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Sedalia Weekly Democrat from Sedalia, Missouri • Page 5

Sedalia, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Houstonia Items (By Mrs. Bennie Martin) Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Houchen returned here Friday evening from a honeymoon trir in Hot Springs. and ha vp gone to housokocp- in the Betti? Crews propery.

1 Mr. and Mrs. Houchen were givnn a miscellaneous shower and enter-! tained with a bridge party at the home of the brother. Wai- home of Mrs. Nathan Harris, with Mrs.

Clarence Ramseyer as leader the devotional. A Christmas program was rendered, Mrs. J. W. Rj8g- ler on a Christmas poem by Miss Dora Dorsey; reading by Miss John Harris, Sr.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 1936 Smithton Live Stock Prices Clifton City Items (By Esther Grotjan) Mrs. Ed Sawford is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellison attended the 50th wedding sary of Mr.

and Mrs. Jamrs I ps of Windsor last Sunday. Sixty-five persons attended the celebration. Chicago Live Stock HICAGO. a 3 (AP) (U.

De 29.000, I Including in.OOO direct- lie to 12c; Leghorns 8c; turkeys 15c; young Hr; old toms 12c; No. 2, 9c, white 114c; small or dark 9c; lie. to Creek church attended the 75th an- (By rs. Add Johnson) Mr- and -VirF- Harve Ellis enter- niversary of the founding of the lace Wright, in Marshall, Saturday Gained all their children and grand- 1 Methodist church at Randolph. Kas evening.

Others from Houstonia who children with the exception of one Rev. Brown was a former pastor at i attended were: Miss Mary Elizabeth daughter, Mrs. Gordon Smith and Randolph. jonta higher than Wednesday's average. -arly top now bidding ri 0.10 down, bulk 190 to pound 5 Brown of Lakfl ss 1 M0: 150 te iso Tevebaugh and Frank Martin Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Werneke The pupils of the White school one grandchild, Teddy Joe Ellis, at a turkey dinner at thpir home and sons, and Josephine hanksgiving day. The children Brem Houchen entertained with a tpnding were Mr. and Mra Tohn I i key dinner at the Warneke country Ellis and son, Harold Glenn of Kan- Wednesday home Sunday, the following; Mr. 6aa Fity; Mr.

and Mrs. Jim Ellis society and Mrs. Dewey Houchen. Mr. and Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Landes and son Mrs. George Strickler of Kansas (Earl Harvey; Mrs. Helen Ellis and 1 Eity; Mr. and Mrs.

Alvin Renken, daughter, Hazel Dean; Mr. and MriJuT Martha J. Ellison on Sedalia; Miss Ruth Wicker, Mar- Harold Johnston and family, all of shall; Vincel Paxton, Miss Mary Sedalia and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Bish- Charlotte Paxton, Hughesville, and! op anrI children of Otterville.

An-j pounds, largely 19.00 to best sows 59.8a. battle 5.500; calves fed st jand strong, active; all other classes fully steady; bulk sold on early rounds; top paid for 1.383 and their teacher, Miss Pearl Ruth 1,350 912.23; Taft Houchen. Mra. Clarence Rhinehart and little was a cousin, Ike Ellis, daughter, Lee Anna spent Thanks- i guest in this home for dinner enjoyed pop- xvoo fcaX i better grades af! weights had Thanksgiving dinner upward; such kinds going freely to buyers and shippers; local killers buying common and medium grades all the way from to stockers and feeders steady; bulk better grade western bred meaty stockers and $7.75 to $8.25 with a few loads at to natives 85.AO to better grade replacement cattle in broadest demand, these suitable for short turn; other killing classes steady. The Standard Bearcra Missionary the Methodist church Hd its monthly meeting at the of Wednesday evening.

Twelve mem- ora were present. After the business meeting and the Mission Mr. and Mrs. giving day and the remainder of companied Mr the week with relatives in South Missouri. E.

J. Hallahan ac- and Mrs. Melvin May and family to Kansas City Saturday and visited over Sunday "with Mrs. Charles Houchen, and Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. Mosslman and daughter, Arlene spent the holiday session with her father, Henry Stolberg in Sweet Springs. Miss Edna Vaughn who teaches school at Stover, spent the last of the week with her niece, Miss Mary Stephens. Miss Helen Chamberlain who teaches school near Hilden. spent the latter part of last week with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Jason Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. J.

A. Newsom and sons had as Sunday callers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horner of Kansas City and Forrest Putman of Dresden. Miss Jean Neef, who teaches in the high school at Strasburg spent the holiday vacation with her Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Neef and brothers, Earl and Ellis. Mra. Nathan Harris was hostess to the members of the Monday night bridge club and a few friends Monday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Billie Staples of Kansas City spent the week end here with Mrs. Staples parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A.

