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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 6

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I THE SUN SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 5 1886TWELVE PAGES THE SHOEBOX MYSTERY run NINO rUE LIGhT or SCIEXCK WON A mnniuf tIIIU Tfcd Rrinlt or Innilllhln TI Mode 1linn the llnmnn Trunk Fminil In tonncciloul RAmlA Voiinn Man Slnrilircil Nrrv lUvrN Sept 4Thcrc grtvs a conviction that In tho mystery of tho shoo box murdor Is hidden Iho story of a roost subtly planned anti romnrkably executed crime All that Is so far known however Is tho bnroclr tlnt er cumatnnco of tho Undine of a headless ant limbless trunk In shoo box In one of tho dOM Into swamps beyond tho lino of frequent tinvol In tho town of Walllmrford To retell briefly tho story of that dlscoory will 1 ho well that It tntv understood how from tho barren facts of It has already boon oduced ovldenco which Booms to point to a sensational crime On the morning of AlI l4 I a young farmor Whoso homo In tho outskirts of Walllngford Villas sot out to pick berries Ills little dog wont with him Thuro chanced to bo good borrlo In tho woods west of tho Now York and Now Haven railroad track In the direction of tho boundary of Cheshire township and not Very far from tho Holds thnt wero swont by tho tornado Hint killed and wounded many pooplo omo eight years ago A forlorn bit of swampland and morass skirts tho berry patch just boyond tho narrow road I Is a spot that no ono would except by accldont eo to but whon the young farmer IRS picking berries near by tbo dog bohaod with such excitement barking and dashing from the swamp to Ills master nnd back ngnln that I tho you ng man at last followed him Into tho swamp Thoro ho found shoo box tho covr tightly nailed on the box partly Imbedded in tho soft earth and from It cnmo oUdoncu to the nostrils that within was decaying flesh Iklp was brought tho box was opened amid thorn IYHI revonlod tho trunk of a mm The stago of ducomposltlon BOO mod to Indicate that week nt least probably longer time hnd olnpscd sinci tho trunk had boon plneod In tho Lox A critical examination by pliHlcinn4 nnpnlod that the hondo tho arms and the legs had boon removed with such neatness ant ICU as almost tnindlcnto dlsMHtlon io that the first thought that occurred wis that time holy was only tho remnant left by medical students Closer examination however scotnod to show that 1 sharp heavy Instrument that would dismember nt ono blow like a butchers elnuor had boon mod and the theory nudlcul dissection was at onco I he Thorn was mthltig on or about tho body to oflir any suggestion but that of mystery i no strip of cloth no marks nothing I but few bits of tarred patior hUh had Icon usod to wrap about the trunk so iii to proxent the escape Irom the box of hlood and probably fora suf llclont limo of odor II Jim minor officers of the town and the olun toor detectives were Inclined to the opinion Unit somii one hud boon HhM I I perhaps In a drunk 1 on luairel lu sumo of the disreputable pi icos of re ort lot far away all tim names of several miii of evil ruputo who wero mlxslng woro puggostoil Among them wan ono of a man of dunking habit who was said to have drawn a few uoks 1 ago imnslon arroarago of f1IO 1 In New haven and then alter moro or loss drinking to ivo disappeared The conclusion was lumped at that this man had been murdored for his money his body dismembered and scat tered and tile trunk cast away In tho shoo box In the dismal swamp But the HiMenco of tho physicians began Its work of furnishing truer climes nnd loss fallible testimony than that of the human senses and of hnarbnv Tbo mUdlng man was moro than 50 years of age Tin examination of limo trunk revealed tho pllnhlo muscles Ibo still soft bones thn rib not yctcnlcnrooua and brittle nsof I man of Tear but tender like thosn of ono not yet finished In growth Hclonco showed that this was the trunk of a young mal The missing pin elonor was almost an old lan Tho critical oyos of tho surgeons discovered other facts Btich as softness of skin nuLl Its general ap pcntnnce at exposed portions like tho neck which Induced the conviction that tho trunk was thnt of I young man who had not boon used rOlnl to manual labor or to exposure to tho sun The pensioner hnd been a farmer WhIte science was demonstrating the Impos vlbility of the theory that connected the trunk with the pensioner tho olllcnrs wore satisfied that the body must bo hlsbooauso ho was miss ing nnd had In hU pockols a Inrcro sum of mono just before ho dlbappenrml and with the peculiar habit of Inn local detectIves havIng formed a conclusion pot out to prove I The phiulcian tho Coroner and the sclontillo mon who woro called into tho CIR had no theory but sot out to get all tho facts and from liuHI to enduco a truth I posHlbo Tim Biiiid i appearance of the prisoner alive put a I stop Jt6 rP waited energies 1 of time local offort corA alt then work with of something solving tho llko mystery latlllKont was begun bOlln Th Presenting Attorney of the county Til ton loolltt a Inwsor of mot aculo mind nud of very great experience in criminal practice was early hiitKllod from oven a slight knowtadtfa of tile facts that tho slllt I treat cilmu wn to bo uohcd I any man in niierti ut had beon murdprod Bitch nno 010 would be inlssuil I required but a far lap tiiRiitl I isfy tl nut ii or1tI that no lesldnnt of this Stanwas missing who could hao boon tile murdered man ho then tho trunk found In the sho boy was that uf I man who lived rlbowhini lunl hoso body was brought horo utter miinlor 01 il Isi 1 wa that of homo stranger who imt his death horn Theio wuru then four things to bo done In totllunll I if I I ihr I i wad to I bo any II rays I I mig of tho ill atn Iliht 1 I further scientific ox nminatioii of tho trunk boeond tho tracing If i posslbli nf till shoo box thlll I I I tho discovery I possible If ih loam bywhloh time box Vas iTougbt ih I I snainp I and fourth thn obtain lag of Inform tlou rn roctiiii misslni men rnloctU olsowheru than Jiom Ciili mulCt lout Tlio medical examination of Limo trunk Boomed todis lols cloiii iiml doubt two tiling omllr Ihnt time iniirilered man isna not moro than lij tr 2i yea I ma old I cs shown by lie condition I I I of the bone slln and IIIIIROIIH und that ho lud boon of iidontai habit or at least uniisod to mnnual labor 1hit seomod to Indlcntoa i yon II mal in I good I olirumstnuopa of life I nnd Iso Tar luted uidispl the HUfgostion that Limo murder xas tho rniilt uf a drunken bm lull Jut in III flxnminatlon of time body tho hskniis ilicoveroil niloncos of nrsonlc nnd it I wn sujeit il that llio I body might liao bo1 Itl uinii mil a imil I Piouculing I I attorney loo llttln and Coroner MK thoiiuhl thin suggestion Ilthl IId COWler lx IhOIht far fittehcd and with tho ta Crinn and 1 the Mury Klinianl cups fresh in mind at onco onlerod tile stonaih I to I tin rnmntoil and fcubmlttod to ilodlil 1 1ainincr Wbitu Dr Whit I to Is I a Itiiiililc I i man who in the piir 1L Rtilt I of I ii forimiat iou kn is iiiitbeor I Isdoes no cuchsing iiiakos I lti ill les but is I as Hum InfoIII I logical us ono of tlm I reactlonx that I I bo product I with liK i Chiti elliS It i WI is ho who a050rlL Ihut I tim Ilitlo I I I I I Ill I eroco tile ecU ou the Ituv tl Ilrln i iio kntknllo was human blood I and viii found i i arrunlc In I Mary hlnn I nanl stomneh nnd tln InicklebunysHods 11 nrsenin in Jennl Cr nimrs Htomiiuli 11 Wliltn Fubmlitod ilui in iili fuund In tin I human trunk to his my tuiloiis I and Infiliblo I tests nnd ili or two ntrn ill itlu his I ropon I Ho I had found undigested nuMt nnd pointrat and a large iiuaiitity of aisnnle in tluuUml inanV ntomnch vhllo I tlo othei doctur hail bli 111 nl thomsohoi thnt tlio dlsmninbernnuit of I thn bua and limbs I I had taken pna miller death Thisdlscmury pruvoil buylid lilts Lion that this murder I anthe result nf tin sildicu brawl or heat of pniMnn I was malleloi9 delhi 11 orate piannud with secrecy lu Its execution and with iinsummiiti caution Ibo Ind wlllllsmllll elllol1 concealment of it after It had been done Such dovelopment Bocmod to justify ox pcnboand Iho uso of every Intolllgoat ohiort to trace tho cilmn and now Iho dotoctlves sklllod men are busy tracing tile Mine box 1u though thoiu Is I Itt I i I hOLH 1 bat nnithlng can bo developed tloteby as the box Is without specially distlnuulhiug larks The are also at work marching bra much mon Important cluo It Ihoy can Und I and that Is I the loam which brought tho shoo box to tho Wallingford swamp That team must I have boon hirud In Bomo town near by File prosecuting oflleor now awaits reports from limo dmecttvcn und responses from tho police of other cities respecting missing