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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 23

The Suni
New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

nts ntsnIT nIT nITd17 d17 d171Iee 1Iee 1IeeWOt WOt WOtfoot foot footoc oc ocflOflp flOflp 18 NON ON 110 14 14SI SI 2827 2827es es esatG atG PA400 A400 A400e1ce e1ce e1ceO1NT O1NT O1NTyl yl 4 L4 L4LTI LTI LTIIi Ii Mburgh burgh burghfldout fldout fldoutTroy Troy daily dailyto to 1 1OATS OATS OATSn mo i iener ener enerI IAIta IAItal I A AbIow bIow bIowp low lowI I Mte Mn IJmIIL IJmIILJ per perm3hII m3hII m3hIIrecte4 recte4 recte4M for forL per 1 Aht AhtItiI ItiI ItiIIrlIlIL IrlIlIL IrlIlILtorI torI torIN I ItquI tquI tquIInC InC InCvIiz vIiz 11 IS IST Other OthertnhIt tnhIt tnhItentary entary entaryinbtln inbtln inbtlnwit wit witimiL imiL imiLtnhlp tnhlp tnhlpmsht msht mshtT tke3 tke3Sm Sm Smof of na1 na1be be ent entCr Cr tDit tDitauppI auppI 01 Ifl Iflatem atem atemERIC te mi miMlautw Mlautw Mlautwin ERIC ERICREN REN RENIt It Itt Ittdiwortt diwortt diworttted ted per pert loa loaI I Co CO3t CO3tI CO3tti I IC Iralll IralllIImal IImal in ti I at atdmlr aldmlrd Lrt dmlr dmlrd dmlrdrll ltAICA tAICA tAICAill rll rllI rllIJIA rt iLt iLtIi ill illIIANt I IiIIAXI IIANtf IJIA IIANt I 111 IV IVIlitmiic 1 1lIhUhC INnhurc Ilitmiic IlitmiicNIUA1I lIhUhCIUAIl nhurcNI NIUA1I NIUA1IJA NI Vtt VttA JA A Yt YtI i iIIIA 1 1f11I I tlllA tlllAllAinnx f11I f11II IIIA IIIAIIani llAinnx llAinnxIn I IIaniI Atan Atanmu In I mu muI IntFI IntFIt Vt i MIAt Mt MdrertI I II IIIlcrrlr IAt I Xlirrrtfil lirrrtfil lirrrtfili IIlcrrlr IIlcrrlrCO A pr prI I Mparn MparnIrini i Trim Trimill Irinidlrecte4 ill dlrecte4 dlrecte4PIetIIefl rrclej rrclejCO PIetIIefl PIetIIeflN A MI1 I1 lI lIIp Ip til tildIrrettI dIrrettI dIrrettIcn CO If IfII fIt It I A MOA I IA OA 0 A Alii Aliivia allJria aIIItia via Cl Cln ltvt tvt i murl mll miItPJU 1 iian 11311IIIUAS A AIOMAS ttVAI1 IOMAS IOMASWAHI 11 WAHI WAHIramslill A 1111 1111mshlp I Ior ramslill ramslilldltfftil mshlp mshlpdletl1 dltfftil dltfftilorlAH dletl1ocll1 orlAH orlAHa or IIAit IIAitO at 10 10h IeIllnt 11pu 1rlnci 1rlncipiihllr Illntpllhli piihllr piihllrlnl pllhlicl pu hi Ic Icted rrtHA rrtHAi cl ted tedrtIIt ra pfr pfrrrtHA i a nl lit litinrxB II111Tt IL ILRT inrxBKTIIA inrxB 111TtHTII KTIIA KTIIAAlna HTII HTIII RT I I II I Alna AlnaT AInaolsn steam steamIXTIXB olsnTI CtftflbNTIS IXTIXB IXTIXBppl NTIS TI tU tSdney 11 LSrdnry Srdnry Srdnryr Ce tli117 tli117rL 1 II IIry ry rL Mflfl Mflflfor Ion for MI MItCflLCt 11 11alrlmel alrlmel alrlmelhil tCflLCtliIl hil tot 10ftI tI thenCe IhnteplSun thenCept ppl plSun plSunnnlInC pt Sun Sunnnrrtlnc Sunnntttflt nnrrtlnc nnrrtlncd 11111 11111t1 ti tiHA tlIt tlItFi HA t1 a Anrl AnrlIThICJ en4ThIrS nt ntjThuM jThuM jThuMr ThIrS ThIrSF Mrxlcu Mrxlcuied MeIrtiftI rlco rlcod ied ftI for torilillv lorhl forItIY ilillv hl at atits A AIII liit its Klc Klcv Hlcs HlcsI RtaU I rail 11111 11111I tie ie Al I Ihll Ihlli I thu thuje hi hit i je hft hftit htllt htlltI it I Oll jUI jUIllltlts trglsttrcJ rglsttrcJ rglsttrcJditty gLotetCLIun llltlts llltlts1M 1M un he heILIe hC hCItlr Itlr tJ tJutrel tIt It rUhi 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SPLITaO1fll SPLITO1r tovr O1r nrjrcr AIWASS riinrxswx riinrxswxTO rlll7F1oSIOTO TO UK CHIHST CHIHSTAnd aznsrAnit lmlSTAnd And Hold to the Tmrtatnut Tracttit of lilt IIt Filhrr Hr HrjpcthiR nJcrtln Re1ICtitI jpcthiR the Ijltrri rrctrnilrd Trstimrnt TrstimrntWhich TtJImnthlrh TcstsmentWhich Which hlrh Abba Profwfn to Hold lIoldlIlol lIoldlIlolI IIoIdMlnglar Singu Singular lar I Itllnnlom flli nl fur a hrhtlnn land landThe IodThl landThe The dwpute over cr tho BiMiuInpnen 1l lIlIlnEnl of the theels the1m8 thorlua els 1m8 ms of 1 Alilini Kffcmll the lucent head headnf headII nll nllor nf II ihic tic 1 Ilatlst religion wnsrs 11111 warm and hero heroIs he herot to toSa Is NI cW Votk itk American men anal women womenre lom womenare nar ar are re i Ticnied I nl1 In ttin lit quarrel tlIrroI which hldl bids bld fair fairto rolrt to tfvr va 1 tho nntier tint publicity whICh of oflt olit lt wall trenctliim Irerl lh both iddm lr KhAl KhAlrniii KIL KILfOI rniii 31 win il bronchi lit doctrinal to this thisoountrv Ih IhIlunlr 11dMOUflttV oountrv ntnl I now flshtln ncnliHt Ahbsi AhbsiE AhblET AhbnE1ai ET E1ai id II lm hrt trarHatoU ti wnrc nr L1C called Tacts Tactsfor I 1aetItor ocli ocliroc for Iieiwnt Urll t4 which hlrh I boliiir clrculatuil nmotiK nmotiKlh nll1ollltll lh eel 1 In tl Ihl 11114 ruinarkablo pnmphlrt Is Istold I ltoi1 told IV Mr Ir roaninnd Tontpleton or Haifa Haifafiyrti IInlCnfIU IlnifarI fiyrti rI the Ih former wife wlr nf Iiiurptiep Ollphuitt Ollphuitttti tti tl tlM hlflt tory of thU Ihl family rnml the hI hosil of which whichsummed whltlititnI 1 summed 1Imr1 to bo a innnlfpHlatloti of nod OodM nodH nI nIhe he ijtve 1 many loan Interesting Inrl tlnlt facts nbout the theDnb IhE1I0 theIbnb Dnb 1I0 nnd omlor ann of particular Internet Is I thnt 1lItt 1lIttor lartof rt rtof of her etILI tory Iflr which hlch dwell upon her aiqiiaiut aiqiiaiutn Inp ne with the man nt Acre ert Syria who pre pretend protenI pr prtrnl tend to II be tho rrlncarnnted Chilst 1I1 1 Thl Thlman Thl1IIi111 Tideinun man known as II Abbas Lbn KITendl JIY nlI hm ha a follow followtrie fOOfIn foIinwtn trie In In New IIV iork ork city and It neighborhood neighborhoodTnriou 1IlIllhhorhoolIrinllol fIeigihIOrhIIalrtOIteIy Tnriou lIrinllol ly estlmatod at from 400 4O 00 to 2100 0on 9 per perorn IfrIn florenn enn orn In They wore Ir at first known a lUli lUlitut nlhJul fltlbut but now rppudintfl thin title III Ie nnd call them themtplve thaiiIpVC4 IhllmtI tplve tI flchnlds 0 Abbas bba Kffendl Is I tiLl thoBjhn th thD tiLlBhL1 Bjhn I or Christ ChristSim ChristIIR ChrietMr Sim Mr IIR Trmpleton who knew tho father of ofAliiiin orAllhll ofAtIste Aliiiin rfTendl who proclaimed 1todII IInlll hiuikelf hllll plr to tobe toJ be IlchuUllnli tho tim Glory Glor of God It I quoted quotedi a 0 eat i vine lUg of him that ho wa Wll8 a faintly char charMIT duuI iat iatcult I cult MIT and flhi wa flq nnd nd IH i revered throushout throushoutler tliroiigholltIeral ler Ieral tii Ily ItatillMH hUMIII he Is 1 worshipped as asthe nIII asthe the III innniffMntlnn of Coal foretold by tho thoprophet Ihorllph tIloprnptieI prophet rllph or rid lII nod bv It th Ihll Bali Rlho or fore foreruniier fnt fntrUIIIIr forttuflhtt runiier In ii IMt 1 4I 4 I ho hI railed himself hl1l1 ltr Illmli IllmliProf 1J1711hProf LIhialaProf Prof Driilron 1 1111 HOSH HI IPlofror rofe or of Icr Icrflnn IorPILfI 1 1In flnn In In IniverKily lIhtil ollese London In a mt tnl rnrent rent nt Mnicatlne article PI1i nyi recardliiB the theposition tI tIrnolllnr tiIProsaItno position UFnumeil by Abhns I ffrndl thnt thntfc timL fc fniher left ninone Id hie writing rtitiau thin hlM re reniariuhle rpnn toItrttPLfltflt niariuhle nn ltnhl naleinnnt relatlns to I IL fulllI ftt unit ufatiOhlL lutini lutinilegations nnll nnllIalioll legations Vho Stannar hn oPnr vflr lay III ina claim to II I III nprophet IIIrlphlt ftIrnhtet prophet ere rr one thntiiinnd tho1 I nn full tilt ycnrn 101 have havepacsed hl hl1Hsll huvipftLPl pacsed verily ptly he hI 1 a lying Irlnl Impostor ImpostnrThe IIlIloIur IIlIloIurThp Impostorihe The quarrel Jlltrl between plHpn the III tit lt I1Itilets liilnt hnl to nrl nrlthe nlo nlothe ni nithe the llalV llaa 11 I In II I it nil oi a Ii ctuntrl lIlltl ItIIflt rice I luiseil 11111 liLt CI I on In the theration Ihtnllion I ha hansiton ration nsiton of Alibns hi Iains Cflandi lncn1 Mr site Ir Tciipletin Tciipletinniy 11111111 11111111Y niy dual of It lilin 111 Mini IIHI Ms 11 younger IIIr luotiier luotiierhlmt 110Iiltr4 110Iiltr4hhl hat hathlm4 hlmt hhl KfTcndi Elrll Is I I renmrkuhln rnlrllll man nnd nndrrlght nld nldr1ghl 01111pight rrlght r1ghl have hl been noble 1011 on 01 eicept pXC fnr fn one onedefect ttia ttiadeItcI rl rldrc defect drc III I ille prlle nlm Is I very Pr great 1f In Inths II IIth IIIth ths th beslnnlnB hllnlln I had a true I ril rio nTpciion 1lclOI I1TUt1 lot and andrsicm nn1srl 1 fl I ICsPthII rsicm srl fur all ni the Ih brothers hrIIpr and nll Mjbas aibt hll Kffeiidl Kffeiidlrim LITtiidll rrJ rim 11 nnMrnlly IAIltnl flat Itnhly the da hp prominent prldCplII llciirn 1llr nmniiu nmniiuthen nllIl nTfllL then 111 but i JM LI4 i tiI lie yearn VlIt if IIHVK 111 iitisciM I lmv lmvi IIV IIVI i I i IM Ii liirn hi lc nnil Int the lil ntiicrs ol1r more In nl nltliiiigh II II1112h iiiIllalitla tliiiigh 1112h tliiSiirii 111 Iii SIrI1 nf lr Uvl 11 I nuiv 111 IlIU nt lt liny II lIlt lIltbWnI time timeiiwnki II IIuk iiwnki uk th tt nilcinil 11111 LIinII clmr rhntnr tr whleli 111111 wan WI nline taIi line 11 Ii IC niie I for flr the I lit pre IrIn en liiWevir II wvir he heteen hI Iiln teen ln in I 0 be blliiled I111 hl III IP I nnd nll lIlt I nri 11 ft IU verv omrv omrvKlfpndl Ill 1 lV lVtaaae I taaae Klfpndl E11111 tITcn all trfi Lt fee ei that Ihll I hut li liMI I i It 1110rH 1110rHfl inn I IIf fl If sIllnl tIILlng In 1 I tIle fll llrM I hiiat I hn1 ipacaitI MI I II a 1 Testament let tIII11 101011 let i I him hll Ii I 0 lay rw 11 I 14 father rathrl ftI lid He Hetiiiiindrt I I It Itabailtfll I IrIII rIII tiiiiindrt 1 nbidieno hlln from bis iLI lirothers lrIhlr irol hipr nn Oo oe tI tIil lntler ntler 11 of liU hi father rlllrr hoilPelinlrl hOIJlol nn ollh Hie I ha cminI cminIHi IpIauI1altill UII UIII Hi I till lie 11 II is i I II I Icatl The Ihi ToMument 111 hi II pie piel pIj ilEfto iii 10 have hn tltI in il hU hi possession I he refuses refusessin trl rtfiieasI I Ij sin oh llfl to lit 1114 lirnthtrs Irltlr tart Iare itlthough Illh tll litttii he la It I Cahill CahillI alii aliit ull to I hae