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Amador Ledger from Jackson, California • Page 4

Amador Ledgeri
Jackson, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE AMADOR LEDGER; JACKSON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1905. PERSONALITY OF OSCAR II. Much Like Emperor William of many, He Possesses a Bare Individuality.

I Had fate decreed otherwise than that the king of Sweden-Norway should assume the royal purple, his high mentality must have brought him into great prominence, no matter what had been his sphere of activity among men. Oscar 11. is possessed of that rare 'individuality which William of Germany displays in his own characteristic fashion. Yet the difference in their years is no more marked than are the differences in the idiosyncrasies of these rulers. While both evince the keenest interest in all that concerns the betterment of their peoples their intellectual progress, and their endeavors to surpass in the arena of art and literature in the case of Oscar of Sweden the war-lord spirit does not touch a sympathetic chord.

In this respect his son is much more in harmony with the German emperor. Should Crown Prince Gustaf fail to curb his military predilection, he might precipitate at any moment what his father during his entire reign has been assiduous in preventing, says the Forum. As the patron of scientific investigations, Oscar of Sweden has earned the gratitude of the world. So, too, the various explorations and expeditions which have made Scandinavia a household word among the nations were made possible largely through his munificence. Among the achievements due to his patronage of those who did the actual work, those of Nordenskjold, Nansen, Hedin, and many others stand forth conspicuous.

The fate of Andre has ever proved a personal loss to the king, who, until the last, clung to the hope that the daring navigator of the air would yet be heard from. The Nobel prizes and their international distribution are to-day among the most cherished enterprises, and hold his attention with each recurring session of the committee which confers the Probably the renown of King Oscar as a man of culture rests on what he has accomplished in the domain of pure literature. Besides the Scandinavian languages, his linguistic range includes English, German, French, Russian, Spanish and Italian. Among the king's translations which have placed his countrymen in touch with foreign masters, are "Le Cid" and Goethe's best standard literature in Sweden. The national poetry of the country has been enriched by many songs, the music of which the king has likewise composed.

The splendid Easter hymn, now sung in all the Swedish churches, Oscar wrote and. dedicated to his countrymen years ago. Among his many other notable contributions may be mentioned "Songs of Nature and the Sea," "Tasso," the drama, "Castle Kronberg," and the translation of Voltaire's "Memoirs of Charles XII. of Sweden." As a climax to a literary life unexampled among European royalty, Oscar is now engaged in writing his memoirs. Turned the Laugh on Himself.

"Bronson tried to play a joke on his wife." "What did he do?" "Got home a little earlier than usual and told the servant to tell his wife that a gentleman was waiting to see her in the drawingroom." "What happened?" "She spent two hours primping before she came down, and he had to go to a restaurant for his dinner. Cleveland Leader. Premium for Babies. The mayor of Huddersfield, England, has an' original idea in regard to a plan for discouraging race He offers $5 for every child born during his term of office that lives to be a year old. When a child is born a card in the form of a promissory note, payable in a year, is sent to the house, rich and poor alike being favored.

Fishy Microbes. Butter with a fishy taste has aroused complaint in Australia, where investigation has shown that the flavor has no connection with fish, but is due to one or more of four micro-organisms. The rusty iron of cans was found to have a and a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.

W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. DAYS OF THE GIANTS CONE Skeletons of Ancient Times Which Showed Men Were ot Enor- xaous Stature. The past was more prolific in the production of giants than the present.

In 1830 one of these giants, who was exhibited at Rouen, was ten feet high and the giant Galabra, brought from Arabia to Rome in the time of Claudius Caesar, was of the same height. Fannum, who lived in the time of Eugene 11., was feet in height The Chevalier Scrog in his journey to the Peak Teneriffe found in one of the caverns of that mountain the head of a giant who had 60 teeth and who was not less than 15 feet high. The giant Faragus, slain by Orlando, the nephew of Charlemagne, according to reports, was 28 feet high. In 1814 near St. Gernad was found the tomb of the giant Isolent, who was not less than 30 feet high.

In 1590 near Rouen was found a skeleton whose head held a bushel of corn and which was 19 feet in height. The giant Bacrt was 22 feet high. In 1623 near the castle in Dauphine a tomb was found 30 feet long, 16 feet wide and eight feet high, on which were cut in gray stone the Rex." The skeleton was found entire and measured feet high, ten feet across the shoulders and five feet from breastbone to the back. But France is not the only country where giant skeletons have. been unearthed.

