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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 25

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

liJl 1 Ji I yl mE sTJ SUNDAYflEEMBER14 189OTRTY PAGES 1 WNA WX ARK ALL TALKIjrO ABOUT The project of building a Buddhist temple New York li 1 revived but the leading Buddhists are dill opposed to It One of them said I We know that there are believers enough In this city reat a temple tbat would rival In magnificence spy In India but the result would be to raise the err that we wore worshipping Idol and to Provoke persecution The Buddhist worship II contemplation We do not need a temple tor that The true Buddhist tempi It the body purified br failing and kept clean by chastity One of the rules of the Buddhists not to seek to make proselytes an ihut we need no temple tor Breaching In the style of your Rvlvallsts We bellaxe that when the time bts come for a man to bo a Buddhist hel Is then enllghtenrd without any effort on our pnrL He reeks fur us wedo not trrtocOnTlt Jnrt Your question as the Increase of BuddhIsm In tills country Is ort asked me The Increase Is wondorlm almost miraculous I As we hall no central meeting place and no I religions directory the Bitddnltte rannot be counted but If ou will take the trouble to ask every man you meet today whether bi I believes In Buddhism or theosophyyou will I be astounded at the replies Buddhism Is a universal religion relle8 spreads faster In Christian countries ban In any other when onue understood because It embraces Christ who was himself a preacher ot Buddhist doeS trims In our estimation There Is not much money to mode from writing poetry observed a rising young ver liner But there Is a mint of money In thyme I I chose to do It I could nearly double my musea earnings writing eracs brands of soap but I do not believe In make hack hOle of my Pegasus might llxe pinch more comfortably too If I were to go IO Into writing jingle but I cannot bring myself to do wrllnK wilting lor Immorialltynot for ortalityaud after all what does It matter If 10 without terrapin today I I wear a 20 suit Instead or n60Bu111 1 nmiubt a contented Is If I had all the thlncs which make the rich mans life seem happy and when I ee the wolf at tbe MeD sctatchlng to cot In I let him cratch and hanged When I get Into my hobo in the tomnleof fnmo bell nod Im nut his reach and hell DIr have the satisfaction I ion of thinking thnt 1 compromised with him I ton to please my stomach I In what Is In all likelihood the mostliberally imaged one of tho Indies shopping stores In town tbe only fine imposed noon the salesgirls ajid clerks Is a tax of a quarter of a dollar when any one Is late In coming In the morning bat great More tins the first choice morlnl among the working alrls who have found that the system of flue and penalties I reduced to such a science In ole of the stores that none can nay bow much or little he or aha will receive at the end of weeks work One of the mOlt curious costly and characteristic dining rooms In New York Is that of zMayor It Is literally Venetian Hewitt 1 It ralr a Voultan palacetransported The room Is I large enough to chi a dinner to a hundred The wainscoting i of carved oak of elaborate and costly pattern covering the four walls of the room except a wide space around the top which has a painted frieze of a succession of remarkable figures that bear the traces of age and look as though they might barn bean done by Titian or cone of his puDtls The room Is furnished in Italian stylo and is mainly the result oCr Hewitts taste Another remarkable loom i in the house Is the Oriental room used by the wit children as music room It contains the Quest collection of musical instrument In this country The carpet was presented to Mr Hewitt by the Sultan There fa also a writing desk from the same source The furniture IsSn keeping A section of the wall ban a specimen of ornamental stucco work done by the exMayors sons On his last trio to Paris Mr Hewitts children persuaded him to sit to a celebrated portrait painter and the result was a portrait that gives him a much more pleasIng expression than most of those that bavo appeared Mr Hewitts health is muob bettor than it was during his recent busy public life and lie la enjoying muchneeded rest A very noticeable feature In New York city of late years Is the Increasing number of flower stores and picture stores There Is no quarter of the city too noor to support these luxuries There Is hardly working girl In New York who does not nnd money during the week to buy a few fresh mODI Generally she gets these for Sunday and nurse them through Monday and Tuesday With the increase of free reading rooms libraries and DU pile lectures the cheapness newspapers and the low one of books ths testhetlos of the to poorest need not lack cultivation Whenever a bank breaks some unfortunate man is found with a eheck on the broken bank which be has neglected to present Pat MoCabe olerk of the Jefferson Market tells aStOr of that he had from loss story a narrow escape tat ha 101 a Caw years ao He had bell making dally visits to a certain city department to collect about 170 due hm One day he found the Treasurer In his office who blandly handout checks for the amount due Among them was a check for several thousand dollars on onu of the broken banks dated several days previously before the bank broke I oant take that said Pat The bank has felled But yon see It was god when I wan made cut and It Isyotirovxn fault that you did not come for it before Obno said Pat I have called several times to see you and the check could not have become my property until I accept I from yon I never did accept and I wont take I now I you have nothing else I will wait And so Pat saved severer thousand dollars The Treasurer In question a A wellknown Be publican formerly a State Senator I has often been noted with what facility the names of leading citizens may be obtained petitions circulars manifestoes Boards of Directors and papers of various kinds A SUN reporter met with an instance of this the other day while seeking information concerning a newly Incorporated society for a benevo lent oojeot Among those who had consented the use of their names but knew le lag whatever of the real promoter of the scheme were an exMayor an Comptroller an exCounsel to the Corporation a noted lawyer a gnat railway promoter and several distinguished citizens of wealth and era reputations for keen business ability Elcl one thought the others knew all about II I would be difficult to find anywhere In New York two men more utterly dissimilar In appearance than the famous gentlemen pigeon shots Chauncey FloydJones and Dr Knapp They are inseparable companions and when theyre In town Delmonlooa Invariably sbol tars them both at dinner tme Their conversation Is nearly always of tho confidential erder 8 familiar in restaurant They sit at a small table and from the beginning to the end of the dinner thore Is an amount of low toned and apparently humorous talk Mr FloydJones In tall and slim with aquiline features hair that Is growing a trifle thin on the top of his head and he wears a long droop lag and graceful moustache The iimustnche Is straw color Dr Knapp on 1ustlcle land la thick let and Inclined to stoutness le has a wonderfully thick growth of black Irowtb black lair and his heavy block beard urows almust UP to his eyes His moustache Is aa lo ig nit that of his oldtime rival though I dous not resemble it In tbo least In color Oco iHi niily the two crack pigeon ihots are joined by a mutual friend who was jonee the most promts Ing slayer or pigeons of them ml Ills nama Is JuUfur Murphy and he Is tne me ex Collector tho Pnrtuf New York in belxht be measures six feet four and welshs about 210 pounds At no point does ho offer the slightest rosembnn elo the other two wIiji snots When tho tbreu men get together all the aspiring youngsprrUmuu j1 slglit gather about them and plguon lore is teitiud to point of exhaustion OXllulloD