Staples. Ernest Delapp and daughter, Pauline spent Friday in Kansas City. Howard Creates spent Sunday in Kansas City. family. Mrs.

R. L. Potter visited with her week sister, Mrs. Chester Lower and family at Ivongwood from Wednesday until Saturday of last week. pin? corn and making candy.

mctudInf 3on djrect. fat Ann Daniels, Meibe Jean moderately active, most steady; and feeding lambs also little changed; good to choice native and fed lambs also little changed; good to choice native and fed western lambs $5.50 to early top others according to grade downward to choice lightweight range ewes natives erts spent; $3.00 to scattered feeding lambs Momberg, Wanda Lee Pace, Marion Monsees. Bernice Lee Martin, Whylma Wagenknecht and Marjorie Stuart very pleasantly surprised Lois Bremer on her eighth birthday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thanksgiving in Boonville, $5.25 to 7 50 Mr.

and Mrs. Alva Hotsenpiller An usually large crowd attended £nfl daughter Mary were Thanksgiv-i the funeral services hold for Ray- quests of Mr. and Mrs. Pace mond Young at the Catholic church1 cnfi daughter. in lifton City, Monday morning.

Ml and Mrs. Archie Shireman of father Walton, who had been pas- Stover, Mr. and Mrs. August Oehrke tor of this church the past year, snd Gail, Mrs. Rebecca Jack- read the mass, and Father Dunn ion, Alice Mildred and Jimmie Jack- of Sedalia gave the sermon.

Other ron were Thanksgiving guests of priests assisting in the services Larrv Jackson and family, were Father Hartigan, Father Muf- Miss Ruth Ferguson, Edith B. kovic, and Father Daniel. The choir Ringen, Hal Bremer, Woodrow Fer- from St. church, Sedalia guson and Irvin Ellison, who are stand the choir from Clear Creek tending Central State Teachers Col- Catholic church sang. Those from a at Warrensburg, spent the holi- distance attending were: Henry Lor- cays with home folkg enz of Wagner, Mrs.

Frances Mrs. Elston Demand has returned Montgomery of son E. L. of Par-! hpr home Warrensb Hpr Mr. and Mra.

Ben Jamps Burgomaster, shows some improvement. Charles Ellison and family enjoy- a turkey dinner at the home of ene Kramp of Kansas City; Lacev and of I Florence on Thanksgiving Day. Lit and son. Hubert of Boonville; Mrs. Henry Wittman and son.

Herbert of Marshall; Mr. and Mrs. George pfj Kramp and his sister, Miss Made and Mr. and Mrs. George 4, AT.

i nanivsgiving Day. Lit- Klenklin of Pilot Grove; Mr. and I Carolyn Hampy returned Mrs. Roy Phillips and Mr. and Floyd Potter and baby of Sedalia.

Among those from Clifton City ho attended the funeral services Mollie Nutt and son, Willis of Rev. Burnett which was held at the Assembly of God church, Sedalia Monday afternoon were: Mrs. Willie Todd and her mother, Mrs. were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. brother, Elwood Yokeley and wife and RicKard Beason.

Helen who has employment in Kansas City spent the last of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry King and family. Mrs. Berta Zans of Kansas City spent the week end with her sister, Vanatta.

Hueben ha.v returned to her home here after spending the past three weeks wMth her daughter. Mrs. Jim Taylor and family near Malta Bend. Rev. and Mrs.

Jeffers had as their friends ho ill be glad to read guest, their son who is teaching i that he has recovered sufficiently music in the school at Louisiana. from an automobile accident w'hich who accompanied them to i he was in Thanksgiving day near South Missouri where they spent the last of the week with relatives, returning Saturday evening. Rev. Jeffers went to Hughesville where he filled his appointment on Sunday. Joe Lockney spent a few with relatives at Sweet Mr.

and Mrs. Junior McCarty and baby, and Wroodrow Davis spent the wfeek end with Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarty and family near Green Ridge.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker to their home here after weeks visit with relatives in southern part of the state. Lena Mae Scarbrough, who teaches in a grade school near Straiburg the vacation season here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

E. M. Scarbrough. Mr. and Mrs.

John T. Harris, entertained several relatives at Dinner last Saturday. Clark Stephens who has spent aome time near Norborne, spent a few days at his home here. Jay DeLapp visited relatives in La, Monte Thanksgiving Day. home with them to spend a few days.

Miss Ora Martin, who has been visiting the last several months with relatives in Marion, 111., and St. Louis, returned home last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Demand and Effie Dickson, Mrs.

C. B. Todd and spent Thanksgiving at the her daughter. Mrs. Minnie Johnson; home of Mrs.

Demand's sister. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Doyle, Mr.

