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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 2

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A 4 1 I I I THE SUN SUNDAY APRIL 19 1891 Mi Ii 10 REVOLUTIONIZE COOKING ti 4MB UI7TJJVSOV fnOMlSKlt 2 HA1 VJOf iA I THE COST or FOOD ASUI or to ew the Knit dew to Make SI Cent Do tke Work er Se DlMiicni Out Ttlnnrr Fulli Mie at6aea tntnip Will Cook it Ilium i Fr Conmee for Ten MtnRteleyIc We rMu Hen lioU Car A New York philanthropist bu snbscrlbi 1 100 to be used In establishing a kitchen on tl the east side whor women may Itrn the ar economy eooklng La uk Mr rd tt ward Atklnion the Kew England economist delivered wole tUtu In the hall at ColumbiA i Olol on the rt and Illuitrated Ihem 1 with ovens and dinner palls which be has li vented and which he botlovon will revolution tea the art and will solve Social questions that i sire now troubling the people phltanthn wuonot the Mr Atklnsnnsandlencean i be subMribed the mon the day after the flrmt tature It being understood that the kltche 1 Was stocked with the Atkinson ovens fi I I pt i A I i TUB ALADDIX OVEN IX UBE Mr Atkinson calls his on th Aladdin and I Is to eolra social problems by raJuctni I the cost of living Tho average amount scent for food by leopllln tho United Btntos Is 51 cents a day each Mr AtkInson says that nt Vropeut prices for food products It In irapos lble for i person to oat mnrs than 25 cents worth of food day and that cent that Is I 1 rol a an tba every tlnt spent ft over that amount Is deliberately wasted lie Bays that the working man who now spends I 2 or 12GO a week for his load can have just as much to eat for fl and can have more nutrl I tlou food at the some time If he practise el 41 leon am In DuPIng and cookIng whim the Ttenltbr nan who spends fabulous amounts for his rood can cat his oxpermen down nearly i onshali and can hate la substance what hi Has now I 7 1 i rf 0 I i ATe loner oven aa Dd Bpjct between the two ovens whirl the best Ii I I Ciloa 1lt eonlnetin pact lac I 1 UThe outer wood palp oven 1 nlllAlor te carrr on lurplai beat rrioklul so prDt the bottom of he oven Imme 2J1 over the lImp from becoming mucfl hOle ran nit or tbe one ro i uWhire the heat enter Ninetenths of the people jn the United i Sttes says Mr Atkinson upend onebull i ineir Income annually for food and cza tli onehalf of that amount In I wasted exalt Mr Atkinson Is I a practical man and I not I Ktvan to dreaming Ho has studied economy i In food the pant nix 1 years He has prac timed what be now preaches and hs rut Ms own food expenditure down onehalf At the same time be eats just as mnoh food on he 3 used to and Bars he more healthy than he Ii used to be because hip food IB prnperli Vi cooked He invented his Aliddln oven for 4 4 tbe benefit of humanity and for no del for 1 aaln He did not pat I ant it at first i tl Ho trIad to give tt hIs Idea way to capitalists I who would I agree to bnlld the oveni and to sell tbem at just a trine over the actual 0 I cost of making Ho 4 found no ono who was Willing to do It 5Im wosincsx ivxcn Nil caoitulist could ralt understand howe ri 10der man II would clve away a valuable thing They art sued that because ho wanted to give It away I could not be of vnlue finally be had I patented and then ha succeeded I In cettlnc JJrm in llrookllno to take 1 bold of It and build I Jrl Sharon All tho 1ri fessort share of the profits fiom tho manufacture and indo he hat auieed to dovoto to building kitchens and to other charitable object the ultimate result ol which I to tool economy 1 The exterior Aladdin oven Is made of none conducting wood pulp bound around the edges wIth 1 It rents on four legs on a stand on Which Is I alttuiu The hat from the lamp In lJ al that ii requited to rook food Tie oven i look like a box with a little cap In the centr of the top The first picture printed shows It as It stands ready for use and the second Is a cros section of the Interior The outside measurement of the oven Is I 22 Inches by 10 Inches Inside the woodpulp bux Inoh abet iron hex and that Is I tbe oven proper 4 It Is 18 Inches long by 1J Inches wide and rests 01 short legs I ou the bottom of the woodpulp box 1011 ii a spas of to incites on either Ido btwoen Ihe IWO bans 110 IDdlo box a luKIHUnl Iron door JI the bottom of 31 the woodpulp box them is hula and the lamp Is to ItO that the top of the cbluiuey Is 1 directly bsutatb the twit The cap on top Is I a vctilator The heated air from the lamp goes up Into tits woodpulp box and tills tb since between the two boxes There It Is hold the ventilator aot being made lao qnougb to carry II off i Any lam with a circular wick will generate about degrees ot neat In the space between i tl two boxes and this tenit eruturo mar maintained steadily and is sudluieut to thoroughly i cook any foods unL The Inside oven Is fitted with four shelves The heat on each Is I the same The bottom oft UM oven where the heat Irani the lamp strikes alrectly II a little Letter i Ot course the saving of fuel Is tremendous aaWp6 sufficient to Keneruta 0 degrees if tl consume leva than cue cents worth of atroice oil an hour I a Mr Atkinson says tbat all mOlt cooked I fmellnt engtn of time In regular tempera lure will become Under and therein lies the secret of food eeouomy Seof lie says from the nick ot ii cow sold by butchers at three cents a pound Is aa nutrItIve as that taken uUlrltv ni from what Is considered th choicest part A roait taken from the toughest part of the I ump Is I as nutritive aad ho as fin a Jlitvor a I the choicest prim rllj roast But meat front the neck and the tough part of the rump can I J10 eaten S01 I II Impossible to mast fut It I It II cooked tit the oiJInury way 1roperly cooked In the AUddln oven It be cuts ernes tender nnd a good 10 lt as