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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 1

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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llBlilMS III fililll IISPIE HI IWflRSHfl Ll CONTEST LUKENS ESTATE SHOT STOPS ULHUU 'Insurgents' Seek Hospital Control Noble House Scion Faces Jail Again SI HOST HI P.P.I.E. Hey to Invasion of Ger many in Hands of Czar's Troops ONLY DEATH BREACH Starvation Aids Besiegers of Fortified Town on Frontier DISASTER AT1I Craft Is Held for Inquiry While Officials SeeK Truth Vice-President Presides at Great Function in California Bldg. KAN FRANCISCO, March 22. After spcndimr a year in the Alameda county jail Konnld True, whose mother was recently married to Lord Abercromdie or Scotland, is lacing deportation at the hands of the immigration authorities. The young man, who conies from a distinguished family in (ireat Britain, was arrested here for forging money orders.

He was senlcnel to 15 months In the Alameda county jail last March and by reason of credits for good conduct earned an early release. The Ixs Angeles authorities, have several cases of forged money orders with which to confront True and today he was before United States Commissioner Krnll. The question of the advisability of sending him to Los Angeles was discussed. It is probable, however, that he will be turned over to the Immigration officials and an effort made to deport him as an undesirable alien. BULLETIN: LONDON, March 22, 5:50 p.

m. The Central News states that the Italian government today stopped all railroad freight traffic with Germany by way of Switzerland. Bunk Houses Where One Represents Executive in Expressing Gratitude to Foreign Nations Incident Occurs Whilf Notes to Powers Are Being Written By Associated Proas. WASHINGTON, March It wsl Late Senator's Widow Passes Away in San Francisco Thousand Sleep Are Swept Into Sea TRim'NE BUREAU. Panama Pacific Exposition, March 22.

Vice President A hreach that haa been widening for a year In tho Sodete Francalse l)e IS. the organization controlling tho French In San Francisco, took open form yesterday when memlxra of the society In Oakland and Kan Francisco, wroth at the nclect of the present board of directors to appoint the physician elected by popular vote of the members, died nominations for a new board of directors to be voted iMn April 4. The society, composed of French residents of both sides of the bay, had elected Or. John K. PI Inez, who held the position for years.

He was rejected by the board. The hisurifient ticket, as furthered in Oakland in communications reaching the Oakland members today, is headed by Raphael Weill of San and the Oh kin ml candidates are Pierre Chauqiict ami Jules Godean. The full list of Insurgent candidates includes Joseph Agua, A. Ilarbon, Francois Haylacq, Casslmir Cer-vieres, Jean Coudrti, Jean Dehor- dlen, Michel Ilelem Lecan, Paul Manclet, J. B.

Miramon, A. Pot-tet, J. B. Sartolou and J. B.

Vlg-nnn, i The jUrmnit of nef Wel11 'action. In" explaining the stand of the flrteen candidates offered In as follows: "As the directors of the French Hospital have disregarded the wishes of the members. In the past: "Inasmuch as they rejected the physician who was eleited by the greatest majority of votes: "A number of memliers have rallied around Mr. Raphael Weill In order to elect these 15 candidates who will uphold justice In the society." stated definitely at the White Hous Elder Woman's Counsel Act to Prevent Sale of Securities Doctors and Nurses Are Rushed by Ship to Scene today that a note to Great Britain making representatives on some feat-urea of the order In council. Is framed and will be dispatched to London In II I HI PA1 1 i a frw days.

The basis of the representations was not disclosed. With the death of Mrs. Emma Mullan Associated Press. Thomas Marshall, acting for the President of the 'United states, played host today at a brilliant social function in the California building as an expression of President Woodrow Wilson's gratitude to the foreign nations of the world for their participation Iti the Panama Pacific Exposition. A reception in the California building to the foreign? commissioners, consuls, army and navy 1 officers, distinguished guests of the Exposition and state, city and Exposition officials, took place at noon and was followed by a formal luncheon nt which Vice President Marshall anU Mrs.

111 II I I I II L. mm Lukens, widow of the late Senator I George RusBell In San Francisco, last week, hMjecame known today that her anticipated inheritance from the vast estate of her father-in-law, the late E. G. Lukens, who died at his home in PETROGRAD, via London, March 22, 2:40 p. m-It was announced officially this morning that the Galician fortress of Przemsyl surrendered to the Russians today.

