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Spirit of the Age from Woodstock, Vermont • Page 2

Spirit of the Agei
Woodstock, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Woodstock, Vkiimont Ettivbllilicil 1810. SubsonptJonRates flno yenr Blx niontlis Tlireo lnontlm voplei i Fostniilco lliillding 1.00 GO 25 Telephono 15-4. KDWAUD C. DANA, Kilitor nnil I'libllshor. Woodstock, July 12, 1902 Tho Fourtb of July left long list of nccidents and fatalitics, for manv i.of which thc capablo cnnnon crnckcr was rcsponsiblc.

Ilere in rennont "tfie cannon crnckcr business was nuicli ovenlone. Similar rcpoits 'comc from nll pnrts ofthe countiy, ''aud anothcr ycar thcrc will bc some attempt made to curl) thc op'crations ol'this too strcn- uousexplosive. Tbu Boston Transcript looks at it 'in tbis way: "It is somctbing new 'nnd ougbt to bc itwakcning for 'Vermont to bavc a thrcc-cornorcd political light on licr hands." Thc is onc ol tliosc city pa-pcrs that seem to takc plcasurc in notion that V.crniont is ordina-irUv, darkness and 50 vcars bchind times. Tbcy havc tbis idca bc tc'ause they writc trom ignorancc of 'coiiditions lierc. Rutland News.

'N'ews'doesn't scom to ftin in the next wecks. to bc a bard sumnier for riiachinc. Clcmont a Candidate? Thc probability that Clcmcnt will be a candidate for governor is a'dis-concerting outlook for thc forgans which had in their own 'coluiuns arrangcd political matters Ibr thc stimm'er and wcrc simply waiting l'or thc usnal ratification at the polls next Scptcmbcr. Things arc changcd in a day. Thc McCul-lo'iigbitcs and niost of thc supporters of thc machine couldn't by any twist of tho imagination assign any rea- 's'tirt why Clcmcnt shotdd rcappearin tlic fickl, and there has becn an unan- limous and anxious intcrrogation as tb "what is to bc gaincd by it?" 'Whntevcr the outcomc, Vermont bc a gaincr for a contcst that is likely to shakc thc statc to its boundarics and cven to havc a little excitcment to sharc witb New and Maine.

Thc domi-nating forccs of thc' Republican party in Vermont havc dclaycd niuch tpo lonjj in yiclding in the sligbtcst dcgrce to the popular de-tnnnd for some changc in the liquor law, and now when a revolt comcs the frec use ot money pcrhaps can- not avert a violent overturn, a par- tial bouse-cleaning. Again, Vermont would be better for more st i r- ring- times in poiittcs, witn cvcry one intcrcstcd, for a thrce-cornered light with no mortgage on the gov crnor's chair. LOCAL OPTION CALL Thc following call for the mect ingof the Vermont Local Option League, which will bc held at Bur lincton next weck. was nosted in Rutland.Friday morning "A meeting ot the Vermont Lo cal Option League will be held at tbu Iloward opera house, ton, Wcdncsclay, July 16, at 10 o'clock a. tor the purpose of ele'cfing ofliccrs and maturing plnns for.

conductintr the campaien and to do sucb other business as may come -bcfore thc meeting. A tull attcnd 'ancc is urgcd and all bigh liccnsc local option clubs arc requcstcd to i scnd delcgates. Rcprescntatives arc mvited to be present as far a pos siblc on the cvcninr of the for confercncc." J- C. JONES, Scc. Vt.

Local Option League. Oemocratlc Stato Convention in Burlington, July 24. At a mectinir of the State Dcmo- cratic committce held at Burlington in conjunction with several mcm- bers ot two congressional district conjmittecs was decided to hold state and both district convcntions in Burlinston Tulv 24. R. S.

Ghilds of Brattleboro was sclccted as tem oriiry chairman and Elisha May of Sr. Johnsbiuy, chairman ot commit tcc on rcsolutions. It is cxpected that Fclix W. Mc--Gettri'ck of St. Albans will be thc tandidatc for governor.

Considcra ble intcrcst was taken in the mect- Itisr owinc to thc action the cnin mittce miirht takc in resrard lo the icnnHhlnev of P. W. Clcnient for governor. Report of Soldiers Home. rc'nort of.changcs at thc Vcr mo'nt Soldiers' Home at Bennington for thc ouarter ctulinc Tune 7,0 is 10; lcadmitted, dis cbarged, 3 5 dicd, dropped from the nolls, is, says thc Messcngei' renort for Tulv showed Pres cnt for dutv, n'rcsent tn hospital 'i7: abscnt with Jcavc, 20; absent without lcavc, 1 total on rolls, 90.

