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The Oregon Daily Journal from Portland, Oregon • Page 25

Portland, Oregon
Issue Date:
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1(157 K. Burnt lot t-, between 03d and 1 E. 61th builder, same, SIM. I G. H.

WlUlaaia Ikect 1 auiry frame aback, 8s ta at. S. between 46th sad 46th I area. builder, same, $75. E.

F. Day Repair 1 story frame office. K. Jersey between Chicago Baltimore builder Gee. Luts, $75.

Elizabeth Weidenkelter Repair IVi story per'i add. to E. MO James E. Hnbbart and wife to Walter Keed, L. 6, It.

48, Irvlorton add, S. 12 feet of L. 8, and N. of 4. B.

102. Irvine ton add 1 Jarrea Malcolm Jennie Malcolm, S. IS feet of L. 3 sad N. 17 feet of L.

4, B. 8, Park View Kxtd Hurry Woodhouae sod wife to Otte Wackrow, part L. 1, 2, B. 148, Eaet Portland (to correct deed, book 670-) 1 William Wackrow et al to Geo. Plria, a me as above 10 Edward T.

Taggart and wlft to Loulae M. Robertson. L. 9, B. 61 Sunnlde 1,000 F.

J. Van Winkle to Adam i. Voel- pel, parts L. 4, 5, B. 2, N.

Mt. Tabor 10 Helen M. Thomas and fatiaband to B. L. Herren.

8 and N. 'Mi feet ot L. 0, B. 00, IrrlDfUrtJ 10 M. L.

Holbrook and wife to C. L. Kennedy, et al. L. 6, B.

2, Court place 10 Anrora W. Bowman at al to Daniel lwa et al, L. 0, B. 1. Pacific CVmat Abstract 8ub of 2S to 2T, GlenhaTen Park 1 J.

R. DeHaan to E. Mterena, L. 23, 24. B.

2, Bruwer 1 P. A. Clodlua and butband to W. H. Black.

10, 2o, B. 8. Stanley add. No. 2 1 G.

Q. Bodle to- Joe Bum, 17, B. 2. Watt'a Sub. of L.

4, FrultTala 10 Terry G. Magneas and wife to John Durham, et al, 1, B. 18, Dunn's addition 10 Joseph Rtraed and wife to B. P. Bo-land et al.

L. 22. B. IB. Good Morn Old tram buildings of antiquated architecture, remnants of an earlier Portland, are fast disappearing from the business sections, and in their stead are rising new and modern structures.

Principal among the changes of this nature Is the frame building at 151 Broadway, between Morrison and Alder streets, which in being- torn down. This building was erected in 1890, and was for a long time one of the centers of Portland high life. Later It was remodeled for stores. Within the next half year It will be supplanted by a flve-etory-and-basement building of reinforced concrete with a glazed terra cotta exterior. John V.

Uennes, architect In the Chamber of Commerce building, is drawing the plans for the of the proprt ty, Anton Huth of Tacoma, owner of the Huth building of that city. The building will be occupied by Liebes furriers at 288 Morrison street. The first four floors will be used by the sales department, the fifth will house the factory of that concern, and the basement Will be used for cold storage of furs. Another wooden building at West Park and Morrison, owned by Hexter Strauss, will be wrecked within the next 3u da to make way for a $50,000 feur or five-story structure of reinforced concrete, which will be leased for offices and stores. The frame building In at present being vacated by the Portland Fish Market, which will move across the street to 3o4 Morrison street.

The corner of Sixteenth and Wasnlngton streets, vacant for the last few years, will be the location of a $20,000 two-story reinforced concrete building planned for M. O. Thorsen, of Fisher. Thorsen by Architects Whltehouse 2 Fouilhoux. The building will be used for stores, offices and a garage.

Progress Is being made on the excavation at Sixth and Btark streets, preparatory to the erection of a four-story building for the United States National bank, which will replace an old wooden structure. The cost of the new build O'Hara Son, wiring to XL J. Walsh, roofing and sheet metal to the Portland Metal company, ornamental Iron to the Portland Iron and Wire Works, structural steel to the Northwest bteel company, plumbing to Hturges Sturges. Heating, painting and mill-work have not been contracted for as yet. Many Will Bid on Hew Portofflce.

It is reported that contracting firms throughout the country are figuring on bids for the $1,000,000 postoffice for Portland, for which the bids will be opened August 7. Portland Contractor Receives Bridge Award. Charles II. Waring, 271 East Thirty-fifth street, submitted the only lid for the Clatsop county drawbridge und received tho award from the county court at Astoria. The bid was $6193.

Bays Xisnd for Summer Home. Clarence S. Jacobson. manager of Neustadter lias purchased 60 acres of land at Coopey Falls, about litf miles from Portland, on which he intends to erect a country home In the near future. frame dwelling, 83s E.

13th at. between 1 Falllus and Khaver ata. builder, same. $100. Edward M.

Cederlond Erect 1H story frame dwelling, 2241 Thompson between E. Olat and K. 02d bulkier, same, $1200. Carrie M. Ugle a Eva Cox Erect 1 atory frame gararea.

Trinity place, between waamngion ana Jtyeretl nuiiaer. 4. Ii.arnoup, $1000. Foae Co. Repair 1 atory frame brass worita, a tnlon between uawtnorne are and Clay at; builder.

Portland Brass 1 Repair IV, atory frame awntnw 417 V. 1. Flan- cock and Tillamook builder, J. C. Bayer I urnace $150.

H. J. Portraa Repabr 1 atory frame dwelling. 0J9 Princeton between Stockton and Portsmouth builder, J. C.

Bayer roroace COy $125. C. A. C'asebere 1 etorv frame dwell ing. 4936 30th are.

8. between 4Sth and both builder. J. C. Bayer Furnace flo5.

Mrs. D. C. Winters Repair 1 atory frame dwelilsg. 832 E.

