Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 13
- Publication:
- Oakland Tribunei
- Location:
- Oakland, California
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 13
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
7TEM THE COUNTY OPPOSES OP RICOIS DIES OF HER WILLIAM H. DONAHUE AND JUDGE f. B. 06DEN INSURED Of ELECTION TO TWO VACANCIES ON SUPERIOR BENCH District Attorney Advocates Non-Partisan flection of Jurists and Has Followed law; Bar Association Endorses 'NATIVE' SHOP SIDNEY AYRES IS ACCUSED OF BljSAMY DANGER OF eormer wire makes chargepublic PLOT Wm. J.
Hayes, TrKSPlvn. J. S. Josselyn, S. B.
McKee, C. A. Abbott, C. A. Beardsley, J.
A. Johnson, Philip M. Carey, Geo. M. Shaw, Traylor W.
Bell, Woman Who Shot Herself in Head Passes Away 48 Hours Later. Police Free Husband Whert Satisfied Wife's Injury Was Self-inflicted. I V'L4-w fef 1 I ig SAX FRAXCISCO. Oct. 31.
Mrs. Jean Wlsnell the wife of C. McC'omas, a wealthy mining operator of Mexico, died at the lAdlef sanatorium, at o'clock thin porn Ing. Mrrf. McComas "never reebvefed consciousness and liter death came Jusl 48 hours after the firing of the.atr bullet into her brain In her apartment in tho Angelus.
645 Bush street. Captain of Deteeyves Wall, on being notified of the young death, declared that RlcComas would not be rearrested as he was satisfied the case was one of suicide. The mining man was near at hand when Mrs. McC'omas passed away and Immediately communicated with Coroner T. W.
B. Iceland, who gave permission for th body to be taken to the undertaking parlors of N. Gray Company. The physicians who operated yes terday, Drs. Ferry1! and Moffltt, wer satisfied that the young wife had herself fired the fatal shot.
They believed, however, that she-would likely recover, but after midnight her condition becanft gradually worse and il was realized that the bullet had caused an internal hemorrhage which had not been stemmed. i-wJf McComaa, who had been detained In the city prison after the shooting, was released from prison late Xes-terday, Coroner Lelarid has announced thai despite the fact that the police ar not going to conduct any Investigation he will inqirtre thoroughly into th death of Mrs. 'McComas at the in-quest. An endeavor will be made to Team the Identity of the party and the members thereof whom McComa and wife met during their rid to the beach In order to find out the cause of the quarrel between McComat art4- wife. SeveraJ persons have tele phoned to hoaifquarters claiming to have information of some kind oi another regarding McComas' action! and attentions to different persons.
1 0 FE A 0 What Proposed Amendment Would Do Is Set J. Many Anti-Annexation, Amend-, ments Are Planned for Tonight. WAXY MEETINGS TONIGHT. Speakers against the sixth will address the follow, ing meetings tonight: Alameda Improvement Hub, 1538 Webster street, at 8 o'eloek Jo-seph H. Knouiand on l'snama canal, 15.
P. -Miller on amendment o. Debate' at elty hall of San Lean-lro between A. A. Denison and eorge Ayres, representing the Greater San Francisco club, 8 o'clock; Jefferson school rally, corner Hose and Sacramento streets, Berkeley Wilbur Walker, speaker; 8 o'clock.
Ceiiterville Chamber of Commerce at Cenlerville, 8 o'clock V. E. Gibson speaker. By AV. II.
WEILBYE Of the Executive Committee of the Alameda County Tax 'Association. When every loyal spirit of Alameda county is exerting every effort to preserve the integrity of th county it appears fo me that it isup to the natives to outdo all others in the fight to defeat the influences at work trying to rob us of our greatness and checic our constantly increasing prosperity. I am proud that I am a native of Alameda that I have been reared within it3 borders and that my home has always been within its confines. -Jn Alameda county I can find 'my best' friends, my most cherished acquaintances; my most esteemed associates. It is to these that I wish to direct this heart-to-heart talk on a danger that threatens the future of the county and in threatening that also utrlkes at the welfare of the state we love and honor.
