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St Helens Mist from St Helens, Oregon • Page 5

St Helens Misti
St Helens, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FATAL ACCIDENT RMldriil of Scappoose and vlclnllv aliuckutl Saturday afternoon Mrs. llluiiclie Kimlorl Crowder, bride ot only fw months, wuh the a 8- ki nonr tliu residence of Robert IcKuX. 01,0 mlle nortn tow- Mr Crowilcr was wanting on tno 10 Blop JUMl r6 n'uelili'K treutlo und tuui lUCk toward her lioinu. llulliK deuf could mil have hoard the on- oDiluK Hpnclnl, and a it there curve in the truck hIiu could io but Bliort distance. Tliu rain whistled repeatedly und iteverul lK)pl0 muile strenuous efforts to get rtiUcntlmi- Tho emergency brakes miiillcd, but nil offortu fiillnd, nd the wuh hurled Into tlio air and iruck second tliiiH.

coroner' Jury, ompanehid onday iilKl't by C'oronor T. B. While, the engineer. Annlo llliuiclio Knxlor was born In Nrbrukku May 8, 1891, nil (I wan to Wlllluni A. Febru- 1917.

Deceased wuh tlio duugh-ttot Malilmw and Kmmu lloyd Eng-rt. Slio tiiil lived In tlila iiflftli txir-uvi many your and possessed a julilo ami kind disposition, utlruct-n lha ulli'iitluii of ull her frlrndn 7 tier afltM-t Ion fur pot and her caro of them. Funeral services wero hold at tlio uiiKri'Kiit lomil church on Tuesday' aomliiK, conducted, In tlio absence Cantor JoluiHton, by Rev. Taylor Helens, assisted by Mra. May K.

MclHl. TnuchlliK IIIUhIc WUH ren-invi hy a unrt)'l composed of It. A Nlldork. Mix Helen Wutts, Miss Jiiliimton and Miss Lylo A lart concourse ot friends followed lie Wiirn'ii cemetery, whore the My laid to rent by tlio side of father, who win hurled only few weeks aK0. t0wer symbolizing tle clm and of miiy fr(U W(Jre l0I)(jHr bunked upon tlio gruve.

Tho henrtfelt sympathy of tliu en-tiro community goes out n. .1...1.... afflicted mother, Mm. Emma Englort and to tho devoted brother to tho kind and loving husband whose nomo 1h now broken and to tho uliv-lor. Allcouiid luiHliund (Mr.

und Mrs. William Wuybourne) who hastened from Vuncouver, 11. to bo of comfort und aHHlHtanco. ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY.

TULY 27, 1917 ALL WILL BE CALLED TO SERVICE In tho current home of tho Saturday KvenhiK Post Samuel lllytho says: "If thlH war continued for two or three tlio WuHliltiKton Idea In thrno yeara It will mean that all of every one will he working for tho Kovernmont to tho limit of each cupublltty. In an orKunUatlon thut will Imvo no tliotiRbt of Individual comfort, of Individual rKht, but wll Imvo tho nolo and compelling thought of aorvlco aervlce aervlce In thU buiiiiiOHH of wr.r, which Iiuii affected un, bo far and moxlly, In an Indirect manner. It luat two or throe youra und thero will not be an effect ive person who will net bo directly In Itn aervlco, oiio way or Thlu Ih a very good description of tlio condition in France and Knglutul toduy, wliero they liavo learned thut every Intllvlduul iiiuhI nerve to his utmost. Uermuny with its military rutocrucy was the first nation to bring every power of the nation into Jtno for war. To preservo democracy and popular govern ment It Is very necessary that tho people under popular governments unite In the name way.

FOR GOOD PLUMBING COME TO ME PLUMBING, STEAM HEATING and SHEET METAL WORKS I also carfy a full line of Stationary Wash Tubs and Bath Room supplies. One of my specialties is Steam Heating and Fitting. R. CONSTANTIN St. Helens, Oregon CAN WHILE YOU CAN VK IIAVK A UUUiK HITPI.Y OK Fruit Jars Jelly Glasses Self Sealing Masons Qts.

and V2 Gal. Economy Jars Self Sealing Widemouth Masons Yt Gal. Economy Covers, Self Sealing Lids and Covers, Mason Caps, Jelly Glasses, Mason Rubbers and Mason Rings. Exclusive Agency in St. Helens for No-Rub-' bing Washing Powder.

