Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 17
- Publication:
- Oakland Tribunei
- Location:
- Oakland, California
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 17
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
TUESDAY EVENING -OAKLAND TRIBUNE OCTOBER If 1913: 17 SAVES BREWERS FROM OWN aiu Children Cry for Fletcher's EAGERNESS FOR PROFITS TO GIVE TEDDY 'Til DF HIS LIFE' IMPEACHMENT VERDICT NOT REACHED Ml New Stale Law Becoming Effective in Ohio Limits Number of Saloons jv.ru Dr. Lauro Mueller Is Making Playground of Entire State. Result of Sulz'er Trial May Not Be Known for Days. ST. LOUIS, Oct.
14. On Noymber 1 a new law becomes effective In Ohio which will close 3341 saloons. The law limits the number of saloons to one for each BOO population. Cleveland. It la said.
Will lose 800 saloons; Cincinnati, 700; Toledo, 260; Youngstown. 207: Columbus, 1S6; Dayton, 80. In Clark county the number of saloons will be cut from 108 to 14. It may or not be merely coincidental, but It is a fact that the rising nationwide demand for prohibition has. paralleled the multiplication, during the past 20 years, of the number of saloons, many, or perhaps most of them, at least In the larger cities, owned or controlled by brewers.
This extraordinary increase in the number of drinking places, with consequent necessity to push the trade by new devices. Is attributed by close students of the question, to the adoption by the brewers. In many States, of the trust combination of numerous plants under a common direction, as a means of absorbing, in increased capitalisation, the very large profits of the business at that time. Ohio's new law, limiting th number of saloons and thus relieving saloon keep-era of the necessity to seek trade by means obnoxious to many cltlsens who do not favor but have come to regard it as the lesser of two alternative' evils, may prove to be the means of suving the brewing industry of Ohio and, very likely, of some other States which may presently follow Ohio's exam-pel from the fatal results of their too great eagerness for Increase of profits. The Kind You ITavo Always Bonifht has borne the slipia ture of.
Chas. 11. Fletcher, and lias been made under hi personal Huperdnlon for over HO years. Allow no one to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-rood are but experiments, and endanger th health, of Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTORIA Cnstorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare eoric, Drops and Soothing ISymps. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jsarcotto substance. It destroys Worms and allays FeverishncNS. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief ot Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and llowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind Yotl Have Always Bought Matte Grosso to Be Hunting Ground of Former President. Lengthy Arguments on Testimony Questions Begun. A long faca and a iweet tooth. All she needs to make her smile, once In a while. In proper style Is to ret her a box of TjEH.VHARDT'S SANS EGAL CHOCOLATES 80 POUND E.
LEHNHARDT Ioi, Candles, Ater-Thtr Bpoollti" Broadway, Btw. ISth and 14th. Phone Oakland 0. Bears the Signature of TURNER PROPOSES SEE BRILLIANT TO FORGE ACTION OAKLAND FUTURE ALBANY. N.
Oct. U. Indication wrre today that the high court of Impeachment which la trying- Governor Bul-r might not reach a verdlt before to. morrow' and possibly later. Lengthy arguments began at this morning dealth with the question whether the testimony of Duncanwr.
Peck, Allan Ryan and Henry L. Morfeenthau would be considered aa parts of Anflcle folr of the Impeachments charges orl merely as NEW YOIIK. Oct 14. Brazil li planning to rfve Colonel Roosevelt, "the time of hla life" In the wllda of that country, according to Captain Antonio J. DeFonseca, the; new military attaohe of the Brazilian embassy, wr)o arrived from Rio de Janeiro, yesterday.
Dr. Lauro Mueller, the minister of foreign affairs "of Brazil, who recently made a tour of this country, has Jjen faying plana for Colonel Roosevelt's trip ever since' he got back home, according to Captain Fonseca, and hla latest act has been to telegraph, to Colonel Jtur-onde to come In from the Matta Grosso, where he has spent 20 years In Use-For Over 30 Years THf CINTHUR eOMMNV. TT MUKHAT STUirT. NKW TOSH CITY. corroborative evidence, and wfaeTlWe the testimony should be embjrtjled In an Delay in Passing Liquor Ordir nance Means Certain Cafes Must Go.
