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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 12

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

12 SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 13. 1911. OAKLAND TRIBUNE nir mi mr vur utr uu irix xm HU1 UU As i la-TOm, nn. nil 1:1.

ini rrrrrr-Tnr-rar-wirinr Tiir uvt "i mi.umuug PERONAL A 'AMD i i U. C. CASHIER TO PLEAD GUILTY? FRANCHISE DEADLOCK UNBROKEN MANY PLUS FOR VETERANS TO WALK Of a Wright May Throw Himself Upon Mercy of Court Telephone Company Rejects New Offer by City IWLlVEfiY STABLE TO FLAG EXERCISES BERKELEY, June 11. Grand Army circle are atlrred with enthusiasm In company are tllt deadlocked In the niat-antlctpatlon of the celebration tomorrow iter of the granting of a franchise to the 1n the Hearst Greek Theater of Flag -company. Concessions were made on Day.

ruder" the, auspices of the of the controversy which hat try rtr ley Oratoari Society all the arrange- eluded last night. ment haveen completed for the mon- 'rhe councllmen voted linanlnionslr ster affair tomorrow. It is to be held O'Kht to offer the telephone cooi-at o'clock, and the big auditorium is nany a 2f'-'f ar.ijanchliw rturn. for expected to he crowded to the gate long'0 fer cnt of receipt. 3'i) before that time.

tree telephone now, five after five year One Of the 'Chief ftiira will 1h. "Ud live more after ten veara Ion tCivil Wr veteran. Among those who will he irornlnept in the parade W'lll be the twenty mem-irlau ALAMEDA, J.ine 33 Following nearly two hour' discussion last 'night, rliv. council and J. of the Pacific; ami T.iernh per cent for the period the old expired, the elimination of Ci which would give the city an or- to the plant within five Vfars th cutting out of anv charge for Tourists' Association Will Lay Plans for Using $50,000 Fund.

Formal launching of ft J50.000 adver-tls'lna- campaign Is to take place Satur-day evenlpe; at theflrst annual meeting of the Tourist Association of the Rsy and River Counties at the Hotel Phat-tuck In Berkeley. Representatives of commercial bodies and boards of supervisors of fourteen counties will be present to confer on the plans for the systematic distribution of literature and newspaper and periodical publicity. The fund at the command of the assoclstlon has been contributed bv the supervisors of the various countier and commercial organizations. Kormer Governor George C. Fardee will be the principal speaker of the evening at the business session whhh will follow dinner at the hotel.

The plans of the association Include the arrangements for sight seeing tours In all the counties designed primarily for the attraction of tourists. The principal touring agencies of the east, which, book partlea on the western circuit of states, will advertise these local excursions and Include them In their Itineraries. TURNER OPPOSES He Believes Men Do Not Need Holiday in Every Five. Commissioner F. C.

Turner today filed his statement concerning the petition of the firemen in- the Oakland department for one day off In five 24-hour days, but wlthoijt recommending in favor of the change. Turner declared that he- consld- this an unpropltious time to make rhange that would Increase the ex pense of running the department without anv return in added service. The matter will ban-taken tip at the request of the men before the city council next Monday, when Turner' report will he rend. F.tern fltles as a' basis. Turner has computed wage scales, time off.

vacation time and other factors, and declares that ln Oakland conditions are exceptionally good. The firemen declare he should have taken Pacific Coast cities, where the stajidard of living Is higher, for hi computations. FIND SUITCASES AND CLOTHES ON SUSPECT Special Policeman Dalto saw Charles Johnson carrying two suitcase down Vaahlngton street early thl morning; and Raited him with a demand for an explanation, Johnaon said he was takin: lorae clothe from hi rooms in a lodging ho'jise, but when taken to the place It was found-that he had not roomed there. RiY PnillUTIFI Tfl Ulll UUUII I ILU I ADVERTISE WEALTH REM EN DAY OFF BERKELEY. June IS.

That Harry I Wright, deposed cashier" of the l'nlver-Nity of California, will plead guilty and throw himself upon the mercy of the Justicewhen hid' embezslement charge I henrtl Superior Court In considered probable by court attache who watched yesterday the course of hlii preliminary examination. At Its conclusion Judge Edgar -bound him over In the num. of toooo, which was the bona he previously furnished Throughout the preliminary examina tion Attorney Lin Church, who appeared for Wright, Interposed no important 'objection, even permitting without cavil the Introduction of conversations end other evidence to which objection ordinarily would have been taken. He made a. special point, however, to emphasize portion of the ewfdenoe In which It waa shown that Wright had not Onlv con fessed hi peculation but had given every possible, assistance In untangling hla con tuned account.

Deputy District Attorney Rogers Intro- duced In evidence aeveral check which had been sent to the university by different firm and which had not been banked hy Wright' until some rtnv after their WfWtbt. By th teatlmony of Percy (ioode. certified public he) demonstrated Wright's method of holding such check to cover hi theft of oah. banking a check a the amount of cash taken equaled. It.