Many people think tbat naval officers aboard ship live rather high and bat the Government pays the bills Both suppositions are wrong Naval omcers live very well They have a first meal or bieakfast sometime between 8 end lila oclock In the morning which consists only of fruit ejjus and coffee At 11 oclock they have luncheon This would be practically a dinner to men ashore but salt air begets hunger and enables folks to eat heartily and forget all about it an hour later Jbero are usually several made dishes at this meal with two or three kinds of vegetables and deu wih oreheese with coffee It Is I a very hearty meal but In uo stnse a luxurious ODo The last meal Is dinner which Is I usually served promptly at 6 dock This is i uRIY heartiest repast of the day I begins with soup Fish and one or two hearty air at follow and then a roast with vegetables Dessert cheese sod crackers aud cotTon wind It up It li I the usual dinner ut tbe Ul rout wfiltodi New iorker only there Is hb lit twli UH mm 01 ouch dish as you generally on lablis naliore and npielllita ate aPIell1 Ile in rnroitlon i No beeri wine Is I drunk ex CIt by thoSe who occasionally want It badly euouuli tu pay lor I out of their own pocket These meals eye not wholly paid for by Dm le I ham lin allows em man In I he service thirty cinis duy for hU meals That Is all Tbe additional cost Is I paid by the men themselves Lbs officers of each ship organlce I mess as It I called in sailors parlance which simply means a dining club or association similar to those whlob exist among the com on sailors The officers have a amonI room fo Pon salorj wlaoi I called the ward rm 11Ilhe table Is et and th lr mea Is I known apt the ward room mess Upon organizing their 11 Upu mess the officers elect one of their niunber as caterer The place Is little sought ror1II of cools unpaid and It Involves an ennr moos amount of work The paymaster lh pamltr and the ihips doctor having little to do In comparison with the otncersln reiular navitl I routine are usually favorite candidates The mess decides upon a certain sum which each dclre alm man will ray Into the treasury for board in addition to the thirty cents which the Government allows It Is then the caterers duty to give the mess the best board lor the money that he can He birrs cooks and wallets and buys proxltionr The mess also provides Its own table furniture As a general thing rncli officer contributes 1 a day to tbe hoard fund Thl finnlshes food only I Is the caterer business also to have beer and wine on hand In ass tbs mess or membrs of I wish to purcha them There Is llttln drinking Thre IUII aboard ship however In spite 01 stories to tbo contrary Whiskey and spirits are tabooed The blizzard happened nearly three jears uo and has been written up pretty well but once In a while a new detail comes to light Heres one A family loan I uptown flat managed to get along pretty wall on Monday and part of Tuesday but when Tuesdays dinner was to be prepared there was no mik Now mashed potatoes without milk are like that famous Hamle that we read a out But there wan condensed milk In the houe end that was diluted with uq puia nuant sut and thn mixture added to the potatoes The result was Indeed mixbed potatoes but It was not satisfactory Condensed milk Is good In coffee was the decision but In mahnd po tatoeslt may be oaten but it Isnt uood One of the visitors to the Brazilian gunboat Aquldaban out In theNotth River a day or two ago was Dr Dies Illbeiro of lh Brazilian line of steamers On the little finger of his loft hand he wore a gold ring Around the edge of it Wes a 1 small gold onake with an emerald and a diamond one in either eye onn of the lI Iit el111 ois to the gun bout asked Dr Itibclro I I was a Brazilian ring 1 Is the baJae of my profession hManswered Kent ly every professional In were distinctive ring that man Drldl wears a Ubtnovo lolth1t It you should wear a number ot men clinging I tn strap In a street oar you could I tell thttr profession at a glance Ut tnl rorlllonh course the artisans hats no class I nJ Tim emerald rt8nns stone that physicians wear though fiequently they substitute diamonds for it Druggists near a ring of the Fame shape but use topaz stones In the snakes eyes The Inwvers wear a white stone In their rings an emblem of purity I suppose lblr Iurt Artists have sapphire rlncsand engineers public officials and all professional men as a rule wear the distinctive ring of their orofesslnn Our medical course lu Brazil requires night rears and I your medical colleges Here have eour es from three to four yenrs Notwithstanding tin longer course In Brazil however the most popular physicians In RIo ale Americans ou would probably bo surprised to see how well known by ot lel name some your prominent New York physicians are there The day after a holiday usually seems like Monday and a curious Illustration of this was noticed ou the Friday following Thanksgiving A wellknown banker of Wall street In welknown banke Wal Atret was a downtown restaurant on that day and saw at a near table a clean shaven man who looked very much like a Iloman Catholic priest The banker overheard the supposed priest aslcfor sooie venison Isnt ibis rdaJ asked the banker of the waiter In a rather loud tone The waiter replied In the affirmative Well bring me some fish said the banker The clericallooking man overheard this and as the waiter passed by he called him and with a genial mlo countermanded the order for venison and also requested fish orr Who is that gentleman asked the banker when the waiter returned The waiter bent our and whispered anl whispr Dr wale sir There Is a barkeeper on Broadway who is a temperance reformer He has been known to remonstrate against over Indulgence In liquor at his bar He has ben known while passing the botII across the counter to warn a customer of the danger of pouring too much Into his tumbler He has been known 10 express satisfaction with the course of 1 youthful tippler who gave up the habit of drinking Ho has refused to furnish grog to a man who was already under Its influence Thin remarkable barkeeper holds that all men should be tern Drrate under all circumstance and he mourns ovjr the folly of those who are otherwise yet he has stood behind his bar for many years Tbe Chicagoan who are always registering at our hotels a now more exuberant than ever they were before in their talk about the prospects ef the Worlds Far They overwhelm any sedate New Yorker who broaches the subject 1 It I to be the biggest thing In all 1 cratIQ It has the finest site to found outside of New York Its managers are lure to get all the money they need from Congress It Is sure to draw millions ot people to Chicago the nations of the earth win strive to beat eich others display at It it will raise the price of lots It will a show worth looking at you can bet It will enrich everybody Chicago It will prove that the centre of the country la atone aids of It It will beat all tbe other worlds falis that ever were held and It I will advance rates In the pork market Thus It Is I that the Chicagoans rattle away as fast a they can When they come to New York It Is pleasant a listen to them for the first three or four hours of their discourse The bad manners of the street car conductors are attracting more and more attention everyday Mark Twain apparently struck a popular chord in his recent letter about the Sixth avenue railroad conductor for the complaints since that time have been numerous and bitter Women have more to put up with from the majority of these Illmannered public servants than men for eveS the most reckless nf conductors are a little afraid of sending forth abuse where there is I chance of their getting something more than 1 xerbal rebuke Dnrinc the storm of Saturday a conductor on a Broadway way oar not only spoke with unwarranted sharpness to women but abused them with so 8 much profanity that he was eventually taken to task by a man who stood with the crowd on the rear platform The conductor at once