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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 5

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE WORLDt FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 16, 1892. tfJB i iK DID AT TJEjTJCE fluster Cyril Tylor, tho Boy Soprano, Heard at His Best. Russell Mny Revive Olro-flc-Glrofln." Tticno who heard little fyrll Tyler, tho boy oprano, at palmer's llicatio a few month, jo tfld bo at a disadvantage. It was last Uht, whonlio appeared at Chlckerlng Hall, I liallie was at his best. The bey, who Is pleasant to look at, charmed a udlencc.

Ho sang eiinri.inut Olseau" trom La 1'i'rlo du Uiesll, two unties hy Movln, ounod's "Ave Maria." Home, bncel. lomo and comlu' '1 hrough tuo ltye." ittlc Tyler's voice Iscrj sweet and pure, ui tho wonder Ilia not so much la the volcu sell as In tho marvellous way It' has been ultnalcd. iho Luj's rnoiliod Is absolutely erli'Ct, and be could k'lo points to a number singers now beio the public His etlwd could bu oxhlblted as well by cans 01 Kss florid sonus than some tuoso he fcani; last nlRht. The uther par-clpants In tho cuncin weru Miss Fanulo )trn, Kalian lriuiko, B. c.

EnRel and a roriR quartet, sic. A. carrano, the nutc la.r, accompanied llttlo Tyler In tho ibarmant ulsoaii" boiuc admirably. Mr. ad Mis.

Hanger, Mr. and Mm. ltuaolph Mr. and Mis. James Lewis, Mr.

Agnes cth, Charles t.liauerton and a number of tier theatrical pcoplo wero present. Humor sajs that Miss Lillian Hujselt, dttr-g her coming engagement at tbo (inraeu loatrc, wlllprooably appear In tho nlmoit rgotton but tunuul tperetta. Ulrotle-rofla." Poor ftadte Scanlan place In Nora achroo has been taken by tiara Coleman, as unrortunato V. .1. Bcunlan has been perscded lu "Matourncen" by chauucey cott, and so It Is all through the world, ivorllcs trom tho ranks, are missed for moment, and are forgotten.

Let tho actor ho struts about the HUltowlth a swelled ad pause for a moment and asK himself nether the game Is worth tho amount of indie he burns. Messrs. Abbey and Schoerfel havo gono to nicago to look after their World's Fair cn i rprlse. UdnlnP. Mayo preseutaonew melodrama' I'lcd Alter Twenty Years," at Mole's next According to circulars thai aro sent nadcast, Mr.

Mayo tarries each and every of sccuery and property used In tho melcw In that case Mr. Mayo should be at ubcr's Museum, not at Nlblo s. Bernard bbaw, gentleman who has wrlt-n a play that Is to bo acted at the Inde-i-udent Theatre, In London, and who Is lusciiuently on exccdingly good terms with Imself, has beon airing his views on the abject of Hbakcspeare. Ho was asked if ho ad taken the bard as his uiodeL "Sliake-leare my modnl he cried. stult I Hhakc- i lieare a disillusioned Idealist, pcslmlst, rationalist, a capitalist I If tho lellow had I at been a great poet his rubbish would have ten forgotten years ago.

Mollcrc, as a linker, was worth a thousand bhakc-peares." Oh. cruel bbaw I HE BEST fifffSffJiB Itheb Wood Medicine, bcausa ylK It assist natare to throw oil the ini-Csrf) purities of tha blood ami at the satoe mton6s tip thn entire orranlsm This la Just mtrary to tne effect of the various potash mer iry, sanaparillaratiturra which bottU up the Ira-jntiea In the aratem, thus producluf aod Buffering. Therefore, for a BLOOD MEDICINE a cannot do better than take B. 8. Aa a phjalclau I have prescribed and uaed R.

8. Id tny practice aa a tonic, and (or blooJ troubles, hare been terj eaccesaful. I never uifd a met) which save much geqerat eatl-factlon to jielf And patient H. HtTCBT. M.

Marker, Ind." Treatise in hlood and akin disease mailed free. HWIFT SPKUllTlC Atlanta. Ga. SPDRT1NB NEWS ADD NOTES, Baoker Julian SayB Fitz Fight on the Levol. Williams Declares Ills Club Does Not Need Money, The other side of the argument that big purses for fights beget suspicion on tho public's part and plnce lighters In tho position of I "fixing things nice and comfortably" so that tho purse mny bo divided li presented by i Capt.

