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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7 OAKLAND TRIBUNE AUGUST 2(5, 1910. FRIDAY EVENING in QaicBand i r4-. -a, sr PJ I 1 i 1 I GROVE L. JOHNSON MAY AGAIN SEEK EEECTION aSECS CITY TO DECIDE OH SITE FOR PARK Ifl THE NEAR FUTURE At Popular Prices Not only will you find it to your interest to look over our STOCK, but you will also find a fine assortment of high grade Considers Question of Making Campaign for Office He Held. Clothing for Men and Youths, in all the leading styles and fabrics.

Six cups and six saucers 65c stated that he. Is to sell to the city, if a price can be agreed upon, but is not willing to hold the property indefinitely for the city. He asked that a definite -time be set beyond which in case the city did not purchase the rroperty, he should be at liberty to market or improve his property without any interference or further requests from the city far delay. he did not at present intend to interfere with the construrtion of the new building for the tire alarm and police own COMPLIMENTARY VOTE WORKED HIS DEFEAT Edson Adams, Oakland 1 capitalist and landowner, held a conference with the Board of Public "Works yesterday afternoon In reference to certain lands owned t.y the Adams estate which the city desires to acquire for park purposes and waterfront development. These lands include the triangular one-half block adjoining the Adams conservatory on the north at Twenty-fourth street and the Harrison boulevard; the strip along the north shore of iJake Mer-litt extending from Perkins street to the northeast extremity of the lake, and a piece of property on the western side of Broadway south of First street.

Adams complained that the city, by publicly statin, throush its officials that it intended to take bis properti rendered it difficult for him to improie or manage the land as be desires. Ho Balance Weekly or Monthly telegraph department at Thirteenta and JacksonVSaturday-Special Pure white, pretty shape, giltcd edges; worth at least twice the amount; just the thing for cvery-day use, apartment houses, etc. On sale all day Saturday 65c set. Terms cash; no telcphoue-or C. O.

D. orders. No Delivery The Sacramento County Convention Indorses Republican Candidates. Tiie Brae Oak streets, was the assurance giveti by Adams to the. board.

He claims that under the terms of the purchase by the city of this land, the city is not to have possession of ihe property until it has been paid for, which will- not be for two years to come under the terms of his agreement for the purchase, of this site. SYSTEM aiWWfZSSSL J9 Grove L. Johnson of Sacramento, who failed to receive the nomination for assemblyman in the Seventeenth district, has I'Cen nominated on the Prohibition ticket for the same position. Bliss, his opponent for the Republican received the same number of votes cn the Democratic ticket as did Johnson. Under the law in the event of a tic- vote, it becomes necessary for both Uliss and Johnson to appear before the supervisors at their next meeting and to decide tha tie by lot.

Johnson is considering the question of making a campaign for the election to his old position for the reason that he WIDOW THREATENS! TO BREAK BIG i HABITUAL SPREE IS BRANDED INSANITY; ASYLUM FOR CURE 1 IS THE FINEST FITTING NEEDS NO ALTERATION High Grade Goods ONLY. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL 10. CASH OR CREDIT, PRICES ARE THE SAME. 3 SCANDAL ar.d-Painfed China Sizes from 33 to 50. Mrs.

Lillian Hobart French AT THE OLD RELIABLE CREDIT HOUSE. May Involve F. Augustus Heinze. Oriental Hand-Painted China I'ATERSOX, X. Aug.

26. The authorities of Passu it? county have decided that habitual drunkenness is a mental disease, a form of insanity rather than a crime, and persons who are adjudged habitual drunkards will hereafter le committed to the regular insane hospital for treatment. The lirst cases to be so disiosed came up here this week and resulted in an order by County Physician Armstrong committing Sadie lrev. 50 years old. and Jeannette Phyllis, 4 years old, to the State asylum at Morris Plains.