And now right to the point: These remarks are directed toward the proposed annexation amendment on which you will be called upon to pass Judgment next Tuesday. I am against it! WOULD DIVIDE SECTION, You have all hearJK and read enough of and concerning it to have a fair idea ot its general intent. You know it would permit the division of the county 'permit of San Francisco coming over' here, slicing off what section shejnight desire, leaving the rest to work out its own salvation. I am against the carving of Alameda county. I am against any' measure that would permit its dismemberment.
I am against county division, under any guise. Being a nativel of the county, I glory in the strides it has -made. I am proud 6f its progress and take prids 1ir its prosperity. I am Jealous of its future. I have seen a great city jrrow on that spot it selected as its seat of government a city that is attracting the attention of the country and is preparing to invite the commerce of the world to enjoy the facilities it is expending millions to provide.
I pN EVE OF GREATNESS. We are only on the eve" of our we expand commercially and compel a recognition of our Importance as a leading factor In California's growth and wealth, we are also stepping into that proud designation as the garden spot of the "Pacific and the playgrpund of the world. Our civic pride, our love for our country, our glory In the enterprise that has attracted the favorable comment of all the nation should prompt lis to combat any measure calculated to rob us of our identity, despoil us of the fruits of our toll and deprive us of the reward of our well directed energies. i That Is just what the proposed con solidation amendment would do. That Is what It is Intended to do.
It has been stated that the adoption of the BY SYDNEY AYKF.S, WHO IS CHARGED WITH BIGAMY FOItMKR WIFE, IN LETTER TO PUBLICATION. Actor Declares First Spouse Deserted tlim and He Secured Divorce BeforieTOakfand Marriage AT CUBAN ELECTION THE overwhelming majorities given District Attorney William H. i 1 1 uonanue hiu juusc r. B. 0 g-d at the September primary practically insures their election next Tuesday to the two vacancies upon the Superior Bench.
rri 1 1 4.1.,. ine primary law niaites uie pWtinn of SuriPrior Judirea ndn partisan. The names, William H. Donahue and F. B.
Ogden, as nominees for the Superior Bench will appear upon every ballot a place- remote from any party ticket for other officials, in compliance with the primary law. i Each voter has "the opportunity to vote for two candidates, Judge Ogden to succeed him-helf, and Donahue to' succeed Judge John Ellsworth, whose voluntary retirement leaves the second vacancy. District Attorney Donahue has long advocated the non-partisan election of judges, and in his "own campaign has followed the non-partisan law to the Since his name was mentioned as a candidate, Donahue has not appeared at a political meeting, or made a single polit ical speech, but has attended to his duties as District Attorney just the Same as before. ENDORSE CANDIDACY. Donahue is vice-president of the State Bar Association of California, and the lawyers of Alameda county have almost unanimously endorsed his candi-ldacy for Superior Judge as follows: We, the undersigned, mem bers of the Bar of Alameda county, having heard with regret that after twentv vears of noble service.
Hon. John Ells worth has announced his intention to retire from the Superior Bench" of -A 1 a a countv. knowing that this office of Su perior Judge is and should be non-partisan and non-political, and being desirous that the va- cancy to be caused by the" re- tirement of Judge Ellsworth should be filled by a man of moral fitness, proved legal at- tainments and a judicial tern- perament, take pleasure in en dorsinir the randidarv nf TTmi. William H. Donahue for Supe nor Judge of Alameda county.
Chas. E. SnooK, R. M. Fitzgerald, Abe P.
Leach, P. C. BlacK, Ed. R. Eliassen, Harmon Bell, Stanley J.
Smith, E. C. Robinson, W. H. L.
Hynes, L. D. Manning, C. M. Reed, A.
V. Mendenhall, G. W. Lanagan, F. C.
Kellogg, H. L. Breed, J. A. Kennedy, E.
J. Tyrrell, E. Trefethen, Chattel Mortgage. Auction Sale- By ordor of Mrs. Coleman and J.
Dent we will sell two line uprlKht pianos, household goods, carpets, etc Sale I W1 Clay street, corner Tenth street. Oak- land, November I. at 10:30 a. comprising. In part, -two line upright i Pllno.
odd parlor plecs, lace curtains. pictures, hat-tree, bookcasps, extension dining table, chairs, cnlna closets. ware, chlnnware. buffets, iron beds, fold- ing, beds, bedding, couches. ro-kers, odd dressers, chiffoniers, fine lot of carpets, large rugs, sewing macnines, steel range.
