Claresholm Local Press from Claresholm, Alberta, Canada • 2
- Publication:
- Claresholm Local Pressi
- Location:
- Claresholm, Alberta, Canada
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- 2
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Claresholm, Alberta, Friday, May 15th, 1931. CUT TULIPS SATURDAY 39c. doz. BEDDING PLANTS to arrive first of the week. These should be put in any time now.
We will have a large assortment of all the popular kinds. We will look after any special orders. BALSAM, CLARKIA, COSMOS, GODCLIA, LOBELIA, ASTERS, SNAPS, TOMATOES, CELERY and many others. GERANIUMS out of pots for window boxes. CAULIFLOWER and CABBAGE PLANTS.
LANGSTON'S GROCERY W. H. LANGSTON, Prop. Telephone No. 163 Biggest and Best.
Paulin's in butter-caramel rolled in REAL Virginia CHOCOLATE" Chocolate cream centre, dipped CHECK coating. IN' DOUBLE Rich ducing in food energy-pro- values. A CHECK CHECK A CO BAR (The PAULIN CHAMBERS LTD. CALGARY' 'S POPULAR PRICED HOTELS HOTEL YORK EVERYTHING NEWEST. Rates $2.50 and $3.00 COFFEE SHOP BEST FOOD LOWEST PRICES Also Operating HOTEL ST.
REGIS RATES: $1.50. Baths $2.00 up. Weekly and Monthly Rates. HILLVIEW FARM DAIRY Use PASTEURIZED MILK for a safe food product. Delivered mornings at10c per qt.
McDANIELS Claresholm TEN REASONS why you should have your car CAREFULLY INSPECTED before hot weather starts 1. RADIATOR cleaned out and defective hose connections replaced. 2. IGNITION carefully checked; COIL and POINTS inspected. 3.
GENERATOR BRUSHES and BEARINGS inspected and replaced if necessary. 4. FAN BELT tightened or replaced with new one. 5. BATTERY CONNECTIONS cleaned and greased and BATTERY TESTED.
6. SPARK PLUGS are always replaced at 10,000 miles by careful car owners, who know that points burn off. 7. OIL FILTER should be changed at 10,000 miles, as inside of can becomes clogged with dirt. 8.
All IGNTION CABLE or WIRING should be checked for breaks. 9. REAR END and TRANSMISSION GREASE changed to Summer grade. 10. WATER PUMP and FAN carefully checked.
WE HAVE THE MECHANICS and THEY have the TIME. QUALLY MOTORS Where All the Chevrolets Come From. instruments of government in every civilized community may call for more than passing appreciation. This initial Canadian census was repeated several times during the French regime, after which a series of less elaborate investigations by successive Colonial Governors took its place. The first legislation on the subject was all Act of the United Provinces, dated 1847.
Under it a census of Upper and Lower Canada was taken in 1851 and again in 1861. Censuses of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were taken in the same years. An account of these and of preceding investigations may be found in Volume IV of the Report of the Census of 1871, a volume designed to start the new Dominion on its career with a review of all previous statistics relating to domain. At Confederation the British North America Act specificially mentioned "The census and statistics" as falling within Dominion as distinguished from Provincial jurisdiction (Section 91). The first Dominion Census Act was passed in 1870, and the first census was taken thereunder in 1871.
Similar comprehensive censuses have followed every tenth year, namely, 1881. 1891, 1901, 1911 and 1921. In 1886. a special census of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories was taken midway between the other censuses. This so-called "Quinquennial" census was repeated for Manitoba in 1896.
whilst in 1906, 1916 and 1926. it also embraced Saskatchewan and Alberta, created into provinces in 1905. the reason being the rapidly changing conditions in these newer sections of the Dominion. The census of June 1, 1931, is therefore the seventh comprehensive decennial census to be taken since Confederation. The administration of the census was originally vested in the Minister of Agriculture: in 1912.
however, in a reorganization and centralization of the statistical work of the Government it was transferred to the Miniser of Trade and Commerce. who will accordingly promulgate the schedules and regulations of the present census. HOSPITAL NOTES Ila Fenton was a patient for a few days. Floyd and Gerald Torrence. of Granum, were tonsilectomy patients on Monday.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Studd on Tuesday, May 12th.