began a whining story ot the hardships of the ran that be had to endure ending up with the statement that people treated him as If be want lit to shovel the snow from the street Thats what you ought to tx doing Rid the li ate passenger You are nottutorido rd on a public street car much lens take tbe management of one From the fact that young Mr Berkley War burton I again seen about town It la expected tbat his partnership with Dlxey has boen HUU dered Mr Warburton was looked upon for along while alh king of the dudes In Philadelphia and be unquestionably had a strong following among young men who made a study their clothe Like rust men of the kind ho had a strong liking fur tbe Miute tend his eon slant attendance at the thealros resulted In a warm pet Sonal friendship forDlxov Wnrliur ton bal I always claimed that uiiy 111 not managed with sufficient skill by 11 though it MAS the general ImproMilon uf the publln that tho coined had cmsldcrab mote inaiiHgTnont tItan any other actor who over 11 ed itbeu ilica leu the comedian Warbur ton tool his pile and he bus sine been touring all over tbu country uoiing ns toe man atei iidvnncn agent and icH liially uoinc on at liiiihc and pntyluc a part blmseb I wan rather a xtrlegHted experience fur I mini who WHS hiiiiposod to have th ng but ncety us plrntlons It bal resultd lu nI nirable falling off In xvulcht on Mr Wnriiurtons porl Bull be may fiuve gitluoU oxi ereuve A novoity up town is a woman locksmith who has worked at the tinde BO long tbat she Is i able to per arm ttlsfactorilr all of the lighter duties of thu wot Her husband who luis a slurs to plumbeis supplies over on Sixth nxonne has beun crippled In I Intlitmina toiy rheumatism until he Is not able to walk more bn a block or two at a time It baa 11lel coming on him gradually tm with every recurrent attack he has doubled his exertions rxertols KB a tutor uutll his wile can now nt a key to a lock trunk or door or atnod In any of the other duties of the work as well as a limn She WII1 1 un aetltu little written mi the wrong side of fnrtyaudextremelyumhitloiisln a mechanical way Slit balu rlv days rime that she had made so main friends among the peoplo in whose 111 she had worke I In the neglibur boo that slut bud DOW a special line nf I ustoin Ultw which nobody could take away from her At least she said no man can lake It sway from me imhipn If there was another woman locksmith I might Le lu danger An old lecture agent remarked yesterday that no element In a lecturers career In ArnerKa needed so much delicacy In handling as the sensational Mr Stanley be said hud fame enough to carry him through hit long srainn here lilt lIving colors The notoriety wnitu his xpo8iir of Hitreif column bavo bruiiubt upon him all uuiiinslou iblyend in a ileildcd fft ling I I I ml 1 i Ins pt iimiice I I ecm 1 It nitI nit ru ha nC 1 tho people whu alend pupil Inn len tires use uomeii aud TOIiI i hlle not an uipitlie Ion hoirors It Is lull known that tiflr ciiiiosity about any Iron who has achieved sudden notoriety bis a distinct mon nary value They will pay for the privilege of gratifying that curiosity whether tbe hero Is tror the divorce courts or Is some deposed so cOUrl sODe cial leader But they do not support such at tractions steadily The whole rear guard ria ture of tb Stanley tour was eunnaccessary lour I uleOII said dangerous experIment I I THJVT WOULD Bit AH OTHERS AUK Isstasee of he Denlr 5 I Imitate Other Miss Coapleno Characteristic Borne philosopher has observed that the exceptional man Is pretty sure to be Imitated whether the characteristic which distinguish him from the rent of tbe world are meritorious or not The Influence ot the conduct speech or writings ot a conspicuous man are sure to befell The same philosopher has also observer that when a man Is Influenced by another he Imttnos him consciously or unconsciously In some striking detail of bin personal appearance Hn may copy the cut of his beard or the twist of his moustache or the xtylo of bis clothes or a number of other things I many persons admire one man they may Inlluomed differently Each may copy I different characteristic I some particularly striking characteristic however be prominent enough to dwarf all others It Is probable that Imitators lll copy that not observing any other Kaiser Wllholm grandfather of the present Emperor had his beard trimmed In a peculiar style the mut tonchop whisker lad moustache being larger than those usually Or Probably sevctal hundred thousand Germans In various parts ot the world wore exactly tbe same style of beard In fact the ordinary German felt Intensely happy If he could cult vate such a beard He wont Into ocstacles It anybody noticed 1 resemblance between his facial appearance and that of the Emperor No doubt tbe Iron Chancellor had thousands of imitators The late Bayard Taylor recognized the Iml tatlxe disposition of men In his description ot his visit to California In the dl1 of 49 Taylor was a passenger on board a sailing cssal which bore many gold hunters from the Isthmus of Panama to the Golden Gate Ho In common with most of the other passengers was strongly Impressed by that rp1ir iie nnd notionof ntnniturn man who bore a striking facial resemblance to the first Napoleon The man had evidently studied ne portraits of the Illustrious Frenchman At a certain hour every day he walked to the bows of the vessel and looked steadfastly across boa distinctly recalling the painting of Napoleon ou his wav to Bt Helena His cloak was WI appod about him his arms were folded I his brows wero knit and his entire attitude tokoned complete absorption In reverie He wee generally addressed as Napoleon I WH lnornly The HouUncor beard is another characteristic feature Tbe valiant Frenchman may have copied his beard from the Illustrious King Henry but I wits Boulangers prominence und not King Henrys that induced men to copy the beard But to come nearer home it would be interesting to know how many thousands of persons are imitating personal characteristics of hauncey 31 Dopew A prominent American said bat ho believed there ate lOOUO Atueit cans many of whom have never i len Mr Depew attempting to Imitate his facility of speech Umiucstonably threequarters of the wouldbe orators strito with every effort to acquire his Interesting ready keen address Mr Depew while ready to peak upon the subject generally was not desirous of referring to himself particularly I am quite con Incod he said ut the correctness of the proposition 1 have observed it myself frequently i know for instance that there were many imitators of Kulua Cboato As you will remember this brilliant orator bad some peculiar tricks of action which were hardly noticed by his listeners in their admiration of his eloquence but when the many wouldb orators imitated him they became ridiculous His ItO of gymnastics did not detract from his oratory because of Its excellence but when the mental matter was poor the athletic exhibition only mado the Imitator ridiculous There were hundreds and thousands of men undoubtedly whn were Influenced by Henry War Beecher How many copied nil oersonal characteristics und Imitated his personal appearance would bn bard to say I have no doubt that many did Men unconsciously acquire little tricks of speech or action which originated with somebody else 1reaident Arthur originated a style In carrying tbe cane which for 1 time was exceedingly popular The late President being a man ot natural cheerfulness and buoyancy of mind unconsciously revealed his animal spirits ny gracefully twirling hIs cane with nimble fingers Within a very short time after thin characteristic I style developed hundreds of his admirers mirers paraded tbe streets twirling their canes In Imitation ot his method Tbx visitor the law office of Frederic Candent will struck at once by the Influence of his example Among the legal fraternity at least that portion of I which opposes him Mr Coudert has acquired the reputation for the most biting and searching sarcasm among