A te deum of thanksgiving was celebrated at the Russian army headquarters when the news was announced, the ceremony being participated in by Emperor Nicholas, Grand Duke Nicho'as and tW members of the general staff. The siege of Przemysl has been under way since the days. ftt. the war. It has been a bitter and relentless siege, which has never been relaxed for a day since the Russians invested the city.

Several attempts of the Austrians to raise the siege have failed. In the fall of Przemysl, which has been described as the key to the Aus Representations to Germany for reparationfor the loss of th American sailing; ship William and her sunk in the South Atlantic by the German auxiliary cruiser Prinx Eltel Frledrlch. also are being; VANOtHTY'Ell, March 22. The Brlttanla mine controls the telephone line and will permit no new to go out from the mine. Estimates of the dead ranpe from 20 to'BO.

Jackson street last December', has been UUUI1U IlLflll Ami ni pti iYi i prepared and will be dispatched to Berlin in two or three days. a matter of controversy between her and Mrs. Emma Gillinham Lukens, his widow and executrix. Br Associated Press. 'Sfar'sftafT The representations to Great Brit VANCOUVER, B.

C. March 22. A snowsllde at the Brlttanla mine, The Vice President, with Mrs. Marshall arid his party left the Fairmont Hotel at 11 o'clock and proceeded by automobile ain are expected to dwell chiefly on. Great Britain's notice that she re- uUlfLtllUN una, a.

i at midnight struck serves the right to hold up all goods several bunk houses. The steamer 'suspected of having an enemv origin The large estate, "4 portion of which I consists of 236 shares of stock In a powder company, has, through the European war, increased ith leaps and bounds. The powder stock has gone up rapidly with the result that the late Mrs. Lukens' Interest in a prospective share of her husband would, at the pres on a tour of the city and finally to the Exposition grounds. There President Charles C.

Moore and other officials of the Exposition, with a military escort or destination even though they are Balena left Vancouver this morning consigned to neutral ports. with four doctors and several nurses composed of a squadron of the First Cav W. v. Keith, Oakland harbor manager, today announced that the first unit of the municipal dock system on the estuary alry, was In waiting. There -was a short.

fSARUISON INVKSTIGATKS. By Assoolated Frass. WASHINGTON. March 2J. Th More than tOOO men are employed at (he mine and it is feared several hundred were in the bunk houses hit by Informal parade to the California quay wall at the foot of Clay street.

would be ready forlmsiness June 1. The iHamburg-Amerlcan liner Odenwald. The Vice President and wtfe Secretary Franklin K. Lane and with arMflng nrffont of the wall will be Mrs. I completed within ten days, and all ob Mopped from leaving Hah Juan.

Porto ent time, be worth on additional $185,000 if the stock were sold at Its present quotations. Through her attorney, Plllsbury, Madison Sutro, Mrs. E. O. Lukens on March IS petitioned for an order of sale of.

the stock or any portion of it which she See fit III disnOSP nf Thu nrir BABY FIGHTS Klco, yesterday by shots across her bow, Is being held under the recent ine avaiancne. Beside the bunk houses part of the aerial tramway from the mine to the beach -was carried awuy. The mine level is 4500 feet above the shore and the route ve, steep and difficult. structions will havebeen removed, making it possible for large oceani1 vessels to dock at the wharf. trian empire, the only import fortified town In Galicia which is still in the hands of the Austrians is Cracow, In the northwestern part of the province close to the German border.

In the early days of the war it was part of the plan of the Russian offensive campaign to invade Ger-rnany through XSallcla. The Russians penetrated Galicia, but the success of the Austrians in holding Przemysl and Cracow blocked attempts to invade Germany across the Slleslan border. The Austrian garrison of Przemysl Congress resolution empowering the, Uane, former Vice President Charles V. Fairbanks and Mrs. Fairbanks, Third Assistant Secretary of iftate Phjlllps and Mrs.

Phillips. Franklin I. Roosevelt, assistant secretary of the navy and Mrs. Hoosevelt, Judge William Bailey Lamar and Mrs. Lamar, United States Senator James D.

Phelan, Mayor James Rolph President Charles C. Moore and others President to prevent supplies goinK from American ports to ships of th Kuropean belligerents at sea. Secretary Garrison Is makinsr a. 'The city's property back of the wharf Was granted by Superior Judge Harris has been graded and is now ready for to date there has been no return of pavement. Specifications have been pre- sale.

pared and bids have been asked for the WHAT ATTORNEY SAYS. WAY ALONE thorough investigation of the Oden-wald's use in connection with treasury department officials and tha rauroaa trackage on the wharf and plans are now being rushed for the steamer sheds. A complete water and fine sys- Attorney John 1. Gara. representing the interests of the late Senator T.ukens, and of his widow who died last Saturday has White House.

