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The Oregon Daily Journal from Portland, Oregon • Page 6

Portland, Oregon
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

II 1 PORTLAND. OREGON. TUESDAY APRIL 26, -1904. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, Small Change how judge PARKEiyxooKS Oregon Sidelights AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Robert Ademson, la May Buooeea. and he discussed the subject of the gov- JNO.

P. CARROLL JACKSON PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. At the very, end of the road found I eroorship under aimouuiea It Is about time for Fourth of July talk, an old-fashioned white homestead T. "TD pfcwbrtck- hall tri Gold Ooqullle city is to have a first-class Fifth and TamhlU hidden among the tree, on a steep knolL Synonymous terms: Portland 'Published every evening (except Sunday) and every Sunday morning- at The Journal Building, streets, Portland, Oregon. can't play ball steam -f I pier lu irunt in iu ituwaw mm awu na a big farmer In a slouoh hat at the xhose are my oaen," said the gate.

With a city man's superficiality. I judge, that a fine teamt I nidn't Perhaps If Japan keeps quiet Bussla OFFICIAL, PAPER OF TUB CITY OF PORTLAND Biggest, milt crop ever, is the pros aa.n.niin sunn iw vim orcnt-r si ndvcuiii una innn, vu a i. will whip herself, v. farm, and asked him If he could tell me I like them and so I bought that pair forlpeet In southern Oregon. where I could find Judge Parker.

I the men here to use In their farm I -t Thai hlar tmilm, ujj u. Thai mail mmt 4ilm tA talklnaT of his Del I Umatilla eount atvnautfB larmt Still It losea Well, it can't get any low- PRAISEWORTHY GENEROSITY. down than the foot and have been culpable. The condition which they now face. Is apparent to all observers.

Once the seat of trouble is found. It should not be difficult to find some it is about time some one prompted Mr. WW UUUUDU. A U)aM4 B.U w-w admirable agricultural figure, suited for bobby, his Imported cattle, and he for- wheat crop In its history, a painter wholesome, red, rugged, and got all about the Saratoga convention, burned and seasoned by exposure to the His barn ts decorated with the blue rib- Many Oregon towns are "spruolng up. His clothe war rumnlMl bv bons he has won with these lie This can't well be overdone.

i Cleveland to decline. again. remedy. That there are many enthusiastic patrons of the ''ll I HE decision of the heirs of the Ladd estate to erect I. an art building on the' lot donated by the late H.

i Weddings continue to be pretty. Br the vigorous movements of a man who took blue ribbons at the. Buffalo falr.l thought more about his task than the land he has been taking them ever since 1 Newbergs new ioe nanufactorr wm W. Corbett is not only on act deserving of public June they will be very pretty. welfare of his arDarel.

The coat was a I at the county fairs round about I be ready for business eariv nt mnnth. eDoreclatlon and praise, but it Is one of especial Impor game was made plainly evident by the many thousand people who overcrowded the stands last Sunday. These people are entitled to some consideration. Without them the game could not be maintained and the players representing Portland could not be paid their salaries. It be St Johns Is surely going to be a big.

lance and significance In the development of this com rnunlty from a raw, overgrown village to a modern, met blue sack, In its third summer, his I was shown about the house and the -y trousers were a gray pair thaa were farm with the simply courtesy or a in a well on ShutUer Flat Gilliam eloquent of the farm, aad he were a flat gentleman to his guest It was In bn oounty. water wss struck at a depth of turn-down collar, a atrloed. unstarched workshop and. library that he showed 40O.xeet.'.-.. busy suburb.

So wlU Sell wood and i ropolltan city, that Is now so grandly going on. We do not live by bread alone," and a large com Hello. Missouri I If you get oat of any shirt and had no waistcoat A gray his greatest pride. His workshop Is the 'f slouch htat, Un shoes, scratched and big corner room on the lower floor, of White 1 Bull was fined 'la Pendleton muddled by the farm oaths, and a tan I the house, commanding a fine view of I for telnr drunk. Then r.i ttw.

hooves the managers therefore to take up this matter at once and straighten it out before It is too late and the disgust becomes so general that the game will suffer Irreparable damage In this community. thing else besides potatoes, call on the unity like this that In this twentieth century does not Mlssouri-Oregonlans. belt about his waist completed his make- lha river. The walls are lined with law plack ulLv un I k.nw. haiai nrlvatat Ubrarv I pay some attention to art, and provide means for the sat Jsf action of artistic taste and talent, and encourage their Ponl In several states are wonderln I Hl fao kn-naut ft.

