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Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 2

Evening stari
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DAILY EVENING STARWASHING TON CITY: THt'RSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 3. (jjjKTHE STAR" OFFICE IS LOCATED ON I) STREET, SECOND DOOR FROM TWELFTH, NEAR THE JFNCTION OF TWELFTH STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NEARLY OPPOSITE FRENCH'S "IRVING HOTEL." large circulation of the Staji makes it the most desirable advertising medium in the District. It has more readers in the cities of Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria, than all the other Washington dailies combined. the ioaertioa of tbey moat be brought to our before 19 o'clock otherwise they may Hot appear aatil ibe next day. OUB WEEKLY.

We desire to keep the fact before the that we issue from the Star office one of the very best weekly papers published in the country. It not only contains all the latest news from all parts of the world, (in addition to its inimitable Washington news columns,) worth knowing; but always contains the choicest poetry, tales and literary articles that can be selected, making it an admirable family, as well as news journal. The price of the Weekly Star is so low, that it is placed within the reach of all. Price $1,25 cents a year, in advance. THE MONEY PRESSURE IN NEW Y02K fairly over, without producing more than one single failure of a house of any standing.

The commercial journals of that Metropolis unite in declaring that it is passed and gone, money being comparatively easy "in the street," where it now to be had almost at ordinary rates. The whole country will speedily ieel the benefit of the change, the late business alarm there having affected business from Maine to Louisiana, more or less. The banks contracted their loans in twelve weeks nearly fourteen millions of dollars! Yet, as before remarked, but a single houie of note suspended payment. Does not this fact bear out what we have of late more than once taken occasion to write concerning the system of doing business now prevailing, which we have contended is sound, safe and" healthy?" Fourteen millions is an immense amount to withdraw from the hands of those in trade in the short space of three months, yet the business of all in New York is being so conductcd, that this contraction of their active means has failed to cause considerable failures. Indeed, such results in such cities show plainly that the business men of the country have become lar more independent of banks than they were a few years ago, when such a withdrawal of active capital would have pulled down hundreds if not thousands of real capitalists, as well as those relying too much on loans.

SPIRIT OF THE MORNING PRESS. The Intelligencer is this morning a very able and interesting paper. One page is devoted to nn elaborated adverse criticism on Secretary Marcy's Koszta paper, from the pen of a correspondent. The editor, upon the strength of the opinions of various Washington correspondents, ignores the correctness of the information upon which the I'nton is said to have based its current series of articles on (. uba.

He also presents his readers with a very interesting chapter on our relations with China, detailing the history of our treaties and connections with that nation, and describing our peculiar national privileges there: quoting the Melbourne (Australian) Lai'cestnn Examiner, wherein that journal says that, "Mr. Cushing's treaty with China is a model of diplomacy, and a far superior achievement to that of Sir Henry Pottinger, won by a hundred thousand British bayonets. The Union comments upon a speech deliver on the 2d inst. at Syracuse, N. hy Mr.

Cooley, a New York Adamantine" State candidate, wherein that gentleman accords to the President personally, an "independent support" which goes ahead of anything of the kind accorded by his Adamantine" brethren to the administration at large. We havenot for a long time before read anything so imperatively and vulgarly abusive, showering as it does, the most opprobious epithets upon the Chief Magistrate of the I nited States, to which the speaker or any one else could lay his tongue. The same paper contradicts the story that the President has appointed ExPresident Martin an Buren the umpire on our side to settle disputed points the commission on British and American 1 aims, now in session in London. If wade, this selection is the act of the Commissioner, as they alone are empowered to choose the umpire on either side. The official organ also answers in detail the reply of the National Intelligencer to its uba articles.

rftie Union further exposes the character of the nominal meeting of New York merchants to indignate" the removal of Collector Bronson. The editor shows conclusively, we fancy, that it was a mere trick of the disaffected Democrats to make capital, in which not one hundreth part of the real merchants of the had lot or part. The same paper further quotes at length an able article trom the home organ of (ieneral Cass, the Detroit Free Press, approving the course the Administration in strong terms. 'I Sentinel pitches into the Administration. continuing its peculiar "independent support in an editorial under the head of lhe Inaugural verms Treasury Circular: "The President versus the Secretary." The drift of this article seems to be to convince the world that the President is a mere nose of wax, moulded at will to any shape or purpose, by Secretary Guthrie.

