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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 4

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEDISTESDAT EVENING, OAKLAND TRIBUNE 1910. A. GRAND OPERA SEASON OPENS FUNDS -TO FIGHT THOUSANDS TO BE SPENT ON 'KIDS' IN OAKLAND NEXT SUNDAY FINEST CARRIAGE STOCK IN CITY TO BE AUCTIONED H. Brosnahan fo Retire From Business, in Which He Has for Years Been an Important Factor of the principals of the Bevani Grand Opera Cornpany, which opens at Idora Park next Sunday. 0 OAKLAND I IIBll I I many of the vehicle fanciers In this City and vicinity.

-x -WHY HE RETIRES, In giving hl3 reasons for retiring from business at the present time, Brosnahan said to. a TRIBUNE reporter: "I embarked lir the carriage business In Oakland about 25 years" agOj on a. conservative basis, and kept increasing the same from that time until my health broke about five years ago. "Edson Adams built this establishment expressly for me and upon its completion offered ground and building on a flat mortgage at cost, which I refused. I took the same on a five-year lease at $125 per month, "Adams selling the property Inside of six.

months for $40,000. "My health brokje- about, three 3'ears ago. I am pleased to state that my old. tlme vigor and strength are returning, but too late, for my line of business, namely, that of carriages, as the automobile has knocked the cream out of the private carriage business, of which I held a large percentage of the Oakland trade. FEIiI.S have sold my manufacturing and repair works to two of my trusted employes, Davis and'Pe'scic "My stock," consisting of surreys, stanhopes and buggies, goes at auction Saturday, July 16, at 1 p.

m. will rest for the present before embarking In any further business except to lend a hand and whatever knowledge I may possess to some of my political friends of the past who are still ir the game. "In conclusion I wish to thank my friends through THE TRIBUNE for Ff I tV FRUIT PESTS URGED i Large Appropriation for Statff Horticultural Commission Said to Be Necessary- ORCHARDS IN STATE ARE ATTACKED BY PESTS Fruit Industry in California Is Growing in Importance and Protection Needed. At a-meeting of the directors of th Merchants' Exchange held last evening a letter was received from O. It.

Miller, secretary of the Sacramento Valley Development Association, inviting the exchange to co-operate with the assncia--' tion in securing a larger appropriation from tlie State legislature at the forthcoming session for the use of the Stat Horticultural Commission to enable it tJ do more effective work in behalf of the horticultural interests of the state than it is able to do now. At present the commission Is allowed $15,000 a year, whicli is employed almost wholly for the, protection of the horticultural industry against the ravages of orchard posts. Through the natural, development of tha Industry, the invasion of the orchards by foreign importations despite th most careful inspection and quarantining, have gained a foothold in them, and tha appearance of others entirely new- to science, these pests are multiplying until, in some cases, some of the most important branches of California fruit growing ar menaced with total extinction. The demands on the. horticultural commission for relief are, therefore, Kteadily increasing, and the annual appropriation now at its disposal Is proving totally inadequate! and.

consequently, crippling its efforts to' provide suitable means of studying tha habits and effects! of the various pests, and effective means for their extermination. Among other branches of the fruit industry which are now said to be in, serious jeopardy owing to the appearance of destructive pests in the orchards are those relating 1o the production of Bartlctt pears, prunes and cherries. To cope with pests effectively it is absolutely neeCssarv that the Statfl Horticultural Commission shall be allowed a larger -appropriation. The importance of adequate protection being provided for, the fruit Industry is illustrated in thi fact that each of-the four transcontinental railroads whose termini are' in this state are sending out daily fruit-laden train to eastern markets, the Western Paolfla Hailroad Company having inaugurated an express fruit train service from Sacramento today. The first Western Pacifio fruit train leaving the capital citv today consisted-'Of fifteen refrigerator cars of new type, and the dailv service is to be maintained through the fruit senann.

These trains will travel eastward to the eastern markets on express train time. The letter of the State Horticultural Association was referred to a special committee, consisting of A. Toune-. Theodore Gier and AVilber. Walker, which will at the next meeting submit a suitable resolution for adoption.

