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The Evening Bulletin from Maysville, Kentucky • Page 2

Maysville, Kentucky
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Tna County Judge of Leo County will hereafter refuse to grant uny liquor licensee. Thxke is said to be an epidemic of measles in Cincinnati, unequalled for years. There were 700 cases last month, thirty of which were fatal. Aw epidemic of measels is reported in many sections. Seventy-one deaths from the disease Uut week in New York.

In Cincinnati 279 cases were reported. It seems "Sunset" Cox's career in Congress is to be brought to a sudden cloie. He is suffering from hemorrhage of tho lungs and bowels, and hispbysicianB givo but little hope of his recovery. The Chicago Tribune spoke of an article written by Albert H. Walker, of Hartford, as "plainly the effusion of a crank." Mr.

Walker has sued the paper for $20,000 damages, and it will soon be known what it will cost a fellow hereafter to call another a "crank." Anknt the contest for Governor, the Louisvillo Post is led to remark: "It really begins to look as if there are more plowshares and pruning-hooks in Kentucky than swords ami spears. Farmer Harris is said to bo gaining in strength all over the State." The swords and spears may have been laid aside, but tho convention at Louisvillo will likely bo the scene of a good deal of knifing." If it shouldn't, it will be an exception to the rule now-a-days. Judge Aters, of the Indianapolis Circuit Court, rules that the election of Robertson to the Lieutenant Governorship of that State was unconstitutional. Tho ruling leaves tho Republicans feeling around to see just where they are. Tho Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette refers to the decision as Ayers' liver pill," and we suppose our big contemporary means by that, that it's nasty and hard to take, but will have to go down.

By tho way, it to us that the Republican party in Indiana has stood in need of a few "pills" of that kind for some time to cleanse it of its many corruptions. Robertson has appealed his case to the Supreme Court, and that tribunal should go Judgo Ayers one better and double the dose. A Handsome Christmas Present. An agreeable Christmas surprise befell Charles O. Ekholm, a young Swedr, Art Amateur, No.

153 Townsend street, Chi cago, who has been notified that his one- fifth of ticket in the Louisiana State Lottery drew the first capital prize of in the November drawing, and the $15,000 Was placed in his hands, for $1 sent to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, and Mr. Ekholm will complete his art studies. He is full of praise of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and of his luck coming just before ChriBtmuB.

Clii- 4ago (111.) Staats Ztutung, December 22. A. Runaway Organ. Lexington Observer. The organ of Christ Church, thin city, is run by water power furnished by the Lexington Water-works Company.

"The night before Christmas," when Morgan EiHtin's businens houso burn-ed, the choir of the Church were engaged in rehearsals. The Chief of the Fire Department telephoned to the engineer of the Waterworks; "give us your highest pressure," On went seventy pounds to the inch and off went the organ at a (Longfellow gait, frightening the organist and choir out of the gallery, and not stop ping until the fire was subdued and the extra pressure removed. Fashion Notes. Miniature paintings on ivory, mounted in antique silver settings as brooches and cuff buttons, are a novelty that is having a great run. Black woolen materials are mneh in favor, and are sometimei combined with silk or velvet.

Blaok drowses have the collar smaller than other colore. Men no longer wear diamond studs, but ahirti are fastened with pearl buttons or pearl studs. A small, neat, plain gold stud may he used if desired, but as a rule little or no jewelry adorns the well-dreea-ed man of today. The materials used for gentlemen's full dress suits are fine worsted or best English broadcloth. Peaked lapels and shawl collar are both worn, silk to end of lapels on former.

The edges are bound verv narrow or corded. Roll low and light. Skirts are fuller, but they have not evon steels, but stand out by tho perfection of theircut and drapery. Evon steels in the backs of gowns are being gradually banished, and the best dressed women, also by what tho heat houses are doing, admit of no crinoline. Do You Enow That DuLttc'a Swiss Balsam is the best remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, etc.

I That Swiss Balsam will ctiro that nog-' lected cold. Delays aro dangerous. I That Swiss Balsam contains no morphia or opium, thus making it the best and safest cough remedy for children. Pleasant to take. That this valuablo remedy only costs 25 cents bottlo and can bo had at J.

O. Pocor SAM JONES. Characteristic Talk of the Oreat Krangol-Ut Before a Doitoa Audience. Boston, Jan. 10.

A religious movement which has not had a parallel In popular in terest boro slnco the Moody revival hiu been Initiated In Boston by the opening discourses of the Rev. Bam Jones, whose work has been attended with noteworthy results in the louth and west. As his tint appearance was at the Tromont Street Methodist Episcopal church, thatedlllc was thronged boyond precedent at the forenoon service by those who were drawn by the roputatiou of bis unique personality and romarkabla inothod. From the pulpit steps to tho outer door of the vestibule every spaco was occupied. The People's church in the evening was also densely crowded.