Open for Inspection Thursday afternoon njng. A. MT'NRO Auctioners. Special Auction Sale. zl the entire furnishings- of the 25-room northeast corner of 20th t.
and A met ion Sale! Wm. H. O'Brien, T. P. Wittschen, Aaron Turner, A.
Ji Maestretti, Peter J. Crosby, A. A. Rogers, ST. C.
Coogan, 'G. N. Richardson, Vance McClymonds, Pierre C. Fontaine, Warren Olney, Howard J. Peirsol, G.
H. Richardson, Thos. C. Huxley, A.V.Bruennr Milton S. Hamilton, Louis GlicHman, Geo.
I. McDonoug'h, F. E. McGuire, Wm. B.
Smith, F. Mitchell, W. S. Goodfellow, Hugh Goodfellow, W. IL OrricK, Welles Whitmore, John C.
Scott, A. J. Coogan, Clinton G. Dodge, T. S.
Gray, W.D.Cole, Francis M. Colvin, Milton T. Farmer, Edwin M. Otis, Henry J. Rog'ers, John W.
Stetson, L. S. OToole, Wm. R. Geary, H.
D. Wise, F. E. ClarKe, D. G.
Donahue, H. B. Griffith, F. I. Lemos, B.
C. MicKle, M.J. ClarK, -v J. N. Frank, J.
Ralph Wilson, Harris Jones, Jas. A. Ballentine, CHIEF WHITE IM Name of Head of S. Department Erroneously Mixed Up in Accident. SAX FTCAXCISCO.
OctSl. Corporal Iuls Clark took his life in his own hands as far as his position on the force was concerned, when he- accepted a practical Joker's version of a. collision In the Tanhandlo district this morning and wrote a report to Chief of Police (lustave White in" which he mention! ald Oii8ta'vs; White as the driver of a wagon of the Han Francisco lias and KleotrlB coqipany-t" White was formerly employed by the gas prior to being made chief r.f police, hu)t whether Clark was aware ofhat fart or not Is unknown, At any rat'i he placed his clili-f In the spat of tha wagrin whlrh was run down by R. B. Marko nf 9Tii Claytort street.
The shaft, was broken and the hnrKfB were Injured. Clilnf Wfilte read the report without a flush, ti-TjIwI that he iifid participated tn tho' affair and was busy looking-over Clark's urd an endeavor to how' tho corporal had been behaving himself. Clark's record, however, was rlear and the chief Is Inclined t'i b'lleve that some one other than he is the Joker, aa he declares that he did not reach "the team until some time after the accident. 'BASEMENT CLAIMS' MUST BE AMENDED Unless Martin Joyce, who Is suing Alameda county for the payment of a number of. assigned claims, brought for the ripalrlhn of several hundrff) wooded tlon booths In 1B10.
amends his complaint within the(next fw days, his suit will put of. Court on demurrers en-' red by Iicputy Attorney Leon, "lark who held that thclalms were In. ilid attaint the county. The claims, which ar known ss the 'hasement claims," originally re-; cted by the hoard-of supervisors on the rounds that they, were highly unreason'. able.
The repalrimt was done bv a larue number of men. who later assigned their claiuia to Joyce. i WAGON The Voters in Havana Go to Polls Armed With Revolvers. 3 KODinSUn, Ben F. Woollier, Chapman, -j i inj" uc yuna, H.
W. Pulcifer, Geo.WfReed, Freer L. Button, W.E. Rode, W. J.
Burpee, J. B. Richardson, VV. Lair Hill, J. J.
McDonald P. M. Walsh, James G. Quinn, Clarence Crowell, R. C.
Staats, M. H. Schwartz, J. M. Koford, J.
S. Koford, L. J. Kennedy, H. C.
Lucas, A. E. Shaw, W. T. Satterwhite, F.
V. Cornish, II. W. BrunK, L. E.
Martin, E. E. Keyes, E. E. Nichols, J.