IRIS 111 hiwn ii II it III others It ltars In his hi HmK HmKof lkaa III a aOf of Sly atv 1 111111 ovenatii ll hal I Hah lah wmmnndivl wmmnndivlhis rlnlnldpd aIthLlllfthlIedlaia his I icHower I a resrt rlIrl CPl bin hi nous 111 nn trim trimHrnwlies Ir1 tria triaItrnnlt I Hrnwlies hot hiI cnid iiilMna Inli till Itllj iibout elevating elevatingone 1lfnl I one Irnnllp to I fatherhood nt the Ilfla ne nf thentheis thentheisIn IIfl fLth a aI I II In I hl he otiiirrrl 1llrrd that I ir 1 haLt cil lhI ile the Ih oect 1 and andIn II 11011Is ld 1 1I In I wulnB warm In thi 111 I Lie ceuntrv aaaJ IIr Itt Ii tne II I a ati caul caulof CII of the I lit pnhliehilon plhlllnll 1111 Ii Irl I Io of Ir the I ha Ktieu FII 1 tait for Ilehalstn Ilehalstnwhich IIhnl Iahltewhtth IM IMhlrh I which hlrh In helnir hlna piMed from runt hellover la 11pr llitr 1 lap IIPlicver lapilPPt hphppr licver nnd 0 nd I Ic heinc 111 rend Ior with I cii il vrylnir rhll Pill eiintiitrt 11 11iI PilltILe tILe iI hy tlise Ih who whl are ar for fu nr auainsi allilol IgLllHL Abbas AbbasI lhK lhKl bialNEndi I Endi mll mllAt At 1 the th present time Ihl 1111 I he 10 living 1lmr at It Acre AcreSvrla Arrt1 AirIrrti Svrla t1 jiollrlcal 01118 I prlxntier of a IIH ll Shah htili fJVrvii rI llit JVrvii lp I run hu plenty of I money annp nnd 0111111 0111111blllpI unhi unhihrther IILIICbapts hrther blllpI bapts lives 1 in ili biviirlmis 1 lrll ninnrier ninnrierIhe nMIIr nMIIrJh Ihe 1 Jh ha liiilly of oflh the I ill Hphiitlt mlllnli Ii ban 1m nn income incomefr ilc ilctol illalllO illalllOfroaii fr tol froaii in III I i lioverntnent I ornrlf vorntflafl an well WIl Ic1 1 a I reeniie reeniiefpiii 1111 i11PflhltIi fpiii 111 Ii Ll Hue tl I ii I vlllaiim 111 ltie lh Ilio Innilj Illd I iititl Slr8 Slr8Teinflenil IlirsI Ir Teinflenil I Hate tllll Ahhns Ahn KfTendl haH appro approI rprorr I rr many 11 vinr llr 11CC nnd 1 11 hl tile klnlreil klnlreilletwein klllll klllllI klnIratlatt latt letwein I 11 Waqi Irl I rty ri nnil 11 ual tlfty lIl II ft ner pfrfl ton on fire fj rp left 1I1 len tlive st stLa live 11 ln 1 i they tl thi may 11 ifltL The Th nriiher Irlh ro could couldprevpn anaailPtPPIL1 11110 prevpn 111 Mm hli from frnr UIlProPrIi ipprnprialliuc IIrlllll llLi 11 a iiv iivernnnnt I IprnnlII yerflflllLt ernnnnt prnnlII money 101IP Ifthev Ir I hI ha 111 wmlii as I a 11 hm tliev ttia rrIO rrIOI roraeato fns fnst to inke Oha any art ntep PI lp that iillshl 111hl help hII to liiTinsn liiTinsnII Iwn IwnI Iiivrtnati II I di nrd I Ihe I I hat liiRliHimniliiii hirhlulII titliH 111 I nf nfttxr at ataaoarar ttxr yunirer aaoarar brothers hlllhr lire rp HIM 10 I laa Miifhii al st stlr lr 111llh Ihraiiii IIr find 111 hail Must liimlnni 111111 I lirnneh lirnnehIhe lrlll lrlllI iraa tail tailI Ihe I he wife cir nnd nld dauphtem dLI htpt of 11 liii ho Hehul Mali Maliliave lah taiiivp liave 111 tilles Il of at an I eipiallv rla1 Orlenul rhiiraier rhiiraierA dlrll iiiirai ur urAc rAM A AM the Ih llehalllnh I1aIllI IIlnh ilila had 1111 two Iw I wives I wim alaI fthe tthe fIh the Ih children rhlhlrn nre nr unit hllf brothers hrolhlK and 111 fclmern fclmernt llr llrI I Ahhas hh lrfendl lrfendlDr Endllr IfldlI Dr lr I Khelrnla Ihlrlll I haIrti Ill pnhll plh1 pal lal liipq lies hl lettir Iplr let a from from tho thotwo Ih IhIn I 110 110I two I wo hpitlierH hrtr In wllili the I Ip teil fi pal him hll iitt that thatthrough tI tII tliiitIlItOIlta through I hrou him i od jd will II uIi fluvutc tievait UUI Ill Illpllrpaai rauhe rauhespread 111 spread Hi tile nmno InmA and illddIHr ihanife iiititi the Ih arth lcth Liii Ia into intonew illu 1 at atl1c new l1c one nie nnd RII make Ilak il to I li hI tap ilu 11 ha Harden lr 1 of ofAhha Ir Irhha tatA I Ahha A hha i ne 11 lie 1 promised Irall I In 111 I 11 I Ic gren gr Ir uiiHraiicei uiiHraiiceiMiinllme a IIrI I I Pras II0C II0Cblalatat Miinllme blalatat 111111 liii the I Ii ill fullowerx 11 ar lr bIt Ih LI uNew I ala alaaark I IIW New IW York Ylrll aark are nr ifetilnK rtlnl ready 1111 irry rn in IlkIt 1 i iniundi It IIIIIIIfl1 niundi that I hiI it I maile wat uiaii IIOSKI 111 hy id idK 1 Ii IigeIaIIaa 1llllln geIaIIaa llejoil lloniltlons lonulll of the 1 I I few VTV rih rihpeoiilo rlatit peoiilo 111 1 who ll ha havo IiiMfi 11n cinvcriid 1 aid 1 who whot wll Ily Lily believe le hat I in uivlnx liII1 gki rLt their rniney rnineyHii 11Iy 11Iyhi lLaIHflYI I Hii hi enii 10 I111111 the IIIY lILy liro Irn uiakiiiK Hkhl known 11101 i the therld 1 VIIIa 01 a rld rlll larIet larIetrll1 tliu I hu triad IlaO ltd tiillni I kiln dlll of the I Hiuud tauta Iluld I ciinlnx ciinlnxiell a II lri1 lri1t rrlur rll1 1aTn Me 1 ld tIii 1lnIPr Liplilipt Mie Ih Famr Famr11 1 iell 1 11 niidlenrtM nldiplr nhc uhI1 litr atr many IIIIY vSn IH in int I litt a Miu ataL ii unil Ind LI 01 I rel rhal it i it all thin i hII hlI sb 411a4 orlnvts orlnvtscf 111 111d Ial tvs tvsr cf ii jIIJ i iiiis4ion IlLlIl Amlidl 1111 tad aill ibe I lIP a Vurk rark tci i la nr Itarir nrIn In hI ir inliinf Iili ahiii the I lao MiNiltl Ill the iI 111 nli Mr MrHurt tIa tIaII II III Hurt I II ar the I Je Iaialiagpre I lalnKer dtlll and IIt sevnd uihern uiherni rah rahI Il i briure air Iliire I lair on 11 the tli L1 new rellirnin rellirninAnd rfII I And 111 nat I Hr It Klieiridln 1IIjrllu I lairitliat nnd ai i ad hi liK it fillnwers rill rillfiillv nilrl ti titli tli rl fiillv III round rUlIlII tlnir banner hlllpr in il hlmcn hlo nuu nuuthe titdI 0 0Ih tlcr I Pat it the Ih tpaeldnir Irihlnl I uf Ir af the I I ha Ihhn IIL Tllah Tllahto I lInl I II to I I ho found ou uld iad in II I ii the I hI ha surr Id ttrd Honk 1k lit ak Ivitnbik Ivitnbikili I I Utah tlii 1 ili This hl bonk IH I the Ilible 111 of tln I lliils lliilsdnj I flLsPiai I IJ I dnj with will it thi tiy hoiiiiH laoIaa I rtfutetlie rculp rcfulo II I ill pietrninn pietrninnliijn irstcIasanI I liijn hl I 1rmIlt tI fTendl I tliut I ht IIP I i I the I a lnrd lr1 I itril Imu Imuri 1 tt1i1 tt1i1I I ri nl Tho I ho Filnculur ltulur 1 lLiUia I Hatimenl tI at iIaipijt IH I a wAd ii it itta mI nI I itts tot for lehnl IchllI ite that thlt tiLt Alilou I 1 a a lirndl In1 lirndlit Ill IL it Itirlh this tll iiritensiiin lrIIO1 artallCaan In II order to I Indu tlhl fi firilans Iflllo I IC rilans flllo to It lurepl 1111 him Tim lhi convoits convoitsli tt ttI li I I Nt a York aark nnd 11111 ebewterp IfP hptp make nkl tl It 6 the Ih I ho tati tatii IIII i tie tieI i til 1 II I wheruver W1LPrLI hlfer ver tliey are lt itt tlkii Iklll I ng to I i a outsiders outsidersnit ulohlerII ait t4eri t4eria a nit a II the Ih now IAW rill rII1 ltd lnii Ii that hIt IhrMlans 1lrllan hilt lana of ofilenomlnntloti IJft i iP ilenomlnntloti ha lIomllllllol LII fl mitt lnft nr Li I looklinf lokl I tOi lUg furward fatran rI lo lofie I 0 0I fie I 1 a rotiirn rllurl rail tint of If tin 11 Saviour h11 1lllIr vloair iitnl 111 liii 1 In I lo It I It harp hrreulreujv Irp IrplrIJ harptlrpadv ulreujv lrIJ The Thl Ilahs lahI1 on oi till II otMr at tr laor liard CItY suytm CItYI ay tm I 11 nil ri tho I tti llojv I nil Hooks Inok plainly 1lfllI pri fIIv fIIvlalifltln Pv PvIa vi i I Ia niaiiiretiitlon lalifltln lain nilv i a tIlL til au I tm tia tiaP Iflml ri Ii Iatlie ltllp irtt 110 tl IA Ia etern eternIndeed tr I I au auliialuaiai 1 1ltII Indeed ltII my IflI the tfipvritor writer wrlrr of the Ihl Facts Fltl for forrviiiu rnrI forIL rviiiu IL I ia AlihA hhn 11111 ILlai1all etidl doe I not 11 lolre I Ira IraIL II 11 ut 1 theSijprem SllnrI Ilihlilminf 1 laiptat i II the 11 lit rnthirhhuiiiil rnthirhhuiiiilliinwleiUpil I rntl nthurpILtjlIa hOI1 hOI1I I IIluwlldllll liinwleiUpil Ipalgptt Ills Ii I us pollfy 1111 iitllt I In I plea I11a plaaio plaaioa oe 1 a iieopln 1fll a ihIflhltIll 111 on lid 111 liim ltll Ii liii After they I hLta mine mineilier laaaalr 1 1r ilier lil hia nlII it Iniail oliiti rnntrol nlrl be 11 Ii will wil iinini taint til IT frI rfr I lf I I every urY MlpriMtm ulIn Httitlde IltIldp Ii I I I ida that 111 a it there therenil1 1IIcP 1IIcPI I I nil1 I esi 1 I Im I 4 I i no ho hI Ims nlroHilv nlroHilvi IlrHh i i Ia iiMiunt It lttfl tlio Ih I 10 inimedlate imCNlllt fnllnwr rIIII rIIIII To Topcnlr I at atI I I 04 nl pcnlr 11 in II hi lts power Hr be 11 IHO ha tried triedIV Irir1I I riolIt IV I I very pt 1 lieinI i ti I a prevptir fare PIIlt LpliI thtin Ih from rrnl readiint readiintrk ra rudi rudiI a at atI I rk fif llehal HhL I Itll Ih wliluli 1IIIIh would IIIIai ullthV ibnv ibnvin iawa a in 1 plainly IIH I th tha fnlnlty Inl of Ir hU lii dubni and andiin 11 11I IllialLfl I iin iinN ni a I York nrk rk I zreat Iral rvo I elfy It ltr and RIII a lid cnn cii ii enjoy Injo InjoIhlT ns nst eIIIoil iiv ilzion HA thin IhlT ire rp iils eil ty tt tea Iadl IadlI hi itIt I i but I it I tat none 1 aiiilt iulr ilp au singular Inlilar InlilarI us usi I i tin I II Iii AUNTjcinlid JIchil lh dI whofo whofoin a litpo litpoa in a i at I I iircti I f11 in il Ill Arrc ArrcIIil It ure ureti I Iil I ti il 111Ii qza IIil MUll isI fills i1t Il I IM I I7t7I l7 7 ATI 1 I XI JIl I II ltlnaril I Ic I tlnaril tu 1 A Ks rnrpiirntlnn juIIrlln I itrpirol Inn rtiunul I tuense i lo loA I 0 0t A upeal eil I 111 nun 1 81111 the 1 lit Mill Millllntiin I 1 i I II 11 I llntiin II I I Ii tn iiiinilvlimrr havo hll ri rl rlr re rer au i urp rlII ru iiMtiin rail 111 toiiiiitcl 1llnd IllOstI Vhalcn tfrom 10 10Rp tatII Rp II I from 11111 Ji 11 III i 11 lec I tillilrrsleeviN tllhr I Bire nltt nlttI itireCt itireCta lI a I I 11 IMS flirii rlrIIU iiy tliiin th1 to II reinstall reinstallus tlIIlnl tlIIlnlI I It i us at nil imil I 1 Ilm Ilmsi II III Ihaa a I I I 11 I si lf I ml I tiiit 11 Iii Apncltiln Apncltilni I I a I i plitM 11 11 tln Ia tll iit I tIa IIP fiim a 11111 will wiliI iil hi hilln it ita 1 a rr I I