Near Palermo, Sicily, in 1516, was found the skeleton of a giant 30 feet high, and in 1559 another 44 feet high. Near Magrino, on the same island, in 1816, was found the skeleton of a giant of 30 feet, whose head was the size of a hogshead and each tooth weighed five ounces. Cremation Gains Favor. Body burning gains favor slowly. Statistics of the French Society for the Encouragement of Cremation show that there are now 90 crematories in Europe and America, and in these 125,000 bodies have been incinerated.

Germany has nine crematories, in which 1,381 bodies were burned in 1904, a gain of 300 over the previous year. South America is be- coming interested, and Buenos Ayres reports 370 cremations for last year. Biggest Family. The record in family numbers belongs to Scotland. It is that of a Scotch weaver in the seventeenth century, whose wife bore him 2 children.

Only 12 died in childhood, 46 sons and four daughters living to' be 21 and upward. This almost incredible record is fully and absolutely authenticated. Sir John Bowes and three other gentlemen each adopted and reared ten of this prodigious family. Take a Fresh Start. The man who fails is he who is unwilling to do battle over again.

An individual suffers everlasting failure if, when confronted by obstacles, he refuses to gird up his loins and take a fresh start. Fresh starts are the foes of sluggishness and laziness and the guarantees of a brighter success than could be possible without them. Don't Start Anything. The man who is first in war is usually first in the hospital. Receipt books for sale at Ledger office; also all kinds of blanks, mining location, deeds, mortgages, etc.

Give us daily some good bread. Pioneer flour makes the best. Has Stood the Test 25 Tears. The old, original Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Yon know what you aro taking, it is iron and quinine in a tasteless form.

No cure no pay. 50c. FOOD VALUE TESTS. SCIENTISTS SEEK TO SECTJBB BEST BUTTEB AXV BBBV. Confine Cows to Air-Tight in Xzperiments Special Apparatus for the Purpose.

The UnlYorsity of Pennsylvania at Harrisburg has lately begun experiments to test foods for cattle. The experiments are directed toward the scientific feeding of cattle to find out exactly what foods are best adapted to produce the best milk, the beet flesh and the best butter. It is not the plan of the Pennsylvania who are conducting the 'tests to starve scientifically the cattle with which they are making their experiments nor to try the effects of poison on them. On the contrary, the sole purpose of the tests is to find out what foods or combination of foods will produce the richest results and the cost thereof. To make their tests correct they have Invented what they call a respiration calorimeter.

It is an apparatus which measures with exactness the given off by a cow or an o- and the heat generated In the animal's body during the process of assimilation. The respiration part of the apparatus attends to the gases "and the calorimeter to the temperature. In this machine for months past a series of the most valuable tests has been made and the scientists who have been supervising them are enthusiastic over the results that they have secured. The respiration calorimeter consists of a double-walled chamber, 6xlo feet and eight feet high, containing a comfortable stall. The walls of the chamber are double, the inner one being a sheet copper, while.

the outer one is of zinc, with an air space between. The door through which the animal enters and the small opening through which food is given to the animal, close air tight, shutting off the Interior from the world outside except so far as it can be seen through a double plate glass window. When an animal la placed In this hermetically sealed cell all air is cut off from it, save that which is supplied by a meter pump, which sends in a uniform quantity of dry, pure air at stated inter, als. The pump not only sends the air currents in, but it draws a sample of it at stated intervals. Another pump draws samples for an analysis at the same instant that in jfector does.

By comparing these samples it is easy to tell exactly what bases and how much the animal has added to the air and to determine the amount of gases given off by different foods. The copper Inside box of this chamber is surrounded by two wooden boxes, each box being eight inches larger than the one Inside it. When in use they are kept at exactly the temperature of the air surrounding the stall, and thus there is no loss of heat from the chamber in which the animal is placed. By a simple adjustment the air Is made to leave and enter the cell at the same temperature, and thus is no loss on that account. So all the heat that the animal gives off remains In the chamber, which is carefully registered by delicate electrical thermometers.

But if the heat remained in the cell it would result in the place soon becoming unbearably hot, and so an arrangement is made to keep it at one temperature by means of colls of cold water, which absorbs the heat almost as fast as it is given off. The instruments measure the most minute variations of heat, and these facts are classified with the result of air analysis. Thus the amount of waste and heat created by each kind of food can be calculated. In making a test the animal Is usually placed in the calorimeter between one and two o'clock in the afternoon. The next few hours are spent in adjusting the instruments.

