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The Oregon Daily Journal from Portland, Oregon • Page 5

Portland, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CLEiiil Or LuuOil CO. Oil fililliiG PLUNGE 3 FOR ROCKEFELLER SPEAKS I'fi iit ion I lie, nihil- IiUimIimIh in n. by IDOVlllir pIctUI'CN III tho luill of where -also JtiilKa J. delivered I -torhwl addrcea that recounted tha chlf points In the development of the state of Oregon from the time the flrnt white man Razed upon thu beautiful Columbia and saw the unow capped Mount Hood, down to the present, lie paid tribute to the early pioneer the executive of the territory and utate. Among tho portlandere present were J.

N. Teal, Henry Teal, It. 8. Cox, 0. McFheraon and Charles McFherson.

From The Dalle Malcolm Moody at tended. I mm mmm f. Sergeant at Arms Will Break Down Doors of Hiding Oil King's Mansion; Four Days, Before He Leaves Long' Established Custom Proved Fatal, Every Suit Is Reduced! Every Coat Is Reduced! Every Dress Is Reduced! Every WaistTs Reduced! Every Skirt Is Reduced! Petticoats Reduced! Sweaters Reduced! jovcrnor of New York Demands Legislation for Protection of Workers and Prevention of Child Labor. ROSARIANS IN SAN DIEGO, AND CITY, IS READY FOR CANAL (Continued From rage One.) Albany, Jan. of 'lilld labor and tho uafcguurdlng of tha ivea pr th worklngmen and vomen vere the- domlnant-notea Jin ihellrat nessaRe Bent to the" New York state rxialiiture byYiLHain.

Sulzer, who today stjumcd office. "Humarj life is Infinitely more valuable than tha profit Of, Material things," declared Sulzer. and by a ball siven by the Order of Panama, Then followed a reciprocal initiation, the Kosariane becoming gone of Panama anivlcr versa. w.V J. Hof mann was chairman of the day in Ban -luncheon speakers was Resident Albert G.

Clarke of the Portland Ad club. The Rosarlans "will go to Los Anrele THE SUITS- demanded legislation -Unit-Will end lomoirow ana flistiana bo-cwiiwy and-trthrr-xhtld-iabqr si-an- hnerfe'. Kilers lstobT eh.n i (Silem Bnreia of The Joarntl.) Salem, Jan. 1R. IX, Allen, Just finishing his third term as county clerk of Marlon county, met death by drowning In the M.

C. A. swimming pool this morning. His body was discovered in the pool about 8 o'clock. He Was a native of Marlon county, having been born at Silverton CS years ago.

-It was habit, -followed for years, to take a cold shower bath at the T. M. A. each morning. As he often arrived before the Association building was open, he carried a key arid7wenTTirtftia out aihe chOse.

It Is thought he reached the building about 7 O'clock this morning. About 8 o'clock J. E. Baker, Janitor, found Mr. Allen's clothing in the business men's dressing room.

He recognised them and called to Mr. Allen. Receiving no reply, ho searched through the various shower baths. Not finding him, Baker became alarmed and notified General Secretary L. H.

Compton. Secretary. Compton, after looking through the rooms, went to the swimming tank and began a search of it by diving, and In a short time recovered the body. lals compel tho uso of safety appll-fieea In all branches of employment and $22.50 Suits $14.95 Our $16.50 and $17.50 Suits $10.95 Famous $19.50 Suits now $12.85 i j1 i 1 i the The Rev, J. Wltcdmb Brough.

cr accompanied the Rosarlans to Ban Diego, attired in pulpit "lea cream" milt. He wired the Temple church at Los Angeles to reserve seats for the Rosariana at the Sunday night service. He said tho. excurslan to the south Is the greatest thing yet to tie the Interests of all the coast in view of the marvelous development to follow the opening of the Panama canal. a real workingmen's compensation itlzer declared for the immediate Inlselon of the question of women's 'rage to the people; ratification of io constitutional amendment providing for the direct election of United States senators by the people; sweeping econ "Bva ft Our $24.75 and $27.50 Suits $16.65 omy In publio office and the abolition THE COATS- PASADENA FURNISHES ENTERTAINMENTS FOR alt useless offices; comprehensive Sectoral reform, Which will provide for Hrect primaries, and sweeping conservation of natural resources.

Cost of X.lvlng. Discussing the high cost of living, Sulzer, said: "For more; than 10 years the increas In the meantime W. I. Staley, of the association, had. been called, iff iV $12.75 to $13.75 Coats $9.98 PORTLAND VISITORS and when the body was found he called Dr, Mercer and pr.

