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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 8

The Suni
New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'm iuewjtwpeTavjTaS4featat 111 1 V. i 't may t. ltm-Tii Hi jV 4.111 ill I III BUND AY, MAY IB, 1888. ft; THa Bum to-day conaitta of tvelve pages. f' Ourfrimd' snoutd $ts that Oitir nnetmtn fur- nUhet thtm with ths tntirt toner.

The Christianity ChrUt. No pubilo utterance called forth by tho tocont gravo disturbances In the rolatlona 'f betwoon capital and labor baa rocolvod or la Jf eortoln to command bucU profound and gon- ral attention ns tho pastoral lettor ad- rlrcesod by Bishop Hnnnif 0. rorrun of tho Amorlean Episcopal Churoh to tho oloruy of I tho dlocoao of Now York. Allko by Its aouroo jj and by lta tenor It Is meraornblo avowal of sympathy and faith. An eloquent nppoal for therovlvalot tho communlstlo Bontlmonts, I If not tholcommunlstlo praotlcos, of prlmlttvo Christianity was loast to bo oxpeotod from a Ohuroh whloh Is an offshoot of tho Anglican I Establishment, and whloh, llko its paront I eommunlon, has a spoolal attraction for pooplo of social consideration and wealth.

I Nor Is It lrapropor to add that among tho i elorloal membors of tho Protostant Epls- eopal body tho former rootor of Oraoo I ffl Ghurch, whloh has been popularly rogarilod as a shrlno of Mammon, might not lmvo boon ij 1 singled out by tho casual obsoi vor as most ffj llkoly to provo tho advocato of labor In tho i blttor strugglo through whloh civilized I oolotv over ywhero Is now obllgod to pass. I Dr. PoTTEit Is far from approving tho op- i Sr prosslvo orvlolont mothods by whloh cor- tain labor organizations havo tilod to on- I I foroo tholr will on tho wholo wage-earning I community, as well as on tho wogo payors. i I' Nolthor Is ho prepared' to dofond as elthor practicable or dcslrablo tho application to a vast and complor population of tho prluol- P'0 oI absolute community of proporty, 1 Whloh undoubtedly provallod among tho i 1 early convorts to Christianity wbon tho roll-' I glon of Jraua clung mo3t olosoly and do-' 1 voutly to tho preoopts of Its founder. Dr.

I PoTTKn doos not go so far as tho Russian 5 religious and social roformor, Count Leo 5 ir Tolstoi, but ho draws very noar to him by i 91 bis firm conviction and dollberato affirmance 'I 9 that socloty must bo reorganized until It roll Qeots tho lessons of tho Bormon on tho Mount far moro faithfully than now. Horooognlzos Ij and doclaros that this cannot bo dono by 1 almsglvlug, for tho oleoraosynary palllatlvos jl havo boon trlod and failed. IIo tolls tho rcp- resontatlvcs of organized capital that tho 1 fundamental doctrines of their political 9 toonomy havo boon tostcd by tho touchstono jg of Ghmst's toachlngs and found wanting, and that tholr vaunted prlnclplo of supply ii and demand must bo radically modified be- 1 tore Its rolontloss gyves aro Immovably I fastened upon tho llvos and hopes of men. 1 No longer by tho followers of Jr.sus should lijjl 'the Iron law of wages bo aceeptod and en- "8 forced. Mon that call themselves Christian I at should concedo to wage earnors a largor sharo or tho products of labor than i jl aooruos to thorn undor tbo pitiless jj conditions which array organized capital i against disunited and comnoting tolbrs.

9 But for tho fundamental cbango In jl 1 the relations of employers and employed which bo pronounoes indlspensablo to tho safety of tho State, Dr. Potteb would call jij-i into action nono of thoso ropulslvo agonclcs jjj i of vlolonco and porsocutlon which gonorato il roslatanoo and dofcat tholr end. Ho would 'jl tho pulpit to Its duty and all public i 1 i toaobors to their mission; ho would set In i' motion evory Influonco by which opinion can be loavoncd through and through with that gplrlt of all-ponotratlng bouigulty and broth- erhood which ought to animate ovory hon- i I est follower of Cubist. With publlo opin- Ion thus Inspired, no rovolution would bo 3 noedod to bring about a wolcomo cbango In tho direction of equality In agrarian, cco- I nomlcal, and social conditions. Legislation y.

would spoodilyoboy tho impulso of sympa- thy and kindness. I Of this Christian Socialism, tills effort to i transtusa tbo State with tho fraternal sontl- moats of prlmlttvo Christianity, Ulshop I' Potteu Is tho first ctnluont and eloquent expounder in this country. By tho noblo j' aspirations expressed in his pastoral letter 1, ho has rnnlted himself with such men as 1 In France, ns Bishop Vo.v Kirr- TEUsn In Germany, as Count Leo Tolstoi jj In Itussia, and as Pjiedeuick JIavuioe and jj. St.GeoIu;e JIivahtIii JUngland. 3 jj And whon Jesus heard It, Ho said unto I jj him, Ono thing thou lackost yot: soil nil 1 that thou lm-t, and dlstrlbuta unto the poor, 1 II and thou shalt havo trcasuiolu heaven: and 1 oomo, follow mo.

But wbon ho heard tuoso i jl, things, ho becamo exoooding sorrowful; for Hji ho was vory rich. And Jesus, seeing him, said, How hardly shall thoy that havo ujl rlchos enter into tho kingdom of God I For it Is easier for a camel to jl entor in through a nocdlo's oyo than for a llj rich man to enter into the kingdom of Goo. If 11' And thoy that hoard it said: Tlieuwhocan bo saved? But Ho said, Tho things which I'M are Impossible with mo aro possiblo with ii Qod. And Peter said, Lo, wo havo loft our I own and followed Thco. And IIo said unto M'j thorn, Verily I say unto you.Thoro Is no man It that hath loft house, or wife, or brothron, or parents, or children for tho kingdom of 1 1 J'r Gou's sake, who shall not rccolvo manifold moro In this time, and In tho world to oomo j5 pj etornal llfo." Shcrmnn nud Shcridnu.

I I In tho now edition of his Memoirs, Gon. Vf. 'llM T. BliEUUAN mukos some notlcenblo stato- "(J monts rolallug to tho appolntmont of Gen. jjj'' Bhehidan as Llontenant-Gcnoral.

Tbo so- I jjj I' leotlonot tho lattor officer for this marked i'jj fv dUllnotlbn Is ooromnnly boliovcd to havo ill i beon made in consequence of his oitraor- j'll dlnary sorvlcos during tlio war for tho Union, jj llj and particularly tho Important part playod II by him in forcing tbo surrendor of tho Army 7 of Northern Virginia at Appomattox. Gen. tjjll Sukuuan, however, seoms to thluk that it ijlj was mainly duo to tho futuro services ex- l-l peotod of Gen. Sheridan in tuklng charge I of Indian hostilities. Jij-il 'f.