lln I ha Im I at i i Aiieuls A The lIit point pointioii 1aIaita a 11 ioii I I hita tiit Iii I iiiunil liner rel relnai fI fIt riiI I a i i 1lallh ltoalataIigIt ate I Ilarliii Irul I Ia nt ntIr natLt Lt Ir frau isa aV ii II I II tIat 1t I a a a nai Ih Ii I lit I ii Wait WI nipolnted I II Ttiiin I tiiin I 11 a 1 I a a i alit 4 1 it afu and andi RIII RIIIf 1 i lit II uII1 altItaI hi 11 a a Hi I I la laa ur 11I 11It ti rli a li Uliite 11 li iattuiIi I wniiiil niiiil 1 nf fr Ctilninbla 01111 lilliiiytbli lilliiiytblir Idlbll I 1 ac Inl fl ial tat I tiiI IwII tvli lili lae were irit ntvarded ntvardedi nWltlId nWltlIda na ralnd ralnda a i Hiiin 11lln I ltlrI Irjvir rtver In Ihe I 101 a1 ew days daysf 11 tin I 1 thrii I hi eutli llh 01 oi II I I a niirnii nuuaaii nlal vnlun IIIA of fCV fCVI tC1 1iI 1iII I lv I Ml 1 at snieritiin 1111 ihml for Cla pil pilMir 1 Mir itr nt II AHI 11 iiml IId uppii IPII tu 1011 nillAitiPil nillAitiPili auli IIIP IIIPI aaltL 1 1a a i I i uradiiHtp Irllhlll two I so tinit Inl hal I bitii h1 tnken tnkeni Inkln InklnII II i iMhi 11 Ilii II inner ill art llerl lloiliti lloilitiI 1111 I inl 1 Alis Its Airnis Auth lliilihvln IHllIn IrMliliiit IrMliliiitre I a re ivel 1 aaal InM II ftMk 1 mi anonymous 111111 gift ilftnaiiiHin 11f gifta a naiiiHin 1 Jilt annual Inlllll fpnwMifi rplII In 11 tin ill ie iemfiii ul ulr 1 1I I mfiii tit af liftinanlr I lirlnnll fInahIli InncuaKts III iiml nllllllr llteru llteruwhich lihrita a a a which will wil It Iii viPi Ihlnl inlI an iinnuM 1111 II xtlpnnil lil111 ijaiid of altI I 1 1 ln titaaIltIVttltI imiveisi 11 a tinniil 111 has hn niilliur niilliuri nll hut tr trI itor itora i I I I I aml a i a I I a I Mi I An Antli tria nf tli a a I Ieriii il a tri rI I 0 o1t dft I tn tmt tmtA A Fatal Blow Blowhas has been given giv to fake fak furniture furitue advertising adv rtsin since we wecommenced wecommcnced secommenced commenced to advertise our reliable relablc bargains The Thepeople Thepeople Thepeople people have found our goods right our prices more than thanright thanright thanright right and our ou terms rms the best ot any in the town And Andregarding Apdregardin Ajdregarding regarding the lie latter lterwe Iatterwe we arrange arang the Ih terms of payment paymentto to suit sui the circumstances crcumstances of pur our customers customersWhen customcrsVhen customersVhen Vhen thinking of furnishing wholly wh ly or in part come comeand comcand cnmeand and see us Here are ar some of the things we can show showyou showyou showyou you That youThat Kills Opposition a aJ I 2OO 2OOChrvcille Chtvnl Chrvcille Dre DreMMer er En Entlrcl 1ntirely tlrcl tirely nl Ij te t1eign 11110 iiittiln In nie niellho fine fineNlt1IOgifly Nlt1IOgifly llho an or HlrllI BIrdpt Eya ye MBIIt MBIItlLriIi rlpll rlpllIefplI IefplI lLriIi i HO 10 frl ritti etll UXqIl ibi ll to eu CI rtIng nr In Ing UflIl nI plnno pol polIIi polIIi1ortli hWoth Woth 1ortli rCJular rigultr wno A grent grentntriiin rlnt rlntLlrltlin Llrltlin ntriiin flr or Ihll tliS taek Ck 200 200For For thll this lnndome Ilnndomci Iocl Boc1tar Boc1tarItirge rIlr Ilr Itirge 110 Mize will viuI II arilis I hllh itigh back backainti lck lckInd Ind ainti I Il 11a14 I a clno ctIEtl III and nsweep nsweepthat it swue swuetitt that jtitt jl hi iIt YOI you In II that tIiitt tircil tircilFpot iroalFIot cOIIIIOrtItbl Made In InlO1lII Fpot iilaiat Ott COlflrtuhl llh II Holll lO1lII ink or MitliLIgitIly llho IIY FilIHh FilIHhWoot Fitileli FitileliVootl Woot Vootl FIlt Fent Hnlldll 1411lIle Ihlpo siiiitOI Ht liU liUIlir uIlr Ilr Ilir prko rlea HW tr I I I I I 850 850i 850Flaitform i rlltrorm Flaitform Rocl RocKer 1110 Iflttde In InI inSOII1 I Sold SOII1 llk Ouik or MtiiOgLiIIV IahofII Ilhol IlholHlered tipliol tipliolHtcreal Hlered 1111 attiti oIrull II III trS pr hlst hlstel lflBteiii el eiii bOFId Il I iit her 11 lli hll lt a Iry ry ryeotLIforttb1e I rOlfurtaLlu eotLIforttb1e IL 1111 II I 1 1 111 a I it itlIt HIIklr lIt akar 111 it I lina 9 rJllnry riagi i i is ny ItiLll ItiLllaId tFoll Foll aId at UOO 1400Ta Ta Tla TlaI I 4 4c 1 a Ia IaI IaPhp tj I I I I II II A Php I I I I 1850 185011v 11v BIlyI thl JnndlolO l1nntIotirn lolhll 1otible Door DoorLbrnry oor 1 LiGrlr Lbrnry Uuolco it IIdu ititido frut fruit fruitt1l tl t1l un Iltt litt Qtiaitert 111tcrt I Hlwed Sitttil Sitttilhih I Oal hih wlih I I II Ilr In rio 1 dnw fput hitt fulI11 II itI itIeo1iiiiin 111111 eo1iiiiin nllf rUl fiat lItil vnrvi lige fi rIit I I it itII II 11 Ii Xlfplllll at itiuti I nll ft nu 111 Ji nil IIIh Ii I gli gligrade I Irlt grade rlt 10nltlFI ltapiilcantt Ilr and 11 Is aqllal 111 tu tOun 11 un lulll MtlI LI SIIO SIIOizl 11 tO tOSilo Silo izl Ii I Iitt1ie I el hl high ntttl 413 413Ihlt1ii tl tlIllw Ihlt1ii ttliIi I Illw wih wihI Your Credit Is Cood CoodAT AT THE THEBroklyn THEBrooklyn Broklyn Brooklyn Furiure furniture Company 659 TO 571 FULTON ST BROOKLYN YSuperior Ylo Ys lo loWv Wv Jail l4Baurmcao l4BaurmcaoSuperior ail rmf Superior Resources Resources1h Thf 1h feature fci itre in our cliun 11111 or tindorfollluu In it or fII I tbo Ih ntu IIH i in a i Kitintin liIIII iiiI In Ii whlrh htlh iii wo Wt havn havnmastred hlVI hlVImat1 haviimatraal lltl 11 mastred 1h hy rensnti ICMII of larif lIri lan ptirrhnMnnd pUrlll Iti rihtIata nnIIlolIIrIII1 111 closeiiiirnniid losaIuu rgi flat I protlK In 11 I ii palionli palionlin Pit alllllr alllllrIhi I on ii iiI mat1 inerrhaiidminc italiCi I 8iviiiti 1 I Ia Ii privH Ci a will lound I na i In Inivirv InrTllln InI I i this Ihi I lih urcat Illat inerra 11I1 If if fllerPhlI rlhIICII hg grill Irll I I rl1 a 11 1 11111 Iuti ivirv I aVit rTllln lnrn I I Ill AtuuiyiiMiM IIIII It1lyttal 4 of rl luiiu Ia iig inv i 11 iii tulp ntr i iibt nid a IL I cxensv a ial1 trip Irl I rj ir 1 ivta llkiwme IklWII Ii itt vi Ct wived wivedI I a hhouiiK ISiIO hoPII 111 I iig hi1 itt I Ioiivmciiisf IIIOCIS Il naji Ii If proofuofour prouflll proaafaa Oi ut exipi tX 1111 a upt na aa al ofi ie an a to ion ionCKildrens I or orChiidrens1Millinery fChildren Children Chiidrens1Millinery Millinery MillineryttilllWi 1i1inery Anni AnnI5UrY AnnI5UrYiIIIIlItlS ur urC11I iIIIIlItlS ttilllWi i lint flil ill 1 ii STHAIV 1fIA sm tt 11 ATS TSImno trmnirrt Jh ru rrludlibln ruaar ami riblon aarih aarihI nrth rh t5S 15O 15Ol 150IIIIIIES C11I I Ilti IllllVS IAMY it 4 HlllAW Ill I IIV HATS TS thU IU IUt rulird jli lir Prm ms Hfiully IYllmmIlhho trlnimil wllli liloi IaIo IaIoome 1 lVJ lVJiTK or oran 9 9umN 9vllI IIIIIIES wotih III 7 7a 0 0IIII umN an an4 irflncyrlh IIIn wt tltatrtlI i vllI iTK Ano I cal iiiiTiArs rlTS nxBoiAJiTV IIV QI11 QllITa QllITaIii 75c 75cIIIJH 75t1IWII IIII IIIJH iiAiv jI 111111 111 Iii II An NO LOW IW cnowNS lf All 011 sirs SIIS 15c to 2 225 2251111 25 25tiii 25Iittr 1IWII I Iittr Altlil tiii ittxrltl 1111 niis lt I tI i wnnr 1 II 1111 HI IL I HIOSSMS HI IalaS4 SSMS SSMSvn tIS 39c to 49c 49 49WIIf AMI HIIKSSUM 1 yitirns MI tL 4taIi 4taIiII iioi sOlllltittrN1 iioVKiis IIISI 11ltS WIIf vn I IUnl UIIISSU 39 39ellIrwS WI OlllltittrN1 ellIrwS II 111 tillSS IIATS II tiI THIMMii llt I It I I iMIUit It Kill I I FI iOti It I lll II I whrn tniln tnilnBoys rIltarIa arc Tllrriiaarai 1f 1fBoys I IBoys Boys Clothing ClothingnvOPIKIT C1othin C1othinTVflPIIi nvOPIKIT TO StlTs l1i 7to 7 lu li I MIV I ta Oft MIU1 11 SAIMUt II MIltrK i I a I1 a In flftPal IltrK 1 tcr huiu uI1IM Itoi 1 lI Ia I SnilirNiif Snll1 Sit lair SIII tOVOms IU a 9 8 ms 111 pints II lairo a Ia I tS a a SrurtrMfe SrurtrMfeflloSiill Spiret Strr 1 0112 4 I ai aiho 9 llr 10 MttV eMIT suis Irr TII 11110 111 ilO Slllt I tu flloSiill tll ruloSattiL 1 in LI in a i 1 pier pl Mlllvl ul uIl 111 a to In IdMens InMens inMens Mens NecKwear 25c 25cI ti AT I Mi 4i i a I a IIN ii a nIInl ni 1iiBi ulliinr it un aa 1 tta Mylm 011 sty Irat Muinliy ti aanahii 10 10L mly mlyLadies aali aaliLtdies Ladies a les Patent a ent Leather eat er Doots oots IIIIS fln mJ ruw 329 329One 329Urifrarned vUnfra1ned 29 Unfra1ned Pictures One OneHall Half and Ono1ourth Ono1ourthI OneFourthRCgular RCgular PrIces PrIcesFI a i fCT FI I 10 10I InI I ranur allal 1 I I aI I a MaaI I II a 1 ru ruI 9c 9cI I cnl 1t I I a I 14 1 I ta 11 05 a at Ii ii if nn nn 101 Anal i I ill aIIa IA Untnrr ttnthrtaI Iolhr flniiiinni 11 aI 1 I h1 hial lniiiinni Idlnl iiliinn I I a ni iltIUp tiiur IU and ud utlifr aatIP II rtlfirntiil Cl il ilI 1 19 Cl Cln II I ISc nod IrialiWOADWAY rr rrBROADWAY rROADVAY BROADWAY GRAHAM GRAlAyI AND ANDFLUSHING ANDFLUSHING ANDFLUSIIING FLUSHING AVES A AyESBROOIiLYN DROOHLYN YN a at 111 IIlI nl JOIt II nIIII nIIIIIln tiiit ii iiIlitat lion Iln nniirrxniiin rili 1121rliid liIttrlal rr lil tnl 1111 liil Siiiirr aaure IIr Mllh itithline MllhOne tlb tlbn One if 1 Iths lltli lltliJiino 1 11lr tltliaJ11130 Jiino 1lr Imhim I Irali IrlililIll im of Tl ratiherry rllrr Hrept Hreptnrooklyn lrpIOrukll IrnptOlitalki nrooklyn Olitalki Orukll ii nm of fr Conaretfnnn LOIUl 1oitrPt II all 3 0 1 KHz KHzentld Fii FiiUlrllIIM li Iz Izgenii genii entld il14 constltuenln I net It II Cfl 1111 II few month Ilitalit Inlh ii nun nan ulal re rereived rlni rerlvul nllolllrnll reived UlrllIIM oil If Mr Ir UlitCHMld I 17IHrII1 4 iie Iapaehtee che In Innatniihlet InlaIhll Inlaaaa natniihlet laaaa a iaid ni ti vrm 1 til rio Ine nd not 111 npunmnir Illrl PP ra yIn 11 i of the theiitalncil IheIt I he heIl laIhll Il Cal It iitalncil lll1 UlL HI at 1 ltl It lr er to tho Can un gI I I ft er 0 Mimn aaIaI iriiiciMilj nllIAII I In I iiusn LI I iui iuihut i ihII hII hilIaa hut 111iiHr 111 Mr Ir Iralnl iraltntn HOIIIIIH IalaIliaIII a I rmi rmidituf 01 dituf 111 fr rnliinuishipin IlhIIIIllli III Mrd ervi i iand 1101110111 and I 11 nil urnie a rI 0 to II I I toiufresniin rIIIII11 tItgr tilt lil I ltjCtttI 1 Kiriud 1rhlllI1 tiKklni uiekirifr