West Virginia Argus from Kingwood, West Virginia • 3
- Publication:
- West Virginia Argusi
- Location:
- Kingwood, West Virginia
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 3
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
of is selling Full these over quart. are are are the on mellow strength, are all the gallon. only tasty and for on Virginia Argus. Kingwood, September 19, 1907. AND ABOUT KINGWOOD.
Still no school. September sunshine. Equinoctial showers. Watch Kingwood grow. THE ARGUS-always first.
Tomorrow sees summer's finish. John A. Liston is seriously ill with typhoid fever. The most interesting news is what the editor don't publish. A.
G. Hughes is in Elkins and Philippi this week on legal business. Mrs. J. G.
Nicola, Hazelton, a new name on THE ARGUS list this week. A. W. Albright and Joseph F. White, of Kingwood, have our thanks for remittances.
We this week welcome D. R. Beavers, Kingwood, to the growing list of ARGUS subscribers. The Acme Department Store, Morgantown, has a new ad in this issue that is worth your perusal. Hon.
W. G. Conley left for Charleston Tuesday on legal business and will return tomorrow. John M. Deal, of Glade Farms, advanced his subscription to THE ARGUS this week to July, 1908.
Miss Lois Swearengen returned home yesterday trom a two weeks' visit with friends in Clarksburg. If you fail to let us know, when you have visitors don't blame us if their names fail to appear in the paper. Ed C. Manown, of Baltimore, was in town several days last week the guest of his father, Dr. J.
H. Manown. "What People Talk About" would be a great department for a country newspaper if the editor would dare print it. Dr. and Mrs.
J. M. King are in Buckhannon this week taking in the fair and will probably return this evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Williams' children have just gone through the trials and tribulations of an attack of measles. Bowermaster White announce the arrival of their fall and winter goods in this issue. See ad in another column. Rev. A M.
pastor of the M. E. church at Masontown, was a county seat visitor Monday and Tuesday. The union soldiers of Marion county will hold their reunion at Mannington tomorrow and Saturday, September 20 and 21. Forrest McDaniel left for Morgantown Tuesday, where he enters the university as a student in the engineering department.
Miss Laura Bailey, of Morgantown, was the guest of the family of W. H. MeDaniel Saturday, leaving in the afternoon for Hiorra. Quarterly meeting was held in the M. E.
church here Sunday. Dr. Ward, the presiding elder, preached able sermons morning and night. Miss Daisy McDaniel, nied by her father, W. H.
McDaniel, went to Wheeling Monday, where she entered a hospital for treatment. Dolpha Williams is spending this week in Grafton and Clarksburg. Foster Rodeheaver is filling his place at Herring's store during his ab.in sence. Harry Brand had his ankle broken by a fall of coal in the Elkins mines Tuesday. He was removed to the Strickler hospital where his injuries received attention.
Miss Daisy Jenkins leaves tomorrow morning for a visit with her brother in Pittsburg. She will visit Richmond and the Jamestown Exposition before returning. John C. Lewis gave the engineering corps a farewell supper Tues day The affair was an enjoyable one, the corp doing their best to make the remaining bachelor days of their host merry ones. George Evick left this week for Austen, where he will carve sirloins, for the miners of that place, having accepted a position with F.
W. Horchler, superintendent of the Ansten Coal and Coke Company, Miss Cora Jessop, who has been the guest of Mrs. Ed. M. Williams and other friends in Kingwood the past two weeks, left for her home in Atlanta, last Thursday via Cin cinnati, where she will visit a few days.
James A. Sharpless, prominent business man and Mason of Keyser, died from injuries received by jumping from a runaway automobile coming down Knobley mountain. 'The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon. A new and greater paper trust now forming proposes to put print paper up to 6 cents per pound. It has already gotten up to cents, and if the price is doubled country newspapers will either have to double their subscription price or go out of business.
Preston's popular paper- The ARGUS. Maj. C. C. Pierce is a Charleston visitor this week.