It was generally understood, says Gon, ij Biierhah, in bogiunlng his explanation, jjj that I woe to succeed Oon. Grant as Gon- 'li TnoUA3, and Siiruidan wcro candidates." MJ As to THOUASr Biieruan prolesses "to jlij'jl 'i bave had bottor opportunities to know him than any man tlion living," inasmuch as be A bad boon Intlmatoly associated with Tuouas Cor moro than thirty years; and this In his -7 ludgment of him 'I kftdlmtnl otllrlh, cilrautn. and loiptrtorbtbllity, 1 Tt.tlOT til my cilnUncM, Tnoan worried d4 tnUti out wht he conitruid i ntgUeU or tell of fTorlllra inor llio othn. Atltit ttra wnmuch I worried whit ht iuppoU Injmtloe In tht pro- moUo of Om. SHtmoiir, nd till nor that Otii.

I Mihouldhron EMUruitnloD, which conpiUcd This Is oortalnly not tho conception of Thomas's nature prevalent among bis ooun- 1 trymon; and it also seems strange that la M. the particular instanco cited be should I bave regarded SiouuoAN'a promotion to I I bo Lloutonant-Goncral a an injustice to bloi, when that offlosr, as be well kaw, had for yat twaked him Utior- General In the regular establishment, the order at that time In this grade being Hix-mot, Mkadh, SnimnjAH, Thomas, and Han-ooox. Nobody, of course, expectod Ham.isck to be mado Lloutonant-Genoral, and, unless Mkadh wore Boloctod, BnEnmAN, not Thomas, would bo noxt for nomination, oven on tho seoro of eonlorlty. It has always hlthorto boon supposed that Grant considered that Gon. Bueiudan's sorvloos In tho final Virginia campaign had boon of suoh transcendent Importanco as to make tho plnoo properly his; but Gon.SnKnMAN now says that Prostdont Grant assured him that ho hotl nominated him as Lloutonant-Genoral by reason of hia medal fllnesa to command tht Military DM sion of the Mia-aouri, embracing alt tho wild Indians, at that vory moment In a stato of hostility." Buoh a consideration, at all ovonts, would hardly bo tho ono of principal tmportanoo nowadays, wbon tho Division of tho Missouri has not only beon undor two sucoosslvo Major-Gonerals, but not ovon under tho senior Major-Gonornt In olthor enso.

Gon. Biikruan goos on to oxplaln what, In his opinion, would havo boon groat deal hotter arrangoraont than tho ono mado: Tha truth li.Oonireu ahoaldhara arorlded by law for thrte Lltutenant-Oonerali for tliaia three preeml. neut otdlart, aud etiould hare dated their oomraHilone with Oelljibum. Wlnehetter, and Naihrllla." In othor word, instead of giving Gon. SniutiDAN tho oxcoptlonal roward ho now enjoys, ho would havo boou simply put on a piano with two others; and not only that, but elnco Gettysburg was fought in July, 1803, and Wlnchostor In Sootombor, 1804, Gon.

SuunHAN, by his mothod of dating tbo commissions, would havo mado Meade senior to SnEBiDAN, Instead of putting tho lattor a full grado atioad. On tho wholo, It Is probablo that tho friends of Sheridan aro quite as woll satisfied with tho way Grant and Congress arranged it. With Itoforcncc to tho Cravat. This may not seom an Important question, and yet It suggests important reflections "What lithe correct color for it crarat to be worn with arming drete 1 white, cream, or oolorad Tho modorn ovonlng dross for mon Is rc-marknblo for Its uniformity and Its Btmpllol-ty. It Is the same throughout tho civilized world, and for all men.

Even In arlstooratto societies, except on somo court occasions, thoro Is nothing In tho fashion of his garments to distinguish tho duko from tbo untitled, or ovon from tho waiter who attends upon him. Unless a man la In a sorvlco which has a uniform of Its own, his full ovonlng dross Is always llko that of ovory othor man, tho same In color and shapo; and custom and convontlon so oxootly proscrlbo what It sliall bo, that ho-neodnovorhavo a doubt as to his clothes. It Is truo that In countries whero decorations or orders aro glvon, theso may bo worn, but only as additions to tho usual costumo, for Instance, ft ribbon In tho buttonholo. Wo obscrvo that hore, also, tho raombors of tho Military Ordor of tho Loyal Legion, an association of ofllcore of tbo civil war, havo tnkon to wearing a red, wlilto, and bluo button In tho lapel of tho coat; and membors of tho Revolutionary Socloty of tho Cincinnati havo a bluo button for dross occasions. But any club or socioty whatovor might solcot a ribbon for tbo buttonholo, so that half tho mon you mot out of an evening would bo so doco-ratod; for this Is a frco country, and ovory man Is ontltlcd to indulge his fanoy In that harmless way.

Theso, howovor, aro nothing but additions to a costumo which Is oxactlythosamo for all, whothor poor or rich, and has oomo to bo moro and moro distinguished for Its absonco of ornament. Of lato years, ovon a gold watch cbaln Is scarcely admtssiblo In this ovonlng dress; and the full expanse of shirt bosom exhibited by tho waistcoat contains usually tho most Inconspicuous studs. Thoroforo, any man who has ft black swallow-tall coat, a black low-cut waistcoat, black trousers, a clean Hnon shirt, and decont boots. Is prepared, so far as clothes go, to appear nt tho grandest and most olegant dln-nor or ottior ovonlng ontortalnmont to which ho may bo lnvilod. Even If tho suit is old, so long as it Is in fair condition, It will bo suttublo for any socloty af tor nightfull.

Fortunately, too, llttlu dofecLs duo to woar or to cut aro lost sight of bocauso of its color; and now that nlcoly fashlonod evening suits can bo bought of tbo dealers In roady-mnilo clothing, tholr cost Is not great. Convontlon tells a man. too, just wbon and when not to woar this ovonlng dross, and tho law Is very simple It must not bo worn before tho ovenlug dinnor, but nftor ovonlng comes on It may always bo worn. Honco this ovcnlng dress is tho most democratic over prescribed by fashion. It is tho samo for all men, and artificial distinctions mado by wealth or soolal prejudices aro In no way Indicated by It.

It recognizes no difference between men, but puts thorn all on nn equality, so far as tholr clothes go, and each can show himself for what he Intrinsically Is. Besides, it Is notco6tly llko tho dress costumes of formortimos; and It may bo worn for sovoral years, ovon if frequently used, for it suffers littlo from tho changes of fashion, slnoo, lu general, Its cut Is always tho samo. Tho entire absonco of ornamont, too, prevents tho rloh man from outshining tho poor In his npparol. Plain mother-nf-poarl studs are moro appropriate than gems, and there Is no occasion for having a bit of gold upon you; ludcod, tho moro careful you aro to koop precious stones and metals off, the better will bo your taste. As to tho cravat to oomo to tbo proclso question of our frlond white lawn Is always tho corroct thing, unless you are in mourning, whon a black silk tto may bo worn.

Blaok ties aro also suitablo for dinnor par-tics of mon alono, but a white cravat is equally appropriate on suoh occasions. No, don't select croum color, and don't try to got anything liner than white lawn. Avoid, too, tho made-up cravats. Thoy may bo convenient, but thoy are not tho thing, which, moro particularly, is tbo stiffly Btarclied and vory formal English tapo; and tlo it yourself. Bo arrayed, dear young friond, you will bo In tho giandost evening costume that can bo askod of you, and yet you will be vory simply dressed, and so Inconspicuously that no ono will think of stopping to notloa your clothes.