The same paper contains communications and extracts, thrusting right and left at the Washington Union, pn account of the steadiness and boldness with which thatjournal sustains the policy and measures of the Administration. The editor, however, joins the other leading "independent supporter" of the Administration, the New York Herald, in protesting against the tone and temper of the speech of Cooley, to which we allude above. The Clipper is at the Catholics again in an article in reply to something lately appearing in the (Baltimore) Catholic Mirror. THE MARYLAND ELECTION. The election in Maryland yesterday was quite spirited, particularly in Baltimore city where a large number of candidates were in the field for tfie various offices in the gift of the people.

Notwithstanding the excitement, the election was conducted in an orderly manner, excepting in one or two instances. The great number of candidates in the field, retarded the counting of the ballots, so that but partial returns of the vote of Baltimore city can be given. The Baltimore morning papers give but a meagre account of the election; enough, however, has been ascertained to show the success of the Democratic State ticket. From the returns received this mornat our office by telegraph, we are led to believe that the Democratic State ticket is elected by a handsome majority. The counties will hardly be able to overcome the heavy Democratic majority in the city, where Ligon's majority is said to be 3,000, the others on the Democratic State ticket nearly reach the same figures.

The indications are that Hamilton, Vansant and May, all Democrats, are returned to Congress. We give below all the returns that have been received up to the hour of going to press. BY TELEGRAPH. Baltimore City. Baltimore, Nov.

3, 11 a. First, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Nineteenth Wards to hear from. Ligon's majority in the city will be about 3,000. All the Wards in Vansant's Dislrict, except the First, heard from giving Vansant a amjority of 588. Preston gains in the county, but not enough to elect Vansant's election is conceded.

His majority is about 500. All the wards in the Fourth Congressional District are in, except the twelfth, thirteenth, and nineteenth, and May is 432 ahead. It is believed he will be elected by 200 majority. The majority for the other Democratic State officers will not be so large as that for Ligon. The Maine Law ticket for Assembly and Sheriff, obtained a heavy vote.

Its success in whole or in part is regarded very probable. In a few wards, from which we have returns, Bouldin, Independent, candidate for Surveyor, makes important gams upon ChifFelle, Democrat, and the result is doubtful. Falls, Democratic candidate for Commissioner of Public Works, and Turner, Democratic candidate for Clerk of the Circuit Court, are elected by large majorities. A dispatch from Havre de Grace gives partial returns from I larford county. The entire Whig ticket in the county is supposed to be elected by about fifty majority.

A despatch from Cumberland says Hamilton is elected over Thomas. LATER. Baltimore Nov. 3, 1H doubt May and Vansant arc elected. STIIiI.

LATER, Baltimore, Nov. p. majorirr in the city will be about 3,000. In Baltimore county, over 1.000. No doubt of his election.

Comptroller and lottery Commissioner also elected. May and Vansant both electcd. Fall's, Commissioner of Public Works, and Turner, Clerk of Circuit Court, also elected. No opposition to Krebs as Judge. The Legislative ticket is still in doubt.

It will be a very close vote. Alleghany elects the whole Democratic delegation, and gives a large majority over Thomas. LATENT. Baltimore, Nov. 3, 1 p.

Bowie has seven majority, and Sollers, for Congress, one hundred and forty-seven. Reports from Frederick are favorable to the Whigs; nothing definite. May's election is certain by about two hundred majority. Returns now render it nearly certain that the Temperance ticket is elected. Vansant is undoubtedly elected.

A despatch from Frederick says the whole Whig ticket for the Legislature is elected. Hamilton elected certainly to Congress. Baltimore, Nov. 3,1 i p. from the State show that the Senate will be Whig by a small majority.

The House is doubtful, but it is believed there will be a small Democratic majority: for Congress probably two Whigs and four Democrats are electcd. Third Dintrirl. Fui 1853. For (iorernor, 1850. Wards Vansant Preston.

Lowe. Clarke. 1 00O 000 678 370 2 641 272 661 276 8 737 749 606 335 4 000 000 411 596 5 000 000 332 308 6 60 563 658 455 7 544 604 656 345 8 723 670 992 348 Co. 8th 0is.000 000 265 237 9th 000 000 301 186 10th 000 000 114 111 "11th 000 000 212 222 12th 000 000 289 183 000 000 6.193 4,278 Lowe's majority 1.915. Vansant's majority, as far aa heard from 479.

Voarth Congrrwionnl DUtrirl. For 1853. For (rover nor, 1S50. Wards. May.