4 TELLS OF EXPENSES, Coed testified of Wright's explana tion oi now he had spent the money. "right explained that hi household ex rene J. lct! Wal the total of the alarv nald Mnj In tha last two year. Before that time he receive but $86 a month, though he was called upon to handle aum running into the millions la a vnr.vH had Expended a considerable part of hla peculations In real estate, though mot of hi holdings wer ublect In addition to mortgage. now little account Wright kept of his theTta'Goode also ehowed in hi repetition of Wright explanation.

When first queationed Wright declared, according to Ooode, that he believed the tolal amount to be about $9000. Ooode' Investigations showed the actual total to be over $14,400. Ooode quoted Wright GUESTS Elmhurst Mothers Entertain at Big Affair for the Graduates. ELMHrctST. June 13.

Student, graduating thl year from the Elmhtirat chool and former graduate were entertained lat night at one of the moat elaborate affaire of the school term, when they were entertained at Red Men hall a the guest of tha Klmhurt Mother' Club. The affair we an elaborate dance. The great hall wa chrm- Ingly decorated for the occasion and sev era! hundred children and their friend mane merry. The affair wa in charge of a general committee of arrangement composed of prominent memhers of the club, this committee including the following: Mrs. A.

H. Nicholsen, Mrs. C. E. Sutherland.

Mrs. P. C. The floor wa rSe "wT f'1 rraduates i with this year. c1.

in mannged by Mlas Henrietta Johnaon. Mis In the school. The reception committee In eluded the folliprlng: Paul Martin, Itfrlnlcpai of the school, Mis S. S. Watstfn.

Mrs. A. Orison, F. W. Metsgar, Mr.

II. O. W'olcott, Mr. W. Comstock, Mr.

B. P. Sam, Mr. A. c.

Fields. Mrs. T. R. Bibben and Mrs.

A. Brown. The decoration committee consisted of Mr. C. K.

Sutherland, Mr. F. W. Gomph, Mr. C.


Juna IS. nclng will be a feature of the to be given thl evening by -the voting people of St. Bernard church Ih Souza hall, Forty-geventh avenue- and Kat Fourteenth street, where many' talented amateur will contribute number. During the pt month, a committee ha been planning for the affair. Father E.

Nolan of the parish will aaalst in receiving the gueat. Amopg those who will aid are: John Mulllna, Mr. Nellie Bauer, Mr. George Clauae, Miss Sarah Mulllna, Mlaa Kate Donlan, Miss Anna Flanagan, Miss Eileen Quinn. Whelan.

Mra. A. B. Stephens, Mr. J.

M. McCarthy, Misa Margaret Burke, Mr. M. Templeman, Mrs McKenxie. Mr.

Peter Healey, Mr. Anna Boyaon, Mr. Burn and Mia E. Yore, the 'progrsm will be: Mr. Ted Eg-gert.

Ml Ruth SUnlev. Ml Mry Whelan, Mls Celeete Clan, Gerald McCarthy and Tom Connolly. MOTHERS TO AIDlF WORK UPON SCHOOLS MELROSE. June IS. Mother' club and other organltion of women In the dletrirt will till ummer consider a number or improvement In the rrem rign oc-nuui ana me Melrose Grammar ncaooi, which are to be Installed hv Building Superintendent C.

L. Taylor of the school depsrtment, and committees will confer with him on everl matter In connection with iich work. Tavlor has announced that ha will be glad to receive tiggstlon and confer with committees on the worksnd will outline his plans befor the womenTa" clubs. Th changea Include laboratory work In the Fremont achuul and several other mat-tara. TENDERED FAREWELL STUDENTS CLUB 9 a aaylng that the amall wage paid him had not been a cause to hi rtcti-nquency.

and Ihnt he dirt not remember when his pecularlna alarted. At the opening of the hearHu? yeter-dny afternoon Deputy District Attorney Rogers decided tu examine WHkM, not upon charge, on which he had previously been arraigned, an alleged theft of a slum a Utt'lo over $SOO, but upon -the misappropriation of a check of the Pacific G-mno Fertilizer! Company of San Fr.mclsco and Berkeley" for Wrltrht's counsel Mfreed to the change and Wright wa MTth arraigned and examined on the new charge. CHECK IDENTIFIED. Identifies tloe of the check was md hv Carl Jiolzmuller. caah'er of that firm.

This Hiack and a number of other for amount totaling were entered as exhibits fn evidence, flood, the auditor, 'wss put on to show that they hsd ue.ver been entered In the university' cash book. The methodf.alle.ged to have been used bv Wriglit was received In detail by Goode, who testified that Wright admitted in hi presence and before Mer-ritt and Warren Olney attorney for the 1'nlverslty, the fulk" extent of the shortage. At no tima during the hearing waa mentioned the system of ante-dated deposit slips, which I said to have aided Wright In eluding discovery. The existence of what Is said to be a forged receipt of the Berkeley National Bank, however, wa affirmed by Ooode, who declared that the paper "purporting to bear the slKiiature of the bank ba false, waa now In tha safe at the university. Wllllanj M.