the cbolc I cutAt his two lectures Mr Atkinson bad flvo 1 I ovns lull of fnod In one there was a fOlr course dinner suniclent to feed ten parson it consisted of soup limb beef from the I with touiato antics potatoes and pudding and OIH It was Salon with relish br the cud sacs le meat was certainly tender and thor llavprwa rlndj Afle I ha ben omen tho 1 profeeborsalu tbat tbo whole msal hud coat 4 1 0 9r 13 cents each for ton parsons itt the other ovens titer was rump roust I bet and prIme roast They lusted Ilk Hni 1 lbs rump was as tender as the prIme rib Thor I I was a stsak two Inches thick cooked rare Unit I a dozen other kinds of meat soil some chIcken i which Mr Atklnsuu said he had pur chased tor lcbt cents a pound with a guarantee that thvy uei not lets I than six years old i ue mI was as tender as that of a young 1f i OWL There were stews and onions and peas 4 and ham and tongues and three or four kind 1 Of puddings Tbo onions and puddings had ben cooked In the same oven hit neither I tabled of Ibo other thor bad simply beou cooked In covered dishes The fourcourse Olnner all rooked at one time In on oven was I also cooked In covered dishes In all there was JOO pounds ot food In the Iti veus I was all eaten on he spot Xbue were beadoj four OtY pailBDlttlair over lamp on galvanized Iron stands Mr Atkinson said they wore lunch palls for work InHrasn The third cut represents on of them They contained tneitt and vegetable and pudding and colt leI things bad bHn nut In uncooked alt hours blor Tbe lamp wer turned low Vhen tho rails wee emp tied everything was found done to a turn Wa and suamlng hot I one of 8 pall It worklngman could start ort In lbs morning light his lamp when bs not to bin work and a noon could eat 1 hot fluIl Instead of the eDIc one he eats now Ills fool would I be mpr rourhhlni and would It him natter Itr mlrf alternoon work atid rm nt the WMI of tlrsne that goes on In an Improperly aourlsaei mix mll Thn lunch nails are constructed on the acme principlea Ials nvons They era ryllpdrloa and are Indo at flborine a composition 01 aol pulp On the liioldo 1 a smaller pull and the fovd Is In that The heat from the lamenters OC thru 1 1 hole In the bottom as In the fylth Ue Aladdin ntsn5 Raid Mr Alkln Ion Inconsersixtlon wih SUN reporter uiII that I Is necessary Is to prepare the food and put It In the oven If the prelnr to be nerved Iq I tW hours tho lamp may be turned high and thins will bo done In that time It i Is not to he I eerert for fh hours be lamp may be turned low eo cook II the regulator of her own elt Rhq con put dinner on nt breakfast tune and leave It all day to cook A dinner time al When she opens her oven the dlntiur will i 0 ready to serve no ears having been wasted 01 It In watching It Tbero Is not melon heAt In tbe oven to burn things nod there la neve any waste that war Last Fourth ol July I motn Ipg mircook putillnner In the oven and lighted thslsmp low We went away to ipenathnday returning late at nlubt Ourillnner was waitIng for II Things were dono lust right am tho meal won served within ton minutes Iron I the time wo reached homo 1 bslle that my missIon hero on earth Ito is Ito teach how to co ilc and economlro I shni ontintIu aim work 1 hplnvotbnt evety high Institution of lenrnlne should have oonnectei with I a cooking laboratory rnd that every agricultural station In America should have 1 department where the people cnn go and rp celv Instruction In the art of economy In Inltrlol oven Is A Hf In lbs right dl 1 rertion It was Invented for the peonle Besides the establishment of thn kitchen ont east side there a plan on font to star restaurants the neighborhood of factories and stores where a large number of pontons are employed and where working people ean get substantial mews for from three to five cents or for less than they coUld buy and cock the rOd for Prof Thomas Kggleeton Columbia who devotee much of his time to work College kind la 1 engineering the scheme ant be through will very likely be successful In carrying I throulb Th oven costs I2S the dinner pall IB Two third or the profit goes to establishing cook Int schools and tomimilarobjects onethird to the manufacturers IrUlC BRUSHS DEATH CHAIR Will Never Vie I but Ho Ha Fat It In Good Order for Ills Sueceeeor Nicola Trezza the Italian murderer who was to have been killed next week but whose case was taken to the United States Supreme Court on Friday was told by Warden Brush yesterday that his death had boon postponed Lawyer Cram of the firm of Bailey Bell Trezzas counsel got to SIng Sing on tbe 1230 train and served the paper on the Warden at about 1 oclock Ills coming was expected The Warden remarked as be took the papers that ho was glad the stay had been granted He had escaped performing the disagreeable duty of killing any one so far and he hoped to got out of office without doing It His term will expire May I Ha took tho flows to Ttezza who also remarked that he was glad of It Then he relapsed Into silence Two Sisters of Mercy who called on him later talked with him a little while lie expressed neither joy nor sonow at his good fortune lilt four companions in misery Mc tlvalno Hmller Blocum and Wood whose caaesSire all in the United States courts appeared la be glad that Trozza had his stay Everything In the prison was ready for the execution The death chair was in place In the death room the wires were nil arranged and without anythIng more being done than tying the condemned mans bandi and feet the pressing of a button would quickly have killed 11m Warden Brush Is a little proud of his ma cblnory and is confident that It will kill Instantly The death room In the prison Is a wooden addition to the building called tbo dead bones where the murderern are confined It in entered through the dead houne The chair it