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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 8

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Demoniac Trinity rfela Cancar at 4 Telle dtiu tt ally klee foliona lnnrltd or acquired MtI and aiirrarat rry III that nub li I hHr I Cartn Blood Car II Jot tb cnlj midj kto thai will Infallibly nutralli and our ol tbl Vt AI tO DC Rspulno nd teutue MUii IL Cure Not merely a Sprin Medi cine but a Cure for all Blood and Skin Diseases every month in the year If you har Mtfatei of Skin Ulcerated or Rwtttq nlamla Abu or Hort Leg rarbnncliior HOIHIH niteata Whll Swelling Itlnr rTll tore Rynotltcnt utona origin Kidney and Llrer Dlieare lletilitcbiu hturalgla Bowel or fitemach Truuble Tke Cnelt Blood fore will cnro you Cold by arogglitl or lent prepaM toany arlot the Cnlled lute on receipt of price Ltallle Bottle Hm ll Ttnltlr HI ALVAB BnAZIIIAN BPlririC TO Ofllee 0 Wall it Votk I IiI rif iVf W7 I 1 THEY SAY THEY SAY ITS THE ROCHESTER CLOTHING ITS THE BEST IN THE WORLD IN THE WORLD I For Men Boys and Children THE RETAILERS A 17 That the Best Ready Mad I THEY SAY THE WHOLESALERS A IT Clothing in the World is made ID THE PEOPLE WHO cl ft by the Leading Clothing Manu WEAR CLOTHES II 1 facturers of Rochester 22f 200000 Worth of It We Offer at LESS THAN COST ToMorrow i FOR TWENTY YEARS PAST it has been acknowledged that the best Ready Made Clothing TUffl MANIIPAPTIIRf QQ CRflM Rochester came to us thi WEEK IN I HlUll I I ICHnO FHOI TWO MANUFACTURERS DISTRESS run in the United States was manufactured In Rochester Two I WU ITIMnUrAL I Uncno FROM were OVERLOADED with the FINEST They very and choicest or three mnnufactnrern THAT CITY one concern especially have earned such Supremacy ot Reputa Tailor made Clothing Goods TOO FINE and TOO HIGH PRICED to sell to Ordinary Dealers JJ tion for makIng FINE and DURABLE and PERFECT FITTING clothes that their productions command had heard about OUR Phenomenal SPECIAL SALES where Thousands ot They prices FORTY PER CENT HIGHER than ORDINARY clothes of other make over brought Dollars of Fine Clothing We Imvo sold large quantities of these goods and we know they deserve their reputation OUR were sold IR two or three Days Time They wanted MONEY and they WANTED IT BADLY After customers tell us they are PERFECT Rochester is a city of AMERICAN HOMES and the clothing examining the Beautiful Goods they had to sell we tendered them a check for their entire stocks which made In that city is made by skilled American Journeymen Tailors who are paid liberal prices for FINE their necessity compelled them to accept We bought 200000 worth of the best Clothing in the world WORK instead of the foul TENEMENT HOUSE sweating system in vogue In New York city where for less than the Raw Material Cost well sell it at retail for 20 the lowest classes foreign labor are employed at starvation wages to mako cheap clothing tor Three Days ONLY per cent below wholesale prices THE PRICES OFFERED BELOW WILL POSITIVELY BE NAMED FOR THREE DAYS ONLY STORE OPEN UNTIL 9 OCLOCK EVERY NIGHT MONDAY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY The Clothing here described is better made and more elegantly finished and more perfect fitting than any to be found at any price in New York city It is clothing that the most critical and particular New York way or Fifth avenue with the assurance that he is ns well and fashionably dressed as be could be were he to patronize the High Price Custom Tailors Never have such elegant and High Class Garments been offered at Retail man can in this wear city on Broad I Read These Prices Examine the Qualities Read These Prices Mens Suits Mens Overcoats I7dChiidrens Suits Boys and Childrens Overcoats 1 FINE I ROCHESTER MADE CLOTHES I Thee manufacturers are famous foe their Fine Quality Ferfeet i 119 superb all wool Orerooats and Cape Coat 14 Uliterg Flttlaf Boys and Children Halts TIIJt BILD BENS make THE They ani DEBT 790 Bolt of floe all wool Imported Bl ck Cbivlot el Ker iyi Chinchillas and fine Foreign Ovrcoatl Wo hare no time to mark only OVERCOATS special 11 Santlr made and trimmed Doubt aid Slut NKVEB i BEFORE BOLD FOR LESS THAN 23 12 I iteck In Four Lot as follows prices and so offer lie IDlire 4 TO lit YEARN reaated back and Catairavi Cant boujht OUU PRICE FOR TUREE DAYS 848 Lon Cape all wool Fan anywhere for Ua I Ian TWENTYTWO DOLLARS I 12 CHILURRNS SUITS ClllaoblUa Onrooat rtch Cbeyfoi I IUtd BI UIII I Our price 643 ultra fashionable Korier aid Melton Top Coati Two Plitocs 4 tu 14 Tatr mado SOld toD II a uro and wIl I don biD breaited Box Coat and Shetland UUteri Blllc 790 Elegant Imported All Wool Haiti In as different for bs nut Tare at 18 aud lu Oar prloo S298 from tbe but foreign and Domestic Day OiO Fine Drill flnlti satin