'The ahnnal meeting of the board ot trustees will bc held Wedncsday, (Jv'y Man Ktllcd by thc Cars. Will Folcy, agcd 27, was killcd instantly Sunday night while rc-turning on. thc railroad track from Putney wherc bc spcnt tlic cvcning, to. his home in East Putney. It was sdpposed bc was struck by thc fast night New York exprcss which runs at thc rate of 50 milcs an hour nnd that aftcrward othcr trains passcd over the body, which was cut to pieces and scattercd along the HARTLAND.

Dr.W. A. Bradynnd F. A. Dur-phcy dcserve a vote of tbanks for bcing the instigator ofsuch a joyous of July celcbration for onr quict village.

As Mrs. 12. J. Shattnck was rais-ing her curtaiu caily onc moining rcccutly shc spicda youngdcci fecd-ing in her dooryard. Mrs.

Lottic Dunbar and snns ot Lebanon wcre vibitors in town the pnst weck. Hcrt O. Tcmplc has linishcd work for A. A. Mnrtin.

Mrs. Addic Maxham Wood and son Ralnh of Cornish spcnt hist Tuesday with her parcnts, Mr. aud Mrs. 15. 13.

Maxlnim. Mr. aud Mrs. F. A.

Rogers, Car-ric, Lena, Ilattie, May and Fred, Jr of Mcriden wcre visiiors in town labt wcek. Will Sawver ol Kccnc and ncphew, Hert Sawyer of Windsor, spcnt Siiuday in town. Miss Abbv Harstow of Welles- lcy Hills, is a gucst of her and cousins, Mrs. F. P.

I. abaree Mrs. Ellen Ketchum, E. Hritton of Barnard spcnt a part of last weck in town with his family. Mrs.

Wilbur Rand is quito sick at this writing. Misses Mary Walker and Man ric h. btcvcns arc speiuling tnc weck with rclativcs in Lcbanon. Miss Hcrnicc Fiascr of Woodstock is a guest ot hcr grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

E. 15. Maxham. Chns. Wood of Barnard was a guest of Miss Ilclen R.

Sturtcvant the past weck. Mrs. J.iv G. Underwood is spend-ing the weck at Franklin Pontl. R.

W. Ileadle is speiuling the weck in Rutland. Miss Flora A. Spear returncd to Windsor Sunday. Mrs.

Mary Pcnniman Lansing is issisting 111 thc postothcc this wceu. HARTLAND FOUR CORNERS. Many pcople from ncighboijng towns camc to bclp celebrate tlie Fourtb in our town. Thc tirst prizc in the onc-quartcr mile bicycle racc was won by Geo. Bernard, sccond by Walter Ilough- ton.

Running broad jump, first prizc, Ord Watson, second, J. Lewis Running bigh jump, first, Ord Watson, sccond, Clifton Ely. IIop, step and iu np, first, Ord! Watson, sccond, Tom Dalev- Polc vault, first, Will Cabot, sec ond, Ord Watson. Standmg broad jump, hrst, UrU Watson. Running horsc race, first, Bert Merrill, second, T.

Dunbar. Three and one-half mile bicycle race, uco. isernaru nrsi, 1. ivw ple, sccond. Kid's racc, utuler 13 years, nisc, Gassett of Windsor, second, L.

Gilcs. llurdle race, first, L. Millcr. 100 yard dash, first, J. Lewis, scc ond, Ord Watson.

Base ball rame between Nortli Hartland and Biownsville, 23 to 3 in tavor ot tho local tcam. Thcrc was a large band and vcrv nice fireworks in thc cvcning. Miss Annie E. Davis is working for Mrs. A.

II. Burlington. Julia Sanborn is speiuling a few da)s with fricncls in Woodstock. Miss Jcnnic E. Jordan is visiting in Taftsville.

Park Watcrs and Mrs. Alice Chasc spent a few days in Ilanovcr recently. Rcv. Stanley G. Spear was at his home last week.

Miss Mattie Rogers is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Alice Chase. Miss Sarah Arclubald is visiting friends and rclativcs in town. Children's Day was obscrvcd Sunday. Little "Fredcrick Oscar Davis was christened.