UoLh are. old offenders and have spent the greater part of the last twenty years in the county jail, their sole being Cake Plates, Salad Bowls, Sugars and Creams, Nut Dishes, Coffee Pots Dessert Plates, Cups and Saucers, Bon Bon Dishes, Spoon'Trays, Jelly Jar and Plate knows that there were many Republicans who voted for Bliss sitiply to give the latter a complimentary vote. SORRY FOR VOTE. These are said to be sorry for having done so and are now determined to vote for Johnson in the election in November because they are said to realize that the city of Sacramento such a man as Johnson in the lower house of the Legislature at the coming session. The first regular county convention of Sacramento county, organized under the new primary law, has given unqualified indorsement to Hiram Johnson, who was nominated by the Lincoln-Roosevelt League.

The resolution to indorse Johnson, and also all Republicans nominated at the primary, was carried by unanimous vote by the delegates. The convention also adopted resolutions indorsing the administrations of President Taft and of Governor Glllctt. TO START CAMPAIGN. The Democratic State Committee, which is in charge of the Bell-Spellacy campaign, has decided that the campaign will begin Saturday night, September 3. The meeting will be held in -the Central Theater on Market street.

Theodore A. Bell will be the speaker of the evening. James V. Coleman has been invited to preside at the meeting. EACH EACH The above goods are on sale at these prices for this day only.

They are extraordinary values. See display in window. WW mi tfi i -ivnere-TOSi STAGE HUNS HER; HUBBY DIVORCED SAVE- iOESEY Kitchen Utensil Department -I, Variety is one of the great advantages of trading in this department. From the immense assortment we carry the needs of every housewife can be supplied and insure each customer the. lowest possible price and satisfactory goods.

TH Rita V. Thomas Sought Spot-Light When Love Grew Cold. t'o pay $3.50 to $5.00 and even $6.00 for shoes, as you do downstairs when in our mammoth upstairs shoe shop the busiest store in Oakland we are selling- the same shoes, same styles, for practically half. Protest Operations of Fair Detective SAX FRANCISCO, Aug. 26.

Police Judge Sho'rtall this morning received a communication from the Grocers' Association, in which that body protested against the operations of. Mrs. Adelaide De Arcey. The latter is the detective employed to locate blind pigs, ami violations of the liquor laws, and her smiling countenance and winning manner are said to have frequently caused righteous and well meaning storekeepers to violate the ordinance. rs3 etv 518-522 13th Street, Between Washington ar.d CSay NEW YORK, Aug.

26. Driven to desperation by the fact that Millionaire Fritz Augustus Heinze has repudiated her alleged claims upon his affections, Mrs. Lillian Hobart French yesterday announeedd that she would show the Montana millionaire that there is silch a thing as justice. "It isn't simply because he is going to marry another woman." said Mrs. French yesterday.

"I never asked him to marry me. but I object to his discarding me like a broken toy after he has had the best twelve years of my life. "In giving my s-tory to the worjd I wish to serve notice on Mr. Heinze that I do not intend to be cut off without a penny to live on charity. WILL.

SUE FOR $25,000. can back tip- my statements'- with letters ami telegrams which I intend to show in the suit which I am going -to bring against "Mr. Heinze to compel him to return me those $25,000 securities. My affairs are in the hands of McMUlen and Hewitt, who are now taking steps to bring for the recovery ot nese Securities." Mrs. French related a story of a man, who has paid a Xew York judge told how a wealthy Xew Yorker who was supposed to have committed suicide at the time of the panic had really been shot to death by a woman, his body being removed to his home, and a suitable story concocted, for the coroner and finally how the woman had killed herself in Philadelphia.

Mrs. French asferts that she can prove these things and intends to do so. WANTS THE BONDS BACK. "All I want is justice," she said. "Mr.

Heinze is not even trying to let me down easy, and now it lias come to a fight between us and in the fight all the ammunition is going to be on my side of the case. "Mr. Heinze and I had been quite friendly until he went to Kurope after his acquittal. At that time he was paying me $300 a month interest ra the $25,000 securities which he had given me, and which I afterward gavw oack to him when he was pressed for ready money. As soon as he was acquitted he shut off the payment of a month.