I In tbe centre ot tbe room 6 feet from the door The switch board II is I to tbe left and back of the chair and la fitted with a anl eter and an ampere meter three switches and an electric bell One of the wires cornea down over the head of the condemned man and the other up through tbe floor The executioner stands In lit tie box brdd from everybody By means ot one or the switches the current can turned on the reo timmico oil to measure the electricity by another It can bo turned from the chair en tliely and all sent Into the lights In the rom tel The third switch has to be turned before tho executioner work touches tho button tbat deem the The dynamos are 1000 feet from the death house One provides a direct current and the other an alternating current Together they give 2000 volts Tho signal button on the switch board In the death hone II I touched and In two second current of 1800 volt is turned on Then the signal Is given to tbe executioner and Inltnnt BllUlllllTea current Is sent through the victims body A JEWELERS SAFE ItOBBKD HnrslBi Eater Store In Norwalk and Kneupe with 15Oo Worth 01 Jewelry NORWALK April 18 Burglars made a raid on Le Grand Jacksons jewelry store at S3 Wall street lost night and breaking open the salo lined it of diamonds watches and other jewelry amounting to about 10000 and escaped This Is the third heavy loss that Mr Jackson has suffered during his ten years of business life In this city The plans ot the burglars were well prepared and cleverly carried out Yesterday they were seen about town a greater part of the afternoon and just about dusk entered Mr Jackson store and roauested to lee totne diamonds A truy containing several thousand dollars worth was shown tbem but hey made no purchase Last nlsht they fired a small barn on thn outskirts of the town imd while the police Fire Department and others were drawn from the principal streets to the scene of the tire tbey hastened to the rear or Mr Jacksons store out open a small door and entred The safe which was standing behind a thin board liattltlon In a back room was soon cut open opn remoied with cod chisels and Its valuable content A lire Richardson A milliner In the Boston Dry Goods Wore who boards aftbe Norwalk hotel saw the whole proceedings from her chainlier window but was so paralyzed with right that she WM itnable to ute I syllall until daylight and then gave the alarm Mr Taokson I utmost prostrated by his heavy loss He carried no insurance And is the only jeweller lit town who ha not a burglarproof safe iind who does not belong to th National JewellMV Protective Association Detectives Imvo already been put on tbe case tuit there ereI only Blight hopes that aOlf the stolen I valuables will bo recovered I YOU IUK Miasma C8UJn Also an Old Complaint te Ad to the Chare or Hobblac the Dar Home Paul Bchadrook was arrested on Tuesday night In front of the Browor House at Broadway and Twentyeight street on a charge of stealing 10 from the caW of tb Barrett House a week ago At Jefferson Market yes tcrda an old Cltof two yearn standing was up aaln 1m Cukn 181 Hchacrock was a clerk In a broker omce at 10 Wail Ilrlot He ohalDld i0O wanD of jtwlr from nfwtf Hems a John Ithn street Jwele on margin ii pwnctl the jewelry ii 1 old and Want nejawoe Last 1ont Llt October he cambuck and not employment as I cnshler In the Barrott House caf On Dent I of last week he nnd tbe days receipts dls appeared The theft was reported at Police I Headciuartera That was the llrst the po 10 bad heard ol Hohodrooks return to title country In court reiteiduvHohalrock pleaded that pleled Je was drunk bon bo pawned the jewelry tblt denlll the ciiarso of mbe 3ilng from 0 AnteLJ MV uiiii4u ut Imbul al monelrom the fur trial Barrett House tiiti He was held In tSOuu KITH OF 3JIK JIKECIIKK MONMT It ii to bo Frat 01 and Facing th Brooklyn City Hall The Brooklyn Park CommiMloners the Boechor Monument Committee and Sculptor A Ward met yesterday alternoon In front of the Brooklyn Curls lo select a 111 for the needier Maine Mr Ward thought th mon wont would show to Iho best advantage on tho green in front of the City Hall midway Cnn the two floral turns and about llfleen fI fruit the coping He also ii KesteU tbat cOPlnl ta tho statue should Pe ilacod wIth tho face toward the City Hall uteps The Monument Committee believed that Mr Ward who is the foulntor commUsloned to do the work knew what was best and reported lii ls suggestion Iftyorabir to the Park Boar then and there Then the Park I Commissioners held roaming under the blazing afternoon un anti Adoptdh icfolutfcn flxtnur the sttot HUgeeHtrd by Mr Ward a the sits Th Bujer jntfndent ol Parks who was prettem received tro IOn at once to baT the ground pr pared for the foundation of the deufwlth wifaVnJuneTi The luont toioUwi rl on June 4 The Best Time to Take Medicine Is when it will do you the most good And there is no doubt that the Spring i i the best tirno for two reasons Because 1st The system is now Most In Need of a good blood purifier like to expel Hoods Sarsaparilla expo the impurities which have accumulated in the winter months and which are liable to appear in serious forms of disease Because 2d In sympathy with the changing season we find ourselves now Most Susceptible to the benefits to be derived from medicine The milder weather hRS a debilitating effect known as Spring Fever or That Tired Feeling which is quickly overcome by byHoods Sarsaparilla Sold by all droll Hi i six 1 for rrtpariil only by I ItOOD 1 co ApolbtetrlM LowsIi 1 100 Doses One Dollar Of all Seasons Of the year Now Is The Time And of all Medicines Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the best To tako to Purify Your Blood And to overcome That Tired Feeling Be sure to get Hoods Sarsaparilla BolJbr ill drniirtU Ht I iii 1 for 11 Irtr rid