WIADE VICE-PHCIPISL San Jose High School Educator to Serve in the John C. Fremont. Dr. Albert C. Herre, -at present head of the science department in-the San Jose High School was elected last evening by the IJoayjl of Education' to the position of vice-principal of the John C.

Fremont High School. in this city. Miss Clara Bougliton, a graduate of the Milwauke normal school and of the Stout Institute, was elected to the department of domestic sciences, unassigr.ed. and will take up1 her new duties with the openlng of tha fall term, as will also Dr. Herre.

Board passed resolutions to adver- for bids on fire escapes to" be placed on the Cnle, Garfield and Tompkins school houses which are wooden Structures and have heretofore been without suclf means of protection. A large number of bill and other routine matter were taken up an.lL.ra8se(1 upon-. at last night's meeting. W. McClymonds, who has been absent in the Kast for the pasC mwith; Is expected home tomorrow.

BuggV and Auto Engage in a Tilt When of 475 Eleventh Street who was riving his automobile, and P. Hansen- an expressman residing in Eakor street in the Melrose district, both attempted to pass through a small opening left by cars on the California, railroad at East Fourteenth street, coming from opposite directions, there wan trouble. Hansen's horse attempted to climb into I'izzotti's automobile, and in so doing overturned the buggy and got Jangled in the steering gear of the ma-' chine. The happened .11:43 lasC night, ami was reported by Officer Klm-mcl of the Melrose substation. The twn mn, automobile and Ijorse, wfere untangled with some difficulty, but it was found little damage had been done, and few inquiries sustained.

A few cuts and. bruises were the only results of collision. A suffragette should never marry man who is unable to cook or sew on buttons. 200 Dozen -(' i Belts Tan, Black and Brown Regular 50c Grade Each FAMOUS SINGERS TO IDORA THEATER Bevani Co. Numbers Many Famous Songsters Who Made Hit in Gotham.

"FAUST" TO BE STAGED AS OPENING-NUMBER Rare Treat to Be Afforded the t. Music Lovers by Italian Operas at the Park. Oakland Is on the eve of a great season of grand opera. With the opening matinee perform-ance of "Faust" Sunday by the Be-'vanl Grand Opera Company at the Park theater, music lovers of this city will have th'eir first opportunity of enjoying- an extensive and complete repertoire of the best known Italian operas at popular prices. It is an auspicious season for the patrons of music in the bay cities.

At a dost to the management of Idora Faifk, Alexander Eevanl secured- and organized In New Tork City a. cornpany consisting- of some of jthe best and most representative grand opera singers in America today and jbrought them to this city, where Sunday theywill open a season of probattly ten weeks of Italian opera. it? an auspicious time, because upon: the; success or failure of the season depends whether or not the Pacific coast shall have a regularly organized grand opera company which will tour its cities and bring the best music within-the reach -of alh SUCCESS IS EXPECTED. Much depends upon the Initial en--gag-ement of the company in this city. Music lovers of the bay cities have long felt the want of such an organization as the one which will open its season here Sunday, and those managing the music fest feel -confident -that they have not gone astray in feeling the of the theater-going public in their present venture.

Several years before tffe fire? Tetraz- zlnl in an engagement at the Tivoli theater in San Francisco began a similar Reason of grand opera at popular prices. Then for the first time possibly In the history of the bay cities the public fully appreciated the value tjft music at such terms. In the years which have intervened, and with the development and growth of the; numbers of opera devotees, it. is thought that the communities in this vicinity will appreciate more than ever the value -of a good opera troupe as a permanent asset. BEVANI IS CONFIDENT.

i Alexander Bevani, who has spent the last three, months in Xen; Tork City gathering his stars and organizing them tor the engagement which is to open here, expressed his fullest confidence in gaining the intelligent support of the "public. "Prom my knowledge of the people gained on former visits t-o' the coast, know-that they will Ind all of their endeavors in the presen? undertaking in view of the fact that it is only an. experiment, and should It prove a successful one, visits from the company will become an annual event," said "I myself have been associated -with Italian grand opera for twenty years, and in that time I have been connected with some of the great est singers in the world, and I have sung grand opera in four languages, but I would not spend ten cents in the production of Italian operain tjie It has bef-n proved by the fail-. lire of: so many laudable attempts that the theater-going public will only support grand opera of the fashionable type, and not grand opera which is what the name signifies. Opera gingers have- long since learned that In the East the people have little real love for operatic music for the sake pt the music itself.

