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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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A Trained Nurse Gained Pounds by Using a Nerve Food. ONE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE RESULTS Oil RECORD. From the Tankers, ff, "I don't look much Hkf livins skeleton aow, do I And yet two years iigo 1 weighed just seventy-two pounds," ynid Mrs. J. Coffoy, of 55 Wiirbiivton Avenue, Yonkers, N.

to a reporter. And we agreeil with her, for slie certainly looked imytiiini; Init Bviug skeleton, but rnlher liore the ance of a plump und ntiraeiive liuly in cx- eellent heulth and spirits. Continuing she mid: "I hsid lost my appt-titc nncl wns- n-nsting awny in flesh, losing some pouiuls in a few months. Doctors suiii I was threatened with consumption. I under wiiut WHS regarded as first-elnss medical treatment, tut it had apparently little or no cfleet, for I kept gettiiiK worso uaiil I was so "'euk lhat I could not attend to my household duties and.could hunlly walk.

My husband mid cverj'l'Ody wlio sa mc Il! surely ihnt I would die, and there seemed no help fbr me. "Tonics and stimulants nnd medicines nil useless, and I grew worse nnd worse at I ivolved to seek now remedy entirely ont'of the usual line of nauseous druys nnd closes of stuff which teemed to take away w.hat little relish I might perhaps otherwise have had for food. A friend told mc of some wonderful cures tffected by Dr. Williams 1 'Pink Tills for Pale People and I bought a box. The effect torn their use was noticeable from ihe first and soon appeared almost miraculous, for it lecmed pretty nearly like the raising of one from the cl-ucl.

"I soon commenced to cat, something I had scarcely done before for weeks, and soon to gain in flesh and strength. I went one day to the doctor's office and he was surprised at the change in me for the better. I bad to confess that I had been taking the pills and he was broad-minded enough to advise me to continue what was evidently doing me so much good. I took, in all, six boxes, and increased in -weight from 72 to 125 pounds, which is my regular and normal weight." "Are you sore the cure la Well ves. My work is that of a trained nurse, which means, as you probably know, imtrnlar hours and at times great exhaustion During the two years since my re- eoveir I have had many engagements, end through them all huve continued in good lealtS.

I take pleasure in bearm? testimony to the remarkable power of this great medical I know of other cures iffectcd by it A friend of mine suffered rreatly at her monthly periods. One box relieved and three cured her. But I know of no case equal to mine, for my situ- wag critical, desperate and almost i0 ffra. 8 Coffoy has lived in Yonkers forsix- teen years and for twelve years has followed the business of attending the sick, excepting only the period of nor illness. She has of acquaintances and fnends who SHOT- her to be capable and trustworthy.

of them know how very ill she remarkable was he': recovery- The pills have a large sale in Yoixkera and West- Chester County; which will be greatly increased as their merits become better known, for they seem to be one of ths medical mar- of the age. AN UNSOLICITED TESTUIOXlVLt From the Democrat, Atlanta, Texas. "Being eonstimtly naked by many of my friends if Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale People were doing iuo any good, I unsolicited testimonial anil answer. Never having seen well day siuco I luid typhoid fever lust slimmer, I could rt-hiin scarcely nny fiiud, my limbs ami auhcd and ini'd ull the time.

It wua miiury to me to rite in bud und my mind wus clouded, in fcc: physienl wreck and I felt Unit my lilb was drawing to a elosc, nnd I must confess it wns regret on my piurt us mr wore ahnust unbcaniblc. "Since I eomuienued to take Dr.Willinms' Pink Pills, at the solicitation of ray wife, I have tiiken four boxes, und I feel like a new man. Mv iippftitu is good and I now retain whsit I eat. my limbs and joints are free ol puiii and Ihuvugainedten pounds in weight. Sly life feels renewed nnd while not yet entirely well, I feel BO much better that Mm- hcsimtiiiL-ly assert that I believe Pink Pills for Pule People a good medicino for what thev are recommended.