Howard, of the Mountain Copper Company; Francia P. Indon- of the Western Meat Company and William Donald, former graduate manager of athletica. at university, were other called upon to Identify check ai those paid by them to the it is lntlmsted by Merrltt and other close to Wright tat Un Church, attorney for the deposed caahier, is laying the foundation for a plea of guilty In the Superior Wright walked to and from tha city hall and wa accompanied only by hi wife. Harbor Committee of Chamber of Commerce Discusses Immediate Use. The Immediate utilization of auch portions of th Oakland waterfront as are already available for commerce Was discussed laat evening at a called meeting of the harbor and waterfront committee of the namber- of Commerce, at which Dr.

George C. John T. Scott. W. Keith, A.

II. Irving. D. H. Bradley, M.

M. Jones and A. A. Denlson were nresent. A second meeting will be held next Tuesday evening, when arrangements will be msde for a conference" with the city officials and representstlve of tha vari ous commercial, organizations over the appointment of srtarbor-commlsston by the city councti.

In accordance with the details report reoer-tly prepared by D. H. Bradley and adopted by the committee, It Is prdpjevd to have a commission of three annnlnted by the cly council to aupervlse the har bor arrairs. These men will serve without compensation, and will appoint a superintendent of the port, who Is to be a paid manager or the waterfront activities of the citv. It is expected that thla commission will at ones 'order the completed portions of the 0 be tiincel In vise.

It is d. to connect the ljvlm-fclon-street wharf wllh the transportation lines by mean of a railroad track and to tru.iid the necessary sheds for the alorss'e of rreignt. i tie aame faculties are to be provided for the completed' iter turn of the seawall In the estuary west of the bridge no Apron vtjian iso. 1 on the western waterfront Js to he with the nnlnland ny road. Tl, A Kin "Ifi.

me T- LWntlon of the city officials -he fact that an Investment of between 52 Son nnn end M.OOfl.ivm is practically Yylnir Idle as long as the municipality wsiu for the completion of the entire project before utilising It. Opportunities of securing dockge for teamshlp lines mult mni'n auvan'sge or po WOODMEN MEMORIAL SERVICES TOMORROW The annual memorial service of the Woodmen of the World will tak Place tomorrow afternoon, at o'clock, Jn rne rnnaervatory or tn Pacific Woodmen building. The committee rhrg ha departed from the methpd adopted In for- mer year, and the1 aervlcea tomorrow HI be of particularly lmntwealv nature. Following la the program: "Nearer My to Thea." audience; invocation. Rev.

J. A. KTry of Peralta Canip irs: solo, Charle H. Trow; addres, Nat FHend of Oakland Camp No. 04; sold, ''Hold Thou My Hand" (Brtggs), Mr.

J. II. Keyr; unveiling service, affloer; Consul Commander J. E. Welsh, yprus Camp No.

141; Advlsoi. Lieut entht B. Holllday, Athen Camp No. 454; escort, R. D.

Smith. Alpha Camp No. 101; Banker R. D. McCurdy, Peralta Camp No.

io. 123; Watchman R. s. Shaw. Frultvale Camp No.

431: Sentry" 8. William. Wedgewood Camp No. 604; Clerk A. I Boynton, Frultvale Camp No 44LL reading JoenuWlllam JLV'an dg Mark, Oakland Camp No.

94; solo, Dry Those Tear" (Del Rlego), Mr. J. H. Keyaarf- banwllotlon, Bev, B. Fit.

Paralta Camp No. 12J. ouuoi hl.dhi.,1 nanoun ALBAXV June IM. Tha Alhanv fn. dustriul Cumiulsslou has ben organlsod 'lth a number of prominent men a director to further th Intertit of the waiertront or thl city.

Th. comnilsaion imrallels that recentlyl onranlsod In Rich- nionu. and Ma the following director: Mayor Frank J. Roberts. R.

F. Daniels. Ueorg Nlckeiaon. H. F.

Devlin. Frederick Brown. George Thompson nd ft. ffina. Not only tha Improvement of tha ttfnnt but eTort to Indue th Jo-cation here o' factories of various sorts Is the plan of the commission.

Application has been sent to Sacramento for the Incorporation of the commission. which will formally organ I sa after the receipt the neceeeej-y pa para ARRAIGNED ON CHARGE OF EMBEZZLING MONEY Elmer Sheldon, arrested last night at Eighth and Jackson street on a charge of mledemeaVor embesxlement preferred by hla former employer, f. M. French. 517 Fourth street, was arraigned before Judge ueorge Samuel thla morning.

Sheldon is alleged to have misappropriated money collected for C. IA, deliveries lor an express company. INTUIIZftlk DF WATERFRONT FL Citizens' Committee at Chamber of. Commerce Lays-Out Scheme. 7 -t BERKELET.

June 13. The committee recently appointed by the Chamber of Commerce to provide for the neautlflca-tion of Berkeley by the growing of flowering plante In front yaras and sidewalk areas and by Improving vacant lots and neglected properties met last evening at the Chamber of Commerce headquarter. Plan for much definite work were lalj out at that time. T. H.