1 Howard Fullerton and Mr. Fullerton and Mrs. L. D. Willis, Mrs.

Sedalia. Harlan, George Maddox, Sherman Miss Mildred Erfurth of St. Louis Todd. Rev. Burnett had preached spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.

in Clifton City for over a year pre- and Mrs. Herman Erfurth. ceding his illness and had made Prof. Raymond Klein of Rich- many friends here who were sorry mond, and Mr. and Mrs.

Jo? to read of his passing. Verts enjoyed a turkey dinner at Earl Francis Lorenz, son of Mr. City, and Mr. and Mrs. A.

L. Bolion and Mrs. Henry Lorenz has many of Sedalia were guests on Thanks- the August. Klein home on Friday of last week. Raymond is spending his holidays with home folks.

Miss MetA Page, Miss Lillian Lees Summit, to be brought to his Sawford, Miss Marguerite Luetjin homo here. Although he has several gnd Mlig Mae Revnolds and severe cuts and bruises, he is doing I Miss N)nft Yeager, who 'are teach- nicely. Labe Retherford left Wednesday St. Louis Livs Stock EAST ST. LOUIS, 111., Dec.

(APj (L. S. Department of Agriculture) Hogs 11.500; none through; 4,000 direct; opened 5 to 10 cents higher than average Wednesday; sows slow; top bulk to 300 pounds, $10.00 to to 190 pounds $9.78 to 140 to 160 pounds $8.90 to 100 to 130 pounds $7.25 to plain light pigs $7.00 down; sows mostly $9.00 to $9.25. calves steer run light and sellers asking higher; no early sales; vealers 25 cents lower, top other classes opening steady; mixed yearlings and heifers largely $5.00 to beef cows $4.00 to cutters and low cutters $3.00 to top sausage bulls nominal range slaughter steers $5.50 to 112.00, slaughter heifers $4.50 to $11.00. Sheep no early action; packers talking lower on lambs; asking steady to strong prices, or $8.50 upward for good to choice lambs; indications steady on sheep.

8. C. CHRlgYOPHER 8 South Ohio Street Sedalia, Me. CO. Kansas City Crain Table KANSAS CITY', Dec.

High Low Close Thurs. YVed Dec S1.D% a $1.16 $1.144 $1.16 $1.154 July 11.04% 1.024 CORX- $1.12 $1.11 May $1.03 11.04% Chica go Grain Table CHICAGO. Dec. High Low Close Close YVed. Dec $1.244 May $1.21 $1.20 July CORX- Dec $1.074 1.074 a New 1.024 Old $1.01 $1.014 ew .974 .98 4 Old .96 .97 .974 Dec 4,54 .46 .46 May .46 .45 4 .45 July .42 .524 SOY $1.35 May July $1.35 $1.344 Dec .98 May .93 4 July .88 Dec May .814 .314 FAGK rive, DAILY PRODUCE MARKET Furnished Dally By Swift and Co.

child, Betty Jean 15, and! $50 a month for the mainten- i I i The following prices being paid by NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE Swift and Company today, delivered at Default having been in the pay- produce plant; ment of the monthly installments for i Poultry: Heavy hens 10c; Leghorn more than ninety days on a note secured by a deed of trust executed by Marion O. Hart and Vallie Hart, husband and wife, dated January 15th, 19-31. and recorded in Rook 361, Page 1 of the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Pettis County. Missouri, at Sedalia, and the holder of said note having hens 7c; heavy springs 10c; Leghorn springs 9c; old roosters 7c. Fresh graded eggs; No.

1, 27c. No. 1 cream, 30c. OBITUARIES Notice of Administratrix With Wiil Annexed is hereby given, that Letters derUred the entire debt due and Administration, with the Will enable. the undersigned Trustee will, atinexed.

on the Estate of Anna Jacobs the request of the legal holder of said deceased, were granted to the note. on Monday. December 28. 1936, signed on the 27th day of October 1936 between the hours of 9:00 A. and by the Probate Court of Pettis 5:00 P.

at the West front door 'of i Missouri. the Court House in City ogr Sedalia, All persons having claims against said Missouri, sell at public vendue to the are required to exhibit them to highest bidder for cash, all of the following described estate, situated, lying and being in the County of Pettis, State of Missouri, to-wit; The North twenty-seven feet of the lot Number Twenty-flvp and the South Twenty-two Det of Number Twenty-six in Block Number Fifteen of West View, an addition to the City of Sedalia, Missouri, lor the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness and the cost of executing tober, 1936 this trust. W. C. CRAWFORD, Trustee First insertion December 4.

1936. me fo; allowance within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate, and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. This 27th day of October, 1936. LILLIE E. JACOBS.