those persons who come Into social relations with DerSOla bt has the reputation of being the most polite and courteous man In New York No matter how busy he may be the visitor to his office Is received with a courtesy and po litanies that Is as surprising ns It Is gratifying But not less surprising than his courtesy and politeness is the attitude ot every employee In his offices The influence of his example has moulded all his assistants evendown ta the office boy to a wonderful degree tc The visitor to Cob fnzersolls office Is Impressed by the fact that the employees there are unlike those In any other office Tho Colonels spirit seems to pervade the entire establishment Tne assistants approach the lsltor In a frank straightforward manner that makes him feel comfortable at once The blunt way of speaking Is a perfect Imitation of the Colonels own manner te Concerning this ubect a careful observer remarked In my opinion this Imitation of personal characteristics Is the outgrowth or a natural Inclination Inborn lu almost avery individual to begin 1 great work with 1 comparatively paratively insignificant step 1 believe that out of ten men ambitious to write a great novel finn will Invariably begin by writing the tte Of those nine probably eight will never get any farther It Is exactly the same with the average men who attempt to emulate the examples ot great men They copy the little things among which ate the personal mannerisms and characteristics first because they a com paratixely easy Very fewof them get any further becau every onward step re uulres ability and Industry Out nf ten men Who desire to be like Mr Depew probably one will In some measure succeed i speak now of ten men elected nt random all possessed of a burning dealt to emulate the object of tholr admh alan Of 118 other nine I doubt that eight will have either the ability or persistency to go beyond the Imitation of some striking mannerism The ninth may advance in some dorco but probably not very avance Any number of Insimi could be presented as lllutriti of tho desire to Imitate hut they all fund lard thu celia point Of a number of public mn questioned as to its truthfulness not 010 uu I a ilsHntluc opinion and while only lee woul I clxe IlluiUtitlonii all admitted that they had recognized It Irequently IUIIIA 1 lltlt NIHILIST AB Incident In thr turcer or the leader llentlGlunhi The st men to whom tbe Paris police turned lu their search for the murderer of the Ilusslan OeD KelixottroT was Stanislaus Mendelssohn the acknowledgedhead of tbo Polish revolutionary parly in Iriuica He Is a cousin of this compuor MendelsohyBiiitboldy and a grand nephew of the Berlu philosopher Moses Mendelssohn Although not known lu Franco as tbe lender ol the Paris Nihilists for that personage has kept his Identity arrt rom all without the movement his control of the Polish revolutionists has lone Indicated that If not himself cominnndnrIncuief bas von near to him Mendelssohn Is 33 years old He ottidied me Heine In Warsaw his birtbpia but was drixin from bottle before finish his lourse lureomn i I I flh I lu I socialistic ana democratic InirlgmmnKilnst Govern mOlt ofTlceis lie lltn Il I few rr In Austria and Ocrtnanv Miflerm4 lines and Imprisonment the and confession ment for peiBlsiunt aalpen of his i ad leal xloxvs 11111 i turned fora short time to lucas whose jie paid similar penalties for similar olTeoces He bioiurbt up eventually In Imlar several yearn auo with aeoiiifoiiiihle little forluue received fiom his family and the 1111 ermliiatlon to a lao in I foreign lund fur doormlnaloQ revolution itt nom His properly generosity antI llfi of adventure at once gite him metlko iimoni his fel lotv countrymen and ho lucrtfusad Ills popularity by entertaining at hla tail In his villa lu the FontenexBuxUosou the mst unfortu 1I11e and helpless of his political comrades Bite IhlA grew naturally I and unopposed into a position of leadership of one uf tho many groups Into which the Nihilists or 1arls Hie cuiolully orcunuud tic orditig to birthplace degree of ladlcallsm or social tendency Tbe alcll dIf the murder of tiwllvestroir became known to the Tons tail men were de spHtcbd to Mendelssohn villa tl plate him uiilti arrest Tim result however waa rather furelcil Mundeiss hn acknowledged lauuhltiKly rat I lie knew lad let ak I who tYlt stlpenlxd ol tbe I minder luid tIteu helped him ilnsnvlalb ml had Nhelteied him llerently I hnwev MendHlKo i I said I i ho had lost sigh ot IHlUvAl I I IIII I iw nthins the inuiixiMir nan of tlmniunlui I was rertuu 11 I Hind alld 1 ii lit thai I 4l 1lo6rhl I vuia ping I when ho said hu kumv i othlui i of ihe planning ii I the minder I he lilniMlfdid I nut pit Iml It Is I lunerallr blleved he enciUraxed the plan llerl nine or I and meed that i be executed as I was executed shortly otter the announcement In Paris of the sentencing to death of Hophle Uuenzbnrg Mendelssohn complicity could not be proved or even legally presumed so he was released to continue his work ef propagating gating with word and purse the doctrines ot violent emancipation la i itusl I A rrncAL yianr rIIAt The JMeneeae far Them sad Hew They are Mnansted br tn4ertak A gay party of Indies and gentlemen returning from the theatre about to enter an uptown hotel the other night when the porter at the ladles entrance stopped them I am sorry he said but yon will have to walt a little while This entrance Is closed for the present You can I you wish go byway of the office He spoke In a verylowtone which Impressed his listeners Whats tbo matter asked a gentleman There Is a funeral party comtngdown here The guests looked at him amazement What funeral at this hour of the night they exclaimed The porter nodded his head affirmatively and gently clood the door In their faces They went away and presently a hearse and two carriages that hnd been standing In the shadow moved forward to point In front of the entrance The coffin covered with a black cloth rested on two chairs In the centre ot one of the small parlors up stairs A graybearded man and a young girl of about 15 sat bosldo It They were evidently thn mourners The girl was weeping and tabbing while the man stared heavily and broken heartedly at the blank wall In ono corner stotfd two men They wero the unueitnker anti one of his assistants The former was giving the latter llnal Instructions The Hunts In the later Illal IDtltonl loom wohj turned low Thor wore no lowers and nothing to disturb the heavy unpleasant mourniul air home 01 tho turulimn had been moved over Into one corner to make room for this coffin About the time that the theatre party had been refiiied aiuilsMon the undertaker looked ut nit xvntcb 1 was exeetly 11 oclock lie glanced hesitatingly I at the two mourners and then Le closed his watch with a snap and nlko1 Olel to tilout It Is time lor its to be moving he said everything Is I testy I and nothing will he coined by further delay ilao you any further instructions sir I Thn man shook his head sadly put bin arm around the sobbing girl and urof with her Thu assistant undertaker came over and helped his emploxor remove lie pall the coffin rested In a wooden box lined with metal ltn cover was oil and thu slide In tho tip of the cofiln was open Under the glass could los the face of a woman of middle age Tbeie were some gray hairs among too dark but most of the wrIDk1 had been smoothed out by death A plate on the cobb born her name and ago and It required no deep penetration to understand that slid was the wife of the man whose palnstrlcKcn fata belt lingeringly over ber and the mother uf the heartbroken girl the two lingered only for a low moments alr1 IDlered monte While they were puttlngon their wraps the undertakers assistant closed the sllda in the coitin and ptitthe cover on the box then ho wont out Into the hal abd nodded to several other men who canto in and helped hlmcarry tho conin down stairs The mourners hollowed dlreutly behind They went at once Into the first carriage behind the hearse lbs hotel