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The Oregon Daily Journal from Portland, Oregon • Page 36

Portland, Oregon
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Uhw tta aa4 ttjmi Matt i a-ke ia at hat-a ati a-e ew4 -eee S-a (lw4 aB f. ata4 4 a-a a-4 t. tx i a aa hMiit a4 Itka l.Mlim af da'tM IMr Umr. ei a ltaf, -Ttva UJf IUi "Tfca a atAfcl ea mw if -Jb sm- issa rnrnr- i ma I f.t tJ ait. i.l a Ik a iliiaittM at I I.Mia ail lta, maawadM oil l4f a aAliaa Ci laa MW4iaUaa Ik.

ArML4i liiu ae gtia late xu, to ua IU fca(. ri e4 Uka ate4 Ilai will Mtaf fta lw ktkM ai4 of UofVix. uiy rtr S'ia aw a4 4 Ike taiaat aM al ef Bkaate aa4 a. A fvoiaro IUI OMikatkiag of Ike eadiaary ailU vf oVaao ay dotal Cwio tlaaard ad IWa faawawa Atetroa. Fai Tina daaea c4 t' I Im tVMiU.

aad fau It waa rt'at ae.e ft aaaaiaa ago. eo4 II will ko attaa ua aw4ctua) ta Ifcla my jat aa woo aao ta Ifcooo Hia alt weak al ifca lflo taealf. It la a Uac latl wiii ao mff4 ad eli. "Taa Half Bath' la Ui4 la a collage. Cf i T.

I -l II lit 1 I '7 III Ml I I I I II III I I 1 I ill I Ilk comical Ua toaad aa lha laa4 i pra'eef Taa girt aladaaia are If Ins 14 davelvp a high laalap la tMaulifr I Mr til. aad tfce Uarcfuol is laa taa all af laair eadaawia. Mitt Araavairoag wilt ao aaaa aa a la al4ei. aad what be do lo ta roreeeoa- la bard la aay, but It wlU rouaa enere laggka la aterl dure-Iloa of "Tfea Half Back- Haa one ordinarily haa in a mania. Nifi t- Ana-airong wilt alao play the pari of a elt-tal of faLlon.

aad anu'h la ta bo varied ef aim. riH.i ravt and CUra ltiward wlU aaadle Ue rrtarol fattU-alee paula la their uevtal oa4lvatmg ways, sad tbt aborua alll be aMi at Ha beet. There porrerwtaacao every night, a enallnae dally and tha I 1 faaMoe baby doll eoeteot oat rrtdoy nlht aftar -b ahow. Thursday a ape-rlal pairlolla parformanca olll la In va artamoun la honor of lnde pan la oca Jay. ill IYr Arta at TKo Oaka.

.1 till 111- 1sJl, It fjia vtnaaMtr wiim woo ei Ftnrera eAwhAw wTa New Tork lenla Journal mat W- OP Kint I'haroah waa the aaareot human I wrpuputa louiorrow. ik lutaiUaaat animal ta tba I Jrtl I If 1, -v fill rTT- I I world King fTiaraoh la declared to be I uunom cowTKty. who jlha mual famoue edjratod horaa In the aa tha dUllncllon of having taught 'world, and ha opena a short enagemeat Hovelt how to lb roar a lariat occvj- al tha ftaka amuaement park this after- Ps e-ond place on tha bill to opeo at Inooiv. King I'haraoh ran ralcuUte. add.

lrphanm tomorrow afternoon, Rog- 1 aubtracl and dlttlngulih eolora. Aceoot- ra not only eshlblta hla expertneaa i ponying King I'haraoh will bo Lady with a laeeo, but proceeda with a droll 1 Uvlngalone. who le Juat aa unique. Her Nionoloerue aa he thrown and Jerks Ih4 'ladahlp will be aean on roller skatao lariat about the stage. Much of tha at tha Oak rink Lady Livlngatone vaiidevllttat rowbow'a humorous patter V.VOAT.

Julr 14. It iimmI ehi( iht llvttlc Bkr rd cmpBl will CM lh tlrMtlena th kfld hri dramatic clock will will skala alone or with aay roller conrarna ihe ex-President. Rogera tp- ekaiar that caraa to make the roind of peered with Blanche King In "The Wall tbe rlak with br Slrral flirt" and his art with the lariat Neil In tha line of the big free lrck New York by storm. geveral fratur attractlona Is the Oake Park paper crltlra heaped more prolso I hnml. which, under the leaderahtp of on the rowhow for his novel act than iMrecior fels.

Is attracting coaslderabla they gave Tlanche Ring, the 1 attention at tha pork. Alao occupying Roajere la not a atraugar In (Ira ilc a la a(ock eompany of art nf mualral raa. Calhrlna Ceunllaa. I ha a baa lhara no mora fepular Uadtof amaa In th anpala of lortlD4 alock. artiraa from Ida aaal tomorrow, to ooao har apaclal aumtnar aaaaa at tha Halllf trt -Tha Thur- oh of Marfmrat Illlnf-i toa'a vary racant vahUlaa.