Frank Williams, of tho new Crescent Ity Athletic Club, and Martin Julian, man-I agcr for Hob Kltslmmons. 1 hose gentlemen I aro both gieatly Incensed that charges of collusion should bo laid at tho feet of tho lighters. "Why, Hob's very honesty In 'cracking' tho job Hall and he fixed up In Australia," said I Mt. Jullnn, "shows that ho wasn't trying to keep thtt allalr quiet, but was explaining the matter lorrcctly so that tho story wouldn't como out later In a garbled way and I damage him seriously, llurrlug that contest I Hub has fought on the dead level ever since, as ou can see by his record, and It ho was a I quitter und wnnted to lay down, why he's had chanco alter cuanco right here In this country. "look at, that Maher battle.

Why, Hilly Madden hat forfeit In Tni Wortni ofllce and nobody could bo got to go against Peter. They wero all afraid of bis stiff punches. Hob came along and took Maher In. Now, tho purse was big enough to tempt a man who Is crooked, and Uob didn't know hnw hard a gatcc ho might II nd In I'etcr. But he mado no proposition to fix that fight, and In eery other battle he has tought hero Fit? has Jumped In to win, and has come pretty near doing It, too.

It's an Injustice to both these men to say that they are liable to cook up a quiet Utile deal and split tho puro. Uuu knows be can get the big end of that $40,000, and he doesn't propose to give any man a purso of Ho will light eeryhecond that ha stays In the ring." capt. Wllllnras said that the Crescent Cltv Club would permit of no such arrangement, and that the Hunters woult havo to put up a genuine article of fight or elso they could whistle for the purse. It bai also been said that I was up here scurrying around tor Northern capital." ho added. "Ilia City Athletic Club doesn't nend a pkaunoof capital from tbo North.

We hao plenty of cash and, desptto all allusions to our being a club only on paper, wa are putting uu a club-house that win bo the superior of any In the world. It will seat 12,144 speciatms and It will bo ready before tho Uall-Fltzslmmons right on April ii. "That is the dato finally fixed for that match, and either the night betore or alter we will present Jack McAulirre and Dice Hurge In their conielt lor tho worlds light-weight eh implonshlp. And on top of those westaud ready io hangup a purse of for a go between Charley Mltcholl and Jim Corbett. The Crescent t'lus aro all right and the men In It are not In tho purse.holst-lng business lor tin lr health." fco there jou haw both MdeS of the argument anenl tig boodle and lixed lights.

With tho lnternatlonit yacht race as a settled fixture lot- next jar come a world or gossip as to who will build boats on thts side to meet liunraveu's Valkrte. While everything Is mere ldlo speculation jut at present, Americans mny rest asured that a sufficient number of oatH ill bo turned out In the trial races to give the best Kind of a test to the ci alt who may win them and te selected to wrestle with the Vnlkrle. den. Paine has dissipated the doubt that bo might not build. "I'ntll 1 say so," tin explains, "nobody has authority to say that I Shall not build." Now the story goes that Eddie Talcott will be chosen to the Presidency of the New York Kanebail Club In place or Johu li.

Day, whollUIl in go at the apt'Glal matting of the stockholders next Monday aitvrnojo. Tho Uerkelcy Athletic Astoclatlon held th smoothest kind ot uneloctlou yesterday alter clecilnj the new Heard ot Directors, named In this column jesterday accepted l)r. White's proposition to lease tho property Of the Asclatlon. '1 ho new Uoaid will elect Its officers next Wednesday, There Is talk ot a finish light being arranged by the Coney Island Athlello club between "Kid llogan nnd Doll) Lyons. It would bo a hummer.

The Olympic club, of New Orleans, has offered pursn for Alei Uieggalns and Young MIlchelL '1 ho Manhattan Club will glvo a "smoker" Dec ill, a ory pleasant way of watching the old jcar out and tho new one In. The standard Athletic Club will give Its second monthly entertainment to-morrow night their rooms, Manhattan aeuuu and India street, Urooklyn. 1 ho (irand National Curling Club of America met yesterday and voted to compete In the International malon for tho Gordon tiophy. Thrso oiileers wero elected last night by tho Dauntless ltowlug club: Prvtldent, Horaos Walter: VUa, I) Opp.nbelln ritrrrtarr, Jltne. .1.

