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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 1

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


All It'liiy Promptly Krpnl.rO -An Ksdllnff Of. a. la IB. llour Thi' Klll-BBBtai III" BaM Mr. Ilrwlll Bontli urn.

Ilea MM Klrrlornl UttfltOTOKi Wbi 2f. To dny lins ihOWB imii i iy that tin' DaaoonM who favor SU IbtiMl'Tiittf '-liiiiutt niunti.r loco t.noua'li Uo- fiwt tii" epwiti though it look boom Ubm to do Iftfnilfl Ihll tart, WhB UM opaBOtfi lliia klM flr-t VOtOOl BBT OOMflQVOAOl WBB tn tli.i Bdintt mi't a lOMlotot IbtmttOM that Mr. BpriBgOI hMl pr. In Bin blind eoal Mob timt tome tarrlblo oihunlti Impending' Mr. Bnnhi ind Mr.

Kolley ix.tii Marled, nnd wen nnunarlly rebokotl byoa llmoat ootid part roto the othor oldo. It mil in' latBoMlhto I'itii'T foi tii" ttllbiartorlna" Noinoot to onm Iholf point, 01 lot Iho DopnbU" Mnoto mln Democratic vi-- enough to pro-rent iho DoflMCfoof from biii.mittiiiu wimt it Ihooool hf Ml vi valid ubjc-tiuus pruvulod fur Hi" Mil. Hi -li wm tli ronl mi-nnlnc of tii" first tmllof. itaod 1M to 117. mtil.

BtMBflSlf BBOBate, eU'ii tho vote ob tho moiortty it it Hi" roOOM WM CBtrlod on H.iiur Iny lift r- noon. Mmiy DoBMcratlo MoprenoBtntlTtB who favorud dilatory Lt dtoidodly oonfl teal nnd Bptlftod over Ihtt vote, they or no i Uiat they bt.i.i oso tty when tin-y did on laturvlay, nnd intonded ihnt Iho boom Btronxtfc Would stick throtuyh Ihloh au I th'n. lu Ihll hn watt wotully do olooil, Tin "bio. Uoni "i Mr. sj.i ingcrwemthoa road la duo torn, While thin tntereotlng ooronony vriw going on.

ii llvoly dlaloguo Murrod botwoon hoUWOB Hi MM How iti mi I BOB! In tii" of tii" Hooao, Thoy won wrangling out tholf dlfforonoaa, nn'i itlralatod ogoltodly. Mr. Hewitt, in his 'I tormlnodi lorotblo way. was ooa tending thai he wat iuotlfled in lapoaohlBg hit aeeodato, Whilfl Mr. Hoar contracted his ayobrowi and oawod Um air la Ingto atria.

There woo another by-play mum ilgnil! 'ant thun thin. Charley footer! Who in urryiu tho buT'imi cf Ihe Incoming admlniotratloB on hlg Bhouldrrn, wt'iit 1 I ly in auionn tlio Democratic ii hobnobbing with tho r. utlmrn mou. and Car Baling of T.xhh an 1 livy of Louiaiuna apw-ial Thn mnmro-r Irom liouislauu iliil 1. 't, hOWOrOTi thow dlt position to bor down to false gods, and Fuatcr khvo up the missionary Foster bus an far ihOWB ri'markable per-liston'W In aascrtlnK thai Hayi'S will Introduce Bliboral policy toward Uie South, but hodooa not with any overwhelming sympathy from Hale, Frye, and Uuiflcld.

Thoy eoum to think he Is laying it on too thick. Th Pennsylvania ran for two hours ind covered every topic of the Presidential mudJlo, from J. Madison Wells to Joe Bradley and many of the Keninernti" members, who had not previously protected, took this opportunity 10 put themselves rik'ht uu the record by opening butteries oguiust tho ll turning Uoard. Spooohee were delivered by Messrs. Kelloy and itouger of Pennsylvania: Chittenden.

Town-laud, and llcebo of New York Bealea of XeSM Davis of North Carolina; HardOBhorgh Ol Hew lorooy Springer and Oanlfleld of Illinois of Missouri and Poppl 'ton of Ohio. Aside from tho usual partisan rhetoric, sev-Irul new features were introduced by way of Illustration. Mr. Davis of North Carolina, while quiet as the truo Demoerntl poliey, apttr netted the stmr of Solon, and the two mothers who were laying Holm to a child. Borne In Congreaa.

he tald, wanted tiie yhlld ootln two and divided between the son lending (actions, but be sa favor of lotting BMB nave ir Pi'sldentinl Infnnt Pv this eoura" the Remocrticy would prove Itaell Hi" pua mother "i an 1 patrloaau. preferring that tiie sp ill-' and should go 'he wrong olaTnmnt ruthor then that the country thould hi hi, lit with dlaeenaloni and drtveB into anarchy, 'liny WOUld guard the child Ir en further dish' tier, nnd r. gn.n the property in due Mi. lh be from the i lauses of the bill whn piovide ir lit. rtniu-lag the true and Count itUtlOBU TOteO of the Sim.

and thowedtba Indecency oi trying to meet these provialona by ssu tin uu eunf eased corruption, Mr. ktoalen, after a bittertirude upon lb immlUyuoi at in tii- Proald nttoaeealait ount in bgutalana. ,1 tiie villainy of J. Hadia el III ov tho following lOplot fiout Uuloridge: Tie river Rhine. It Uwrl! I nnwn, llulh wb-Ii uureltv tit Uwloraai Hut I'll Wiai (...

ill vine shall livntviurUi Mah tat rim niiuiot Mr. Poppb'trin. however, aappod th cllninv by sending to the deal to be a lns part of lua remarks on the Pennsylvania else-lion tiie ipepeh 01 Got, Hnyoo to bin frlendo nt Fremont TheCterk road ft In his heavy, mo-notoiious voice, thus making tic lliinsy sound rldleuloua, The pemocrnue do was eonvuisod with darlaive ktugbtur iu the reading ol the ipeecb proi ded, and the (to lubli'-ans were Qoeidedly nettled by the flip I'snt uttoraneea ol their candidate. They have 'U hard lit Work all day trying to explain away or tttUffb off tbofollyol tins speech, but iind lt big job. It in rognrdud an rthyto be bound with bo I fforu- tie1 preoenl -olive.

It was during' ih" rambling debab' i Penn-sylvania that Mr. Hewitt gained tin II ---r. mil renewed tb" atui-'k ui-'ii Mr. Hour. The Dutno-i-rats crowded into the area in front of the bpeuker's desk, and th was riven from uil partioitho Houoe and tho gai-eriea.

lly iiocldeut. Mi. II -in- had ijuit his Seiit 'list before, and sauntered oyer In" Ben-nbi side, so that Mr. Ile itt bad llrst tpexpreaa ins regret that the gOBtlemaB who had en tviirii' was not present to hear the Indictment It-i'Tring to Mr. Honrs reply on Saturday, he said that it had lieen coiilession nnd avoid-Bneow'1 Honr had tried to -k- out tho loxs skin with the UoBO hid" by reaortlng to bravudo afu-r argument and cunning had fall'-d.

Hg then read two i -solutions, wl Inn had I sub- mlttod to til mmiaalon by Judge Almott. one providing an tmiuiry into tin' urlodl UOB Ol lh" it'-tiiruing Board, and ti ther tor Invuatl- gating the churgea Into triiudul' iit afll davits. Forgery, and bribery. On both Iheeu ro)olu-iloiiH had voted in the negative, Strongly In oontrual wltli tho 'ioua promiai inn -liess and d- s-r" Tor fuatlee and i glituuusni -i whi-'li ho had held out iii his apeeohso, II" had foriin-rly Bpoken "I the commissUgi -c being Notned witn judicial powers, win ho hud afterward ueuied when i-mty Ih-ii'-iiim entered In warp his iudgmeut benaation was created as Mr. his exact words from the Kecord, TbureWHOlio Hu.t nl iol laoffuago uian condemuatlon of Irand pronoun Oil In th" Jlelkn up trnd.

but th author 1 1.1 ii- longer bo regtirdod as ii mrslel of lofty stat.r-Dianship. ib-sanim Hllbalunon teat bad faith must not bo met with bod la th. Tim Demo. erati" party is the pally of law nnd It Btuot not repudiate the ysult roBuhod, however eonlrary to all juslim' and lair dealing. Toe soiiut must pi The ileiuo-'rn -y could as-Bert its claims with confidence beioru thu people and the bone of a higher tribunal.

In a 'Ir. Hoar returned to the i oi what hie antagonist had tmd of in ii. nee, rooe to reply. He xonerated Mr, ii- from attacking him to his back as that gentleman had given him -lit on U. i.

luidiate tho "barge of roken faith In sulistauiiallytho sanio language as was used by linn on haturduy. Without meeting the charge, he sdi fitly i iok the opposition to task for upbraiding Uieoommlsalou In Sooldlng for State rlghta HaH nsl Fsileral Inter-J-renee. He "from Philip drunk to rhllip sober." Prophecy was not one ol II," urn -t aolenoaa, but, na Uiu oiln-r si.l" hud lrophasled that Hi" country would Ihe lt'ipubln an party and the eight Commissioners for their work, bo would propnea) truit MO UeolaloB rendered for years would give the eounlryauuh laating antiaiHCtion or bo nipre In harmony Urn put uud iuturu uf tlOIUO-oraua Ideal, '1'iie vole was taken on Pennsylvania. at three "lock, and cnrrled adverauly by 1ST to 119, The Senute, wnloh bad bean III a Condition of Uspulldod aniinalioii for vh dismal hours, was culled Upon, an lis Morion and Hher-man and Blirifent BUUirud, there Were brj'ad in, iriis of wi ath on tln-ir "ouiltenillievo, I 'ii lielng in a inrilonle frame of mind. Peun- Ivlveina th.

-a given to Jlnvs. lihndu island was promptly ehullengud in Mr. 0 ill inn vitii obiuctlous tin- of lorHlnlur tl i hud ail" 1 is, nnd tho Seimtii W' lil Into lemporury i i This was thotiniu II th" si u'i i obatruetloubiUi, nnd lliey were ill Ihe II olltu with motion for i' Until bi-morrow morning. II lll'ilr JuUi "ii ill fuiuroof the dtti could be sus-lelheil, Ihe)-" Would On no doUM of victory in 'hi bi -j t. I possib'y in others to follow, In, I lie imide HlfellUlllia eXOrtloOi to cniry their point It wua soon evlui nt.

however, Unit in- were more than matched by the inou'iriite J'lng, Alt -i all then- en bad brought Iho p-iul you, at'd 170 bJ tii rwwui, th nubdUntlialnff whnt hnn MM foro an to Uio uunnjrioal of Dun BW- ttuu. TltO MORB HTATKH COVSTKt. The FJIslhllltr nf KJrciors fWi PfniiHwl nl i. nil It U- 1-1 tin- il. AV miiNOTOV, Fob.