Knowing that no medicine will save life under all circum- slam-esor ill all eases, yet I do honestly believe Unit they have prolonged mine, or at leiist where nil was dnrk and gloomy and fiill of untieing it hus been changed for the The manufacturers of this medicine do not know of my inking it. Neither paid for this but give it freely in inswiT to friends and the editor of thii fsi'-'ueJO Joins BATJORESS, Atlanta, Texas. Sworn to at.d otibscribed before mo thifl 27th day of March, 1896. B. M.

BLAYDES, AotaryPtilhc. Eeirnrding tlic cbove testimoninl of John aiigi-css, I beg to say that no man stands higher for honesty and veracity in all thii tio th VH. WEIGHT. Editor and proprietor of the Democrat Atlanta, Texas. Dr.

Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are prepared by the Dr. Williams' Medicine of Schenectady, H. a firm whose nhility and reliability are unquestioned. Pink Pilkare not looked upon as a medicine, but as a prescription, having been used us such for years in general practice, and their successful results c-vriii" various afflictions made it imperative thnt they be prepared in. quantities to meet the demand of the public, and place them in reach of all.

Tliey are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis. St. Vitus 1 dance, sciatica, iieu- rlieumatisro, norvous tho after cflccts of la grippe, of tho heart pale and sallow complexions, nnd the tired feeling resulting from nervous. prosU-a- tiou all diseases' resulting from vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness.

They build np the blood, and restore the clow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men thcv effect. a radical cure in all cases arising rrofn mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the ele- merits necessary to give new.hfe and richness to the blood and- restore shattered nerves.

They are for sale by all druggists, or nmy be Imd by mail Williams' Medicine Company, Schencctady, Is. for 00 cents box, or six boxes for $2.50. The Cyclist's Necessity. TVILL VVKE CUTS, BUKNS. BRUISES, WOUNDS, SPRAINS, SUNBURN, OHAFINGS, INSECT BITES, ALL PAIN, AND INFLAMMATIONS.


I A FORTUNE." COMPLETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH LI HUNGGHM6. Arrangements Finally Completed for His Entertainment, Will Arrive in New York on the 28th, and Will Be Received by the President Amid Much Pomp. Philadelphia, Aug. The final arrangements for the reception of LI Hung Chang, during his stay in this countrv, were announced here Wednesday by Muj. George W.

JJnvis, United States army, who came to I'liiludelphia and conferrcrd with to China John Kussell in reference to the entertainment of the distinguished Visitor. The ambassador extraordinary hi.s suite will arrive in New York on Friday, the 28th in and will be received on" the following' -day at Governor's island by the president. There will be a naval review and a great, showing pcmp. On Sunday Li will visit the tomb of Gen. Grant, and in the evening will dine wiih Tiussell Young, George F.

Seward, John K. Ward ami- other Americans with whom he became acquainted in China. On Monday, the Hist the party will be taken to West Point-, where a military review will be held. Tuesday, September 1. the chamber of commerce, of New York, will give a and dinner in honor of the S' 11 1 man, and on Wednesday he will visit the city of Brooklyn.

Mr. You us 1 will entertain Li as hia guest in Philadelphia on Thursday, September He wi" an-iv; here in the morning and will spend hours in as pleasant as can be arranged. It is likely (hut besides his extensive suite. Li will In- accompanied here by the Chinese ambassador and suite. Gi-n.

Paigi-r. I'nilcd Si a i.e.-; army, ihe uf the AMantiv, with his and a niimbei- of naval officers. Mayor Warwick written to Mr. Young, staling that, tlio i-ity will be pleased i.e. in tlio reception of the visitor.

On the evening oL 1 Thursday Li will leave for win- re he will spend rwo days, and from iliuiv lie w.Il to Niagara afterwards travel- in" by Caivulian Pciuific railroad to Vancouver, where he will embark for China. It is said President Cleveland may endeavor to induce Li to travel to the Paeilic slope on one of the Ann-r- ioan trans-continental and. visit Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha and -Minneapolis. Onu to JUhilli'-.