men Lit ho belbnos that evi dence enough has boon obtained to show hat young man of volltoJo or ut bust comfortabo circumstances llvlilg olswhero than In Connecticut his been secretly murdered the body skilfully dlsmom borod the hOld nnd limbs burlud or destroyed elsewhere ant tho trunk brought by oars or stnnmbont to New llavun or HOIIIO near city anti thence carried to thin lonely spot which may or many not havu lean knonn to tho person who brought tho trunk thorn but which was selected becausnof Its illsnml un frequented locution Time use of polxnn commit Limo murder IndIcates with tbo oortahty of science that tho munloi was a malicious pro meditated one nnd the dlscovoryof thearKunlc in thn undigested food shows that this Irritant poison was administered to Ibo young man with ono of bla meals I killed him Tho body wai secreted dismembered tqii its marts scattered Malicious promodltatcd murder especially with poison has almost al ways for a motive ono of HHMI pas alons Avnrlco this joung mans llfo may tiMe stood between somo ono else and tho possession of property jealousy which it It was time niothyc of course InvoUod lln someway 1 woman or revenge In this country thUle of poison to iiccomillsh murder has always been the rosuit ofoneortliuse passtluus it Is this fact which Is 1 fundamental law of modlcnl jurliprudenco and toxicology which Illinois the authorities here to believe that tho shoe box mystery conceals the story of agreat crime and whIch will compel them to leave no efforts untried toiolro tbo mystery i 4 nnlNlB run rnn nnjiiir AND Nanrna ProTlitrnre People llrln Hkni Ont nf Ik Jjlnrroom Iic ike llrnaittla llutr InoviHcxcE Hoiit 4Thto merchants of Ffovldoncp especially tho wholesalers nro not pleased with tim effects of tim now prohibitory law They say that It drives away cue tomora who like to visit town In which they may buy goods and got drink also If they fool like lu I Is said to bo almost Imposilblo for stranger to Iot 1 drink In tho town All the hotels violate tho law on tho sly and each homo hns what Is called Its anfo patrons but they havo to go stealthily Into closet to drink or Blink quickly Into a darkened room which is kept locked excopt at tho time of tho visit Tho snloons have received a terrible blow and the strongest bovorngo that Is sold in them Is light bear which Is known ns throo per cent because I contains only 3 per cont of alcohol Tho suppression of tho saloon business hns caused an enormous demand nt tho drugstore fountains for norvo ticklers nnd tho consumption of those brain and norvnstlimilnting drinks promises to bo nnl baneful physlclnnasny ns tho excessIve use of alcohol Never before woro there such prollts In tho soda water business and merchants of nil kinds are setting up fountains In their stores All day and until Into nt night Providence men and women throng about them and It Is all Hint ono or two active mon can do to attend to customers actvo half an hour a day or two ago tho writer watched the agile operator nt a fountain In the busiest ijuartor of Westminster street and In that tlmo there was constantly I crowd thrno or four ranks deep waiting to got drinks The operator was without coat vest or collar with Riispendora down end sleeves rolled up his shirt Hlouves wero roofed nt tho elbows and his movements woro as rapid and vigorous as Inl those of a smart hired man In haying tlmo with a big thunder shower on tho horizon lie Bldos tho doron or moro common fountain sirups behind tho silver faucets the marble bar which Inl sllor deep In sloppy vvnter that thoro wns no tlmo to wipe away was flanked with a buttery carrying tvvontyoluht bottles of all kinds of tonic and stimulating mixtures Thoro woro bottles tho various phosphates preparations of coen celery guariinn and all I the cinchona extracts genilnu decoctions and other Hlnglo tonics runt a new nnd very popular lihoilo Island strup called all which In mndo of phospliatua timid phosphoric acid Thoro is a tremendous demand for phoia which is ono of tho I most powerful I of brain nnd norvo stimulants Among the slmplor popular tonic bnveiMui wore acid Inctart egj lactart Ill juice ginger wino ginger 01 and sar sapaillln beer Nearly ovary customer called for tonic or I stimulant drink and wont awayto return within an hour tho bartender said for another Of course most of the preparations nro Injurious snit tho man at thn fountain when ho got a momonls leisure in which to speak and tho final olTect of thom on tho stomach is much moro than Is tho moderate use of alcohol Mon and women como horo ton and twenty linos 1 womol tmol tiny and swallow nil sorts of brain tonics nnd swalOv 11 whon at tho ond of tho day they go homo and got ready to go to bed they 10 that their brains are in such a whirl I of excitement that It Is ton to ono whether thoymor get moro than an hour or two of sloop Next morning they hail themselves In a restless unnerved amid wornout condition aa though thor hal boon on regular debauch as they have and they begin again tho business toningup Hut Its not other peoples health that I am chiefly Interested just now continued tho dispenser as another ciowd Illoil In front of the bar but my own nnd if this drlvo doosnt begin to letup little pretty iiulck I shall have to go away for my health Thats about tho way It appears to mo AlPLKJACK AXO ONiONS Temperance nod tko Cut Worm InletTerlnff wilk Iwo Orange County Frodaeli GOSIIEN Sopt 4 Orantro county has two Industries In which Bho takes great prldo besides those of dairy farming and the raising of fast trottors Thoso two industries are tho distilling of applejack and tho cultivation of onions Tho latter has not strickly speaking bocomo yet calling that is son oral throunbout tbo county although I Is an industry over a quarter of a century old In tho town of Chester where I Is chiefly curried on curl The making of applejack however Is limited to no particular locality and consequently the county has boon ablo sometimes to squoczo out of tho product of Its orchards much as 100000 gallons of tho deceptive and lingering tipple In ono seasons distilling At present accounts the prospects of the onion crop nro not especially good this season ns time plants wore attacked by a species cut worm early Inltho season which rutar Jed tho regular course of cultivation The applejack yield will bo good this year but there will never be as much of this Hluor made In Orange county In tho future ns In tho past for the reason that many fnrmers who woro tho largost distillers In the county Imvo become eonvorlt to Strict temperance theories and 11 I I I not nianiiracturo tholr I apples Into whlbkoy nor soil them to others for that purpose Some of tho applejack over distilled Is stored In the cellars of many of those reformed farmers by tie siuty Vmlng 1 private stock to which tears hao given tile peculiar niollountss and fruity flavor that only ego ran Hive thus was when 1 farmers hospitality was gniigud In Orange county by tho readiness with whieh 0 ho pioduc the anphijnck jug and tho alacrity with which he ruplunlshod it when low In thoso days It was thn custom of tho young bloods bont on hilarity and good cheer to harness up their best idstors nnd Instead of linking tho round nf I thn village I I I haunts of Ihitceti hIs or inmhtluus I wit lak through tho country and visit Inrmhouio titter farinnousn where tho celiats wero famous and return homo by I haul mule with such jag of 1 good fellowship I aboard as only tnnioarold applejack liberally nbsotLod can supuly Jut applejack Is I npplujaek nowadays Ton nnd oven llfiein dollars a gallon I will I nut tempt some of thn downtrodden I Jrango county farm or to part with certain barrels of julco their collars fulfill Jvory roar thov ay adds I dollar gallon to Iti worth and If I lie tempo anco fooling npiouls to nnygrnat extent ahulorug the fnrmeis nail tho quantity of liquor distilled falls oft nCiordlngly ipplejack limo nn reunnerntd makmsof It itoiti re will I I I bo wort iiI twice as much ns It I is now TIer is moro of this liquor dlHtlllnd mutually in Orinto and Sussex counties than in nil the otlior counties of tho Union combined Tho Chester onliiti meadows comprise 700 aires and lloonolthor sido of Iho Erie track between Chester ant Clravcourt Whol tho mail rIull was built through bat part of tho county tlm tract was svvnmuy waste into lilch thouhamls of tons of earth and ttoiio hnd to bn dumped all liiindreils of oi los tn ID drivontn make found ition for thn nmilbed The wiilo stretch of doa ing arid noisome vcgotabo matter VMS nn njuaiiro to the stir i roundlii and tho ownuis of it regnrdud theniselvos ns most unfoitui Wo lu tho possession I was not bolinvod that It iMuld rOR Ill jfl 1 in I any way and lie I paynmnt of taxes on it was iHlderod I