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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 13

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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FRAZIER AXD MRS. I W. L. BROOKE (LOWER) WHO WAS ALSO Hl'RT. Showers Are Reported From Idaho and Oregon Mrs.

M. E. Frazier Dies as Result of Auto Crash Quartet in Men's Clothing Ride Atop Fast Mail and Land in Jail. Attorney-General Gives Opinion That State Alone Can Serve Scholars. Mrs.

Mary E. Frailer, wife of the local automobile dealer, Injured ln an auto accident ln Palo Alto, died 8:45 o'clock this morning at the Peninsula hospital at Palo Alto, following yesterday' disaster. Mrs W. L. Brooke, also of Oakland, who wag painfully Injured, Is out of dan Refuses to Express Opinion on Theoretical Defenses Suggested by Lawyers.

TODAY'S TEMPERATURES. 3 p. m. 4 a. m.

Oakland 70 ri San Fra'nrlsro 69 54 Red Bluff 100 74 Eureka 60 Sacramento 88 64 Tamalpals 79 72 San Jose 76 60 San Luis Obispo. 86 58 Fresno 104 74 Los AnerclPS 90 66 Riverside 102 64 San Bernardino 100 64 San Diego 80 66 ger, as Is Miss Geraldine Welch, also Supt. Barker Says Free Series Is by No Means In the automobile when It plunged over a bank, hurling Its passengers to the bottom of a creek bed. Complete. The clfv of Oakland cannot buy J.

B. Frailer, who was driving the 1 ppiiiiiii t-ej iV Vs. machine, was unhurt. Mrs. Frazier free text books for Its students.

In sustained a fractured skull and the i right side of her face was crushed. Although it was slightly cooler last night and yesterday the interior valleys did not receive the expected re- other words, none but state-printed school books can be distributed free, The Frazlera live at 3329 Boulevard avenue. At the time of the accidenl they were taking Miss Geraldine Welch, a niece, to Stanford University for a visit. Mrs. W.

L. Brooke of ner, nut me nitea Mates weather and children wishing to enroll In forecaster promises a better situation courses needing others must make today. Around the bay region tho arrangements to furnish their texts. Long Fight Likely Over-Constitutionality of Canada's Immigration Act. SHERBROOKH.

Aug. 26 The possibility of a long drawn out fight In the courts over the constitutionality of Canada's drastic Immigration act, under Which It is proposed to deport Harry K. Thaw, was the favorite theme today of both factions gathered at Sherbrooke. Going over the situation Informally. William T.

Jerome and District Attorney Conger of Duchess county, eat by a roaring wood Are in the Magog House, the storm center, since Thaw's arrival, of nearly all conferences about him. I'l can't express an opinion on One Here Destitute, Tells of the Adventure Hunt: Has Quite Enough Now. "Beating their way" on the top of fast mill train, attired In men's clothing, Quarreling, being srrested at Reno, held for unpaid bills, and finally being released to leave the Nevada city by sp--srate roads, were the adventures of a quartet of Denver girls, one of whom. Miss Janice Forthcamp. Is now in, Oakland.

She arrived here destitute, and is now being csred for by a charitable organization pending Instructions from he parents. The other three "girl hoboes" were -Miss Martha Coghlan. Miss Allc Schertxer, snd Miss Ellen Biske. "We went out to hunt adventure," declares Miss Forthcamp. "but we got far too much of it.

It was all right until got to Reno. We rode on top of ears and we picked up things to eat here snd there. In Reno we ran up a bill, and didn't hav any money. Thst got us Into trouble, snd then we quarreled. You see, each girl blsrr.ed the other.

"They didn't want to keep up In Jail. so they let us go. it we were angry with weather has been pleasant and nothing better Is desired. A trace of rain fell early this morning. A continuation of fog Is expected tonight and This was definitely decided last night at the meeting of the Board of Education when the report of Attorney General U.

S. Webb was outlined bv Tnirty-fourtn avenue, accompanied them. They left Oakland early yesterday for Palo Alto in a touring car. Circling the lower end of the bay they were traveling toward May-field when the mishap took place. Their ma early tomorrow morning.