London, Aug. A coroner's in- caiest was held at Uyde Wednesday on the body von 7-edwitx, tho owner of tin; yacht Isolde, who was killed bv the collision of the Meteor with Isolde on SoutJi Sea' Tuesday. The captains of yachts Isolde, Britannia and Meteor were examined and the jury returned verdict that, the baron's death was due to the purely accidental collision of the bofl Finds Hill of liolil. Lima, Peru, 'Aug. Harrison, tjie owner of the Santo Domingo gold mine in the province of Carabaya, 'department of Puno, and other rifh gold mines in Peru, has discovered a whole hill irf the Andes mountains extending at least two leagues and full of veins of rich goldjiuartz.

Grain, Provisions, Etc. Chicago, Aus. 19. FLOUR-Quiot and unchanged. Prices rantreU as follows: Winter-Patents.

J3.40 0300' straights', clears, seconds, low grades, Jl.To 0-' 00 Spring Patents, strulglus, inkers', low grades. Rea Rye 52.00 'O. Stronger and htgtier. Quiet an'd steafly. No.

2, SJWe! No 2 Yellow, September, and December, Muy, 26-a Fair trading ajid No. cash, September, May Samples steatly. No Gritde. IKc- No. 3, No.

3 White. No. 2, No. 2 White, Demand very Rood; fair export orders Prices a shade firmer. No.

2 cash, No. September delivery, 31c. Old Barley In good request and firm at for to choice, with 'thin focdlr.B New Barley dull and weak at MESS PORK Moderately active and prices easier at for cash: JG.OCQI G.15 for September; £01; October, and for' January. LARD Trading moderate and prices easier at (or cash: J3.32W.4i>3.37!.i for September; for October, and 3.72V4@3.77',i'..for January. The market ruling, quiet, with quotation's at for creameries und HOMc for dairies, MVE Fair demand.

Turkeys, Chickens'. Ducks, SO Siy-'c per pound; Geese, per dozen, J3.00 06.50, Steady on tho basis of $1.22 for hiBhwInes, Now York, Aug. 19. Quiet ar.d steady. No.

2 Red fairly active, firm. 02 October. 03 7 December, May, No. 2 quiet and firm. No.

2, September, October, 25VjC. No. 2 dull, steady. WcBtor'n, 21ft Soptomb'or, Quiet and steady. Extra mesa, JO.OC07.00.

Steady, quiet. New mess, JS.OO g.S.75: old moss, $8.0008.25. Qu lot and steady. Steam-rcn- derod, J3.SO.' Qutot and Bteady. Western dairy, do.

creamery, IRc. Quiet and nrm. Part 2S EGGS-Firrner, quiet. Western, Live Stock. Chicago, Aug.

.19. Market generally lOc lower, except for'best grades. Fair to best Beeves). JSOCS405; stockers and fetdors, mixeti and S1.2»@3.'-I0; J2.DO@3.40.- Market, opened Htfady, (fflOc lower. Light, J3.15liil3.or.; rough, Ing mixed -nml heavy pncklnj? I'lus, A PERSISTENT AILMENT.

Btomuch Trouble In Children Kncl Itl In children the intestinal canal is relatively of greater length than in adults, while its muscular tissue is proportionately less. For this and other reasons on unsuitable diet quickly causes irregularities of the bowels in children. It is safe to say 'thai whenever children, suffer from constipation the. food they receive is ill-suited to their stomachs II not actually harmful to them. Infants who are brought iivmrlJfieial- ly, on cows' milk, ore peculiarly subject to constipation.

The milk is often found to curd in lumpy Hakes, which pass through the intestines undigested. In such cases the.milk should be g-ivenin a more diluted form, with perhaps the addition of a little lime water. Cream und butter are to be recommended on porridge nnd cornmieaJ. Oatmeal gruels should form part of tho dietary of older, children, who should also be encouraged to drink as much water as'they crave. When constipation is found to beper- sistent, Uic child's diet should be-regulated with a view to counteracting it.