HyUnay Ay raa wlU aupport alias Counitaa. Ha arrived yaatanlajr. Tha aaaaon mml aala bag tni Julr Tba rarular Kakrr Mtock com-j'pany. which haa baan making go4 for maar waaka. will maka tta boar In Ara Ton a JklaaooT" and will ba rplao4 by the bandalanda are tha Neapolllana, a He appeared at tha Orpheum more than naive and charming troupe of Venetian I three yearn airo and was one of the big troubadora aad street alngera.

Tha Deltilta or (he MIL Garroa arc an attractive gymnastic and acrohatU' team of five persona, featur I Ing ilrare Or.rro on the tight wire. lire taking atunls, "California redhat." etc. Klght large plcnlo parties already have negotiated for tha uao of portlona III A -I sJ r-HJVH III lV: "i i I Harold Ue Uarro ta a tiny tot or a clown, and Is probably tha smallest of lha grounds for the afternoon and evening of the Fourth. clown In the world. i Than tlura la Punch and Judy for tha Thla afternoon and tonight there will lyoungaters, and there has never yet been a youngster to the park who haa not 1 be special muala In the roller skating tha ranr popular Ktrrla liartman opart company.

For Uila waak tha HalUg It off.rlng another Jovrnar to tlio Durbur la tha natural color motion pie- turaa with adda4 lolaraat In tha flrat natural color pleturaa of Niagara ralla. Aa yat no dtflnlta announcamant haa baan made concerning tha Elka' waak attraction but a anrprlao la hinted at II remained for Margaret Illlngton to rlnk. The 8(00 ulna orenn. which was left entranced with the funny quips and whima of ihe London showinan. The bathing pavilion la attrarting In-creaaod attention dally with tin Varm days, and swimmers ara flocking out to cool off every warm day.

This after installed! at tha beginning of the season. ,1 la proving more and more populsr ss time goes on. The managemeat has added to the already long Hat of music, this laat week. noon Im experted to prove a winner in every respect, the bill of attractlona In I ''1' ciuciing eigut frte acta. a- Jinks at Council Crest.

top the ttnotfomrt- halghfa of the aea-1 aoa In hr play of the New York tena- ment. "Kindling. built on tha theme of I mother love. Fo completely did Mitt Illlngton aubmerge heraalf la the hum- bla and almost a to! Id Maggie ttohulta, I that It waa at ttmea hard to remember tier aa the beautiful actreee of other i -rolea. Elks' night st Council Creat, whan the entire top of the big hill will be turned over to the boys of the purple, will be a momentous occaalon In the annals of the park.

None but members of the order will be at the Crest and great Jinks are to be pulled off that night. Motion Picture Programs. "The Music Hall Singer," a splendid Inauguration of the weakly dlaplays of fireworks at the new Seenlo-A mute-men Park on Council Crest haa added another attractive feature to the many Emotion was alao the prime factor on tha Orpheum bill where Darld Belacos -Madame, Butterfly- waa given a eplen- that already characterise the largeat free amusement place In Portland. The "city's roof garden" was patronised by did oraaentttlon In lta original form drama full of exciting climaxes, ia tho feature picture at the Peoples today. with all the rich atmosphere of the approximately 88,000 during- the aeven afternoons and nights last week.

Next a. 1 The tilm shows a beautiful singer about to be burned to death In a terrible fire orient i yfy" MSaBBaawr Thursday evening aa soon aa It Is dark the second pyrotechntcal display will which has broken out In the music hall. DRAMATIC CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK and her final rescue by a brave hero. start. It will Include new and start From Fireman to Engineer," a Lubln, PROMISES MADE BY THE PRESS AGENTS ling effects In fireworks, such as ap dhows Steve Reardon, an ambitious pearing; and disappearing and reappear JiAKEX 5T002C CO young fireman, at his work, being paid ing balls Of fire shooting high In the a visit oy the little daughter or thn heavens, and flame pictures of dlstln superintendent of the road.

She climbs apparent proofa brought to ptar, Bev matinee Saturday. Special holiday mat gulshed persona Those who csnnot llelllg, Durbar Pictures. Tha famous natural color motion pic- upon the engine and accidentally starts tbe engine going. Roardon's great brav erley will not believe her guard inee Thursday. visit the new park next Thursday night ture production, "Tha Durbar 1n Klna-1 Baldos guilty of treason to GrausUrkL, should arrange to see this very elabor ery and presence of mind saves the child's life, and his great dream of be- 1 irEILIG Durbar Klnemacolor Motion Picturee, beginning this afternoon for all week with dally matinees at 2:80 and evening performances at 8:30.

