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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 3

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

9W 9WlIE HE SUNVEDNESDAY SUN WEDNESDAY AUGUST 6 1902 GUNFIRE PLAYS PLAYSSOCIETY SOCIETY FALSE FALSErs 17i rs ttWI ion wor IlI 11 AU nrrv nrrvKIII KIII 1 111 vr IIIWti itna oX niit niitlint III tu tuut UJlul lint ut Mrs lames 1lIII ItIc I Ilpliii1 of lirntilrk lirntilrkliiuw Ii ek ekbhts liiuw 10 llmv III tt HaKr 1111 1h Her MIDI llarn llarnSIHMI 111fI1IOII siriFS SIHMI IOII Twin FS die larsot Mlnnlmc Mlnnlmclur Innln Innlnlur IiiffliUr lur Ur II Wimtim nJUIi at HIP Ii rmir lIlIr11I i In 5hi Years Yearskitr Ilr IlrI kitr hi I I a AMU I iJtnHly ItiUt lodi into lO tlo tlovi 1111I I vi HI f1 I rt fl1ll1d fl1 n1 today tILI nnd nllllluhll Mm Wtint Viti tint 11 i lf III 111111 It i Wl WII IUlh i i th fourth fourthul urlh urlhI ul I tl 1 Aliiliiiiiil Stuldt Sttik of Sjmni I JiI I Hio Hiot for 1 the Ih we 1111 wa ta4 William 1I11lIn Whit Whitt VIilt11II 1 i riUl 1 fill illy iunllriv Ibin I 1IiI hl diill iIuizglitr iIuizglitrI liter literit Ir it 111 I I nii Itiyal Iti 81 inn tun ha performed performedc ir tIM lIot year al and Uaten her herhl hr heif hl I that many IWIII kluewd jililje jililjef JIIII JIIIII I I tft iuiVu lfI I CXpMHhlll tilt Opilllutl Opilllutli olillll olillllIm I tttr Im I Ih hL aL 1 tIIrN yeat utt flU3 flU3t i yrui UI Jn liforo IHfI tlio raio ra Mr MrMl hII tr trlu Ml II i us linked lu I which Ildl I I i hu ooiisildireil luIHIIrtlhu luIHIIrtlhuI euuIi lrttI tlio tliofati I ho hoJtt fati Jtt I IISH i i iiinllro illlllr or I Ids ii other griit null filly fillyll til tinyLt ll od odI 1 I ddar lfe I dont dnlt know ImoM viw Mr Ir Whit WhitiiyV Whity hlt hlth iiyV iii 111 lL er 1 Tlity Iht Iy art ar both Llh but li very II fn 11 11Ir nt ntt tli li Ir trt re tlvii tbI was tho Ihl bltuatluu tItut llullluu iou when hl tho thoHartir I IrTr Hartir 1 rTr ld wiiilit It uud 1111 jotkoy for Ul the Ih llfh llfhri I If hr ri 1 II ire 1 re fiiit I vt 11 i 1 tiuiillro IJIr Hl ro owned oWI1 owl I by Mr MrVthitoy Ir IrILh rLflI Vthitoy mid ILh bnil Ild by II August llllt lielinont lielinontlikoil 11011 11011I lkhiiutI likoil I I by Iv owner wn and 1IIIIholllhl I thought Ilul iItt to 11 IA 0 rendy rendyto nldy nldytv 11N141Pt to run rll for I a KiiiKi lill tiIIg 4 runsom 1111 tbi th rupro lrl lrlhtati iuprvtti KMitatire htati tti i of iiialitT Wll in il tho th rich rith Mulct itaI Iall against againsthui agllnL agllnLas L1I1UI4 hui 4 liirnrj us 4 Hata IIIR oo Joovphik JO III Itix Itixinj Itt IttU Itt nnd I Vfm Solo Hul Thorn 1Iir others othersbut Iaa Iaaut inj 4 a 1 fl Thrl wore wo ntt ot hIM hIMjll but jll ut 1 wore WI ruppused IIlo ti IUbeII 111 not to 0 count countlnidy Ilt IltIJIll UUt UUtWI lnidy IJIll WI I inriptd 1 ii cept pt tlio tlO weight ght conditions conditionsvi et lldilnnA lldilnnAil mdii IoflQ IoflQs vi il i II 1 It fir fi atid 1111 without wHhul it hoi question 11sllol IOU nnd nndeit Jnl a fl1 fl11s 101 eit it 1s money 11111 Into Iltn Itt tho rintf rllK by tho I 11 cart cartnil cartftJ arl arlkfJ kfJ nil 1 Ln ti IV Vintcv jltl rtt4 thoiiglit llllIllllat that liomfKht liomfKhtin IJwlrht IJwlrhtI ho nIght nIghtIt I It in well wtI wt in the ijunllty Jlnll naILt proeehilon for forJuk rorlu or orIud Iud lu 1 II I liunllre 11111 ut was 11 Rood MIIIKh enoiiKh iiigI to I carry carrytlie carryti arrytL tlie tL ti moiioy nlI noTI of If tlio h3 Wliltiioys IIIy li It ntyi tlio Ii i iI Vandur VandurMils nllder nllderIi Mils Ii I iI tio fl llolniont BIOII HI oflt tint tli Atoxnndem i It s1 ItI iiItr tho thoIlaiine tl hI hII Jalnl I Ilaiine Iait and 111 1 11 tlio 111 hI Iydixs lydilo I ytli ilio ho was WI 1I4 good goodtr gIO gIOt oulI tr IKI gi i iMtry lrlli trp hi nioti IOI I1ny and allllil tlio th dollarn dollarnf Iullrl IullrlIC IC lie 1 iKiiidlng h111111 I i itl rig SV Vct st 1 went WIl wti it after Iflr II Ii tr UIOSM I tui of ofHfli oCllfh tIt1tf Hfli 1tf nventio nnlo liuntlro liuhlm suIl1r bivaino 111 a I pro proliKtivo Iru Iruti tO tOn liKtivo ti 1 Ip InvoHto forltl It I ri anil Ild iinllro illlro TtIrt never 11111 not notwitliin rot rotWil1il It Itvihia witliin Wil1il MKht irhl of even e1 cIt tlio th 111 hhort end 1111 IlI of thu thojiiiw thuIUI thuIUrII jiiiw Illlnll jnnllty flhtt nnd quantity 4UIflt lllt iy it fell CI II together togethertut ItKcllr ItKcllrL tut I Hi tl 1 CHIlll Ii I1 I1I Up IJ tt HlllitillH HlllitillHThe lllll Hull li liI The Th I hI epcrloiici Ir I of 0 Mr I1 11 dates 1 I In II tho ho Gln Glnfr iun CsiinfJ iunfn fn fJ ruo 1 rI was but hit I 1 it tlio I he repetition rlxlltlll repct Itli of 1 bud budleKimiliif 111 I I It leKimiliif 1 4girir Iillll hi Ills 11 I I I frlepil 1rlI1 John Jlhl hn A Drulcit DrulcitIail Br 1ru kIIt 111 Iail IIt what lint was Wa supposed lpp I1III 1 to be I ono 010 of if the theukt II IIDllk I hgOI Dllk ukt Iod gOI od thliiRs I hhlp IiIii in II I iho I hl lit Mvoml nli IIflII ruee tU UI in inthe il In the iiryearold urylrld rvea rokl Keldit gil Ilir ii I Ionuiibnini Ionuiibninili lIIIIrlll CU ninI rilni rilninu I li nundruin nUllrl1 nu dru opcni opnl1 cpctiI nt lt 0 I to I i but hit the tl I II Uah UahIrk iatert iatertlrake tt ttI lrake Irk I tm eonfidoraey ci Inf nrIIrev llry mtit nt IIM I It money 111 Into 111 hit Ilie Ilierini I I Ifil I II fil I rini ill by 1 io hI I ninny 101 tnri ooinnii I llli III loiior Ir that hit thu thuniI I II ht niI I 11 vere 1 rII marked I I rk I down 2oVt to II i I 3 1 tc ttrry Tho Thotnry ln lnI tnry I nr rry toidiht toII lhl is I that thlt fiates atl will III Druko Drukotent Drw DrwtNlt Dainfnt tent fnt Slftono SIOO nplooo Iplt ii Into 111 hit ihn Ih hi rliiR rlll rin i Ioniin Ioniindrum nll IInn IInntrn drum In1 nan a IA beaten I Ia Ilt 1 tn 1 on nl tlio wire 111111 ii and th money mUl rn tt ttdr dropjei dr I in II tliit I it raeo mc 11 niido lat uico Idl leo li 11 I for forthe furII fnri the II i tit dilkirit 101 Ulr4 drppcd on fl llllrn iunilro i lo I I rIt nt uM JI ii iiIiiiiin Iiiiiin 1Iilm I IliU hMtiriK hlil by proxy tr rx Mr Ir li iaes iaesi i rj i 11111 Tteil to to have hlo hay pieltiininl Ililll1 IIr iiltr ltr the thef Ih Iho ii iif race rl NVi SII Ni Votldrs 1111 tII miv 11 iIt Iul ht that thatway thaiI tIntI way I I if i they Iwy tI like Hk but I it lliica lhilltO will wil It I put piI Ut down downi luIn luIni i rwn rI I monoy 10111 from now 101 11 nAt i iafl At A nnv afl rate rIHlr rat II Mr inte RI in 1111 Bplck Jllk hk and nllp1 a rId rIdt span spanfw fw 11 lit Ii of If fteil 1 tPII pray flt Htrmln It 111 I diwn tWI it IVXI ninoui ninouitli UIO UIOla ilIUJ ilIUJrh tli layers la just jlt jt after Ifr lb II III odds los for tlio It llfili llfilirai Ifh tifiliId rai 11 Id had bl1 lx en jt pIl pIlhI te tiI tiIhi lIn hI Quality Ililallr iaIIty Ktr it it It I not lo eonildored Inlor11 nultop nulto lUItOt 111 I fnnn tnrm i plnee 1111 Ut I In II ii i IHPOII 11 jN1 Tliit Tliitpar LItI LItItar hIar par of the I sport por of Ir king 1IIIIs mut 111 hIhI uttende Lttclld1ly lt iiy ly MiiiiiilMoli Ollli 0 IflI III rM Hut I ItI It 1 dates Cal kit 0M was WI Wfl not notniinlinft lr lrIilil lITtitiiilltig niinlinft Iilil lut II I then tbo 11 mantieiH maWII and customs customsof t1 lStIll lStIllt IIIU of Hie II people IIqI1 uf 01 ITlahtV iinlilv la I il Ho 1 had ho1 few fewlhses lhses I ISII lo I 0 I make fl UI kr KOIH jI god ntulbo 11 ii I houKit hOUIII It bo IIt wiw wiwhl taw Iil IiliI hl 1 iI way vfl a out outDown 011 01110wlI OutIowlI Down 10wlI tho lb lino Ihll I iu be hI I ie went Ph II poking pkllr holH hlh hi Ij In Illho Illhorowd I tho thocrowd I ht hter crowd er wl like IltO I jIc4 Kuard gIII lard tI I nn TI footUill 1 Ut I III II I team a In 11 fact the IhIO III power rr of bi II i iintiiu IIIi Iti It I II WUK I I eijtm eijtmto I It 11 111 to 0 nn out ltll TI Iiy ir eleven I 11111 He 1 I II just jl lIt form 1 rm rn ii hliiis hllIC Ii IihIT Into 1110 hIT I a tl IIVITI lying in wodjn ft when hri in II li nierid ut1 11t TI I die dieriPR II IIrll Itt Ittriig riPR rll and 1111 he hI It recked d0 not ol of the I ID damatf dil tIgitia he I lefi in bis hi Ii Is wake wlk ca Ii Ho 1 I ii just 111 I1It ploughed I IlttilgIl I along alolg mull LUIT Ii lio 11 ieaehed 1111 tho Int Illlll tand of II fbi th book bookmaker bookrn3ker loll lollrkr first frl maker rkr Ixt IxtTlio IMITho with wih whom whol ho II wnnti wnll1 wnhltI to leave Il ttii liN hI tiI Tilt Muskcteer luikIr was tho th horMt hor ho wan wa baekiiiR Ioekll Ono layer afiir ICI 1IIT nnotber 11IIr cot It WI a acall LIcull call 11 from frm from Mr Ir Ii iites i atf until Ult Itlit 1 II be I hnl 111 lti iluivd iluivdwhat I I Itlat what he wantiHl wII1 wn TItI to Ret I down 101 do ii Haek lak 11111 11111whal of If tf the tl lit litattt latl iaten attt moiioy lon ranio tim Drake money 1011t and andtlie III IIIIh antitli tlie Ih Musketeer closed un In ddson lbII favorite favoriteend lull ivui Ito ItoiitI end iitI won on in hand i if couri ntiro 111 i noDoly flotOI Known just what tho thucrowd OaDrko ia OHIr ke crowd won WOI Von on 01 th rare rr or how howthey ho hoI howthv they I camo out UI on 01 tho Ihl day da lILY Mr Ir iatix ilt ats wy a ay i nobodys I business blII what tiat he wins wi jl1t or IOOM I and 1111 most 10 1 reisonalilo rlahlo rtiitta tb folkn Col am Ir in II llniil to agreo a rl with wlh wit It him 11m However lh lhpsip Ihl Ihlfojp I Ii Iigo psip go ih of I I tI tho ho hotels hOI1 hot Il and 111 LI fli I tho 1m 1i clubs tltih I I tunlKht toli Igtit Is fojp I tlmt 11 Iiitt ho hi nnd alt friends trlllh quit jlit about I bol I toulrhl ttOUK 10 8 Iuer on 11 the I he day dayHut dl dayflit Hut II what hnt Ccues intesH ll loss 10 Is I wnneltody wnneltodylives nI111h ltllPlOtIV ltllPlOtIVIt lives 1 It tt train Illn II1fl and nli It so ti happens Iml tlmt tilt whllo 1 i i allt pot of nionrv mOI on 11 the I 1 Cluntlre lllllrl race raceel ma tacoa a el iarlill iirniiiiR woman wumliot of the II old South HOllh won Ol a I iiii 1dI it 1 iin 11 on that llnt I at selfsnin ii lr 1 ftqt in race tacoo a 1 Ono fJnoi i I ilioMfrtpr Ih ft drr frt 11rt was WI wa I unpiHiwd no ncroiint ncroiintmei 1111 1111Inr LLe 1 hit hitill mei ill I Iar Inr lrclleiici 1rrII bred it td and it 111 iii I owied oWIld OwhI I lv I 1 Jnmes Jnm Iepper Icpr of Kentucky 1lllckl iI JLtJckV JLtJckVIt Tr It oti re wen WI tt Il I times Ilm when hitii Roud It It I as a Ml ril to 1 1niilil 1I niilil I 1 I 0 I haw tin been 1 had IHII on Oi txt Iar Ilr Kxc EJNIIIIl llence IIM I 7 I Mnri I ri tho Ih I I to race 11 t8c Col ul oh Iepper 1111 1t went WI11 out i tie I paddock acItIrck to havit a look 111k II it hi filly flr ou II I pnMd John KMadden 11IddI who wi Iit I ruining 111i 111iI Mr I WluiieysborKM WluiieysborKMHiMer WIInI horj horjH 14 HiMer I a tot down dowi on my II hfl hflI illy i 0 1 pel 1 Mnddeiunlleiloilt Mnddeiunlleiloiltynjro ldI1 IaiIhu 111 rtlhtl Olt ittit ittitPi lil 11 Pi ii ynjro uIO li iIhit lit ilolin Iuli tas tho thorerlv Ih hit hitI 1 rerlv rerlvII 11 II I locked INk I 4iMI flr iir tr IXilleiKv 1 Ill over 111 vor and 111 then thenr t1 I htttth 1 i TI Ih tILIt dlihol chithilton nll Ant told lts I wht ht aden aoon Iad littil sa sai qItI qItIS 11 