waste of niinoy About twontyIlvo soars ngo William Conklln who llal Conkll owned I largo portion of the tract drained pot in I one corner ot I Itnml I I I found that ho ob tninoit I 11 plot of tborlchn lindot Hull llyway I of oxporimunt ho I HDinled It I to I out loris alit gattm arid a most unheardof crop This lod tn tho ciadiiil 1 I drlnllC I ot I tho whie nio i and there Is now not nn aero on It that la I not rcgudod ehoaii ut it ilnallon of 1 Snon ns high I as I lUOO an there having lepoatodly boon tuld for tho reclaimed marsh tile annual Incomn to tho owners now fljlOUO of iho meadows trout onions atone Is JlIK 7fK1 fIY IlV the Toiilhlc Little Iniccl ut Lout Domiciled In Knal mil fiom the iinlin simulant Tlio Hessian fly fcnrful fccnurgo of crops bourns at lest to have sottlod In Knglnnd CI0J9 Us appearance was in this wise Miss Or inoroj tho Consulting Entomologist ot tho Hojal Agricultural Society received Information that wheat and barley crops near Hertford wore attacked by tho now Insect which bad taken up Its position In the second joints of tho atoms of wheat nnd barley plants from lbs around and caused a disorder lIke root full or lout In tho stains Upon examination It was loon that the pupm of au Insect closely resembling In shape and color somewhat clongtttad flax seeds or linseed wero present under the loaves or blades immoill ntoly covering the stem of tho plants I vms said by tile farmor that the puma lied lately chanted from lnrir which woro translucent or transparent maggots with greenish stripes under tholr skins and had evidently been the active causes of the mlohlof to the crops This mischief wnsannaront In time scrawled state of tile straw ant Its general fallen condition as comlton well ns in the lightness and dalldoncy of the Ir Aftnr much consideration and consultation of authorities anti microscopical culmination It was decided that these pupa wore those oft tho Hessian I Fly CVniiiiini ileati iiclor nnd that coiiKoiincutly this Insect whloh has wr mght most anrlous Injury to corn crops In Germany the Inltod Stated and Canada for moro tau 1 contury bus now gained 0 settlement In this country As It MIMIIB mOlt prnbnlila that this Insect was brought to the Intentud Holds In straw with muuiiuro fiom London which straw had boon without much tinnEd Imported from Vmorlcn CanaJa or Germany In packing eases and orates It Is most essential that all manure obtained from tho now sheds and stitbloH In London nnd othor cities ant towns should be mlxeiiod that the boa of fermentation might kid I the 1111 Ilu 111 I rime lto nl Agricultural Society issued a note of warnhmig last woek concerning It together I spread with suggested measures for checking IU CHARITY AT TIE MINES OHNlmrTY IT T4KKS Till FOI13I OF 3111 nKttKFlT llAffLK Tkc Miner Once Studs Fund hut XVero Frlcklened and Krrw Out Thtlr 1 Moner Tfce Jlnrrrlni oflhe Widow nt Avondnle nnxMonE ln Sept 3 WhIle nil organized efforts for purposes of charity among coal minors havo failed nt least In tho Incknwnnnn region said an ofllcorof one of tho big coal compnnlosof the district there era curious customs prevailing among thoso who earn their living In nnd nbout tho nilnon through hlch tho burdens of those of tholr numbor who nro dostltuto nro greatly lightened Among these Is tho popular benefit radio Those raffles occur so frequently that tho printing of tho tickets used for them Is nn Item of no Ito Importance to tho local printing ofllcos In some offices time form of tho ticket is kept standing In typo Thoso radios nra usually got up for tbo benefit of some minor who has boon Injured or Is III or for that of somo poor woman and hor children who havo boon loft without support by the husband and father falling a victim to somo mIn disaster Widows and orphans and both aro dally mado In tha mining regions nro novor permitted to suffer from hunger or cold so long ns thoro Is work for tho minors to do no matter how small the pittance may bo that thoy aro ablo to earn No dead minors family is ever turned out of house and homo for arrears of rent for the old comrades of the ono who has fallen victim to tho dangers thnt surround and threaten them ovary hour of tho day novor forgot whon tho rent day comes round nnd If tho widow has not tho monoy to pay It Is Quickly forthcoming Coal Is cheap In the mining districts but It costs something nevertheless so the mon from among whoso number death or Illness may have removed a follow workman remember that fuel Is among tho necessities of his family and each minor takes a lump from the mine when ho iiults work and drops it at the needy onos door Differences In religion politics or of race and the prejudices born of thoso aro dcop and bitter among minors are forgotten undor tho broad and softening Influences of humanity whon tho nocendtlos of a follow miner appeal to these bighearted toiler The benefit rOn In a coal mining district Is not only 1 charitable alTnlr but an occasion of social entertainment Ju ninetenths of the rallies tho prio Is I oook atovo although a goose a few heads of cabbage a goat orit pig nerves admirably ru tho nucleus and excuse for tho occasion Thero la an air 01 substantial respectability pertaining to ncook stove how over that makes I 1 favorite selection as the prize nt a hneilt raffle seems tn bo a rule of ChIc rafllo that not loss than ahuntlred tickets shall be sold whether tho prize Is goose or I stove and tho prlco ol each ticket is I half a dollar The committee having chaigo of the af fair go to work with a will to soil tlio tickets 10 Ilh tll lcttRI and they are bought with the Kroatost goodwill by thu minors solicited to purchase Tho mOo Is hold at 1 convenient placo In tho mining village Knell purchaser of a ticket Is expected to bo presont but such Is never tile oa80 Knoutili of them with their wives or swoot hearts assemble on tho appointed ovonIn to make the occasion a ooolal success A keg of boor and perhaps bottle or two of something stronger a tiddler piper or accordion player are noccnssary adjuncts of tho benefit rafllo and they are novor absent The Chairman of tho committee hAS a list of tho ticket holders with their numbers Ono hundred slips of paper aro placed In a hat NInotynIno of these are blank and ono has the name of tho prize written ou I A blindfolded or blind person and as tho latter Is no rarity in mining villages It la oftoner a sightless parson draws tie slips from tho lint as each name IH called from tbs list by the commItteeman When tho slip containing the name of tho prize Is drawn tho person whoso name was thon called Is declared the winner ot tho prize Time drawing attended with no little excitement the company crowding around tho hat and awaiting each withdrawal of a slip with breath lass expectancy When the lucky number Is drawn a great shout coos up from tho party and the winner Is warmly congratulated by his companions Whon quint Is restored the winner presents tho prize to tho person who Is tho benellciary of tho mOb and that person Is at liberty to do ns he or Aho pleases with I The mon obtained by the file of tickets never tcotsneler leas than 5iig thon given to tho beneficiary In majority of cases the article rallied for Is the property of tho beneficiary with which tho charitable notion Is maintained tbnt the vria Is to go to the one who wins It 10 I Alter the perfunctory ceremonies of time raffle are over refreshments aro taken tho music strikes up and until midnight worriment rules unlo3 some ono prosont Is tiuablo to temper judgment with his beer whan merriment may be dethroned temporarily by the Introduction ot bit of lonn brook Two or throo rallies In the course of the veer with other novorfnlllog contributions of food and clothing un a long way toward ranking ilend mliixrshclplessfamlly comfortable and happy Minors as class are a Mmplo nnt It superstitious people They nro easily bid and Inllu onceil ant on this unit of their character dn slgning and discontented persons have presumed and always will no doubt In carrying nut schemes tending to their own intor nt tho expense of thu minors This wellknown chnrncterlBtloof miners led to thin failure of the greatest clioiuo for their benefit nhon in need that was ever dovisod Tho Hon Charles iemrrishan extensive individual mal operator In thn vAiomlnc I valluy anboil sutem by which through small monthly payments by the mine laborers and liberal contributions by tin mon operating his collieries sum of SlOOlluU was raised In short time to bo unxl tIn I nilioving ages ot 1 destitution i nmong tile miners Interested In thin Ilnl Then certain dumiigogvius masiiueiudlng under tha Luio of labor oiunnleis tilled thn hnads of the minors with the Idea that their employers wero simply i I hcil Ill uultit I ug this I fund to use It