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The Bradford Star from Towanda, Pennsylvania • Page 3

The Bradford Stari
Towanda, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TliJS JiKADFOKD STAlt, i'fllUltfeDAY, JANUAKY 11, liiOO. BRAD- AAAAAAAAVVVVAAAVAA.VVVVAewA AWrWVWWVWWA The "Micbeth" Claude Thompson spent several EARLY MEMBERS OF THE FORD COUNTY BAR. INTERETTING INSTALLATION EX ERCISES. Lamp uiimnoy days last week Havre. The next hop of the Keystone so-oial elub will be held next Monday eveuing.

There is no better place for a In Cupid's Realm. Lhb Court In Camptown, Jan. 4, by If" N. Kliri). Tboniu (J.

Lassnd Mrs. Ketells Cobb, both of Camptowo. The China Store. Will outlast a Ball Charles Ii Mm-edith has Bonn to THE OLD RELIABLE DRUG STORE. 1 ESTABLISH KD IN IMS.

Veterans and Their jmmlllM Spend a Pittsburg, where lie baa a good po dozen of any other kind. Try one. GliOBliE SANDERSON, a native of Boston, born Feb. 25 siuon wnn bis unole. vendue notice than the Stab's BliEBUAK MofioAN To Covert Rtc.

COEKIfiB MAIN AND PINE TOWANDA. PA. Pleaattnt Vventna at the O. A. 11.

Hall. Oj Friday evening the G. A. R. oeut-a-word column.

TRACY REUNION. Weleome brolhent, 'leer, Merty (Jhrletmae now a lioie. Sliott our vleil here Lel'e be beupy wlile we Thankful lor tbe lt we lite, For ll.e bkaeliige we leeel.e, Wbile together here we meet, Departed ouea we'll nol rorgrt. We numbered twelve, la deyr. of yore, Now we're only half a -oore; While uelure'a lawa our heart, have chilled, With new recrulla our mirks have flliod.

Mrs. Michiel Suhuman and Miss Anna Suhuman are spending two 1 10, was educated at aud graduated from the Boston Lutin School. He hall was orowded with veterans weeKo in uocnester, jn. x. 35, Ii; Her.

L. Urovrr, A. fiber-man and Miss Ada Maigao, both of Covett. Hhillhbabt Swert Id Waverlr.Jdn. 3, bj Kev.

J. W. Nicholson, Helen Brill-hartnnd Miss Kouron Sweet, both of Athens. Wilcox Bl'TTRRS Io Wellabnrw, Jan. 4, Rev.

M. E. Bowman. Harrr B. Wil- I and their families, who had assem Leo MuuilltBscaux hat returned bled to witness the Installation of to Mahanoy City, after a short the officers of Watk ins Post and en REMOYAL SALE.

Having leased the store at 414 Main Street, where I will move March 1st, will visit with his parents here. entered the ministry of tbe Uni versalist church, and" preached, for a time, in New York state, where he also edited a religious paper. Iu 1835 be Bettled in Towanda, read law and was admitted to the Bradford county Bar, May SI, 1810. He was Djputy Attorney-General joy the further exerciseB of the eve- oog of Kut HmithUeld sod Miss Dell Butters of Big. Pond.

Mr. and Mrs. Viotor Camp of mug. Old Jordau'a wavee wc tl soon pass o'er cpnug mil spent Sunday witu the Wilis Houveb Iu Waverlr. Jnrj.

3. The meeting was called to order lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. at the Uoadley boute, hy Itev.

U. Clare, J. Ueibeit Wells and Mirg Lizzie M. Bojv- The BEST Cough and Cold Mixture ever offered for sale. Extra Large Bottles 25c and Money Refunded on return of empty bottles if not satisfactory.

Try it, it costs you nothing if it does not cure. DR. H. C. PORTER SON.

Browning. by the retiring commander, H. B. Hoffman, who after giving the veterans and their families a hearty And meet tbe loved oli'f gone before, Where together we shell reel, Iu the mauelone of lire -FlUKK Thacv. The annual reunion of tbe Olm butb of Terry.

Ri.lNnRRr.AND Kavrks In Seneca John of Hope Church, A sou was horn recently to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. U. Lyke of Lancaster, N.

Y. formerly of Towanda. Burgess F. J. Krorn of Athens has sold his grooery business to Frank Campbell and Edgar Page.

Troy merchants have entered into an agreement to close their stores at and 7 o'clock tiil March 17. "Yes, children, I made the enemy run." The Children And did they run fast enough to catch jou, grah'pu? Miss Christine Montanye sang in the choi of the Uoiversalist church laBt Sunday, in place of Miss Moo for the county during the vears 1841, '42, '43 and '44. In 1850 he bus been visiting relatives in Deo. 27. at the home of tbe welcome, thanked the members of was elected to the State Senate bride, Kimer Rlirourluud of Troy tiad Mies Towanda and pioinity.

He leaves to morrow for Pittsburg, to accept from the Bradford-Wvominc-Sus- sted Tracy family wis held at tbe post for their co-operation and aid during his administration, then introduced Col. E. Overton, past post commander as installing a new position. LoiB Tracy's, at Smithtield, Virginia n. uaveufl.

Buck DuNnAM la Nirtols, N. Jin. 3, at Bowen's hotel, by Kev. 8. Kiney Ta il 8 and Miss Mattie M.

Dunham, both of Windham. Mr. and Mrs. David Ford of qnehanna district and served a term of three years. In 1856 he removed to Scran ton, than a mere village, and became largely inter on Christmas day.

