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The Salt Lake Herald from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 10

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

11IIa 10 THE SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY JUNE JL 30 1909 WOMfN STORM STORMl 1 fNT ENTRANCE TO TOPARLIAMENT 1 PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENTExciting A I INT INTExciting NT NTj Exciting Scenes in London Londontown Londonf ondonTown town When Militant Suf Suffragettes Suffragettes 11 fragettes Appear AppearOVER AppearI I i1 OVER ONE HUNDRED OF OFTHE OFTHE OFTHE THE PARTY ARRESTED ARRESTEDPARLIAMENT ARRESTEDPARLIAMENT ARRESTEDjt jt PARLIAMENT SQUARE KEPT IN INUPROAR INUPROAR INi i UPROAR FOR TWO HOURS BUT BUTTHE BUTTHE BUTTHE THE PREMIER ESCAPED ESCAPEDLondon ESCAPEDLondOIl ESCAPEDi i London June 29 tThe The thirteenth vain vainattempt vainat vainattempt attempt at mpt of the militant suffragettes to ob obtain 00tall1 obT tain access to Premier Asqultn A ultb resulted in inexciting inexciting Inexciting exciting scenes In Parliament Iarlia teRt square to toaight tonight tonight night and the arrest of more mo than HO HOwomen 1tOwoznen 110women women womenThe womenThe jThe The plan of campaign followed the lines linespreviously 110Mpreviouely 1InSpreviouely previouely employed by the suffragettes suffragettesTins nuftraetteThe The Womans parliament assembled bred In InCaxton InCaxton InCaxton Caxton hall and sent Rn a deputation head headed headed headed ed by Mrs Pankhurst to see the prime primeminister pri primll1l8ter prtneI I minister win had previously pre fttMly decided not notto notto notto to receive them themThousands themThousands thenL Thousands of Police Lined Up UpEnormous UpnonnoU8 Upr Enormous nonnoU8 crowds crow assembled a embled in the vi vicinity vidnlt vik 1 cinity dnlt of parliament house before the time timeset timeMt timeI4 I4 set for he raid upon the house around aroundwhich aroundwhich aroundwhIch which several thousand police had taken takenup up strategic positions The first note noteworthy noteorthv noteF worthy orthv incident 1 ldent was the arrest after a agreat Iigrtat aL great deal of trouble of a buxom eques equestrian 1Iqueatrlan equear trian suffragette wh tried to venetrate venetratethe netrate enetratei netratethe i the pollee cordon eor olI iO take a message to tothe tothe tothe the premier Next appeared the deputatlen deputa deputation 4 tIn uAYIer command of Mrs Pankhurst Pankhurstand Pankburstji ji and It was received by tha th crowd with withwild withwild 4 1 wild cheers Escorted by the notice the thedeputaton thedeputation thej deputation arrled arrl led at the St Stephens Stephensentrance Stephensentrance Stephensentranee entrance to parliament parJll ment where It was met metbj metb metby bj Citl Chief Inspector Scantlebury who whohanded woohandoo whohandod handed Mrs Irs nkhuret a letter from the thepremier thepremier theiremIer premier regretting his inability to re receive receh ceive tha th deputation deputationAngrily dputatJonAnBTII dtjwtaUonI I Angrily throwing the letter on the theground theground 4 ground Mrs Ire Pankhurst exclaimed exclaimedI exdalmedIatand I stand on my rights as the kings sub subject subjecf subH ject to enter the house of commons and andshe andshe andT she tried tr to force an entrance entranceInspectors en entrltneeft tra ne neI ft Inspectors I Face Slapped SlappedThe The police tried to induce the women womento to disperse quietly an anl then began to lead leadthem leadtllem leadthem them away To the surprise of the spec spectators spectatOIll spectters tators who were massed mlUlJK around the en entrance entrance 4 trance Mrs Ira Pankhurst slapped Inspector InspectorJarvis InspectorJarvis InspectorJarvis Jarvis In the face knocking his cap 5 5the the mud There were cries of shame shameand shameantI shameI I 4 and several spectators toM the suffrag suffragette I ette tte leader that she had no provocation provocationto to do such a thing thingA A moment later another an ther member of the thedeputation thedeputation thedepUtatIon deputation Mrs Saul Solomon knocked knockedoff off the inspectors cap a second ond time timewhile timewhile timewhile while ethers made efforts to rash the cor eoIi i deq of police Eventually the entire dep deputation deputatlon le utatlon was placed under arrest arrestWholesale 3 tr Wholesale Arrests ArrestsBy By this time a second deputation had left Caxton hall accompanied by some hundreds of suffragettes anti others oth ra and amitried andI andtiled I tried to reach the house of commons eommol1f through the underground passage leading Ii a from Westminster minster bridge bridlleI ibis his too was wasunsuccessful i unsuccessful but for two hours the whole le district was In an uproar the police df dispersing dfi dfr4 i 1 persing Jl Mllng the crowds antI arresting arre tlng women J1 by tho th wholesale The windows of many of the government buildings were werefcmaehed wereI re reHDailhM I smashed with stones wrapped In paper Altogether lt tber 112 vomv om were arrested In Including Including i cluding Mrs 11 PanWiurst Mrs lrs Solomon SOkilOni tJ i the Hon Mrs Havorfield daughter of off I 9 I Lord Abincer Miss Maiseason daughter daughterof I I of Lady Margesson Miss Maud Joachim I i i Ii niece of the violinist and many other otherprominent other i i 1 prominent pr mlnent women RUES TES HOT HOTComplaint OIllNREASONAD OIllNREASONADComplaint i i 1 a Complaint Oompl int of Fuel Company CompanyAgainst CompanyAgainstc Against AgainstBio rrgnst i I Bio Grande Salt Lake and Other OtherRoads OtherRoads 11 Roads Dismissed DismissedSpecial Disn DismissedT ssed ssedI Special to The Herald HeraldWashington HeraldWashlngtoll HeraldT I Washington June 19 II 9The The interstate interstatecommerce In Interstatecommerce tenta te 1 commerce commission eommls lon today dismissed dismissedthe If the complaint of the Grand Junction Min Mining Miiin lIn lInIf If ing Fuel company against the Colorado ColoradoMidland ColoradoiTl ColoradoMidland iTl Midland the Denver Rio Grande and andthe andi 1 i the San Pedro Los Angeles Salt Lake Lakerailroad 3i railroads The complainant charged