W. H. McDaniel returned from Wheeling yesterday. J. Ben Brady was a legal visitor in Morgantown this week.
West Virginia University opened at Morgantown this week. Don't let your subscription get more than one year behind. A. Bliss McCrum is down in Reno district today on legal business. Miss Dora Wolfe, of Bruceton, was visiting friends in town Mon day.
John Brown, has gone to Vitginia to enter Randolph Macon col. lege. Guy Reed, of Morgantown, is here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C.
L. Reed. Beatrice Brown has re entered the West Virginia University at Mor. gantown. Zaccheus Smith, of the Whetsell settlement, was a Kingwood visitor yesterday.
F. G. Watson and Ed Born, of Reedsville, were in town yesterday on business. Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Bolyard and children visited friends in Rowlesburg Sunday. Misses Irene Burchinal, and Erbe and Armel Albright were Rowles burg visitors Sunday. Illness in the family of Walter Stone called him home from Grafton Monday evening.
H. E. Taylor, of Route 2, Kingwood, will get THE ARGUS for one year, commencing this week. It is remarkable how many ple who won't subscribe for THE ARGUS borrow it from their neighbors. Miss Maude Wotring, who has spent the summer in Kingwood, re turned to her home in Grafton Sat.
urday. Mrs. William M. Schaeffer and Mrs. Charles C.
Stone left Monday for a week's visit to the Jamestown Exposition. Misses Mary and Emma Rexroad were the guests of friends in Ma. nown a few days this week, return ing yesterday. Mr. and Mrs.
George D. Wolfe and children returned lest evening from a visit with friends in Elkins and other points. Mrs. Phoebe Brand and daughter, Miss Venna, who have been visiting relatives in Morgantown, returned home last Friday. if you are not able to subscribe for THE ARGUS, borrow it; it you borrow it, steal it; but read it, by all means, read it.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Poe and Mrs. Sarah Ford went to Kingwood Saturday to spend some time with friends. -Grafton Republican.
Dr. D. J. Rudasill and Joseph G. Brown left last Thursday for Orange, on a visit to the doctor's old home.
From there they will go to the Jamestown Exposition. Ed. M. Williams, who went to Philadelphia several weeks ago to be treated by a specialist, is still under his care, and will probably be able to come home next week. Levi A.
Shaffer, of Horse Shoe Run, was in town yesterday on bustness and gave THE ARGUS a very pleasant call. He reports the roads bad condition between Terra Alta and Kingwood. Word was received here yesterday that T. I. Murdock, of Ironton, was at the point of death from heart trouble.
Tohn C. brother, left on the early train this morning for that point, Ralph Menear, foreman of the Journal, is off on a two weeks' vacation, and will use most of the time in hunting, his favorite sport. We wish h'm a pleasant time and plenty of good luck. I. P.
Martin and son John left this week for New Jersey, where the latter re enters the military school, where he has been a student the past year. Mr. Martin will take in the exposition at Jamestown before his return. Our streets had quite a deserted look Monday, every one seemingly being called out town on busi ness. But as Buffalo Willie showed In Grafton that day and all tickets purchased were for that place, it looks suspicious, to say the least.
Mrs. M. T. Bretz, Mrs. Mary Schultz, Mrs.
Bessie E. Wa'son, and Miss Daisy Herrick, of Morgantown, made the trip to Rowlesburg last Thursday to view the beautiful scenery along Cheat river. They stopped in Kingwood on the return trip and took dinner at the Jenkins House. At the quarterly conference held in the M. E.
church here last Sat- urday night resolutions were presented and unanimously adopted recommending that Rev. J. H. Hess be returned to this station at the meeting of the annual confererce which convenes in Huntington 0c- taber 9. MODERN MASONTOWN.
Cross- roads Village Now a Bustling, Hustling Town. NO LOAFERS OR IDLERS THERE Substantial Brick Buildings Being Erected -Lots Selling RapidlyNow Hotel Opened. Special Correspondence of The Argus. MASONTOWN, Sept. 17.