Fallon, chairman of thtg committee, presented a report of the work fat, kwnmnllihiri hir the Committee. showing that already the city ha been partitioned Into eight districts, arid It i tironmted to have a captain for each district, with a "many lieutenant a mv be necessary to carry out the plan that are to he ue reed on bv the citizen -who are taking part In thla movement. He reported that many residents of the western part of Berkeley have already ahown their willingness to co-operate in the effort to make Berkeley more attractive and among the first to frnnrnva, their homei The put-tint up of flag poles, and the painting of flag staffs already In position will he' Included In the recontmendationa of the committee. i. i.nino- nn nf vacant, Chairman H.

V. lrwin or ine commiuw lot. hd thi rejuvenation of neglected, nSil lli. rnmm flee had held a meeting at which enthusiasm I wa shown, and the various captains I and lieutenanta are ready to Degin operation at onca. MISS MORRISH TO WED UNDERALMOND TREE BERKfel.KT, June IS.

fWder'an almond tree in her father' orchard near I Gto I the pot on which Miss Amv Morrish ha chosen to be married Auguat to I)r. Harold Brj'ant of the CnTverslty of California faculty. Mis Morrlah Is the daugliter of Mr. and Mr. William Morrish.

who resided for many vear In Berkeley, but are now. etab-llihed on a beautiful estate which they have named "Annandale Ranch." Ml Morrth reulalned in Berkeley where he Is a great favorite, after her parents had removed to their ranch. J)r. Brvant Is In the aoological department. He has atarted the erection of a home here where he and hla bride will make their realdence.

Deelrlng a wedding "Jut a little dlfr ferent" from the ordinary. Ml Morrish went to tramped from end to end of ranch. Finally' ehe ounff a suitable pot where an almond tree group shed its shadow over a portion of a meadow and wMere there are hiding places -for the violins and almost a natural altar. A large number of Berkeley people will go down from Berkeley to the c'efemoiiv, which la to take place at noon. Other detail of the wedding have yet to be arranged.

-LONG DISPUTE SETTLED BERKET-KT, IS A tennl court at the head of Henry atreet, which ha been utilised for the past two or three year by fashionable folk of the Berry-man district and which had proved a stumbling block to the council' plan to extend that thoroughfare, ia to go. Mr. Marv W. Kincald. who objected to resinning the court for the price offered, Teett to a compromise, and today the city onglneer is preparing the necessary yperiftcattnn.

Th street department aought to ac-ouire the property necessary for tha ex tension for I360(i, but Mr. Kincald he WU'Tpffi year. In the course oita progresa, Com- mlssloner K. Q. Turner and Attorney tMiitatn rtttenaen, representing Mr Kinceld.

Indulged In wordy passagv at arm in the council chmher. Tht coinpromise price agreed upon 1 J3C5U. JOIN LUTHERAN SYNOD BERKEDEV, June J3. Rev. Harver M.

Ieih. pastor of Bt Michael' Lutheran Chur of Berkeley leave next week for Belllngham, to attend the annus 1 meeting of the PaHfle Svnod of the Lutheran Church, with which body thl congregation expect to affiliate. The, Rev. Dr. Hosklnaon of Montana, fonner pastor of the First Lutheran, t'aersmento, Will supply the pulpit of St.

MtcheeV on Sunday. June dnr-! lug the absence of the pastor. The evening vesper service will be diirinr the month of June. i Mis Emllle Welskotten. on furlough from Indl.

and Mr. Harpater of Los Aneele. former! mlalonarv to India. wl guest of Kev. Han-ev M.

Leech thla week. They are expected to re-1 turn te Berkeley to give missionary ad-1 dreasea In June. I ENTOMOLOGIST CARL FUCHSDIES.f AGED 74 ALAMKDA. i rirt Tuch. who wss well known, ns an entomologist and who wa ssoclated with the Cutl-frnia Academy of Scienc.

died ve. terday at hla home In this city. Fuche we the huahand of Mr. Maria Flvh and wa native of Mniie-Am-Mln. Germany.

Deceased wa 74 vears of ce. Th fuherat will be held( tomorrow In Oakland. TO CCLEBtlATE FLAQ DAY. ALBANY. June IS.

Day I to have it celebration In thl city tomorrow with appropriate exercises at 11 o'clock, at the Mrln avenue There will -be appropriate, music, and the address' will be delivered by Re.v. w. V. Coffman. In the evening.

whenKev. Coffman la to preech at Trinity cfhirch In Berkeley, a sneclal song aenlce. in which the theme will be continued, wll he c.mdwied br W. P. Clanrv, whri Is president of the East Albany Improvement Association.

SCHOOL PICNIC ANNOUNCED. ALAMEDA, Juna 11. Tha plcnle of ha children of the Everett R-hool, nn-rr the auspice of the Mother Oub, will be held the first Saturday following the opening of the achool term. This aonouncem-nt has been issued by Mrs. Clara Mundt.

Hdping a Woman Genet all taeana belpinf an entire Umily. liar back achat So aba can hardly draff round. Her nerve art on edge and sbf it Marly wild. Headache and Sleepless neat' unfit ber for tht) car of ber family. Rheumatic Paint and Lumbago rack ber pod.