and caulmrre lined flneit Imported good stvlM I now being old by uptown Dry Music I fancy Wonted la Sack and Uutawara especially SHOWN AB SPECIAL BAROAINS AT 28 Stores at 110 and ntJOI i Your rIIf orlnreDuy 338 4 Extra quality Fancy Keriey and Melton Doubl 15 Drollted dutrable and faihlonabl pattern Cant be bvuftat OUU PRICE FOR THREE DAYS al our nor rn55Ul0riercoat nPrnen rJulllt blue black for leii than TWENTIFIVB DOLLARS Our 15 THREE riKVK HU1T aDd drib color qualltJ uuIII ao Id 11 for i and I to 16 18 Our 6 98 price iSS Overcoati Cap Coati and Uteri of a qualllr and 400 Biperb and and Tattor18 ploco 80111 of the Bllt price for Tbree Day 3 DjO 480 suIte of the Trr flneit fabric ver ma4a tat texture not often ieea In RefJj Made Olotklnu Koralfi Tcztui Iabtaa i mallo and cuulon BOYS clothing and of qvallUe tuoallj foil saly 1 a house trimmed and flnlihed equal to tba b4 cue teed Perfect thug BeI4 by upIwu at 598 OVERCOATS flue CUSTOM TA tOIlS tables Clay BlafiaU torn tallorlBi and food enonch for a mllllenalr Ie tUaaall IL IIr I tO sr a7i 11 TO It Aall near forelra fabric of the blckaet qnalltr NOT TO Lf Bon iii wool CbInobIlla aid Milton I and flnsal Imported wrtWi fjjmvjljr jait bt BE BOUGHT FOR LESS THAN 80 OUB fRIOZ Lag Psi IsltvJslyro Cuallllr llnod aeI won Orooa 1 boncht anywhere for lets tkam THIKTTVIVK DOLLARS 18 i 18 I 1M Jlalr elMaat Beyi1 Boaelan fastics Bait lIb1IaDtlal mad durable eJ aJlo erorl Joa THREE DAYS aa4sstasjoit uaraatea4 color rllG LARS Our pOI frwi tHoUy all I wl jnodimadeudInUk4 tt1 OO fUDd elssr and Net TalUra atyl Ie Ultra jrahlnaTl Blaek 738 olllwbore for I than 12 sad MO Butts of he nest quality evr ihowa la the wend 290 Overcoat Cap Coats and Ulster Ilk had aid lIe Tit and Nqobr Obtoki Cant be dn lleata OUR PRICIC rOR THREE DAIS 550 Salt iwallow tall and Prince Albert caibraero lined Montagnac and Viounai fer I tkan 11 Oar 884 Elysian a Full Dreu frr prloe Elollat floy Dross Overcoats Jf Jitalarn rcoatalu Butt of Lbs rlobeat fabric silk lined throughout poaltlvelr a finer quality than can be found In any Ul Beavtlcnrpreu Halt InTrloets Dlajonala 1 Cork aDd Cltlulta 1I1rell Coati lcersy Mlton Top foaltlvelv cannot bednplleatvd for IMI I tkaa FIFTY 2 0 other retail itore hi city made to tell for 45 screws and fin Imported Worsted of a uaUty Ulster Ner 0Top Capo Coat and U01LARSI Our price and SOD Oar prloo for three days 20 ask that cannot barpasied and for which ritnlir SI098 1 II 18 and tO Fllrerrs anywhere for Ill thwn 900 and WW Our price for three day lmorted god PRICE von THREE Df OUR 9 75 627 and 629 Broadway jLTfl KING ft CO The Leading American Clothiers 627 and 629 Broadway 1 I i I 4 I PRINCETONS CLOSE CALL N1 HAD A HARD rlQXT TO MMAT UNUIUIBzn Olf P1UflrrIuU 20 if Tk01a Xesgbst Osae ea a rat 1uaR Ell i 4 Not a XaMktaCa I Nose Brk 4 0 rt Wilt Nt ay a Pleat tZ 1 FRXLiDBurau HOT IBIIIh tackle sdI 1u bine barur almoit describes thctoena 5 on hI University of Pennsylvania rounds from the time that team and tb PHnotn tV Urea lined up yesterday afternoon before I I an audience of 10000 people a large proportion of whom oonslitod of the fair MX vrearlne the oolors of their tATOrito antrenltr 1 It was an awful conflict from bediming to end IV The Princeton team and fully 300 students I 1 Ii vent with confident hopes of at least looting Ii I 25 to 6 agaInst Pennerlranta but they were glad to get 0 to 0 for a verdict I I They knew they had a powerful combination 1 of boot and mnsole trained In the tactic of the 3 game as well as In puRlIlstlo science and In BOO of these respects did Princeton underestimate the Vnlrersltr of Pennsylvania team All lorers of football who saw today game Will lone remember and regret the exhibition of slagging to which they were treated Pennsylvania i tulip sustained the reputation which alto bad won for herself Ia games plarod Ij previously at Princeton Colombia and elsewhere The Mugging was begun by the Pennsylvania player I was endured tj until gentlemanly sportsmanlIke play had to yield to methods of necesiarr self defence and then It was blow for i blow Davis suffered most from Watkins i at left end till nearly the last of the gamo Lie head was covered with lumps as well a I inch Hide of his fne Val while the umpire A watching the bal In a scrimmage caught i him and gave him three heavy blows In tho I stomach A fow minutes later ho aimed at 1 Davis again when the latter lifted his flat and I laid him on the field Insensible Fumes suffered much from SchofTs attacks The latter i came In for next highest honors as a pugilist OrllUth Bowser HelBtnan and Thornton took 1 very opportunity offered Through It all the umpire Mr Ketchum of Swarthmore apparently I kept his ere closed and not a slnsle man Wits rulod oil Onnt Church never raised bin voice analnst