the therailroad tb tbrailroad therailroad railroad companies with exacting unjust unjustand unjusti i 1 and unreasonable freight rates upon coal coalshipped coalshipped coalshipped shipped from Colorado mines to points in Intah Vtah tah Nevada California Oregon and andother 1 4 i other Pacific coast states as compared comparedwith with rates rat on coal shipped from Wyo Wyoning 0 0j 41 i 1 11111 ning and Utah mines The commission commissionholds commll5lonit it 4 holds comparing rates and taking testi testimony testli i 1 I I 1 mony mon that the rates complained of are arenot areI areI I I not unreasonable unrea onable in and of themselves themselvesconsidering 1 considering the comparatively small vol volume ume of traffic traf and the fact that trans transportation transportation 1 portation Is over mountain roads extreme extremef ly 1 expensive to opafrtte opafrtteThe 4 1 The commission points out that proba probaf bly as a result of tills complaint material materialreductions materialtI tI reductions have been made by the rail railroads railroads roads In freight rates since the com complaint comI Omplaint I plaint was filed and states that it can canfind I find no justification for ordering further furtherreductions furtherre furtherre4iUctians reductions re ucti aa and therefore the complaint is isdismissed IiT dismissed 1 CITY HALL FOR BRIGHAM BRIGHAMBuilding BRIGHAMt Building Is to Cost More than Six SixThousand SixIf SixIt If It I Thousand Dollars DollarsSpecial DollarsJ r1 Special to The He Hld HldiI Hssaldc ld ldBrtghsm Brtghsm Jun 29Thf The contract for the theerection thferfC theU iI erection erfC Uon of the new city clt hall and fire firestation fireI re reI I I station has been let to Lars Hansen his hisbid hl6n hisbid bid being beltl SMH U4 The building will be bebuilt bebuilt built of light pressed pres ed brick with cement cementconcrete cementi cementconcrete i concrete basement basementFuneral ba basementi emtnt emtntt i I Funeral services were hold In the Third Thirdward Thirdward ThirdJ ward meeting house Sunday hfternoon hfternoonover afternoonover over the remains of Olson an old ohlresident oldi oldresI1cnt i resident rel nt of this city Mr Ir Olson died from frompneumonia 1 I pneumonia after a short Illness He came cameto Ii I to this city clt from Chrlstiania Norway in inJSif inId InI Id 1 JSif 1 and was one of the veteran painters paintersof i Ii ot this county He was 67 years of age ageand ageV 1 1 and leaves a wldbw and seven children childrenWork childrenWork childrenWork Work Is being prosecuted utfd on the pro proposed proV i posed paving of district No between betweenThird betWHnI betweenThIrd Third and Fifth South streets on the theweet theif thei i if west sde de of Main The cement l1Knt walk will willlikely willV 111 111i 5 i I likely be completed by July 4 4About ti 4About i About 339 3 veterans terM left this morning morningwith mornings with the old folks party to enjoy the out outing outinK outV ft inK ii Salt Lake City CityAn ctt cttJ Cityy VV All automobile party composed eompo ed of Dr DrA DrA DrV1 V1 A Ensign Victor Mads Madsen and FBo FV Bo noTlng wring made a run out to Garland go going goj gotug tug via ia Corinne and returning by way of ofHoneyvilte oft Honeyvilte to boost for the Fourth of ofJuly orJuly ofV July celebration celebrationYesterday celebratIonVV VV 3 Yesterday Yesterd a son was born to the wife wifeof wifec of Leo Lurd 1 1 TORNADO IN DAKOTA DAKOTAReports DAKOTAil il Reports ofDeath of Death and Wrecked Prop Property Property Property erty In Belt BeltGrand Beltil BeltGrand il i Grand Forks June SLneon LtncoaV Uncon Unconfirmed VPt 11 firmed reports from Leeds state that thateight thatri ij eight persons were killed outright and andsimilar andshlillar 1 similar reports repor from Mlnneawaukon say sayoqe sa sayi 0 i 1 one wonvn IWn was killed and a nunibcr uf ufpersons ufc i 4 persons snjured and that the entire town townwas 4 I was as destroyed tonight by a tornado tornadoWires tornadot tornadot i i Wires in the northern part of the state stateare statet stateVtt Vtt 1 i i are down Between twenty twent and thirty thirtyfarm thirtyfarm thirtyfarm farm houses are reported rep rtfd wrecked wreckedA Jj A series serl of tornadoes swept over the thesmall a 4 i small district in the vicinity vlclnlt of ofNiles Miles lIes The Thetwisters Theit Thetwisters twisters followed at intervals of a a i few fewminutes fe1 fe1I fewminutes it I minutes and the last was the most vio violent vioL4 viaj L4 1 I lent All 11 six members of the family fa II of ofErlck ofv i Erick Urneaa near Niles Il were injured Inl red Unity hall 138 South Second East EastWednesday EastVedJ1esday EastV Wednesday June 30 apron sale 430 30 pIn prn jm supper 7 pm 2Ec 2EcJ sc 5cJ VP VV I I If Ladies and Childrens Free Day DayPrtxez Day1rbes DayrIzes Prtxez rIzes for the best swimmers Wan Wandaniere Wandabiere an and daniere lIere Thursday Kids 1 lds day I Superior Baking Com ComTastes Companys CompanysTastes Tastes Tastesgood Tastesgood Vt good goodall all all the theway theway thef theway 1 1all way down downSold downerfect Sold in Sealed Wrappers Wrappers9W Only Onlyct 9W Perfe erfect ct ctCLEAN Loaf LoaflOc oa 1 lOc Oc CLEAN LEA NAN AND SANITARY SAN I TAR 1A 1 1OC UC Oc OcJIItot JIItot Delinquent Notice NoticeSEVKN NoticeSEVEN NoticeSEVEN SEVEN TROUGHS MONARCH MINES MINESo Co principal place of business Salt Lake LakeCity LakeCltl LakeCity City Utah UtahNotice nahNoUceTbere UtahotIceTbere Notice NoUceTbere There are delinquent upon the thefollowing thefollowing thefollowing following described eribed stock on account of ofassessment orsement ofassessment assessment sement levied on the 2Jd fd day of May May18fl MaytM Maythe 18fl the several amounts net opposite oppositethe the names of the respective shareholders shareholdersto sharcboldento1t shareholderstowit to to1t to1tCtC towitCtt wit witCtf Ctf Number Amt AmtXo AmtNo AmtNo No Name azne shares due dueB 4 Gordon WWW WWWS iGM iGME 7I0B Gordon WOW 000 TS90 7 7510B 7 Gordon HSWO IO 14iB 750 7 OO 8 Gordon SODO KW 2750IC 9 Garde 5000 KM 10 Gordon 5000 3789 31 11 Gordon 5000 sue 3750II 16 6 A KimbAll 30008 OOO moo 67300Joe