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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 11

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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SUNDAY MORNING. OAKLAND TRIBUNE JUNE 21, 1911. 27 MISS L. BRYANT TO WED 0 0 0 GROOM IS BUSINESS MAN The Exclusive Specialty House for Feminine Come Early Tomorrow See Our ymtOP 11 locAtedwithHCCPMCo. VJmdovis Today CLAY bet.I3-&I4- in; mi i hj va rr jj DEPARTMENT TOMORROW a 33 mm js.

OF OUR tNJIRt SPRING STOCK OF omen's Suits without Restriction Your Choke On Sale vN Ar SIXTY EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS BOUGHT DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS IN CARLOAD LOTS Every advantage that" money can buy or braina can. secure has been brought to bear in lowering these prices. The showing of dinner ware at this sale Is calculated to meet every demand of good taste and is largely made up of open stock patterns which can be made up to suit your Individual -demand for large or small combinations, and which can be replaced when broken. French China, Bavarian China, English, Semi-Porcelain, American Seml-Porcelaln, now on Bale. SEMI PORCELAIN Pink Rose, 50 pieces 7,55 White and Gold, 50 pieces 795 Green and Gold, 50 pieces $13.35 Brown Key Border, 50 pieces $12.30 Blue Delft, 50 pieces $10 05 BAVARIAN CHINA Pink Rose, 50 pieces Brown Border, 50 pieces Green and Pink Border, 50 pieces Brown and Pink Spray, 50 pieces Conventional Gold Band, 50 pieces $23 23 FRENCH CHINA Pink Rose, 50 pieces Clover Leaf, 50 pieces $41.55 Gold Stippled, 50 rtrr; Gold Band, 50 pieces $50.95 Acid Gold, 50 pieces $55.45 Tomorrow 9 H.

iw. For 9 Former Prices 557.50 $50, St5, $40, $35, $30 and Some Cheaper Every suit is a 19 model and were remarkably good values at their original prices as we only carry high-grade garments this sale is of more than ordinary importance. SEPTEMB ERH JHERRY'S MAKEYOUR noil am mil See Windows CLAY, Bet. 13th 14th CREATOR COM at Japsn, China. Philippine Istands.

Ran-soon. India. Tibet and Ceylon. WOMAN HUNTS IN IN AFRICAN JUNOt-E. India's chief and most Dlcturesmi CREDIT MAKES THEM STRETCH Paul Chabas to Seize First Opportunity and Visit America.

cities were viewed. Including Calcutta, TisrleeMng, Benares, Caw pore, Agra, Iellil. Jejpor and Bombay. Ths party is now loot to atght In ths dentin of "dark DARKEST AFRICA est Africa." K. P.

WILL CELEBRATE -THEIR ANNIVERSARY Oakland Lodge No. 103, Knight of Pythias, will celebrate 1U thirtieth anniversary next Thursday evening; In Pythian Castle, Twelfth and Alice streets, where Hermann Bchaffnor, grand keeper of records and seals, will deliver the address. A program has been a ranged by a committee composed of Walter fitaehle, chairman; L. Kletert and F. O.

Lee. The enterttnment will be followed MISS IXCIIXE EVELYN UK A N'T, WHOSE WEDDING WILL TAKE PLACE WEDNESDAY, In the storied India and Tibet Immor talized by Kipling, they were awed time and again by the sights that contmntsd them cn their way to the extreme south. SCENE AFTER SCENE UNFOLDS. "The most glorious sight of all." writes Mrs. England, "was to see Gm sun rise Mrs.

Ida M. England Facind a Perilous Adventure in Search of Big Game. home in Oakland. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. A.