At six o'clock in the evening the test is usually begun and usually lasts for 48 hours. At the end of that time the animal is taken from the cell and carefully experts and a full report of its condition is made to go with the gas and temperature analysis. Then if the animal Is intended for beef it is killed and samples of its flesh, blood and various organs are put through a most careful series of analysis. If Jt is for the purpose of improving the milk or butter supplies, these -products are tested and the results tabulated. Xaws for Trait Ctrowera.

in Tasmania are subject to a fine of from $2.50 to $5.00, with costs, if they fail to bandage their trees to keep down the coddling moth, or if they fail to gather and destroy any infested trait. Wormy apples sent 10 market are liable to confiscation and destruction, and the shipper can. be prosecuted. In New South Wales all infested fruit coming from other colonies may be seized or destroyed, or returned to the shipper at his own expense. Fruit growers are generally assisting the government in enforcing these laws.

Similar laws in this country for a few years would see a hardship to many parties, but it would be a benefit to fruit growers and to the country if they were strictly enforced. Uncalled For. "I have been told," said old man Peckem, addressing his 18-year-old son, "that you refer to me as 'the governor' at times. It is true?" "You have said It, dad," answered young Peckem. "How is it," continued the old man, "that after knowing your mother all these years you should make a break like Ledger an Chicago Weekly Interocean, both papers for one year, $2.50 in advance.

19 IWI ffS. 651 I 1 VfiUitJilln 1 For Infants and Children. I "Hi' K' You Have HIWdYd DUUkIH AwgclahlePrcparalionrorAs- Si BeaiS th 6 Promotes Digcstion.Cheerrul- MM ness and Rest.Contains neither 9 If hW Opiumjforphine SI 01 Alx.Saum SS ji Hop Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- 1 I UO Ron, Sour Stonvach.Diarrhoea SI Worms Bl Bf ness and Loss of Sleep. f0 1 UV I Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK, I I 111 IV ICdlO TMI eCHTAUK HCW CITT. PEJRFB MIS I)! OF SACRAMENTO.

Corner Fourth and Sts. Paid depositors for.the year 1904-5, 4 percent on term deposits, 3 per cent on ORDINARY DEPOSITS Accepts deposits in sums from ONE DOLLAR and upward. Guaranteed Capital $410, 000 Paid Up Capital and Reserve 350. 500 Assets .1,898,500 1 Send Draft, P. O.

Order, or Wells-Fargo Order and we will send pass book. ta loan on Heal Estate PRES. Oeo. Vf. Lorenz, Cashier.

sep3o BANK OF AMADOR COUNTY Incorporated November, 1895 Capital Stock t) $50,000 President Ginocchio Vice-President S. G. Spagnoli Secretary and Cashier Eudey 7--r BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Alfonse Ginocchio, S. G. John Strohm, 1 Frederick Eudey.

and Alex Eudey of Jackson. fe SAFE Safe deposit boxes can be rented from the Bank of Amador County at the small expense of 35 cents' a month, thereby se- cur-Ing you against any possible loss from fire or otherwise. 'Don't overlook this opportunity of protecting your valuables. SAVE Patronize a home institu- tion. Send money away through the Bank of Amador.

County; you will save 10 per cent and upward over postofflce or express. Money sent to all parts of the United States and also all parts of the. "We have the latest quota- tiona-on foreign exchange. SAVE It doesn't cost anything to money in the Bank of Amador County. They receive deposits from $5 up.

Commence the new year by opening up a bank account. A man or woman with a bank account has a financial -Don't bury your money; when you die it can't be found and you are lia- ble to be robbed while alive. Globe Hotel I NEW MANAGEMENT. MRS. ANNIE PropT i i Board and Lodging AT REASONABLE RATES.

9 i Sample Rooms for Commer- cial Travelers. 2 All Stages stop at this hotel. cal. my 6 (jHIGUERI BRO. Cosmopolitan Liquor Store JACKSOH GATE, CAL.