mooIt It Joe Patrick 11800 8100 8100H 21 Jas Chrtetianpen 8088 6009 8000M 31 Evans 11200 ll 8100 8100K 6 A McConachie 30 0 240 S7 1 A McComlck 11MO 8400 S400Mrs 25 Mrs McCornlck 1JOOO 9000 I 29 Ceo Winenera 8090 0000 6000A 3t 2 A Crorford 8000 8000 8000Ii 33 Ball 8000 6000 44 Joe Buzzo 9JS9 JSe 9890 81 814i 46 4 VanVoorhis 11380 11 8469 47 Ackerman 8600 6060 0000it 54 Arthur Handed GIll 4 t80 SO SOS6 S6 Geo Pyper 8000 6 atII atIIit WSJ SJ Tlbbals Tlbb 02SO 9 8869 55 5 A Whitney 1LJOO 8400 SUJOII 88 II McCarrlck S998 mM mM8T 8T 5 Mrs Geraldtne Howard 1995 1 19 1497 1497J 10 KlHott 28W 1500 1500it 76 A BamfOrd UK 34S6 71 1 Spelman 38 ISO 300 300j 72 Mrs Spelman 389 JGU 73 Fred Paris 1886 SII tOO tOOj 74 Morgan Hayes 1000 736 7 75 3 Chris Vincent Utt9 780 78 Thee Sutton 3609 3700 1roS8 I 56 Horace Howard L9 1 1901 1497 149II 83 II Simpson 87 74 74SS SS 8 Darrow ZJDO K75 K75t7 1575SVT I t7 Cook 2698 2 1500 1500IU 111 Roy Saville 660 375 375US 37iIII US A Eardley 1698 1 759 756m 01 Fred Schmidt 1003 7SO 122 Juntas Junl Young U9 1 966 988m 18 1 Mrs Ir Croxford 1000 750 124 12 A Good MM If 1 150 i 125 1 Williams 1086 1 1J13 75 75in in 1 Grtmsdell 1011 75 I I1M 134 A Thyni 900 B75 137 3 John ChUm 1000 750 75018S Olag lag 13 Evelyn Lewis 1000 750 750iso 5O iso Wm Howard Tlbbals TI be1s 1698 I 10 750 7501W 00 1W 1 10 Mildred TibbaJs 1000 760 141 Helen Tlbbals 1000 750 750Si 50 57 Harry Knowles goo 37 3 1 15 150 Irwin 9000 8750 rroICJ 1 ICJ A Knudsen 8600 6000 6100If 1 If 165 Dietrich Wlltlg 5W6 089 3750 3100IC 3760l 1 IC 3 Dietrich Wlltlg wn tlg 5000 000 3750 37501S4 3750l4 0 0l5t 1S4 Dietrich Wlltlg LOSS 3750 3750US 3i50I US I PSpaMlng 2200 200 1650 165016C 1656llC 16C 1 1 PtSpaldlng paldlng 2000 000 1500 1 117 7 paldlng 2000 1500 liOO17t 17 17t Ceo A Smith 2006 0Q6 1500 171 Pyper S860 4500 4i00m 173 Geo Weodm eodiR 5000 000 3750 173 Geo Woodln 389 3 22aO 174 Tlbbals 2000 ly 1500 177 Montrose 2000 0 1500 178 Gruettner 12M 1 900 1 111 Gnekow 2000 1300 1500l I 185 I Conl ConJey 7J80 5400 I 1 155 1 Tlbbals 8000 0000 tiOOOAnd 0000And I IAnd And in accordance with ltk the law la and andthe andthe 1 the order of the board of directors made madeon on the 2M day of May Ia U09 so many mamshares manysbares mansshares shares of each parcel of such stock as asmay asmay asmay may be necessary will be sold at public publicauction publicauction publicauction auction at room 427 Walker block blockSalt blockSalt Salt Lake City Utah on Saturday Jul July 10 16 at the hour our of 3 oclock in into mto into to pay the delinquent assessment togeth together er with the cost of advertising and ex expense expeDlle cxposse posse of sale saleH 1 CHAMBERLAIN CHAMBERLAINSecretary CHIDERLAIKSeeretar CHAMBERLAINSecretary Secretary SecretaryOffice SeeretarOffice SecretaryOffice Office Walker Bros Bankers Salt Lake LakeCity LakeCity City ctt Utah NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THATa a special meeting of the stockholders stockholdersof of the BinghamStandard Copper com company compau company pany a Utah corporation will be held heldat htldat heldat at the principal office of the compan companat companyat at No 66 West It Third South street Salt SaltLake SaltLake SaitLake Lake City State of Utah on Friday the theninth thenInth theninth ninth day of July Jul A 1009 at 2 oclock oclockIn In the afternoon of said day da for the pur purpose pu pupee purpose pose of considering and passing upon the thefallowing thefollowing thefollowing following proposition 1 A sale proposed by resolution of the theboard theboard theboard board of directors of this corporation at ata atII ata a special meeJng of said board bof1 of the thefranchises thefranchlle8 th thfranchises franchises and all assets of this corpo corporation corporation corporation ration both real and personal and andever uf ufevery ofevery every ever name and nature to the Utah UtahMetal Utahetal UtahMetal Metal etal Mining I1nln company a Maine corpora corporation qlrporatlon cirporation tion for 300000 shares of the capital capitalstock capitalstock capitalstock stock of said Utah Metal Mining com company cornpany pany of which said 900000 shares of ofstock ofstock ofstock stock IfiOeee shares are to be assigned and andset andset andset set over by this corporation to and held heldby heldby heldby by a trustee of said Id Malno corporation corporationfor for treasury purposes 2 To consider any an other business which whichmay whichmay whichmay may come befofe the meeting CLARK CLARKR SAMPSON SAMPSONW HUBBAIfD Secretary SecretaryDirectors Directors Alta Club ClubS ClubSpecIal Special eclal Meeting of ofStockholders ofStockholders ofStockholders Stockholders StockholdersNOTICE StockholdersNOTICE StockholdersNOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THATa a special meeting of the members and andstockholders andetockholdtrs andstockholders stockholders of the Alta club a corpo corporation corporation corporation ration of Utah has been called by the theboard thfboard theboard board of directors to be held at the club clubbuilding clubbulldlnJ clubbuilding building southeast corner of State and andSouth andSouth andSouth South Temple streets Salt Lake City Utah on Saturday July 17 1808 at 8 8oclock Ioclock Soclock oclock At the meeting the stock stockholders stockhmders stockholders holders and members will be asked to toauthorize toauthorIze toauthorize authorize the directors of the club to tomake tomake tomake make a total note or bond Issue of one onehundred onehundred onehundred hundred thousand dollars on such terms termsand termand termsand and conditions as such directors may maythink maythink maythink think best for the purpose of remodel remodeling remodelIng remodellog ing and building addition to club build buildIng buildIng building Ing as per plans approved by the board boardof of directors as well as to provide for forthe forthe forthe the payment or refunding of the existing existingmortgage existingmortgaee existingmortgage mortgage or bonds of fortyfour thou thousand thouMnd thousand sand dollars whIch mature July Jul 16 19M 19MThe 19mThe 19141The The stockholders and members will also alsobe alllobe alsobe be asked to direct and