brutal work bl alalnst work 1 Footlmll cannot flourish Bald a rexpectO A ble looking man on leaving the Mold steps I re not speedily taken to wipe out these bar 1 baron elements 2 Throo of the Pennsylvania men were hurt Pennsylvania played a wondprf game however and liaiiBhe attended to football only and not depended on slugging nbo intent have tied the score No words con press the game t1 played byOamp He began with eighteen ards i through Princetons centre on the The ball was passed to him moro than to three men and he bucked 1rlnceton line almost every time for live to fifteen yards and sometimes more Church played a great game at half buck anti Thiiyer minted with bin accustomed ability hR work was quite a contrast to Ilomans who almogt Invariably muffed the bal till at length Capt 1oe ordered King tot 1 take Thay rH PUIIIS It Pennsylvania men broke through Prince tone line with the greatest of ease luring the lit entire game and It Is I only by the hnrdeat kind of work that Nplcer at the end of forty I 1 three minutes makes the first and only touch down of the cramo 1oe kIck the goal and the score Is 6 to 0 Although them was ik only a minute remaining play was resumed In 4 tbR centre and Pennsylvania In what seemed to all the lonircRt mlnuto they ever lived Ithanka to the referee Mr Woodruff of Yale rushed the bnll to Princetons heyard lino but Princeton braoot 1 up and drove them back sixteen yards Thayor was now about to try for a drop kick when the mlnuto expired Jlre A rest and the lame of nine reopens Turners was bleeding profusely from tho left eye from a out half an Inch deep and worse than I all Capt POD got bin none broken The nasal artery was cut and the blood flowed from his 1 mouth ana over bin face down upon his jacket and It was with much dlOIcultv that Dr Thayer got the blood utoppod The Pennsylvania tudents went wild with excitement All along I the line tbe shout went UP Slug hIm alonl kill him Even some of the substitute players Jay on the gra and encouraged tbelr men to do more of the dirty work Suddenly a shout from the referee to the scattered Princeton Il players announced that only I half 0 minute to ivsntno play or lose the came remained rf wood Lewis and Jefferson shouted to their colleagues to get in line Only half a tnlnnt and we loss the same Is the watchword Jones without waiting put the ball In wor Klnn had taken Foes Disc end Dalton Kin a Princeton braeed up and had the ball within eight yards of Pennsylvanias goal wba every one was surprised to hear WQPd ruff call time The reporters ran to ask mm reln what was the matter and If he called the game account of darkness 01 aoua a close call for Princeton and the championship but one cannot takp the result as a fair criterion of the final game I munt be remembered that Jones bA only been In training two dan and does not Jet know even the signs Thin was Princeton I weak point and Church was quick to see It King covered himself with glory by his wonderful rushing running and i tackling Jeso lllggns work at guard called forth nl greatest admiration Many now think that Pennsylvania may beat Yale next Bntnrday One thing Is certain namely that Yale will I have nnstl The teams follow frtncium rultloru VHtttTMttsffrfn Ilftll Left Rod ICH jtln lf 4w11 Lcf I Tuckl lltlimui nlffft Left uucrdThornice JOIIM Cllr Adtmt Jiffiraoa nimtiiuarA 8o ifrt Wood RI htT ckU Urimiln ni RlihtKnd tenon rc Dillon i Jo heck Vail Klux flair Hack Camp Rplctr flackChore UomansFoIi BackThiyr PJr1l ron TUB MIO FOOTBALL MAtCH How tke tatr Hi tk rrtateB Ga wilt fee Aec mmo4mt The annual strusflle for the Intercollegiate football championship between Tale and Princeton takes place this roar at Eastern Park Brooklyn on Thanksgiving Day The lame besides settling the Intercollegiate championship for the year 1890 possesses special Interest from tho fact that It is I the odd or deciding game In tho series between theso two college clubs to date each having won three games from the other Princeton was the winner last Far and of course Yale will fight with desperation to regain Its lost laurels Judging from the play of the respective clubs thus far during the present season it would lP pea to very oven match nnd the do cl lon of the aims may rett on tho accidents of tho game between now and Thanksgiving Day I not on that day itself Eastern Park Is about four miles from the I CIty Hall Brooklyn It Is reached by the Long Islnnd Itallroad In twenty minutes from Long Island City direct tho eaten and In ten minutes by the Long Island Bnpld Transit from Flatbnth avenue station Brooklyn The Kings County Elevated Itallroad Company will run special trains every flvo minutes from Fulton ferry and Brooklyn Bridges stations to the gates of the park In fifteen minutes and have built a