only by 11000 A CO Apotlitoarlti LowelL Max 100 Doses One Dollar KLTS CR AH BAUC I AppUvi Into Nostril li Quickly I Absorbed Cletnws the Ue I lies toe horn sod Cares I CATARRH I BtsforuTalUliuI ar84ulck fy HrUnti Cold In Bet and I Uudacbe CoisWt DraprliU JH VAOS WunaSfcN There is nothing more conclusively proven than that Hoods Sarsnparilla is a radical I and reliable blood purifier I we could show you tho many letters we receive from people of whom we never hoard before telling of remarkable cures of scrofula salt rheum and al kinds and degrees of disease of the blood you would be as fully convinced of and as enthusiastic over the merits of Hoods Sarsaparilla as we are I is a very wise thing begin early with a course of Spring Medicine as many peo plo do and Hoods Sarsaparilla is tho popular favorite for this purpose I does purify vitalize and enrich the blood create an appetite and give great nerve mental bodily and digestive strength Be sure to got Hoods Sarsaparilla Fold by 1 drniitf II II lx for f5 ttftLtfl only by HOOD Jt CO jlpothtcarlei Lowell lisle 00 Dosos One Dollar I 1 ONE 1SJVJOY Both tho method and result when Syrup of Figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gontly yotpromptly on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels cleanses the system colds head tem effectually dispels aches and Cover and curs habitual constipation Syrup of Fig is the only remedy of its Kind ever produced duced pleasing tho taste and acceptable ceptable the stomach prompt in lie notion and truly beneficial its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances iU manyezcellent qualities commend itt all and have mndo it the most popular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o 1 and 1 bottles by all leading drug I gist Any reliable druggist who may not have it ori hand will procure cure it promptly for anyone who wishes try It Do cot accept any substitute CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO BAN FRANOISOO CAL IOUIVILE Kr NEW YORK WhatmdenvDs WAS IT SCARLET FEVER CATARRH MEASLES oil ANY OTHER CAUSKt II I tu mmMM 17 tIe i of 1 HICROAUDIPHOKES DI 70 CHURC U5 TflATh A SE2 Tri ef liuirmmu I 5 Mlf I Ta lu Sesk 0 IvikeS esit d1INISI lH 12e 10DWAY NY 2 Itsees Estraet a I rum a letter from a r0u 0 1a fBLAD it Ipl St J8 ArTJ atmJ1 rSLAMo 2 UIOROAUDiFgORB CoTl Gentlemen Year RI taitroraent nil reached lbs eaSe of my frlted who EM not bestS ordinary conTerutlea forreara iinvery Iroly Mlto aeD 0 tIP Wt RD I 4 I A Iu I I I I II IlL A fV tat I 1 1 I I i eli 1 i I I4 LI A 4 I 1 oL1 1L I xV A Two doctors of an Eastern tow To thU the other wise To learning much Inclined Vehemently objected Were called to ice 1 gentleman I IMC quoth he I all may WhO health was undermined Tour kidneys are affected The first one used his stethoscope These wise men argued loud and long Upon the patient meek Yet tho patient owes recovery 10DJ I I find quoth he one lung li gone Not to those doctors but to 1 You cannot live a week Pierces Golden Medical Discovery 3 There arc eomo patent medicines that are moro marvelous than down doctors but those that to a dotor prescriptions theyre not tat profess cure everything Everybody now and then feels I rundown played out Theyve the will but no power to generate vitality Theyre not sick enough to call a doctor but just too sick to bo well Thats where tho right kind of a patent medicine comes in and docs for a dollar what the doctor wouldnt do for less than five or ten We put in our claim for Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery We claim it be an unequaled remedy to purify the blood and invigorate the liver We claim it to bo lasting in its effects creating an appetite purifying tho blood and preventing Bilioun Typhoid and Malarial Fevers i taken in time Tho time take it i when you first feel the signs of vearinesa and weakness Tho tie to take it on general principles is NOW Its the cheapest bloodpurifier sold through druggists no matter how many doses are offered for a dollar Why Because its sold on a peculiar plan and you only 11 for the good you get Can jou aak more CLARK DIBS Of illS WOVXD Urn Hud Rome Excnett far Heine Jealous uf HU TTIfe Her Beeoverr Impossible Ramuel Clark the yonnn stem fitter who Ihothls wife Sadlo find then hlmsstfat their home 200 Concord street Brooklyn on Friday afternoon died at 2i oclock yesterday morn loa In the Brooklyn Hospital without having recovered consciousness Mrs Clark was still alive at a late hour last night and the doctors are surprised at the amount of strength she displays Her recovery however they say Is Impossible for one bullet Is lodged in her brain and another pasted through her body penetrating the lungs stomach and liver She made an antemortem statement to Coroner Booney yesterday Her mind seemed to clear She said her husband had been drinking hard for several weeks and aha told him on Friday alternoon that she was going to leave him He asked her If sho would stay I le assured employment and she told him she would see He then asked her I Ibo would try and do something for the support of the family until he could find work at his trade She reused and then he wanted her to promise that she would remain with him She again said she would iso He told her angrily that she did not mean to remain with him She was standing in front of the window then Htr husband suddenly drew A revolver and fired at ler Bbe ran about the room and be followed shooting at her Bho fell twice before she shootinj reached found unconscious the bed where afterward she was tie did not remember yesterday that she had spoken to the ambulance surgeon about the came at all and she told the Coroner that her mind was a blank from tbe time she ell on the bed until she found herself in the hospital she in fact did tell the surgeon