An inteiest-ing progiamme wasgiven. PLYMOUTH. John Mincr and family went to Mt. Ilolly recently to visit Levi Reed, driving a spau of horses be-longing to James S. Brown.

One of the horses was' taken sick and died whilc thcrc. John C. Wilder ot Proctorsville and Gratia Wilder of Perkinsville are enjoying their vacations hcre with their parents, Mr. and Mis. J.

J. Wilder. The school at the Notch closcd atter a succcssful term of tcn weeks. Number of scholars 13. Not abscnt or tardy, Lillian Messer, Max and Midge Aldrich after they entered schooi the second week.

Average attcndance, 11.6. Lois E. Taylor, teachcr. NORTH BRIDGEWATER. 1 Ilcrman G.

Atwood, of the firm of Atwood Brothcrs White, pro-prietors of the Alexandria rollcr mill, Alexandria, returned to his home on Mouclay, this being his first visit to Vermont after an absencc ot over sixteen years. The weck after his arrival a surprise paity was given him at the resi-dence of his sister, Mrs. Herbert A. Shurtlcff, at which nearly nincty Were present. Cakc and coffce were served and a pleasant evcning passcd.

Chas. F. Atwood of IJellows Fnlls spcnt a few days in town last weck, returning on Monday. DEWEYS MILLX, Di. RogeiB tippcd over at tbp Wilder pli'cc a few days ago, the horse declining to cnter the river at the ford thcrc.

Thcdoctor's wagon was damaged some. Frank Sanborn caught 61 trout 011 a recent fishing trip. The prisoners at the house pf correction, Rutland, were given a holiday in observ.ince of thc Fourtb. ITES FROM THE JNORTH. Anothcr of Bcthcl's oldcst pcople dicd Mouday, Mrs.

Harrict Brown, 90. Captain Kilburn Day, SS, of East Bethel, has moved to Williamstown. Ile has bccn one of thc landmarks of this scction aud his rcmoval is much regrcttcd. Ile organized Co. 8th Vt.

regimcnt nnd cohtinued in its command throughout the war. On one occasinn a supply traiu had to bc run in without delay over a piece of track which the enemy had tampereil with. Cnpt. Da volun-tcered for the risky job iind per-formcd it succcssfully, carning the title of "thc cngineer," whicli has always clung to him. For many vcars he ran the well known Trav-cle'rs' Rest hotel at East Bethel.

Old line prohihitionists. not sat-isticd with the declarations of the more talked-of caudidates for the governorship, should reiiiembcr that Rcv. Joseph 0. Sherburne of St. Johnsbury, a man of much ability and dclightful personalitV, is the nomincc of the "third party As good a Republican as thcrc is iu the North said to me a fesv days ago that he very much prefened Sherburne to McCullough.

Thcrc is a distinctlv hopeful trend iu the gianite prospccts in Bethel, racant houses in the gnin-ite scction ave filling up aiu a boom secms iust ahcad. 1 Now thc deiuocratic caucuses BRIDGEWATER CENTER. Charles Perkins of Weathersfield, brothcrof Boyal and Elisha Perkins of Bridgewater and Jasper H. ot Woodstock, died July 4th.

Ile was 61 years old and for nerlv lived in Bridgewater. The body auived hcre Montiav, accompanied I by Mrs. Perkins and two sons, and services wcre Held at ttie church at 11 o'clock, Rcv. George Tceple, pastor of the Advent church at Hartford, Conn olliciating. SOUTH WOODSTOCK.

Thc Ladics' Social Circle bolds its next neeting at the parlors Thursday afternoon, July 17. Mrs. C. E. Colston cntertaiiis.

TAFTSVILLE. E. C. Emmons was in Lcbanon, N. Monday.

Edgar Parkhurst has returned from Salem, Mass. Mrs. Levi Ballou and daughter of Burlington and Mrs. I' rank ouiig of Lcbanon, N. have bcen visiting at E.

C. Emmons'. SOUTH POMFRET. Mib. Panton and daughter Jrjessie of Brookfield, who have been the guesto of F.

C. Peri vVjbavp letumed home. The usual soi vice will bc held at the ball tomorrow at.3 o'clock. Allen W. Thompsbn' has sold his Phil Jiheridan mare and colt to V.

F. Wood of WEST WOODSTOCK. Mrs. E. C.

Barnard died Satur-day, July 5th, after much suffering, from dropsy. She is survived by her husband aud nine children. The funeral service, attendcd by Rcv, M. T. Morrill, was held at her late home Mondaj, interment being in Riverside cemetery.