For children of three, years and older, bread mode of unbolted flour, bread and sirup, stewed prunes, orange 'juice, honey and bread, olive oil and olives, eodlivcr oil, peaches, fresh vegetables, baked apples and gingerbread should be occasionally parts of the bill of fare. A -judicious administration of this Class'cf foods will avoid all necessity for castor oil, rhubarb and other household remedies, which are often given, to a harmful extent with out the family doctor's orders or knowledge. Abdominal massageisu.uscf iilmethod of overcoming attacks of constipation in infants. It should be performed throe or four times da.y, very g-eiitly and with warm hand. The best time for it is while the infant, is feeding-, when the abdominal wa.l 1 is soft and re- laxcd, A little dry salt, followed by a gloss of wate.r, is ollten relished by a child, and is beneficial in cases of A sufficiency of air and regular exercise, when combined with a proper dietary, will rarely foil to avert.the threaten ing evil of chronic constipation.

Companion. OCTOGENARIAN'S, HORSE STORY The Afo of the Author Be- Kpeot tor tho Tula. "Thi-s 'is not a fish story," the story teller remarked. "It's a horse story with a schooner attached. heard it coming in on a train from Connecticut, and as" the man that told it wns at least SO years old and had no reason for telling any tiling except 1iho truth at that time oflife.1 suppose it is true.

We happened to be seated together, and, after talking- about, one thing nnd another, something induced liim to ask: 'Did you ever hear of horses almost capsizing Of course I never had heard arfytliing like that, and I replied accordingly. -When was a young he continued, 'a schooner came to the town where I lived for a load of horses that been picked up for the city. The skipper "I 1 stalls on deck and a.t hii'-li lide-thn horses were driven un board. "It vtas late in the afternoon before the was barred in, and, being about, feeding time, the crew opened a bundle of hay and fed the horses, first on one side and then on the other. Then the strangestthing happened- The horses were hungry, and they were not long in sticking their heads into the feed.

Those that had beel-i fed first began to ea.t first, of course. a 1 few minutes the schooner began to roll from side to side, nnd crew ran about like wild. men. They didn't know what to do, 'nnd the horses kept on eating. It was this way, you see: Every time the horses on one side 1he vessel had their heads-down for hay the horses on the other side, as it happened, -held their heads up while relaunching-, and vico versa.

The center of gravity changed every time a horse moved, nnd as the horses were eating quickly the upward a.n-d downward' motions affected 'the vessel BO much that' w'e thought she would capsize. Queer, wasn't I wns obliged to' ask. 'I don't the old gentleman replied. 'I had to leave then, but I heard they thought, of taking away the N. Y.

Times. Dosouornto Tendencies of Hat. "Did you know that hat left on the shelves two or three years would assume a funnier shape than. a. fake baseball player?" said a Lisbon street hatter a.

few days "Well, it's so. Here is a hat. It hns been on the shelf three years. Look at it. Do you suppose I have bought such "a bean-pot aa that? No man ever designed it; Look at -the brim.

It isn't. wider 'than the bnck of your jack-knife: The fact is that the hate are made under pressure and heat. 'Left to themselves they distort along the lines of pressure. Sometimes the brim crawls up into tho crown and sometimes the crowns evaporate into the brims. I've seen an old fashioned, flat-crowned, wide- Timmed emphasize its.pecnliarity in one yoar it became' flatter than a pa.n'cnkc n'nd BO funny that it would break up revival Lewiston Journal.

WrenVNent.In Hli Caffs. Over in Montrose there is a foreman of a printing office who, has a series of "pigeon holes" back of his desk. One day he pulled oft his cuffs, rolled them up and placed them in the aforesaid pigeon a'little wren flew the "window of'tho-office and decided that inside the. rolled cuffs 'would' be a good nesting place; She was not disturbed, and is now sitting On 'her. little eggs', window being left open for her.

Xo one i.s aJlowcd to bird or its j-T. Press. OVEE THE STATE. Events In Various Portions of Indiana Told by Wira. Attempted to Murder 111" Wife.