porter were just putting the last Items of bar aga Into the second carnage One of the clerks came out shook the mans band and bade him a sympathetic adieu From the way in which ha addressed him It was evdont that the man bad boen a frequent guest at the hotel No sooner wore the doors of the carriages closed than tbe Undertaker cllmbod up beside the driver on the hearse and the two assistants went onto the boxes of tbe coaches The procession started down Broadway at a rapid pace There was nothing of tbe slow and dignified about this funeral march Time was aluable At the junction of Broadway and Fifth avenue tbe procession turned off to the latter thoroughfare and went down across Washington square and South Fifth avenue and thence through various dark and narrow side streets to the Desbrosses Street Ferry The ride depressing enough to tbe mourners under any circumstances was rendeied doubly so by the black silent and tortuous streets through which they had come Tbo undertaker and his assistants ilidnt think ot this but congratulated themselves upon having come justin time tn catch tbe boat they wanted tme The mourners still remained In their carriage after the latter had been driven upon the boat and did not loaxe It until they entered the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot In Jersey City All arrangements for their further travel bad already been made The coffin In Its box was quickly transferred to I baggage car and the mourners entered one ot the sleeping coaches Berths had been reserved for theta I was the 1215 night express As the undertaker stuck Dljbt his he said head Into the car to bid them goodnight Everything is all right sir I have made Inquiries You will reach Pittsburgh atO5U tomorrow and willconnect there for Toledo wher tomorrow due at4lfi Uoodrdght1 This was only a typical night funeral Probably many New Yorkers hae wondered at the sight ot funeral processions passing through the dark side streets about the time that most citizens are going bed There are various reasons for them One Is of the sort Indicated by this tale Visitors to New York who are stopDlng at our hotels and suddenly die there are usually removed at night The reason for this Is plain By taking the body away at night the mourners are able to reach their homes early enough the next day to give time lor the funeral services and the Interment This is especially true where the destination Is so far removed irom this city that any morning train could not reach I until too late to permit immediate burlnU The same thing may be true of country visitors to private houses In tbe city but there Is not the same necessity for Immediate removal from a private bouse as there is 1 Irom a hotel Proprietors of hotels wont harbor corpses any longer than they must because they know that many guests object to it Patients who ole to New York bnspitals and die there are also usually removed at night Perhaps there aremore night funerals from the hosnl ala than from the hotels An undertaker of whom an Inquliy was made as to this rather unpleasant custom dole a that bad come within his own knowledge The victim was a lady who had come on with her husband to Thanksgiving with some friends She las just auoa ready to come down stairs to tho Thanksgiving dinner when she was suddenly seized with apoplexy and died Tbe husband wont to their Western home with her body on Thanksgiving night An unusually sad ease occurred a year ago when an ag couple came from tome place out near Chicago to Now York to enliven the Christmas of their son who was undergoing an operation In one of the city hospitals They arrived here on Chrlstma eve and were met with the news that he had died that afternoon I His dead body accompanied them on their return the following night LzhLI DUO IAITIIFVL A Monument to Stir Hrmory Erected OK One or the Hlitheit Mountain or nncland On Helvellyn In the county of Cumberland England a monument has been erected to the memories of a man and 1 dog The man was killed In 1S03 by falling fiom one of the high crags on the rldgo that jons Standing Edge to thn summit The do little flow rougli haired terrier was Ills companion and was found watching orrtlie remainsthieu months afterward She hal gixen birth to puppies that were found dead by her side It Is be llaxed that she ma ntnlned life In I ot carrion sheen not tinfieiiuonily lound on the hills The accident was probably caused by lalse HTMluiinu a null storm RM tint man Charles Cough was leturning to Wythhuru where he lodged In a fishing excursion in Paitordale Tne doz died a low years Bttl wad I rl I sf I I Ii 1 i 4 i 5 I This Is tbe inscription BIMKATB Texts SPOT WAS yOVND IX 1805 Tug MMAIN8 Oy CBBLES OOUOI1 lULLED D1 I ALL yams TJIB BOCKS BIS poe WAS STILL OUABDINO vita SKKLXTON WiLH B007I PllcHlltl THI ElIKT IK Till Film I climbed the dark brow of hi mighty titvilyn VtuHDSVORrtl Kin DB IT IS 1IIK llhkl OK rieu Ivy The doe wiiifh WI i till tint ring ntih fm rlllm nJ Iltixtlnr IJf pants llinll ery lliU lot IaII1 i Inert tires mnntii space A Uwt lf In tint itvie lines llnw nmirlilirit lirr Uimnci I inrli I long time 111 knoni ito vxe IIII lull ilblhne 110 An pure that Mirniili In lug grral Above ul Ituiniiii itinnte Ii Nicely or THAT Levy 1 Stutsciu or Klitno tULO TJII tfTONr ii KutOTiD a ItDJt The mpnurnent was snygeeted by Miss mnUmelt wa IUllllted Prances iO Cobbb and she was aided In compli tn tIle d1 by the 11ev II 1 IZiwas I Vlwl is tell 0 fUWL 2 ncRL raa roLtanKD HfAIU I A LIvely Carting 8eneo te Begin seO ALBANT Dec llFor nearly a fortnight the members of the Albany City Curling Club have been able to hurl the stance over tbo smooth surface their covered sheets or rinks I her ate popularly hut Incorrectly termed I The gone of curling almost as old as Scotch heather ant tbo pibroch and plaid but the covered sheets are a now feature In the United Stales although they have been In use I tor some time In Canada Some years ago the Buffalo Curlers built a covering over the sheets butthe organization did not prosper nnd Its buildings disappeared Thus It chanced that the honor of being tbo first wellestab lished cnrllng club In this State to have I clubhouse and covered sheets belongs to the Albany City Curling Club which afforded almost all tho sport enjoyed by curling clubs of this section last winter Tho covered sheets ot the Albany Club are typical of those now In use wherever a curling club of any size Is located A first requisite for a shoot Is a solid earth surface ot clay level led up with fine gravel or sand The length of this must be about 142 feet and the width of each sheet from six and a half to eight feet The surface as prepared Is divided by a plank walk tending through tho centre nnd parallel with the longer sides The two long surfaces ou either aide of the walk ore the shouts The whole Is covered by a long low shedlike structure furnished with narrow but numerous apertures through which cold air may circulate One end of this building Is partitioned off Into two small parlors provided with windows facing the shoots where the more delicate visitors of the club may comfortably sit and watch the game With the first touch of cold weather the clubs attendant coos forth with large water me pot nnd only sprinkles water upon the prepared surfaces Thin freezes almost as soon ns sprinkled und another layer of lee Is quickly I added This Is I repeated until on either side of the uentril walk there is a phect of lop I tri IJ or four Inches thick llrmlv and solidly attached to the prepared surface beneath Upon thoo heels the stones are hurled from too to toe as tho eve ml rinks contend for the mastery Since tho erection 01 the Albany citys club house sheets have heou prepared and covered by the Boston Curling Club the Thistle Curling Chili of Nol YorK at llobokon tho Tinkers Curling Club and tho Erlle Curling Club oC Albany All will bn ready for use and occupancy before the winter has fairly cot In With cnxered eleoth nil thai Is needed Is moderately Old weather