But, let ber tak Foley Kidney Pills 'and all theaa aulroentt wni dUapptar. Sb will i toon recover ber ttrangtb and bealthr activity for Foley Kidney Pill, are healing, curative, tonic, medicine far all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Pieease that always curat, olt vrywhra. DWERPLANTNfi I free telephone which the city hat had since the former permit expired. OFFER REJECTED. Halllday notified the councilman thfit this offer would not be egreeable to the rompany and that the best that the com-lUnv vould give would be two per cent, 30 free telephone and other Item enumerated above, for a 25-year franchise." The former offer of the cltv wa a 20-year franchie" for two per cent.

40 free phones and ether minor concesalon. The company turned down this offer, declaring, tint it would give two per cent, 20 free nhone end the other concession. If the five-year option Jause was eliminated-. The councllmen' were obdrirate In therr request for 30 free phones now, five In five years an? more In ten years, for I'Jiyear franchise. Ilallldav, not enree to the compromise.

KILLED BY TRAIN Little' Mary Lazuka Runs in Front of S. P. Electric, Is Crushed to Death. "While playlnir In Seventh street, little Mary Izuka, three years of age, ran in front of a Southern Pacific electrio local and waa cniahed to daath yesterday afternoon. The body the child wa frightfully mangled 'when It waa taken from beneath the wheel.

AI. lazuk. It 20 Seventh mother of the little girl, saw the danger of her danphter too late to help. She ran screaming Into the street, and ran along beside the train until It came to a atop, when she assisted Uie train crew in taking the Jittle torn body from 'the tracks. The child died art the Receiving Hospital.

KnRlneer (leorge Aiems threw on the brakes whe nhe saw the little Kirl aml-denly ran oiit into the street, but, was unable to bring; the train to a stop In time. Theijiody was removed to' the. morgue, Inquest -will be Adams surrendered- himself to the police' today on a technical charge of manslsughtar, hut as no blame Is attached to him, he was released on his own recognisance, and the charge will be dismissed after the coroner' Inquest. MISS KNAUGH HOSTESS AT ELABORATE AFFAIR ELMIirRST, June. 13.

Miss Laura Knaugh was hostess yesterday at ah Informal whist party held at her home on F.ast Fourteenth street, the affair being one of the prettiest events of the present season. A large number of guests from Elmhurst, lan Iandro and outside cities attended the affair. Cards and a luncheon were the diversions of the afternoon nd sevgral novelties in (Jecoratkfhs msde the ociaion attractive. Among the guests at the affair were the following: Mmes. Kate Cunningham, George Calfee, J.

B. Mills, Ai S. Weaver, George Logan, Elizabeth Smith, Paul Johnson, S. I). Force, Louise Bruner, L.

Walrath. F. E. Rider. Shepard.

McLaughlin, A. B. Pel-ton, Jack Wagner, George Helms, Carrie Ohea and Carrie Knaugh and Misses Christine Anderson, E. Smith, and Jennie Knaugh of San Ieandro. Mrs.

Ilia Davis of Stockton end Mra. Lilly. Klnsell, Miss Elsie Smith of San Lorenxo and Mra. T. Sawyer of Elmhurst ALLENDALE M0THERS' CLUB ENTERTAINS FPvlTrVALE.

June n. The Allen-dale Mothers' Club entertained Wednesday afternoon at i pretty affair after the exercises at the Allendtle school. Table were set In the domestic science rcom, which waa decorated with pink sweet peas and ferns, carrying out the class colors of pink and green. Forty-iwo guests partook of the cluh's hospitality, which was also In the natura of a farewell to W. F.

Ewlr. the principal, who has been transferred to the Piedmont school. An addrem was given by Roscoe Jones of the Civil Service Commission and short talks were also inflde by Ewlng, Miss Ebv, the class teacher: Mrs. M. E.

Uunter. presldont of the Mothers' club, and lateral of tha pupils, later dancing as enioved In the newly completed assembly hall. here muslo wss furnished hv Mrs. Hnlda Indlg, a member of the Mother' club. REMOVAL OF WEEDS MADE COMPULSORY 1..

I. 1 1 1 ti. 1 1 wmui ll't rubhisl) from sidewalk area or lota In that city was prdered by the city" council committee of th'a whole at Its meeting last evening. City Attorney Poorman Jr. ruled that under the provisions of the charter property ownere can be prosecuted.

Councilmsn A. L. Morgenstern urged action In cleaning up weeda and rubbish snd wss seconded by Mayor Frank Otis. Superintendent of Streets V. M.

Frodden stated that he Is giving notice to negligent property owner and many are obeying his ordera. HflRUG FIEND MAY HAVE HIS PROBATION REVOKED WHJlam Wilson, who baa been out on probation for a burglary committed over a year ago at Bowman's drug store, entered the drug store of O. Overman. 5728 San Pablo avenue, this morning, end ssked permission to go to the rear of the store that he might bind up a wound In hla leg. He' disappeared suddenly, and hen Overman "him.

out-of the store, he found that Wilson had concealed under his coat a bottle of morphine and a botUe of cocaine. The man is said to be a drug Mend. Ills probation will probably be revoked. ALAMEDA WATER RATES TO REMAIN ALAMEDA, June 13. The water rates for the ensuing year are to be the same aa those ln effect this year.