Walsh. Lowe. Clarke 9 400 264 484 356 1 0 330 4 26 303 431 1 1 497 510 586 485 1 2 000 000 615 594 1 3 000 000 288 421 498 588 440 546 1 5 000 000 641 573 1 6 425 4.9 427 358 17 705 422 642 270 1 8 115 995 1 000 688 1 9 000 000 550 428 20 000 000 576 321 4,003 3,655 6,552 5.451 3 655 5.451 Majority, 348 Majority, 1101 Baltimore County. thirtekxth district. Governor Watkina Ligon 89; Richard I.

Bowie 39. Pinkney Whyte 87; J. Hanson Thomas 41. Lottery Roberts 71; James B. 37.

Commissioner of Public R. Nelson 90; Samuel P. Smith 38. Shower 88; John Wethered 41. Havre dr Gbacr, Nov.

this district the majorities: Bowie, Whig, for Governor, 7 maj; Ricaud, Whig, for Lottery Commissioner, 13 maj; Thomas, Whig, for Comptroller, 4 maj and Wethered, Whig, for Congress, 9 maj. The vote for Members of the Legislature is as follows: Whigs. Democrats. Archer, 125 Dove, 49 Stephenson, G5 Elliott, 45 Butler, 102 Smithson, 83 Allegany County. Cumberland, Nov.

2, 12 votes in none of the districts have yet been entirely counted, but the indications are that the regular Democratic ticket; viz: Messrs. Thomas Devecman, Thos. J. McKaig, John J. Morrison and Issac Kalbaugh, have been elected to the Legislature.

Wm. T. Hamilton, the regular Democratic candidate for Congress, will have a large majority over Ex-Governor Thomas, independent, in this county. OCT3 Joe Shillington, Pennsylvania avenue, corner of 4fc street, has sent us the November number of the Illustrated Magazine of Art," which is decidedly the best illustrated work published. It is filled with the most beautiful designs.

Buckingham, under the National Hotel, has sent us the same publication also Barnum's and Gleason's illustrated papers for the present week. These popular publications show a decided improvement in their reading matter as well as their engravings. When the telegraphic reporters for the associated press" send news from Washington credited to "an evening paper," we want the public to know that they mean the Star, which is the only evening paper published at Washington. A telegraphic dispatch from New York informs us of the arrival of the steamer Black Warrior from Havana. Her news is unimportant.

The yellow fever is raging terribly at Alexandria, La. The best citizens of the place were dying with it. (Cr'As some Germans were crossing the track of the Tndianapolis and Bellefontaine Railroad, on Monday night, the 24th, they heard a noise as of iron falling on the track, and on going towards the place, met a man named Vincent Gray, who had been put out of a car. then found a rail thrown across the track. Tlik was about ten feet east of a bridge over a gully of ten or twelve feet deep; and cast of this again was an iron cross-tie thrown across the track.

They removed the obstructions, and immediately afterwards the passenger train going west thundered by. There was but one step between some of those passengers and death. Gray was arrested and committed. MULTUM IN PABVO. It said that Philadelphia is about to be favored with several curiosities, among them a woman 37 years of age, and weighing 764 pounds also a lady 32 year? of age, benuti fully formed, and only thirty-five inches high.

They will be on in a few days. Both are married. A very modest lady was in a grocery store the other day inquiring for Shanghai berries. She wanted eggs. On one of the railroads in New England, the directors have come down on the dead head" system, and very much curtailed the free list." An individual who had been in the hubit of travelling to and fro without any charge, recently applied to the superintendent for a pass." and was much offended when it was refused.

As he was leaving the room, he angrily exclaimed, I'll pay my fare this time, but the road shan't be any better for it? I'll the conductor A man in Detroit advertises for a partner in the nursery business. This is a new way of advertising for a wife. Two coal barges run from Geneva, N. to the Pennsylvania mines, both of them owned by one man. but one under the command of the husband, and the other of his wife She is a perfect master of her craft, lifts coal with herculean strength, and orders her laboring men about like the sergeant of dragoons.

If you would enjoy your meals be good naturcd. An angry man can't tell whether he if. eating boiled cabbage or stewed umbrellas. Two bright eyed little boys, one aged two, and the other about five of a Mr. Horton.

of a few days since from eating candy which had been colored with some poisonous substance. There are 000,000 drunkards in the United States. A colored preacher has been denouncing Abolitionism in Preble county, Ohio. He says the agitators have put back human emancipation one hundred years, and tightened the chains of the slave. It is stated that the Holyoke cotton mill, in llolyoke, made a clear profit last year of over $80,000, or over sixteen percent, on the capital invested.