and defiance can bo hurled at wind and nol and storm which su fro quently Interfered with the sport on open and unpiotocted sheets One nturo of this seasons sport will ho the playing till ot large number of the District Medal games nrrnnped for last winter among tIm curling clubs belonging to the Grand National Curling Association of America Nearly all tbo names of this series that were played last winter occurred hero at Albany The dales of these National contests and also of the local club events aro to a large extent left open In order to take advantage of too host possible conditions of weather and Ice Tha prospect ot favorable conditions for fortyeight hours Is sufficient to load a message humming oxer the wires from New York or Albany to Boston Utica Buffalo or Montreal For the curling season now opening the Albany City Club thu largest In the National Curling Association has already outlined a programme and with the exoeotlon of dates Is nearly complete The club has to playoff one ot the District Medal matches of last year with thn New York Curliffe Cluband will meet as usual the Utica Curling Club lu the annual contest for the McCrodle medal which was presented In 1870 by Thomas McCrodle Sr un Albany maltster and prominent Scotsman for an annual test of skill between the Utica anti Albany curlers Another match that takes place every year is the scotch against other nationalities also the match for thu Thomas McCredio 1otnt Modal given to the possessor of tho bent Individual curling record lu thu Albany City Club also the Fnsoldt Championship Medal given for tho best Individual cOUrt The match for the Fasoldt medal will bo the finish of the contest begun last year but was stopped for the want of good Ice A series ot games Is also to bn arranged with the Empire Curling Club of this city A link medal has bean offered In the Albany City Club which will eeitalnly benefit the club and develop now players This contest contemplates the selection of eight good skips from the club members who ID turn will select first second and third players to fill out eight full rinks Then a drawing will take place by wnich the players will be assigned to positions under one or tbo other the eight snips and these thirtytwo players will then contest for the club supremacy and the rink medal The delegate to the National Association from the Albany City Club hat been informed by Secretary 1oulls that he may he called upon to say whether his club Is prepared to send a full rink to Montreal to contest for the Uordon Medal xxhlch ls played for each year on the sheets of the Caledonia Curling Club at Montreal The Canadians have nlwaya bcn able to retain the trophy and it Is con side ed the most valuable one in the lone list of curling medals and by the clubs Irom tho Stales It is considered a great honor to be on the rink which Is sent to Montreal to try conclusions with the holders nf the prize Iloretotore the National Association has picked out a special rink from the best curlers In the different clubs but this year It Is suggested that the rink to be sent shall betaken from one club As the largest club as well aa ono containing a large proportion of good Mayors the Albany City Curling Club Is liable to be ordered tn send rink or two to meet the victorious Canucks for the medal in January next THT1NG TO 1JtUTK IllJUSKLF AZ1TE A Mora Dlfflenlt luck For Sir Wallace Th It Would heem To Bo From Ihe Aantai CUt Journal It Is not often In this age of the telegraph and newspapers that ll man Is doolaiud dead and letters of administration are granted ou his estate and the supposed dead man urea within a short distance ot the place where affidavit Is made that lie Is dead but mch a case came to lImit yesterday at Independence Thomas Wallacn walked into the piobate clerks office and asked the clerk to see such papers as had been filed by the administrator rutotlvo to the estate 01 Tnomas Wallace deceased The clerk nskod a few questions nnd was Informed that Thomas Wallace supposed to be dead was nut dead and that he was the man or in other words lie bad come buck tu life and wanted the money duo him from hU estate The clerk slod Mr Wallace up and he looked nnytliihc but a dead man Tuo rimposed dead man looked over the papers including the allldavlt that bo xvns lend and totted that be was in hlalllotlmopossessed of 3f7U In cash und that in bo llnal xxlndup of his earthly affnlis it cost 2lil to the ad mlnlsirator in the way ot oi oases tu niimnue it7ut worth of cash Ho alto aw whore tld expenses were taken from Jnd the amount of his earthly onteMoiiB and that 14IU ro inained and no also found out Hint the 1110 which wis left ul lila earthly wealth upon ap plleatlon had been gin to lie administrator lor faithfulness In molnc that NVallacos lla bllltioH did eoxpr his ns ots no that when ushered up lo i hi Peter ho could truthfully pay tljai II ho had laid up any troimiros they must lie in bunion for his nucouutljuloxv had come out marly even Mr Wallace examined the papers with evl dent relbli for li outs not often thit dead man was permitted to come hi iek and tiiat oxorytliinu MIK In hlnipii Tho valets hhowod that letters I of iii lit I ictrailtit hnd 1 lieon I liiuit I HelL a 1 HOmill iliit a llnal teulemcnt had itt ii Hindi at itt Febiuii I i term 01 court hail ii a real tlie no ice of Ii a ill set iiomtn puli llbhud In a Wspnor nnd almost was tier huaded that I ln was dead sure ermuch Mr Wnilucn staled tun reporter Hint at the time of his iiiuitit its raemdod In thepiobale i slice be was posbo nd of moio property than ttao id munlotrato I lat oietl In I tho iiotUe of IImil I KUtlemont ly low hundred dollius nnd lurllierinore had liudln Jacksun county ever suco bo was i yeais old He llrni loirnol that do trite iiead ft out ihe lovet ut luelit lit I itt uurnt nt Washington und Ittmmo about In this xay During the xviu he hid lunilHlind the Got crnmcni luirsos tutu lumlorcd the Onvornniunt utbHiserUcos Ho bout In his claim Bluntly after the war hut did not demand payment About two yours 1110 be dpmanded the piy log Ills sot loe nnd A4VUttd the olllclals at Wnsli IriKton of the iRe A few days alter making this deimmd hu wet somewhat Miocked Iiy thin polio coining In tu theolTect thai be was dead ami that ihet could i rove It Zulu lend up to a uotiespiuloico between Mr tnila and the YaslilnitiMi eltollUlnls tio finally sent him word that they had font Idler to tbo prol ate olllco ai Independence fur an explanation Mr Wxlliico mated that for some reason they rioter itnwetoti and ilien the matter of prov Inc that ha was allvo ilovolvod upon him lie Immediately set about obtaining depositions setting forth the fact that bourns WaU Jae deceased was anything but spirit Armed with these depositions hn proceeded to liuhiflndonco lor Ihe purpojoof finding nut what tics the flitter lin I I tailed upon Mr iiioio I Im i veil Ih i it adinliiHtidtor I I who Informed I him I thai he hal been appointed as od iiilnlf alit at 110 I Institution 01 incenp ilan ilnll ii ito it ai a leldent of Knnsiis Cll nnd that Mi llandnll I xvi Die proper part for to see lint I no doubt a eiticl net it explanation Klild I lio inidr Mr linudill vns Joi juan I it lehdent i of liulopendRro I I und was enuiiupd for a number of ais in iho In lness ol uttondliiK I tuaiul I I bti yt tug clalin agal list tint loxernmimt Ilndlui that VVallicn had claim HI Washington It IH likely that an at tuiupt wah mudo tu Hnd him and falling In this asked thatun administrator be appointed lii order to secure the claim at Washington Mr Wallace states that he baa resided near Rauta V6 Jackson county since the war and has lately move4 to ltansas OiLy and now resides at 0l9 Jaxnoe strast WILD Iz4IIwuhicsINu A Odd Masse of Hklll used Riot at Com pitlllTX Kxtilblllon In Paris PAnts Dec 6 Before twentyooven looking glasses sat twcntysuven dishevelled maidens the clnnunuf llielr loilots celled by the fnmll Ian strlpoil wrappers of tho halrdrn serN saloon surrounded by hnlrplnx bandeaux