I One of the most remarkable rhxractoris-tics of the preaching wus the coiHtaut oscillating between humor and gravity. At one moment Jonas would lapse into his broadest slemeuta of levity, and in the next would lift bis sentiment and language into tho highest religious expression. After a succession of those vibrations, the preacher, as if conscious that he had left some one in doubt whether to look finally to his serious or his humorous lido, assured thorn in termi of marked earnestness that he was no mountebank or jester traveling over the laud to make people laugh, but was one who loved the Lord with his whole heart, and was anxious before all things to savo souls to Christ by every means In his power. In the course of bis morning ssrmon ho said: "I sometimes wonder why it is we fuss and quarrel about our isms. I wonder why we men plead so much and Boston has suffered perchance on this point for my views and my doxy.

I believe this Is the strongho'd of orthodoxy in America, and we get mors heterodoxy from Boston than any point in America. Our preachers fre quently throw away much time on creed and doctrine and views. Here Is an Episcopal preacher; the effort of his life is to establish apostollo succession, and he is showing bis people where they come from, and I havo thought a thousand times how much wiser it would bo if the poor fellow would just show them whero they were going to. Laughter. Ho is a good Presbyterian preacher; he is I ringing the changes on final perseverance Sabbath after Sabbath, and perhap3 more than half of his crowd havo never had any thing to porserve on.

Hero is a Baptist preacher, ringing tho changos on water, and perhaps a largo proportion of his crowd go- Incr whom thnv wnn't trnt n. rlrnn tn rnnl thnln parched lips laughter, and thore is a Methodist preacher ringing tho changes on infant baptism. Brethren, baptize all the infants, and all tho littlo infants in the town asleep and half the grown people going to holL" lllo Wreck Oasn lincun. Portage, Jan. 10.

No cose that im ever come up for trial in central Wisconsin has attracted such widespread interest as the one now on the docket in this city; namely the state of Wisconsin vs. Brakuman Clarenct, Wells, who, it is alleged, caused the Rio wrack. The case is one that involves many fine points of law, and is out of the run of common court cases. A jury was se-eired this morning, and tho prosecuting attorney read the indictment Silliness of Society People. As remarked at the outset, this notion of location not only extends to certain streets; but it covers particular places in the theatres.

Last winter a young Boston scion of wealth and culture came to Philadelphia and was handsomely entertained for several weeks. Just before leaving he gave a thoatro party. Ho chose a fashionable and entirely proper entertainment at tho Academy of Music, tho leading place of amusement in tho city. He issued his invitations and sent around his tickets. What was his surprise and chagrin to receive an almost unbroken stream of declinations.

Some gave one excuse and Borne another, while not a few never deigned to answer his invitation, holding that ho had done such an unpartlonablo thing that thoy wore released from paying him longer any attention. Now, tho unpordonablo thing of which ho was guilty consisted in securing his seats on tbo north side of the central aisle in tho orchestra chairs, when society said tho south side of tho oJsle was the fashionnblo side. This was positively the only thing amiss. Of the fifty invited only fifteen wont, and thoy wero as cold as fosbionablo icebergs. Of courso tho Bostonian discovered that something was wrong, but it was not until nearly all of oven his fragment of a party had gone und purchased seats for themselves in other parti of the house that one of the ladies ventured to toll him what the difficulty was.

Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. Suppressing the Ilonnet Nuisance. Though littlo is said in tho pnpers now about Daniel Frohmnn's experiment in tho direction of suppressing tho bonnet nuisanco at tho Lyceum theatre, the good work is going on raoro bravely than many imagine. Tho first night of "A Scrap of Paper" saw the ladies' cloak room almost filled with wraps, bonnets and hate, and new lines of hooks have been put up and now checks stamped.

Mr. Frohman said tho other day: "I am agreeably surprised at the result so far. The other day I received a request for a hundred seats in a block for the flrst.nlght of Mr. Howard's new play. A check was inclosed for tho amount and I accordingly sent tbo scats.

So large an order struck me, as being bomowhat peculiar and I accordingly made inquiries. I found that a club bad been formed up town whoso members are pledged to tho disuse ofhonnet or hat inside a theatre. It was for this club that the tickets were wanted. This of course is encouraging, and my mail brings me nearly every day ouo or more letters bearing upon tho subject. Most of them contain terms of strong approval of my attempt to procure by gentle suasion the downfall of the tall hat nnd bonnet in theatres." New York Tribune.