When the Jesuits wished to introduce their religion into Japan, some opposition was made. The Emperor asked of his Council, "How many different sects are there in Japan "Thirty-six," was the reply. ''Then one more will do no harm. Admit the Jesuits. In Philadelphia, on Monday, a number of white barbers were fined for performing manual labor on the Sabbath.

In most cases colored barbers were the informers. The Greek church keeps a fete of the girdle of the Mother of God" on the 31st August. 1 he irgin let it fall when being borne by angels to heaven, and St. Thomas picked it up! The Mayor of Alleghany city and his chief policemen have been tried on the charge of conspiracy, to permit two thieves to escape, and been acquitted; but it is said that a prosecution will be commenced against some of the policemen for allowing the escape. There was imported into Great Britain, last year, of grain and meal, 3.866,759 which 2,620,069 came from tho United States of America, and 264,457 from British America; whilst France supplied 881,039, and the northern ports of Russia only 584 cwts.

The National Democrats of Essex County, assembled at Salem, on Tuesday morning, selected a Senatorial ticket, and passed resolutions endowing the Baltimore platform, and the President's Inaugural. They alaodeclare, that although they have confidence in President Pierce, his appointments in Essex county have been in direct opposition to his pledges. The convention also approve the course of Judge Bronson, and attribute removal to General Cashing! WASHINGTON NEWS AND GOSSIP A Vert Importast Chisse is Mail time since, we look occasion to mention that the Postmaster was endeavoring to devise a plan fur securing regularity in the transportation of the great Southern mail. We arc greatly gratified at finding ourselves able to state that he has already completed arrangement? which bid fair to relieve his charge from that interminable cause of complaint for years of the mail between Mobile and Montgomery. nine-tenth? of the accidcnts delaying the regular receipt of the mails from this region, at Mobile and New Orleans, have oecurred within the last five years.

Up to this time, the fruitful causes of irregularities in the service there have been, first, the inability of a single daily line of mail coaches between Montgomery and Stockton. always to transport all the mail bags requiring to be sent; and. next, the fact that the terms of the contract made the contractors between Montgomery and Mobile hardly responsible for failures in the connection at Stocktou, where the mails are transferred to a steamboat. The proprietors of the boat not being strictly bound to await the arrival of the coaches, usually refused to wait for them after the boat's appointed hour of departure. To remedy this evil, the Postmaster General has now bound the contractors to obtain such control of the hours of the boat, as that it shall not again start without the mails.

And he has further contracted for an additional daily line of coaches Vctween Montgomery and Stockton, which will prove atnply sufficient for the regular transportation of the heaviest amount of mail matter accumulating on that route. It strikes us that be ban applied the proper remedies, and that the result of these new portion of which went into operation on the 1st instant, the balance to go into operation on the 15th be a speedy end to mail failing between the termini above mentioned, so long a fruitful source of injury to the business community. New Department are inclined to believe that the heads of all the Executive Departments are preparing to urge on Congress the pressing necessity for enlarged accommodations for the clerical business of their respective charges. Even the present General Post Office Department building, though so lately constructed, prove? hardly more than half'large enough for the proper accommodation of its clerical employees. Ac.

While Winders building is a resting place for various Treasury bureaus, divisions of others are quartered in private houses, wherever they can be rented though none so nsed, except Winder's, can be said to be fire-proof. We may write as much for the location of various Army and Navy Departments' bureaus, which are accommodated after the same fashion. Indeed, we cannot see how Congress can fail, at the next session, to appropriate from three to five millions to the end of keeping pace in clerical accommodation? provided, with the rapidly increasing demands of the public business for accommodations. However it may sound abroad, where the immense increase of the business of the Government may not be understood, those in Washington, who are the eye witnesses to the fact, realize that increase hourly. Every additional ship built, manufactory or workshop opened, and every additional quarter section of land opened and, again, every emigrant arriving, ierve ostensibly to "pile" increased business on the Departments here.

Yet, so far, Congress has made no more for the proper accommodation of the War, Navy, and State Department? than existed twentyfive years ago and. indeed, none whatever, for the Interior Department proper, the throe heavy bureaus of Pensions. Public Lands and Indian likewise quartered out where they do not belong, and where they have no legitimate business. Rumored Fall ok received from Canton, in Washington, by the last steamer from Europe, hearing date August last, speak confidently of the fall of Pekin. Nevertheless, we believe that the Government do not place confidence in the account.