against thom to thoir dotri mutant This soon gavo rlso to alarm tho Illinois and thoy finally among milol 111 Ollly appointed roiumlttoo to watt on tho uW1taas pollll1 1 111llltoo Wltt Oi O9Y ns of thn I fund and demand that time sums paid In by the minors I bo returned I to thim This was done tumid this was tlio Inst olTort ever made to esiaollkh I a ml let fund for miners mlle lo tho publiooutMdoof ills mining towns one of the customs among tho puonlo vvhosn living dopomU on tho mines his always and naturally boomed lot only strange but UIC nll countable and has tlmo and again resulted In the chilling I of outuldo ajmpathyfor suffering mining families This feeling first becunn notable nnd was most emphatically nianlfuted after tlm frightful cntaftroplio at tho Avondalo Jim I mull near ilttston I I In Ihljl Thnt calamity awakened 1 a mu lilutti thllt I It might enlnmir win national for tho hundred amid more of srlilowH with iiuniHrnus children who wore lull destitute through tint disaster Tlio Intensity ol tholr grief many touching Inci dents of whleh worD raado familiar time coun try ovor by tho nrnvspapors aroused feeling of pity and a determination Inl I lulorllnllol to give It substantial demonstration that have had fow parallels In this country The grief those widows soomnd boneless ns to bo boyond tho nssunglntt touch of tlmo anti so when a fow weeks after tho disaster anti whlli its horrors wore ntlll frosli In tho public 1111c mind tIme nowa began to bo printed that tho Avondnlo widows woro ono nfior another finding new husband for themselves und step fathers for tholrohlldron so recently bornavod aioviilslou of fooling throughout time country was tha io ult anti mnny schemes vvliUh wore on root having In vlow tho relief of tho widows nnd fatherless ot Avondalo wore abruptly 10ro Iuruply dropped 1 was not known then and proba lily I Is not now na I do not remember that any explanation was ever made of It that tholr apparently quick forguttulnoss of thu teal on the part of tile Avondale widows was 1 oK but the observance of a peculiar custom of miners which makes It a sacred ruin for unmarried minor or wino laborers who have no other conjugal Intentions to offer to take tho nlnco of a dead companion as the mainstay of hIs widow and children by marrying her I her necessities ore pressing tho matter of de Iny Is not taken Intu account as Influencing tho final result This was the case at Avondale and the fear of misery and want was removed from many a family by tho widow becoming llloWI boomlni tho wives of synipnthfzlng Industrious ant sober men While this custom nplonrs to bo an affront to tha sacredness of grief and respect far the memory of life partner cruelly and suddenly removed by death It Is prompted by a seutimont BO honorable and unanlllnh that In CIO minds of those most Interested its lack of finer qualitIes of heart and delicacy of feel Ing Is amply atoned for SlOOO Ante From tht vinnmuolfi Trtbuni I hoard a story the otlior day about the nn tlonal game nf poker which rather ditconnl ItI the I tough pokir 1 arn which from llmo olrOK lime appear in the ot perof the Wett A number of genilemun were tilling on ills chair In IrOn of tin Kbblll llou when the SuIt ltd of poker value up storlut I of ravenl garnet were told and laughed when a gentleman hohad nol laid I a great deal up to that Hint remarked Well boy luiir icorltof big garnet are goal 1 enough bul I I I tat In I a game one tuTu goh the pot vas orlh pla Ing go hU IIIn lot Itwailn iRa noon after less lurrcnder list were lU or even of ut at Atlanta and a game ot poker was propoted Th ante uat died altluuu Sill the 1t ro limit at 1 Sl Mio and 1oIX play was lirlr I I ll ou lila cd from loin the morning until after ml Inlght and a pot wat leldnm open with I loss Iliun tvj tllal It ou on ham the belling got quite llrrly I and when a tlralghl Hut dually beat four queent the wlnuer raked lu nearly iOdrinnii Th ntlenien I lining around puffed their clgart illeiillr 1 and almlra lion for the bus II liar of IM 1 I eiaon wat elbis on their ooununancva llu continued You dont stem to be hove lliat but It li I iloipel humS eier word of il Again shunt relgmd for I mnmrntor two when on of them iutiu iced What kind of money word uu plnr Ingfn1 I ITii hi anttri red 1 that i was llm I trouble I ai at I ibid right crier lime war iuifeletat ScrIp was mIsimtmlui old we UfJ Confederate bond lo light our cUari with The boodle that pot wa all In Con federal note and bonJt and tlio winner JUllt think II worth wull to carry It away wIlt blm tlllull TAMING AFItJaiN ItiEPITJN7B A Mekeme to Train the Wild Lord Ike Itmilo ue Ilcntle at hordes I oxpoctod that cffortB will soon ho made to iamb elephants In somo regions 01 Africa and make them useful to thus whites thoro ns boasts of burden In several Hnstorn countries the employment of Indian olophnnts for draught and carrying purposes Is almost universal and tho question has recently boon raised whether tholr African cousins cannot bo tamed arid manila useful In great dlsrlcts where tho deadly tsotao fly prevents tho lisa of horses and cattle Wo havo soon many tame African elephants In menageries and circuses among whlob Jumbo was the most famous but for many centuries the olopbant has not boon domostlcntod In Africa for tho reason that his habitat for hundreds of years line boon only among savage tribes who Imvo no uso for him except to kill him for food anti Ivory Only two rocont instances arc known of tho taming of elephants br negro tribes Homo fifteen years ago King lon gent n9 a Dresont to tho Sultan of Zanzibar perfectly Lamb young elephant am Ilorlucty tl10 youol olo1hnnt seven years ago an explorer Angola reported that ho found tame elephant among tho natives of tho lllvarCuneno tvos 1879 the International Association Imported Intornatonal Assoallton ported number ot Indian elephants into Africa Thoy woro heavily laden with goods for the whlto station at Karoma on Lake Tanganyika whlo stton ganyika nnd started west with a caravan from tho Zanzibar const Tho experiment was a failure Not ono of them lived to reach the groat Inko and nil died within live months Although tho experiment was not fairly conducted the elephants being far too heavily limbo and also Improperly fod i Is not likely to bo soon repeated Tho AfrIcan olopnnnt has tho reputation of Iwlng lens docile anti Intelligent than his Indian relative but thoro scorn to bo no good grounds for this belief For hundreds of yours before and after the dawn of tho Christian era nnlnllr whon herds of elephants roamed In the Atlas Mountains und wore found In many parts of North Africa they store hunted by I tho Egyptians and tho Carthaurnlnns nnd captive elephants woro thoroughly I tamed CILtve nn trained for earning purposes and also for war They wore tnucht to tram plo down the enemy In buttle The war olo nhaiits hunt nearly Hucoumbcd amid tho snows of thu Alps when Hannibal mod them Into Italy were from Africa alL many nn elephant that marched in the triumphs of lloman Generals ttuough the streets of Homo woro a part of th4 war establishment of Carthage Today tho wild African elephant cal bo found only south of the Sahara Dosort In the jungles of savage A fri cu After Afrlcnn elephants conned to bo usod In war they null figured largely In Homo In tho cruel sports of tho circus They vvorosent Into time arena to light for tholr lives with lions tigers and othor ferocious boast Thsy were also trained to perform remarkable tricks anti I half what tho Inter latln writers say about tho African elophniit true ho Is certainly qtinilruped not surpassed lu Intelligence by tbo Indian llllrllol Mr Forepnugh announced the other day thai before long ho would havoahorso whom ho has taught to walk a tight rope attempt tho feat of crossing the Niagara goign after thn manner of Mr lllondln Huotonlus In his description of time reign of thin Itomnn Emperor lalba tolls of I wonderful elephant whoso pprfnrnmntns ho ellis woro attested by thou callus ot witnesses Thin elephant was In tho habit of mounting ncnblo and slowly walking up to tho top of tha circus with his Itoman trainer on his back Hn would thou descend to tho arena ngnln by thE samo route TIme historian has not informed us whothor tho accomplished animal carried a balance polo In his trunk Mr A Wautors of Brussels ono of the lending authorities on questions relating to Africa and other kontloraen who halo made I study ot nnl African elephant believe that It Is entirely feasible to tamo this noblo lord of the jungles and put his back to the same uses for which hundreds of black porters aro now hired No attempts have yet boon mado by whlto men attemlts to catch him alive except for menagerie pun rinses but thero are pioneers now in Africa who hops somo