W. Robinson was a tonsilectomy patinet Tuesday. Gegion Sundberg was admitted on Wednesday. Mr. Hennegan is not so well.
Melvin Erdman, of Granum. was discharged Friday. Mr. Nowlin was able to g0 home 011 Wednesday. "Only fools are certain, Bobby; wise men hesitate." "Are you sure that.
Pop?" "Yes, certain of it." Hon. John S. Martin, of Port Dover, Ontario. and former minister of agriculture for that province, is dead. aged 56.
He was known throughout the North American continent as the world's White Wyandotte king. David Belasco. famed U. S. theatrical producer, is dead.
He was 77 years of age. FOOT HILLS LODGE, No. 13 1. 0. 0.
F. The lodge will meet in regular segsion every Monday night at 8:00 p.m. Visitors welcome. WM. McCARTNEY, N.
G. J. W. MORROW. Secretary.
DR. J. S. HYNES, M. C.
M. Phones: (McGill) Office, 141. Residence, 96. DR. P.
J. CARROLL Physician and Surgeon. Ultra-violet, diathermy physiotherapy. Phones: Office 40; P. A.
M. LYSTER, M. M. McGill) Office and Residence: The former Dr. McMillan premises.
Phone 79. DR. A. D. MACGREGOR Dental Surgeon.
Office: Milnes Building. DR. J. A. MULLIN Dentist.
Phones: Office, Residence, 198. R. W. JELL AUCTIONEER GRANUM, Alberta Phone 16. See J.
H. Thorne for Rates and Dates. J. H. BOUSQUET GENERAL CONTRACTING Concrete Excavating Ditching, Etc.
Septic Tank Installations Also Plumbing, Waterworks and Gas Connections Two Doors South of Bank of Commerce CLARESHOLM AV VA The CLARESHOLM LOCAL PRESS Phone 157 "A Local Newspaper Published for Local People." Advertising Rates upon Application at Office. R. L. KING Editor and Proprietor. A A A A A A A A A A Friday, May 1931 EDITORIAL NOTES Premier Bennett told pavliament the other day that he had invesstigated the Canadian banking system and found it to be satisfactory and fully adepuate to meet Canadian exigencies and conditions.
But there are even conservatives in Claresholm ready to argue the point with him. 0 0 0 taught more thoroughly our One of the great arts that should, be schools is that of telling stories. To tell a good story, and tell it well, is indeed a great accomplishment. This fact was forcibly brought to our attention at the Mother's Day services Sunday morning, when Mrs. Williams told to the boys and girls the story of "The Cap That Mother Made." A rumor emanating from Ottawa indicated that Premier R.
B. Bennett contemplated matrimony. Nothing would amuse the Canadian people more than to see Richard Bedford and Agnes set an example for the rest of the lonely parliamentarians to follow. It might surprise some of the economists and statisticians to learn that several thousand families in Western Canada have re-established themselves on farms this spring. Quite a few instances are noted in the Claresholm area.
In spite of low prices, the farm seems to offer a sense of security that is not found in the towns and cities by people who are not regularly engaged in well organized and soundly established lines of business and industry. 0 000 Just take note of the Clean-Up announcement on the front page, inserted by the Board of Health. SILVER QUESTION AN INSISTENT ONE (Lethbridge Herald) The silver question will not down. People on this continent may have thought that it had breathed its last in 1896. when William Jennings Bryan, with his "cross of gold" and "crown of thorns" speeches during the presidential election campaign in the United States that year, went down to defeat.
But the question will not down. Every day some new financial authority is speaking publicly about it. One of the few occasions upon which Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, former Premier of Canada, has spoken since his retirements from politics, brought from him the suggestion that silver was not being given its proper place in our monetary system.