i di 0 IK I you 1 like 1 wild Mrs 1 Pepper PepperI 11 I III IHS I IxinR It 11rlo lug loyal allIY to my lhl own 01 Ive IveJIM Jvoi I I I JIM HAI tA on 01 our 11 hors horsniiii hi httflII I niiii 11 iii II 11111 tho I Colonel II IVhll IVhlll Well Welliiar I iiar HII if tin ti fllyn tl tIIl KHIIK 1111 tiiitg to II run fl for or your yourv ttitti ttittit ol I I I ril 1 1 nii she II hit may 11 liiit us lS teII pl 1 run 111 for fori I I i Hi il I vim I dont lnl mind Illil of couro llrp if I Ii Ii I i i I II er quite 1111110 111 1 11 ell as VlllJ iI Ill Ills Il 1 i WI Itti hor 1 fr hitri I II i1 I i op fifiliy hlliy ritiIt I vere VtI nirnmiil ITnl ntrnitiII 1 1 I wnii 1 tit he 1 loml I nl 1111 iit fIiin fIiinI lIt lItF I i II I Ki i i ami 1111 hi 110 wlfi a hltnilar hlllr anniint anniintI nllul I 1 SI SIlL lf Il 111 sils th the II vnltH Ial vail of the theto Ihl tijilir to I Iar 1111 Kxrilltm I I riot was 1 aS lom 1f 1 this MisI1 thisI I I1 I IinnitiK I 1ilf TI iiti is i AlM ii i I I to tl be II I II the II I II Inrgivt Inrgivtv i I i viiinr li in 1 niiy III 11 ne 1 rmr 1 LIII I a I III IIIS 1 Ki II a I II 1 oVenrH oVenrHI I it iti ya yaI I iri 11 of I rarinr 11111 a al farntoica lrllI 1 1i It ItI i I i iiietal I111 hIInl nnd Ild lh I thin hI UMiiajiTs rla tiitiar rs of ofi tI i 1 in il inrtlculnr 1111111 rthhInr know Jnt In I thise thisei tiH tiHI I i I ilini Iifll 0 111 tpl will wllI pnv iy fi 1 apiio api flhii ti tI to toi i rlllV Iii i I Wlinll hl it tVII vt a nilMOtlllriNl nilMOtlllriNlw all0II all0IIh 1 by IS the Il miniRcinent 111 n1lt of tho Ih I li liLri Nra Lri Ci 1 truk tri 1 lint II i thepiioi I hi 1 I let of ndmi iiihtniphrt iiihtniphrtttI lli slini slinii I1 i r1 and 11 ttI paddnrls 1100111 would wOllII ohhII I II Hi iI I i i fpm rr Ifl to i a very I rr rotisldcrablo this 11111110 11111110v I tirttt tirtttI 1 I i mi miThsi 111 111olu Thsi rt Ito oiiitht olu llt to know nbont nhllt such lch lchid I us viid iitI id I hut the I hii peoplo wouldnt wnlllo stand standt tdt tti I It raie mi uiul 111 ihe 111 Iii ntiendanrn nI lrn nt th 11 thf Sara Saraf Sarzt iir 11 I irS wiviM sifler Inr ifl III II Ii i consequence COl 1 I 11 Mr 1 IldrI liiinev wn vt 1 nikod nk111 by Till Tit its rorre rorreN 1 I I 1 iifteriiooii nIrlJlliw how hi Ilie tI I lit now iIi 1 prico Itritoit1tniticiti rku rkuadrliiou 1 i adrliiou i it1tniticiti hnls inii wcm1d m1 to ho rrRaiilril ildNI and iiii 11 I Iid tiI Ai were a ir rl a little I lit I Ii Mjptlrill i lllal Ixfore yen yenti vtsTI ti rlav i i Now we I have ha hay no 10 itt fear We I know knowKit lill tt Kit 1 it he 111 Ki ips if tlie I openliiR opnll day 11 were wereaid sCOa cr aid alll a ti vii 1 ii may 111 1 I rue nn 1 sayinR a in thai I Iii them themw 1111 tirri tirrirI morn mor I HID IIII Ihi I ie coiirs mlr our yo yttrc tr trla rdav I than hOI were Wlrl ever elr preont Itnt More on 01 nn 11 open opentrnek trnek In Ing trnc tiny II hi Iho hltor Itkory of tho 8al 3rtgn arntoga Ka KaFrom trncFrotu From rol another Ilntlr couroo Olrl It WH lennied that tilt io HarllRI Karaloan A sociAtioii lcflol 1 wnlllnnlclhli tlnmte thnt 11111 It tIM I 101 Il1111 im this 111 thii year yinr ar with wt lh I nny ni flhi tliI port orl of Kood I atlier ill hir wll Ixt tl Koot from from J5 2 1 I rlhl pcent rshtt to to3 ij per I 11T lu IIIH ttort llll Iiitts ln I It un nl fl IIK II Ii itt llnr sin 11 TIM 11 net prof 1111 Priflts for fo tlie tIi ineethiK IlhIK JL1litthi of if tool Ih flrst 1111 yvur oar nf tf the th lii III htltiey flt lr Miller llr thor iiiiiniiKonieiil lihil itt got itittI 11111i were IIIIII lillllIII 11 rt nboiit Ihllll JTOtOU JTOtOUHani 57it mlo mlo1AIJAlAY Ut UtI1 1AIJAlAY I1 I DII IVs ii 4 iv 1110 ii ii is 111 111aleM 11111 11111aitlit Hani aleM aitlit itiitv IUI lIui That Occurred UIlutrllllllh crltrrij in tilt Par 11 Vurili VuriliIlill lrlh urhltI Ilill I tihI 111 Aired Airedfpetljl ttrdSpeti2 111 fpetljl prlo CMe robl6 Jfipjv1 tf Tml Til Srs Sl CoiiNiuuCN COIJWAIS Aug AH 5 III renaid nlanl to II I iho ihonUcsed Ihonllglll hit hitnItegiI nUcsed nllglll tronblo tlolhlo rot iblo of I ti thn tLf Xlclorliililwiii Xlclorliililwiiirolur ZIrhrlllIlu ZIrhrlllIlufiIal lightr Ill hll Iii Iiir rolur fiIal tar t11Itf tXI dltli ii ll I I I la 1 hi Mined 11111 itt oil that Kvulvu Kvulvuprps 1cYI lalwll Italiwin 1tYVthtt rlIt11111 tt 1111 it it Jllml Ji hi htttilL 101 Ii tIll tIllrig prps Itlllr iiiR rig Hit Iht I lit Amorlm IIIrlll hi tsrIcl fiirtliir flirt 1Itlr hit north tu rt It Iho Iht 1 thjlt II hooamo 11am HI iI I hot that lint Mr Ir liildwiu Plltllu not notonly lintflhl 101 101otl only flhl lolIiMil I el Ivttl I it Cnpt a Jolnuiveii otl JIIIIt1 Oil of if his 1 com command Oi Oh Ii IihiaiItI mand mlUI hut diiulud dpt It him hll uf tIlt II DM I hi hiKIIIIN htLI KIIIIN KIIIINIHpl 111 111il IHpl I il iipt 11111 Ji iiiniiMti ii a Intend 111111 Ii it IntiM In I I fljjln Inht tlio tlioinatiiT Ihnlalr I Iii Iiiflint inatiiT lalr flint I tr out nlt Vestordny tst trhl ho I it Inlil I I pioUst pioUsturKiiiK jLI IIMt IIMturlhll i iU I urKiiiK urlhll rgl hi tin III I itt local IOit I authorities lullotlll tiut I to It nt IL ii Tromsuo Tromsuoti TrI FroniuI ti I prevent 111 tint II IIi iuorlea ttLa rla rILa from f11 leuvinj I 111 it hat tlmtplan hatI plan 1la I In t1 mull 111 lint II I hwurti t1U11 i tirht ilxluriiiiim tIt 1IIllou hitiu of tho thooflieorH Ih thuuflIOrM oflieorH olhml uiul Ild inrii 111 Imil been 11 Blvun 1Iul In otirt otirtitiriiKNikumi ttrl ttrlIIISIUII tttttk itiriiKNikumi IIISIUII i I I I ti utu I Aug Ii lI Director lrInr I Irtet or Amlrta Amlrtawild IL ILLa 111 wild La I I today tOILt tlmt Ihl lii hi I hnd I at I recolved tele telegram hI I tl tlgroin gram from Crol Mr Ir Meiuuidor 1Wlldl Hot 11 man lal of 1 tlo I Itttatrpn An 01111111 ttatrpn oron and imotliur from Irol Mr Ir Hildwin Ihllwil 111 Tlio iiilter 111 hit Ir Itt only LII lv asked 11 I II II hi hil 1114 teli 1111 tiItgia ium III had hadliicn hadI hadhiChi liicn I iwelvid rlIl1 lletVidl Mr MomiMder JIJIIr ro rqlIc1 r4ct ueMcd unli uldrt ortIrti rit how I it to toart I oiltt art 111 Mr i11 11 Vndrtit 11 replied h1 to II llr 111 Ir Mctiutulor Mctiutulortlmt il ilt 1lldr tlmt 1111 hat his hit iuninuiiiiki 10111111 OIilhhiItit icr 1 Mug 111 I dug prmm 111 ordero orderobhould ortli mlrt rs rsstiotiki bhould bholid come COli from ruin UI him hll hi in but jlt hu iontldurud iontldurudthut lolhunl ohiltIorvdthat that it would In I liii ino4 II hLio convenient onIIIII if i thu thuAiiii IhuIici thuAllitrLca Aiiii AllitrLca Iici ricii iuiiii I 1 to iuthiiiburn ilI ut IWlhurl htnhnr lo loa It arrange arrangeinuititrti arahihIuIt rrlllC inuititrti latr It iat tort Ht I I It roiihl ulhl not Ilt JIHIKU Jllllu iltig mntuii InlI I lint ci in inMieli IIItld LIttiiehi Mieli tld a diftumo diftumoItocuidlni tIirt Iluu IluuHIiiHllg Ilut IlutIht Itocuidlni HIiiHllg Iht ga ittli ig tho th Ito conllict told on 01 the 111 hit Anurlra A ulrl tiitqIca1r a Mr 1r MiilnV wlr lIt trM Nilil bo hit would Ii I Nhl Wltll vtu nut l1t cxpreiut ix jii ts an anopinion 111 111uliniOI LIIIOhHhhithi opinion uliniOI an 11 yet yetAn yet VetA An A 1 ri uiixlinoil 11 tigish 11 ll1 eililo en hi moia 1a llhi4igi1 1 In tt ttrfiviit boon boonreceived Iln IlnII received nt II tlio til Iii Honliv HII Trl Irui KtiildiiiK BliJoill Hulil lug iii iiiLI Ulnriy Llerly LI hon Mrot lft ret by I William ill liam hi tn Hitsler iott Mbloli Mblolitlio wLlcb wLlcbII st Li Ich Icht tlio II ho latter lalr IIIH IHIt in li tin Jtiiiht dlhl IK I from Kiilo 1 llaldwin 1010111 that ItIn It I I I ii I datod dalt ha tied Troinsoo To lroIISo llLlit uiul II It III I suyt ILtiling raniird Vheor 111 11111 up IVarlosN IVarlosNFurtler 1HI Awaiting Aaitjll tiling FIUIIJC Frilhluf Ifcwiini Ifcwiiniraniird I hlwllruc3hiltflh 11 I 1 Furtler 1111 1 ndvliv nlhi titI ltt nro ii ti expert PX IIhd hkt td from frl ft tlL Huld Huldwin lal 1tI hi win ln today I i tIay At A the 111 I LO oBlee 0110 ott let of the Healiy HIIIY httit It Tniit 111 nothing nulhilR hot Ii i ti lInt Ia1 I IXHMI b1 heard IIanl ILIa ri vrMeidiy vIIII Vist IX tl i uf ufthe it itt rlIl the lIl hit nlliKfil 111cw riiw Uilwetui tot Vlolt Udldnin lldillll1 unit tid apt loliimniKNi 10hllI 7 I hiii hihistti It I way a taiil tutu i hut 1111 if i Illt thorn I nra hut hn Ixiiii 1 IttIl it row it i could ullilol not lmv I is b1 i 1011 over overtin 01 ovtrI tin I Iii inmtwr IUI of I Illlill ILhI liin in tin I i Atiifrlni 4 1111 further furtherimrth flrlh1 ft rt hir hirlii imrth lii rt Ii as 1 thi I fhip 1i1 hll I wii WI ilM IH I fr ti north lur hurt iw II 11 it itwas Ittl was tl ili I It for fi hep 1141 1 poK pOllill K11 11 1 AiigiiH AiigiiHwhen ttgtl ttgtlWitIi III when wh1 WitIi tho thl Krithiof Mt her herma iii iiiIIG ma Il run 11 rit I iziztsr iziztsrEIItt4Ihl frisr frisrIllRlitein HlIrhllI1 IllRlitein lIrhllI1 IVarcliuiisrs nruuu CoMTlnt em Ct rrlnr rrIn Two 10 Uliole UlioleNlreetn thiokltrt 1011 Nlreetn ltrt rll rh Knriit Ann AnnfpecUt A Aa3 Aa3SpecIAl a altol SpecIAl ltol ciV i tinpitcli be pch li I Tin TinHrtFAHT Til SIS SISIlaFST SI I ItltrsT HrtFAHT IlaFST Am oII Fin hr btartd 1111 MtnonK MtnonKthe Imon ImonII ntnoflgI the II I lit hnrilKnro 111101 I an I wnrt mid Ild Itch tInt drllry ry cftablishmontH cftablishmontHat tttabl tallbhlUIl kltiitciitii kltiitciitiiLit at Lirno 11 rhio near rnr tu a here Iwr lids I hi ninrnlntj Ilornlll Pour Pourroiviilly IotirrcchlhIy roiviilly rrrcted buililitiRs Ititil IlhhIttiTl and 1111 liiiii on onboth 01 OilIXItIL both tldottof ttiitM III of thoHtreet 1111 thi 11 alotook 11 aIo tnk llro 11rt lrt Tlirco Tlircocntirf n1rl n1rlnIlI flri flrichit cntirf chit nIlI lIP blocks 110 weiv 1 VtI soon Miii 111 I I alilno allll at ilitit mil Int tii I no Ill onu onucould 010 010lu1 003cotihl could lu1 venture 111111 vt ntltrt withIn wlllil 2 yards lrd of tlie 111 tit tcenn tcennKveiitually EnJ Leen1tiit Kveiitually 111111 1tiit 11111 Iy the Ih hi fire frl burnd ItMflf it out outKlKlition olt oltlhl1 ii it itilglit KlKlition lhl1 ilglit ia warehouse warelit nllnllI it niverln rhl i two I ontiro ontiroftleet IIlr tit I ru ruph ftleet ph In itet were deytroViil tlrl ri I Tlioro TII TI at wito cro no nocasualties 10 101Ili 110Ctlt0ttt casualties Ctlt0ttt 1Ili ii Tin 1 11 loss I It ts 1 i23000 i23000iroirtY J60 J60f 2OO 2OOfli1I1 iroirtY Jlt 1i fl1Ml MI rit 1 Pi i TIII 11 ii iv ivHad iirsI 11 11lulllnI Had lulllnI I I ad loM I fll Her 11 I I hr I llruhin IruC1 It rut III Her 1r I or Ankle 4 III ttt and andIllell Illillltccii ull Illell 111 Two 1 4 JM i Wltlinul 11111 It Ii oil I Iliuil Iliuilvpcil luII I 11111 11111v vpcil 11 tl II fiUtt I fr ltHr rifltlr I 4 TRI TI SIS SlNLONDON SIS10S1OS SLiJ0t0 LONDON 10S1OS Aun I i A A depnich tIIIh frorn rol lf Hm HmSwlzrllli fltiuSwltzrltttiii rno rnoSttltzerlnnd Sttltzerlnnd Swlzrllli FI P1I ys HII Ni In Inlh liji wntnan wntnantho wOnn wOnnthl If Iftito tho thl nam of Wlmlloy hrIy missed I way waynear av avn near ar Xlnil Zhll11 in the Ih Alpn 1I and nlli wns WA exmswl fr fortwo frIwo frI two I dflvn dIYtltII ti y14 mid at tici Ilfilits I Ighit In Inlh I it the hit mountnltiH 111111nliH Ill Lthtita laM with without wih wihnl vlt Ii out nl foo food 000 A 0 rewue 1 IIW party parI