Of the family of twelve children, ten are living. officer. close out my present stock before moving at bargain prices. You can SAYE 20 PER CENT on Dinner Sets, Lamps and Crockery of all kinds by buying of me now. Many first-class articles will go at cost, Take advantage of THE MARKETS.

and the sum of their ages is 700 Rome celebrated their golden wedding, New Year's day. All their children and grandchildren were HEWITr ARNor.r In Granville Centre in real estate and also en- Jan. 10 at tliB home ol blide's ra frBaroains for Evarvhr.rlv.ti The Colonel performed his duties with dignity, making the exercises both interesting and impressive and years, an averageof a trills over 70 e8le" uh. Tb Trarv ft milt Ba8ea ested ln the banking business. He bv Rev.

H. F. Keltch, Melvin J. Hewitt Thursday, Jan. II H(0.

Reported by William F. Dittrich dealer irroueriefl, provision, and general farm nroui ce, llutler tulM. new present on the occasion. oi Iowa and MUs Hose Arnold were among the nrst, settlers cf dy, who is ill. at the Bame lime giving emphasis tAAAaAAJtAn Hutter I4-i' Davis Kkkyos In Troy, Jan.

3, at O. N. Besl.y of Columbia Koads, who was one of the first to Smithfield, and aomeot them have to tbe beautilul sentiment of loy Mona is the name of the new St. Fam's cburcb, by Hav. Cbaa 12 If you use whiskey try and get taken pains to trace their pedigree alty an contained in the ritual.

The H. Mi Kniitht, Bicbard Davis of Chicago give yaluahlo assistance in the mat band at Rummeifield. The name moiienry's pure rye. 29tf as far back as 'JOS to a certain no Pork short Pork clear Beeswax was suggested by the late Mrs. ter of ibe taxpayers' appeal, was in town, Friday.

bleman of Normandy, France, and was one ot the most enterprising in the development of the embryo city, and will long be remembered as a wise and generous "City Father of Scranton." Mr. Sanderson married, in 1835, Marion daughter of Col. Joseph Kingsbury of Sheshequin. He died April 1, 1866, leaving a handsome fortune. HiB biographer says of him 20 Fresh fish, clams and 5o lunches an arias jvenyon oi iroy.

Marrluate Licenses. Fred Jerram and Flora Harkness. Horaee Perry and Nora Owen. this chance. uenry Coleman of Kome.

Political matters are beginning down through a long line ot English nobility to Mary Chilton, one J. W. Mingos, formerly of Lib at D. H. Cruser's Lunch Boom.

6-15-tf following ofhcerB were obligated Com. Cbarlei T. Bazzett. 8. V.

Charles Rutty. J. V. JohD H. Cbaffte.

Adj J. Andrew Wilt, Q. A. J. Fisher.

Bargeon-Henry Kniffia. Cbaplain O. D. Goodenough. erty Corners, who baa been a resi of the Pilgrims ot me Mat flower.

ttye Oats Com Peed Flour, per seek to warm up in Wysox. Announcements of candidates for Collector dent of Oklahoma for the past Go to Gleckner Sons for Hugh Tracy, shenB or Gloucester Mortuary. 1 tn 1 on 1 Wl 2Q trunks, and traveling bags, tele H. L. Holcombe eleven years, alter a two weeks' Visit with relatives and friends in Sett to Main Biatrial it.

Mrreor til Main St. shire, in the reign Eliza are given in another column. scopes, etc 1026 beth and King James 1, was cre this county, left for his home in "His life was a singularly clean and pure one upright and conscientious in all its varied phases." Mrs. E. M.

Mason, by an unfor u. M. B. Lnt. O.

John Henley. Serge Mpjor John nfere.llth. M. Sergt. B.

A. Chamberlain. M. C. Wells iB headquarters for i riaco, yesterday.

NKWTON WINSLOW died at bia home in Brushville, Jan. 71 years. BOllBKT r. RBOIKOTON, a prominent bnsincs- man of Troy, died at lTflr TiTiTITTr pianos, organs, sewing machineB, The venerable Michael Burke of BUYERS FOR tunate fall down stairs at her home on Second street, Friday afternoon, sustained a compound fracture of one of her limba, below the knee. After the new officers bad taken music, etc all Kinds and prices.

JOHN O. ADAMS was born in Berkshire county 8-31-tf. Hornet's Ferry paid the Btab a pleasant visit, Friday. Mr. Burke haB been a resident of Wyalusing their Beveral placeB Commander Bazzatt announced that remarks HEADGEAR m.

Miim, HEW ALBANY, PA. uta uume iu tuar. piuje Jan. ju, or grip. MISS NETTIB BENEDICT, Aug.

28,1812. He was the J. L. Dyer will move bis carriage were in order. Louis Piolett re ated a baronet by King JameB, June 20, 1611.

He had children, Nathaniel, Samuel, Nebemiah and three daughters. Thomas Tracy of Norwich was a son of the above named Nebemiah Tracy. He emigrated to New England in 163S, in which he had land granted Jo him by the town of Salem, Mass. Before 1639 be removed to Saybrook Inlet, in what is called Oyster River Quar daughter of E. C.

Benedict, died at her since the '40 and for 60 years la eldest son of Charles Adams, who Prof. W. H. Budine, the well-known eye specialist of N. will be at K.

A. Mouil- sponded to bis name and touched will tied store fall of bored upon canals and railroads. was of New England birth and factory from Canton to Athens, where he will manufacture automobile cabd, having received a upon the achievements of the sol His life has been one of activity English descent. The early life of and at the age of 67 yearB he has our suiiject was spent on'the farm diers of the civil war and the later troubles with Spain and in the esseaux's jewelry store Jan. 19 and 20.

Eyes tested and examined free. All work guaranteed. First-class large order from a Washington never been under the doctor wan Ms lather, eecurme onlv the Urm. oonie in uanton, Jan. might's disease, Bgcl 17 years.

MBS. ANGELINA SOVINSKY died at her homo in Sayre, Jan. 3 of consumption, ag.d 24 years. Her husband and two children survive her. MBS.