The city council committee of the whole last night voted to adopt an ordinance submitted by the finance committee, fixing the rate tha sain as those of last year. The council committee also voted To adopt the ordinance which will require ell movers of, household effect to notify tha chief of police to the new address of their patrona, whether ln this city or In other places. DRILL TEaTtO mTkE BID FOR. CHAMPIONSHIP IV I.riNnBo June It Th. -n.

n.rTu.j-. r- v. uiiu v. nan mr i i 1 1 cll will uphold the honor of Alameda County June It at Concord, when It wlU compete with the crack drill teama of Contra Costa county ln a big carnival parade and romretition drill. Several other P.

R. S. 1. teams throughout tl county have been Invited also to at- tend, and plana are under way t) send a Joint delegation. The lo-al drijl team Is one of the rrack organisations of tha county, having many prisea already to It credit from recent carnivals and Other affaire.

0 Alameda Council Adopts Reso lution Anent Permanent Housing of Canines. AT.AMTT1A Tune 1 The el' tleadouarters Bra to he located in the livery stable of A. S'onah. on Enclnal near Oak The street committee made such a reconimenrtn Hon to the 1 cltv council committee of the whole last nlsht snd It was adopte. The pound will not be placed In the cor-poratlon yard at the north end of Grand Street.

Councilman Cj W. MrTiae stated uf the meeting last night that he believed thst the entire committee of the whole should handle tho pound problem. He said, thourh thai devised by the street committee and that' wss that the pound he located tcmpor-arfly-hi the Vonah stables. Councilman Bartletf auu.7ARt.eri tha-t the urnrrii 1 .1.1. uo alii.

cii VUI ttllU 11110 adopted. u. t.OUnCllman MacPne'a mnftnn alcn ran. ommended that no dogs bo allowed to run at large, and that the Canines be only allowed to annear on the under leash. The council also adopted thla suggestion.

ERROR IN APPOINTMENT. K. W. Maslln communicated wllh the council and slated that a mistake had been made aa t. appointment as library trustee started.

his ceniruatfl reads "April and. lie ayr that this should he "April The citV clerk u-aa gate. E. C. Malllott wa granted two weeks' vacation, to start July.

4. R. ki Boss-hard waa aranteH tan Aavmi start June 22. Mrs. E.

F. Rea of Lincoln venim filed a protest against the Imnmv.nunl nf Lincoln tv.nn. hv vl vlla abutting property-owners. ine immediate Improvement of the ends of Liberty and Garfield ayenues, by the erection of bulkheads, and the construction of the pleasure pier at the end of Garfield av.nn. n-ni k.

by the city council. This was determined upon last evening at the meeting of tha committee of the whole, JpOS-FOF CONSTRUCTION." City Krttlneer J. E. Sutton has re- ported t.ha. the Liberty avenue bulU- head will cost.

J198.21 anj the structure at the end nf ilrtmA ..111 ab.nuT. mil lUHl I4S4. The pier, according to his figures. Will cost S16TS.ZK. The street committee of the council a.

nn- rrjiorL Willi The couneH Tuesday evening, concerning io ciiuin project. Frank Hally, -representative of Louis Saroni and l- council last night that hi client, will deed the street ends to the city If the uulklieads are constructed at once. Efforts will be made by the street committee tO haVA riaada r-A-, Tuesday evening. Plans have been hy Saroni. Hillen and residents ln the vlclnltv to erect the pleasure pier.

Saroni and Hillen have donated 1500 each and another 8500 has been contributed by public subscription. WILL BE ATTRACTION. The Tiler wilt bathing purposes and will be a distinct attraction in the east end. The firemen of Alameda are to have a new 1oh. While tak ing the fire hydrants they are to wash off the pavement and gutters of Park street Ti, Hn ii-TOinnnuefl or the whole last nleht pniia and Fire Commissioner E.

J. Bevan to direct that such action be taken. Councilman Conrad ftoth street merchants asked tliae-C the thoroughfare be flushed for sanitary reasons The cleaning will take place about twice a month. MISS M. POCOCK WEDDED LAURENCE S.

COX ALAMEDA June: 13. Miss Melanle Pocock and Laurence S. Cox plighted their troth in a bower of pink blossotrnC 'if hung with garland of pink sweet peatv-. and banked with greenery. The bride Waa a daintV fifi-llr in hap rharmeAise and old lace, a part of the weoaing gown of her mothethe same exquisite lace making effect from which the long tulle Veil fell to the train, the costume enhanced by the shower bouquet of bride rosfes and tulle.

Miss Cecllo Pocock, who was in' pink silk mull veiled In filmy white lace and carried a shower of pink, sweet pes was maid of honor and at her feet fell 1 bride bouquet when the newLv weds left on their honeymoon. The other attendants were tha best man Kleth Cox. and-the little ring bearer Kd-gar Spiganovlcs, a nephew of the bride who preceded the bride carrying a white ss tin pillow upon which reposed Ilia fling ring. The bridegroom with the best man awaited the approach the brid in the bower, where th Rev. Father Dovle pronounced the words which made the couple one.