McDonald 1 Trtxurer, Julin ,1 Sln.l Captain, William Mul- care: Mrat Lieutenant, charlea Hall, jr tc-1 nnd Lieutenant. V)ttterlllt IMrrotnrs, llr F. Knickerbocker. I. II Ander.on.

rl, I. lloldentieri. F. (I, UhltttieM. llamerablat.

A K. 1). Fulrnrd J. A. K.IElllott will shoot the tlrntnribcl: lle bird matches at Kansas City to-morrow.

LoulsMUo sporting men havo an unknown they aro anxious to put up against Kddie Pierre or Hilly Mangln at UK pounds for a side. They telt graphed such a proposition to It. K. Fox yesterday. FROM THE WOHLD OF LABOR.

(leorge Rchall hai been elected Secretary of Bar-tendera' Union No, 1. A co operattre boardinc-hoaie for working-women li talked of In lioitun. We tll, Croth planomakere will hold a abop meotliii til evenlnar. The da oft be annual dinner of the Hoard of Walking Delegate hat beon hied for Jan, 32 MaohloUts are renovated toatar away from Ban BeruardiDo, for the pteient, a the men there are on atnke. Machlmata and nearly all the great railway com rountry nae come to an agreement uu the apprenticeship 14m atlon.

Among tho canlldatea for public Printer fieorgn iJiaoce, I'rjtldent of Typographical Ualon Nn. 'i, Philadelphia. The OelPHatej by whom Drfcklareri' Union No. 7 will be represented at the Intertiatlonal Contention In Baltimore, are W. UorVt K.

Burke and J. O'Keete. PeeVekllt carpenter are to be oraantted by James McKIni and 1. O. aUh, who will apeak at a mass-meeting lu that place Jan.

An Independent potltloal league has been formed by about one hundred labor orgauliatlone In Kt. ILoulf. They propoee to run candloatea fur niuol-ctpal olTiose neit Spring, A recent census bulletin aptir to shiw that from ISfiUto 181)0 arcut onetulillon foroign-born Iiponle hare teturned from the UnlteJ btates to heir natlre countries. The Marble-WorkerV National Union la aaaera-bled in ionteritlon In Ht. tenuis.

From the roper of the officers It appears that orison contract labor Is mcreaslug lu the marble trade. To the benefit fund of J. Quintan, the former President of the Journeymen Plumber1 National Union who la mffelnfr from an Incurable disease. Plumbers' Union No 2 has donated 4200. Herman Kern, of the Machinists' Benerolertt Hoolety.

died after a protracted 11 loess, li will lie buried by his fellow-membiri from 2J0 (Jrand street next oanday, 1 i. U. MlkIUbbod Weavers' Union Nn. 1 ha indorsed th? resolutions of the Central lah.r Federation fionounclng the methods of the Hotlety for the Prerention of Cruelty to Children, 'Ihls week four new membora were enrolled. Thirty eight waiters were recently compelled to shitetnelr mustaches at a cafe In Berlin, After a few days they were dlschirged, and when they sned for dama 7i sustained, as they alleged, by the lose of their beards, they were awarded each Non-union paint era harlnc been employed on the Haremeyer Building at Church aud Cortianit streeti the unlgn painters are uneasy, and It Is aald that a etrlko may ordered on the building by the Board of Walking Delegates.

Bakers Union No. IB nominated for PresMent, Vra, Vmiio1 H. Mlrtelt fur Vlef.PrastdfDl. John lUiiselmannan I tchaetft for Iterorxling and Uorrespoudlng 8eorelarr. Vt Welsst Iir Financial Sserttiry, Henry Timmermin't, for TTeaiujrer, louls llaustetnt for Irnstees.

Measrs. Kern, Scnoeldrr. Michel and Kslacr. Charter No. 29 has Wen granted to a local union of cooas and waiters In Alhanv, tit the (iensral I leeutlre Board of tho Walters' and nar-tendera' National Alltavtce.