Showers Superintendent of Schools A. C. Bar-are reported from Idaho and Eastern ker. Barker had been ln consultation Oregon and rain and thunderstorms with Deputy District Attorney Waiter from Nevada and Arizona. Conditions In the East and Middle West have not changed and there is no oppressive heat reported, although it Is pretty warm In the Missouri valley.

chine struck a pile of earth, according to the story told by Frazier. and dropped Into the dry bed of the creek, ten feet below. The occupants of the machine were hurled against the concrete foundations of the new bridge being constructed where the road crosses. HURRIED TO HOSPITAL. Miss Ernily Clack, daughter of a Mayfield florist, whose home is nearby, was the first to discover the accident.

She hastily called for aid and Dr. Carl G. Wilson arrived and took the victims to the hospital. It was necss- J. Burpee, who had taken up the matter with Webb.

A month ago Burpee warned the board that its practice, Just started, of buying text books for distribution among the school children, might not be legal. The board appealed from this edict, and Webb's opinion was sought. "It leaves us In a very peculiar position," declared Barker. "We cannot force parents to buy these school books. We cannot buy them ourselves.

The books are needed. The STORM SWEEPS TONOPAH. Xfv Aug. 2 6. Storms played havoc with Manhattan, Goldrleld and Tonopah Sunday.

Manhattan merchants and hotel- each other and so decided to separate. I every theoretical defense suggested by Thaw's lawyers," said Jerome. "We hope to get him back to Mattea-wan. where he belongs, but it does look as though we were in for a siege." THAW XOT INTERESTED Thaw continijea to Fhow little Interest in anything except his publicity plans. "He is mailing and telegraphing statements to papers in Vermont, where, notwithstanding all the theories of court delay here, he apparently expects to be deported.

"Gentlemm" Roger Thompson has not receded frcm his determination not to "squeal" and tell about his driving Thaw from Matteawan in the black car. His threat last week to tell all resulted in the immediate employment of counsel for him by the State series text books by no means sary to take 35 stitches In Mrs Fia keepers lost several thousand dollars from flooded premises caused by cloudburst waters that raged down Main street for an hour a half, carrying small structures off their foundations. Tonopah was shaken as by an earthquake through lightning striking a small powder magazine that came out here. Miss Forthcamp Is young and pretty, and when attired In women's clothing she presents very different appearance from the "girl hobo" apprehended in Nevada. She soys she Is sorry now snd tired of adventure She wants to go home.

She declares that she came to Oakland because she thought friends here would form a complete course. The only zler's cheek and 14 stitches in the solution, then, is to announce that i lower lip of Mrs. Brooke. Miss Welch parents may, when they desire, buy was not badly hurt. their children these additional books.

Frazier declares that there were no Otherwise it would not be advisable warning signs of construction being done at the new bridge and that this aid her, but cannot locate them. Her parents are declared to be well known In LAKESIDE BURGLAR exploded with a shock that caused five-story buildings to tremble. Mount Brougher was struck and a huge fissure was torn in the side where electric fluid fused the rock for a radius of a hundred vards. GOLDFTELD BADLY FLOODED. Goldfield was flooded during the Denver, where she has spent most of her life.

for the children to take courses needing these texts." With only the State series books free the parents of the city are saved a huge sum yearly, according to Barker's figures. TO CLOSE SCHOOLS The board last night decided to was the cause of the accident. He blames the construction- company doing the work. This statement Is corroborated by the Clack family and by Dr. Wilson.

Frazier, who Is the owner of the Ill-fated machine, has lived in Oakland for ten vears and operates a garage SEEN FOUR TIMES inaw ramlly, and in other ways Roger was made so comfortable for the time being that he prefers to say nothing. TU '1 a close the city schools on Labor Day. afternoon, and at night the whole SUED FOR DIVORCE I rn thk "Fonthtil hnnlfivnrd. Mrs. Fra.

desert was dark through lightning A delegation of union labor men were striking the power line in the White present to urge this action. Before mountains of Inyo county, California, they spoke Director Harry Boyle eleventh timft in fourteen 1 Attempts to Rob Residences; Is Successful in One zier was 38 years of age. The couple had no children. Mrs. Brooke is the wife of an Oakland contractor.