W. Bryant, at 1247 Ninth, avenue, In the presence of a limited number of guests. The groom, who is a graduate of the Affiliated Colleges, Is a well-known young business man of San Francisco. A wedding of Interest to Oukland society will take place in San Francisco Wednesday evening when Miss L6cille Evelyn Bryant will become the bride of George Harrison Frates. Both young people have many friends on this side of the bay and after the honeymoon are to establish their cn Mount Everest, the highest mountain in tne world, we arose at clock in by the morning and took a long ride to Titer Hiii.

i ne moon was mining nrigntiy ann occasional lights glimmered In the village LOS ANGELES. June 20. Following CANADIAN STRIKERS'MAY SOON MAKE PEACE the trail of Roosevelt Iri the deepest jungles of Africa. Mrs. Ida M.

England of Low Angeles Is facing perilous advetnures and wild animals In search of game. Mrs. England Is the latest American Just a few dollars will bridge the way from shabby obscurity to prosperity and smiling fitness when backed by CHERRY'S CREDIT PLAN" and the handsome quality and superb fit of CHERRY'S SUITS. Hundreds of men have "caught on" to the economy of trading at Cherry's spacious, well-stocked store at 628 13th St. For $20 and $25 Cherry's have handsome new patterns some very distinguished striped suits In wide variety English suits timely Korfolks.

All the fine, staple models and dashing novelty cuts are offered at Cherry's. Regardless of size, taste, available cash, we can SUIT YOU TODAY. A visit to Cherry's store is a treat to the man who appreciates real "class." Just across from the men's store at 618 Is the ladles' store address 515 13th St The San Francisco stores ore located at 1009 Market and 2400 Mission Sts. AdrertlaemeDt. woman to pursue that dangerous pastime.

With her husband. Q. 1L England. Bhe left San Francisco early In the swing to WHAT WOMEN ARE DOING FOR COMING EXPOSITION Activities of Auxiliary Bodies Outlined and oross the PaclflerTJiTher roundabout way PARIS. June 20.

Paul Chabas, the artist. Intends to seize the first opportunity to visit the land where tils "September Morn" aroused such Interest. "I shall not go simply for pleasure." he says. "I mean to spend a season In New York painting. I am anxious to study the peculiar intensity of Now York life, of which I hve heard so much, and to see something of America's grand scenery.

I cannot now fix a date for leaving, but shall not start before I finish some twenty-five portraits on hand, as well as two large panels, 'Morning' anil In 'September Morn' stvle, for Prince Jacnues de Broglie. These are to decorate the grand in the prince's Paris mansion. "I appear to have acquired a reputation for disliking America. When I sold 'September Morn' over the head of an American newspaper proprietor who offered me a lower sum than the figure I placed upon It. I received a letter from htm saying he understood I refused the offer because I was unwilling to let my Pictures go to America, adding that he could not understand my attitude.

"The truth about 'September Morn' Is that I never meant to part with It. It was mv wife's favorite picture. Therefore, on giving a price to the sale bureau of the salon, as Is customary before the exhibition, I named a higher figure than I expected, any one would pav namely, The proprietor's smaller offer was automatically refused. "Another offer of Leon Manltleff of St, rviersburor reached the price named; therefore, to my wife's and my own regret, the picture was scld. "I hear no toward Americans fcr Inking advantage of the lack of copyright on 'September but it has taught me a lesson.

I have taken out ielow. When we reached Tiger HIII the moon was setting In ths west, but before us was the first streak of dawn, snd as we watched the east grow pinker and pinker, the mountain tops began to glow, until finally the'sun csme up and touched each peak and at lsst reach Mount Everest In the dlsUnce. Certainly a glorious spectacle. Scene after scet.e of wonder and world fame were unfrJded to the Blnglnnds and their party. Thev saw at Benares the burning vhato that Klnflng has familiar-IseJ, at Amber the famous Amber palace, In Ceylon the tropical loveliness that was reputed to have been the location of the (Jnrden of Kden.