There are at present thlrtffoiir halls under the Jurisdiction of the or-ganliatlon In this city All of the local unions afnlltte 1 wlthtl elln.l'Oi ounty entral tjtbor Union haTltig rotwl tore admit the Socialist, the Jeremy llr Height Ho tloa of thehoclallit pattr will lane a vote nett month upon the ntiostlou of agitin aendlug delegate to the Federation. Another conference with Boca Iloonwafar, 253 Stanton street, regarding tho nmmilon men wo Ing In hU tailor shop has resulted In a tltiagrv ment, Thetlperators and Prefers' Union were willing to bury the hatihot. but Hteuwass'raskM them torecognltnthe nrxau'xatlon formal by hit 'scabs," and this the Unions refused tn do. Nominees for officers of Plumbers Uulon No 'i art Mcdnrern tor President. Hitch-man for Vke-1'reaililenl, Caniphl for rman clil Seotetary, W.J.

VoOy for Hrcordlng Seire. tary, li. Cunningham for Kergeant-at-Arins, Mensrs. Cnnmn. Millrlde.

McCabe, t-nnt ant McKenna for delegate tj the Conference Boarl, J. II. Leonard for Aneislant Walking Delegate, President A. lee has received an appointment a sanitary Inspector under the munkipal goreru-menl of trtt city District Assembly 7 K. of Ritrfaco Kallroad nraployees, has elected A Best.

Ma ter Wi rk-man Jnhn Mtnn, Worth) 1 ore man 1M oinle, lU'Ct'rdlng Heirrtaryi A Best Holconbe, I bom at Conpey, J. Collins and John Maun, hcntlre Hoard, there Is aomeaniloty In the ran us about tho annual contract with the Brooklyn City lis road, whleh his gone Intottte hands a )iidlcate, ml the men nay thoy ham reasons to bellrie that President l.ewla has been Instructed not to sign the contract. To one of Its member recently enrolled Cabinet-Makers' Uulon No 7 has returtifd his initiation fee and he will not be admitted sus it has boen ascertained thai he worked at a non-union shop during tho right-hour atrlko last Miring. Anotlinr man who was admitted tn Union No. 20 I etiilty of the same offei and Nn.

7 will dejnand that No. 20 should eapel him Die Walking Delegatswas orired In proceed against a shop on Thirteenth street, where a non-uulun eirrer has been employed. With Woodworkers Union No. 11 an agreement has been made In regard to limiting the work in loth trades as far as machines aro concerned, and 1 rrlhlng to whlrh union a man Is to belong If he dooe certain work All member wero reminded to smoke none but unlon-roadn oUar and properly support labnr Capers, Neit week nominations for officiate will mae'e A circular hat been issued by the Hebrew Choristers' Union stating Its differences with Joseph Baronrtest Tim latter. Dee.

7, demanded that the Choristers should glre their day's wages for the brnerit of the Cloak-maker Union for whom a performance was given on that day at the Union Theatro. When the Choristers said they were wflllug to con-ttibu towards the benefit, liko other union people, but that theroould not give twite or three times as much, glrfngthelrlontlro day's wiges. tJeio-mesB is aald to hare declared that Uie hnrls-ttrs' Uniot was not a union at alt. The circular eiplalns that tho Union has been in existence fr orer seren yeara and that they hare assisted organised labor wnoueTtr they were called upon, but they insist that as other workmen do not rtrea day'a wages to theatrical benefits ther ran not sea why the Chorister should be compelled to do so. aSfcai A Salvation Army Wed diner.

Adjt. William H.Moor and Capt. Annie Hassan, of the Saltation Army, were married latt night In the Army's chapel on Jersey City Heights The ceremony performed by Major hyaue, Chief of btaff at the New York Headquarters, Erlc-fif Trial Oooa Ovor to jMondcvy. The trlat of Prof. Charles A.

Brlggs.of the Union Theological Rem I nary, for alleged heresy, which has been going on in the Scotch Presbyterian In West hnurteentli street, will not bo continued thtt afternoon, the Presbvtcry baring deJded yesterday to like a lecess until Munday. EQUAL TO IMPORTED SOLD BY ALL GROCERS UPTOWN DEPOT WHOLESALE DEMT I I2fl6 B'WAY, Y. 9IHU0S0H9T.MY. FREE TO EVERY PURCHASER? PRiHTlwg PkessI Pool TABLE, SAIL-BOAT. I F4MTLCR0Y.