rC WESTERNEHS A HE "However, -from my observations an former visits out here I believe that the people of the Pacific coast will fro. Xo hear grand opera which Is well sung and capably staged for the simple reason that they are musical. Jn this present xmdertaking I intend-to ascertain whether or ncrt this be- lief is well founded. It must be remembered that the prices charged for the present engagement are moderate, an innovation in grand opera of this class, and I don't believe that any of the singers that 1 1 have with me have ever before brjen heard for double thf prices changed at this present 5 The: troupe which Bevani has Srought to this city, including the -orell equipped orchestra, numbers fifty among xtre some of. the most popular arid -bt known Italian epera lingers on twop, continents.

En-enlo Battain, he jVHncipal tenor of the company, was for the present engagement with difficulty, as it the time Bevani was in the East Collecting his artists the tenor was filling an important engagement, and Jiis release was only obtained after a persistent effort on the part of the einger-managVr. Many of Battain's Compatriots ffom Italy who are on fhe coast will doubtless be reminded in himof the famous Tamagno. I- INITIAIj visit to west. i- This is his initial visit to the TVest, is he is only, a recent recruit to the Italian opera singers' on this continent, where he has been filling an en-pgnt lately with the Academy of jilusic.t According to report, Battain Combines those two virtues which are eo essential "to success in operatic iing-ing, a voice of dramatic quality fcjl the qualities of a finished actor. OREN PI Mrs.

Cora E. Jones Returns From East With Ideas and Plans for Playgrounds. OUTDOOR GYMNASIUM TO BE GREAT FEATURE Swimming Pools anid Instruction fortfouths toBe Had in City Parks. With the. return of Mrs.

Cora' E. Jones of the Playground Commission from the ICational Playground Congress in Rochester, X. the commission has commenced work on comprf hensive plans for the improvement of the local children's recreation grounds. In the scheme of improvement is included an outdoor gym -nnslum for Be Kremery park, the placing in commission of cxtensn'piplay apparatus at Independence square, and tlie construction there of large open-air swimmings pools, and the installation of new equipment i.t the other pleasure gardens of tlie boys and girls. The plans for the improvements are being: suggested by the commission, and whipped into shape by Ceorge Dickie, superintendent of the playgrounds.

THOUSANDS SPENT. It is estimated that the scheme of improvement proposed will place Oakland In the forefront among cities which are caring for the welfare of the coming citizens. Thousands of dollars will be spent, and the best labors and energies of ex perts in the of fitting the children bv healthy play to become strong and efficient workers will "tro devoted to the Two of the improvements planned which have aroused the greatest interest are the outdoor gymnasium at I)e Frem-ery park and the swimming- pools for Independence square. Independence fqtiare is set down in the playground and will be known from now on as San Antonio park. 1 he park Is at Sixteenth avenue and East Sixteenth street, and comprises four blocks of land.

SWIMMING POOLS. The plans for the swimming pools have not as yet assumed definite form, but the commission has asked for plans for the natatorium. It will be unlike any swimming pool around the bay, as it will be open-air affair. Provision will be made, for the small boy as wejlas the large a rd -considerable apparatus is to be installed -in conjunction with the swimming tanks. The playground commission is determined tlialr the swimming place shall" be (above reproach so far as sanitary conditions are concerned, and it is anticipated that provision v.

ill bemade to have tha water changed daily. A swimming instructor will be added to the corps of assistants at the park, and one of the main features of the benefits" to be derived will be the teaching of the children to play games, such as water polo, iu the lool. SWIMMING IMPORTANT. The object of providing a swimming pool is not only that of adding lo the playground equipment a new form amusement and exercise, declares Superintendent Dickie. This object will be attainted in a high degree by the natatorljiii, as swimmihg is recognized as one of the cleanest and jm.dst excellent forms of athletic effort, bringing into play at is does: every muscle in the body, nnd giving the child exercise- in breathing and lung action obtained in no other manner.