"As soon as Mr. Heinze returned home two weeks ago I went to him and asked him to return to me the $25,000 in securities in the forn of s-toek in the Silver King Coalition mine. He said he would not give them to me; that he had. never given them to me. but only turned them over to me for safe keeping." 12 ALL STYLES F03 WOMEH BOYS Denies She Branded i IT.1.1 1 Jr 3 Company Organised to Condense Fruits Our argument is that we can sell you a better or as good a shoe for less, money.

simply because we have no high rents (as downstair stores do) nor expensive fixtures and lower operating expenses all around. IF YOU DON'T PAY TI1K HIGH KENT DOYSTAIKS WHO DOKS? rituit Abt, Aug. -rt. A new con e'ern has been organized and capital LOS ANGELES, Aug. The lure of the stage was at the bottom of the troubles of George 'tV.

and Rita V. Thomas, culminating in Judge Cole's divorce court. The husband was given his decree on the ground of desertion-: The wife, under the name of Rita Victoria, is elevating the stage somewhere, biit neither Thomas nor his attorney has been able to locate the particular company where she is starring. The couple were married in San Diego in September, l'04. and in Julv.

Ii09, his wife left Thomas, going to San Bernardino, where' she wrote him that she was about to leave for San Francisco, and asking him to send her belongings, barring the powder box. which she asked him to throw away, to her there in care of the Hotel Stewart. The letter, dated August, was partly as follows: DIDN'T LOVE HIM. "After considering everything verv thoroughly my heart tells me that I do not love you. and as you wish me to give up my profession, I think it would be best for both of us to have an understanding, that it is all over between us.

If I really loved you I might consider giving. up the stage, but. -after thinking verv seriously of the matter in regard to you I find that have no love for you. and I do not think I ever did. Knowing that you would not want a wife who did not ized here to the amount of $250,000.

it io to be known as the Condensed Fruit and Syruo Cnmpanv. and it will Bids for Memorial Received by Board "5- Bids upon the memorial fountain which is to be erected in LaTtesIde Park to the late John E. McElroy, former city attorney, were received and opened by the Board of Park Commissioners yesterday and referred to City Attorney John W. Stetson and Supervising Architect Walter D. Reed.

The bids were as follows: Rickon-Ehrhart Company, A. T. Hunt, J. L. Delano, Raymond Company, $1'! California Granite Company.

1 1 Colusa Sandstone Company, $10,042. introduce a. new food product upon I the market in the form of condense i I preserves of applet, raisins, prunes, tomatoes and vsrious other fruits. I The plant will be located in the i Derby tract here and it is hoped to be able to have the plant running by time the fall fruits begin to come to RATIONAL AMPLE mm shop nuouy a nea neuu PAX FRAXCTSCO. Aug.

2G. That she nicknamed her husband "red head." and called to him in a derogatory manner during the greater part of their married life is explicitly denied by Mrs. Elizabeth Durkin in her answer to the cross complaint of her husband, Edward i)ur-kin, tiled today. She insists that were it true that she had indeed called him "red head" it would not constitute a goo 1 ground for divorce. She also denied that said when he went to his mother's grave, "Don't forget to see if the daisies are growing out of the face cf the old thief." Numerous other charges made by her spouse are indignantly denied by Mrs.

Durkin, and some lively testimony is expected when the case comes to trial. Top Floor Est Nafiana! Bank Cidg. TAKE EI-KVATOIJ the market. The building will cost about $25,000. The officers of the plant are.

President. H. San' Francisco banker and president of the Spanish American Fruit Produce Company; H. D. Irwin, vice-president, a banker of Berkeley, and Daniel Burr, These with Abel Hosmer and Oeorge Ferguson form the board of love you, I thought it would be better to Idee est Hotel Go m-L wu rvui'w luii-t vuu can iiiKe sucn action as you please." Thomas told the court how he had tried to dissuade his wife from going on the stage.