found COllulllr herjvstor herjvstorday Iitr yttnr yttnrday tIr tIrdil day dayHosldos dil day1hsItitt Hosldos ldf ntilT lulr ttiiffriag riiK I from frm toni oxpoMire rXJO po1r llrr MUs MUsWlmllcy iIhs4VhiiihIy Wlmllcy Wlml bad Iint broken Lrlul ono on i of IC i her i ir anklen anklennFrlSti nllI nllIniIti a tikIsirtiv nFrlSti IlHtM 1111 MiVlT MiVlTriiitlcra riiitlcra 1rn IltldtMiilc 11111111 I aiislu nIII I Iaiilp Iall In InI II Intilt tilt I In 4ountr Ithlitr 8prclJI iit I btipiich Ti lly Tint SIS SIS1I MrsP11114 1I lltl Au AI The thii Matin fI1 pass ravicholera av hal Ih Ihcholr I lit litcholora cholera cholr epidemic Illdlll in il It Ksypi tn i iit i 11 chatting vIe llutn itIlig ex extrenie I Itithe tInIlIJli tithe InIlIJli paniiv ItilLiO All Al 1 who wh ran al ati are a hu iLiiitihilhig iilii to toIllavoln II toElilli EIpe Elilli 0 0I I Illavoln AKHIII llln chIli Hurt Inrl In II I liindon liindonspriUI 1lllul 1lllulINlol 1111111 1111111pCli spriUI INlol pCli CubiV i ltrip ItFiPI rli In I TIIK TI ril SIS SISIINIKJN StsVISPOS si siI IINIKJN I I AUK 11 Vlnle 11 I it attempting 1111pl itt tlflI it II I tig to toloop to toItoh loop lilI tho th I III loop I on 01 MH hi I tIM bicyele hl I kyctt I tonight IOIIhl I 1111 ght at tin tinAitiirium Ihllrlln I Ihlllrillthh Aitiirium llrlln Dlnvulo 1IIulu fell r1 a agilti aln in nnd nll with withH tltt tltti 11 11rlolly i rlini rlolly rIoitiv ly Injured Iljllo lu I wan HI taUen 1111 to thu thuWe 111 thiVtt We Vtt tniintor Ii ii Hospital Jnpil 11 tt1t 1 Tlili Thl 1 iiI I iho Ihl Ito third thirdtime Ihl1 I 11111 11111tilLhf time 111 he li hns In fidlen fnl1 KJIHV I i Lit hi II ciiKiiKHiiilit ciiKiiKHiiilitIII 111111111 111111111I III I lillllloll lilllllollifr Iollln IolllnmI 1tihuholhu ifr i STII 0T1 T1v nt 0 I iri irihltIuirt tn tnllcpitrl 1 111lmrl llcpitrl 11lmrl That lit lt Mill 1 Iatr Murry Mlii 1 II lta Iason IasonR hIasoli hIasolia snn snna a Hrallliy 1IIllr vail hi New lort or 0th nmiinii nmiiniiMosTliKAl fl Ulnl Ulnl1llt inhia Ii IiMo1htEt MosTliKAl 1llt AUK I Ii I i ntiiiotinciil 1IIml1 that thatthe I halII hat hatI the II I I it 1 1 Stwn St tilt vlmr 1111 of Ihrixt I 1 irFit fluirth fluirthCatnilritl I I llldl llldla to rl i intlolrtit Catnilritl a I I Ini In II thin thl city i tu I marry In Scp Scptemlr NIIIII 4 jI jItllthlsr temlr IIII MlM I II4 Itnywin 111 a 1 wealthy I1h Now Yurk Yurkwoman YorkIIthilt woman womanAlxitit IIthilttiotlt 11 Alxitit hlI1 tiotlt a year Inr nKt IJ nt the 111 1 Hev Mr 11 Ir Sion inlI1lillnl wan wanprominent tniProh1hihflt prominent lI1lillnl oivlnp itVlti to 0 view Ii whieh hldl I In holds holdson IlollOi hiitiltI on Oi I It thri II I Ito theory 11or I liii try IIp 01 I evoliitlnn I tItn hnllI III lie I I It was a pnt pntfiswip It fiswip or In II th Ilw I ti 1 iii ial ni Cille II I hlogi and alli for 111 111f ntime I ittInt time 111 lie I was 1 InliiMted 1Iilll by the II 1it Arrbblxluip rIILIho lie 1 I Ii dually fual it 1I Miiniil from frl thu iirofr PLOferhil 1011 Mir rllil hii hiibut but IJI huronilnufn hJIIh io piiarh 1ih lIi4t hI at tiit lntliiilrai lntliiilraiis 11 zt 1 YUrV is InWi InWiOllt IFG ri riOldest Oldest Ollt hihit Aitriv lr4 In II America IIra Iliulnc 11011 Iahtt Iahttill A a aI aII II ill I the Ih I It a 4i at inni 11r4 fund Iliuitr IliuitrIlizi 1111 I ttini a aEl Ilizi EI7 El iza Yoiinc YUu You ii tlie tl ti old Iltet oIdit atr nt in I ti Amer America 111 itior itiorI ica kl I i is vorv rn cr ill nt the I I It Aiiurs tttirt Jr IimU FII Homo 11010 I on onHlnton Oi aolfltattn Hlnton Hlllrn Jilaiid Jlnld Two TWI venU 1 nKo hho llr fell fellbreaking tll tillIi breaking IJkfl Ii rca It I it her hlr Ii cr hip hiI I I and 11111 ii ti Ier ARC 0 njo will wi Ill not per permit I er erIhilt mit 111 of a proper or octtfni KetIII ittt I lii nf i il tho boiio hOlo She 4t If IH IHover I Ior IsOa1r over im 1 111101 yearn rlr old ol The Th 1hit doctor dIO havo lnu no nohopo nohOII hOhoiio hopo of if her 11 rwovory rwovorylartrldr ltift ltiftIart lnrlrllI Iart lartrldr rid a CalN I I 14 on TriiUcrloln lIlIllluln FaiitltrI all Police PoliceIolUt Iull Iail I as as1a IolUt 11 1a ilht fiiininii IOlliluIr UlflTti loniT tour Imtrlilijo IlrIIo littt apjHiirod apjHiirodat oPplre oPplreII at II the Ih I Io Tiiderloln Ttlderloil Ii nation Hii tnt lul Itt when a 111 bull the tll ha nri 111 wrrn wrrnHunt wlm trn trnI Hunt 11 I I 011 III III for roll call 111 I nt feoll oclock liut liH hits nlcht nlchtIlo nllhl nllhlnl riIhitno Ilo told I tho th III niiii 111 II III they Ih I hii won 1 a ful ft ino i hiiy hiiycrowd IIIII IIIIIInl lit crowd Inl and all flu I proml5 ii kosi 1 to got rrl them 11 a I bolter bolterHtatlon I ftt I tit titittitlti Htatlon tlolloIIIfo before his torm ended it lu could couldnind coul ttiItIflhiiil nind 111 Wrwld tctIs St Ionlt 1111 1llr IftIr lr Tinvrri TinvrriST TIi tHr tHrHT at atSr ST Ioftrt 11111 Mo 11 AIK Ui Ug BKor ri Fr thin ieiond ieiondtime 1111 1111I oaiiuIt time I I I tiii ill Illr I 1i wlrd ho htl lins I in danaKPil laIHIf1 ala IIaga I a Worlds Worr IV IVliulldlnK lrr lrrhlldll rItiiIihIng liulldlnK hlldll Tlili rhl hl MiornliiRit torntl firrm Flrrl Ft rho brought Iwu hl to totlitKrniiml toI tlitKrniiml Ih I Iii JrIlll flit I two VO ZflOfont ZIOIfI tower tII IvtI and InIII ltrt I 31 foot footof cot cotif I If I of the 11 I wall wnl topped with wih It hi ft roliitinnd 1luI I II I on ont 11 II IIt I IIh Ih hornet Ito cast a 1 hidoof iItlo ilo of the 111 hii Varied nll1 nthit I IndiiHrleH hlJI I itti ht Irl ruts tllll tllllII Dulld Dulldinc lltil It I Itug inc II Tho fhl IOSH IO Is I efllnmied ia llln1 I I hltat ia I at ii jV jVlime 2Ut IO Oi HI lime 1111 1 liii js 4 ilurlnj hllnr1 III ttn i hiRli hl wind wild vl iitl WK IN fed If of the thenorth Ih lit lithera north 1111 I hera toiih hi I widl wnl 11 of tUe III catnii Illi builHitK hllrh was 1 flat fal falI flattoiih VERMONTS OPENING RALLY RALLYM RALLYIs1nThtr s1nThtr Ifl11 I ciitw II I siiiis tlt 1 1 ciitsrin ciitsrinHo IWW IIITItlit 1m 1 Ho fttmu Slll Tht Tlitit hal the Oemooratlo UrlolrAIl Iartj Irl In hta htaNi la laNo No Ni 11 I sit iiies II IMiillourli ts 11111h lIthIlilFhl llcpiilillcnii llcpiilillcniirunillilKte tipiitdteitiiI tllliIKI I runillilKte iliitl tat I a fur COrllr iournor arnair Heartily IIat I I trt I I Re Reeehid fl 1 1I1 aath eehid ath I1 iah onicmiiiaii 0th ritit lul a Poster Jusli aist at KiicuU KiicuUMAXcnrsT 1111 1111hsellrln MAXcnrsT hsellrln 1 I 1MT Vt AUR I ig 5An An euthu euthuhtiutlc siil lthl liti liti1iiu htiutlc 1iiu in II iiiHilctici ti ii ii I uf over 1 NH it 51 ntUlidcd nlIII1 at ttitlttI Iho Ihoooiiln Ih Ihrul I Ioh oh ooiiln 11111 i gully rul in il III 1 1 1 Met klllIII 1ct ulloiiiir rnm rnmpalRii 111111IiitgtI nl palRii lall1I for Cinviriior lia 1lr lInt held h11 I hen 1T this tLIitItg tLIitItgoligrilnnLi III IIIUIrrnull nlnK nlnKCongressman Congressman 1 Kositer of UIrrnull oligrilnnLi lliirlliiKtou lliirlliiKtoupresided Ilurll httirhhtigttiiLit tJnjdl1 Jnjdl1 presided nt lt tlio meeting 11Ilng I I Martin MartinInitod 11thl 11thllli Initod lli 1 State SIII Dictiicl li I ii1titt till Attorney IurlI ttIrnty of Hnitile Hnitileboro Iruul Iruulhuw ltrattloI boro I itro won 1 Im I ha leading hldlll Itti hug sjMaker 1lkr ittIsr on 01 tint li Hiato HiatoIssues t11at 1010 a aof Issues of tho III Iii ciiniptilxn tLuIhIlLil IIIII hl for dovernor dovernorSecrilaiy I it Ivorlior IvorliorSvtrIaiy Secrilaiy SIrllr ol I tilt Ih Treasiiiy icztiii JA Jt ivtIi 1 I MShaw Mt 1 Shaw illlll ihii a nativL Inli iilt IL of lt Ytrniniit crllII ttIllIihit was 1 Ii preHOlit preHOlitand JrotIIt11th nut and 111 11th 1 uddriDMii tin I atidietico UltiIIl 11 iiHin tlio I hO Mib Mibjist itil I tjta jist jta of National Nut lilnl lou at Hepiiblicanim HepiiblicanimMr HlullknliI Mr 11 I i Shaw Mhit haw a iitlewiil I lla I hO iivon1 1101 rd if a tho thoDemocrat 111 ILL ILLIii Democrat fII11 Iii IhiiOriIt lu party I arty niaklng lakll iiak lug the hi urt oritkltia oritkltiathut erit 11 Idtl tellhI tellhIthat that Ilalll the I It Uiidern 1lt it of Ir the til I it party 11 lath alwnys Ihll a I gi appear appearlo 1111lr 1111lrlu a i i rIt lo It be h11 It in scaib OIIh of an 111 Issue htti which hilh will wi appeal appealto ulI11II to II I 0 Hie htt voters Vi llr all nnd Hi ut It I glxo gI I 0 them Ih1 I victory Illr vlcta ry rather ratherthan mlhrthIJIlllhlt itt her herthinii than thIJIlllhlt making nn 11 ellort to formulalo nrnJf a I policy policyunder 11 IttIcIII IIdr III under tht wlilch 1111 Ii Ithi ihijy Iiat may 11 han IK I Kilely titti lfI ltitiu IltllI1 IltllI1Itl I LI I 11111 ttd ttdwltl at atvtth wltl Itl tho ii nllalrs iif i the lilt uuli uuliHe I ii iiIii He II Iii said ailllhil thai the II I ii anti I iMie hill Is always nllan nllanrl1 als re reMini rt rtto Mini rl1 to by tlio th lieiiioeialic 1111llli IL Ilrly I arty art I III IIIhi jno jnovide vide hi I II an itl iKni1 iI i tt fII i Ii alit hi I it then Ilu i ha i yearn Y1 Li imme immediately 1ull I iiitiii iiitiiitiItil IIU IIUI dally tiItil fi following an 11 ivriiiWnl ItriIJII witli Ih Itti a alaiitt IIIUin LItilt IUin tilt laiitt ifl fur lr Hveniie 111 nnl 11 In ih IlhH Pc jeai jeaihe 11 LiI LiIhaa he Il said I hey II bnd been ll driven tdl11 tnotlnr tnotlnrisDiich to it II IIINli isDiich INli Ii ti to II brldi InlilOl over 0 Yti Ibo III I Is rloil 11111 Lnwwn Lnwwntin 1 Ii wN1 vic1i vic1itiia tin Onto Ufl if tliuir tI UI I exitilment1 and UI id Iho lu tiu Ir IrIIhlll fir firgit rKetlilliios nnt Ketlilliios IIhlll git I It i of ot the th I I a Aliiiriean A IItran hint an Jieopio JieopioHo 3 Ho 10 doulited ll1 If i the Ih Domniaiio iitio tll party partyor Inr Inror or uny II itli Ill I mbiruf IIllroC it I would woull lodiiy ol oniuro oniuroto 1111 to predict phdlI what IJt tiIt would 10111 he I It the Ih paramountiM paramount iM I hitIt ie I of i In I Ii PiiHiiloiitlal cimpalKti II I Thoy Thoyalviiy hhiiayahit 110 alviiy ahit nardicd and ald titt felt fll alt iho 1 111 public Jlhl pule puleho 1111 1111h ho wild 111 ready rill to I i adopt olIIIIY uuytliitiK Ltit hlI LIII that I hat would wouldpromlM wOI1 wOI1Irurl tilhiI tilhiII promlM Irurl I a fair hiI f1 I share Ilill uf I Hireow I tii ti ThU rhit theory IIfr IIfrH I I ur is thu 111 liii only vII enplaiialjonof IIIIIiol oC their I ndopiluii ndopiluiiof IdIHlul iulijii lui luisit of Iho I lii flit I tilvor ilor issim In Il tsinj tsinjUefon I IiIihttin UJ UJI Uefon I fn i IluI hut the Ih lit I emi hh LI ciuli tat ii tin tarty rt hid hidNell it til tilii 1 Nell a I Kiiiiimnioy tfltl hiitit hiS parly Part They lil had hadfoiixht 111 111flllh tiiiilfaIitlIt foiixht flllh tho tl Iii dnniiiiutil dllillUII imrty Jort oil I ti Ilio II I lit riii riiibuik it ii ii1111k buik bll UMIO 1 I Tbey Th hud lu demanded 11111 In II jI ISj1 ISj1that 1 IIJ2I 1 1t that 11 evtrv a cn rv dollar la lUoil by I ibe I Iii doveru doverunient kviLiI kviLiIiiictit I nient 111 eitfier IllfI t1t ii In II paper or In II ioUt ctji ill slunld slunldl hIII I iiinintuliieil 111III1 ittitlith uiiiiI on 01 IL 1101 I par iar with Ii evry iviv dollar dollarin Iular IularII in II IL dlblI tithti libttdvlni I1 itij ami hlil imrolia lrI111 inj jsiwers jsiwersyif 10 10t rii yif ii when wlllI