special platform to facilitate the handling of 15000 passengers Halt dozen lines of street cars also land passengers within three blockeof tho grounds The block stand at Eastern Park will accommodate comfortably 800 pooDle There are fifty large private boxes In the front of the two tiers averaging Hfteon seats Tho two huge bleachorles have seating accommodations for 7500 more and special acnommodolonll wil erected to accommodate an extra iloon spectators besides standing room for 10000 more 100 mlre not to mention the field for coaches and other vehicles The crounds ara especially adapted for foot ball The natural foil Is sandy the field a per fectly Invel I sod and the drainage Is perfect Insuring a good playing Held even In the heaviest rain decidedly In contrast to the grounds heretolore used An auction sals of thirtysix private boxes will be held at the New York Heal Estate Exchange Ette1x change 69 and CD Liberty Htreot on Tuesday afternoon Nov 1 nt 1 oclock Tho sole of reserved seats In the grand stand is now In progress In New York and llrooklyn A plens ant Innovation is the poRnlblllty of procuring procnrlnl In advance a specific reserved Boat and being guaranteed its occupancy tlio same as In any theatre of New York Football Note The TaltncU Boat lob or boken will hold lit annual concert at odd Kellowi Hall OB Wa hlnton Street Hobokrn on Tliomlay nnla Nov II The Newiork rbllharmonlo Hob and many other artUti bob mutlcat and vocal will be prmnt Tile American Athletic Club football team will play the Sylran Atliletlo Aiioclatlon team at the former rrounoX IMth itre and Harlem Klvtr this mnrrtnir 110th clubs will present their trotixrit tan mar grat rivalry ex Iota between Ihm The Atnerlrnni team ha played two game lull leaion aid a trnnir tam In I be Int deygloped they hara arrantrd camel with the Harktler A Nw York A Manhattan A and the Columbia and st lohnn Rolleie teaina No anl Ion fee will be charged at todays taO crowd of ipectators are expected game A4 large 1UI F4TAZ JUlHUIt A Kl Ia Flue or a Mofelr Teh Dowa Defcnla tke 2raeit Folly 1500 persons witnessed the closest and most exciting football match of the season yesterday afternoon between the Crescents the present champions of the American Football Union and the Orange Athletic Club tlm on4be Orange Oral TheCrsoontsstarted for Orange with their hearts full of b01 and their colors of red flying but blnensss the oolor rd Illnl blulln1 was prevailing color on their return I was the first time the champions had suffered defeat at the hands of any but the three loading college teams Th defeat might have been avoided by better judgment and tho score which was in favor of Orange would possibly have resulted differently had the Crescent been content to make a safety touch dow There was but little betting I the Orange men were cautions and would take nothing very oauUol tak except at big odds I is I safe to ear however that considerable money will chang hands at the nut meeting of the teams which takes place on Saturday Nor 15 at Washington Park Brooklyn II Blooum Jr the exchampion tennis player refereed the game only fairly There was considerable rough play anti occasional slugging but no ono was disqualified Charier Btorra right guard of the Orange team was evidently spoiling for a fight and at ccc time Terry came near gratifying him Corbln Yales celebrated centre rah plarod In that position for Orange lie greatly overmatched Qerrard the strong but Inexperienced Crescent man who playecT opposite him In fact Orange plavd an unusually heavy lino and their team work was better than the Crescents for ther kept tile ball mostly In their posseselon and forced their opponents to play on the defensive tho greater part of the time Htagg and Hpler played well nt half back but showed weakness In running back with the ball and were often tackled be hind their starting point The Crescents were strengthened on the line by Janowny at right I lad Behind the line they went as strong as usual and Campbell ami Hewlett at either end did great fork Molt the Inimitable guitl Kicker placed Ole of his beautliul field goals from tilt thirtyyard line between the Orange goal posts which with hick Campbells limo run of thirty yards formed the prominent features ot the game Tho teams lined up as follows I Oranse a Ifiltlnnl Cracmt Bovalrd Ltltend Omptell Marshall Left tack tamarcha Curbln Mom Lorttnaril ntr Orrrird Hlrd I elorrsflight guard Janeoay orrkJllt tackle Lamirche Mowry Unlit Dd lUwleit Slant Lett half back Edwards Ppur Klcht half back Terrr lie Hart Un rt bAek flteeher hpanldlnc tnil back XoJat The Crescents took the hal and made five yards on wedge Orange got the ball after two downs and then made ton yards on Bpauldlngs kick The Crescents got Ibo ball and Terry made fifteen