Administratrix with Will Annexed. Attested by me this 27th day of Oc- sale For default In payment of debt cured by deed of trust made by Finnell and Llnnie M. Finneli, his dated September 15th, 1931 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Psttis County, at Sedalia, Missouri, in Book 25C page 171 conveying to me the property described as: Lots numbered One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (i), Five (5), Six (6). Seven (7). Eight (S), Nine and Ten (10).

in Elm Place" an Addition to the City of Sedalia, Missouri. I. the said W. P. Hurley, Trustee, shall at the request of the holders of said debt, sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash on the seventh day of December.

1936. between the hours of nine o'clock a. m. and five p. m.

at tho front door of the Court House in Pettis County. Missouri to satisfy said debt and costs. W. P. HURLEY, Trustea.

Date: November 12, 1936 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Default having been in the pay- (Seal) J. E. SMITH, Judge of Probate Court. No. 7952 Notice Notice is hereby given, that Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Emma SALE Whereas, Jake Sanders and Cora Sanders, his wife, by their deed of trust dated February 8, 1927, filed in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of County, Missouri, at Sedalia.

and ra- corded in Book 320 at page 434, conveyed to me, the undersigned Trustee, for the purpose of securing the indebtedness therein mentioned, the following do- scribed property situate in County. Missouri, to-wit: The West half (Va) of the Southwest Quarter (i4) of Section No. Wer.B 5 Four (4). and thj East of the Recorder of Deeds of Missouri, at Sedalia, and tal holder of said note having Mrs. Ellen S.

Bowser Mra. Ellen Schmutz Bowser, wife of Sam Bowser, 320 East Fourth fthp! rourt House in the City of Sedalia, the request of the legal holder of said note, on Monday, December 28th, 1936, between the hours of 9:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. at the West front door of street, passed away at St.

hospital in Kansas City, about 9 Missouri, sell at public vendue to the bidder for cash, all of the fol- ing elsewhere spent the Thanksgiving holidays with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. John Marsh and daughter Sara Margaret of Kansas giving Day of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles McBride and daughter. Miss Norma Demand spent the for St. Louis for an extended visit with his son, Earl Retherford and family and a daughter, Mrs. Tennie Mr. and Mrs.

Jim Retherford and family accompanied by her brother, Mr and Mrs. Orville Bilderbark holidays with her Mrs. spent Thanksgiving day with anoth- Morrison of Sedalia. er brother. Rill Bilderbark and William Jackson, who Is attend- return- family at Syracuse.

The principal DrulT College at Springfield a few feature of the day was the turkey the holidays with his parents, the dinner served at the noon hour. I Miss Chloe Wilson and Mr. and Kansas City Live Stock KANSAS CITY, Dec. S. Department of 3,500, 2,000 direct; uneven; opened fairly active on desirable 200 pounds and up, and light lights: 5 to mostly 10 cents higher than average; later, slow, some interests talking lower on weights below 200 pounds; top $9.90 sparingly; desirable 200 pounds up $9.70 to 170 to 190 pounds $9.35 to better grade 140 to 160 pounds $8.75 to sows $8.85 to stock pigs $7.00 down.

Cattle calves beef steers and yearlings, slow, but fully steady; supply consisting mostly of short feds; other killing classes, mostly steady; spots strong on cows; stockers and feeders, slow, steady to weak; early sales short fed steers mostly $8.00 to good lightweight steers heavy steers held considerably higher; good short fed heifers butcher cows $4.25 to few beef cows low cutters and cutters $3.00 to selected vealers few sausage bulls up to $4.75. Sheep native lambs around 25 cents iower; no fed lambs sold odd lots sheep about stady; top native lambs most sales $8.00 to fed lots bid around $8.00. described real estate, situated, clock Inursday morning following lying and being in the County of Pettis, an lllnass which began last August, state of Missouri, to-wit: She had been a patient at the hospital since September 1. Mrs. Bowser and Mr.

Bowser were married last January 7, 1936. She was a member of the First jfor thc of satisfying said in M. E. church. debtedness and the cost of executinj Lot number Eight (.8) in Block Number Seventeen (17) of the original Town of the City of Missouri, to the undersigned on the 13th day of October, 1936, by the Probate Court oi Pettis County, Missouri.

All persons having claims against said Estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Executor within six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. This 13th day of October, 1936. LEE MONTGOMERY, Executor. Attested by me this ISth day of October, 1936. J.

E. SMITH, (Seal) Judge of Probate Court. half of SALE Surviving are the following seven children: Henry Schmutz, Leon Schmutz and Mrs. Leslie Covert, all of Kansas City; Mrs. Elroy Tilli- aon, wife of Rev.

Tillison, Atchison, Mrs. Ellis Bowser, Coffeyville, Mrs. Barney Horrigan, Tulsa, and Mrs. Forrest Boone of Bartlesville, also the following step children. John Bowser, Kansas City; Sam Bowser, Los Angeles, Mrs.