Morse, and notified the coroner. Efforts to revive the body were futile. 1 Tasadena, America and the Pacific coast first," will be the One lot of Coats, originally to $15 $5.55 $14.75 to $16.50 Coats $12.45 slogan of Pacific slope cities as a. As Mr Allen was subject to heart trouble, heart failure Is presumed to ing cost of living, mounting higher and higher each succeeding year; has been th most immediate, the most pressing and the most universally observed fact about ikionomlc conditions in this country; While wages Jiavo remained prac $19.50 to $22.50 Coats $14.95 suit of a meeting held last night In Pasadena, which was attended by representatives of all Pacific coast cities All Blue Serges Sacrificed have been the cause of Mr. Allen leaves a widow and three tically the same, the cont of the neces- ana Honolulu, it was tha annual meet ing of the Paeiflo Coast Festivals as soclatlon and delegates pledsred them daughters and three sons, besides a mother and two sisters and one brother.

Barles Of life has grown more and more oppressive, until today the average man in our state, with a family to support, lias about all he can do to make both He and his sons were Intending to leave this morning to visit his mother In 811verton. Ills father was one of selves to work organlzedly, believing that a united festival spirit with events planned In a series Is the best way of ends meet. I earnestly direct your care promoting tne industrial and commercial ful consideration to this important matters concerning the neonle. and recom- development of the entire great area the early pioneers who crossed the plains from Illinois. His daughters are Mrs.

John Miller, Mrs. Cllfrord Benson and Mrs. T. A. Norwood, and the sons By unanimous vote the next meeting of Initnd that you take such action In the Wemlsea as you deem lust and wlso i tie association will be held at Tacoma au ring the Montamara Festo, July are Dana Virgil and Victor.

All of mat tne pian or organization per jto reduce the high cost of the necessaries of life, in order to make living Jtss ft struggle for physical existence." them live In Marion county. Mrs. Allen and the sons live on a farm near St. fected Is influential endugh to bring to the superior tourist attractions of the coast millions annfaally heretofore spent a a i. -i.

Paul, and Mr. Allen was preparing to The Waists- Broken Lines of Silk Waists, V2 Price $1.25 Lingerie and Tailored Waists 69c $1.50 and $1.75 Tailored and Lingerie Waists r.n 98c Dresses- Kmart tailored style In all-wool serges of white, navy, black, brown, wine, etc. Also whipcords, panamas, velvets, silks. $12.50 Dresses 8.75 $14.75 Dresses 9.95 $16.50 Dresses $11.95 $19.50 Dresses $13.65 $22.50 Dresses $15.75 $24.75 Dresses $17.35 $27.50 Dresses $19.25 in Europe, was expressed at the meet lat.on to safeguard human life, Sulzer said: VWe must try to work out practical lug. Those present as official delegates devote his time to the farm as soon as he stepped out of office next Monday.

Funeral arrangements have not beeu completed, except that burial will be made at Silverton Sunday. were George L. Hutchln, president I 1 SI it rnrr- 11 4 the association; Ralph V. Hoyt, of Port land; Sam Perkins, William VirgeR. of Tacoma; J.

T. Williamson, William Pig gott, T. S. Cllngen, of Seattle; A. 8.

Ral ston, of Vancouver, B. H. H. Mattl William Rockefeller for evasion of a subpena to testify before the Pujo "money trust" Investigating committee. House Clerk Jerry South "suggested tht chairman PuJo reauest the house son, of Belli riRhani; Louis Levy, of San rra7rclBCOTW." T.

wood, of Honolulu Ierislation that will apply our social ideals, and our views of Industrial progress to secure for our men, women and children tlje greatest possible reserve of physical and mental force. I hold It to be self-evident that no Industry has theiglU to. life for its profit, but that just as each industry nust reckon in its cost of production the material waste, so It should ateo count as a part of the cost of production the human waste, which it Workers Entitled to Fair Fay. "No compensation is fulr which docs not secum to each worker- at least Edward T. Off, of Pasadena; A.

K. Mor William G. Rockefeller. (United ifcress I.enxed Wire.) New York. Jan.

2. Sergeant-at-Arms Rlddell of the national house of representatives -and his deputies--are- waiting until the house empowers them to batter down the doors to the residence of William G. Rockefeller, the Standard Oil magnate and serve him with a sub-pena to Appear before the house "money trust" investigating committee. "The time has come." said Rlddell, "when open defiance of the whole peo- ley of San Diego; Frank Wiggins, Los Judiciary committee to report a reso Angeles. lution citing KocKereiiers anegea eva The Rev.