It had reached respectable commercial house? there both overland and by water. Removals are satisfied that the stories concerning the sending of orders from thUcity for the removal of certain Federal office-holders, said to have taken part in an incipient renewal of v.hat known as the Massachusetts coalition, are premature. Nevertheless, while no particular persons have been thus designated for decapitation, it is very probable that information has neen despatched to the head of the custom-houses in Boston, and at one or two other important points in that State, notifying them in advance of the determination of the Administration, that any and all of their subordinates there, who may participate in renewing the coalition, must do so with the understanding that the act will cost them their offices under the General Government. A Very Bad Practice to be it ha? been customary to give precedence to the business in which any member of Congress may be personally interested before the Departments in this city. To this pracice is attributed, for the most part, the confusion and delays which for years past have prevailed in the aftairs of more or less of the various bureaus.

By dint of extra labor, the Clerks have managed, in almost all during the current recess, to bring the business up. We learn with great pleasure that orders will probably soon be promulged by the various heads of the Departments, forbidding any gentleman'? calls, whether ho be in or out of to be answered out of their regular This will disgruntle more or less honorable members, though it will doubtless prevent the condition of things from existing hereafter, which ef late years has produced so much mischief, explained above. The ixen Star has alreadv given the names of those of the crew of the U. h. steamer ixen who died in September, at the Naval Hospital at Pensacola.

We now add to the melancholy list those who died previous to the abandonment of the infected vessel, in August, at the Hospital: John J. Hanson, acting master, died August 25; Edward Smith, seaman, 25th; George Brashers, coalheaver, 26th Richard Tolson, coalheaver. 26th; William Dulein, coalheaver, 29th Geo. W. Douning.

quarter gunner, 31st. Lieut. Beale's appears that Colonel Benton was egregiously in error in bis speech at Kansas, wherein he declared that the entire expense of the outfit for Lieutenant Beale's trip overland to California, to make a reconnoisance of the Fremont Pacific Railroad route bad only cost the National Treasury some $90. Already drafts on this account have reached the Indian bureau for some $2,600. The Authorship op the Letters about the Livery of the President's Servants.

It has recently come to light here, that the roorbacks concerning the livery of the President's coachman and carriage attendant, which appeared at the North a few months aince, were written by no other than the gen- tleman npon whom Senator Dooglaa fixed I the authorship of the letters from bogus members of the Democratic National Committee from Texas and Iowa, written in the summer of 1851, calling on the various Democratic Providential aspirants for their views upon oertain very important public questions. These letters, it will be remembered, were designed as a trap, into which those addressed should be caught, to the damage of the prospect for the nomination of each. It fuither appears that the writer was induced to pen the livery roorbacks, because President Pierce had overlooked his claims; or, rather, refused point blank, to give him an office. The Current Oi'kratioxs of the Treasury yesterday, the 1st of November, there were of Treasury Warrants entered on the books of the Department? the redemption of stocks 29,959 rt? For Treasury Department, exclusive of stocks 27.211 71 For the Interior Department 20.979 74 For re-paying for the Interior Department 13,808 23 For the War Department Oft For re-paying for the War Department 3,501 05 For the Navy Department 55,000 00 Covered into the Treasury from Lands 2 51 Miscellaneous 1,445 00 For the Customs 52,198 62 Personal. Sontag has forwarded fifty dollars to the President of the Virginia Agriculture Society, to be applied as a prize to the successful competitor at the ploughing match which is to take place to-morrow.

The Society have gallantly voted Madame Sontag a life member of their body. The gifted Mrs. J. Russell Lowell, is no more. She died on Thursday, at Elmwood, Cambridge.

aged 32. Miss Fanny Morant, from Drury Lane. London, is shortly to appear at the Walnut st. theatre. Philadelphia.

Judge Edmonds, in his work on Spiritualism, pays that the accidents of the Henry Clay and Reindeer, were foretold to him be fore they occurred. Nonsense TI1INGN IX XKW YORK. iNVii' Yori, November 2. The Directors of the Association for the Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations, have issued a circular to exhibitors, informing tlieui that the Crystal Palace will be kept opei during the winter, but that they may withdraw their articles, if they chose, after the first of December. Hcman J.

KedGeld, the newly appointed Collector at this port, entered upon the duties of his office yesterday. Mr. ltedfield appointed as his deputies the gentlemen holding these relations under Mr. Bronson's administration. J.

