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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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COMING COniNG! TO LOGANSPORT -ON- Monday August 24th, The Greatest, Grandest, The Largest and the Best of America's Big Amusement The Great WALLACE SHOWS Honorably Conductd. nOXiiSTLy ADVERTISED. Three Rings, 2 Stages, HaH-Mile Race Track, Colossal Menagerie, Royal Museum, 1,000 Features, 100 Phenomenal Acts, 20 Ilurrlcauft Races, 23 Clowns, -1 Trains, 10 Acres OC can-mas, 20,000 Seals, 1,300 Em- ployes, Daily Expenses, 0 Bands, 00 Cages, 15 Open t)ena, a Herd of Elephants, a Drove of Camels the World Ransacked for Famous Performers and the FINEST OF ANY SHOW ON EARTH! CAPITAL! It has been necessary to employ this Enormous Sum to Equip and Organize -svlKi-t wo bei'ieve to be th.o Finest and Completed-Circus ever placed before tlie People of North Our Aim beimg to maintain it in its Proud Position. THE BEST SHOW ON EARTH. "ri OUR MENAGERIE corn-prises the No-' West Specimens procurable, of all Strange Animals, noted for their Beauty Scarcity and Ferocity, Every Clime and Continent is represented, and a in Zoology be acquired in onb-'cxam-rotvtion of our Vast Collection.of.

Mammalian, Saurian, Simian, Amphibian, 'Orinthc-loglcal and Reptilian Winders. HIPPODROME RACES. Are the Greatest ever Witnessed Under Canvass. A Fortune expanded in Thoroughbred Race Horses enables us to reproduce the Imposing Scenes of the Fa- mTons Coliseum. Scenes of Wild and Tumultous Excitement which evoked tbc Thunderous Planting of.

the Caesara w-ho Ruled Rome wlieii Old Rome "Sat on Seven Hi Us and from. Her Throne of Beauty Ruled the World." No Show on EarUi has ever provided such an ICntortainmonJ'for Its Patrons. SEE RALSTON, THE HIGH DIVER, Whose Feat of Leaping from the Washington Monument is unparalleled. GIVES A FREE EXHIBITION DAILY. OUR STREET PARADE given at 10 a.

TO. daDy is a Monster -Spectacular Exhibition, a Tlricttnph of Money. Good Taste and Art Beautiful Women, Beautiful Horses, Beautiful Costumes, A veritable Sunburst of Splendor. No other S'Jow on ithe Face of the Terrestrial Globe could afford such a Display. We have a cuirvula-tivc and comprehensive for the old-fnsnioned circus advertiser who flounders around- IB it mnss mf verbiage, bnisgtag and lv ing about li-te attraction and unable to make one statement with his show.

Wo wish to ea-y that our parade Is a true Index to the greatness and resources of this one, and ns It costs yon see It, come and Tvrtng your family ami witness If -vve have lied, CHEAP EXCURSIONS win Tie run on all lines of travel to en'aible visitors from a distance to attend this MIGHTY MONARCH OF ALL SHOWS, REMEMBER THE DATE! Never Dividas! Never Disappoints! NO GAMBLING DEVICES High Grade Efficiency is Today Required. MEN AND WAGES General News of Railroads and Railroad Employes. In the olllce of one of tliu higher oflicials: of an eastern road a few days ago tlio character of railway employes in the different departments came up for discussion, the ground being taken that iu practically all depavtmeuts a hotter grade of men were now In service than ever before. A general man- agi-r. lo take rank fore-most, must a gold HiiaiK-ial as well as transportation man; general UMiilent must be a man well oilucati-d ablo to handle men without friction: a duperlnteiidi'nf of motive power must l.H> wi-11 educated, have an economical turn and a way of pushing business when minimi; CVIMI tin- passenger conductor, I lie baggage man aiiil the bruIonian must be woll educated ami lo long huld posiliiins.