J. Wiilteomb Brougher greeted the Rosarlans in Pasadena. The meeting came after a banquet tendered by citizens of Pasadena at which Presi Any Hat in the Store $10 iLlfl Oil DDUll 11 dent E. T. Off of the Pasadena tourna sion of service ana autnonzing nis arrest.

Then he would have the resolution referred to the rules committees and reported under, a special rule to expedite action by the house. Discussing the Rockefeller case. Tar. llamentarlan Crisp stated that an examination of precedents failed to disclose a similar situation In the history of congress. I pie of the United States must stop.

I have notified Washington of the situ ment of rosea, said: "ewmay.toJProT Historical. enough to permit decent-standards of life. The workers themselves have not always been able to secure such compensation for themselves. 'History will show that no more im ation here anft-the house probably will Issue a warrant for Rockefeller's arrest today. "With a warrant In my possession portant Journey was ever undertaken Botsford Berylee on the coast than the excursion of the Particularly has this been true or Portland Royal Rosariana to southern women and children, In whom the state California, We needed this evidence of jtll the sneering fjunkies and other hirelings of Rockefeller will not stop me from searching any place where I should take an especial interest, jo sectira for these less accustomed to the active life and brotherly feeling from the north.

We will -work together for he may be hiding. When I get the war competitive struggle protection that otlter wdtkera. Jiavo wonfofthemselves all the coast and that means popula tlon, tourist trade. Investment and build rant I will not giv-. Rockefeller more SMdmore's So wemlr Sale than 15 minutes to say he is ready to accompany me.

I will search his Fifth through organization, we should; carefully consider the establishment of waee boards with authority to fix a liv A grand ball tendered In honor of tht Rosarlans was the climax of the ing wage for conditions of work below which- standards no Industry should be The banquet and ballrooms In the Ho tel Maryland were splendidly decorated. Excursionists sat on the broad veranda allowed to continue' its operations. Massachusetts has enactod such a law, Ohio recently, adopted a constitutional amendment tutorizing the state legislature to watching the sunset when a telegram was received saying roses had been do the same. gathered In the snow in Portland on For the welfare or the state child the same day life must be protected. Not only should avenue home Discussing Riddell's efforts to serve the Bubpena, one of Rockefeller's millionaire friends said today: "It Is frightful to think that a man of Mr.

Rockefeller's Importance should be so annoyed. All this notoriety put3 him in a wrong light and pauses cranks to annoy him. Rockefeller merely believes his testimony would not be valuable and feels bis health will not mit him to go toVasrtiington." T)ie homes of bothJolin D. Rockefeller and John P. Rockefeller were watched today by Riddell's deputies.

1 It was reported that William Rockefeller has sought refuge in one of them. The Rosarlans were entirely with their Pasadena visit. The day the child be guaranteed the right to be Great Reductions on Nearly Every Article of Our Immense Stock DRUGGISTS' MERCHANDISE, LEATHER GOODS, STATIONERY, CUTLERY, BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS, COMBS, MIRRORS, SPONGES, CHAMOIS, TOILET ARTICLES AND HOUSEHOLD DRUGS INCLUDED IN THIS GREAT SALE. was like June In Portland. They ad born equal, but it must be given the chance to live, to grow, to learn and to develop Into useful and patriotic citl- mired a parade of 100 floats and tary features whicli together with other tenship.

features of a roseless tournament of roses cost $120,000, nut three times the Tha work period must not be per-. cost of the Portland Rose Festival. Easily milted to infringe on the the maturing periods. Compulsory edu the most conspicuous feature was the cational laws and restrictions upon child Inftnr nf-nnerlv enforced, will secure to guard of Rosarlans leading the parade under the direction of Captain Robert every child of the state its rightrlirt, wlth fUUa Mlldre(J Sefert as Washington, Jan. 2.