Kelly between E. 26th end E. 28th builder, J. C. Bayer Furnace Co $123, w.

Butler Repair 1 atory frame dwelling, 1601 Newell ft, between McCrnm and Weatamua builder, day work, $100. Mrs. Ida Gray Repair 1 atory frame dwell- lng. 774 York between 23d and 24th Duiiaer, w. u.

Moore, $300. XTCYV TOD4Y KSTABL.ISHED 1S92 ON TUESDAY NEXT AT BAXEX'S ATJOTXOS XZOUVS 166-168 PABK STXEXT WE SHALL SEXIi THE XTKST-CUsJiB rtruriSHivoa fbom STjxnrrsxsa KESTDEirCS. AXJSO PAJST TJJM- srxsKzvas reou wzLisAJtxTTa HEIGHTS PBIVATE HOME. Comprising set of sectional bookcases In early English, also another in (jolden oak with desk section, up-to-date oak library table, several good living room rockers, sets of good books, library settee In leather with chair to match, mahogany parlor cabinet, beautiful Circassian walnut parlor desk and chair, brass candlesticks, drophead sewing machine, portieres ana curtains, mahogany work table. picture of Lord Nelson leaving for the battle of Aboukir Bay (this picture is from the famous painting by Hoc); several other good pictures, silver-plated Jardinier stands, vacuum carpet cleaner for alternating: current, lady's parlor desk in oak, box couch.

Imitation leather couch and rockers, Wilton and Axmuister rugs, Brussels carpets, quartered eak dining room suits, viz. Dedestal table, set of loather" seat chairs and costlv buffet. Haviland china dinner set, vases end fancy plates, Circassian walnut (Gran Rap- ias xsapoieon bed, colonial dresser and rocker en suite, brass bed. full and f4 iron beds; all beds have best steel springs, good clean mattresses and Dlllows. Bird's eye marie and oak dressers and chiffoniers, Stewart steel range, gas range, water heater, kitchen utensils, lawn mower, etc.

Also upright Decker Bon piano (good tone), roll top desk and chair and a very costly size 8Vx8V4 rapid rectilinear lens made by London Stere oscope complete with leather ease. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE All the above goods will be on view tomorrow at our salesrooms and we welcome you to call and give them your most critical inspection, whether you buy or not. You will find our rooms perfectly sanitary and clean as we fumigate every Friday. ATJCTIOl" OJK TTJESSAY KXXT AT ID A. M.

ON THURSDAY NEXT We sell again. In this sale you will find first-class clean goods as we handle no old Junky goods. Come to our sale ON HZZT AT 10 A. 1L ot will sell for you at your home If con venient or you may send them to our rooms for auction. W.

C. BAKES AMD W. K. BEA2T, Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers. 166-168 Park St.

BOTH FEOVXS. a AUCllOn 03.16 (Oontlaed 5-Rooom Furnished House: Price $2200 Here Is certain! bargain In aV neat, almost new S-rooru house, furnished, 60x100 lot, 1 block from car; house has all built-in i-nvenlence. bath, gas, electric lltrhts. a very pruttv hcine and a decided bargaU for onl" 200. See this If you want a nice home at a sacrifice, ready to move into.

Hargrove Realty Co. 1- N. 6th St. Phone Rroadwsy 4181. SNAP FOR CAS1L Punnyalde, this Is a dundy good 1 room house, completely furnlshedi Oak and leather davutiport, 176 gas ranget mahogany bookcus- hi yards li .60 minster carpet, inlaid linoleum, house doubly constructed; lot 60x100; block best tar service In city; house cost $3200 to build years ago; lot Is worth J2500 In -normal times; refused 3 years ago; hut 1 must have cash and will sell all for oniy WOO: cash.

This house, with ffurags, will rent for $30. which will net 11 on In Phone Tabor 19U3, or oail 30ti Uerlinger bldg. No trade. Special Modern house, on llroadway, with fine garage. This house Is dandy, complete In every respect, with fine lawn, shrubbery, etc If stands owner over $5000 and will Bell for $4200, on terms of $60 cash, ba'anoe $25 per Including interest.

i is nt "ersuris. Inside Property Oealers, Oround floor Henry BUIg. $2600 A snap for $160, easy terms, modern 6 room house. 2 blocks car; house loubl constructed throughout: oak tioors. fireplace.

lulltlns. etc. House open all -day (Sunday. If you af In ti.c inarKel lor a snap see tills. Alberta cur to 3uth and KillltiKS worth, east to 116 K.

32d N. Uwiwr. 6r. coltutte, lull lot 3- r. cottage, 2 full lots 4- r.

cottage, full lot 6-r. cottaifc, full lot 6-r. bungalow, close In U-r. house. 3 lots, .1,000 1.238 1.100 2,000 8,600 And many others.

Bee J. A. Turner, at XiA ft ALAN THOMPSON 4 in and ijtark.) 13EAUT1 FL'L home at Forest Grove, modern new room bungalow. 2V acres of land, Just outside the city limits. Ideal place for chicken ranch, 15 mln.

walk lo O. E. ii. P. depots; also wlreJ for electrlo lights, city water In.

For further I a rtloulars phona Se 1 1 wood 452. NEW ideal home, rooms, large porch and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, built In conveniences; white kitchen, 1l.11 basement, furnace, heat. noar. lrv-Ington tennis court, 1 block from Proadway car. Iluoo will handle this, Two rooms could be made third floor.

1 hone EuHt 6263 MI ST sell my well located suburban acre home. 8c carfare. You can have cUttriclty. gas and phone; fine fruit and garden, chicken house. See It today.