Under the resolution the President tem has been installed. -'been making an effort to force the sale "Not alone at the quay wall is there were present: a INVITED GUESTS. Those invited to the reception and luncheon were: Vice President Thomas Marshall, was authorized to direct collectors of 1 customs under the Jurisdiction of thai Obreg'on Closing on Villa for Vital Fight Associated Press. LOS ANGEiES, March Alvnro Obregon, whose whereabouts have been a matter of speculation since the evacuation of Mexico "'ity, is closing in on the rear of Villa's forces on the Tampleo-Mon-terey line, according to a dispatch from Vera Cruz. Tho 1 Ispiitch, signed "Zubarnn," describes Obregon's movements as part of a great strategic plan by which Cnrranza hopes to surround t'nlted States to withhold clearances Xational Commissioner William Phillips, from any vessel, American or foreign, which he has reasonable cause to be lieve to he about to carry fuel.

arms. evidence that tilings are being done," Keith said today. "All of the city waterfront from the VA'ehster street bridge to the foot of Myrtle street has been thor- I ouKhly overhauled and placed inicondl-tion to care for water-borne traffic. The Franklin street wharf, which has for several years been in a dilapidated condition, has been entirely rebuilt. A new timber construction wharf has been built at this time, holding that the interests of Mrs.

Lukens would he increased there? According to Attorney Gain, Mrs. Lult. ens, the mother-in-law, and, at present In" control of the estate, has refused to take advantage of the offers that' have been made for the stock with the result that his client's prospective, inheritance may be jeqpaxdized. i- By the terms of The v.U of" the?" ammunition, men or supplies to any By Ansnciatflf! Presi. warsnip or tender, or supply ship of defended the city with determination and during the earlier months inflicted considerable losses on the Russians by frequent sorties.

The only means of communication with the outside world was by wireless telegraphy and aeroplanes. All supplies of food were taken over by the army officials, who issued rations to soldiers and civilians alike. The last direct word from Przemysl, before the announcement of its surrender, was that the Russian attacks were Infrequent and that the defenders had little to do Przemysl was well stocked with ammunition apd provisions when the siege beginlh ut Jhere haye been Indications recently that hunger was an effective ally of the Russians. Tt was National Commissioner Franklin D. Roosevelt, Secretary National Commission Frank N.

Bauskett, Senator Phelan, Hon. Franklin K. Lane. Admiral T. P.

Howard, Admiral C. S. Pond, Major General Arthur Murray, Former Vice-President Fairbanks, President C. E. Moore," and Governor Hiram W.

John- ueiiiwereiii nation, in violation of at the foot of Clay street, from the quay i Villa and crush him. wall out to the government pier head 1 (Continued on Page 3, Col. tin Obregon, with 25,000 men, Is at Sun Salvador, north of Sun Luis Po- con. The following were aids to Vice-Presi TV VI dent Marshall. Secretary 'of the Navy tosl, the message said: "GeneraT line, which will afford additional berth-ing space of about 350 lioth of the last two named wharves have been built out" of salvaged -materials, greatly re- duclng the construction cost.

"Negotiations with transportation com Roesevel tr A ssist ant- Secret any of tat Wilsoln Continues to "Watchfully Wait" VICTORVIT.I.K, Cal.t Mnrrh Piloting himself through the unmarked mountain ravines, sand drifts and washes of The Mojave Desert, Krankie Scott, aped and a half years, who was lost Saturday afternoon, reaejied home early today, alone ami Threading his satVly through ton mnes of a country infested with mountain itons. eatamounts and ciyotes, the child mised scores of men out searching for him, and reaehins the housft. of his mother, widow of a rancher and finding it deserted, he tin-. dressed and went to bed. The mother returnitiK home before dawn exhausted frtnn' a -search tastin more than hours anl (-(ivcrint; miles of country Phillips, Admiral Pond, Admiral How I the obligations of the United States, las a neutral nation.