Dealers and Jobbers in foreign and domestic WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS OELECTED stock of Imported Goods. Choice VJ California Wines, popular brands. Eastern and Domestic Beers; special bottling. Havana, Key West and New York Cigars. Boarbon, Rye, Sweet and Sour Mash Whiskies of celebrated distilleries.

ja2 ly VANDERPOOL fIIIESSMIBI if "Plymouth, Cal. yl Make or Repair your an up-to-date work- Vffl "A manlike manner. BffA He carries all kind ot Harness and supplleaUnthe line. Also, Buggies, Carriages Carts 1 Carriage Trimming a specialty. ja22 I 4 i.

JLX EDUCATION FOR $50 '4. UNTIL JANUARY 1906 The Stockton Business College will allow the SPECIAL RATE of $50 FOR SIX MONTHS. NO EXTRAS One charge for tuition admits pupils to any or all departments: Commercial, Teachers' Shorthand. Telegraphic, Penmanship THOROUGH COURSES in charge of Specialists BOARD AND LODGING at College Home PER Write today for information STOCKTON BUSINESS COLLEGE STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA CASTORIA. Bean the Kurt You Have Always Bought Signature SJ of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic 1 has stood the test 25 years.

Average Animal Sales over One and a Half Million 1 Sf, I en a ou? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Grove's Blade Root. Liver PiUs. i ICHABD WISH 15 United States Commlsstone, JACKSON, Will attend to Homestead and other filings taking of final proofs and all other Land Business.

Deeds and other legal documents drawn up. Agent for Phoenix Assurance Company of London, and Washington Providence Fire In usranceCompanies. -jeSlif AMADOR LEMB ill CHIdO INTER OCEAN $2.50 PER HEAD TO FOOT you feel the good that's done by Doctor Pierces Golden Medical Discovery. It cleanses, regulates and invigorates Stom- ach, Liver and Bowels and so purifies the blood. And through the blood, it cleanses, repairs, and invigorates the whole system.

In recovering from grippe," or in con- valescence from fevers, or other exhausting diseases, nothing can equal it as an appetizing, restorative tonic to build up needed flesh and strength. It rouses every organ into natural action, promotes all the bodily functions, and re- stores health and vigor. For every disease that comes from foul or Weak Stomach, a torpid Liver or im- pure Blood, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bili- ousness, and the most stubborn Skin, Scalp, or Scrofulous affections, the Dis- covery" Is a sovereign remedy. Don't be hypnotized, or over per- suaded into accepting a substitute only that some selfish medicine seller may make a greater profit on the inferior article. The Discovery has a great record of nearly forty years with thou- sands of cures behind It Dear Several years ago my blood be- came impoverished and I became run down in health.

1 had no appetite, could not sleep, and was practically unfitted for work. Suf- fered from innumerable boils and was in bad shape. Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discov- ery relieved me of my wretched condition. The medicine built up my system and re- stored me to a normal condition of health.

I can speak most hiehly also, of Dr. Pierces Fa- vorite Prescription, as it has been used in my family for years in cases of female trouble. Valentine Frank, 110 Goodrich Street, Buffalo, N. Y. The People's Common Sense RgSp'Sw Medical Advisor, by R.

V. Pierce, M. Chief Consult- ing Physician to the Inva- Hds' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Paper-bound free on re- ceipt of 21 one-cent stamps joi ioT mailing only; or cloth- bound for 31 cents.

Address the Author, as above. Dr. Pierces Pellets Cure Constipation. lOTZTU US fi 7 DiAlij (LfXUUDij 13 OT Xj 10th 4 STS. SACRAMENTO, American and European Plan under new management Enlarged and modernized.

160 new up- to-date rooms with beat; hot and cold water. Elevator and Fire Escapes. One block from Capitol Park and places of amusement. Board Room $1.25 to $2.00 per day. MeaU 25c WM.

LAMP, Prop. A 1 1 Kee thera in the house. I Zl IIC Take one when you feel bil- ViO -J, 11 RkJ ious They act di- rectlyontheliver.fcJw.if.'AS';: Want your moustache or beard RlinKlNft U.HI'Q nYC abeaiitifalbrownorrichblack? Use BftgJMi! SMIS A JBJJE PIONEER FLOUR IS i. n. ad 5 SELECTED WHEAT I Blended According to Our Own Formula Produclno Perfect Results and i Llflht FLOOR MILLS.

MMIMIMMIMH. I FINE ASSORTMENT OF AND COFFEE I lIU WM. J. NETTLE Central Market Fancy Groceriei Fresh Fruits, Vegetables. Fresh Fish Every Thursday and Friday North Main Cal.