Foreman Clark, Clothiers, Decide to Establish Branch Here. amendcent to the articles. Having disposed of this question, the court planned to take up the constitutional objections of counsel for the defense to the various articles. The aubstance of the eight articles voted against the governor by the Assem In exploration, to meet Colonel Roosevelt and to act as his guide. Delay In passing the liquor ordinance caused Commissioner of Public Health and 8afety Turner to announce that he will ADOPT PLANS FOR CITY PRISON CELLS MA OFFICER MONEY BAT He knows the Interior of the big "After Investigating conditions In ofiier cities in the West Portland, San Francisco, Salt Lake, Seattle Mr.
Foreman and myself came to the, conclusion that In Oakland Is a future which for brilliancy Is unexcelled the worM avai And state of Matte Grooso better than 1 bring In a resolution tomorrow eliminating 1 ail entertalnmAnf fMttirai eviv. v. bly follows: any other man, and as a member of Article 1 That he filed with the Sec- traction, th- k. v. retary of Statea false statement of hlsi for that reason we decided to locate In CRITICISING ADVS.
TILT WITH this city." receipts and other monetary transactions involved In hi. gubernatorial campaign. "eW rer 71" i-4i i January 1, the same date as the order Alternate Bids. Permittecb'So his statement to the Secretary of State land. relative tJus campaign receipts and ex pendltvres.
LI That Economics May Be Effected. Artrcle 1 That he bribed witnesses to So said A. J. Clark of the clothing firm qf Foreman Clark, who have leased the second floor of the building formerly occupied by KahnJ the northeast corner of Twelfth and Washington streets, today, and who win open for business Thursday. "Our business Is something different.
It will mean a revolution in the business or this city. It Is the opening of a new channel and will help othef lines also. the engineer corps of the army he lias been surveying the country and Is now constructing lines of telegraph all through the state. Colonel Ruronde will meet Colonel Roosevelt on the, latter's arrival In Sao Paolo, and Invite him Into the Matte Grosso country, which contains every variety of natural beauty and a wonderful variety of wild animals, which would furnish excellent sport for the American huntsman. Captain Fonseca added that Brazil proposed to take a prominent part In the Panama-Pacific exposition, preparations for which already had been made.
Profitable and Instructive Contest Now Being Conducted by Tribune. Plans and specifications for the cell "I had planned to have this matter settled by the revocation of the licenses under the new ordinance, or at the same time as the- new ordinance, for cause," said Turner today. "But time is going by and nothing has been done. I have therefore decided to make these objections for discredited saloons and to give them sufficient notice to discontinue tho present custom of having women entertainers. The work In the city.
Jail were adopted- by the city council this morning and bids will Words Run High at Session of Supervisors Regarding Miss Haynes. be received November 8 for the work. we plan to bring down the cost. of living, to make people buy in Oakland. In other words, by our prices we anticipate There is a fund of available for withhold testimony from, the legislative committee which Investigated expendl tures and receipts.
Article 4 That he suppressed evidence by means of threats to keep witnesses from testifying before the legislative committee. Article That he prevented and dissuaded Frederick L. Colwell from attending pr.der subpoena the sessions of the Investigating" eomirlttee. Article 6" That he oommltted larceny In speculating stocks with money and checks contributed for his campaign. Article 7 That as Governor he threatened to use his office and influence to affect the vote or political aotlon of cer the work.
Turner announced that the speclflca tlons admitted of the bidders submitting alternates of different classes of work in WILLJNVESTIGATE resolution will be Introduced tomorrow and will affect the cafes objected to by Chief Petersen Several weeks ago. We will not permit any cabaret features to these cafes." The list of cafes given out over a month ago as objectionable and condemned by the Public Welfare League Included the Hoffman, Tod Red's, the Tavern, the order that economies might be effected Supervisor Fred W. Fosa, Chairman John F. Mulllns, J. B.
Richardson of the probation committee and Probation Officer Christopher Ruesa Indulged In spirited tiff over the forced resignation of Miss Ijexule Haynes. assistant detention home matron, at this morning's session of the supervisors. Mulllns bitterly He stated that-ln the'' dty prison, where Keeping oak landers In Oakland, thereby keeping the money In the home town. "We will deal exclusively In suits and overcoats, and I think that without a doubt our stock cannot be excelled anywhere for any price. It Is our Intention to give the people the value of their money.