It I aILH lil a Hiuiil 111 gLi I ihst 111 I i Ih be I a aI4rtV Populist Populistparty POIUI POIUIIIUI party IIUI which Itith iiniiliatod ri jll1 tho ll fnocolnimo fnocolnimodoctrines frIMtIaIItiagta doctrines a ho i iflaM wan WI Li4 gnllut jnltilu Ivtaj pnstigu sth it the Ih lii I tnitcrjry I111rJI II nitcrjry 111rJI I ft trJcy seied 110 IIIKHI I il I I thu IL IsUj us a olio IW that thatJust 1111 I tint tintpiltIIi 111 piltIIi 1 I IInt 11 Just 1 1141 now liO he I iii continued oiii nI1111 Intit I ITMII 1r1ii ri stress stressIs ti tiI4 Is I beinx Iill Uld lill upon 11 th II Ill tiii 111 I rjjelioi qJIUO qiJit Ii IiN III I itiraliil mid 111 ritirnioil that Ih the tl thi tariff II in inthe Ii i it the I I ht mothT 11 111th hr of trusts Irltl i Wid II Icnocriey Icnocrieypiiinlws 1 iriMria iriMriaiatsriii eIIII piiinlws IIII leforin frl TliTu rli Jr ri bIt ie I mnm tIlilillnillkntL 11 Ko KopublkaiLs I IJlhlIIL publkaiLs JlhlIIL who ho itLl to ti oorCfie ttIOVtIe IH the cor corre rorndIHt oorxe re ndIHt ttiOH iLOM of lids ld ii Ii contention ulllllll alit I Ii ThU 11 bus 111 I litt been beendilie h1 titttisit dilie sit hII i it Lofuro LofuroIn In 11 1KM 1 2 ibi I Ii lt piilillcun lpII11 party appointed appointeda appolll a 11llislm vinmiflun to I coiiridcrtho ttiirlthat flit tnriff Ilrilf iUestion iUestionilmlit ahltiMt 1tjol III IIIIII ilmlit III lrh1 htg vneatiuii vneatiuiiThe Iliil The 1h lInli ininif iiii ill nindi iad iln lt rijiort 111 and andla 1111 authli la 1 i1ediiice to I li I tuviniiii tig IJjI ttt I 1 tlie II I Hi IjJIIJ hII publl publlcnti mlii mliiflti cnti 01 flti lIllr I oiitreii till grt riVisid 0 I iit i i i turilT Irill I II in II ii I Mnteh MntehI InhI I tahi tahiIMI I IMI I Hut JII this IIi 11i4 revision rt i1 i itt did not 101 satisfy satisfyI Nli ittfyI ft I ho II hi people Th ihe Hipublican pllbli11 jmrtv iirt I had hadcoiicrdid ln1rh hinihThu coiicrdid IIiI the rh orpetn ttitt rII IlOp sM of the 11r 1enioirttio 1lu 1luNltic 1enio lsinotratit irttio arKUiiient 1 artthiiill IIIII and 11 in il III 1 1t I Ih lt the hit poplr poplrhaving IUIII Iuha Iuhahiaivig having beiu b1 eihicatetl IId Iiy I tiio til iit HIIIIIu HIIIIIuIILrt eiiibliAll eiiibliAllparty ftii ftiihiLrt party IILrt hiLrt iltted ht1 ttl a lieinoiiatii 11111 I tiiit it ni tat il It 1resiuoiit 1resiuoiitii Iniull I ii i IM prtiluibly Jrblll tnic 11 tri that 111 limiiy IIJ iIMLI lifns I of oftin If Ifthi CIh tin Ih pnMtit tirllj ur1 Mli 11hI luli shoula 111111 be moil moilIlid ldl ldl1I uiiidlhail 1I hail but Lil tin 1 iiiolificaiiun ml LlItlihicLl I nl i hot could Iuld Is mnilo mnilothat iad iadIhal hiIiilct that would ii I hi I not 101 Mill it 1111 III leave htii many laul OlUhi Items Im It t11i4 to hi bo bomodilled 10ldil1 ttjtiiithihltI modilled ldil1 Tlio Th fiii qtIl sfioti Iii Is nut 111 whether whetherthero Iflurtll thero tll are itiiccuiHcion itieiinilit iIJu8Itf ihimIuNliti in Mm Mmproiilit Ih I II III proiilit I ireml it law II hut I wlietber wllari cIit I Lr it I iswisotouMtinpt iswisotouMtinptrevision iwiIuIIlpl iwiIuIIlplH i wl ii tui a StIll it itri revision ri Isi It at ih I I I present time timeit I hl Ttt TttI it I I is i Idl hi I I to Irnt Hipfjst 1 IPI tint I hi I ftrT IU revision revisionwould nilnllwnll rviliItivnIit would saiisfv sit Ii isfy our II ur opiotionts uIJiliGti uho lio havo IaI no norevision 10 10nli 1111rt revision nli rt 1 pulley 1lk of llnir own 11 No oic oicof of ot leirishilioii hgidiit 11111 no ti forilKH policv lj no 10 iii iulUr iulUriMliiy htllarI IuiplhItTI I iMliiy I hiiy no Iii Iliillppiiie IIWph policy IJ Iii Iifv is i or II ever 1 will willb wil willb dovlsiHl at okt I lint will willMitify 11 ii I mlUfv MI itt iIy tlnmiposition tlumppositioniifpriSKinnn Il I ii a IIIil iOI tlTi tlTia I iifpriSKinnn I tliNrl a Si I tAr if New NewI oW oWlrt I Ir rev rlnn nl alI nddr iln meeHnu 11110 ltii on tho thonailoiinl I Il III IIItini nailoiinl nnllII tini Itiiti i siies of tr the Ih I tic next 111 Pnsidntlal Pnsidntlalcaninirii lat lattntiiialrvi I caninirii nnllltn Ct lI Vc IIi kII ullou li tint Ih Hpub Hpubli I puh li 111 I tout ili noiiilne Iodn for dovemoi I or 1 was roeoivid roeoividwitli ivtti viii viiii witli i hsrty rt rt njplnuse i4 Ills Il I IL cddress ll wan wanverv wo won wasr verv brief 1 rI urn rl 11th related 111d rilnt th ti his hl nomlimtlon nomlimtlonand lomllllol ILO 11111 iii IOU IOUiLILat and II lo ii the rh I hIt Inlln Inllnnatliintil InllwI I htTLi 1i1 lt sit I lit sjtale hlat 4t atti In II th IhIntllll hi hiflat natliintil Intllll flat ii lOll election 1101 Ii III III1I111I 1I111I ueisi nTol Il SSI tV Sa I Tliey 11 hit Are IIMrlliiitlur III rlhlllnl Plrcsrms lrlrl In InMniiKiillR II IiiIniiaiIla MniiKiillR MniiKiillRs 0111111 it rt ri 5 Vl 1 11I pjift II Tlin TI TtoiVEK1N sr sr1RKIN tItIS 1RKIN ItIS AUK I ft The 1h Viceroy irlo iccroy of the th Prov ProvIneo 110 110II Provhit II hit Ineo of KniiMi InnII 1111241 ban hl I ii is mado 11110 a complaint cOlplnt III In Inregard II II11rlril Iiitegard 11rlril regard to tin I di thitribtit llrihlt iributlon lOl 1111 of flreiirms trarl by bythe hyIh byt the Ih him rttiflan Rm lnn lit in II Mongolia llnln Ion gohla He II I Ia lmi la in 1lorl inattitirl inattitirlihhizil morl morlalied alied 1171 iho Ih I lii roreiin ftIn Hoard loald to tuko tlk nction nctionto 0 asI 1i itii itiit to prevent 1111 irthit ItH Il it IS coiitlmmnco coiitlmmncoVKIOIIIA lIIIIIIno lIIIIIInollOII OUt hriuisncu hriuisncuViio VKIOIIIA Viio llOII lilA 1 AUR Ir CThe This 11 Jotniri JotniriNhimbvn ofri ofriSlmluI oiiiir oiiiirS SlmluI Nhimbvn im ha it I Japimoio 1111 Iiaj lii La pt journal jOlrnl publiihei publiiheidesntches I lllol llloldIntris Ii 1 ii it hat hattil desntches dIntris til eia fiom ft till Its 1 I Is Pekin in coriPHjondint rIiructh nC Ioldnt IoldntIil iflidfll iflidfllI to I iho Iil I efleot tlmt I Intl Ibo Ih lit Itusstans II liii ltttIoi III ar deliber deliberntily liHirtmtaIy Ir ntily 1 foment 1111111 inn Itt trouble 110111 in il IL Manchuria laJhlrja to tofurnish 10flrh ICIII furnish flrh III I pretext lnI I ret for I It riniinini rIhrn rtnaf tting there thereAn tlf I An 01 itisurnctiim I fletlrt 11 11 iIt iOIIrk ii 11 broke out 11 in II I Ii tin III Ttmgllwa Ttmgllwadisl 1 1TI 11 Ii gI 11 RIII RIIIaiki disl rin of SlinkliiR Slilkln and I i I it I wa waw reported rllon11 that thatthe IIJalIhII the IhII 1 ia Hutsinus htti dii li had wilt ihit sixo fJO rounds ronl roti nit of a nmmu nmmuliilion 1101 1101IJllol inniti liilion IJllol to the Ih lii 1iiliesu 1il iIiiii to quell 11 Thai 111 rising risingbut rl rilnghut II but bil It I has IIIH I liil since Ill il 4 I Ipn PII Iiwdlhll anid hat it I was aM to torebels 10ltI Ti TiI rebels ltI I thnt hin tlin I tic ammunition allntlhin a I iitiIhi iitt itin was It gig sent sentlie iUtihi II lie Il ihi rebels rl iKiioininoiisly ignoilinoly i gliohihl fltll ll defeated rnlt1 tho thodovermnont IhoIloop I Ito Itokvrzit dovermnont kvrzit na 1 troops I I 011 iii hi killed ldl a I 4 numl nllllr ft I nIl prof oC them themnnil 1111 tiPflltiiitl nnil nli raptured 1111 ht1i rsai the Rrrftter 1fIIlr part Iul of tliplr Ih idr Jr arms armsnnd 111 111IIL rut ruthihid nnd IIL ainniiinltloti llllllt 10110 tI ill tITL tomrks I tpta Irk kM am 11 a to fflld lhl a Ii to tohnvi 10hl Iiihay hay hl USMI ti nctliiK 1111 Ltd I ii in II Ii i collusion lulol with It IL tho thoreliols II IIHtI I hat hattel reliols reliolsTho tel i ihIm Tho hIm 11 tRaM Shimbvn Smbln publishes lulll III a 1 telegram telegramthnt tllrrl taltgrLanlthat I that 1101 communications Olilllaul Oluhliti iilcat hitit tilt I contlniinlly cciiithttuIahl IIIIUII pass passing ia ialug a ail lug il lntwpen 1Irn lit ran the II Jinsslnn Itl lnll and 11Illr thlnre pov povcrnirents go goiiliUafltS oIII11r crnirents III11r relutlvo rrlll rcItit ht lo the wiihdrnwal wlldrIal from fromMnneliurinnnd Crnm11111urianldtllllI rita ritaYin Mnneliurinnnd Yin 11111urianldtllllI nsiurin fltiI that 11111 Ilussia la him hl Iiti no Intention Intentionof Intent loti lotiau of au wIlhdrnwiiiK llhlrln1 Many IIIY lLIhl cif II tho ln Jnpaneso JnpanesonoWKpRpem Ialn itIanfIJ itIanfIJtietIin noWKpRpem tietIin JIri Iiit4 statr 1 tiIt lr I that Ilal I refusal fl al to I it withdraw withdrawmust wllllrw wllllrw111t rit ritIhithit must 111t iiicnn UWII war Wil nnd mil nOt It I is i tnl tllll Ihliti that prcpara Ir hrelaratItus ara araliulI tItus liulI nre or IMIIIK Ihll nnde mid by Iy buth hut It nations nationstlttcnr uiatltitii tlI tlIltnr tlttcnr ltnr i at Iair llrntrn 11111 I Ittt lit Iiy I It Mlml Iml and alil a it at Tide TideVrlfjJ Tlfl TlflpfIJ Thittpiifj2 VrlfjJ pfIJ taUr I IspJkPt ill Jtc JII la I ci Trip nr SCN SCNLONDON snll Sr SrhoNIioN LONDON IOS Ant All ur 0 1 The Th Telrjmph 7tf7mph con coniidciH In IniI coni4ihIIi4 iidciH iI hUll Ihll I tho 1111 liii Meteor ilt Iror oor wns wnl is 1illrn IaT atrn an by Jr I tlio tliondverso Ih Ihil1111 I Ii Iit ndverso wind iial il1111 iantl nd tide 11 Id in II iho I hI ho yncht nhl flIil race rl11 rl11UWI rttt nt nt1owes ittau 1owes au UWI eM yestenlny Irllny It I wiys NI that schooner schoonerioiihl PtLiihiOt 1hlllr 1hlllrJIII1 ioiihl 101 JIII1 itt not Ii it 1m I I oxjipplpil INfel cT ma I to cox lI ci iI with stit Ii 1 sioart sioartyawl MlIii 1111 1111awl it ityatI yawl awl like 11 I Ito tin1 111 I I it lirMihlld Jr hirii lllll Ii 11th In lyitiiig I nt In I ti towlnd towlndiard 10 a wlIJ wlIJwlrl IV wlrl IiI iard rat with vIt It the th I 1 ii lidp Ildl ii li in II her teeth tart It If I I tt had hadIxiii loiltI Ixiii 1 1 reach Instead hlINII of I turn tmilo to windward windwardIho 111lrJ 111lrJIh hitalwar1I Iho Ih I hi Meteor mtet co certainly sart rlllnl fli lily would olhl havo bended bendedIho hoI hoItlil hiiathtII Iho tlil I list fleet fleetHM n1 n1u flcitua HM ua to ha Sail 111 Tixla Killed flIll by Car CarnfHliisa nr arIgUMIiInJ nfHliisa 11 10 AUK Au is A man al Mip Mipiwsed lp lpI tip tipOSCI iwsed I OSCI II to Joreialah Jrihil 111 OSulllvan Oiullal OSuill vati wa a at killed killedIiy 1111 1111II khllil1w Iiy II a 1 College Coll Point trolley I car nt 4 oclock oclockthU ucluckrhL CItc11 CItc11thitt thU afternoon on the Flushing nu laill Causeway CausewayHP CnIJIII CnIJIIIII HP II wao wn aa rldirpc rtillti on the front platform and andfell all allrlloif mliiffIi fell rlloif ol lie II i bnd 1I1I111111117IIhll cuironshlp 1t paper in il Iho Ihoname thl1U1IIf I Iii IiiIII name III hIf of Jeroinlnh lcr lIIll1h i OSulllvnii six C5 5 cer certltlcales certltlcata er erIlIhlt tltlcales IlIhlt siied I11 by 1 A CooU oolc A Son Iifl anti antiS 10 I a In I i tnltoil States Snl Mt at is nnd titi liiRlii ItigIiii curioicy curioicynnd lUIIOllYnl1lll1lhllll curt O1y O1yaiiI nnd nl1lll1lhllll third cine dll pnscnire J1t nl7 ticket for Jneen QiirstitOVi Jneentown 11l111Itown town on Ill the Ih I hi Whit III 5 Slur i I Li rteamer it mtl mr Celtlo CeltlosallliiR ott 1110 1110nl1lll to toahIIflg sallliiR nl1lll tomorrow toIt ii trro 00 APARTMENTS APARTIYIEIMTSTHE i Lt I iLsTIIETYRRETS fllss rtoL rtoLTHE THE TIIETYRRETS TVRRETS THE TOWERS TOWERSvlICor TOWERSJlorIUIrrhl TOWRSICor1tltarlil vlICor JlorIUIrrhl Mvmlillirlvi halve Xw Cot Onlril nlul Iark Iarknl rk