anil in all departim-uts the chnracU-. 1 of I ho men is inm-li highor than years jiuo. i-mployi- must, not Indulgo in ollii-ial whc started the generally and well -up in rending and wi-iilng. I'm' ihi'i-e an: but few hranchos of sorvici: wheiv llu-iv is not mure m- less of i-i-nding of orders and of wi-il- iilg. Tin: ol' train boconiu an important braiu-h of ilu- vice anil tvquhvs woll-oducated nn-n.

nulrk to understand orders, to halulki ti-iilns with tin- present ri-niiirKabb- i-x- eiiiption from ac-c-idi'iit. Fn-lgbl and passi-ngiT otllcials mnst bo among tho shrewdest and best odiicated men in the si-rvice; they must bo woll versed in rates, in the rules of the associations with which thi'V are connected, and quick 1o any advantage their line possesses over a compoting one. "Taking c-very said the olHcial wlio strafed the conversation, "if a road expects vo keep iu line with its competitors it must have the best of talent at the head of the dopavunit-nts and woll informed men iu the subordinate positions." An engineer of mnln- tensinc-e of way remarked thnt the statements of the superior olficor did not apply to section men, as he thought of lato there bad been inferior men employed: on Eastern roads especially, Italians and Portuguese bad taken the places of Irishmen, who in many cases helped build the roads in the Eastern and middle States, and who were vory apt at learning the methods of keeping tracks in order, distributing ballast, etc. He supposed that this was the result oC the Italians and Portuguese working for 1)0 cents per day, when the Irishmen thought their work worth ro As the matter now stands on a large number of roads only the foreman is competent to lay track or direct any work connected with that he dictating what each section man must do. At this point another official spoke up and said la-was on a road which passed through Virginia, aiid the section foremen were now ilism.if.sing the Italians and Portuguese aud iu their stead employing colored men, who were easily taught what to do and who turned oft more worls and worked just as well In the hot sun as in the shade.

This matter was discussed in'all its phases, aud the conclusion was tlia't to secure good men, competent to fill the grades of service, it was not wise to let the question of pay become of too much importance, (is a man In any branch of railroad service should lie paid according to bis ability and the ot his position, and that In no branch of service was it wise to employ a man because lie would work cheap regardless of his ability. RAILROAD NOTES. A number of yardmastors on tbc Pennsylvania lines are obtaining the names of employes who are in favor of the gold standard with a view of or- ganizlng railroad men's sound-money clubs. A high official of the Pennsylvania road makes the statement that the company's-shops at Altoona, are second in size only to the great Krupn works in Essen. At; the Altoona shops each month $275,000 is paid in wages.

On account of the dullness of manufacturing Interests the Big Four and Pennsylvania lino stations in the Indiana gas belt are not doing more than one-half- the business they did in 1SO-J and early In 1805, and It makes a marked difference in the revenue fit such stations as Anderson, Marion, Elwood. Muncie and a dozen other points that might be named. A good-steed row is in prospect over the general passenger apents to hereafter furnish free transportation to advance agents' of troupes. The theatrical uianngers, at a. recent meeting in New York, organized for the purpose of fighting the railroad companies and, as their task is rognrdod ns hopeless, in official quarters, they will abundant opportunity to present their grievances.

The that the railroads, and ih.) Traffic Associa- tion, 'are preventing, road companies because of the high, and stiff rates, and the latest action on the part of the general passenger agents will cause further hard feeling. It: begins to look as if the railroads were bent on abolishing the deadhead system. SHOCKNEY AT THE RINK Saturday Night. A J30XING CARNIVAL. Scientific.gparring: and Wrestling at the Rink.

I.nvi-rs of tin! mil illy sport, as taught liv boxi-rs the Parson Davius will to witness a very oxtviHU-il exhibition of boxing, wrestling, The rink toimirrmv evening, when L. Sullivan inn! 11 company of stars will grvi- a number of boxing boms. inlXM-sporsed with wrestling of the. SL-ienlillc order. CYiimting I his us the "P.icr 'Un's" last vithi'r in the ring or Oil stage.