day to BOO him tamed and trudging obedIently along In a carl van trutc111 I I Is not dlfllcult to distinguish tim African from tho Indian elephant The African animal Is noted for much greater convexity of face for longer tusks and for much larger oars I than his Indian ralatlvo I 1IEI OIKLS AND TlIEltt NllOI I UcKQlnr Cuetomrr and Tencent Foci Somt of Ike lOins lira Married I To make Rood waiter said tho proprietor of 1 restaurant in which the waiters ar nil women a girl must be clean patient passably good looking and not too high tonod Slio must dross neatly and bo quick and bright Wo employ about a dozen girls here They earn 11 a week and work about eight hours I day I a girl Is 0 favorite with the customers she picks up a good deal in fees I havo frequently soon 1 girl lucre shake twonty tencent pieces out of her poekiit at tho ond of a day Homo of tho girls who hnvo been here a long time unto tholr roculnr customerswho aro ills I sntlafled It any one nlso waits upon them Homo of tIle girls arc awn on their vacation now nnd yesterday two old gentlemen who have been dining horo for 1 your wore compelled to lot a strange girl wait upon them They found fault with ev rythlug and whon they wont out they Iniiulrod when their girl would be back saying thoy would thin soninwhere also In time moan tlmo Titus 111 I who waited upon them Is I a very good waiter nnd his several custouiors who will lot no ono oliO wait upon them Onuof tile girls horo bus icon uniting upon two goru tlomun for two years they never order anything but simply toll hl7lo the condition of thulr appetite and leave the rest to tier When 117710 wont away on hur vacation tIm continuum 1 whom elm ii calls her flrm gave hnr fl 9 Are time girls over Insultud or treated rudely 7 Not very often anti when thoy are thor are protected If they complain to mo A mal who will Insult girl who Is trying to earn nn hOI Oct living will Meal spoons and ho Is not want od hero A row of my girls nro married which Is nothliur 1101 nat them I vUiatover It may ho ngnlnst tho hiisbninls who allow them to earn tholr own living 1 I That littlo I yol low lu ui reti Irish woman behind tho counter his two children und hushnnd big oiiough to eat 1 loam of horses I i dont know whats tho limiter with him but tioniethlni Is certainly wrong somewhere or she would bo homo looking after the young ones S031K NIW lWMr IIJlWIB Curlnii Olnlmrnt Wklek Nom Hiipnrillllnu IVcjple Ak Tkelr llriuiilila For I I will hot you 1 against an empty pill boxsildn Newark druggist that ou cannot persuade a Jersey woodchoppor thnt rat tlesna oil Is not a sovereign remedy for rheumatism or Induco a Pennsylvania Dutchwoman to renounce her belief In the virtue of goosegroaso for colds soro throat and kindred complaints A groat many German people In this town will go miles to obtain I little dog I to fat which Is supposed to possess somo maCh virtues Skunks gronso Is nnothor muchos tooninil ointment In nlfflostiivorysection whoro tho hlclitonoU little aulnml Is I known I have got It In stock alwnvs kcop It and have a big demand for It ut times name tub riamo tub said tho druggist with a wink I got bears irS doc fat skulk grouse anti material for nil my regular olntinontu out of thnt tub I camo sony near using It up thu other day when an old dnrky eamu i In nnil wanted a half pound of anappin turklo fat for his old woolen back An old Kngllah woman cnmo In tho other day and nskoil for parrot lit and When I told her that I did not believe It could bo obtained In I this country alto told me that she could always got It In London and tlt was good wORk for volcon tonguetied children nt pooplo with Hpuylni Cow far Milk Vow the Farm Atocl and Konif 11 yattoranre a French veterinary surgeon gives IIJ follow Ing advantage of Iheciutrallon I or spay thug uf CIWS for milk which may proe of Intereii to our Northwcitirii dalrrnwn If properly underiland the mailer lln I eHecl of mIte caltrallon teem tu that II pniduceii a more abundant supply of milk which ac ipilret a Clue 511115 lime greater richnei In quality qlaily reiulthig In thu following advantage lo the dalrrmanl Ic loo II 1 An Increme of one In 1 iiiantlly of milk 11 CerUlutyuf having a uniform quanllly 3 The cow It I not expend tn the accident that often ocour when the Ii iii leSsOn 4 At aha will I not general all lie lh dent of kKtatlon and calving are avoldtd 3 Greater dtifioiltlon to fattm whin milk fall or owner wlilin to part wllh her wll That I tie experience of one man But now comes another Ill report ai follow if twenty nv row aged from 0 lo I year which lists been cattraltd thus results were I Increai of milk In roe of ttor sear 2 Contlant supply in those tittoyc that axe 1 The milk richer than In YI the ordinary cow and conieiiuently yIelds more builer the butter ii I ale aye 01 a yellow color and hat a all and Hat or iiiperlor lo lliat of a cow not oatlratid ut Tit cow should not bl operated upon unlit her licit tive power are fully developed say at Ihe ago ot a rear and about forty day after calling when the will flr laid continue th lame llowof milk at lung at tIle ownerchnoitt to keep her food and Ili olhirthtnKi belug equal bather for milk tIL oh tpaylng 1 cow ould be a goo I thing In tlm Norlhweit we do not know but we would llae to lit tim experiment made and run rtporltid A Qevrfla Trd from IM unman journal From relIable parties wo hnvo Just learned of alorrnln nnhi wInch look place In our eounlj few tnllti fraiii town a few daye ilnce Two hitch dc sued In a dllHoully the letslie of witch are too ilincklng lo rehile llurlng the liniciilty the fi malr companion of on nt Ihe oomliiitanti rime up and Itunded a gun to her huihand and he deliberately plated lila gun In I lIe itad of hit Prostrate aulagoulil and blew tile brain oul I or fast or irejudlclng the can of the survivor we refrain from giving ih accuse ol the parties nulll the maHer can tie fully InveillgaltJ The deceased meat a large fam ly to mourn lili Ion while th survivor itaudi will lu bU uiliuborheod A WORD ABOUT HAIRPINS THE OOOn AND EV1T OF A fl1fllIIN AND ITS StVLTlVAltlUVS USKS The Holder of It Wken It Found In a Mnni Inekvl Inrurinnilon intent It from YlTnclniu Ierinn It 1laee In Nlnna I flow many kinds of hairpins are there echoed bright and very pretty blnckovod gIrl in an uptown dry gooJs and notion store Why bless mot I dont know Hut mor than million should say at a rough guess While time blackojod girl unquestIonably played above the limit on that guess thoro cer tnlnly la surprising amount of variation upon the slraplo form of time hairpin to moot the whimsical requirements of wotnon It might bo stranco If a man ahould recognIze any tilt foronco between two ordinary hnlrnlns without closely comparing thoiu Hut woman scos time faintest chnngo In time thickness of the wire Its length Its bond Its polish and it I would be Infinitely moro strange If alma would not bo tibia to toll nt single glance If it 1 was some othor womans hairpin that ho had found In her husbands pocket Indeed woman seems to bo endowed with a sixth sons In that capacity so dollcato and unerring it Fortuuntolywomcn shod a great many hairpins In borso cars and that Is where husband always pick thorn up At least that is what they say and time wlvas cannot prove the contrary though they may have their doubts and suspicions Many mon have a habit of using the round ends of hairpins to scratch the In sldo of their oars regardless of the aurlst axiom that ono should hover scratch tho inside of tho ear with anything but ones own elbow anti that Is doubtless why tho hairpins aro picked up by mon In the horse cars Whntovo the reason may bo mon are not scarce who asa matter of Instinctive habit will pocket ptckedup hairpin at sight nnd would probably continue to do so unthinkingly If somo loko should unobserved drop hairpins In their way until their pockets bulged with them It is not a bad idea for husbands to Impress upon their wives minds the ballot that they have that bablt as a measure of precaution Just at present not so many hairpins are worn by most women as formerly owing to the change In fashions of doing up the hair and hairdressers say that the fashions this fall judging Irom the aponrout popularity of the now styles will render them still less a ncoos slty It Isuulto practicable to do up the hal In tile mode accepted now by braiding gath orlug nt tho back turning up and fastening Inn knot with a comb either low on the neck or high up on tho bondwithout limo use ot a single bnlrpln HUH some Women will continue time habit of their use whether they are wanted or uvou desirable or not A pleasant young hairdressers assistant with sweet Oormiin nceont replying to time loony How mauI hairpins does woman or dlnarily uo ut one tlmo 7 replied