yard around tho end und Kd wuds mado ten more but dropped the ball which went In touch 1 Hewlett dropped on I Boeohor feinted to pass to Terry but bonds the bal to Edwardswho makes ten yards The Crescent got five yards on a foul tackle by Spier The ball reaches Oranges thlrtyUvii yard line A kick by MotTnt brings It to tho llftoenvard Hue Orange brings the bal to the centra of the field by rln or Kpler nnd shut through the centre The ball 18 grad unlly worked to the Crescents thirtyfive ard line Mot kicks and Hpnulding returns Bovalrd makes touch In gonl The ball Is brought to the twentylUeyard line and after reaching the Crescents liveyard line the latter force It hack to the twenty ard line whon time Is called Neither side scored The second half began with Corbin making maklnl five yards on a wedge crescents regain It On the third down Marshall makes Iho yards 1nrlbll Successive runs by Mngg drlncn the ball to tho Cre ceits llfteenynrd Hue Terry makes ten ards on siicceftiiUo runp Edwards and Camp bell make two splendid runs of twentyflve and thirty yards respectively and take the Rne the Orange fifteenyard line After some ary Ing work Moffnt kicks a goal rom tho field Score Crescent 5 Orange 0 Fierce lighting characterized the remainder of the game 5Ic Kenzfo took Spiers place at the beginning of the half and pled creditably John Ia marche was hurt nnd gave way to his brother Henry Beecher wae also Injured but pluckily ouCklr continued the came Bucking the centre hard and sending SlcKenrlo and btagg a ound the ends brought the hall to the Crevcents tenyard line Spauldlng kicked and loch er caught the ball after It had boon touched by another player The bal was put In play lust inside the Crescent goal line Jtoffat kicked but tbe ball struck a goal pout and slid In among the crowd lad he made safety tbe game might have been saved There 1 a rush and a scattering of spectators The referee conld not toll whose bull It WIM The CrfKcent claimed tbnt leeher cot I but Orange also claimed it and tre reteieo cure thy touch down to the latter I was taken 1e later unit De Hart tried lor a goal but bo wee trlO rattled and the ball rolled alone the around Tno eor then stood role 9 Orange 1 was then so dark that the play could hardly boon eeen but Grans forced the ball over for a second touch down mid tremendous excitement among tho Orange fraternity 10 Hart again missed the goal leaving Oranff the winner bl a score of light to fire Adlpkl DefUt a eavIer a The Attlpbl boys rlar 4 acalait nptrler wtUlht ytt ted mornlmt but the praienee of tbe youof ladles of tb Atademr and the Zlfht banner 10 doubt la spinS thim victory Wajhlnttoi Park resounded fore with the acalemlo and tin hornS Out In for At loSo aster Billy rowlerof OolnmbU College lit th ball arolllnir Adilphl atnd br her Irick and within 10 mInutes Darwin Janet waa rnthtd tbronm Folyt oantr over her coal tins Brook failed In the try for goal James with Pratt Interterlot prettily oily mad a IOnS ran Marine the second touch jmrn and Pratt kicked the goal Poly ntared the Adelpbl 11st but tbe Adelphli kept them from lora lhen II rook punted and owperlhwalt caught the bal and went through the entire Adelphl team acorlnf a clown fer Poly Bernn failed to kick the goal At the end of the llrtt nalttba score tloodi I oltt Adelphl 10 Polya centra opened the second bait carrrlnf I their epponinti for twenty yards Adelphl flnallr getting the ball Pratt mad a notable run of thirty yards At len th Jameuwma forced throofh PolTe left tackle for another Oewn and rrattagal klcka the goal True lowi nnnlni and OeoroOooni brilliant dub were noteworthy llarrl an and Main lacklid well Score AJelpbU lii Poly 4 The playtni AttleM falltlon 1r Alp Foil back Wlnrata ooL I I rf Jama I nt a Copttbwat rrati Qoarter Bteie rhadwlck tentri Croib strlln oard Hbaw Bikini guard Wlntat dene tickleBigtow Anderson tackle Sort 1omerOT I end Btrien llarrlmaa cud laID tttnptreWr Ama Colombia 81 Tb Oxfords failed to meet Stevens flchooll MCOnd team and Colombia Urammar School forfeited to that schools seater Inn Ja Victory ror Caller The Outlet and Hone football teams of the Inter icholaitlo oloM and exciting ehollo League played a very nello lam yesterday In Central Park the former after hard work winning by a store of ID to In the flnt bait a number ot rood plays war mad by both sides and no icorlnt was mad until near the On lih of the half when llarrtion Cutlers good bait baet aocceaded In making a touch down but no rosS was kicked In the eecoaJ half both aIdes not In Horn swift and rapid ork cutler did some nn ruihln and within nv tnlntiten llarrlaon I bade the second touchdown and Copp kicked a nra Tho for a boys now look their time at pushing the Cutler leNin down the Old ana when th bail waa within Crc yard