The womon aro tho only birds of gay plumage In modern society. A Wise Appropriation. Thoro are ollmates In which, according to provalont belief, nobody can llvo without quinine and wblskey. Thoro are others in which it Is held that no man can reasonably hope to llvo out his days without tbo aid of calomel. Minister Cox bas written to Congressman Hewitt that no one can llvo In Constantinople without a steam launch.

Hard as It is to have to diluk whlskoy whon there Is qulnlno In it, or to swallow calomel by way of fortification against tho effects of tho climate, it must bo infinitely harder to bo constantly compolled to uso a steam launch as a provontlvo of climatic dls-oasos. As there are robust persons who drink whlskoy from pure love of sport, and who try quinine and calomel la the hope of adding to tholr robustness, so there aro per-oot otttald ol OoMtaoUaople who try staam launches; bat the fact remain that nntn the discovery of tholr usefulness In a sanitarr way In tho region of the Bosporus, few persons of experience with steam launohes regarded them as anything but contrivances for decreasing tho sum of human comfort. It Js sad enough to think of our ohlppor and lova-bio Sunset Cox periodically resorting to the steam launoh to osoapo from Illness amid sitting clndors, ooal dust, and a hissing llko that of a tea kottlo boiling dry, with an occasional breakdown of machlnory resulting In tho alternative of soulllng baok to tho Constantinople Battory or poling tho old oraft up on tho flats of tho Bosporus and wading ashore without having to contemplato him In tho act of viewing tho storns of tho British, Italian, aud French steam launches Jiggling along ahead of him, and leaving bohlnd tho only Amorloan flag afloat on tho Bos-poms, as was tho oxporlonoo of Minister Cox's prodeoossor whon onoo ho took out Mr. Ukwitt for an airing. On that occasion tho launoh broko down, greatly to tho humiliation of Minister Lew Wai-iaoe's ono possengor; but, as tho avorago etoam launch usually glvoa out ovory day, It Is probablo that tho British, Italian, and Fronoh launobos broko down on tho sucooodlng ocoaslon, and thus ovonod up tho sooro of humiliations.

There can bo no quostlon, howovor, that tho frlonds horo at homo of Minister Cox, and all othor patrlotlo cltlzone, want to know that whon ho Is warding off dlsoaso with a steam launch ho is doing It In a way credlt-abloto hlmsolt and his boundless country; and thoy will heartily npprovo tho voto of Congress onabllng him to havo a steam launoh, which, whon It goos at all, will fumo along not a whit slower than tho steam launohos of tho Old World's ofToto monarchies. A Hard Struggle In Massachusetts. A bill oxompting soldlors aud sailors of tho lato war from tho operation of tho State Civil Sorvlco act has Just boon ordorod to a third roadttig In tho Massachusetts Houso of Ropresontatlvos by majority of moro than two to ono. A similar bill passed tbo Houso last year, but was snagged In tho Bonato. Uador tho prcsont law voterans havo tho proforenco, othor things being equal, over other candidates.

Undor tho proposed law tho voterans aro oxeraptod altogether from tho oompetltlvo examinations. It would Boom that tho immediate result must bo to confine all tho dcslrablo appointments In tho civil sorvlco of Massachusetts tooompotont veterans, and to mako tho compotltivo examinations entirely useless. Massachusetts probably has moro professional olvll sorvlco reformers to tho square mile than any othor Stato; and yot a bill for thooxomptlon of tho vctornns from tbo civil sorvlco rules has twice passed tho lowor branch of tho Legislature, and tho reformers are so shaky about their chances in tho Bonato that thoy aro already beginning to look to a voto by tbo Governor as tho only moans of saving In Its entirety thj sacrod prlnclplo of appointment by sohoolmastors. It Is not a moro spit It of kindnoss to tbo that Is at tho bottom of tho movo-mont to oxorapt them. Tbo veterans got along vory woll oven under tho foolish examination system.

Thoro Is a solid hostility in Massachusetts, as elsowhoro, to tho whole business of civil sorvlco reform of the patent sort, and a general desire to block it; and tho members of tho Legislature who come frosh from tho pooplo may bo supposed to know what tho pcoplo want. It must be discouraging work to be a civil sorvlco rorormor. Just wnon no Dcgins to think that ho baa accomplished something and mado somo Impression upon publlo opinion, ho finds that ho hasn't, and all tho work has to bo started over again. Tho civil service reformers aro mostly classical scholars, and must bo familiar with tho story of Sibxthus, tho unfortunate Greek gentleman who was coudomnod to roll forever up hill a big marble block with a fatal gift for rolling down again as soon as It got to tho top. Sisyrnus was tho typo of civil service reformers and Mugwumps.

The Slaughter of Explorers. At tho mooting of Klug Mwanoa's council last October, whon tho young ruler who lords It ovor tho northorn shore of Victoria Ny-anzn decided to murder Bishop IIanninoton, tho question was ratsod whothor tho whites would bo likely to avougo his death. Tho missionary Maokay writes that tho King's ohlof adviser called attention to tho fact that no ono had suffered for tho killing of Mr. O'Nieli, and Lieut. SJirrn by natives of Ukcrowo on the south ehoro olght yoars ago.

Ho thought nnothor whlto man might bo killed with Impunity, and so tho Bishop's fate was scaled. In tho long list of martyrs who within tbo post twenty years havo lost their lives In tho cattso of African exploration there is not ono victim of vlolonoe whoso murdorors havo been called to account for their crimes. Tho list In North Africa alono comprises at loast thirty porsens engaged In solontlflo labors, from Miss Tinnb In 1803 to Count Ponuo and Llout. Palat and tholr companions, whoso traglo ond has Just been announced. It Is a fact well known to geographers that tho powerful Mussulmanlo fraternity known as tbo Sonouslans, whose fanatical Influonco has spread In tho past forty years from the northorn Sahara to Mozambique, Is responsible tor tho most of thoso murdors.

Thoy profess to havo restored tho faith of Islam to Its purity, thoy regard the Turks as no bottor than Infldols, and tholr rules of oonduot proscribe that it Is a sin to spoak or oven to bow to a Christian. Christians aro to be considered as outlawed onomlas whom it Is morl-torlous to rob or kill whenever a good opportunity offers. It is theso powerful fanatlc3 who bave fo-montod tho rebellions against tho Fronoh authority In Atgorla, and havo mado tho Sahara almost Impassable by white mon. Tho recent murdors havo excited a strong foaling In Franco. Two weeks ago Count de Bize-mont ot tho Fronoh navy and othor noteworthy mon urgod in thonewspopor press tho lmporatlvo nood of punishing those murdorors ot whlto mon and dostroyers ot tho desort oommoroo.

Bizeuont asks tho Government to assure tho security ot tho western Sahara by occupying tho oasis ot In-Sa-lab, south ot Atgorla, one ot tho Bcnousl strongholds, near which Flatters and wore killed. How Does It Bhlno nt Present Tho Cleveland luck has becomo provotbl-al. It began to grow bright when Its possessor was nominated for Governor of New York, and it grew moro and moro brilliant until, under tho will power ot Daniel Manning, and still moro undor the Illuminating Influonco of Burchaiid, It fairly dazzled tho contlnont In tbo last election of a Presldout. Has this luck grown less, or Is It as potent as over? There may bo conflicting opinions on this question. Thoro is ovldeuco of dissatisfaction with Mr.