Hon. Mr. Meighen put forward the suggestion of a British banker that a of the British Empire be formed to buy all gold and silver used in the Empire as coinage, and new coinage issued to be known as "Rex" The price for silver. instead of being 30 cents an ounce, as it is now, would at once be raised to 90 cents, or about 28 to 1 as compared with gold. Bankers and business men, whose property is valued upon the gold standard, are not likely to receive the with anything but a cold suggestion, but hundreds of millions of the world's people in India.
China and other parts of Asia and South America would welcome the Meighen proposal because it would mean that their buying power, would be tremendously increased. increased buying power appears to be the world's greatest need at the present time. Business men of the world. gathering in Washington last week to attend the convention International Chamber of Commerce. were rather inclined to the opinion that.
2 Pairs for 25c HOSE at 50c and MEN. CENSUS QUESTIONS These are the questions that will be asked about each person by a Dominion Government census-taker some time during the opening week of June: 1. Your name and where you live. 2. Whether your home is owned or rented.
3. The estimated value of your home, if owned; or the monthly rental, if rented. 4. How many rooms are in your home, and is it of stone, or brick, or wood? 5. Is there a radio set in your home? 6.
Your relationship to the family (whether the head of family, wife, son, daughter, or uncle, etc.) 7. What is your sex? S. Are you single, married, widowed, or divorced? 9. What was your age at last birthday? 10. Where were you born? 11.
Where was your father born? 12. Where was your mother born? 13. In what year did you migrate to Canada? (For foreign-born persons). 14. In what year were you naturalized? (For foreign-born persons).
15. What is your nationality? 16. What is your racial origin; from what overseas country did your family originally come? 17. Are you able to speak English. or French? 18.
What is your mother tongue? (For foreign-born persons). 19. Of what religious denomination are you a member or adherent? 20. Are you able to read and write? 21. How many months at school since Sept.
1, 1930? (For persons of school age). 22. If you are a gainful worker, what is your occupation? 23. In what industry are you employed? 24 Are you an employer, an employee, or are you working on. your own account? If you are an employee, you will be asked if you were at work on Monday, June 1st, 1931.
If "No." you will be asked whether it was because of: (a) No job; (b) Sickness; (c) Accident; (d) On holidays: Strike or lock-out: (f) Plant closer; (g) Other reason. You will also be asked whether you have been out of work for any cause in the last 12 months? It you answer "Yes." you will be asked: How many weeks have vou been out of work. and of these how many were due (a) No job; (b) Illness; (c) Accident: (d) Strike or lock-out; (e) Temporary lay (0) Other reason. On June 1, 1931. the Census of the Dominion will be taken.
The census has been called "the largest single act of administration of the Government." The success of the census depends largely upon the co-operation of the people. Without general appreciation of the ends in view, and without the cordial assistance of individual citizens towards those a good census will be impossible. A brief description of the scope, methods and purpose of the census and of its place in statistical and general administration will therefore be of interest and utility at the present moment. Census-taking dates from the dawn of civilization. Moses numbered the Children of Isreal in the fifteenth century C.
(Exodus XXX, 12-15; Numbers 1. 2-4. and 47-49; 14-16: IV. 34-49). But statistical investigations were known many centuries earlier, in Babylonia, (4,000 B.
in China (3.000 B. in Egypt (2,500 B. A census taken by King David in 1017 B. C. achieved evil notoriety in history from the Divine wrath which it provoked tIl Samuel XXIV.
1-25; Chronicles XXl. 1-27). and which was cited for many generations against the spirit of inquiry. The census was one of the institutions founded by the great lawgiver Solon at Athens in the sixth century. B.
C. The Romans were assiduous census-takers, both under the Republic and the Empire: Julius Caesar reformed the census among other things. The Breviary of Charlemagne (A. D. SOS) and the Domesday Book of William the Conqueror (A.
D. 1986) are celebrated medieval censuses. Later. the census disappeared from Europe. It may not be generally known that the credit for taking the first census of modern times belongs to Canada.