rknt nt Mill 4tti Mr Mrerl Irtri Wr 1 I 4lh Mr MrRull 5t tfiultf1 tttiiet Rull fiultf1 of if I ilt It II h12 il NultV Ul ofo ifQ A IftAoim Il ftntn Roon 1 IKIti 111 room At It llMhrnnm lI1h rMm neMli ne lah HrntiK IJfnolnlJH1 1n uno 11I13 to 3JP IJmiu LLCa In lm SAijara SAijarasirirI niI1II vro vroi i siTici STIMSI PtIIhhiIhI crrnv crrnvltillliilne HrH HrHIhlllllllllu ltillliilne hhiIhI tilti tha ItiilKe Ituil Ia Onlrn Him I I tnt Piinhhnl Iiuti IhvaI for foruii forkIlJrUtloll fankit kit kIlJrUtloll icfiilU EattII 1111 tft rtiTllrncN rtlr IIlwe 4 Vlrlnry Vlrlnryspffiul IeI Inr InrtrlUl nry nryStciiLl spffiul trlUl Iubtr I ol bt9 IJflplt eyiltt to TIIK 111 SIN sevMAXIU SINIAOII Si SilAxlt MAXIU IAOII AUI Alit lIo Jild JII Jolmm of of1anKmiiian IIfllnllllnnll altlangiisinnn 1anKmiiian IVovliiei has liii a wntonc IIIIIIo I a aRtanlsh IIRI ItSiti Rtanlsh RI Siti nlh bihi Volunteer oltihiti Ciptnlii i ptnI ii of it tli tl I ii niiv iii 1 of ofGarcia orOarc1a 0 0Jarcha Garcia to I seventeen IIIII years ar iiniirUiiincnl iiniirUiiincnlnnd IIlIprlIIlIoIIItur hunirk liiient liiientfor for I Ptit lIlIlnlo I itt I I tInth tiat I 1111 ti 1IIlIr itiiirgIIt 0 1Ir11 uri I Ittitl nnd Ctlonol elevon days after a ft i Admlril AdmlrilDowoys AlrulnllIIIOrl i ha IriI IriII Dowoys I twos victory vIol try Tho oxicullou it X11t 1111 was 1111 do doereeil II IIrPtILJ a hi hiereotl ereeil rPtILJ by a council lIIdl of war which was held h11111I In Inohcdicnco inohsIhiuict ohcdicnco 011111 to If ordrs Illll from the I SpinLsli mili militarycivil thillIttirycI tarycivil ttirycI tI I Governor of tho I baa province 1111 lie Tho Thocaso 1h 1hI 1Ititji caso I ji will 11 boapiealed hI npIMill111I flIlMil hmaI to tlio I Ii Supremo iIl raihhi Court CourtTho ittirt ittirtTht url urlTh Tho Th nentonco iiont olfm inta is I widely wltlI tchi lv criticised Irlt hl Ii Io I espoclally espoclallyIn aItlo lllrlall lllrlallrill 111 Iy IyIii In viov VhI jo of at thin verdicts NIII III tho rl Ii CIKM a of Jen 1111811111h JenSmith lI lIShllIt rill Smith ShllIt Ii Major Waller of Uio tI lit Mirlne hrill i ri ni Corp Corpand I orl IL4 IL4auth and Maior IIIIII I ilmtn of tlio I ii Fif Infiitry InfiitrySlolypulier 11I11lr 11I11lrHIb ItifiritrySt Slolypulier HIb St IIIr 1ist 1 1 nf it Hi I I Ii Veteran tarahi rall Armv Armvof A 1rtn 1rtnOf 1111 1111of of Iho Ih Iii Philippines was WII organied allild si hen lii lfl4t lfl4tliighit nst nstnlaht nIII nlaht III hl with tit IW I miinliers IUIIIM The TII pot 1 It is isntmoil j111I111 a a1181U1M1 ntmoil 111I111 1 after IIft It I ar Col I III i 1 Stolwuli 4tI itiI of lliMFir III I Flr1 Flr11hlIl1 Fir tNelut tNtl Nelut Ntl 1hlIl1 ka VolunteeiN VtItttit 11111111 tti4 who will ln killed Itil Ii i I ut uttho 11 11Ih utI tho Ih I hiai bnttlo batt tin of Qihhhi iiilngua gua while hiIh at tho ho head of ofhis ofilL ofhits his command 01111 lIal1l I AiTanjtments ITIIIIIII1 havo I I111ul MI MImade made for enrolling 01 rolllnll lln I hi veterans tat IrIlIlH irahi who IIh aro aronow ri riIIOt now in th Ii Inited ii it eti ritntes ritntesIn ht htIII tiis tiisI In I ii tlie IlilrolIc I ii Irovincw of Hollo I bib tho Ih lii Piwldontos Piwldontosore 1 Iotli IIInlt IIInltnr hmnt i inra ore nr coOpernlliu prul III nctlvclv 111 hllv In MipprHs 1I1lrlnl 1I1lrlnlIl1wbrakl tiprPm4IngInwtirakaN inn innlawbreakers lawbreakers They Thl tirR th tI orieiiii7a orieiiii7atloii or1uLhzaI rl111 170 tloii 11 I tuft of If militia uiiillt Ii for the Ih I hi preservation IlIllollllr toti of ordi IIIdr IIIdrUlld itrahunit runit unit he ii prRlitiliK grant Iii lit of if the I I ii privhegit rhIia to Ta planters plantersto tliitit ItS ItSlii to maintain small hiuleiuU guards toirtts at their theirown I hnlrOWII heIrawti own iXens iXensIarli i XIIII Xt tipe tipeIvI1iL ot 1111 IvI1iL tY Ill IZEIrIsIs IZEIrIsIslarh I I It 10 10Iarl Iarli llearn I Tlmt Is IlI tIlia uii IrR rn Soon to tofull IIIIull taiIiatI full Illtit Rrlirl 11111 llniiil llniiilSfrtHI 1111111SHII hlatiata5PhII SfrtHI IMe fI I ititf lt Unptcli ttp I Li rilE Tti Ttitit SIN SivPMIIH PMIIH A tUt in A sHiai 1 IIi teienrain ttI ralll to tothe 10II tot the II Iii 3Iah Uohn a from rom Ii dunyra 1 iuit vrt stites sI I a 1 to ibat I tho thoiluatlon 11111ilIJIII ho hoit iluatlon ilIJIII it JILt lOll in Veneuela I17ull1 continually ailc 111111111 be becoming tOII1II1K tu tucot coming cot ihii wors or Thiioi Tlu ilL il1IIrlnl isitt i iMicnf tli1 I meetinu meetinuwith I1Iin I1IinlIIIh to fl gs with It I i rcpfited rfI alt iii rovcrscH rtI grid a nil Pre rrld PrIiitit nt fiu fiutro I It tro ti still 11 III delays to I take tllk IL ha tlie I i field lrlllftln SRnlnut a zt lnt his hisenemies hi hinIIIII hta enemies a nIIIII nii Ii hit Th Ihe in illlIrnl I titi nrents rent a hold 1alllh all at I the 10 port portuIn prlIII NIii III the I lit country CathILt ry except pt Puerto ti Cnlello i1t Ilt Mara Maraen iltrical IaralIIJINJ lIIJINJ cal I in llnol 11 iu1Im iu1ImillI i tia Iii Iiilehl illI en Hamoss troops nro encamped nearnltd flvo flvoor 1111Jor fltuor or nix il miles mil from 111 iuayra and an lit nttnck litlall litnih tnck IINIII tic I I II town Is I hourly IIIIlIrl expectud expectudWhen eIxvtaiiIILtI lpNledWhlll When ILtI this Ihl haplxtm liii Ph iTi tho Ih ho plno will III probably probablyIK hlrtI1i rnhnhlylWI lly llyI IK lWI I abandoned Iij iitItiea I by tho I ho lovernmnnt to vii rturhIrat foroos forooswho Cre Crewho fiirotsWIll who have IIII boen II ordered to retlro to tt Caracal CaracalTrnins amc amcIrllill aracairiiitiia Trnins from Caracas nre beIng ntopppd ntopppdby atOpftIItv 10111It by It cho ho reUls 1110 ami ths I he pasMii5erH robbed robbedTho rohltITho rohttscIlhio Tho doverninent iorruJn III has ho1 noird nil tho III cold coldand goutiiiitl IJIII IJIIIaIIIr and aIIIr silver In iho tim ho Rink of Venezuela IIl7IIII Thero TheroIs ihiernIts Is I already premium of 3 per cent Int on on gold goldand goldIIlItI goldFihii and Fihii I a considerably rlso 11 Is I Isix expected expectedsriMiiHv lletol00rIWIItII Itctuii ItctuiisfIsl1 sriMiiHv sfIsl1 hItIvI io 11011 uThree nHIIl nHIIlThrI 1ITfItYTILrei Three lreneh MBttIe 11111111111114 lilH inslly 1t 11all II Till TnrprilnMl rathlpillapil prilnMl III II Sliniu 111111 IUhl IUhlip lllhlptCW IthitSjecli ip ptCW Cufc CoO ZJflpJf I Till rll TmiTotuoN SIN srnTOVION SINTonos TOVION Am All III Dining lJull liii tit naval shnm shnmflRht Ihnll1lilthl iIintiifight fight off oh IlyowH Jly I I ytris rt Oil Ill the I Ii French Medileirn Medileirnneon 1oIiIITIIn1111 IttIit CIT1I neon coast COi st the Ih I tt pubmarln Pt ii uIfl riti Umts I Mflt lutnvo lutnvo2rdi ittt a vc vc7ids 2rdi 7 and iymtiot were sent lIt out from fromthu frorntll frntnthai thai tll harbor tn pttnck tin fl fleet repreentlnK repreentlnKthe rpro Inlhl InlhlIIII the enemy 11111 Travelling at a dpth oC 1111 1111t toriott nfeyt feyt ott 1 lielow thin Mirfaco IIllfa they I lit reached tho thofleet I thet ho ho11IfI fleet nnd ogui I torpedoed thrco Ihl It tin bnttleiliips bnttleiliipsthe Il tllr I 1041r1pa 1041r1patIla hil hiltll the tll crew IfW of which were flr nnnwaru of ofiho orI oht iho I hI presenco Iittn of the I ht MibmarinoH ttil nitrsucs until II lint lit 11 the theloriHdoinB 1111Inrpdoln I tic tictortaiIoIng loriHdoinB was 4 Inn dOli1t1lm dniI Innitnn itnn I V1V in 11111 iII ItIsG roniv ronivHe TO1t1II iOIIlit He II Hill lIIlIrllr III llrhe llirnn 1111111111111 Ilirnaihi i liar fit 11 lit an Olin OnrnvptrUI IIllrnta OlinIarrlnv ta Iarrlnv IarrlnvimrlI rrl 11 11tr11 vptrUI imrlI tr11 fiir a liirnteli rdtrll 1 Tnr TII snfosII sex sexIxiMtrt stt sttIlNrH IxiMtrt Aui ihg The Th KIng litn and Ijueen Ijueenon Qti ctF ctFill on ill coming 0 II hUg to I Iunion Lm cloll tomorrow lIIorroW i itftoriioon itftoriioonwill II tO rilir rilirtIriv will drive ilril by oireuitoUH route which hih will willU willW tiI tiII I II milo HliI in II Icnuli Ito I from Vlcnrln icnr hi Station Stationto II111nI at I ITI to I TI tliickinphniu Pnhiro lIlnll to I 0 enable ihr I I ha haa I IInillr einiur iniur to a wel IInlf vlrt uno tth them I I ieni They Ih Ilio will I 11 occupy occupynn occIti III IIIIn i itill nn open In cnrriase Ilrria eayritig mid titi 1 ill 1111 Ix ii escorted 1111 by a asqiridron IIIlIlIlron ii iiir11c1 sqiridron ir11c1 ci ron of I I Iif if Ular UlarTh lards lardsThe ia rI rIIIn The Th KlnR 1ln has hn asked kiL iho i official who hn will willhave 1111ha tII have ha chart chii ri of I II liii lis journey JlIrl1 Ji iththi from I owes owesnot OWl OWltilt 4 not to treat roII riat him as it an invalid invalidin 11I1l1i1I in lI rvnoiit 1101 tziivc 1111 vrs IIKIX ini nv nvOlipoio TIIt110 Tl TlhIlilinsa Olipoio IIt110 llrlllli ii nt Ill Plyi II i Mr II Ito I I Abolition 1111 It I iou Mr MrSliarrlliTi Ir IrSlIlIrrIU ritrrtlNi SliarrlliTi Stilenieat StilenieatMprrlit SIallnltlItSptrl1 Stitafllriltcprt Mprrlit cprt it CW IirlffKlrh pllrrll lo I it TlIK SIV SIVSiiANdliAt SIlISIIIIIII it itSIlttAl SiiANdliAt AUR I Ut 5 Mr Ir Sbaltiti the theAiiierlenn II IIo1I11rknll thjiA Aiiierlenn A tiirhin ii Tariff fit rifT tommifsloiier spunking spunkingat 1 1aik lklll lklllal I I hr hrilL at a batuuet I her hrl tonlpbt lUIII sTild that tho thoxoplo Ih IhlopllJ tbI xoplo I Mil1 of China I hi I on Men i cii 1 grain round rulln riai to I I the I iii verfjo verfjoof vrgtof lr ooC of 1II1 psi Hmir LIII by I IV the Ih hii taxation 1i1 alJI1 at tjn Imponil r1110 fOil iUI i 1 by I the thecentral IhInlll1l It ItCant central Cant rn I irvernmenl irvernmenlSpoililnR ifrrnrnlnlHr1ln vortihiiiTit vortihiiiTit4toaIng SpoililnR Hr1ln individually and 1111 1 unofficially unofficiallyho ho stlrt lit was 11 1l opposed lo It the Ih abolition of ofthe orIhn ohliii the Ilkln and 1I111llh the subrllutioli lIhIIIIII of itthitiIt tax taxwhich iI iIwlaldl which hitiIt would bo I to dl it 1101011 I iKtroiiH tpT rollS to all Ia Iaparlklllarl iihitirt Jparticularly particularly hitirt IttiIarl the Vniteil lIill1 State StateASKS tah Iatti IattiiVStI ASKS 41 1 nitrrixn covsrs iVStI iVStIlirt HKCAII HKCAIIInrte IttHnrll Inrte nrll i Aeeii Ans4 es Him I I tan of au nmniiinlcallnK nmniiinlcallnK111th OllinutlIlCat II IIIttI 111th lIh the llpbeln at linnrlt linnrltUprclal lillnIIprrldll IainiIISprclal Uprclal prrldll IiMr tOl Hnptiltli Li THE rzItltltus MX MXIAIIIH 1N1lUIi IAIIIH Am Aug II The ti Iijarj uroJ piililislios ntelcRrnm IIlIIm LItelegiiin telcRrnm lIIm from Constant ColIt iget 11111 inoplo I Iipi assortln 11111111 asott lug thatj thaI thaIthu ILat tiLl Porto has 1Il1 irquefted II11 Ie 1 tho recill cl11 of tho thollritlsh Ih IhIIritth thialInt I llritlsh lInt i4i Coniiil 0011 I nl I Ilaisora la om on tho ti ground groundthat grIiili grIiiliI rlInti rlIntiIh11 that I Is I In cqniniunlenilon Omnllll1lcnlllII MInI fl itintct I Ill with ttjt I i the th ho reltels reltelsat 11111ot roltobat at Kowel No reply been 1 11 received receivedfrom rl ractIveaifrom Ild Ildfrorn from thu th British lrtl iovernment iovernmentiiiiM ivornLnotltG1lfl1I Irrnmlntm G1lfl1I iiiiM lI uis iivi 0 TO i 0 rHi rHiNorth 11 11orlh 111or North orlh or ii Jeniinn ariii it ii llod I 11 at nnd lliiiiiliiirKAiiirr lliiiiiliiirKAiiirrlenn IIlImhllr I I atIiIiirt lIIlr Ill CF CFIcati