Sixth Congressional District, to succeed Joseph ix.

nnowianu, visnea uie Linornia vol- ton Mills, In -East Oakland, the otHer riav, he was shown a large room by Willllam Rutherford, textile expert and superintendent of the factory, In which much valuable machinery was lying Idle. Ruthsrford explained to the congressional candidate that this room had been duh-hed by the employes "Democratic Room" for the reason that the Underwood tariff had put It out of business because the particular line of cotton goods turned out there under a protective tariff cannot he manufactured' now In competition with similar materials produced by the cheep- labor Eu rope. The-shuttlng down of this department threw a large numbers of workers out of employment and reduced the payroll of the factory by about $100,000 a year. Rutherford is a strong advocate of protection and 1 pledged his support to Walsh, who has promised the voters of the Sixth Con-1 gresslonal District that If elected he will labor for the repeal of the present "free1 trade" tariff measure and the restoration a protective tariff. Walsh spoke last night before the Union Civic Center of Hayward and today he addressed the employes of the West Oakland Sash and Door Factory.

Next Saturday he will address St. Andrews' Society at its picnic In Shell Mound Park. An active campaign for re-election Is being made by County Auditor E. P. Garrison.

He Is speaking at many meetings in all sections of Alameda county and his candidacy Is belrvg generally Indorsed be. cause of bis record as a county official, GAL THREE POLITICAL Frederick S. 8tratton, former collector of port, and now candidate for justice of the Appellate Court, First District, short term, Is receiving the endorsement of various prominent among which Is that of the Stratton Club of Santa, Clara, formed for the purpose of making an active campaign In his behalf. Th officers of the club are: A. L.

Shaw, president, William A. Madden, first vice president; George J. Murschel, second vice president: Robert Murray, seere 8amuel Mt Shortrldge. Republican candidate for United States senator, addressed a meeting In the Gardes Ths Wednesday that He wpuld have had to wait a wholev month longer for a new suit If CHRRRY'S hadn't so generously allowed him INSTALLMENT PAYV MENTS a few dollars each weelA "There's nothing quite so nifty now as Cherry's fall suits, and I'm going to. get one today." CHERRY'S store Is between Washington and Clay Sta.

at 528 13th. Tjfcr.i ladles' store Is Just across at BIB lath St. The San Francisco addresses ara 200 Voile Waists, former prices NOW ater In 8an Joss last night, the asms being a well attended gathering. Pn Jose Is Mr. Shortrldge's old home town and he is always assured of an audlenca whenever he appears there.

Mr. 8hoU rldge returned from a tour of tha morn tain counties yesterday. Congressman Joseph Knowland will be among the speakers at a big rally which willfibe held next Saturday after, noon at 2 o'clock at Pleasanton. The meettrfc is being arranged by Peter Oxen, one of the best known men of the eastern part of the county and among the speakers he has invited Is William R. Geary, Progressive candidate for con- gress, Superior Judges Harris, Brown and Donahue.

George E. Gross. County AudU tor G. W. Bacon, District Attorney w.

H. Hynes, Sheriff Frank Barnet, County Auditor E. FV: Garrison, County Treasurer M. J. Kelly and County Assessor Horner.

Thomas F. Griffin," Democratic candidate for the United States senate, who Is In the northern section, will addrew a meeting at Chlco tomorrow night and at Woodland Wednesday. It Is stated Griffin's headquarters hat whl's Jams D. Phelan has been securing considerable publicity during his tour of varl-sectlons of the stste that Griffin has bern securing the votes and his suoporttrs contend he wMI be nominated. Judge William M.

Conley, candidate In chief Justice rf the Supreme Coert, hns I arrived home in Madera after a montn tour of Southern California and the lower San Joaquin- valley. During bis stay In the south he visited San Diego, Santa Ana. San Bernardino, Redlands, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles. A great part of his time was devoted to a series of visits to the chief centers of population of Los 'Angeles county. Judge Conley reports aji enthusiastic reception throughout the south.