Hie intm-sr felt in what form lie shows at this Cay is m-irked. 1.. Sullivan is to pugilism what: Gladstone is to English pollti.cs: notwithstanding he is no longer cliampiou, the til It- has descended iuto unworthy hands and there are now more "tallc figlitors" than really scientific boxers. It will bo interesting to'know that Sullivan Thinks of "Big Tom" SharUey's chances with Corbett in the match that has been arranged between tlic two raon. Sullivan was always a.good judge of form, ana his opinion miiy bo relied upon, barring the chance of accident.

With the 'athletic combination which appears at the rink Friday nisht are such well-known boxers and wrestlers as Da.n Creedon, Tommy White. Billy Murphy, Tom Chandler, Tom 'Tracey, and a new star which has arisen in the shape ot" a colored; 1 giant, "Big'Tom" Armstrong, a mulatto six I'eet throb in his'saudals and with a reach that, from tip to tip of his fingers with his nrms stretched out. measures three and one-half more than mighty Corbelt, or sev- onty-ninc Inches. It is said' that, tills phenomenal specimen oC physical development is also very clever nud fast, and that ho will give the heavy-weight champion a try before be is many years older. -He Is a young man, and has hail but little experience in the ring comparatively speaking, but shows.a remarkable aptness in absorbing the tricks of the fighters There Is more Catarrh In tlife section of the country than all other dis- erfSos put together, and until the last few years it was supposed to be incurable.

For a -great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease, am'd prescribed local remedies, and by constantly 'falling to cure -with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Science has catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's-Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. Cheney Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the It Is taken Internally doses from'10'drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of Hie system.

They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send, for circulars and testimonials. Address F. CHENEY Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c.

Over in Peru the street corner politicians do things up right. Whenever two men get into an argument on the street, a goods box is, at once provided and they arc asUed to make a joint debate, which usually results in gather ing 11 crowd within a few minutes. 'If the agitators in Logansport would select some convenient corner, and when they see that a debate is unavoidable would retire to'this stamping ground and fight it out, the public which suffers from blockaded sidewalks would rise up and call them blessed, and might even consent to attend the do- bate. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM Effectually yet gently, whom costive or or when the blood ir Impure or sluggish, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaK" the kid- neye and. Hvcr; a healthy activity, or weakening'them, to dispel colds, or fevers, use Syrup of to'pasture, three and miles south of Royal Center, on the William Million- i CLOTHING CLOTH rNG.

We have no old shelf worn goods, but everything new and up to date. Read the following prices: Our $15.00 Suits go for $12,00 Our $12.00 Suits go for Our $10.00 Suits go for 7.50 Our $8,00 Suits go for Our $5.00 Suits go for $3.50 50C FOR CHOICE OF ANY STRAE HAT IN THE STORE. 25c choice of any of our Children's Straw Hats. Boys'Duck Suits one third off, are bargains. Now is the time 1o buy a Suit of Clothes, a Kat or Gents Furnishing Goods, and 526 Broadway is the place to save money, These Prices are For Cash Only.

JOSEPH G.GRACE&CO., 426 BROADWAY. "Go the picturesque llackinac isla-uil via the D. C. (Coast Ltoe). It ouly costs from Detroit, $15.50 from Toledo, $18.00 from Cleveland for the roiiDJd trip including meals and berths.

Tickets for CO days, bicycles carried free. One thousand miles of lake, amd river ridiiig on new moilem steel steamers for -the above rates. Send 2c for Mlustrated pamphlets. Address, A. A.

ScliantK, G. P. Detroit. HOME-SEEKERS' EXCURSION. The Wabash Railroad company will sell excursion' tickets to points in the West, Southwest and South at very low rates on August 4 and IS, Sept.

1, 15 and 20, Oct. aid For'particulars as to limits, time of. trains and other details, call on or address C. G. NEWELL, Agent.