Oh if I you should coo somo of tile Indies who como In hole take down their hair you would thlnl thoy Imil moro than a bushel Thoy vlll use toil for every ouo that Is iiooded Hut lIve or six or perhaps seven ought to be enough to put up tile hair In almost all styles Thou two or three moro may be poked In to supply the places of the ones that fall out Hulrplns wIll full out you know and with the general per vorsoncssof thing It Is always most likely to bo the moat Important ono tbnt should stay in thnt Is most ready to fall out For the fix Inc on ot fronts frizzes and bangs a very lIne delicate little hairpin Is used sometimes scarcely thicker than a stout hair and to still further conceal them they nro of dllTortnt colors blaok and brown and light blue They arc even occasionally made of silver for by ladles whoso hair Is white orsrar The sliver hairpins cost front IlUoon to sevontyflva cents each somowlm according to their size but still moro according to wboro they are purchased Ordinary hairpins of Iron or socalled steel wino you can got for from live to ton cents a package of a couple ot dozens They are so cheap tha almost anybody can afford to lose thorn But thoro are othershairpins meant for show rather than usotbnt are quits expensive That silver ono with Rhino stono settings on top Is worth 750 I have seon sold ones also with Rhine septic settings that cost double ns much but they are rare and I dont think they are worn by nice ladles Perhaps precious stones nro sot In hairpins but I hao never heard of It 1 thInk thoy are only sat In combs which nro loss liable to fall out und get lost Here is a sort of hairpin used by many Indies who think that the steel ones are injurl ous to the hair or common made of ren tortoise shall They cost seventyfive cents each And hare are some made ot colluloli In Imitation of tortoise shell nnd not one person In thousand can toll any differ once between them by sight or any war oxenpt time prlcu tl at soil for live emit ton cons nploco Although those ulna turn so much larger and thicker than time ordinary steel ones thxy are almost as Invisible In tho hair as the very small one cilled iii visible owing to theIr color ant glossiness liven time light and red spotx In thorn appear to time eye ns rnlloctlons ot light by tile hair Occasionally I nil will i son celluloid hnlrplns I lu Imitation of amber Thosn ore for goldon haireil blondes who cinnot afford gold pins or llrogllt ones but in any other lint of hair limy are Improper and even ridiculous foi they lure too conspicuous lund time fact that thoyniusi bo an luiltntiou fairly sticks out to evoryhodia settee for nobody can believe thIrst a brittle Sill IT like I I nmbor would bu multI Into hairpins Hius 7 vull hern Is 0111 smallest just ono inch long and hero thin largest wo have and I guess thoy mire ns largo as mini four nm nhnlf inches long Thoso latter mire ommly use In exceptionally heavy bends of hair such ns some buiith American Indies hnve or In faslou ing on lints Whon eraplojod for lime latter 1111S ice they are deftly thrust In fiom time outside through tin hat Into time hair whoro it is gntherod up solidly aOl I earn Is taken to place them so that a funthnr nr leaf or llowor or something oleo will hldo hum Under all or dinnry clrcuniRtnnces ncept where Ills round or 5j micralu pod hnliplns dot with lilt inn smiles are used just for show hairpins ought to bn so pnced IIH to bn hidden from hight anil It i Is I no small pint of Limo hairdressers art to do that and at tho sumo time put them whoro they will not bo likely to fall out and lisa as few ns tinu lhn nf thpm Jly tho way havo you over notlciid how many things hairpin is useful for Insllos putting up tlm hair A girl can button her gloves or hor boots bettor with a hairpin than with nuynf tlio contrivances men Invent for thoso aorvlcos and if flho Is Ingenious sho can Pick common lock with hairpin whon mho has lost Ito boy and sho flints It I useful I when blackened In I tho gas for darkening her etc brows and it is handy to pick out smill coiks with multi perhaps to scrateh LImo surlnco of her lilY white whon It Is hard In Limo box and to Hull out eliolco bits from a box of bonbons and drodgo out time combings that ehig the flow from the wash basin and fasttin uu IACO window curtains when blm wants to poop out at ono sldo without being seen and pshaw I why ahould 1 toll I iou him more of the thousnnd ways dma finds the hnirpln hoi best friend considering its ilzo and chonpncbs No sir I dont know tile origin of time phrase thats time kind of hairpin I nm1 but should suppose It came from ussnr College And I hope tha girl who lust used It did not mean ono of thoso wiggly ones with three little uonds orcrinklesns we call them on caeh ihlo Those crinkles urn made to keop tho hairpIn from falling out easily and that la something for your Invontors to llnd outa dIctum hnirpln that will not break tho hair mini will not fallout A Lesson Lest IOtel IllS rAMio iitt aid II Iloxloof the Missouri Pacific Hallway taunt it railway circle for Ml proiiii ti give lilt inferior irnoil sound leitur on the I tiuiiett provoca tltin llnxlo a hard worker dud all who tuve teen htm know how round thonldered he it tune day a brikcinan called on him with a letter request fur a mass i In hit pocket leaUiiir this titer wide open an lie due ret tho olllce and wearing till baton lili hetd iu true brakeman ttle In a loud role tie called out me llttxle Ill 1 At lithe the general manager looked up from his desk and replied 54 sIr Mr HoxUlsln The brakomitii took till letter out of till pockt trralibed the corner ut tliv envelope between hi thumb ami forefinger and vent the mhiire plnnlnir and whlrlln upon hit tuner lor desk lloxte looked up In amaitment ant aidNow Now young man would It not look batter for you when comlnirittu a Keiitleinanonc and especially i when akliur a favnr to ramova TOUT hat wipe your feet and Inquire In qnltt voice It Wr lloxle In Th brakeman looked at the general nianaifer a moment atkud for hit Utter ant it wint out cloud tlm doer act In a moment marched In again closet the door softly after wiped hit feet rut hit hat un ler hU arm and in th mutt polite manner portlhl ImitUrua It Mr Hoxlr the general manager tnl I I am Mr lloxle replied the general nianazcr what can 1 do for yii Von can gn to hh I you round ihouMrM Non of a 2unl retorted the bmkeinan I lout want non of jour favori1m from eat VIcTelnnd Girl fion tltt Chlcajo Inttr kran The Cleveland girl la a being of beauty and III no purl of tile inuu it pottible to nnd many lovely eulll lxlon and mill devp red lIme Not Hie IHAUIJT In the Itox kind of cumiiliixiun but real pink and while that bellIes goes mnefled loll it unrrantedto keep Tlirlrlliare not ilia bnnmiltne pink of Case Street belle nut rei tIe lylirii red uf Prairleairnu beauties but a Cool Jftciuenilliot red made lo kli and oi ax for sugar pltiin fr all ihew rieteland dam elt tire entllle tu mile nr no ere III for being good sil 1 look itt pretty Il i I not iliclr fault that they are iiretiy and sin one can to tfoM thu neer tvniple1 to bean Ihtiiif el They hate no Itj I nboul them their iioft are III ituiw suIt I thou ciolhe niiilghUv and hey bavtnl an Idei In the world about anything be oil 1 rorett City iut ai irctent thy have gone daft on Kulioni hal and ll I Sin 515 and ihiirclie are full of ths cavalier like heat gvart bound with carli and rlniton tulle But all theto minor fault could be eon oned If they dldul play croquet the out unpardonable via or iwcudom A vicar JOCULAR COW Ska kas Plartd ack Pranks hint a HloUler mill rreaeh About liar Nonwicir Sept 4Dr LcmnRwoll of Loff Ingwelltown has a remarkable cow In appear alice Bho Is hike all tho rest ot his herd a rod animal of medium size with crooked horns anti sho la a fairly good milker To look nt hor says the Doctor you novor would imagIne nho was such a critter ns olio Is but alto has a pair of dcop dim mysterious ores and aim has time most original mind I over mot with In ml COW I dont quite cot on to her character myself and Ivo soon good deal of bar especially In thus last few weeks The Doctors cow Is a prastlcal Joker of time most Incorrigible kind Blue Is continually putting up Jokes on him anti time Doctor always loses by thorn Her plain ordinary ovoryday pranks are opening stable doors lotting the hens Into the gnrdou patch tipping over barrels and taking down bars and stonewalls Hhodoos those thlnra In a systematic businesslike wny thnt lion bwuor hns become used to but now and then subtly mysterious facetious look comes Into lien face and tim tricks she plays at such times bother tho Doctor so that bo cannot sleep at night Tile cow Is on very familiar footing with the family and it a house door Is loft open she apt