When last heard from Mrs. Thomas was in Seattle, about to go east to join the chorus of one of the numerous Broadway successes in the line of comic opera. Denies His Auto Injured Laborer That the accident of last Tuesday which resulted in a laborer being seriously injured by an automobile supposed to have belonged to A. C. Evans of 1216 East Twenty-Third street.

re-suited in a cafe of mistaken identity, is the statement of Evans who declares that his auto was not responsible for the accident. Samuel Lecture at High School Tonight ALAMEDA. Aug. 26. Ford E.

Samuel will deliver an illustrated lecture tonight in the high school auditorium on "India's Historical and Arcbtectural monuments." The lecture is given under the auspices of the high school. TO VISIT CO.MFIADFS. BERKELEY, Aug. 26. A nuniber of members of the (1.

A. II. who live in Berkeley are planning to visit former comrades in the Soldiers at Yountville ntxt Sunday. Tha partv is now being made up. Eighth and Franklin Streets Tribune Building Centrally located and only one block to all street and steam can.

Elevator and Telephone Service. CIGARETTE CAUSES SAYS HE PARADED HER IN 'NIGHTIE" DESTRUCTIVE Fl I UNHEARD OF VALUES IN Special Rates Suits to Permanent Guests. All rooms sunny. Baths. Hot and cold water.

Phones: Oakland 8862; Home A2881. Furniture Warehouse Burns to Ground Before Department Arrives. Mrs. Rose Vigliola Declares Husband Made Spectacle of Her. 'T MTU SCORES FISH HAD QUAIL; 135 Sample Suits $20, $25, $29.50 VALUES UP TO $45.00 ALTERATIONS FREE Here is another great opportunity to secure the very pick of a splendid line of high grade apparel at a big money-saving.

AT IDGRA PARK! STATE TO PR QBE 118 Sample Coats $10, $15, $22.50 SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 2fi. Claiming that her husband had dragged her from bed and made a spectacle of her at the front (loot- of her home, so that she could be gazed upon by neighbors in her night apparel, Mrs. Rosa Vlsrliola filed suit for divorce against Antonion Vigliola today. Vigliola is one of the partners in the firm of He Martini and his wife bs obtained a temporary injunction from Judge Cabaniss restraining him from disposing of any of his property.

She asks suitable alimony and wants to resume her maiden name. Sarah Cavalier, the wife of Harris Cavalier, a tailor of 1617 Polk street, in her divorce complaint, this morning, sets forth that her spouse beat her and knocked her down and caused her continued ill health. She wants him restrained from securing $1000 which both have in the Hibernia bank. Bevani Company Delights the Millionaire Served Birds Out of Music Lovers With Froduc- I Season and. Was Not VALUES UP TO $32.50 ALTERATIONS FREE SAX FRANCISCO, August 2(5.

The careless throwing of a lighted cigarette into a box of shavings is believed to have been responsible for the total destruction of the furniture warehouse of the Newman Company on Seventeenth street, between Guerrero and' Valencia streets early this morning. A Morse patrolman sent in the alarm at 4:50 and at that time the building was already a mass of flames. A second alarm was immediately sounded, but when the department arrived they could only turn their attention to saving the surrounding buildings. The inflammable nature of the contents of the structure caused the fire to become a seething furnace, the heat so great that it was impossible to approach very near. The police were early on hand; but the blaze had destroyed every trace of a cause and the only way in which they can account for it is the throwing of a match or a cigarette in the shavings which were on the side of the building in which the flames were first seen.