The Fnglands expect to spend a long period In the jungle before returning home to TOs to Capo Town, the heedotrartors of the VANCOUVER, B. June4o. Early determination of the strike was forecasted last night at a mass meeting of the striking miners at Nanal-mo. Robert Foster, of District 28, United Mine Workers of America, addressed the meeting and told the men not to be surprised if payment o( strike benefits was stopped at any time, as the funds of the organlia. tlona have been depleted through paying 115,000 weekly to strikers on Vancouver Island and 135.000 weekly to men on strike tn Colorado.

if minting trip. Mrs. TO.glana lias mane one of the longest Journeys that an American woman has ver taken In pursuit of big game. Ieavlnar Ban Francisco In the. latter port of Jsnuatv.

the England went first to Hawaii, where they visited all ths ths Participation Defined Scops wonders of the Islands. From there thf rtopped successively (By BETTY MARTIN.) ers" Aid will look after the general fare of any one coming Into the State. HOW BOARD 18 DEFINED. COOK WIT GAS END OF CHERRY The Woman's Board of the Exposition upon whom so much of this work depends. Is officially defined as a "Sub- Committee of the Panama-Pacific Inter nutinnal Kxoosltlon." "What women are doing for the Pana-ma-Paclflo International Exposition." That Is the self-explanatory title of an Interesting recently Issued, and which many not actively participating in the work have received.

But for one to whom the mail curried this Interesting folder, there are nine, at the most conservative estimate, who knew next to nothing regarding what some of the women of California are doing to make the fair exceed all expectations. For example, the average woman has not yet clearly defined In her" own mind what the Alameda County Auxiliary is. Tftts auxlllsrv does not differ In kind A special committee of the men's board conferring with them on all Important SEASON AT HAND copvwrlght on "The Fishers of the. issues. Although co-operating with every de a picture now being exhibited In the salon, and will do so on future work.

I am now enraged on a nlcture of partment of the Exposition work, ths Woman's Board has assumed two very CWinlte obligations. They are to furnish Mrs. Cornelius Tiers of New York. My lust previous American portrait was of Miss Wtllard. the dauehter of the the California Host Building, maintalq and administer Its affairs, and the Trav from any other of the auxiliaries, unless American ambassador at Madrid.

It was elers' Aid organisation, which is due to elers' Aid organisation, wnun is aue 10 Last Shipments Will Place Total for Year at 180 Cars. to be a surprise gift to her father, but II j.7., "'n, 7 the dlffersnct lies In the personality of tn wU, be mantalned under iup. the leader, MrsiA. C. Posey, who Is at: ALLENDALEC BENEFIT, the surprise failed, for a Spanish em-bnsBV attache reeocnlzed the picture In my studio and Innocently spoke of to the amharsador." The majority of MdWieVs' Clubs have present actively engaged in appointing chairmen In every city and town In the county of Alameda.

The plan of organization gives ft chair- taken vacations until September, but the Allendale Mothers Club Is one or tne ex- ckTlfornladTsub-chalrman The members have programed Jj ih. summer season of activities, to begin "DIGNITY DESMOND" HAS SUDDEN, SUDDEN SPRAWL SACRAMENTO, June 20. The dignity of the meetings of the city's governing body has been rudely shattered and City Clerk Michael Joseph Desmond, who for lTiarprlmarliy CWlforntan; li open to' Friday. June 26, with a theater party any woman In the world who cares to IM benefit which will be given in the avail herself of the priSTge. To be-j Allendale Theater.

come a member all that is necessary to FRUITVALE yvORK. do Is to pay J2 for the membership feej Tne Women's Club at Fruitvale mav and Jl for the official pin. After these' to naVe partially abandoned work formalities have been complied with, a for tne although the lllirary un- card will be forthcoming wnicn will tner charge is to remain open SACJRAKENTO, June 20. The cherry season Is practically ended. A few scat-.

terlng cars may go out during the next few days from Santa Clara county, but the late shipments from that section will not aggregate more than two or three cars. The. total for the year will be approximately ISO. against a total last year of 230. Shipments yester'ny were: Cherries, 1'4 cars; apricots.

peaches, S'J, and plums 60i; a total of "OH ears for the day, and 10264 for the season, against 477 on the like date last year. "River shipments are running large at I present, and probably will Increase, for the Bartlett pear season will open lh two weeks," said H. W. Adams of ths California Fruit Distributors. "Yesterday 10,683 packages were received at the local straight along.