She was an cxcellent woman, nnd thcre were many beautiful ofterings of flow-ers. F. J. Perkins is in Boston thU weck, and E. I.

Benson is also there on business. Windham County Republicans. Thc Windham county republlciin county convention was held nt New f.ine Tuesday. A full ticet was nominated and a rrsolutinn was ailopted rcaftirining the stale plat-form adoptcd at Montpelier. The hcnators nominated were C.

U. Spencer of Wilmington, a pro. hibitionist, for the south shireand M. R. Lawrence of Rockingham, local optiouist, for the north fchlro.

Each candidate had severul oppo ncnts, and in the case of the noiith shire the question of moving the county seat from Newfane to Brattleboro playcd an important part. The BiiccesRful candidate vvns a "mover." MAN AND MONEY MISSINQ 1 I Petcr Wright, who for the lat thrcc months has bccn cmployed Jit tlic rcstaurant of Lynch Jenks at White River 'Junction, hut bcejn missing sincc eaiiy Monday morn ing. At a late hour Sunday night he went to the reBlaurant, giithered the books, and took what casli was on band, about $150, under pre-text ol going over to VVest Lebanon npd settling with Mr. Lynch. Ile was ceeii at thc railroad station about 2.30 a.

iu, Monday, sijjee then there are no trace of liinir A few cntcrtaiu thc thcoiy that he may have met with foiil play on liis vuiy to Wcht Lcbanon ond hjs body thrown iuto the Connecticut but the gcneral impression at pren-ent is that he has left for part known. Wright is about 35 veare old, heavily built, with a floritl complex-ion and grayish cyes. He came herc from Claremont, N. or vi- ron ovrh XTY Mm. WtvamwH RC'OTiiiKO Mnvt has bcen uscdfor overslxty yewbf mttlloMof mottU ursror tlieir cuuaren wmw iocihidk, pcrect suectns.

It soolbea the ohlld, OfU)M thc Buuif, allnys all paln, carcs wlnil.JfOllc. and is thc bctt reniPUy for Dlarrlitto. It Will rrllevu tlic iioor little sufferer immedUtcly. Sold by flldruRKliits in evcry part of tne world- Twenty-uveceuU a bottle. Bo rc audajf for "Mrs.

Wlnslow'i Soothiog 'V' rup." inJ tikp 50 other klnd. lk The Klnd Yott Have Always Bought, and which has becn in use for over 30 yenrs, has borue the eignatnro of jO ond has becn made under Ws per- 7Ojt sonal supervlslon slnco its inlUncy. cocctiAi Allqw no ono to decolvo you In this. All Coimtcrfclts, Imltations nnd "Ju8t-ng-good'are bufc Exporimcnts that trlilo with and cndangor the health of Infonts ond OhUdrcn Experlcnco" ngatust Experlment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substltuto for Castor Oll, Pare-gorlc, Drops and Sootlilng- Syrups. It is Pleasant.

It oontains noithcr Opiunt, Morphluo uor othcr Narcotlo substanco. Its ago is its guorantco. It dcstroys Wornis and nllays Fevorishucss. It cures Diarrhoaa aud Wind Colic. It rellevcs Tecthlng Troublcs, curos Coustipatlon nnd Flatulency.

It assimilatcs the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, glvlng hcalthy aud natural sloep. Tho Children's Panaceo The Motlier's Frieud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the -W WS The KiM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thc etNTJtun eoaMav. LIBflAnV FOR WINDSOR.

B. F. of Waltham, has iulornit'd the Windsor Libiary associalion nf his mtention of pre-senliu the samc with a handsoiue libnuy buildiug, to be erected on State strcct, east of the present libi ary location. The strlicture is tb bc of brjck and granite, and yill cost $15,000 to $20,000. Mr.

Blood was for many years a resident of Windsor, and has always maintaincd a deep intcrcst in his old home. Ile is a nativc of West Windsor, to which town he pre-sented libiary buildiug and school house last year. His recent bene-factions also include the gift of a librarv buildiug to Asctitneyville, and generous contributions to the churches in Windsor, West Wind sor aud Ascutne ville. RUTLAND COUNTY NOTES. Stnall pox is still prevalent in Rutland, although under contro).