LBLIA. M. BULLOCK, wife of Furmun W. Bullock, died at her home in Altus, Dec. 26 of annnlexT.

in her In the market for all nice winter varieties of Apples. If you have any nice hand picked, solid fruits. Write or call and will notify you when to bring tbem. Dressed Philippines. Judge Fanning fol care.

His recollection 01 early oenenc oi a common school educa work at reasonable prices. 2 Henry Kilmer of Black has been days were highly interesting. tion, but this so impressed his mind ter. In 1659 he was one of the The second winter term of tbe appointed superintendent of the in wttn the Importance of obtain witnesses to the deed bv whioh LOCAL NEWS BOILED DOWN. Great bargains in Millinery, including Sailors, Tarns, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Laces, Ornaments, at the Bon Ton Millinery Parlors.

HATS TRIMMED in the latest Susquehanna Collegiate Institute sane department at the county ing knowledge that while in the field at work or during his leisure Chickens wanted every Thursday. VealCalves wanted will open Monday, Feb. 5, 1900. oUtb year. Her husband and two sons sur house, to succeed J.

C. Gorham, who held the position during the Stab house leases stand the test every Wednesday forenoon. vive MBS ZBREBAH GATES This well known school offers superior advantages in educational in litigation when other loaBes fail. past three years. uoode delivered weekly ou main road from New Albanv lowed in a most entertaining patriotic address.

He entered into the canst which impelled the men of the north to make heroic sacrifices for the Union, drew many beautilul pictures of the brave boys who laid down their lives fighting for the Stars and Stripes and concluded with words of love and devotion to the survivors who wore the Blue. The Judge struck a sympathetic chord and was warmly applauded. Captain Kilmer sang Uncas, Sachem of tbe Mohegans conveyed the. tiwii-f Hvrvti) its setilers." In 1660 he settled" "in the town of Norwich and became a man of influence there, being 28 times deputy of the town in general courts, also associite judge of the county with many leBS impor lines. New classes will commence died at the home of her danghter, Mrs.

M. Tbrje personB united with the time, he was a constant student, and very early in life gave unmistakable evidence of the possession of much intellectual ability. While yet in his teens he became a teacher, and taught school during win v. i.nrisuan in iuscarors, Uec vo, aged 60 in various Bnbjects and a thorough to Bernice. Here is a few ot Outy tout, my tlre'e gone oal, My lltllo old woman hil gooe from home; I will put An in the Bbaufobd STAB And get my little old woman borne.

drill of the English branches will the many bargains on staple yearn, hha had been a member of the La-ceyville Baptist church tor 60 years. An only daughter survtios her. styles by an experienced trim' be carried on under the direction of goods The Employes of Jennings Bros. MBS. PSTEB WOLFE tant offices ot tne town.

He was mer from New York city. Prices died at her home in Sbeebeuuin. Jan. 5. engaged in tbe military aiiairs of and other residents of Lopt-z have contributed $3U9 toward the sup Universalist church last Sunday morning.

A 4-year-old Reading boy found his father's revolver and while playing with it shot his baby sister. People who wish to procure rooms or dwelling bouses, should make their wants known in the Star's cent-a-word column. after long illness of cancer, aged about Prof. S. M.

Huston an experienced and successful teacher. FxpenseB very moderate. For further information apply to H. O. Padget, Towanda, Pa.

l-ll-4t. Best Market hiB "Dutch Girl" but the smell of 14 votrs. Her husband and three children port ot Packer hospital ters, anu with nis earnings spent his time in school during summers. At the age of 20, he began the study of law with Benjamin Sheldon, who was the father of Judge Sheldon of Illinois. Subsequently he went to Harrington and contin the colony, and wnen a Dutch invasion was apprehended in 1673, he was appointed second in com eurvtve her.

iuneral services were ntlj Certainly a generous gift from the from the home Sunday afte-noon: inter to suit all. WHEN IN TOWANDA YOU ARE IN VITED TO GIVE U3 A CALL MISS NELLIE KEOUGH, Over J. A. Decker's Clothing Siore hardy lumbermen. ment in Sheshequin cemetery.

HEBBEBT E. WALDO A ouse on Spring Hill occupied mand of the dragoons raised in New London county, with rank of lieutenant. He also held some command in King Philip's war. For wool, hides, pelts, furs, beeswax and tailow. J.

W. SniNEK, died at his home in Wyalusing, Jan. 5 of by Edward Mahoney, caught fire 5 Bridge St. Towanda. dUtf from a stove pipe Saturday after creeping paralysis, aged til years.

Dccis-ed was a native of Berkshire, N. and has been a resident of Wye luBing since 1880. His children were John, Jona Invitations have breu iotued to the lebration of the golden wed-dieg, Jan. 29, of Mr. aud Mrs.

Lia Biles of Hornets Ferry. than. Thomas, Solomon, Daniel. Blaukets for Horses. We have them for Btreet or noon and wbb burned together with mi st of the household goods.

There ror several years he bad charge of tbe Welles mills. His wife, four sons and two Ott 8c Hay, Samuel and Miriam who married Thomas Waterman. was a small insurance on the build 4-lb. pnekape Gold Dust, 15c Graoalated Bunar, per 50. Good Loose Cotiee, lllc.

Hcbnmscber's heat floor, (1 (jfl. Dajton's or HfleimoD's best Floor, 95c. Good Hriitry Flour, 85c. 8 pounds Aveua Rolled Oats, 25c pounds pure Lard for 1. Pure Sugar Hvrup, a5e.

Brat cider vineuar per Eel jc 100 lbs Ojster Kbells, 50c. 100 lbs ground Besf scrap, S2 50. 58 lb. sack Packing Salt. U4c.