House leaders conferred informally and secretly -today regarding the proposed arrest of flower girl, Edward Merges, aged 4, as mascot, and Miss Viola Barenstecher enhance national progress and aid civilisation. The matured, developed FREE During This Sale Eah customer purchasing to the amount of 50c worth or more will be given one of our well-known Gold Band Bread and Butter Plates, except with patent medicines and contract articles. Free delivery to all parts of the city. Prescriptions called for and delivered free. Only the most competent, druggists in our employ.

r- We carry the highest quality and purest of drugs and household remedies. worker will bring to Industry greater queen. Especially delightful were the Ro ability arid resourcefulness. No busi man holiday events at the fair grounds. chariot races with exciting but not ee.

ness has an Inalienable right to child labor. No industry has a right to rob the state of that whiah constitutes its rlous accidents. Hurdle races where riderless horses ran, Indian war dances. an ostrich race where one gigantic bird sent evey rider to the dust, an elephant greatest wealth. No commerce that de-'snds on child labor for Its success has right to exist.

Let us do what we Ian to protect children of the state Ind preserve their fundamental rights. KeiOs. and camel race where the elephant won, and a serpentine drill by the Rosarlans. So impressed were the Rosarlans with the elephant and camel contest that they emulated with A. Q.

Clark, Ad club Special Prices on Drugs Powdered Borax, 1-tb box Bicarbonate Soda, 1 tb Phosphate Soda, 1 tb Sugar Milk, 1 24c Boric Acid, Pd. 1 lb 14c January Clearance Sale at the House of Coats offers unparalleled Coat buying on men's, women's and children's All-weather double-service president, as a camel, and Fred Lock-ley as a sacred White elephant. The latter won the prize, a great cluster of "Another type leglstation beneficial to the state that alms to conserve numan life and health. Is that which requires the use of safety appliances and establishes safety standards. Human life is infinitely more valuable than the' profit of material things.

The state for its own preservation has the oranges plucked from nearby orchards. A formal pledge was made by the Cream Tartar, 1 tb Pasadena Festival association to send i special train to the Portland RoseFes right-to demand the use of safer and tlval and to keep it, the Pasadena branch of the Rosarlans was Initiated with the more hygienic methoas, even if at following. Wagner. of production Sb. employes.

Occupation diseases should be Clove, 'C. D. Daggett, S. M. Turner, E.

T. Off, J. C. Hogun, R. D.

Davis, A. Studied and the results of careful In vestigatlon embodied in laws to safe Brushes 50c Hair Brushes 38tf 75c Hair Brushes 56' $1.25 Hair Brushes 94 Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes, 63 and 78tf $1.00 Bath Brushes 73 50c Cloth Brushes .37 25c Whisk Brooms 21 25c Hand Brushes 17 Parisian Ivory 33 discount off. A very choice variety of Hair Brushes, Mirrors, Etc. Leather Goods 33 discount on high quality Handbags, Purses, Bill Books, Music Rolls Etc Stationery Writing Tablets best 10c values ,7 Writing Tablets exceptional 15c values, at lid aincoats J. Berteneau, J.

W. Wood, D. W. Hlrshy, guard the health and the Uvea of the F. F.

Rowland. The ceremony was ad worners. ministered by W. C. Bristol, Fred Larson and Hy Ellers.

Pasadenans say impractical results of such legislation prove that these regulations are a good Sulphur, 1 tb Rochelle Salts, lb Sassafras Bark, tb Senna Leaves, 2-oz. pkg 7c Witch Hazel, l2 pt. and pt. 12c-21c Castor Oil, 3 oz. and 8 oz.

7c-18c Rosewater and Glycerine, 3 oz. and 8 oz. 7c and 18c Bay Rum, pt. and xz pt. 8c-18c Sweet Oil, Vz pt.

and 12c-21c Pure Olive Oil, pt. and pt 22c-44c Grape Juice, pt. and qt. 19c-38c Beef, Iron and Wine, pt. 38c i ifcayScJo have healthy, vigorous, resource the Royal Rosarian special Is the finest ever sent into the city.

E. P. Ripley, president of the Santa Fe, who was here yesterday declared In view of the Portland demonstration he Ijtut who are well fed, well Sundries Chamois-r-Finest quality Chamois 25c, very fine JL9 Alcohol Stoves No wick. .,43 Safety Razors guaranteed ..45 Fountain Pens guaranteed Antiseptic Tooth Powder large 5 ounce bottle 18c Antiseptic Tooth Wash 3 oz. bottle 18J Benzoin and Almond Cream, 4 .18 Witch Hazel Cream4 Cold Cream 1 oz.

and 2 10(17 Antiseptic Cotton, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 oz. pkg. at. 7, 12, 18, 33 Absorbent Hospital Cotton, .23 Rubber Goods Brown Combination Syringe and 2quart $1.67 Brown Combination Syringe and "Bottle 3-quart $177 White Combination Syringe and Bottle, 2-quart $1.13 Red Combination Syringe and Bottle, 2-' quart $1.83 Chocolate Combination Syringe and Bottler-quart $1.33 Chocolate Combination Syringe and Bottler-quart $1.43 Fountain Syringes, 2-quart 73 Brown Fountain Syringe, 2-quart $1,33 Brown Fountain Syringes, 3-quart $1 .43 White Water Bottles, quart. .73 Brown Water Bottles, $1.22 Chocolate Water Bottles, 2-quart.