I UNTIL CKHISTMS gal wo will present to tvery purchaser I I pf Boy't Suit or Overcoat choho Jnl from thoto and 1,000 other valu; PRICES: BOY'S SUITS AND OVERfiOATS. feF3 $2.49, Kvery salt haa 2 pairs of knee pants, jJ Ktery otrreoat out oiira long and wool an HneA, airtw I UMBRELLA3 FREE. IW Ta 6r frfl -A p.i.D Uk umbrella, gold or tlit.r llnl P' Prices for Mens Sults.Overcoats and HI $1 $10, $12, $15 i CmB5KATES Or.rcoaU Wool LlD.n, flnife and DoeW. HrUVttai Ij'jj B. Stern Son, lljl mrjjUr 458 4 460 GRAND NEAR PITT imchM KffkMP OFBN ETBKY nvCNINO.

I JhW Rail aa rear name aid we ra.ll is VrJr Mff i-yar Itou uer lequlralnXea'aaod Jsy iBBia-Owiaoau 1 rf" JESK. TFhjyn iBAflOTElUE. REMOVAL SALE. CARPETS and FURHiTURE. Our lease eipires and our entire atrck must no therefore we Shall e.e out erery thing AT COST.

FOt I)IN(! tlKUS CtiiRunler nil 912.UU NUITS-Wllton Hiik 6 at, till.Otl Suits, 7 at MtlO.I (I IIICDItmhl rJUUMlu oak, ploceaat. 81.1)1) OAKPhTS- 44r Do tle extra llru. 00c. Initraln VAr. In.i.ln.

.11 wool fibc UlLlLOTlISal sar. p.riard Everything Else Correspanihgly Low. J. WOLF SON, 452-454 GRAND STREET. I OPEN EVENINGS.

A SUGGESTION. Will rour innnrj hold aul until all the dirlfltinn. prpnrnt. itrv bouslilf No matter We'll oprn nn nrrnunt with yau for batevrr timitfi! In the war of, trntclire. Jewelry.

W'r ndil legnt nnrl leolllmnte rale oriuterest to the purrhtur price. At prctent wo are aniline; a Solid Gold Killed Wutcli, Waltlmm or El-rIii iiioviment, for 9-(), nnd you enn pay for It nt the ruts of $1 per week. No cash Daymen required. Cull on us. Open till 1'.

M. FLETCHER WATCH JEWELRY CO. (Irt'orporfMril). I 82 Broadway. blrntor on JobuM.

I LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS- IL.OST Sin.H llo.t from toot of 46lhtt. S. It, on Inc. 13 Finder will be rewarded. John JlcL.rthj.drr dock, lltb.t Ileljok.n.

WALKING-STICK UMBRELLAS. Tightest Roller Made, Light, est Weight, Finest Silk, Choicest Handles, $4.95. Our Nichcl.Rod 'light-Roller, not quite so fine, $3.75. Our Fine Imported Stic fa on Choice Serge Silh, Close Roiis, $2.50. Choice Assortment of Cities, $1.00, $1.25, $1.30.

Sterling Silver Mounts, $1.50, $1.95, $2.25, $3.25. AT IMITII hTOItHS. FlABERDASilEEY CATAIDUDE HAILED FREE. M6M: P. 383 Broadway, 123 Fulton CutThisOut.

CO.Mi: IIKKOKI. IT 14 TOO l.ATti. LAST 10 lAVH OF THIS SALI Immense crowrle at this great Assljnee hale of Hoe Ulothlnn Must closed out In ll tlays, 1 he entire stuck to be soll st retail at 60 per o-ut. less thau actual coU title henlns this murnltig at Hu'eloak. at 1H3 Uruaitway, one door frttn turner liltlisl.

ItrrlHoaaorihces. Clothlua; almost slron awar. All vuee A few prices are here uauie1. M9n'a Ituslurss Holts. 4.7.

I worth 1U r0. Men's fsney Oss Hnlts, ftjtfh? worth 410. Men's Illue Chi nchll a Overcoats at worth 1S. Cutaway Dress butts, worth fjy. Mvu'a HsaTF Kncltsh toable-IIreait1 Me ton Oternoata, ajU.75l worth 41H.5U.