III I title Its owner to the privileges of the auxiliary rooms. PIN, BEAUTIFUL SOUVENIR. The pin, the seal of the Woman's Board of the exposition, is interesting In itself. It was designed by Lucia K. Matthews.

PRACTICALLY ON A VACATION. The club women of Hayward and are alive to every vital Interest concerning the town and adjacent country. "dllu.n..." in ll Red, blue and gold. It Is voted by entliu siastlc members of the board a beautiful opposition to the moonlight dances and souvenir of the coming exposition. This other out-of-door revelries obtaining In pin, fhe possession of which means so the suburbs.

Mrs. J. A. Parks, president much tb the croud owner, is not to be nf the Hill and Vallev Club, aided bv had except through' becoming a member if ty-seveu other prominent ladies of of the auxiliary. Hayward, headed the opposition to the CallfornUms Join through their county moonlmlit exueditlons.

echoes of which. wharvea, mostly plums. The crop this frequently penetrated Into cnairnian, out women oiusiae tne dihio report says, may enjoy a similar privilege by slmpiy uuiet homes. year from the river section probably will equal that of last year, when 1248 rfars were sent out." Prices on the Eastern markets showed little change. In Chicago the mar 3 check or money order to sending the the Women's Board.

702 Exposition build MUST STAY IN CALIFORNIA, In line with the Travelers'. Jkld Society the Househeeper Says: lng, corner of Pine and Battery streets, C- is 1 Th. 1.. ni caiirornia is anotner orKamzauon. ket wa weak, with Royal Anne cherries selling at $1.20, Btngs $1.25, Republicans $1.20, Royal apricots 80c, Climax plums sixteen years has carefully nurtured that dignity Is downcast.

Without any announcement and with a suddenness that startled a big gathering In the city council, Michael Joseph did a circus stuut, ending disastrously, and Michael feels he is In disgrace. Michael has a big, easy pivot chair hear his desk fh the council room In which he rests during extended discussions. He found occasion to use It yesterday while the building ordinance was being argued. To say that he went' to-sleep might be stretching the truth; -fall it "foijty winks." Michael was oblivious to the laws governing the center of gravity as he leaned far back In bis chair near a window. The chair gently leaned to stem, balanced a moment and then shot suddenly backward.

Michael's feet were thrust suddenly skyward. In trying to recover he turned the chair on Its pivot and was precipitated to his hands and kriees on the floor. Declining the aid of newspaper men who rushed In his aslstance, Michael rose to his feet blushing profusely as the commissioners and attedants at tbs meeting stifled their mirth. Michael cleared his throat, readjusted his eye glasses and Immediately became busy with his notes. It will not go down In the minutes of the city com-mlsison that Michael Joseph Desmond was guilty of a breach of dignity.

$1.15, Tragedy 11.70, Burbank $1.10, Abundance $1.13. Triumph peaches 80c, and Pin are forwarded promptly, so the known as the Assoclsti.m, with a assurance is given. This will mean that membership drawn from fourteen of the members from afar will have a personal bay counties. The Tourist Association and exceedingly convenient connection nc primarily a ph antiiropy as may with the exposition. In the first place, evidenced by the title of speech de- thelr names will be enrolled before they ot' arrive, and while the California Host La0 the building will be en fete and occupied all illuminating title, surely but the lasso- the time, the auxiliary rooms Just at as described.

Is far from dls- hand will alwavs be oulet and reslful. if agreeable. As a matter of fact, every and Alexander 75c1. In New York prices were about 60c higher on cherries and Slums and somewhat above those of Chl- When you cook with gas there is no heat wasted the fire burns only when and where you want it. No dirt, no trouble.