I In tha atattv On the walls, too. are plo-l mm 1 rvw ww mmmm asval W4T TillW HH wm a vu I iim I VT VVUWUI al AHIiVVl'IlQtDl TJSS I VASI If the snow rtorms and bllssards of win- las a lobster, and the hair oa his bands was tures of the great Judges of the past and I rock pU for noboft lt i.0 co "lin "-exercise, Is not abreast of the tlmos. A GOOD MAN FOR CONGRESS. burnished a brlaht Me was I of his present associates on the bench, I. drunk.

on straiaht aauara. with tir atrnnar I At the end of the room by the window is I 1 In such matters, however, the municipality, as such, can do nothing, or but little; It must depend upon wealthy lamha that lhAWaA lha flavalnnmanl r9 I his desk, and seated there, with his see-1 h.wJ If the amount of blooms IsNany sign, i7- I at hia aide, ht I xne OI ROBERT M. VEATCH, the Democratic nominee people who see the Importance of the cultivation of art. this years fruit crop will be the hum' 1 i.i ww owvuna in cutcnr uu legal dictates and revises most of the surveyed me with a glint of humor. For mlngest hummer that ever hummed.

for congressman from the First district, la pre and are willing to provide the means therefor. Fortun summer to MOO barrels per day. opinions which go forth to the world a moment I felt ridiculous and feared I atelv Portland has had two or three such men, and has under his name. had taken the wrong road. paring to make an active campaign for the election.

Within a few days he will begin his canvass According to various reports from Seattle, Prosecuting Attorney Beett Is the few yet. Judge Parker's home life la or tns 1 mean Judge Parker of the court Miss Lena Mumm was married In Pendleton last week, She baa not been mum heretofore, but will be Mumm no simplest His family consists only or of appeals," explained; 1 was told ho The late H. W. Corbett left in his will a fine, valuable of the district and he will carry the fight to Blnger Her' antithesis of Prosecuting Attorney Folk. himself and his wife, His only cniia.

a uvea in the last house on the road." mann. who will be forced to act on the defensive. Unlike daughter, who Is married to the Eplsoo- quarter block to the art association, and also the sum of 150.000. but this money Is not to be? available until it "Tea, do you want to see hlmr he The president of the French Panama Then something in thePJ minister at Kingston, spends most. Canal company, that will be paid 140,000, fsswai his competitor, Colonel Veatch bears an unquestioned reputation for integrity and his tenure of publlo office amused look of his erea.

and the broad, her time with her two children ai 000 by generous Uncle Sam, Is named Bo. full features eanaed ma la snlta of na-1 the Judge's home. Some bands of Gilliam county sheep ars shearing two pounds a bead more than they did last year, and the wool (s better, worth I cent a pound more. Don't say "Boo" to him. tlve nreludloas about ludvea.

In anlte I On the la a biff field of grapes. doubles, which will take twenty or twenty-five years. But now come the heirs of the Ladd estate, led by W. M. Ladd, who resolve to erect a building on this lot.

that will serve the purposes of the art association until Mr. Corbett's has never been marked by scandal. Once before he has been a candidate for congress and he came through the ordeal of the campaign with unsullied reputation. As want us to understand 01 tn Clothes, and in spue or the runny I Judge farcer nas soivea me proDiem oi Does Jim Hill that he Invented and patented the north cuts i na seen in tne papers, to tans I now to get no ox xnem oy senaina mm an Inspirational leap at the truth. He I to his friends and neighbors at Kings-smiled and said: I ton, Poughkeepsle and the towns and west and that he has personally watered member of the state- legislature he acquitted himself the crops every year since he-perfected with honor, and no man la more respected in the com I'm Judge Won't you come I villages around.