20. Th6 HOUM inotat 10 o'eloek, but it wf nmriy II befow wm pro modod wttlutko intTiil beUuiooa-aiMd in a oaU of lha Bohm mUI 1a votim by yoas nnl nnyn on tli uii'Htin whether Ihe tflkV tllBOIIf lalten IIih tli Iri- lltficoe of tho Hi nine In thoniiiflOl thn r-nnny1-vnnfn eleOtoTi Itotrn. nii'lt0ll. Inntnl of Du il J. Korrelli should ritAt Tim Booit itf id'-d, 133 to no.

that it should be read, and it wan arordlaai? nadi nil Kelley (Bapoi Pan) olterod a resolution that the vote ol Dowjbi ihoald io ooanted, end Mr. Btenaef Pa) fTorotl nii.tntituto that it should not be Mr. KWlfy Bald that the ObjOO-tiOO wa I' iaad Ofl Dfia dplei no ofton ovorrulod on thn luw that htt Bid of tho House, oould nub-DlltthSqueMloa without din -UHHion. Mr. Hton- K'T tincthi thut uutior tho Oonattftloft aad MM der the lawi or Panaaylfanla Honry k.

Uol's WaS not nntitlod rent )iln voUj as dfMtor. Mr. t'liiitnidon llttdoi N. DrottUd nnli doliytafl iho OOttni Why, WhtlS on tho of ash atadtetoai srlalaaWatt taothaf momrnt Bo would noidi fond the Loalslaaa Mwnlag Boardi bat ha baUsrod that the Bsetotal Com- ould hnvo mnde than it baaniadoi ami ho also thoajght that an ba two-'u Louisiana uud OfSflOtti "liouors ro oany," Mr. Hrnh N.

Titioint-d tho action of the T. Men! in tin eehvtion IW thn vlsitintf roiniuitttvn to Now Orlnuns hu mon mm Mr. Halo of Mlnnouri, tlm nttn-in-law of tho Chair-in an of tho KtublKan Nutional Cominitto: Mr. Qarflstd Of Ohio and nator Hlx-nuan of Ohio. UlS pOtJUoal and frirndn nf Mr.

Hsytjisi and Htnnloy Mattli-wH. tho brother la-law Mr. Hayes. Tins hi I'tmra an SUDterfuSrSi aiolahantt pretest for mi- i tinsonthe Amerloaa people, tu -h pen an if hitd undertaken whiU'Wanh J. Madison Wr'lrt untl thn Loulsfsne R' turnin B'nrd.

Air. Tuoker Va.) to Mr. t'liit-b'ndt'u ruinark that thin wim a trivial if ua Ume had indeed ootne when oonstltutional whh to Ih allod trivial Jt was a Quoatiuu of tho sruudi-'St US rtanxi. Mr. Kv.) dolarnd that th EIw-tral rommlHSion hiul yiohld to tho if nertr.

snd hal beoome the scorn and bjrword all bones! men. Th" majority uf tt members bad vloiaifd th' ir tths. and th'T" wiw no luw to rxmpel eeuulesoenee in their decision. Ths Holier vtould Ih nnrfe'lly juatiflotl in to si ry Ittal and oonxtitutiouaJ ineaua to uiiuul th of this odious ''onimiHnion. Mr.

Howitt N. returned to the rharitn whi'-h hn malo on KatuiMuy i thtriKHl faith of Mr. llar (11 Itsss,) in a- and otintf in ths Klf -tornl Qommisslon at varlan with hin spoo'h in tho HoUBt In oou-cluRii'ii. Mr. Hewitt said: I my fVt.ii)crUr tin hnvr- trite-n.

wlmtlirr wa bIiouM SM rt I'1 imth iih taiUi I untwtT that avr out tit t'u i''' tit- IKn party by a UiaH will ingk mm- t.iuh I Tittt un that niinit. agoiiiiot nit miIi I kirt-w that whutevi-r dui on that roit.itnt-la.- uuld guhjfct to iiuvtiBlrucUon, butwhrul took ntV th.r I 1 a -i I IMnl ink- ciniio' a (tntrtot 1 tried to i1' 1 a itif atura ol lllattOS. in fur the MaSH Sf nil rouiiliy. Wt irfc. tl It Wl hrrniihtU MIS.

It hat t. iirovr by I'oiigli on anl tt tin- tuuuti ail imw thA'lwr plO la ttua ISfSSI toward tho totulo li uf the gn itUit irttliu ever (r ntod Ui a ir a. UrutiM have teu mt with fraittt a m. nn tho elht aid- I I aay It ui sttrs to tha i uf th rountrv and of tlu or. an i thai, hat inar Ih cii che at can an II truot in tiro klvSes and iutn oi dial and in lha diB('ti-iutii and iff UTiuinnUoii uf BI MSfM i in tat nd vjh in 0 and soaunoaon Wc atiit tree hallot tm and a frre prean, and wo are attll a free pompl-- an I so ju-urtt abon fur re olubun, nu)utiTit atin ior civil war can t-ver ariae ainonu a ir'-i uulil they arw dpriki'd ui Uie rmm-dy ui Uiu ualUt-boa- Mr.

O'lirien iMdJ-llow luutf will you bo Iroo if Mr. Haves ao in? Mr tlawlli Cc noMrinw thoj tnWcfTaipOnT To that rmm fMlr I pn ioor reaort. and lhl 1111 1 taa rc-uikd In vain, atthoiuh I am the moat hnmhle SI wmorrib and stoat "au tc ui citirn. I will Im rtade to Inko my arm nnd I ad. it III tmaaf.

Of ratht-r wrtf Ut ttw ISd agalSkt iajUltttC. opi icaMuu, SSd tj rai.n. While Mr. Hewitt wnn ipneklnf he sur rounded by a clrcieol noMiitrm of hotti ptiliti cnl imrtien. and th" svlaon ''h of incrsssing ex cllmont nnl oommotlon were manliest i.

tinn O.rcl and ail th bail atid in tiie frsJlriee. Ah li ilsmdi Mr. Cats (Dem. Win.) msae Inn wmv tnroukb irele nnd. addressina Mr.

HCW tt in an it -d luunie'r, said: YoU have pronouncou the a Uonof tho commission mta mousj a Krns butrsysJ of Hi nildeneu r-'- i 'd in it, a psrversfon ol Isfhl snd iuetlve. lu you now Ijiio itti bs tho duty of mo-ciatato assist lo thsspeody consummation of What you prououncti an QUtrSsToi')' Mr. tt-1 a timt I will yield to It, be.auso I no. oilier lurse ft i ut anarchy. Ml.

.1 I deny it. and I u.s-Tt Hint It in the duty bi Demo rat- to oppose it by even means in tto-ir iowir. It wouitl bo oowsrdioo totlo othr I iroat t-iii' nt and Mr. nia wa) tiir tho olrcle, and with flushed faos andexcitoU inanu exc4simedi atlilri-nriiiu; himself to Sir. Cttta and ui" fomoorats who were opposlna ao quleaenoei Those who denounoe us now iu COWSjruSt Whon the iiii auuu iiltocu years turned iwm-t ui.

TThe oselUiment had Kmwn no int-nno at thin time! rHvivin: rTleotloni ot ih" scenes in the Housi Immediately before the roboUlon, that lit! Hpeaaor feit eaiied upon to Intel yoo. uud to Inslai upon a restorstion of ord--r. Mr. puvis N. 0.) iiiouiitthat aad times luid falh-n uiou tho enttntry wle icnth-iie rt.iiiii d1 dare openly that anything Incur po i iftWtp tho Const it ii' by tho fathers ol tho pepuulbi wan trivial neferring Iho Electoral Commission, ho Mitid that tti" ni "f-ti-iii eould never be answered to (he satis fsion of the people, why it wan thai tiie commission bud admitted evlden tiie ease of Oregoni and had refusnd iii tho easo of Louisiana.

Mr. Beobo N. felt oalled upon to raise his -aiibunn protest sani nsl the in IqultoUS fraud which itwua beinu aUeitiptnd to porpotrat'. Th oommusion had been rained to strip the mantis of fraud from thevotesoi Louisiana, It had bean derelict In Its duties, anl hintorv would mention It in terms of bitter aenuncjsti; n. Ho would, in unuliaten.

1 1 1 -ruit to the dec is ton. merely takriia anapp-'aito the will of tlo i jite, that Irihiinal wiiieh next to that tribunal which governed the- world, wan th most potent in ths oountry, To that tribunal he in disappointment would take his anneal, He rememlwreu how the Jacobinsin ranee, WOO Set Up a punted 0OUrbeAD nn their and. IsaUsJ but a lew shoil weks alter that Kq lt win with the Ho pub) loan paHy. HliVlOg rl-ll'd fr.nid. having to vitalize the putrid careass of a Ilea tiie people would cast Hint party on llieni.

and uii viMt upon it Hi it orn win -h itn tiuud uwi vlohltiott ol jua' ti ho well merited. Mr. Cnulnelu in.) sent to the Clerk desk and had rond resolutions of the Chicago Dei ratio asking lor a new "lection. Mi Italian liorini N. the name of th people of New jersey nnd of their Imperilled libertieSi entered a linn and solemn prutuot uouinsl the decision of ti uuiiuissh n.

Mi. Mo I said that ho bnd voted (or the Kisctnral iii eontluing iii lm nurtlttlity of the five Jutlgee ol the Bupremo Court! but Instead of deciding ouestmni an Juiitfcs, they had deefund an partisans aiei un a imi-ked jury. The majoriiyol tiie eommission id pervried lh truth, nnd liad won for Iteoij moral infamy. Its judtfincnt WUS not law, and no one knew it better than the) Immortal eight, nnd osne tally thu trio which degrsded the su-prewo Court ol the unltod Htatos, To them iMt-longod tho Inglorious ol bringing dtsgraos anon theblgJi ludlelal tribunal of the land, people nhotild remenilsjr that 10- Ksl-: tK had hin I'urell no Jlayn bud inn liradh-y. 5lr.

Bos Mass.) replh lo Mr. ilewm's Spooch.and wan atiplauded by tin -pulih ana. Mr. Hpriugor III.) oluaod the debate with an argument ngiuunt Uio decision of ttio ccwiniufsTon The yute wan then taken on Mr. Btenger's anh stituPi for Mr.

Kolleys resolution, and it wis adopted yens 185. nays 119. Ho Die Rouse duclded that thn vote of Mr. Hoggs nhould not be ei muted, because he whs nut appdiittHj in eon for I ty with the Constitution end laws ol IMunaylYanlSe The punate was uotlned of ths vote nnd of thfl reudlucss of the liousn to ttho Boiiato in ioIqi inetttlng, and at 8:15 the nVntttora eittored ttie hall tiie I look their main an iihlimI. The presiding officer caller the meeting to order, sud.

the action each Houhm having i read, he announced (the two Houses not ha in; uoucurrod otlieni isej tho ot Penn" Ivhuia would be Lounted. Senator Allison, one of (he tellers, thereupon nnnounced that the state ot Ponnsylvauls uad given H'J votes for Mayer; ni Th-icerl ill 'ate from Rhode Inland was then r- ml, showing lour votes for Hay en and Wl or. Xho preshiliitf pnieer having sslted wh thoy therti wan any objectiou to tho utool Uhodfl Is and i noa ted. Mr, llrleii Hi. nn behalf of htm self, Hen itoi-M KeHey sun Oordon.snd Bojri-Reiitntiyes Jt nka, Maekey, BJ Vance of Ohio.