Romeyn Broad head. the new naval officer, assumed the duties of his office yesterday. The Cunard Mail steamer Asia left to-day for Liverpool wi'h sixty-four passengers and $987,839 in specio. The VJi ioui places of public amusement in the city are enjoying unabated success. A German 30 years of age, named Louis Keppler.

committed the wicked ar.d cowardly act of suicide on Sunday evening last, leaving the following note as a legacy to his family I wish that every friend may take care ol my dear family. I hope none of my friendwill think hard me. Sorrow for my family causes me to kill heart is breaking. I hope every friend will forgive me. It is said that this self-murderer had lost a coneiderable r.raouLt of property by fire in Brooklyn, last winter, and was depressed in spirits in consequence of his poor circumstances.

The German Democracy of our city turned out in large numbers last evening at "Old Tamany." for the purpose of ratifying the soft Staie and city. Several speeches were made in the German language. Captain Rynders aiso spoke on this occasion. The meeting was very large, and at 8 o'clock, there not have been less than ten thousaud and around Tammany llall. The llr.ruhl of this morning is in full blast against the administration.

Many thought that on account of its silence on the subject of the --Spoils Cabinet'' that Bennet had been bought up. But to-day the Herald makes amends for its silence yesterday. The Sixpenny Savings Bank, has made its first leport. from which it would appear that the institution is in a very flourishing condition. The sixpenny deposits during the six months past, hare amounted to $23,000.

A man named Sehultz, in January, 1845, started from (Jnlveston, Texas, with two men named liateman Jett, who had $7JiOO, on their way to Louisville to purchase slaves. They encamped the first of their journey, when Sohnltz. killed them in their sleep, robbed them, and escaped. few weeks ago tht murderer was discovered in South Carolina by a gentleman from Texas, and arrested. DIED.

In Georgetown, on the 2d instant, in the 72d year of her age, Mrs. A1ARY MORGAN, a native of ford, In land. for the twenty-five years a resident of the District of Columbia. JEHU ENCAMPMENT, K. O.

1 I. will meet at their Hull, corner of 7th anc L) streets, on Kit I DAY AFTERNOON, the 4th at 1 o'clock, to attend the funeral of our late Brothel IIesry Gktzkndamcer. Mizpah Encampment are invited to unite with us. Bv order: 8. A.

H. M. KIM, W. R. nov Rev.

Stuart Robiiuon, ef itnore. will preach in the Prsstnterim Church, on Thurmlny nifrfit, 3d instant at 7Vt o'el' The boss horse shoers of this ci are requested to meet at the City Hall oi TIIURi-DAY, November 3d, at 7 o'clock, p. as business of importance will be laid before them, nov CARD TO THE PARISIAN will open today, the largest assortment of rich Velvet and Cloth MANTLKS and CLOAKS, of the I'arisiau style? ever brought to Washington, to which we invite the particu'jir at'ention ot ih- ltdies. MAXWELL. 8RAR8 A COI.LKY, Pa.

avenue, between 9th and 10th streets, nov or stolen from Kast Capitol street, on the Vd instant, about o'clock, p. a dark Bay 1IORSK. me dium size, long, (--witch tail, ek and: back gaulded. He was attached a covered bogey, no bacfc saddle upon the harness tied at ite with a leather string. If found iu the city $6 reward will be paid their delivery, if out the District.

$10. W. HIN DS, nov Island Hall, island. FASHIONABLE WINTER MILLINERY. MRS.

J. LANK will open a hands imu as BSfrjsortment of Winter II on Saturday, NoIHHFvember to which tlie ladies ot the Dis trict are respec fully invited to call purc.hasing elsewhere, as great inducements can be offered. Bridge Street, Georgetown, D. C. nov MILLINERY OPENING.

MRS. ANN H. CLARK takes great pleasure in calling the attention of her former and the ladies generally to the annexe! advertisement of Miss E. E. McDonald, (successor to Mrs Clark.) The assortment and styles are teautiful.

chaste, and complete. Mrs. feels gratified in presenting one so fully competent to execute to the entire gratification and wishes of her tormir customers and ladi generally The opening will embrace all the most approved French and Xew York styles. PARIS MILLINERY. VlaS E.

K. McDONALD ucressor to Sirs Anu II. Clark) will open cu SATURDAY, November 6th, a very large and select amortmen of? French Pattern Hats, of the latest importation, ol fashion, and new materials. Velvets, watered and spotted Satins, plain Satins, all colon Gros de Afrique Modes. Royal Yelvets.

and others Misses and Children's Hats iu variety New atyle Flowers, new rtyle Ribands Hair Ornaments, Head Dresses, Silk Ribands And various other articles. Repairing dose in the usual neat manner. All er dera attended to at the fhorteet notice, at the well known Paahionable Millinery Paloon, 8 doors east ol the poet effice, Bridge street, Georgetown. Mrs. expects to be at the opening.