Cleveland's politics, such as would hardly seem compatible with a very lucky man's political ambltlou, This dissatisfaction Is nowhere more unmistakable than In Now York, and this might woll be cited as an Indication of dwindling splendor In Mr. OurauKD't lucky star. But oa tbaoUiw huU, aa BteMt poUUeUa. wh has lately beea looming higher and higher as a rival ot the President In the consideration ot the Demoeraoy we rotor, ot oourse, to Governor Hill baa given himself still turther promlnenoo by signing tho Aqueduct bill, and this cannot fall, one way or another, to have a powerful offect on tho polities ot Now York. Will tho effect bo to Hill's ad vantage or will It not That Is a very Interesting question, and It cannot bo decided offhand.

Wo must all wait a Uttlo longer; and mean whllo lot tho luminary ot Cleveland's luck blaze away as brightly as It can. Keller for the Starving. Tho following telegram rcaohod us by cablo yesterday from Father Ltnskkt, tho parish priest of Clifdon, In county Galway. on tho dangerous west coast of Ireland: Curain, Mar I. ISSS.

To tn Ktiroa ar Bon, Naw Toaat On behalf of a thoueand etatTlnf flihermea I aollelt jour Teluable aiiletance. Lrmiar. Any contributions to rellove theso starvlsg flshormon that may bo Intrusted to us, shall bo forwarded to thorn promptly by cablo without any ohargo for tho oxpenso ot such transmission. It doos not follow bocauso tho Russians have forbtddon Mr. Btbtsns to rldo through Turkestan on his bloyolo that thoy aro still ox-oludlng forolensrs from that country.

It Btkvkns had been bont on exploration like ScnuTLKn. or bad wished to Bibles like Lakbdeli or bad had a business enterprise llko the Americans who hiivo just been author-lzod to ralso cotton In Turkestan, he would probably have bad better luck. The trouble very Ilksly ws that his purposs did not Interest the Russians sufTlolently to Induce them to take tho trouble ot convoying him between Mervand tho Oxus. the only part of bis route through Turkostsn whero he was llxely to neod any special safeguards. Tho great mystery of tho day Is tho President's marriage, and newspapers of all parties have taken ahand In dlsousslns It Is he really going to bo married Who Is tho lady 7 Is she buying hor trousseau In Europe Bas Bisbku.

bought Omvbland's trousseau 7 Is ths ex-peotod bride rloh Isn't she a groat deal rlohor than tho Prostdont? Is she tall as woll as beautiful and sifted 7 And are they really In love with eaoh other? These are among the questions on whloh our esteemed contemporaries shed more or less light according to thslr ability. But one of tho most ourtous contributions to this lino of literature Is the following alleged poom published by Mr. RonxBT L. Bubdktie in tho lirooklun Jiaglt: "Oneday A newepaper man waa heard to aay, There'a a Washington woddlnf not far And then. When Thoy figured down all the inarrjlnir men.

And lifted them ot er and tried again, Andctiuld not nud A bachelor tnn that way Inclined, Suddenly each dotpondeut Ilenldent Ken ipitner correspondent Shouted: 'The 1'retldtntl' Then the brood tlf report? ra Knuertv leeued From their quarter. And Interviewed Tho republican oonrtlera. In twenty-four by lome meana or other. They publlihed a column about the fflrl'a mother. An1 two or three columni they got from her brother! Home pardonable vaunti Krom two tit her auntst A chapter ot rant Krom an old maiden aunt! And no end ot baulne From doaena otcoueinn Ilerteacher, Her preacher, Her litter at home.

Her achoolmaie, aweet creature. Iter nnole in Koina; Iter counn Leender, llerbrother-ln law, Her uncle Lyiander. Her great grandpapa. All manner people the neTer thoaght well ot, And hundredaof othero aho never heard tell or, Until all thii great na Ion Juit knew all about it. Save her and the Froildeni they eeeoied to doubt It.

Now, this Is all a mistake. Ths news ot ths approaohlng blissful oocasion did not originate In Washington, but In central New York. It was not first promulgated by a reporter, but by the Iter. William Clivxland. the brother ot the President.

He said emphatically that Qbovbb was going to marry Hiss Folbom In June, and since tben the evldenoe has acoumu-latod from noar relatives on both sides, until at last it has become pretty nearly a mattsr of certainty. Not only have ths connoctlons ot Miss Folsom furnlshod for publication various particulars ol the engage ment and preparations, Due a letter lias been publlshod from Hiss Cleveland, the President's slstor. now the lady of tho Whlto Houso. showing that she expects such an interesting event. The Utica Herald has also beon permlttod to print an extraot from a lettor ot Miss Folbom horsolt to one of the ox-peeled brldosmalds, in whloh she writes: "I wish all you doarcirls could have such a devoted swsothoart as I have.

Ohoveb Cleveland Ih tho finest man In tho world." In view ot this vant array ot test! tnony wo submit that Brother Buudktte Is entirely wrong whonhelntlmntestbutthe marrliico Is tbo invention of the Washington reporters. Hlae leooa Weitlikler than Sir. Cleveland. from tht Buffalo rima. The publlo aro at liberty to gossip until tboy are fully eatliflcd regardlug the Foliome and the coming marriage ot Fretident Cleveland, but no one need loaa aleip became of the poverty of tha family.

The Fol-aomi have for many ytara ranked among tha wealthy and Influential people of waatern New York. The father of lllii France! Foliom, tha late Oeear Folaom, waa not a prudent man In financial mattara, and died poor, hut ha waa the exception In a large family. Benjamin Foliom, tha Buffalo attorney, who la now In Europe with Mlia Folaom, hae already Inherited a quarter of a million dollara, and will doubtteee receive a large addition to thii fortune from the aetata of hla father and other Tha tenior Benjamin Folaom waa for a quarter of a century or mora reildent of Attica, New York, where he made a large fortune aa a railroad contractor. Weitcrn tnvoitniente rendered him a millionaire, or nearly ao, and Benjamin FuUom, noelvel at leait one-half of the aitate, lie If a bachelor of quiet, though refined taatea, and the preeeat European trip li being made largelr at hla azpenie. The father of the lamented Oicar foliom li mil alive.

Ilia wealth la about halt a million, and allee Francea Folaom la one of hla helra, Thla popular young lady will ha rich In her own right In a few ycara. In fact ahe and her widowed mother already enjey a portion of the wealth which Cot John B. Folaom has willed to her. Xlee Francea Foliom ia already the virtual poeeeuor of a larger cetate than Mr. Cleveland hie aver been able to accumulate.

Trouble) Amu rke laapaannlau Cleatleman, Jl-oin AVw rcrk UtraU. At the bouse where Senator Harris ot Tsn-mine boarde, on Bait Capitol etreet, there ti aald to ba a imall girl. She hae reached the mature age ot yeara, and part of her education at tha publlo echool include! iuilrucllon in declamation. She hai a natural Inclination to commit abort epeechei to memory, and when aha neare anybody converelug rapidly ihe leliee upon the Idea that they are memorising a ipeecb. Beoently ihe went Into the parlor, aa the atory goea, and found Senator Uarrla holdings very animated eonveraation with two vliltora.