that her huts band had fired several shots at her Two years after her marriage which occurred when she was about 17 she met Thomas Lyman who was years her junior Up to the time of her meeting with Lyman tbe young husband seemed to contented with his home nnd hanpy In his wiles company biL was sober and Industrious the neighbors say but after Lyman made his ap nillbbrl his habits began to mae ap I His wife used to leave her home at night and the husband would find her on the street cornet talking with Lyman The young mAn finally became a boarder tbenonee and although Claric did not object at first his suspicions were finally aroused and there were frequent quarrels between husband and wife Clark rarely quarrelled with lowian who occasionally worked and contributed to the suiw port tbebonsehold Mrs Main Mrs Clarks mother bad several talks with ber daughter about Iymans presence In the house 1 and advised the young wife to turn him adrift but lire Clark told her mot her to mind ber own justness Then Mrl Maine appealed to the young man and he finally consented to go may but strangely enough Clark bronvht him back after a short absence Then Mrs Maine eave up trying to separate Lyman from tbe young couple Lately tha young wife has bad bar bands full with unprofitable boarders Her husband lust his pace rcconlly Lyman was out of a job and then her younger brothers Decree nnd alter having lost their jobs lIved on the Clark household The quarrels between the couple became more frequent then On Wednesday Mr and Mrs Clark had a oo1le pute and the husband struck his wife in the face Thu seemed to have forgotten all about their troubles on Friday morning for Lyinan the two Mimes and I they themselves bad a jolly time together with several kettle of beer There wa no appearance of troubln when the two children etnrned from school nt tho noon recess It Is ttlleysd the lstsl quarrel occurred just after hey had gone back to school None of the neighbors heard the pistol shots Mrs Maine has cbutge nf the children The nolherlnlaw does not believe there was any improper intimacy between her daughter and maD and she thinks bat If Clark had had lack bone enough to drive the Intruder from its house titers would hay been no trouble Hhe has not claimed Clarks body and It Is stIll I at hI hospital morgue II I I AN EYE OX CALIflHSIt tun ODelfat St that Neuter BUofor nun GoIng to Help Her Get Them Mark romero says that Ann ODella alomon lold him nljont two months ago that she was anxious to disappear from public notice and that the only person she could think of who would likely to help her was Senator Lellud Stanford to whom on hot Iat trip abroad she had appealed In Liverpool and who had paid her passage to New York Sometime after that she told Mr Fomorny that she had seed tienator Btanford In Washington and that he bad advised her to withdraw from the publicity and notoriety which she had gained bbs said lie had given her a pass for two from NjrVprk to Los Angeles Cal which Included rulliiian cars and all that sort of thing and offered her I she preferred It or wsag to Europe Hs advised her to abandon hl outlandish outudllh drss which Ibo wore and get as far awny from New York as the con In The railroad bits she aid was 00 until May 1 bbs coma tr ie omeroy several time after that and told him that she was scraping together al the money abe could in order to accept Mr Stanfords of for She tit convinced that once out In Call tornl he wQnld prQvllde her with the moans of making In honest living The trouble with this anetd9t is that It I Inal on Ann Ololao wore 1 They Think Dawson Fell Orer the KallUg William A Dawson who was found dead In the area of tie Storm King flats at 225 East Mth street on Friday will burled today from his home at 17ft Alexander avenue I the Coroner arrives In the meantime to view the body and iRSue the necessary permit He had lot been there late yterdar afternoon The policebellevethntlawson met hlsdsath br accldnutally falling over th railing which uarls the area of the Btorm King flat Sadie Li lunhnuen adheres to her original belief that urilaa bllf tba laIn fell over the railing wbll trying to ron om of the household no a to return her poeketbook Arcs His Maleraa or Htcallce Joseph WalUfelder of 37 West Eeventyflfth treat a salesman In tn employ of Emi Utard mpirter I of perfumery at 43 East Fourteenth street WAS charged at Jefferson Market yes rrdiy with the larceny of a caae of perfumery allied nt 1164 from lilt lore on lulyilf tlt I alleged that Wallrfeldir shl iJd odH to IblladoiDbln received iayment there for and i ockrtrd tho money pronu are sail to bare nmouniej to 16000 justice Mcllahon hold him la MOO or trial wlel MANAGER tl nUB SUES FOil DlfUttCE Say He Wonlda Thonch If Mis Brrlenr Hadat Nagged Him 10 Do II The wild Western romance The Queen of the Plains was played all last week nt the Harlem Theatre in 125th street hate Pursell Is the star and the leading lady Is Miss Hen rietta Berlear Ed La Rue Is the manager and although In the play his wife the leading lady hue the rile of Mamir Ralston a wronged wife In real life she Is accused of abandoning her husband who has brought suit for divorce on that account Tbo papers were served on Miss Berlour in Baltimore on April 4 and she intends letting tho matter go by default Miss Berlenr boards at 55 West Twenty fourth street She Is large and stout pleasant featured and agreeable In manner Yes It is all true she said yesterday Mr La Ituo to whom I wa married in 1882 issuing suing me for divorce on the ground of abandonment Ho was an actor when I met hi atm homo In Rochester At that time I had never been on the stage nor was I tags struck 1 went on ItagQ was married because I had to If I waned anything more than I I bare shelter and enough to oat Two seasons ago my