Edgar George, Buneeton, and Mrs John A. Collins of the family here. Ten grandchildren also survive. With her at the time of her death were her husband, her seven children and John Bowser, stepson, of Kansas City. iting this trust.

W. C. CRAWFORD, Trustee. First insertion December 4, 19.36. TRUSTEE'S SALE For default in payment of debt secured by deed of trust made by Harry W.

Knight, now deceased who has been dead over nine months and Florence Knight, his wife, dated April 1st, 1921, By reason of default In the payment of the note secured by deed of trust executed by Mary S. Hood, single, dated June 28, 1930 and recorded in Book 343 at page 243 of the deed records of Pettis County, Missouri, the undersigned trustee in said deed of trust, under the powers vested in him by said deed of trust and at the request of the legal owner and holder of said note, will sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, at the West of the Court House in the City of Susan Frances Beason Mrs. Susan Frances Beason, aged 84 at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon at her home. 716 East iifth street. She is survived by her husband, A.

E. Beason. recorded in the Office o. Pettis County, Missouri, on April 3rd. Missouri, on 1934, in Book at Page 179.

conveying to C. H. Bard. Trustee, the property situate in the County of Tettis and Sta'e of Missouri, to-wit: Mr. and Mrs.

W. L. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs.

Gus Bucksath and Mrs. Kenneth Potter who make family of Dalton, spent Thurs- their home with Miss Wilson enter- Hay night at the R. R. Lujin home, tained at dinner Thanksgiving day. The junior department of the M.

Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. church school enjoyed a party L.

J. Potter and son, J. and Mrs. in the basement of the church Fri- parents, Mr, and Mrs. day night.

man Scott and Miss cons- Mrs. Fred Page spent the week in, Charles Wilson and wife and end with her brother, Walter Barne Mr. and Mrs. Bradenburg. Turkey of Sedalia.

with all the trimmings was the principal feature of the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. H. A.

Bremer, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goode and family of Pauline Gramlieh who had her Sedalia and Mr. and Mrs. John Dan- tonsils removed at St.

hos- anci daughter were guests on Dorothy Ruthjpital. Boonville. last Monday was Thanksgiving of Mr. and Mrs. S.

E. Moore and Mary Maryland returned to be brought to her home premer an(l daughter, Mrs. Ruby to their employment tn St. Louis Saturday night. Mr.

and Mrs. William Hedgpeth; and daughter, Jalmir Jean of Bunoe- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Arnold Sunday after a visit of a few days here with relatives and friends. The Houstonia Community Club will hold regular monthly meet-10f Tipton spent Thanksgiving here ing on Thursday evening, December the 3rd.

at the high school auditorium, Burke A. Zenor of the state of In- i anri Mrs. diana came Saturday for an Mrs Todd moth' visit with an old friend. J. T.

Mr. Franklin and family. Todd visited Mr. and Mrs. R.

S. Sewell and (Wednesday night son, Hubert, attended a turkey din- giving dinner with ner in Sedalia Sunday at the home I Dickson and family. Mynett. R. L.

Curtis and family spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burke of La Emmett of town. Todd and Effi Dick- other.

Mrs. C. Kansas City had Mr. and Mrs. of Mrs.

Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schroedcr and L. C.

Scott of Sedalia visited faniilv visited with Mrs. ativaa and friends here Sunday. Louis Schroeder and family at Syra- Mr, and Mrs, ooper and Sunday family of near Sweet Springs spent Miss Lula Ross of Tulsa. Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Lame to the home of her sister.

Mrs. J. W. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs.

R. G. Smith Monday evening Lionel ooper and family, aluj visited until Wednesday Mrs. Wolfe of Kansas City ram? visited in Sedalia Wed- Monday for a few days visit here nPSdav night and ate her Thanks- with her sister, Mrs. Hueben.

I giving dinner in the home Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Rissler Mrs. Tommv Foster.

She left spent Thanksgiving Day with Mra. mother. Mrs. I. A.

Knight and at Knob Noster. Mr. and R. S. Sewell and Hubert.

Mr. and Mrs. Chess Ends enjoyed a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving day at iomt. Mildred Smith of Kansas morning, 'ity spent Thursday and the re- niinder of the week with her pnr- Mr. and Mrs.

Philip Smith. 4r. Smith, who has in poor eaith for some time remains about same. Tht Council of the church held its December fresh ment Tuesday afternoon at Fridav for her home in Tulsa. Mr.

and Mrs. August Klein and sons Raymond and Olen. and Mrs. Joe Verts attended the funeral of Mrs. brother-in-law, Dick Weichen of Florence, Saturday.

K. P. Smith and family of Seda- 1 in, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Bolte and daughter spent Thanksgiving at the Charles RmPh home.

Dr. E. La Rue. A. F.