Hunl, rinley, Walllnn, and IHippletoni present ed Ihe t'lito iii; obioctnjUS tu too Vote titvi i ilium Li, biutori TiMt That lha anoi wditam a Masirwsi sot duly sp pflilluMl li lor b) the hUfi- ut Itlerdu IMSSd at Uiu llit-UOII Oi "md StS I Oil Nov 7, OC7H h' uml Dial on! -i i d. itioii ui Uia Fkbtural OiAlUUluWula, aaui SIOWOU Ih' law, rcnjlirtdts fhi oesst sf tse vats of at. W. wtu, of tiie SUle of prvcnSj wm duty SSSfltntiMl flee-lor hy tin' State ot Hhotii- tin ml. nnd tie1 nulutuiion for him of aiini niater wr i i ancoeiMamtionaX Third If.

In anv event wm mSopibSS nt to BomataSj ttia Rltt toral (' of Rttipile I hy arldinx anitltu flfct'ir thorato. It posM onlj sai bfan sons ssocr thn law ao anuomirvd hy aald hkrtnral OnlSiniSjIoS. If aaid issUlss ba tew, aaer sersssst to the iSwi of "aid nuto hv art ii thfl siwortty of tin1 nt' mbari uf aald college, and nol hy the Oirtolaturr irf nut I nutn. The Senate returned tolls etinmlrcr, so that Troth HotineH niiuht 'paraUdy 'Juieiidor and decide upon iho objection. As soon SS order Was restored In thn Tfouae.

Mr. Poppleton off Ohio moved that tho House take a an until 10 o'clock to-morrow morn Ing. Heje. ted. 83 to 178.

Tlio following is tho unintuitive vote; Mi-mm. Ah' Atklna. rf naeVy. n.innlnff.BU'-k'Mirn, Sllao. ii Ho.

Siadlord, 4'aldwt 11 lAlaj. (TVnn (faa1nld, Cato, narhn iKn, Clark (Mo t'ly-nn-r, lotHna, iM.k. ('iwhrann, Ciiwan, Ins, fullr'rioii. I'iM- IK- Suit. 0 Pll Kinh'V.

FoftWy, franklin. Knl rr, OlOTSr, Ilatrla (lla (in HSSDSSf, II SMS. II llouoo, Hum I'll I Hard, Jink. Julian ih hi u. I.mi.

I. Lyfmf, Mm-li, M.0 Mi-ndf, Motrpy. M.rrlo.ii. Mnt' lil. Itrlm.

I'lnllina iMn nifdiliiti. RlSf, Ituldlr, Kohl. ma (NO, I i ii. i. nhriiklrr, Smith (On Southard.

Sparta, Htt iufi-r. Htoiif, Terry, Thomi'Min, Turtov, VaOM (OttlOj. Vanoi iN. i l. II, WmIImik, Walk, Wnloh.

Whim, 14-Itatsa, Wakr, and N. WllttSSal tAla i-ttf. Mr. Wood N.Y.I moved to rooonsidnr the rotfl by whi'-h the 111)040 had refUSOd to take a raoeaSi and to lay that motion on the table. Thfl yeas and nays were or lered, and yeaa.

imj; nays, '7. Mr. O'lit teii Md.) off -red a renolution deelnrina that tiie vote Wililaui H. Klator of Hhob I 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 not Ih ivninlod. Mr.

Eamea H. offered an ssubstltttte roSxaUtlon daewrlnc that the vote of said Hlater nlemld Ut oil tod. Mr. Jenas Pal opened thn debate, nnd dee i red to now by what authority the Kl 1 al Oom miss Ion had made ths two House1 off fcin streptH a mtire addenda to a conspira between a eorrupt Qovernor and a felon lOJUS U' tarniiiaf ltoaro. Ho had lisfennnd lo tie' Oommtsslonor ho hat) Spoken to day (Mr.

Hoar). Thai nvii. tloman bad voted lo exclude evldenee, who. tn lH7i. yotisl to throw out tho yotes ol Qeoiwls li-oanas the Constitution gave power Uonarcss to co b-hind the retnrnSi Itut elrcumstan en altered onson.

Then th were Democratic voUa wlileh were to bo thrown out; now they wew Republleatt votes. Mr. (Utrieti said that ths n-stors and ItetiresenCatlvt who pristonl ni tho oojectlons In the Rhode Islsnd oaso desirin to last the oonsletenev and good faith off Iheiteo publietinn lu Ittilh IbomeM who v.itetl to sustain Ihedeelston ol theElc loral Commission tn the Oregon enne. Tho Rhode Inland OSSS Was tho esaot eon verse of the Oresjon ease, snd the Ro I putilh'nnn, to ln eonsiatent. miisj vote Hti.ta'n Uie lihotlo iHland olijo 'tionn.

The reuil of thn I deetSloM Would Kve only a frail I leal till lo fhe sueeesaful oandtdate for the lr nut y. No law bound him to banten, and hy his Vote to inako su'h a deeiaion Una) and irrev -able. Honor, eonsyejeneei and tiie vol (he Ahhti- eun iH'opIn demanded the eon'rarv. In the di-ehsrsre of liir duly an a Itepres ntntlve he Would do not hint: to consummate irau 1 md The House pracsmted to yotUi the nul-Htb tote oflSred by Mr. Barnes, that tie- vote of the BtatS counted, an I it WSS adopted without a div Sslon.

Mr. wilaon Iowa) offered a reaolutloa notify the Bnato. Mr. Knott offered as a substltuts Hint the uate Ht uotitb-d that the H0U8C will meet tho senate at 10 look to-morrow morn Ina. A point of order bein raised rternlnst Mr.

nott's motion, the Bpesiaef sustaiheu the point of order, and the decision npplsuded, Mr. Wilson's resolution wan then Mooted. Tie Henatom aeoordnik'ly. at l't r-n- tered tie ehsmneri and tho vote of Ithode Ihlnnd aim 'un I an 4 for Hup-a and Wheeler. Tho next oertlfloate opened wnn that from South Carolina authenticated by Oov.

Chjunuer bun, showtna 7 votes or Hayes and Wheeler, It wiw followed by another eertlflcate showing votes for Tllden and Hendricks, with a staw-meat by ihe elortora oxplaininsj the abten -c uf tie Governor authenuoetion. The oWeoaion to the Republican oertlfleate wan presented by Repreaentatlve Uoehrnae, and the objeetion to Uie Di'iiio ruli' iim wsj presented by hvualor TaUt-moii; ihey uxo ub lul-lows: Foot That no h-sat flcrMon wm hrtd in tVnith Pptro. Una tor livoid-nnl Kit i lor. Oi OotWrSl Ao- mhlj irf not liaMiht nriouli'd, a rt iiind hv lllSt SkSjOS 1 Si thr uiiultulion ftjf Uio n-aia-traUnii ui seostl viiiiiJi'd ui ott', wlttioat winch rosiai UiUi.n no valia or Hal rU-etlon nnild bo In Id S. mid Thai tiirro waa mt aiiaUflS la thr SttU of OOMttt OeaioHHAOoM BB IB JBUMilT, lr-i 11 wl I il UIHt ISSreSnar, up aaal Inclualum uia ICHU ui Iletcmbar, laia.

a rri'ir an form of fevorSSaanfl amh a a auaran Utl i lh-1 i nut i- in tie iaoii. Third That tho ivdrral Uov. rnno lit, brioff to and durtn tie- i i ll on Nov 7. Ih7i. au'hority of Law, laUoiwd is si aald Slab', at or tirsff Iho binliss staeaa, artaenmrnta tio Pnitw satra at an bv whose sroavsco thr isllaspe i ut Uia hsht 1 1 aulTVasu waa nivrniott, anil hy roaoun STbiroel sotosal ofJrt'O rltct ttio ws or cosis so h'ui.

Koiirlh--That at Ui imI i lifts place laoaid tt tin rt? Wen "laUomd UllltOO SlatOl l't ttar-haio ibboiBteS ii i i-' tSi brovlaiuSJ ol lccuon hiiJ UllitOtl hiait'it llt M-od Muliiio. i I it nronUlSttolial and vosli that aoid d-( ut ohji. i acood rnvci I.Qtn tn saitibor, oj Utolf iini.oo tii .1 i iO nn Hull, 111 uU'dn un' lit Hit- nn 't t.o nn I llmiai li.rtrU' Uua roccivotl lo On in em Uto Pvpart-un. tu oi Jn-ii as intorivn wan im uiu and in rai ciavtai ibsriautor siiwrass lao du.v itiid votoro oi -md ntitu that a laif rievttos ciHus in t. Ot Baid Mah- on Nov.

7, IH7U Km ii rim! thorv wa net. ttho tal af January. 170, sp to and iaoltVdins ihi loin oi Uvoaaiuar. n7a, ut liiat SlStO Uoil rSlIK nt in iln nUib' oi SuSth racvpl a prolo-sdod Uovori nt -t up violaUon of it. and oi tlo ConoUtuUoa et On- t'nilft HMlusbj i-J-Cittl autlioilly, atid aiiftaiii Kcdt-tal UOOfia ThUUsUniedby John W.

Johnston and W. H. Jt lruuai, benatorH, uud by thirl -ilvo pro sentauyea. 'J'iie Hepiibllesns ObiOOttOaal to UlO DeiUO'TUt-1 Ot rtiflcateS are an loiKiwo: Itrit 1 aacasia arithoi of tsi asrssai saeiad in nti BorUSosai waa duly ai junuud an cliclur fur till Stab' uf South Carolina. Ol i nito lh nf VOSrl hrr not Martini to thtan a rrrtirt" nU im Iho tlovfriior South t'ai otitia, a rruuirtd la bl maul asd annt ard bj ancUosalfue Im ti 1111 ill tilt; I uib 'l Mdli'K K.

i- Itord The tuod iaiN-ro hnvt- Sot SHIS SSa 10 Item a list oi nai.u ol the ah.e i' h.ino in nlintl- ao i-h thi' at al ul tin- blab- ul South Carotiaa waa nttivid hy thr lacrotary oi ststSi and which sit aissod lo i lit i and i.i.- by UMgoa cial lawa ul ho ti tit I urolino. I ouriii- lit i nuo 1 llowaB. John Winimlth, Ttiomaa jotinatpn. ftinothj Hnrloy. WtlUatn Nau.

wiiiuu Coofc. and Wiliiuia M. ra WON duly IppoiSvd 0C biro ior thr Stall Soinh and aw It -lt obira, nt tin- time and plaai proaorlbod by law, esat tlo ir lor Kuiioiioid Ibtjio for I'lvaidoilL aid UUsiS A. VMo t-Ur lor Vitf l'mnd- nt tl tie- l'tub-d Btalaa, and thu llatUol vuti-l Mil t'd, cortlflettj SSd II SnMIUtlod hv am ti ilaeiori to thr Krraidt at ot Uto louala only truu and law nl h-to ot votll lur Pre Sdl at and Vlco-fri tidi oi ui Hit- tuiird Htab-a. Kiitii i im mm Bowsn, Wtsanlib.