MOItK STItl.YGENT CXAl'SE. It further provides "that In casa any such vessel shall depart! or at- -trtptriprrrr-from-thtr JtrrtHdtctlott- nf the United States without clear- -ance-for ny- further purpose tha owner or master or person or persona huvlng charge or command of such vessel shall severally be liable to a tine of not less than $2500 or mora than 110,000, or to liiifrrlsonment not to exceed two years and In addition such vessel shall bo forfeited to the I'nlled States." Officials would not disclose what grounds they had for believing that the odenwald came under the Pablo Gonzales has worked In between Villa aiid the forces ot his lieutenant, Felipe Angeles. Obregon and Gonzales expert to Join launch the proposed crushing attack upon Villa's army. reported that aeroplanes were making dally flights to Przemysl with cargoes provisions. panies have been progressing; very satis- By Associated Press factorily, and.

there Is. every indication! WASHINGTON. March 22 -Rerent (Continued on Page 2, Col. 5) Lassen PeaK Active Boils for Four Days Mpxico have not. that the modern facilities will be liberally events in changed utilized on completion.

President Wilson's determination pot to RUSSIANS AGAIN recognize any government there hich- Is not the remrltv of orderly 'Vieotloiisr Va- rlous reports of efforts to induce the i t'nlted States to recognize General Villa' 'NEAR CZERNOWITZ Three Hundred Drown During' Furious Storm State May Create New Motor Vehicle Dept. found the child peacefully asleep in his cradle bed. were met at the White House today with the statement that the "President's policy 'Very tird. Up murmured when i By AtsoHtted Prna, Ml Vi nt. h-r uriiiH urn then went REDDING, March 22 Lassen Peak he-came active at daybreak, for the fourtjh successive day in its eighty-fourth eruption.

The main crater emitted a small volume of smoke for two hours, which as-. Bended toT a great height. A newly active vent a thousand yards By Associated Press. lf he. By Associated Press., March 22,, 15:22 p. m. Rus-xlarf successes at the extremities of a lwB.s,..ur.lchflnged.-a-nd,..tliaUhehad -no-In back to sleep. farw. tention of departing from It." RAW Ma reh 2evsTea -tion of a 'new state department to embrace all business relating to motor (Wtysmlltr-frrmt iys reported 'today" from Petrograd and these eeem to mark the down the western slope of tfie peak gave This report was received today (Continued on Page Col.

6) American Guns Halt Steamer Santa Clara rjnly operations more Important than local engagements In either arena of the Parents at Church Three Children Burn forth a cloud of steam that reached to vehicles was under consideration today for early introduction In the legislature. It "was advised by Governor The child as out with his mhee Sat-I wining vessels with t.rdav on a wood, hunting expedition. dock laborers on hoard have eight miles from home. Me was plavltig ''t (n a furlotis storm, it is es- among some mountain imulders. w)r, that 300 persons on hoard, the last seen.

Within 20 minutes Mrs. S-ott vessels were drowned, missed him. Then bean a. frantic search. "'J' humlred vessels of various 11a-The country i much broken and tlm tlonalltM's hav from th hunt was vain and Mrs.

Scott sum-j In the hay of Algeclras. the top of the peak, when the main crater subsided. The new vent's activity if etill Johnson. Since the withdrawal of The nennort of Manel on the Rnltlo in f.ift Prussia' Is definitely In the hands progresi file motor vehicle department from the secretary of staJe's office, two years apo. its affairs have been divid rtf the Russians, but the place is nf little strategic importance a.

it is surrounded by swamp which, in view of the break Wilson and SprecReis to Discuss W. P. Sale By Prs, t'tah. March 22. -Thne young children of Mr.

and Mrt. CbriMiun ItUJ-ipK were burned" to death in bed last night jwhen th1 parent a were at. church on Provo Hnch near here. Two older children of the family eHraped. The children were put to bed and a lamp left burning In IhVT riooni'r, It JS mi i) posed the la mp ed between the offices of the state enElneex.and'S!latelta3Urer.

H. A. French will head the new up of winter, make Impossible any furth By Aswuatad NEW YORK. March 22. Tha American "steamer Santa ra, outward bound for Havana, was stopped today by a shot ilred across her bow in the lower harbor by the dispatch boat Dplphlne, siatloned there to watch outgoing "steamers and pre- monCfi iiesert resuienr sne conni titi'l.

Many men went from her' to join the search ami a lilooilhomid was brought today by Sheriff Mrl.ain of San Bernardino, AIL Saturday night and all dHy yesterday the search wus kept up hy nearly LnO advance from thlsr direction. The Memel movement does, however, take the in vader Into a part of Ka-t Prussia Kith Dealings With Japan Kept Secret by Wilson By 'Associated Press. WASHINGTON. March 22. President Wilson refused today to give any information regarding negotiations between the T'nlted States and Japan over the demands made by Japan on China for commercial and other concessions.