empower such suchdirectors suchdIrectors suchdirectors directors by their president and secre secretary seerftary secrctory tary to borrow said one hundred thou thousand thouAnd thousand sand dollars for the corporation and to tosecure tolIecure tosecure secure payment of sam by execution and anddelHery anddellytry anddelivery delivery of promissory notes or bonds bondaand bondsRnd bondsand and mortgage or deed of trust for and andas anJas andas as the a ad of the th corporation corporationBy By oder of the board boardD JACKLING President PresidentF SCHRAMM Secretary SecretaryDated SecretaryDated SecretaryDated Dated June 26 6 1909 1 1MoneyBack The TheMoneyBack TheMoneyBack MoneyBack MoneyBackShoe Shoe Store StoreGives Gives you shoe service much muchsuperior muchsuperior muchsuperior superior to the ordinary ordinaryThe The extensive carefully se selected selected Selected lected lines give you scope scopeof of selection unequalled in the thewest thewest thewest west The qualities repre represented represented represented sented allow satisfaction for forevery forevery forevery every purse The superior superiorgrades superiorgrades superiorgrades grades will please the keen keenest keenest keenest est judge of footwear and andthe andthe andthe the Moneyback guarantee guaranteegoes goes with th every pair pairONE8ACKSHOEJ pairgza gza gzaV 3 ONE8ACKSHOEJ 238240 Main Street Streetat Street12Pr Street2Price 12Pr 2Price 2PriceSale ce ceSale Sale Saleat at the thePopular thePopular thePopular Popular Clothing ClothingCompany ClothingCompany ClothingCompany Company 322 SOUTH MAIN MAINBO 80 doz 25c Fancy Lisle Thread ThreadSeamless Threadales ThreadSeamless Seamless ales Hose to 101 101So i igoat So goat at 12 i TC TC50c TCSOc c50c 50c Silk Reversible Ties all the thelatest thet thelatest latest patterns pa Sale Sal25c Saleprice rprice price 25c 25cFor OC OCFor CFor For Monday Tuesday and andWednesday andWednesday andWednesday Wednesday only Were right below Walkers WalkersEat WalkersEat rw va LifT wEat Eat With Madam Jumel Jumelshes Jumelshes Jumelshes shes charming charmingPhone Phone 65 for the correct time timeI I IA UNION DENTAL CO 212 MAIN STREET STREETHONEST STREETHONEST STREETHONEST HONEST WARK WARKHONEST WARKHONEST WARKHONEST HONEST PRICES PRICESPainless Painless extraction of teeth or orno orno orno no pay All A1I1 work guaranteed guaranteedCoolet guaranteedCoolelot guaranteedCoolest Coolest office hi i the dty dtyElectric cityElectric dtyElectric Electric fen at each chair chairREMEMBER chairREMEMBER chairREMEMBER REMEMBER US USWe USWe USWe We Treat You Right RightAssessment RightAssessment RightAssessment Assessment No No6 No6MOUNTAIN 6 6MOUNTAIN 6MOUNTAIN MOUNTAIN DELL CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATEDMining Mining company Principal place of bus business busIness businesg iness Room 1109 Kenhouse building Salt SaltLake SaltLake sajLake Lake City Ctah CtahNotlcf Notice is hereby given giventhat giventhat giventhat that at a meeting of the board of di directors directors dlrectors rectors of the Mountain Dell Consolidated ConsolidatedMining COIIOIldatedMining COnolkjatedMining Mining company held on Jthe the lith th day of ofJune otJune ofJune June 1 19 an assessment of one and one onehalf onehalf onehalf half Cl1fz 1 cents per share was levied and andassessed andaneSIIM andassessed assessed on the capital stock of said cor corporation corporatlen cotporatien poration payable at the office of BHall BHall BHall Hall secretary retary of said company at Room 1109 Newhouse building on or before July 19 1009 Any stock upon which said as assessment asI assessment sessment I may ma remain unpaid on the said said19th saJdda said19th 19th day da of July 190 will be delinquent delinquentand and nd advertised for sale 1 le at public auction auctionand auctionand auctionand and unlts pa paymEnt merit is made before will willbe willhe wflilie be sold on In the 5th 5t day of August 1908 1908at 1801at at 1 131 of I said day da to tf pay ay th the said delinquent issesment together with the thecost thecost thecost cost of advertising and expenses of sale HALL Secretary Location of office 1106 Newhousa build buildins bulldIn buildlog ins In Salt Lake City Utah I I I I Lkvt LkvtMENS i iir i iI I I jI I MENS OXFORDS OXFORDSThe The Oxford season sea on is i here again and andwhat andwhat andwhat what a season It will be beA beA beA A good pair of Oxfords will mark the thewell thewell thewell well groomed man manWe manve manWe We ve are showing the latest models modelsmade modelsmade made by makers that know how howTies howTies howTies Ties Button or Blucher style Bright Brightleathers Brightleathen Brightleathers leathers or dull finish Medium or nar narrow narrow row toe Extreme styles or conserva conservative cOlJ8ervathe conservaV I the models Straight or Swing lasts lastsSale lauSale laatSale Sale Prices 285 S3S5 and I8 115Stores S5 S5Stores I Stores Salt Lake and Ogden i Ii I 1 1I 1All I All Ladies Cloth ClothSuits ClothSuits ClothSuits Suits at atHalf atHalf atHalf Half Price PriceYour Your credit is good 1 a Wet week weekor i ior I Ior or 4 a month monthThe monthThe monthThe The Western Outfit Co 266 So State StateBranch StateBranch StateBranch Branch Store in Butte ButteTo ButteTo ButteTo To get your clothes clothescleaned clothescleaned clothescleaned cleaned right rightCall Call Bell Exchange 18 or lid IS ISRegal 1 1Regal iRegal Regal Cleaning Djei DlelOg Co jy jyCool I I II I I I II ICool I I Cool Nights on the theIn theNorth I North Bench BenchIn In the sultry summer weather when the business busln district Is like kea keafurnace Jfurnace afurnace furnace residents of the North Bench are breathing pure arander aranderjoying air and ejoying ejoylng joying the pool ool canyon breezes breezesIt It Is not living to be crowded into close quarters In the downto downtostreets downtowstreets downt05strcets streets Get a home on the North Bench away from the citys dus dusand dusand diisand and heat Then even if you work downtown you know that your wife wiftand wifeand Wand and little ones are comfortable and you can canloMc look forward to toevenings eevenings COG COGevenings evenings