Men's illue anillllaek lleaTer UTprooals, VH.Atrt w.rth mU. Men's hlllt.Llned Kersev eruoata, Ml. 5 worth ilJU. Men's flenatit Prince Alberts. VI I.OB worth $4U Men's lleatr UUters, A.7I worth PauU, H.76i worth 94 50 Alen's tlsfant Mln tarelrll (ler-rosls, M0.7V worth 118.

Men I hevlot Salt. 87.A01 worth fiO. Msn'a I.nllsh Melton I'all Overooatii. 97aJOt worth tii. Imported WlJt ateOresi nulls, MKI.ftO i worth d(.

Hoys' Smis. H. 4tll worth tt Ml. Men's 1'ants. worth iV50, atHli.tllf Hitra I'm Press I'ants.

S.7t worth and thousantis of others. I'on't buy a dollar wurth of clothing "anywhere," hut come her frst and ronvlnre vourse that what la hm advertised are facts be yond rllspnte, dreat Asklijnee Sale of CtotUlog, 783 Hroadwsy, one door from corner of 10th st New Vork City. Make no mistake Look for large YKI.LOW signs before rnn enter. No branch stores counected with this Kale, Putin this sale the aaiesrojms will rumam oiMtneferr evening until o'clock and (Saturday nlfht until 10. MEDICAL FREE REMEDY.

Vitality re.toreJ Small weak organs devaleoed. lmvotenor. Varicocele and all effect of earl Terrors cured, never returns. 1 wtli glaily send to all suiTerer a recipe that cured me of these troubles. Address, is.

A. IlltAIM.KV, llatlle 1'rcrU. Allch EfllnblleheA 33 Yrnra. Jcrrcllcr ami Importer of IJInmsnds, t'H -i'ltlfi clork jffc a-K -1 lllncki Ea or Howerr. Olninnnil Hrttlnc.

WHJ ItciialrliiB Dour on tbn J'rcmlera. DIAMONDS. Wo csll sfociil attention la oar large andte- l3 Imtol assortment cf genuine Diamond, while, perfect and very brilliant, mounted Id theUUtt designs. ftH Our rtperfeuco In tnportlng dlamonda forth last yoari atidmanulartnrlngall moopl- luc rn tho prrmlics cnsblos us to sell as eitr 3j ordluarlly loir prices, aj uoted bolow il Oenulne Diamond Rtagi i.l.OOo ieiulue Diamond Btudi 4. 00 to 500,09 (irnjine Oiamcnd ntrrint.s.

0,00 to 1.U00.04 Pjt (ienulno Diamond 3.00 to 300.09 1 vl donuln Dismoud I.otkots 00 to 300 00 jl (lenulne Diamond C'ill-UuttODS 6.01 to 'il (Icnuine Diamoud Tondantf and k'aH UcelMoi SOJjpV jfl The largost aisorlment of Wedding Riuf la ''il solid Wand lit carat soldi alsoOarnet, Tofqnelesv VB Trarl, Hrl and Inllul Rlnps In solid carat )B to suit ersry oustomsr In rotard to price and etyla. SK Diamond In Ulogi, Eatnogs, Pine, iVB fitudi, ale, always on hand. Diamond! aetwhllo 'tflj walling. Mall or lera promptly rtttftdod to, fflH WATCHES, STEMWINDW. .1 WilttiamurRlalu, lolldatlter S7.S0 t-.

JJO.OO SSalthamur U-caiat 'M ol.l l.00to 30.f' to.lJ sold UUI.a', Vtlsii ll.v) XHM hw Krerr artlclii warraatoj tfj a written rnaraota aa repre.riiteil, m9 1-lne a.leflttnn nf Hllrerw.r, Op.ra01aiaM colrl. headed Cauos and Uia-i 9 Irolhu. AM. GOODS MAUKED IS PLAIN llOUIttb.

Our Motto-Strictly first- class joods at lowest 1 prices. Opon Evenings. IMPORTANT NOTICE I HE ISSUE 10 (IT1L0MES, But guarantoo a saving of i trom 10 to 20 per oont. on your "1 purchases. We offer to Boll any article described in Jewelry catalogues at tho above-men- tioned discount.