100 lbs. Yellow Corn, 85c 100 lbs Yellow Meal. 90c Best cltnr Salt, per bbl, tl.SNk, 140 lb sack. (Mix Good Plug Tobacco, 25; and 30a 7 lbs Corn Starch, 25c. 7 lbs Laundry Starch, 25e.

100 IhB Scorched Wheat, 80c. 2 pounds good itio CflVe, 5c 100 lhs Cracked Corn, Olio. 100 lbs corn, oats and bar. 140 lira Ftonr MiddlinKS. $1 40.

200 lbs Coarse Bran, $1 90. Bolted Corn Meal, for table, 1. daughtets survive him. Funeral servicei stable, 60 stjles to select from; 25 patterns in plush robes; 15 grades There is considerable demand for ing- John Tracv, above named, mar were held Irom tbe Prtabyterian church Monday aftet noon, interment at Wyalusing. Evangelist H.

D. Sheldon of Landscape nd Portrait PHOTOGRAPHERS, CITIZENS BANK BUILDING, fur robes. Prioes tbe lowest. W. W.

Gleckner SoNd, ried Mary Winslow, daughter of ued bis stadies, and finally to Wilkes-Barre, where he entered the law office of Judge Conyng-ham. He completed his studits with David Wilmot and was admitted to practice in the Beveral courts of Bradford county, Deo. 18, 1835. Heat once opened an office in partnership with Edward Overton of Towanda, with whom he continued in that relation for several years. He was afterwards a parlner of Judge Mercur and others, and continued the practice of his profession in Towanda until bis death, June 18.

18G0. From the JOSEPH CLINTON QBEGQ Kingston. N. will conduct a coffee made him so hnngry that he forgot "the girl' and made a break tor the dining hall. The otheis followed, and a most bounteous supper cf good things, wbb partaken of.

There was chicken, ham, brans, coffee, sandwiches, cake, fruit and other luxuries. The tcothfome manner in which the viotuala had been prepard is an evidence of the culinary skill of the wives and danghters of the old veterans. After the want of the inner man had been fully supplied order was again restored and the speechmaking continued. Captain Wilt talked interestingly on soldier lines aud usnal bis remarks were appreciated. Colonel Overton made a rousing patriotic address and gave many touching incidents connected with the service of Mb regiment.

His reminiscences were intenselv interesting and greatly 1026 Harnessmakers. Mary Chilton, the hret ot the Pilgrims who stepped on PI mouth series of union evangelistic ser TOWANDA PA. vices with the Presbyterian and Rock, and who became the wife of rented farms. Those having land to let will find tenants quickly by advertising that fact in the Stab. The Ulster school building was considerably damaged by fire one night last week and would have been destroyed ouly for the timely discovery by trainmen, who gave the alarm E.

churches of Ulster, beginning NO GRABBING AT STRAWS. Seymour Smith's Donble Front the brother of the first governor PERSONAL MENTION. Sunday morning, Jan. 14, at the Plymouth colony. Winslow Tra diet at hiB borne in Athene, Jan.

6, aged 71 years. Deccised was a native of Bethany, N. nod had resided in Athens since 1870. He followed civil engineering for many years in the Sooln and in Brazil, in the latter country, making the survey of tbe first milrpal built by Americans He was a greet Bible student and a devoted member of the Presbyterian charoh. His wife, one son and one daughter survive hint.

Presbyterian church. Store. Bedroom Suites, 8 pieces, 4 cv. son of John Tracy, was born in 1690, died in 1768 and married D. J.

Collins of Overton was in Rev. J. Bloodgood who holds 15 to 150 Couches, from $5 to $15 Parlor Suites, from (20 to Rachel Ripley. Nehemiah Tracy 4 a position in the Pension bureau, S50; Dining Tables, from $4 to $18; of East Haddoc, son of 4 was married in Washington, last Dining Chairs, Irom $3.50 to 1VJ; week, to Miss Mary B. R-ibnrts.

M. BRINK, NEW ALBANY, MBS. SA.BAH LANTZ MASON, Winslow, was born at Norwich, March 22, 1722, married Susanna time of his admission to the bar up to the time of his death, he occupied a high position among his professional brethren, and as a forcible and persuasive speaker, wife of William J. Meson.diei at her home He will be remembered by the 141st Smith and died Sept Ne- in Maeontown, Jan. ti, of paralysis, aged 7:1 wood-seat Uhairs, from aa.ou to $3.50.

All goods guaranteed. Don't forget the place, Bridge St. 8. Emith. 3-16tf nemiah iraoy, son ot tne preceding, enjoyed by all.

Remarks were also yearB uewated was tar miny years a faithful member of the Presby terian church. especially in cases boys, having been a sergeant in Company and BUbs quently preached on different charges in this made bv no H. Chaffee and tbe Frank Archer of Wysox was exhibiting, Monday, a fine specimen of the oppossum family which was run down by his dog on Saturday. True to its instinct the little animal played np dead when cornered, but soon galvanized into life after captivity. The old officers of thaAthf ns banks were re-elected on Tuesday as fol She had been marriel 62 years.

Besides was born at Et Haddon, Con -ca8e8 "Tu lD6 Nov. 8,1753, married Lucy OW SKldbe reaJud' eted of Colchester, Oet.f member editor of the Stab. After an eve- her aged husband, one son, Ezra, and Are nine of thesreatest exviovment. at WEEK'S PRICE LIST daughters Mrs. Flora Brock, Mrs James Flj.d Origin and Airs.

Jarrei Edward QreBsioger, used 10. the 14, 1789; removed to iiaitbneia a late hour, all departed with 'full plain Anglo-Saxon vocibularv enn. youngest man who ever suffered IW, jM orMoaroeum, and Miss ton Afe- Gr-firt (T JL ClAM survive ber. FnnersI servic- wa ncr 5 IOC. OtOrC.

hearts for (heir several homes. son town, Monday. Jolly Jud Minard was down from Monroe, Monday. J. W.