Jotmoton. Hsrloy, Naah.Cook. and Byi rewipfi ui his heat man Iht oi ail thr doBOsjd lo tin tiuallAtHl loloa Suutn i at tho cWcUnn iieM on Nov 7, tl" prepay oflfcar ot tar Kistt duiv ranvaaa i law vn and uises and eorttflod srcurdlm io law andsiidorthi ureal ui oi thn htau- oi s.iutti CsroliiiSi and lit liven il tu ial I HTK-aio hota oi un' ctora ui I'n -i nt and Vioo t'o -l-deal oi tho United Statu, elmU'd by th quailned vol ro ol rutid htalr. and how inn Uiat aiml r.ii tin hc iinrheat nuinbof uj rqtj wsm rleotedi vtimh rirtitt ruUi ladali'il UOO. IStS, and Wtlloh haauoeil torn two llouHBi Cotm re 'v waiou o) which "nil Bowes.

winailh, Johnaton, Ifurley. Nah, ltMdt. and Mjreriwiri tiiu lawiul he una lur Uie Mate ui SttUta Carolina. Sixth- That thi Usti of tho vetei taut by thi aald llo win iii-nath, Jiduiatun, llurh v. pSlh, UlMik mil Myorapavi sneoaed to main voruAi ilool ihoUovrr.

nor of tni State South Osrolina. r.itie'd touoiaitdu lo irotioni l.aj aid l.m ol lie) Liubd outUia sintuwa r. i -nth Thnl Mid Uola tiavtt annrard totheffl Hat of the nanioi ot Mltl Wlnunith. lutwon. Jolmeon, Hurley.

Na-h. unni and wri, a nlbclnra. snd to which the wal ui tte-Slab oi Soutl wai alUaod to Uiu See rib tnry ot Ktnb', and aj and b) Um tl'v i ihh na I sot any si iiuio b) tin iivuvrsl iswaoi atusth Csruiias. The objections lisvlna been read, the presld-ine; ofAcer announced that they would uu stib in lib, i to i he i.h- turul Commission for it judgment and decision and tliat the Benuje would now retire to its owd chamber, The lul low Ins remmirata votod with ths Btfsluet roadina ihu alimony tho l'enusylvunia nso; Moaara flood in (Kan Hineoi u. fftt naynisnd iind I I'lit-iie.

a Puibir iMich-i. Iteaaan 8b looti dll' TarbOS ilao. I hi-knoThm ftea I. Word (N Wlnttdtuuw tN. V.J.

ttilanma uud wilaliirv lArk.l The Hennte nppolntad to flu tie place of the lion. Allen tt. Tliurnian who had resigned on aoeount of physica Inability t- pet foi in tlio dutb-a ul a member of thu lilecionU fJoniniiasloiii MJSFOBM TUB tonmssiox. Thr lsesssratleas rr me Araameat to las Moiiiii i C'aasg WaMtBlstaroii, Keb.2fi.Tbn Electoral (Vnv mission reassembled at 0:80 Immediately utter ths two Houses super atod. All the mem boys w-re preaenti Mi.

Kernan. the audoessor to Senator Tl.uinnni. taking hin seat for tho flt bt time. Tho papers referred to the ootnmls- SlOQ by tho two llounea In lolfitSOSSloa a read by the Hoeivtury. In response to an inquiry to who appeared ttHohje.

torn, Mr. Ilurd of Ohio announced that Mr. OoohranQ and blmaelf would appear ior tho objootors tooorUflcate No. 1. Mr.

Lawrei (Ohio) sAld.Benatorriirlstlnncy nnd hit nnoll WOUld appOUl lot Uio to rt i 11 i 'ate No. 8. nutor Qlirlstlnncy said no appeared or ths oi.jii toi iait i i did not propose to occupy tie- whole time showed thein. In rosponsq to another Inaulry nn to who Would appear un niijiiM'l, Mr. ii rd Blild ho imuouniMi tho L-uuumil to tho uommisslon morspW uioi nnuf.

Mr. MaUliows siatod thai Mr. Shellnharaer ami hinih'di would appeal favor of eurtillcuto No. 1. Tin rommlHKion then, on motion of Mr.

linn- ton. nt i -j 1L adjoui'ued until lu A. M. u-m trrowi MOOKf3T4 9HW irkrt, Tho rrotbh. it or ib- Wnlltthnnt Bill SlsneS by th 1 WAWIWOrfOlf, aab.

2fi. -The BrOOMyfl Market bill of Mr. Illiss, wlileh baa pannAd both branohes of OomirosSt hns in-en signed by tho President, nnd in therefore now fn full force and efTeet. It provides for the appointment of three OommlBSlonerfl by thn President to arrange thn terms. OOttdltlOni nnd OOlUlldsrStlOM for the eonvoysnos of that portion ol ths Brook lyn Navy Yard known as WsQaboUt Hay.

eon-Ststlnc about twenty-seven aeren, to that -ity to Im ustal as a pui)He market. Thn oom-misnion ban not yet tieon announeod the Eros Id ont If Uto terras arranaoa ty tho oommisslpn nrn nui Ishtctory to thn Oovemment which will (etennlnel when their report in presented toOonSTpSS and Betetl UtK'tt bv it lit III" foennhm. and the city of Brooklyn. the Becritsrv of the navy tn directed by ths proi Isloni of the i 1 1 to execute Ihe oonveysnoe, in irdance with the terms nrr I Upon. In roplv to the rhsriro made that the pnrtMiii-e of UlS bill in a oh Set up to Steal from tho (ioverumeiit the pulib, (j round in auenilon, i perhaps, it in mud.

in tlio removal of thn Hrooklyn Navy Yard. the framer or ths bill ssys that ths land pusTPt to b. purchaaed iv ths any ol Hrooklyn in almost entirely under water, and ban bssn useless to the Navy isru. atoroovcrj the UMVlaions of the bill are nu -li Unit it eannot pnnnihlv it steal, for it the CotntninHionerH do not nsjres upon terms amply remunersilvo to the Qovernmont. ponaress can Interpose nnd prevent tun sale.

On the other band. ne elty of Itrixiklvu im Uuiiid to neivpt the terms re-ecimmnnded bytlis nommiaalon. and Roan de-t'bue to pur. than I uni- nn the terms are entirely hutinfn- tory. nKBtOBSB tn in.

i m. Two llrOiultlna Hnnk CVaaSteVW w'm Ilunsrd Thesseslvss le ins Bams oi. MibiMit mi. Feb. About fourtsaa yeara SSJO J.

1. Hssstof of CsWlels eut down tho dead body of w. Beetnm, tin osshlerof the Oarllstc Deposit Dank, who hnd hanceti himself to a rafter in ths Bttlc in the rear of tho hulldlttao Tlo- aft ni" Hsaslsr, cashier of the same bank until three or fonr months aajn, waa found lifeleeSi SUSP nded to the name ntltefi In the morn inn sealer wan srrested for embeisdeiiient, lie liavina overdrawn hin account to pngiiac in stock specufs-Uons, lie wes to rurnteli 115.000 bail, but Instead mnkfna sn I'ffort to proeure tno money ho htm ijed hon-eif, II wan hiahly re-Hp' ted. atid fur i n.i rears an eldership tn one of the ehurehes srlisle, ho commltteils i- tn nm or IMA, waa a de fan. i.

In jt. bad also hi umted tn nto -k-4, but his property more than efiverml the loss to the bsna, twiner valued at nearly loMtOW. rr.itHY COMPANIES nimrisa. aaaavablns tntt it IMrr ihnt Hlood la Ihr WSJ Sf I-- mi i nil.

i.l, Tlte pier of the Haw York Yiwht Tlub st Sta- StStSS juia 1st out Into ttn bar, ant on that SSeesat SSSSSleWSM to thr Harbor lliiiunloolotirra. It ohatrui ta tho landing of Uit boaU of the old tUU'D Island ferry luiea and that of roiirar lo aB)atS)asaSN to tho trrry company. TIm Hartiaf CosaaatasVoswr aad the furry sssipsayaavs far tan jfisn lalionst Is ths sssrai to ha a Un- astf re- micd. TheOeSft of Ai prali SaStSad lat month Uiat Bm satr Meet i takia iway within thirty day fss tour asydfed as Mosdsy laot em work hao rt tr-n ihm toward llo n-inoval. on Sjiiurday lat tho North- fti td.

t'r(ii. Charahera. Inolaad ol itopMts in ihr uoni SMSa at hUib-bn, idiiiwvd ah-ad and rdrtS UM 0tMCrtllB ns piej mil tut htnaii nana wan; hut nstcfSsy ttia NurliiSets assla ran ssslnol isa pie asseuy ao bofbra, lUiiiitaiitf ruddrr lOSMfl hat, tiro inn SVSf the biit-o, IWSahiSS hOSMi, and d'Hiin MtieS OthSf daniaiEt. ait Chambera thas ssl Posa oral ihe piir in-ar tiie rn i. and haikinttun pnlifl it out.

The oft1 -fro ol lha ri.a) Inn- hnd asi ChSMtaflfa airr-aii-d. JseUtM ll rrlra-o-d Imn on hi- rr' -aou anrr. All lha i vi-nntK a aiind ol tweittj Off thirty di-i uty fttifaetebh! in m-iSVSa tost) rlttmi ihr lorry houat-, anto i.un( snaMher uto to braai dow tar BMri seaw wat msso! Cast Caatnaori ibsl i si iiuirid i ssshj as r. iiitt-," and that' I ubt nut bip hrr WSOS ahe aiiuohrC Uir per Thi W1 nil StO ciaiotaldra aa hv It ha nut bofulV in UM WO yean that Uir Bte li'l er.Maiil IV ml i. inn biajr 1 lu oar Iwlur Uie BsrSSff ouiuiiaaauuojra SM altuw mI.j Uia pier SSI Iw bo reuiuvcd.

MUM AND DBA TI TVTIOB The ITnarmnd In IVIn sad ths Wlfh by lln- 4 oiurulaal.tiitTa ul' tuirlllt-a. On Saturday evenlnSj atsitln Cormlck.of MS Bast Twenty aUUli auvsttWint uito Boy lan'i Ussor atoia la Kit-t atomn Soar Twt atj -lourtli Strsst, and akad ii a ihus of wUaksy. ItWlUOStSd Inm, and, oias into thi otn it. hr throw a brick ibroii.Oi the lrora Indow. t'ttti ir Lroinun Bffeatt i lain.