11 1100,000 becomes available. It will not be a very great of fine building, but It will serve a very useful, elevating and refining purpose, for several years, until means are forthcoming to enlarge It, and make an art temple worthy the country? Chicago News. If so, he needn't water our crops any more for a munity In which he lives. La Grande sidewalks, says the Observer, are not only a disgrace, but a menace to pedestrians. And this In such a big, prosperous town as La Grande, The Clme Falls eompany Is doing a great deal of good work on its Des up to the house." I He is.

a great lover or norsepaoa no ing, and every afternoon he may be seen The house, a big, solid rello of the old There are many evidences among the Republicans of wnue. galloping along the country roaoa. tie stops to speak, and oftentimes for au Dutch days, built over a hundred years ago, faces the Hudson, In front the knoll drops sheer down to the water's the First district of a disposition to refuse to support Hermann at the polls. There Is a growing feeling that Many have planted and are planting extended chat with his friends and I neighbors. He is a frequent visitor to roses, but not enough.

There are thou chutes river farm. There will be under u.ari a tiiinjlraul faat Katow Tha' arvAtlivt the investigation of the land frauds will Involve him about Is filled with apple trees and sown the big store in the village, where be I Irrigated crop this year over S(0 acres. sands of spaces all over the residential districts that if the owners will pardon with barley. A happy family of sheep Joins the group of farmers and discusses the company has been at work only two deeply, and that be may yet be called to account for his participation in these transactions. Hermann's plurality years.

and chickens and farmyard animals was the croos and the political situation. the suggestion ought to be planted this spring. Keep In mind that Portland Is to one year ago was less than one third of that given to the reveling In the barley. The ground un- It is the life to which he has been der the trees was littered wjth applea I bred. It la the life he enjoys most He make Itself the Rose City of the world.

late Congressman Tongue, only a year before, and he is It was a simple, dignified home, not was born ana rearea on a voruana Deschutes Bchoi The Deschutes Irrigation St Power company is doing good work In advertising this section. People who have once seen our country undeniably weaker now than he was when mads his While Inveighing against the big trusts whose operations cover the country, is the country mansion of a modern mil-1 county farm. He was a village schooi-iinnaira. but tha aulet old-fashioned teacher as a Vouna man. When a little of the future Portland.

Portland has had a few moderately rich men whom fu-ture. generations, as this, one does, will remember gratitude. Chief among these was Mr. Corbett, who in connection with the late W. 8.

Ladd, helped to found the Portland academy and put it on its feet, and who did many, other good works for the public good. The late Donald Macleay left to the city, as an absolute- gift, a large park that, though yet a wilderness, will some day be a spacious, beautiful recreation ground, a benefit and a blessing forever to the hundreds of thousands who will throng our streets. The late Governor pennoyer did the same, in a smaller way, but equally, perhaps, according to his means. The late D. P.

Thompson will be remembered for his aid to public schools and his fountain in the plana blocks. The late Henry Falling, John Wilson and Miss last campaign. As a congressman be has done nothing might be well to take up a piece of anti mansion of a man of wholesome life and older, he was a lawyer in the town of always keep It In mind, and are likely for his district and the shadow that bangs over him be naolt a genueman ana juugvs. nu i awiu, nw vj naun wiu ufn ana inui, trust work right at home and consider whether the gamblers' trust supported by the organ of trusts In general and the cause of his alleged implication In the land frauds Is ex homes like it are scattered along the err farmer tn Dutchess county. it I Hudson valley.

Many others near If be had chosen, arter ms rams nau Albany. Democrat! Just I years aao pected to alienate many Republican votes, many olty administration, should not be at surpass lt In luxury and pretension. others will refrain from going to the polls. A vote for tacked and put out of buslnesa On the wide veranda commanding a Dn -won, iuutw iow vi ma uemoorai man saw the) presenta- he might have acquired a fortune and tlon of Queen Esther In this city. Queen the first place at the bar.