husband starred me In Tbo Romance of an Act1 sIDd we managed to stay out one season We had never been very happy together but for the first two or throe years we cot along rOF Then we agraed to disagree and we have not been Jiving together since a year nco last January I 1 had had the money rear have brought the suit myself but the past two seasons have been very bad ones and on my consenting to let the case go by da fault he has brought the null I believe be Is already engaged to ls married to soubrette a Hiss Minnie Jarbooof Baltimore and thAt the Baltimore papers have published a announcement of the engagement Theatre Manager yesterday La Hue was seen ut the Harlem I have nothing whatever to say against Miss Ilerleur he said and thin suit would never have ban brought if she hadnt been nagging mo on to do tt Hhe abandoned me while I was managing Dan Kelly but although we have been as total strangers ever since 1 engaged her as leading woman of the 1 A Bcanlon company which I managed and of other organizations The abandonment occurred on Fb 18 1890 when I was starring her In conjunction with Dan Kelly I was at Mansfield Ohio and she did I by putting my valise and umbrella outside of our room In the hotel I went into the room of one of the company and have never spoken to her since except onbusiness As to my being engaged to Sllan Jnrbpo there Is nothing whatever In tbat story I know of no announcement and I have no Intention of getting married All the palO and In splto of this story I Intend starring lilies Jarboe next season in My Colleen KJSSKS BUT XO WOfE Bow a Breakfast or tbe Wheaton Club bUr from a Dlancr Vlvea by Men There wai a banquet at the Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday whoso participants greeted euch other wltb kisses Instead of handshakes It was the filth annual breakfast the Wheaton Club of this city and the kUalng participants were some seventy atummo of tbe Wheaton Seminary of Norton Mass perhaps the oldest educational institution for women ttuton In the country and their guests from other womens clubs Among those ptesent weie Mrs Estol Morrlll President of tbe Wheaton Clnb of iioston I lire Cba IoU Em rson llrown Piesldnnt of Federation of Womens Clubs Mrs Lyrnnn Abbot Miss Unrla Toner Jlrace President of the University Club of Barnard College Miss Charlotte Morrlll President of the Alumnio Association of Mount HolyokA Seminary Miss Eunice Cowle who Illtrstx years ago was the first I principal the henlon Hemlnsry and Miss A 1 atanton the present aIr I XiuieUpmnn Clarke beIng President of I the NewYork Wheaton Club sat at Ibe head of tho table and when tbe breakfast was otor I made a address of welcome to the guests of the club Mrs A JI MacMurray also read a I welcoming poem Mrs 0 6 Teener Presi I Untof the Cambridge Wheaton Tub spoke I on the work of the clubs uid Miss Stanton the principal spoke for Wbeatnn Hominuiy Others also talked and the occasion as rr na I speech making wits concerned did not alTer I from a dinner given by men In other respects It did didor Most of the women wore their i lionnets nnd were dressed In street costume 1 and there was no wine Lottora ol regret woro rend from ins Terliuno Marion llnrland seminary and lire Wheaton the patron of the I DONT fUT ON OPEN CAM rJT tto Heulth CflomleeloBor Grttit dIes Street Car Managers The warm weather of the last few days has occasioned the appearance of open cars on some of the lines operated by the City Railroad Company of Brooklyn Health Commissioner Griffin yesterday addressed a Utter to President Daniel Lewis of the railroad company asking him to withdraw the carl until warm weather was established To those recovering fiom altacki of the disease known as IA Qrlppe wilies Dr Orlflln and to others eufferltig from weak IUIIIM or debilitated from any caue riding In such cars will be most perilous Knowing your disposition to afford tie pnbltn tie best acoomtnoda ton as well as to afford them the most ample protection I havo great confidence tlnit you suggestion will ass the propriety of complying with this Tweniylbur Who Died Had the Grip The mortality for the twentyfour hours ending at noon yesterday wan Ill against 183 on Friday The total for the week was 1047 this largest number for any weak this year In the corresponding week lad year the number of deaths was 731 Of yesterday deaths four were due to the grip and twenty to tho grip complicated with other diseases The number of death from the grip to date Is 3M During the week bronchitis caused deaths pneumonia 1216 in flnenia 17U and phthisis pllmot 11 11 Polle Justice IiepyYOrd has been confined to his home 1 West Twentyfilth street since Tunsdur with the grip Dr Loom the attending physldan lr yesterday that his patient would not bo able to IMVB hIs house for three or lour day rr is A FtuRsnLY SUIT JerUyman Wagner Call to Tfll Railroad PresIdent Sloan Not to Worry The publication by Tar BUN of the fact of A Wocner extraordinary suit against the Delaware Lackawanna and Western Ralload Com any has cleared the law department of that corporation of tho oddest bit of litigation that tho lawyeis ever had presented to their consideration Wagner is a New Jersey man Interested In fertilizers and he sued for I 30 000 charging that ho had been roughly handled by 1 conductor on a train His complaint set forth that he claimed I5JOOD because his life was worth that to his family and very man thousands more to this nation of 05000 000 people Incidentally he told President Bam Sloan how he could make fortunes by using the odoriferous refuse of Haekonsack meadows to make fertilizing materia Yon I President Sloan be added can change the meadows Into gold bars at I trifling expen Now this priceless refuse Is beIng daily wasted by being thrown Into the great deep Mr Wagner