on the veranda of your own home homeFollowing homeFollowing homeFollowing Following are a few of the splendid values in I rewdence propel propelwe pro pert pertwe we have to offer offerOn offerOn offerOn On Tenth avenue between and streets tw two fine 5 and 6ros1 6ros1south 6roosouth 6rOtsouth south front red brick bungalows One short block from new fleWavenue Nnt Nntavenue nf nfavenue avenue car line Halls living rooms and an dining dtnln rooms have ave fir fl flIsh fin finIsh flflVish Ish stained mission Dining rooms have beam be ceilings plate ran ranand ratiand re1and and paneled walls Large bath rooms kitchen pantries with Wit bdrawers bins binsdrawers bmndrawers drawers and shelves Every convenience Wired for electric i Ii Ig IgLarge 9n 9nLarge 9 ntJ ntJd Large front porches screened i iPrices IPrices 0 0Prices 30 feet by 10 feet Back porches Icreene Prices Nos 321 and 333 Tenth avenue 3S 3SNorthwest 3580 3580Northwest L501Northwest Northwest corner Ninth avenue and street Four 2story pres presbrick preSIC preSICbrick pre3Hbrick brick houses Eight Eightrooms Eig Erooms tAI On new Ninth avenue car line Newest designs rooms Complete modern plumbing Full basement AI Hotwater HotwaterFront Hotwa er erFront neat iea ieaFront Front and back porches Good sized lots Will be finished i abai1 abai1four ab abfour abGfour four weeks Prices upon application applicationNo No 257 Tenth avenue Fiveroom cement and ais pebbledash bun bunalow bU u5 u5alow i ialow alow new thoroughly modern lot 41 feet 3 inches by 123 feet feetInches feetinches 9 9Inches Inches and driveway Price 3500 3500Salt 3500Salt 3500V Salt Lake LakeSecurity LakeSecurity LakeSecurity Security Trust TrustCompany TrustCompany TrustV Company 32 Up Main Street I ESTATE ESTIITEIdeal DAY DAYCAllS DAYCALLSBIG CAllS CALLSBIG BIG CROWD CROWDIdeal Ideal Day Makes Excursion to toSaltair toSaltair toSaltair Saltair a Great GreatSuccess GreatI GreatSuccess I Success SuccessDAWCING SuccessDANCING SuccessDANCING DANCING AND BATHING BATHINGSWIMMING BATHI BATHINGSWIMMING jG jGSWIMMING SWIMMING RACE BY TWO WOM WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN EN FEATURE NOT ON PROGRAM PROGRAMIt It was a large and merry crowd that thatcelebrated thatted thatcelebrated celebrated ted Real Estate day da at Saltalr Saltalryesterday SttltalreMeniay Saltairyesterday yesterday At midnight the gate re reports reports Yeports ports showed that 11000 people hud passed passedinto pas passedinto ed edlato into the resort One thousand thou and people peoplecame peopleeame peoplecame came to the lake after 9 oclock in the theevening theevenIng theevening evening Several thousand tickets were weresold were801d weresold sold to thelake the lake by representatives repre entatlv 5 of the theReal theRfal theHeal Real Estate association that were re not nottaken IIfItbdtn nottaken taken up at the resort and when the thewhole thewhole thewhole whole sale is counted the real estate men menwin menwiD menwill win have made a good showing Thirtytwo trains to the lakeeach lake each way waywas waywas waywas was the schedule and each of the trains trainscarried trailcarrltd trainscarried carried many passengers from fro fropi 10 1 oclock oclockyesterday oclD oclockyesterday ktJ8terday yesterday morning until 11 oclock last lastnight lastnl8ht lastnight night nightA A more pleasant day could not have haveboen haveooen havebeen been selected for the event A cool coolbreese coolbree coolbreese breese bree blew from the lake all the after afternoon afternoon afternoon noon and most of the evening Bathing Bathingwas was the principal amusement during the theafternoon theIIfternoon theafternoon afternoon and at one time there were wereover wereowr wereover over 409 people in the water waterSwimming waterSwimming waterSwimming I Swimming Race Is Tie TieA I A feature of this part of the entertain entertainment entertalnm entertainnAnt I ment nt which came wholly wholl unplanned and andwhich andwhich andwiich I which was witnessed by only a few bath bathers bathare oathrs ers rs who happened to be at the right spot spotat at the th proper moment was a swimming swimmingnibtcli swimmingnutch swimmingmatch match between Miss lIs Valeda Madison of ofBritt ofItrltt ofunit Britt Ia and Miss 1I8 Marie Linehan of ofMinneapolis oflInneapolis ofMinneapolis Minneapolis These young women are areboth areboth areboth both school teachers and are making a atour atour atour tour of the west They happened to meet meetat at Saltalr yesterday and of course got gotInto gotInto gotinto Into the lake about the first thing Both Bothyoung Bothyoung Bothyoung young women were clever swimmers and andwhen andwh andwhen wh when a bunch of real estate men who whowere whowere whowere were also in this particular section of the thelake tMlake thelake lake proposed a race and offered a little littleprim littleprIM littleprI prim prI in the shape of a dinner at the theLeviathan theLeviathan theLeviathan Leviathan the school marms entered enteredInto enteredInto enteredInto Into the proposition at once The die distance dlstanee dietanee tanee they swam was about forty fort yards yardsand yardsand ards ardsand and they the were so evenly matched that thatthe thatthe thatthe the race ended a tie and Instead of one onegirl onegirl onegirl girl getting the feed they both dined dinedTheraas dinedTherJt dinedThereps Theraas as not a mishap of any kind to tomar tomar tomar mar theaays th1f ys entertainment The amuse amusements amuStneJ1ts amusemeats meats at the resort were well patronized patronizedall all of the time Many of the pleasure pleasureseekers pleasureekers pleasureseekers seekers brought their lunches but the new newcafe newcafe newcafe cafe did a rushing business just th thtame thfWlme the theiame tame There was plenty of dancing to torood togood togood good music in the afternoon and even evenIng evenIng evenIng Ing All of the real estate firms of the thecity thecity thecity city were represented at the lake The Theentire Theentire Theentire entire force of employes of many man of the thecompanies theCmpanles thecompanies companies were there as well as the theheads thehe6ds theheads heads of the firms