290 GRAND GOR. ELDRIDGE. 1 B. OWEN'S tCIflIC BELT ES loute. ckrcnla K.ndCc, loc lila.rud ii loo uie- nenta In EdiIUB, u.f A van.

Str.dl.u ir Mar 'v! lani or trutlMoanp- fj TtfEOWEN ELECTRIC bELT APPLIANCE -iM 826 Broadway, -H I -3 CAST-OFF CLOTHInO. JlSTONlallINO PRICES paid lor nrjta and oa.t-otf clothlnr. AddrMt UUOO SEfcL- -lM MA.SN, ISO Ka.t BroaJwar. WM tunings. tW'WOrewWSiiaO I fJN Sfev Cloaks.

P'ush Sacques. mjqqPq and Rhilrlrpn'Q ln Handker- JW misses aiiu uiiiiuibii gm '1 lOOdoz. Men's Botm rLffl ffl 4(8 JtSSj 7vSKc JS 1 Mf Jl II 1 11 XlWwV 200 Uoz. fine embroMerofl. netntl tlj 'M itn't flue Astrwhan CQ a Q-ovcb, lamb's wool ut1 'W I llll lHMnV--- I ll 1iVi Wm Ui NjMr alne SO.

at linea. worth 1.00. .011 Fine Coibmere liuina. with fur top YtrWl CV UlT WM I 200 doz. fine embroidered and YM ununtleta, lu and without fur lop.

KT 0 11' v' 1 IB ft I Oentbmen'a colored bordered, IBr Tans Undo IVrfC Ittl'l" I 'I II 0 I I Men's fint All-Wool i.i at rami, innao, with fioriuc faHtouors. Iliiv 1 'il 1 I 1 1 I II If I 1 II I Xfi 111 1 actunl vaiuo 00, yia a'nBl SaVt. worth 4(J0 LJ I' If II MSS Bl" leather hound. double I.UU AlT 1 Sc I 1 awl a11 Bh SM tlfc, roculor nn 1 'J I I I I HTAnn Omvlrlnrf Tn nlrAn actual valuo 1.25, at MM 9..: -33 i SmJs Men sSfflOKingJacKets Beaded I 11 I II Mufflers, whito Bilk, actual 7P "yH 1 J( ItmammMtO1 IUebe' 'Cn nm'' Men'a Tuxedo Sraoktns Jcekets. value 1.59, at .19 tjM I 4S fi'vT '1 I Rood Cheviot, embroidered iu in i.lunls.

all sizes. 05 dozen Brocaded Silk Handker- j9 Rlrn 4(1 811k aud Jot, uud worth no lcs 0Q 00 nnrl 0 00 chieU. laro sizo. actual value AUvlwW'i 'AA Jteul? ThV.r.irtriiif5, sx-lc ftt I.So and 2.88 .25, mMWWMW block nnd IIrM aine. 40 luelic.

Ir.ujr. cranloe ChiMrcn'H Capo Coats of fnucy I'laid hioollngJacketa.unhne.1. wh to nnd cream, all silk. 1 S01e "ilh Coney omoueuts and nevur sold Cheviot io. inn nnd x.ures; MlX one of the atyles; all i rf'f! lW WkEM 4Wl dwilheiul not for le than 4S6.00, 8 11.1ml prleua.

4 03 85 SO anil 5 9S. ape. i67KjVOv Wo will havo another surpnssin 'M MW'-A1 -orth leas than choice i ifl 150 of them, which elQ nr ia. in Men's All-Wool Tricot 8oUnB Hnndkcichwfs for Monday. Bss" WW'' flt TT 4-0 rs.

8 K-U yrs. feSST JackeU. with qiulted tln fcc Sunday papers. WW--. ifc Out lot of block and Wn.

POrtlfireS. At 'MI5 7 7 05 'feHM Inc. blue. carnet.slate "7 iO yljg WA' Am Chovlots. Chevrons.

J' VM.V3A. C8l At 1 0 and black; H7e3tto 4 fffl I WW WLli B'nconal Chev'otfl, usually fjC Contliiuallon of the Porliore Snl. MisaeV JnckctR in D'nck nnd blue only I lil HffUM'Q ETIlWD A "-Tt 'H MUTlJflJ teluilodnt 10.00, nt U.UU More than 5, (TO Pairs choicest Uylos former prices. 6.C0, li 7.U5 forthis d. iulirl k) WJuVjli 11 Jjiiili "Mij.