Atu Bu oaaasr had Misread to hli seat; a alrl ihoni Asirates yosrioM isaali a ban lo srvioMl M' Connieb frost ralarnlua to hlahtane "Hi my nthor. Uia unl hua t- en Jrosh for iwo weeae Mv ntothor l- ins drad at SVatR an -rwarn a i-littn white rofltii. aenl by thr tie oar lineal wl Ohsritiea. wai ukau oito MoOoruAck'i 0mroiH nlo. nod tin- drad body WSI tak ti lu an undur- b.

a i wastni Calvary Cain iry. riu' lainllt Moved hen os Thvrfdsy IsiL1 thr woman who b-saei the rissni Mtd.Msnd 1 novel aui'h deaUtuuon I ha lalhor rani be sad int lltthj jnomy, na ihnt )n wita Sei lb aald tin- sj. and I Ial hlM tuki- the aveoad atpry back room, tin.uidt ih- as ta didn't do riahi They dntn't havy aiuch rurhiture, t.ut that mm and n-at. Thr mthef drunk, nnd Ihr atothil watevick on lhur.biv mi died hin- liad so bod to he pSj llullilhtf but a. BM rSSI IU Uu LttU tnd room The reporter fousd r-Miin-n, the slneat a hrtshi irirl ot tiruri i n.

in On- riimli bach room. "Mother had tlo- aathina, mid roskls't UN brtstot toil an id ath, io 'iotiatCo it man. nnd out ot WOfk. lb' trauo- he coii ils'l do anyUiisfi We haven't nny Irkonda or sny moboy. and im rurw 1 Sen i kuw what wt ahall i Mtrbn Mi-Curmlrk, tiir fitter, wil culiiautttd ou buuu an Un jnyw LOUIMA VMBBJfOJTM TWO UVBBAXDM All.

mil- a from Onx by a I. It, and Di-lveu it. on iht) Sedand ilia Crtasttjro Oeorajs fiinn, a mechsnlo of 191 ltrMnio Straet. act -uwd l)in itKuui) of rub an hit wife, snd and tor 19,000 dasusMS. and Rwny at at to i.ndiow lUtat fail In difsult oi syiwbsiL Oiai Btsrrtad i.uiutia Virnoe tn ofirM) city on ihi -t'tii of February.

I STS, an.l they lived Usjather SSUl January 'JT, 1S77. win Kutny took LottlM to Uvi With lam et BtT Lu: hlh atn at Thu 0 have boeO UvUSJ tOSVthar SI bS band and ilk ivir pis Bin ii wai thi aiainttjTi laatt ni. -o twluro atudye Ulamyral Hut on hi crow eaaiiiliMUnii appeared bttuiai marrted to ku. in in i.i-rt t.i i mail) en un tfnib ol mber, 8Tl, and had boriM lain one rliild. and Ibal Ihey lived t-RoUicr hni i'ii iii Kntau mk-i utml Jmiuar), when Uia bj Blatblertiis Kin ny.alienuwd le ularri ahvo to.

no, una (lien I Battel I ami itruinialisj lo yet illverea im her, in ti her elope unh bfin. Prow i 'liluji 'or do on i- wet lauiuted, hat Ur div.irec ws II ret until May, iWo. Kueio b.i delault, tweauee in- did in. i utslorButiid Uie bipcri llial were Mrvud noon turn. In Kehruary ilia told boul alhallhi uivorca inid been i ran ted, nnd ih.

a -to' "no married blm. but ho proved to bi a uruvl huauaisij nisl( uoroovvr, Mailaa barand that Uina hud a win lilinf, and l.t.m.. bat bt Kui.ii. Thu piaiuUO wsi son am toil. BOBBAON OrPOMiNQ Bi'MVt flow 1 Ills nmdilen SectluSS tv Itie llonur of (he i sited Stelae.

Washtvotom, Feb. 80. Set r-t ry lVibeson, in a it tb to Si natoi Wi Cbsli man oi tbi Bvuata Dots inituto on ApproprisUoai on Ibsanvetael lbs contint plSlet da. Il 'ii i.l tho apprOpliaUon lor ihr nt in-bd StStni OOVSM and MSmiBi llOMI ui lolluwa: "Itia propsf that 1 slisutd slao nwind you Uiat a lanji puiubaf of oeronlciri snd turn sn nee Mrviiu ibrnad nndti i. na itaiioni 01 Bieordanci with Ihe pulley nt ourUuy ernmeat and tin Jyr which naIoi ara ntst lioltidsikl main tallied, and Intel unleai mitli lent Hum ii appropi lah'd lot fheii pay iht wni not in!) i- hat with out lh.

ir aUoil ill Ionian parla, nt meni wiUhave notiH'ini iM Uio iredllof tin Oovernimnt by paymenli tin droit! drawutouiast tliair eapunM, and that li Coimrt-ai ihnuld iaii to make an adeqtiata spiropriatlon tor thi' pin hue it tll t- the oio bm, duly thu kVcraiary ol Ihi Bavy. wbosvor bs limy tin Lv, Ui biiu utfi ahi oil luo iu abiaoiu homo Ot uiu ii. 1 1 Gov. llttye TfUStlag In Ood. CiNtiNNATi.

Feb. 86. Oov, Hayes, while en routs frost Prvmuut to utumbua, paaaad an hour in BpriiiSflold today. Ui wait orb t- of (ha bote Is. and bains letrodacad ti Uia li madi a brtsl ipaavh.

Haosprsaaitd eongralulaUan tlial In a wieb'i Hmi thi Imi-iiu wbirh haioctuuii'd Uis tb nlloa ol ihi country lor eiifht inunlni woulfl u- over hoped that iu tMUiple won'-l aciili PJlielh v. must he per df I rlt i b-d, ll believed ihr ci try deain pent I aad urilj an Ihouuhl tins id. aliould ba Iho eaprvaaion ol Iho pittple tn their h'SreaitntsUvoi ni i ii i I.i. i.i RtiHiaitor tin duiii-B wllU'h onli hi palled In ri m. hi ilaoud i tiu 'I ui Alaa-iliiy Uud- ho rukt Un Uialiiiea ot lluUviia.

Tn Nets aVersey TnKKToN, Feb, 96. The Bennts bill to reduce llis httoroit oi ihr Btsts to am par oeut hud ovi'i rof oniwveki A bili wat tntrudtusd by Mr. AbbsU to pro. ylda for ths Myrnant of wayeidui th amployisiof ths Sew eVreay iVulral Kaiirosd. wkbh wsdil saiuusttvibbbt wou.t'uu limtaon River kavlfulleai BoxnovTi FbU Mo Crossing on ths has baou dansaroui for Uirea or four daya and Soos rid ay foot MiaeiuHfri only hsvi ventured.

Thii mnrniya thi MteauiTtoatsorwIob brokeatraek to UhineoUn UUhsi about hall sn hour to sat aeroaa Tin sai vary UiiSj I Uo let Lout bark II i UIMltUf Maliby'noybterM nre best, nnd aost Isssthan 'toy fjLaal lu msrkofi nm serk depot) 41 liarrlavu ii--iue. HAYES'S SOUTHERN POLICY. rttOMiHicH Tti at SOMM MMPtrntti Ufl ABM MAKING AMOVt IT, "iUIiib th oiito mrn SI htt II the fliiluiii-e or Power What Ih-raorrati Nny to these Nitnii Mrmbera A 1omI1iI Keanlt. Wahiiinotov, Fsbi 30. The Bouthorn RepresentstlvsB and Bsnators will settle upon some ib'flnitn poll -y to-nlaht.

wlileh will prob-alily harmonizo Ihslf OOflfllotinsl fieWS. Tin Br to eon far witli aSoh other nnd detsnnlns wbnthor they will inslAt upon Ihe Senate N0OS nlzlnn tn BOtnS manner tho ITninpton nnd Klcholki OorsrninsiitBi or whether thy win triint b) tho proinjaea of mn like Foster of Ohio, who prstsnds to represent the vh-ws of Betornlnsj Board Hayeai A dsotdsd niaoiity of tho Botithsrn Den rata tn ths Rouse are In favor of msk lug the 00000 ttlon of thu Nleholla and Hampton Oovsrninsnts try Oonsress a osn- dition sine qua turn, or the count of tho idtsioral vob-H ahall bo ttslayod bf every DSSIU1 In their powor. if tin can Induos ths satire Southern doleffstlon to taks a Bra stand on thin platfornii Ihs Ifofthorn aCbonooratSt slniost without an nx- ceptfon, will join with them, and the Republicans will SlthSff hnve to SOOSds to this demand or tako Uie rcanrmaibility of fore-Inif new elodlon. If tho Boutht rn DenS" crata who havo Uiuh far tTOtsd with tho BwSpUbUoaaa SSjalnSt dilatory motions unite with ths Northern and BonthStn men who are in favor of nilibuHterinjr.thor" a working majority in tho lloiisa whteh can eaally prevent Uio completion of tho count bo orn tho 4th of llarohi The Repnbllesns are swan of ths fast timt a few Southern Dstnoerats hold ths halnniti Of power In ths lloune and nru SOttftlBSJ them moat assiduously A half of them, headed by afostSff of Ohio, havo btten flitting Ui and fro on Uio Donooratld sido all day, fulvancintf every possible aru-inent to Uie Boutbern subinlaaluntHts to convlnOS them that Hayes will certainly pursue a wine and ataP'Hmanliku polioy toward Uie South. O-eaaiftnally tlo-ae miaHlonaries on-oi luntered a Bouthernor like Levy of Loulslnna, win, in the most courteous manner, would ln hihi thid if Mr.

HavcH was eotuinitled Un- re-eosTnitloB of the Nlcholls and Mutnptoii Ctovern nionta.and thia proarsmms waa approval by thn leailinSj men ol bla party in the Henstn and House, there eould bo no posslols objection to the psjuuaffe of a joint renolutiou rccuaniziiiar these Goveramenta, it waa tint duty of ConirreHM to do this nt Preeideht Orant had ho urged in Ins messages Inrvjsjard uyuiaiana, and md Justified his course in upholding the Kelloaw Qorernment on the ground that when the whole Bttbjsot hal 1 m. -i to t'oiteress that braaoh of the (lovernment hud shirkttl itrt duly and beit him the alternative to uphold the ds fa--to tioveru-ment If 1'roHident Orunt watt rticht. and Ihe ltapuhliettn party MSsJsrS bai by their Bllsnoe approved bis deelnrations, then it was Uie duty of this CtjnKren-t to nettle the question na to Waioh were the de jure (lovernuienU in Lonwlana and South I'arolinn. While the friends of Mr. liayos bi perfectly slnoere In their belief tout it would Ih Uie POlfcy of bis Aam iii htt rati on to throw overboard Pa kard and Chamberialn, and with them the whole oarpet btu; brood in the Southern Suites, still they had not shown that they were BUthorlaed to apeiik for him.

All that Mr. Foster and bis ooliengues oould urge in reply to Uiis arifuneoit was the puerile ohjmt-tfon that it would not be treat mil' Mr. Hayes fnirly to antieipato bis noliev in this way. ll-i wisheti to signalise his advent to th" Prvsidenuv by sink hoc out a new p. for his party, and would i mi robbing aim of aqeyeted opportunU tyilCongross was oompellea in this way bo do hat ln meant to do, and for whteh ho desired to nave the nredlt.