Avilln, Aug. 11 fumuT, utturoptcd to ni Jrikr his wile mill Iji-otliiii'-iu-lnw. Some time ago Cox bent hia wife, mid she left him, VL-tiiniiny'to her father's house. Cox liiis been unuble to 'effect reconciiia- Tion, (luring 1 tlio night went to the burn and sccreti'i) himself to await her coiuiiiff. A wife her ni iippronched do the' morning: chores.

Cox sprang from his hiding place and began firing them. At the' first shot Mrs. Cox the revolver and received tin- bullet through her hand. Cox then Klrnuk 1 her over the head with the weapon. The brother interfered, anti Cox shot him twice, once in the leg and r.gniii in the right groin- The would- be murderer then fled, gushing his throat with a knife as he ran.

He was captured is in the county jail at Albion. His victims will recover. Hw Wife Saved Life. Indianapolis, Aug. Miii-plH'y, of 2SO was sitting in an upper window at laic-hour With-the baby in his arms while Mrs.

Murphoy was bidding some guests good night nt, the hnil door below. M-nrphoy lost his balance, and, rc- that he could not save both himself and the child, he throw the latter inside- the room and pitched headlong froro the window. a strange coincidence Mrs. Murphey looked np at the window during the momentary struggle of her husband to retain his place on the window sill, flnd as he fell she sprang under the window and stretched onf her arms to receive him. Murphey came down head foremost and just as he reached his wile she grabbed him round the neck find both fell to the ground, Mrs.

Mnrphcy was uninjured, however, and her husband snsuiined cnly a few slight bruises. Fair Opens at Lebanon. Lebanon; Aug. About 4.000 people witnessed the of the county fair Tuesday. As the day was set apart, for the school children, every district was represented by a large delegation, and the time was given up largely to speeches from prominent men.

The hippodrome races were a decided In the speed ring some of the fastest goers in the state were entered. r.ov. 'x Bettor. Indianapolis, Maty was considerably improved Tuesday and ventured down to the office for a few moments, but returned home, as he felt worse for the exercise. He is suffering from a heavy cold a.nd looks pale und worn.

He says the chills Siin- day were the first ho has had for 25 years. Life Did Suit Him. South Bend, Aug. Edwards, who aided in au attempt to murder Patrolman Samuel Dei-rent ft few weeks ago, dug hjs way out of the central police station while three or four policemen stood near. He forced out the wooden door jam, twisted off a bolt and leisurely walked away.

Widow Guts Only 80115. Indianapolis, Aug. administrator of the estate of.the.late Gov. Chase has made his final report. After the debts were paid the widow hod invested heavily in raining stocks' that are considered worthless.

Extoimlve Iron Plant Iifttjcil. East Chicago, 'Aug. large plant of the East Chicago Iron Steel company has been leased to the Illinois. Steel company, and it is understood will.soon be put in.operation. The plant was recently put in tV-haud? of a receiver.

Jliule Dltioovery. Smith Aug. has been discovered that Josiah 13. Kelley, the defaulter who commit- to suicide, appropriated $535 of -the funds of the National Union, an insur- nnce order of which he was treasurer. Dropped Vincennes, Aug.

E. Cullender, sou of Capt. Calender, a wealthy grain merchant, dropped dead of heart disease, lie was a prominent member of the KnigMs of Pythias and. of the Koyal Arcanum. A Vlunccr Cone.

Kokomo, Aug. F. Jlhoadcs, pioneer resident, is dead, a-V-cd 71, from inilainmatory rheumatism contracted in the army. He was. captain of Company Fifty-seventh India-no, serving through the war.

Sorvfld Cmior Gen. HnrrlNon. Shelbyvillo, Aug. 19. Capt.

Snimiel'B. Robertson, who served nn- der Gen. Benjamin Harrison during the late war, died hero. Tuesday evening, nged 7-1. He was a man of influence and wealth and leaves a family.

Hotel ClmnKOH Uftndft. Peru, Aug. V. Turpcn has sold the Bearss hotel here to Joseph H. Givens, of 'Eichmond.

