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The Chronicle-Telegram du lieu suivant : Elyria, Ohio • Page 8

Elyria, Ohio
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PEPYS EVELYN. OMo Prosecutor Files Information Against Head of Standard ui companies, 'he a a Oii Co and John D. Rockefeller. was In JltM of i 11TO file'! hi the probate court iioou. i niurists.

in it i Davi'i s'avs i-. 1 IVpys" a a i i-; a a a i i Oil Co. a corpora-ion Irmseif; the i of tbo jriunixed under 'he 1-uvs 01 Ohio aiu i i i i or i'i(i an oil in i i of Cleve'and, auvl th.i' D. is an officer o- said a has d. shan't ana of corporation.

That some lime prior '0 of a a i a i i 'io- "I th I NO .1 i hi 4 01 i i PL 1 ui and IN the i ejy of lv.e'.}u. on the luiud. lins uneil'iii-j; of I i in on a lit'le of for e. i a the aivat may m.v^r.r-' the distance botwve'i them.

Thus it is Uuu PepyV a of our maMs. s.r.n..: hue last n.iz'it Great Mid-Summer Sale A Few of the Many Bargains We Offer thing-; rv. -r or.r i r.v Wistory of Octopus Recited In Peti- izora Filed in Hancack County Proaate Court. a a i sale of petroleum. Thar on or about 'his a 'n i i NWS i i a large mr.ulvr of lu-r porations which if not so them has since been pop- as the Oil day.

called ns r.p a i the monii'is: ti tell ns of -reat fiiv the'- 'U zV cirv. 1 PSO and MippV: That bv terms of this nine trustees. Rocl.eviler, t' Fiiidhy. 0.. July IX Rocko- irller and the Standard Oil Co.

stand with the violation of the anti- laws of Ohio in an information in the probate judge's oSce i of a a a i 0.: county by Prosecuting At- -he a a i Oi'. Co 1 1 William L. Darll a co-ur? 01 -he six'h u.i} rf it i'l! :ii.i?s since. .1:1: Some time ago Pr David started iip se? l'v in hYh he vvws th-- of i "Tho of v. anil re-vhed vi fit'iy Miles in lentil'." wr: the iy a the fire I 1-Mt it this i 4 4 of So lotu or Ir for, i-alled to my 1 i' it 1 enim i the of Troy.

Lonni 1 n- more!" Penys 1 the before r.M'\ i r.n.,n t': the oil trust, and it was ex- s.rit Cf uy l.Ko ,1 vr and 'c vi the grand which re- i dM RocAete.ltr." 11. would indict tie vari knowing 1 and. ir.iawfu'.'.:- oir on trust companies and their act in au-i heads. however, changed his miuil week before the grand sec and determined to take a new in ivt'ererve 'i -h the ni? ho 1 i. biu ir may be s.iii a rho worM f)- 1 1 i fitting rival for of saU conspiracy 'i -he Sar.cia-1 Oi! Co.

beef. the a a a Co 'e 1-in? Co. ANCIENT BELLS. LI i Well to Bt-fore in the criminal law with rO ok county. -eforence to violations of the a i 1 has be--n "he in-ention of Prose i 1 3 VH 'TO- frost law.

He appeared before Judge cutor David to file the intormatton Banker of the probate court imme-1 he did a but he determined i I Aaron's -lately after th? grand jury reported ro star: the other first in order to sacenlot T() at iou is made of the filed informations against -what would be the outcome. It is ac j. j-j, Lll i the hem of the garment Bacfceye Fi Llne Companv a new procedure and by trying the there were belis of gold alternating aa-5 "loan O'Brien and against re questions with the small; with pomegratiafes of blue, of purple The Manhattan Oil Company ompan fil3: a being successful in 1 and of scarlet: "A golden Ml and a R. Curtain and F. T.

Cuthbert. charging them with violating the aari-trust law. A motion to quash ae trouble the larger one. He say, that he will bring all parties to trial PO a golden bell and a pome- a granate r.pou hem of the robe a i And it sh.i information was filed in the Before a the early part of i oe i stor. ftn.l his souu.l shall I he i the Manhattan and the arsunieats i p'ao 0 teu-e th airl when he heard Monday.

The claim of i jr that by bringing the mar- n-t." tie that probate re the probate court he wil 1 Haud be.u v. ere in 1 not have jurisdiction. Tne decision this mom- rendered 13S in whic jurisdiction. the vexatious delays that are attnulan: in the common pleas court ommon all over th-' The of i Ktri was jr th 1 1 a a the fvi! to 3g in which held that he did have a crowne docket an-i a i i rs of motions chat would au a I curfew IT' 1 -t 1 A a to rid the neigh- i ri rhe a or i and i or M.v=t old churches of Kiiri'i" h-iv? door ou the Immediatelv a the court haiL al sustained the contentious' S-'osectitor David went to his office drew up another information: thi? time against the greatest of the TUXEDO CLUB IGA3B-i nor'h s.d». a at certain points in the IN Wash Goods Dept.