But a co-orOiiate object of no less impoitance is that of teaching the ehil-. dren to swim as' a means of safety in" time of accident. Hundreds of deaths are caused by ignorance of the art of swimming. It is thought that the playing of water games will be especially useful in giving the 'boys and girls confidence when in the water, with the result that the victim "of a wreck on the water, or nn overturning boat, will rot become panic stricken, and will be aMe to take advantage of every chance for safety. CHICAGO MODELS.

The outdoor gymnasium In-Do Fremery park is to be planned along the line of models used in Chicago and other cities with great success. High swings, slides. seesaws, bars, trapezes anu otnes- appa ratus will be installed. There will be lild hrtuse for the superintendent of the park, which will house dressings rooms, lockers, showers and other conveniences. There' will De a second field house for tlie use of the girls.

The playground will be one of the most complete in the city. Woman Is Run Down By Fast Driver A reckless driver in a buggy last night run down Mrs. Maud Cate of 617 Four teenth street as she was standing awsrtt ing a car at Twelfth and Jefferson streets. The man stopped and picked up his victim, and then drove hurriedly away, leaving her or pedestrians, lfe refused to give his name. Mrs.

Cate was attended by Dr. C. R. Nelson and was afterward taken to her home. She had been badly bruised about the face and body and her right arm was fractured.

The police are making a search for the of the buggy, of whom they have a good description, fur nished by Mrs. Cate and by witnesses of the accident. GEO. WASHINGTON'S fALSE TfETH FORM DENTISTRY EXHIBIT CLEVELAND. Ohio, July 13.

George Washington's teeth will form a part of, the exhibit of oral hygiene which Is to be a feature iof the convention of the National Association of Dental Surgeon at Denver next week. The teeth now? are here In the of fice of Dr. W. G. Ebersole, chairman of the committee on oral hygiene.

The teeth are-'false and were worn by the "Father of the Country" at his' first and second Inauguration. The teeth are of ivory, attached to olntes of gold with a cement of Ger man sij.yer. Gold springs and hinges complete, the combination. The con trivances was one of the first outfits of false teeth ever turned out In this country. Washington's descendants kept the teeth until some years ago, when they turned them jover to the care of the Baltimore committee of dentistry.

The contents of the C. H. Brosnahan carriage repository at Twelfth and Madison streets, comprising one of the finest selections of peasure and, business vehicles In this city, will be sold at auction next Saturday aft ernoon, July 16, at o'clock. The proprietor, who has for years been catering to the Jbest trade In Oakland In the matter pf stylish and modish 'turnouts and the repairing- of the same, Is retiring from business, -and in this manner hopes to speedily bring to a close an enterprise In which he has been among the most successful in this city, and apply himself to other activities. 1 CIIAXCE FOR FIXE EQUIPAGES.

i This sale will afford the people of this city who desire to come into possession of beautiful and fashionable equipages an opportunity which Is seldom experienced for the reason that sales of thl kind are Infrequent and would not take; place, In this Instance, were It not for the fact, that the proprietor of the place has made up his rnlnd after a successful career of many, years to devote himself to other and less laborious 'lines of activity. VARIETY OP VEHTCXES. Brosnahan for a number of years has been among the most enterprising of the carriage and vehicle dealers In this part of the state. His present quarters, at Madison and Twelfth 'Streets is one of the" most spacious of Its kind on the Pacific coast. lie has at all times kept It stocked with the most stylish carriages, phaetons, stanhopes, surreys and victorias, together with an Indefinite variety of other standard makes' of vehicles, to say nothing about an Indefinite variety of driving, homemade grocery and delivery wagons of all kinds.

HAS EXCLUSIVE TRADE. He has enjoyed the trade of the most exclusive fanciers of all kinds of vehicles, and when his extensive stock has not, at times, Tjeen able to satisfy fhe demands of those who had peculiar ideas of their own as to the kind of vehicle In which they desired to appear In public, he has been able in every instance, to satisfy their demands by drawing upon the resources of the manufacturers in the east and oh the coast of whom he Is a special representative. But as stated, -C. H. Brosnahan Is going out of the vehicle- busl'tiess.