Ha will start north on Tuesday and visit Stockton, Sacramento and Vallejo before reaching San Francisco on August 7. The Thirteenth Avenue Political Club was formed at a meeting held last Saturday evening. The club Is composed of business men of the district and male- voters of East Oakland. The club is non partisan. More than sixty-five members were enrolled Saturday night.

The following 'officers" were elected: President, F. S. Lewin; vice president, F. Kreuzberger; secretary, J. Gallagher; treasurer, W.

35 Silk Waists, former prices JNOW 1 27 Wool Balmacaan Coats, $12.50 NOW 9 Silk Coats, former prices NOW sf Sl'lt VT A Tt ouk wooi ana evening presses, lormer pyp i prices to $40.00 NOW 12 Cloth Suits, former prices INUW friends to be present. There are no dues or expenses. The club Is formed for the purpose of woroklng In the Interest of Mrs. Williams and other Republican can. didates.

John 8. Chambers, candidate for controller on the Progressive ticket, Is on the way to Santa Crus and other towns in the Interests of his candidacy. He will also visit the towns of the San Joaquin valley. City Auditor and Assessor George E. Gross has completed arrangement for a thorough tour of Alamwla county In the Interest of his candidacy for the office of County Clerk.

Within the next day or tw0 he will visit every section rt th. 'Mtintv anri thur.wi ftji will hMrin of the 'county and thereafter will begin a whirlwind campaign to wind up his canvass for the primary election. Re ports from every section of the county Indicate that Gross la gathering strength and that he will be nominated by a splendid vote. Among the many Oakland business men who supporting Treasurer M. .1.

Kelly for re-election Is Cichler. (ThnrlM A. Smith, vice-president of the California Hankers Association. Kelly Is regarded by Smith as the most efficient treasurer Alameda County has ever had, and he thinks that It would oe unwise ror tha voters to ma'ie a change in the treasuryshlp when the public funds sre carefully safe- 1 guarded by Kelly end the treasury Is I in such excellent shape. BerVolev Republican Club of the Forty-first district met at 11020 Htllesas' svenue last evening, Fred Lewis presiding.

E. C. Turner acting as secretnry. Resolutions were adopted endorsing R. Knowlpnd for Senator and John A.

Hal-pin for member of the Assembly. The Eugene Btachler Social. Political and Improvement Club held a meeting at Its headquarters recently at which Judges Harris and Brown, W. H. L.

Hyrrcs, district attorney; Sheriff Frank Bamstt, Tax Collector James B. Barber, Assessor C. F. Horner, Auditor Frank Garrison, George Gross, candidate for county "lyfit; William R. Geary and Arthur Ellston.

Progressive candidates for Congress; Po'lce Judpes Smith and BamuK and Justine Tisdale and George FItxgerrld and other speak ers were present and made short speeches. The club passed the following rrroliitlons: Whereas, Georg Samuels and Morti mer Smith, Justices of the peace (police Judges) of the city of Oakland, have announced their candidacies for re-elec neartny indorse the candidacies' of Judges Mortimer Smith and George Samuels, and pledge themselves to work earnestly in an endeavor to re-elect them by a deserving majority, and be it further Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be furnUhed the public pres. wi'n a request that they give It every publicity possible. i Attorney J. A.

Elston of Berkeley, who Is making a strong bid for the Progressive nomination for Congress from the i in Hayward last night under the aumln ji. e-yuiv-- ueiore nn audience or tne union civic Center. Elston told of his Intimate friendship with such men as Msx Thelen, "Jack" Khlm oi mogToup tnat rocked the Elston Is endorsed hv mK his party as Judr-e Wl'llam Donahue C. E. Snook; John W.

Stetson 1 Young, Arthur H. Breed. George' Oeider. i Garments placed on sale are all newest of this season's models and are priced at a fraction of their worth for quick disposal. On Sale Wednesday Only No Exchanges None Sent C.