and but why expose the wenIs ot the toilet Inough to say that nil was there necessary to tho erection of a fashionable coiffure Itohlnd unli stood Ilgnro oxrcctnt bill comb In hand hU snowy shirt front and rosplundnnt htuds car ilulU protected by a sllkan kerchief iniw oxecuting valse stops to the prelimlnnty strains of thin band now combing th tresses before him to the name accumpanlmint This odd scene was ut the ball ot the Society of IrocroM In llnlrrtroiflne audIt wa the outset nf npilxo competltlin Tho signal IB glen With lightning lingers the compatltoiB proceed to work Inn tyke fringes that lately hung dank and straight ussumo a fluffy appearance Tho spectator cannot fall to note the tareitul powdering of the models faces for the eloctrio Hunt Is trying and ob terre how speedily a twist here curl there nail half dozen sUlllully iila od tins add to feminine charms It Is all very serious Tho Mihjtcta are models of gravity Moses Louis mid AiigiiBtu anti and Hlnpolyto Indulge only In the facial contortions peculiar to their trudo their young In lies and profits hlonal friends solemnly piomenado to the music and await results with puloltatlog hearts Gentlemen tho comka to the pockets cries thioPretiulitnr With a last pat hero a final fingering of the frizzes and a taionoll adjilHimcnt of featheis iind loners the competitors whIsk off the wrappers and the twenty seven ballgowned young ladios are revealed to us in all the glory of thor oluborate coiffures OontliiiRn of the jury will you do your duty Is the ntorlnn iomrannd It sounds as It they weru trying a murder case Ah I the solemnity ot the moment There Is noconort atlontho music ceases the excitement ot the le tlvo Figaros Is alone manifested In their elevated ojolirows uplIft I shoulders and flerod moustache code working like the anteunin of the lobster The prize 10 only to him who shall obtain seven votes Hut alas and alas no ono gains this numlor No 23 cuts six Vo 1 gets three the remilnlnK four are frittered away betwien other competitors Again and again the KOII tlemen of the jury do their itutv and just as 23 seems to have grasped the golden cross of honor a wild crowd seizes hold of a diminutive blackbearded individual with a tall comb protruding from Ills pocket uplift him shoulder high and No 1 it IB realized Is after all the lucky man Then a tremendous row ensues The second prize has been handed to 23 but with flashing eyes and face whiter than shaving lather he dashes it tragically to the floor and with half smothered yell like a tiger balked of UH prey rushes at the unfortunate lady whose tresses have served him In such good stead and In another moment reduces the coiffure he has erected to ruin confused mas of hairpins switches marteaux curls and an osprey alone remains of what was once so dear Ton man the festive Figaros pursue the baffled barber round the saloon and with groans and hisses expel him from the scene The honor of the society has been outraged A compatriot and fellow craftsman has made a and exhibition of jealous rage and disappointment and Insulted the society Meanwhile hairpins and looking glasses have boon swept away the floor Is cleared and the Gnllla hairdresser certainly doc not take his pleasure sadly for in the refreshment room where bottled stout and cigarettes appear to be I most In request the friends of luck less No 23 and tho successful No 1 exhaust themselves in Gesticulations and arguments while the paucity of the lunoroal blackedged prourammes lashes many Into exhibitions of fury which freauentlytbrcntens to develop Into pugilistic Interludes As the writer departs a procession of ladles who have been brought with hair already dressed In vnrlonH historical and fashionable styles i lu course ot formation and suggests the idea that the revolving waxen dummies have escaped from tbe various hairdressers windows to tuko part In the revels lint the last Impression of the Grand Concourn International rind hall is I of a haggard ghastly Apparition hugging brush and comb a cardboard box and stilpod wrapper and peering through the swine doors with wild eyes nt the reels within It wuui the fallen ancol hovering utround hoe gates of Paradise the hapless No 23 TOVDOO liOCTUHtt METHODS The BIciBBrole by Which Hcampi Oct Money from Houtbern Negro yon the Savannah fftvt A white man who claims to be a hoodoo doctor of unlimited ability and calls himself Ur Johnson and sails under the alias Ham Da Leon has been swindling the superstitious negroes who live on Gus Waters road near llelters store for a ing time Tho eminent profoeor of hoodnolsm got into trouble yesiurdny account of Uobort Fletcher one of hlsnegrn patients on account of the a trau 10 stud wound manner in which ho euros all the ills that llcxh Is heir to Johnson alias Do Uoii has big clIcntMo among the neroes ou Vuiors road and hIs remolio which irene gunrnuteod to cure any thinc nail eveuytluluig were bought up by the wholesale Jolinson gave flowing accounts of the wunilorfiil curallvo powers of his jioutito pnyslc and hU unsuspecting patients were chaimcd mil were by tue at acifuil eulogizing ot his lomodiOH which he usually sold utiu cents and 75 cents The hoodo i doctor mot his Waterloo when he succeeded in Inducing llobprt tletufcir hand ovor7u couth lor snallUrlodUi hurt cinolotnul in nMnpof lloiy red flannel Johnson runt fiotchor In bin house and tnlknd root medicine and hiiodool glibly to him tbiillletchor finally agioed to buy one of tne charms The doctor told Fletcher that teioio tile chaim would act it was necessary for him to hand him over the price of It This dune the ciotor proceeded tn buslnes lin mado a number nf hideous gyrations walked iirouril the room and standing tip In nit Olect poiiilon be lifted his iclit hand la the diiocllon if thin sky and commenced 10 resolve on his feet pointing with his Index Ilimor ns be involved lo the north snutli West and enm He then rolled Ills es around looked out of the door ami said iinimo piece or red flannel Fletcher trodin eu the llnnnul nnd the doctor took from his pocket ii smtuii tile and meauied off six inches of It Ho hen I placed Ills hands In the uuijiipe ot an arch over his head allowed them to Mowly descend nail nn they roatiod the toil llniiiiel ho cut and measured auotnor piece but this tlmo only look four liinhox Tho neuro was homouhat awoturlckin at the Mianuo spoctaolo tutu he reirauled tin doctor as a sort of ssuuiuiitll lint uns just what the doctor wanted The doctor then took two small piece of some haul stub ttanio haIngtli appearance of dried herbs nudwrnpnlnir them up In tha two pieces of rod lIonel gave thorn to the nejro Johnson callyd it the Klui of the World and said tlmt the honl substance enclosed In the ret Ihinual was inal I stone but Hint i It was 5Wi timiB Btionccr than am thing Another remedy he called tho Queen of Hie World nnd the two conibinod hu said would exert powerful influcn over everything and elfiTted nuanieiioiuui cures Th hoodoo gate the neurons a lengthy statement concerning hlniRHii nnd told thum that hlB aldlity was such that tint doctors In haven nah had compelled him to lease the cite tind conseuuuntiy bo bud to piallse among the coloied people KlHchir wnittiil patiently for the remedies to assrtit lick powers hut they ilidnt work oti rdat tile Iiamboo7lod negro came to town and sTern out a warrant in Justice JIUBicll court for 1ilinsoiiV niiiuolienulnn on tboclLiifitol I ih nti nix it ill sin iii I I nix Fltcher wiswicMlieil In milk me b4 HtniHinent that HIM iimuiMintniiiadA i I I him I I iu tho i 11 i bin twice to bn sure tlmt bis statement nna true Jnhiiron UHB hrouuht iii Jiisilcn Kun olls rilllce by CoiMahl jloliersnn 111 ho made an earnest appeal lo the proiucutnrto dtoii this i aso He Vuib tory nnnouH nnd talkd about a pHtol and a lo of other things Ills face was iun tanned sal he who dieted well for a man who travels on loot in the country He said he was from Now Vork but with all his pleading Hetcher was pot Inclined to drop the case Dr