The welding supper followed the felicitations, -after which the newly married people left amid a shower of pink confetti and serpentine. Thev will return to this city to reside In a pretty new home at 1620 Buena Vista -avenue, alter a week' honeymoon trip. ACCEPTS CHAIRMANSHIP FOR ALAMEDA ON BOARD ALAMEDA, June 13. Mr. R.

Teller accepted the chairmanship for Alameda of the Alameda County Auxiliary of the Woman's A. 11 'r rifle Exposition. Mrs. A. c.

Posey being vnairman or me cotintv and Miss MoM'e Conner Mr. Charle R. LlOVll la tha n. on the county auxiliary board.

rosey naa outlined a nlan for tha organization nf iinm. pe' one of 'ne largest repr'e- Ln, Alameda has already ft larB-A mtmHap i iii.iiiu.ifj ui floard, one of wnom hflll ex.rted hetj suiting a circle ot friends Interested. Mra, 8. J. Conger has ben active in securing a list of name of friend ft the membership list.

WILL URGE IMPROVING r. TIDAL CANAL BRIDGES ALAMEDA, H. Bartlett and Mayor Frank Otis wll' appear before the Board of Supervisor, next Monday and urge the improvement of the planking onvthe estuarv and tidal canl brldgea. The11 city clerk was directed by the city council committee of the whole last evening to ad.lresa a letter; to the hoard and request that euer-action be taken. Bartlett and Mayor Otlg will be hand to back up the letter.

The action wa taken by the council committee at the suggestion of Council man A. L. Morgenstern. GUARDSMEN TO DANCE. BERKELEY.

June 13. Members of Company ff. G. of this cltv. are" planning a.

country dnnt to he the armorv atAIanm the of Saturday. June 20. The mllltUmen tltemselves will wear khaki uniforms but others who hava been invited are tu Aycr's Pills Hearth Qliranat Cotutipallnti Indifictboti Sold for 0 yttn. Ae Yoa WW. ber of General George C.

Meade Post of San FYancleco. who have volunteered ia ineno a nooy. and who have declined with thanks the offer of automobile that were to be provided for their accommodation. They say they prefer to walk. fflCIAL LIST OF THE ORIGINAL COSMOPOLITAN COMPANY or bax ntAxcisco ESTABLISHED JAXl'ARV 1902 WEEKLY DRAWING Friday, June 12, 1914.

No. S(iS. 73... 142. 11415.

"I6S. IVIieN'o. l'rixe'No. rrize 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 20 20 10 10 10 50 10 60 20 20 Jin 16. 201 20! 20! 201 2ri 201 101 201 201 i.iil eo; 20! 10! 161..

2S2. 417. 52.. 1103.. 276.

364 Rss. 711.. 740.. lu 10! 2'i! I'Oj 20! 1378.... 20! 20i 3806....

20i I8811. 1916. 20' 201 8.. 101 2196.... 2h; 226.,..

6i'i F.0, 201 2777.... 201 2.19".... 10' 101 60! 33.11.... 20I 3378.... F.fll 362....

201 3753.... 201 2C! 1W 4120.... 4277.... in1 4368 20' 4417.... 201 4736 6168....

01 21f 5468 201 6fiS0. 20! K.l!4... 20i 6001 S69. 101 lS.HO. 1001 1905...

20l 2118. 20 2:24... 201 264.1... 201 2742.,. 10' 2M9.

10! 2962... 201 2096. 20! 201 82S2. 20! 10! n0! 3507... 201 201 398i.

101 60! 100! 466. lOl.l1 44H6. 2'il 4701. 10! 6000. 101 6142...

101 6200. 20l 6425.:. 60! 6612.., 201 6081... 2621 2977.... 3041....

3422 34f.S 4301 4171.... 4421.... 434.... T.S77.... P4t3 MM H00 Bllfl.

e.iss.... 7015.... 7200. 7526.... 7F.67....

76112 S7r.i 8R4H M4fi f40r, 11746. fl4. 974 innso l'liso. 1027.1 106SS 1077S nni! C292, 7 1 r-4ft 11141. 12775.

12fl10. 1 U'-Sfl 136l. 1.05, 1I3S4 14665.... 14KS1 14912 1S322 1M70. 1SH73.

1616 1CJ.19 16tn ir.ono 17080.... 17166.... 17271.... 20 10 10 10 20 10 10 100 20 10 10 20 10 2o 10 loo 10 10 20 20 10 20 20 20 10 20 20 20 20 10 20 100 10 20 .60 20! 6024. 201 6414.

201 6170. 20' 6417... 10.000! 661. 601 6612.. 101 66.10 101 2l 6H79 20i 7057...

10! 20! 7461.... 201 7566..., 101 7678 101 V16. 792.1. 201 8062 10! 201 850" "(l! 880r, 10! 8881 fill 37. 10! OSLO, 201 9756....