lenn Ioine 4 01111 iltit 0 to I I nn fl fl ARrreiiient ARrreiiientspffol arrrllllul arrrllllulprrl kFeClIt Iiit IiittpCtht spffol prrl 1 iMM tr JNt nnpMth 11 rUt si1 si1IlElitlN 3lN 3lNIIEinIN IS ISIIEIIIIS IlElitlN An1 AIlIt 5It 5 Jr is I nnnounred that thattho tho lit IlnmburKAinerican I larul urg A icrlcti lull Sleanihlilp I lit I en all1fohlp t01 1111 i Ilni Ilniwill 1lu 1luwill 11 iii iiithiI a will In futiiro 1I1uro carr 1111 rry on trodo witb Ith Cuba Cubaln rullaIII CuhiiiIn ln combination I csiutit Inn loll with It hi tho li North Nort Cierman CiermanLloyd rnia 1110111 1110111Llurd rI Lloyd I Company CIIII11 atlnpatly the Ih latter Itit her concurrently concurrentlyMopping mllClIrrt cslhclIrrohil nll nllIoloppln I Ihtopplhig Mopping ith III1YI pervlce fn I of sicameri eatflfrh to Mexico Mexicofor slexkuI I xlm xlmor for I or fleifnreli nl rlrlh In Anatolia AnatoliaSpecial tuiatollaSpecbd lIlIolla81tClul Special CM ibIP I linfiltlt fl Tin IIP SPW SPWBintlN ii iiBiittis IS ISHIIIIS BintlN Ans All 5 now III nrchsB iloKlenl iloKlenlsociety society HoII has hl1 been founded today toln for tho thopurposo thopurpoo thuItIrP purposo ItIrP i0 of conductIng researches I nnd nut ex excavations IXOtlonln oxcavotlons cavations Otlonln In Anntolla Dr WnMemnr Beck Beckthe Bockliii the explorer of Armenia and ntielont Cnp Cnppadocla 111 111pl1lloelll op padocla has been rll appointed first f1r president presidentof of au tho Bocietv COItI COIMVhtI YUI IIVTW IIVTWIIrllhh PLIVVfJihrltlshi llrliHIi joTrrniiirnl ernitielit Now ow OtNCOtIUhti VRatlallnc Hllh HllhIho Itli Itlitin tin Krlf rlr inrrnliiK niruuhii rolonlei rolonleiSpttlM lIlnnlr lIlnnlrpWoJI aihatIuIeqSpcIiJ SpttlM pWoJI Cite lt llripHi la Till Slv Sl IxiNiHjv Am AII III tilt Honso lJolI of Com Commoim CornIIIOllli moim this thl afternoon Mr 11 Arn 111 IdForster ltl or 11 Parliamentary larlll1U1lll1I Swrrtary ICrNar of tho Ill Admiralty Admiraltybtltlolisto dlllirall dlllirallnltl vI nltl hat I Ih tIo qlltll1 oC olulInl moOt 1I1rl rt btltlolisto 111111011 1011 louis 10 tlr III navy 1111 was now the Ih hi subject subjectof lIhjIor lLtJ taf of citmmimlcationi Cifl rutinleat Iori letwe 1111111 tot we iho lii IinH 111111111 tnt Ikrhtl riil Uovenuiiiit laverL tIIILt ml I hi I llu I hi KtlfKovcrnlnn tthfgva IfIOIIIIII1 rnlng i lo lonliM 1 IoriIi nliM nliMIn 110 110III III ivsard 11 1r tIJ fast LiSt armed cruisers rill tho Ih Admiralty AIIIIIIi1II A iuirtl ralLy ho said would not II lit Hiil lIhIII lIhIIInil tItiIz ldl ldlnny nny nil 0 Ii vssolsovp 1 ovr IV which tv lillli they lll I had I nih ftl ftlcoi h1ultrd ft I coi ultrd Oit nl iluriiijt a Iurill hu Ciii ths I ha coniltiiianco tuIt ItLtli hico of tho thosubsidy thuIIl I liii liiitiibhaIv subsidy subsidyIn IIl IIIv IIIvIII III tilt tl IlotiMt of linls 1 lrl this 1111 111 after afternoon IICtNIInOIl noon Iml I II rt I Onslow I Fnder I Itdor Secretary Hrrtn of Slut for or the Ih I lie Colonies t1I11I1I1 aid III reply pl lo loa 10II toii II question hhhiMt kti that iho I liovernmeiit had hadreceived received 110 dlHelsl coniniunlcatiuu COIILIItialicit Ion of ofthe IIfIht If the I Ii negotiatioiH 1101 lit lOll 1OIIS wcin 111 1 thu I hu I iu Cimndian I Pacific llallwiiy HulI itLiIlLi nnd ulllllh the thi Cniindlan Govern Government tiavartiuIliiIt ment III regard uI gLlrd 11111 to the Iii hi oiablishmint of ofn fust line Jill of steamships 1tII hl betwien 1111 II Catia I 01111 01111tlhiiti dlnn nnd anrlllrllhh British hilt Itli ports portsTin lirl lirlfllOolIlIInlIl ri riFlit Tin fllOolIlIInlIl ioveriiniHiit Ulioved IitaiI howover that thatinHot IIIat11Iyotinllolltl hat hattIIgtt inHot 11Iyotinllolltl lilt ions to I 0 till I iI end tilt 111 I wem we In proKress iogresshut i but it wns ILi ignorant as a to whet wh her they II IIwlllliol liar liarOILI1I would OILI1I result In Pit itlifnctury IIrIr conelmion conelmionThe unlluillllIll The Ill hii tovcniinoiit prruuI he mid lIhl would fnvor nfast nI IIut fast I ut sieamship ptiiriihi falll lil i1t sorvico 1111 rt tat IIWII tiat IWKII tii ili I I lt Inltcd InltcdHitiRdom lnllr1HlIIr1om I hI Itii I Il HitiRdom lit gi 1010 and any it fly part of I hU lai Majestys Majestysdominions iI 1ljl Ijtst 1 1hlllllllo lt lta dominions dominionso a hlllllllo hllllllloSII 111th hiihttiii hiihttiiiI SII I on flVlIsSItiL Iill sio sirs 01 ro nnrvrcs nnrvrcsllentrs 1I1t11l fF1rs fF1rsittltel llentrs That He I I a Mencd tiaaI a Petition IaI I I hits Ac AcLllilttllllKlllS llilllt eI LllilttllllKlllS lilllt I uiatit 1I11fI1I1 I nh gilig 1lll1t 1lll1tilO1 Illlt IllltSpecial tilt I ISpeciLI Special IMt I ibe I ItcifHfh Jll rll Ii TIIK rll MX MXIAlits 1i1 1i1III itc1IIIM IAlits III Aug ttl II 6 Tlio Mbntu lItlt bjtm piiblislus piiblislustho i ith tho th answer of fI former I apt Dreyfus to totho 10Ih tothita tho Ih statement itLit IhhfIit mado by Jen ll dnlliffoi dnlliffoiformer 11111110 11111110torlllr 1iitrtformer former Minister 11 Iihlltii of War that I at in tdKiilnn tdKiilnnhU IIJeIlIIl1I1 slgul tig tig11th hU 1I1 petition 1 till Jn fop a lI1nlllll intinii ho tOreCIIIIrlllllttd tflroflliith Droyfiis Droyfiisadmitted admitted iith IL It titi his lii it las gti uilt lIt Capl ta tpl Pt DrcyfiiM denies deniestlmt dllIll4thn dui lets letsthin thin hi I tiignod i nd a petit htt It Ion aeknowlndKiiiK aeknowlndKiiiKa a crime rhn which he Imd IIlrllIlIl not committed committedOn lIIIIIIIIIIIIOil ciIhlrhiIt tOt tOtI On I In till I hita night tit ghit that the Ih I hi court OOII rI at Hennes Hennescondemned HIIIIllt1nI lilthllelaCtlhihtttuiIttl condemned lt1nI IIIId him Ill III hn ia 1itn1 tnel I a Ktitioli I let It lull to tlio tlioCouncil I lill lillauincii hmlllcil Council nskiiiR for revision 111i lIlII but iw II this thisilnlMded IlIhIrnltId tuftshtitsdvd ilnlMded the Ih I I KranfinR grLLbLin of tho Ih tie pardon pa rdoti pro proposed propu posed pu by Hi IIJ lii MinlMrr lioll rt ho lii was tsi persuaded persuadedto I Ito to withdraw lthrlrl1 It II Without nskins for or but butcreptIng blltIll hutaCPt Ill aCPt creptIng In Ing tin pardon ho left tho I II prison prisonprotesting prlonprolItUIt PrionPtt protesting Ptt it tSt lii his Iii it Iniiocniicn jnllll fri I 11011CC IH and LIUI declarim declarimIds lIartll lIartllhl ghil Ids hl determination to I seek lesl 111 rovlhlon rovlhlonof of th 11 tie verdict verdictnrnris verdkitnic fdietmIlIIIj nrnris nic sni TO TOrr 1 iv SUM SUMHill MIUHili cituitll Hill Twrntjlho Tit nit lIt OMIrirs Hilt art iincrnnirnt tilllrlllllllItnnl huh iincrnnirntKemh arnttl alt I Itlttal Kemh Out Trrtnp TrrtnpLONDON TrnniHIrl11 TrnotiSpcld Irl11 iI I IIrl utpr4l THC SlN SlN1SlIo Sti1ozto LONDON Aug 5 A depat dr pal from frollllnn frollllnnII run Hant Hantkoi linaclolL lolL II htnttu rtttt that I roo f1 Shan trihoometi tIIIfIIIIIII1I1 tIIIfIIIIIII1I1izrd havo havoseized loiscattttci seized izrd the tll town of MuaiiR Pray Prllylrlllnrililrll PrllylrlllnrililrllShIn In northern northernSlim 111St htarui htaruiIittl Slim Iittl nnd hold ii LIo LJi4tshiiLi seinloaof inll oC Tiicir nil 101111 101111tr nt 0I tr rK an bin inT IrIlra1 ased by 11 other trIbes trlbcsmon trllAjrnn trIbesti1n mon and they till nro collecting riot friia CrdlilI CrdlilIJtllhlnlll fr iii tho thointiattlaMts tlaiIIhIittiLaht intiattlaMts intiattlaMtsThe JtllhlnlllTh iIIhIittiLahtilir The Th Shans iha Iii killed hiimd twentyllvo WlhT tlvta Siamrw Siamrwcivil RiallllciiI Sji tLtii tLtiicisil civil rfflcern in IlIlh the ha town IIIII but left others tin tinmolested 101itioIctetI molested The ho only 1 tiropean woman at atMtuing atIItinng Mtuing Pray rrt wns In missionary tniiiinr She has hasnnlved ha hanIl hiainriivoal nnlved nIl 111 safely at MUIHR llIall Iakon Eight FlRhtFiirican ElrhlIurfIaU EightLi Fiirican Li I rr1xa nit remain r1I111 tilt ii 11 nt Minns it utu Pray whither whllhrf whilthortOMtraKlll 2000 tOMtraKlll troops Imvo Ixen sent OIit I II by tM Slaiueso Slaiuesodovfrnlnent Slalll SlallllIowrllln SI3ILiCtuaVrhilflellt dovfrnlnent dovfrnlnentma lIowrllln lIowrlllnIlUi aVrhilflelltItl ma Itl riii IUII fl I i iMure iVIfXGIIIV iVIfXGIIIVti IlIWitIl1 IlIWitIl1ltllll Mure ti sire Than HI000000 14 I HatKII stolen St aian li I Hie Hieinierrs Ihrumlrn I tIe tIetmier inierrs of II limlclplllv limlclplllvMJfrial IIIIIIIIII IihiiItliahttifIdI III IIIVtrral MJfrial CaMc ai lirsputrti to THE TII StN StNIIHHtiN StN1IIIIS SILI IIHHtiN I ltitiu i Am At I Hiinrinoiin Et run ti frntidson frnltht on Ibo Ibopart I Ihiatt part of I iho I Io municipal Intl tI ltllial authorities UI it lion LIS have been beendiscovered 1tl 11011allovtril Udl discovered dl otn111I in the Ih town of MariiTliprrsicno MariiTliprrsicnopel 1 rlTh In pel 111 I i nuncAry Fl tuia ry A 4 sum UIII aniouutiiiR nrnotint III01illtlll lug to to lfdo lfdoom IFOOOli I OO OOii om Oli ii kroner WiOooiii fAOflOt has disappeared from fromthe frotht rolll rollltill I the lii city dl chest dlr 1 nm 11111 a tiLl Iho I lie mllppll 1II tIhhi1phictit pllIaliol1 ation hoti of ofbetween oflstssetai between 5N fmoiioo nnd Bonndon kroner has hasbeen hll been 911 traced I riicats I to ii fourteen fi ti rt itrl ofllcers who wi i i havo havobeen hiavonrrotrti been nrrestnl nrrestnlPending arr11t1JItllnlt nrrotrtiI Pending I eu Il tip an ILlllnrpir au Inquiry lnrj I I iry by 1 the Iii Mayor nnd tho thoChief Ihlthlf I ho hoiiif Chief hlf Treasurer fr lIr they Ihr have been relieved of oftheir I Ihir oflitsir their functions furct bins Tho frauds trii iii a havo be ri rigoing IIlrlt going iolti lrlt on fop years yearsmoors rCo1rnmorl yoiriTItOOPS moors nriit AT 11 MIV iIlItilll1 iIlItilll1u iIlItilll1Irltlltt IIIGI1tLtr1uiai I Ilrnnee lrnnee Offers to hi Ulllnlrnu Hhen ii lieu 11 IhrOlhrr IhrOlhrrPower Ih tile IIlhr tlharIitt 111 Power Ir On OnsirrM1 Itopo sirrM1 po MWr I llfsynlrH 10 Tlir SIS SISSIMKIIIIU SI SIoi1lUIII StiSIIA SIMKIIIIU SIIA iI I 5 I Aug IJI 5 i The Th Fronch 11 1 1111 Consul ConsulIero il ilI Iero 11 I era yesterday Vatst torda tala lotil tti I tlo I la Chino hill Ii ifliit it ppn ppnfpiitntivp rolnfIatlI ca caipitat fpiitntivp ipitat Lvi that I lint Frnnpi Irnll was a willing illhlj to with withdraw williIra tit hi hiI draw I Ira her troops lip from frau nlll Sliiumhni 4I il ti ghn I ns soon as asthe nRI the I Iii other Powers agreed II to take talt similar similarneiion illlilarnr neiion nr ion on International I lit nrtiit 1118 I jeitousy I1110u ttlnl isv makes IIInl iiii lets tho thorOlhdrnwnlof Ih Ihtllulranl I Iii Iiiilitlritval rOlhdrnwnlof tllulranl of tintroops lit I rIop 10 highly II hl iinpribibe iinpribibePremier Premier lUrlon lo He llrre llrrev hen henit iM it 1 iiUr I LLI I riiirt rIIr li TUB nI I siv sivLoNttox Sl SlloslJlJs iViTNla LoNttox TNla AUR A IIp 5 Mr ml Ir Kdmtind I 1111 HIll Barloll Dart on onPremier onuahiiIir Premier tho lIt Austrnliin AthtT 1J Irnllt1l Commonwoalth Commonwoalthwill IIIII1I101llthwill tiiitiio svtalt Ii IiwIll will Mart Inrl for home by way of SOl York ork on onAUR 0111IJ20 onAug AUR 1IJ20 30 TTie 111 neatlirr neatlirrThe WanthicrTIle lIlhrr lIlhrrThe The jirewiire win 1V3 irndirauly low lot yislrriiny yislrriinyiluiiK Isterda IsterdaLI trta trtael el LI iluiiK 1111 the Ih MIclJIc 1I11 hue le Atlantic 1I3nl