She was brought home yesterday by automobile after being treated at the hospital. Ai NOW SaQQ hours. Repair crews were hastened carried, to the scene and todav their ODera- i "Now do you want to speak? asked President Kelly. "No," was the answer; say 'Thank MUST ABSTAIN FROM LIQUOR 14 YEARS "except to tions were complicated by a furious hailstorm. The distributing station at Palmetto that acts as a switching point be The new schedule of free schools lectures for the coming years was The "Lakeside burglar" who has been operating in Oakland since July 10, snd Husband Promises to Pay for iimw many vera, icai- ful lest he hurt his case with the erratic conduct of his self-planned press campaign, shut him off from all Interviewers today.

They obtained from the sheriff an order to the governor of Sherbrooke jail that no one should see Thaw except In the presence of some one of his counsel. The order serves two purposes. First, It prevents Thaw from giving out more rambling interviews, except surreptitiously by messengers. Second, it would circumvent any secret attempt to obtain from him a statement in whirh he might inadvertent-Uy reveal something about the plot resulting in his release from Matteawan. LAWYERS SWAP PREDICTION'S.

A cold rain kept the army of law who is believed to have been responsible Funeral Scrrice for John 'Bull' Young for twenty. eight burglaries In the Lake Divorce So He Can Wed Another. Merritt residence and apartment house tween the Sierras and. Nevada caught fire and Was damaged greatly, as the nearest water was fifteen miles. This has been the worst season In the history of the Nevada-California Power Company, which maintains its power plants on Bishop creek, district, attempted four burglaries last last night submitted by Roswell S.

Wheeler, principal of the Piedmont school, who is in charge of this work. The list for September will Include a number of notable speakers and take up many subjects. These lectures proved a big success last year. Nine lectures will be given this month, the first of these to be at the Washing Maximum Probation Is Imposed Upon A. Wr Henning's LOS ANGELES.

Aug. 26. Funeral Mrs. Eleanor Simmons of 3770 Plea- services over the body of the late John Young, who was fatally in night, and was twice Interrupted, making his escape on both occasions. The burglar attempted'to force an entrance by breaking a window in the Barrows Apartments, where he was discov.

ered by Mrs. Adolph Mitchell. Mrs. Mitchell was retiring when the man at jured in his fight with Jess Willaxd ln mont svenue, caused her final decree or divorce from Edward C. flmmoni to be entered in the big books xesterdy and then asked her former husband for $500, the Vernon Arena lost Friday night, were CAMP ALMOST EFFACED.

AURORA. New. Aug. 26. The old mining camp of Aurora, made historic ton school September 2, when J.

A. Blackledge will lecture on the Madero tempted to enter her window. She shrieked with fright, and the man es caped in the darkne. whloh ths says he promised her if she would divorce him so that he could marry Mrs. Christina Thorns.

1069 East Fourteenth street, former wife of his former partner, Edward T. Thorne of Tulare. Now Mrs. Simmons says that she Prior to this he had attempted to gain conducted today. Among the pallbearers were Harry Gil-more, who was Young's manager; Walter Monohan and Jack Davies, trainers, who are held on a manslaughter charge ln connection with Young's death.

Many friends of the dead pugilist paid tribute to his memory before the body was placed aboard a train for Glen Rock, Wyoming, his home. entrance by the rear door to the home of regime and rebellion in Mexico. Philip Hastey, a teacher who had obtained a leave of absence to attend the summer school at the State University, and taught there, drawing a salary for so doing, came before the board. As he had worked overtime for the Oakland department the extra salary paid him was allowed. Bids were filed for the addition to the Frultvale school No.

3 Of many bids Daniel O'Brien. 905 Alice street, but by the pen-of Mark Twain, was almost wiped off the map recently by the worst cloudburst that ever visited this section of the state. Business houses were washed away, streets were flooded and damage estimated at several thousand dollars was done. For three hours the water rushed through the streets ln torrents. A wall of water a foot high swept everything before it.

The flood came from the mountains back of the town, where the cloudburst occurred. Traffic neard by Brien, and made his escape Is going to bring suit for the money. Fourteen, years without a drink is the penalty that A. W. Henntngs will have to pay for a riotous career which he suddenly commenced in Oakland one day when he freely Imbibed in liquor.