Swingle is in the city purchasing spring goods. A. J. Sickler of Uhdey was a Towanda visitor, Saturday. C.

H. Huff of Enmmerfield had business in Towanda the last oi the week. Rev. F. 0.

Jones of Ulster was among the pleasant Towanda visitors, Monday. W. J. Hill of North Orwell was among the agreeable Towanda visitors, yeBterday. Mr.

and Mrs. A. L. Gore of She-sheqnin were shopping at the eonnty-seat, Tuesday. 1 H.

M. Drake of Green's Landing Bradford coonty. July 20, 1S05, with his wife. He united B. 'LoewuP Be Store, 415 Main Towanda, legal execution in this State, was 13 tJirs Lsnndrr Soap 25c es were held Irom tbe borne Tuesday after-noon; interment at Monrceton.

oh mh who tne lows: Farmers National Job Grif banged at Sunbury last week for the murder of Daisy Smith, aged 16, a farmer's daughter. He con May 20, 1810, at whioh time all i Xleotton of Bank Offloers. At the annual meeting of the veyed bis meaning unmistakably, and at such times it was a frequent occurrence for both jury and bystanders to be bathed in tears. In both his professional and private business he was scrupulously honest, fin, Dresident: F. T.

Page, vice- For death of Joseph A. Pendkton sea his children were batf; Pottervllle correspondence. fessed hiB guilt on the gallows and stockholders of tbe Towanda banks held on Tuesday directors and of president; O. L. Haverly, cashier.

Athens National bank YineCran- Through his efforts, a house of worsoip was erecteu. tie rliori Real Estate Transfers. dall, president; L. W. Eighmey, Covered Stew Pans 10c Co flee cups and saucers, extra large, per set 40c Night Lamps, complete 9c I Saw Buck and Buck Saw 20c 12dca Clothes Fin i 10c 5 and 6 inch Stovepipe 9c Enameled ware Kettles 9c These prices are this week only.

517 Main opposite Ochs Hotel. vice-president; M. J. murpny, Aeo. iu, laia; nis wife died Sept 23, 1847.

His children were cashier. always regarding the oath he had taken "to behave himself in hiB office as attorney with all good fidelity to the court as to tbe client." His honestv van not nf the kind West Barlingt3n-Wm. A. Parsons to Newton I. Parsons; loll $09.) 19.

Athens bortk-E. P. derrick to C. W.Ballard lot. tuoo.

expressed a cope for forgiveness. Union Agricultural association of Canton have chosen officers for 1900, as follows: President, Dr. W.S.Lewis; vice president, Brown; secretary, Clias. D. Dtir-rah; trea'furt'r, G.

Bullock; directors, J.j-1 T. Minify, Allen T. James Olmsted, Urramel, Arobel, Buckley, James Gorham, Benjamin Now is Your Chance to Bus Goods at B. Loewns' 5c Store, Towanda, Pa. Arthur Head, son of Court Sayre boro Alvin C.

Morse to Orvilla Stenographer Head, is very dan Thompson; lot, j1700. Collins, Elijah Selden ant) Sally Lord, all of whom settled in East Smithfield. that it is a shame for a man to be without, but was inwroneht in his Orwell P. E. WoodrnfT, executor, to ficers were chosen as follows: First National Directors, B.

A. Mercur, H. Streeter, H. C. Porter, Wm.

Little, B. H. Laning, D. J. Sweet, John We Codding, E.

F. Kizer and Chas. L. Tracy. The board re-eleoted Cbas.

L. Tracy, president and N. N. The Citizens' National Directors, Wm. Dittrich, Bush J.

Thompson, J. M. Babm, Morris jbepard, Benjamin and Wm. Maxwell. E.

Overton 'was again made president and J.K. very being. n.nI him tn have The reunion of the James Olm done a ot rennlH Owen, G. H. P.

New ell, Warren Filzwater, 8 blull. spent a few hours pleasantly at the county-seat, Tuesday. E. K. Furman of Sugar Eun spent Tuesday with old comrades and relatives in Towanda.

Lieutenant B. K. Gustin of let Bmithfield was transacting business at the county-seat, Friday. THOROUGHBRED PERCHERON STALLION. gerously sick with appendicitis.

Dr. Wcodburn of this place and Dr. Ott of the Sayre hospital, assisted by Drs. C. M.

Pratt and D. Payne performed an operation yesterday morning but up to the present time there has been no improvement in bis condition. Mrs. Irvin Whitehead, R. Brooks sted family of Traoys arid descendants which numbers about 60, upwards tf 40 being present, and though, like Caspar's CasBius, they rrea a.

sioiey; 8cee, Wyalusing twp Nancy A. Mahoney and others to Patrick Mnhoney; 338 Towanda boro John Holmes to J. P. Kirby; lot, $1000. Snyre boro Augusta P.

Bolioh to Clara A. Thompson; lot, (500. O.f T. Macafee to Edwaret Jen-ninsRi Ml acres, $100. Towanda boro W.

L. Moodv and others have been doing violence to every inclination of his nature. And then, again, his warm, sympathetic nature led him at times to discour and W. T. Lawrence.

all have a "lean and hungry The people of Troy were enneid .11. ses litiuHlinn an' nt. J. (J. and James mcuuue I will sell all my Goods regardless of cost, uome in and look them over before buying Newell, cashier.

were directed first, to preventing it xuere seems to ue uu. uue poet gmonu; tbe npmber, and this is by sickness. Black, 4 years old. By Sandy. We uavu uu pmuo lo ktou iiiiu.

tftiiu will Bell at a low price. Long time given if desired. Now ia the time to get a horse fur next season, so as Terrv naid their respects to the to Martha A. Mallory and Harriet A. Mal- by the rt that oil had been struck on the farm of W.