ST. HELENS MERCANTILE CO. Phone 80 If you don't trade with us we both lose money 'OBJECT LESSON ON PROPER FARMING Kvory farmer ahould have one or jHeveral cows. If for no other reason ithan to aupply him with milk and butter. Hut there ore other reasons, idoop-seuted ones that involve the ew'nomlca of ugrlculturo.

The dalry-j lug community is Invariably prosperous. Itolryliig Is a cron il.nt llet full, becuuse the element of speculation is eliminated. In the furmer'a acquiring a dairy herd, the buslnoss man tlie country banker this time lies an oimortunitv to supplement good advice with something more muterlal. And it is reully tho duty of the banker to help the honest, cupable and Industrious farmer to obtain the results that may be cashed In for the welfare of the entire community. A farmer came to his bunker to ask for a loun of 500.

The banker knew the man's furm waa mortgaged to tho limit. Yet a few years before tlio farmer had had money enough to purchase his pluco and put some In the bank besides. "Your system of farming must he wrong," tho banker told the farmer. "I know It Is," replied the farmer, "but I know of no other way." "Toll you what," auid the banker, "I'll make that loan 1.000. of J500, If you will do as I tell you." And the farmer hesitatingly agreed r.fter hn liitard tlm 1...

I. Today, tho mortgage has been lift ed rrom his farm, and he has money fiarnlng Interest in the bank of his friend whoBe business astuteness read aright tho reasons why his farm ing system did not pay. The $1,000 went toward the nur. chaso of the nucleus of a dairy herd and tho appurtenances necensarv tn operate a modol dairy. A little ap plied nusincss emclency In maintaining only real producing cows and the result was foreshadowed.

The farmer not only benefited, but tho banker also received his reward. PORTLAND MARKETS The receipts for the opening market were about normal for this time of the year. In view of the stock conditions throughout the country, being 1,250 cattle, 1,200 hogs and 800 sheep. Cattle The cattle market opened draggy, with a prospect of a 25 to 50c cut, which developed to a 26 to 75c cut before the close of the market. The run of cattle was on the whole better than the previous week Including several carloads of high bred Hereford and Shorthorn steers.

The percentage of well-fliilshed beef stuff In the yards was somewhat increased over lust week's offering. The yards were emptied of all marketable stun" except some poorly bred southern stock cattle which were held over in spite of a fairly active market late In the afternoon. The feature ot the cattle market was a carload of beautiful whlte-fuced feeders, weighing about 700 pounds, being almost uniform In size and contour. The prices paid are standing about as follows: Tone of market, draggy, 25 to 50c; best beef steers, $8.60 to god beef steers, $7 to best beef cows, $5.50 to $8.50. ordinary to good cows $4 to best heifers, $5.50 to bulls, $4.60 to calves, $8.60 to stocker and feeder steers $4.60 to stocker and feeder cows, $3.50 to $5.50.

Hogs The bog market opened strong and active, with a demand ex ceeding the supply, which resulted In springing the price back to the old figure of $15.60 for tops. This means an advance of 15 to 25c over last week's prices. The top price was for eastern Oregon and Durocs, which wero very satisfactorily finished for this time of year. Quotations now stand as follows: Tone ot market, strong, 15c to 3 5c higher; light hogs, $15.30 to heavy hogs, $16.40 to mixed hogs, $13.26 to $13.76. Sheep There was nothing out ot the ordinary In the sheep market; the annual decllue continuing and the sales moving oft rather promptly at tho following figures: Lambs $11.00 to $11.50.

LIST OF TRANSFERS Reported by the Columbia County Abstract Company. July 19 Northern Brewery Company to Henry Uoehmke et al; land In Clutskanle, $10. July 20 Benson Timber Co. tc Dan Westllnd; land In Soc. 28, T.