He chose Esther. of that occasion was the Naomi Hermann Is in no sense an expression of confidence in view of the Hudson the big Judge sat An eastern court has decided that a down and talked about the convention in of this one, and her voice is as clear husband does not own his Wife's (natu high place of presiding Judge of the session at Saratoga A lusty young and pleasant now as then. ral) hair, and cannot legally cut it off grandson had climbed upon his should- court of appeals of the state of New wise and Just Judge I But It will be a ers, the moment ne naa uucen nis seai, i i or. Watson, the would-be saloon man of Forest Grove, has been knocked out by wonder if some judge above him does not reverse the decision. If a husband Roosevelt, for the president has plainly indicated bis distrust of the congressman.

The fact therefore, that this is a presidential year will not exert a powerful Influence In HermamVs favor. Some Influential Republicans In the First district have already indicated their Intention of opposing Hermann's electlon.Ihey aigue that If the district is ever to obtain what It needs from congress and if its representative Is to receive any substantial recognition at Washington he must be some man who Is not discredited and in disgrace with the administration. could legally cut off his" wife's (natural) hair, he might soon get the notion that he could cut off her head, or at least her TIMBER IS DISAPPEARING ms circuit court, ana now perhaps wishes that If he must run a saloon he bad started one la some place where he could have done so peaceably. Forest Grove Times: Years ago when President and Mrs. Hayes were on their tongue.

xaia Smith, and others made generous bequests to the public, library. The late Mrs. Burrell left most of bar property to the' public. These, and perhaps others that might be mentioned, are dead, but their good works for the Jiving Ura. also, and we praise them for what they did; but let us also, as we go along, recognise and appreciate the good work and generous aid to the public of men and women who are yet alive.

They are not seeking publlo praise, nor even public notice yet they cannot, well object to a word of appreciation spoken on behalf of the people-of "Tha nannia of this country are going on distant soil so that they may thrive under the new conditions. Dome runnna ooya nave oeen snooting k. flna mnrntnr and find "When -the farmers of this country LI a forest tree la sight" western tour and visited Forest Grove iVSSJ suddenly wake up and And not a tree in nt nV sight there will be a great cry. m.r, P.5?J22f if ha ratchaa fh.m Professor W. L.

Howard of the fle- It Is verv little one off leap ran do in'aurh partfnent of agriculture, Missouri unl nan ara cr aaawff TVa nmnnaa tl ha I 7 aww ui. UI." a widespread city as this. Parents ought I verslty, is authority for this statement and since then the people have tried to live up to that reputation. prepared for Just this PARKER NOT BRYAN THE ISSUE. to warn and command their boys not to Portland, "We can tell the people where to find kill these pretty and useful birds, and Three embryo bandits, who had been stealing- various articles from houses the planting material that will grow one good way to supplement such instruc He recently made a tour through Missouri and neighboring states for the purpose of making aa estimate of the forest resources, and found conditions that are almost alarming.

With a disregard for BRYAN'S Chicago (speech bw criticised tion would be to smash the boys' alrguns. WHAT IS WRONG WITH. THE BALL TEAM? Ml seek the supporters of Judge Parker and they may best and most rapidly, and will also and rn. war. able to tell; them how to plant the'ma- Medford.

I after a gun battle with -officers, one of These things are a nuisance, anyway, and their manufacture and sale ought to be to belittle him and his achievements, but in nosterltv that seems almost criminal. work -imply how seriously the '2 the forests of this country are being out TTTHEN ONE for the first time actually sees the so far as what he had to say represents the thoughts and 4 twi mem, ana scientific authorities are taking the ques prohibited. A Btayton man named Trotter Is In serl away, and in many cases wasiea, at Portland base ball club at work in the field and probably the rope to hang them rlth rate that will soon exhaust the timber sentiments of a large body of western Democrats his words possess a significance which lt is neither wise nor will soon be made. w. notes the cleverness with which it plays all resources entirely.

ous trouble for assaulting and otherwise abusing his wife, and for this and other tion of forest extermination. "It la fully realised by them that the complete exhaustion of the timber supply is now a question of only a few years unless Immediate steps are taken points of the game, and then to its rec "Unless measures are adopted at an politio to overlook. eariv date to protect the forests, the ord of 2J lost out of 26 played since the season There are thousands of Democrats scattered over the reasons nearly all his neighbors are "down on him." The only excuse made Newberg Enterprise: Many new buildings ars being erected In sll parts of the town, besides many other im damage will be beyond all hope of re- opened he Is simply amaxed, Much to bis surprise be country who have neither respect nor confidence in David for htm is that he bas ten rendered In a oalr. to check the inroads that are now being made on the forests. Bennett Hill." They regard him as something worse than Professor Howard is or tne opinion discovers' that the Individual standard of playing is high, the players in their individual capacities alert, capable measure Insane In consequence of litigation with the city of Btayton.