I fr his hi indorsemenl in lrllnl Th I hat rmiuresKinnn rIIlln aIiirsialan In Intend 1 1I litat tend II of at indorniiiK Mr Ir linilmni net 1 lo I work Ik In Ini I Ih litill I i In lemur Ins ill diiiiomatle trllllllh asiilraiions uletutra I iaiac md mdhe he tiling Ihll li lIP Ims IIIM Miieedid 11 llnailmlts I ull that thatiiri thatlit Ihnt1111111 lit iiri lath lo II Mr Ir llriiham I tl hl In wt tYuiC MirnuPd urll pll tui tuiiiniiiii 111a1Ilailil 1111111 niiiilnon tiunain Ott his hi hisI ili ililie iiniiiii of If the i rltlcHiin lul fl i lie I I I a ethlblled hlhllll It I hi I ad VI tars ubrtlit Uhrlll ii larli Iii IfiidtnvUi IreullIt I rial iivla in inIn il Irahi In II leiier wild ilt Mr If FitjB Iutjwerald 11I ralU tL i I tmtt I Muslin Underwear Sale Echoes EchoesAhead Sr Ahead A of all past records reorditeven even we were surprised at the way the women of Brooklyn Brooklynhave flrooklynhave Okl Oklhave have responded re pndeL to thi this great midMay offering oferng of Undermuslln UnLermusln and anL kindred wear ea Hut Hutmost lut lutmot Butmost most Brooklyn Brokln women have liarred I amcd now that no matter mter how little ltle the piling prWnl the garments Karmentshere garmentshere arent arenthere here are certain cerain to bs I of Rood Iood materials aterlI strongly lron ly and tastefully taolellly and properly made 11dt In 11 11great a agreat agreat great sale or at regular relf prices prl the rnmi mrrit of the garments rumentsls arnentc Is always the highest Hefcare Hefcareechoes Ilet Ile MC areechoes I echoes of if last weeks announcement Cuwtie nIH IVIIH Masonyllle tasonvlile asonvile muslin musln Gowns neck neckyoke neckyoke neckyoke yoke of hemstitched hemsttcheL tucks ters lawn laln hem hemstitched hemsliched iieiititthed stitched sliched ruffle runc on neck nc and sleeves leevet leevetCanabric nno nnoCambric 110 110Cambric Cambric Gowns neck nc four Insertions In elons of ofVal 01V1 ofVil Val V1 lace and six clusters Iet of hemstitched hemstitchedtucks hemstilchedlulsbe hemstitchediucis tucks lulsbe lace ruffle rumeon on cu neck and sleeves sleeleo 700 700Cambric 710 710Clbte 7tSoCllIlhlh Cambric Clbte Ciu Guwns iun ns square neck live lve Insertions Insertionsof Inseriuns of choice embroidery elbrOd Suat and six clusters custets of oftucks 01tuclls oftucks tucks in yoke ole others neck puff pul yoke yokeeight yokeeight oke okeeight eight lace insertions ertons and edge ed others ollels Um Umpire Inl Inlrlr EmLire Lire rlr henw hem hernstitthed lthEd itched tucks In front and revert reverttrimmed rve rvetlmmc reverstrimmed trimmed tlmmc with will lawn hemstitched hrmslichcd ittnistitchedrufle ruffle tufl 7 700 700Uru IDe1ruttrrn oDrmvciM DrmvciM Uru II Cambric Camhrc Drawers with wih lti full ful um umbrella umtela UrnlreI1a brella tela hemstitched hlrstthe1 tunic tufe and clutter cluttertucks cluterturks cu ter tertucks tucks a aCambric usio usioCambric Ih IhCambrc Cambric Cambrc and tnJ muslin musln Drawers with wih embroid embroidered embrJ embrJered embroidered ered futile rulfe and cluster tucks lues tucI iit iitMuslin 110 110Ml 110 110Muslin Muslin Ml lil Drawers with wih cluster of hemstitched hemstitchedtucks hemstthed hemstthedlucks hcmstitdiedtucks tucks and embroidered ruffle IN In the Childrens Store Inilrrwpar 1rrwllr Childrens Drawers of good goodmu 0 oo4 oo4rnuIin mu muln rnuIin lln patent faced sides id hem and Ind cluster clustertucks Jutrtucks luInluck tucks sies I to 11 years eas 01 01Chlldrens IhhlIdrCll oChildrens Childrens hlIdrCll Drawers of Misonvllle sollv muslin muslinumbrella mu mutlinUrntaIolIal lin linumbllla umbrella umbllla riiftlc tufle of cambric cmbrl and ald henistitchlni henistitchlnisizes hlmslichln hlmslichlnIles henistitchlnsizes sizes I to It Irt yrs ts liio liioMisses 110 110Mlssls I Ito Itoa3tS5CS Misses Mlssls Masonvllle asomle muslin mu ln Skirts kjrs hemstitched hemstitchedumbrell helfltlchet hemctltcbetluinbreii umbrell umIlI tuttle ruf nl 1 cambric llbll and cluster of oftucks 01lucks oftucks tucks sties 17 7es I to years elo Uli Ih into 10 to Irt Irtyears toeats lflyears years eats JHii1 all 311 with wih embroidery ImbroldlIY umbrella umbrellaruffles umlwl umlirellatul1ps ruffles tur1rs Olio OlioMisses tl Ill IllaiSSCS Misses cambric Cllbt Skirts umbrelli umhrel1 ruffle tUre of oflawn 0111wnpMtd oflawn lawn 11wnpMtd prettily trimmed limn1 with lh lace sues aize lllS 1 to toI0yaars 10 I0yaars years 48e 48eMisses 4HeIS 4 4Misos Misses IS lS iiwns IS of LI fine fin cambric 1mhr shape sh Ie yoke yokedimiilv yokeaittnhih ole olelntll dimiilv lntll trimmed Itmm with a Ilh I lace lirorttngsand lirorttngsandbcc IIrlJnn inwrttng IIIJ IIIJILt bcc 1 trlmmeil rurlV luf sues ci7 oe 2 In I I tase Kio KioMisses Kil KilIes Misses Ies ase cambric cunhrc Corset Covers COlt oers low nkIieil1tatiiet neck neckbemstitched nee bemstitched lien1Illdle1 rulfle draw sinng Snn at walt WAIHSIltS waltSIZIIS tsizes sizes SIltS 2S 2 to 34 I 10 10ChtIII lc lcCliilJuns IN INCiLllttItLi CliilJuns ChtIII luimpo Ullp Walfts Wal Vlt made ma ot lawn lawntiiikid IJwnllkd an antitkt1 tiiikid llkd vol 01 ol with ilh emlroidery ImlrolJelY inserting insertingdraw 1 LflSeItIngSdraw tlngs tlngsdm draw dm striiis StIIII 1111 at waist laIS sizes SILlS 2 to It I years Wis veinsat at 180 111 Mci Summer Furniture FurnitureAt At Small Smal Prices PricesCool Pries I Cool Looi and comfortable omfoltalll strong Iron nnd serviceable 5erleable fresh In style and try little lttle priced pricedhd prt prthal pricedItd hd need rrtJ to fn further lulher with argument ument Here Is i Immense Imren assortment aSSlttment of the right rluhtFurniture righttirnitnre rl hl hlFuriue Furniture Furiue tirnitnre to put tlt vour our house hnu in key hi with wih the Summer weathered weatmed oak prten jIU1 oiU oiUmatlinK fal ojkmtthiilg matlinK mtl and grass rss cloth olh upholsteied pieces Iecas dozens of styles 1 les not nollrrjtng torjjettni the Ihlslr Ihlslrbirh silver silverbirch sliverttlrd small birch birh which whill thjtI may ma I is here be le left lef out In the Ihl rain tall without Ihout Ithotit hurt A bit of definite defmie news IS of the thesmall tIesmall I I for the Cottage CottageReed Cott3r CottaeReel Reed and nJ Willow Wiow tIlow Furniture FurOllr tn I large variety varietyred vaiietvted Iarelv Iarelvtld red and nd green or the natural Iurnl shellac shtlc finish fnlsh fnlshfew a afew afew few items Ilcen tn Illustrate tu Irl1e values valuesCouches aIUe aIUeCouches lulls lullsCouches Couches anJ Dlvnns llv natural nalun shellac shelac finish finishyono fnl finIshI h1rn yono 1rn 31 1 ioo I JO 1000 1000Ladles 100 1001ldles 000itidles Ladles 1ldles Rockers natural nlllli shellac shelac finish finishHi7r lnlsh lnlsh17r tinhidiit7r Hi7r 17r 100 10 5ur 5000 5000Gents OOO OOOGenIs 000cents Gents Arm Am Kockers lokets natural sheila htla finish finishLarge itnisht4IS hhl t4IS 71 721S Kno 1400 it17iS U71 1171 1115 1115Large llc Large 1411 Arm Am Chairs Ch tl natural shellac sheia finish finishHoo fnl finishMHa hHIH Hoo HIH siilno 110 ifl 1100 1100Setees 11fl 11flSellee 1 I it itSettee Settee large sue stained I RIIIII RI finish tinishi5no tnl finishI i5no 1110 I 551 and an MOO 1 KnO Arm rltL ihiurs ChlI and androckers 0111 0111Ixkels andiajkiS rockers to match atch 7 7 75 and ld iJHno 1n each eachmakins taitmaking hlakl making lakl suites cf 3 pieces plel pieCesiiflIand 31100 iiflIand on a ind ld snnoo snnooAapeFurnllurii nroo nroore 8S0iphe AapeFurnllurii iphe re FUlnlurlupholslcrElm Fuinht urLz upholstered in fl irass cloth clothseitns Jaithettt5 Intl Intlells seitns ells ti ii I no rO iiino iirwitockers iiinoRockers 110 110I I Rockers and Arm Chairs Chal at at7 7 andS075eich andS075eichijreen ant S67 7 ea1 eCiu eCiujiCCfl ijreen Oa iC Furniturc Fulturc some LOC 11 upholstered lhulltCJ in intapistry illtapestry 1 tapestry lart lr others with 11 grass tas cloth colh or rattan rattanseats ratan ratanlat rattaNsoat seats seatsSettees soatSetteas lat Settees Sete 91 Slta7tt 1 in 7 and Sauno SaunoArmchairs 22t 22tArtti rAm Armchairs Am Artti Chair 9Mooand 1101 1 i and iri irilaiiC no nolancy lancy 11 laiiC Chairs Snan 1 IL2S S7rO SrI 7t and nJ StItil StItilurrls 1100 1100Murns Murns lrs urrls Chairs with denimcushions 97Hn HI I Imported Penalssane Ilcnalssne Cura Curtatias urtains I fresh and andfine an1fne tliiline Imped fine fne and dainty dllt nude mi In heavy bra vy bobbin bobbinfull hubbll hotibitita I II a I full ful vii5th 1 Ih and an i yards long s0v SiOllatue SiOllatuenl value valueat at 8i 8 SIl 70andS 71 II anal atH 3lH lHapalr lHapalrMii a pair pairt Mii 111 iiIlit lln Ciiilaint 111111 ii itulilC anil 1111 Hrd 111 SilN lIH lIH1lulacluer A Aminulacturor Amaiiufaturcr minulacturor 1lulacluer has hI closed IIS2d out his entire entirestCkto entre entresJck entireSi stCkto sJck Si Ck 10 us lS at a i bargain hJt ln price PfL to begin bt ln his histali Ils Ilslal ia iahail hail lal II Irk rk with ilh a 1 clean slate Such uh savings savingsas savlnis savlnisS as these theseStriped IheseStfd theseStrIped Striped Stfd scrim Cuttams CUllalS with ih rufllj rm full fnl width widthand wldlhan vidthirid and an 2H 21 yards long lOl value lue 70c 70 at atinc yrLs atllc inc llc a pair pairFlRureJ mlrFI ralrFiguati FlRureJ FI ure1 muslin muln Curtains Clr1lns with wih ruflle full tullwidth lul fullIJtIi width IJtIi and 11 2t yard td lung onK value alu TJc jl at atnsJis atil attt nsJis il tt a pair pair1II paarJilt 01 Jilt ii 1II 1VbtTfl1AIa riTiiiAi II A I rnoaitKS rnoaitKSUuidil 1lWat lIWUIftaSItaptal Uuidil 11111 Crotll irowlh at aCrnerlta America ntl FnrrlRD Inrilp Trait Traitlu Trd TrdII Tradelit lu II nnfiicturril 3hnnrltturlI Article ArticleWASIUNOTON Altle AltleA ArticleAMlIlNnra