7 H. 4 $400. July 21 Oscar Wlrkkala et al. to Clutskanle State Bank; land in Sec. 11, T.

4 R. 4 $1,666. Oscnr Wlrkkala et ux. to Clats-kanie State Bank; land In Sec. 11, T.

7 R. 4 $4,000. Laura W. Baxter et al. to M.

F. Sominarstroni; lnnd In Columbia City, $10. U. P. Lane ot ux.

to John Dicker-son et land In Sec. 28, T. 5 R. 4 $80. Dubois Lbr.

Co. to Oregon-American Lbr. land in Sees. 1. 2, 8, 7 and 10.

T. 4 R. 4 and land In Soc. 27. T.

6 R. 6 $2000. July 23 Columbia County Invest ment Co. to William Fraser; lots 19, 20, 21, 22, eBaver Homes, $725. July 24 W.

B. Potter et ux. to Chas. N. Sodor; land In Sec.

32, T. 4 H. 2 $10. Julia M. Sutherland ct ux.

to Gcor-glunna Davoy; land in 8ec. 30, T. 8 It. 4 $1000. S.

M. Mnnn to First National Bank; land tn Sec. 2, T. 3 H. 2 $1.

July 26 C. II. Henry to William T. Hlnson; lot 18, blk. 2, Columbia Park, $1.

William Hlnson to C. II. Henry; lots 8, 9, 10, 16, 16, 17, blk. 10, Railroad Add, $1. A LETTER FROM ONE OF OUR BOYS Interesting Incidents of IJfe Are Itwited.

Navel Contonment, Mare Island Navy Yard, July 16, 1917 To the St. Helens Mist: I have always Intended to write a letter to the St. Melons Mist but have never done so, nevertheless I always have my St. Helens friends In mind. I am surely well pleased with tho navy, and I am not at all sorry I joined it.

It is a fine place for any young follow and an education In Itself for them. Undo Sam believes In giving us a good chance, and furnishes us with the best of eats and amusements. We have a beautiful chapel here on the island, where we can attend religious services without going ashore. We have also moving pictures and various other cmusemonts. The drills aro fine and our work is not as hard as most peoplo im-ugino it is.

Wo lire now In our new cantonment, and it is quite convenient considering the large number it has to accommodate. Wo surely do learn how to wash and keep our clothes In good shape, which I suppose our mothers will appreciate when we get back. Our sleeping quarters are comfortahlo, they being hammocks, but I wouldn't care to fall out, as I would have quite a distance to fall. There Is a splendid Y. M.

C. A. camp at Vnllejo, and at this camp we are mado welcome, and In tho library wo are at liberty to use what stationery we wish. We get shore liberty three times a week. I often go to the Presbyterian church, where they always make an enlisted man most heartily welcome.

It seems like being in St. Helens when we go there. They also furnish stationery for our benefit. I can truthfully that I am glad that I went into the navy when I did, and that I am in ll to do my best and get all I can out ot it, for I know there is a great education in It for i.nyone. 1 heartily appreciate the Interest my many friends have tr.ken in me, both In writing to me and Inquiring about mo, and I hope I nip.y always provo a friend to all.

When we left St. Helens the mayor gave each of us a letter which I consider an honor for us to have. It has helped me r.lrandy, and I am safe In saying thnt In has the good will of all the boyo that hold the letters. I have been slow about writing to him, but you oil know I am slow, however better late than never. Well, if I don't quit the editor will to add an extra page to the Mist, so wishing one and all success In the future, I am Truly yours, GEORGE J.

PRINGLE. NOTICK TO OONTRACTOK8 SEALED PROPOSALS, addressed to tho County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, at St. Helens, and endorsed "Proposals for Improving the following roads and bridges In Columbia County, OreRon, towit: WELLS-LABEIl ROAD from 8ta 0 to 10 plus 80, In Road Dint. No. 6.