Omblnutlon Coat and Vest. Everybvxly who has to get intoadrcs3coat knowsitho difficulty of preventing it from swinging away at tho waist or collar, or slipping olT tho shoulder's. These apparently irremediable lefocts irremcdlablo becauso tha coat cannot bo buttoned havo, I find, been completely ovorcomo by well known court tailors of Bedford street, Strand, by attaching the waistcoat to the coat in a very simple manner. Thus when the vest is buttoned tho coat for all practical purposes is also buttoned. Moreover, the latter then clings to tho figure as closely as a frock coat, and remains in the same position, imparting an nppearnnco of smartness about tho waist especially, which in a dress suit is really of tho utmost Importanco to tho wearer.

I have no doubt that tho dress coat nnd vest combined will be very popular during tho present sea-ton. London Ji'igaro. "The play's tbo thing, Wherein I'll reach the consclnoe of the king," And equally true is it that Dr. Plorco's Pleasant Purgativo Pellets (tho original Littlo Livor Pills) are the most effectual means that can bo used to reach tho seat of disease, cleansing the bowels und system, and assisting nature in her rocuperstivo work. By druggists.

1WBACCO MA KURT. Famished by Glover A Durrett. proprietor Louisville Tobacco Warehouse. Hales on our market for the weolc just closed Amount to 2,308 birds. Rerelp's for the Mime period, ahdu Ualosslace January 1st, 3,475 hhds.

As compared Willi lust week, we lixvo but little chance to report In our tobacco market. The ordinary grades of bur-ley, both new and old, are a suado trongcr. whlto medium, good and fine sorts cloned Orm. Below we glvo quotations for now barley: Dark I CO tt Colory trash 8Wlo 4 60 Common lugs, not colory. 8 00 to 40 olory lugs 4 U0 to OH Common leaf, not 4 (I) to 5 00 Good 6 60 to td Fine loaf 10 00 to 14 75 BETAS.

Coffee Vt I 1520 Molasses, now crop, por gal Molasses, old orop, lb gal Golden Byrup Borgum, Fancy New Hugar, yellow Sugar, extra ty 60069 80 36 .7 Hugar a.v 7 I Bngar, granulated lb 7M Sugar, powdered, per lb Hugar, New Orleans, ft K7 Teas, lb 404J1 09 Coal OH, head light 11 gal 16 Apples, per 35940 Bacon. breakfast lb 11 Bacon, clear sides, per 8t10 llacon, Uams.V 12 18 Bacon, Shoulders, per fc Beans Veal JlfflX Butler, tym Chickens, eaon Eggs, doc 3i Flour, Limestone, per barrel 16 SO Flour, Old Gold, per barrel 6 89 Flour, Maysvlllo Fancy, per 4 76 Flour, Mason County per barrel 4 76 Flonr, Royal Patent, por barrel 6 00 Flour, Maysvlllo Family, per 6 00 Flour, Graham, per sack 40 Honey, per lb 16 Hominy, gallon 16 MealVpeok 15 1 Lard. 8 Onions, per peck 40 1 Potatoes reels 16 WANTED. NOTICE Tho person that took an overcoat from the Europe Hotel on the 8th, is requested to return it, and get his own and save trouble. He Is well known.

J7d3twlt I "VTOTICE Take yourtrunks and valises and JL hand-satchel ler coverings and repairs to GEORGE HUHRCEDER, the saddlar. 17dU WANTED A energetic man to represent us. S7S per month and expenses. Goods staple; every one buys; outfits and particulars rree. BTANDARD BILV ERWARK Boeton.

ADIKH wanted to get up Tea Clubs for our Xj puro Teas and Coffee. A host of useful articles to select from as premiums. Hand tor illustrated price and premium list. Bpeclal ofler: to every tenth person that answers this advertisement, we will send free one pound of choice tea. Address NAT'L TEA A COF- FEE Boston, x7dAwSm(2) FOR SALE.

FOR SALE Forty-eight acres of land nnd house on the waters of Indian Creek. For any otber information call on HENRY MATTINGLY, at Flumvllle.Ky. 17d3t FOR BALE House and lot, nortk sid Third street. Fifth ward. Three rooso, kitchen and cellar.

Flae repair. Price, 99M. Apply at this office. sfiJdU FOR RENT. J.IOR RENT The office and rooms, corner Third and Button, now occupied by Vr.

rownlng, who will remove to White's ('lock, January 1st, Apply to Dr. or MRS. J. A. HOWE.