Looking that lt Is not yet too late to-repair, all "Broadly speaking, the sams rules an opportunist They feel that his associations bring provements. Newberg certainly has thriving appearances, and with her manufacturing industries, is bound to become one of the important cities of the Willamette valley. which are practical in forest planting into local papers for a further explana damage done so far, but ft will require an organised movement on the part of him Into relations, if they do not actually make him the tlon, a common story is found. This man In general ars applicable to the waste plantings of farms. These Include the hardworking.

Nevertheless the result Is always the tame. If they are not badly beaten, they at least fall to aMskjngrJthenwlY city attorney for the very Interests which now dominate the the farmers and landowners to do so. did a good business In the little town and prospered, but when the city wanted to "By adopting generally, throughout adaptability of the species to the locality, attention to the light requirements open up a street, and to do so required Republican party, which keep up tne tariff wall and which save- the trusts from the criminal prosecutions that have been so long overdue. It Is only natural, therefore, when the country, a system of planting in waste places, and transplanting where which they represent a reputation which the veriest lob stem in the business would scorn to hold. of species, and to their rate of growth.

six inches or ons or bis lots, he "kicked' and "bucked" and "went to law," trees have already been cut away," said Our experiments demonstrated that though the town offered him an eoual Now, if these men as a whole have such capacity for in this section of the country a mixture Professor Howard, "the timber resources may yet be saved, but to Judge from conditions which I found on my of such broad-leafed species as box elder, Hill comes forward as the sponsor for a presidential candidate that' he should be looked, upon with some suspicion. This Is particularly true If the man himself amount of ground on the other end of the lot. He carried the cass to the supreme Hood River Glacier: One day last week a traveling man. J. B.

Hall, called at S. E. Bartmess furniture store end In the conversation which followed they discovered that once they were boys in school together, having been classmates in Otterbeln university. Ohio, They had not met in the 30 intervening years. This year's building activity In Hood River promises to surpass the big silver maple, black wild cherry, bur oak, white elm, yellow birch and green ash.

performance and achieve such poor results, If they can field as well as the best of them and are batters of at least average ability there must be some reason why they recent tour, this must be done at once. court, Bas spent several hundred dollars, got the ill will of nearly all his neighbors. stands for nothing tangible on the Issues which should be as further delay be fatal to all hope will be found useful In ridge planting. White elm, while a species of the great took his spite out on his wife, who left of saving tns forests. almost invariably fail to "win a game and are almost invariably beaten by clubs whose standard of individual between the two parties.

So far as the general public knows Judge Parker as a man they have no fault to find him, and the prospects aas good for Trotter trotting to a Jail or the asylum. And est hardiness. Is less vigorous In high lands than sither wild cherry or bur The main trouble in this matter is that people are not inclined to bother with him. In some respects he Is precisely the stamp of man they would like to see elevated Into the presidential oak, and is principally useful in plantings on such lands In a given variety. excellence Is certainly no higher.

And the reason is not far to seek nor hard to find. The men simply do not work together as a unit to achieve victory and they will not themselves about any danger to the publlo welfare. That lies so far In the fu all because the town In which he "lived and had prospered wanted a little of his land, the taking of which would have probably done him no harm whatever. "Bur oak has been found to be a most ture aa to be beyond the scope or their irraea ui improvement there last year. A Smith will build a two-story brick.