Mrs. liattou. 4th house east or Courtney, Oieaon City Una. or call Courtney, oiegon City r. Purse, Hroadws 1668 Read This Have You $550 Cash? If you have 1 will sell you a nice 1IU tie home Call 618 Corbett bldg lluou SACim-'lcK-- owner's business transferred outside state; must sell 8 room bungalow, hardwood flooii, buffet, bookcases, full basement, furnace; 80 ft.

lrotn Hose City car 9J E. tiCth st. N. Tabur (1736, tun KALK 1 acre with 2 modern 6 and 6 room houses, fruits of ail kinds, no Incumbrance except val. on street and sewer bond, price 17000; will sell, pait terms, owner on Discs.

vn E. 30th st Woodstock car. FUUIl lots, half acre. gxod 6 loom house. 7714 IHvlston st.

near new Franklin hint) and Hawthorne cr fine land, large fruit trees, house modern except basement, price 12000. terms. Owner there 2 to 4 Tabor f.Oll. it EAT sacrifice. Rose City Park bungalow; new modern.

rooms. rb-epUce. hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, cement basement and walks. cost $2660; forced to let go 18200; need money bndly Tabor 6394 Monday. SUNN YfrilbE.

6 room modern house, furnace, fireplace, reception hall, fruit, lot 40x100. Improvements in. is minutes to heart of city, two carllnes; will taite lot as first payment; terms. Owner. Tabor 421)6.

GOOI) 4 room house and lot, 60x100; full size bssfinent, nice lawn. frUlt and roses, chicken house and run. A snap at $860; $860 down, balance terms. Take Rose City car to 71th; go 3 blocks south to No. 736.

$860 TOTAL PRICE $860. 6 rooms, shingled and double con structed bungalow; screened sleeping porch, lot 60x100, fireplace, rooms iiianicren, diock to car, nan cash. owner. Tabor 6633. FORCED lo sell beautiful modem room bungalow.

1 block nofth Pled mont; all built-in conveniences; $800 than cost two years ago. Mr. I'mhdcns'ork. 306 Oak. Tel.

Bdy. lliS. l-'J room bungalow, Dutch kltchaOj sleeping norcn, run uasement, neany sleet new. lot "XI uu near car and school. $1760, cash, bargain.

Alberta. Wdln. 4621 Ml'ST leave town; will sell for halt Its value 6 room house, partly fln Ixhed, 4 lots. $800 cash, and you as-sume $600 mortg a Q-68, Journal. llOUriE and furniture, close to carl west side, six lots, for $2600! no mortgage or assessments; leaving city; cash or terms.

G-71, Journal. FOR bALE Mouse and lot. furniture" carpets, piano, all complete; small payment down, Hunnyside addition. 1063 E. fialmon.

FOR SALE, 100x100 $2260. Improvement small house. in. Former price $3250. Cash at this price.

a. taa st. COST me $2384. Have paid la l8. Will sell my eiulty for $1.

Balance. $1398, at $26 per roc-ntn, Mr. Hayeman, phone Broadway 1668. FOR BALE, new modern room bun- galow. with garage In Hawthorn district, 1 block south of Hawthorn UP-TO-DATE modern 10 rooms Fur nlshed, close in close school, plenty flowers.

Hmaller house or lots as first psyment. Address 636 12th, A SNAP My egulty in 40 acres near Laurel, for $700; balance $600 mortgage at 7. Address Blum- MUST be sold In 20 days, corner lot on Belmont looxvo. with email cottage. If looking for a snap aee this.

Tabor 1111. W. H. Bawtell. B'OR SALE by owner, a dandy corner 6 room house, full basement, fur nace.

Phone Broadway 1J0. tics own er, 16 N. 3d city SACRIFICE, iToTiT large modern house, sleeping porch: corner; 2 lots; fruit trees; good location. 1611 eoth st. b.

HOME, sacrifice, 6 room modern bun-galow on account of death. Maks offer. Call 1206 E. MHdlson st. HOUSEBOAT, completely furnished.

with rownoat. cheap. No. 44 WUianv ette Moorage. BUNGALOW, large, modern, 7 rooms, 100x100, select location, reasonable.

575 K. 13th st. S. C-1464. $100 CASH takes my $76 equity in modern bungalow Rone City car; leaving city.

18 10th. near Blsrlt. LOOK. YOU CAN LIVE HERE. Neat house, fine lot.

good property; only $400. terms iioor ZU40. GOOD 5 room modern house, close to high school; easy terms. For Informs tlon call Tabor 210. FIVE roomed tungalow, $1S60, 1200 down.

E. 2ftth N. Alberta car. (Continued on Vest Tags) AuciionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE -a eye nn Ci- a DCCOnd OlTeCt, ComeT YaTTlbill Sales Day. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY Each Day at 10 A.

M. For various consignments of CAKFET8, STOVES, etc. PRIVATE SALES DEPARTMENT. GKAJTO and VfBIOET rXAJTOS, OS-OAJT8, QKATSAFHO WTSS, Guitars and Mandolins. TUB VXJIY ZtATZSX and BEST In XTP-TO-DATB FURNITURE of all descriptions.

Willi, ET7CX, XJ STEWART and other STEEL RANGES Also BJBSTATmAHT BAVOZ8 In good condition, large and small KEPRICh-ESATORS. OAS XAHOES and FLATES, almost any size or make. "MICHtlCs-AH" self-generating- OASoxaars bajvoe, hot WATSH HZATEH. etc OFFICE FURNITURE We have a nice assortment of OAK 1 1 inn vwaa iu axjao. TTFBWXITUB DESKS.



WILSON. Proprietor. Cash Dald for Furniture. Stork, of Merchandise, etc. Sale rairlenre- a specialty.

Main 1626. Specia For Exchange DOWN TOWN CORNER. Nearly 8000 square feet. Improved with 4 story brick, producing good income. This property should have a great future.