Butte Woman Interested InterestedProbably InterestedProbably interestedProbably Probably no other person at the lake lakeyesterday lakeestlrday lakeyesterday yesterday was as much interested in Salt SaltLake SaltLake SaltLake Lake real estate as Mrs Mamie Holllnga Holllngaworth Holllngsworfis worth of Butte Mont Mrs Hollings Hollingsworth Holllngsworth Holiingsworth worth has recently purchased some valua valuable valuable valuable ble property in Salt Lake and at the thepresent theliresent thepresent present time Is drawing her own plans plansfor for a sixteenapartment flat building buildingwhich buildingwhleh buildingwhich which she Intends to have ha under construc construction construetion tion in a short time At Saltairyester Saltairyesterday Saltalresterday day Mrs Hollingsworth said saidIt saidIt saidIt It has given me much pleasure to be behere behere behere here at this beautiful place with the thereal thereal thereal real estate people today If there is any anything anything anything thing that I am interested in now it ItSalt is isSalt isSalt Salt Lake real estate A short time ago agoI I commenced to invest InY a little money moneyhere moneyhere moneyhere here and now I am putting every cent centI I can Into this town I have gone along alongthe alongthe alongthe the streets in Butte and have heard men mentalking mentalkln mentalking talking about the possibilities of Salt SaltLake SaltLake SaltLake Lake on half the corners that I passed passedS COURT IT CASES CASESDISPOSED DISPOSED OF OFDefendants OFDefendants OFDefendants Defendants in Criminal Cases Plead PleadGuilty FleadGuiltyThree PleadGuiltyThree Guilty GuiltyThree Three Boys Sentenced Sentencedto to Prison PrisonSpecial FrisonSpecial PrisonSpecial Special to The Hentfd Her HerdjdHuntington HentfdHuntington dHuntington Huntington Utah June 29 29The The Sev Seventh Se Seenth 5eveuth enth judicial district court convened at atCaatledale atCastledale atCastledale Castledale on Monday June SI and al although although although though there was a good sized calendar calendarthe the business wis disposed of by Wednesday Wedntsday Wednes VedMsday day The defendants in all the crim criminal crimInal crimmat inal cases pleaded plead guilty so that no Jury Jurywas JUl JUlwas jurywas was used The sad feature of the term termwas termwas was 85 the sending of thrie thr boys to the thepenitentiary toopenitentiary thepenitentiary penitentiary for six months each and one oneto oneto oneto to the reform school for several years yearsThe yearsThe ears earsThe The calendar disposed of is as follows followsThe followsThe followsThe The stat state of Utah vs Magnus Knudsen KnudsenAlvin InudsenAhln iCnudsenAlvin Alvin Larson and Lamar Killpack Killpackcharged Killpackcharged iCillpackcharged charged with breaking into the Ferronsaloon Ferronsaloon Ferron Ferronsaloon saloon pleaded guilty and were sen sentenced llenten sentenced tenced ten to jail for six months each eachThe eachThe eachThe The state of Utah vs Ivan I Ake Akeiund Akalund Akelund lund charged with forgery pleaded guilty guiltyand guiltand guIltyand and was sentenced to the industrial school schooluntil schoolnUI schooluntil until he Is IsU 21 years of age he is now only onl onll onlThe 15 15The The state of Utah vs Sylvester Shaw Shawcharged Shawcharlloo Shawcharged charged with breaking into a freight car carat carat carat at Woodside Vood ide he pleaded plea ed guilty and re received received received ceived a sentence tenee of six months In the thepenitentiary toopenltentlar thepenitentiary penltentlarToJl penitentiary penitentiaryTown Town of Caslledalc vs George Bran Brandon Brandon Brandon don appeal from justices court where wherehe he had received lved a sentence of 88 fine fineand fineand fineand and twenty days in the county count jail for forselling forselling forselling selling liquor without a license pleaded pleadedguilty pleadedgulty pleadedguilty guilty and on recommendation of the town townattorney townattorney townattorney attorney Woods oods was sentenced sentencedto to pay a fine of 90 90Thes iOThem 1 1ThelMl Them ended the criminal cases when whenthe whenthe whenthe the folio following lowl wing civil cases were disposed of ofPrtocilla ofPrtcllla ofPriscilla Prtocilla Jennings et al vs Emery Emerycounty Ernercounty Emerycounty county et Hal al action to quiet title case casecontinued ca casecontinued econtlnuEd continued for the term termV Edwin Tribble vs Fullmer and andMatt andMatt Matt Warner arneI action for damages damagesdlsml case casedismissed casedismissed dismissed dlsml sed at the cost of the defendants defendantsIn In the matter of the state of Utah vs vsthe vsthe Sthe the Gr Green River bank receivership pro proceedings proceeding proceedungLV ceedings sal 515 confirmed confirmedMerrtell conftnnedIerrlell confIrmedMerriell Merrtell Bolinger Lumber company vs vsKmma vsEmma sEmma Emma Ramsey action for recovery case casecontinued callecontinued casecontinued continued continuedState continuedState VState State Bank of Keota a corporation vs vsG vsG 11 11G Lalng et al action for recovery recoveryof recover recoverof of money case eIl continued continuedPeter eofltlnuedPeter cantinuedPeter Peter Furlong vs Reuben Bra Brasher Bralibel Brasher sher action for recovery of personal personalproperty personalproperty personalproperty property dcMon in inV favor of plaintiff plaintifffor for 7 iI and costs costsE 1 Cook vs tb the Green Greenfllver River Mutual MutualIrrigation MutualIrrigation IutualIrrigation Irrigation company motion to set aside asidedefault asidedefault asidedefault default case transferred tra ferred to Carbon Carboncounty CarboncOURty Carboncounty county countyThe cOURtyThe countyThe The Utah Land La Fruit company vs vsOscar vsOscar SOscar Oscar Coleman et al action for re recovery recovery recovery covery of 0 money case continued continuedJoseph contlnuetlJONPb continuedJoseph Joseph Dttmayne vi I Lilly I Dunmyne Dunmynedivorce DUDl Dumkynedivorce lne lnedivorce divorce granted at the last term of court courtmet courtmetloR courtmotion motion met km for a new trial continued for the theerm theterm theterm term termG ermQ Middleton vs Julia 