The Odd Fellows' two-story brick is going up. P. F. Fouts will build 7a three-story brick hotel. Another hotel is increasing its capacity to 8 rooms, and many other buildings will be erected and Improvements made.

make individual sacrifices in the hope of scoring a club But if he stands for nothing except what the Republican own lives. They do' not realise at what useful species in high land planting. It grows very slowly during, the first few years, making but a few Inches increase There are such men in every town; 'tis pity they oan't all be kept out In the wood, or mountains, or on the rahga party stands for. If his administration would promise to I bear such fruit as that of Cleveland's second administra an early date the forest resources will become exhausted If the destruction of trees continues at the present rate. in height each year; but is a fine, hardy tree and is desirable for many reasons.

tion, the rank and file of western voters who are not office The shortage is already being felt "Experiments with the black walnut seekers and who are firm believers in certain principles of and in only a few years prices will be so high as to put timber beyond the reach showed clearly that it Is not well adapted to high land planting in this seotlon of STRAWS IN THE STREAM (By H. R. R. Hertsberg.) party, have no disposition to take either the time or trouble to aid into office a man who while carrying the brand the country. Advice to the Lovelorn BY BXATBI01 MXaTAX.

"In the use of such varieties as have of Democracy would in reality and essentially be a deputy Republican. Rather would they prefer to see an out and been named, they should in planting be set hot more than four' feet winning. This was Illustrated several times In the course of yesterday's game. The men should be brought up standing with a firm hand. If they have reasonable grievances these should be remedied, but If, for private reasons', tbey will not "come together and do their whole duty by the club or gran -t Ization, it will be infinitely better to disband at once and put of business.

In a sense the public Is now being 'bunkoed, because there is seldom or never a chance of winning on downright merit. The managers of the club are not to blame in the respect that they have failed In getting competent men together; they have failed only in the respect of getting out of the men the results for which they pay and which the public patronizing the game has a right to expect. In this respect the managers are aDart. because thev win 'mnra mtfMri out Republican elected, for In that case they could sooner 1 tn snaae me grouna, ana prevent weed I rainax i am a young man of anyone with limited means. 'The authorities of the Missouri college of horticulture ars now so thoroughly convinced that thf timber supply will be exhausted at an early date that we are taking extraordinary measures toward being prepared for this emergency.

We are experimenting with tree planting material secured from all parts of the United States, Mexloo and Canada. We are doing this to ascertain the best methods of planting seed grown hope for a change through the existing political policies growtn. louring the nrst Ave vaara. mhra I irurtun in a wait paper store on a aal. becoming unbearably odious.

1- The Sunlight's Preference. Dress of cotton. Face of cheer Ne'er a spot on One, or tear On the other, as the sunlight lingers o'er them, softly clear. Whatever may be thought of Bryan or however much or less damage is apt to result from the arr of 1 13 a week, and have been keep-breaking of the trees by heavy snows, ln" company With a young Jady who is but this injury is seldom permanent If 0Mhler in the same store, whose salary the broken trees are pruned promptly in per week. the spring.

I am greatly in love with her. and the friends of Judge Parker may criticise him In this case he gave voice to a widespread public thought which the supporters of Judge Parker would be unwise- to Ignore. Gown of laces, Hat with plume- BATIOBAX. OAPXTAXi TABJTS. From the New York World.

On the face is have every reason to believe that my love Is reciprocated. I would like your advice with regard to asking the young lady'd hand in marriage. She wants to retain her position ln the store for at least a year after marriage, but I feel that her place should be at PXiEA TO Til SOBIirS. state convention bas been short lived. WIT STATS TAS3S ABB XXOZ.

El Paso, but he died before the ambulance came. was told to be at the Inquest at 10 o'clock next morning to testify. "My watch was wronsr. or something Listless gloom; Returns from the country primaries Sunlight doesn't linger o'er them, doesn't From the Hood River Glacier. Speaker Cannon put the Philippine bill irom the Corvallis Times.

love a costly tomb. The Republican majority In the Ore-, gon legislature Is always 60 to 70 on on passage at 1 o'clock this afternoon. "All in favor will please say nappenea, ana awn't get to the Inquest I home. We are both There Is a law against killing any of the song birds In gon, and the penalty is a severe show increasing majorities for Folk. His strength in the rural districts bas revealed both an unexpected personal popularity in the candidate and a prevalent anti-boodllng sentiment which no yery young yet.