A. Elston, B. D. Marx Greene, Dudley Kinsell. Henry G.
Tardy, Victor H. Metcalf, i Harry E. Leach. Rinrfatnan T1' inBn J. KOSe, Geo.
D. MetCalf, nlinDI, W. J. Hennessey, True Van SicKle, I Harry a. Cnceil, 1 E.
D. White, D. C. Dutton, L. S.
Church, S. J. Chase, A. T. Shine, Mortimer Smith, John W.
Gwilt, C. H. Patterson, H. L. Hag'an, Cary Howard, J.
N. Young', T. M. Shepardson, Jas. H.
Creely, Herman G. WalKer, Fred W. Fry, F. L. de Freitas, John Yule, J.
J. Long, -Leon A. ClarK, F.E. Whitney, L. C.
Leet, E. W. Decoto, W. S. Angwin, J.
J. Van Hovenberg, B. R. AiKen, H.D. Gill, Roscoe D.
Jones, Charles Murcell, P. J. Clyde Rand Edward W. Eng's F. H.
Bartlett, M. Swart Taylor, E. E. Johnson, R. B.
Tappan, G. Mattos, P. M. Bruner, Wm. A.
Powell, J. W. ClarKe, HAVANA, Oct. Within twenly-foui hours of the opening of the polls for tht election of a president of the TtepuhHa of Cuba, finrs were very generally ext pressed that the day would not pass with, out serious disorders. A serious danger "is the fact that prac, tlcallv all the voters go to the polls armed In spit "f- the action of the government In revoking all permits to carry revolvers.
Petachmcnts of police, rural guards and regular troops are to be stationed at convenient distances from the polling booths. 4 I would have been in marrying again without a legal right to do so. The fact that I was divorced became generally known through newspaper publicity at the time 1 securpd the decree. received my decree of divorce In Portland through John Logan, my attorney, the decree of divorce having been granted at Oregon City, some time last August. It is all 'of record In the courts of Oregon.
"The former wife deserted' me five years ago. When at last I sued for divorce proper notice was mailed to her at her last known address, Paul's Hotel, Woodbury, N. and again In York. And If she did not reserve -these, notices it Is no fault of mine. Legal service was made.
"Having received my divorce I was at liberty to marry again, not of course so soonlri the Stata of Oregon, but our marriage was recently In Oakland. It was legal and lawful In every way. "As for the charge of the former Mrs. Ayres which I heard of for the first time this afternoon when a friend called mj attention to the article In the "Dramatlo Mtrror," I shall pay. no attention to' it.
The newspaper publicity is distasteful, of course, but I suppose there is no way of avoiding it. "I have nothing to say against the woman making this charge. She cannot harm me any for I have done no wrong." AT LOCAL WHARVES Repairs to Steamer Camino Completed at the United Engineering Works. -With the appropriation of funds for deepening the. between Webster and Franklin streets comes vihe an nouncement that several large flshlmr eonr.m.
ln.tA n. thejjr fish direct fjom sea over local wharves. Already' a number of Individ- 9 uals are beginning to take advantag-e of siiperior conditions for handling fish on thls side. Amons the concerns said to be Interested in the move are the Call- in" forma Fish Company. California lsh Pickling Company.
Fish Company and. Oakland FIshN Company. Repairs to the steamer Camino we're completed at, the local yards of the United Engineering Works this morning and" th, vessel shifted around to Long wharf to loadyfrelght for the Vessels of the lumber fleet arriving In the Inner harbor during the last twentv- four hours Included the steam schooners" O. C. Llndoucr.
Daisy Gadsby and Phoenix. With three large barges In tow, loaded with telegraph poles, the tug Vsllnnt left thsj morning for Sacramento. The poles will be used In and about Sacramento, FISHEHS-TO DOCK A charge of bifjramy has been brought against Sidney Ayres, former matinee idol of Oakland, by his forrr er wife who, In a letter to the Dramatic Mirror, a New York publication, writes that there has never been a legal separation between herself and the vaudeville actor and that the news of marriage to Miss Anne Franck, an Oakland girl, "must be an error." i The statement of the former Mrs. Ayres, "published in the Dramatic Mirror, reads: "Editor Dramatic Mirror Sir: In last week's Issue of the dramatic Mirror there Is a notice of the of Sidney Ayres In Oakland, to a Mies Anne Franck. This must be am error.