WASIUNOTON A AMlIlNnra Iorl May II IH I The I he rnpid develop development iiiVPinliinput vplII vplIImt input nf the Ih mnmifncturinif IICUrllrinl Indnmrle IIhllrl lnuiait rice nf nfthe orh Itta the a ha Tidied I I 111 nit r1 cii Htate HIl Slit I nnd iii their I InvuHion in iaii of foreign foreignmarket rorlln ford nnt I Ilatllel market latllel nt It I Ii the Ih I iii subject lhJelI al bJett of Icnutliy Irllh ipiigt iiy dl ii Iiuue Iiuueiloii ou ouhlon ulvl hlon lvl hy Dr I Curl tlIrllilloll girl llallod iii I lou constituting COI colit IIUII it ii tiIial part of a avolume I InhlllO afllIlIli volume nhlllO recently rnrlnt bronchi lJIJh out tiy ly the icrinnn Olrnllll Cicrnniana icrinnnYereln a Yereln rilna Inr Or lr Hoilalpolltlk SIlullloltk ailu lpoiitlk a copy CI 0111 ot II which whichhns hlrh hlrhhn hichha hn hns juit JI reached achl1 the Treasury Trel lry Imreati hltlal of 811 811ltl attn attnI ta tail ltl I il itlie tlc After A ft er romnientltiK Onllllnl lain nienttri i upon IIlnn thn Ih I lit rapid rapidurowlli talil talilIrowlh raitialgrowth growth Irowlh cif the umiiufaclurlnu IUlllrlClltll ImlustrloH Ilhltrlc of ofthe orIh ofI the Ih I ii tnited I nil11 ii tat Htntes t1 e4t11 la III recent fII1 years YIa lr rs ho In Kny KnyIf en I II ye yeIt If I we WE put PiI together the Inures nltllrl of rxporU rxporUnnd caporter llor llorrllhllorl nnd rllhllorl nil Imports lIllian rt of Ihu I ho Inltrd llietl 1 ii It cii HlNtcn iitH llle teC the I former formerIlifiire forlpr forlprlllt foriuprlluiatre4 Ilifiire lllt will 1 niiow rlflni tiMrndnnt 1 Irnlllnt column columnwlicreiii aililflflvhiors IIUII IIUIIwhcrIM wlicreiii tho 110 latter Illrf figure fIIIC will wt show Mtnunn Mtnunnlion Hlllnl Mtngnnluau I lion tnll or Ir even 11 decreaso deer Tiie 10 total Inlil i ttiI niiiunriii niiiunriiiof tiluuiitcr 1111 a aof I Ior of iho 11I Inltrd Uli n111 it etl Hintm 111 unerclinnilun CI1fCllllldlAn a morel iid iin only onlyfor 11 11for anlyIfor for the III pa 8f two 110 decides 1Ied appearn arplrol nn 11 folhuv folhuvM171ilHIRil rIII rIII1J lIallawCer 1J 1Ja a er EO bniiarU Imp ImpI Irpats Irpatsthatal I thatal I 3 a5otitaoi If in7tioniHNi in7tioniHNi577flnoiKio R7lIMIIM1 IM 151 7nO 742LOOaP 577flnoiKio 577flnoiKioTllOlliKllI 577AtOuiiLOiMai 7MnIMM 18 iMai M781MfMMI talatiioela 7 7AaIaiaaat 7AaIaiaaatiQI IIMI IIMII I iQI M171ilHIRilMJ80llilOi taLl7 M171ilHIRil alalIIut TllOlliKllI TllOlliKllIT7vTdiimjo 7 731111 lOaaiLI lOaaiLII IM IM1MI I Still MJ80llilOi MZMn111 T7vTdiimjo T7vTdiimjoUlil 7 jl 1 1I 1MI I lJ7 J7 IO IIaaIa0w IIJH 751700aaii 751700aaiiIIui 4 7nOnfl 7nOnflI olm olml Ilaaiajaai IlaaiajaaiI I IIui I 111111 lat5aas i LuLt a l7aIfltLak 0117 g7II 1111 1111lUll lUll 1011 IVJ4M100OI1 13J4 ia J4Mooi nl11 II1tIUI UllUiHIlXI1 UllUiHIlXI1Ihere jnuOC jnuOC1hr Ott OttIiart 1hr Ihere cuii tl hit 1 no 11 doidil rfull that tutu flit Ihl Industrltil Industrltilprow Indll indalautrililfaragrlau tlul tlulrlrt prow rlrt inwln Iro hy the tnlted Ktat StI tlnrliiu tlnrliiuthe aliariijatli dlllu dlllutp the tp tli rtierit feNlt period of economh1 fiofli Ivnlll tIll Ia pro IrOIrl ierlty ierltyhn it itha hn been I II rnvedlnirly a 11 I I nl nirl i rapid rllhl tnt idil Tlio Th ri tnlted tnltedit IlIlp1 IlIlp1t trl teal tealt 1 it i rapidly tphlr rai ptat becoming Icln laenan hI I I country flllr devuled devuledto Iuld IuldII to II La a tlio 11 I ii esiortatlnn SItttnl of Ir Indiintrlal Illlrl11 product productwithout Irllrtt iirauiiiotatyttliuait without however dpcrriinlni tho lii ejporla IIIHI 101 cif Ir at It ncrlrnttiirnl nlrlIIItal producU Ptolllet Krrn 1 111 tpn ne neitt nt itt tii 11 viiirn lr iikn 111 Molmitv 1010ltl hollovfil brlr1 Hint HintAniTlrii Ihalrlrll thata AniTlrii a iuarici rlrll Mitliln a 1111 I ti I ii iviUiilitbln tnltail nlIllhll told ttint would nailal bo ha iilil iililto 111 is tat tatto to prmliiis lrlllI ii iri 11 it a Ilniiply hal 111 1 it lo I 0 oiiiliU1 IIIhl it it II to toriilnirt tnwili tipfilIal riilnirt filIal laIt wltulMizlmil wili It a hlllnllln itiirla hal in thowoiMV Ih the win 0111 Ii I nmrkfl nmrkflToilny 11111 11111Tn1 11111 rltet rltettii Toilny Tn1 II tsl I I is mi 11 iii iirroinpll I ileCOiflILlIClipul Clolllh li i 1 fact rlf In Iniliintrlnl II litama iliintrlnl 111trio ama tint rniiwiitrnlioii rllrltntoIUn1 a II ajatrn tIoIt anal tfrhnltil Iuh nioa llllprn llllprnIn I linprove linprovemciili cntiiaI mciili ntiiaI iiiirtif aal ri Ii Iirly Ii rl In tutu UI Stnlcn IIIR Na I cc of ii rVnnnyl rVnnnylvnriri PInlI PtnraCyiriiril vnriri riiril 1 mat Alaliinm 1111 wlifre Ih ti tx 0 nurMh sure Hurlth tha con conilltlnnH conlitlons cnn1t01 illtlnnH for ro powerful growth Irolh of the iron ironIniliitry Iml ironiniiaitrY Iniliitry IIIIItry 1t01 wen wet very fivurnhla flvlrBhle have mode tnndothe mndth modetilt th the Aiuerliiin Iron ItollnhlRlry Indnntry tilt leadlnic Eldlnl fwotor fwotorin rldor rldorII in II the tll llrhI1 world orll market with wlL which whcb f4ch undoubtedly unLOlbdy unLOlbdyc undoaibtcdtyL Ta a oobtI dvtrtttm1utL Ctl I Au Muthin uln lin Drawers full lul ruffle of choice emnrold emnroldery embrll embrller embrolalcry cry er and two clusters of tucks luc tucksCored oi 10 10CorNI oCornet Cornet Covert Round neck nLk cambric Cor Corset Corset Corset set Covers COVrs Cotersfour four insertions Inlrtons ol cotton colon ottonTnrlion ottonTnrlionlace Torchon Torchonlace 10rhon 10rhonlace lace In front and nLIICe lace edge draw strinc tllnl nt ntwaist 11 11waist atwaist waist waistRound Uo UoRoum oRound Round neck Corset Covers Cove two insertions insertionsand inscttiiaitsand In Ntlns and edge of lace and Ind ribbon rbbon run headini headinidraw headinudraw cadl draw dl 10 string 5nngt at waist 4 4Ko 4KoWnlklng Ho HoWalking MitVatikIng Walking Skirts Walking Skirts Sklr Skirtsfulluni Skirtsfullunibrella full rulum rulumbrelR urn urnbrella brella brelR ruffle with two insertions II er ll and rulfle rulfleol turl rttfleof ol cotton COtOI Torchon Torhonleal1 laccalv laCe ak dust du rultle rule 00 00Walkln lIMoVahktng HO HOWalking Walking Walkln Skirts Silrs full lul umbrella umbrela ruffl rr of choice choiceembroidery choiceembroidery choiceembtoiLIY embroidery embtoiLIY with wll two clusters du ters of hem hemstitched hmilChed hemstitched stitched tucks alsodustrufflc al ldu trunk SI 1 IH 4HMuslin IHMusln IHitIShII Muslin Musln itIShII Walking ng Skirts Skirs with wih tucked lawn lawntlounce Ialn IalnIloune hatiifioune tlounce and full lul ruflle lutle of chole embroidery embroideryalsrJdust embrOderv enbrotiervalt alsrJdust alt ldu dust ruftle fl 71 I Th Thl Unhy Blhy Ktoro Hlnrl torp Infants lonj Inn Slips Slli of ofcambric ofcambrIc cambric IOK box plaited front with ruffle turt 1 10 10Inlanl Uo UoInfants oInfants Infants Ion Slips Slps bishop tl lop effect efc hemstitched hemstitchedruffle hem hiemctltitedruffle IIIhed IIIhedrufe ruffle rufe inaJcot 1JC 01 niinsook nlnsok or camb cambbone cirnbrlc mbllc herring herringone herll herllnn bone nn one finish Ilih fahlIhInfants lo loInfallls oInfants Infants lone Ion I Slips lps of hue he nainsook nln ook solid solidtucked shJtuked saIidtucked tucked and nJ Inserting In rlnR yoke others of all allliver 11 MiVCr liver Jet VCr embroidery embrldlt 4 Io Iohtr Ho HoShort Short htr Dresses Drls es of cambric cmhr tucked yoke nkt ake with withShort wih wihInserinls ithi ithiInceflIns Inserinls InceflIns sizes 0 mifllhs IJlhs tn 3 ya years I II IIShor Iki IkiShort Short Shor Dresses Dle ses of nainsook nln nok tucked and em embroidery cmharoidery mhroidn broidery hroidn oke okto lull lul skirts sjl with WII ithi deep 1 tI hems hemss7r her ItemsS7O5 s7r S7 S7O5 tl I I months ton to 11 years lals 4Ho 4HoShort 4MttSlmort Ho Hohor Short hor Dresses nrl of fine nainsook circular cirubr and andV an anshap a shape 5flilptOkC yoke of Ir fine tucks embroidery cmrlJIIY 111 11 11hemsl1hed 1 1hemstitched IhemstitheJ hemstitched hemsl1hed ruffles sizes 0 I I months to 10years 3 3years 3years years Old Oldchildrens 111 111hllelf lilthildrens childrens hllelf Caps close fitting tln effects etlI crown crownof ClnWI crownot of tucks and Val ai 1 bee with wih full lul lace lat aol nndruche aolr1lozttii rbbozin r1lozttii ruche all I sues stiesSecind IUI IUIScno Scno Secind nr Jnst Duji flhluJaliiC tn tapestry laelry or grass gr cloth coth and an some Slle carved carvedbacks al trvJbacks dbackl backs backl and an wood 0 seats seatsSettees seatsSettees e3bSellIS Settees SellIS IIUO 1 1100 3m 122fO 2200 and 1 9 mno mnoAmChairs nno tOArm nnoArmchairs Armchairs AmChairs Arm Chairs SH KW 14 0 SlCIH1nJ 8 siooo I and 8 sinno sinnoRockers I IR Rockers cktrs 77 7 1 H7V 8 7 7a 0 lin Sliroo Slirooand 110 I 2410 2410and and 111 jtiuno jtiunoSmall 110 110Smal I 01St 01StSmall Small Smal Chairs Sit n7n 7 71S yuTnand 17 41715 and itiioo itiiooTables 111 Tables Tlbl 9 30 00 fO Jjtnun 1S2II HOO UI stono stonoand itI1tband I 1r0 1r0n and aioo aiooTabmirettes 2 Inl I 14 14Iataourettes Tabmirettes oureles snoo 00 1171 tIlil71S o7n and JiiHno JiiHnoFor JKO JKOFor t81SU t81SUFor For the Piazza and Lawn LawnMade Lawn LawnaSaJe Made of best est maple Ull with wlh reed seats scat and andbacks tnlIacks alitbacks backs varnish I finish nl in ted green rtI and I nat natural hatutah JI JIural ural colors colorsNurse colnrsNurse COlarstuTse Nurse Rockers RockersSmall IfJltts IfJltts71k ajiaes71St 71k 71St Ir I2rtfl1SanJI71S I2rtfl1SanJI71SSmall 11 IInJ 17 17Smnl Small Smnl Chairs Ch1ts 7 7m and anlle anlleS HOC HOCSettees 1flSltces Settees lct SI I 10 10Arm II II IIArm Arm Am Arm Aln Chairs Ch Rockers lt lno 11 1 ro Ion 11 I 0 and n1 9 2114 2114Arm UI OArm 91 11 1415 on 214 1 1 92i5 221Scand I and ld UO UOSilver 2a0tSliver Silver Siver birch blc rustic rutc