Kindly favor me untu seven mlnues past 10, As was she is 19 and I am 20. Wear two flowers one In the lspel joint ballot The condition is unfortu There was a gentle piping of 'aye' on the Republican side, of your coat the other under it, in your heart and let the latter's name be nate, ror the state, and a positive detriment to the Republican party. So enor- one. We hope no one In the Hood River valley, especially, will be so thoughtless and indifferent to the welfare of hlm- opposition has been able to overcome. going in met the officials coming out "To they said.

-He wae "acquitted and discharged five minutes agO." "All opposed say continued the speaker. There was 4 thunderous burst tolerance. The prospect seems good that Folk will mous a majority naturally tends to make be nominated for governor. tne legislative body extravagant. Ap of "no." from the Demecratio side.

The girl of 16 loves a man for belnsr self and his neighbors as to kill a robin, Of all the birds In Oregon we have not one that is so beneficial to the fruit grower as the robin. They live on in witn your advice on this matter. M. V. S.

You are 'both young to marry. Why not wait another year, and then perhaps your salary will be larger, and the girl will also be. able to work another year in tha After marriage her household duties will prevent her doing so. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a young "The "noes' seem to melee the most noise," said the speaker calmly, "mit-tHe handsome. The girl of 20 loves him for More Important to Missouri than Folk's personal victory would be the emphatic condemnation of corruption it prupnauons ars proposed, ana the majority, carried on with a mad consciousness of Us power and perpetuity, yields being witty.

The girl of 30 loves him 'ayes' have lt and the bill is passed." Dedicated to the coming President of for being. would register. His election, if lt should follow, would be an exhibit of the united States. (Joaquin Miller, ln May "Success. "Man down In my said Rep sects exclusively until the berries ripen.

The writer has seen as many as 60 at one time going up and down his berry rows every now and again diving into a hill and picking up some Insect that Pride and vanity are closely related. resentatlve Clayton, of Alabama, "saw a political morality more valuable to tht nation than any other arranged for the For glory For good? For fortune or dog sleeping in the sua The dog was to every aemana, ana the aggregate sum that is Anally appropriated is simply enormous. It is a crime that so small a county as Benton should be compelled to yield up 126.000 a year as its part of what the legislature appropriates. It would be far better for the Reoubllcan nartv. and look very much alike In the face; but you will soon notice that vanity is girl 19 years old and have heeh keeping company with a young man nearly three years.

He is a good Christian young approaching world's fair. twltchlnsr and starting as dogs some famef Whyj bo for the front where the battle Is ont awarr. -y man, as I have known his about six times do in their sleep. The man said 'I'd like to know what that dog is "PLOW" 07 KOOKS. has been taking more or less strength from the plant.

He has also sat for Vi more than an hour at a time during the brooding season and observed one pair of robins bring In as many as 30 insects Leave the rear to tha dolt tha lac years. We both are members of the ine reason wny tne Diras sin so dreamlna i and for the state. If more Democrats enough repuea an oia cnap From the Philadelphia Record. A hydraulic machine, capable of pro were elected to the legislature, and the -1 I miiiiv vuuavsBa- i wyii mo. vv out Go forward, as ever the valiant have th' her seemed to think it all i nM! right but when I told her we were en- well is that they are singing for pleasure and not for applause.

who' stood by. You Just put a chip on to the nest inside, of an hour. When that dog's ear and leave it there until he ducing a pressure of 120 tons to the square inch, has recently been set up Whether city or field, whether mountain lhldlJ, B0 bwut nr min. I said she would not stand In our light we know that they thus live and labor from their earliest advent in the spring overwhelming Republican majority in that body reduced. It would make the majority party more careful and economical in its appropriations, and save A woman win keep on bowlna to wakes up.

Then you take that cnip ana nut lt on your chest when you go to bed at the MoGlU university in Montreal for fashion until, finally, fashion will bow the purpose of investigating the so- to her. tonight and you will dream of what the called "flow of rocks." For it Is a fact dollars and dollars to svery taxpayer. It is a question of business as well as he does, and I never bear the end of lt dor is dreaming of Whether newsboy or plowboy, cowboy hat a rock can flow, and it is of im exclusively ror our good is it not to to say the very least, brutally ungrate- ful to take violently that life simply because the' protector of 'our crops de-atres a few berries or cherries as a relish or variety in his diet? Surely no one but an ignorant or a maliciously The fellow got a chip and put lt on the portance to science to know how and a question of party safety for Republicans themselves to help reduce thin dog's ear and stood around until the dog ur ciers, 'vwhw. Fight be ready, be steady, be first: why. Under such a pressure as this (By George V.