He passed a fictitious check for $38.50, went to Los Angeles snd woke up in Seattle. In the northern city, with a vague recollection that he had done something wrong, he appealed to the Plnk-erton detective agency and asked them to look back over his trail. Several days later he was arrested and brought to Oakland. When taken Into the Superior Court the defendant pleaded guilty and when he found he had been discovered. 'When the matter of a dlvorcs came Jewelry snd coin were taken bv the up betwsen us my husband told me that Mrs.

Thorne would pay the $300 for his Lakeside burglar from the home of Mrs. yers, newspaper men ana otners brought here by the Thaw case within doors today, where foe and friend swapped theories and predictions and mutually agreed that even now, ten days after Thaw's break for liberty, legal moves for and against his return were in a state of chaos Although Thaw's counsel insist they will produce him in the Superior Court tomorrow morning on the writ of habeas corpus and argue that his detention In Sherbrooke on the present committment is illegal, it would not surprise those who have followed the ramifications of the case if they should abandon the writ and leave Thaw in his cell without further move until the opposition discloses its hand. Two captains of the Salvation Army arrived here today from Montreal. They say they had been sent here to offer Thaw "bpirltual consolation." freedom. Then I sued on ths grounds of cruelty snd I want my money." Several years ago Thorne and Simmons In this vicinity will be delayed for several days until the thoroughfares were engaged In the real estate business are repaired.

Consider Pastor's Alleged Confession LOS ANGELES, Aug 2S. A commission consisting of six clergymen and five elders will, meet Thursday to consider an alleged confession of Rev. O. H. L.

Mason, pastor of the First- Presbyterian church of Long Beach to charges asked for probation. The matter was when Simmons snd Mrs. Thorns became attached to each other. The business broke up and to did the two families. The Thornet have five children and the Simmons have two.

referred to Assistant Probation Officer L. D. Compton, on investigation, found many mitigating cir CALIFORNIA MAIL STOPPED. RENO, New, Aug. 26.

A at Tonka, 15 miles west of Elko, cumstances and he recommended Mrs. Mary D. Crowson. who sued E. A.

stripped the Southern Pacific tracks of support yesterday. The California J. Randell, 1538 Harrison street. Entrance was gained through a dressing-room window. Mrs.

Mary Miller. 15S4 Alice street, was awakened by the sound of footsteps In the hallway Just outside her door shortly after She sought assistance, and on leaving her room saw the man disappearing through the rear door. He succeeded in making good his escape. The police have had a special detail of plain clothes men in the district for the past three weeks, but they have not succeeded In capturing the burglar, who has worked with Undiminished daring, enter-" lug apartment after apartment and residence after residence. It Is estimated that he has taken over (lMO in looting Oakland homes.

Mrs. M. Helmke. 1770 Broadway, reported the theft of a gold watch from her home. The watch wss valued at (25.

that the defendant be released. Superior Judge J. D. Murphey Imposed Crowson. msnsger of ths Western Electric Company for a divorce, has filed an mail, west bound, after driving of misconduct made by certain women the maximum term of probation.

through water, was stopped on the affidavit In which the announces that she Testimony given by Mrs. Hennings members of his flock. Dr. Mason's alleged confession was will enter a crots-complalnt to his action which was filed lsst wsek. showed that her husband was not a habitual drinking man, but that he made public today, although complaints skeleton" track, suspended in the air.

Trains were detoured at Deeth over the Western Pacific to Winnemucca. Five hundred men and two steam WILL EQUALIZE TAXES. ALAMEDA. Aug. C6.

The city council will meet next Tuesday morning as a board of equalization and will consider all applications for a reduction In assessments. The board will continue in only two were in legal form, those of Tleslau Erothers and O. B. Acker-man. The board is considering th6 matter.

WOULD BUY PARK It was voted to urge the City Council and the Park Commission to purchase, from park funds, a playground for the Bay school. Director Harry Boyle asked that the old flagpole, formerly at the gore of Telegraph avenue and Broadway, be erected at the Lockwood school. The Council will be asked for the pole. The board ordered one portable building. Among routine matters transacted were the following: 1 ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS Miss Virginia Garrison, from the preferred list to the first and second graces of the Dewey school, vice Miss Hussey, on leave of absence.

Miss Ida Drefry, from the preferred list to the first and second grades of the Clawson school; new class. Mrs. Ethel D. Stansbury, from the preferred list to the third and fourth grades of the Elmhurst school, vice Mrs. Doane, transferred.