nail Niw tv Kniilanil In 1nti llIlul liii liiiIiir cout coutllur llur 1111 whlili iausiil lwwrrx III Ihe latter sectIon sectIonfht srctlonThire lIon lIonChll Thire Chll fht at w3s i a inuir IIIU rncrcttlc I I iliirrMlnn foolrMI liver Ibo IboLnhi IbuIakc thaiIakc Iakc nKlun imivtni raMutnl mill nilrnilcil nlltll tI by byIhunilir blIhUluhr bythiutittir Ihunilir Miirms Mi tllrm TillS nnil horn I hIgh HMI 11111 iiiIs llnre Ih thitr WITH WITHtIiundfri IuIhulillfrrrn 1 IT ITihiUhltItTiIiIttflS tIiundfri Ihulillfrrrn irmH III Mhlil tOm itn lllliiol cau aoln rii riiInuit rtlIott Inuit Iott A Inillan ililu IIhl It Siii iul Ilern I lcm rrnnyvanli rrnnyvanliilsrnlirn1 rciiritutanla ilsrnlirn1 a 1 hell tier orr a Hr iF ilic country COIIIlr 01181 the caTtier Ii allltl wa lU a ai ucn ucnriolly gcnaOtIt nnl1 riolly aOtIt nl1 ttlr ttlrTlirrc TIIT1lure Tlirrc 1 re lIto tc4 an au alta ot it hleh ht prrwiiiro puMilug puMilugmilinaninaril tuh tuh1Inllatultl tiuishitiiittlNttiTi1 milinaninaril trout 0111 Mimtana unln4 rtrrylni wltli Uh It Itinuli IIIIIUdl Itii inuli ii uli roulr urnilicr tint hit It ttfln we I I warinrr Wil Ttfltr wltli It 11111 111111I1 tIlt wiiiie wiiiielilcf I4IIIeIil lilcf 1I1 triiuifrntiirfs In the Ih Trniirvci Tnll Anti olilo val valIrys satItt al alI Irys I Itt alIt a ovr 0 ova th hIP nrratrr pan ut it tile III IaU 131oe rrdunH rrdunHU rclunslIhnlll1 TCltouiiailItlIhIl lIhnlll1 stuitili lie Lii wanner ta hf htrIuIA htrIuIAIn here re luilny luilnyIn to tiy tiyin In hilt Ihl city clI yfsicrUay Ii ua IM fair with lIh lint Mlchl Mlchlrlirnci tItghOrIitne ltlhlrhrn rlirnci rhrn oh 1 lnipcrinii winds InVi In gras ullIItol souttloestlit nutbw ullIItolIII tIn In iritlt nvirasi nlr srN Iininlillty hlllllltlll67Iwr hiti tiihiitt ill 7pcr Itr cent III baroiniur baroiniurnirrpctiilturiailto tJeroulItorcurrttlllt baioiiirtrciritCttil nirrpctiilturiailto currttlllt lu TI nail nllo losei ta alivfl ictet 11 at al6 6 AMJ 1 I Iv S1 1 I II IIWO I IIHO Itmto WO jTn Tn 1110 irnipfMliirs ynterhtr 51 i reonl1 hy Ilic Ilicofilrlal Iheorcl1 IlICutIrlit ofilrlal Ihrmomfifr IInd ul AI lvt Iiy TIIK SLNH Sus ot lhr lhruiuirrrr Iherowmtltr ItierinuitletIr uiuirrrr it tli hit street level Is I shown ti iho an ant anuod InleU uod ieil lajli I llel tlcM rr 1 run Puta 1 nfftlel tlt rrcl fut itJl tIMC Iiii IMC 1 iii lent If 117 iiit i7 ri I loot lieu id idIIA 1Ofn IIA A I 3 iV 73 76 I nr I 71 II 7 Jii JiiI2JJ I2JJ 12 I 711 is 7 1i 7 ai 1 I 7V 7VJI 73 73a fl7 JI a I I Iii IZMId 12 lIj Tl 72 7 74 74WilUIIVOTONIOllFCHTlOIITO jIII 71WtIlNOTOi WilUIIVOTONIOllFCHTlOIITO WtIlNOTOi III OTO rnlp lOtCtAMT tOlITOP DATiNDTO iNn TO ilOHHOW ilOHHOWfor 110181WFor for 10 rdstfrn Vrti rif rt York 01 stnicrrs I serr rr fflttwfd by fntr fntrtinS fJ fJanlf Phian tinS an coir In dint IaI 10 mirror Or ftilr jir iml fottlrr tr brisk briskicutrivmt Om Omoulllu bruicOUI5IIe1 icutrivmt oulllu ihtttlno In nnriliicfit u1n Utnll Utnllor wlntstr tl tlfur fur or Uliirlfi ol if rultimlilii caslem lfnaylvnnla lfnaylvnnlaDflawtrr 1onIonla1Jlawarf Ienny1vtinItthAI3ri Dflawtrr Marylnd Vlriliili lr loh anti New ew Jer Jfot JfotOfal Jtrey JtreyIoiI ry rylocal local rain follownt lay tilt and rooter Indiy Indiyto I ds to morrow tiltr ilr anil cooler Ie trwli Mulhwrit Jhlfl Jhlfllilt IbillInl bltI bltIhutf lilt lu northur rllII et wind windIor wll wllIor WILIIIIor Ior or tIm II New 1 York ork hnncr fnllnwrd by fair fairtniliy tallloh MItiomIiI tniliy loh with lhii nwlrr In Ii cnn ta icrtloii lriIOi brisk hrl north northweal northIsest weal 1 wInd shriil 10 ninrrnw tulr fit It WOODRIOTOULD WOODRUFF WOULD VIOULDBE BE SENATOR SENATORs rrs Ji iv 1 IUI77MV llIISl7I itonriiv or orIT fl flsi IT si iiv 14 sns 1 IJ US TIM TIMlint 7IHIIlIt 7 7lttit lint He Hardly 1111111 llilnkv 1111111 Platt Mill lit llellre llellreVont lId ira iraont Vont ont Itiiu Attain 10111 lair 11 Ilentinter Ilentinternor 1lclltCIIIrrlorHilll Cr Criii nor lorHilll iii llaiU ha tl 1rom I torn llurope llailiiR I I a i In Seen SeenIhe 101111II i ihit hit II Ioiir Cities 111 a Imbreltn Avtu AvtuIieutiuv AsutIktit 1 1IpllrUo Iieutiuv Iktit IpllrUo I 5 Tlinorliy fhnoth hiy I Woodruff iiiI lrIlIY re retuineil rt rttnnll napIlitiest tuineil tnnll 1 homo from torn ICurope Ellr Ii it yesterday 1I1trd1 Pt rrihit till llwwas JI JIwa was wa amoiiR LIII ill tho th I lit notabilities tiotabil It Ia who lO arrived LI ml teal on onthe 1111I the 11 I I it Kaiser Kaki Wlhelm 1ltlthllr der drosse lrs Mr 11 Yood Yoodniir ii ti titLt 1 It niir tLt had what hi called a inort oxcltltiK oxcltltiKexperience tx1t In InxprilIICI big big5IsrIaliia experience i than any nil on iii his hi Ihreemonlhs Ihreemonlhstrip luicihlainthlarill hs hstrp trip JIM nflerheleft after Itt lIft thelirirspier Ihllirr tic hiri pier nt the thefoot 1111I thutiiiit foot I of dnnseviirt I nris iirt street A horse hr drnw drnwiiiR dlll tirasog iiiR og coupe 11 inn iiwny nu lltSLtt headitii for the theIiiMitriinntinventor III III1IIII1111 ttiIsriialr IiiMitriinntinventor 1IIII1111 11ruor lie 11 dudpil ltI quickly 1111111 1111111hilI IIiltkllls Into I lls his hi prlvaio omnibus aIlluI 14 Tin mnawny mnawnyran ItlllaII ItlllaIIIHI i ran 1 1111 nRainsi I1II1L an au iron irot IKISI 1 and Ml 11 Ii III IIIltcJcIIl stnicIt ns nsIdeldiiR IdeldiiR ltcJcIIl icIt hi i tho I I ii cuiiio tJllptl 0111 Ii to il pieiii pill fItOs when iS Ill WIIIH III DIIO DIIOcut ti0till cut ill lit I he ii traces I rae ricois and II II I released nIa 1 it The liell liellliimntdovertior IlltI1IIUIIIiIlIIIUI I ku kuatiuILt liimntdovertior I atiuILt tverxlriI said saidI taftI nltl nltlI I prohably shall inII not I i ciindldnlo ciindldnlofor t1 I Ullid 11111151 II It Ittr a af for ir lleutenanldovernor 11IIItIIIIUI I ttuti iii I II liulrllor 1 I willniy will a Ill hlllIlrllo ay nlmost nlmostcertainly a I tIioit tIioitcerttihiil I Ilrlullll certainly lrlullll not I xnld hilton I left fur furrurope Cor1llrI firhtiri rurope 1llrI htiri tlmt I hit I wntnt camllutu l1l1dlt luul 111111111111 that I hilt hiltI 1 wouldnt airept III rail the th lii iriinliiiitloti lIiIllllIat Thats Thatsthe Thill ThillII is ist the II lit way wm I fwj uliriiit I now nowI 1 I wns tLn a Rlnl to IK I hat a candiibttotlie iitiaIitIttt tlia Ilivt Ilivttliio IIn IlnItilti tliio 1111 llu1 1 nMond ollli time 11m I wiw Ill iriillffereiit iriillffereiitabout In IruilITirajtaboilt lIl1I11I101lt about Ii would III fact have hll preferred nut nutto hitto to inn I lilt Tim ThII1 Ihts hint time Ihn I wan driKned lilt intit 1 1ft it nipilnst lIU 1 my III wIll 111 anti only ttil neptKl 111 ac ptaii leatiso IrUII Ito eatiso rUII 0 lii list I had to 1 I was wa ll for iir Itlnek I tltc They Theynomlnutod ihieyIiOIltltlataII nomlnutod mo 111 in tpilo Iilt of II my III protest protestThey plJlt I Irlr They rlr wont do 10 that thii 111 year ar As to towho I Iwho tt ttw who Iii will bo lii the lit candidate I I havent litseu it tho tholeast tliilast least Idea As t4 for a the II I lit Icvernorship I Irseriurisli dov dovOdell linlOdtlllt is istIell Odell Odtlllt tIell litn i 1111 Is renoininnted rIIIUIIIIIIIIIIII1I1III ririoutil 11111 aai anil be Iti will willi it re reelected r11cll1 rcaeliot elected eliot tt Kvory ono IIIIOWH II I 11 ss lint I Ii i i vOdell st Odell iIetI Is I the II Ii man jllnll thai only 11111 man tutu fur I tb tbplace II IIiililcs place No I one Oil can LIII touch him If the theDemocrat II IIPIIIIrlll tii tiilIctIhtrill Democrat put up the iii sin tI ingest nnlt man in their theirparty liiirhirt party 1111 dfv Ii I uv Idill will defeat ai Iiit him himIn ItllllIft hijiiiI In I ti the Ih he event 111 of if ils II UliiR I el ii pa poIIt I llil I Ill hint thntSoliutor tltotSeuulr hintSitttor Soliutor ilatt I lIlt will sv II I not hI 1 pi 1 gm i Uick lo I tlio I I io Senate SenateI lInlt lInltI I would sti ollltll it ihi lie I to very 111 desirous dsl roots to I I made Thu Ii Senator Senatorto Snat It ItIt to It succeed him I do tI I not think I thero Is Isnuv Ituu Isiii nuv uu chamv of if it It Senator StLiii or Plait I I Miitvc MiitvcMill bII lsIfnvai Mill i ill return Iurll to ti the Senate Hut if by I any nil niil11tSitfhitY possibility lllilil he II should hlIltllllll not dfsin In go 1Ihl1d bad 1 ie iolaiit iit that I vimid si Id very ry inucli like lik lo i I IIII tI tItiiratti Hindi III Initcii I rail Stales Slat Snator iititot It in nn flu am bition till inll worthy 1I0rl aJJt of niiy III man Ii hall Hut ns long IlIlI IlIlIiIalor as asSi a Si iIalor 41 nator Platt deslres Ih tnrt lo I txinliutie Jilt ititil there therewill tlllrwilli I lien lienstill will willi Ixi 1s no candidate IIlIlidnl nKainsI 111111 him hihuisIr MIr Mr sIr Ir Woodruff iotlotfl sid 11 I that I tist he I Ii would 111111 IihI make makea IIl1kn a call ti on Senator I1I1I11r TiaI hull liii I at the 11 hit Orinntnl Orl rInt flal a I Hotel Hoteltoday JIlIdll I I it If Iftotiti today Idll Mr 1 lt UoodrulV rail ri ill reriirjed rrca Jd it flat nn nnencournijini nilIItIIlIraliIJIt OIlaigri encournijini sign IIII that tilt Independent Independentllcpiiblicnns hlllIc1r1IJIlblirnn llcpiiblicnns hiLlel lilfoOtIs were 1 tahlnif tiI I ti nn a II iIIt tocr1 in inpolitics IIIpoliti ii iiIwlEttIcs politics politi at this hi seaon a ill 1 of I thi III yenr 1111 The Theopposition Ih IhOI It ItPh1oltiitti opposition OI ltilill Iliaiiifeled 1II In tI some lII1 iif If I lie him allis disIrict di diIrilI allist Irict leaders was a only Illy tiI to I i I it ej i I el ted he hewild 111 111uill liipifiI wild ns 11 KitiRs Iirl li iga loimty 111111 in I Ii that icsii lf 1 tOit wus wusno wusUu 5115ho no dilferent to It any other locality fUllit Mr 11 11 Woodruff ni ill while wi ii I abrond I visited vhf td the the1ope 1 i I 1ope whom he I io calls 111 a niafiiiilicetit 111111111 ii iti ticelit 111 old oldnum olelIIIII oldlItHii num Whik hIlt in hnplniid II lnllll be I lii van IIS 11 the Ia i lUnley I enloy reRittla ra gat 1 He JI 1 la slid lId iii I that rrports of his hi hnvlni hn 11111 bin 1 i II mobbcil 111 and ihrentened ihrentenedwith I liranttulithwit with wit Ii arrest a in Jaris Iit Is while ssl ii I driviiii cI ii si IIIr Ia through througha I Ii ron ghi ghia I a thronT Ilmn of it I hMiPa1 opi lip were titiro mre llIr llcllin 11111 Iteproseiitativo Henry 1111 Itri BriII tow and Saval Sa tviI 11 I I i Olllcer Sharkev iti rk were WI 111 ri III delegation eltIat laTh thai thaiKieeied I htlrlloI liii liiigititcall Kieeied Mr Ir Woodruff at Quarantine Illl rnill and authittuili I Icnino cnino IIU lip tin III Ito bay bal hi with Sill Ii him ii Iii i I LaI ii i night niRhtat IlirhII at II his hi home 1II1 in IJrooklyn roihc lyti tn I II hit ljenteiian 1ietltilialiTnIsInriir dovernor nIsInriir reciived a number 1111111 1 of tint hii Assem A ttii IHII I lilt bly district eliI 111 ltiili leaders ra and otliTN tit 1 I litis AIDOIIR AIIIOII them I were ss pr Congressman olgr1111111 Ii Henry I leit rv UriMow UriMowCol IIri Iirit ow in intil Col Michael III lii ii 1 Diidy 111i1 I ai ly chairman I hal rInni Jacob 0 II I lirenner Brtl1u of the Ih I Ii Iji I xi live Iil a isa Committix 1lmni ihl1hihlttI i itnner I tnner ti lIlIr MiiRNliiilx iIIlgit liil I a Naval nAI Ollirer OllirerSharkry om rihaky