1 Middieton Middietonmotion Middletonmotion I1ddletoomotion motion to retax costs filed contempt part partof partof JQrtor of case continued costs revised revisedSarah revisedSarah revisedSarah Sarah I Davis ve Morgan Davis Davisaction Davisaction Davisaction action for divorce interlocutory decree decreen In favor of plaintiff granted grantedNorvell grantedNorvell grantedNorveil Norvell Shapltegh Hardware company companyvs ompanvs vs Rasmussen action for recovery recoveryof of money passed pa eed for term termJ Johnson and Sarah Johnson vs vsr vsC 8 8C Maxwell action to cancel note con continued continued continued tinued tinuedL A Bundy VS A 1 Steel Ella MSteel I ISteel ISteel Steel and Thurman action for fore foreclosure foreelosure foreclosure closure on motion of defendants coun counsel countoel counel sel el the case was dismissed on account of ofdelect ofoJefeet ofdetect detect in summons summonsIn In the matter of the estate of Joseph BJohnson EJohnson BJohnson Johnson deceased motion Ift tlon to set setproperty aside asideiroperty addproperty property for use of family granted grantedIn In the matter of the estate of Ann AnnWrlgley AnnVlgl AnnwLgl Wrlgley Vlgl petition to sell property granted grantedIn In the matter of the estate of Andrew Andrewlasmussen AndrcwRaCmussen AndwRaqmussen lasmussen deceased ased petition for admin admlnstrator adminIstrator administrator Istrator A Wall was as appointed appointedEstate appointedEstate appointedEstate Estate of Ingaborg Pehrson deceased deceasedSamuel deceasedSamutl deceasedSamuel Samuel AJken was appointed adminis admlnlsrator administrator administrator trator on filing flllD a bond of J100 J100In 100 100In 100In In the matter of th the estate of James JamesThomscn Jam JamThomsn JammThomsn Thomsn deceased petition denied OTHERS HELPED HELPEDIII ED EDEN III THE THEEvidence THEMURDER THEMURDEREvidence MURDfR MURDfREvidence Evidence Tending to Show ShowThat ShowThat ShowThat That Leon Ling Had HadS Sev Several veral veral eral Accomplices AccomplicesBODY BODY TAKEN TO LAUNDRY LAUNDRYTHEN THEN TO NEWARK AND ANDFINALLY ANDFINALLY ANDFINALLY FINALLY BACK TO NEW YORK YORKNew YORKNew YORKNew New York June 29 29Leon Leon Ling the thepolice thepollee thepolice police declared tonight had accom accomplices accompllceli accompllcea plices In the murder of Elsie Slgel It Itwas Itwas Itvas was also established although a tele telegram telegram telegram gram signed with Leon Lings name nameand nameand nameand and In his writing was sent Irom IromWashington 1110Vashlngton 1mmWashington Washington he could not have been beenthere beenthere beenthere there at the date on which the message messagewas was sent The police furthermore furthermorehave have accounted in detail for the move movements movements movements ments of the girls body as it i was wasmoved wasmoved wasmoved moved hither and thither after the thecrime thecrime thecrime crime up to the moment of its discov discovery dlSoery dIseovery ery eryThe The facts as to the movement of the thebody thebOdy thebody body in New York now added to the thedetails thedetails thedetails details previously unearthed concern concerning concernIng concerning ing the trip to Newark came out outthrough outthrough outthrough through Arthur Logan an expressman expressmanin expressmar1in in the employ of the Constitution Ex Express Expreu Express press company com pan Logan said that at 1230 June 9 the supposed day da of ofthe ufthe ofthe the murder a lean lightcolored Chi Chinaman Chinaman naman agreeing perfectly with the de descriptions descriptions scriptions of Leon Ling called at his hisoffice hisoffice office and told him that he wanted a atrunk atrunk trunk carted from the top floor of 782 782Eighth j8 j8Eighth 78Eighth Eighth avenue to the address of a aChinese aChinese aChinese Chinese laundry which his hI book entry entryshows entryshows entryshows shows as Wah Tali Ken I ce Sib jO West est One OneHundred OneHundred OneHundred Hundred and Twentysixth street streetMurderer streetMurderer streetMurderer Murderer Was Waiting WaitingWhen WaitingVhen Waitln WaitlnWhen When Logan entered the Eighth ave avenue avenue ayenue nue house shortly afterward he found foundLeo foundLeo foundLeo Leo Ling waiting for him at the top of ofthe ofthe ofthe the fourth flight of stairs he says The Thedoor TIedoor Thedoor door to his room stood open but it was wasso waeSQ wasso so dark that the place looked like a acave acave acave cave He did not see the trunk until untilhe untilhe untilhe he stumbled on it but he noticed that thatthe thatthe i the door to the adjoining room was wasajar wasajar wasajar ajar and that four Chinamen who wore worequeues worequeues worequeues queues were moving about This is the thedoor thedoor thedoor door that Chung Sin Leon Lings in intimate Intimate Intimate timate who was detained as a witness witnesshas wltn6Ishas witnesshas has sworn was closed closedLogan dosedLogan closedLogan Logan lifted the trunk with the help helpof of his assistant and though he is a astrong astrong astrong strong man found it heavy heavyHe heav heavHe He found Walt Keen waiting for him himat himat himat at the Harlem address addressTrunk addressTrunk addressTTunk Trunk said Wah All light Fit Fifty Flfty Fitty ty cents centsTrunk cen centsTrunk ts tsTrunk Trunk Left at Laundry Fifty cents had been the charge chargeagreed chargeagreed chargeagreed agreed on with Leon Ling Lln Wah Kee Keeknew Keeknew Keeknew knew of It in advance so the express expressman expressman sman man thinks and his views are shared sharedby by the police There was no hesitancy hesitancyabout heltaneyabout hesitancyabout about accepting Jhe the trunk Walt ah Kee Keeordered Keeordered Keeordered ordered it carried 1 through the laundry laundryand laundrand and kitchen to the sleeping room in the therear therear therear rear where Logan left itearly ItNearly it itNearly Nearly eight hours later a well welldressed welldressed welldressed dressed Japanese as the starter of the theNew thleNew theNew New York TaxIcab company then thenthought thenthou thenthought thought thou ht him to be called at the com companys compans cornpanys panys branch