Thus far no hoye appeared outsidp of lntknd apd in the city the cis.casc lvs long 'sjlpp c'easedjto lie a searo. IIOAHP IJEAI.TH IN'VKsTJOATINO Tbcgreft't'dnin of the Chittenden Powcr Co, at Chittenden is of htfp causlng much iinnoyatice' tlie-tn- habitnnts of that town on account ..1 i ,.,1.... from the tream (lowing avay fron'i the dam. It is almost unbearable, especially at night, and is fast ki II-ing the trout. The state bo.ntl of health is now investigating thc mat-ter.

It Ih belleved the tronblc virises from the hundreds of aeres of for-ests that were floodcd when the dam was lilled last pring. Largest Clas9 in Its Hlstory. The University ot Vermont gracb uated June 35 the liugeit class in its hibtorv, dfgrees in course being eon ferred on 43 young men and 14 voung women. Thcrc were also thice degreef! confencd on studenth of other years and our honorary dp- grecH, Ketchum to WWte a Book, It it; paid that J. Ketchum Is writing a book in which he will deal with the history of the Furm-ers National bank ns far as he kniws it or can asccrtiiin the facts, Thc book v.

ill be of humorous chiiiiieter, Mps. Hallett WanU HQr Moiiey Buok. Hiillett, the friciid of D'. II. Lewis, the (lefaulliug e'Hsh ier of the Farmers' Nlltipnill Ihuik of Vergennes, who it now sprving 0 seven eaiV icntence in the house of correction at Rutland, was in Burlington WcdncRduy inuj peart'd befoie Geo.

Ei Johnson, px. nniiner, ais 11 witness in tiie o' FranceiiP, Hnllptt VS. Pnihfc 'l, Fish, receiver o( the FanpeiS'N''-tional bank. Through the efforts Cyhjpr Lewis, Mrs. Hallett Joaned the of $25,000 to tldp over fbp afiairs of the bauk.

Lewis, iiccoiding lo Mrs, Hilllptt's story, elaipiing that such sayp the mstjtn: Mrs. HilllPlt snit agaiust Mr. Fibh to ipcover t'lc money, claiming that she loaned it to the bank and not to Lewis. tho ythiv (-olor yHH -kn and cj'QS, you u-e liflftitis. rf-hfi ic.uc(r i l))f(fclnp, (Jatpijnj.

aolvi'ic. fjy' ))r. Iti'nnefly, ot li-'im; jjqiv. KiiidHiop, V- Vor llypr, kldnry nnil stoinncli toniplulnfs and iniPPrc liloiid, Ipufls nll tlic la ot. a ere infiftllO, a mcMplue.

Jt-nct(J prflmptr ly It relleycs ppil Ftirps. fV'l Settled, How? Thc governor question settled, that is we hope' gennes Enterprise. has been -Ver- Tlic. ponditiaij pf Hjirry H. vx' tcr of Bnrrd wbn iitttmptefi suipidp Sundav morning, rcmaliis ahtint tlP samc.

He is still weak; and consequently no nttempt has been made to remove the bullet. Signature of 1 huiibay atT. niw yok crtv. OTTAUQUECHEE SAVINGS BANK WOODSTOCK. VT.

Benil-Aimunl Stiitemcnt iit elose of business June 30, 1000. ItEROIIHOEK. Loans on Kenl Estnte. 70,083 11 Louns on I'orsonnl Sccitrity. 27,01148 Lottus on Pouosit 35 Loiuis with Bimt Stouk as uolliit-ernl.

Louns with MortsngeH as Oollnt. Lo.uis 011 Other ColliitenU Sooun. tius. Loiins to Towiw, Village. Sohool UiHtriutrt, Stuto, County, City.

Town aiul 6,000 00 070 00 3,225 00 0.201 10 356.839 00 Itnul Extuto for Mimking IMrnoscs. 17.000 38 Ncliool liomiH, Ileal Estnte by Eoreclosure, 0.049 00 iutcrest, Cush on liimil aud in Uiuiks, 22,868 55 78.014 80 1.802.618 77 LJAHIMTIUf. Duo Dcpositors, 108th Dividetul. July 1. 1902, Surplua FunJ Rcservetl, Other Burplns, 1.195.829 80 19.820 98 jo.imo 00 46.867 98 1,302.518 77 Oflflcers.

F. S. Jtnckcuzie, hti Hatoh. Charles F. Chapmnn, I'resident Vice l'residenl Trcuiurer F.

wm. Dowey. Alvill HfttCll. rurKer, Ohnrles H. Maxhntu.

Wilhnm 8. Hpwitt, Henry W. F. O. oqtlieute.

llfVKSTMKNT BOARD. J. V. Pnrkor. Alvm Hatoh P.