BAKKR "Beverly of Graustark." ORPHEUM Vaudeville, May Tully. headlined. KM PRESS Vaudeville. PANTAGES Vaudeville. LYRIC "The Half Back." THE OAKS Amusement, Park.

COUNCIL CREST-Amusement Park. PEOPLES. STAR, ARCADE Motion Pictures. COMING ATTRACTIONS IIEILIG Cathrlne Countlss, beginning July 14, special summer ment, opening with "The Thief." BAKER "Are You a Mason Ferris Hartman company In musical stock. M7 Tnlly at Orphitun.

macotor, oegins a return niutnnni i nu kuiiic very iivciy iimea ueicnaii ate display from tome other point In the city, as It will be visible from many of one week at tha HtUlg with a tar- ing mm from hla enemies. May Tully, atar comedienne, noted for ng promoted to engineer is realised. 'Pseudo Sultan'' is a Bunny comedy fonnanca this afternoon at 2:80 and this Tha balcony scene In the third act Is i avenlnr at 8:0. These marvelous films chsrming ever Intro- more than up to standard; "The. Heat Wave" is a Pathe comedy, and "That ner cancature or big rojk or the atage world, fa'headllner orr the bill to open at the Orpheum tomorrow afternoon.

She will appear with her little compkny in "Tbe Battle Cry of Freedom, a skit of the most pretentious spectaclo ths pT.t,?inc "Rome0 ftna v. I Juliet." With all this and Trio" offer entertaining melody. places. For the Fourth of July besides the pyrotechnics, there will be a varied and brilliant program In addition to the usual sources of cntertslnment including the roller coaster, merry-go-round, "trip up the Columbia," box ball, plct- At the Star one of the greatest spec an Impress! over tnessed created auch of has Una of comedy far mora laughable thn predecessor. This la furnished a romance ex- tacular films produced this year, entl- tivai week, (Contlnued on Following Page.) -0 6- written by her and Bozeman Bulger, an authority on sports.

The comedietta is a aatira on Reno divorces, and abounds with comical situations, which, presided over by May Tully, create uproara of tneatre was prompisa to wln largely by old Aunt Fanny. Beverley Stop! Look I Listen!" In which she car. Maine, where now, as then, the people Tho richness of the colorings, tha Sih? WONDERFUL PICTURES RETURNING TO HEILIG lcatured footllght stars. She also made get their mail at the combination store laughter. Tha story la built around the lodging of two Mrs.

Smiths in an Btatellness of tho processions, the gor- 7 I I geous dress and trappings which adorn f- back to the United States It is man and beast, and the educational les- Ju Aunt Fanny'a finish, when a oon to be learned by viewing such pic- tne end Beverley announces that she I tures prove most pleasing. The review Is not going back at all. Thla play 4 of 80.000 British and Indian troopa by should do a record week's business at overcrowded Reno hotel. It develops that one Mrs. Smith is the wife and a great hit In "Curves," a baseball skit-, in which she appeared with Christy Matthewaon and Chief Meyers.

Following May Tully on tha new Orpheum bill Is an extraordinary cowboy. Ha Is Will Rogers of Oklahoma, who and postofflce. Everyone will have to smile when Mc-Intyre and Goves take the stage with thai patter and comedy. These comedl. ana are making a tour of the circuit with the beat laugh getting material the other the ex-wlre or Smith, who appears on tha scene.

May Tully achieved one of her great successes In tha sketch the king-emperor la one of the greatest ma Baker. Bargain niht tomorrow and taugh Roosevelt how to throw tho A 1 1 lariat. Kogers not oniy is an expert lar- that they have ever used. A genuine musical treat is promised lat but a comedian of great CLEVER ARTISTS APPEARING AT THE OAKS iir -f' worth. He proceeds with his monologue In the Ollvottl Troubadors, Italian serenades, who have better voices than are usually, heard in vaudeville.

The trou as he twlsta, throws and drops the lariat into every conceivable shape. i military spectacles In tho annals of hls-' i tory. 'The Black Watch," England's crack regiment 800 strong, led by their pipers, ts an imposing sight. Another of the most spectacnlar pictures is that of the Royal Horea artillery oomlng Into action at a gallop. In less time than It takes to read these lines, a complete I battery has unllmbered, loaded and com.

tnenaed firing a royal salute ona 101 i Runs and one can almost see the red badors were a success on their former trip over the circuit and they are re peating their triumphs. England has a few good single handed Third on tho vaudeville program ara the Kaufman brothers, brown-face comedtana, who are heralded as winning great plaudits on the Orpheum oircult with the newest and best comedy songs. They are followed by Chinks, youthful Juggler, whom critics rank with the clever Salerno for his origi entertainers and Harry Cutler is one of to the number who brings all the best of the snappy English Jokes. The Four Mayoa, cyclists, do soma ex a citing stunts and even this act is full 11 nality and axpertness. Chinks balances everything on the stage, from a lounge ifire flaah from the so true is the Klnemacolor proceas, Interspersed among the erlght reels of tha Durbar, will be shown three of tha srreatest subjects ever photographed la Klnemacolor or any other process, Nlag- ara Falls In all Its beauty of natural color, the regatta at Cowes and Zoolog- (cal Gardens, all in Klnemacolor.