It. is house in tlie city. Undo a Quick 1'nssasrc. New York, Aug. White Star steamer Majestic, which, arrived at Quarantine' at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, made the fastest passage she has ever made from Daunts Kock to this port.

Her time of passage was five days, seventeen' hours'and''h'fty-six minutes, which is 12 minutes betjer than her best previous record, made four years ago. She experienced, fine weather and smooth-seas throughout. Cane Agalnnt Single Tux ITlrtonerd. 'Wilmington. Aug.

the single tax prisoners in jail at Dover have opened proceedings before the superior suggested by Judge Wales, of the United States court. The men will probably be re- leased on foil 'Jo await the session of the "Kent county court iii- October. t1ow ie Your Liver? It TAKEAPILL. VI Of. Hutu Unit th-crPiH', Don'! Grip t.l Dr.

IloWa Ultte TJi'or ncv eontly jetm-omntlTontbn' Limit, STOMACH, em imd clunnHHm tlio thor- ouahlr. and thoy euro habitual oonrtitMition. Thoy imnuimMOBtod, verj mufti) Had are pnrolj- vogdtublo in inch contt.lDiaB CO I'orfeol dls lollom ihott uim. JlraiUolm, nud mo fta- Blciimn uad drucEuJU. ONLY 10 CENTS A VIAL.

For S.ile in LOGANSPORT, by Bon Fisher, jn I-purlli St. and Jobn F. Coulson, .304 Market SIZE OF COX. POZZONI'S COMPLEXION POWDER; hiiS bpon the standard for forty years uod is more popular to-Jar than before. pozzoxrs- Is ldefl.1 complexion cli-anlr, b-inlthful nnd hnrmlos-s.

I A dvllcaSK, Invimblo protcctlnn to Uie face. With cvflrv amat I'BFF UOX free ol charRe. 1 AT DRUGGISTS AMD FANCY STORES. The COAST LINE to MACKINAC TH MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers ThcOreatert Perfection vet nttalned hi1 Boat Equipment, FaroUbing, Decoration EHiclent Service. imsuring tie highest degree of COflFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY.

FOUR TRIPS PER WEEK BETWEEN Toledo, Detroit PETOSKEV. 'THE soo," MAROUETTE, AND DULOTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque MickiaK Md Return, including Heals Berths. From Cleveland, Ji8; Irom Detroit, $13.50. EVERY EVENING Between Detroit aad Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with Earliest Trains for all South and Southwest and at Detroit for nil points Nortli and Northwest.

Sunday June, July, August and Septembir EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, Put-in-Bay Toledo Send for Dlustrated Pamphlet Address A. A. SOHANTZ, r- DETROIT. MlOH. Tde Detroit and Cleveland steam lav.

Go. DELICIOUS made from SUCH Mince Meat. P'um Mince Pic. FruitCake. Syracuse N.Y.

OiiTCRED. inciapo Made a weir of Man. THB HINDOO REMEDY oDOcn TUB ABOVE HEMILTS In BO Cures all Ncrroui Memory, Parerl! 1 ly toils- sling. LOGANSPORT, nd Icadinu: druggists EIc a -crwBw. or todamnia! Irriunlon or tion of mxicons mem- or in plain wrapper.

by (ucprtM. urcpiiiJ. for tl.OO, or 3 Cijcular OD roouent CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE Central Hutic.Hnll. Chicago, Or. F.

Ziegleld, Prei. Sepl.T* MUSIC and DRAMATIC ART Applleatlons for tho rt-cc iind pa wllf be reeclvco to August Will. dii Old For wounds, old'sores and burns, Bra. rtlian Balm is of priceless value, cott, from gunshot, broken class, or flesh it almost instantly flops the pain and Inflammation, prtvcnls lockjaw in--all cases, if usid at once, fend like majnc. It cleanses old sores and ulcers ftom "prond fleth," kills the.microbe causes the formation of pus, thus stopping the discharge, and promotes erantilation and healing more rapidly than any known remedy.

For Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Blackened Eyes, etc it is.equally prompt-end efficacious.v It indispensable in! factory and See Testimonials circular..

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