8. Mockenzie. Clinrlos H. Muxham uimrios f. ut)iiinian.

AVPIIOR8. Wm. 8. Dcwey. HeWitt IN THE STUD, SEASON OF 1902 KRAPOTKCN Stannard, Reglstered No.

27.882. JJy Stftllion, ftandi J6, 2 1-4, sirfd by KrtJnilin, 8.07 8-4. Sire ot twenty iu the 2.80 lit. Uain BraTlimn, by Jtobert McGregor. 3.17 1-2, (nire of Crcjteus, 2.02 1-4); wcopd dnm Brava, 3.14 1-8, by Harop Wilkes, 2.18, (sire of Huitip, 2,03 thiril dm Mry A.

Whitney.2.28, (dam of. flve'ipthc llt apd of flre prodiicer? of sppcd). by Volupr tper, 65, (sire of St. Juliep, 2.1 1-4), fourth dnni t'egtry Bleiuipr, 2.U6. (dam of twb in tlie list and of two Droduccrg of epeed).

Witli YPry little work ip trottcd a lialf In 1.13 (intl (juarter in 85 tecondf. A fast, plpvcr, ypl built hone. Iin colt nro grapd indivldpnld nnd fast, Bonrie fep, uwuh lisunl return priyilPBP. NELSON'5 8TAR Standard, Registered No. 35709, brother t() Coiuipest.

2-)pars-old, rec. ord 2.23. Hay Htiillion, tttauds lftK, sirpd by Nelsn 2.09. dam- UriK'ut Stur ((aiw nf Uouquost Stnr(2) 2.VS nnd larinc, trini to wngon uy piiriu Iiv Knntiickv l'rinue 2471): Rccond aiu thPKreaf li'rnoil ipa-p. (dam of 3 iu SJ.10) by Voltillti'er 55; tlmd lui Miss Jjnrton, (tb.pronglibred) by fmjiortpd Injs-tpe, Fep.

0 1J- thp Peasii)i. ir 8i to Wftl'rnin, 8IR GALEN Rt.iiiiilH Hird hv Gnle'n P'rince a.10. dftpi Kfituf(Uii. by Mni'k '46H9: so'cond daro. fiu w.

oy Dpaeer: tiiiril uani. ion p), by i in of lleiiedict .4 Murrill Fee. 10 to warraut furtlipr -T; t- "ri i rciii-r cn( on or Irtress WQqUSTOPK VERMONT FATAU QUNSHOT WOUND. levU SPVinqui'i an' aged ffirmer of Warren, acc dentid shot him elf in 'e ar afd shohlcr Tues day cvcning and from the ef-tects ofthe wound on An Old Eplscopal Abojjt people trom Randolpl: id llethel' and the Old Church npighbni'lin01' attepded the aniiual rpunion at thc ojd Episcopal ghurpb in fljP old Chnse 'neiglibor-hboij, Oethpi, 3nqdiiy morning? This 9lu1rc.l1. whjcji was bllilt about is'c-nP oftne odes.l Episcopal ohurahcs in the staie nnd was tlic placeof'one of the earliest Episco pal conventions about the year 1830, when there were only five Episcopal parishes in the state.

The services were conductcd bv the bishop the Rt. Rev. A. C. A.

Hall, assisted by the Rey. C. H. Wells and the Rev, R. C.

Wilsoq. The Age One Year $1.55. DANA'S NEW YORK CUSH STOBE. Sporting Goods Tho lni'gcst aiul innst t'oinpU'to linuibr the ntli -lt'tie'innn or woman. LAWN TENNIS jll tuul is boimtl more )onilir thnn evur.

Wright Ditson ruek-t'tis, Johnson Knokets, Wright Ditson Bnlls, .1 Spiiulding' Hiills, Bnlls. GOLF G. J. Clubs, ani) J). Clubs, Mut'grtor Clubs, Clubs, GolC Biills ol the best aiul popular inakcs.

Old ballsexchanged. SUNDRIES Kubber Giips, Wrist Straps, liall Cleaners, Club IJolders, Belis, Swcaters, Tndian Clubs, Dumb Bells. Punehiug-Bags, Basket Ball, Feiui-ing Stieks, Foils, Ping-Pong'. New Fiction, Ranson's Folly, by Richard Harding Davis. The Speuders, by Ilarry Leon Wilson.