I am Mrs. Sidney Ayres, and Mr. Ayres and I have never been legally separated. There Is a suit pending In the New York courts against Mr. Ayres for and alimony.
As there is no divorce, a marriage on his part would be bigamy. "Very sincerely, "MRS. SIDNEY AYRES. "Blngham7N. Oct.
17, 1812. Concerning this charge, Ayres, wlio is playing In Seattle at the Orpheum In a play of his own writing, "A Call for the Wild," authorized the following statement last night: "I am not a blgamlstnot a fool, as would enable the division of the ThiB-reallv means that a mlnorl- ty of the qualified electors could dis- I from us thejbest part of our territory i tone cannot ao it now, but she can if the proposed amendment is once writ ten into the constitution. WORK ON NEW CHARTER. The Taxpayers' Association is how work on a new charter for the ounty and as a member of the executive board of that organization I know it does not contemplate any county division, but to the contrary is shap ing its course along lines thatwirr make the Integrity of the county firmer than ever, the construction of strong defenses from further attacks and the absolute preservation of the autonomy of every community In the county. The adoption of the amendment would make the work of the Taxpayers' Association fruitless 'and deprive the people of the county of the enjoyment of a better and greater home rule government, which is now contemplated.
i i Alameda county 'can never afford to fall under the dominance of San Francisco. She must never We In a position where she must get down on her knees to the 'city across the bay jand beg for a few crumbs, while now Ishe Is enjoying an abundance of all that goes to make her great. The amendment mut be defeated to the future progress and Jproepeniy ot the -county. amendment in ltseir would not ac- member Alameda county, compllsh this. That Is true.
But why it is only a few days ago that we make the danger even possible when were Informed that more than 20,000 it can be crushed com pletety by the illegal voters had been discovered defeat of the measure? across the bay. They are there for the EASY TO UNDERSTAND. purpose of voting for this amend-It can readily be understood What ment. How easy it would be for Pan would happen to Alameda county Francisco to colonize this side of the San FrnnclHcn iv.ri jhls bay to carry out a scheme to take EGGS fancy cooni VPIUCES TOMOKROW 1, 2 lbs. 80c Eggs 60o Royal Crcsmcry St 2th Street Alv all tlranc-hea Roral Ice Cream.
SI. 60 pet Gal Newest Dresses t.titrst arrlinls of velvet, rlmriiietise. fhlffoni. rrcpe; iw tcois, lotlu, etc. Tlio ifilK-ction reir'fit a larir nwtortiiK-iit that hcliM-- selection stunning, Miiimssinir models not to but lll'ferent at popular prlee-t.
Orct-wrt lor street or cvenlitjf tvwtr liwcliiir and theater parti" L4lrem" otuinen anil gown from $7.05 $200. Open an awHrniit for anything. 521 TWFTT11 STIIEET Ilctvvecn Washington and Clay opportunity to gain control of our des- tlnlos. throueh the adoption nf the proposed amendment. A vicious fea ture of it is the provision that a rnBiorltv Instead of a two-thirds vote 'HUM If you only knew what May-erle's) German Eyewater does to your' eyes you wouldn't be without it a single day.
At drujrslsts. 60c; B5e by mall, direct from GEORGE MAYERLE, German Expert pptJcian, OflU Market street, Kan Francisco. F1CH FTHEBT TK-THE CITY FOB THI BUSY BUSINTgB HAT 45c XftM 4'Hota RnndtT. 11.00. ITUSIO EVERY HIGHT.
PABST ilTH a. I. 47 BIOADWAI KFMT.Fa. vb i Han I'ablo Oakland. Sale-on prsmr.
le Saturdays November at 10:30 a. comprning parlor pieces, tables, chairs, bedroom suites, fold Ing -beds. Iron beds, bedding, odd dressers and chiffoniers, crui kery, heating stove, gas plates, gas ranges, carpets, fugs, etc. All must be sold. No reserve, J.
Jl, ilU.NKO ft Auctioneer..
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