Horeover, there was danger, said Mr. Foster uiitl bin friends, that if thio measure wan fon-ed on tlo Kn atn larira proportion of the Kepublh-uiiH -Hl i Uike fsround ak'alnM it, and oven if enough of their slus the Democrats to euny Uie lomL rttHoluUous, a ctuaidrrable number would awWlnst this liberal i iHey, nnd thus Mr. Kayes would find his plans antsgonised by conspicuous party leadi rs. and bis Atlniinlstrntion must be emburiassajd from the v-1 begin nintf. Theaioutuern Uomocrsts in ths Renatehsve to.

i a been feeling the mod-rat' Hepublioaus of that body on tiiis proposition to recognise Nfeholls and Hampton, and they aro to port to-night to tiour Southern brethren of the their Buecoes. If the Itomoeratld hVtnators were us bold and seeJous as the major Ity ot i tie Southern Kepi laenl at Ivea, there won hi ir" no i tuot as to tin- r-u oess of njovementa The ItopUblleans are nervous and uneasy. They are so anxious to get possosslon pf the griae which they have nstruggtinatostoal UiroUk'tt four loin; months that they would uiat lly givu up I'a and in oruey Pi Lvnsummapj the theft, of oourau they would itlior satisfy the boutbern Democrats ith fair prom 1st and li Inta snd lutlmstii ns sboui pat-ronagei because n. alter they had socomplisned their villain they roncluuec that it would le to their Interest to dlsiward their promises to break their pllglibaj latth, they eouhl 1 "oi 1 1 Toudcrs who do nol lies it ate at iracaniSj frauds like thi piorlds and LouslanB vflJalnies, that tlo not scruple to ald penury their manifold crimca. uf eourae, would not regard their simple word ol honor to biuuiern Domoerata, Th" Itadbw element in tie fetenate.

ol opurse, is not in 'lined to re ognfas the Nlcholls and Bsmpton QovernmenlSi snd will make a dos rat htt uiiiiie such a resolution as is proiKMeii. but there are enough moderate to enable the pemocnus tu pass ths mesaure. I believe further that if the Democrats in thu House present a solid front, an I demand the paasiige of Mr. Fields iuo war ranto and ejection bills, they san is oarrled through the Benate in spit. of the oppoaltion of mil like Morton and Buncent.

TI niy trouble is that while the Domocrsts are holding back and htosltal ng( the als. hko nargent, are moving, This is clearly shown by the resolution hnbimu'ti this von ing Sargent iioidiiu for the ele tion of a president ol the Senate pro lem. Tins means Morton, of course, li bs Dem oe rats bad a siuicle man amoiiif them who anew the A. li. Cs Of polHleoJ nutnagement, a combination could have boon made loni; ago which would have resulted in the election of a I'resldonl pro tent of the Senate who WOUld save beeQ aatisTntory to tii em ami lotus whole country i But they have procrusUnnted until their enemies have made their move uud taken (bein altogeUor unpropareui VYimi might have bonn done a month ago uniru tluui likuly lui-possiblo aow.

2UK LA TKAT OLD WODLD O'Mtihnny'a I In PtiUHn An Im puftlUS ltliai l-0' DvnLtSJ, F- b. '2ti. -The remains of John O'Usbuny Srrit'd her tlilirvi nnn" 'Hit- laiti-ral i in-iiuiit net nt Ibl CM! at tie' rial way rnaaua Tlio roffln wsi plsceil un sbosna and aaeurtatl Uirotigti Uie briii Ipsl itreeti hy a uniiitiit i la wbiab o.i a a i-1 Mna part, i ai (hi raiiwav between Cork end PuMin paesll tW-tird to thu tin ti mi Lo oar ihr iBMaae ei iiir i re in be a i haj tin- remain, aiid Utero weM iifaeuiblakii et iiio iiini Limerici Juiu nun Ahem tjtjoeerauiwswaiti tie arrival ol Uie train at KilW abridge, ie' prueeaalen. Imw ever. waa dafVrred until am.

AslihnteiiM tout diaur derly tlfe. I Ultaikoil lhi read lu till Uiuhhub. Iho uruei ooxii, oh Hivvrsl bsnoi oi niuau pia.t inn dlrsea, km tu uiutf ah. ait ibtht o'eluek, and uinrvhed haig the nuaya One aeenunt aayi then were SiMtOipei'ta-tor- i ua remain wars lsk a to Ilia Maohsuiii1 iuia tulc, in Utl UuuUu oi hi' ti thoy wai Uo 111 itStS. lUoadMl'l tlbl Itallry Ittimlntf.

I-nano. K. b. M. The roof pf the old IlaUey a.

imu iitsis waa out Ms to-day. a mhstI 1 -l Ua uij HsUej a a uu i o-uu aSiiMBMSs our ii UIumu lu 1'leeea, afeb. 20. A despatch from Fo- U'raliuiK, lad aa) that the bSUSf ul Uia porlublo mist nail ot nahir St Alfefd ISftedad Ju-t a the nirn wi re I raj to start UM ant ina. tbi sseloaios 1.1111114 fbei rsaa sod wonndlnf si sissy nters.

fhe anginas" wn. tiinwn throuah hl tOS Ot a larya oak. and -it in a Hint) of thu tree nic utlieat lUhintl ana lha laal 1 pvei ihs hinh till liir 1 lulling itat-aa. ami Un-mhI a ll tn lha around, A hoi wsi t'lewu wo, thi lop ul his le ad la. 11 1 ti alio o' nralna MSllae'd In svory dlrectiea One man wai tnaalied.

Tha larseat piece ui uoilir waa fniiiid about isa' yard iroin thi mill, Anethai1 aii i iim Srenoa, WS I a lur hii uj-jiujiU: diiui, lull. Tlu- mui ut llai ilimttT It uiikii 'M IL A 11 llnneat Soiii'iioiiM for ths welfare oi his patrons, would hat 1 t'11 in ooteiu ml thi kmat iedae thai -01 -i bits' I In ir otr 1110 uii ihn diaSSMI tu llU'll tin) no- htoul HI, 1 11 couaciuui new muoh taaier iu tn-k ut irvaiins patt 'Stall when thay sra wall lafurnied In uiom niaiteri iartaiuina te laaitii and diMsas, Uuod uuraiafl plavs kuen nn 1 f. pari 111 nt 1 ling cure, Slid 1- lu littls mideratuod b) Ua liiaaaia, nut nuiatredi ui thr beat i.h -a isui lisvi aUled tu ihr no ulauon 01 "Tha rr 11 iiit Medieal siiviMr. to dltatdnltiati il idnilrabla 1. .1.

on Ihr 1 iut- ui Uiu au bui ilu -m iialule riple Siaireeiala 11m lo.hii iimk 1.00 in mi.r tu auilmr duo not adviar aver) man lu attaiiint, undaf ah rlreuin atSllitea. to ho 111 awn ih aa inn. Tin Mia, ao anon mui tti ftrit puhiieaUeOi ot itaarly oist hundred UioumisI eiriaai ui tliii woik, only nerval tu rreala iwreaai'd de maud ior it, ami at vui belois bs atdd laoidt) at i i.iu-. it lata im itulsrsad to over nine hunart'd Mauvi, Fliittraiad by twu sunurt'd bii i i Uililj Iwo euaraviiitfi and culureo plate ekKBUtlj oouiid In 1 loth ami urn, ami m.i hu nt, uoaUsiida ou rvoeijit oikv duiiar ami iat renta Addraai tin Anthr uud I'UbuMlwr, U- V. J'unc, U.

N. AiU. MMorouu-Iofevre "theohb uud most Pren oi Vwtaf a lugei iu adi it 1 KStit, 1MB AND tiik i tsr. The Qnren Aahed lo Tnk Aellr Mrawro. to Prevent Hoailllllee.

LoNDOV, Feb. 20. Tn thS RoUtS of TiOi ds tO-nlghtt Lord BtrSthsden moved an address to the Qunon praying that her Mnjtaty WonM take mcMsuri'a to prevent hostilities In tho East, seen re adherence lo the tn albs of 1H56, and promoti the wdfaro races aubjei't to Turkey. Jvt.rd Btrathedefl urged that the Government should by the acceptance of his motion dsolare they would BdheiS to thti treaties so far as Parliament would penult them, lly their thus taking up a more decided attitude thun hitherto, little doubt would remain that tho peace of KttfOpS nnd Asia would l- lOOlirod. Knrl QraytaadS strontfnntl-UiissiniiBpecb.

Re deprecated Interference between ths Tartu Snd their The Kail of Derby replied. His main point was In refutation of Lord Htrathmlen's argument that England's treaty nbiigntiona were unchanged, wnntey 1 might Istthe result of the Conference. He said thisanrumentoarried to it loalenl ooncluslon, involved the eonsequenos thai if the powers on -o bound thems'dves by trttaty to protect a State, thev must dill 1 ontmue hound, a 11 the statu wilfully acted their ii'h 1 08. I-ord Strathndea motion was rejected without a diviaion. MXCiTMMMNT is NOT A COfZaS All Arte Done Masas I -a.

Rrqiilring tha a-0 nri titr. il Void. Hamfax, Feb. 21. The question of pfa Sedsnos having arisen between nsiallH Queen's counsel, an Hflldavit waa read in the Mipnoim ('ourton Haturday setting forth that the seal at tnehod to tho commission of Queen counsel appointed by tho loeal was not ths great BSSl of the l'rovlnce, but the old seal Which waa ordered to bo returned by the imperial Oovernni' nt In 1860, The Premier of the loeal Government admitted the Government had been uaiug the old s-sl.

The (Jtmrt expressed astonishment such oontempl for Her Maiesty'a authorized ami -x pressed opinion, and said that all nets reipiirmir thogroat seal dOAS Bines iaiill were bitaily void. This stat of aft-" is IsaVfB Nova fVotla to-day without a rarlianieut and without a Government, with all grants of marriage licenses, con-seuirntly marring and nil rjommisslons Sines lhto'J totolly void. Tht) SKCjtement pre-vails in oonsequnnee, The Chief Justice, after Intimating thai II would require Impte-ini Ingis-lation to reotify ths matter, atljourned Uio court for ton days for a full nujuiry. WHAT II I TMM MEANS TO DO, Ho will Uinir Piickard nnd MwpporS llim wllh the Army. New Ohi-iKanh, Fob.

26. -Comly, tho editor of the Ohio State Jbajinsf. the organ of Gov. Hayes, lias telegraphed to this city that Hayes will oertainly reOOgnlaS Pa 'Laid, and use the army tu aupptirt him. BASTS OMJOAOO I'OSTM ASTBB, Tftkiasr or Ihe tiin' Trmi nt'i Uonfy to Help blm em or Trouble.