Price $161,500, including equipment. Mortgage on same $5,500, 5 years at 5Ve. Will accept one or more good properties to amount a me a I lor equity. io better prop- Portland" onCaneehange basis. 1 1 I Gro side" Property Dealers Ground Floor Henry Bldg Specia For Exchange New four-atory-and-basement brick apartment house, furnished, located close in, west side, corner.

Income now nearly $700 per month, or can be put under good lease for terra of year. This is a gilt-edge property at the prist of $70,000. Will accept dear city property or valley farm to $30,000, balance mortgage. If you want good income property, this is your opportunity. Inside Property Dealers Ground Floor Henry Building 6 boans ef and On Improved Business Property (ox for Improvement Purposes).

3. 9. ZJPSOOaas. sea Stask Buert. Fearey Brothers.

Inc. COLLECTORS St Demm Bldg. PorUaao. Or. VAN In tkls city, Augnat 4, Hannah L.

O'Sulliran, aged S2 yeara. beluved wife of J. J. O'ulllTan. uotber of Mr.

Anna llanaes, Marr, Xbuuiaa, John, -Uennla aud Frauees U'ealilvan. aud slater ef Mrs. H. L. Bnck-num of UeiHn.

Mrs. Irvine Bucknum ot Eeaton, Mod Mrs. H. Utrtrkl.Dd of Cblnaugo Forks, N. Y.

Ine funeral will leaTe the family reaidence, 1234 IVlawsre Monday. August 7. at a', tbeuce to Holy Kadeemer church; Williams are. and Tort-land where services will held at 10 a m. Interment Klrar View cemetery.

Blng- hamton, N. patera pleaae cufT, M't'LHKKK August 4. Joaeph VlcCuaker, aged 40 years. lx-Kvd husband of Mary K. Uo-Cusker and falliar ot Helen.

Rrelrn, Linus. Jowpb, Paul and Lucleu McCusker. and 'eon of Mra Kllen Float ot San rrauclsco. funeral will take place from tbe reatdence. T80 lrrtng Monday.

August T. at a. thence to tbe cathedral, corner lSlh and IaTla where niasa will be offered at lo e'clork. Friends lorited. lntprment prlrate.

Vlouut Calvary cemetery, rirase omit flowers. The devraavd waa a member ot ban Frauctsco coon-cil. Knights of Columbus, tian KYaucleco papers please copy, STKWAlti-The fuueral service of tho lata Kmlnger Btt-wart will Mondar. An-rnt 7. at 1 o'clock p.

at the residence entshllahment of i. I'. Fiulev Sort, Montgomery at Mil. Krirude lurtted. Interniant at raninui, or.

MARTIN KORbES florists. Wash. Main 26U. A-126S. Flowers for sll ocpawions srtlsiicnllv srramea.

MAIN 6116; wreaths, pillows, (a up. Spruya si up. v-nappeu i Mor rison. CLAKKK tlorlsts. 287 Morrison St.

Main or A-1S05. rine Ilowera nd floral destgns No branch s'oies. TONBKTH KLUHAL 2b bet. 4th ami 5th. Msln K10L' A-1102 OSCAR JOHNSON r'lAJKAl.

ia Ollsan s. Mar. 4372. A-14M. MAX SMITH florisi.


East 11th and Haw-tborne. K. 781, H-1888. Lady assistant. gl t.

mm New residence establishment, 101 Wm. av. Wdln. 20. Kenworthy Co.

Tabor 6267; 6802 92 Lents. Tabor 5896; 86th st. and Foster toad, Arieta. S. Dunning, Inc.

East Side Funeral directors, 414 E. Alder st. Phone Kast 11. li-266. R.

Zellar Co Kast 1068. C-1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service. Dunning McEnteerTn detail.

Broadway and Pine sts. Broadway 430. A-46B8 r.adv assistant. UXLLKH TKAChlx, independent fuueral directors. Prices low as 120, $40, $0.

Wash, at Ella. 261)1, A-7885 Ql FAFQ Undertaking Co. Main 4162 OIaLVVLO K-i'it. Cor. 3d and Day PRirQHM KEKlLtENCK UND.

fKLii LnmpUlM B122. A-22SS Morr, Uorv-iilTrtn ast SOth and (jliaju lailllliun nral TkIkii- 4 1 3 BHKKK SNOOK. T. 158, 1026 HHmrint st S4th attendant MOXOIKXTli POKILANU MAHBLK Wkfc, 24-Zf 4th opp. city hall.

Main IS44 Phllln Nen A Sons, for memoricls. WUBLAF5ilNG IJEACIl l'llOPKltTY 4H FOR SALE, one of tne best constructed modern seaside homes and view sites at Hayocean, Or. House, furniture and lot cost $12,000. Will sell for 16000. For further particulars and picture of house eta McCargar, Pates Lively, 201 Ycon Port-lBnd.

FOR SALE, at Ocean Lake Park; mod ern cottage, near depot and ocean A'ldress Corbett Portland or. BAVOCEAN cottage for rent very reasonable. East 1015 Sunday. Main 4190 Monday. FPU BALK HOLSKH Ol SO ACRES pasture land; good buildings, cow, horse, pigs and chickens, for Portland house end lot, value Owner, 1803 Berkeley ave.

FIVE room modern bungalow, lot 60x 100, cement sidewalk, 'i blocks from car, $1050, $260 down, bal. time. A. J. FARMER.

407 Htock Ex. ROSE CITY PARK, $000. Splendid well-built 6-room modern bungalow, $260 cash, balance to suit. Fred W. Oerman 732 Cham.

Com. fao CAbH. 115 MuNThL X. 7 room plastered bungalow, t. Johns Una, $1600.

A real snap. Fred German 'o 73? Cham of Com. GOOD 6 room house, lot 26x60, close in, for sale or trade, not over 2800. Give pbqn and location. G-67, Jour nal.

8 ROOM modern house, built 4 years, on paved street; good neighborhood. $2400 equity for $800 cash. $1600 mtge. at 1lkVc. 806 East 12th No.