I see no correspondence from this place. This city lies out about ten tmles a little north of west of Kingwood. This is a town of a good many years, yet like a good many other cross-road places, a store, a blacksmith shop, and postoince satisfied the town and people tor several miles around. But the railroad has awakened the people from their lethargy and now they begin to 1 live no longer "on a slow train through Kansas," but a busy, hustling little town. Improvements of all kinds are going ahead.
S. L. Cobun has one of the best store buildings in the county, which is nearing completion, and he is putting down more concrete walks than any other man in the county. Mr. Cobun is a fine, honest, enter.
prising man and is doing a good, safe, and profitable business. He has the most accommodating clerks one will find any place. He deserves great credit for the part he is taking in public improvements and should have the patronage, or a fair share of the custom of the town, There is another brick building here that will soon be completed which will be a fine structure. We are going to have as good or the best bank building in the state, with other going on all the time. Masontown has a good class of citizens.
You can find no loafers here. Pash and hustle is the santown of today. Strangers are coming every day and lots are being sold rapidly. This is going to make quite a business place. There was need ot a hotel; no place for traveling men to stop, so they passed this place by.
That want is now supplied. The Valley House is open to the public, run by I. E. Sypolt; accommodations firstclass; no one need be afraid to stop; good table, good stable; well attended. They are doing a lively business; house full every day.
Ray Sypolt, of Kingwood, visited his parents over Sunday. Mr. Daniels, of Elkins, was visit. ing at James Watson's. He is a student at Morgantown.
LONE STAR. Remarkable Record. Dr. W. M.
Dent, of Newburg, Preston county, is here on a visit to his old friends and relatives: Dr. Dent has practiced his profession successfully for fitty-five years, and his father was a practicing physician for fifty years -a remarkable record for one family. Dr. Dent is a stanch Democrat and took prominent part in the party's councils in the good days when Democracy ruled the state. He is now a member of the Preston county executive committee and was formerly a member of the state committee.
-Morgantown Dominion. When teething most babies' stomach are disordered. Dr. Fahrney's Teething Syrup cures and prevents this trouble. A Bad Practice.
The practice of writing a few lines on the margin of a newspaper being sent to a friend through the mails must be stopped and violators of the postal regulations will be prosecuted in the United States district court. A postoffice inspector said it would be well if the newspapers would ad vise their readers not to write on the Those who write on the papers are open to prosecution under Article 484 of the postal law Young Men and Young Ladies With ambition should learn phy. Under the new 8 hour law, which goes into effect next March, fully 15,000 additional telegraphers are required by the railroads in the United States. Position pay from $50 to $75 per month to beginners. For full information write to the NATIONAL TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, Cincinnati, Ohio.
47 Clarence Dille Hurt. Attorney Clarence B. Dille, of Morgantown, was thrown from his horse while riding near Masontown, Tues day morning and was seriously in jured. H's knee was badly sprained and he sustained severe bruises. With assistance he reached the M.
K. station and came to Mor gantown at noon. Lee Winters was called to Balti more Thursday, September 5, by the death of his father, who had gone to one of the hospitals there, for treatment. -Rowlesburg Record. Subscribe for THE ARGUS, DEATH RECORD.
Mrs. Thomas N. Tanner. Lizzie A. Darland 'Tanner, daughter of James A.
and D. M. Darland, was born April 5, 1876; died September 6, 1907. She was married to Thomas N. Tanner, November 4.
1896, at Spring Hill, Iowa. To this union was born a son, Gerald D. Tanner, who with the husband and father survive her. Besides these she leaves a father, mother, three brothers and six sisters to mourn her loss. Her mother was with her the last weeks of her life.