office at the corner of ofDne ofOne ofOne One Hundred and Twentyfirst and andEighth andEighth andeighth Eighth avenues and asked how much muchit it would cost him for a taxicab to toNewark toXewark toNewark Newark He was told J12 1 and In Instructed Instructed instructed structed the driver to call at Wah WahKees 1ahKees WabKees Kees laundry for somebody The Thedriver Thedriver Thedriver driver found that the heavier part of ofils ofhis ofhis his fare was fts a stoutly corded trunk trunkLeon trunkLeon trunkLeon Leon Ling for so Driver Luria has hassubsequently hassubsequently hassubsequently subsequently Identified him was pac pacng pacIng pactug tug ng the street nervously while the thetrunk thetrunk thetrunk trunk was being llfeed to the front frontseat frontseat frontseat seat and Insisted that it be tightly tightlyashed tightlylashed tightlylashed lashed lest it fall and break open The Therunk Thetrunk Thetrunk trunk secured he stepped into the tax taxcab taxicab taxicab icab and pulled all the shades shadesThe shadesThe shadesThe The Body in Newark NewarkLurla NewarkLuria NewarkLucia Lucia had been told to drive to the therestaurant therestaurant therestaurant restaurant at 64 Market street New Newark Newarlt Newark ark and when he arrived there at 2 2oclock 2oclock 2oclock oclock in the morning of June 10 LI LISing LISIng LiSing Sing the proprietor met him at the thedoor thedoor thedoor door and helped him carry carr the trunk to toa toa toa a rear room He was paid and drove drovelack droveback droveback back to New York YorkLurias YorkLurlas YorkLurias Lurias narrative coincides with the thetestimony th thtestlmon thetestimony testimony of James Halstcd a Nt Newark Newarkcabman wart wartcabman ark arkcabman cabman who on the afternoon af rnoon of the thesame thesame thesame same day da took the body and Leon LeonLing LeonUng LeonLAng Ling back to the Eighth avenue room roomwhere roomwhere roomwhere where It stayed until the police found foundIt It Leon Ling vanished in the mean meantime meantime meantime time timeLeons timeLeons timeLeons Leons hosts all showed suspicious suspiciousforeknowledge suspiciousforeknowledge suspiciousforeknowledge foreknowledge of hi hiM coming Chung ChungSin Sin when he swore the trunk was In Inthe Inthe Inthe the Eighth avenue house on the night nightof of June 9 and that the door between betweentig betwoenhis his room and that of Leon Ling was wasneer wasnever wasnever never open had a sad lapse of memory memoryIt It It is clear he knows much more than thanic thanbe thanhe be ic has told INTERESTED IN EMERY COUNTY COUNTYSpecial COUNTYS COUNTYSpecial Special lal to The Herald HeraldHuntington HeraldHunUngton lieraWHuntington Huntington Utah June 29 29A A number numberof of moneyed men are expected In Emery Emerycounty ErneIcounty Emerycounty county this week to look over coal irri irrigation Irrigation irrlration gation and railroad propositions and the thechances thechances thechances chances are that something will be doing doingher doinghert doinghere her before long Four twoseated bug buggies bugges buggies gies have left Huntington to meet a party partyof of eastern capitalists at Desert Switch Switchjust SwitchJust Switchjust just east ea of Mounds on the Grailway GrtlJlwa GrnJlsvay railway to show them the country An Anqimer AnQI11er Anifiier qimer ifiier party will be In Cedar Creek tills tillsweek thl6week thisweek week to look over one of the most ost prom promising prombing promising ising coal propositions in the state ACCIDENT ON TORPEDO BOAT BOATSan BOATSan BOATSan San Francisco June 29 29Flve Tive men of tpe tpetorpedo Yietorpedo jetorpedo torpedo boat Hull were frightfully scald scalded ed tonight by the bursting of a boiler boilerube boIletubto boilertube ube King fireman second clasp claspwas claSwas classwas was so I severely Injured that It is feared fearedte lea red he te cannot live The boat was but slightly slightlydamaged sUghUdamaged slightlydamaged I damaged and repairs have already been beenmade beenmade Ii Iimade made The others injured are 1 At Rober Roberwater Roberwater Holierwater water tender Francis Crawford fireman firemanTohn firemanJohn John Carter fireman Newton Garish Garishcoal Carlsbcoal Carishcoal coal passer pas er The last named four were wereseriously wereserlousl wereseriously I seriously scalded but expected to sur survive survive stirvive vive DIED DIEDIty DIEDHO HOOPER HO flIn In this city June JUM Ju JuGaylord 29 291900 291900Galord VXO VXOGaylord Gaylord Hooper aged 1 year months monthsand mOnUisand mObthsand and 4 days little son of Mr and Mrs MrsPrank Mrsl MrsFrank Prank Hooper Iii West est Fourth South Southstreet Southstreet Southstreet street streetFuneral streetFuneral streetFuneral Funeral services will be held from the theparlors theparlors theparlors parlors of Bber Hall 164Couth 1 164 outh West WestTemple WestTemple WestTemple Temple street on Thursday Time to be beannounced beannounced beannounced announced later laterKEMPER laterKEMPERIn laterKKMPERIn KEMPER KEMPERIn In this city June 19 1903 1903Pauline 1900Paulln B00Pauline Pauline Josephine Kemper aged 27 27years 21years 27years years 91 months and 2 days daysRemains dasRemaIns daysRemains Remains at the parlors of Ebes Hall HallI I 164 64 South West Temple street Interment Intermentto to take place at Cincinnati OLEVITT OLEVITTIn 0LEVITTIn LEVITT LEVITTIn In this city elt June Z9 9 1M6 Mrs MrsEva 1lrsEva MrsBra Eva Levitt aged 65 6 years beloved wife wifeof wifeor wifeof of I Levitt who with nine children childrensurvives childrensurvives llIdrensurvives survives her herMrs Mrs 1 Gottateln Mrs MrsBen MrsBen MrsBen Ben Davis Mrs 1 Prenowlts Mrs JSchaffer JSchaffer 1 1Schaller Schaffer Joseph Levitt Aaron Levitt LevittDavfe LevittDav LevittDavh Davfe I Levitt Louis Levitt and Na Natban Nathan Nathan than Levitt LevittFuneral LevittFuneral Funeral services will be held from the theresidence theresidence theresidence residence St i street at 10 100 0 a mThursday mThursday inThursday I Thursday July Jul 1 1909 Please omit flow flowrs nowfers fers en rs Interment in Bnai Israel cemetery ter I.

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