DOT AMUSEMENTS. ODD FELLOWS' HALL. T. BISHOP, The Vocalist, will give hU nrtc Srrto Comic Ktkirrtmnmi ntt of and On THIS KVKMXH, Mr. BISHOP will "The Grave "Art thoo goaie my Mary dar," 'Tlw CimI "John my Jo," "Wanted a "Que mou tcrt fu bmU'." 4c.

TWENTY FIVE CENTS-Reaerved 50 Doors open at to 8. BOV 1W1LL OPEN SOON I RISLEY'S VARIETE! RIM.EY'8 IIALI.OF (losi hvm now bring fi ted up for POPULAR ENTERTAINMENTS in oHh to afford i h' fton a of amusement. here comfort, elegance. geod and laleut are to be found combined. oc NSW MVMC Pl'lMA by Julien IiigomT Polka; San.t Ika; kmma Polka: Blanche, Jessie.

Claite P.IVa<; Forest glade Polka. R.inbow Scbotti che; Ac g.ave of Lilly D. le: I love the mow: A tore; Melodies of home; Days of childhood: Nearest, the daylight is jton-: Take to die. Ac. Hammond's Castor Oil Pomsde.

sn article highly racommemted for ing and aiding thr growth of the hair. PrW-e 25 c. a jar. also, just received st WIMER3 stationery and Music 8t. iv, ftth street.


nov EST Y-P I DOLLARS RE. 1. on in an omnibus the War I cpa-tment. the fnliowinir bills: Oue J5o. four $V0, five fin, two (2.

The reward will nor 3-3t- C. KK A SIIE A A BEOKI'TA or. Sunrise witliln the an outline of the Origin and Pro? the Yirl? Mission. Memoir of Judson. Waylan'.

of Christ, by Dr. Lewis. The Daughter at School, by Rev. T.dd, Notes on Daniel. Infidelity.

its Cause snd nefcs, pri.e Esi-y. of Dr. Ois'nsers. Litt'e Susy's Six br Aunt ORAV BALLASTYXP, SevenGi ftreet, Odd Fellows' BUCKWHEAT, NEW CIDEE tC. OTIIKR fruit bLli and wnri-e, milieu sre to 1st in a supply of thi-se very superior OrattiWrrW at tb? low price I hui now Buckwheat Flour; Old and fine IIddik: Snjierii-r lava.

Mocha, Pa'lanir otter folfif. MailUid A and Iwst pn-poration of 8upc-ior Black and at 60 cts. a pound this Tea is warranted as superior I I HI fr in $1 to $1', a (ta lon. ill burn hiilliant ai the winter. Sperm I'-lent ruJ other dles; Montsid Diaphrn and at Sauces; No.

1 Ma Prunes Ac and hourly expected, a supply of superior Candies. 7.. KlNn. Corner of I and 15th and Vermont uorth of Jai'kson Statue, nov FAMILY GROCERY. Corner of 4th I s'rrrtt.

IBEO hfave to call the attention and the public i.t rally to my select sU-ck of Fre-sh Groccri- iu part Teas: Oolong B'st-k Tea, very fine, only Mr; loaf. crUkh'-d. a ltd Brown Sugars; Javn. Rio. and pure ground PickV I Walnut.

Oi Curuiiib rlVkb-s -j cts. a hundred; Toniato i'ut-up: Almonds: Bird Seed (' inl'Trii t'lie-se; Onl: I'w jihene. Ptberisl, eud Oil: with a vniiety of articles. as low hit hud iu the ciiy. dclirerid tree JAMKS A.

N. J1RDINS-TON. n.iv LEATHER AKD SHOE FlNLlKG feTOBE '11 G.FORD has just recehid the following scriptions of LEATHER, to which he the inspection of ti trr.d sides of prime Spanish Sole Leather 20 Phlla. Ciitt Skius 8 do do Kipps 40 do Fremli Calfskins, makers 'M do PatentCa'f Skins. B.