went down to Kxehnnge place one day lust week and brought tbe good news that the company neednt worry about the big worf bll suit The fertilizer owner had a young peach tree In his arms He wanted to present It to President out Sloan but that onlclal was unfortunately You neednt distress yourself about my law ca he said cheerily Tbnts only a friendly snit anyhow want 10 tc the conductors that they cant monkey with me The oomlnnyA employees have been unable to flndout when any conductor was rude to the New Jerserman They told him so and he said again tbat It mluht be Ml right I It didnt ani our Mr Wftgnor then produced a fourounce I bottle filled with llghtcolored fluid He remarked marked that It would be a good thing for President Blonn to try It was inventedbj one of my ancestors lie said I eiire everything Wo have used It In our family over nco 1520 My ancestor brought It over when he came here lu UiW None of the employees wanted any of the panacea and the litigant went out with his wih peach tree and his remedy lor everything seemingly happy cricket I leemlDel ai hllPY as a cricket GRMMAn SCHOOL NO so Overcrowded Badljr Ventilated and OtherwIse I7aaealtbul The principal and teachers of Grammar School No 39 have joined In a protest against the sanitary condition of the school The building Is one of the oldest school structures in Harlem I depends mainly upon Its windows for ventilation and the buildings which surround I greatly obstruct the passage of fresh air The chief source of complaint however Is the location of the closets and a stable In the rear of the school The stable and the closets are only five feet back ot the classroom window Lat Monday petition signed by Principal Menghau and his entire ntMf of teacbeiswas sent to the Hoard of I Trustees of the Twelfth lwlh ward The petition asks for an Investigation and llbe correction of theevlls complained of Thor are abitit touchers and ZOUO pupils In tho school although Its normal capacity IB I 1500 pupils Many of the teachers are In favor of a new building They say tbat enough money could be olitalne I bv the sate or the present site In 125th street to purchase a larger site In come less frequented thoroughfare Would Go to Prleo HaCrtln DIppola Them William Peters Is the name of a young man who tod Justice Mellnhon In the Jefferson Market Police Court yesterday that bo would rather go to Btate prison than dlsap point a lady Ha was a bookkeeper In the employ of the Casualty and fidelity Insurance Company On April 10 told McDowell nnothir bookkeeper there that ho was going to the theatre wild two Imlbs He Powell lent him hiD dead fathers watch stud chain valued jit 37U and an operv glass Detective Kvimhoe arrcsted Icier week later and found the watch and the gjss In John Mlinpone piiwn shop ielers said that at lbs liit moment he Iud be had not sufficient monoy and riillier thnn dlsnppolnt the ladles he had lrom lied to fake to the theatre lie pawned 6o JioLoirells thlufs lie wa held InS Th Necaad fluttery ellr Dlur The members of the ficcond Battery 8 1 entertained their friends yesterday at beefsteak dinner nt their armory Seventh avenue and Flftycecond street Tie feast was given to celebrate the Thirtieth an nlversarrot the enlistment of the batter lluer kegs wet stool on end nt tbo west rnd of the atmory nnd from these IiuprovlKoa tables the soldiers and thofr guests ate beefsteak sandwich and drank beer Acolmrd man named Wllsmi who xUmpTiied weir and a magician tontribuud to the I entertain mIni thom present were AdjtOsn ilZ gerald Col John 1 Cmnppl the TwentrKtc end llptltneul Ititlors Chjifolie and trio rants Wilson Dlllcnbiioh Klrb harry Barker and lice Lleiits Price Dodg Snow and ClArk iho lluv Dr Mnynard htat omtitro ler Wemp Henry Clausen Samuel Goldberg Dr JtnrJ Dr Miller Zape Train IB Collleloi VINCEXNW Ini April IB Express trains Nest 1 and 2 on the Ohio and Mississippi Roll road were In collision last evening Tbe westbound train No 1 hAd stopped and was about to side track ut the Quarry switch jour miles 0151 of Lonanoten Qlart Train No 3 hail orders to pass helelndo accommodation also going Cut WiN on one end of this side track1 The westbound train 1 just passing Into the sIding when No came around the curve In full motion The engines came to fieilier anti the passengers were hal shaken up out none were seriously Injured A tramp who was stealing a ride on No 2 was kllioii Two niall clerks were Injured George Owen Waterloo III was hurt In tbelejr I and A Ileuttr or Lebanon IU had his bend cut The engineers cad firemen of loth train saved their lives b1 Jumllnl Oalr Three A lleaatik far the Aaaa ell Cadetship The competitive examination for the selso tlon ol a cat from the Sixth Congress district to tbe United State Naval Academy at Annap nll Md was have taken plate yesterday at liammar School Uat Norib Moore and Valek Mieets Only three candMates were present piln and the Examining Board decided to poatMM competltlotMntll next Saturday tlae ureujmau JoHBT ft FelloK 1M to appoInt 1 ENCOUNTERS IN DENSE FOB car OF jusnzrv TOIT SEW JM ANNIE JLKirtS TO IOKT The Rtonlasjton float Conneetlent Seahe4 by the How rlt or a Hthooner itt An elior Off Iliintlngton at Karly flawS Th American barkAnnl Lewis came Into port yesterday In tow 01 the steamship Cir of Berlin nf Ibe Inmnn line wi ltr bowsprit and Mil hr headgear gone She was In collision with the litter at 11H oclock on Thute lay night In dents foe about 263 miles cast of Bandy Moot The bark was becalmed with her bead to the south whet the City of Berlin steaming slowly bore down open her She could do nothing herself to set out of the oonrtA of the big ship wlio lookout did not see tho bark In tlmo to avoid her The steel prow of tho liner shaved off the bowsprit and jUibooriJ of Ibo bark The starboard