Bil'J0Jr5 fr. i i left to select ftoui. This la lut remains special sale, nt 4.41) nnd 5.41). tVrV j.A I yVs''lkflSHBr(lr ni A undo of Hcoteh H4 Men's Tufr, nnd ftfTh I II III ll II .1 li Iff JlWy Uark 4.1 "BUckand 800 pairs of Men's Fine QttAllty tl rt I prices- cblot lonBMUiirv rape auei. 14.10.

Mlt WM Kour-in in tnedmm or f)Q fl VWKW 5S. -l he'' 1.05 7C 2. 000 pair, 18, for.n.r prlca. 20.03. for tbl, -le.

dark Erouud, Z3 811k M. Wta. 5' pricoispcialat D.aO pK inCn llVVJl' Men's AlUSilk Tecks.l'.tffs. Four- Lined llos. eouUlning Glove.

400 pairs Misses' l)ouKoln Kid cod the mnuhfact.unr nt lea 0 QD CSa8 in Hi it-Hands aud in l.Kht. Stnteber and our Magic Glov. ffl J3Xl.lJr.-a Button, size 11 to 2, oxtonsiou I QQ HStfiieil tnv Onetja III I' medium or dark effects, extra 0 Clenuer, with 3 Fairs of Best a- IS.T solcg, at I.UU WUClsiat TBr THIS PllICi: WILL HOLD CiOOl) I I tino uualitv Quality. 4.Bultou Ueal Kid or i Boys' and Youths' Heavy 400 pairs Women's Spring Heel 0N'''Y "NJ hftTgd 3fZSi "l-. Men's Teek.

1'ntTi and Button Suedes. Fearls. Proof EnclUh Grain 4 OC DonBola Button, size 2K to 6. I 7C Ifflll FlPllTG'S 1. O-p.

Kitrn Ieuvv I o-liero. CH In nil the htest Lemon, and Tans; Glove, are feather Lace Bboea, at I.UU l.u Wllglll I Iglll J9. Miperior ijuulily cl cmlla i-ml nizts -i- it, iu, wo uuu a In Capo Co.Vs wo Imc the largest inBiium or Ullrv "IP narrjutetl worth 10.00 per 41 0 Pairs Boys' Veal Calf Lace flt rtcep ilndo. coat ILo iimnuf.e. Q0 VOiy Inrpo fiBSOrtmont nntl mo ssortu out.

uud our pricos aro, 1m. ineainra or dark IU worm J.jJ. rh Shoes, at ,) 700 pnlrs of Women's fine Don. No find on takiur inventory at 0.

10, ut U'ut) ing them nt ciy much leas tbnn as usual, ety much lower thau crouuu patlu'Ltaed' Flush 2 Pairs youths' Veal Calf Lce ftf) aoU Tl" that WO aro overstocked with 'Gar- 2.221 pain Chenille Forliorea: nro tiauitl priecfl. anybody else's. Our special I Bath RobCS. all shades" with Glove-Butto'ner -M. bfl 8.n Opera T.e, patent DQ size 32, ill order to Bell cry lino and rich Kood Cood, SlISDCnderS.

lu derdosu, House or Bath Kobe. and our Mafiic Glove-Clcaner 1C Pairs Children'. Doncola Kid tipped, at 1. 00 them quickly Wo will give nil extra tint cost tho nt i CO i 1 i 00 An cleaaut aud car. w.lh 3, airs best quality French Button, P.t.nt 17 Women's fine Bu.ton Arctics.

1.B7 li8Cnt oft cent, on our but 7.00. at 4.I1U M. mbrore, m-bos 'on, and MloH, Sp.5ui i Ileal Kid. Foster Hook, Gloves I If liUd MdMtension soles, 1,1 MUses's. 1.15 Children's, l.OO.

present greatly reduced prices. JM. at n.oo 10.00.bI.... 7.00 proportiouateli-ioV. Holiday prlw 1DJ are warranted worth 8.00, f.W' Bloomlngdale Bros.

TSRf5YVE' Bloomingdale Bros. -J.

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