He waa doing all the talking, and tha child did not remain long. That evening iha aiton-Uhed her parent! by taylngi Seoator llerrli la learning anew ipieoh." Why, how do yon know I heard him to-day." "What did he lay I forget 1 but he ilippe.l hli flit on the table sal aald. Dimn Caiey OevalaaS Wat Llka Beecher. fnm IV SI, ouli JhyuMtMit. Mr.

nsnry Ward Boacher said the other day: "If Cleveland la a Republican, I am a Republican; If Cleveland li a Democrat, I am a Democrat I am tha lame kind of a man that half." Mr. Cleveland haa betrayed no ncred truit, violated no holy vowa. air. Beecher makei comparlioni without comultlng hli memory. Ahead aTthe Freeldeai, from Ike SprlnUldJ RrpuUlcail.

Congressman Long bss eome home to be married, prcclae dele not announced. Ilia Utarl Valaackes. Clara (sorrowfullr)-Molher. I am convinced that yocag Mr. Simpion does not lova ine.

Mother-Why. deer? evenUa ba referred to a new, pair of ihoee Uai ha ka jaef taught, lie got Iheeo a eiae too large. rssaf aea la tare aver bars sksu ts Urn tc Us. rELVE rAGI8. jaroxBEm maid ox mm Mvmr.

Tk Male Mllltmrr XeiaallnallM War Bawallea. WAjnnHfrrow, May fewer than olght bills wsre Introduced during lbs first month of the present session ot Congress to equalize the bounties of soldiers, sailors, and marines who served during the late war for the Union. Ter-haps the bills aiming to revive tbo aotot July 88. 1868. wbloh gave 1100 additional bounty to the thrso veers' men and 150 to tho two years men, may bring tho number ot bounty equalisation bills up to a dozen or more.

At all events. In splto of the faot Ibst the not of I860, with Its two extensions, has already cost tho country 870 000,000, we now find tho Bsnato Military Oommlttoo reporting the Equalisation bill of den. Logan nnd urging Its onsctment. What would this legislation oost? don. Logan a dosen years ago thought that It would cost 130,000.000.

but now he contents hlmsolt with saying In tho committee's report that "the sum cannot be largo." Vlco-rrosldent Wilson, whose easting voto ssnt tho bill ol Mnroh 8. 1874. to ITesldont Qrant, ooncoded that It might oost about 168.000.000. The Beeond Comptroller about tho same time put the amount required by that bill at 1101.947.-B25. loss such State bounties as could bs as-eeTtalnnd: or, with a liberal allowanoo to ho letter.

In round numbors $75,000,000. But tho raymaster-Ciiinoml two years earlier had estimated the com at and Is 1 m-vising Ms estlmatosfor tho bill offiirod in 1874 he found tho cost to bo $101,543,034. Tho bills In tho foregoing cases wero tho same aa trie ono now recotninrnth'd, providing for pax-monts nt thereto ot 8S month tor the term of set vlco, lontior or shortor. doductlng amounts already recelvod for bounty.

The lowest ostlmste. then, evor offered I by any Treasury official as to tho cost of this measure Is. In round number. $100,000,000 wilhaposslWc Traduction to Leould tho amounts, glvon by Btatee be ascortalnod and doduotod. Ot oourso.

tho furnishing of premiums at this time tor "lf8.Krn?.e,rf12 lone ago Is a sheor Undoubtedly the urgsney for getting troops. In the Progress of war. caused an Increase of that sosmed to discriminate against those 1 who had patriotically voluntcerednt tho outset. Butso men recelvod a bounty of $300 In the last few months of tho war who did not reach the field in season to tsko part In anrbattle. It 1 Iho old story ol the vineyard and the laborers who boean work at tho elovonth hour.roeulvlnceyery man ponny.

like thoso who bad borno the heat and burden ot the dsy. Bosldos. tho Government has already given out enormous sumB In bounties. Turing tne first two yoarit ot, the war Congryss. by sundry acts, gave $100 bounty for onllstmont: then camo an aot giving $100.

payable in installments, for reOollstmnnts as veterans; then, in 1864. a bounty of $100 a year for one. two. or threo years' Bervlco: flnally a bounty of $300. cash in advanoe, for the enlistment ot veterans In Hancook's First Veteran Corps, Under thsse various aots thero had been expended up to 18TB In bounties to onllsted men.

according to a report made In that yesr by the Paymaster-Oeneral. This amount Inoluded Kbput $65,000,000 up to that time paid out undor tho Equalisation act of 1866. Blnoe then Bovornl millions more bave been paid. Altogether the twunty payments alone have beon $390,000,000 Yot tho Honato Committee speaks ot its new $75,000,000 or $100,000,000 bill one to meet an honest dobt," hitherto neqlscted. Ab tho Forty-third Congress passed an equalization bill, the Forty-ninth Is quite capable of doing tho same thing.

President Qrant. who received tho bill of 1875 during tho last fow moments of tbo session, was not merely contontto let it dlo for want of his signature, but wrote a posltlvo voto. In It ho expressed his grounds of disapproval, ono bolng that the Treasury could not afford It. and tho other ns follows: Stnnd-1 do not believe that any conelderable proportion ot the ex inlitltre who. It li luppoeed.

will be the btneflciarlFiof llila appropriation, are applicant! for it, but rether It would reeult more in a meaiure tor the relief ot claim agent! and middlemen, who Intervene would Intervene, to collect or dlecount the bounty granted by It. Several organizations of, voteran soldlors passed resolutions commending Gon. Grant's notion at that tlmp. and a revival of somo of these resolutions might be Instructive now. 1'AVrXR MUMIQRANia.

JTadge Brewt Deeldea Iha Xaalsrallaa Cane. aalealonera liar Stand Ikcaa Ilaek. Eight littlo English boys shipped to this country by a pauper and Industrial sohool at Bristol. England, and whom the Commissioners ot Emigration dlreoted should be returned in the stoamer Wosternland. whloh brought tbem over, were taken from Ward's Island before Judge Brown otthe United States Court yesterday on a writ ot habeas oorpus.

W. L. Uorgan. the sgent of the steamship line, oon-tested tbo authority of the Commissioners to stop their landing. The boys agss ranged from 12 to 14.

but thoy wore small for their years. They wore blue jaoknts and corduroys. Two or three of them boro evidence of hereditary disease. James Thompson, counsel for Agont Morgan, said that the boys bad had tholr exnousos paid here, and that all but two of them were destined for Kansas, where homos would bo provldod for them on farms. Two worn to go to Manitoba.

He said that AeontMorKanbadglvena bond that the children should not become a publlo charge. ltobort U. Keller, counsel tor the Emigration Board, said that some of the boys were or- others bait orphans, and that they had 3on committed to the Bristol sohool by magistrates. Tboy had beon sent horo despite tholr paronts' protests, and wro llnblo to become a publlo obnrgn In the Unltocl States. Asent Morgan's bond nmountod to nothing so far as Ibo children more concerned, Commissioner Stephenson said that be boped the Court would lcirnlly dollno tho powers of tho Emigration Board under tho laws of Congress.

The Old World was continually dumping criminals, paupers, and dlseanod persons on these shores to become publlo burdens. Last year, out of 291.000 alien Immigrants landed, more than 3,000 were sent back as unabln to euro for thomselvoB. Judge Drown decided that the Commission-orsjbnd tbo jurisdiction of a oourt. subject to review. In determining cases of pauper, criminal, or dlsoiBod immtsrants.