2dU Opera House, TO-NIGHT, Wednesday, Jan. 19. Kncneemrnt forS nights ol the distinguished artiHtcMiBM BELLE GILHERT, for fouryears leadlag lady at the Uadlson Hquare theatre, and the taleatetLactor, Mr. J. HUNTLEY, supported by the Huntley-Gllbert Ooraedr Cnmpay, to-night, the grand pro-durtfoa of uouclcault's great play, in six acta, en'i(led The Streets of New York.

Prices: 15, 25, 35c. SOMETHING NEW -Gr O- G. S. HANCOCK, No. 47 Markot street, Maysvllle, Ky for good uud cheap Groceries and Produce, nnd everything usually kept In a flr3t-elaas retnll gtocery.

Cash or trade for produce. P0-lionesl weight and square dealing. TRINITY HALL-For Boys, Near ICY. Fu'lcorpsof teachers. Elevated -md healthy location.

Ample'grounds. Handsome brick building, heated with steam and lluhted with g'is. Hith rooms on each floor utrKantfr term bPtflnn Feb. 14, ISS7. Pupils received at any tlrno.

Address, K. U. MoJLELLAND, Head Master, Lock Box 87, Louisville, Ky. Marvelous Memory DIHIIOVEKTI Wholly unlike Artificial Rysteres-Cure of ftllnd wandering Any book learned In one reading. Prospectus, with opinions or Mr.

PitoCTnn, the Astronomer, Uons. W. W. An-Ton, Judau P. Uknjamin, Drs.

Minuh, Wood, and others, sent pott Ireo. by PROF. LOMETTK. 237 ruth Avenue, New York. HM THE YEAR IS WEARING ITS CLOSE, AND THE MERRY CHRISTMAS IS COMING I Yon are reepMlrally ImyIWsI cH at te MSMHeis Fnn ftiraltwro Btera of Henry HIT to iaspeet his large ste.k Fsuwltwre and Holiday Goods, e.asUtlng Chamber and Parlor Suits, and miscellaneous Furniture la the newest styles, and suitable for tke holidays, which, will be offered at prloes uniformly low on every article.

He oners a large stocK especially for tho little folks, consisting ef Toy Sets, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Tables, Sideboards, Desks, Velocipedes, Hobby-Horses. We aro ottering great opportunities. Do not fall to call and examine our stook and got our prices. HENRY ORT, East StCwid. SCaysvills.

jLi. HIT iT i Prices thatmut sell the ffooda. It pays I 18 lbs. Light Brown Sugar. 00 10 lb.Corree(A.)Hugar 1.00 lbs.

Pnre Granulated Sugar. 1 00 6 lbs. Head Rice 26 0 lbs. Bonelens Codfish 26 1 lb. best Roasted Java Co flee- 26 1 can best American Peas 16 1 can fine, peeled Table Peaches 16 3 cans Paris Bngar Corn 4s 1 can of Honey Drop Corn 15 I can of California Aaparagras 26 1 lb.

Ulxed Tea 40 1 gal. best coal Oil 10 1 gal. pure Crab Cider (sweet) 20 1 gal. boat Maple Svrnp. I gal.choloe Navy Beans.

25 Jast received a car-load of fine TINWARE, which will be sold eheap. fK. vr. B. HKK, Offloe Second Street, over Run-yon Hocker'a dry Roods store.

Nitrous-oxide Gaa admtnlsterixf la aU cases W. WABDLE, Dentist. Nltrlons-Oxlde Gas administered. Offloe Oomer Second and Sutton streets, Zwelgart'a Block. fl.

N. HMITU, DENTIST. Mltmna avMa lam. nn oas extraction of uwU). Offloe on Court Mtrtvet- aplfldlv pOOK Jt HAFFKY, House, Blgn and Ornamental PAINTERS.

Wall Papering and Celling Decorating a specialty. Fourth street, between Limestone and Market, opposite public school. ly awj: a wonniou. Oontraotora, ARCHITECTS and BUILDERS. Plana and specifications furnished on reasonable terms and all work satisfactorily and promptly done.

Offloe on Third street, between Wall and Button. VTT A. NORTO.N, Representing LODISVILLE COTTON and GRAIN EXCHANGE Chicago Markets received every ten ruinates. Orders taken for 1.000 bushols and upwards. Offlco: Cooper'a building Second St.

TOB PRINTING of every description neatly I executed at tho BULLETIN OFFICE. rW-M CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. We do hereby certify that we wpervue the arrangement for all the Monthly and Drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and in perion manage and eon' trol the Drawing themtelvet, and that the tame are conducted with honetty, fairne, and in ooodfaith toward allvartie, and we authorize the Company to ute thi certificate, with fae-eim-ile 0 our tignature attached, in it adverti-menu." Cc r.MBiluleBsrs We the underttgned Bank and Hanker t4K pay all JrYltet drawn in 'he Leuitian KtaU lotteries which muy be presented at eur J.H.oai.ENBV.Prea.lA. Kntlonal Bk. J.