An of fun for two of the four are come II tr to a napkin ring. I Ef am 4 dians, introducing all manner of com I av Then came the four Lyrlo Latins western business men, each one I 11 trained singer, who were prevailed upon to go on the vaudeville stage. Their selections are well chosen and Include If several Italian folk songs. explanatory lecture ana a very appro-j priata orchestration are Important fea-; -tures Of the presentation. Thero will be performances every aft- ernoon and evening during the week at 30 and 8:30 respectively.

an Sixth on the bill Is Bert Terrell, Dutch character vocalist, who has Just com -si --1 ill edy on the bikes. Of the current show, which closes with the performances. tonight: The Eight Soxones, with their novelty dancing act; the Monarch 'Comedy Four, Mary Dorr, the comedienne; Brown and Moulton, song writers and singers; Graasl Brothers, musical acrobats and "After the Gale," a college skit, are all immense. Big Act at PantAges. Delightful Indeed Is "A Night at the pleted a tour ot Africa, Australia and -at a vf England.

He will appear In hla most popular specialties, in which yoddellng Is foremost. Minnie Kaurman, wno nas the reputation of being the most skill CeYerlejr Graustark" at Baker. The first stork production In this city of Otorge Barr McCutcheon's romantic plsy, 'Beverley of Graustark," will bo ful woman bicycle performer In the I -Vr" Ill world, will also entertain. II i I (I griveu by the Baker company for the "Madame David Edelweiss, the big musical comedy that -topllnes the bill at Pantages for the' week commencing with the Monday I week opening this afternoon. Beverley tb sequel to Graustark, and makes even a mora 'charming and delightful matinee, July 1, with 16 people in the company.

attention Is being paid to the acenlo and electrical effects. Each member of tha cast has a.Dneared ptaythan the Tht story begins with tha stumblinff of tha American girl, Beverley Calhoun, IIP masterpiece, will be staged at the Orpheum for the last time tonight. 1 Fun at the Empress. "High Life in Jair," will lead the new all-star come.ty bill which Sullivan Consldlne send to the Empress for he ensuing week, starting with tho Monday matinee. "High Life In Jail'1 Is a burlesqtu on prison life In which bank presidents, promoters, cashiers," clerks in big road shows, being especially en-rased by Alexander Pantasea to era- i -r 1 h- sent the act.

The scenes are laid in the famous Continental cafe of interna 1 onio ins coip oj pomicti ouiiaws in I Uia hills suj-rSufrJtnrg- tha imaginary country of Graustark, aa Beverley la on her Say to vlst the princess, it is hero aha meets Baldos. the goat herder. who la. of course. Prince Dan ton In dis- tlonal note and -the action keens the audience interested from rise to fall efi curtain.

Many delightful musical num-' pulse, and when be becomes -wounded and professional men share the stripes with tramps. W. W. Mack, tho comedian, heads the list of funmakers In this specialty. The interior of a prison bers are introduced In.

act and each la admirably interpreted -y. Second on the program Is Carl Roslna defending and the camp, takes him on to Graustark. has him nursed back to health and makes him her special guand. lamten with the high toned convicts playing billiards, golf Sand director" a meetings. There la a warden, but he Is more of a prisoner, than any casus Akt fianarai MarUns, who secretly bopao to win tho pretty snd plucky Aroerleaa girt diacovera her attachment! for her guard, and plots to haver Mm eonvtcte.1' aa a spy and shot nrauMark is on th' ovo of war with 7ftbrt.t Virfhra Af a and his able company in one Of the mer est and prettiest Of magical acts.

The feats and trlcka accomplished by excellent sleight 'of hand artist -are truly remarkable, while he Is ably assisted. All his work is ftew and carries many amusing" features. By capable critics he haa been pronounced the equal of Hermann and other noted magicians. of the others. Harlan Knight and Lillian Volk- man will appear la a dever come3y playlet by Una Clayton, called "The -y, who has seised the throHevand forced TJn -Keapolttans, ho helplns to (lease crowds it Amusement park Chalk Line." the plot and characters of Scene from "The rnotioQ" pictures at the ile'llljr theatre every afternoon "Bd 'evening this week, beginning today.

this we k. rnnca I tnton to Ilea. Despite all tbsj which are taken from a little town la Merry are the witticisms and parodies.

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