North Bank Bridge over Nelialem River, near Andrew Nelson's, In Road Dist. No. 8. will be received by said County Court until 2 o'clock p. m.

August 3, 1917, and not thereafter, and at that time will be publicly opened and read. All proposals must be made upon blank forms to be obtained from the Road master at his office at St. Helens, must give prices, both in writing and in figures, and must be signed by the bidder, with his address. Plans and specifications are on file and may be examined In the office of tho County Clerk. Each bidder shall deposit with his bid a certified check, cash or a surety bond for an amount of at least five per cent of his bid, payable to the County Clerk, which shall be forfeit ed to the County, in case the award Is made to him and ho shall neglect, fail or refuse, for a period of five days after such award is made, to enter Into a contract and file the required bond.

The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. R. 8. ATT AN, County Judge A. E.

HARVEY, Commissioner JUDSON WEED, Commissioner H. E. ABRY, Roadmaster 31-2 A. F. BARNETTCounty Clerk.

Lost or Strayed One red Jersey cow, hole in right or left ear IS head of Hol-steins from calves to 2 years old, D. T. C. on right hip four brown Jersey cows and two six- months-old heifers. Reasonable reward for in formation.

Phone DAVE COONS DIET AND DISEASE "Beware ot giving your children too much pasteurized milk, proprietary food or even cereals to the exclusion ot brown bread and butter, stewed fruit or roasted apple, and a little ment once a day," writes Dr. Beverley Robinson of New York In giving' a warning note about rickets in the New York Medical Journal. Ho adds that ho Is "considering especially children two or three years old who are healthy and vigorous unless rickets develops unawares by-reason of faulty dietary." And he quotes tho following from Osier: "Like scurvey, rickets may be found in the families ot the wealthy under perfect hygienic conditions. It is most common In children fed on condensed milk, tho various proprietary foods, cow's milk and food rich In slnrchos." OFFICIAL DRAFT LIST WILL BE HERE SOON (Continued from Page 1) the local board has not received full Instructions. As soon as such Information Is received this paper will give to the public tho full data.

Following is the unofficial list ot numbers drawn: Quota First Call 40 Men 258 Volney Abraham Mercer, Deer Island. 458 Ward H. Cahlll, Neversttl 854 Christ Chloues, Portland (registered Spltzenberg precinct, Columbia county). 1006 Lok Erik PorBon, Wirron. 783 Orvllle D.

Garrison, Scappoosa 1117 Carl F. Trachsel, Sctppnose 676 John Anderson, Rainier. 275 Elmer Dodson, Deer Inland. 609 John Loonard Hossa, (julncy. 1185 Louis W.

Boesel, Warren 337 Athanasos G. Dlmos, (Joule. 664 Harry Overholt, Mayijer. 945 Richard D. Neff, St.

Helens. 596 John A. Lemoney, Rainier. 636 Albert Erickson, Inglis. 54 8 Andrew R.

Hossa, Quincy. 126 Wm. H. Laurence, Clatskanie 784 Fred R. A.

Wist, Scappoose 755 Roy W. Tousend, Rainier. 107 RalTaele Variant, Firwood. 616 Curtis Ray, Prescott. 373 Louis Lakln, Eugene (registered precinct Marshland).

775 Edgar E. Robertson, Rainier. 486 Jorgen Rodset, Kerry. 692 Pearlio C. Brant, Rainier.

600 Joaquin Miller, 810 Roy V. Marcott, Scappoose 607 E. F. Hendrickson, Quincy. 309 Ernest John Fowler, Gohle.

437 William Simmons, Kerry C04 Nels I. Nordqulst. Prescott. 43 Bulgarelll Domenico, Portland (registered Beaver Falls- precinct, Columbia county). 11066 Frederick Adams, St.

Helens. 924 Walter Domeyer, Portland (registered precinct 1, Columbia county). 420 Martin T. King, Mist. 1014 John B.

Whalen, St. Helens. 1178 Edward R. Hyskell, Warren. 514 Walter W.

Ferguson, Mayger. 433 Dan Nelson Pajovlch, Mist. 10 Paul Emll Graunitz, Apiary. 1045 George E. St.