W. KIMJKETII.Pres.HtnleKannk. A. BAI.BUIN.rrea K. O.

NMlenal Bfe. wvUnpreoedentd attraction I Over halt a million distributed I LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY Incorporated In 1865 lor twontyflvo years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposeswith a capital of SI .000,000 to which a reserve fuad ol over bu since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present BtaU Constitution adopted December 2, A.D., lff7. The only lottery ever voted on and ndor4 ky the people of any State. H3g-Jt never tcalet or postpone.

Ill Grand Mingle Number Drawlnta take place monthly, and tho Ueml-Annnal Draw-lnga every six months (June and December). 3TA Hplendld opportunity to wla Fortune Hecond Grand Drawing, class la the Academy Music, New Orleans, TOES-DAY, Feb'y 8, 1887-2018 1 Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $150,000. NOTIf are 110 only Halves, Si; Filths, 2: Tenths, SI. 1.1st of PrlBFS).

1 CAPITAL PRIZE S150.00. 1 GRAND PRIZhJ of. 60.UU0 60,00 1 GRAND PR1ZK of WflO 20,008 2 LARGE PRIZES of. 10,000 4 LARGE PRIZES of 5,000 20.0M 20 PRIZES of 1,000 20.000 50 600 V5.000 100 800 80,000 200 200 6U0 KO 60,000 1,000 60 60,008 APPROXIMATE PRIZES. 100 Approximate frizes of800 130,000 100 200 20,009 100 100 10,000 2,179 Prizes, amounting to Application tor rates to clubs sbonld ho made only to the office of ttt company la New Orleans.

For further Information write clearly, giving full addresa. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordinary letter. Currency by express (at onr expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orleans, La Or M.

A. DAUPHIN, Washington. D. O. Make P.

O. Money orders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleaus, La. presence of Kem6ITIPGr Generals Beauregarsl and Early, who aru In charge of the drawings, la a guarantee of absolute lalrnenii and Intcg rlty, that the chances are all rqual, and that noon, can possibly dlrl.a what numbers will draw a Prize. All parties, therelore, adver-Using to guarantee Prizes la this Lottery, or holding oat any otber impossible Indnoe-ments, are swindlers, aad only aim to duoeUe a nil defrand the, unwary. JOHNWHEELER, Dealer In Oysters, Fish, Game Foreign and Domestic Fruits.

Pelery. Canned Goods, Ac Norlolk Oysters received every iwuniyiour noun. a, (Court Street Old Postoffioo.) MERCHANT TAILOR. Catting, Fitting, arid Cuatom-Made Suits to order. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Prloes low. TAOOn XIHA, BAKER AND 00NFE0TI0NES. Ice Cream and Soda Water a specialty. Fresh Bread and Cakes made dally and delivered to any part of the city. Parties and weddings furnished on short notice.

No, 86 Second street. Tho NorUieMtem Hentncby Telephone Company haa connection with the following places Maysvllle, Maysllck, Helena, Shannon, Bar-diaand MU Olivet. Offloe In Maysvlllo: Parker A Hopper1! corner Second and Button streeta. (Court Street, Maysvllle, Ky.) ATTORNEY A.X Will practice 1 tho conxU of Mason and ad-Joining oonntles. Prompt attention given to collection of claims nnd account.

AUtotoFlro Insurance, and the buying, selling and rent lng of house, lots aud lands, and the writing ol deeds, mortgage, contracts, eto. nGdly -ly-ALL, A WoKTUINQTON, QABRETT B. WAZ.L, 'E. L. WOimUHOTOM Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Will practice In all courts In Mason and ad lolnlng counties and in tbo Superior Court and Court of Appeals.

All collections given prompt attention. novltoAw TJESfRT MEKQABD, No. 7 Market RELIABLE. MERCHANT TAILOR. Call and examine my samples of Foreign and Domestic Goods trom the largo wholesale houses of New York.

Suits made to order on more reasonable terms than any othor house In the city, and fit guaranteed. Also, agent for dyeing and scouring houses In Cincinnati. mayRdly J. DAVOIIKBTT, Designer and dealer In MONUMENTS. TABLETS.

Headstonoa, The largest stock qf the latest designs. The bent material and work AOnr1 ftftnrurt In It la uaaHah rt ln an daoet, pricy. Those wanting work in Gran fvr exc the6ivo. HocomlRtreot. Mayavlllo..

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