Miss Lena Harry, from a consoli Mrs. Jane M. Williams alleges ln her to periodic spells, at ajunn mm were nh1ert 1 that tln 1.. SUOJCCI. suit against John D.

Williams that ne once told her he would kill her If It were not for their small daughter. aess on until all ciainn am mj to be attenriM shovels are working on the washout, which is eight feet deep and a quarter of a niile long. Train No. 1 is held at Elko and reported five hours late. Anna Ward hat tued Frank which time he was not responsible.

Hennings testified that he did not remember the circumstances of passing the check or of how he got to Seattle. He is 50 years of age. Robert 'Graham, who was shot by llelnr Intemperance. 0J. It ID MlU itmi.

i. examined he had been Indiscreet and while he was on a visit to Berkeley asked to be relieved from further service as pastor. Colossal Statue of Verdi Reaches N. Y. raosseooeGseoosooei Business Men GOVERNORS MEET IN ANNUAL CONFERENCE New Note Delivered In Land Controversy WASHINGTON.

Aug. 26. Japanese Ambassador Chinda late today delivered to 6eo.rtary Bryan Japan's latest note in the California anti-land controversy. Oiflcer Brock a week ago, after robbing a tailor shop, appeared in court in the matter of revocation of hie probation. The case was continued for two weeks.

Mrs. Marsha Anderson, who forged checks and asked for probation, sent in a physician's certificate in lieu of her appearance in court. The certificate stated that the defendant was to become a mother within the next six months and was not able to ap BUTTER 2 lbs I lb EGGS 1 dozen S8o Tomorrow Royal Creamery 319 12th St. Abo All Branches. Store open until 6:80 p.

m. dated class in the Garfield school to the third and fourth grades of the NEW YORK, Aug. 2. The colossal statue of Verdi I. by Orazio Gros-sani of Milan, which is to be erected in Ban Francisco as the gift of its Italian-American citizens, reached New York on the steamer Europa from Genoa today.

The statue is of black and red marble and bropre, weighs SO tons and is ln 22 cases. Washington or Peralta school; new Enjoy Luncheon at thex- Pig and Whistle COLORADO SPRINGS, Aug. 26. The fifth annual conference of the House of Governors opened here at 10:30 o'clock this morning, amid a setting arranged as pear. The excuse was noi accepieu to class.

Miss Cora Thomas, from a consolidated class at the Garfield school to the third and fourth group of the College Avenue school; new class. and her attorney was instructed bring her into court next Friday. MISSING GIRLS FOUND AT HOME OF AUNT The failure of Florence snd Lela Harden, aged 14 and 16 years, respectively, daughters of J. Harden, 155 Pacific avenue, Alameda, to return to their homes Stock in 'New Haven Again on Decline Where wonderful creations in French Pastry are served in were transferred to the Melrose Heights school. All children now enrolled in the Washington school in the first, second and low third grades, living on or east or north of a line beginning at a point where Shattuck avenue crosses the Berkeley line, extending along I WMk.

tA an anil th. a reminder of a legislative chamber of ancient days. The convention was called to order by Governor McGovtrn of Wisconsin, who Introduced Governor Tasker L. Oddie of Nevada a temporary chairman. Governor Colquitt of Texas came in for special honors early in the day.

A party of Dallas, Texas, mail carriers en route to San Francisco to attend the national convention of the association which meets in that city August 20, visited his hotel. They had their own band, which gave an serenade. They were Joined later by the mail carriers' band from Cleveland, also en rout to San Francisco. The two! Miss A. Lamson.

from prererrea nut to fifth and sixth grades of the Claw-son school, vice Miss Whitehead, on leave of aWsence. Miss Elma Swain, from the consolidated seventh and eighth grades of the Melrose school to the fifth and sixth grades of the Grant school; vice Miss Beckwith, on leave and transferred to the Central evening school. Miss Helen G. West of the first and second grade group of the Piedmont school, class consolidated, to a first and second grade of the Grant school; conjunction with 6 ntttai cavnmr slfcfioc Shattuck avenue to Alcatraz avenue. extending along Alcatraz avenue to Racine street, extending along Ra cine street to Sixty-first street, extend NEW YORK.