They could send them back If the evidence warranted. He do-olinod to discharge the boys. He promised to write adeolslon on ths Commissioners' powers. jniilTBATORX DISAOBEE. JL Mnjorltr Decide thai tha Price for Type).

selling ahauld Not ka Iacremead. Washington, May 15, Tho Board of Arbitration, consisting ot ex-Fostmaster-Qonoral Horatlo.Klng. Commissioner of Agriculture Colman. and Civil Service Commissioner Ober-ly, to whom was referred tho controversy existing between Typographical Union No. 101 and the Assoolated Publishers of Washington eonoornlng ths price ot newspaper composition, havo made the following decision rint That tha laiue presented for deoiilon If thii: "Bhouldthe price of newipiper oompoililon In Washington be increeied from 40 to 60 ccnte per 1.000 ems.

thii Increase to he applied to morning aud evening paper! alike Heeond The fact! and araumenta preienled bv the Union under this Issue do not. in our opinion, Juetltr the Hoard In deciding that the proposed Increase In the price of composition ibould be made at this lime. HOBITIO KlXO. houii J. L'ouiiir.

If I believed the luua made to be ai Hated by the ma- Ierityofthe Board. I would without heeltetlon concur nthe concluelon arrlred at by tho majority but tha issue made was. In my opinion, a broader one. and uoder II a price ot omnpoililon on morning paperi and aim price on evening paperi might have bren flaed by the arbitrators. Joh U.

Oaaair, Tha Weather VJatll tka Fourth or July. To 1th EoiTon Thk Sun Sir; We are likely to have a larger ralufall lull May than wa have had during tha pail ten rears for the aame month. Cloudy, foggy weather will prevail tha reit of thla week, and about tin IMh there will be very heavy thunder ahowen over a large portion of the United Btatee. with tnrnedoea in tha upper allielisippt taller. Krom the 10th to the 13d waehall have genuine summer weaiher, and your reader! eliould make the moet of It.

tor we inatl not hare much euimner weather thte year till Hepieiubrr. After the SOih It will grow decld. idly cool. The prevailing wind will blow from aaet northeast with cloudy weather about four dayi out ot Are. and June will enter oold and eloudy.

followed by thunder ehoweri on ttieSlh, and a very cold norihoaat norm op the Bill. And men who embark in lea shore enterprlsee during, the month ot June will be very likely to be out and Injured, for It will be a onld, wet month, with elrong eaitarly winds, and Icebergs will drift unu. wul Aa Artist, Nat aa Aaarehler. To THr. Eoixon or Tub Bun Sir: A report In aeviral newspaper! put! me In a falls poiltlon, and I find that aoma good reople have taken me for an associate of Anarehlati.

It aeema that I muil explain Mr. Superintendent Murray'! Utile joke. Last Wedneiday. theteelureiot Mr. for purely Murray entertained hlinseff me aa a witness ot Mr.

ff.Sfi Performance at Uermanla Hall. As thii U.1!1.! 5it haa been reported eerlouely, will you do "ave never ai tended an "enl to 1'ollee lleadnuar. wild Anarchist, HJ net of them are Ilka Vouritrul), Jot. Kirrits. A Water Cars far If yarepaohlu.

whlto dog ran rnoSth. i'i frothing, al the 0Bf hi wit IJ he canlue coming lepi ward Kondout alien hUljo-whii. iSSia 'J nPPd III Ueth vfelouily. 7round i wbi1 1'01" from He innulh to tha iiSr.i. rearhfdllin edge of the dock alang.

Strath! itdoti head On! A KOBBKM CUatsTe Ha ratals Wa aej. Uaaa at Wlr. StaallM tka Caaklar wllk at staak VrTatsht. A short, thick-set yonnp; man, with notloa-blr yellow hair and Jaundiced oomplexlon. and wearing a black patoh over one.

ore. onterod the dry goods house of Bweetser, I'embrook at 370 and 978 Broadway, eorner of Whlto street, at 8M o'clock yesterday morning. Door-keeper Smith let him In and the stranger asked to see the engineer In the basemont Tho way was shown to him and ho went down stairs. In the bssemont, dlrootly under the main salssroom. are tke offloos of ths salesmen.

Tho blond-haired strangsr went In thero and sat down. Bomo twenty or thirty olcrks weto In the room above, and on the soveral floors ot the building somo 300 clerks nnd assistants are employod. The offloo Is up stairs over tho main salesroom on Broadway. Bhortly after the strangor had gone down Into the basomont, ostensibly to look for the onglneor. Assistant Cashier Hammond wont down to the vault In tho sub-collar under the basomont offices, whore the yellow-haired man was sitting alono.

Tho 10th of eaoh month Is psy day. and there Is usually from 13.000 to 15.000 In the vault during the prooedlng night. Hammond wont down to get tho cash box and books ysstorday to" fix up the usual payroll. Inasmuoh as somo of the hands had boon paid off on Friday, thoro was only about $1,100 In tho vault. This ho took out ot tho safo and placod upon tho floor whllo bo lopkod tho vault.

Ab ho stoopod to plok upthrt cash box "gain be snwthat the strange blond had followod hltn down Into tho sub-oullar. Ho said ho was looking for the onglnenr, but before llntnmpna could movo or reply tho Intruder nttorupted to throw chloroform Into his faco and struck Mm ovor the right tempin with nn eight-pound oast iron window sash welsht donq up In cloth. The tliiw. fnrtunatoly for tho cashlor. was notsaunrely denlt.

ami thounh the sonlp was badly out nod blood streamed down Into his evos nnd face, he was not stunned, nnd did not lose his presence of mind. Ho shouted Stop thief!" In atonothatoonvlncodthe thiol that be didn't want to stop, nod ho didn't. Hum-mond. blooding frooly. followod him, three steps at a time, up tho stairs, shouting lustily.

Tho Intruder made lor thii front door, and thore Dooman Smith grabbod blm by tho collar. In tho seiiOlo tho hend of blond hair was dislodged. Bnd Cashlor Hammond, who had followod to the door, literally with blood In his eye, and breathing von-gesneo, found hlmsolt olutohlng a yellow wig. This discovery did not distract, his attention from his purpose to punoh tho thief's hend. and bo pummelled him until Policeman Coughlln, Who bad been oullod, separated tho mon.

Meantime twenty oferks had gathered nround tha prisoner, and great was their amsemont whsn theyfound that under the wlgand painted face was their follow clerk. W. F. AdamB, He bad cut his hslr olose, a la Blng Sing, shaved off his familiar mutton-chop whiskers, and donned a long and unfamiliar coat. Hie countenance had been mado up" to patoh the complexion ot the wig.

and the blaok patoh over the eye had beon added to accent and give finish to the disguise. Adams stood with his calnted. closo-creopod head bowed disconsolately, while Policeman flnnchlln held him with both bands twisted into the baok of bis ooat collar. Adams hadn't a word to say when the salesmen with a shout reeognizod blm. Bis expression wan one of extreme disgust, and he seemed 111 at ease In the store ot his emDloyor.

Ho Is 22 vears old. nnd entered the house ot Sweotsor, I'embrook A Co. as a stook man In tho woollon department, on the top floor ot the bulldlns. somo flvo years auo. Two or throe years airo ho was discharged, and afterward tnkon back.