Hobart.) waked "up and brushed it otr. He put majority. This is emphatically true in Do you think lt right for my mother to speak to him about it as she knows him very well? Haw my mothnr tells mo that I have no respect for her because i take his part- I Jove both mother' and ad- the chip on his chest when he went to tus non-political year, when there Is Be fairest be bravest be best at your machine can -exert, marble, limestone, granite and other solid rocks exhibit this queer phenomenon, though the rate bed that night Next morning saw no. united states senator to elect him coming listlessly down the street (Copyright 04, by W. B.

Rearst) An honest eye seldom vlnks. Uneasy looks der head dot vears no Easter bonnet. Advice alvays glveable, but seldom takeable. ffml i.j v. i o.

iiwnuwt mini wuuia you Irhf? hnngeiv me to do as I don't want to sweetheart dearly. What would you I don't want tn ma of mrttlon is very slow, of course. The Carnegie institute has Just made a grant "What's the matter rs I said, -wnat Bristow to Blame. From the New York World. was the dog dreaming about As David, as let doe skulk against my mother's wishes, and then again if I have to give up the tme I love evil minded, cruel and stingy Individual could be guilty of such a breach of the law of the state and the unwritten laws of common humanity, and If such an individual does exist in all our valley, he who can produce evidence that -will convict him of the crime of shoot-lag away any of the song birds should report-to the secretary of the Hood Oh, he answered, I'm clean tuckered and whine.

s. It was all Brlstow's fault as the Inferred and as; the report of the out. was chasing rabbits all night There la room but for men on the Flr- or 12,000 for the purpose of this investigation. The shaping of the earth's crust under 4he force of gravity is the study to which the Information thus obtained will be applied. ft-y iuu may mue your iignt unter a bushel, but der gas meter makes notes yust der same, Ve nefeS dink should der buildlna- law i con Mint xnat nre is worth living.

''i NELLIE B. 11 Jt is Just possible that your mother IS a wee bit Jealoua It's always hard-: for a mother to see her child love some one more than she does her mother. McCall investigating committee will show. The fourth assistant postmaster-general was- injudiciously inquilstlve about matters which did not concern him. Of course.

Aye, the place to -fight and the place to River gun club with the facts so thaU ven ve put up ourr castas in der air. they can prosecute the offender. 1 1 ran, As fall we 'must, fair in God's good time, City Beautiful. From the Nashville American. Keep the streets clean.

Dirty streets fsTreat her with every consideration pos-; OlF0TUlUTT. Mxusoxrurn long." "They do things in a neat and workmanlike manner down In El said J. I Carmichael today. "I was on a train coming in from Mexico when a passenger in the oar was in got into a row with the negro porter. porter hit the passenger over the head with a poker and the passenger took out his revolver, and shot the porter six times.

We took the porter pit at the station in; mae Bistlactioa. From the Washington Star. number ofeMormons are willlna te It Is where the manliest man the watt, injure the town tn the eyes of stranaers wnere coys ars as men ln their pride 'iii -and renounce polygamy as often as expe snd also make home folks careless. The city must lead in the matter of clean Just the Same. From the Philadelphia Ledger.

The sultan Is said to be disposed to accept the proposed reforms. The sultan takes to reform as eagerly as the Philadelphia machine. idi anu ur your sweetneart to do the same. If you lpve the man and he Is worthy do not-give him Tell your mother that 'you love her and UI re- spect her wishes in all -other matters, but that you be allowed your own wa ln this wai5 in this matjer, From the JNew York' World. The triumph of the St Louis ring in electing an almost unanimous snti-Folk delegation te tha Democratic liness and beauty if it expects cltlsens diency may suggest But in their vocabulary "renounce" does not seem to be precisely, synonymous "quit," Where glory glesrns brightest where brightest eyes shine, Far cut oa tha roaring, red Firing Line.

to evince a like spirit. iV'vf.

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