The Kitchen is always tnvo on plums. Philadelphia ranged fmlf way between the two. we are to place Implicit faith In the laudable effort going to be made to In-circular duce visitors to California to make per- A earefurtT thought out plan places the ne Admlnlstratlon building, tl.e county ex- tral part of the State. Lnlted in this end the California- Host building association are all the clvio and commer- together so placed wWh relation to each clttl bodies.

which other ae to make a most attractive whole. Persuasive powers to accomplish the In this arrangement a convenient space hopea lor result. THE mmm CROPS IN EUROPE ARE clean. You will enjoy your cooking if you use a modern gas range. Have one sent from your dealer.

pas been set aside for the use of lbs auxiliary to the Woman's board. AIMED AT PERMANENCY. When the Call to organize was first given, the women were asked to have in BELOW LAST YEAR'S mind a permanent organization thatf WASHINGTON, June 20. The In wou a en. mem to oive me immi- ternatlonal Institute of Agriculture ra nn nrnh ami that will nnmo tn avarv i reported to the Department of Agrl- the Panama canal.

iculture today that the estimated prp- A WHOLESALE HOUSE SELLING RCTAJL In connection, the Travelers' Aid Or-'ductlon of winter wheat In Italy Is sanitation Is so comprehensive that It 180,044,000 bushels, or 14 per cent Includes all the Woman's Hoard had In ibs than last year, and tn European Sort original county organize-, RuMla 27,041,000, or 100.. per cent This means that travelers "Irrespective ear; The winter rye crqp In i it of age. sex. race, creed or class, may European nussia is bush- come to California for the Panama-Paci- els, or 3.3-per cent less than last year; tic exposition ana rest assured mat tney barley in Japan, 102,758.000 bushels will be met when they arrive, and that or 5.8 pPP cent leM than Iaat year, they will receive all Information, snd ftnH ln nftn 'fc V' when necessary, full guidance and pro- BndP ln a4.J.0O bushels, tectlon." lor 20,8 per cent tnan lant y-In every essential, the California Trar-I BIG JUNE Clearance Sale Now On The Best of Vilues CUT IN HALF We Give Green Trading Stamp STOCKTON PIONEER SUMMONED BY DEATH STOCKTON, June 20. Mrs.

Margaret Morrell Is dead here at ths home of her son, J. Pierce Morrell, on East Wyandotte street. Mrs. Morrell would have been 82 years of age In September end scarcely had had a-slck day In her Ufa until six weeks ago when she fell and fractured her hip bone. The shock and the failure of the bone to heal told on her and impaired her strength.

Mrs. Morrell was one of the pioneer woman of the state and one of the last survrrtng members of the eexllaet elrde of people who came to San Franclseo at the time of the cold discovery. She bad been a resident of 8tockton for it years and had endeared herself to a large circle of friends. Bhe wsi a natl'-e of Bedford, coming to San Francisco In 189. She Is survived by two sons J.

PlesVe and Ralph P. Morrell and three grandchildrenMrs. A. W. Petsingsr, Frank Morrell aad Raymond MorrelL elers' Aid Society has been modeled af-IRf) WD TR TlCKFT ter that of New York, with which u.nUUliU I nir lllIVC I PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Oakland Alameda Berkeley TO LAKE TAH0E Win oniciaiir co-operate.

Mr. Orln Baker, the general secretary of the New York Travelers' Aid Society, came to California through spe Round trip ticket will be on sale I 4f for July 4th to Lake Tahoe at a rate cial Invitation of the Women's Board of 0f $21.50 and Includes the rail fare. Nlght-and Day Phone iKeDanncrriillmcy 923 MARKET ST NEAR FIFTH ma tlor oi the Woman's Pard. Pullman special Co-operatlnr with the Travelers' Aid steamer trip, lunch on boat and two will be the Exploits tlon revision of the ft'll days at the Tavern. This train Exposition.

Through their combined will leave July 3d from San Fran-sgencles the Information Bureaus win cIsco, returning Sunday night Expioiution iH.p,rt. "T9 South; ment will be all the restaurants and ho- ern Pacific agent, of Broadway and tela that do not intend to raise their 13th SL, Oakland, Phone Oakland rate durlnc Uir time, and th Travel- 182. Oakland 470 TTU BANKER 2572 MISSION ST TMC FASHION IS5S FILLMORE ST trig WORLD 056 MARKET ST.

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