Neumeyer, Miss Lillian Sawford, Verona Neumeyer, Gladys and Genevieve Smith were shopping in Kansas City Fri- cay. Dr. George Wood Anderson, who is the guest preacher of the union revival services of Sedalia, spoke at a union service at the Methodist church of Smithton Sunday morn ing. Miss Sutherlin spent the Kansas City Cash Grain KANSAS CITY, Dec. 3.

Wheat: 74 cars; to 1 cent lower. No. 2 dark hard, No. 3, $1.22 4 to No. 2 hard, No.

3, nominal to No. 2, red No. 3, nominal to $1.25. Close: Dec. May July SL044.

Corn: 9 cars; cent lower to cent higher; No. 2 white, nominal $1.164 to No. 3, nominal $1.144 to No. 2 yellow, nominal $1.15 to No. 3, nominal $1.134 to $1.154: No.

2 mixed, nominal $1.134 to $1.154: No 3, nominal $1.124 to Dec. $1.114: May Oats; 1 car; unchanged to 1 cent low'- er. No. 2 white, nominal 494c to 52c; No. 3, nominal 48c to 51c.

Milo maize, nominal $1.88 to $1.96. Kafir, nominal $1.89 to $1.97. Rye, nominal 98c to $1.00. Barley, nominal 81c to 92c. St.

Grain Market ST. LOUIS, Dec. Wheat: No. 2 red $1.28. Corn; No.

2 yellow $1.074 to $1.104: No. 3, to $1.09. Oats: 2 white 49c; No. 3, 49c Futures: None. Mrs.

R. P. Asbury W. O. Stanley Wednesday received word from Kansas City of the death of Mrs.

R. P. Asbury, a former Se- dalian, at 1 Wednesday afternoon in the St. hospital there. She had been ill for the past two months.

Her husband, w'ho died in Sedalia several years ago, formerly a cashier in the old Union Savings bank in east Sedalia which position he held from the time he and his family came to Sedalia in 1913 until his death. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Alphius Fisher of Kansas City, with whom Mrs. Asbury made her home, and Mrs. Austin Moore of Shelbyville, Kentucky.

Mrs. Asbury while in Sedalia was an active member of the First Baptist church. Burial will be in Columbia where a short service will he heJd at the cemetery at 3 o'clock Fri'g afternoon. CALVES SELL WELL AT AUCTION SALE Beginning at a point in the North line of Second street, Sixty eight (68) feet East of the South Vest corner of Block number Thirty-six (36) in the Original Plat of the City of Sedalis, Missouri, thence running East the North line of said Second Street Twenty-two and One-half feet, thence North at right angles to said Second Street One Hundred Twenty (120) feet to the South line of an alley, thence Vest along the South line of said alley Twenty-two and One-half (22 thence South parallel with the East line of Osage Avenue One Hundred Twenty 120 feet to lie place of beginning. Also all that part of the Let of ground off of the Vest side of Lot number Eight (8) in said Block number Thirty- six (36) purchased by A.

B. Dempsey of Beck by deed dated July 22nd, 1879. and recorded in Warranty Deed Book No. 12, page No. 426, in the Office of Pettis County, Missouri, which lies Vest of the center line of the Vest wall of the building now standing on said Lot including the Vest half of sairl Vest wail, the intention thereof being to make said wall a partnership partition wall between thp building owned by said A.

B. Dempsey and the building herein conveyed. shall at the request of the holder of said debt, sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash on Monday, January 11th, 1937. between the hours of nine A. M.

and five P. M. at the front door of the Court House, in Sedalia, Pettis County, Missouri, to satisfy said debt and costs. C. H.

BARD. Trustee. Dec. 4. 11, 18, 25, Jan.

1. S. Monday the 14th day of December 1936, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p.

m. on said day, for the purpose of satisfying said note and interest thereon and the costs of executing this trust, the following described real estate in Pettis County, Missouri, conveyed by said deed of trust towit: All of lot number Two (2) of the Southwest quarter Section number Eighteen (IS), Township number Forty-five (45) North. Range number Twenty (29) Vest of the Fifth Principal Meridian, containing 89.64 acres, more or less. V. J.

Trustee. No. 7956 Notice Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Samuel L. Rissler deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 17th day of November 1936 by the Probate Court of Pettis County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said Estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administrator within six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred.

This 17th day of November 1936. RICHARD S. RISSLER. Administrator. Attested by me this 17th day of November 1936.

J. E. SMITH, Judge of Probate Court, the Southeast Quarter and tha East half of the West half (4) of the Southeast Quarter of Section No. Five (5); and, the East half (4) of Lots numbered (1) and Two (2) of the Northeast Quarter of Section No. Five (6); and all that part of the West half (4) of Lots numbered One (1) and Two (2) of the Northeast Quarter of Section No.