of the goal line Vanderimlueu icortd the Cyst point for Nona fto coat waa kicked rtouwnrth Hrokaw and Harrison were especially noticeable fortbtlr good playing on tile Cutler rmu r3a Vanderiraliten lleiton and Wnorlwanl did well rr lorie The personnel of tbe two team wa I follows Cutler miUlnn Store PoeworibJefc cud Drookfleld Wardwell Lefteuard Dwyer Wray Left tackle Ernireon Cutler Centra Ward niacden Illcht tckteVandersmlssin McHnrney Right guard llrookrleld Kobblnt Right end Hay Brnkaw Quarter back Thomai lUrruon half back Baldwin Polk Half hoot Iliaton Copp Kull back Woodward Refere Downer of Dwight Reboot Umpire Hall of Barnard nehooL Sheeting et Cl rmo The attendance on the ironndi of the Claremont Shooting Society at Claremont yesterday was larger than niaai a sign that the lovers of trap shoot log will vIsit these grounds Increased numbers with the approach of cold weather TI at wr sweeptates at In birds and bID rook under national tuleL Iu Pt the trio I were untfermly divided The lot lowIng I was ttje order of events OiIUV blot I 511001 ol birds cacti l1aolnon 3 Simpson 2 IUD 4 Coln 4 IDtlond 4 ian Del Mead 4 tt Sims as No Johnion 4 SImpson 8 Hunt 4 En lfwood 4 Mannn 4 14 Uunt I hwenpttake a Jo bine rocks Karaton plan Joho eon Pt Minimon 7l Colllna 4 Hunt lot Knglewood Mead 3 rronmaa 4 4 fame at No 8Jobnton SImpson AI Coll Int 0 nan Hunt 4 7 i Knglwood7 Mud 4 crotiman a Man 6 Same ar Ko Johnion 4 Simpson 4j hunt 4 Cola 4 HI Englewood 4 MaCnOn 8Impoa4 3 lab In two other sweepstakes at blue rocks hIsser John ann the winners llnnt BncKwood Simpson and hathaway war 6 the Slmpion lanierant Shunt waianrernatTllr 6 Ma 7 Hathaway bird 7 Jobnaon JoliluhK Good bOwIE ROBTH nrrntrnrw Ia NOT PsThe IeMitti Unlrer slit ham defeated the Columbia Atbletle Club eleren hers today by a core of toe Lehlch catlly mad 44 points In thirty mInute Colombia played harder In the second hair Orilway I Ploklnton and llatchln son played the bt frame for Lehlffb The team work of the Columbia In lb second half waa pbenomauaL I 1 wAO IlMiM itu AVI No sets for llaloit A 4ya4 Is nrooltlyd Boy Mike dialling wa around yesterdI and like a true fport had not a word tar to palliate his defeat by Austin Gibbons except In a matteroffact way that Gibbons bad te best of the weights Otherwise he expressed him self an satUOed with the way th fight was con duoted lie even said that the place of fightIng where the ring was mad with ifttees and fence rails was Good enough i as fair for one as the oilier In speaking of the foul blow below hI belt Gibbons delivered In the thirteenth round Gushing said It wai probably an accident and had no effect on the general result I was In too good condition to have It hart me serlouslr The only mark of the fray that remained on the came fighter person was the lump undor his iofteye where Cuohlngs bones are stnk Ingly prominent Bo high and full nrtheeo AU080 bonrsof the Brooklyn man that Joe Early was one led to remark Tan ever lind anything to do with that mans training I would Me thai his fnc was reduced to half Its alto uefore tak Ie bfor IDK another step The swelling has gone down conflldernbiy but Is still thor Cushlno says the second Mow ho received there did hoc completely knock him out but rathor daied him and prevented his rising Ho a la full possession of all hi mental I faculties ful CuHhlnc Jack Adler bis backer and all the Nw York party agree that the contest was conducted with perfect fairness tbrpiiRliout They nrt loud In their pralftes of tho hospital 11 of the ProvIdence eoPIe They trpate1 uj royally lald Ctishing yestrtiav Blaten of the Gndstone Cln toot me II do charge enough and I me seemed OH though he couldnt I Jack Adler was oannlly grateful for the fa I I vera shown anil said that no town on earth beats Providence for the generosity of sport leg men to visitors Adler retains his admiration for Cashing and finds not ths slightest fault with him ns backr of aleht tU glllsti are so apt to do The boy trained most faithfully said Japk yesterday and In the ring Old tot boot ho could Illedh against odds and 1 am perfectly sat will Hot S104 Dixon rtkr AI IfCal McCarthy aid George Dixon eon together again In a contest of any kind there will babig amount of money watered on tb remit Many tcortlnf men ottblielty thick that McCarthy baa mad a foolish more In sinning artlolei of atreemeat to box Dixon twenty ftv round with fourounc gloves for a pun cfSiMU oflrernl by the Puritan Athletic Club Joe Early Rala old barker and manager was seen by a reporter of Tun Sric yesterday and 1 laid that 10 Cartby bed 101 twenty per oeaL of the match be fore entering the ring by ajreelni to box with fool entire Kinree Cat Hiouldnt meet Dixon be td nnder cay other condition than to a Until with iklntUht novea If he bad held