Flovd aoa careful prepara- Stab while in town, Friday. lory; lotl. Canton twp Lawrence W. "Wright, art-minietrator to Clarence Webster; 36 acres. Buker.

Investigation BLowed that ui tne papers he was called upon to write, and the admirable Jesse R. Cogswell of Burlington Frank, the seventh of the children, whioh proves the falsity of the old adage that the seventh child will be a doctor. The ocem for this occa to advertise him. 1150. manner in which he oiefnterl the wveoi T.

r. MuIHl George A lb. TOWANDA. PA. has gone to Ulimra, to taae course at a business college.

The eenial Frank Boyle of Bum C. WELLES, A Doable Hanging. Cornelius Shew and James J. Eigan, the murderers of Andrew J. Pepper, an aged and wealthy farmer of Bush township, Susquehanna county, were hanged at Montrose, Tuesday.

The drop fell three minutes after the men Hi their cells. tot, other business entrusted to him and in case litigation had been or was abont to be commenced, he Litchfield cf. C. Harris tj Aloou Per sion was written by him and read by Mrs. Malie Tracy; foregoing is the poem.

It was decided to meet ry; 85 acres, 17Stl. merfield was circulating among his Hmttrjiield and RidiMhnrv twna Pmnein Towanda friends, Saturday. Wood and othora to Collin Wood; 160 J.W. SWINGLE'S P. BarneB of Herrickville was seres, $ibto next Christmas at Key.

E. B. Dwyer's, in Springfield.) J. PJ Tbaiv. at the depth of 500 feet tbe drill entered the black oil-bearing Band, which was strongly impregnated with oil.

A soon as the well can be sunk a short distance further the drillers are confident that oil will be found ip paying quantities. Tbe following business men and firms have agreed to close their business placts at 7 o'clock during tbe months of January and February on account of tho revival meetings at the M. E. church, and the Kome twp L. P.

Davis snd others to an agreeable' caller at the Stab of Sheriff Maxey was assisted in the execution by Ward Duell, a former union Valley M. E. church of Rome; Athens twp Michael B. Califl" to O. M.

acres. $IO00 sheriff and Sheriff Chas.aKnapp of oeur. an nis energies to bring about, if possible, an amicable settlement. Few men have left a brighter professional record behind them. Politically, Mr.

Adams was a Whig, and waa one of the leaders of that party in the county. He was placed in nomination at different times by his party as its candidate fice while in town, onuruay. James McGovern and A. New Cash Store. Last Thursday morning General Robert C.

Cox, of Wellsboro suffered a shock of paralysis and fell out of bis chair. He loat the power of speech entirely. Friday night he had another shock. On Sunday, however, he bad bo far recovered as to be able to walk about the house and the use of his tongue returned, and he has continued tn improve Bince. The General is 76 ytars cf age and bis vitality is indeed quite remarkable.

Advocate. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of theFarmers'Mutual Insurance company of Tuscarora held on Monday tbe fallowing officers were re-elected: Wm. Shum-way, president; A. B. Sumner, secretary; Adin Ljon, H.

Black, general agent. During Report of tho Trinket Ajsvolatlou for wyomiug county, tjver 10U per Athens twp Charles F. McDuft'a to Jno Stephens represented Herrickville sons witnessed the double hanp-ino; n. oicuanee; 409 acres, $'175. at the county-seat, yesterday.

ttevs. ana Thomas, spirit Wibnit twp Dlos B. Stowell to Allen W. W. Copeland of Athena has ual advisers to the condemned jayne; 103 sctci, $730 Troy twp A.

Balltrd and others to rone to New Bnehton, wnere men, accompanied them to the eal religious interests of the Ruggles, J. K. Bush, he has purchased a drug business. lows. Guy C.

Hollon and P. M. forBepresentative andGongressman but being in the minority party, was always defeated. However, his name always gave strength to the ticket. TJoon the organization Sattler, M.

E. Kosenfield. O. F. Scanlan of this place witnessed the 18U1I.

Factory opened Aff 1 24 and closed Dec. Total number ponmtertrnarTerjeived, total number of us of cheese made, totil amounn money received for cheese, $10(1)713; expense of mauufrctnre. hidod at paid pet-rone, $8,985 72; average piw received for cbte-, 10 1 cento; number ol" pounds milk lor one pound cbeetc. to patrons for 100 pounds milk, IM 29 J. F.

Seo'y. A. Chkistien, Maker. G. A.

Northrop, Monroe's wideawake tax colleotor, was doing execution. Ladies' and Children's Coats and Capes of all Kinds at Your Price. Dayton, Long Blackwell, Smith P. L. Decker, H.

L. Hoi- Closing Sale of Ladies' and Children's A High Cofnpllment. combe, J. B. Allen, Oscar Post, business at the county-seat, Saturday.

Mrs. A. N. Weaver and daugh Mrs. Frank A.

Parke; CO acres, $1000 Athens boro Myra P. Tracy to W. W. Miller; lot, $350. Athens twr, J.

Henry Clark to John B. McDoffee; 109 acres, $300. Bidgebnry Martha Cooper and Addison Cjoper to Etta Copper; 61 Monroe twp Phil urn Decker to Ida E. 99 acres, $2000 South UreekTfcoi Smith to A Sned-eberandC W. Mitchell; lot.

$2001). Seyre boro Chailes Deidrich to Alice L. Case; lot, $1500. Monroe twp Anna Nuithrnp to E. Rickey Kilmer, Ira Clisbie, J.

of the Republican party he remained with the "Silver Grajs," supporting Fillmore in 1856 and Bresee, W. F. Dittrioh, Holmes the past year the company has ter. Harriet, of Athens visited Passage, I. P.