to walk Into the hotiso and take a professional Interest In the housekeeping poking her nose Into the pantry and Inquisitively prodding the furniture with bar horns A day or two ago sha strolled Into tile kitchen whIle time family woro In another part ot the bouso and when sIlo wont out she took along silver teaspoon as a souvenir of tho visit which she subsequently hid under nn old pair of trousers thai hnd boon thrown into a lot long distance from tho house Tho Doctor Is sure thnt time cow took tile spoon because a member of time family saw her leave the houso and afterward she vvaa soon meddling with time trousers Hor Intost porformnneo was to sot the washhouse ou lire nnd she did It without nhuclu difficulty and with no apparent fooling In prowlIng abouttho building on last Sunday tie cow found basket of shavings on the washhouao floor and nour by on a beam somo matches and Dr Lefllncwoll thinks Hint In trying to si crete time matches in the shavings HO that silo could havo HOIUO fun with him when ho should como after the mntihes and Mnmp and swear In dispensary Latin sIms accidentally Htoppod on a match and the shavings were klndlod Ha Is loath to accuse lien ol Intentional Incendia rism It was nucossary for the neighbor to como and help extinguish the flnmos which destroyed a now harness that the owner bad purchased for til While tho Hamns woro raging the cow looked on with teeming Indifference but borowiior who lu able to rocognlzo tIme delicate traits in disposition Is certain that there wns look of disappointment and regret In lIar peculiar eyes hinco LImo wnshhouso fire the ow has dons no notoblo thing because tile Doctor has tloil hor to a crowbar sot in bis front yard whTO ho can study her but ho Is curlois to know what nho is going to do with tho crowbar after site has had LImo to think lean understand Bald be why the cow might havo sot tho washhouso auto if silo really did do It on pur poso because Lofllngwolltnvvn Is dull and needs excitement but Im blest If I know what a fullgrown cow should want with a spoon and teaspoon at that Of course she aint such a foul as to aupposo she could use It and that net mullet havo been puro cussedness TIme performances of Dr Iifllngwolla cow hnvo excited great deal of scientific Interest In Lollliigwolltiiwii and time pastor of time Hnptlst ohurch In thnt vlllnge Is writing a sermon for early delivery on Thin Kvldouco In Nature Toudlng to Provo that Animals have Reason HIE iriuEX ot SIN in itKnn Tko Cormtcka Niilelda After ke Ilentk oftae Tonne Woman ke sua to lliury From the SprtnuJliM ntvuWcan The body of Thomas Cormlck who com mitted suIcide Wednesday afternoon by jump ing from the North End bridge was brought up from Its boil by grapnllng Irons TIle story ol the mans life and of time hurrying events of the last fow days culminating In time death of his betrothed and his own swift suicide In as sad and tragic ns any romance Cormlck was about 30 years old He was born In Ireland of parents In comfortable circumstances who gave him a good education The failure of his father mado It necessary for him to shift for himself and about seven years ago ho carna to this country After a time ho began to work for Tailor Kennedy nf eatlleld as a prosser Ho had consumptive tondonclos and for four weeks haul been sick and out of work Cur mick had for sonic considerable tlmo been pay ing nttontlons to Miss Nellie A VilllnmsofWoat fluid a slater of Mr Knnnndr She was highly thought of by her frtonds as modest well spoken honest capable trusted and of most excellent reputation Bho was about 35 or 20 good looking well formed and prepossessing Time two had been engaged for seven or eight months Thoy woro to bo married In November but as Cormick was sick and had no money haiti up the plnus wore somewhat disturbed The girl yielded to Mutilation anti a fortnight ago his eovtrai lust she was to become mother Cor mick brought hor to tills city and sho consulted Dr illlam Iloolli hho asked him ho says to pnrforru an abortion which ho lefusod to do Ho found that an attempt had boon mado He proscribed for her TIme following Friday Aug Ji clio again camo to tile doctors vory III was taken vvith a violent chill anti allowed to arty nt tho doctors housn because of bluer serious condition Mile hunt a miscarriage Sunday ant grow rapidly worsj Her mother mind threo sisters came over to see hur nnd splint much ot I their tlmo I I In I upbraid lug her for hor disgrace Wodnesitny Kennedy was ovor with them Tha Itov Father Mack Is lie attended tlm dsltm woman did much to Loop thorn umu hat but nlian ho wont away the doctor called for tm City Mirphnl Cormlck cimn to seo the woman th it nttariionn about 3 oclock and when high mimi violent words nssoil between thorn Kennedy was particu arly threatening advising him to mnke his will and talking about blowing his brains out CormicU was admltttnl to tIme guis bedsIde hut she diod ns ho nntored tho I I loom He was mueh movod Ho piicod up and down tho doctors olllce tinni un and down Franklin street and finally dashed across Main stroot alIt dUip poarod Hn must have gone directly to time river and his death Accounting for Sir Nlllrra Uoolneio from ticSin Vaucjcn Past inA crave young gentleman from Iloston Is on JoHng tile Inihit nt tIlls iriixniil lmrnlnt his lillfliiilltuluiO i fnrcrHliiznciinlnt 0 ith thiCikhfiirnU gin flu a hotel piazza lit fit bj I lar lido the other ofltr Itt I I lIStS retnarkaM mite lonkln ireiillemnn lie re inarkxl no uf the inlne COilS ol Hie dohlea lInst droeb i In hit liojenrt I1 I Mf illler ha aid niul iluned I riiid itt uiir vee ei Him is IHOI be Vcrr cool frloinlii 0 0 crc too but Iieo Iturm lily JHUOed mid unfor Kill 1 1 lint nron will him Nit extrllv tit Itn hetn very cool 01cr CITeS I kicked lililllnllieilir Wis a I let ih him In HID ear I call re cntd the I Cillfor nil tIn uihnlj Inilli oiildiil hclu inon kiiun Sitt it I waiii nit fnilt It opu lauahoa ftiul isle him Tool rlillrnlout llul Imtw hut mnlii yon dolt And ind Itit i couM yell I lien i Iwo i inlkr limn ion you knu 55 elI UnatnTm liljliwHW unil 1 a itlib titiIl lion It hip end llen lot er hern In lltIii clone cult 1 its ceaacd calling 1 think lice roil nui i don joti A rBro Willlcia SLIce now fit Ittlilmon AmrrUaii An unusual ncourronco In tIme dcinrimants irro li thu utondy BU I raid rIce 01 MIIIK tiur il linn II ho etilrel time hucrcliir 0 oik In I the Inlnlor He partimntanamexMMivir i mi jonr ago all jtlerlsy I reaiheil a llunlrliM tlrrkilini nl 0 Ji nr ntiniini Iho vuuiu fellmt hor name William II inilnv woo forinerlr it ilir Slil I porter In the emplo of Juiiu1 VVuriiile 1 its hittei I look a gnat Inloreiit In Jnlnr unit Ihrouji liU InlliliMKr HN niiiillu invii SIC rredeil In Ccli mug him a lit Liiir hli lu Hie Inli I nor ei 1aSO The loumr lellow wntc nlnii4niiJ Cl inlloiii and applle 1 hlintelf 111 loiiniini the lute of lie tynu riler co thoroughly Hml I lie ii its male cotiiut at lhuJivr 1 I year rnm his I hut iillua Ho hal Jul lCemi I promote I to a flJOD clerkship Stomach Troubles are cauied by Improper diet hatly eating and drinking late supper the exccnlva use of itlmulanti and a icrofuloui condition of this blood Ayer Sana parUla lithe moil effIcacIous tamely for all such dIe order I tin convinced thnt thus wont casts ot Dyipipila Can be cored by taking Ayer 8anaparllla I located greatly from this complaint for year ant never took any medicine that did me any good until I commenced usIng Ayers SariaparUla I took four bottles of thli prepara tlon last eprlnc and my appetite halih and strength were completely reitoredBlCUAUD I HOIITON Danbury Conn Mjr wit was long tabled to severe fleilacliH the reich of tloinach and llvir dltorderi After tr tog various rattledIss without relief pie uinl Ayers Scrat irillt ant VBI ipcedlly curoJ3 tAUK 31 Auitla em Lowell Man Aiarimoay for Debility Falntneti Lou of Appetite n4 lujliutlon took one bolt of Ayers Sar aparllla and was Curedui HiNsriBLI Chelmifori ass OfWirU br Dr i AYJUt Jk CO LoiraU Mau Troubles Nnr come alone Die LIver KlJneyi nr Han ill are dlionler olhir tarts ot the holy heroine affected AyeriSariaparllla reitorei lh I luor rtiulrel for the healthy action of these nrvani moor speedIly han any oilier aiJIclui A few tiotllci of Aye i fcoria paillla Cured InC of Kidn7 Dlieaie when all oilier mulicinn ailed It II the most reliable and lion rtmetly fr tile CoiIl pIstol known meKLI DOD Xnua III I was amirtt1 with a severe towel ilimciihy mjr Tllallljr ieineil to be raoMly illminlihlni in Hfpetlla failed my tongue wi bally coaled cull my iircnlh was gone In I hills eiifeeblnl cunilillon I bizan tikinj Afttt Sariipifllla I hail nm takin many doses It fur I nollcel aiteulOed chang for the teller My spIttle and strength re ttlrre1 and in nhole