Ho went away a week ago for a fortnight's vacation, and his holiday was but half ovor. The fact that estorday waa pay day. and there would ba 1,000 or2.0001n the safo, sooms to havo boon too much for blspoacoof mind, and bo resolved to bave the monoy. Adams Uvea at 331 103d streot. and has not boon known horototoro- Hammondwa's taken to tho Ellznboth streot polioo station, where his scalp wound was dressed bynn ambulance surgeon.

Tho skull is probably not fraotured. From tho police station he was sent to bis bomo nt 136 West HouBton streot. He was ahlo. howovor. to appear at tho Tombs Police Court with his head bandaged whon Adams was brought in for examination at 3 o'clock.

The prisoner was remanded until this morning, and meantime was locked up In the Elizabeth street police station. WABDBS FILSBVBX TAKES CUARQE. lie Flads Dlaektretl'a Island renltenllnry la Ouod Order. Mr. Louis D.

Pllsbury, tho now Warden of the Blackwell's Island Penitentiary, took charge ot that Institution yesterday morning, relieving ex-Warden Fox. who was present to receive blm and transfer the authority to blm. There was no osromony attending the change of offloers. Mr. Pllsbury.

as an old and experienced offloor. assuming ths post In a matter-of-factway and without any fuss or nonsense. He at once mnde the acquaintance ot the subordinate offlcors. and spent the day Inspecting the penitentlnry and Its surroundings, familiarizing himself with Its workings, receiving calls, and answering questions as to his plans and policy. The Commissioners of Charities and Correction oalied upon the new Warden, congratulated him aud thomsolves.

and promlsod to sustain him In any reforms ho might wish to Introduce Deputy Wnrdon Osborne, who has boen dop-uty fortwolvo or fifteen yonrs. piloted his now superior around and explalnod to blm everything that required explanation. Tho now Wnraen oxnrossed himself ns quito pleased with the organization and discipline. Ho said that be did not contemplate making any changes among tho subordinate ofllcors. and denlod that he had ovor Intimated that there would be nny channes undor him.

Ho knew of no reason na yet for making nny, and was undor no obligations to do bo. Ho should study tbo place vory closely, and as any reforms might be nuggosted would adopt them, and it any ot tho keepers or subordinate ofllcers proved themselves lnefflclout or unfitted for tholr Discos tboy would be removed. He said that he had not come to now duties, but to thoso with which he was familiar and wbloh he liked, and ho was satisDed that ho could dls-obaree the duties of the office to tbo satisfac tion ot all eoncornod. Saturday afternoon Is a holiday in the penitentiary, work being knocked off. and shaving, hair outtlng.

lotter writing, ana similar personal matters attended to by tho convlots. Tbo Warden watched the mon at theso pursuits, and criticized their physiques and manners. He thought it was ono of the best ventilated and healthiest prisons he had overseen, and oompllnientod the deputy wnrdon on Its oloan-llneas. Pending tho overhauling and repair of the Warden's resldcnco on the Island. Wardon Pllsbury will remain at tbe Ollsoy House, spending only tho business hours ot tho day on the Island, though as soon as possible ho will move there and remain rormanently, Tbe employees of the penltontlary on Friday evening prcsentod to Wnrdon Fox at bis residence a handsome watch and chain, and to Mrs.

Fox a beautiful pair of eleeve buttons, Mr.Wlnnonborg made tho prosontatlon speech, and Mr, Fox happily responded. Aftor the Bresentatlon tbe visitors were entortalnod at a suntitul repast Alt Ikejrollee Fletala Are OS-Cnllbr. Superintendent Hurray disoovored about two weeka ago that while tbe greater number of the pnllco poneased lervlceable revolver! St 88-calibre, many had cheap weapon! of smell ilia. Iu order to have effecttte-nets, aa well as uniformity, he directed that these latter hculd supply tbeuiielvee with 83 calibre maker deilguated. Ille Injunction has been compiled with, aud policemen can now borrow cartrldvri fron eaoh other In caee of ueed with Ihe certainly of tbelr fitting.

Aa policemen have to pay for their own gune, the Superlntendeut'a order cauied aoma grumbling among thoia who had recently bought expinilto weapone which were not of the required alia. KUhard Arnold'a Will, The will of the late Itlchard Arnold ot Arnold, Conetable A Co. wai offered for probate yeiterday. It dated Nov. 13.

1881. Tha eitate, which litalued at over. Si.000,000, goea to till wife, Oeorglana Eleanor Arnold, and hla children, Marie Loulie, Vtilllain, ond Carolina Henrietta Arnold, The amount Ion In hla wife Is provided by ante nuptial agreement not made public. Mre. Arnold has the use for one year of the home at I If Ih avenue and Eighty-third Uriel.

The coachman. John Kidwell. gets two srrtanis get annul-tin of SJuo and f3oo each during their lifetime The executor! are hli children and Kerdinand Wardncll. Tha Dlaby Uerarnt HuTeaacat. Henry Bergb, John IT.

Watson. James J. Ulrard. rraucliM. UUby, John Suth.

arland. and It. A. Van Wjrck, tub committee of tha Cltlxene' party, recently organized to redeem the city from mlirule and orholal corruption, met yeiterday and reported that the movement for a icrlcaof pnblioiniet. Inge to agiiele reform wae progreiilng iplendldly, Mr.

Bergh aald that UiedeinoniirMloii would leonalarae scale It wai decided lo lurllo Koieoe Uoukling, Win. Dorshelmer. and tlov. Abboit to address the Aril meeting in the AiaJeiny of Muilo on May IfSoi ittl. lloicoe lonkllau'e Latest Aasbltloa.

ItosooeConkllngwas In tbo Supreme Court, Brooklyn, eiterday, where lie argued can. While he wae alttlng reading hli brief aereril careleei lawyer! wilked orer hli well poliihrd elioca. lie looked down at the ihoei with a and inured hli chair back to iha eholhM lo whom lie aald i "I'ta reached that time of Ufa when I Vint id get somewhere when I won't be Itcpped upon, Thll'iiuv Suihlttan." Netalas; a It, There li no lUdi cCmptadlum of niwi. no luch mirror of contemporary tutory ai Tug year riiurter pains and all aithmstla sa4 branchial affee-tloue are eoou relieved by that certain reuiejy for csiiftMsail oi4.Df.jWa.'ispicJrasl-!u!: what sonra eir nt toanrt. Horse racing as an nmusomont for ladlesi Vi Isot reeent date In this country.