His lease on the elegant repository which he has occupied for so many years has expired. The structure Is to be altered, and what is now of the finest vehicle display rooms on the coast Is to be converted Into a- number of smaller apartments and -devoted to a variety of activities. CHOICE VEHICLES IX REACTS There is still left over a large number of vehicles, not one of which' is not of the finest manufacture. At the same time, there Is not one of them which Is not of the latest design and which does not show the name of the Lmost successful builders In the coun try, j-jacn or me venicies now on hand Is a beauty in Its line, andthose who have a taste' for that which is refined and elegant in the way of family and mercantile outfits will do credit to their Intelligence by attending this sale. 1 RENTABLE IX EVERYTHING.

There are auon sales of this kind from time to but. In many ln4 stances these, sales are conducted by adventurers who come Into town ori one day and are gone the next, ThefeT is'no person who knowswhere they came form or where'they There is no person to vouih for as to their honesty or as to where the vehicles they, palmed off on the people were manufactured. In this instance, however, every thing is new, bright, beautiful, mod-i ish and staunch, and there Is not the slightest doubt but the purchaser will get his money's worth. i Brosnahan has been a resident of this, city'from boyhood. He has been a successful mechanic, working for years at the trade which enabled him to construct some of the finest equipages which evar rolled along the streets of this city before he established the magnificent emporium which he has now determined to leave.

VEHICLES THE BEST. He is skilled in his line of business and has at all times lived up to the principle that he would never offer a patrbn a vehicle of any kind which he could not truthfully say that It was as good as he could make himself, or as good and as safe as he would himself like to use. Brosnahan is one of the best known men in this His guaranty for a vehicle has been and is unquestioned, and as a consequence there will be an attendance' at the sale next Saturday afternoon which will Include the many favors I have received at their hands during the many years I have been in business." The sale wll be conducted by J. A. Munro Co.

CELLMATE STEALS Prison Companion Proves Too Clever for Night Lodger. Misery "loves company and when J. E. Hawkins of 1260 avenue and Pat Macdonough of unknown ante cedents found themselves In the tame cell in the city prison they struck up a friendship. Both wore charged with drunkenness, and both, de.claea upon pleading guilty ea a discreet means of avoiding further trouble.

On being released later Hawkins took his new-found cellmate to enjoy the cup that cheers, at a local Inn. He was there relieved by Macdonough of $59, ac cording to his complaint to the police this morning. In addition tb $59 taken, a new commutation ticket fo San Francisco was -taken his pocket. The celebration cf his release is regretted by Hawkins, who has applied to the police to have Macdonough arrested far the theft. TRANSOM HELPS THIEF.

Forcing his way over a doorway and through narrow slit of a a hurglar entered a store at 457 Eighth street and obtained $3 from tlie cash register. The burglary was reported to the police by the owner, John Rassen-berg. R. Zu Jones -of C06 Eleventh street reports that thieves stole a large pile of lumber from the front of his premises during the night. The value of the lumber is estimated at $6.

THE0S0PHIC LITERATURE PATH (Illustrated Weekly), edited by Katherine Tingley; Theosophical Manuals and other The-osophical literature of the UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD AND THEOSOPHICAL, SOCIETY, Point Loma. now on sale by Smith 462 Thirteenth street, Oakland, and by A. M. Robertson, 222 Stockton street, San Francisco. CASH ROM DRUM Battain's favorite roles are Canio In "Pagliacci" and Radames in "Aida." Regina Viearino, soprano," who will appear in the matinee prpdvjction "Faiist," in the role of Marguerite, is one of the young prima donnas whhas nad brilliant success in the Eastern metropolis.

-During, her student years she was associated with the celebrated Oscar Saenger, and later going to Ital she studied under Maestro Ijombardl in Florence. During these years she was the recipient of many offers for church and concert work, but felt forced to put these aside fr the sake of th.e thorough rounding "out of her straining. SANG AT IIAMMERSTEIN'S. Tast season when Oscar Hammer-stein heard heron one roccasipn he at once began negotiations to engage her for his Manhattan Opera Company. During thisi engagement at Ilammersteln's theaters in Xew Tork-and Philadelphia in the roles of Xed-da in "Pagliacci" and Marguerite in She has a phenomenal range of voice and be heard to particular advantage In her favorite role of Gilda in VRigolelto" during the third week of the season -at Giuditta Francini, soprano and prima donna, and wife of Roberto Francini, musical director of the company.

