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San Angelo Evening Standard from San Angelo, Texas • 6

San Angelo, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-A BUad in Every Tc AMATEURS HEAR RADIO CONCERT has landed on a bird on tbs stead of on the green iJLJSii small one was killed on the Neasden course and ed bird now adjrns tbs duSlS But another club a boasts the oddat In that trophies If an lag on the Aj woman's straw sailor hat In the band of which Is a Whether the wuarer of ever able to enjoy the zirttlJ ward the club steward doL6 say is Lee Williamson of stationery salesman called cal trade the middle of making headquarters at thsV gelus Bt 4 HnglUIi Golfer Drove Into a Flock of Partridges From the New York World ji A member of the golf dub drove oft from the third tee Just as a covey of partridges rose one of which his ball killed Thereupon complications ensued Having po license to kill game ho Is liable to prosecution The club claims the bird for the trophy caae because It was killed on club land The golfer who "shot" It Is anxious to put the aturfed partridge on the mantel over bis pre-Victorian fire place This Is not the first time a golfer ets and that your talk will travel 1S000 miles la a second thus encircling a globe seven times In that small fraction of time dimes AITltOVH A COWGIRL Miss Mary McOnrmlo Meet With Success In Chicago Grand Opera A year ago Mary McCormle was singing on her father's ranch la the Southwest to the delight of the cowboys For the last fow weeks she has been singing on the stage of the Chicago Opera Company And the critics while not seconding the ontbuslasm of the ranchmen who praised the singing to the skies see a successful career ahead of her Miss McCormle comely and sweet-voiced Is said to be the youngest i ninjcer in Chicago opera She was development say the boys' in that farms and ranches are isolated and would welcome an opportunity for price reports weather forecasts news service concerts etc The amateurs picture 8an Angelo as a very desirable place to locate a broadcasting station At present then are only two amateur receiving stations In the city one being as the home of XiOran Laughlln and the other belonging to Joe Goulden Doth employ regenerative circuits for the shorter waves and "loose for the longer waves The audlon or vacuum tube detector Is used which permits loud and' uniform signals 1 Single wire aerials are used having been found better for receiving than several wire aerials As soon as vacuum tube amplifiers are added the signals Loral Boys Litton to Musical Selection From Denver llavo Simple Recdrlng Outfit Goulden and Garland Drlnegar Two of the boys have a simple wireless outfit for their own experimenting Considering the simplicity of their apparatus the boys consider it quite a feat In receiving the message from a distance as far as Denver They have written to the station giving the recent concert Tuning up each night for the radio messages the boys frequently catch spark signals but no radio phones had been heard before Thursday of last week Detecting the messages at that time the boys made a few adjustments to their Instrument and speech began to come In very distinctly A Message From Denver "This Is radio station at Hospital No 21 Denver Colo" the speaker repeated several times to an audience scattered over a thousand mile radius "I am now speaking to you through two radlotron transmitting tubes one being used as an oscillator and one as a modulator For a while I thought my conddnser was not functioning properly but am now convinced that It Is owing to numerous reports from persons who have heard me For those who care to HEARD SPEECH DISTINCTLY Derelopmenta With Instrument Indicate It Likely Will Come Into General Use remain up so late will speak again at I a Denver time and-wlll also give a concert at 9 Now if yon will kindly stand by will render a violin solo" Immediately the violin began to play and three rather startled amateurs leaned back In their chairs I and heard the mysterious music across 700 miles of spacer Several other selections including a Christmas carol and "My Old Kentucky XIome" and several more were rendered The boys searched out a description of the radio station In a radio magazine The article states that all singers or musicians visiting Denver are Invited to the station and entertain an audience through the air As a result the Ban Angelo amateurs expect to hear several noted artists who may visit Denver and Incidentally sing through the radio phone Sermons By Wireless According to the boys a Dallas church Is using the wireless telephone to transmit sermons and muslo twice each Sunday The boys figure the audience fortunate Indeed as they have to leave their own home and as yet there has been no way designed to take a collection by wireless The United States government is also making use of the radio-phone to transmit weather forecasts crop reports and news service Stations have been established In several Midwestern cities and the reports may be received within a large radius by means of an Inexpensive receiver Developments with the radio-phone so far indicate that the Instrument will come Into general use and that