144 We carry a complete line of all clais of Rubber Goods, all subject to discount on this sale, oused and not overworked. Statistics ove that the welfare of the worker Is thought it a serious mistake his com Yjlssolubly Involved In permanent la English Slip-Ons, Gaberdines, Scotch tweeds and Overcoats. For Friday and Saturday All men's and ladies' double-back $12,50 English SUp-Ons for January Clearance only $5.90 panjba 4t-4ade Portland a terminus ltnai progress." and that he wouia pian lor 0PLE OF STATE PAY London Taxicab Drivers Strike. T.ondoh. Jan.

2. Because their em ployers refused to meet- a rise of 10 HONOR TO GOVERNORS AT. CAPITOL RECEPTION (Continued From Page' cents' per gallon in the price or petroi, 4000 taxicab chauffeurs quit work-here today. By the terms of an agreement Signed by the chauffeurs and their em- Soaps Writing Tablets choice 25c values. 19 Boxes Paper and Envelopes, 35c values, Dlovers after the last strme, tne drivers have bought their own petrol.

The $2.75 Boys' Black Rubber Coats, with snap buckles, for January Clearance $1,95 Hats to match All Girls' Capes, with storm hoods to $3.75, for January Clearancs $1.85 or 65 at former price of petrol was Id cents per gallon, but It rose to 28 cents. Anoa Caia Dismissed A. Erret, former restaurateur at First and Colum Colgates 10 varieties box 3 cakes 25 Transparent Glycerine, per 7 Armour's Fragrant Soap, 3 .12 Household Soap, 3 oz. cakest per dz. 33 Fairbanks Tar and Glycerine, 6 oz.

ea. California Medicated Soap, 88 Colgate's Shaving Soap. 5 Castile Soap, 4 oz. cakes Castile, Soap pure, per 19J bia streets, was discharged this morning In the municipal court, where a charge Toilet Paper Westcc 1000 sheet rolls per doz. 84J Rex 5000 finest white quality, each 2l Lilac 500 sheet rolls, dozen 42 A.

P. W. 2500 pkg. of 4 rolls. A.

P. W. flat-1500 pkg. of six. $1.00 D.

M. A. 600 flat, .48 Remember the Address We have ho connection with any other Raincoat store using the name Goodyear. of arson had been filed against him by I Franzah. The latter conducted a cleaning establishment adjoining the restaurant.

Both buiWing were burned two weeks ago. -transforming the big rotunda and the executive chambers Into inviting spaces of artistlo beauty. In the executive offices ropes of smllax swung from the four to the -chandeliers, where they were gracefully draped, while about the rooms were potted, ferns, palms, pplnsetias and English ivy. Jn the center of the rotunda a great bell of evergreens was suspended, while about the room was a profusion of evergreens and plants, and many prettily draped flags. Address by Jndffe Moreland.

'Almost hidden among pal ma and evergreens, The Stoud6itteir-trehestra -furnished music throughout the evening. The special solo lumbers were sung by Mrs, W. Carlton. Smith. the orchestra Tbtvy ladica served -punch, these Including tha Misses Sophia Catlin, Ellen Thielsen, Althea Moorcs.

Teda OrO'fl, TWta-Ftrtatnr-Sl'ntia'S ratBlfirTfanOy J-k-dfe and Claudine Itoso. While- hundreds were waiting la Lost and Foulid7Jlavertiiements Free If you lose or find an article The Journal will insert an advertisement free with' We understanding: that If tht WrCOrlPANY PHONES Main 293 'BAlNCQAT SKIDMORE DRUG CO RALPH CRYSLER, Prop. 1 5 1 THIRD-STREET rroperty is recovered the loser pay Free delivery to'all parts'a'of the city. Prescriptions 1 for and dslivcrr for the advertisement. ST.

040 OAO WASHINGTON 1 Do or Nortltor 7i Reynen-Valmont, new man and women novelty vocalists, at The Louvre this week, 6 to 8, IS) to 13 p. m..

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