A A. C. 30 do SV ins 75 sides Harness i'ridle leather Shoe Skiitinjrs and Slaujrhter Leather A I assortment of Kmali English Lastings. and and Laces to match Boot Trees. Lasts, and Solr.o Kitt All of whii-h will sold on most reasonable HlOS.

o. F.IUD, Tth stix-t, near the Patent flii-e. uov BRILLIANT AT1RACTI0N. 11 A JACOBS, C'l-iier avnur end 13fA ftriH, Wfiuld respectfully inform tluir fri. nds, juftoinen, and the public generally, that hey ar? i rep: to snpplv thein wiib tbe n.

est inDiily OHOCERIKS. o'U andihokeLlVjL'oBs and every article, laree ainl small, in tLeir uicnt at remarkable low pric s. In lact. wa shall tihl sb one of novelties so of, but seldom CHEAP PEOPLE'S GROCERY -TOKR. Our stock will continuously repleni fioui the most celebrated importers and manufai-tories.

Ihv.nkful for past rs, we an ei of the same. All poods cred mpt'y iu liny pail of the city free of charge. nov K. A not 1 t. of Kvrntnf Star in Alexandria is oll'ered tor sale, lor particulars apply to II.

GREEN. nov ti route fioui tba Stean.b at 'WhHrf. alon? Maryland avenue to Railroad Depot. n.r York avenue Oth street, a Brown OVERCOAT A of five dollars will le pivm by leaving it at this office. nov DAGUE1 RE0TYPI8 A RE daily taken at TIIOMPS A GALLERY, in the highest style of Tbey are to the ordinary dutiU' rreotypes, and will eventually supercede tbem hlt.vetbcr There but one opinion of them.

Tuev re truly auiitul Gallery is on Pa. aveuue. I et. and tth sts. nov HALL MOORE Dentist, (Kr the last live years an assistant iu office of Messrs.

Parnu-'e A Malster.) offets his professional to ciiiiens of Washington and vicinity. Office west side of "til, uejr office bours from 8 a. m. to 4 m. nov Xt-w Yoi Ajiplea A AFBE8I1 supply of these articlea arc received jly by the undersigned, who invibs an tLenof by the citizens in ral JiSKPII A JONES.

Old corner of Pa and 2d st nov print l.ih.K white colored. A rcwjird of five dollarfj will be laid for his deliveiy kt the 'dcnce of ihe subseriU on Hh stn-et. and or at II jok Brother's store on Pa avenue. 11 I'LL nov WOOD, AMD COAL. 0 I Uf L5 wood-biiml LIME, fresh from tl kilo, in orth-r.

Also, Hickory, Oak. and I ine WOOD. Anthracite inu Cunilierlaud Coal, suita' 1 fi'r or Ilia- smilbs. all of wliieh will be sold U.W for cu-li to punctual customers. WM WARDER, Southwest corner 'iJ'h ami sts bov near ti cmi.

i 1 KKV'S TKlCOPIiKKOt 15 Katl.airou, Ph.ilun's luvigoratoi. Kau bust ral, Lubin's and llarrisou tarina Cologne, Pomatum. Hair Oil, ilet Powder. Putt Boxes, Hair, Tooth. NaU, Cloths.

Bathing, and Ciutb Brushes, Dressing. Side. PwtT. and uck Combs, Wo.k Card. Office.

Fisbing. aud Toy Baskets, in additiou to a variety of useful atd orn. mental fancy foods, at the Stationery, Music, and Fancy Store of J. ELLIS, Pa. avenue, between 9th uud 10th sUtvta.

nov BOOKS at A Poetry of the Year, passages fiom the oet-. of the with 22 exquisi e'y illustrations from drawings by eminent ait.sU. elegantly A pl -tou's Complete Atlas of thr World, leautifully engraved aid colored maps, wiih seal s. Parley's Present for all Sevons. i.he-tia ted, hands.bound in leather Memoir of the latv Kev.

in. Cms-well, b. Rt? of tho Church of the ut, Boston. Mass ly bis Father The Life of Wm. Pinckney.

by his N.phew, tL? ia. Pincknev, D. The Works of John C. Calhoun, vol S. Ti Industry of all Natona, the H.

York Exhibition illustrated, nov 2- Bookrtore, near Wh st. FARI8 MILLIWEEY. MRS. M. A.

HILLS will o(a-n on Saturday, we INovember 5th. a splendid of the Pa. avenua, bet. Vth and 10th streets. nov LOkT on or aince the evening of the oth of Or toiler, an old taahioned ATCU of gold, white face, made by Richard Bagley, London, No.

2W6, with a goiu fob chain, and attached a ban.home bright Topaa engrav.4 with the of a Coat Arms If delivered to J. E. NANKIN, nearly opposite the Union Georgetown, a litnrnl reward 111 be paid, and the thanks ol the owner rendered who hop? it it in honaat fcnfc BOT.

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