Our great" K5; grandmothers ot colonial days, or even onr wg grandmothers ot more modern times, would fi'j as soon have thought ot driving a eanal boat or hoadlng militia roclmant as of frequontlng a scene where mon were to be found bottlnr. jvk' smoking, nnd enjoying thomstlvss aftor other masculine fashions. The Jerome Tark course VS was tho first that camo to be a fashionable re. p. sort for soclsty womon, and so far as they wsra jtffl oonccrnod.

tho races In tho early days ot that BJ association wero only a kind of spootacular picnic where ladles went In tholr finest gowns. tftSj and undor tho most serene conditions ot 5ij weather, to enjoy a lunoheon on tho green- gggj; sward or to pursuo a promising flirtation. Thsy Ra wntchod tho racos as thoy would look at a clr- jBg ous display, showod tholr blissful Ignoranooot a ovon the commonest raclns terms by asking jsH stupid questions about tho horses and tho Rwg jockoys. and If thoy vontured a pair of gloves Mai or a pound of candy on tho favorlto. were tijffl frightened at their own boldness and some- jg what ashamed ot It.

too. igjK But tho advanced civilization of the present G8H day bos dono away with all those littlo nlcollos of distinction, and if tboro Is ono ptaco that tho society bollo llkoq bottor than anothor it Is tbe raco oourso aud tho betting ring. Slio has abundantly provud this during tho pastweok fln at Ccdarhurst. Whon old Boreas and Jupltor im riuvlus and other malignant spirits of tho air aJlr termed acomblnatlon that drovo nearly all tho 3H mon to the sboltor of tho club houso nnd tho jjg friendly ministrations of tho bar, tho womon stood It horolcalty. and oftentimes In tholr sum.

mor garments, and with only tho protection grnntod by tho latest novelty In tomlnlnewraos a covor coat remained in tho roofless boxos and oxoosod to the loy breath of tho oeoan breeze, until vanity oamo to tho holp of discretion and sont thorn to look after their roses nnd llllos. which wore blending most unbooomlngly InKnoses and ohooks. Tho national oolors wore largoly displayed on many fair faces, but alas I noses wore rod. lips wero blue, and qhoeks were ominously pato. Never, probably, at any socloty gathering In this part of tho world was there so muoh downright ugliness on exhibition as at the Cedar-hurst racos on Monday and Wodnosday.

Tho only ladles that ono could look at without a shudder wore tho fow who had the sense to onvolop themsslvos In fur from head to foot Theso arotto coverings, topped by straw and laoe bonnets, looked somewhat Incongruous, perhaps, but It was an Incongruity so essontlatly English that the wearers must have found favor among all tholr male admirers. At a flower show or garden party during tho London soason ladies olad In the moat diaphanous material are always provldod with a soft, warm wrap as a provision against mist, fog. andlraln. whlen mayappoaroi any moment. And for raolng nnd ooaohlng In the month of May Amorlean women will do woll to follow tholr example.

From others than a soolal point of vlow the Codarhurst mooting has boon omlnentlysuo. 0098 tul. Tho riding so far Is good, nnd the racing excollont: all tho arrangomonts are unexceptionable, and the President of tho association bas reason to congratulate hlmsolt upon tho ovidonces of oomploto sucooss that moot bis oye at every turn. It Is seldom that a man so young as Mr. Choo vor still Is has proposed to himself a distinot purpose in llfo.

laid the foundations of it with his own brain and hands, worked faithfully and steadily forlU I development, and seen Its triumphant com- plotlon before he has passed his first youth, He doservos all ths oommondntlon that tho I world is so witling to give him. I Tho woddlngs ot tho week have boon Miss Helen Beockman's In this city and Miss Grace Mlnot's in Boston. Tho former was the flrst ot the "lilac weddings" of whloh thero will prob- ably be many mors during tho next few weoks. It was a small and quiet, but very pretty affair. Boston being almost as largely represented among the guests as New York.

Miss Hlnot has been horo so much, and has somanyfrienda among New Yorkers, that as muoh Intorost waa felt In her marriage as It she had consented to aoospt a husband and a home among us, as so many of her frlonds hoped that ahe would do. Those who havo returned from Boston after being present at her wedding pronounce It the most Interesting and picturesque ot any that has taken plaee this spring. Tbe oeromony was after the most advanced ritualistic modes and the unusual beauty ot tho bride, with tho surroundings ol lights, flowers, and the dell-clous strains of church muslcproduced a oharm for oye and ear that was worth a journoy to Boston to enjoy. The announcement by menns ot printed cards of tho marriage of Mr. Piorro Barlow nnd Miss Loulao Virginia Matthews, which have beon sent by Mr.

and Mrs. Matthews to their friends In this city. Is In pursuance of French oustom. which Is bocomlng nocossary. In vlow of tho numbers of Ainorlcans who aro marrying foreigners, and also of tho disposition to oelebrato marriages abroad, which Is growing In favor every yonr.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Barlow wore married in Paris, and will return to this conn-try after a short tour through Great Britain and a glimpse ot tho Loodon soason through tho open sesame" of a presentation at oourt Tomskeheroourtesyto thoQueon In tho regulation "train. lappets, and plumes," to gaze upon royalties standing In a stra Igbt lino, and bo gazed at by thorn In roturn, to back gracefully out ot tbe royal presonco without exoout-Ing a baok somorsault, or othorwlso compromising her dignity, seams now to bo as Important to givo the nocossary sign and soai to a so- ciety woman In this country as in England, At reoont drawlngrooms Mrs. Brad loy Mar tin, Mrs.

Marshall O. Boborts. Miss Lsngdon. Miss Grant, and several othors whoso names are not so woll known on this side, have boon duly presented and 'reoelved. Before the ond of June thero will be sereral moro names added to tbe list, among thorn that of the young lady who Is to lay down laws for the ruuub-llcan court during tho next three years.

Mrs. Boborts. by tho way. bas taken Mr. Charles 0.

Francklyn's house In Orosvonor square for tho season, and London journals announce that sho largely thero. Tbo marriage of Miss Adtila Orant and Earl Cairns, wbloh seems to' be as Interesting to Londoners as It is to tbe early friends nnd companions of the young lady, will probably take place from tbe rosldonoe ofjLady Llltord, formerly Miss Theresa Moore, the daughter ot tho late Clement 0. Moore, who will be remem-bored by all old New Yorkers as one of tbe most and popular men or bis day. He wrote the Christmas poom familiar In every nursery and school room, beginning. "'Twaa the night before Christmas," and was woll known in both tbo literary and tbe social world.

A Honoysuokle ball will. It Is said, bo given In London next month by tbe same set of ladios who gave tbe ltose ball last year, and burlod dollanco at the Prlnoo ot Wales by blackballing three names that he sent in. On this oocasion tbo rooms and tbe women will be decorated with trailing sprays ol honeysuckle, and the fields and hedges will be forced to give up tholr treasures aa liberally as the gardens and hot-bouses did before. This naming a ball after a popular flower Is a suggestion for Nowport, where a wallflower ball might not be unsuitable as an encouragement to fadlug'rosobuds and disappointed debutantes, Next Saturday the annual pnrade ol lbs Coaching Club will tako place and. If the day should ba flno, all Now York will put on Its holiday garb and turn out to so tbe show.

Two or throe now teams. one recently Imported, are. It is said, to Appear for tbo first time. Tbe ooachos will glitter in thotr spick nnd span coats of paint and varnish, and the mombors and tbolr friends shin bravely in their spick and span coats of the latost London make, whllo the ladios, In their gowns ot many colors, with their laps full of roses on4 fill give tbo crowning touch ol llfo and beauty to the soene. Miss Knto Bulk ley, without whom no sooloty event can otor complete, will probably be unable to appear, BU(j is still suffering from the effects ol a had fall tba? he bad la Fifth avenue a few dsr stooe.

wbloh broke on or two of tbe small boni ol tiw toot Mi UBDonullr lannd uk. aaaaal.

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