She was a great sufferer. No one can word paint that suffering. In September, 1899, she dislocated her knee, and six months after this she was attacked with inflammatory rheumatism, which was later said to have developed into a spinal affection. For more than six years she was confined to her bed, and during nearly all this time was helpless, moving neither hand nor foot without assistance. Nothing that the tender affection of a true and de.
voted husband could turnish was denied her. They sought up and down the earth for a sanitarium in which she might be relieved of her malady, spending time and all their accumulations; but like woman of Holy Writ," they spent it in vain. In June, 1906, she with her husband and child came to Reedsville, at which place she spent her last hours. When she knew that the "Jordan crossing was approached," she called her dear ones, and after delivering each a charge and com mending her dear boy to God and the care of a loving husband, said, "I'm sorry to leave you, but meet me in heaven." She was heard to exclaim over and over again and again, "God is love." "God is good." She "encured as seeing Him who is invisible." The blessed Lord wonderfully sustained her in her last hours and made her lite amoug us a blessing. She was converted and joined the Christian church while in college in Oskaloosa, Iowa.
With her husband she joined the Methodist Episcopal church ins Reedsville in 1906. Thus for fourteen years she had trusted the Christ, who when she was a school girl saved her. The funeral was conducted by her pas tor, Rev. A. M.
Hammond, of Masontown, Hebrews After which in the presence of a weeping throng we laid her body to rest in the Reedsville cemetery. Brother Tanher and son have the sympathy and prayers of a host of friends, as have the parents, brothers and sisters. God bless them all in this hour of trial. A FRIEND. No false pretense has marked the career of Ely's Cream Balm.
No idle promises of rewards for cases it will not cure. Being entirely harmless, it is not responsible like the catarrh snuffs and powders, for minds shattered by cocaine. The great pos.tive virtue of Ely's Cream Balm is that it ily and completely cures nasal catarrh and bay fever. Back of this statement is the testimony of thousands and a reputation of many years' success. All druggists, soc.
or mailed by Ely 56 Warren street, New York. Union Sunday School Institute. Following is the program of the Union Sunday School Institute for the Evansville charge to be held Wednesday, September 25, 1907: service led by F. L. Denison.
-Invocation, followed by a few words of welcome by the pastor. for Evangelization." Address by Rev. S. B. Hart, president of Taylor county Sunday school association, followed by open discussion.
Teacher's Responsibility." Address by Miss Gertrude I. Catlin, Washington, D. C. 12:00 -Dinner on the ground. service.
Prayer. to Obtain and Hold Attendance at the Sunday school," by Hon. S. B. Montgomery, president of Kingwood district.
Table Discussion, conducted by C. A. Federer. president Preston county Sunday school association. Write the problems you want solved in the form of a question and hand to Brother Federer and he will solve them or get some one else to do it.
Bring your pencil and note-book and be prepared to take note of whatever helps you may get, so that you may preserve them and put them into practice. J. W. Hull, Ere Specialist, Will be at Kingwood, Jenkins Hotel, September 24 and 25. If you have eye trouble of any kind you don't Want to miss seeing mne.
will guarantee to fit you correctly. If it glasses that you need, will tell you so. It will cost you nothing to learn the condition of your eyes. See me at the hotel afternoons of each date. Oakland Marriage Licenses.
Chester Friend and Carrie B. Myers, Friendsville, Md. Cecil M. Calvert and Dora L. Whetsell, Whetsell.
Ray Lewis and Cora Kinney, Terra Alta. Arthur Grim and Hazel L. Weaver, Newburg. Thomas B. Hardesty, Terra Alta, and Ruil Fern Sanders, Hutton.
Harry L. Ferguson, Terra Alta, and Ada Arnold, Oakland. Ray M. Weaver, Morgantown, and Myrtle M. Teets, Tunnelton.
Its the course of his Sunday morning announcements a minister in a neighboring town said: "Brethren, the janitor and will hold our weekly prayer meeting next Wednes day evening as usual." COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. interesting Letters from a Host of Argus Writers. SOMETHING DOING IN THE COUNTRY Bright Bits of News and Gossip About You and Your Neighbor -The Events of a Week. Oak Grove. Correspondence of The Argus.