You will note that we have taken the -second floor of this building. Through this agency we save probably rriore than $16,000 (3er annum, allowing us the privilege of reducing on our suits. Including this store, we have three stores In California. One In Los Angeles and one In San Diego. They have a combined those Incarcerated are kept for only short spaces of time, the tool proof construction of a countv Jail or a penitentiary was BID! AUDITOHIUM For the bent criticism of the) word-Ins; and construction of any class! fled advertisement apfiearlnir thin week In our PROPKRTY TO KXCHAXGE col- inn we will pay (3.00, next best, $2.00, next St.00.
Select one particular advertisement, then make your criticism. IKXAMPIiK. This is a fair Mimpln of the maaj, poor advertisements, to he found In all newspapers space- avers that say so little that they seldom bring answers: "FOIt RENT 6-room cottage, rent $23.00. Tnqnlre 9264 Webster at," How much atronfter this advertisement would be it It stated whether the cottage was modern: said something Its interior arrangements; told how far It was from Ban Fran- 1 dsco train, afreet cars and schools, and gave some Idea of the class of neighborhood surrounding it, eta You have to suy something In your, advertising even If It Is only a little classified advertisement If you want to get RESULTS. scored the committee, declaring that they i Palace, Frank's, the Savoy, the Nevada were seeking" to make him "the goat," not essential.
The plans for about forty steel cells, tain public officers. Article 8 That while governor he corruptly used his authority and Influence to affect the current prices of securities In New Tfork Stock Exchange, in some of and that the matter aeemed to him to savor of a personal row In the probation forty-two additional Jail doors, besides va and the Grotto. As soon as the saloon ordinance has been settled by the city council, a movement will probably bl started to have the majority of these cafes eliminated by the rious minor details of Jail construction which securities he was all the time In such as shower baths, detention cells, in office. Foss held to the same view, and words ran high. "Miss Haynes was requested to resign stcifctural Engineer Retained floor space of 29,000 feet.
Authorities In terview cells and other equipments. I i-m eautie estimaie mat we save mor' revocation of their licenses. On the thirteenth flofcaof the city hall On the th because she la getting deaf," declared terested. AMENDMENT IS MOVED. A motion to amend Article 4 of the lm oytne lax Asso provide for thirty-six cells in man yearly on renta alone.
We also do not charge our customers for our i asiii plans tiers, and for two shower bath cells ciation. peachment charges so as to Include the Ruess. "We want Mrs. J. Ross named to take har- place." "Is she more deaf now than she was two years ago, when you Insisted on her iln each tier.
Sanitary conveniences are on each tlei testimony of Ambassador Henry Mor- nxiures. we use only good, substantial plain fixtures, and give our buyers the benefit of the saving. ALLEGES CRUELTY genthau and Superintendent of Public Works Duncan W. Peck, was presented Following the report on bids submitted for the municipal auditorium- which "We anticipate volume busl-J HMB nnH I 1 appointment? asked Mulllns. "If so, can you prove It?" "Well," said "we did not real He by the impeachment managers.
i were submitted by the auditorium com No action was suggested in regard mittee of the Progress and Prosperity to the testimony of Allan A. Ryan, It organization of the Chamber of Com 0 PAR was expected' that the evidence which he merce to be too high, and the request of cnuoavuiing 10 ex aggerate, I really believe that we will do $350,000 worth of business during our first year in this city." Clark has taken up his residence In this city and will personally superintend the store. Foreman Clark started four years ago with a -capital of $310 and a 20x20 this body to the Tax Association to in gave only could be considered as corroborative of other charges in the impeach Included. A door-locking device operated from the stf.lr corridor, will unlock and open sny door on any tier. This will give the Jailer greater facility in handling the prisoners.
Adjoining the elevator corridor three Interview cells for attorneys to confer" with their, clients are provided. These are provided with a double frill, double lock and a fine steel screen to prevent the passing In of Illicit drugs, saws or other "contraband." On the ground floor "of the city hall are provided two detention cells for prisoners to be taken from the elevator to vestigate the matter, Thomas uox, a prominent structural engineer, 'has been If yon find a particularly good advertisement, tell why It Js good it will count Just as much as an ad-' verse criticism. 1 RttES. No criticism to be more than T5 words. Write on one side of paper only.
Copy of advertisement criticised must be panted on criticism. ADDRESS ment articles JunleT a new article mould retained by that body to carry an In be added. "Jmlsywould have to be done by the AssemoTy. Mrs. Lancaster Testifies in the vestigation Notification of this was her deafness then.
"Will you admit that you made a mistake In hiring her" asked Mulllns. "I will admit nothing," retorted Ruess. "Of course, you said Mulllns. "You won't because you are an appointee of the probation ommlttee yourself. Now, this woman was hired on your committee's recommendation without our passing on her qualifications, and wo refuse to let her resign to you.