Heart's L'ouraL'cous, by Ilallie Erminie Rives, In the Country God Forgot, by Fraucis Charles. The Leopard's Spots, by Thomas Dixon, Jr. Thc Blazed Trail, by Stcwart Edward White. Dorothy Vernon, by Chas. Nlajor.

The Virginian, by Owen Wister. The Captain of the Gray Ilorse Troop, bv Hamlin Garland. The Ileroine ofthe Strait, Miss Petticoats. The Suitors of Yvonne, The Wooing of Sheila, Audrey. DANA'S.

biwthsi I SEASON OP TT-, i. -i 11 1 Iu Afcutpeyville, July 5, daughter to Mr. nnd Mrs. Te nney. In Aiputneyville.

July 7, a son to George II. nnd Gertlp Fitch. MARRIACES- In Wliltefleld, N. July Kev. John S.

Harrington, Harry A. Moore and Ml Grace L. Uay, both of Woodstock. At the home of Mr. HPll M.

H. h. Oaker, in Willow Valc, July 7, by ev. T. Mor-rill, Clias.

P. Iockwood and Ml Arlie Recd, both of Wpodstflck. JEATH8. In 1'lymoutli, Juno 2, Samucl Dlx, agcd 78 ypnrs, 4 months. Jn Bridgewater, July 7, Kdson J.

Harri. In Wcathorsflcld, July 4, Clias. A. i'erkips, fiirmcrly of bridgewater, agcd 01 n- Two petitiuns in bankruptcy were filcil Monday. They were those of Chas.

Rlco, a farmer ot Cavendish, who has liabilities of $502.44 and assets ot $2796.43, of which is claimed exempt; and of Ilpwnrd D- Lindsav, a farmer of Perby, whohiis liabilities of $697.38 and iissetsof $385.93, of which $330 is'plninicd cijempt, Hllave vou nnv real Pannmn hats ased the customer. 'No," answered the truthful salds. man. "Hnt wc have some that aro jiist as ugly," Chlcago Tribuno. Jlaiift pdgeM'orth, ir her tlPo pccopfl eqjy iq Jaue Austen amopg lltej-ary women, hud a warni syrqpntby for nll jclndB of lfP, Whlph nccp'unts far the pidpr with Which Phe wrlte of bumaq bpng8.

A trhllng inoldent, rclatea in pim of her- letters, Iwuresaed. iep rteop- "We went the pther day tQ pee coh ppton pf pqrioslties at a Mr, PrqderiP'is- My fttthPr observed thRt lip iiacl tut very fpw bnttcrfl'w, paJd. 'A- clrcumstpnco tlifit bappened iq rflo tlrnp pga fletCFinlucd ffle nevep tq polleot any rporp puttortiles. caught A rqost beau tlful buttertly, tliought had Ullled it and ran a pin thropgh Hs body to faa ten lt to cork, A fortnlght after. ward 1 happened tfl 'ook 'U thc box hprp had left lf, nqd.

I BftW It lPB lH Stnpe that tlmp I hftVP peypp fle8treye4 apothPiV popmilttep pf KentHPklanp went ta eet? Abraham Wncoin jn 1801 with ref-prpnpp to the nuollUon of nlavery, Many Kentucklans owned sluves. They wcro anzious to remaln ln the Unlon, but tbcy dld not want to Iohc their bondsmen. The spokesmnn of the party wns a tali man ot about Lineoln's belgbt. fle madc an eloquent speech, fllicd with flne scntimeuts and tlowcry jijetaphor, and cjosei with a praphlug p'erorfitlofl, Af te'r be had. 'ftrilsjiprt Lln: coin lbokeil at Wm woment nnd then ald quletly, "Judge, I belleve your lega are a long as mlne." 1902 94th Large Combina: tion Sale At N.

S. Tohnson's Sale and Exr change Stable, VVest Lebanon, N. H. This sale will consist of 90 head of hoikes, Diivers, Draft. Farin, Livery and Speed.

One load coit-signed by Mr. Topliff ol South Da-kota. Also a load bought by S. li. Withi'ngton in lowa.

Thene horses are bought right off the farms vvhere they were rnised, therebv saving the middle man's profit, enabling us to sell cheaper than anv other stable in New Englnnd, We carry large stock on haud for sale or exchange, also a large stock of carriages. whips, haltcrs, blaiikets, elc. We are liere to do business and here to stay. We hold these sales the thiril Satiirday of eveiy month. Dauntless Pilot, Medium Stalion, 30,245, bv Dauntless, 3158, will make the scason at my Stable.