luriiiture luriiitureChoirs Iullllre IullllreChals IurtiitureCIlahrC Choirs Chals 91 I71S 7n 1 SJlo 2I I and anU 4in 4inRockers I2rRockers Rockers ii2ffl ijoo 11 S2rto iino ll SHI 87nnd 7 nnd i7n i7nTables I I71STatales 7r Tables fiJKiand IU 9lno 9lnoTbliJ 10 10ThUd tIhltal ThUd Pour liitri It1 itrl rulKllnj IUtiahlia u111 Summer Hangings at at Sharp Savings SavingsVery Very ery moderate loder1tc expenditure here herc combined with Rood ood taste ta te will wi make makecountry makecountry makecountry I country cottage cota or city cty ity house dainty d11tV and fresh Ir and alh cool for Summer Summertime Summertme Suiutnertime time tme If you take tke us intp inl your contidence cotl Jcncc we will wile be glad to make sug suggestions suggestiolis 1 gestions gesto lS too which hidi may save you YOI money mon as well wel as thought th I ht thinking thinkingof of these things all al the time tme we ought to be experts expes Theie is i uiusu IIsull IIsullmortment il ilassortment iiacsortment assortment of the Summer Upholsterings lpholsterings at a special prices here now nowquantities nowI nowqUdiltitteS I quantities quantlies large lI enough for some days in all allkelhood likelihood and andEverything We Speak of Is a Bargain IlgueJ Figured muslin mu ln Curtains full ful width lth and1 and1yards In InYtds and 3 3yards yards Ion value lu use ti SI13 SII and 5149 149 at atl at7It I 7tr 1 and IUd lirn fr or a pair pairRuffled plirHlfed pairRuffled Ruffled Hlfed bobblnet heal t1 Sets et Cl5a tot lull tul sued beds bedsvalueS4i0 edsvalue value valueS4i0 W50 IO at SJU7B SJU7BIoitliT 475 475ltjitleripa 1 IoitliT 1111rl Tapestry Tar ty 1ortleies utterls 1 a ran tane raliaetat eol ol 8 colors SO Indies lt heat wide and n1 It yard ltS IOPK IOPKwith 111 111wih litogwith with wih heavy hlJ throwover fungi flnK value value5O value5Oat lu SJ50 SJ50at 150 150at at at1entin jjHIOH jjHIOHDenim alt Denim Iortleres Porieres Ideal JLI fir Summer dra drlnes drlnesde Jraeriesmade eries eriesmade made de of plain Illn denim denimllI1hrOidereJ embroidered with white whitetape wlUIhll whiteta1CI tape value 5300 500 nt a lU 111 apalr apalrlliilrooin 1 PaIr IaltUIllrllum PaIrlfleilrooiii lliilrooin HrrnciH reeuiaa In cherry oak and nndwhite anJwhite andwhite white enamel limsh tllll tilled I with dTintv dTintvprints drilllvprilllSi driittvprints prints value alul SUM at SI I 11 in inI I 1Sa rIIiUd IIiUd I aunt floor rutt i lrU1 rUal liulMInt liulMIntliuropeau Ilul iluiji4tngIiiropeuti tne tneIuropeall liuropeau eonriMliiK IndjKtry hail JIr atry will 111 have hl tn tnreckon Inreelion toiaackoti reckon for all time tliii to come mI AH A lain II licu licuthe I tiothe I Ithe the lnpoit I npui I of innuhinery iii and a rid other Iron nun nunUi 11111IIltpl totalAtcl IIltpl Ui maniifait maui a hit irei mr iti 11t4CMIUVIJ a it 4ioODOi roiiiilriilv roiiiilriilvexeeedid ellllltrlllheSleedlrf eati4iatra II IIezecedeal exeeedid the th eoit which ninoiliteil 111111 111 lo lono no 01 morn III are Hum that at IilimOiO 1 II I a I aiatt IIH it In I a linn I a9I the 11 I hita vidie 11 or orIron IIIIron tarIron Iron antI tel 1 a fllIIl iuitd ii 1 wa suioiiiio 511111 kll nuitilht II1Ilfllinol a amuliit uitilht muliit It 1IUtI IthtataI nmtli 1111 nf Ir irlI uiJ teI teIlltqaorPd el elImported Imported ImportedNot Not lew 11 rapid lui 111L11on en the Ih deivlnpuipnt deivlnpuipntnf nf tho cotton tfitlle Un lluluiry III Iii I lilted 111111oUall liltedState 1111411Shnteau State In In tssu I there IIIPI well ci 1 iioiu 111101 in thin thinIndustry 1111 1111IlIduIrv thisIlLdiitrv Industry omv 1111 itUKinun 1If I liOIJ iphull IIIIIIo mid II till sjooo sjoooinrohiinlcal aO aOiiiCClliihilCiII OIO OIOIlIlchlllllcal inrohiinlcal Inoiim 101111 In I ISIKI 1 lk lila ii 111111111 111111111IICr I sfaiil iertive iertiveliunihcrn IatP IatPtlllli liunihcrn tlllli Itcrs were IICr ci I4issi0ii I 4 I ata4faLa foll anil a miii I K4 tINi Mi ata Ill IllII I all allI iU iUIn I In II hItS thn I ho number of at plnHM 111 111111 lm remlied remlied2I017WH 2I017WH I 1O I on7iiou 7IKlJ anal Hint I nl tt I Im I a loom luto lit 41WOIHI 100Ui I In InI hIIk I Pa PatlaiL I Ik tlaiL MI 1I not more tlitI 111111 11 I 11111 i laa ii ixnooo a I i tcn ioo pouml ol I raw rawiotton I IWultvlI 11WLotIon LotIon were wr ninuiiiiil la tin I lilted Slate SlateIn I ttta tttaht Itro Itroh In ISM I ln iiCiOKui i iml wiie 1141 1 ionniinrd ionniinrdThe The lilt i jporl nf i auth otioii I ati lextiiri a ra have I iii i risen risenfrom rl11frulll ritalltrout from f4itKSj U171 I M5J in IK I P7 i to I ii llti 11111111 I I iiitii a a isss isssnnd I IIInll satitmnil nnd iiiiiliil4 ItIlU in I IMII since IIIC iriCil ilurinit 11111 this tII teu teuII8II1 0 0flSII II8II1 flSII I the total Import of iottun 1111 thaI rotton rottonleiluri itattuaniptmiru leiluri niiKiniited In only nt tin taaKillea Kiiioo IIklwhich of ofwhich ofW which tilela JWnoo UII tOt i iWa i I tell ill 11 ta the lii fluire IIIICt of I texture textureIt Illl1rI ts I ii ris risIt It would 1101111 oailal neem that ttiaifiaaalt merlniil 1I11III1Xrl nxuiirln of iotton iottonirooil litttotigoa4 011 011IInI irooil would iaiii iii balanie hll 111 the II I at import ol oltli iiiIliai tli th1 rood roodIt otaula I a It i tumult 1 Inlhecaoiof 111111111 In or woollrn woods gttoa and andNllk 11111Ilk aaradsilks silks Nllk Ilk that fie inipnrls roniderii lv s5la s5lathat i itim 1 tim III export Irl In lhe I Iwo 11 liriliclir Hie HieAunTliali Ih Ii IiAtttprliilaC AunTliali IIIPrle It would 5 oilaI Mem iti 111 hayo 1111 fills not yet 1 ii iiretdid lie lieeptailll I retdid in III iIutua oiii lIllIpllllll aI liiii ltlit with SI at 111 lurnpi 1lItIIIInll nn Ia pro prod prodaia dll i en in the Ih Iorelirn ii utrkat rket Hioimli It Itnni itlaP nni 1111 hr wild 11r1 thnt huh 1iev fI I a155 have hL inc a iiiil In IniMlnlni III1l1I1ln 10UiitainC iMlnlni a more lila Inipoitntil Itmipol 04111 role r4l In lliHiloinello lliHiloinelloinarkel III Il iItalluIIii iItalluIIiiiairkui I1olh I1olhmllrk1 inarkel The 1h riuiid iirnerci 1111 imide at Iho Ihollk I hat hatsilk silk llk tiiiluitry liialit alt i lu ht alleged alt lsl 1 hv liy II I fita that thatthere IhlltIhr I limitI I there I were 111 ernplovil enit pIasai la I tt tli I liiiliilrj IIlIltlr itt ii iil Tisuoii Tisuoiiilrde 71UHIrtlt 7 istiuti istiutisidratl ilrde rtlt In Inl I not II In JOtS limn thlt I t4J I 4 4aa II41 II411llIdlcIIIIII as4a as4autaintlk i ifcliindli I fcliindli 1llIdlcIIIIII in IIa Simihiilv 1I1111111 thininnberorioomH thininnberorioomHIris lit till iiaiaiilaitillinimaihis 11111111111111 11111111111111hls Iris itroviii 1111 Ip nllliln all hilla this Ihl iierlid lrlllrolll trom osoo 1 to to4ino 10II 4ino 4 It I I nuiv Iti itS he hat 1 nWv tel iikiiiniil at hat 111111 tita I that I litu I the the1tdted Ih IhJ1l1t hit hiti 1tdted J1l1t i ra It ud Kliilei 141 1111 a I au i as now KIIIVUI CII IIIIIIIlInrl lii ac nnrly tinny two twothird tlJIhlrll ts i ithirah third of at it 114 lotul roiiouiillilloii of vllc vllcliirk iI iIII liii liiiIatilniilp I liirk II Iatilniilp In111 llle Sredat rrds rrd Menrj Itn Ninat NinatThe MThe wThp The joint committee II1lttM nf the Ih Chandierof I hllll1lororII1 htammiiarototttnrea Com ComRerce i inwrrr nwrrr anal the Mrrrlinntl Asrr tC htion that thatn Ihntho Itiitlhn Rerce ho I lwuIi enuuid PIlgalol I In rcllevinc the Ih hat Jaekou Jaekouvllle Inkattvhiln nII nIIvIII vllle vIII fire atfterpra4 iirferersVtit Terr iIat nut an niipiiil vpKterdiy vpKterdiyto Irtll Irtlltn to Ia Ihe I bus illien dll7pIIr 41 iTPfl4 of this lIoidly I Ia i rltv and as tail Htnte 4 iii I fnr 1 rmid rmidAcrnrdlm rUIIhellrllill I IA A Acrnrdlm rOth I ii tn that appeal sup I Js JIIIIIOtlIII tli orivl IChltn its itsoh wchlerly chlerly oh Chltn latl needs 1 10 money 1I0n to I pny 1111 for Or removinv rr2aaa itat th thd Ihd thaa thaadbrIi dbrIi brl brlM tnleM I IIJp Uw wrckn rt knlfl I Konn cleared clearedawny ahaaroilawi awny 8 awi It feared Ipllr 11 that nn epIiMnlo of yellow yellowfever 1I111 ehIautctevpr 1I111will fever will follow rolln Contrlhutiims hould IK IKiot litIt hiic11 iot to Ia the tll treasurer Johu I 1 CrlinmliK Crilltlllhla a I 1 Brooklyn rooktu rOOhlW1dVCrttftmtltt gltUtrtlttmrntiJ gdlt mtn APRAIfAM AND TRA TftAIJ TftAIJa SEJRcC a EJRcC I LYN 5 Foulard Dresses and Tailored Wear WearIt I Iwhen I It i is a money sivn tim in thi th Suit Stoe Sto the tim of the year yearwhen a aWileil when prompt advantage taken of trali conJitiou brings brill you Oll thJ thJhandsomest th thhandsomest thhandsomest handsomest wear for the coming month at dollar 1 Ies es than full till price piceWe priceWe prICe prICeWe We can take advantage 1dval1ta because becJII you 011 hive liiv kept our stocks so frcih and andnew andnew aiiiiflOW new because clIIse you have DiijlH 1II hl so promptly pron tly and the Ih tinkers Ikers turn hers hersnaturally hernaturally liernaturally naturally with their bargains For example here are ar 3500 Foulard Costumes for 2375 235Black 2375m3cl I Ifronlof Ifront Black blue red pink and blue hlu figures fl ures on white mJ Murk grounds mllnJs wiist ai has 5 full fullfront front fronlof ot pleated Jiilfon trjmmrJ with lnsnion of black ak aol ecru lace skirt sl lrt Is full tullwith fullwilit fulltvltIi with 7 Ron orl Hare and llounre effects also trimituM trnll1n with msrtlvis ins III rlllI of black and ecru ecrulacej eaulace I IIae lacej lace male over a drop pttiont t1kU11 of whit hll lawn The Th costumes nsllI1t vould uh1 be muderately muderatelyprlceJ l1111deral ly lypkeJ I IpIceJ prlceJ at faiOO WO1 hrr at Ji7ri a Separate Skirts at 675 675Wool 675WOII 675Wta Wool Wta hircR the popular light and nd cool coolfabric coolInlrc coolfahtrhc fabric for Summer