out IMion would bar tn tIme contented in a matcb ot thin kind If they do light to a Onllh with kin cloves Ill bet Ulion or hit biekeri tlu tiled Mo earthy Whip iim The pair of them are very footith Inleea to sIgn for inch a pores wben they can aally get 9 Osigats money by mietlni with skin tight to a nnlib Tat ttmu an Eoaj Ties With otsps Kiw BAn NOT 5The Tat eleven pat up a stiff rushing cam ot football against the Rutgers College eleven this afternoon Tale played team mad op largely of substitutes for McClung Uemnnr Rhode Wall Williams and harvey were all on th retired 1t not 10 much from Injnrlet aa Irom itiCtaat that Vae will not dhow her strength prior her contest with Harvard two woeki from today In the fIrst half Viee I work barring a few exooiabl error made by tha new men waa aatl faetory and Was In fact exceptionally 004 Bllta showed tip In floe ityle and Rldtway end Reynolds made mm good rum or from fifteen to forty yard Th play during thlibalf wan I In Kutgerii territory and the icor at the end of the half Mood Yale 4H Rutgers I In cbs Mcond halt llnicomb who hal played Ont In the nrit balf dropped out giving place nnx Hills Uldffewav and Morr Ion opned with bulb dun Then Vale apparently A little Ir4 atlowrd 111 1d Kutien to rush the ball down to nfteen girl line There waa held end Hnailr went to Tale on fonr downs Later nn Van stored a touch down by fink ard the teal score wan 70 to 0 The game wan uery rncourailnr to Tales supporters tl mI and the boiler here tonIght li that Tale with tier full romplmentofiiiayera will defeat Harvard and Prince Ion Tb player I to days game were a aLt nulrlon Rutgers llartwill Bight end IIVI Itetnoldeflight tackle Wlilwneck I wli 1 Right a WbltDCI Ilolonmh entre Ponddcr I MnrlLr guard Mom Mill Lert I uar Hopper Crosby Left end Aydelott onl Harbonr Quarter backBrett Kiln Halfback oiler Rldtewar Halfback Voorbte Mormon Back Ilia HumlltOB Down Colgate CUNTO Nov eAt Colgate today the HarsH ton College I Football team defeated the Colgate taam by aicorot3Jtnii I The playing of Capt Leo bait back of Hamilton was the feature of the game 1 rtI9 ATBIKT1C TwMtylktnl Zglesete I a lm Lat NitkV A Uro number of spectators a goodly jiortloa of which were hand omlr attired wlt ntsaed the decision of the first games ot Company pany In the armory of the Twentythird Iteglraeot Clermont avenue near Myrtle Brooklyn Drbn a Curtis was referee while Messr 3 Bnlllvan Walsh and BishoP wor Judael 1 ft Hos wm starter a The regimental band under tho leadership of Bandmaster Alfred Fobs enlivened the proceedings by the rendition of popular air during tho evening Nearly eVery event was fought out to the tap and the Drat effort of tin company to enter the athlto realm was A decided success mfa rllDIA follow tlfcy Yards Dash bndlcpfID1 b1 won by W1 Battle sffASsft A A I CU wilts A TO74 ford football time 8 feet MOOIIO and II I WIZenS Hronllyn 0 1 10 feel i third Tim a 46 tie onda twomil morel Race HandlcnWnn by IA itobsefsr 1Um A Raea 0 yards with tfinnfrf lalthme A it Id yards second and If Murphy Sew York 4 atl thou I County Wheohinen i rm third Time 0 minutes I II afoode ilaiftnlle ExhIbition I balkfly Frank Marray 111r ni okn AorD A A the nlnr oaDfOD Ihreml walker A 01 Alnerlea Who eorrod the distance In the I rt time of I mlnntMlitfHioonda itil WH one of the fastest halfmlla walks ever shown In door un a board atn When the tim was announced tbe spectators ehaarad the veteran ehamptOD heartily TWORIIITscratch IDYIloa Ratefbi starters were A Tml Manhattan A Ci Urneit HJeltherr Ecu Jersey A 87 and 1 held Amtrcan lllh lenri aMnii4 tb lead at Hi nil and a half and wou quite easily tI Ibreequarters of a lap lime Ill loin Sin ai Mcontfa lljrtbru three waa lu mluutet 41 45 seconds one Iuriosg Bun Handicap Final lUatWon by OMalUrJr Acorn AAli I yaJdn II I Alien nri ly A IU oyar4 MconJ and James Dijon Jr Mao hatlanVo 11 yards Ihlrd Tim a7Miunda halo I rrd itjlig rlnrsty lobrl Mot New t01k IsblbllnD The cbamploa rlnnbl I uinal elmr aiM aftmll Bon Hannlcap Final HeatWon by II Jobanwn PaMlm A 11 yard llarnrit Acorn A A liurirdi itcond and Conrad Mark Klchmond on4 CooniVx seconds scratch third Urn a mlnnui rua 6n1 mil WalkWon by Charlel KIcolL Manbatran A scratch with Andra Amllr AtbUtlo Amorla thou CiMCoadi ncond nnd Walker Iaitlme A a DOitrond third TtmU minute fttfyr icconda Champion Meoll walked excellently plcklniritn til men well and getting to the front a few feet from Untmll Run HanaleapWoB by Front Hirrlbtrt wjereey A ft scratch with I lloilfnd iae tlm A a ISOyerilil eonBO and II roHlua Pros peel llarrlir Blyardi third Time I 4 mInnie 47 4 A acoondi Ruflntor nib Jorap Handicap Won rrl parli Manhattan trf Inchee Who elected A feet 7 liioheii rollook 1 6 A iS I lactic and WleganL New York Ai II I Inch