Elmer Trembly is working for Leroy Tembly. Grace, the 9 year old daughter of Johu Wilhelm, died last week. She was a dear little girl. We feel sorry for her parents in their sad bereavement. Our people are nearly all done harvesting their hay and oats, and now they are cutting buckwheat.
The crops are good, except corn; it is late. The United Brethren are build. ing a new church at White Oak springs. Walter Guthrie, Charles Freeland, and the preacher are the carpenters. Bull Run.
Correspondence of The Argus. Threshing is the order of the day. Samuel Lyons is going to erect new dwelling. Otis McMillen is hauling logs for Samuel Lyons. I.
N. Roby has returned from the Weeeling fair. Harvesting is quite late this year on account of the bad weather. Mrs. Louie White, of Herring, who has been sick, is some better.
J. F. McClure attended the teachers' institute at Terra Alta last week. Mary S. Radabaugh leaves next Sunday tor Carmichaels, to visit Miss Mary Burnett.
Walter Posten, of Elkins, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Posten, of Masontown. Some one thought they were doing G. M.
Radabaugh a kindness the other night when they upset his straw rick. D. T. Gue and wife and Florence Calvert and little daughter Beatrice were visiting at Morgantown and Fairmont last week. Marshall Roby, wife, and little daughter Elizabeth and Willie E.
Radabaugh went to Brownsville last Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Pastories. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is bloed or constitutional disease, and in or.
der to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one ot the best physicians in this country tor years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces.
The fect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENKY Toledo, Sold by Druggists, 75C.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Hazelton. Correspondence of The Argus. Our farmers are cutting buckwheat. Samuel Guthrie and wife attended the meeting at Salem Sunday.
Alva Jefferys was here visiting home folks and relatives recently. Jasper Schnopp, who made a fly. ing trip to Michigan, has returned. Will Arthur and family have moved into the stone building with his parents. J.
G. Nicola, who is working for Sherman Friend in Maryland, spent Sunday at home. Walter Uphold and family have moved into the house vacated by Will Arthur and family. Mrs. Susan Fa'kner and husband, who were visiting her home folks at Jeremiah Guthrie's, passed through here Sunday.
Oliver Mitchell, of Glade Farms, was in town Sunday. He said his sister, Miss Ruth, took in the picnic at Laurel Run the previous Saturday. Our young blacksmith, Milton Fike, and Miss Flossie Cupp were married last Wednesday by Rev. F. C.
Barnes. Milton brought his bride home last Sunday. mony seems to be contagious among our young people. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but 110 modern science proves that nearly all diseases their beginning the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the bloodthat is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as 80011 as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health.
A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make 110 mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures the most distressing cases, and is sold of, its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles.
You may have a sample bottle Home of Bwamp-Root. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer Binghamton, N. V.
Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. on every bottle. BOOST KING WOOD. Chance for Board or Trade 10 Make Known Their Identity. The Morgantown Kingwood Railroad Company have arranged to run a special train from Morgantown to Rowlesburg and return tomorrow, and have invited the prominent business and professional men of Morgantown to join them on this day to enable them to view the line and the industries located thereon; also affording them an opportunity to meet the business and professional men of the towns through which train will pass.
Special train will reach Kingwood about noon, and it would be a good move on the part of our board of trade to give the visitors the glad hand and let them know that Kingwood is on the map and growing. Tell the strangers we're going to have water works pretty soon; and invite them to come and visit with us and see if this isn't a pretty good town to locate a factory or two. Dr. Alex Leeds, Dentist, Grafton. Journalistic.
The Grant County Press, a sprightly newspaper published at Petersburg, W. has changed hands, A. J. Welton, former editor and proprietor, disposing of half his interest to Edward Johnson, into whose hands the management and control of the paper has passed. Mr.