The loss is between I fi20.000 and only half covered by Prosecuted. For ladies and misses. All the new materials, including mixtures, tweeds, broadcloths, serges, plaids and checks. Caracul Coats Made of extra quality of caracul, faultlessly fashioned. Silk Plush Coats very one a value far in excess of the price asked.

a 1 $17.50 $27.50 $35 VALUES UP TO $45.00 $35.00 to $40.00 WORTH UP TO 50.00 'Unexploded' Blast Goes Off; Man Hurt Oceanside City Marshal May Lose Eyesight As Result of Accident. A hKANV, X. Aup. 2R. The fact that Stuyvesant Fish's French cook served (iail out of season at a dinner piven in Xew York by Mrs.

Fish, February 12. 1007. and the failure of the forest, fish and same commission to prosecute Mr. Fish for aliened violation of the trame law, are beinp made suhjects of inquiry by Commissioners Clark and Austin, who are conducting an investigation into the affairs of the fisli and pa me commission. inci lent led to an unpleasant interview between Zelah P.

Stronjr. Assistant 1'nited States District Attorney of Brooklyn, who was representinR the department in Xew York at the. time, anil John K. AVard. chief counsel for tbe commission.

-Stronu having intimated that outside influences were being; exerted in the settlement of cases by the department. Mr. Ward, who was on tie stand today, told tiie commissioners that he had thought the Fish episode an "innocent infraction of the. law." and that while lie may have erred, he did not believe it The Newest Fur Coats TicKet-of-Leave Han Must Serve Sentence tion of Famous Opera. Onee rmnin I ho Company at Idora I'ark riu'n plied in a new production.

Ji. t. nigiit was. the initial present 1 1 inn of "Tin viat -i" and an enthusiastic first night audi.r.e was on 'hand 'to enjoy production. Tiie vani singers render', I the wt II known opera in a manner whieh wins for thein new laurels.

The ttain cast had the honor of singing the initial production. As Violftta. (ituditta Kraneini" san on of her favorite roles. liattain as Alfifdo her -lover is the artist to his finder t'ps. Last night's performance adds to Ids reputation ji- the best tenor the Pacific Coast has in ar I in many vears.

iCttore Campaua was out of the cast with a severe cold. his place being by Acllille Alberti. who will play at every jierforrnanco of i'raviata." In toriclit's prod.uetion Vivaribo will appear as Violet ta Sacchetti its Alfr' do and Alberti at-ain as Gtniw.r. It was announced last niKht at Klori that the "Iove Tales of Hoffman" vouiU not be produced until Monday instead of Sunday as originally scheduled. It appear? that' there is some delay in the construction of the extensive scenic equipment whieh is an important part in the beautiful Love Tales.

"Traviata" will be played on Sunday afternoon and "Martha" In the evening. Thirty -six and fifty inches long, all the popular and wanted materials, including black and SACRAMENTO, Aug. 26. Governor Gillett -yesterday issued a requisition on uiuwu, uncy iiiu fui. jliic newest ami ine oest quality skins, lining and workmanship.

the Governor of Kansas for the return of Joseph Ward, a parole breaker, who must come back to California and complete a 23-year sentence in San Quen- tin prison. Ward was given a ticket of duty of a self-respectiner de- was the partment violators. Eleventh and Washing- to prosecute such technical SAX DIEGO. Aug. 2 6.

While endeavoring to find out why a fuse had not exploded, G. D. Love, city marshal and superintendent of streets at Oceanside, north of San Diego, met with an accident which may cost him his eyesight. Tiie blast went off and Love's face was badly cut and mangled by the flying rocks and dirt. The accident occurred yesterday and this morning it was stated that the sight of one eye was lojt and the other was so seriously injured there was little hope of saving it- Eleventh and Sts.

leave in May, 1909. after having been in prison since March, 1903. for committing a robbery In Los Angeles. He was given employment upon his release from prison, but soon disappeared to parts unknown. He is now being held by the sheriff of Alma, Kansas.

Ke is resisting Sts. ton PASSION PLAY at 'Lincoln Hall, Friday and evenings. Reserved seatj at Sherman, Clay ft.

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