Five (5) lying East of the Public Road, except the following: Beginning at a point Eighty (SO) poles West of the Northeast corner of Lot No. Two (2) of the Northeast Quarter of said Section No. Five (5). running thence East Twelve (12) feet, thence South Twelve (12) feet, thence YVest to the East line of the Public Road, thence in a Northwesterly direction along the East line of said Public Road to the North line of Lot No. Two (2) of said Northeast Quarter thence East to place of beginning.

All of the above described land being in Township No. Forty-four (44) North, Range No. Twenty-two (22) YVest of the Fifth Principal Meridian, containing in all Three Hundred Twenty-five (325) acres, more or less. And whereas, default has been made in the payment of said by reason of which the holder thereof has requested the foreclosure of said deed of trust. Now, therefore, B.

C. Howard, the undersigned Trustee, do hereby gire notice that I will, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1936, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m.

of that day, at the front door of the Pettis County Circuit Court House in Sedalia, Missouri, sell tha above described property, at public vendue, to the bidder, for cash, for the purpose of discharging the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, the interest due thereon, and cost of executing this trust. B. C. HOWARD. Trustea.

First publication November 20, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF PETTIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, NOVEMBER TERM, 1936. Chicago Poultry CHICAGO, Dec. 3 live, 59 trucks, unsettled; hens 44 pounds up 16 4c; less than 44 pounds 124c; Leghorn hens lie; springs 4 pounds up, colored 14c; Plymouth Rock 144c; White Rock 15c; less than i 4 pounds, colored 124c: Plymouth and calves sold. YY'hite Rock 14c; colored broilers 17c; Plymouth and White Rock 19c; Leghorn chickens 11c; roosters 12c; Leghorn roosters 11c; turkeys, hens 17c; young 14 4c; old 2 3c; No. 2 turkeys 12c; ducks, white and colored 4 4 pounds up 13c; small white and colored 11c; geese 12c; capons 7 pounds up.

19c; less than 7 pounds 17c. Dressed steady; hens young 21c; old 18c: toms, young more than 16 pounds and 16 pounds and less 21c; old 18c; No. 2 turkeys 15c. Joe Riley, sales director for the Sedalia auction sales at the Missouri Pacific stock yards, reports exceptionally good prices at Mon- sale. Four hundred and fifty pound black calves, owned by J.

Brenne- man, brought $36.25, sheep sold for $9.25, and at least one hundred! No. 7951 Notice ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale, made by the Probate Court of Tettis County, Missouri, at the August term, 1936, thereof, and on the 13th day of October, 1936; the undersigned administrator of the estate of Adam Bergman, late of Fettia County, Missouri, deceased, will on Saturday the Twelfth (12th) day of December, 1936, between the hours of nine in the forenoon and five In the afternoon of that date, Notice is hereby given, that Letters and during the session of the Probate Testamentary on the Estate of Fella W. of Pettis County, Missouri, sell deceased, were granted to the at public auction at the west front undersigned on the 13th day of October, door of the Court House, In the City of by the Probate Court of Pettis iSedalia, County of Pettis and of County, Missouri. Missouri, all the right, title and interest Alt persons having claims against said of Adam Bergman, deceased in and to Mrs Instil Decker who has been end parents tn Seda- 35c ,0 i lin extra firsts (90-9 ite ill for several weeks was tak- qu en to Mt. Vernon sanitarium Sunday for treatment.

Mr. and Mrs Bill Thierfielder are the Sewell parents of a son. born in their home west of Clifton City Saturday Stanley Smith who lias employment in Kansas City last week with his family. Mrs, Jess Mosby and daughter of Huntington, West spent last week with her parents. Mr.

and Chicago Produce CHICAGO. Dec. 3. 988, easy; creamery specials (93 score) extras (92 score) 32 4c; 91 score) 32c to frists to standards score centralized carlots) 32 Eggs 4.383 weak: extra 32c: current receipts 31c: refrigerator standards refrigerator extras 20c. HIGBEE UNDERTAKER IS FREED OF CHARGE BETHANY.

Dec. C. L. Fcland. Higbee, under- taker, chargpd with removing and burying a body without proper certification, was freed Monday in justice court.

I The defense contended that since the body had been removed from Harrison county to Randolph county i the matter was not within the jurisdiction of the justice court. Estate arc required to exhibit them for allowance to the Executrix within six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit I of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. This 13th day of October, 1936. BELLE LACEY, Executrix. Attested by me this 13th day of October, 1936.

J. E. SMITH, (Seal) Judge of Probate Court. Granted a Mrs. Florence Butterbaugh was granted a divorce from Ed Butterbaugh, according to a decision by Circuit Judge Dimmitt Hoffman, who took the case under considera tion after a hearing some days ago Mrs.

John Shy entertained Sisters' Sunday school class of which she is a member at her honm Friday afternoon. The devotional was led bv Mrs. Edna Smith. After the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed. Dainty revere served bv Mrs.