10' 9885 20'100ii M11011 20 10540..., rO'lOTIO 10 10848 20 11019 20'11295. 12087 1fll122.11 20'132i4 50'181. 10 10 11104... 10 14876. 10M42.7&...., 1.

jr. f6'fl. 10U56R3. 1C'16I68 ro'i6rs ro'16756 )0'16MO 10117741.... 1011IJ36.

If0 1676 201 S93J. 20i 101 10' 601 7511 20' 7570.... 30! t681 "20! 7720.... 100! 8007.... 501 20I S219.

101 201 8827.... 21! 101 201 9297.,.. 201 9692 101 9785.... 100' 9931 20110014.... 2i11165 20 10247....

10 10244.... 1I1K18. 20 11605.... 100it2090. 20ilS4 20 12902....

20 13'46 20 12.128 1O0134H4. c1' 13718.... lll'N 1'l. 100114619.,,. 14024....

'10 1600,1.,,. 1 "0116521.... 20! 15698...., 20 15802.. 2n'irs77. 1016167 1 VJ6278.

10(1 1645.1 2016819.... 20117248..., o' 17594 20118168. jo'isin. 10 10 20 ln 20 60 10 10 0 10 0 10) 10 20 21 10 20 20 10 h50 10 20 20 10 101 20 20 20 17600. 1TST.

17860. 1164. "47. 20 in 20 "0 10 1 1 10 tn.5 t'1948. ffl 60 10659,.

tMWbnr V17Mr. 1 97,60. 10 19797'. 10 10119961.... 10 101 APPROXIMATION PRIZES.

9 number from. 6401 to 6500. 810 each. ft number from 17101 to 172 JO, flU -jX, ftOJhumber from lfJSOl to 1 5900, SI 0 ach. TERMINAL.

PRIZES. 19 number ending with 17. 110 000 i. 199 number ending with 42. 1200016.

No. 6417 draw First Capital Prise. J10.000; sold In Mn Francisco and Ar-buekle, Csl. No. 17142 draw Pecond Capital Prlie.

1204)0; sold tr Lodl and Inne. Cal. No. 18864 draw Third Capital Prise. ilOVi: old In fun Fnnclsco and Ho1Hter.

Csl. No. 139 drsws 50o; sold ln Fan Francisco and Kureka. Csl. No.

19802 draws t500; sold In San Frtnrtsco and Hacramento, Cal. the abov I for i tickets fractlont In proportion. WINNERS FOR JUNE 6TH, 1914. Geo. Tarpey.

residing at 420 Eddy 8nl Ftanclco: IJ500. Martin Ferguson, residing at 8929 Broadway, Oaklar.dL (Tal-I l-'50. Chat P. Blmpion. residing at Winter.

11000. Mr. Frenk Hewgton. residing 2(3 Leavenworth treet. San Francisco; J5.MI.

Peter Slollno. reldin at Oroville, ISOO. John 1. Carpenter, residing at Tracy. Csl 256.

Mia. Kstele Rurkhart. reaidlna at F.l- mlr. Cal 250. Klmer rarker.

residing at Orov lie. 33 i "IS 10 Johnson being detained ln the city Miprlaon and the police are seeking the A' BEFORE TRIP TO 1 owner or the suitcases and clothes. Every Woman Can Use and ought to use occasionally, ft Tirnrtpr rpmprK' fnr tria headache, backache, languor, nousnessana subject. These troubles and others are symptoms of debil-; ity and poor circulation caused by indigestion or constipation tre at once taf certain and conveni4int They clear the system and purify tha blood. They ex-, ert a general tonic effect and insure good health am ttrength, to that all the bodily organs do their natural work without causing suffering.

Every woman of the 'thousands who have tried them, knows that Beecham's Pills act' To Certain Advantage ItMha wkk Iter kW af VUI Taha te Wmm. Mewrwan., IS. PAINLESS PATTERSON The dentist that doe (it nor, right. Crnr 14th Ms.

Ossosite Oitr Hail, vpatain. Keen .11. orEv ZTEKivoa 5 AX LKANDRO. June If Xfaev Ilonsldson and Mr. William well known In local society, are now on mtii way iu where they plan an extended vlsitwlTh relatives.

They were tendered a pretty farewell before leaving when they were guests of honor at a sewing bee at the homo of Mrs. Howard Bronsteln on Washington avenue. A number of friends dropped In during the afternoon to wish them bon voyage. Among the guet of the afternoon were the following: B. Force, Charle Anderson, John Black, Monroe Drew, W.

C. Nold. William Ug-gett and J. J. Kagan and Mis Mary Donaldiuo.

GIRLS ENTERTAINED AT GARDEN AFFAIR FRCTTVALE. June II Ella Jry. of Iimond, antertilned at her home yeterday in honor of a number of school friends. Among those partlcl-Titlng in the pleasure were Mis Kile 'Jos, Miss Pauline Bush. Mr.

Vet Jacohson, Miss Dollle SIIMera and Miss Kdn llitgh. fards and music were th diversion of the sfternoon and luncheon waa served under the tree of lli gardau of tha Uraelay home. Ctl. tus..

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