CinrAOO, Feb. M. The failure nnd defaleatlnn PoaaasaMi Jobs Mi trtbsi i Mm tes un. lie had a IilMh laiMhroo am) mm tnl ataad llo flrot bernnir in- fatved tu the BSMSSl of SbSSt 1 1 1 by tb fathire ut ttie Cook I'uiiaty MsSeasl Hank two years ago, though lbs Oetsrsewsl SMsined haii thr MSMsatbUttyi wbtab SlWOSnt it waa llii'ti- di wmilJ Imi aoVsrSS lv tliraara'ta ut UM hank. Mi Hi Arthur haa nut boss able MM re thr in, Broidu', In- l-t anie In Iho utiauc- saareJ nsraaeei "i tno tsrsa iron loundry onthr sorts an It, and tOMl UIOM) Irmii th'- Orln'ial Pnat "tv.

artiurnt tn hrl hen until a ludii ruld ni-KnUalvd truin KriiU 1 llr raa-rti elau. to hr riuhlrd lodiotinao favuralilv al aoinc Boftl ai ot hio aindrr hut In all ns arhrtnt tor lni thn money he wit unaur-craalul, aiul, i MHat-tiuv utl hl jaHltlull 111 h.inkriiit' jr 011 Saturday arb 1 ii'x. 11 hi- ilmwi ttal liahlh- Ur ii ribtiul $107 itft ami aaariLa oaf SurHUVYl dphla Sr-t; ibbi are tu thr Lull' St tua Oo. mine nt, and 4j. -) tu 11hu4a SailiUrra' of which ha La tnuuurer.

Thr IV. n.i, nt ha mii-J Krank W. i uia uo- ssasssi 171 Al'Vnoi'ltl TltS B1LIM, ill Ibrre br ra-Uy olMaf ta New t'oiiicrraa 1'WSOthSI I WAsntNOTOM. Von, 16, The status of ths upi.nipi latum LUIl DSBdlSS bsfsffl OSSBTSSI II ufsUswai Thr PtMt OtVeo, LasialsUva, Daftaiaacy, and Navy ttlUart- all bafsci snfiJMSSl I OMSdttasa Hit; sfwbsbly be isportsd te tSs ttvs HsesM smss time ihti sraafc. Thr Sundry ft It bill and tbi Military h.l! hao SOI i-aaord lb lion- til Uirotf uvn-iin Mr Ib'lliiiin.

ClialnaSIJ Ol tin- L'OMMittee on Ap.oMriiiti..n. thmko ill ia htith hi ant hi nt ronsTOMsnd Ih aeiirovrd ti Ibi Po Mih iit Ih run the rloae tl Iba MMtoa th.o. how. ivar wlil Sepesn spun Un delay In kslalsttvi bUwiMM aauaad hv tin electoral ust Tl taMo eel tu lie iiaaai-d. eaiMH 1 1 lly UIOM latlulM nrr (Mat iMportSSjee, and if tliey rannot put throiiirli I'onvrfaa and become luw a week an i ti'it m.

id ni ha saw Oongrsai matt Im-etaiM ahaolutely neceaaary. lint ant tin tin- poat IHSca MIL whMn SM notol aucn ireal IMporissos. wul uot to Uiki. up, ui at ai ii ii paaaeO, ihis ttu k. fOaWf; M.tsvr;t.v ntrics, ProvlSlata tor it New h't tlon In the I mil tht Pselanitlea.

WASsnravoffi Feb. is, The Oommlttss on PriviiegM aad Power et tb VseM tin BterslsB ia exm'iittvD m'o-oIdii ebsnsad tbi text of thr md to muw.k fbff iivw SltStiSS and tho PnadSStlSl ISC I Ml OP ad t'lb'nai. In ra' Sort Hltt of thn iteetprsl Meet dr. i inn by tin. ith it March, a to make it nw nidi tory i il--ii li rn th, laed stal ib ISatl ad tl aet ii H7.

Im provision ol tbabUls niuuiSed ait MibataS' UaM) th. tsnw ao ihaae of ihe lull slrisdy in lull. Tin hill, together with thr oi- i.uUiori.iiu Mi, Tildi toinatlnita quo warrsbto pna tdlno Mr llayaa 1 daeUnra olrclna, wui be inuoduct-d uiiuUii; liwUM UKserroWi oludice lluvla'a Pttalllnn. WAivmoTov, -h. 2.

Tho ohsrae has boon isptstcdly and aaratitsnUy Btsds icalsat Mr. Juatloi pn to ul thr Sup 11 me hr Iti'li Ituil ho io ft Iponatl 1,1 fbf Ihr di ciainni ut Ihe KbN rnl rointnlaeleu. In net -e eptins a poaiUen a one ot tto niembera Thia chsrva i niada preatly In tho injury ol Judge pavii, ind (imu lobes ei mu mifrejMTeaiiitsUon oi tin- fsola Ii Li mm on tho hutieat autnurity that iladfa Uavia to nut onnd a bfaec mii ibl, and ttiorviuri hud uiu-ur- lUUilJ Lu df i. I11M5. it iifvioi, Hrtatew! FrteaaSj Wammivuton.

rob. 86a-llr. c. Adams, who wa aiiuuintfd otsrh oi ihv TrssMiry Dttdir lovratsr) UriMow'a udtmniolmt and whn MbltSIMntl) held poet tt on in Ui i leial turt'ia'a Bureau, ws dieiniaed un Sanirda) aasUraeo, lie huUw lo the su I vieliM Special Jt nl nn in utiul ul Ihe latter' ti. icuco ui thu Prtsidiut issiait no initio ctaupsob'1 Cut.

Hwyea'e Hecrvtsryt WASinvoroifi Feb, It i--. reported to-day on goud suthuriti thai tj i. Ilayei win Beb ut for bii uri vast een tary Judtto Minnini Poroa, of OineimuiU, wjio a recently tbieoied In Ida ice with Kay let. Mr llaye and tltulu Poroesn eaatu iu-aoinii i nc ja, snd bave Ian lutimsti lur yisra ltnnr Ailmli al )Vlal StlOCOMOV. WASBtarvroWi Keb, 2fl Rear-Admlral John Rouer.u the Mare Uland al Nav Yard, voll fa i Im ordered lu ihe rojuuiaiii ul Iba imvsI obaurvstory in Una coj in platie ol HrA4uilrsl ivi, dooiSMd.

Mestse's foil teat tauitiron. Cvtx of Haxit 'b. is. (r n. Dins baa bean ekKtrd Pit bb at aad IgnSOiS VulLartu Chud JitsUoa rbetrinoi Ucn lass to tha Northers State bl been deferred, hi preeeiwe beius necsaMry st Uie cspitst lio inland nt-unm a lurt'iacatw tulliaa uu Lihuiula uf Misde tn Mipport ni.

Ai 1 1 1 tu rot uir ai m-ndei iii probably rsssivs 11 ap- potuiiU' nl wl 1 i til I'm hlo. Ia tbla fur the TrlbuniU'a ItenrSt. Nkw Oulkanh, F-b. 2f. A despatoh frni Hi itrrna to tiov.

Parkerd from Pebsllsiasye, Myn "A tuSllslon look pises beta (he wblb and blaeka rda nl Ji a lie. Bolll parlie II 1Mb irei' Atbwaoidietltukeep tho uflet tuillil i'it ai a ai th a. ui biewwtei Ureitesi itonuni tn vails" I'rurios I i Bnllroad Htvltehesi roiraDKaxPsnt, Feb, 86, Thirty or forty men turn lo tho iwttcbel 00 Ibl Wall ltd! ol ihe Duh hOM aad Polumbii Rsilroid Ir iok at pub heMJuncUonyt iterd pu hum a etoi to ine trsnear oi toiil itcniei inl river id that place. Thi I part ot an aiu-mt-i to lores Uie Wvlb aru tsi'utiuui wi lie rusit to puuiuiis'i I'wuh A Roadaul lletel iturtaeSa ItnimouT, Feb, Uerohnnta1 notot.a nia) nee buibtini ia ihr uppe? part pi tbla towu wsi burned ysalerdsyi The buihtins hao bean Mbuncunbid ai lint uuloiliii, 11. propm tOf hatiiiai lum-i.

i.iai Fiirrwrll HsSOpttoa Uofi lleyee, CoLUkfBVSi Ohio, Feb. tyj.Arrsniremontfl nre being madu by lha cillMniot Columbaa withosl reuird to party, bi stve a brilliant Ism well rescuUon tu uov Mayt'aaiaTble wife is Uie stsltf li-eioo uejit Wauueada Vt Oil 'at As Aayliam Bumedi OrwwcTi Biovrrs, Feb. M.Thn Asylum for Ho lieel aini Ouaip. le ir here, wsiburnau yvterday PVliVS Win "ol- WVM i LIFE IN TIIE MI-TROPOLISi DASUES DEJIK ASD Tit EBB BT TMM fit x'M So Morn fnrk Iwiprcivemrnta fbr lha City llroohln Juat ut it. RrwJai Mr.

Mtraaaliaa or Mr. BwyllsV In ths Ib-ooklyn Aldermen- meotlnjr yeatei ttay the Knyor'o nnnilnatlon of .1 T. Straaahen, A I nayti.w, and Wllllnm Mnrohnll fur I'ark ('mn inlaatorMi-l wai ssssMirsS. AtSanasa QrlewsM aaid thatuic uom Ssdsosas fet Sr. Strsnsbss tstosvetas rnrkcommts Son, lie mSHl hlo mill wai Ilka lhadawtl of a spring inorainn, hut hr MpMMStSd a Irj -t.

of lavtB evprnlitnre fatal to BrospSl1tf, F.pheaii wa banS ranted by bsi iqsadsst, Atbeni bjrhsr teinpira, room by hrr Btatiiro, Parts by Vi r- iillt-P. and Hrooklyn had hern made poor hit irk I nnd bOBjSVSiali AldrrmaS PlsfeSr SphlM Mr. Ktratinhaa' noiulnittlon. The bSSStl fill park WSI a iraS taM oi hli brSla llr had aurved od thn SBMBUaSSB MSI I thr park waa htid out, alvlng yrait ol hla talBSew thai' lu without a pi nny trt itaard. lb should not be cail aahlr now.

Tin iuir cf Mr. Htrana ban waa MjtStMl by a vub of 23 anal not 3. Aldtrmai Flatter and llurart VOtsd tor him. The name of Willies. Marahall WSI rnnflnnrd bySVeSj of 13 Iota.

He BSj bern a Park OOMMiaS hltbortS, and Uioee vuUnf BfaiStt him nil. xi I Bast a ttMfS hatl bSSS anjr wron was ao gnlllj na Mr. Htranahau. Thn lianie of A. II llafft Iba H.i.

rejrt Ud by a vote of 15 tn in. Mr. Htrenabun a wealthy trntU man WfesSI hSShy bao brn ttie bi-anttrp luir of tin t-i'f oi Bfsshlye. bst btshsbhy bssssst the sH stfsr BSottxtjOOS ths aaVnasB isniMd telsser MmS SSSatneentS1 BatptlSSBni by ssSfSvtBB bit nmlnauta lie hi remain on thr eornislialoo i.umi churKt- uf tna parade grssail and buulct arde. IVhnl did ha Itrlnk A man known ns Dr.