headial of tussle mshln was slightly damaged the stopped nod Cart Land ordered his mn to clear away a lifeboat under the Impression that the bark was In dancer of inking I Inquiry or her skipper Cant Lewis developed that stio was Intact below the Water line The steamship then took the bark Into nod btought her to Bandy Hook The brfrk was her war from Buenos Ayres to Boston with a general canto The City ot Berlin pasceil In rqldod an on Monday last the freight stoamnhlp Jersey City which reported that i ho hud broken Her baft on AprIl Ii four day niter eels left this port She was creeping eastward under salt The City piI Ueilln sIgnalled the position ot the die gbled freighter to an Anchor line steamship bound east on the following day Tire was a phenomenally dense fog afloat on the Bound early yesterday mornlnif when the BtonlnKton line steamboat Connecticut catnf down from Htonlnzton She had to wait two bourn thorn for a train delayed by the tog bbeglliled out Into the Sound at midnight blowing her hoarse whlatle at frequent intervals 1tvertbjg Weut well until pita got ott liuntlngtoo Then It wits impieeible to toe from the bridRe the lockout on the Iorccaatle The boat wa making about eight knots Tb lookout saw about OX uelovk a faint light close on the starboard bow In an In tant the shadowy masts or bin schooner materialized the mint The lookout yelled but It waj too late 10 change the couisa of the vessel The sohoonerWA at anchor and had her light displayed Her long lion sprit swept alone the starboard side ot the steamboat crushing and tearing away everything It touched The staneblone ree ripped out for a space nt Illty feet four of the riavtw were twisted out nt shape and two lIfeboats wore broken and knocked Into the Hound The pile torn oil the starboard paddle box of the steamboat as It punctured anti raked her The damage was done In lees than minute and although the Impact shook the Connecticut from stem to stern only few of tto 150 pAssengers were awakened The steamboat was unable to proceed for nearly half an hour because of a bIg piece of timber that tell Into her peddle wheel and choked It The schooner vanished meterS The aisle ot the steamboat think she wan the James Ivos bound from Philadelphia with a cargo of coal for New Haven While the deck bands were getting the piece of timber ont of the paddle wheeUurter Jeer was tent ashore In a bunt tie landed at Whltealone and sent a despatch to the Ston baton line saying that she had been In collision and was so badly damaged that she would not be able to make the trip east for which she had been scheduled The hull ot the steamboat was not scratched It may tat 110000 to repair her JtfBS KLEINS PURSUiT Of KLBIN Followed HlK from Gernanr to Find Him Itvlae with Another Wosaan Mr and lira Morris Klein were married about nine years ago and for five yearn lived happily together in little German village Then Morris disappeared Nine months ago be arrived In New York and three months ago Mrs Klein followed She had about given no all thought of ever seeing Klein again when a friend told her that be was la New Voik She traced him to shoo stote at 329 Water street where he was employs and there learned that bo lived at 723 birth avenue Last Monday evening she went to his reel dance and entered without knocking She caught her husbnnd klsilng another women and says he eoolly Introduced the stranger as bis wife and said he loved her much better than bejhad ever loved his abandoned wife Mrs Klein bad her husband arrested on a charge nf abandonment and he was arraigned in the Harlem Court yesterday He paid he was never married to the complainant lie was held lor examination today by Justice Dlvver It Wa Omly Drunken Maggie OCoBBore Bear The body of the woman found In a pool of water In the bg swamp at Richards and Commerce streets Brooklyn on Friday night has been Identified as that of Hassle OConnor by her uncle Michael Fltrgerald of 210 Hamilton avenue Brooklyn He says she wits drunk nrd sad bad no rerniHnent homn She wan US rear old She had been missing from her haunts for a month Iboro are no marks ot violence on the body and tbe police believe sho met her death while hopelesMr intoxicated TUB CLOWSS BONO STARTED IT A Circus aSS Wild West Show Wreck 4 by Disorderly HpecUktor KKOXVILLB April 18A circus and wild West show which came to this city last Mom day for a weeks stand has gone for good On Thursday nlsht the large crowd of spectator worked Its way Into the space reserved for the show A clown mounted a block and began ling Borne one bit him In the faro with a brickbat and he fell senseless By thin time there was an uproar Women screamed and a rush ferrite exits was made Tho manager of he show got on a stand and attempted to Quiet be mob and was knocked down At this point riot began The band Instra ments ware smashed and tho seat torn dowm and broken Homo one cut the roped and the big tent cams down burying 200 people In its olds A rush was then made fir the dressing rooms which were also torn down leaving the actors anti actresses half dressed In the OPM air Tim side shows were next attacked and were wrecked Trenty people were hurt but none seriously except the clown Hanged Hlnaeir HI CoMstn flare LITTIK FALLS April 18 Oconte Bellln gor aged 70 a wellknown citizen committed suicide this evening by hanging In his cousin barn Mr Bellinger was formerly a rich man and owned valuable farm lands in Ontario county but of recent years he has been unfor unate In business speculations and lost hIs property Four weeks ago bo returned to Lit lIe 1 Falls with his family to relde 01 late be has tern greatly deptessed In spirit lie was discovered by his cousin Joteon Belllncer who out him down His feet and hands touched be Door.

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