All standard Percales, light and dark styles, per yard One lot excellent lawns, worth 8 to lOc yard now New, effective styles in Lawns and Organdies, have been lOc yard, now 125 pieces of fine lawn, Swisses, dimities and organdies, were 12 ic yard, now One lot Oi choice Wash Fabrics, were 15c. ISc and 20c, Clearance price, per yard Special Reduced Prices on all Wash Dress Goods He no I9c Genuine "Indian Head" Shrunk Cotton, our price all the season 15c yard, "July Price Belfast Linen Finish Cotton, now Ail best quality Prints, blacks, grays and indigo, per yard One lot fine white goods, has been selling all the season at 30c yard, Clearance Sale price, per yard White Goods One lot of wide embroidered white flouncings, were 75c to SI.50 yard. July bargains at, per yard One lot of Lace, was excsllent value at lOc yard, now, per yard July Bargains in Dimities and Indian Linens Our Entire Stock of Muslin Underwear at Great Reduction During July OD Special Clearance Sale bargain 4j in Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests flf Ladies' Regular 25 cent Black Lace Hose per pair I JOHN LERSCH tt service this uoar was opened a bell wa-- rung to itii 11 devil, if he to be present, that he might make his exit before the elevation. By the command of Pope John IX. church bells were rung as a protection against thunder and lightning.

The monument of Por-sena. -he Etru- rian king, was decorated with pinnacles, each surmounted a bell, which tinkled in the breeze. The army of Clothaire raised the of Sens on account of a panic occasioned among the men by a sudden chime from the bells of St. Stephen's chnn-fa. 3m These suits are made of strictly high grade Worsteds and Cashmeres, superbly tailored, match- less in style and finish, modeled by high class artists and made by men who know how.

Every garment a all the fashionable kinds and snap of the season. Coone while the picking is good 547 Broad Street, Nichols Block 0 No For Snrsrery. The average tU'nks the sun and stars would to shine sooner than that she could interfere with the regular routine of household duties. A Sabetha woman was recently informed by her physician that she would have to have an operation performed. She said she didn't see how she could; that Monday was washing day.

Tuesday Ironing day, Wednesday the missionary society met, Thursday was the day to clean up, Friday to bake, Saturday to give the children their baths and mend. If he could get it in Sunday after dinner and before evening services perhaps she would try City Journal. The Old Time Buccaneer. Mr. Masefield's book, "On the Spanish Main," presents the old time buccaneer in a less abhorrent light than that in which most people have regarded him.

He evea had religious beliefs. No buccaneer -was allowed to hunt or to cure meat upon a Sunday. No crew going to church to ask a blessing on their enterprise. No crew got drink on the return to port after a successful trip until thanks had been declared for the dew of heaven they hacl gathered. fter a cruise the men were expected to fling all their loot into a pile, ft.m which the chiefs made their selection and division.

Each buccaneer was expected to hold up his right hand and to swear that be had not concealed any portion of the spoil. If after making oath a man were found to have secreted anything he was bundled overboard or marooned when the ship next made the land. Each buccaneer had a mate i or comrade, with whom he shared all things and to whom his property devolved in the event of death. In many cases the partnership lasted during life. A love for his partner was usually the only tender sm'iment a buccaneer allowed himself The Sardinia was a wild place in the middle of the last century.

A traveler says: "The men are clothed in goatskins, one before and another behind, without breeches, shoe.s or stockings, and a woolen or skin cap on the head. The women bare no other habiliments than a long woolen gown and a woolen cap. The peasants always go armed to defend themselves from one another, so that traveling in the interior is extremely unsafe without an escort, and it is even dangerous for ships to send people on shorr- for water unless tlK-y are In short, the are the Malays of the Mediterranean." Tfntnre's one is sick there usually uig in tbe stomach a nature to throT up. When one has diarrhea is striving to remove offending i a from the system. on 1 perspires profuselv nature is i nd of blood through the sk'ii On" should never attempt to rheck any such pffort without being "Utt: that its arrest i be $25.00 TO DENVER AND RETURN FROM CHICAGO VIA CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY annual meeting grand lodge B.

P. 0. E. July to 21st. Tickets on sale to 15th.

Final re turn i i August 20th. For information apply to W. F. Burch, T. P.