PLAN YOUR SUMMER CITING NOW-GO TO PICTURESQUE MACKINAC VIA THB COAST LINE. It only costs $13:50 from Detroit, from Toledo; $18.00 from Cleveland for. the round trip, Including meals and berths. One thousands miles of lake ride on new modern steel steamers, for the above rates. Semd 2c tor Illustrated pa-mplilut.

Address A. A. SCHANTZ, G. P. A.

Detroit, Mich. EXCURSION TO FT. WAYNE. Ft. Wayne'via Wabash August 23, rate for round trip, leave Logansport at 7 a.

train returning leaves Ft. Wayne at 7:30 p. m. Grand reunion of German singing societies of Northern Indiana under the auspices of the Ft. Wayne Sacnger- bund.

All the German singing societies will appear iu a musical program at Robison's park. The Ft. Wayne Saengcrbund will entertain its friends at Its now and magnificent hall at No, Go West Maiu street. NOTICE 1 TO CONSUMERS OF ILLUMINATING- GAS. desire to notify those who arc favoring us with their patronage, that the price on Artificial Gas consumed after September 1st, 1S06, will be reduced to a maximum of $1.20 per thousand cubic feet net.

We trust that this material reduction will result not only in a continuance of present custom, but also in increased patronage, which wo will continue, to 'endeavor to merit by good service and low prices. Very respectfully, LOGANSPORT WAT3ASH VALLEY- GAS CO'lfPANY, EXCURSION TO MILWAUKEE, VIA PENNSYLVANIA August 23d and. 24th, excursion tick- 'ate to MMwoukee, will'be sold.via for Republican National Convention; return coupons void Saturday August Inclusive. Drawings of All Kinds Made BYRON Draughtsman Patent Attorney. i Logansport Spiy.Block, Those who enjoy a day's outlns not fail to take advantage of the exceedingly low rate to St.

Joseph via -Train leaves the every Sunday at 7 a. m. Fare 'for the round trip, $2. G. A.

AT ST. PAUL. Spccuil Rates via Pennsylvania- Lines for National Encampment. August 30th 31st and September 1st are the dates upon which low rate round trip tickets to St. Paul will be sold via.

Pennsylvania Lines, tbe filiort route through CMcago, Tickets will be good September inclusive, and if deposited with the joint agent ait St Paul on or before September 15, the return limit will be extended to include September 30th. The rates tor tills occasion will be excep- tlc'uaily low via Pennsylvania Lines, the'only system of railways over which trains run from Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and Indiana to Chicago Untoa the natural gateway from, those States to the Northwest. Daily itrains from. Pittsburgh, Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and-Louisville make convenient connection at Chicago with St. Paul trains.

Arrangements may be made by G- A. E. Posta or partita of frlands to travel together on special trains or special cars that will go thirough 'from- starting point to the Encampment -withooit'change, If the j5 number justifies It. -Information on subject will be cheerfully furnished by representatives of tue Pennsylvania Lines. Bluffton proposes to construct sixteen miles of SIX SIX.

Special Train EXCURSIONS -TO- Maxinknckee Lake VIA THE VANDALIA LINE July ipth, z6th, and August and, pth, i6th, 23rd. Fare for the round trip 51-00. leaves Vandalia station at 9:56 am. EXCURSION TO OilAHA, PENNSYLVANIA LINES. August 17th and ISO! tiiet- ete to Omaha will be sold via Pennsylvania, Lines, or meeCng of Y.

P. C. U. of United Presbyterian return coupons valid August 25th, inclusive. On account of the G.

R. Encampment The North-Western Line (Chicago North-Western Railway) will on August 31 and September sell excursion tickets from Chicago to St. Paul aud return at rate of $8.00 for the round trip, good for return passage until September 15. with privilege of further extension to 30, 1SOG. For tickets and full information apply to agents of connecting lines, or addrr-ss A.

Waggoner, T. P. 7 Place, Indianapolis. Infl..

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