CM SE LUMBERMAN'S CODE AND TELECODE H. NATafN, Treas. NS AND UIISE TIMBERS A SPECIALTY 603-604-605-606-607 2 Claus Bldg SAN FRANCISCO. 0re 90119 O11 P'" 6'6 Telephone, -Cedar and Private Exchange 279 r. Redwood Lumber hlS RoUflh or Worked WE GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE MINER'S REQUIREMENTS IN MINING LUMBER AND TIMBER.

Delivered to any destination desired. HOBTH MAIN STBEET JACKSON, CAL CITY MEAT MARKET 6EO.L. CO. Dealer in Choice Beef Mutton, Pork. Veal, Lamb, Hams, Corned Beef, Lard, Bacon, Etc At lowest market prices.

Orders promptly delivered. L. OETTINOBB 8. N. KNIGHT KNIGHT CO.

Foundry! Machine. Slop Sutter Cal. BUILDERS OF WATER WHEELS OF latest and most approved patterns, and all kinds of sheet iron pipe. Every description of mining and milling machinery made at the shortest notice. We to call the attention of blacksmiths and other workers in iron to the fact that we keep constantly on hand a large aud complete stock of bar, refined and Norway iron, gas pipe, gas fittings, etc, which we will sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES.

Daily Stage Line Between Jackson, Pine Grove and Volcano. T. A. MARSINO Proprietor Leaves Jackson daily at 5:30 p. m.

a Arrives at Pine Grove about 7:30 p. 2 and at Volcano about 8:30 p. m. 0 Makes connection with the stage leav- ing Volcano for Defender every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Leaves Volcano dally at 4a.

ar- 1 riving at Pine Grove at 5 a. and Jackson at 7a. m. Makes through connection to or from 0 San Francisco the same day. Hest service In Amador County.

Prompt delivery of packages a specialty. Jackson to Volcano 11.50; Jack- son to Pine Grove 11.00. Round trip to Volcano 12.50. National Hotel, Jackson, and Postofflces Pine Grove and Volcano. mars TO THE UNFORTUNATE old reliaDle and Sj cialist in San Francis- I costillcontinuestocure mm all Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such as Ghon- Syphilis in all its forms Skin Diseases, Nervous Seminal Weakness, and I I Logg of Manhood, the consequence of self abuse and excess produc- ing the following symptoms: Sallow counte- nance dark spots under the eyes, pain In the head, ringing in the ears, loss of confidence, diffidence in approaching strangers, palpitation of the heart, weakness of the limbs and back, loss of memory, pimples on the face, coughs, consumption, etc.

DR. GIBBON has practiced in San Francisco over 40 years, and those troubled should not fail to consult him and receive the benefit of his great skill and experience. The doctor cures when others fail. Try him. Cures guar- anteed.

Persons cured at home. Charges reas- onable. Call or write Dr. J. F.

Gibbon, 029 Kearney street, San Francisco. Cal. Bean the lha to ai You Haw Always Bought visit DR. JORDAN'S iffgMuseum of Anatomy I mmi ST. lot 6th i 7th, S.

F. CaL I Tna Largut of In kind Intbe World. I aro coatinuallj aiMing di-v ipeclmcni. II 11 ff Come and leara huw wonjcrlully you are mails I an 4 how to sii-kucas mud Ifjoa 1 I luflcr (rota any of 100 ills of mcD. come to the Specialist oo the Pacific Coast, DR.

JORDM-FRITATE DISKASES ConxulUttoo aud itHetW private. Trralmcnl prrioo- mllyorbj inter. ihoroualily erulicalej from the Iritem without using Muroury, EVERT HI ATI aiipltii.g to Hi will RoelTa an Aonejf opinion of lilt complaint. will CuroalM a POSITIVE CUBE rasa we undrrtake, ortnrtt.H Oon Iknllurs. write for of lilarriace, mailed paia.

(A valuable bnnk for men. DR. JOItDAN A 0. ,1051 MarUotSL S. F.

FONTENROSESc FONTENROSE General Insurance Agents SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Fire, Life and Accidental Policies written In the best of Local, Eastern and Foreign Com- panies. Title Searching and Abstracting a specialty. General Conveyancing and Notarial work. Court Commissioner of the Superior Court of Amador county.