Johnson is a prominent attorney of Petersburg and succeeds. Mr. Welton, by appointment, as prosecuting attorney of Grant county. Mr. Welton has moved to Keyser in order to further his possible candidacy for attorney general of West Virginia.
Married at Masontown. Miss Edna G. Cale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cale, of near Masontown, on Saturday night be.
came the bride of Mr. William Ball, a popular young carpenter of Bretz. The ceremony was performed in the M. E. parsonage at Masontown at 7:30 by Rev.
A. M. Hammond. They will go to housekeep. ing at Bretz, where Mr.
Ball is employed. THE ARGUS joins with their many friends in congratulations. Prettiest Baby in Town. THE ARGUS, while usually first to chronicle news, is a back number in announcing the arrival of a girl baby at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. S. Whetsell. The little one caine Thursday, September 5, and Brother Whetsell, of the Journal, is authority for the statement that it's the prettiest baby in town. THE ARGUS extends congratulations.
Killed by Freight Train. William Jenkins, of Newburg, on alighting from a passenger train Monday night, stepped on the op posite track and was struck by a freight train. He was taken to the Miners' hospital in Fairmont, but died early Tuesday morning. GO TO MURDOCK. Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have been issued by County Clerk George A. Walls, the parties being from Preston county unless otherwise stated G. W. Nine, 33; Ida Heimerick, 21. Levi F.
Fearer, 24, of Pennsylvania, and Maude M. Glover, 19. Walker Polston, 24: Callie Lawrence, 26. William Ball, 25; Edna G. Cale, 21.
Dr. Walter W. Bucklew, 24; Ila Grace Watson, 20. A. P.
Sanders, 23; Lulu Grimes, 21. Homer M. Titchenell, 30; May Menear, 19. William C. Parker, 27, Grafton; Lula M.
Pyles, 17. John Bickford, 27; Isa May Sypolt, 18, Arbanes S. Hardesty, 23; Susan B. Summers, 16. Mervin Troy Metheny, 29; Sue E.
Trickett, 23, Harry B. Ryan, 22; Emma A. Everly, 18. Old papers for sale at this office. GOOD BREAD "My bread won't is a common complaint among housekeepers.
A distressine thing, but there's always cause. Nine times out of ten it's on account of the flour. Dewey's Best Flour does away with such complaints. It yon can bake at all, you can have 'good luck" with it. It is a flour with lite in it.
Made of best wheat, plump grains, ground by superior ess. The miller that makes it knows bow. Try a sack and see what a difference there will be in your bread, pies and cakes next bake day. Order from your local dealer. 1 he deesn't have it, he will get it if yow ask him.
THE DEWEY BROS. Millers, Blanchester, Ohio. W. Shoch, Rowlesbure W. T.
Burch, Rodamers H. Rowe, Independence C. A. Borgman, Howesville Pike Bros. Egion L.
C. Shaffer, Carmel J. H. Walls, Albright Brown. Reedsville 6-Year-Old Whisky, Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated.
The following brands known their purity, flavor, full guaranteed age. They standard of whisky the vorld and superWe lor in every respect. house old, whiskies at 81.00 per Cuckenheimer Finch Gibson Large Mt. Vernon Dillinger Overholt Thompson Bridgeport 6 Quars, $5.00. GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE Guaranteed 3 years old, $2.00 per We pay express charges orders of $5 or over.
Goods shipped promptly, ROBT LEWIN CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS. 14 Smithheld St. PITTSBURG, PA. MARRIED TONIGHT Miss Cecil Watson to Become Bride of John Clyde Lewis AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Followed by Reception at Armory--Honeymoon to Bo Spent in East- Social Events An Their Honor.
The most elaborate social event of the season is the marriage. of Mr. John Clyde Lewis and Miss Cecil Watson, which takes place this evening at 8 o'clock at the Kingwood Presbyterian church. The ceremony will be solemnized by the pastor, Rev. Robert M.