wear in Wi amid amidlalue Roman RomanHue Ho l1n l1n1lu Hue 1lu uriduited flmiiui1 outline1 with ilh 1 itows 110W0 tows 10W0 ol iwrnw tifie taffea a hands tnd aol finlsluJ finlsluJnt fit1lh 1 1nt nt the I he 1 Imltim fatal taiht with wtl Ith II two rows tI of taifeta taifetabands UtIt1tanJs htlftahaands bands maj over soft oft per ertIitte 1Iin iline very verysmall verysmall el elrmalltl small rmalltl priCed at 11 J7rt J7rtEton 71S 71SEton iJ iJEton Eton Jac J1ckes els at S3 3 93 93Hlaclt 93hltk Hlaclt hroajciri hroajcla ti an I ch chIlnl yiot serge ItP The col collirles1 Chlarksc 01 01I1rl lirles1 I1rl it IP i it iMRe 1 4ges ttntluj fllIh with llh hand flf flffoollIt oft fMUlii MUlii iChtLLl 1 1ieti I tftit i sift 11 liliJ with wil Ii atin 1111 it Ii Iititalli1t ro romiine miine ijtiloH roohtlln dtCrttCI1tCitf 4 tlltnt1 Pideitriart Skirt at S39S S39SMvle 395tle 395 395uWaile Mvle tle of revcrslbt cloths Oxford gray rav out outsiJe oulSI1 nutside side SI1 with prcttv 11 Ih ched clle anal plaJ rl1 Fray backs 111ks7 111ks7Ite 7 7KIW a agate gate flare stittnt 1 stMnis imKlifl hlliil 1 at hit hitlom Il1tImn taittatthi lom with wll ban hall1 ind nd successive ueI Iol aC rows of ofMitclnni nlMII ofstitChttni Mitclnni MII hlll 1 n11 II a 11 semcabli cold verv vervlittle tervitthe tt liiH liiHRton IIIHrton SElan little prutJ SkIrt alt it Rton Jackets at 5493 5493Ml 498tln Ml of HIP hiri h1C hiriti iiis I a I laICII ick tiffetn lel1 silk silktucUeJ silktuCked lIk lIktllkJ tuCked an it aa I liinstiKiiel It hiatt I a sim sma 5 am Iliti 1111 but butnist Ilitmt nist IIIIh il ith It I i ci ul at fii1I a iiir at tu Ii k1 linen linenbiite linnh1 ftietibat biite h1 a a fM wth It fru ru 13 3 lniel with withsjim It ItShill Ih IhSIIn Shill anal 11111 ifin it i 1 revirl piice I it alIlH alIlHS IIIH IIIHS ta 4 fr t1i il I a inl If ri I I ml III lIhtalag linn Smyrna RugsFourth to Third ThiIdOII ThiIdOIIFour Off OffFmir Four of the best p1 AmerUnn makers and their very best ami alma freshest prndiutinns are areconcerned areconNIltJ re reconertieJ concerned Mo olIllht ost nl if the HIIKS have arrived within i iihin a i few 1 days JI div ai ajrl will llIlJaV have first rllub rllubII pub public riblit lit sluminK sliot hOI log tomorrow to in a arrova Frankly Frani lv we vr 1 have ha vc hail imihinf itofli lug ijuite in I a i lOinpare 0 hllpi re all a II season seasonJust 1a iOIl iOIlJU i iJust Just JU I as prett prettlatterns patterns perhaps and jist La as a i line nt vnnl 11 aaf Hies Ill I tis bill nut fla at this I Ii is immense immensevariety immenseatllt I nitineitse nitineitseti1ateal variety ti1ateal atllt Prices Ir les are a i quarter to Ia a third under regular All 11111 If bill the carpet toes cll are areof I Iof utat of the very very erv Iest quality The arpet sties iiuliule Ituihrie tilt Ihttt hiAiiest grades Tins way wayISm ttn ttnIs 1 1IS ISm IS 111 xSrtin it 3t1 11111 nit 7 1 tOt 111IIIC t4i id iit it xuit I 12 II sSHrio SHln fM1S211Ii 21 21111 in 4H 4t1itl ill I flinindSln 1 1I1la Mil 11 1 It ijlll71 i1l7 21 21111 ill fit 5 51111 I 11 and Sil 10 10n I II I Ita a In IX fWI Ml 1tI I lts and SSin S2h I 5 I nr arlit 11 1 sMm 17 17tJ 174S Mm tJ In 72 in JjfMtO tllI and ftS4I a III latt 1 77 i nrO and nJ SI2no SI2notit I fl fltft i it IIOxllltt IIOxlllttlnll 0 iln lilt inttlallHuniers a a ahaIl tit 11711 s7 7 It iI71S l7n IrallI7 and ami art1l1S71S SiV7i haIl lallHuniers HUlll1tt is SI I IU5 I 2 SIIHO SI 11rn 1 I and n1 SUlfiO SUlfiOMens SI wren IIUOIII wreni 11 11Mens III i it Of It CI l2r 1ft 1211 12 It I ii 7t I 2ran1i 241S4 SrII SrIIM SrIII Mens 1500 Summer Sute950A Sute950 SI SITwosuits A full till I thin li to be saved satedgood good news for men who have delayed delayedTwo Two Twosuits 1 wo suits cost co a third more trun the usual usllJ1rrke price rie of one OI1 aiiJ 1I111ltrnate iI alternate alternatewear I tP tPwear wear of two Summer Suits will add almost half to the thelile lite lit of each It is isone isone isone I one of ths Ih most extraordinary offerings this Mens cns nothing Jhil1 Store has hasever I I I Iever I I a ahc ever made madeChevNs madeChrv 1 1gray ChevNs Chrv hc lits insslmeres and worsteds in the must popular popularRray fIt art iIar I 11J 1111CC a a I tIn Ihp StlSafl a ln lnrtY Rray gray rtY or olive 011 VI mixtures hirt in nent stripe or IliecU elicits 11t I sm smwell 1nJ1theI Ingl IJ Sa Slk Ii Slllt Suitsttehl well 111 nit l1t well IIIr1 trimmed 1mld and mv well tailored 11 III IIIIi 4 I Ii Snnl 1 n1 CKr fl Cs rnr KM KMhomespun 11IHIt IitiItln IitiItlnI a ahomespun I homespun Golf Cloths ClothsSave ClothsSaveaThird ClothsSaveaThirdLight Save a Third ThirdLight Light gray grayYou gra graYou graylOll You will have use for double face cloth this season ea on surely it is isfortunate isfortunate isfortullate fortunate itthe if ii the phns have not gone as flr ir as the purcluse vet et 1 llicse llicseGolf 1 hese heseGolf hseWIliclI Golf Cloth are ar 54 inches wide all wool except the binding thread threadwhich threadwhich threadwith which is cotton for strength strel1 lil and have the much wanted light Ii ht gray face facewith facewith faceGolf with stylish st vlish plaid and check backs 5150 50 a yard has been eChI en the price priceeverywheienot prrceeveryhelc a aeverywhele everywheienot everyhelc not too higheitlur high either eith These are a clearance a third thirLlless less at at98c at98c at98c 98c a yard yardGas llIln nunr tVet IIullotlnlr IIullotlnlrGas hiultdtngGas Gas Ranges and Refrigerators RefrigeratorsTwo Two Summer conveniences conv niences in which this big Biement ement Store leads leadsLet leadsLet leadsLet Let it help you 011 toward towu a cool kitchen this season toward to ara economical and andperfect andperfect I Iperfect perfect preservation pr ervltion of the larders supply I Gas Ranges RangesConking RangesCooklllR RangesCooking Conking by nas i it conceded the most mud eco economical lCOnoml1 econorniil nomical and cleanly dellll as well as I the must com comloruMi Cornforttbk om omfortal1 loruMi way la uf preparing Ianlll meals lI1eII but ul the lh Iwst IwstRatiRe tsactRange Range Pa1 is nearly an open question Tusnine Tusninethe rat sllm sllmthe ne nettte the subtt of 1 expense xpe1 must necessarily fig figure figore II IIur ore ur in considering cn il1enll the tmrchave of a ato 1 Nance Nanceto liallleto to others th Ivst 1 possible aasslile results ubtamablr ubtamablrIn olIlIlIal ohatiiuatnhtIn lI lIIn In In cither ell her circumstjiKe we are prepared Inpal to tomeet 10mcet toitleet meet the th demand demandThe demalldThe denianhThe The Economist Ranges RangeiAre Are substantial I good 101 In looks and imm Rood oiaaI 11In 11Inl In Intaking inLaliiig taking Iin we 11 luxe hit every et confidence that they theywill Ih theywill yWIll will KIVO IC you OU satisfaction based batllln on afl repurts repurtsof of others in 1I111 use two 1 sties of ovens ovensSOIIH IIennI aavCnsil118 SOIIH nI il118 11111 11111The 1 IH IHThe ISThe The Cort Ran Range J3ngtWe tWe We have just received another lot of those thoseinch htnhi li li1I11h inch double lIou oven four burner top MOOO MOOOlunges SlijOtitatiges ltJUO11Iles lunges price as 1 last ltiataQulck ijllMin ijllMinQuick 11111Quick Quick Heal Ranges RantjciWith R3ng Rangesitht sWith With itht Celebrated lelJtlt Juse Ill regulating burners and andtheir andthetr 111 111Ihllt their noted even hakiiii ovens Thesupv Thesupvnor Th 511pm 511pmfull UPl UPlnor nor service ymck nlk Meal teat al Mantes givenukes give tIV tIVlIakls gtaCmakes nukes them unquestionably ulIu sliontly wurthy wh uIthiy ofthe oftheHUK of the IhcJIII1 theJtlVEI HUK ion ivmtHKs 111lf IHIHUI IHIHUIllnilhrrlnljin 1111 I tI I IIIrlhrrlnI a attruuthirIniasat llnilhrrlnljin Mllllken Will Snpp II Mlth Mlthn II liii liiiI 111 111S llil I 111 IJ IriMii 1 Syndicate SyndicateIn i4y tutu IC IClit In regard to the II lat rumor of a vndlcilo In InSI IIIII SI 1 Linl Ia at formed lo I raise fund for ilm II I hut de defence II IIfrllllIf iii iiitetii fence frllllIf tetii of lat I ti yer Albert Ibltl I Intrick Iial raik in I ii the Ih hu rlvll rlvlland a hlIanti I It Itanti anti criminal limit ai1 I actions iii 1111 I luitis Ifill ifr jruwi1i wlii III I out IIUlur 0 II I of the Ih I hi lUath alaaLhaof lUathof 111 111IIf of William ii liii mu I Itlce Itia whom a holll Ito to 1ntrlek Iot rIi Is I ncciised ncciisedof ii maaICtitat of iniinlerinK nnd allah whoe wh IA liiattt iiamo hn Is I a ni1ned ni1nedof of for furIII to rgltt lni John I Milliken Id illlkiti brotherinlaw brotherinlawof 1J10Iht ii rot iaiar rillltw rillltwur ill 11 tat tattat of Iatrlclt I rhahi nays Cii II aat hut I the tI I hit rumor tti tour of a Hynilinitu Hynilinitubeini HIIlhIhIII6I vntul I ait aithaaatig beini formed was nl a puro uli hlIrllll iirdity ulin ulinlutcly IIhiIlIlI aihpaaatI lutcly I all aJ without wit hiitiit nny 1111 foundation 1l thai I no II ndlcate IIIIIull iiahIiaute dlcate has 1111 been formed fornll In IIIit St IouN nr eNo eNowhere 11 11whn oisttohiera where iiml 1 thai I laid it wa atataiau unneii 1I1111nn ililit tar arv that nsyndlfnle IIIII tiviiaIbntt syndlfnle III I 1111 It he formed llo Miy sat II he I ln ino Ionll IonllI aalfitt one onein in I at irrent IIII deal I I nf expense i xrlt ri5li InvestItratlUB tJlitallllIlh tJlitallllIlhUnIlIUIIII1 I ij ataat Iait I II thr thrItutidon hi hiut Itutidon UnIlIUIIII1 ut itt ulmm ii and ii lit I tho II fads raI 5 and 1111111 Is tierfctly I ttrfct rdl rdlIeIl1 I ion ionIf ianaf IeIl1 IIf af 111 riko rik 111111111 111111111Ir If I Hi itiallittit mam IC lit fur a nioiniiit thai Mr Ir ltlo ltlovn Hire HireIlL Iflecatatts vn atatts niunliTed aiul I III1L lint Mr Ir Patrick in any anyway 110 110IVIIV lnywa way wa wn 1110 