lyiiem hut aumif em eil reuewtJ UorK SIUOSDS Uloter Vt I lucy used i Ayeri Medleinei In my fa nlly th slit lifallon for years ma aiwayi lira a totlle cf Ayei sat saparilla In the home II It I 11 gaol far Cia 1oojilri lUKlVhlltN Intii Alliboy ioU ir IJrmrjiiu ptt i tu tuiiii i DRY GOODS ARE BOOMING ran nvsixims OF uiitncji STIIEKT ia 4 NUT aoisn II1S Ta Frtlgkt Itcilnollone have Hone flrcut Slant Co Ileetiin1lli TrndVi ned People of All Horn urn Nmlllnc nt Ika Outlook It has boon said that tho dry Roods trado Is barometer ot time financial anti commercial situation of time country If tbnt Is poor people talk poor no matter wlmt oIlmen anti Irssor conditions may bo Tho manufacturers In town yesterday smiled and the commission merchants and jobbers said thnt tbo drr goods district was tbo busiest noolt In the city It looked very much If boom hnd got horo Tho activity Is especIally gratifying to the jobbers They say that it tramples underfoot time Ifnllnclous story started In lloston a tow mouths ago that Now York wns losing Its jobbing trade nml that Chicago Cincinnati fit Louis anti other big Wostorn cIties wore doing tIme bulk of tile business Time story had its rise In time dissolution of tho big jobbing firm of IJntoH Hood A Cnoloy A member of thin unit nvorrod tu a SUN roiiortor nt tIme tIme that big oxpinsos anti discriminating frolaht rates ngnlnst Now York jobbers would driven good many out ol time business Ho said that Wogt orn retailors were supplied by the big jobbers In Chicago Cincinnati Bt Louis Milwaukee Cleveland and St 1nul nt Now York prices anti that nnturally they bought irons them and saved tIme freight fi om Now York Th Is was made posslbln by tIme fact that all of the big jobbora In the United Htntns hot nlpo become Import ors hnvlng buyers In Kuropo anti contracting for goods to bo laid down In New York and Wostorn cities nt the unmo prices Tills however nnnllod only to Imported fabrics Now York jobbers still hold time reins for time aisle of domestIc goods and eluco limon reduction In tile rato of freight from seventy live contH to fifty cents per bundiod pounds hns Coils long way toward lightening tha honrts of Now Yorks jobbers and contributing to thin present boom In tim market This chnngo In time freight rate wan through the olTortu of Cornelius llllss and othorti who represented to Commissioner Fink and tIme agents of tho trunk lines time Injustice of placing domestic tIny goods lu tIme cntnlogae of llnncliiss froigbt They now go ns third class Tho streets In the core of tho dIstrIct testify to the actIvity In dry goods Itrondwny Worth Thomas Church Franklin hlto and Wnlkor moots are choked with struggling toims and loaded trucks wllh titmice cases for shipment by limo fueL freight lines The cusps are strawn nbrjiit the walks amid litter tfio flacking rooms Siilesniiii clerks packum hind truckmon here working nluhts The hotels In tho vicinity of the district feed anti lodge wholo reglmentd of outoftown buyers The brunch ofllcos of Wall strent brokers urn well nutronlrud by the highcollared and chocksuited salesmen Indicating perhaps as muili as anything else the prosperity In thin district Time somowhnt candy birroomx are nlso not forgotten anti enterprising snlistnon tote tbn outoflownors to theatres nnd tile neighboring snnslioro Lxponso bills are thus whonpod up but It Is avery long and morose dny whon the outof townor doesnt nutu up In tile und Ono of thti llrm of Ammldown Smith In speakIng time prosont activity said All classes of goods are selling anti collections allover limo country lire goud and nowhere better than in the South The activity In dry goods Is In part the reflection of tlm butter state of nlTnlrs In all oilier brnncbos of business par tlculirlv tile Iron amid stool Industrie Then tIle country is I growing nt tlio rate of 2OmmmlOU persons every year Tho crops are good the mllrcnd situation IP excnllont anti time farmers are prosperous Doslds interior retailers of dry goods have been curtailing their stocks for the Inst three sours They have firmly refused to buy boyond theIr actual wants and this course ion produced smnll stocks nil over the country Now with brighter times before UB they are forced to load up Trices are still low but thoy are ton per cent above tile figures current nt this tlmo last year I believe there Is to be general return to prosperity It Is about duo Wo have hind limo reverse owing of time pendulum long enough and now lIke a flood tide good times are ooming In The Placing of domestic goods In tile catalogue of thirdclues freight materially helped tun dry goods people Iroflts are fair and although competition Is sharp wo dont wlnco under It Mr Daniel Robinson of II It Clnflln Co said That yarn from Boston to the ciftict that the big Western cities hnd taken Now Yorks jobbing trade has bocii shown to bo bosh have jobbed more goods In the last month than In any corresponding month In years past Everybody In this neighborhood npprcclatos tbo boom In the dry goods market and ono of the best features Is the allabsorbing and intense competition It just keeps things humming Mr Bwaetecr of Sweelsor Pembrook Co said Ono of the with causes for tile activity In dry goods Is the reduced freight rntn for domestics Tho difference of 25 cents hun drod pounds is a big Item anti has led mnur country buyers back to this market Look out nt tbnt sIdewalk piled up with goods as ailing shipment It has been the annie since July Prices are also better and overbody Is happy Mr Woller of Taft Woller Co also attributed a good part of time boom to tbn ro diicud fieight title Ho snld that Western re tailors who hnd bought In Chlcngo nnd other Western cities now come to this town just at In the old duia Mono gools lura bnlngjnbbctl In this city than OUT boforo added Mr vVollor and I bollnvii now that It will Increase oory year 1rlcon hwy iiiun ndwincod 10 ant 15 pur cent and tile situation Is I ery bright All nrn plcnsod nt the reduced frulght rnto amid now moro ellen ever Is tlm story that tho job bing Undo liHilgnno West untrue Mr Erastus iuiau of It Dun A Co tIme commercial agency men said Time trtsh of tbo country has rapidly recovered from the nd verse clrcumstnncot arising out of tlio labor trouble Tills is vety grmifylng con idiriui tlm oxtendod area over which tlioao disturb nncos existed and tIme diversity of intorests which lyOn threatened Aside from tlii ro htricted volumo of business whlcli cubit state of things I I nntiirnlly I brought abo lit apprehension anti uncertainty nlmott lilly nlsod enterpriso In many siciions nud giMi such a Hhock to capital in to lender its fieo employment nmot Impossible Tlm mlrnclo Is that with cnndltlonA so aihorin tho Intoinal I IniHlnotsof tliiioun I tnt lutis rucmyrHj so rnpldly nnd that fniluros and dldiHtorn tii nninll I I ire ruu not muoh moro Humorous It nhowi how solid me tbo foundn utiio ui ttlit i Oitfl flltKt 00 revere iMiilil bo birth wllh no littlo I I dnmago lIme air lii Ii great deal clearer than It was six months ago and conlliloncu Is to far restored that the uuiiiiinoufon now opening is likely to bali fairly llberil roturns In trade and binklng circus Prices lmu ndjuttcd themselves Mr generally to an nltcied standard ol valu nnd though competition Is allll ocu3slvo thor is good prospect for fair I mturn Irom I tlm lu oreasod volumo of tinde I Anotlnr i I tl tee tim stancu clmlni It II I mug ton ictmnof con lb tiun ci In I unmet ttry circles In I till btmidy Impnnaimmt I In th raIlroad hituation li turns Indicate not only I nn tnciciiJid tonnage but at ratos far In otipss of 1110 0 picvmling A yrmr ago Tho war botwuon tIme great eirpoiallons which was HodustiiRtlvoof values hah ellnlgh coasud i Not tlm list Impoitant iniluiinio inuring towiiidit Gloid iiut roemi lit In bailings nf lalrif Is tho IlintuiuiMl low tatool Internt sviulehi Ii relli hIs Thu 1 OX etal lou that a lilglmr rim Lu would Miisui ibnn business I ecimo once moro actl vii has bran disslimtdd 1 and It I I non inmost unlvnrally conceded Hint I or 1 per runt in likely to be pormnnent Mile ami or 7 tar cent Ivas the cm i tint rntu few ioar ago A IiU i Kin tltt Union i iiii ifr Thn I irncrniilinrwa Ill Ill In ilincii I im hlssina I urvv unilio I I i ciitiiii Cii tel it II i i id it nn nr ih i i unitIn JoXeJ ubont tIlt thtfkcin ai I ull I It ooooie ti icm uI Icreit I tliut yell ltrge extocelte snt Il I I III I llkI lit imrlmOrmlinr tier ii ui ielk iii tvitt se I ttu noIre of liSt atIl lit mnettlil 11 Iiu ciuro toliI hmiuti I tel rulur lilt if jiteo liii by iiio 1 II I se gil 5111 I ite ml mt Ih4v I mu ieI oall llto it I Iulutl lumieruet I In umo liii Iu Hi re It I HBll I tin I I iceinnn it the I bill for your itilimtiti lu.

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