Ile one ofthe bcst and will show for Terms $10 to warraut. N. JOHNSON'S Sale and Exchange Stable, West Lebsnan, N. ti MACK." Trqtting reeord, 8.10 l4. Will niakc tho H'Kson of 1002 at Wood-itock, Vt For further infornmtion iniuiro of H.

ChK. To Know theComtort, C011-veniehpe and Pleasure ot a FOUNTAIN PEN, you innst lsc THE LINCOLN It is durable, slmple in con struction, and clean. PRIDE $1.00. For sale AT THE AGE 0FFICE I BOSTON AND MAINE R. WINTKK AKKANOKMliNT.

Ili KHVct Octobcr U. 1001. CONCORD DIVISION. TllAlNH IdUVK WllITK ItlVHl JllKOTUiN For Ijobniiou, Kiidold.i Ciuman. I'oltcr l'lai'e, UaHt Andover, Fmnklln aiul I'miiu-ook, Uniit'ord, MnnulieHter, NiioliMii.

I.owoll iunl llohtoti, 311, 7 IS, 11 4A 11. 111.: '2 I.V :0 D. 111. Kiiudny, 3 30 11, 1 40 p. 111 For Worcester.

WooiiHiiokrt und l'wvi di'iicit, :) S0, fi, 11 15 11. in.i 'i 111, CONN. ii PA8S. DIVISION For Fnirloe, llriidforil. Vt Wellt lfivor.

llanmt, Rt. LyiulonvHle, D111 tim nnd Newport 112 50 11. 111., daily wcei'pt Moiidiiy), 05 11. 1 4fi p. 111.

(4.40 p. ta. for Lyndonville). (0.25 111. 45 p.

111, for Norvvicli iunl llniiovor. For llook iHlnml'niid Derby Lliu BinlthV Mllls. MnNMiwippl. Nn'th Hntloy. I.cir- lioxville nnd Slieibrookii.

(12 ftOn: 111.. daily cxcept Kumluy and Mouduv), 0i III 1 4ft p. III. lyr Montmil via Newport (12 d'nily exeopt 15 p. For Quebee viu Klirrbrooke, 12 SO'a.

jlnil.v exeept Suiiday und Moinluy; 1 45 111. 1'irept Suuduy. D. J. FLANDERS, Con.

Fass'r Tickot Agnt E. A. SPEAR. UNDERTAKER. Latcst nuthods of embalmin Night calls attcnded promptly.

E. A.SPEAR, Ple.tst.ntSt. Woodstock, Vt. HARNESS AVe haVfe tho best Black Harness 00 cts. a jfallon.

H. DESO The Age AND The Delineator for one yeur 1 For $1.55. VOODOCil ii. A book of; Woodstock picturee and history. It contains 30 pages of fine-y executed en-gravings.

with dcscriptivC tltles and' several pages of historical notos, Bound' ih grey papei1, with title in black. Each book in, a box. Price 75c postpaid. Publisher, J. h.

DANA, Woodstock, Vt. 1iow ticks again. But Wntcd Wlndlng, So Do Oth.r Tlmc plece. VVIienl'Hnrn lu'Tortlie night I wind my watch ''and put it on a little labe at the head of bed. The other night I woko and ihlled to hear It'tlcklni.

'WhntC'suld'I, 'ls It posslble I fdrRot to I pntlt. totny sllll yost Koina tlll 1 bQt very feebleand fujiitly. I wouud it nt onco ofQourao Thnt other wntch the 'vvntch in your brcasltlie Ah I it doesri't ilo to let tluit run domi. Itdoei more work thnn npy other orjtan in thc hody. It lmmnierH awfty, yenr Iu nnd year ont, day and nlfilit, ork days, holidaya aud Sun- tiayn.

It is kept golnp; by the blood rtnJ the blood l.s raoroly dlucstcd i'ooil. We nre irlad to nnnounce a new und efflelcnt tncdlcUic for all.nilmcnts nnd lls-edgcs of the nerves nnd Irregulnr.ties of the I is from the hnnd of tliat wldely known plijMlclan and ttnrgeon, l)r. Dflviu Kennedv. of Kennedy Row, Klnu'- ston; H. Yk and ts called'Culctira Qolvent.

It reatores djuebtlve iw blood, nortrlslics thc nerves und coiifir' health ond atreniith upon the multltude of 1 91.00 a bottle. Wrlte ror rrectriai. INilld dpoiU).

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