Ramsey, and a large number of guests will ba present, among them quite a number from out of town. The next man" to the groom will Mr. W. C. Byers, trom Grafton.
The matron of honor will be Mrs Myra Watson Hartman, sister to the bride, and the bridesmaids will be Misses Jessie T. Brown, Martha Pratt and Daisy Brown, of Kingwood, and Miss Elizabeth Wisner, of Morgantown. 'The tollowing gentlemen will act as ushers: Messrs. Clyde Watson, Earl Lantz, Charles Neale, and William Downs. The wedding march will be played by Miss Nellie Jane Albright.
After the ceremony at the church a reception will be held at the Kingwood Armory, after which the wedding party will leave for Tunnel. ton, where the newly wedded couple will take No. 4 for the east on bridal tour, visiting Washington, Balumore, and the Jamestown Ex. position. Upon their return they will be home" to their friends at the elegant home of Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Watson, the parents of the bride, as they will not go to housekeeping before next spring. During the past week several social affairs have been given in honor of the prospective bride and groom, and by them to the other members of the wedding party. Last Thursday night Miss Jessie Brown, one of the bridesmaids, gave a delighttul dance at the Armory and there were about sixty guests present.
The music was fur- 00000000001 nished by the Grafton Orchestra of seven pieces and was very fine. There were twenty-four numbers on the program and delicious refreshments were served. It was 3 o'clock when the pleasant affair was over. Friday evening the bridesmaids were entertained at dinner by Miss Martha Pratt and Tuesday evening of this week the bride-to-be entertained her maids at dinner and the groom gave a "stag party" to his triends of the engineer corps. 0000000000 You When cannot your Watch Stops make it go by shaking it.
When the bowels are disturb them with constipated you can cathartics but, like the watch, they will not be ablo to do their allotted work until they are put into proper condition to do it. One cannot mend a piece of mechanism "by vio. lent methods, and no machine made by man is as fine as the human body, The use of pills, salts, castor-ofl aud strong cathartic medicines is the violent method. The uso of the herb tonic laxative, Lane's Family Medicine is the method adopted by intelli. gent people.
Headache, backache, indigestion, constipation, skin diseases--all are benefited immediately by the uso of this medicine. Druggists sell it at age. and 500, GET THE BEST GRAND PRIZE Highest Award WORLD'S FAIR ST. LOUIS I WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Recently Enlarged WITH 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,000 titles, based on the latest census returns. New Biographical Dictionary containing the names of over 10,000 noted persons, date of birth, death, ete.
Edited by W. T. HARRIS, Ph.D., L.L.D., United States Commissioner of Education. 2380 Quarto Pages New Plates, 6000 Hitostrationa, Rich Bindings. Needed in Every Home Also Collegiate Dictionary 1116 Pares, 1400 Illastrations.
Regular Edition 7 x10 Inches, 5 bindings De Luxe Edition in. Printed from ramo plates, bible paper, 2 beantifal bindinga. FREE, "Dictionary Weinkles." Illustrated pamphlets, G. C. MERRIAM Publishers, Springfield, Mess, THE STORE.
COR. PRICE HIGH STREETS AND Our storerooms have been enlarged and new fixtures added. We have just received EL full line of Fall and Winter Goods We invite your inspection. We can please you in quality and price. BOWERMASTER WHITE General Merchants, Kingwood Brick, Patent Plastering, AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL Received in car load lots at my wareroom at the West Virginia Northern depot.
Orders Filled by Mail or 'Phone. L. B. WILLIAMS, KINGWOOD, W. VA.
ORDER YOUR WHISKEY FROM DAVIS' BIG Mail Order House The Largest Jug and Bottle House in the State WRITE FOR PRICE LIST Ship C. 0. D. to Responsible Parties CLARKSBURG ROWLESBURG GROCERY COMPANY Wholesale. Composed of Preston County Capital.
Stock New, Clean, and Up to Date. Sunlight Flour of Quality.".
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