We want to deal with this. You are trying to make me the goat!" RECALLS MRS CARLEN CA8E. "This- same- thing tame up a while workroom. They now have these big officially made to Mayor Mott today by SUBORNATION OF PERJURY. The proposed amendment sets for.b that Against Realty Man.
all criticisms to Classified Adver- stores witn a uoor space of 29,000 feet. "We are doing $1,000,000 yearly business In cur two Southern stores," stated Clark, "and we expect that we. will ex "Win. Sulier "wrongfully and willfully at Using Critic. OAKLAND TRIBUNE.
Oakland, California, not later than tempted to Incite and procure Louis A. Sarecky. Frederick L. Colwell, Melville D. the or temporarily detained for ceed tr.Is mark here." Reciting a lengthy tale of alleeed 111 I Vev The women's quarters are Monday, October 20th, 1913.
Fuller, Duncan W. Peck and Henry Mor- small cells for Aext week advertisements under treatment from her husband, Mrs. Mary pfrovlded with" several genthau to commit perjury and to give the association. Mark L. Requa, president of the Tax Association, apprised Mayor Mott of the matter in the following letter: Honorable Frank K.
Mott, Maypr City Of Oakland, Cal. Dear Sir: I am attaching hereto a topy of the communication received by the Tax Association from the Progress and-HProuperity Committee of the Oakland Chamber of Commerce, which explains itself. In compliance with their request, we have secured the services of Thomas Gox to make this lnveetlgatton. Cox Is make trouble. the heading RELIABLE FIRMS in "Dad cnaraciera wno back, when Mrs, Carlen was forced to w.
uincaster appeared before -Superior! Judge Harris today and In her I Sunday's paper only, will be criticised. resign," said Foss. "Khe criticised her superior officers," EFFICIEICrlfi IEAU Prise winners for last week's criti said Ruesa. cism will be published Tuesday, Oct. I liv in.
'Now, stop right here," shouted Mul llns. "There we have the whole matter. She was forced to resign, or rather made IS TO BE CREATED TRANSPORT SHERMAN false testimony "before the Frawley Investigation committee. Article 4 as it now stands doeB not menttoy either Peck or Morgenthau and merely sets forth that' Sulzer "practiced deceit and fraud and used threats With Intent to prevent the committee from the procuring of the attendance and testimony," of Sarecky, Colwell and Fuller. The proposed amendment was presented by Attorney John B.
Stanchfleld, who argued for an hour that the court had a right to so amend the article. Judge D. Carty Herrick, for the defense, opposed this argument at the afternoon session. to think that she was, because she criticized you people-. I don't care whom ARRIVES FROM MANILA she criticized, for she delivered JrtJ I -haven said anything about this divorce suit against R.
Lancaster, a welU known local realty man. She occupied the witness stand during the morning session and told of numerous Incidents which marred her domestic tranquility, covering a period of five years or more. -On one occasion, she said, she went to meet husband in Ran Francisco to go shopping with him for Christmas pres-entij. After waiting at his office for several hours she returned home. Her husband appeared at home the following morning, explaining that he had "been out with a bunch of fellows and had stayed all night with one of the boys." Upon her return from a five weeks' wlslt in Honolulu last Mrs.
Lancaster said that she had been In the house but fifteen a construction engineer of large experience, having been at various times connected with some' of the largest mining companies in the West as estimating and construction engineer. I have known him personally for a number of, years and hve great confidence In his ability; Will you see that Cox Is properly Introduced to the supervising architect, and given sch -other assistance as may facllitateand expedite the making of lie rerort. Very truly, yours, M. L. REQUA.
President. case, said Foss, "but now Is a good time to get It off my system. I never liked that deal." Werdie Smith May Be Ap-( pointed Chief of New Body. THREE THOUSAND EN ROUTE TO CALIFORNIA RENO, Oct. 14.
Over 3000 passr engers going westward from widely separated Eastern points passed through Beno Sunday on the six regular Southern Pacific trains to locate In California. Most of the trains had from twelve to fourteen cars, carrying an average of seventy-six rassengers each, and two of the trains ran with heavy double sections from Og-dtn westward. Officials ot the railroad company say that the number of colonists going through ttrtr year 'Is greater than last year by almost two to one. They are traveling under a special homeseekers' rate, which has attracted such heavy travel that provision has been made already to repeat it next fall i Mftny of thehomeseekers are said to have ptrchasef California lands, and the class of travelirs is said to be much above the average of those taking advantage Well," said Ruess. "She made the girls think she was their only friend by criticizing the Judges who -committed them." SAN FRANCISCO, Oct.