0. D. OUVllVlVyML Upstairs Take Elevator 1009 Market and 2400 Mission Sts. AHvertisen Annie Florence Brown, Dr. Oeorge C.

Pardee, Dr. Carl Wallister, Professor Thomas H. Reed, Green Majors, Leo Robinson and many others. Appraise OaKlanders'i Estates for $12,875 Through the appraisement of two aZe Alamed county estates, the State Jfas collected a total of 112.875' In inheritance taxes. One Is the estate of the late Ann M.

Snyder, mother of A. J. Snyder, a local capitalist. It was appraised at 1357,107. The other Is the estate of the late Eliza F.

King, appraised at 258. TOURIST. CAMPAIGN -TO ATTRAHTJASTERNERS Further steps to attract visitors and tourists to this part of the State, will be discussed at the next monthly meeting of the Central California Tourists' Association, which will be held Thursday afternoon in the rooms of the San FranclscA Commercial Club. The Oakland Commercial Club will be represented at the meeting by Leon Clark and Fran-els Smith. The Association has representatives In several of tbs big Eastern cities, whose duy Is to.

explain the attractions of Central California to Easterners. Reports from thes representatives will probably be received at.Thursday's meeting. ACCTSED BY 'NEIGHBORS. Peter J. Petersen, a laundry man, was arrested last night on a charge of disturbing the He wac released on ball and will be heard tomorrow In the police' court.

The complaint Is made by neighbors, who declared his actions disturbed them. The police are Investigating. CITROLAXI CITROLAXI CITROLAXI i It's a. laxative, of course name tells you that. And the nicest hot weather drink you ever tasted.

Flushes thorough ly, and pleasantly, too. F. C. Syracuse, says: -nave used laxa i'vea. for yearsutU)lCitrolajJ18 everything else.

beat a "You a will agree with him. Sneciafi fo: cnuaren anti delicate persons. a. "tornach very '-veeten quickly and headache- everywhere. THE LOCATION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Aspern; trustees, ri.

n. oreuuitar, non, and Copeland and J. Anderson. Whereas, during their Incumbency, A resolution was passed unanimously they have been faithful to duty and have endorsing Paul W. Wuthe, candidate for rendered spletdld ctrvlces to this city Justice of the peace of Brooklyn town- "I have honestly.

Impartially and In-shlp. Other candidates will be endorsed telllgefttly exercised the best of Judg-at he meeting next Thursday night. ment In all matters that have been be-i 0 i 'ore them, ar.d Whereas, it will be of the greatest The Alameda branch of the Woman's i benefit to our city If both be re-elected, California Republican Club held a largely therefore, be It attended meeting at the home of Mrs. Resolved, that the Eugene Ptachler So-Thomas Meln at Lake and Jackson Political and Improvement Cliib at the hub ol the business section, where ten street car lines converge gives it an unrivaled convenience for shoppers and business men. With an equip- merit that is up-tb-the-minute in every detail, and with a long and honorable record of good service, this bank offers its facilities to small and laree de streets yesterday afternoon.

Among those present were Hon. W. C. Ralston, candidate for'ijdverh'or on the Republican ticket, and Mrs. Ralston; Mrs.

Helen K. Williams, Republican candidate for lieutenant Mrs. Florence Rich-1 mond, president of the state clubs. Ralston addressed the meeting and related some, of his experience with Metn during the early days. Fred A.

Campbell, candidate for county assessor! related his connection with the suffrage movement and by request Mrs. Rich mond read the poem written by Mr Campbell during the effort to secure the ballot for women. Mrs. Williams will have the poem published In Nevada to help along the women there in their fiaht for suffrage. Refreshments wer positors alike, assuring them of fair and courteous treatment under all circumstances.

The First National Bank (Safe Deposit Department Open 8 to 6) serve! the nt a win h. h.M cltv nounced that these meetings. will be held every Monday afternoon at Mrs. Meinfs and requested the ladles to come again Md extend Invitations to their women adtsnltemtnC f..

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