P-03 Bessemer Pittsburg. Pa. 623-4 "Lesrslsijr'' a Canal Boat. Throughout England there are a number of tunnels cut for canals where boats have to be pushed through by a laborious profess called "legging." This is about the only work on the canal women do nDt dj, and they used to do even this. One may see the process in operation near London at the Maida Hill tunnel, which is some 272 yards in length.

Sometimes when the roof is low one man ran "leg" an empty boat by lying down on his back on top of the cabin and pushing the roof with his feet. With a broad boat "legging" is performed by two men. one on ear-h side of the boat, who lie down on the fore end and push against tbe tunnel sides with their feet. If the tunnel is too wide boards projecting over the boat's side, termed "wings," are brought into use for them to lie on. At tunnels where traffic is good professional are In attendance.

Hurrah for the Fourth NO CLOSINGOUT SALES NO FAKE SALES NO FIRE SALES But clean, fresh goods of the LATEST STYLES and the very best quality at the very least Pos sibie Prices at THE PEOPLE'S BOOT SHOP SEASONABLE SUMMER GOO D3 AT POPULAR PRICES. For the People's Boot Shop. 138 CHEAPSIDE Prop, FAULHABER, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Hqnor In Cnndicn. "Practically every known liquor, as well as whisky and brandy, is made up into cnndy in one form or another," says a confectioner.

"You can cnt in bonbons of various i cremo do cosnac. kummel. ''hnrtrcuse, cherry brandy or bcn- I An Old One In SCTT "Way. I Little "Willie--Say, pa. what was the I first talking 1 machine made out of? Fai ther--Well, my boy.

tbe first one 1 made out of a York Times. Many a ruined man date-; his downfall from tne day when he began borrowing Magazine. A i i i a In very early times mon began to experiment i a to a i artificial birds and a i a that would imitate the morions of i i creatures. and if we are to believe the records, some of the artNts in that line were remarkably successful. Arcbytn-1 of Tarentum.

who lived in the year 400 B. constructed an artificial pigeon that could fly. but which was not able to resume its flight after alighting. John Muller, a German of great mechanical skiii. constructed an artificial eaglf.

which on the entry of Emperor Maximilian into Nuremberg flew out to mcc-t him, and. returning, alighted ea thu city gite await his approach. i "rands E. Diernch. 2fi.

fireman. a i Hazel Jones, 22, clerk, Lo- 21. laborer. Wellington, and Stcllj 20 La Grange. Charles Wynn 20, barber.

Qberlm, and a i Cordin, 16. Elyria. Wm. A. Talcott 2G.

laundryrnan, Cleveland, and Maud Hoffmaster, IS. South Loraia. Joseph H. Johnston, 21. electrician.

Cleveland, and Estella M. Harvey, 17, Elyria Ernest Scanes. 22, fitter in shipyards, Lorain, and Bertha Elizabeth Andrews, 22, Lorali. A "Parson" Blod-elt, a former local preacher residiuj; in Linden, had in front of his ho-ise a watering trough freely patronized by people riding by. One evening a man burriadly drove up to water his horse, and the wheel of his wason struck the trough violently.

The "parson" came out hurriedly and cried: "Elog rabbited to hemp seed tobacco! Can't you drive straight?" ''Go in and shut the 1 replied the driver, "and time you want to swear, parson, do it like other men." --Boston A Siamese have a -vry fashion in Siam. 'U'hpji inferior comes into the presence of a superior he throws himself upon the ground. Then the superior sends one of his attendants forward to see whether the prostrate maa has been eating anything or has any offensive odor about him If he be blameless in this respect the attendant raises biui from the ground, but if be be guilty the attendant straightway kicks him out. YELLOWSTONE PARK TOUR Special Pullman car party will leave Indianapolis August Jnd. The annual tour of Indiana people to Yellowstone a i a Park will begin at Indianapolis August 2nd, in private Pullman Bleeping cars, which will be run through without change.

Meals for party will be served in dining cars at hotels en route. A Yellowstone Parg guide will accompany the from Indianapolis and the tourists will be relieved of all the cares of travel, such as look- I ing a tickers, checking baggage. engagiig hotel and stage accommnda- I Lions, etc. An extra day has been added To the schedule in the Park this year, giving larger opportunities for sightseeing. Every feature of thf trip will be first -class and a'l ex penses are included in the ticket.

Ar itinerary giving full particulars mav oe had by calling en or addressing A. W. Koyes, G. T. P.

Chicago Great Chicago. 111. 7--6 9 11 13 16 18 20 23 25 IF.

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