Office in Marella Building, no! 7 COURT STREET, JACKSON. Hotel Business for Sale. THE UNION HOUSE BUSINESS, situated on Main street. Jaokson. is offered for sale with all furnitures and fixtures complete The house contains 20 sleeping rooms bar, dining room and complete equipment in every way, and recently refitted throughout.

Doing a gooc business, rooms all filled. This is an excellent opportunity for any person wishing to engkge in lha hotel business. Good reasons for wish- ing to sell For particulars apply to F. Sim- etch on tho premises. J.

H. LANGHORST Main Street. Jackson mmm watches, clocks nmm AND SILVERWARE All goods warranted as represented Repairing of watches, Clooks and jewelry a specialty. E. MARRE BRO.

Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in Imported and Domestic JACKSON CAL. DISTRIBUTING AGENTS FOR J. F. MAR tell Cognac, Moet Chaudon. White Seal and Private Cuvee Champagne; Morgan Puerto de Santa Maria Sherries: Royal Wine Company, Oporto, Port Wines; Dubos Freres, Bordeaux, Clarets and Sauternes CANADIAN CLUB WHISKY.

Hiram Walker Sons, Lim- ited, Walkerville. Ontario, Canada: Johnde Cotterdam, Gin; Gilka Kuem- mel, from J. Gilka, Berlin; Barthloomay Brewery Company, Rochester, N. Knicker- bocker Beer; Dogshead: Brand of Guinness' Stout and Bass' Ale (bottled by Read London) Cantrell Cochrane, Belfast, Ginger Ale; Naglee Brandy; Reimported American Whiskies. ALL kinds of Blanks for U.

S. Land Homestead, Timber and Mineral may be had at the Ledger office also deeds mortgages, mining locations, proof of labor and other legal blanks kept for sale Ledger's Clubbing Ledger and Dally Call, one year.s 9 00 Ledger and Weekly Call one year 320 Ledger and Daily Chronicle, one ea -900 Ledger and Weekly Chronicle, 1 oneyear 360 Ledger and Weekly Chicago In- ter-Ocean 250 Ledger and Cosmopolitan Maga- zinc, one year. -2 75 Ledger and McCall's" 1 year, including free -2 50 The above Rates are Strictly In Advance. paSMvn J- GO, TO THE iliBffll! breXd a. OIL PORTO I We also keep a large stock of Staple GROGERIES Our Speciaitr-Fresh 2 except Sun.

OnYourWay it: I On round trip tickets, sold at be sure that you 1 STOP i for a few days Portland to visit the interesting "I Lewis Clark I Exposition The greatest railroad trip of the year. Wonderful scenery, I 1 latest cars and best service. Ask about low, rate i East, sold on certain dates In 2 August and September. I SOUTHERN PACIFIC X' STOCKTON, CALi" GOFER PRACTICAL HORSESHOERS jft MAIK KEAB NATIOKAL HOTEL If" Particular attention paid to Interfering Stumbling, Over-reaching. Cross-Firing.

Quar- 1 ter Cracks, and all Imperfections of the Buggy and Carriage Work Prompt- Agents for Buggies, Carts and other vehicles at lowest prices. ALL WOBK OUAEAHTEED. CHABOES BEASONABLE. janl-tf TELSPHOHE 401. DAILY STAGE LINE JACKSON and EL DORADO J.

Stelncr. Proprietor. 2 Leaves Jaftcson every morning at 7:30 a. arrives at Plymouth 10:30 a. Leaves Plymouth at Ip.m.; arrives at El Dorado p.

m. 1 8 Leaves El Dorado 7:15 a. arrives at Plymouth 11 a. m. Leaves Plymouth at 2p.

m. arrives in Jackson at Sp. m. 5 Jackson. National Hotel 5 ter Creek, American Exchange; Ama- 2 dor City, Amador Hotel Dry town, Ex- 2 change; Plymouth, Forest Prompt delivery of packages.

T- This line connects with passenger trains to and from Placer vi lie. THROUGH FARE Fifty pounds of baggage free. If You Want Good Health DRINK NOTHING BUT Steam Beer BEST BEER IN THE WORLD Made from pure Hops and Malt SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA. my 29 Fine Sample Commercial Rooms. Travelers Bouse Amador Hotel S.

J. Pearce, AMADOR CITY CALIFORNIA. The most excellently appointed hostelry in Amador County, -HOT AND COLD BATHS- A bar in connection supplied with the choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 112 RATES REASONABLE..

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