Is a and talented daughter of sunny Italy. She is tall and remarkably handsome. 1 Her voice is the real coloratura soprano, and it is said that she can trill on a high 1-1 flat better than most sopranos can on C. and her voice is even and dell-cat throughout its entire range. Madame Francini liasNa'very large repertoire of Italian opera both ancient and modern, be an important factor in th present engagement.

It will be a great treat to hear the love duets between Madame Francini and Sipnor SANCi WITH CARUSO. Fmberto Socchetti," tenor, played BOARD OF WORKS ftCCERTS ENGINE Recommendation of Fire. Marshal Ball Acted On at Meeting. i On, rerommehtiatlou of Fire Marshal Ball the. hoard public works this morning accepted the third size steam fire eryjlne recently purchased from the American Ia Frjance Fire Engine Company.

Tlie Sunset t.umber Company was granted permission "t'o extend industrial switch from" lire main line of the SoutHcriv Pacific comj.any at the foot of Fallon Tbe application -f Raphael Monryios far a permit to conduct a laurjdry at 1100 Tu rnty-think avenue laid 'over 'pending tlie posting of customary notices Street Comini-4ioner Howe 'was this morning given jiower by the board of public wfrks fo liave two storm constructed in Fo Sixteenth street street. -tv-first avenue at f'ast and Kat Fifteenth In buying a cough medicine, don't be afraid- to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger- from it, and relief is sure to follow. Especially recommended for colds and whooping cough. Sold bx.

Osgood Pmg Stores. Nearly every man thinks the un'-lueky month for marrying is tlie one he selected. conspicuous parts at the Metropolitan opera' house Newi York in the last season, sharing the' leading parts with Caruso and Bonci. TKIs was his first. appearance in America, and the'sticresH which marked his entrance in the opera of this country is a favorable: omen of the successes which will crown his endeavors ashe grows his acquaintance on this'-t side of Jhe wafers.

His career in Italy to coming here. was notably successful, where he was a popular figure in- all of the leading Italian theaters. At the time of the recent earthquake at'. Messina in Sicily, Sac'-' chetti was taking a leading part in an engagement there, and he was one of the three operatic stars who escaped with their lives. The shock which he suffered at the time of the disaster and the privations suffered following the catastrophe when he wandered for, days about the streets without food or shelter, were feared might permanently injure his voice.

However, after a six months' leave from work he was thoroughly restored to I his former vigor and was able to perform his work with greater energy- than before. OTHERS IN COMPANY. Other members of the company who will be heard here are Ettore Campana, baritone; Mile, de Dreux, contralto; Achille baritone; Estelle du Vivier, contralto: Estella Burgess, soprano; Joseph Florian, basso, and Alexander Bevani, who is managing the present enterprise. It IJH Tru untion to make "Faust" the feature of all of next week, starting with a matinee performance Sunday, and it is thought that "Rigoletto" will be the attraction for the following week. The Idora Park management has the company booked for a four weeks' engagement, with the option.

of extending it to ten weeks if there is such a demand on the part of the devotees of opera to warrant It. CHINESE GAMBLING CASES. CONTINUED Matter Goes Over for Several Days to Allow Attorneys to Answer Affidavits. 1IOXG July 13, A Portuguese gunboat oo-operating with trootpa, today bom Warded the pirate settlement the Island of Colowan, destroying the houses and killing-many natives. 1 Tlie Chinese retaliated by storming and capturing the Portuguese, military posf.

Portuguese) reinforcements were sent to tlie scene from Macao. The Island" of Colowan is near Ma-eao and its ownership is a matter of dispute between the Chinese and Portuguese. A party, of Chinese students had been captured by the pirates, and the governor of Macao sent an expedition to effect their rescue. The pirates resisted and were reinforced by Chinese of the interior. TThe latter were armed with modern weapons and smokeless powder.

In all, 2000 persons were engaged the fighting. Many of the Chinese were kilied. while the Portuguese lost a corporal killed and a large number injured. Subsequently the Portuguese gunboat and a force of artillery was sent to bombard the island. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE TRIBUNE PAY BIG RETURNS FOR THE MONEY INVESTED.

I v-wjaaa, Willie with C- HE.

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