The vear was 1666: the census was one of the Colony of New France. There had been earlier records of settlement at Port Royal (1605) and Quebec (1608), but the census of 1666 was a systematic "nominal' enumeration of the people (i. a record of each individual by name). taken for a fixed date, showing the age. sex.
place of residence. occupation and conjugal condition of each person. The results are to be seen in a docu ment of 154 pages in the Archives of Paris. of which a transcript is in Ottawa. Altogether this census recorded 3.215 souls.
When it is recalled that in Europe the first modern census dated only from the eighteenth century (those of France and England dating from the first year of the nineteenth). whilst in the United States 110 census was taken before 1790, the achievement of the primitive St. Lawrence Colony in instituting what is today of the principal CARL J. BRAREN THE STORE OF QUALITY FRESH FISH Thursdays FRESH FISH is now arriving from the Coast EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. THE CLARESHOLM MEAT MARKET D.
A. ANDERSON, Proprietor Phone 11. It Takes Many a Stook TO EQUAL THE VALUE OF A A GOOD MILCH COW. Your Household Expense Account can be kept "covered" if you milk a few select cows and ship your cream to the NANTON CREAMERY (BURNS LIMITED) E. W.
Luther, Manager. Phone 153, NANTON. 000 0 though they didn't like the subject, they ought to discuss the problem of silver. -It was the head of the Canadian delegation, George C. MacDonald.
who forced the issue when he told the Chamber that Canadians considered silver an economic question, with the result that it was finally decided to advocate calling an international conference on the matter. It looks, therefore, as if the business world, even against its will, is being forced to do something to make silver help build up the buying power in which one-half of the world is sadly lacking. Newest Locomotive is Monster Indeed Phone The largest and most powerful locomotive of its kind in the world has just been completed in the Angus Shops of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Montreal, for service in the Rocky Mountains. The new 8000" locomotive represents a new era in the advancement of steam motive power of greater efficiency and higher sustained capacity. It is called a "multi-pressure" engine because it generates its steam in three separated portions and at three different pressures and, because of its radical departures in boiler design, is creating something of a furore in mechanical and railroad circles.
Facts and figures of the "8000" will give some indication of its magnitude, efficiency and strength. It is only a scant nine inches short of 100 feet in length. Weight of engine is 485,000 lbs. and of tender 300,000 making a total of 785.000 lhs. or 392 tons.
It has five driving wheels on each side, each of which is 63 inches in diameter. Its tractive effort 90,000 lbs. which means that on a level track it will haul a freight train, over a mile in length, made up of one hundred and fifty 40-ton cars and representing a total weight of 6000 tons. Its tender has a capacity of 12,000 gallons of water and 4350 gallons of fuel oil enabling it to make long hauls without replenishing. There are 18,695 feet or slightly over three and a half miles of seamless steel tubes used in the construction of the boiler units alone.
An outstanding feature of the "8000" is the firebox unit which is a closed circuit in which 300 gallons of distilled water are continually circulating without loss by evaporation. Distilled water is used because it prevents accumulation of sludge and scale so common in water tube boilers. The closed circuit or firebox unit extends into the high-pressure boiler drum in the form of 16 coils, called heat transfer coils. There are three locomotives of this type in Europe and they show excellent savings in fuel, ranging from 25 to 35 per cent, as compared with the conventional type of locomotive. But the argest the European locomotives of this type is only 42 per cent of the weight and develops only 36 per cent of the power of the H.
8000." B. It will be used in che Rocky Mountain territory of the company. Bowen (inset) Chief of Motive Power and Rolling Stock, Canadian Pacific Railway, working in co-operation with the American Locomotive Company and the Superheater Company, of New York, designed the "8000" after he had made a special trip to Europe in 1929 to study locomotive types and development. The construction ot this monster locomotive landled under direct supervision of Mr. J.
Burns, Vorks Manager, Angus Shops, and Mr T. Donald, was. Bowen's staff. locomotive. Lay-out shows full length view of the front-end view; and, inset, Mr.
Bowen, designer of the.
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