8paldingJ. W. Beit and Everett in 1860 Mr. Ad. Mrs.

F. X. Dodge at Pittston, last A recent number of the Hackelit-town Gazette (N. had this to Bay of Prof. Arthur Johnson, a former Standing Stone boy, who is principal of the Hackettstown pnblic schools: "There iB really nothing written s-1 00,000 insurance; and during the 25 years the company Shiner, Pueavge and Overton, Mor ams was married, in 1837, to MiFS Coats Capes, week.

Herbert Beecher, one of Le- has been doing business its assess Offloers of LeUor Gfauge, ments have aggregated only 39J Ths officers of Open Haul Dunge of te T. Park; lot $65. mills. Baysville's most estimable citizens, was doing business in Towanda, Boy for the present year art follows: In order to close out the balance of our stock uucy a. fynchon cf Great Bir-rington, who died a few months Bince at an advanced age.

A son, Lieutenant Henry M. Adams, of the 57th P. fell while gallantly leading his men before Petersburg, July 17, 1864. Overton Treasurer cf Bracfoid County to W. Park; lot, $J9 Monrxc twp Mtttldn Harris and oth yesterday.

Master Mrs. D. M. Lillrr. Overseer Mre.

A. T. Lill'l Lecturer A. T. Lillev.

At the annual meeting of the Bradford county Medical society ers to K. T. fark; lot. X2o. so neiptni in scnooi wort as tne intelligent interest of parents, and never in the history of our own school is this interest more welcome than it is and has been nnder Prof.

Johnson. It is but just to the Principal to express in this connection the general appreciation of bis Chaplain Mrs. A. B. Cray.

Geo. H. Cox, has a position in a large green-house at Jamestown. N. and went to that Barclay and Oeertoo twps Shr-riff of held in the court bouse Tuesday the following officers were cboEeni of Coats and Capes.

We will sell every garment Bradford Uounty to K. T. -Park; vou acres, $f0. President, W. F.

Harshberger of rison Humphrey, N. Loewus, Marks, J. E. McKeeby. M.

C. Wells, Wm. Kirwan.W. W.Gleck-ner Son, E. L.

Decker Son, A. M. Baker, A. 0. Fairchild, Schconover, Macafee Stevens, B.

Loewus, Spalding Graves, J. A. Decker, J. W. Swingle, D.

T. Evantfand G. M. Clark. Tbe dosing is contingent on a few places that have not yet eigued tbe agreement.

Sntolde at Troy. ward Watson, aged abont 26 yeais, committed Euicide at his room in tbe Troy house, Troy, early yeBterday morning by shoot New Albany; first vice-president. place, Sunday. Henry Hutchinson of LeEays villa was disDosine of some excel Pike tp MflTina ftiliBotJ and Mnme Wi'lfoo tj W. H.Babcock; Toniiada boro Kobtrt brace to L.

Manville: lot, $130. M. C. Hunter of Havre; second vice- Diewaru .1. j.

jjiu. Assistant Steward F. J. "ley. Secrelory Mm.

MffuieC- "est. Tretsnrer John Kocltsell Gatekeeper J. H. Builey. Ceres Mm.

J. H. Bailey Poiipna Mies Lottie Lillt Flora Miss Kuby LilleJ Lady Asst. Steward Mn Dora Tomlin- n. at one-half price or less.

Remember our stock is lent fruit among Towandians the president, G. H. B. Terry of Wya-lusinc: secretary, S. M.

Woodburn laBt of the week. accomplishments in our public school. He is abreast of the beet educational thought and methods of the day, and the children of our homes are receiving the inspiration and advantages of his wise and John Rockwell of LeEoy, one of of Towanda; Mew-ton of Towanda: censors, 8. Mooroe twp Wm. Noita, Jr to Am.

H. PIiinDey; 1 acte, $1. Monroe twp Wm. North, to Wm. H.

Phioney; 'j acre, $1, Columbia Em mi U. Biown to E. If. Brown; 1 RCre. $700.

Lilchfie'd Viola E. Drake and G. T. entirely new. Call and inspect prices.

MARVIN E. MILLS, son of Stephen Mills of North Towanda, read law wit'i John C. Adams, and was admitted to practice in the several courts i.f Bradford county, May 5, 1851. Bmu after his admission, he went, to California, where for a short time he engaged in mining. He began the practice of law in Placer county and in 1854 was elected district attorney on the Whig ticket.

"Dur Dry Goods, Crockery, Chi-naware, Carpets, Rugs, Muffs, Collarettes and all Holiday Goods must go. You can buy them at low prices. Goods on my loc. Counter will go at 9c. Goods on my 5c.

Counter will go at 4c Come in whether you buyornot, and see for yourself. W. F. Hill, Master of (MPenn'a Stale Wcodburn of Towanda. U.Jl.Utt of the genial members of the 141st, was circulating among his Towanda Grsnae.

has recently appoutM A. T. Lil- Savre. Chas. Beed of Wvs.n, F.

A judicious oversight and direction of friends, Saturday. Thompson of Durell, C. L. Stevens our public school. "Good enoutrh' Drake to Ida P.

Cotton; Jot, $AW W. 8. Lafferty and TJ. M. Carter of Athens.

JJr. -Mintzer ot uran Athens boro Oscar Denton to A. L. of CamDtown were making it ville Center was admitted to mem ing himself in the right temple with a 32 calibre revolver. He was an employe of the Troy shoe factory and only a few weeks since Frank; lot.

$1000. J. W. SWINGLE, agreeable for their Towanda friends Troy two Mary J. Case to Let tie A.

is not in his vocabulary, only the best results are good enough for him. He has with him an able and efficient corps of teachers, and be- bership. Guthrie: 3 acree, $307. the last ot the week. ing the time he held that important One of the handsomest calendars Prof.