Aug. 2. Stocks of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, which have experienced a decline within the last year that has madeihlstory In Wall street, broke badly again today. The price fell over 4 points to 92 hi, not only once more establishing a low record price, but subseriuentlly rallied to 94 The stock ln former years sold ing along Sixty-first street to Tele Makers of Fine Candies. two girls wre found at the residence of their aunt, Mrs.

Eva Harris, who keeps a rooming house tn this city. Investigation led to the fact thst the girls had gone to Idora Park ln company with John Eshleman and XV, Denham, for the day, and returned late In ths evening to the home of an sunt, as they feared to go home sfter not having returned from Sunday school at the usual time. Fearing thst something had happened to the girls, the father. J. Hardin, ssked the police aid him in his search snd the girls were found by Inspectors Hodgklns snd Wcod at the home of their, sunt the next morning.

graph avenue, extending along Telegraph avenue to Fifty.sixth street, extending along Fifty-sixth street bands gave a general serenade to all the How Much Better Off are You Our Special governor at the conference headquart ers. Governor Colqult tand other execu fives made brief speeches. eastward, shall be transferred to new classes to be opened in the old Peralta school. Mint Pack The name of Fruitvale No. 3 school as high as 27! and its pronounced weakness within recent months foreshadowed the reduction which was made In the dividend rate from to per cent annually.

JURY SEES was changed to Allendale the name of Fruitvale No. I school CRUELTY ALLEGED IN DIVORCE SUIT BY WIFE Harold R. Hogan was made de changed to Fruitvale school, and new class. Miss Emily Chrlstensen, from the seventh and eighth grades of the preferred list to the Elmhurst school, vice Miss McAuliffe, on leave of absence. Miss Florence Tillman, from the Fruitvale No.

3 school to the fifth and sixth grade group of the Piedmont school. Miss Jessie Leasure, from the Piedmont school to the fifth and sixth grade group of the Frultvale No. school. Miss Julia McCord, from the ungraded class of the Fruitvale school to the third end fourth grade group of the Frultvale No. 1 school.

the name of Fruitvale No. 2 school wss changed to Hawthorne school. There's Luxury Dining in beautifully arranged boxes. 75c Each The following appointments were made: fendant ln a-suit for divorce brought today by his wife. Ardle M.

Hogan. Plaintiff accuses him of having treated her ln a cruel and inconsiderate manner frequently since their marriage in Ean Rafael In 1909. She Mrs. E. I.

Hill was appointed vice- principal of the Tenth Avenue school and Miss Mary L. Rhodes was ap Kessler pointed vice principal of the Harri OikUas's rmily C'. Mass Ch. ugd Dsilr asks for 110 per month for the sup AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT The Jury which Is trying the case of A. J.

Stevenson, charged with manslaughter, was taken this morning to the Scene of the accident in which Antone Pimental was run over and killed by the defendant's automobile, October 1912, at First avenue and East Fourteenth street, Superior. Judge Wells and sttorneys for both prosecution snd defense, wept over the ground. A change has been mads in the street car lines at that son school. Pig and Whistle SCHOOL CHANGES The following changes were made (FmBerlr rttot Ost) TODAY THAN LAST TEAR? i la you salary larger? la your. future brighter? Otherwise you are on the wrong track.

Find 'yourself! Get Into a line of work where you can grow m-atch the "Help Wmt1 ed" Columns of THE TRIBUNE every day. in the schools: NEW TEACHERS Charles Wells was elected and assigned to the Oakland High school as a teacher of mathematics snd athletics at a of 11500 per annum. Miss Otto, from the High school pre Tbl. 4 Hot. ft ft liuu Insert wliUU S.reUttt' Lues port or tneir minor child.

Waiter Brooks was granted an interlocutory decree from Almeda Brooks this morning on the grounds that she deserted him tn 1908 and eloped to Portland with a cook named Carter. Era M. Davis was (ranted a final decree from William Davis on stat- utory grounds. Two first snd second grade classes were consolidated ln the Piedmont 45c Fourteenth St. Op.

New Gty Hall school. The ungraded class of the Csbartt attsiamMt Fruitvale school was distributed ferred list, was assigned to the com' Doint since the accident and these among the other classes, and the TB merctal department of the Fremont I were exclalned by an engineer of the CImata Mm and IB classes of the SielroM school Hih school. traction- eompeny..

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