iiinnetlHil tttatltiI il with ilhi tin I hat iriinn a riiii riiiithi uv uvMr 10 10II Mr II Mlliikin llhlkl11 In It i iiiiiiiiimlrntlnii atiIliitltiIlltt IiIIIiIIlLIIIIIIIII iiti tn Iutrliki Iutrlikiioiiiivl Ill IaitriikmI I rll 1 ioiiiivl 1111 I woubt ii Iaat lift 11 Utiiiir III ta ii ailaut ailautlaNai Id Idhim thim him lint I know kll Unit I liii In1 hat porfprtly lv inii 111111 lliliaaliilof 111111lC iiiit iiiitof of taut I uronifilnirK wr lluoit iiml 111 1 him 111IIIIICICtl I itiat thi I irifairi rrfori willing willingo lIillln lIilllnJlIII tat ithing ithingut ut inn iii III any aiil aiuonut of if nintni which hll hllIIhJlIll1r I Ialiiltilcly tat tatiiitaalttt aliiltilcly iiitaalttt 11 liic liiuiClIrat arv to cntiilml 1 III hh iu iuli 1 II II1t ualtatit li ltatit Liniialily illI1II iml mail tuwnnl ru utvlti him fnlr fnlrami titlrilial air ami iiu 1I11111Itiul arliul nil I I tin nmiily aliln IIhl ilnni ilnnidally illlallL itntitiatilt dally tilt 11 nnd 11111 llrft lit I It wlllllii 1II1111 to oniluil uh1 thl thlia 1111a this thisitC ia a itC nllhoiit Va hi iatut aiiv II ailaiire 11111 it nit from iiny ama irlcniH irlcniHor or HVinliiati 1 firllier stit tnt Hint I I101 run1 run1iiHriuiiillv flr flrIrtlllllllr iiHriuiiillv rolhliiif 101 ltlaa it for th I hi ltlc III iiilllln 111111110 Ill llhious i nor norn norala Inn I ilii II ala for forIII 111 fi fiI ala ii who tat lii hiinlli Ie allah HU them iitn lr tartl III I 8 ii 11aP a wif if Mini Luau family 1111 111111err aaiiulit in I Ithircfir thircfir ihulf hull iiKtlri unit thi Ih I lii riithii riithiinf illhII la iiiul iiiulapt nf I my iai IIM hr Urinliiw liold ltl mysilf Jr In riMniiiis riMniiiisto ftIII ftIIII ritautlaisCto to I prlcii Ir Pr I I hi int ilIN rii at until ailal at I am atiil atiilthnt iit Lln11 aIIlII aIIlIIt thnt hint helias III hit hi riilyiil ti iveal Jutlw Jutlwlixrph JuII JuIIPIII tit lit liti lixrph i PIII Ollnnnrll I Sclllr Sd II I irs With it I I Pa III hits 1IIr 1IIrTh lfr lfrTli If Ifrho Tli rho atlllt lIlt of tiKi IJ a mi ltlilloll rut rat I Inn liroiiiiht liroti gut lay ii Jnuoh JnuohItunr 11H Ineohiiiiicar oh Itunr if il Kitarilian liar ur hU hi dnuhii ltu It 11u4 ri riOllniiiiill iiOlannitIl Ollniiiiill iindiT Ova iiKiiiiol Jii JueIlu eiih lIon IIlnlit lIoniiiiiiiiiiini lit 011 II a TI1I1I11I Ihlldall Hr af IIlItlI1I 11 111IIllIinll1 taiIIiiattliliiiPiI iiiiiiiiiiini 1IIllIinll1 yc isttrufa torilay on innint ot if III I lie lieliarlif iii iiil liarlif 1 1t1 ii ir at liy unler arul of Justin al list Ira l1IIr ilblersliivt ier4hae Iof at5 of ofthn ofh thn Ih tat Pupriimi 1411 riIllit 4 Court hal Tim Th Olionnell flf Nunntlhe worn worninarriril WNIIIIIIICCit1 tp tpiitiirrlaai inarriril mi Nov SII tt eat I l4lyt 93 I mid ippRralrd lIst llviiniiiitli lIstimaaaatta iniiiitli later iriioundl thI aaincII In Ii tu nny 11 aii Kh hi wlf wlfi wlfIJu saIfe saIfe4u IJu i 4u iu ik 1 year tar ar for lift latev Itt lI lI I I I 1 additional cost osl The Van Deiisen cakes cakesare cakesarm of the lie baked bakedloud bakedluoJ I Ifood are striking SltItllI sample I perfectly loud that a QUI Qu i Meal Ianges JlalliIrllJul JlalliIrllJul171I Pittt prnjuce prnjuceWe Praitice17IM 171I 17IM tu Ia IIS71S IIS71SVi 117 117WI We Vi also al ill carry the Quick Meal 111 combination combinationgas umNlationas gas as and coal cualllIIUls cualllIIUlstl7Clllnd Ranges Rangesi i tl7Clllnd t7t 7no and 9iii7noRefrigerators 9iii7no I1rOHcfrigerators 1t750 Refrigerators RefrigeratorsTwi Twi TI II things Ihin make us uptouJ proud of the collection collectionol collectionullltll1Ilalurs ol ullltll1Ilalurs It lri rutors here herelirst lIIr lIIrFwI a aiirst lirst They Thc are 1t jiirftrl preservers ireersers of ollooJ ollooJtIIJ if food foodSecond foodrCiii1J1lLcy Second rCiii1J1lLcy They Ther are priced the lowest lowl any anywhere an anI a atshtere where I htre for equal equa eiuaI values valuesNorth valucsNorth valuesNorth North Star Refrigerators RefrigeratorsThemanuficturersof RefrigeratorsTh Themanuficturersof Th Time manttiacturerm nlll lcluter 01 this excellent IefrfB IefrfBeratur Ilefrigftaht Pefri Pefrieratmir eratur maintain a standard lan lrJ of excellence that thati i Ii unusual unusualThe a The 1 hI results verify the wisdom of their theircourse theircour I Iciturst course cour North Star Ilr lelrlRiutors IJllrl IlllJr have be become beIImtetlS beaOflLC come IImtetlS noted as naff boat or jirccrrrcr jirccrrrcrWe 1rt fIr8 fIr8W a aWt We are at sole sol lirooUlyn Broul lyn attcnts attcntsOvcriiryst nl nlhwt1i I IOver Ovcriiryst Over hwt1i thirty rtl si tles les le iiMItl tS lItI IIMo 10 S77lt S77ltWe S77 7710 7710We I 1 1Ve We Ve are also agents a clIIs tor the celebrated celebratedtddy CelebratedlJJ clebtal dJd tddy lJJ Jd and Wishes Hefngerators HefngeratorsSplrilllhl RelrlgLratorsItitieineiut Ititieineiut lRrlll I III 111 II 0 II II of 111111 1 1Spldhl Il1IJ Il1IJtatplemaIIaI Splrilllhl Itisull nf Il Iii II lank it llllllilK JltllllI It Ih laU IlJar laUit I Pair ar it tIiii tini I SIll cit Irulo IruloIhp 1rrnlivr 1rrnlivrThi htaiuiiitsIiii Thi Now Ill York atk rl ofI rtli nf ihe 10 ounrll 11111 of ofilewUli Itrwl1I ofiatvlha ilewUli Wmin 111 helil it4 it a iniiiiil Iiii ineHtim rnr ltltit I ill hag last lastMitKlay I SIarialti MitKlay 1011 Iarialti 111 In thn It tat tcniil tiailtjilaa I iniuiKI with Mm Mmltelii1iii ItirsJtaIaiaia IrN IrN11I11 ltelii1iii 11I11 Kitiut a ataiit prt lrthllG iilinar In I I liar report reportMr rtaorlaire tIOt tIOtIr Mr laire Ir Knlnii told of ihe i 11 nnreaiM III1T durlni time thoyear Ih IhlI1r a ayear year lI1r at the Ih Ii work of if the Ih luti ciiiiurll wliloh lim limKuhiPd 111 111ulrll a aga KuhiPd ga ulrll meal nioro iii artI I linn bit ii one I ii huiulreil hl11llr now mimbiri mimbiriTwo mrlllbuTwn tnciiihtrlWt Two lWt Junior nixtinu spt Ijllll itatuat hnd been formeil formeilA a aAiiionat Aiiionat A monk ilm II most 1II 1 miTivsxful Uf rul braiirlies of tli tliwork the thisWork work done 111111 by the II inuii cllunl il wu rpiortotl to bi biI bIh1 bI I hut uf tin Ih hi recreatinn room on Ill Kant Kanthide has a I Ihltl I1thr hide hltl hideMr Mr Ir IIdr ldiir striiu In rhurtfo hur of thU Ihl work workrein wOlkfI wojkrcIa rein fI Tied rI awl Hull I hM I nifilinrV a II tisral tliecllnKi flitsh logs otartfllV otartfllVwllii MtlHlllurwl111 ittartlit a atsItli wllii iilioul iilliin 111 iiotlnrx were 5a now iio nt ntl ntlilt I Ill Ii I inor tat lilt ca thin ha 1 Ii seventylive ttttiui IIlV at tiic mid ii LIIIII nil In Ihl Ihl1111 I hi hiaril nI I rahui aril rut utreet ii rcut hn I a si of a at I tin I Ia tat inintll lItulli Hixtetn HixtetnI1IOH3 sII sIIchit I1IOH3 chit III sauns Were I lieia II II at cnniliii amtai II1t tat trj 1 a 1 I lhpe 11i hp xIHH 1 1151144 IHH if at llil Li ii wirli liud been lu In exce ea if lliu lliuijl Ih at ata 10 10rr a ijl aflaat tiin aarta rr 1111111 unit ii wn t5a a li lalhllhal i il that sa imitlilnir imi mIh I II tlilnir Ih I hi limit 1111 could uilat 11 lie ilnin 11111 I a Icip inn I btt huluncit huluncitfrom hulllllCrr1 iptitti 00 I ItraIn from dlmitiiKhlni il liii it ishlnu In Hie I lii rtpnrt of IIfwrk ill illwork tiP a aatciark work amnlltf liwl itt at mien on lal Itllllda lUllllallN lUllllallNIlllld 11 S1dm Illlld 1dm I It IIL wiia lati 11111 1 4 ii rt tlvit I while atv hill Illu ih3ti iliiciK hnd hnden 1 hit hith 1fJ hn en tonnd amimtah fir timnv ion 1 at ot at I the th I I women iheri iheriHie Ihfj I hur I II Hie I Iid iul 11111 hein reluiii rIlIlI11 trill uiait I ir I un1 1111 Irnilh I wlh Of Ofilne laIi I I II ilne Ii I Ii a iieiuini a a i ass ihe Ih ha iflrU wIrI tat Mr ira IK II ii ruin fll shill lllfll hlllle hllllelllld leci lllld rrilt i IllitT IIr lifiinh of ll I II 5 nfk nfkill a aiii I ill tthlrh 5 ltlrh the Ih I Ii a iiiMiill Ii aiptl 1111 i a iii iii hat ta 1 nrero re retiortixl rIII 4 41 tiortixl to 1 he iii iii II llniiri hiint iniililiii In IniIudiiig hithuiting iIudiiig ih 1 Ian uuri tri if ih lfOlllt aailllaittt nmittee nn Saab Sabliilth 1111 1111I I Ihilt hilt hih 1 whirli hi in iii rhiirtre now IV thus thl thlIII tnt I nt Ihe Iii JViiiile TI llilliKl Iui the Ih it I nlleil IhnrlllH IhnrlllHliudiltm Iharll IharllhulllIu tIariltctiaiila a alit liudiltm tiaiila uiti and 41 ii I aimiliyr aJtlllh aint Ii cC ui ihe ch I hutu lirlirisiit iriebt 4uahi iJay lJ lJolIrMf Nursery NurseryThe I Iitti 11 itti I 11 I 1lhrr tIal 1 aipa th hllrh ii ri I III I ii II ID IDlotrirl Eitrgath lotrirl lotrirli itrgathhue i The Ihllrdl linn hat Ii of Ir Su 11 te trrr I er ind Itiiil In Wythi Wythiiiveniie ytha ythaalyisuutita Ihll IhllI a iiveniie Wiilinintliirv tuIfIni mflsliltj of wlieh Ith ah till I ii lets Int4HylvuMw lal lalI a aMi I I HylvuMw Mi vestaar Mibnip i JoI a I a lii win WL tbi tb reitor Ilur tt lit fni rOlmllTt ill nmrp than thanlifty Ihan11ftI I hanII lifty II It year elr i I hit fnlar nlllr1 iil and ilm I ILt Ii fnCJUa fnCJUarepli rlC fnadea ll llroI repli roI a I with tlh a i siiiilerii 111 front The hit steeple stfcplrfrmii steeplefruit IIII IIIII I fruit uiih a itail the th I ii at ui ItrI ui JItaa wus I tiiifnrloil tiiifnrloilhy ltH hy I Knilier Vat har Miilnne hail fli in LI iiirfiillof II I tai faihi III itt lorl I atrt Huintr Huintrwill I will Sc 11 iilo Iw 1 letiiiveil I Ihe Ih new nt iron I ron I will a hf tin tinnf llf llff bea nf a treiiih 1 Cillth iotlie tt ii nn ii ci lileituro iii ttit mItt IInll lint nd I there therewill tilerI I herewIll I will he I four pniranivr ItUrllll Iti IllIelill teud of thret Iltl 111 111now IilOW a anoatat now The Th hutUtinv hlllllllll will nlvi 11 lJu cvtcud cttCilJdd cttCilJddlurstittu lc dturwiiia tJSun turwiiia Sun I Iroiii li I lo i foul I I I.

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