14 The United States army transport Sherman from Manila, via Honolulu, and the Matson liner Wllhelmlna from the Islands steamed Into port early this morning. The Sherman completed an uneventful voyage across the Pacific, having missed typhooril encountered by other vessels ahead of them. The troopship brought the usual large number of discharged soldiers and first-class passengers. Among the Sherman's passengers was Brigadier General Roberts, U. 8.
A. (re- tired), whb went to the Philippines to look over the Islands and observe their development since he was last there dur- Ing the Insurrection. don't care -how she made friends with them," said Foss. got results. She may not have been as Idealistic as OAKLAND Cresttion of an efficiency bureau In th city government to keep a check on employments, keep records of the work of the city employes and provide a system of markings and promotions, wu provided' for this morning- by an introduction of a-n ordinance presented by Commissioner W.
J. liaccuB." 'The ordinance provides CONVICTED BANK PRES. BEGINS SERVING TERM BOISE), Oct. 14. B.
F. O'Nell, convicted of making false reports to the state bank examiners of the condition of the Bank of Commerce of Wallace while lta president, arrived here last night In company with four other convicts from North Idaho and Immediately began his term of 2 to 10 years in the penitentiary. He refused to see reportetrs. minutes when her husband said to her: "Yoi have money In the bank; take another trip." On another occasion, she says, that he told her that If she "didn't like it she tor a cmer of the efficiency bureau at a REAKFAS PLANS couia pacK ner nine suitcase and go Lancaster Is contesting the action. of special rrtx In other years.
some of your people. She was Just a rlain woman, but a wonder with these poor girls. She couldn't get along with you, and bo she was forced Into resigning. I do not proposed to be mixed up in such a rase." said "you can't do anything If the committee wants tp accept the resignation." "Perhapa not," said Mulllns, "but am saying what I think about and' the people will know that we are not standing In with you on this matter. This woman says she Is not deaf.
ptfe heard me when I talked to her. Xpu shouldn't have hired ask niniy ot uu year. Thiii position be filled In all probability by the appointment of Werdie P. Smith, chief clerk under Baccus," to fne place. Smith has been assigned to special work for the civil service board on several Annual Event Will Be Attended 'WO! Thaf Itching!" Stopped Instantly 11 mi Try ZEM0; Skin Troublei Yaalab.
by Several Distinguished Honor Guests. occasions and his work has been so well accomplished that the place will probably be offered to If Fmith is appolnrd toL.tha-pIsc-Ms position as head clerk of the street department will be filled by Wllllaw Quln-lan, who occupies the position Just below in the order of seniority. ROM duchess to English women are tireless Buy a 39o Bottle Today and Provs it, Olory! A remedy tor skin torture that makes everybody smile and say IIo6-rayl" If you have that terrible .1 U-U ed iib to unless you knew she was all right. Now you force her to resign, and come to us with another appointee, thl Mrs. J.
Ross, whom you ask us -to put In. Ws -don't "know- about either!" The matter was put over for the afternoon session. trartfpers." Ib blooms on the- Autumn laves will form the chief decoration for the tables at thejSnnual breakfast of the Oaklnnd club to be held tomor-, row at 2:30 In the Starr King hall, Four' teenth and Castro streets. There will be about 150 members and their friends pre ent to meet Mrs. Joseph R.
Knnwland, Miss Mollle Connors. Mrs. 1,. L. Olllogly, president of the Adelphlan club of Alameda, and Mrs.
Robert Watt, president 'of the Century club of West Oakland, who will he the guests if honor. Mis. C. S. Chamberlain, president of the club, who OYSTER DEALERS satin of therr cheeks and glows in.
the velvet of their eyes. Regal Erislish Boots are man- SIR DICK GIVES FA has "been" tduHng the easCetfh" kwiin curve and contour, but delightfullr feminine irT their SIR ED Big act as tOastmlstress. Mrs. G. W.
Harrison will read the program of the afternoon. The rminlcal numbers will be supplied by Mrs. Oeorge CoolMge, Mrs. Wllber Smith and Mrs J. Negley, local vocalists of ability.