broadcasting stations will be established In all principal cities and every home will have Its receiver West Texas offers an ideal field for its may be amplified several hundred by Mary Garden selected by times and "loud speakers" employed tho director of the Chicago Company so that the signals may be heard all from among seventy-five voices she over the operating room Even with heard last spring In Belleville Ark the single vacuum tubes spark slg- Her operatic debut was as Mlch-nals have been caught by the local aela In "Carmen" Her singing and stations over a distance of 2600 performance of tho part the critics Listening in on probably the first radio-phone concert ever received In San Angelo Is the fortunate experience of three San Angelo radio amateurs The concert came from Denver The boys hearing the wireless harmony are Logan Laughlln Joe qualities1 Miss McCormle has attained her position without Influence or friends or money She Is the daughter of a general storekeeper With her miles The boys report hearing calls from Amarillo Houston Galveston College Station They also caught a New Year greeting from Lawton GOOD SERVICE FIRST CLASS WORK AT THE SAME OLD PRICE Suit Cleaned and Pressed Overcoats Cleaned and Pressed $ljoo Bath Robes Cleaned and Pressed $1M0 Pants Cleaned and Pressed 50c Etc Suits Pressed only Star Tailoring Co Phone 217 18 West Beauregard Okla Some of the longer wave father and family Mary when a length stations heard Include San young girl traveled tho Southwest Domingo Port Arthur 8an Diego In a prairie schooner She saw a and Galveston (dozen oil booms She was a cow- Predlctlon of the local radio on ranches fa New Mexico Tex-thuslasts Is borne out In an article! as and Colorado Then she attend-received at The Standard Office writ- ed Northwestern University until ten by llereward Carrington sclen- lack of finances cut short her music tlst and author He says that before studies there A position In a Chic-long everyone will have a wireless choir at 5 a Sunday helped the phone In his home and that they will young singer to continue her les-be as cheap and simple as present sons Last summer Miss McCormle day phone that persons having the studied French and Italian to 1m-phones will be able to talk to anyone Prove her accent and learned the on earth and perhaps on other plan- scores of eight operas Co-Operation THE FIRST PRINCIPLE OF All Union Men and Women your Friends and Families are requested to be CONSISTENT PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY BOOST FOR SAN ANGELO and demand the UNION LABEL on all commodities you purchase whenever possible The following BUSINESS INTERESTS of our city solicit the support of ORGANIZED LABOR and are recommended by the CENTRAL LABOR UNION ex W' I AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ACCESSORIES GARAGE A lacker Holland Auto Co Myers-Amacker Auto Co Ragsdale Auto Co Nabers Auto Co BANKS Central National Bank BAKERIES Texas Bakin Co Herring Bros Bake Rite Bakery BATTERY CO a Ragsdale Auto Co Bunyard Electric Co Mark MoCarley BOTTLERS Coca-Cola Bottling Co CAFES Riverside Cafe CLOTHIERS Redman Bros Grand Leader Dept Store Penney Co DEPT STORES Penney Co Grand Leader Dept Store DRUGGISTS Arc Light Drug Store City Drug Store Lone Star Drug Co Concho No 1 Concho No 2 James Drug Store ELECTRIC COe Bunyard Electric Co Eckert Electric Tire Co Bullock Taylor FURNITURE CO a Massie Ellis Household Furniture Co FUEL DEALERS San Angelo Ice Power Company GRAECO a Easton Grain Co GROCERIES Young Max Pantel Central Grocery Taylor Carr Pigely-Wiggly A Austin Arnett Cox-Proband Co Young Wylie Cobb Grices Lehman Dunn Herring Bros Heitzler'a HARDWARE Findlater Hdw Co ICE COMPANIES San Angelo Ice Power Co West Texas Cold Storage And Ice Co JEWELERS Leffel Prat Sam Jacobstein LAUNDRIES Troy Steam Laundry LUMBER CO a West Texas Lumber Co Wm Cameron Co Inc Burtcn-LIngo MEAT MARKETS Famous Market Heitzler'a Beck Bros CL Arnett's MATTRESS FACTORY San Angelo Mattress Factory MACHINE SHOPS AND ACETYLENE WELDING Joiner Welding Co Copeland Modern Repair Shop MILLINERY LADIES READY TO WEAR Palais Millinery MUSIC HOUSES Geo Allen OIL COMPANIES Humble Oil Co A Waters Agt PLANING MILLS Geo Fetter PAPER PAINT CO a Miller Paint Co Coulter Paint Co RACKET STORES Coulter's Arcade SHEET METAL WORKS Wendland Sheet Metal Works SOFT DRINKS Fred Gerber Co TAILORS Redman Bros TRANSFER CO a Lawson's TIRE VULCANIZING COMPANIES Lynn-Bowen Cut-Rate Tire Co Mark McCarley WATER LIGHT COs Sam Angelo Water Light Power Co Effective January 1st 1922 22-Four -34 Two Passenger Roadster 22-Four-3S Five Passenger Touring 22-Six-44 ThreePassengerRoadster 1365 22-Four-36 Three Passenger Coupe 1295 22-Six-45 Five Passenger Touring 1395 22-Four-37 Five Passenger Sedan 1395 22-Six-49 Seven Passenger Touring 1585 22-Six-46 Three Passenger Coupe 22-Six-48 Four Passenger Coupe 22-Six-47 Five Passenger Sedan 22-Six-SO Seven Passenger Sedan 2375 AH Prices FOB FUnt Mich BUICK MOTOR COMPANY FLINT MICHIGAN noaosr Builders of Vulvo-la-XIcod Motor Cars tm mtt Wwbri Isrs Mrnmnmkmr Henderson-Ede Company 32-34 Beauregard Ave Phono 728 BUY AT HOME iA w' i.

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