Sharkry tiirkt 1onmasler 1 lJlliI IPI It it tonlpm ns exloliro exlolirolommistonp 1 oxPolkaIiIIiIJliSfItit 101i1 101i1lIIlIIi lommistonp lIIlIIi lolIr Philips imu 1 lIi 10 Inmiv InmivAdam 11111 11111hrl 5 5lark lark IIl1rI7hilllllllll 11 lint liiii ii anal I It1I1 ti it rlInlr Ill lit 1Irk 1IrkdulII lerk lerktIii Adam dulII tIii Iii II I I IJIfh IJIfhIr ich ichMr Mr Ir i Woodruff Vi ititiru IT diwussed IIj iset II1 I tcih JI Jn it fnlltlcnl fnlltlcnlsituation Ift lea I II situation I ililitl tli itt ion in ill BriMiklyn flu sik Iyui with wit the ho loaucru klI and andHuliMUenily IIl1dllIhqlhllIly antiioil HuliMUenily ioil tqtIt1iIl I paid that I hilI I iii tbe I Coiniultuo nh ill tt if ifi50 If1GO I I2U i50 of if which former Mayor 111 nr Charles lharf A ASchieren ASeihiirplh Schieren Sthlr 11 Ih I Ii ono of tho leading 1 lInjl ineniliois inenilioiswould 11111111would ihiIhIIiStlsVOthlti would not carry nrr a HliiRle Ihl rt AK Arrllhl Airit etiibIy lily district districtin di dist Irkt IrktIII nktIn in the II Iii county LI ithlit He II I It presented pn lIllel ai each 1Ih of Iho IhoAssembly llioA I ho hotiss Assembly A tiss lIIhll i ithi district tlltI net leaders 1 110111 silk IIi II umbrella umbrellaThis umhrllInThl ii fl hinaIlit hinaIlitIhitts This Thl i i Is the Ih ho first IIr I present i tltaLit I ever received receivedsuld 1111lIld ioctI tei I Itaik suld exlolice xPoli Commissioner IIIIIIIIu ti Philips IlIili I Ihave 11m iliava have 1m made thousands I hIIIIII of presents flr 1 but this thisIs 111 111I his hisIs Is I iho I ht first 1 nst tini illln ii It I Imvo hll so evpr 1 been I tot a remcin remcinberrd rlIltlIIlrtI renitrihirrtl berrd iiuilnated for IIllirIOs IIllirIOsill itnrjrpss itnrjrpssMnNMofTII I1I1rIrIONOlllt MnNMofTII III AllR II tig iThe 1h IVmi IVmicratlc 1111rraII loritcray cratlc cray Ic convenllon of the Ih ii Fourteenh 1011 iitirt tl1 nl Ion Ionpress 011 011rt oh ohgras press rt 1 district I tIt rkt loIay InII1 I notiilnalnl tioli ill a i I Tom A AMarxlvill AsIarhiill Marxlvill 111 11I 10 Ii make the i I itt ia acnlnst Col ColMiijh lulhlh ut utlitii Miijh Mfirsha I I one 011 oft of II ho hiirtik crnk marks marksmen iriiirktuiit men 110 of America AmericaKAHOKA A 111111liltoKA imrIpiiEIcoKA KAHOKA Mo Io Ati II 4 41hn The Ilepuhllcaiis Ilepuhllcaiisof of iho tli First inst Conurps ollltrl ngrps district today todaynominated Indn Indn1IlIlIIllInln1 halalahimitnfllat nominated himitnfllat for Confires CO1 OIl grss fI Ieo I liobinsxin liobinsxinof lohllliUIlof of lnionville I hhii lIioll irisIlls 111 1 Putnam Put naxii county Cnttflt FltANKKOni 111 IUOnt I 1 AIIR oII 5 CoiiRreSi1 CoiiRreSi1man CH1 iltigrost man Vlneenl huII II IIIrh11t irelnj tInts wn reiiomltmted reiiomltmtedItv Itv the III Iii llepublicans puhliltll of the Ih Klevenlli KlevenllidlMrict EoI1I1hel Ii Iihid dlMrict el hid lrkl net ti tdlll diy nfter 11ft ii ftiu a hotly lint I wnRed cam cnmpaicn mmpalI camalgIl paicn algIl It I srpuis II1 fr r1ln Mn thnl IJoreiiiR IJoreiiiRcarried 11011irl 11011irlllirrit1 Uopliigtnrrlttl carried every osir pry oountv IIIIII In the Iii disrict except exceptIMI caxcaIitlIlt lIlt the Ih It hnirp hi tn of Col I i tt I 11 II I I CoWi os II Ed EdIaikep Edlarln FIlakot Iaikep i if Iimlon J1oll Ihe I hI oilier cnndidato cnndidatolost cnntiiilattlotst nlltlilialtlo lost lo 1 his 11 own enuniy 111111 to Hirein Hireinfrank lIrillIranl Birlihlg BirlihlgFrank frank Iamiiltell I alithit ael I tines ur tieS to I II a See St a MetJnlro MetJnlroSniACtSK 1JlIlr 1JlIlrHrllIlt i I ill FO FOSYllACt8i SniACtSK AIIR II ttg 6 Frank Campbell Campbellchairman arnpliefllinlrulan 1mpln1II11rllliln chairman of tIlt Democratic I hi State Slnl Com Committee om OIlIllIthit mittee stopped off hero todiy loII to confer conferwith conftrwith mrr mrrwilh with former Mayor 11Ior lames lal1l A Meduiro MeduiroHe lllIiulnII He II I Ii was WI1 letlcent I tl trill nn II I i to A cnndidatis cnnd nndldlll hit but slid slidhero MidIhTt is I It hero were plenty 111111 tilt at of them I eli This Ihl lIi its nfternfon nfternfonlie fl ircon irconI lie I 1 went lIt II with IV ft I a Mr Ir Mcinin 1Ilillt lp I ii I for a drive driveSummer 0111 0111H a I rfta rftaSummer Summer SummerWeariness SUn1 1er 1erWeariness Weariness WearinessWhen I I I II I Ilieti When lieti yntt 011 nro cxlianstcd cxlianstcdnnd oxilauttesittntl nnd havent ambition or orstrength IIrFtrlIHth ortltrtItgtl strength to do tiC anything 1I11thlll tako takollorslonls tnlwHor tnl tnlJIorsIorI llorslonls Hor hmls Add Phosjilinto PhosjilintoIt It Is I a tonlo and norvo 1If food foodthat fciictthat 0011 0011that that will revlvnanil rflo nmlltrlIgth nmlltrlIgthII unIt tUronKth tUronKthen en II you 011 In tlio most grntlfylni grntlfylniiiinnner grttIClnIlinillllr gr8tfylngltiflhiitar iiinnner Ilinillllr No other nth Sumiuur SumiuurTonic HUlUwerr1Ollic Stitnuierroute Tonic to couiparo with withAcid withH withHo Ho or rsfo ford fordAcid rdr rdrAcid Acid AcidPhosphate AcidPhosphite I IPhospnate Phosphate PhosphateflMiiri I Inhr nhr Uiftii i to flilUtt1 rI1UI labl I Iu Inlr flMiiri rl lula pcrrmrunt r011nI cure cureno cureno no no opirltlmi ltrrall II pny I Ai wbfii cured curedtoukicl curel curelLuo toukicl Luo el Iir I Cliapman Cbal Dlal1 lIlT I MO a I MALARIA MALARIAcnn I II I cnn Iw elToctiiiilly nnd KrinancntIy driven out lull only 0111 hv 10 tin1 I hit hi nso of nil ubso ubsoliiUlyiiurenlfilliolfihtliiiulatit ubaoIUI aboIt liiUlyiiurenlfilliolfihtliiiulatit liiUlyiiurenlfilliolfihtliiiulatitDUFFYS IUI It I I el jlllrl I Iii re altihulfl st l1l11l1lnnt 11151 littit littitJiiiI 1 1I 1j 1I 1IIII JiiiI JiiiIDUFFYS I I DUFFYS PORElALT PURE MALT WHISKEY WHISKEYlins lins IIII I il nmiclilosrt 11111111111 ttiLl I II record lLi iri I1f of I if tuvirly tnu ris Imlf a acenliiry attit cenliiry 1111 ttit II Lir as tlui I hI his Kfitift remedy IIIIlil over evertllStS disci dLoItntI tllStS i ercil ELM for the lit curt 111 II of innlnrin It Itnclrt I nclrt 1111 mi I ill tho I hi sI Ii stivit sti I 11 cal ornatiH imrifiM imrifiMand Ilurlficnllt I ill rhIIe4 and stimulates Iirllulall till blond nnd drives tlr ls out outnil outitl i nil itl I malaria iia In rut prms II1I runt All 11 I I dniLcistH a I lu ggists nnd nndeel anhtgittis I jlJfl gittis ff ii it eel fUN IIKIIPI i Iati I lieu buttlo tiii McKl McKlicai Iod Iodital phil icai ital hiillsI itotijiei ire DlTTV IJln I It IIV MALT LL1 UHISKKY JllSI i ID Huiliester hIII YTODAYS Y1irlJ1WMcJljJfJ i iTODAYS 1irlJ1WMcJljJfJ 1 1TODA TODAYS TODA VS BARGAINS BARGAINSASTX ASTX White Negligee Shirts Shirtsf Shirtspleoleti S111r15pkatvd pieaUU bosoms buromsIJ IJ Jjy 79c worth 150 150nT 150Fnq i 50 50luicy nT Fancy Alaitras allras NeRll lie Negligees lI lIKees Jx A gees I9c lc worth 100 1007ScllflckJeltsat39cf 1007ficlllackBeltsatJ9c j7Jc1hhackUehtSat39c 7ScllflckJeltsat39cf 7ficlllackBeltsatJ9cI fl I 1 1 i with nickel buckles bucklesUlnik bucklesBlntk bucklesI I Ulnik embroidered Sox SoxO I 2 pairs tar 25c 25cMerccrlred 2Sc1ercerl7eJ 25cMercerized Mercerized Lace Indcrwear rnderwear 119 119worth 119worth 119worth worth 250 250Swell l50Swell 250SvcII Swell Straw Hats at atfip atPanamas 14 14tcr fip Panamas 390 390were were crc 800 800Porto 800Porto ET Porto Ricos I icos 149 149Worth 149Wurth Worth 300 300rj J1I0Whe 310Wide rj Wide Urlni rllll Sailors Sailors49c S1I1or81W Sailorsi i i 49c were ce 165 165n 165Ietthll 165lettiIIl Clettliti late we want wantrv wantI I rv to clear the shelves shelvesA A new Lot of Sennits 120 120Their 120Their 120TheIr Their real value Is 250 250Alens 250Mens 250Mciis Alens Shoes High Heels HeelsI j5h 500 SIi Blucher Oxfords 265 Z65Our 265Our 2654OOxfords Our own stock reduced reducedat 400 4OOxfords 11 Oxfords Oxfordsat rat 0 at 198 1200 pairs this thisseasono thisseasofl i season seasonnewest seasononewest seasoflnessest newest styles styles8IX styles81K tles tlesBOO BOO Custom Shoes 498 and 598 593lilh 598tll 598high high tll heels outside swing and andpointed andpollleti andpointed pointed sole soleSmo soleOIIIOII SOILSiiioca a Smo OIIIOII Coiiiplatnl Kalii lalllluTrlntl gatltt a Trinity Ttluit Church ChurchCorporation ChurrhorlllJrntlnll hutch hutchliritora Corporation liritora I Ian lliillilliiB lliillilliiBAMIIIim 111111111111lIIll1m I ttit iii lug luglillani AMIIIim lIIll1m lletlrlelt 11111 rl lt nn engIneer in tlio tliofueiory tIofiietry fueiory 11111 buildiiiR nt S04 30 Hudson IhJ on ttreet ttreetvliicli itrcetthilchi trfttlieh vliicli lieh is I owned by i ho Trinity frlull Cliurch Cor Corjiorallon Corfornllol1 Is Isliorat jiorallon liorat liii vas WII bold hjllill lit hl in JI 2t r1 for trinl trlnlln rlrt In Jef Jeffci JeftOIl Jet1a0OI1 fci tOIl on Market larJt jtolloo lf court yenterdny ysst rtlay charg charged chttr chttreal ed with silt ii violating sIcalat log tlio mnoko section of thIn tluSynltary thInSutItar Synltary SutItar Cod I iiil II Carmtiiim con controller cOlI troller I of the I lii corporntlnn conornt fon furnl tlrnlshd liod ball ballfor ballfor for Dot Uettriclc trick giving rest lnco nt 43 West WestTMriy VestThIrtyeIghth TMriy ThIrtyeIghth lilitli xtreet as isetlrfty isetlrftyThousands uriiy uriiyI I Thousands go goto goto to Carlsbad Carlsbadyeatlytoregaiii I Iyearly yearly yeatlytoregaiii to regain their tlieirhealth tlieirhealthThe health KThe The natural Carlsbad Carlsbadnled CarlsbadSprudel Sprudel Salt is erapor eraporz nled from the waters of the tileSpritigs jj jjjj jj Springs at Carlsbad and con conproperties coiltalUs talUs tile same curative curativepropettie properties propertiesJt Jt 4 A morning dose keeps one onecool onecool cool all day dayTVFRY 9 9I I KTrItV linTTIKIirimtlirli linTTIKIirimtlirlinuturr IIOTTIt Iwnrs tla 1g 4 nuturr or II KK I IIMIL MIiuILisai MIIN isai CO I of Noiv tw Vork onk llrtrura 4 of IlilllBtliilll fDrank 41 41DrankWIiiskcy Drank DrankWIiiskcy Whiskey 78 Years Yearsdrom drom the VorM July 3lt 3ltItilpli 31111 31111hlthiih Itilpli lltilloek will ho lot I 04 yeirs tt old All Aiiiu iuI iuIhi 11 11w ix 14 roniirlinhlj tvli rirved 1I Itoh Itoht Hsix six red Mil i is us urniKlit ux Its in nrrowaml nrrowamlwelel iirroiln iirroilnstil welel stil iI 171 I iiiiii 11111 5 Mis I I i eycHnrht Ii Kooii niij niijIn LIlILIhi In hi wnrkiil up tonbout to itltstit a ynr mro mroIlillloik iiiIittlltk Ilillloik does not believe tIll I that llitinr or ortoliieiohliorteiis 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11 Jim Dumps for months had not been strong and that was why ho trudged along alongAs 1 As dumpish as a rainy day nor had ho one kind word to say sayTill sayA 1 A Till ono bright day daywhatJoy what Joy for him I Forco changed him to Sunny Jim Jimi Jimil I 4 I I It FORCE FORCETh Th dytoS TTe Cemtl CemtlTralnlniJ I wise natures receipt for vigorous vigorousbodies bodies and active brains brainsSweet TralnlniJ to Thrash the Janitor 1 nm nbotit duo to tlira the Janitor where 1 live My wife la BtrlDR me mea a diet of Force nnd think iho will have me tn ihnjx ooti We kr a ek ekoiuit I Sweet crisp fl Kei of wheat wheatnd oiuit lay force carries off tbe blue ribbon ribbonm nd malt eaten ld rarolited on pMcitloa LL I I 1.

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