The hostesses of the day will be Mrs. elongated, 1 tapering Dredgers With Men and Women Start for Disputed Beds. Premier McBride Imposes the "Japanese: Reconciliation 'Exeluswe Custom Styles $3.50 to $5 Problem1 on Secretary- Oct: with shotguns, 30 oysters dredgers, ac William Shroek. "Miss Orace Trevor. Mrs.
John JNewUn Barter, Gibson. Husschmldt and. Mrs. W. D.
Smith. The affair has been carefully arranged by the board of directors, under whose" auspices the repast will be served. enmpanied by 3 women, started out from "Glvs Ms ZEMO. Onlck I It Is firar Falrmount yesterday to destroy property on evfrtwtsnttom leased 'to planters by Jttie Maryland. Shell Fish Commission.
All LONDON, -Oct. 14. Blr Richard Premier of British Columbia. has Imposed on Sir Edward Orey. British Swcretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the task of -a) eonnlUng Qreat Britain's pro'- Japanese proclivjrjea with British Columbia's determination to enforce Its ovstr parphernalia within sev 4 SAYS THAT CALIFORNIA WILL HAVE BIG YEAR Regal Shoe Company Men's, Women's 'and Children's Shoes 1 426-1 428 San P-ablo Ave.
decision to exclude Asiatics from Its ter eral miles of Falrmount was demolished and a warning sent that other planters would he mrvpf In a Flmllar manner. The Falrmount Mien declared the kcji.lny,.' and held'; path r-tng tw ai iaime 'fiirtfiyr attacks on the oyster planters "of Pomerset county. A meeting was held tonight by the oys-termen of the district, at which reaolu- stop mis err Menus; laataauy. fiery, unreachable Itching, scorching, raw eczema, prickly heat. rash, tetter.
Irritated or inflamed akin, blotches, pimples or blackheads, you will marvel at the results of ZEMO. ZEMO is a clean, antlseptio solution, not a grease or ointment. Itching vanishes at the first application; this is absolutely guaranteed or money refunded. Use it on the baby, too, It gives immediate relief Jn all skin tortures. Bandrafl and scalp itching Taaiah.
"Suffered 23 years with eosema. Finally tried ZEMO, It cured me sound and welt. That was IS msnths-ago. 2EMO is a blessing. Mrs.
JEaaaa, Hope. Ark. -1. Lfons were adopted expressing the dredg ritory. 34Jf flni-s.
government has been Inslslentlv protecting against the attitude taking up In Canada, especially In the rule gainst Japanese cutting timber and exclusion from the fisheries. The object of Sir McBride's visit to Lonrdon wss to Impress the- Foreign Of-flue with fhe fact that British Columbia's determination Is Irrevocable and to obtain the support of the Imeperlal Government for its action. He sails for America on hoard the Olympic from Southampton tomorrow, leaving Sir Kdward Grev CTIIOACiO. Ort. H.
West of Xe' and Kansas the country Ja Isl experience good times from crops In and to come, is the assertion of Traffic Director. Wlnchell' of the Union Pacific system, who. returned to Chicago yesterday from a four weeks' Inspection trip over the lines to the Pacific- roast. "California? year, beginning November sfeib 40.000 carloads of deciduous as against'. ..16.000 carloals latt 'season and ariKnt maximum stasnn of hctwi en and" tSflrOOO carloads." said Wlnrheli; "This la "evidence of the rapidity -with which the Flat has recovered from tie frosts of Urst-elass druggists everywhere seTT The Carlton $4.50 Made of BUcIt Calfskin or Ruiet Leather custom hape, wal toe broad hank and clote-to-the-ground Enpliih heel lared through invitible eyeleu aj- English at WindioCai'tle itself.
ZEMO for be. a sealed bottra, or 1 of price br B. W. direct en receipt ers' determination 'to savSj the masses of our county and state the natural oyster rocks, bar and beds, which have been appropriated hy private planters for personal Interests." Th resolutions conclude as follows: "We fully IntcnJ to protect our rights fer every lawful means' at our command and if means do not secure the proier results then we propose to resort to the primitive ineaiie of sarly pioneers." Bosa Medicine St. Louis, JJo.
fih-1 a way out of the after giving him a firm intimation that this in by (- Igood "th and Broadway, Bowman Drug Ov. 13th and Broadway; Drug muai ne in accordanca witn cana-I rarUnent, uuu a uui sua dlan view. i I last winter ajxi irUi.".
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