DAIRY and fruit ranch on Columbia, excellent market, qear landing, Would exchange. Gill 4c Dufur, Ab- ir.Eton Bldg. FOUR ROOM HOUSE. Good district; lot 60x100, lectrlo lights, gas; only $1100. J.

C. CORBIN Lewis Bldg. FIVE' room new bungalow, built-in features, 1 block, to car; $150 down, $20 per month. J. C.

CORBIN Lewie Bide. WANTED $3600 home, clear of debt, for best patented tool out. U-66, Journal. FOR SAL.B 14 block, houses. Tn Brooklyn add, 16th ali or part terms, uwnw.

aoa smnirtajton et. NEATLY furnished bungalow sacri flced for somo cash; rest to suit. O- 76. journal. MODERN 6 room house, 1S16 Morris Rose City Park car; $1600.

Own- er, t-4. journal. 11ALK acre and 6 room plastered bun Kalow. onry $800: terms like rent: i dandy buy. Call at 600 Concord bide.

SNAP for sale; bouse and lot. 60x100. on Irvington carllne; price $1280. Inquire 904 East 14th st. FOR SALE or exchange at a sacrifice.

room cottage, close to car; terms to suit, woodlawn $229. $9000 $9000 GUESS TUTS WILL MAKE YOU SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE Four Five-Room "Flats" on East Sixth and Multnomah Street Fall lot, 50x100, all improre- ts paid in full, also taxes. Lot cost $5000 and the building $9842. Income $100 per mo. The owner of this property is leaving for New York City and will sacrifice this week for $9000.

Don't fail to investigate. CALL UP MARSHALL 1456 RUPTURE Johnston Umbarger RUPTURE SPECIALISTS 411-412 Alisky Bldg. Results Guaranteed FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America Boom 8a. Ala-swortfe Bldg. rnre Male 8841.

Portland. Or. CLtASSIFIKIi Al) IIATES CASH ADVEETIIEMEHT1. Dally or Sunday: IV, cents per word tor all claaslfleatlone ra-eeptlng "For Rent in PrlTBte r'ainlly." "Kootn and Hard In I'rliata ramllj." "81tuatioB Wanted" and "Wanted to Eent" ada. which "J.1 ord Thri-e Insertions for the nrlce of Reien insertions for tbe priee of flTe.

io ma taken lor less than IS centa. CASH WU8T accompany copj to obtain above ratea. CHARGED ADVXHTIBEMEKTS. 1 hi een ta per word per Insertion. Tbla charge la fur all classifications excepting "For Kent In Prlrate Kamiljr," "Room and Board In Private Painllr," "Situation Wanted'' and "Wanted to Bent" ada, which are 114 centa per word per insertion.

No ad rliargeil for lesa than IB cents. MKETIXO NOTICES 41 KIRKPATRICK COUNCIL, 2227. KNIGHTS ANU LADIES OF SK-CURITlf. Big open meeting next Friday, August 11, 8:30 sharp. Moose Hall, Morrison and Broadway.

Cards. 600. Entertainment and dancing. lioch's I'nion music. GOOd prizes.

lOU are lOVlteU to come. Admission 16 centa. COME. COME. Grand monater picnic.

Sunday, Au gust 13. at Crystal Lake Park. Plenty of fun for old and young. Ladies ball game, music ball game, races and contests, bowling, dancing, afternoon end evening. Hoch best union music.

Fill up your baskets bring your rela tives ana rrienas ior a gooa lira Refreshments sold on grounds. EUREKA Council. JU4 Knights and Ladles of Security will give their regular at home meeting Monday evening Aug. at west side W. O.

temple, lltb et, between Alder and Washington. Fine musical program and dancing afterwards. All members of K. L. of S.

and those holding Invitations, urged to be present. Don't forget the moonlight excursion Aug. 24, barge Swan. NEXT Wednesday evening. Aug.

9, Anchor Council No. 746. Knights and Ladles of Security, at 129 4th st, will give a card party and dance for their members and friends. Cards at 8:30. Danclnsr 10 o'clock.

Good prizes will be riven. Admission 15c. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS officers and members of Portland council. No. 678, are hereby notified to attend the funeral of our late brother, Joseph McCusker, Monday, at 10 o'clock a.

from the Cathedral. Signed P. J. Hanley, Grand Knight; Frank J. Whalen, sec.

M. W. A. rtegular meeting Rose City Camn No. Monday evening, Sel.lng.

Hirach 3f Wash, st. Degree work. Visitors cordially welcomed. SOL RICH IiNBACH. Con.

J. DARLINGTON. Clk. 218 Ablngton PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD desires a full attendance Thursday night, August 10, 191. Come or you will be sorry.

THE Michigan society of Oregon will meet Monday evening, Aug. 7, In room Central library. Meeting will open at 8 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. O.

Hayden, Sec. THE picnic of the season, at Bull Run park, Sunday, Aug. 13, by Foresters of America. Dancing, games, prlx.a. rtouno trip sua EMBLt.M Jeweirv a specialty, buttons, pins rharm Jeeer Hrnn 181-8 th fife marriages, Birtbs.

Dzaibs. BUSINESS CARDS Smith Co, ffliV, nd car da i nirq floor. Morgan bldg. LRKSS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring 309 Stark st DEATHS AND KINKKALS 75 BWKNS E8 At the family residence.

4 E. 20th Aaguat 4. TUorwald I'. Sweunt-e, 94 years 10 montha 17 rtara. Fuueral aorricea will be held at Holman's funeral parlora, at 2 p.

m. An- uat 7, under the aiUDicea of Webioot raroo o. 3, WoodiDfo tbe World. Brotbr tuembera and frieodi Inrlted Init FJr cemetery. Interment at BO.vrTY la tbla city, Aua-uat 3.