tied for place at 5 feet 5 Incbea and Pollock won the tow and itconk place pic Quarter mil Rnn Handicap Final beat won by Callln Corlniblan ii I nl tIJ cr with I Kamnal Cot bait Jersey A yards second ant II II thor rail New Jersey A 0 I RI yards rra Tlm 41 seconds MClaf I ttillKoTlcRe I ScratchFinal I hat won by fwll Maria Manhattan A Cl bv nn yard Doom A wai second anl lr I rirntt Proipct Harriers third Tlm 3 minute 0 2449 second I I TO rnnrintT TUB FIGHT Warrants Inoned SortIe rret mt George dodfrer and Ed HUb I Stops are being taken to prevent the fight between George Godfrey the colored heavyweight of Boston and Ed Smith ot Denver Col who are advertised to fight In Ibo new Puritan Hal Long Island City on Tuesday night next Yesterday Sheriff Goldner submitted an affidavit to District Attorney Fleming In which he alleged he had reason to believe that the law relatng to prize fighting about to be violated In 1urltan Hall The District Attorney submitted the affidavit to County Judge Uarretson and aski that warrants issued for tho principals in the fight and also a search warrant to enter the bulldlnc hoor warrants were Issued and tile Mheriff has explicit orders relation tn benIng rl IJ is not likely that these warrants will be served said James Wnkely We do not intend to violate any law on the stntute books and boxing with fourounce and fiveounce gloves which Godfrey and Smith will use on Tuesday night Is permitted In this Stale The Puritan Athletic Club la chartered and Its object Iq to promote athletic sports of nil kinds Smith and Godfrey will box twentyfive rounds and the law will not be violated for they will wear fiveounce gloves I the authorities serve the warrants after the contest is over we will test the cases In the courts The now Puritan club house Is I finished and the electric clock which Is I keep time for the boxers was put up yesterday Il Blat Island Forfeit to Ju The football gates that was be have been played at RtMen Island yesterday between the New York Atlp title Club and Staten Athletic Clab team was forfeited by the latter team TO aiiySKD THE AlUEtllClf t11 Nlnetyfooter Tn Ma UntIl In 1 hti City nn 1 lliFNti BOSTON Nov BIn ctso i linllcnce for the America CUD li received it Is almost rernln that two American nlntrfootprs will bi 1lil one from lines of Mr nurizom nnd tho a1 or from Mr Gardner It will bo Now Ynrl against Boston In the trial meet all 1 nor will almost bo as much rivalry lotncon the two olllei as for tho CUD itself Nol Yorkers have made nn their minds hut I something must be dine elo they wll nlwavi play second llddlo tothe inchtsnion of thn Hub I Is known by I few that 1 evudgitte line bim formed In New York to bulll a new tout nnd Fleet Contain Stephen PenlioU IR at Its haul I She will be a thoroughly New York production Mr Peabody admitted as much to Knval ArcLU tot BurcoBH while the hitter uitaui In New York recently Further than this the boat has already been ilfFlcnel br Mr Gardner nnd an oMlmnte bus been furnished by PJepgrass which slons that the boat will be eithercomposite or steel The sold plan has been mado In the rough and except In the matter of details the plin IB nearly worked out Mr Peabody IH Inking jlentr of limo 1 Capt Terry of tho Grayling will Ie i call log master Tho writer was Informed of the fact willie on the New York cruise but was not a liberty to ranko the matter public Now that Mr Peabody has Informed Mr liurcess nnd the Information has become more or less public the above statement Is made ml All signs point to Commodore Force building ninetyfooter In fact some of his most intimate friends fed assured thru the Comma Jore will build However this mny ba tbe Commodor has mado no publle announcement of the fact I Is simply conjpciuro hut race for a cap without Gen Paine In It would a strange tiling The General keep lila own counneK but one might as well tr to kepI duck out of the water as to keep Gen Paine out of the Americas Cup controversy The limo sailing of the Iverna during the lat ter part of the last season stamps betas the fastest nailing yacht ever turned out on the other side tine Is now about ten minute faster than the Thistle in strong breezes and tonl Capt ONoll says that he will tnno her up to bo another ten minutes faster by the coming midsummer This will make her quite a bard boat to beat and In her the Volunteer will have no easy job The Iverna Is 84 feet wntnr line with less sail than the reduced Thistle redlce Volunteer and i this being 8 she would get time from the Some of our leading yachtsmen recognize the fact that the Iverna could challenge at once and have the race take place In July This would catch us tae new boat not properly Iverna tuned Up to race such a boat as the.

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