W. H. Eastman, who is married a Miss Sherman of Troy His wife was in the room sleeping nina mm tbe support of the board Towanda, Fa. 416 Main succeeding finely as principal of that we have yet seen. is that put out bv the Mutual Life Insurance of education and the confidence of at the time of the tragedy.

The the New Albany puoao scnoois, motive of the crime is a myetery spent a few hours in Towanda, all the parents." Blory or a Slave. company and being distributed by its agent, Thos.M Stalford.Coupled AMONG THE ADVERTISERS. ofboe be gamed a nne reputation as a criminal lawyer and was considered one of theablest in tbe State, In the height of a successful career he was seized with a disease of the brain and died in November, 1862. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Eev.

Mr. Tillinghast's subject Saturday. Fred J. Gress was given a very leyof Open Hand Grange Pepnty Maat sr for Bradford county, As Good as Def The Bangor and Arbostook is not the only railroad that receives censure for running down game an0 livestock, as is shown by the following letter recently received at the office of the Baltimore and Ohio company: I "Bellvilik, 0., Spt. 30, '99.

Dear Sire: On tbe i 16 of this mnnth, your trane that was going to Bellville, run over iy bool at 45 mil post, he was in my paster, yon orter see him. Yoo tnk a peo of hyde out of him at least a foot square. I wish yon would tell the president that he is ded, as he has been as good as ded ever since with tbe sheet ior eacn moniu is a The Bradford Star's Clubbing Bates. Any one of the following first- The Successful Merchant Advertises B. Loewus's 5G.

STORE, NO. 415 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, PA. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is tbe pleasant farewell reception at the in the Star Clronlates tn Sverv Township In the Coantr. cash dry goods man. worst form of slavery.

Georee D. reproduction of the notable Indian paintings of Geo. Catlin, an early member of the Bradford county bar, who became famous SB an artist and one of the best known class journals will be furnished Williams of Manchester, Mich, tells advertises a closing Bale of coats and capes this week. with Thb Stab, one year, at the following prices. New York Tribune for next Sunday, at Shesbequin, will be "A new Start," a New Year sermon.

how such a slave was made free. He says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters Notice Gardner's special price throughout the Americas and Europe. The reproductions above alluded to are taken from Catlin 's Kinney house, Monday the members of the Germania band and the Towanda orchestra. Veteran 8.

S. Ormsby of New Albany, who lost a leg before Petersburg, June 18, 1864, spent a few hours in town among old comrades, Tuesday. He has announced himself a Republican candidate for the office of Jury Commissioner. OVERTON. Mamie Hanoon is recovering nicely.

Geo. Bowers lost fine hone, Friday. Dr. A. J.

Bird was in Towanda, Thnrs-day. John A. Benjamin of Liberty Corners was here last week. Henry Sherman, who has been Tery ill, ia belt it to-day. Mrs Patrick McGuirk has moved in the Brennan bonse fir the winter.

Andrew Brennan, who sold his farm here, has returned his borne in New York. Little Kittie DUfteabaaob is jnrt recoT-eriog fiom a severe attack of tonsil i tie. Charles Child of Mooroeton was here on boaiuesft, ytsterday. Charlei Bender returned to his school at Bernice this morning spending a two weeks' vacation here. CTaade Brgcra went to BufTila on Than-, day for a few days.

He will epend a abort' time here before returning to Virginia. The firm of Edward Francke Son baa been dimolved; Frank Roe of Doshore has taken ward Fraocke's place. Jan. a. list in this issue.

A convention of the North H. L. Holcombe advertises a re Indian Gallery" in the United Cincinnati Knquirer 11.50 The Silver Knight Watchman 1.60 ern Bradford Sabbith School asso Bhe is wonderfully improved and moval sale this week. States museum at Washington. ciation will be held in the M.

K. tble to do her own work." This J. A. Decker believes in blow youre trane hit him. church at North Orwell, Saturday, Philadelphia Frees 1.50 TAILORING.

What Do the Children Drink I Trnn't eiva tbem tea or coffee. Have yon ing his own horn. He tells yon Jan. 20. The venerable J.

W. Ingham of Thrioe-A-Week World 1.60 why on first page. Very respecuuuy, W. h. Hasbis.

P. S. Be sure and report Mm A "penny social" is announced supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, rnn Don't fail to read N. Loewus' Fall Suits, Pants, $6 and $20 and Op.

I Up. tried tbe new food drink called GKAIN-O? It is delicious snd oonrishingand utbes the place of coffee. The more Grain-O yon give tbe children tbe more health yon distribute for Feb. 16, from 7:30 to 10 p. at the home of Dr.

and Mrs. C. S. new ad on first page. He has bar ded as he might just as well be ded." Rogers, 104 York avenue, by tbe Wyalusing, who has been enjoying visit with relatives and friends in the great West, spent Thursday in Towanda.

Mr. Ingham made the 6tab pleasant call and recounted many of the interesting features of bis trip. Practical Farmer. 1.50 Philadelphia Record 3.50 Philadelphia Inquirer 3.50 Sew York Journal 5.80 through tbeir systems. Uratn-U is made ot pore grains, and when prooerly prepared tastes like tbe choice grades of coffte hat Church of the Messiah, universal TO CURB A COLD 1 ONE DAY gains for all.

M. Brink, the hustling New Albany merchant, has a change of ad in this issue. down people. Every bottle grar-anteed. Only 50 cents.

Sold by Repairing NeaWy Done. Lawson food. Teke LexATIvs BsoHO 0.cii TAsr.sra. A(l ist. A plenly cf pennies will be cot-tJ ahoo as much.

All grocers eel! it lScand26c. Dr. H. C. Porter Son.

druggists. rerunu tne mon.j lane to eure X. W. Osovs'a aujueiure of every box. 2-.


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