Bal()b Bont-tr. aced 24 rara. Tbe funeral cortera will leare the residence eetabllahiuent of I. P. F'n- ley 'A eun, Mootgomery at dtli, at 8.30 o'clock a.

Mondar. Auaust 7. and Droceed to St. 1-owreDce church, Sd and Sberiuan where inaaa will aald at I) w'rlork. Prienda la.

ited. Interment at GreenwKd cemetery. B0R8CTH Aoguat 6, at tiie family realdeute. 12j Monroe Thora Svraeth, aged 41 years, beloved wife of Ollle Sonetb and aliter of Nils Eenes. Funeral aerrices will be eon-ducted Tueaday, Aag-uat 8.

at 2 p. from Pearaoo's osdertalcing parlora, Ruaoell at I'd ton are. Frlenda lnrltad. iDtermect family plot, Boae City Park cemetery. 8THO HI DO Ttiit funeral aerrices of tbe late Marr B.

Strowbrldce. who paaaed away In this city Anguat 4. 1810, will be held U-morrow (Monday, at 2 p. from th family reaidence, 965 6th at. Friends lnrlted to attend.

Interment family lot Lone Kir cemt- terj- 1 TflEBO-The fnneral terrlce of the late Cura E. The bo, aged 65 years, will be conducted Monday, August at 3 p. In the Damascus church. Interment Damaaeaa cemetery. Remalua are at th funeral yariora of A.

D. Kesworthy 6802-04 82d at, 8. i In Lenta. UETN0LD8 Auguat 4, Carl Rersolda. tgsd 30 years.

Mltvei ouaoaud of juila Keynol son of Frank W. and Clara M. keronlda trotber of Iouia. Clara and Bath Reynold of Portland and Frank Reynolds of Oakland. Cat Ktrneral notice later.

CHAR1 Alice Chard, Aagut 4, belured wife of E. F. Chard. 135 Kaat 224 at. N.

Friends lurited to attend funeral aerriree which will be held at Holman'a funeral parlora at 10 a. m. tomorrow (Monday), Augnat T. Interment Rose Oty cemetery, ef Hultoomab circle 744 (W. 0.

are reouested to attend the funeral ef eur la aaigbbor, Alice Chard. Monday, Aetna 7, at 10 au au, at Qolman'a nader-taklng parlors. J. ing is estimated at aza.i'oo. Although tho real estate market Is rather quiet this week, which was characteristic of the last few months, the realty fraternity report a quicken-log in the market.

Numerous deals are pending, according to the various reports, and are expected to break within a week or two. There Is ex-peoted to be quite a picking up In both the raly transfers and the building optSUoua, beginning next month. fulldlng permits Issued during the week numbered 88, involving $61,560. In real estate transfers the week thus far shows considerable Increase over last 'week, $124,869, as compared with $88,442. Real estate mortgages entered Into this week totaled $157,170, as compared with $130,162 for thr week previous, showing the same range of Improvement in th movement ot real state Instruments.

Despite the favor. He song of the Jeremiahs of woe that money is scarce and that everything is Under mortgage, the week shows a remarkable Increase over last week In the. real estate mortgage releases. Not Including Saturday, mortgage releases with $78,312 of the previous full week. The most notable transaction of the week was the purchase and beginning of operations for the erection of the new Catlin school for boys and girls on the Westover Terraces.

This deal Is the outcome of two years of planning on the part of Miss Ruth Catlln. tiAaH irhnnl whlc Vi nhA founded five years ago in Portland. The site was selected because it gave plenty of opportunity for future extension of the school, combined with country environment, with the advantages of the city. The school will cost about $16,000, in modern English architecture, resembling a huge English manor. The ground floor will be devoted to locker TOOms and semi-outdoor athletic (rounds, while the second floor will have the class rooms, administrative offices and a unique assembly hall.

The second atory will have facilities for accommodating an Increased number of boarders, while the third floor will be devoted to servants' quarters. The building will be very elastlo In nature, facilitating tho Joining of rooms for greater space for studio, and aoclal purposes. The building will be -completed In November. The construe-' tlon is In the hands of F. N.

Clark tj.1. rv -nA th nlnn. are belnxr I made by Whltehouse Fouilhoux. Inside Property In Trade A deal lnvrlvlng a part of the Union block. one of Portland's pioneer buildings, was consummated yesterday with the signing of papers of agree- ent for the trading by Frederick A.

Kribs of his property at the southeast corner of Eleventh and Alder streets for the section of the Union block building, owned by the Corbett estate for years. Although the deeds connected wun the transaction have not been passed formally, the agreement has been Signed. The Stark street "lde of tho building Is owned by the Failing estate. The Eleventh street property, adjoining the Seward hotel. Is the site of a small frame building, used for tores and rooms.

"3ooal Iiabos" Clause Withdrawn. At the requesl of 8. Benson, who Is furnishing half of the money for the Hew Benson polytechnic) school building, tjie clause providing for the employment of local labor has been struck out from the contract. The will not necessarily apply on the construction of all future publlo buildings. Portland labor organisations are protesting against the policy of employing outside labor qn public buildings.

Addition to Oregon Paper Kills. Mi ri.ntlAnal unit tn the IT VI (V Hawley Pulp and Paper mill at Oregon City will begin January 1, at an "estimated cost of $1,000,000. By that time the unit now under way will have been completed. The proposed addition will be reinforced concrete. Hurley-Mason company of this city have the contract.

Contract for Girls' Home Let pub-contracts have been let by Llther- A. 1 V. r- TCrlr KllllAIno' ffanarol contractors, for tne $90,000 structure for the Sisters of Good Shepherd In the Piedmont district to be erected from plans by Jaccobborger Smith, -architects, In the Board of Trade building. The awards were as follows: Ornamental stone to Ernest Thomas, reinforced steel to the Trussed Concrete Bteel company, glass and glazing to W. P.