Johnson xtent to jail He showed Justice Ititssell his stock of medicine and hoodoo charms and the sight ot them nearly took the msuiatratsa breath away UN M4NOi trmmina NJGHZ Devoted Mnlnly IMnlurhlns the Keel si the Nqulra who luau the Knot From IV rtrvlin Jtntr Wednesday morplni ns Justloo QrlswoM was opening his ufflco volldressed man walked up to him and with some hesitation nd if I come back In about an hour will youtloaknot for me The Squire oompre bended nt omo what ho meant and told the wouldbs Benedict that If hn wanted a mar rlnn ceremony performed hn cunlil neeoramei date him The stranger Bald that was the sit uatlon und a few minutes later took his departure At about oclock hn returned with a lady who appeared tn be about 25 years old and when the couple leu the ofllce they were A man and wile The dqtuirio thought nothing more of the 00 eurronco but nt about 11 oclock Wednesday nlKht some one rang the door bell nt his house 1IK Cedar aveniio lu a very lioious manner Jvery one about tim house had retired bus alter little ito dlcnlfled Justice appeared robed In white and bade tlio latecomer an nouuco himself I am thu man you married todAy and I want to SOD you nght away on Important bust ness came voice on the ouuttle Squire flriswold opvied the door and inxltod the man to enter My wife has loll me aud taken 3oo of my money tilt rto I out I the ninxtomer He was told to explain himself and after a little hesitancy said name Is locklmrd and I llxo In Indiana I came to this Ity to testily In a suit for damages brought against the Galley llnllioad Millj bent 1 became ao qualntod with MIR llosi Diilnand after utlittle courting 1 proposed and was accepted Then we were mnirled by yon Directly alter the ceremony I was called to give testimony In the Common Pleas Court My wlfo and I hud arranged tn leave for my home In Indiana us soon as the case was finished and before leaving her I gave her 5ut with which to miko some purchases I was un the witness stand seven bouts but tho minute I was excused I went in search of my brd Site wet not at her hoard log house and tho landlady sau that she went nwny at about 11 oclock the morning and took her tiunk Now ho continued what am I to do My wife is gone and she has got my money Have you endeavored to find her inquired the Justice Yes but I dont know where to look replied the husband of a day Wail what do you want of me queried Banlre Irlsnfld 1 Why I thought that yon would swear out warrant for her arrest sad Lockhard That will kop until morning answered the Justice antI now I want to go to hod Mr Lockhnrd took the hint and departed immediately Justice Orlswold turned off the ntis and sought his bed but ha was not estlned to have a long nap At about 8 clock the door bell was set 10 ringing again The Squire aftoi wards said that something told him Lockhard was at the other end ot ths boll wire and he was therefore not greatly surprised upon opening the door to be confronted by the newly married Booster Nevertheless he was not prepared to meet two polio officers and a obbmcworoan and was startled when tho quartet filed into the hall This woman says that she Is not my wife spoke up Loek hard Yes said one of the officers this mu found her and culled upon us to take her to the Dollce station She was willing enough togo but de luied that there was some mistake At thu Fourth precinct police station Lieut Thompson thousht that wo had better com hnie and have you settle the itter The Squlie put on his eyeclnssos turned up the ass and then looked at the woman orlti cnllv Without hesitation lie I said I married this couple yesterday morning I letter saw you before In my life an snerod tho woman promptly I already have ono husband what do I want of imother 9 This appeared to astonish Lockhard and be reproached the woman In bitter language I dont know you air she replied haughtily tire mo back my money and I will agree not to prosecute you almost shouted the now noirlv frnniic man The woman regarded the speaker with disdain but did not runty Jus tlce Cit i Iswold male some remark about the in toiUaw eomlni to ii close and tho parly left That I the lust tho tiqulru saw of Lockhard or his bride When approached by a reporter Lieut 4 Thompson of lie Fourth precinct police station sad I bolleve that ihe couple came to a settlement After Lockhard the woman and tim officer returned from Justlco Urlswnlds house and I learned without a doubt the woman was Lookharda lawful wife I was disposed to arrest her but he did not appeal to desire that and bogged ot the woman to give him back bis moooy and acknowledge herself Ids wife Site obstinately refused 10 do this but finally ho persuaded her to take a walk with him and they ictumed In about fifteen minutes and ho announced that everything was nil rlubt and that bis wife had been laboring under a mistake They wont away together and Lockbnrd appeared to be ns happy us though nothing had happened How old wits Lockhard i asked the reporter appeared to bo 45 rears owl he was fine looking i ethel tle Lotitrnant He told mo that thin wag his first experience In marrying and further assured mo that would bet lust Nnthlng mono could bo learned concerning IhealTiili Whore tint hridui iitetl or what her antecedents are could not bo discovered Loekhnril Is a railroad latin and ft Is said unite wealthy Is liped that ho has re tumod tu Indiana with his wife itoiinun THIS nvctiKss OP men jawfLt Her Grace or Mnrll rouicli linn ag Kx Ins Experience isis KiOlroitd Car from Vie Lnulivlllt Put An exciting Inoldant occurred during the visit of the Duke and Duchess ot Marlboroagk to the South which was not prexlously ar ranged It seems while the tialn was stan inc at a water tank a rohhor entered the ducal car and proceeded to sill several costly rings from the beautllul lingers of the Duchess while she sloit Koundlv Afier stripping one hand his cieod became HO whetted at tbe sight of the I trlitlnringueins I that he attempted to turn tlm ini ho over lu lion berth and strip the other hand This aroused her ladyship who wrniuiod from fright and leaped from her berth accoutied as she was in a vapory maze of iace hiss Tuurnure startled by her ladyships cries Hprani from hoi berth also Mr Proc lor who hud been iiuikenud by this first note of illstn from thn lair Duchess bad reached the middle of the ear when tho Duchess flew to his arms us a refugt and protection against tho ruIn robber who bad made his exit ulse Tiirnura suld she too xvould have gotten into tIm in nut of Kontuckta great geologist had nhe not found them alrnndy lull to overflowing Our ympathllng community will rejoice to learn Ihuit the rohubor was uuvprohended at Brie tot and tIm jewels rumored 1 4 FREE FOR 20 DAYS from Date of this Piper Wishing to Introduce oar CRAYON PORTRAITS nud nt the same time extend our bust ness and make now customers we have decided to make this special offer Bond us a Cabinet Picture Photograph TinType Ambrotypc or Daguerreotype of yourself or any mombor ot your family living or dead and wo will make you a MFICSIK CRAYON POll TRAIT FREE Of CHARGE provided you exhibit It to your friends as a sample of our work rind use your influence In securing us future orders Place name ind address on back of plo turn and It will bo returned In perfect order Wo make any chango In picture you vrlsli not Interfering with the likeness llufor to any bank In Chicago Address nil mull to PACIFIC PORTRAIT HOUSE J12 I and 114 I Clark St Chicago III PLEASE BE SURE I MENTION THIS PAPER Why Will You Continue to use medicine contelmlnf mercury and potash when you know that will ruin your heath Swifts I Specific bS while Ot i contains mercury or poison of any kind it ls the only permanent cuir lor conlaious Hlood Taint or inlu ritU scrofula IS Beware of cheap PURELY imitations and so VEGETABLE called blood purifl claiming to be just as good There Is I only one Take nothing els Mr MM 4P tfift intiianit flewtftSpeetICg AlUsOe is I.

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