Helens. 1 1031 Herbert W. Lane, St. Helens. 487 Marko Smoljurvch, Kerry.

1797 H. N. Miller, Scappoose. 140 John Wesley Turner, CU-tska-nle. 432 Bob Poropot, Mist.

18 Felix John Girt, Rr.lnler. 652 Claus Swanson, Rainier. Following Are Subject to Call lMer 927 William H. Simmons, St. Helens.

739 Ninion E. Lovelace, Rainier. 601 Wilbor B. Miller, Prescott. 1146 Jacob G.

Baker, Warren. 1103 Elijah Wm. Martin, Houlton. 606 Ray E. Bishop, Prescott.

182 W. T. Evenson, Clatskanie. 513 John Sippo, Mayger. 46 Slsto Salvatorl, Rainier.

1020 Burrell P. Graves, St. Helens. 1099 Claude Rathbun, Yankton. 223 Johnny Biggs, Clatskanie.

117 Ernest Johnson, Firwood. 602 T. H. Williams, Prescott. 390 Oscar Leo Jones, Mist.

75 Charles Moreland, Clatskanie. 772 Jerry Preston, Rr.lnler. 721 Anton Rainier. 786 Paul Kenahig, Scappooce. 280 Koura Koller, Deer Island.

972 John H. Beaver, St. Helens. 983 Parasa John, St. Helens.

757 William J. Burns, Rainier. 966 W. E. Brasmer, St.

Helens. 868 Frank Lignarskl, Scappoose. 332 Ewald Heia, Goble. 379 Gust Engholm, Kerry. 54 2 Frederick C.

Klnnuney, Quincy. 194 Arnold Gordon Osburn Davey, Eagle Cliff. 874 Raymond O. Wolt, Aumsvllle. 652 Frank Jarvi, Quincy.

298 Walter F. Lengascher, Goble. 675 Louis E. Anderson, Rainier. 1148 Oscar A.

Erickson, Warren. 343 Stanley H. Thomas, Goble. 982 George Wolz, St. Helens.

726 Elmer P. Cook, Rainier. 15 Edward Mcllen. Anlary. 905 Ardolt Gnelchl, St.

Helons. 933 Frank L. Walker, St. Helens. 452 Wm.

H. Harter, Neverstil. 355 Emll Bands, Kerry. 530 Albert E. Hauko, Quincy.

108 F-ll Bachelor Flat FOR FIRE INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE FARM LOANS SEE Harold P. Ross Bank Bldg. St. Helens, Ore. NOTICE Bids for repairs on School House, grounds, fences, of Dist.

36, Columbia County, will be received up to and including the 15th of August, 1917. For details and specifications apply to Calvin M. Mufford, Goble, Ore. The right to accept or reject any or all bids is reserved by the Board of Directors of said district. F.

NORTON 3 2-3 Clerk. The Peninsula Shipbuilding Company launched Its fourth ship Sunday afternoon. HOMESEEKERS, ATTENTION. The Sunny Bank Acreage tract near Scappoose, Oregon, is just the thing for gardening and small dairy ranching, in tracts of five acres or more at $50 per acre and up, Is now on the market. Fine view, good, rich soil; terms to suit purchaser.

Inquire at Mist office, or write I. G. Wikstrom, owner, Scappoose, Oregon. 2S-tt NOTICE I have recovered all of my lost horses with the exception of one black mare four years old, weight about 1100 pounds, small white spot on hip near stifle joint; and one mare colt about four months old, black and large star in forehead. Any information regarding the whereabouts of these animals will be rewarded.

TONY BARBER, Scappoose, Oregon. 809 Meier Ovason, Scappoose. 1114 James E. Huffman, Vernonla. 645 Walter T.

Ford, Rainier. 218 William L. Cole, Clatskanie. 620 Louis Pullos, Prcacott. 550 Loui Mattson, Quincy.

1009 Jack Dalbll, St. Helens. on me BEST FOR OREGONIANS WILLIAM J. SHEEHY Special Agent.

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