Fuller A plastering to (TIPSh To the ome Owner Beaver. Board TIMMS CRESS CO. 184-6 BE CO WD ST POBTLASTD Phones MaJn aoas A-9003 J. C. English Co.

Lighting Fixtures E. rrrtng avnd Union Ave, Factory to Consumer General Insurance BONDS McCargar, Bates Lively Veon Buildina Main 168. A-2694 ABSTRACTS Union Abstract Co. EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT EFFICIENT CLERICAL FORCB PRICES REASONABLE. 11.4is-4i COKBXTT BIDS.

Vaonee Caln a ass A-S817 TOT ing addition Arthur J. SharHU and wife to Ladd a Tllton bank, L. 1, B. Carter's ad. to E.

Sheriff to Ladd Til ton bank. L. 10, B. 5. Terminus add D.

A. Morrlaon to Marie McDonald. L. 1,000, 10 2.72a 00 8,100 10 10 6. 7.

B. 8. Id ton Park Roaa A. Bii-hauan to Beaale Moreno. W.

83 feat L. 7. B. 7. llowe'a Freda Boaaa to Louie Schumacher, L.

It, 12, B. 30, Point View add 10 St. Johna Joseph T. Petera and wife to Orton A. Uraham L.

4. 6, and fraction L. fl, B. 28. Waverlelich I Its add Ladd Ketate Co.

to Howard K. O'Brien, ai, io iot U. Z3, B. 2U, Ladd'a add 2 437 Howard S. Anion et al to Hugh Row ley, L.

22, B. Suburban Homea Club tract Hugh Rowler to Howard 8. Anion. L. 22.

B. Suburban Uomea Club tract 1 Howard 8. Atuou and wife to W. A. Hemleben, et al, L.

22, B. Suburban Homea Club tract 1 Anua M. Benta et al to W. J. Hallock, L.

4. B. B. 2. North Mt.

Tabor 10 W. J. Hallock and wife to K. J. Van Winkle, L.

6, 6, B. 2, North Mt. Tabor 10 Anna Rlcknon and biii-banu to J. L. UuKuan et al, L.

3, B. 3, Peddicord Hurltmrt'a Subdlr 10 Sheriff to C. J. Peddicard, L. 9.

10. B. IS. Jonpsuiore B19 James R. Wood and wife to Audrey Northrop, K.

14 L. 87, 38, Hi), 40, H. 13. Hawthorne Aye. 10 Elizabeth B.

Iteeyea and husband to Andrpy Northrop, E. L. 37, 38, 39. 40. It.

13, Uawthurna An. add 10 Frodrrick II. Whitfield and wlfa to Kate V. Junea Urey, und. one third Int.

In L. 1, 2, and W. two thlrda E. S3 1-3 feet of L. 3, B.

3, Harlem addition 10 Clinton A. Amur we and wife to Maria Palurnbo, L. 24, B. 1, Dorar 200 Wellealey Land Co. to Anna Pearl Cooke.

L. 17. 18, B. 8. Wellealey 10 Frank L.

MeCuire to Hanna Greenwood, L. 5. B. 2. Northwest Mt.

Tabor 10 Harrison Sloop and wife to Emma I.o-retta Sloop, L. 1. 2, 3. B. 3, Mansfield add 225 Geo.

M. Douglas to Alice Enery 8tuart all real and personal properf. all Interest to estate John Knerv A. iE. Headley and wife to Mlller-Mow-rej Lbr.

L. 3. B. 1, 1 Arch J. Tourtelotte to Wm.

Noder, et al. L. 8. B. 4, Belle Crest 10 Hattle Corey and husband to II.

G. Olmsted et al. L. S. B.

0. Lester Park 10 BUILDING PERMITS School District No. Repair 2 atory frnme school, 10th between Madison and Jefferson builder, same, 400. John Green estate Kepalr 8 story ordinary atorea and offices. Aider bets een 1st and 2d builder, D.

Gurien Mfg. $zir. 8t. Darld's parish Repair 2 atory frame dwelling, 140 E. 12th between E.

Morri-aor. and Belmont builder, O. L. Perrlne, S50. Dr.

Ernest Sbramar Oonatrnct retaining wall and concrete garage. Vista are. between Mar-ket at. drive and Montgomery drive; builder, Information tor Fishermen THE IEira TG3E WilTE kimm Washoucal Get off at Cape Born and go to Salmon Falla. White Salmon Take three dare off and go up Trout Creek and caat your line lu Trout Lake.

See thU week'a bulletin. Deschutes Anglers' Train rear Portend 6 or 7:10 p. Arrlre North Junction 2:56 p. m. South Junction 3:33.

Mec ca 4 a. m. flatting end al long day. Return In ereulng, arrlre Portland 8 a. m.

Tourist sleeper (berths SI escb way). Beduced week-end fares. t-Teient train, leannf Fallbridge 7 a. m. FYldar, Monday, Wednesday, carries paaaengera.

Returns Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday. Information for anglera obtained by i wlr. Call at Fifth and Stark. City Ticket Offloe Fifth and Stark. Broadway 920, A-6S71.

TOE PLACE Em For trout is on the line of the Willamette Valley Southern R. R. Good trout streams which are reached on this line are Buckner Creek. Milk Creek. Molalla River and Butte Creek.

All moifntain streams. Leave Portland. 1st avnd Alder, at a. m. and 'J xx.

m. Trains lao leatve Oregon Cirr throughout tne day. First train leaves uregen uity at m. PREPARE For Next Winter MM THE FAMOU! "UTAH'S BEST COAL" Sales Agents East S1V B-2343. 51 GRAND 1 Ford Auction CoJME Dehydrating Company to Erect JU-1 tatorlum.

i he Luther Dehydrating company, of Walla Walla, proposes to erect a modern natatorlum which will utilize the water used in connection with tho dehydrating fruit process. The natatorlum as proposed will Include a tank 30x80 feet, ranging In depth from two and a half to ten feet, of concrete, with a smooth sur- face. The water now used In the dehydrating of fruit goes to waste and Is in no way contaminated in the proresit. Condon Elevator Nearly Completed. Tho new grain elevator, under construction at Condon, Is nearlng completion, and will be ready to receive grain by the middle of the Mr.