N. A. Smith and other reia- west of Ionia, consisting of 118 acres, was sold at public auction the last Saturday to Mrs, Charles 4 Fischer for $40 an acre. a Divorce Alleging general indignities, Mrs. Lena E.

Renfrow, Friday filed suit for divorce in circut court in County against Robert E. whom married April 7, 1915, ii. Pettis County. Northern Twins 194 The petition stated the couple Poultry; Light hens 114c; heavy i last July 15. The plaintiff 14 small, acrubby 19c; Leghorns Sc; custody and care of an only St.

Louis Produce ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2 ------------------------------------------Missouri standards 35c; Missouri No. 1. Farm at Auction 31c: 22c to 24c.

The Krohn brothers farm, a mile! Butter: Creamery extras 32c to 33c, standards 32c: firsts 2Sc: seconds 26c. Butterfat: No. 1. 30c; No. 2, 2Sc.

No. 7950 Notice Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Anna Margaret Neitzert deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 7th day of November 1936 by the Probate Court or Pettis County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said Estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administrator within six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. This ith day of November 1936. H.

F. SCHRANKLER, Administrator. Attested by me this 7th day of November 1936. J. E.

SMITH, (Sea!) Judge of Probate Court. (he following described real estate, situate in Pettis County, Missouri, to-wit: The YY'est Half (YV4) of the South East quarter of Section Number Thirty One (31), containing Eighty acres. The South Half (S4) of Lot Number One (1) of the South YY'est quarter of Section Number Thirty One (31), containing Forty (40) acres. The South Half (S4) of the i North Half of Lot number One (1) of the South quarter (SYVQ) of Section number Thirty- One (31), containing Twenty (20) acres, more or less. All in Township Number Forty- Five (45), Range Number Twenty- One (21).

Also; the YVest Forty-Five and Two One-Hundredths (45.02) acres of Lor. Three (3) of the North East Quarter (NEVi) of Section Six (6), in Township Forty-four (4 4), Range Twenty-one 21 Containing in all 185.02, acres more or less. Subject to a loan for $1,000.00, held by the Federal Land Bank, of St. Louis, Missouri, for a long term. Also subject to an easement to the Phillips Pipe Line Company, on last described tract Sale to be for cash, to comply with the order of sale.

Dated November 18th, 1936. STANLEY SHORTRIDGE, Public Administrator. Nov. 20, 27; Dec. 4, 11.

Bethel N. Payne, J. O. Payne, Laudenberger, O. B.

Payne, Ona Montgomery, L. F. Payne, T. S. Payne, Y'ance Broyles, I.

W. Broyles. R. H. Broyles, Beula Broyles Greer, Fay Pierce, Vernon H.

Broyles, and M. 8. Broyles vs. L. N.

Payne. G. M. Payne, E. B.

Payne, Allen Payne, B. H. Payne, and Jacob Broyles Sale in Partition YY'hereas, the Circuit Court of County, Missouri, on the 5th day of November, 1936, rendered in Partition in the above entitled caute and directed the Sheriff of County, Missouri, to sell at public due to the highest bidder for cash the real estate hereinafter described, after giving due notice of the time, and place of sale and a description of real estate to be sold and where ait- uated. by advertisement in the Sedalik YY'eekly Democrat, a newspaper printed and published in County, Missouri, having been published and in general circulation in Fettis County for more than one year prior to this publication, which said real estate is described as lying, being and situate in County of Pettis and State of Mie- couri, to-wit: The Northwest Quarter the Southeast Quarter and the YVest Half (4) of the South Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (4) of Section Thirty-one (31), and the Southeast Quarter of the Southw'est fractional Quarter (U) of said Section Thirty-one (31), in Township Forty-seven (47) North, of Range Twenty (10) YVest of the Fifth Principal Meridian, containing in ail 96.50 more or less, Also. Four (4) acres, more or less, described as follows: Beginning at thA Northeast Corner of Lot Two (2) of the Northwest Quarter of Section Six (6) Township Forty-six (46) North, of Range Twenty (20) of the Fifth Principal Meridian, running thence South 140 yards, thence West 140 yards, thence North 140 yards, thence East 140 yards to place of beginning.

Now, therefore. I. YV. Bolton, Sheriff of Pettis County, Missouri, acting under said Decree will on Saturday, the 5th day of December, 1936, at the west front door of the Court House in the City of Sedalia, Pettis County, souri, sell the above described real estate at public vendue to the bidder for cash between the of 9:00 in the forenoon and 5:00 in the afternoon of said day while the Circuit Court is in session, and after paying the costs, will distribute the proceeds of said sale among the plaintiffs and defendants, according as their respective appear In said Decree. YV.

BOLTON, Sheriff of Pettis County, Missouri. Blain, attorney for piaintUXa.

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