Heports of a split in the Cabinet over the policy of slleWe adopted by the ad- Death TaKes Last of Br Associated Press. WASHINGTON. II. Rudolph Hnreckel4 of Sn -Francisco, onit of erto free frorrt Invasion and it may for exploded lirett. Mrs.

leading one party ner- serve neutrality at thl Quadruple BabeS'Russia port. A mistake In the interpretation of in self. And all the while the child, seem- In having the State of t'sllfOr-inuly guided by a kindlv fate, wan mak-inin tHiH Western raclfirfRHll-Ing hi' own way home by pnths that load has nn rnME'itirat for a cont'irlu niilv Ins. baby feet knew. not one frexi.lent Wilson trmtght.

Nothlnat signals and the failure! of Ihe Santa Peace Treaty List Br Associated Press. 'I 'IN' I. Marctj 21 The death of Terry Robert rtovcroft Clara to stop brought the Polphine's Hinl kk ihelM iiri -hers saw evii a footprint ieKHrdins! the nl.Je.-t of his visit, was 'auns to hear upon She was this reason have Home political effect A.t the other end of the line the Russians are advancing in Bukowlna 'in the direction of Czernowiti. They are now due erist of the city on, the line of the river and they' rieed only to cross the river BEain to he Irt pn.seslon of the capital of Hukowlna. Storms again have Intervened to give the nardanelle forts a.

rest, according to information given out in London. i-wai tj trud. .1 Ills li' the Japanese-Chinese 1 the two boys of the McKniht nt the WJiitf House. promptly' reJeaseik and ir'-eipded. Br Press.

WASHINGTON, ministration on situation were House. denied at the White Manh '22 Itatlfh-n- nnadruplets i has been followed hy the 1 tacKs Auto into Train; Hilled in Collision death of Betty and I-etty, the girls. I.etty tlon the peace commission treaty te-dted last night at 10 o'clock ind Hetty i tween the United Stales and Russia were at this morning. (Jeneral exchanged today by Secretary Bryan and of vitality was the cause of death of the the Rusfllan ambassador. Fifteen auch four babies, who were bom March 10.

treaties nowl are in force. Socialist Qpposers of ERNEST J. COTTON DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS 4. 25 German Budget Flayed NT A ANA. March Mrs.

W. I SCARED TO DEA TH BY GERMAN BOMB FredericK S. 5tratton By Aaao1ats4 Prsas. 1 High Freight Rates Suspended by U. S.

Kt lth, 23 years A'd was jiU-Stanjly killed Kl Toro, south of here', tod.iy. when she bacitedan hwl of garage alongHide the Santa t'r ra 1,1 road racks and ili- Krnest .1. Cotton, senior member of the former and well known firm of Goes to Hospital Frederick S. Stratum. the well known attorney, who has been ill for several days, has retired to the Liver- via London.

March The Socialist party in the German Reichstag- has given out a declaration, according to a dispatch reaching here from Berlin, severely denouncing the "breach of discipline'' committed hy Karl Liebknecht and T'clly In front of ro-1 M)rt h-bound -1 rain apj. reaching c. Hon Hros ofMlakland. died Mr Hoekwtth vrsterda.v afternoon, following a amount of work. His ony survKing relatives are his widow, his sister, Mrs K.

P. Blake of Seat'le. and hta brother. Charles K. Cotton.

The will be held at 10 a. in TWesdsy fnim S4i Thirteenth Bt Prls. fARIS. March 22. While nn nne ws killed decth' hy the Zeppellln homos hkh was' dropped in Paris and Its en WASHINGTON-, March posted Incrcaws in tyke and rai brief illness.

Mr. Cotton bad been a tim-var-old daughter Kls'e and sisici -In-law. Fred iieckwlth freight rates, both east and westt more hospital. consultation wrth f. resident of Oakland since bovhood virons early yesterday they resultedT in RTr-'hfton- Maro re TnroiijKnoin leireet.

K'ntmfi'i. Hart, KuehletbAkMUallatdgpulioaJtUa- in voting against the, adoption of the 'attorney decided that he would take Interstate Commerce Commission for (Continued on Page 2, Cols. 2-3) onto the pilot of the engine, receiving serious lnjuriea. state and In the Hawaiian islands, rector of Uie Trli.lty Kiilscopal where1 the Rrra hd dyne a good church, will conduct the aervicea. budget In the Reichstag March 20.

I the rest cure. 1 Investigation of their reusonablcinesa. I- I 1 --4.

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