OonklitUf wenttohti room et tjh Sjsst Twt nty rhihth ItVSat, yealerday after SOa, with a man WhStB ha MltYSdSSSd ea Dr hi Lynch, llo antd thnl Pr Lynch would occupy hi roots lor a WbtW Pr nsshHSS BlWrwSfd louk a amall vtel ii In Mtild. mid told Dr Lytrcli tl drink Mttue Ot lb Dr. Lynch drank MUM St Uir lhiad. ana Iii OunklllM thn aald that he wa i(4ntt out, and wnn Id u.t- llr. Lvnch Uie re.

Marenn't Shav ami Julia i) Uownell bearri eroanii after bi' t'unkhnK had goiir, and Uiry went int'i the room Pr. Ln at on thr Itreauiiu. Mr di, I in rrat aruiiy in about trn mlnut- alter Im drank irum thr vial. I'uii oAleari are buntirej fur Pr. CoaklliiK.

Pr. i- SM hnd SO BtOCMJ on hli pf rauiv Tbalr Heart a In the Work. Of all tho many charities In New York elty, ttir annual reception of Bona UsBtersd Into more hrarl lly tlian Uiat ot Uie "Lady MStMSSM SftSS llonir lot Aud and Infirm llebrewa," Khtlity -rvrnth anl ATSSSS A. Mra J. Joaehtn Priatdantt Mr.

H. OSffl man Vtcr PrsaJSSJlta Mr J. Krholle Trriuurer, and Hi rsvttsSMI Wio Welechj Mr- llrlier, Mr Jacoboweky, Hri ltiaat. Stain, Mr- lnu head. Mre.

JoMpb Sttnas Thaouaal InMsta thr iiiitituuon ia i UiTiaan wi.iiian. tr? yt ar of ear. Tho avrrakif iiuhiIh-i pf InmsMtii vasty. Tho iiume la Iras froM debt, sal hao over worth ol MMtS Appltcanlo MSet I over an year ul SfS, and have Lived in Ml I'niu autei not than l. yeara Madn DeMM'Uto by While staudlnir tn front of the tenement as SatMf atiat laot SVSBlBSi 'allcer (lilliaan tn-arl crlm ot Murder!" aad Police In the front room, os the MTond atury, he found f'athartno Canopy, a youiai Italian woman.

alruaKlbitf with Mb hael Palidano. She wa liuldiiiB away Uie point of tdatol. With which he aa try ins wahootlMt. la the Oak etrtel both I Htaue ahr naid Uiat Was diturecd from le i-l imf year aso, to Ilea with Paladeno lb beesoM alouaTa erutly. uiitl, on KaUintay he llr Ihn ahoM et I man with mIi.

tn ooi- wa ilkniat lit- wuo yri-etly rg rit. hiot I'Vi niibi. mid, alb I accusing hei wl lUlldrUiy( truU ko UU ber. ooiti iimio ro niSsMaai A speelul meeting of the 0ld Kxehaiure was ImM yaaMrday to Sasldi wbetbir ur set rast urw roonio. Tlic ttrtint wad hoUtrrtaiM, rrlo of Put hue outl" "Shut him up'" SSh bSiBg in-ely ladulpcd in; hul upon a villi-, Hrcaitlrn.

Mori di-chh-d that thr rraoluUoa din-ciiiiK tho Kaat sUva Oommlttao to rmt new roomi had tut Im i udubd. Hvaulutiuti wort- tlen offomj proline lot a dlWutluii ol tin- ndd Ktchaiikir and siviaion ui Uir Muaey laUMtissssry ss tprti i Tha MOM I'iirt eatlad oui a roaff ul lautchtrr. Morril deoliuao tu entartaia Umm raeotsiaona, sSd Um m. uia adjouruc-d. 1...

'o BBS o- a Sown -mbo Oooft. United Statew Marshal Flake said yesterdari bin not ridyssd. and I dos'i InMad to. I dears to kSSP My OSJSS I BSfS SSSrd that Mr I'nynr haa bees liomiiiatf-d an my oucct tour. My tn in, howover, eapinii andei thr seal AdmlnitrsUn, led not ander tbi pre anions.

Itleeoisnlikeli tba! Mr. Plafce wifl appeal te UlC OirnilUUbt P( Rbfeilt. Wlua vci lit- HIM hi', lu rf It le him on ine aruent) inai hi lis been removed wImimI i A tici I nil- a In i.i-. 1 ilhilliMaOSjeri ill the dlatrict aiti'p -rt bii rlaimi si stfslret tiiu pobbV c.aiio. Ur.

Fioko waa ippointad under Ull Civil MrVlSS act mid hi- I hrrki, On tho 2d of January luet a fsablonabIy di uad Msa, salUns bbaMU Jdm Ditsa sssssad board In Mita Anne Uissiae! osrdini hossa, nt f7 wi Tweat) itreat, tta talked ibnat hli fSrnu and bpasM i t. it hoi J-B. Ittld il ill'- -Iol 111-' rill ii a i-hick tor f-'ll on tin- Murray IMI Hunt, on Fttday Mis ni ti MIm libtsine wse nut well, and did nut ao to Ui lisnk. niwa Uieit pruduct'd a heraliuf mi tha aeini hrtlik anl i. I In i In in-'i it.

ail 1 -In did 'III hvek miic i. luria'd no wurtbli lb- lie id tu i ue wsabiugtos list Tea. Oosri yseetreay. I iii I. llontM itit'a I nil timiM y.

The Brooklyn Aldermen yesterday faded bn-ak the dosdMok Hint hS saieb 1 aoai UM 111 al nl th year. Nu ballots wsra iak eaa UlUi 'imaiy i an. who BS! kepi the buaiie eaul orssi LssUss al a atanl ml by vottisiAff Initio, ii. hsd vbrttiSod a otbsf ebolos pin- or -a Hii'. a Counael t.

wsssatad that iit i- it i sol wt rs lib sai, icpeeiatiy, tn leri nss a ni anna' Sew MSU nt. it tt no Fe lul red him lo di-lermiui wbellieritwateuSleit'ntiy urifaauad tu aunUnsi ail the city 'i buaiueae, Teuiporsr) votninltttttisni dtoi Uu Wen OUIM Ull huanl. Sir. nuil Iti ott n' Itul.e. Krs.

HardlnsT who rents furnished rooms 271 Bprtas itreat, reported btOapi Mf Doseeil tbsl oi Sattaday Inot Adam BrOWS Slid Mro I'ntiuv BrOWtt, Wbl ui'lit Ihr thint t-tory. wt-nt uwy willimit ylvlni! no nt IBM llo-ir ibe, a lU I about BlM Ululltttl ut nn It wae beard crvliuj pi sstsrusy mht un i on Hundar snd at length Mre, it" lina went un to thr Hrownot PtKH I and liHIIld He nl II CUJil a SCept hy thr 1, babe it wse bsiMod evsr te Aatrou Webb oi tu- i icblral Oilier. A Doiiiiu'a llml Ilrslenlna. Miss Km ma Abbott waa sstensivuly adver tlead to siag iu Um Brooklys Aesdcmy Uel svsnlns oonci i and nss) hundrsdi psrcbsMd Uckita bataii tin wish hir inaiiiyerideternilned tu hate her inero In ojters biaurruw uisbt, bni isifed to utneVUj ii vc noUei oi the ehaiMfe ol pruyrsrnina llenoa ua i. glil ut i twu ln utl i ol persona, mmhi hi usrrissoe, win to Ihr A ademy to hint all durk nnd lio BSTMB ih- il isluiai tuousj ui give iatoriuslioSi Why luapeetor Thorn Kaplnlaadi Whllo Inspseior Tborn waa srslkina In tbi Bowery Isat evaninsi young billowed hen aj i tipldi.t saehe eotibl, and when hr tut at id isdSiSly ao I ci nfronb hi atn- arssned hand an.

I tat laiim-d, "oh, tallu Itiihtr. tiiauh liorl I i imi yooi" Thi lliapti ukplataeu tlio yuoaii woman that he waa a a prh nnd ma unUl polwi slsb hun did hi luiu billebllii swsy, Tbs War i Mre, Haaafbrd'a Th opponents of the Bov. Phoebe A. Banv lord, oi ibsOburobei tho liood bepbard. Jaraty Otty, Drill extend a call lo Ihr RSV, Willi un Smith, Of HblhtS J.

Mc inUini' thr i tool Mro 11. i ecured the old iki a tlounoil ehsuiberi in Hail, win-re 1 1 Ujirobsble Mm llsnatord will on ai llu-ibol Sunday In April. dH'la a ll.iiliouu uud l-jauiil will uv ii i oi uiu bow tiiiu. Mt iirofatiis far tapt Kyd's Treasars KsoBenntor Charles II, Wlnfleld of Now Je My, suibot ui viral biiterlosl In tasters tl UManvilte, on Friday Ul. loistsd ''aid Kyd'a tn aare ai I.l i KIUoW," in On II Villa bhmu ol Ni-W York Bay.

On Hniurdu i imi -i t. un i in li tiUi BVIUUe, and rOMlvad to ior lha Uuaauro. Wsatbar omco r. ti.u. Ci viler northerly winds, ba- kln-r to warmei imi 'vm nl Ihi aoUtlit: 11 oUUoIla, Ul.d pal Llj u.j oj en si wcath if.

JOTT1AUM Amu JOWN. Vi ib'nry of tin Bmithaonlnn Instltutlos huo ii porb sssiUal laiuuru ia' dot. torod aar. Bortftant Kloly nnd six dsteetlves olosed ua Mid a policy ahu in 7J Waal Ui use wsi, led sveitiini, rwui lesn iusn wi'ia arntatsU. Hlelioel lieriton.

ol ti'j Wesl Pifty Dftli styanl Whllo l't tmeiiuj blevanth avenue. jst uveiilUaji aa by bouuilloUVii ui lla- (1 in euli rUvaf Kathoad. Daniel Uolnns, of 104 Hotl stret, nt homi druiiH hut evening, and wlcii hi wde, Annie Mutatis ii ti to parity him, i.u tailed bel tu ibi ai a 'Ui apuaur. wat irrsetud Thn Oeneral Trnnsiitlnntfn Bti amshln tVajj naio 'a ahipa uil' ail 1 1 on ititu iwlayo inoii-iid ui Saluraayi Ii. 1 1 it in i itipani sui letabUab utpa uuii list rl a'1 an 1 uHn Apl a Thn Alumni of Hamilton Oollsai will hold ilu il tii euniial ruuuios at He- aih A vi uus Mule I tlu eteniny.

Ihu lieu. Henry nc wui pr Btde mi Uhei lea Wsrnoi Ul ati tesit uiatsyi The At la at i and pacifle Ontnpaai de uli ye ah idui lu make ihr uiu. rata ol leTi i.i ion rente lur ihi worda, toOi-rtu uii.iticed tfirouiiliois N- Kni'litnd, a and Ilu ut hew Vufk, NSW rierawA j't uiuyivauis, iMlswso sue mui la ad. In the report of Friday's prra I rs IB 'hi rrookt a whike cum' the tt iiiihh uel a repreoriM e-i ao o.i) nm ihai 'L tJ ai had accept I hut oirt'i 1 ai 1 1 laie; wsa Uiat Put II ill lid uat a pTil riw I rout I'u irbluuurt Stb SSIW Ot thr wliuraa..

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