Hutchinson, of Kansas, who for 20 years has been In the elevator business, has been engaged as manager. Arrangements have been made to have Portland shippers handle grain from this elevator In bulk, which will make Insurance and storage charges less than on the sacked grain. Astoria Mill to Be Enlarged. As a result of the order made by the i nii.cini.iiis commerce commission or- parity reZva? Vte tial, Manager Hwanson of tho Astoria flouring mills has announced that the cupaclty of the mills will be leoo-eased in8 near future, wm t- c. fl August 26 on the proposition of issuing $2700 worth of light and water will I a bonds for the purpose of construct ing a power dam In the South' UtnD- qua river for the Improvement of the water and light system of that lo callty.

The proposed lond3 are to be In denominations of $500, to run for 20 years, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually. Bniiainff at Tillamook. Four business structures are under construction in Tillamook, including a two-story reinforced concrete block for the First National bank, to be 110x136; a one-story concrete store building; for Charles I. dough; a reinforced concrete garage for C. li liadley, to be 110x136.

and a warehouse of concrete. Several residences are also being erected. Sherman-Clay Plane Changes In order to give more space for a talking machine department, a portion of the lower floor of the Sherman-Clay building; at Sixth and Morrison streets, will be remodeled. This will probably tako in a portion of the space now occupied by Pendleton, clothiers, and Abendroth the Jeweler', which would necessitate them taking new space or securing other locations. Will Market JTew Towaslte.

b. A. Bartholomew, a Chehalls realty dealer, announces that his company will open up the townslte of Onalaska. about 17 miles west of Chehalis. So far no lots have been sold In the settlement that has sprung up about the new mill.

Four hundred lots will be placed on the market. Work Starts on Coqullle Courthouse. Kxcavatlon for the new Coquille courthouse has been completed, and the completion of the building Is expected within the required time. Receives Appointment. E.

I. Eck-elson, a 1'prtland draughtsman, has been appointed assistant to R. B. Mur-dock. Coos county roadmaster.

Mr. Murdock was recently appointed deputy state engineer and placed in charge of the county road work planned un der the $362,000 bond issue, which will oe spent under state supervision. Dredging Begins on Sxlpanon Preparatory to the installation of the Warrenton Clay company's plant at Warrenton, the dredging of the Skip-anon river has begun. The company expects to begin manufacturing tile and clay products by November 1. Plans for the plant were prepared by the Geijsbeek Blake-McFall building.

Buye Timber Tract r. B. Grunstad, ot Skamokawa, recently purchased a tract of 8.000,000 feet of timber In the Middle valley near Astoria, and will log it with auto trucks. ealty Association Would Ada Members Secretary Paul A. Cowgill.

of the Interstate Realty association, sending out 650 membership blanks to the delegates to the real estate men's convention held here two weeks ago. Mr. Cowgill left for Spokane Saturday on a business and pleasure trip. REALTY TRANSFERS II. D.

Bowers and wife to E. Teo-ger, L. 10, 6. Paradise Springs tIU'( Rose City Cemetery Aaa'n. to K.

800 Henrtcl. B. 13 ft. of E. 14 off I 132.

Sec. R. C. I'arkrose Ass'n. to Hattle L.

Oorey. L. B. 69. Parkrose AllaS B.

Slauson and wife to Sarah Uickman. L. 4, B. S3. K.

c. Park W. H. Boas and wife to Fred Hiram Strong, 2. B.

SO, Woodstock JT B. Robinson and wife to Henry EutschjMBn et al, 40 feet L. 5 sad B. 4.a8 feet of N. 40 feet ef L.

4, B. 6. McataboB'e add t.t, Mary B. Keller and sasband to Mrs. Grac S.

Wells, tf. B. a. Coop. 100 10 10 10 10 191 SECOND STREET MONDAY, 2 P.M.

We hawe reoetred sereral oonsign. ments, comprising almost eTerythisvr necessary fox Modem Kotisekeeplag, Including Beds, Dressers, Kofi, Oar-pets, Stores, Ranges, Jtockers, Conches, Etc Etc If yon axe in need of rural rare of any kind It will pay yon to cell and look over these foods before the sale. Tuesday, 10 A. M.I At Residence, 405 West Park Corner Harrison. We nave been favored with instructions from tne owner to sell' all of tne furnishings of this 13 roomed house which Includes Furniture of all kinds.

Sanitary Couches, Dressers, Bookers. Chiffoniers, Beds, Bedding, Carpets, Bugs, Xiace Curtains, Portieres, Majestic Bang's, Oas Banfes and Plates, Kitchen Cabinet, Tables, Treasures, Lawn Mowers, Hose, Oas Water Heater, Electrlo Shades, Dishes, Utensils, Etc. DEsT.FHS Dont overlook this sale for it will be a good opportunity to buy goods at your own price, as every. thing must go. E.

Q. TOBD, Auctioneer, We will sell again, on Wednesday and Friday at 191 Second Street. And you will always find a good assortment of medium Furniture to choose from. Kote ror private sale we nave two large Eagles, xieotrlo water Heater, large Cash Bsglster, Boyal Typewriter, Electrlo Flayer Piano, Parlor Pool and Billiard Table, Show Cases, large Oas Bake Oven (cost $150), Steam-cooker, and several other sucn items, which we can sell at a figure that will Interest yon. Ford Auction Co.

191 SECOND STREET MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon (nveataaeae Si Mortgage Oav Offlcee 863. XT0 34 8.

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